1 00:00:00,112 --> 00:00:01,612 Previously on "The Strain"... 2 00:00:01,642 --> 00:00:04,112 They've broken through our entire northern perimeter. 3 00:00:04,142 --> 00:00:06,302 Pull out of the park now. 4 00:00:06,332 --> 00:00:08,850 Withdraw! All units withdraw! 5 00:00:08,880 --> 00:00:10,497 - Sanjay Desai. - Who are you? 6 00:00:10,527 --> 00:00:12,654 He's a new associate of ours, Eldritch. 7 00:00:12,684 --> 00:00:15,118 I hear that you are facilitating a very important 8 00:00:15,187 --> 00:00:17,854 shipment for us. 9 00:00:19,191 --> 00:00:21,691 What is the meaning of this? 10 00:00:21,743 --> 00:00:23,944 - You did this! - No. This is not my doing. 11 00:00:24,029 --> 00:00:26,721 - You've invited your own demise. - This step I take 12 00:00:26,751 --> 00:00:31,021 - is more merciful than triumphant. - (Suitcase beeping) 13 00:00:39,845 --> 00:00:42,596 (Explosion) 14 00:00:59,356 --> 00:01:00,981 It isn't pretty, people. 15 00:01:01,066 --> 00:01:05,735 Last night our forces fell back to 42nd Street. 16 00:01:05,821 --> 00:01:07,692 We're hoping that they can hold the line... 17 00:01:07,722 --> 00:01:08,918 How? 18 00:01:09,955 --> 00:01:13,460 We're short on ammunition, food, water, and people. 19 00:01:13,545 --> 00:01:16,032 It's only a matter of time before this city falls. 20 00:01:16,062 --> 00:01:17,268 I disagree, 21 00:01:17,298 --> 00:01:18,298 Captain. 22 00:01:19,051 --> 00:01:22,838 The problem is that we have been spreading our forces too thin. 23 00:01:22,868 --> 00:01:25,589 We need to fall back to smaller enclaves, 24 00:01:25,641 --> 00:01:29,059 - ones that we have the means to defend. - If we play this right, 25 00:01:29,094 --> 00:01:31,978 we can hold out until the labs in Atlanta, D.C., 26 00:01:32,064 --> 00:01:34,556 and Virginia come up with a cure for this. 27 00:01:34,586 --> 00:01:38,318 I understand your impulse to hang on. But the hard truth is, 28 00:01:38,348 --> 00:01:41,801 unless we pull out now, we're all going to die here. 29 00:01:41,831 --> 00:01:43,720 And where would we go, Captain? 30 00:01:43,755 --> 00:01:47,424 Saratoga Springs, in the mountains 31 00:01:47,476 --> 00:01:48,897 outside of Albany. 32 00:01:48,927 --> 00:01:51,850 They have a thousand troops. We can hold out there 33 00:01:51,880 --> 00:01:54,297 - until D.C. gets their shit together. - (Murmurs) 34 00:01:57,385 --> 00:02:01,133 You want to cut and run? Go ahead. 35 00:02:02,383 --> 00:02:04,983 But I'm not going anywhere. 36 00:02:06,394 --> 00:02:10,279 This is our city. 37 00:02:10,365 --> 00:02:14,245 A city we are sworn to protect. 38 00:02:14,495 --> 00:02:18,071 And I, for one, am not going to abandon her. 39 00:02:19,558 --> 00:02:21,858 Who else is with us? 40 00:02:39,995 --> 00:02:41,828 It's been an honor, Councilwoman. 41 00:03:02,734 --> 00:03:06,468 (Theme music) 42 00:03:44,420 --> 00:03:50,870 == sync & corrections by Wolfhound == == www.addic7ed.com == 43 00:03:53,709 --> 00:03:55,784 _ 44 00:04:09,232 --> 00:04:11,671 Good to see you again, Bob. 45 00:04:11,701 --> 00:04:14,477 - It's been too long. - Mr. Palmer. 46 00:04:14,557 --> 00:04:17,680 Sorry to barge in unannounced, but I'm here 47 00:04:17,710 --> 00:04:21,434 about a delicate matter; one that requires the utmost discretion. 48 00:04:21,469 --> 00:04:23,453 It's not an imposition, sir. 49 00:04:23,521 --> 00:04:25,889 I was just surprised to see you up and about. 50 00:04:26,482 --> 00:04:29,258 - Why is that? - Sanjay Desai told us 51 00:04:29,344 --> 00:04:31,561 he had to assume your responsibilities 52 00:04:31,908 --> 00:04:33,846 because you were incapacitated. 53 00:04:34,968 --> 00:04:36,682 Well, as you can see, 54 00:04:36,768 --> 00:04:39,519 nothing could be further from the truth. 55 00:04:39,704 --> 00:04:41,504 Bob, I've come to you 56 00:04:41,556 --> 00:04:44,537 because I believe you may be one of the few people in Stoneheart 57 00:04:44,567 --> 00:04:46,175 whom I can still trust. 58 00:04:46,227 --> 00:04:48,060 Of course you can, sir. 59 00:04:48,146 --> 00:04:51,314 - Tell me how I can help. - May I? 60 00:04:54,652 --> 00:04:56,852 Desai is in league 61 00:04:56,904 --> 00:04:58,771 with certain unscrupulous parties 62 00:04:58,856 --> 00:05:00,940 that are trying to gain control of Stoneheart. 63 00:05:01,025 --> 00:05:04,360 I need to know about a piece of valuable cargo 64 00:05:04,412 --> 00:05:08,581 that arrived in New York aboard a ship named the Aurora Cutlass. 65 00:05:08,666 --> 00:05:11,701 Yes, I've heard Mr. Desai speaking to someone about that. 66 00:05:11,786 --> 00:05:13,753 He offloaded the cargo without my permission. 67 00:05:13,838 --> 00:05:15,755 I need to know where. 68 00:05:15,785 --> 00:05:17,928 Time is a critical factor. 69 00:05:18,140 --> 00:05:21,344 I'll have the information for you by end of day. 70 00:05:22,175 --> 00:05:24,547 This my personal number. 