1 00:00:08,322 --> 00:00:11,679 I'm sorry I fought you on us just being friends. 2 00:00:12,290 --> 00:00:14,765 I didn't realize how friendly you were gonna be. 3 00:00:16,315 --> 00:00:19,460 Yeah, well, parts of me are friendlier than others. 4 00:00:21,453 --> 00:00:24,250 Am I messing things up if I say I wish once in a while 5 00:00:24,275 --> 00:00:26,623 we could... spend the night together, 6 00:00:26,648 --> 00:00:29,379 wake up in the morning, have a cup of coffee, cuddle? 7 00:00:29,380 --> 00:00:31,085 All right, off you go. 8 00:00:31,540 --> 00:00:33,078 Seriously?! 9 00:00:33,103 --> 00:00:35,242 When you use words like "cuddle" 10 00:00:35,267 --> 00:00:37,056 I feel like you don't really get me. 11 00:00:37,081 --> 00:00:38,492 Never mind. 12 00:00:39,375 --> 00:00:41,374 Oh, before I leave, 13 00:00:41,399 --> 00:00:43,479 you got a little something going on with your tushie. 14 00:00:45,509 --> 00:00:47,008 Are you trying for round two? 15 00:00:47,033 --> 00:00:48,867 'Cause "tushie" is right up there with "cuddle". 16 00:00:50,078 --> 00:00:52,895 No, I noticed, uh, that the mole on your right cheek 17 00:00:52,920 --> 00:00:54,459 is, uh, a little bigger than 18 00:00:54,460 --> 00:00:56,709 last time I was, you know, in the neighborhood. 19 00:00:57,351 --> 00:01:00,539 First of all, it's not a mole, it's a beauty mark. 20 00:01:00,540 --> 00:01:02,140 And secondly... 21 00:01:03,580 --> 00:01:05,187 if you've got time to look around back there, 22 00:01:05,212 --> 00:01:07,000 you're not trying hard enough. 23 00:01:07,420 --> 00:01:09,039 Oh, come on, I'm just concerned. 24 00:01:09,040 --> 00:01:11,079 It used to be the shape of Ohio 25 00:01:11,080 --> 00:01:14,039 and now it's more like... Australia. 26 00:01:14,882 --> 00:01:16,879 Nobody asked you to play Dora the Explorer. 27 00:01:16,880 --> 00:01:18,209 I'm sure it's fine. 28 00:01:18,210 --> 00:01:19,999 I'm sure it is, too, but just to be safe 29 00:01:20,000 --> 00:01:21,119 have a doctor take a look. 30 00:01:21,120 --> 00:01:22,226 Yeah, okay, whatever. 31 00:01:22,790 --> 00:01:24,039 By the way, 32 00:01:24,040 --> 00:01:26,119 if we're gonna start noticing imperfections 33 00:01:26,120 --> 00:01:27,093 in each other's bodies, 34 00:01:27,118 --> 00:01:29,538 you might want to pull those balls up a couple inches. 35 00:01:35,120 --> 00:01:36,617 You got to be kidding me. 36 00:01:40,685 --> 00:01:43,453 Mommy, I'm home from school. 37 00:01:44,710 --> 00:01:46,709 I'm just gonna hang out in the living room 38 00:01:46,710 --> 00:01:49,335 till the grown-ups stop wrestling. 39 00:01:50,250 --> 00:01:51,757 Of course I drank. 40 00:01:52,420 --> 00:01:54,619 - Hey, Christy. - Hey, Steve. 41 00:01:54,620 --> 00:01:56,709 I'm just gonna sheepishly skulk out of here now. 42 00:01:56,710 --> 00:01:58,539 That'd be awesome, thanks. 43 00:01:58,835 --> 00:02:00,079 Uh, before I forget. 44 00:02:00,080 --> 00:02:01,289 Take a look at your mom's butt 45 00:02:01,290 --> 00:02:02,812 and see if there's cause for alarm. 46 00:02:05,250 --> 00:02:06,829 Excuse me? 47 00:02:06,830 --> 00:02:08,709 She's got a mole that doesn't look right. 