1 00:00:00,734 --> 00:00:02,707 Previously on "The Strain"... 2 00:00:02,737 --> 00:00:04,492 Oh, my God! 3 00:00:04,522 --> 00:00:05,657 Dr. Barnes, 4 00:00:05,687 --> 00:00:08,476 Dr. Goodweather worked under you at the CDC, 5 00:00:08,506 --> 00:00:10,616 - did he not? - Goodweather went rogue. 6 00:00:10,646 --> 00:00:12,401 I did everything I could do to stop him! 7 00:00:12,431 --> 00:00:14,928 As of now, you are no longer involved. 8 00:00:15,100 --> 00:00:17,589 I had him arrested by the FBI. 9 00:00:17,619 --> 00:00:20,912 These are vicious predators. They need to be put down. 10 00:00:20,942 --> 00:00:23,886 We're gonna take back Staten Island one block at a time. 11 00:00:23,916 --> 00:00:27,023 Staten Island is a plague-free zone. 12 00:00:27,433 --> 00:00:31,432 Finding a cure or making a vaccine is nearly impossible, 13 00:00:31,462 --> 00:00:34,131 but what we can do is take everything we know 14 00:00:34,161 --> 00:00:36,733 about how to stop an epidemic and use that knowledge 15 00:00:36,801 --> 00:00:39,577 - to start one. - Infect the infected. 16 00:00:39,889 --> 00:00:43,515 - Break the chain. - He's infected and it's spreading. 17 00:00:45,610 --> 00:00:48,042 The Master's forcing them to commit suicide. 18 00:00:48,072 --> 00:00:49,679 It works. 19 00:00:52,026 --> 00:00:55,431 _ 20 00:01:08,137 --> 00:01:11,201 Open up! Police! 21 00:01:14,035 --> 00:01:15,506 This is a mandatory evacuation! 22 00:01:15,536 --> 00:01:18,402 Relax, please. My wife, she's very sick. 23 00:01:18,432 --> 00:01:19,999 She's gonna have to go downstairs and get tested. 24 00:01:20,029 --> 00:01:21,483 - Clear. - Move it! 25 00:01:21,513 --> 00:01:24,280 - Go! Let's go! - OK, OK, OK. 26 00:01:32,450 --> 00:01:33,809 Ma'am, we need to take a look around. 27 00:01:33,839 --> 00:01:37,711 - We stay in curfew! - This is a safety procedure. 28 00:01:48,741 --> 00:01:50,190 Oh, shit. 29 00:02:06,172 --> 00:02:09,640 You gotta watch out for the white goo. You clean? 30 00:02:09,670 --> 00:02:11,611 Yeah, I'm good. 31 00:02:13,048 --> 00:02:14,681 All right, all clear on the seventh floor? 32 00:02:15,788 --> 00:02:17,934 Clearing the last one now, Captain. 33 00:02:21,452 --> 00:02:23,808 Bathroom's clear. 34 00:02:28,074 --> 00:02:30,163 Mikey, I got a kid here. 35 00:02:30,231 --> 00:02:32,265 Are you OK? 36 00:02:34,335 --> 00:02:36,568 Where are your parents? 37 00:02:37,888 --> 00:02:40,545 You're supposed to get downstairs, all right? 38 00:02:44,203 --> 00:02:45,796 Honey, let's go find your family. 39 00:02:45,826 --> 00:02:47,230 Come on. 40 00:02:57,602 --> 00:03:00,427 Captain, Dempsey's down. I need backup: apartment 710. 41 00:03:01,104 --> 00:03:02,788 Come on. 42 00:03:14,795 --> 00:03:16,379 What the hell is that thing? 43 00:03:16,409 --> 00:03:18,852 It doesn't matter. Just kill it. 44 00:03:25,612 --> 00:03:27,112 Captain, behind you! 45 00:03:30,682 --> 00:03:32,316 Jesus, they're fast. 46 00:03:35,500 --> 00:03:37,088 Come on, you're fine. 47 00:03:37,346 --> 00:03:39,862 You're gonna be fine. Got a little bit more. 48 00:03:39,892 --> 00:03:42,699 Come on. You'll be alright. OK. 49 00:03:42,729 --> 00:03:44,362 All right. 50 00:03:47,966 --> 00:03:50,604 No! Ah! Ah! 51 00:04:07,590 --> 00:04:09,741 Hey, fall back, fall back! Everybody, fall back! 52 00:04:09,771 --> 00:04:11,705 We've got to get out of here! 53 00:04:14,086 --> 00:04:15,943 - Hey, ma'am... - Stop! 54 00:04:16,011 --> 00:04:18,018 She's just got the flu! 55 00:04:18,048 --> 00:04:21,337 - Sir, get back! - Grandpa, no! 56 00:04:21,956 --> 00:04:23,544 Standard operating procedure. 57 00:04:23,574 --> 00:04:26,276 Folks, a little cooperation, please. 58 00:04:26,944 --> 00:04:28,282 You all right, Dempsey? 59 00:04:28,312 --> 00:04:29,946 I'm OK... 60 00:04:30,064 --> 00:04:31,914 A little weak, but... 61 00:04:33,234 --> 00:04:35,668 it didn't get me in the neck, thank God. 62 00:04:40,679 --> 00:04:43,311 Yeah, thank God. 63 00:05:24,297 --> 00:05:29,293 == sync & corrections by Wolfen == == www.addic7ed.com == 64 00:05:31,987 --> 00:05:35,505 _ 65 00:05:43,369 --> 00:05:46,924 - Hey, just me. - We are good. 66 00:05:50,038 --> 00:05:51,480 Hi. 67 00:05:51,510 --> 00:05:53,601 I'm a friend of Dutch Velders. 68 00:05:54,087 --> 00:05:55,817 Come in. 69 00:06:03,407 --> 00:06:06,127 So, three IDs, she said? 70 00:06:06,157 --> 00:06:10,593 Oh! We have IDs. We just need new names. 71 00:06:12,087 --> 00:06:13,385 Interesting. 72 00:06:18,282 --> 00:06:19,854 Ephraim Goodweather 73 00:06:19,884 --> 00:06:22,212 from the news... 74 00:06:24,980 --> 00:06:27,551 So how's the fugitive life going? 