71 00:05:24,919 --> 00:05:27,216 Call me as soon as you know something. 72 00:05:28,206 --> 00:05:30,386 Thank you, Bob. 73 00:05:35,226 --> 00:05:38,509 I can't believe Mr. Desai thought he could get away with this. 74 00:05:40,982 --> 00:05:42,778 He won't. 75 00:05:50,875 --> 00:05:55,294 (Cane thumping) 76 00:05:56,718 --> 00:05:58,805 Can I help you? 77 00:05:59,801 --> 00:06:01,934 Good afternoon. Is Mr. O'Neill in? 78 00:06:02,020 --> 00:06:05,021 - Do you have an appointment? - I do not, but I'm sure... 79 00:06:05,056 --> 00:06:07,056 I'm sorry, but Mr. O'Neill is very busy. 80 00:06:07,142 --> 00:06:09,530 You can't just walk in here and expect to meet with him. 81 00:06:09,560 --> 00:06:11,276 Tell him his son is here. 82 00:06:11,362 --> 00:06:14,067 I know Mr. O'Neill's son, and you're not him. 83 00:06:14,097 --> 00:06:18,897 Just tell him Eldritch Palmer is here. He knows who I am. 84 00:06:22,865 --> 00:06:24,640 Eldritch! 85 00:06:26,686 --> 00:06:30,295 - You grew! - It's been a long time. 86 00:06:33,703 --> 00:06:34,917 Why the cane? 87 00:06:34,947 --> 00:06:36,012 You have an accident? 88 00:06:36,042 --> 00:06:38,259 One of my kidneys gave out, and I had it removed. 89 00:06:38,289 --> 00:06:39,573 Good news is, 90 00:06:39,603 --> 00:06:42,986 I think that might have been the source of my other health problems. 91 00:06:45,241 --> 00:06:46,879 Glad to hear it. 92 00:06:50,955 --> 00:06:52,467 I gotta say, 93 00:06:52,497 --> 00:06:53,855 you kind of put me on the spot, 94 00:06:53,885 --> 00:06:56,442 - showing up unannounced. - I didn't have a choice. 95 00:06:56,472 --> 00:06:59,809 - You failed to respond to my letters. - What letters? 96 00:06:59,894 --> 00:07:01,756 - I wrote three of them. - (Sighing) 97 00:07:01,786 --> 00:07:05,398 Those kids in the mail room probably lost them. 98 00:07:05,483 --> 00:07:08,484 So hard to find reliable people. 99 00:07:09,074 --> 00:07:11,203 Did you know my mother died last spring? 100 00:07:11,430 --> 00:07:13,072 - Yes. - I wasn't sure. 101 00:07:13,157 --> 00:07:15,441 You didn't send flowers to the funeral. 102 00:07:16,056 --> 00:07:18,327 I thought about it. 103 00:07:18,593 --> 00:07:21,330 But then I thought, how would that look? 104 00:07:21,416 --> 00:07:24,467 Suddenly, now that the woman's dead, 105 00:07:24,502 --> 00:07:26,669 I make some sentimental gesture to show 106 00:07:26,754 --> 00:07:29,505 what a great and caring guy I am? 107 00:07:29,976 --> 00:07:31,841 You wouldn't have wanted me to do that. 108 00:07:33,101 --> 00:07:35,010 So what can I do for you? 109 00:07:35,062 --> 00:07:38,280 - I want to come work for you. - Work for me? 110 00:07:39,383 --> 00:07:41,267 - Doing what? - I'd like a position 111 00:07:41,352 --> 00:07:44,703 in your investment department. I've seen the stockholder reports. 112 00:07:44,772 --> 00:07:47,670 They're not handling your assets well. Frankly, 113 00:07:47,700 --> 00:07:49,692 I think they're playing it too conservatively. 114 00:07:49,777 --> 00:07:52,194 Eldritch, that's just not realistic. 115 00:07:52,246 --> 00:07:55,247 You're asking for a demanding, high-pressure job 116 00:07:55,333 --> 00:07:59,201 with 80-hour work weeks. 117 00:07:59,287 --> 00:08:01,253 Frankly, I don't think you have the stamina. 118 00:08:04,842 --> 00:08:08,210 I may not be in the best of health, but my mind 119 00:08:08,296 --> 00:08:11,714 is razor sharp and never gets tired. It's always working, 120 00:08:11,799 --> 00:08:13,933 coming up with new ways to make money. 121 00:08:14,018 --> 00:08:16,563 I suppose in that regard, I'm very much like you. 122 00:08:16,593 --> 00:08:18,363 (Knocking) 123 00:08:18,963 --> 00:08:20,603 - Hello, Lee. - Just want to let you know 124 00:08:20,633 --> 00:08:23,442 - Ken Shaw's in the conference room. - Thanks, I'll be right there. 125 00:08:25,737 --> 00:08:27,396 Eldritch, 126 00:08:28,265 --> 00:08:30,207 I won't give you a job. 127 00:08:30,237 --> 00:08:32,485 But I am going to give you this. 128 00:08:33,175 --> 00:08:35,204 Ten thousand dollars. 129 00:08:35,239 --> 00:08:37,206 Do some traveling. 130 00:08:37,241 --> 00:08:39,241 See the world while you can. 131 00:08:39,327 --> 00:08:42,962 Life's too short to spend it cooped up in some office. 132 00:08:43,047 --> 00:08:44,997 I don't intend to have a short life, 133 00:08:45,082 --> 00:08:46,916 and I'm not interested in traveling. 134 00:08:55,059 --> 00:08:57,560 Spend it however you like. 135 00:08:57,595 --> 00:08:59,762 But let me be clear. 136 00:08:59,847 --> 00:09:02,765 This is the last check you'll be getting from me. 137 00:09:02,850 --> 00:09:06,819 It fulfills whatever obligations you imagine I have to you. 138 00:09:14,612 --> 00:09:16,445 Best of luck. 139 00:09:40,054 --> 00:09:42,930 - So where is "Nayarit"? - Nayarit. 