48 00:02:08,710 --> 00:02:09,500 Steve, are you still here? 49 00:02:09,501 --> 00:02:11,460 Got to go. Right cheek. 50 00:02:13,290 --> 00:02:14,960 Of course I was a stripper. 51 00:02:23,601 --> 00:02:28,703 -- Synced and corrected by ChrisKe -- -- www.addic7ed.com -- 52 00:02:38,867 --> 00:02:40,656 Seeing a lot of Steve these days, huh? 53 00:02:40,657 --> 00:02:42,366 Well, I can't afford a gym membership. 54 00:02:42,367 --> 00:02:44,326 I got to get my cardio in somehow. 55 00:02:44,726 --> 00:02:46,496 - Come on, you like him. - I do. 56 00:02:46,497 --> 00:02:49,286 He's like a rowing machine with a heart of gold. 57 00:02:49,287 --> 00:02:51,286 Great, I'm really happy for you. Show me your ass. 58 00:02:51,687 --> 00:02:52,946 What? 59 00:02:52,947 --> 00:02:55,076 Steve said something about a mole. Let's see. 60 00:02:55,077 --> 00:02:56,866 - No. - Hey, this is not the high point 61 00:02:56,867 --> 00:02:58,406 of my day either. Hike up your robe. 62 00:02:58,407 --> 00:03:00,576 Forget it, it's nothing. 63 00:03:00,577 --> 00:03:02,536 Come on, pretend you're on the Jumbotron 64 00:03:02,537 --> 00:03:04,366 at a Raiders game and moon me. 65 00:03:04,367 --> 00:03:07,366 Sorry, you got to buy me dinner to see the goods. 66 00:03:07,367 --> 00:03:09,076 Hey, in the future, can you let me know 67 00:03:09,077 --> 00:03:10,496 if you're gonna be home early? 68 00:03:10,497 --> 00:03:12,406 I got a better idea... Why don't you shoot me a text 69 00:03:12,407 --> 00:03:14,406 when you've got your feet behind your ears. 70 00:03:14,867 --> 00:03:17,196 Yeah, that probably makes more sense. 71 00:03:18,198 --> 00:03:19,446 Hey, uh, by the way, 72 00:03:19,447 --> 00:03:21,827 we're almost out of your fancy conditioner. 73 00:03:23,037 --> 00:03:24,786 - Smile. - Hey! 74 00:03:24,787 --> 00:03:26,036 Oh, relax. I'm sure it's... 75 00:03:26,037 --> 00:03:27,726 Oh! 76 00:03:31,237 --> 00:03:32,536 Wendy, you're a nurse, 77 00:03:32,537 --> 00:03:34,156 does that mole look right to you? 78 00:03:34,157 --> 00:03:36,866 Oh, come on, I got raisins in my salad here. 79 00:03:36,867 --> 00:03:38,947 Just look, I'm worried. 80 00:03:40,327 --> 00:03:42,171 I don't know, could be something, could be nothing. 81 00:03:42,657 --> 00:03:44,076 That's your professional opinion? 82 00:03:44,077 --> 00:03:45,576 You went to nursing school for that? 83 00:03:45,577 --> 00:03:46,906 I went to nursing school 84 00:03:46,907 --> 00:03:49,236 'cause I thought I'd have access to drugs. 85 00:03:49,237 --> 00:03:51,536 Let me see. 86 00:03:51,537 --> 00:03:53,996 Ew! If that were on Cindy Crawford's face, 87 00:03:53,997 --> 00:03:56,366 she'd have a very different career. 88 00:03:56,367 --> 00:03:57,685 Give me. 89 00:03:58,697 --> 00:04:00,786 That's not good. 90 00:04:00,787 --> 00:04:02,736 She should definitely go to a doctor. 91 00:04:02,737 --> 00:04:03,866 See? That's the problem... 92 00:04:03,867 --> 00:04:05,736 No matter what I say, she won't go. 93 00:04:05,737 --> 00:04:07,236 Well, she's scared. 94 00:04:07,498 --> 00:04:09,326 I know when I found a lump in my breast 95 00:04:09,327 --> 00:04:12,156 I was panic-stricken what a doctor might say. 96 00:04:12,701 --> 00:04:14,366 So you think it's cancer? 