75 00:06:27,938 --> 00:06:29,980 Don't believe everything you see on TV. 76 00:06:30,447 --> 00:06:33,165 I said I saw it. I never said I gave a shit. 77 00:06:34,218 --> 00:06:35,522 OK, government ID 78 00:06:35,552 --> 00:06:37,558 will get you out of the city, 79 00:06:37,588 --> 00:06:39,560 but seeing as you're having your 15 minutes of fame, 80 00:06:39,590 --> 00:06:41,858 you might want to change your appearance. 81 00:06:54,667 --> 00:06:56,412 Quiet! 82 00:06:56,442 --> 00:06:57,971 Sit! 83 00:07:06,052 --> 00:07:07,328 It's just a walking stick. 84 00:07:07,358 --> 00:07:10,222 The handle is metal, as you can see. 85 00:07:11,473 --> 00:07:12,758 Go! 86 00:07:19,249 --> 00:07:21,450 Who sent you here, old man? 87 00:07:21,716 --> 00:07:24,023 I've heard about you from several 88 00:07:24,053 --> 00:07:26,555 of my former business associates. 89 00:07:26,585 --> 00:07:29,720 Like you, I'm a buyer and seller of things, Mr. Creem, 90 00:07:29,750 --> 00:07:32,211 but on a smaller scale. 91 00:07:32,461 --> 00:07:35,411 - Let's see what you brought. - I'm here to buy. 92 00:07:36,686 --> 00:07:37,900 What would you like to buy? 93 00:07:37,967 --> 00:07:40,774 The "Occido Lumen", 94 00:07:40,924 --> 00:07:44,352 a medieval text that hasn't been seen in many years. 95 00:07:44,382 --> 00:07:46,613 I'm hoping that in this calamity 96 00:07:46,643 --> 00:07:48,431 the book might surface again. 97 00:07:48,461 --> 00:07:50,750 Book? Not an AK-47 98 00:07:50,780 --> 00:07:52,518 or a pass to get you out of the city 99 00:07:52,548 --> 00:07:55,384 on a container ship? You want a book? 100 00:07:55,414 --> 00:07:58,696 I'm prepared to make it worth your while. 101 00:08:04,632 --> 00:08:05,899 Where did you get those? 102 00:08:05,929 --> 00:08:09,002 I've been holding onto them for many years, 103 00:08:09,032 --> 00:08:11,465 saving them for a time when I needed them. 104 00:08:11,495 --> 00:08:13,123 A time like this, perhaps. 105 00:08:13,153 --> 00:08:15,675 Well, thanks for coming, old man. 106 00:08:15,705 --> 00:08:18,389 I think I'll take those. 107 00:08:20,460 --> 00:08:23,545 A chain of events is about to play out here, Mr. Creem. 108 00:08:23,575 --> 00:08:25,858 Your loyal bodyguards will riddle me with bullets, 109 00:08:25,888 --> 00:08:28,704 but not before I draw this blade across your throat. 110 00:08:28,734 --> 00:08:30,632 To put it in language we both understand, 111 00:08:30,662 --> 00:08:34,150 you will not come out well in this trade. 112 00:08:39,007 --> 00:08:42,425 Hey, you want... you want a book? 113 00:08:42,455 --> 00:08:46,227 I just bought some old books.Yeah? They're around here somewhere. 114 00:08:46,377 --> 00:08:47,886 Show me. 115 00:08:49,646 --> 00:08:51,790 ... Press conference this morning, Mayor Lyle said 116 00:08:51,857 --> 00:08:53,735 that he's satisfied with the progress... 117 00:08:53,765 --> 00:08:55,644 And then it's just a cab ride over to the Pentagon 118 00:08:55,674 --> 00:08:57,796 for some sort of mass-dispersal plan. 119 00:08:57,826 --> 00:09:00,169 The military is more prepared for biological warfare 120 00:09:00,199 --> 00:09:01,971 than we'd like to think. 121 00:09:02,251 --> 00:09:04,924 Anyway, the point is, 122 00:09:04,954 --> 00:09:08,144 we've got a shot. You, me and Nora, we can set 123 00:09:08,174 --> 00:09:12,077 the reset button on this to make it safe again; we can go home. 124 00:09:12,345 --> 00:09:14,692 I'm not gonna go home without Mom. 125 00:09:15,452 --> 00:09:17,131 ...New York City encompasses 126 00:09:17,161 --> 00:09:19,863 more than 300 square miles... 127 00:09:21,005 --> 00:09:23,613 You know what magical thinking is, Zack? 128 00:09:24,509 --> 00:09:26,069 It's basically, it's, uh, 129 00:09:26,099 --> 00:09:28,257 hoping for something that's just not possible. 130 00:09:28,843 --> 00:09:30,290 And you're getting too old for that. 131 00:09:31,264 --> 00:09:35,014 - I really need your help here. - You can't make me go with you. 132 00:09:35,134 --> 00:09:37,001 Sorry, buddy, I'm not leaving you with a bunch of people 133 00:09:37,031 --> 00:09:38,281 we hardly know. 134 00:09:39,205 --> 00:09:42,040 If I have to, I can fend for myself! 135 00:09:43,649 --> 00:09:46,262 Eph, can I talk to you for a second? 136 00:09:47,360 --> 00:09:50,999 - Finish packing. - ... Children snatched overnight... 137 00:09:55,849 --> 00:09:58,967 ... at night, slaughtering the innocent without police officers or National Guard... 138 00:09:59,953 --> 00:10:01,092 Thanks. 