140 00:09:43,267 --> 00:09:44,842 _ 141 00:09:44,872 --> 00:09:47,642 _ 142 00:09:47,917 --> 00:09:49,192 _ 143 00:09:49,417 --> 00:09:51,130 _ 144 00:09:51,160 --> 00:09:52,635 _ 145 00:09:52,665 --> 00:09:56,326 _ 146 00:09:56,821 --> 00:10:00,072 - Sounds beautiful. - (Police siren) 147 00:10:00,740 --> 00:10:03,024 Pull over! 148 00:10:04,295 --> 00:10:07,849 We're getting the hell out of New York no matter what happens, all right? 149 00:10:40,364 --> 00:10:44,035 - (Gasping) - (Laughing) 150 00:10:44,669 --> 00:10:47,836 (Both laughing) 151 00:11:10,828 --> 00:11:13,646 You here for more silver? 152 00:11:13,731 --> 00:11:15,731 No. Uh, 153 00:11:15,816 --> 00:11:19,068 I came by to tell you that it's no longer safe here. 154 00:11:19,120 --> 00:11:23,322 - NYPD is pulling out. - Of Red Hook? 155 00:11:23,407 --> 00:11:26,656 Red Hook, Manhattan, Staten Island, 156 00:11:26,932 --> 00:11:28,584 - everywhere. - Jesus Christ. 157 00:11:28,614 --> 00:11:30,346 Well, what about the Master? Did you find him? 158 00:11:30,376 --> 00:11:31,580 We're working on it. 159 00:11:31,610 --> 00:11:34,083 - And the box? - The professor finished it. 160 00:11:34,168 --> 00:11:37,136 But we've got a problem. Quinlan's gone missing, 161 00:11:37,221 --> 00:11:39,421 and we need him to force the Master into it. 162 00:11:39,507 --> 00:11:41,507 I don't how we're gonna do it without him. 163 00:11:41,537 --> 00:11:43,118 Well, we might be able to help with that. 164 00:11:43,148 --> 00:11:44,755 The device we're working on, 165 00:11:44,785 --> 00:11:48,063 it could disorient him or maybe even interrupt his network. 166 00:11:48,654 --> 00:11:51,594 Well, it's not fully operational right now. 167 00:11:51,624 --> 00:11:53,819 We have a few key components we need... 168 00:11:53,904 --> 00:11:56,105 Did you not hear what I just said? Hm? 169 00:11:56,157 --> 00:11:58,023 We don't have any time for this bullshit. 170 00:11:58,109 --> 00:11:59,942 All right? We've got one day, maybe two, 171 00:12:00,027 --> 00:12:01,456 before the whole city is overrun. So... 172 00:12:01,486 --> 00:12:02,739 So what? We just run away 173 00:12:02,769 --> 00:12:05,247 like the cops? That's not gonna happen. We have a real shot with this. 174 00:12:05,282 --> 00:12:07,666 You throw it however you want, Doc. All right? 175 00:12:09,336 --> 00:12:12,671 But you, you should come back to the club with me. 176 00:12:12,932 --> 00:12:15,708 You know, if all else fails, 177 00:12:16,126 --> 00:12:18,210 I could get us out of the city. 178 00:12:19,930 --> 00:12:22,514 I, um... 179 00:12:22,600 --> 00:12:25,350 I appreciate your concern. I do. 180 00:12:25,541 --> 00:12:28,470 Just, we are so close. 181 00:12:28,811 --> 00:12:32,024 This could be a game changer. 182 00:12:35,312 --> 00:12:37,479 At least I tried. 183 00:12:39,899 --> 00:12:41,233 Hey. 184 00:12:41,318 --> 00:12:43,569 I wish you the best of luck. 185 00:13:08,896 --> 00:13:11,430 (Sniffing) 186 00:13:11,515 --> 00:13:13,885 Not a whiff of spooge. 187 00:13:14,148 --> 00:13:17,352 Thought for sure the feelers would be down here. 188 00:13:17,404 --> 00:13:21,190 We better find one soon. Time's running out. 189 00:13:28,532 --> 00:13:30,833 Thank you. 190 00:13:30,868 --> 00:13:32,785 For what? 191 00:13:32,870 --> 00:13:36,288 For sticking with this. 192 00:13:36,373 --> 00:13:38,365 With me. 193 00:13:39,043 --> 00:13:42,044 Just protecting my interests. 194 00:13:42,096 --> 00:13:45,380 - How's that? - After we slay the Master, 195 00:13:45,432 --> 00:13:48,133 there'll be millions of his mindless progeny running around. 196 00:13:48,219 --> 00:13:51,053 Our little gadget could make us a bloody fortune. 197 00:13:53,557 --> 00:13:55,891 (Rustling) 198 00:13:55,976 --> 00:13:58,060 (Snarling) 199 00:13:58,145 --> 00:14:01,230 - We got company. - Where? 200 00:14:01,282 --> 00:14:03,398 Behind us. 201 00:14:08,072 --> 00:14:10,989 (Snarling) 202 00:14:37,268 --> 00:14:39,184 (Snarling) 203 00:14:42,940 --> 00:14:44,606 (Screaming) 204 00:14:47,361 --> 00:14:49,528 (Snarling) 205 00:14:51,949 --> 00:14:53,832 (Shrieking) 206 00:14:58,956 --> 00:15:01,456 (Panting) 207 00:15:05,796 --> 00:15:07,796 It looks so much easier on the nature shows. 208 00:15:07,882 --> 00:15:10,228 Yeah, well, they don't show these bits. 209 00:15:18,697 --> 00:15:21,809 - (Gunfire) - Gunfire? 210 00:15:21,839 --> 00:15:24,622 In Red Hook? It's been a while since we've heard that. 211 00:15:24,652 --> 00:15:26,546 In broad daylight. 212 00:15:27,051 --> 00:15:30,648 That's what we have to look forward to. 213 00:15:30,733 --> 00:15:33,017 Human predators by day, 214 00:15:33,102 --> 00:15:34,935 strigoi by night. 215 00:15:38,564 --> 00:15:39,673 There it is. 216 00:15:39,703 --> 00:15:43,444 Wow. You were right, Doc. That's double the size 217 00:15:43,496 --> 00:15:45,596 of the communication lobes we've found in common strigoi. 