97 00:04:14,920 --> 00:04:16,196 Isn't that what we're all thinking? 98 00:04:16,197 --> 00:04:17,446 What were you thinking? 99 00:04:17,787 --> 00:04:19,036 I don't know, knowing her, 100 00:04:19,037 --> 00:04:21,045 it could be the mark of the devil. 101 00:04:21,497 --> 00:04:23,036 Sorry I'm late. What did I miss? 102 00:04:23,037 --> 00:04:24,021 - Nothin'. - Chattin'. 103 00:04:24,046 --> 00:04:25,367 - Hangin'. - Lookin' at your mole. 104 00:04:28,037 --> 00:04:29,701 Did you not see what we were doing here? 105 00:04:31,092 --> 00:04:32,576 You showed them? 106 00:04:32,577 --> 00:04:34,366 I'm worried about you. 107 00:04:34,367 --> 00:04:36,406 - Since when? - You're my mother. 108 00:04:36,407 --> 00:04:38,826 I say I'd be better off without you, but I don't really mean it. 109 00:04:38,827 --> 00:04:40,406 You say that? Does she say that? 110 00:04:40,407 --> 00:04:42,033 - Of course not. - No. 111 00:04:42,057 --> 00:04:43,049 All the time. 112 00:04:44,077 --> 00:04:46,283 For God's sake, read the room, Wendy. 113 00:04:47,537 --> 00:04:50,236 Anyway, you really should go see a doctor. 114 00:04:50,237 --> 00:04:51,696 Yeah, well, I'm not a doctor person. 115 00:04:51,697 --> 00:04:53,236 I'm more comfortable just toughing it out. 116 00:04:53,237 --> 00:04:54,536 You see this finger? 117 00:04:54,537 --> 00:04:56,116 I cut the tip off when I was 14. 118 00:04:56,117 --> 00:04:58,196 Stuck it back on with crazy glue. 119 00:04:58,197 --> 00:05:00,197 That would be your brand. 120 00:05:01,361 --> 00:05:03,860 You went to a doctor for your back last year. 121 00:05:03,885 --> 00:05:05,156 Well, only 'cause she made me. 122 00:05:05,157 --> 00:05:07,156 And look what happened, I got strung out on pain pills. 123 00:05:07,157 --> 00:05:08,536 Who knows? I go in for a mole, 124 00:05:08,537 --> 00:05:10,656 next thing you know I'm smoking crack. 125 00:05:10,657 --> 00:05:13,036 What was your excuse for the first time you smoked crack? 126 00:05:13,037 --> 00:05:14,729 I like crack. 127 00:05:17,497 --> 00:05:19,997 Now, let's just change the subject. Talk about the weather. 128 00:05:22,507 --> 00:05:25,088 Does your giant mole hurt before it rains? 129 00:05:45,447 --> 00:05:47,045 Well, there's something you don't see every day. 130 00:05:47,070 --> 00:05:48,070 Oh! 131 00:05:50,197 --> 00:05:52,697 I'm rubbing a pomegranate on my mole. 132 00:05:53,037 --> 00:05:54,947 You're feeding it now? 133 00:05:56,037 --> 00:05:58,196 I did a little research on the Internet 134 00:05:58,197 --> 00:06:00,196 and learned that if you apply pomegranate juice, 135 00:06:00,354 --> 00:06:01,656 garlic paste, walnut oil, 136 00:06:01,657 --> 00:06:03,536 and then cover the mole with a kale leaf, 137 00:06:03,537 --> 00:06:05,174 it'll be gone in a few hours. 138 00:06:05,815 --> 00:06:07,446 Good call. 139 00:06:07,447 --> 00:06:10,096 Go Harry Potter on your ass. 140 00:06:10,617 --> 00:06:12,076 It'll work. 141 00:06:12,077 --> 00:06:13,996 Mom, it's natural to be scared 142 00:06:13,997 --> 00:06:16,366 to go see a doctor, anyone would be. 143 00:06:16,367 --> 00:06:18,197 Except me. I have science on my side. 144 00:06:19,867 --> 00:06:22,116 Now come on... tape this kale leaf to my butt. 145 00:06:22,117 --> 00:06:23,576 Shiny side down, or this is just 146 00:06:23,577 --> 00:06:25,286 a complete waste of time. 147 00:06:25,287 --> 00:06:27,783 Just like this conversation. 