139 00:10:01,160 --> 00:10:03,955 Let's get packed. I want to get on the 1:30 train. 140 00:10:04,752 --> 00:10:07,215 What are we doing here, Eph? 141 00:10:07,720 --> 00:10:10,740 We tested the weapon twice. It works. We gotta get moving. 142 00:10:10,770 --> 00:10:13,659 I agree. But let's think this through for a second. 143 00:10:13,689 --> 00:10:16,412 You're a fugitive, I'm your known associate, 144 00:10:16,442 --> 00:10:19,481 - and he is your kid. - I changed our names. 145 00:10:19,511 --> 00:10:22,485 Don't you think our little family group is gonna draw attention, 146 00:10:22,515 --> 00:10:24,468 especially passing through security checkpoints 147 00:10:24,498 --> 00:10:26,719 onto trains reserved for government officials? 148 00:10:26,749 --> 00:10:28,670 I'm not leaving Zack behind. 149 00:10:28,700 --> 00:10:31,311 You wouldn't be leaving him. 150 00:10:31,341 --> 00:10:33,270 He would be here with me. 151 00:10:33,413 --> 00:10:34,717 Hello? 152 00:10:36,161 --> 00:10:37,840 You're not going? 153 00:10:37,870 --> 00:10:40,509 You need to be able to fly under the radar. 154 00:10:40,539 --> 00:10:41,888 And if something falls apart, 155 00:10:41,918 --> 00:10:44,073 you need to just drop everything and run. 156 00:10:44,103 --> 00:10:47,493 - Well, Fet's been arrested. - What, what do you mean? 157 00:10:47,523 --> 00:10:49,996 I mean he's in custody for trying to blow up the tunnel last night. 158 00:10:50,026 --> 00:10:51,614 - Shit! - In the middle of something. 159 00:10:51,644 --> 00:10:54,166 It's that Staten Island lady and her goon squad. 160 00:10:54,196 --> 00:10:56,052 I'm gonna go down there. I need to go with her. 161 00:10:56,082 --> 00:10:58,483 - She's gonna get arrested too. - No, no. Please, please. 162 00:10:58,651 --> 00:11:01,624 You're right, I'm wrong. 163 00:11:01,778 --> 00:11:03,228 It's not practical, 164 00:11:03,941 --> 00:11:05,191 but I need you. 165 00:11:06,757 --> 00:11:08,092 We're partners. 166 00:11:13,062 --> 00:11:15,704 I'm making the decision this time, Eph. 167 00:11:16,769 --> 00:11:18,670 You're gonna do this alone. 168 00:12:10,259 --> 00:12:12,103 The brazen robbery earlier this morning 169 00:12:12,133 --> 00:12:14,628 by a highly organized group of assailants 170 00:12:14,658 --> 00:12:17,083 is further evidence that the country 171 00:12:17,564 --> 00:12:19,314 is teetering on the verge of financial collapse. 172 00:12:20,604 --> 00:12:22,951 "Quote: "With the dollar in freefall 173 00:12:22,981 --> 00:12:25,007 "and recent runs on Manhattan banks, 174 00:12:25,037 --> 00:12:27,677 "people have begun o turn to commodities 175 00:12:27,707 --> 00:12:31,175 "as a more secure form of assets." 176 00:12:31,544 --> 00:12:34,546 In the last two weeks, six major banks have closed 177 00:12:34,613 --> 00:12:37,391 their branches in Manhattan and evacuated their staff. 178 00:12:37,421 --> 00:12:40,418 The financial sector expects more banks to follow suit 179 00:12:40,448 --> 00:12:43,326 in the coming weeks. As in previous eras 180 00:12:43,356 --> 00:12:46,308 of widespread conflict and social upheaval, 181 00:12:46,338 --> 00:12:49,963 precious gemstones, silver, platinum and gold... 182 00:12:56,554 --> 00:12:57,654 Zack? 183 00:13:05,097 --> 00:13:06,768 Whoa. 184 00:13:06,918 --> 00:13:07,979 Yeah. 185 00:13:08,733 --> 00:13:10,231 Ah, it'll grow back. 186 00:13:11,181 --> 00:13:13,914 - The old safety net... - You'll stay here with Nora. 187 00:13:14,234 --> 00:13:17,202 She's out for a bit right now, but she'll be back soon. 188 00:13:17,232 --> 00:13:19,186 I think you should stay here, too. 189 00:13:20,729 --> 00:13:24,922 Zack, if we're gonna have any chance of stopping this thing, I need to do this. 190 00:13:25,816 --> 00:13:28,195 Maybe you'll even appreciate it someday. 191 00:13:29,880 --> 00:13:31,839 In other news, a riot... 192 00:13:31,869 --> 00:13:34,068 OK. I gotta go. 193 00:13:34,499 --> 00:13:36,308 Can I at least get a hug? 194 00:13:45,265 --> 00:13:46,724 Hey, wish me luck. 195 00:13:50,503 --> 00:13:51,900 Good luck. 196 00:14:05,256 --> 00:14:07,295 You're not the onlyones who have a problem with these people. 197 00:14:07,325 --> 00:14:09,159 Everybody, calm down. 198 00:14:09,227 --> 00:14:11,094 Quiet! 199 00:14:11,471 --> 00:14:14,883 If you have concerns, there is a sign-up sheet. 200 00:14:14,913 --> 00:14:18,104 - Now... - Give me the bullhorn. 201 00:14:19,042 --> 00:14:20,737 All right, listen. 