218 00:15:45,626 --> 00:15:46,971 So you think we've got a shot? 219 00:15:47,001 --> 00:15:49,121 If we can get the playback interface to work. 220 00:15:49,418 --> 00:15:50,864 Pessimistic? 221 00:15:50,894 --> 00:15:52,538 Not this girl. 222 00:15:52,938 --> 00:15:55,126 I like a challenge. 223 00:16:07,924 --> 00:16:11,438 There you are. Quinlan hasn't shown? 224 00:16:11,474 --> 00:16:15,726 I gather you didn't find him with Goodweather? 225 00:16:16,366 --> 00:16:18,145 No. 226 00:16:18,230 --> 00:16:19,713 He should've been back by now. 227 00:16:19,926 --> 00:16:21,626 Could be the Ancients have thrown in 228 00:16:21,656 --> 00:16:23,401 with the Master. 229 00:16:24,671 --> 00:16:27,805 If so, our task grows 230 00:16:27,841 --> 00:16:31,392 - exponentially more difficult. - And then there's the other problem. 231 00:16:31,781 --> 00:16:33,496 finding the Master. 232 00:16:34,798 --> 00:16:37,132 What's got you so obsessed in there, huh? 233 00:16:37,692 --> 00:16:39,518 A disturbing number of references 234 00:16:39,603 --> 00:16:41,803 to an occultation preceding 235 00:16:41,855 --> 00:16:45,056 - an apocalypse. - We had an eclipse a few weeks ago. 236 00:16:45,142 --> 00:16:48,226 No. I think this refers to something else. Something 237 00:16:48,312 --> 00:16:51,177 - that has not yet happened. - Professor, 238 00:16:51,207 --> 00:16:55,042 we need to take a step back. Now think about the big picture. 239 00:16:55,072 --> 00:16:58,988 We've got one day, maybe two, before the city falls. 240 00:16:59,018 --> 00:17:02,157 We need to get out. Live to fight another day! 241 00:17:03,206 --> 00:17:06,691 For me, there is no other day. 242 00:17:06,721 --> 00:17:07,913 I will either do this now 243 00:17:07,998 --> 00:17:11,349 or die trying. 244 00:17:22,629 --> 00:17:25,729 (Honking, sirens blaring) 245 00:17:26,517 --> 00:17:30,435 (People yelling) 246 00:17:35,242 --> 00:17:38,675 So we gotta find another way off this island. 247 00:17:40,694 --> 00:17:42,948 Make a U-turn. Try to get through there. 248 00:17:53,260 --> 00:17:56,609 So, how many elected to stay? 249 00:17:57,437 --> 00:17:58,712 Five. 250 00:18:00,634 --> 00:18:02,968 Of all the officers in Manhattan and Brooklyn? 251 00:18:02,998 --> 00:18:04,115 Well, to be fair, 252 00:18:04,145 --> 00:18:06,888 there weren't that many left to begin with. 253 00:18:15,144 --> 00:18:17,638 We never should have left Staten Island. 254 00:18:17,668 --> 00:18:18,984 We owned it. 255 00:18:19,069 --> 00:18:21,926 We could've ridden all of this out from there. 256 00:18:21,956 --> 00:18:23,069 I know. 257 00:18:23,919 --> 00:18:25,645 Then Mayor Lyle made that sales pitch 258 00:18:25,675 --> 00:18:28,926 about how I could be the hero of New York. 259 00:18:31,013 --> 00:18:32,930 And I took the bait. 260 00:18:36,102 --> 00:18:40,010 I just got off the phone with the ESU in Jersey City, right across the Hudson. 261 00:18:40,040 --> 00:18:43,308 They have a safe zone. Resources. 262 00:18:43,508 --> 00:18:44,825 We can join them. 263 00:18:44,911 --> 00:18:47,778 If we stay here... 264 00:18:49,105 --> 00:18:50,743 seven of us? 265 00:18:52,901 --> 00:18:55,164 We'd probably die, right? 266 00:19:00,475 --> 00:19:02,475 (Phones ringing) 267 00:19:05,547 --> 00:19:07,464 All right, people. 268 00:19:07,549 --> 00:19:10,037 Let's get the hell out of here. 269 00:19:25,984 --> 00:19:28,618 (Distant gunfire) 270 00:19:28,648 --> 00:19:30,059 There's three in the gatehouse. 271 00:19:30,089 --> 00:19:32,090 According to your man Borgen, there's more inside. 272 00:19:32,775 --> 00:19:34,642 Are you sure you can take it? 273 00:19:36,015 --> 00:19:37,383 They're rent-a-cops, sir. 274 00:19:37,413 --> 00:19:40,915 This level of security, it's more than likely that your cargo is still inside. 275 00:19:40,950 --> 00:19:42,917 Then what are we waiting for? 276 00:19:42,952 --> 00:19:45,286 Your final order, sir. Are we a go? 277 00:19:45,371 --> 00:19:47,288 Yes, you are. 278 00:19:47,831 --> 00:19:49,290 All right then. 279 00:19:49,375 --> 00:19:51,459 Let's have some fun, shall we? 280 00:19:51,511 --> 00:19:53,627 All teams. We're hot. Let's roll. 281 00:19:55,882 --> 00:19:59,100 Stop right there! 282 00:19:59,135 --> 00:20:03,471 - Intruder! - (Screams and gunshots) 283 00:20:11,864 --> 00:20:13,814 Stay in the vehicle, Mr. Palmer. 284 00:20:16,452 --> 00:20:18,235 Go, go! 285 00:20:24,160 --> 00:20:25,459 All clear! 286 00:20:26,599 --> 00:20:29,079 Fire in the hole, take cover! 287 00:20:30,500 --> 00:20:31,999 Move in, move in! 288 00:20:34,053 --> 00:20:36,504 (Gunfire) 289 00:20:38,337 --> 00:20:40,167 Clear! All clear! 290 00:20:41,017 --> 00:20:42,309 Facility secure. 