148 00:06:29,577 --> 00:06:33,496 Hey, on the off chance that Wiccan-pedia 149 00:06:33,497 --> 00:06:34,946 doesn't do the trick, 150 00:06:34,947 --> 00:06:36,576 will you please see a doctor? 151 00:06:36,577 --> 00:06:39,366 For the last time, I don't need a doctor. 152 00:06:39,367 --> 00:06:40,946 Now come on, 153 00:06:40,947 --> 00:06:43,197 help me summon the serpent. 154 00:06:44,407 --> 00:06:45,932 That's it, I'm making an appointment. 155 00:06:45,957 --> 00:06:47,196 - No. - Why? 156 00:06:47,197 --> 00:06:48,736 Because... 157 00:06:50,537 --> 00:06:52,656 I've been a terrible person my whole life 158 00:06:52,657 --> 00:06:55,502 and this is how the universe is gonna get even with me. 159 00:06:55,617 --> 00:06:56,696 So you are scared. 160 00:06:56,697 --> 00:06:58,196 Of course I am. Have you seen this thing? 161 00:06:58,197 --> 00:07:00,533 It's big enough to claim as a dependent. 162 00:07:00,867 --> 00:07:02,906 Then let's get it taken care of 163 00:07:02,907 --> 00:07:04,666 and put the whole thing behind us. 164 00:07:04,817 --> 00:07:05,932 Sorry. 165 00:07:07,197 --> 00:07:09,908 You can't do that, that's not how the universe works. 166 00:07:09,999 --> 00:07:12,288 Wait a minute... You know how the universe works, 167 00:07:12,313 --> 00:07:14,197 and you've been holding out on me? 168 00:07:15,867 --> 00:07:17,196 The universe waits, 169 00:07:17,197 --> 00:07:19,036 and then as soon as you get your life together, 170 00:07:19,037 --> 00:07:21,213 boom... something awful happens. 171 00:07:21,447 --> 00:07:22,783 Oh, you poor thing. 172 00:07:22,952 --> 00:07:24,432 You think you have your life together. 173 00:07:26,497 --> 00:07:28,736 Tell you what, I'll make you a deal. 174 00:07:28,737 --> 00:07:31,286 We'll give your witch's salad dressing 175 00:07:31,287 --> 00:07:33,116 24 hours to work. 176 00:07:33,117 --> 00:07:35,037 If it doesn't, we see a doctor. 177 00:07:36,287 --> 00:07:37,338 Fine. 178 00:07:37,787 --> 00:07:40,447 Thank you. Now you're starting to make sense. 179 00:07:44,276 --> 00:07:46,987 Oh, great. Now my ass smells like the Olive Garden. 180 00:07:51,867 --> 00:07:53,635 Do we need cotton balls? 181 00:07:53,867 --> 00:07:55,286 What? 182 00:07:55,287 --> 00:07:57,690 Never mind. I'm just gonna take 'em. 183 00:07:57,947 --> 00:07:59,826 Nice karma move, 184 00:07:59,827 --> 00:08:02,036 stealing from the free clinic. 185 00:08:02,037 --> 00:08:03,576 Says the woman who swiped three Us Weeklies 186 00:08:03,577 --> 00:08:05,487 from the waiting room. 187 00:08:05,867 --> 00:08:07,867 It's the only crossword I can do. 188 00:08:10,117 --> 00:08:12,036 Okay, Ms. Plunkett, 189 00:08:12,037 --> 00:08:15,536 I see you have an unwelcome guest on your posterior. 190 00:08:15,537 --> 00:08:18,036 Please drop your pants and bend over. 191 00:08:18,037 --> 00:08:19,826 Oh, okay. 192 00:08:19,827 --> 00:08:22,479 Not the first time a man has said that to you, huh, Mom? 193 00:08:24,537 --> 00:08:25,786 Oh, that's very good. 194 00:08:25,787 --> 00:08:27,866 Clever. Huh. 195 00:08:27,867 --> 00:08:30,497 Okay, let's see what we have here, hm? 196 00:08:35,197 --> 00:08:37,166 Oh, jeepers. 