202 00:14:20,805 --> 00:14:23,907 I want you back in your homes as much as you do, 203 00:14:23,937 --> 00:14:25,478 but right now... 204 00:14:25,508 --> 00:14:27,125 - What is this? Jesus! - What we suppose to do. 205 00:14:27,155 --> 00:14:28,806 - Right now... - Now, what? 206 00:14:28,836 --> 00:14:30,914 Your homes are not safe. 207 00:14:30,982 --> 00:14:33,984 My crews, they are out there day and night... 208 00:14:34,052 --> 00:14:36,470 some of them losing their lives... 209 00:14:36,500 --> 00:14:39,878 but they will win back your neighborhoods for you. 210 00:14:39,908 --> 00:14:43,143 Give us some time and your support. 211 00:14:43,211 --> 00:14:45,883 But anyone showing symptoms 212 00:14:45,913 --> 00:14:48,362 needs to go into quarantine for 72 hours. 213 00:14:50,046 --> 00:14:51,222 We've got to find out 214 00:14:51,252 --> 00:14:52,273 if they're infected. 215 00:14:52,303 --> 00:14:53,892 I know it's a pain in the ass 216 00:14:53,922 --> 00:14:55,318 being separated that long, 217 00:14:55,348 --> 00:14:57,224 but we've got to keep everybody safe! 218 00:15:07,712 --> 00:15:09,199 Excuse me. 219 00:15:09,404 --> 00:15:13,005 I'm Dr. Nora Martinez. I'm a biochemist with the CDC. 220 00:15:13,429 --> 00:15:14,308 And? 221 00:15:14,355 --> 00:15:17,329 You don't need to quarantine people for three days. 222 00:15:17,359 --> 00:15:19,464 I have a way of diagnosing people who are infected 223 00:15:19,494 --> 00:15:21,428 within one or two hours. 224 00:15:22,372 --> 00:15:24,212 Yeah, how's that? 225 00:15:24,242 --> 00:15:25,940 I'll show you. 226 00:15:25,970 --> 00:15:29,354 But first, you have to do something for me. 227 00:15:37,924 --> 00:15:40,564 Fet! Vasiliy Fet! 228 00:15:42,996 --> 00:15:45,191 I had a great time, huh? 229 00:15:45,720 --> 00:15:48,626 Reunion? A year from now, same time, same place. 230 00:15:48,656 --> 00:15:51,221 You'd better show up, Griselda. 231 00:15:51,251 --> 00:15:52,618 Mm-hmm. 232 00:15:59,445 --> 00:16:01,673 - Your face! - I thought you'd like it. 233 00:16:01,703 --> 00:16:04,215 That's why I asked them to go at me so hard. 234 00:16:04,531 --> 00:16:06,339 You! Hey! 235 00:16:08,088 --> 00:16:09,472 You see this? 236 00:16:10,070 --> 00:16:12,704 So, we're letting the Brooklyn Bomber walk, huh? 237 00:16:12,734 --> 00:16:14,282 You must have powerful friends. 238 00:16:14,312 --> 00:16:16,579 He was helping you! You'd understand that 239 00:16:16,609 --> 00:16:17,790 if you didn't have your head shoved so far up your... 240 00:16:17,820 --> 00:16:21,293 She's foreign, huh? Let me translate. 241 00:16:21,952 --> 00:16:23,991 I didn't blow up the tunnel because I get off 242 00:16:24,021 --> 00:16:26,548 on damaging my inner ear, huh? 243 00:16:26,578 --> 00:16:29,673 - I did it to cut off vamp access into... - I know why you did it. 244 00:16:29,823 --> 00:16:31,980 All right? We just can't have civilians setting off charges 245 00:16:32,010 --> 00:16:35,980 wherever they feel like it. Even if they do it decently well. 246 00:16:36,516 --> 00:16:38,292 What are you, ex-Special Forces or something? 247 00:16:38,322 --> 00:16:40,355 No, my father uld have drowned me 248 00:16:40,385 --> 00:16:42,319 before he let me join the army. 249 00:16:42,713 --> 00:16:44,617 I'm a city exterminator. 250 00:16:45,728 --> 00:16:47,369 With a dynamite fetish? 251 00:16:47,399 --> 00:16:49,364 He'she best creature hunter in New York. 252 00:16:49,394 --> 00:16:51,962 I also have fetish for silver grenades. 253 00:16:51,992 --> 00:16:52,903 Silver what? 254 00:16:52,933 --> 00:16:55,099 They burn the shito ut of the munchers. 255 00:16:55,129 --> 00:16:58,151 You know, it's not as good as ultraviolet light but... 256 00:16:59,638 --> 00:17:02,263 You don't know about the silver or the UVC? 257 00:17:02,587 --> 00:17:03,971 Well, how the hell have you been killing them? 258 00:17:04,001 --> 00:17:05,555 Shooting their heads off. 259 00:17:05,585 --> 00:17:07,149 That works, too. 260 00:17:07,179 --> 00:17:10,314 Yeah, usually, except for the little spider-kids. 261 00:17:12,726 --> 00:17:15,342 The... The what? 262 00:17:16,318 --> 00:17:18,750 Last night we were driven out of this housing complex 263 00:17:18,780 --> 00:17:21,620 by these little spiderids. They're fast as hell; 264 00:17:21,650 --> 00:17:25,186 They can climb anything. You haven't seen 'em? 265 00:17:26,615 --> 00:17:28,549 You know, ybe they're still there, maybe they're not. 266 00:17:28,579 --> 00:17:31,062 Either way, I've gotta go back and finish clearing the place, 267 00:17:31,092 --> 00:17:33,661 but now I'm down t men. 268 00:17:38,035 --> 00:17:40,138 We'll get our stuff. 269 00:17:44,170 --> 00:17:45,567 Sorry, excuse me. 270 00:17:45,597 --> 00:17:49,022 Please, conduct yourself safely. There're all times. 