1 00:00:00,733 --> 00:00:02,616 All right, we're off to the meeting. 2 00:00:02,641 --> 00:00:05,509 Have fun or cry, or whatever you guys do. 3 00:00:06,214 --> 00:00:08,820 I have fun making other people cry. 4 00:00:10,203 --> 00:00:13,705 - Did you find your keys yet? - Oh, yeah. Ten minutes ago. 5 00:00:13,707 --> 00:00:16,523 Now I'm just crawling around looking for snacks. 6 00:00:17,427 --> 00:00:18,793 I told you a million times, 7 00:00:18,795 --> 00:00:20,378 - if you put your keys in the same... - Bup-bup-bup. 8 00:00:20,380 --> 00:00:22,213 Maybe I left them upstairs. 9 00:00:22,215 --> 00:00:24,382 (sportscaster speaking indistinctly on TV) 10 00:00:24,384 --> 00:00:27,100 At some point tonight, between hockey fights, 11 00:00:27,125 --> 00:00:28,812 could you throw away your tuna sandwich 12 00:00:28,837 --> 00:00:30,031 that's been sitting there since lunch? 13 00:00:30,056 --> 00:00:32,500 - I'll get to it. - Will you, though? 14 00:00:32,525 --> 00:00:34,742 'Cause "I'll get to it" has kind of been your motto lately, 15 00:00:34,767 --> 00:00:36,684 only things never actually get got to. 16 00:00:37,083 --> 00:00:39,343 If it bothers you so much, why don't you do it? 17 00:00:39,368 --> 00:00:40,984 'Cause I told you to do it. 18 00:00:42,690 --> 00:00:44,796 (chuckles softly) I was actually gonna do it, 19 00:00:44,821 --> 00:00:47,882 but... you just made it a thing. 20 00:00:48,896 --> 00:00:50,148 It's only a thing 21 00:00:50,173 --> 00:00:53,195 'cause you made it a thing, thing maker. 22 00:00:54,820 --> 00:00:57,529 Couldn't find them. I promise I will put everything 23 00:00:57,554 --> 00:00:59,098 back in the closet when we get home. 24 00:00:59,123 --> 00:01:01,500 Better do it right away, or it could become a thing. 25 00:01:02,898 --> 00:01:04,211 Mom, can you just drive? 26 00:01:04,213 --> 00:01:06,213 Unbelievable... you can't keep track of your keys, 27 00:01:06,215 --> 00:01:07,515 so I get inconvenienced. 28 00:01:07,540 --> 00:01:09,757 Oh, look... I found your keys. 29 00:01:10,765 --> 00:01:12,035 Why do you have them? 30 00:01:12,037 --> 00:01:14,037 I borrowed your car to go to the store 31 00:01:14,039 --> 00:01:16,423 (mumbling): when I couldn't find my keys. Anyway... 32 00:01:16,828 --> 00:01:17,958 you drive. 33 00:01:17,960 --> 00:01:19,543 Oh, and you're on empty. 34 00:01:21,367 --> 00:01:24,431 - I'll try not to kill her. - Whatever happens, happens. 35 00:01:24,433 --> 00:01:26,850 ♪ ♪ 36 00:01:27,930 --> 00:01:29,429 (groans) Nice work... You made us late 37 00:01:29,454 --> 00:01:31,321 and now Wendy's in my seat. 38 00:01:31,346 --> 00:01:34,492 - It's not your seat. - Yeah, not today, thanks to you. 39 00:01:35,339 --> 00:01:37,968 I need my sponsor. I need my sponsor. 40 00:01:38,641 --> 00:01:41,234 You will never guess what my mother just did. 41 00:01:41,259 --> 00:01:43,382 You do realize that's how you say hello. 42 00:01:44,243 --> 00:01:46,851 - I'm sorry. Hello. - Hi. 43 00:01:48,117 --> 00:01:50,617 You will never guess what my mother just did. 44 00:01:51,033 --> 00:01:53,671 Instead of diving into that all-too-familiar pool of resentment, 45 00:01:53,696 --> 00:01:54,843 let me ask you something. 46 00:01:54,868 --> 00:01:56,535 You're 40 years old, right? 47 00:01:56,847 --> 00:01:58,664 Not on Tinder. 