197 00:08:37,979 --> 00:08:39,536 Jeepers, good? 198 00:08:39,838 --> 00:08:42,036 When is jeepers ever good? 199 00:08:42,037 --> 00:08:44,385 Oh, God, I knew it. 200 00:08:44,418 --> 00:08:46,957 Calm down. Doctor? 201 00:08:47,276 --> 00:08:48,496 Yes? 202 00:08:51,077 --> 00:08:52,156 What? 203 00:08:54,737 --> 00:08:57,156 - What? - She wants to know if it's cancer. 204 00:08:57,157 --> 00:08:58,367 Oh. 205 00:08:59,697 --> 00:09:01,616 That's for the lab to say. 206 00:09:01,617 --> 00:09:03,826 So what happens next? 207 00:09:03,827 --> 00:09:05,946 We scoop it off, send it for a biopsy 208 00:09:05,947 --> 00:09:07,116 and see what's what. 209 00:09:07,117 --> 00:09:09,236 - How long does that take? - About a week. 210 00:09:09,237 --> 00:09:11,946 I have to wait a week to find out if I have skin cancer? 211 00:09:11,947 --> 00:09:14,479 It's a free clinic, not a fast clinic. 212 00:09:15,117 --> 00:09:16,666 Just try not to think about it. 213 00:09:19,173 --> 00:09:21,843 This is not an excuse to smoke crack. 214 00:09:41,558 --> 00:09:43,928 She's still thinkin' about it. 215 00:09:53,497 --> 00:09:54,737 Hey. 216 00:09:55,037 --> 00:09:56,116 Hey. 217 00:09:56,117 --> 00:09:57,616 Whatcha doin'? 218 00:09:57,617 --> 00:09:59,643 What's it look like? I'm cleaning the fridge. 219 00:09:59,706 --> 00:10:01,085 At 3:00 in the morning? 220 00:10:01,086 --> 00:10:03,158 I can't drink, I can't do drugs. 221 00:10:03,183 --> 00:10:05,393 Let me organize our milk and cold cuts. 222 00:10:07,166 --> 00:10:08,705 You want to take a break 223 00:10:08,706 --> 00:10:10,285 and maybe talk about what you're feeling? 224 00:10:10,286 --> 00:10:12,085 Really? You want to know how I feel? 225 00:10:12,086 --> 00:10:14,285 Death, death, death, death, death, death, death. 226 00:10:14,286 --> 00:10:16,205 Happy? 227 00:10:16,206 --> 00:10:18,415 Mom, you're kind of jumping the gun. 228 00:10:18,416 --> 00:10:20,625 We won't get the results of the biopsy for six more days. 229 00:10:20,626 --> 00:10:21,626 Don't you think you should... 230 00:10:21,627 --> 00:10:24,125 Death! 231 00:10:24,126 --> 00:10:25,785 Okay. 232 00:10:25,786 --> 00:10:27,375 Nighty-night. 233 00:10:27,376 --> 00:10:29,996 Sweet dreams! 234 00:10:35,190 --> 00:10:37,424 Oh. Nice. 235 00:10:37,666 --> 00:10:40,541 No one cleans like a crazy person. 236 00:10:41,007 --> 00:10:42,586 Hello? Mom? 237 00:10:42,954 --> 00:10:44,197 Upstairs! 238 00:10:46,848 --> 00:10:48,978 Hope she organized the closet. 239 00:10:54,604 --> 00:10:56,245 You okay? 240 00:10:56,246 --> 00:10:58,245 Just tired. 241 00:10:58,246 --> 00:11:00,996 I guess that's to be expected, given my condition. 242 00:11:04,126 --> 00:11:07,268 Or you're tired because you stayed up all night. 243 00:11:07,956 --> 00:11:09,285 Damn. 244 00:11:09,286 --> 00:11:11,002 Christy, 245 00:11:11,326 --> 00:11:13,165 come. Sit. 246 00:11:14,826 --> 00:11:16,666 Why do I come home? 247 00:11:18,852 --> 00:11:20,261 I love you. 248 00:11:20,326 --> 00:11:21,166 What? 249 00:11:21,167 --> 00:11:22,995 I said I love you. 250 00:11:22,996 --> 00:11:24,995 We don't say it enough. 