271 00:17:50,946 --> 00:17:54,368 Excuse me. Excuse me. Pardon me. Sorry. 272 00:17:55,669 --> 00:17:57,884 Attention passengers. Trains are all over... 273 00:17:57,914 --> 00:17:59,585 - Look, buddy, wait your turn! - CDC! CDC! 274 00:17:59,615 --> 00:18:02,369 ... Yourself safely. There're all times 275 00:18:22,550 --> 00:18:25,194 Hey, how's it going? 276 00:18:25,431 --> 00:18:27,012 What's your business in Washington? 277 00:18:27,042 --> 00:18:29,052 I live in Washington. I'm going home. 278 00:18:29,276 --> 00:18:30,751 Holong have you been in Nework? 279 00:18:30,819 --> 00:18:34,069 Since February 12th. Four days after the plane landed. 280 00:18:34,588 --> 00:18:37,045 You're with the CDC. 281 00:18:37,270 --> 00:18:38,659 That's right. 282 00:18:38,689 --> 00:18:40,799 And now you're leaving? 283 00:18:40,829 --> 00:18:43,484 We have a response deployment meeting tomorrow. 284 00:18:43,684 --> 00:18:46,554 We're sending more teams back up here. 285 00:18:49,174 --> 00:18:51,723 Can I see your driver's license, please? 286 00:18:53,462 --> 00:18:54,760 - I don't drive. - This is the final 287 00:18:54,827 --> 00:18:57,490 boarding call for 130 Northeast Corridor Express 288 00:18:57,520 --> 00:18:59,631 - to Washington, DC. - That's my train. 289 00:19:04,969 --> 00:19:06,626 Have a safe trip home. 290 00:19:06,656 --> 00:19:08,677 Thank you for your service. 291 00:19:12,327 --> 00:19:14,239 _ 292 00:19:21,087 --> 00:19:24,908 _ 293 00:19:52,345 --> 00:19:54,847 - Keep the change. - Thanks. 294 00:19:58,278 --> 00:19:59,497 We're gonna have to push that meeting with 295 00:19:59,527 --> 00:20:02,154 the Surgeon General. Tell him something, whatever. 296 00:20:02,184 --> 00:20:04,731 OK. I'll just move the Secretary of Transportation 297 00:20:04,761 --> 00:20:07,299 - to 4:30. - Perfect. 298 00:20:16,927 --> 00:20:20,192 - Mind if I sit here? - Have at it. 299 00:20:37,359 --> 00:20:39,617 It's not here. 300 00:20:42,651 --> 00:20:44,488 Oh, and another thing. 301 00:20:44,556 --> 00:20:46,740 It allegedly has a silver cover. 302 00:20:46,770 --> 00:20:48,692 Allegedly? 303 00:20:49,860 --> 00:20:51,794 This is an 18-karat gold 304 00:20:51,824 --> 00:20:55,030 Patek Philippe 2484. 305 00:20:55,060 --> 00:20:57,633 A down payment, if you will. 306 00:20:58,456 --> 00:20:59,636 This one, 307 00:20:59,666 --> 00:21:03,379 this is a Reference 1563 Split-Second Chronograph. 308 00:21:03,409 --> 00:21:05,596 Only three are known to exist. 309 00:21:05,626 --> 00:21:07,298 This is the fourth. 310 00:21:07,328 --> 00:21:10,236 If you find me my book, then it's yours. 311 00:21:10,266 --> 00:21:11,809 Actually... 312 00:21:12,373 --> 00:21:15,728 I do know someone who deals with the kind of shit you're looking for. 313 00:21:15,758 --> 00:21:18,530 Religious iconography and that sort of stuff. 314 00:21:18,560 --> 00:21:20,010 What's the book called again? 315 00:21:20,040 --> 00:21:23,668 The Occido Lumen. Double C. 316 00:21:32,286 --> 00:21:33,874 Haha! 317 00:21:41,641 --> 00:21:44,453 What department are you with? 318 00:21:44,846 --> 00:21:46,983 - CDC. - Huh. 319 00:21:47,156 --> 00:21:50,108 I bet you're keeping busy. 320 00:21:50,138 --> 00:21:52,739 Pretty busy. How about you? 321 00:21:52,915 --> 00:21:55,685 I'm a lawyer with the Energy Department. 322 00:21:55,890 --> 00:21:58,145 I got caught in the quarantine. 323 00:21:58,476 --> 00:22:01,535 Thank God for government jobs, I'll tell you that. 324 00:22:01,883 --> 00:22:05,352 I finally got cleared to travel. 325 00:22:05,737 --> 00:22:07,904 I'm Neil Archer. What's your name? 326 00:22:08,143 --> 00:22:09,823 Jonathan. Jonathan Crowley. 327 00:22:13,558 --> 00:22:17,389 I feel like I've seen you somewhere before. 328 00:22:18,312 --> 00:22:19,699 Yeah, I get that a lot. 329 00:22:19,729 --> 00:22:21,169 Huh. 330 00:22:22,606 --> 00:22:24,756 You pick those up in the bar car? 331 00:22:27,102 --> 00:22:29,014 - Yeah. - Right. 332 00:22:29,044 --> 00:22:31,313 I'll be right back. 333 00:23:04,829 --> 00:23:06,388 You're clear. 334 00:23:06,418 --> 00:23:09,393 A person may not even have physical symptoms yet. 335 00:23:11,560 --> 00:23:13,153 You're clear. 336 00:23:25,928 --> 00:23:27,322 Baby! How are you? 337 00:23:27,352 --> 00:23:29,503 - Are you OK? Yeah? - Over there. 338 00:23:29,571 --> 00:23:31,920 You need some air. 339 00:23:34,040 --> 00:23:35,976 I don't know if we should wait for him to turn... 340 00:23:36,044 --> 00:23:39,958 It should be his decision. His and his family. 