48 00:01:59,793 --> 00:02:03,093 - You have a... a job? - Yes. Mm-hmm. 49 00:02:03,118 --> 00:02:05,953 And your mother drives you absolutely bananas. 50 00:02:05,978 --> 00:02:09,636 - Oh, yeah. - So why do you still live with her? 51 00:02:10,473 --> 00:02:12,066 BONNIE: Wendy, I think you're sitting on something. 52 00:02:12,091 --> 00:02:14,375 - Oh, what? - My chair. 53 00:02:17,600 --> 00:02:19,634 Did you see what your mother just did? 54 00:02:19,933 --> 00:02:23,367 I know. Why the hell do I still live with her? 55 00:02:31,230 --> 00:02:34,632 -- Synced and corrected by ChrisKe -- -- www.addic7ed.com -- 56 00:02:54,664 --> 00:02:57,515 What is happening today? Now you're stealing my seat? 57 00:02:57,540 --> 00:02:58,839 I am middle. 58 00:02:58,968 --> 00:03:00,101 What does it matter? 59 00:03:00,126 --> 00:03:02,460 That way I can have fries no matter who orders them. 60 00:03:03,272 --> 00:03:04,476 Fine. 61 00:03:07,403 --> 00:03:09,390 - Wait, I have to pee. Get up. - Oh! 62 00:03:12,181 --> 00:03:14,565 That's why I like sitting next to you... 63 00:03:14,567 --> 00:03:16,640 You have the bladder of a camel. 64 00:03:17,485 --> 00:03:20,421 And the outsides of a much more attractive animal. 65 00:03:22,755 --> 00:03:24,371 Do you guys think it's weird 66 00:03:24,396 --> 00:03:26,335 that I still live with my mother? 67 00:03:28,742 --> 00:03:31,509 I mean, she's asking, so we can answer, right? 68 00:03:31,534 --> 00:03:33,914 She opened the door... Walk on through. 69 00:03:34,421 --> 00:03:38,005 Okay, it's kind of like if you hated muffins, 70 00:03:38,007 --> 00:03:40,929 but you decided to live in a muffin factory. 71 00:03:40,954 --> 00:03:43,677 Oh, I'd love to live in a muffin factory. 72 00:03:43,679 --> 00:03:46,447 What is a muffin factory? Isn't it just a bakery? 73 00:03:46,449 --> 00:03:48,309 "Bakery" implies that there'd also be bread. 74 00:03:48,334 --> 00:03:50,168 We don't have a lot of time! 75 00:03:52,187 --> 00:03:54,889 Yes. You living with your mother is weird. 76 00:03:54,891 --> 00:03:56,307 Really weird. 77 00:03:56,309 --> 00:03:58,171 Like "people talk about it" weird. 78 00:03:59,472 --> 00:04:00,772 But not us. 79 00:04:01,156 --> 00:04:02,563 What do you think? 80 00:04:02,565 --> 00:04:05,921 Well, when you were both getting sober, it made sense. 81 00:04:05,946 --> 00:04:08,359 But, uh, time has passed. 82 00:04:08,788 --> 00:04:11,238 A lot of time has passed. 83 00:04:11,960 --> 00:04:14,467 - Are you moving out? - I'm not sure. 84 00:04:14,492 --> 00:04:16,794 Nora told me to figure out what my options are, 85 00:04:16,796 --> 00:04:18,875 but I think I'm too poor for options. 86 00:04:19,242 --> 00:04:20,664 Christy... 87 00:04:20,666 --> 00:04:22,917 I see you fishing for an invitation, 88 00:04:22,919 --> 00:04:25,240 and I love you like sweet tea, 89 00:04:25,265 --> 00:04:28,005 but living together always ruins a friendship. 90 00:04:28,007 --> 00:04:30,424 You know, the way children ruin a marriage. 91 00:04:31,656 --> 00:04:34,929 - There's plenty of room at my house. - Oh, yeah, do that. 92 00:04:34,931 --> 00:04:36,429 One of my roommates is moving out 93 00:04:36,454 --> 00:04:38,684 'cause she "fell in love." 94 00:04:40,089 --> 00:04:41,472 I don't know. 95 00:04:41,497 --> 00:04:43,828 Maybe moving is more trouble than it's worth. 