291 00:20:42,345 --> 00:20:44,895 We have the cargo. And Desai. 292 00:20:51,203 --> 00:20:53,687 Over here, sir. 293 00:20:57,031 --> 00:20:59,860 Your cargo, Mr. Palmer. 294 00:21:07,203 --> 00:21:09,556 Mr. Desai. 295 00:21:09,586 --> 00:21:12,540 Nice to see you again. I, uh, 296 00:21:12,892 --> 00:21:15,782 I want to thank you for handling things for me 297 00:21:15,812 --> 00:21:18,226 while I was incapacitated. 298 00:21:18,256 --> 00:21:20,164 That's what you told my employees, 299 00:21:20,249 --> 00:21:23,167 wasn't it? That I was too crippled 300 00:21:23,252 --> 00:21:27,180 - to run my own company? - I... That wasn't my idea, 301 00:21:27,210 --> 00:21:30,007 Mr. Palmer, sir. That was Eichhorst. 302 00:21:30,059 --> 00:21:32,810 I admire you. I always have. 303 00:21:32,845 --> 00:21:34,178 That's why I wanted to work for... 304 00:21:37,911 --> 00:21:40,017 - Open it. - Yes, sir. 305 00:21:48,567 --> 00:21:51,274 _ 306 00:22:10,831 --> 00:22:12,031 (Door closing) 307 00:22:14,418 --> 00:22:17,226 - Are you looking for Mr. O'Neill? - Yes, is he... 308 00:22:17,256 --> 00:22:19,838 He's in the day room. 309 00:22:22,826 --> 00:22:24,910 Cane. 310 00:22:28,365 --> 00:22:30,532 (Men laughing) 311 00:22:30,617 --> 00:22:33,118 (Woman): You are disgusting! 312 00:22:33,170 --> 00:22:35,454 And you love it too, don't you? 313 00:22:35,539 --> 00:22:36,539 Yes. 314 00:22:38,638 --> 00:22:40,959 Hello, Father. 315 00:22:42,127 --> 00:22:45,964 You have another son? 316 00:22:48,135 --> 00:22:52,337 Um... Hey, it's almost lunchtime. We don't wanna lose our table. 317 00:22:52,367 --> 00:22:54,404 Nice to meet you. 318 00:22:57,060 --> 00:22:58,977 I heard you had a heart attack. 319 00:22:59,062 --> 00:23:03,292 I'm relieved to see you seem to be on the mend. 320 00:23:03,322 --> 00:23:06,401 - What do you want? - To thank you. 321 00:23:06,487 --> 00:23:10,655 - For what? - Making me everything I am today. 322 00:23:10,741 --> 00:23:13,992 - That supposed to be a joke? - Quite the contrary. 323 00:23:14,077 --> 00:23:17,162 That check you gave me thirty years ago... 324 00:23:17,247 --> 00:23:20,999 I doubled that 10,000 in the market, 325 00:23:21,084 --> 00:23:24,836 then doubled it again, and so on and so on. So you see, 326 00:23:24,922 --> 00:23:27,472 all my wealth, my achievements... 327 00:23:27,508 --> 00:23:30,058 I owe them all to you. 328 00:23:32,513 --> 00:23:34,513 A check for $10,000. 329 00:23:34,565 --> 00:23:37,232 It fulfills whatever obligations 330 00:23:37,317 --> 00:23:39,734 you might imagine I have to you. 331 00:23:58,455 --> 00:24:00,872 Go to hell. 332 00:24:04,228 --> 00:24:06,194 By the way, 333 00:24:06,230 --> 00:24:08,836 I took possession of O'Neill Industries yesterday. 334 00:24:08,866 --> 00:24:10,866 I guess you'd know that. 335 00:24:10,918 --> 00:24:12,951 You want to know what I'm going to do with it? 336 00:24:13,037 --> 00:24:15,704 I'm not interested. 337 00:24:15,789 --> 00:24:18,957 I'm shutting down the mills, sacking the management, 338 00:24:19,043 --> 00:24:21,210 selling off the assets. 339 00:24:21,295 --> 00:24:23,262 And renaming what's left 340 00:24:23,347 --> 00:24:25,380 Stoneheart... 341 00:24:25,432 --> 00:24:27,716 in honor of you! 342 00:24:27,801 --> 00:24:30,936 Your precious company that you loved more than me 343 00:24:31,021 --> 00:24:33,772 or my mother or anyone else, 344 00:24:33,858 --> 00:24:36,608 will cease to exist. 345 00:24:36,694 --> 00:24:40,062 (Laughing) 346 00:24:41,625 --> 00:24:43,034 What's so funny? 347 00:24:43,064 --> 00:24:44,733 You. 348 00:24:44,818 --> 00:24:46,902 You wasted your life, 349 00:24:46,987 --> 00:24:49,488 trying to get even with me? 350 00:24:50,117 --> 00:24:51,945 Look at you! 351 00:24:51,975 --> 00:24:54,359 Look what it's done to you. 352 00:24:54,444 --> 00:24:57,112 Withered, sickly, 353 00:24:57,147 --> 00:24:59,814 barely able to stand. 354 00:24:59,900 --> 00:25:02,817 You look older than I do. 355 00:25:04,692 --> 00:25:07,238 (Voice cracking): Goodbye, Father. 356 00:25:08,296 --> 00:25:10,992 I'll outlive you! 357 00:25:11,044 --> 00:25:13,662 I'll dance on your grave! 358 00:25:31,848 --> 00:25:34,490 - Unlock it, please. - Well, I don't have the... 359 00:25:34,520 --> 00:25:38,353 Open it or I'll blow your goddamned head off! 360 00:25:40,857 --> 00:25:41,857 Okay. 361 00:25:59,343 --> 00:26:01,259 What is this? 362 00:26:01,345 --> 00:26:03,895 That's a nuclear bomb, sir. 363 00:26:06,266 --> 00:26:09,518 - Where did it come from? - Russia. 364 00:26:09,570 --> 00:26:12,854 Eichhorst brokered a deal through the black market 365 00:26:12,906 --> 00:26:15,056 and had it shipped through Egypt. 366 00:26:15,255 --> 00:26:17,526 - Where's the other one? - Eichhorst took it. 367 00:26:17,578 --> 00:26:20,362 - What did he do with it? - I don't know. 368 00:26:22,032 --> 00:26:24,149 There was a massive explosion yesterday 369 00:26:24,218 --> 00:26:26,294 in South Manhattan. Is it possible? 