251 00:11:24,996 --> 00:11:26,996 We don't say it ever. 252 00:11:27,746 --> 00:11:29,565 One of us doesn't even think it. 253 00:11:30,143 --> 00:11:31,875 Come on. Get out of bed. 254 00:11:31,876 --> 00:11:34,165 Let's go grab a bite to eat, and then we'll go to the meeting. 255 00:11:34,166 --> 00:11:35,325 No, no. You go. 256 00:11:35,326 --> 00:11:37,518 Tell everyone to pray for me. 257 00:11:38,806 --> 00:11:41,581 Okay. But don't expect much. 258 00:11:41,786 --> 00:11:44,165 You know, I put 259 00:11:44,166 --> 00:11:47,325 my life at risk for so many years. 260 00:11:47,737 --> 00:11:49,325 Drugs, alcohol, 261 00:11:49,326 --> 00:11:52,325 climbing into zoo enclosures and taunting the animals. 262 00:11:52,326 --> 00:11:55,213 I-I never gave it a second thought. 263 00:11:55,305 --> 00:11:59,004 And now every moment feels so precious. 264 00:11:59,326 --> 00:12:01,585 And yet here you are wasting my time. 265 00:12:01,586 --> 00:12:02,995 That's good. 266 00:12:02,996 --> 00:12:04,665 Laugh at me. Laugh at life. 267 00:12:04,666 --> 00:12:06,526 The whole thing's a joke. 268 00:12:06,838 --> 00:12:08,535 All righty. I'm gonna skedaddle. 269 00:12:08,536 --> 00:12:09,206 Christy. 270 00:12:09,207 --> 00:12:10,665 Yeah. Quickly. 271 00:12:11,479 --> 00:12:13,826 Smell every rose. 272 00:12:15,376 --> 00:12:18,375 Sing every song. 273 00:12:18,376 --> 00:12:21,205 Dance like no one's watching. 274 00:12:21,206 --> 00:12:22,745 Will do. 275 00:12:22,746 --> 00:12:24,085 Oh, and if you wouldn't mind, 276 00:12:24,086 --> 00:12:25,406 bring me home a bucket of chicken. 277 00:12:26,246 --> 00:12:27,585 Extra crispy. 278 00:12:33,338 --> 00:12:35,995 Hi, I'm Christy, and I'm an alcoholic. 279 00:12:36,174 --> 00:12:37,665 Hi, Christy. 280 00:12:38,112 --> 00:12:41,125 Well, this week has been a doozy. 281 00:12:41,604 --> 00:12:44,455 My mom's in the middle of a little health scare, 282 00:12:44,456 --> 00:12:47,245 and I am trying to be compassionate. 283 00:12:47,401 --> 00:12:50,826 But you know her, she just sucks it right out of you. 284 00:12:52,893 --> 00:12:54,325 On the plus side, 285 00:12:54,326 --> 00:12:58,666 our house hasn't been this clean since she was doing blow. 286 00:13:01,213 --> 00:13:05,205 Anyway, she asked for you to pray for her. 287 00:13:05,440 --> 00:13:07,326 Do with that what you will. 288 00:13:08,752 --> 00:13:10,761 Okay, who else would like to share? 289 00:13:11,088 --> 00:13:12,165 I'll go. 290 00:13:12,471 --> 00:13:14,245 Hi, I'm Jill. I'm an alcoholic. 291 00:13:14,246 --> 00:13:15,455 Hi, Jill. 292 00:13:15,626 --> 00:13:16,995 I've been dealing 293 00:13:16,996 --> 00:13:18,940 with a little health issue myself. 294 00:13:19,432 --> 00:13:21,325 My pool guy hurt his back, 295 00:13:21,326 --> 00:13:23,495 so the pool looks like a Louisiana swamp. 296 00:13:26,938 --> 00:13:28,408 Sorry. 297 00:13:41,896 --> 00:13:43,228 Anyway... 298 00:13:45,588 --> 00:13:47,035 if I'm a little snippy, 299 00:13:47,036 --> 00:13:49,245 it's because I haven't been getting my laps in 300 00:13:49,246 --> 00:13:51,830 and ballooned up to a size zero. 301 00:13:52,416 --> 00:13:55,049 That's it. Thanks. 