341 00:23:40,539 --> 00:23:42,454 You're right. 342 00:23:42,880 --> 00:23:44,814 I'll go talk to the family. 343 00:23:45,226 --> 00:23:48,508 Do you mind taking a look at someone else for me? 344 00:23:53,624 --> 00:23:55,577 It's my nephew, Mikey. 345 00:23:55,607 --> 00:23:57,740 He got knocked down some stairs last night and landed 346 00:23:57,770 --> 00:24:01,071 on his head. Our doctor, he thinks he'll probably be OK, 347 00:24:01,101 --> 00:24:05,168 but, um, I noticed a little cut on his face, there. 348 00:24:05,235 --> 00:24:07,203 I just want to be sure. 349 00:24:18,915 --> 00:24:20,783 I'm so sorry. 350 00:24:21,013 --> 00:24:22,885 Forget I'm sorrys! 351 00:24:22,953 --> 00:24:26,926 - Can't we do something here? - It's not possible. 352 00:24:26,956 --> 00:24:29,747 It's not my opinion. It's a scientific fact. 353 00:24:29,777 --> 00:24:32,066 - How the hell can you be sure? - My best friend was nicked, 354 00:24:32,096 --> 00:24:35,223 much the same way this boy's been. 355 00:24:36,100 --> 00:24:40,203 We cut his face open with a box cutter to get the worms out. 356 00:24:40,453 --> 00:24:42,071 We were that desperate. 357 00:24:42,743 --> 00:24:44,407 It was too late... 358 00:24:44,688 --> 00:24:47,354 the worms were everywhere inside him. 359 00:24:52,317 --> 00:24:54,010 God damn it! 360 00:25:02,993 --> 00:25:05,845 - Hey! Yeah, yeah. - Sir... 361 00:25:05,875 --> 00:25:08,354 What is that, like a silver sword or something? 362 00:25:08,384 --> 00:25:11,898 Yeah. And silver grenades, and silver nails in the nail gun. 363 00:25:11,928 --> 00:25:13,271 And what about the rebar? 364 00:25:13,339 --> 00:25:15,540 That have some special kind of properties I don't know about? 365 00:25:15,844 --> 00:25:18,610 Yeah. It doesn't bend. 366 00:25:21,412 --> 00:25:23,917 Well, here we are in the center of Red Hook. 367 00:25:23,947 --> 00:25:26,017 We need to own this neighborhood. 368 00:25:26,364 --> 00:25:28,353 Let's do it. 369 00:25:38,980 --> 00:25:42,000 So, wanna see what silver can do? 370 00:25:49,571 --> 00:25:51,285 Satisfying, no? 371 00:25:51,315 --> 00:25:55,373 It's OK. But why wouldn't I just do this? 372 00:25:59,766 --> 00:26:01,484 Fair point. 373 00:26:23,474 --> 00:26:25,126 Fet. 374 00:27:45,863 --> 00:27:48,298 AH! 375 00:28:24,052 --> 00:28:25,304 It's all clear, Chief. 376 00:28:25,334 --> 00:28:27,898 Well, I know there's more in here, I've seen 'em. 377 00:28:27,928 --> 00:28:29,339 You guys checked the elevator? 378 00:28:29,369 --> 00:28:31,468 It's not working. 379 00:28:53,077 --> 00:28:55,465 Fire in the hole! 380 00:29:12,215 --> 00:29:14,642 OK, now I get the silver thing. 381 00:29:22,623 --> 00:29:24,658 I got the morphine. 382 00:29:25,427 --> 00:29:27,490 I've been thinking. 383 00:29:27,952 --> 00:29:31,101 Maybe, I'd rather wait 384 00:29:31,168 --> 00:29:33,437 until he turns. 385 00:29:33,467 --> 00:29:35,504 It might make it easier to do it. 386 00:29:35,534 --> 00:29:37,674 I don't know him, but I think he would rather 387 00:29:37,742 --> 00:29:39,775 go out as himself. 388 00:29:42,459 --> 00:29:44,468 I used to read to him Goodnight Moon 389 00:29:44,498 --> 00:29:46,686 and sing him to sleep. 390 00:29:51,301 --> 00:29:54,051 When you're ready, just push the plunger in. 391 00:30:07,378 --> 00:30:09,622 I've been asking my people to be OK with this. 392 00:30:09,652 --> 00:30:11,908 I can't even do it. 393 00:30:47,583 --> 00:30:50,113 _ 394 00:30:58,586 --> 00:31:00,786 Oh, make it stop! 395 00:31:16,912 --> 00:31:18,826 Show yourself! 396 00:31:31,211 --> 00:31:33,288 Fitzwilliam. 397 00:31:33,877 --> 00:31:35,691 I'm ready to help. 398 00:31:57,415 --> 00:31:58,962 "And if so, 399 00:32:00,441 --> 00:32:02,971 the accomplishment..." 400 00:32:32,540 --> 00:32:34,541 Homeland Security! 401 00:32:38,251 --> 00:32:40,714 I'll be out in a minute! 402 00:32:42,784 --> 00:32:46,560 Sir! Mandatory medical inspection! 403 00:32:57,566 --> 00:32:59,622 - Feeling feverish? - No. 404 00:32:59,652 --> 00:33:01,668 - Sore throat? - No. 405 00:33:02,181 --> 00:33:05,505 Open your mouth, please. 406 00:33:05,573 --> 00:33:07,049 Please. 407 00:33:08,206 --> 00:33:10,677 In the past 72 hours, have you had any physical contact 408 00:33:10,745 --> 00:33:12,550 - with a person who exhibited... - I'm not infected. 409 00:33:12,580 --> 00:33:16,105 I should know, I'm one of the first people to discover these symptoms. 410 00:33:16,857 --> 00:33:18,526 What's your name? 411 00:33:18,987 --> 00:33:20,476 Jonathan Crowley. 412 00:33:20,506 --> 00:33:22,089 Dr. Jonathan Crowley. 