370 00:26:26,324 --> 00:26:29,225 - Tactical nuke could do that. - What did he blow up? 371 00:26:29,255 --> 00:26:32,461 I don't know. I have no idea. I swear. 372 00:26:33,565 --> 00:26:35,126 No matter. 373 00:26:36,180 --> 00:26:38,597 I think I can find 374 00:26:38,682 --> 00:26:40,715 a use for this. 375 00:26:40,767 --> 00:26:43,361 Use? What use? 376 00:26:46,124 --> 00:26:47,774 What's your fancy, sir? 377 00:26:49,776 --> 00:26:52,644 Bring him along. 378 00:27:05,241 --> 00:27:07,482 _ 379 00:27:09,519 --> 00:27:13,992 Checkpoint George Washington, Kowalski. Come in. Over. 380 00:27:14,022 --> 00:27:17,143 Is there anyone on this frequency? Over. 381 00:27:17,173 --> 00:27:20,709 - Still won't answer. - They pulled out, too. 382 00:27:23,548 --> 00:27:24,548 (Honking) 383 00:27:25,702 --> 00:27:27,631 - Dammit. - (Siren) 384 00:27:27,661 --> 00:27:30,321 Attention, drivers. This is the New York Police Department. 385 00:27:30,373 --> 00:27:33,240 Move your vehicles off the road. This is the New York 386 00:27:33,326 --> 00:27:36,426 Police Department. Move your vehicles off the road. 387 00:27:39,353 --> 00:27:42,550 I'm going up. Cat, Nankin, you check it out; wait for my clear. 388 00:27:42,635 --> 00:27:44,669 Copy that. 389 00:27:50,227 --> 00:27:52,327 - It's all clear! - Let's move. 390 00:28:02,537 --> 00:28:03,987 Crouse, get up top. 391 00:28:07,694 --> 00:28:09,844 It's a long way back to Brooklyn. 392 00:28:09,874 --> 00:28:11,918 The safest thing is for us to button up and stay... 393 00:28:11,948 --> 00:28:14,031 Ah! What the... 394 00:28:15,251 --> 00:28:17,451 (Shrieking hiss) 395 00:28:17,537 --> 00:28:20,371 Cat, Nankin, you got strigs on your six. 396 00:28:22,625 --> 00:28:25,176 - Cat, Nankin, come in. Over. - (Static noise) 397 00:28:25,211 --> 00:28:28,555 - (Gunfire) - (Banging) 398 00:28:28,585 --> 00:28:30,548 Is that you, Cat? 399 00:28:30,600 --> 00:28:32,633 (Banging) 400 00:28:35,521 --> 00:28:36,937 Open it. 401 00:28:38,608 --> 00:28:40,230 (Hissing) 402 00:28:40,471 --> 00:28:41,721 - No! - Jesus! 403 00:28:42,695 --> 00:28:44,247 (Gunfire) 404 00:28:45,636 --> 00:28:47,398 Holy shit! 405 00:28:47,450 --> 00:28:50,117 Damn, that's messed up. Turn around. Let's go. 406 00:28:50,369 --> 00:28:51,701 _ 407 00:28:51,731 --> 00:28:53,404 What are you, crazy? 408 00:28:53,843 --> 00:28:55,595 _ 409 00:28:55,625 --> 00:28:57,777 - What are you talking about, man? - _ 410 00:28:57,807 --> 00:29:00,244 They're cops! All right? They don't give a shit about us. 411 00:29:00,274 --> 00:29:02,427 _ 412 00:29:03,716 --> 00:29:07,084 - We can't wait this out. - (Gunfire, hissing) 413 00:29:11,391 --> 00:29:13,340 (Banging) 414 00:29:13,426 --> 00:29:17,361 Yo, come on! Open up! Out! 415 00:29:18,147 --> 00:29:21,705 Come on, I don't got all night! Come on! Come on! 416 00:29:24,063 --> 00:29:25,464 Come on. Let's go! 417 00:29:25,494 --> 00:29:27,271 Wait. Do I know you? 418 00:29:27,323 --> 00:29:28,793 Yeah. We met on the chain gang. 419 00:29:28,823 --> 00:29:30,901 You wanna sit here and reminisce or get the hell outta here? 420 00:29:30,931 --> 00:29:32,576 How we gonna do that? 421 00:29:32,612 --> 00:29:36,113 We gotta make for the bridge. Strigoi can't follow us over running water. 422 00:29:36,199 --> 00:29:38,915 We make it past that overturned-van, and we're free. 423 00:29:38,945 --> 00:29:40,402 More coming! 424 00:29:40,432 --> 00:29:41,786 (Shrieking and hissing) 425 00:29:43,358 --> 00:29:46,257 - Let's go. - Let's go. Come on, come on! 426 00:29:46,292 --> 00:29:47,542 Angel, come on! 427 00:30:25,212 --> 00:30:26,512 (Loud squeaking) 428 00:30:27,166 --> 00:30:28,666 (Screaming) 429 00:30:28,751 --> 00:30:31,335 (Shrieking and hissing) 430 00:30:36,242 --> 00:30:38,676 Move, move! To the car! Move, move! 431 00:30:47,931 --> 00:30:51,207 We've just gotta get past those four, and we're free. All right? 432 00:30:51,237 --> 00:30:52,914 (Snarling) 433 00:30:53,109 --> 00:30:57,623 No! No! No! Don't! Don't! 434 00:31:00,365 --> 00:31:02,032 No... 435 00:31:02,118 --> 00:31:04,451 (Shrieking) 436 00:31:05,359 --> 00:31:06,871 Shit! You're gonna be all right. 437 00:31:06,923 --> 00:31:09,387 You're gonna be all right. All right? You're gonna be okay. All right? 438 00:31:09,417 --> 00:31:10,909 _ 439 00:31:10,939 --> 00:31:12,305 - No! I can't! I can't go! - _ 440 00:31:12,335 --> 00:31:13,850 I'm not going without you, man! 441 00:31:13,880 --> 00:31:16,046 No, I'm not leaving! I'm not leaving you! 442 00:31:16,076 --> 00:31:19,550 - _ - No! 443 00:31:21,507 --> 00:31:22,891 _ 444 00:31:22,921 --> 00:31:24,765 - Run! - What are you doing? 