302 00:13:55,838 --> 00:13:57,061 Anybody else? 303 00:13:57,791 --> 00:13:59,915 Hi, I'm Bonnie. I'm an alcoholic. 304 00:13:59,916 --> 00:14:01,535 Hi, Bonnie. 305 00:14:01,536 --> 00:14:03,875 I wasn't gonna come tonight because I was too busy 306 00:14:03,876 --> 00:14:05,665 feeling sorry for myself. 307 00:14:06,096 --> 00:14:08,391 But then I thought, "No, Bonnie. 308 00:14:08,854 --> 00:14:10,585 "You're not a self-centered person. 309 00:14:10,586 --> 00:14:11,586 Don't start now." 310 00:14:15,326 --> 00:14:17,072 Sorry. 311 00:14:17,666 --> 00:14:19,495 Anyway, 312 00:14:19,496 --> 00:14:23,165 I want you to know that I love, appreciate, 313 00:14:23,166 --> 00:14:26,354 and am grateful for each and every one of you. 314 00:14:27,237 --> 00:14:29,143 You taught me how to live, 315 00:14:29,399 --> 00:14:30,604 and now... 316 00:14:32,305 --> 00:14:35,181 now I'm gonna teach you how to die. 317 00:14:37,666 --> 00:14:40,165 Oh, for God's sake, shut up. 318 00:14:40,166 --> 00:14:41,205 Excuse me? 319 00:14:41,206 --> 00:14:42,625 Stop with all the drama. 320 00:14:42,626 --> 00:14:44,665 You don't even have a diagnosis yet. 321 00:14:44,666 --> 00:14:47,104 And if you do, it's not a death sentence. 322 00:14:47,129 --> 00:14:49,968 Hey, you shared about your cancer all the time. 323 00:14:49,993 --> 00:14:52,791 Because I had cancer! 324 00:14:53,456 --> 00:14:56,245 All you have is a chance of cancer. 325 00:14:56,246 --> 00:14:57,393 You have... 326 00:14:57,706 --> 00:14:59,375 chancer! 327 00:14:59,508 --> 00:15:01,244 Okay. 328 00:15:02,011 --> 00:15:06,494 Apparently, this is not the safe place I thought it was. 329 00:15:11,232 --> 00:15:15,315 And as long as I'm being honest, screw you and your size zero. 330 00:15:24,726 --> 00:15:25,266 Hey. 331 00:15:25,627 --> 00:15:27,085 Come on in. 332 00:15:27,330 --> 00:15:28,588 How's our patient? 333 00:15:28,613 --> 00:15:29,826 Who cares? 334 00:15:29,827 --> 00:15:31,875 Thank you. These are beautiful. 335 00:15:31,876 --> 00:15:33,665 Um, those are kind of for your mom. 336 00:15:33,666 --> 00:15:36,745 Yeah, well, now they're mine. She's upstairs. 337 00:15:36,746 --> 00:15:38,876 And if you see any more moles, keep it to yourself. 338 00:15:43,286 --> 00:15:44,455 Hello? 339 00:15:44,456 --> 00:15:45,875 Oh, hi. Come on in. 340 00:15:46,697 --> 00:15:49,285 For the record, I brought you some flowers. 341 00:15:49,286 --> 00:15:50,535 Oh. 342 00:15:50,536 --> 00:15:52,375 Nice. Where are they? 343 00:15:52,376 --> 00:15:55,205 Christy took 'em for herself. She was really mean. 344 00:15:55,626 --> 00:15:58,112 Try asking her for a bucket of chicken. 345 00:15:58,496 --> 00:15:59,745 What are you doin' there? 346 00:15:59,746 --> 00:16:01,955 I'm drawing up a list of things I haven't done 347 00:16:01,956 --> 00:16:04,825 in case the... biopsy is bad news. 348 00:16:04,826 --> 00:16:05,766 Okay. 349 00:16:06,487 --> 00:16:08,585 You're not gonna tell me I'm being ridiculous? 350 00:16:08,586 --> 00:16:09,995 Nope. I think ridiculous 351 00:16:09,996 --> 00:16:11,915 is one of your more endearing qualities. 