413 00:33:22,156 --> 00:33:24,303 Got some ID? 414 00:33:30,884 --> 00:33:32,628 Thank you, Doctor. 415 00:33:54,622 --> 00:33:57,106 - Goodweather! - Shut up. 416 00:33:57,380 --> 00:33:58,983 I'm not letting you get in my way again. 417 00:33:59,013 --> 00:34:02,160 You think I like the position they've put me in? 418 00:34:02,190 --> 00:34:04,185 They nearly threw me over a balcony, Eph. 419 00:34:04,215 --> 00:34:06,316 I can't even sleep. I barely eat. 420 00:34:06,384 --> 00:34:08,656 Then just let me go. I've got a plan 421 00:34:08,686 --> 00:34:11,782 to wipe out all the infected and clean all this up. 422 00:34:13,824 --> 00:34:15,626 Well, that's great news. 423 00:34:19,132 --> 00:34:20,927 I'll let you go. 424 00:34:30,687 --> 00:34:34,448 I appreciate you still trying to do something about this. 425 00:34:36,670 --> 00:34:38,615 You're lying. 426 00:34:39,140 --> 00:34:41,072 Trust me, Eph. 427 00:34:44,422 --> 00:34:45,989 Ugh! 428 00:34:46,455 --> 00:34:49,480 I can't trust you, Barnes. I know you. 429 00:35:04,506 --> 00:35:06,965 Next stop, Baltimore Penn Station. 430 00:35:07,239 --> 00:35:10,097 Please gather all your belongings. 431 00:35:23,131 --> 00:35:24,858 Shit! 432 00:35:26,083 --> 00:35:28,298 You're not gonna win, Eph. 433 00:35:28,366 --> 00:35:30,060 You can't beat them. 434 00:35:30,090 --> 00:35:35,753 Now, don't be stupid or naive and end up on the wrong side of things. 435 00:35:41,763 --> 00:35:43,033 In the meantime, there's no way 436 00:35:43,063 --> 00:35:45,059 you're getting off this train. I'm getting the cops. 437 00:35:51,356 --> 00:35:53,323 AAAH! 438 00:36:08,808 --> 00:36:10,911 _ 439 00:36:14,236 --> 00:36:16,935 Mr. Palmer, sir! So nice to see you. 440 00:36:17,003 --> 00:36:19,037 Right this way. 441 00:36:19,563 --> 00:36:21,632 I thought we could use a gentle reminder 442 00:36:21,662 --> 00:36:23,307 that not every institution in this city 443 00:36:23,337 --> 00:36:26,162 is in a state of pandemonium. 444 00:36:26,192 --> 00:36:28,623 Yes, it seems so normal. 445 00:36:29,698 --> 00:36:32,535 Denial is a special privilege of the rich. 446 00:36:38,665 --> 00:36:41,626 - Well done, sir. - Thank you, sir. 447 00:36:43,580 --> 00:36:45,414 I really don't know what they're applauding. 448 00:36:45,482 --> 00:36:47,954 They're applauding you for actually trying to do something, 449 00:36:47,984 --> 00:36:50,550 instead of ignoring the problem, like them. 450 00:36:55,749 --> 00:36:58,909 If it isn't New York City's own savior! 451 00:36:58,939 --> 00:37:00,452 Cardinal MacNamara! 452 00:37:00,482 --> 00:37:04,571 I didn't mean to interrupt. You are...? 453 00:37:04,601 --> 00:37:06,739 This is Ms. Coco Marchand. 454 00:37:06,769 --> 00:37:08,704 It's an honor, Your Eminence. 455 00:37:08,734 --> 00:37:10,522 I would ask you to join us, but I imagine 456 00:37:10,552 --> 00:37:14,659 - you have other obligations. - Ah, of course. 457 00:37:14,689 --> 00:37:18,547 I just wanted to let you know that a certain item 458 00:37:18,615 --> 00:37:21,289 that you were looking for... 459 00:37:22,657 --> 00:37:25,454 might be turning up soon. 460 00:37:27,524 --> 00:37:29,713 Go on. 461 00:37:31,080 --> 00:37:32,928 Until I hear back from my contact, 462 00:37:32,996 --> 00:37:35,364 there's nothing to be done so, 463 00:37:35,787 --> 00:37:38,197 please, enjoy your evening. 464 00:37:40,095 --> 00:37:42,385 And I'll be in touch. 465 00:37:47,966 --> 00:37:49,949 What was that all about? 466 00:37:50,565 --> 00:37:51,941 Oh, nothing. 467 00:37:53,646 --> 00:37:55,344 It didn't seem like nothing. 468 00:37:55,809 --> 00:37:58,381 Cardinal MacNamara is known for procuring 469 00:37:58,448 --> 00:38:02,852 certain historic collectibles from time to time. 470 00:38:04,099 --> 00:38:06,160 Is that allowed? 471 00:38:11,635 --> 00:38:13,464 And this collectible is something you want? 472 00:38:13,494 --> 00:38:15,733 Oh yes, very much. 473 00:38:16,690 --> 00:38:18,421 Now, I'm famished. 474 00:38:18,451 --> 00:38:21,404 Shall we order? 475 00:38:21,947 --> 00:38:23,951 _ 476 00:38:27,944 --> 00:38:29,545 Oh... 477 00:38:29,732 --> 00:38:33,117 - You never collected art? - Oh, no. Only as an investment. 478 00:38:33,147 --> 00:38:37,086 I'm not interested in the aesthetics at all. 479 00:38:37,613 --> 00:38:39,402 - Oh, that was lovely. - Oh, yes. 480 00:38:39,432 --> 00:38:42,035 I can never thank you enough. 481 00:38:42,065 --> 00:38:43,909 Oh, my God! 482 00:38:43,939 --> 00:38:45,949 Oh, I hope there's no one in there. 