445 00:31:24,795 --> 00:31:26,072 _ 446 00:31:26,102 --> 00:31:28,225 Why'd you do that? 447 00:31:39,405 --> 00:31:42,239 (Screaming in pain) 448 00:31:55,254 --> 00:31:57,671 (Shrieking) 449 00:32:07,650 --> 00:32:10,267 (Gun runs empty) 450 00:32:13,105 --> 00:32:16,240 (Shrieking and hissing) 451 00:32:46,555 --> 00:32:49,556 (Screeching) 452 00:33:13,605 --> 00:33:15,383 You're sure the signal won't affect us? 453 00:33:15,413 --> 00:33:17,829 Shouldn't do. The memory chip 454 00:33:17,859 --> 00:33:20,359 blasts the Master's signal through the feeler's communication lobe 455 00:33:20,395 --> 00:33:23,563 and into the brains of any strigoi in range. 456 00:33:23,648 --> 00:33:27,400 - Sounds less than definitive. - Well, it's all theory, Doc. 457 00:33:27,452 --> 00:33:29,541 I could be totally wrong. 458 00:33:30,194 --> 00:33:33,990 - Best sales pitch ever. - (Panting and grunting) 459 00:33:35,410 --> 00:33:37,910 This might be a good time to turn that on. 460 00:33:37,940 --> 00:33:39,300 (Snarling) 461 00:33:39,330 --> 00:33:42,582 (Loud static noise) 462 00:33:57,565 --> 00:34:01,601 Hello? Anybody home? 463 00:34:01,686 --> 00:34:04,487 (Low growling) 464 00:34:04,572 --> 00:34:07,607 (Sizzling sound) 465 00:34:21,905 --> 00:34:23,923 We did it! Eph! 466 00:34:25,039 --> 00:34:26,661 We did it! 467 00:34:26,691 --> 00:34:28,294 It works! 468 00:34:41,526 --> 00:34:43,276 It was incredible! They were completely 469 00:34:43,311 --> 00:34:46,696 - rudderless. - Yeah. You, uh... 470 00:34:46,781 --> 00:34:48,948 You realize the Master saw all this 471 00:34:48,983 --> 00:34:52,312 through the eyes of those munchers, right? 472 00:34:52,342 --> 00:34:54,587 He's probably already got a workaround, you know? 473 00:34:54,617 --> 00:34:57,907 No, no, no, he didn't see shit. The signal paralyzed 474 00:34:57,992 --> 00:35:00,490 their communication systems when it paralyzed them. They just 475 00:35:00,520 --> 00:35:02,115 went off his grid. 476 00:35:02,145 --> 00:35:03,813 You want to seal him in this, 477 00:35:03,843 --> 00:35:05,498 the device can help you do that. 478 00:35:05,583 --> 00:35:08,384 It worked on strigoi, 479 00:35:08,453 --> 00:35:11,370 but do you think it could also incapacitate the Master? 480 00:35:11,400 --> 00:35:12,887 I do. 481 00:35:13,681 --> 00:35:15,042 What do you think, Mr. Fet? 482 00:35:15,072 --> 00:35:20,030 It's worth a try. We could take the contraption, but... 483 00:35:20,461 --> 00:35:21,861 we don't take him. 484 00:35:23,634 --> 00:35:25,389 I created the goddamned thing. 485 00:35:25,419 --> 00:35:27,386 Oh, you want to take credit for it all, huh? 486 00:35:27,421 --> 00:35:29,763 Dutch built it! She can run it. 487 00:35:29,793 --> 00:35:32,538 - Fet, why are you doing this? - 'Cause he's a liar and a thief. 488 00:35:32,568 --> 00:35:34,933 Oh, for chrissake, Fet! Get over it! 489 00:35:34,963 --> 00:35:37,130 - I made a mistake. - No, no, 490 00:35:37,165 --> 00:35:40,084 you knew exactly what you were doing. 491 00:35:40,114 --> 00:35:41,467 Not to mention 492 00:35:41,503 --> 00:35:44,053 all the people that have paid for your failures. 493 00:35:44,139 --> 00:35:46,675 Like Nora and your wife. 494 00:35:49,114 --> 00:35:51,811 How about that assault on Central Park. How'd that work out? 495 00:35:51,846 --> 00:35:54,180 Half the cops in New York are dead 496 00:35:54,232 --> 00:35:57,692 because of you. You're responsible for those people! 497 00:36:00,365 --> 00:36:03,856 - Oof! - Hey! Hey, hey, stop it! 498 00:36:11,616 --> 00:36:14,450 Stay down, Doc. 499 00:36:21,263 --> 00:36:22,875 Stop this! 500 00:36:22,927 --> 00:36:26,687 You're giving the Master exactly what he wants. 501 00:36:26,717 --> 00:36:29,465 He would love us to turn against each other. 502 00:36:29,551 --> 00:36:32,641 - Especially now! - The professor's right. 503 00:36:34,355 --> 00:36:37,400 - We've no time for your bickering. - What happened to you? 504 00:36:39,262 --> 00:36:41,439 Did you talk to the Ancients? 505 00:36:41,469 --> 00:36:43,613 The Ancients are dead. 506 00:36:49,072 --> 00:36:50,786 - The bomb? - Secure, sir. 507 00:36:50,872 --> 00:36:54,156 Good. No time to waste. We can expect him at any moment. 508 00:36:54,242 --> 00:36:57,159 I understand the two of you have a lot of personal issues, 509 00:36:57,245 --> 00:36:59,912 but you're taking an unnecessary risk, sir. 510 00:36:59,998 --> 00:37:03,416 - My team can handle this. - No. I appreciate your concern, 511 00:37:03,501 --> 00:37:05,418 but no. 512 00:37:13,080 --> 00:37:15,062 _ 513 00:37:20,084 --> 00:37:22,034 Magnificent, 514 00:37:22,119 --> 00:37:24,587 is it not? 515 00:37:24,622 --> 00:37:27,873 - Thank you for agreeing to see me. - I must say, 516 00:37:27,942 --> 00:37:30,709 I was surprised to hear from you. 517 00:37:30,795 --> 00:37:32,711 It's been a long time, and when last we spoke, 518 00:37:32,797 --> 00:37:34,680 you rejected my offer. 