352 00:16:11,916 --> 00:16:13,119 Let's see. 353 00:16:13,826 --> 00:16:16,165 "Throw out the first pitch at a Giants game." 354 00:16:16,166 --> 00:16:19,229 While sober and fully clothed. 355 00:16:19,826 --> 00:16:20,826 Okay. 356 00:16:20,827 --> 00:16:22,125 "Have dinner at the White House." 357 00:16:22,126 --> 00:16:24,901 Again, sober and fully clothed. 358 00:16:25,682 --> 00:16:27,915 "Jump out of a plane." Sober and clothed? 359 00:16:27,916 --> 00:16:30,596 And without someone pushing me. 360 00:16:31,166 --> 00:16:32,825 I'm seein' a little trend here. 361 00:16:33,674 --> 00:16:36,325 Is there anything you haven't done drunk or sober? 362 00:16:36,737 --> 00:16:38,018 Hmm... 363 00:16:38,416 --> 00:16:40,572 Christy, guess what. 364 00:16:40,689 --> 00:16:42,599 We're getting married! 365 00:16:44,369 --> 00:16:45,947 Of course you are. 366 00:16:47,086 --> 00:16:48,862 Those were your flowers. 367 00:16:58,268 --> 00:16:59,854 You know what's amazing? 368 00:17:00,024 --> 00:17:02,523 Even though I've been scared and hopeless all week, 369 00:17:02,798 --> 00:17:04,494 I-I haven't thought about drinking. 370 00:17:04,826 --> 00:17:07,493 That is amazing. I ran out of soy milk this morning 371 00:17:07,518 --> 00:17:09,877 and for a brief second considered shooting heroin. 372 00:17:12,768 --> 00:17:13,817 Christy, I-I know 373 00:17:13,818 --> 00:17:15,057 I've been a nightmare through all this, 374 00:17:15,058 --> 00:17:16,227 and I'm sorry. 375 00:17:16,228 --> 00:17:17,397 Yeah, thanks. 376 00:17:17,398 --> 00:17:19,807 Third movie, Batman, seven letters. 377 00:17:23,994 --> 00:17:26,533 So, we got the results from your biopsy... 378 00:17:26,558 --> 00:17:28,227 Just say it. I have cancer. 379 00:17:28,682 --> 00:17:31,227 Look at you, making my job easy. 380 00:17:31,228 --> 00:17:33,227 Oh, my God, what? 381 00:17:33,228 --> 00:17:34,727 The mole was indeed malignant, 382 00:17:34,728 --> 00:17:36,227 but we're confident we got it all. 383 00:17:36,228 --> 00:17:37,647 There's no need for further treatments, 384 00:17:37,648 --> 00:17:38,977 just... regular checkups. 385 00:17:39,744 --> 00:17:42,477 So what you're saying is, not only did I have cancer, 386 00:17:42,478 --> 00:17:44,397 I beat cancer? 387 00:17:44,398 --> 00:17:47,440 You beat it 'cause I carved it out of your body, but okay. 388 00:17:48,018 --> 00:17:49,897 I'll see you again in six months. 389 00:17:50,031 --> 00:17:52,096 Please don't steal any more cotton balls. 390 00:17:54,166 --> 00:17:58,204 Oh, Mom. I was so worried I was gonna lose you. 391 00:17:58,229 --> 00:18:01,317 Really? How come you were being so horrible to me? 392 00:18:01,318 --> 00:18:03,760 'Cause that's how I love! 393 00:18:05,877 --> 00:18:08,143 I guess we have a wedding to plan. 394 00:18:08,398 --> 00:18:10,397 Uh... 395 00:18:10,398 --> 00:18:12,057 Mm. 396 00:18:12,058 --> 00:18:15,994 Yeah, Steve, uh, listen, 397 00:18:16,166 --> 00:18:17,817 about our engagement... 398 00:18:17,818 --> 00:18:19,227 You're pushing me out of the plane? 399 00:18:19,228 --> 00:18:22,510 I-I'm gonna live. Why would I want to be married? 400 00:18:23,229 --> 00:18:27,791 -- Synced and corrected by ChrisKe -- -- www.addic7ed.com --