483 00:38:45,979 --> 00:38:48,609 Oh, I doubt there is at this late hour. 484 00:38:48,866 --> 00:38:52,609 Saves us having to bother with our fireplace. Ha! 485 00:38:54,934 --> 00:38:57,328 I think I'll fix us a nightcap. 486 00:39:05,097 --> 00:39:08,447 I wish I knew the proper way to present you to people. 487 00:39:10,020 --> 00:39:12,459 Why? Am I not presentable? 488 00:39:12,489 --> 00:39:16,288 No, no, no. You misunderstand. I mean, introducing you 489 00:39:16,318 --> 00:39:20,089 merely as my assistant doesn't do you justice. 490 00:39:20,119 --> 00:39:23,168 You're worth so much more than that. 491 00:39:24,638 --> 00:39:28,437 Yet, if I say nothing, people make assumptions. 492 00:39:28,467 --> 00:39:29,839 At best, they see you 493 00:39:29,906 --> 00:39:33,684 as just a dazzling jewel on my arm. 494 00:39:34,231 --> 00:39:36,446 Maybe you should stop caring 495 00:39:36,476 --> 00:39:40,449 - what other people think, huh? - You're right. Cheers. 496 00:39:42,319 --> 00:39:43,934 I'm glad I waited for you 497 00:39:43,964 --> 00:39:46,894 - Mmm! That's good. - Mmm... 498 00:39:46,924 --> 00:39:50,359 Alcohol is a newly acquired pleasure. 499 00:39:53,196 --> 00:39:58,501 But then what else could I do 500 00:40:01,571 --> 00:40:07,182 Yes, there were one or two 501 00:40:08,583 --> 00:40:09,645 Shall we? 502 00:40:09,675 --> 00:40:11,604 I used to date with 503 00:40:11,634 --> 00:40:13,282 No, I, I don't think so. 504 00:40:13,350 --> 00:40:16,643 I... I'm feeling rather tired. 505 00:40:16,673 --> 00:40:18,490 Oh, tired, really? 506 00:40:18,520 --> 00:40:20,858 Would you like me to tuck a blanket around your legs? 507 00:40:20,888 --> 00:40:23,059 Maybe get you a nice glass of warm milk? 508 00:40:23,126 --> 00:40:24,932 Oh, I see what you're doing. 509 00:40:24,962 --> 00:40:28,828 No, I'm not ready for the nursing home just yet. 510 00:40:30,366 --> 00:40:32,068 Keep it simple. 511 00:40:34,476 --> 00:40:39,382 I'm glad my heart waited too 512 00:40:43,515 --> 00:40:48,384 That favorite dream of mine 513 00:40:48,717 --> 00:40:53,189 Has just come true 514 00:40:55,461 --> 00:40:58,895 I'm glad I waited 515 00:40:59,538 --> 00:41:03,432 For you 516 00:41:09,696 --> 00:41:12,277 _ 517 00:41:24,072 --> 00:41:27,056 This is his briefcase. Alright. He has a meeting started. 518 00:41:27,086 --> 00:41:28,868 He wouldn't just leave it on the train. 519 00:41:28,898 --> 00:41:31,962 2163 from Union Station to New York, Penn Station, now boarding. 520 00:41:31,992 --> 00:41:33,920 Alright, you think four is going to be enough? 521 00:41:33,950 --> 00:41:36,466 I work with Dr. Everett Barnes. 522 00:41:36,496 --> 00:41:39,731 - How can I help you? - Now listen to me. This is... 523 00:41:43,256 --> 00:41:45,003 - ID? - I've been calling 524 00:41:45,070 --> 00:41:47,825 his cell. He's not answering his phone. No one has seen him. 525 00:41:47,855 --> 00:41:50,809 You haven't seen him in how long? 526 00:41:51,016 --> 00:41:53,311 Open the bag, please. 527 00:41:56,352 --> 00:41:57,849 I found his notes scattered on the floor. 528 00:41:57,917 --> 00:42:00,344 Ma'am, look, calm down. 529 00:42:05,284 --> 00:42:07,250 What's this? 530 00:42:08,412 --> 00:42:11,596 - Personal item. - What's in it? 531 00:42:12,481 --> 00:42:14,532 My wife's ashes. 532 00:42:14,925 --> 00:42:17,368 She asked me to scatter them at her family home. 533 00:42:19,856 --> 00:42:24,843 - Penn Station, now boarding. - It's been a very painful week. 534 00:42:27,005 --> 00:42:29,014 Sorry for your loss. 535 00:42:30,488 --> 00:42:32,334 Welcome to Washington. 536 00:42:32,812 --> 00:42:34,445 Thank you. 537 00:42:36,332 --> 00:42:38,127 ID? 538 00:42:38,674 --> 00:42:40,760 You're free to go. 539 00:43:10,457 --> 00:43:12,508 _ 540 00:43:23,611 --> 00:43:27,498 Hello. You hear our radio calls? 541 00:43:27,565 --> 00:43:29,833 You were specifically instructed not to land here. 542 00:43:29,901 --> 00:43:33,005 This airport's in a restricted area. There's a quarantine. 543 00:43:33,035 --> 00:43:34,629 No incoming or outgoing aircraft 544 00:43:34,659 --> 00:43:38,008 - within 60 miles of New York. - We had an inflight emergency. 545 00:43:38,076 --> 00:43:40,532 - Our client was sick. - What client? 546 00:43:40,562 --> 00:43:43,141 - Where is he? Let me see him. - He left. 547 00:43:43,171 --> 00:43:46,377 Left? Where the hell did he go? 548 00:43:47,044 --> 00:43:48,890 That way. 549 00:43:51,055 --> 00:43:54,234 You guys wait inside, I'm gonna need to talk to you. 550 00:44:13,200 --> 00:44:15,593 _ 551 00:45:11,385 --> 00:45:13,402 Good to go? 552 00:45:20,682 --> 00:45:27,702 == sync & corrections by Wolfen == == www.addic7ed.com ==