519 00:37:34,765 --> 00:37:37,516 I was young, impulsive. 520 00:37:37,602 --> 00:37:40,577 Frankly, the commitment seemed too daunting. 521 00:37:40,607 --> 00:37:43,105 And I thought that, over time, 522 00:37:43,140 --> 00:37:45,140 money would help me 523 00:37:45,226 --> 00:37:47,359 overcome my medical problems. 524 00:37:47,445 --> 00:37:50,242 I realize now that was folly. 525 00:37:50,272 --> 00:37:53,282 So I'm hoping we might 526 00:37:53,317 --> 00:37:55,317 revisit your proposal. 527 00:37:55,369 --> 00:37:58,570 - The door is still open. - I want you to understand 528 00:37:58,656 --> 00:38:00,706 that there will be no more hesitation. 529 00:38:00,791 --> 00:38:04,994 I intend to put all my resources at the Master's disposal. 530 00:38:05,467 --> 00:38:07,746 Now, if that's true, 531 00:38:08,449 --> 00:38:09,999 your life is about to change 532 00:38:10,084 --> 00:38:13,085 in ways you cannot imagine. 533 00:38:13,170 --> 00:38:15,971 The Master will render you immune 534 00:38:16,007 --> 00:38:18,841 to disease and decay. 535 00:38:20,542 --> 00:38:23,312 You don't know what that means to me. 536 00:38:23,347 --> 00:38:25,648 Ever since I was a boy, 537 00:38:25,683 --> 00:38:27,516 I dreamt of being free of infirmity. 538 00:38:27,601 --> 00:38:29,902 Free of this wheelchair. 539 00:38:29,987 --> 00:38:32,354 Of being strong and vital. 540 00:38:32,406 --> 00:38:34,773 That dream could soon be a reality. 541 00:38:37,194 --> 00:38:39,662 Now. 542 00:38:39,697 --> 00:38:41,697 I... 543 00:38:41,749 --> 00:38:44,366 wanted to clarify the terms of our agreement. 544 00:38:44,418 --> 00:38:47,685 - I want an equal partnership. - The Master 545 00:38:47,715 --> 00:38:51,123 was quite clear. You shall serve at his side. 546 00:38:51,208 --> 00:38:53,959 Do I have his word on this? 547 00:38:54,045 --> 00:38:55,961 Of course. 548 00:38:56,047 --> 00:38:58,681 Forgive my mistrust. 549 00:38:58,716 --> 00:39:01,717 People have disappointed me in the past. 550 00:39:02,819 --> 00:39:05,354 Parents, wives, children... 551 00:39:05,389 --> 00:39:07,890 they all disappoint us, Eldritch. 552 00:39:07,942 --> 00:39:11,682 How could they not? They're humans. 553 00:39:11,712 --> 00:39:14,368 But the Master is different. 554 00:39:14,398 --> 00:39:17,483 He will never let you down or betray you. 555 00:39:17,568 --> 00:39:19,318 Now, 556 00:39:19,403 --> 00:39:21,904 do we have a deal? 557 00:39:34,251 --> 00:39:37,586 You crossed the line for the last time, Eldritch. 558 00:39:37,638 --> 00:39:39,588 You mean my taking possession 559 00:39:39,640 --> 00:39:42,589 of the nuclear bomb I paid for? 560 00:39:42,619 --> 00:39:44,510 You will return it immediately. 561 00:39:44,595 --> 00:39:46,334 Certainly. 562 00:39:46,364 --> 00:39:49,865 Once your Master reveals himself 563 00:39:49,951 --> 00:39:54,003 and fulfills his promise to... Ah! 564 00:39:54,038 --> 00:39:57,472 It's always about you, Eldritch, isn't it? 565 00:40:00,008 --> 00:40:02,962 Demanding full payment when you have yet to fulfill 566 00:40:03,047 --> 00:40:07,466 - your part of the bargain. - Take a look out of the window. 567 00:40:07,552 --> 00:40:10,582 You will see my part of the bargain. 568 00:40:10,612 --> 00:40:15,107 In return, he has given me nothing. 569 00:40:16,465 --> 00:40:19,553 The Master gave you the white, 570 00:40:19,583 --> 00:40:21,030 which is why you're still alive. 571 00:40:21,065 --> 00:40:24,275 - Ah... - And how you repay him, 572 00:40:24,706 --> 00:40:26,235 by plotting 573 00:40:26,287 --> 00:40:29,279 and scheming to betray him. 574 00:40:30,382 --> 00:40:32,241 But it ends here. 575 00:40:32,293 --> 00:40:36,421 Then your Master will never get the nuke. 576 00:40:36,451 --> 00:40:38,072 Oh, yes. 577 00:40:41,848 --> 00:40:43,538 He will. 578 00:40:45,538 --> 00:40:47,456 After I drink you 579 00:40:47,486 --> 00:40:49,592 and the worms have had their way, 580 00:40:49,677 --> 00:40:52,094 the Master will have your memories. 581 00:40:52,180 --> 00:40:56,591 Then, I snap your neck 582 00:40:56,621 --> 00:40:59,746 and silence you for all eternity. 583 00:40:59,776 --> 00:41:02,071 I have been looking forward to this 584 00:41:02,106 --> 00:41:05,274 - for a long time. - So have I. 585 00:41:21,459 --> 00:41:23,125 (Roaring) 586 00:41:35,176 --> 00:41:37,022 - Taggart, seal the building. - No, let him go. 587 00:41:37,108 --> 00:41:39,764 His Master already knows what we have done. 588 00:41:39,794 --> 00:41:41,200 What's our next move, sir? 589 00:41:41,230 --> 00:41:43,528 Fetch the car. There's not a moment to lose. 590 00:41:43,558 --> 00:41:45,397 I need to see Setrakian. 591 00:41:45,483 --> 00:41:47,482 - Now. - Yes, sir. 592 00:41:47,512 --> 00:41:54,368 == sync & corrections by Wolfhound == == www.addic7ed.com ==