96 00:04:44,240 --> 00:04:46,440 - Fee-fi-fo-fum. - (door closes) 97 00:04:46,442 --> 00:04:47,523 Up. 98 00:04:51,601 --> 00:04:54,456 Oh, damn it, I forgot to put money in the meter. Up again. 99 00:04:57,603 --> 00:04:59,784 So, would I get my own bathroom? 100 00:04:59,809 --> 00:05:01,245 ♪ ♪ 101 00:05:01,270 --> 00:05:02,790 Hurry up, Bonnie! 102 00:05:02,792 --> 00:05:03,932 BONNIE: Hey! 103 00:05:03,957 --> 00:05:05,971 Perfection takes time. 104 00:05:09,682 --> 00:05:12,384 You know... while you were waiting, 105 00:05:12,409 --> 00:05:14,331 you could have thrown away that sandwich. 106 00:05:14,356 --> 00:05:15,889 Could have. 107 00:05:17,006 --> 00:05:18,354 Didn't. 108 00:05:19,549 --> 00:05:21,035 Are you gonna get dressed? 109 00:05:21,060 --> 00:05:22,309 I am dressed. 110 00:05:23,112 --> 00:05:24,331 You're wearing a T-shirt. 111 00:05:24,356 --> 00:05:27,807 And pants and shoes and... let's go. 112 00:05:28,448 --> 00:05:30,423 You know what that T-shirt says to me? 113 00:05:30,448 --> 00:05:31,901 It says "the woman I'm with 114 00:05:31,926 --> 00:05:33,549 isn't worth buttons and sleeves." 115 00:05:34,753 --> 00:05:38,385 To me, it says the "University of North Dakota." 116 00:05:39,829 --> 00:05:41,385 I'd like you to change. 117 00:05:41,410 --> 00:05:43,604 My clothes or who I am? 118 00:05:44,305 --> 00:05:45,557 Both. 119 00:05:47,737 --> 00:05:49,470 Not happening. 120 00:05:49,472 --> 00:05:52,635 Well, then I am no longer in the mood for dinner. 121 00:05:53,612 --> 00:05:56,307 - But I'm starving. - Then eat your sandwich! 122 00:05:57,698 --> 00:06:01,181 ♪ ♪ 123 00:06:01,183 --> 00:06:04,351 So, Christy, what'd you think of the place? 124 00:06:04,353 --> 00:06:05,799 I love it. 125 00:06:05,824 --> 00:06:08,157 There's so much light and... 126 00:06:08,364 --> 00:06:09,924 hope. 127 00:06:10,737 --> 00:06:12,320 We won't charge extra for that. 128 00:06:12,345 --> 00:06:14,581 (both laugh) 129 00:06:15,364 --> 00:06:17,831 It gets better... It's Peter's night to cook, 130 00:06:17,833 --> 00:06:19,533 and he makes his own pasta. 131 00:06:19,535 --> 00:06:21,702 Wow. A fireplace, hardwood floors 132 00:06:21,704 --> 00:06:23,537 and homemade pasta? 133 00:06:23,831 --> 00:06:26,122 - I'm getting lightheaded. - Are you a diabetic? 134 00:06:26,147 --> 00:06:28,092 Have you traveled to any tropical countries 135 00:06:28,094 --> 00:06:29,426 in the last six months? 136 00:06:30,315 --> 00:06:31,962 It's just my socially awkward way 137 00:06:31,964 --> 00:06:33,401 of saying I'm happy. 138 00:06:33,426 --> 00:06:35,071 Oh, got it. Sorry. 139 00:06:35,096 --> 00:06:37,503 We're kind of in nurse mode all the time. 140 00:06:37,528 --> 00:06:39,887 Well, I can't afford health insurance, 141 00:06:39,889 --> 00:06:41,792 so that's another plus. 142 00:06:43,026 --> 00:06:44,308 Mmm. 143 00:06:44,310 --> 00:06:46,010 Peter, this is delicious. 144 00:06:46,035 --> 00:06:48,946 Oh. Cooking relaxes me... Which I really needed 145 00:06:48,948 --> 00:06:51,276 after a day of assisting Dr. Clevenger. 146 00:06:51,301 --> 00:06:52,440 The worst. 147 00:06:52,465 --> 00:06:54,735 So full of himself. Like he's the only surgeon 148 00:06:54,737 --> 00:06:58,401 who's ever resected a bowel without spilling fecal matter into the abdomen. 149 00:07:02,834 --> 00:07:05,542 I helped him remove a giant tumor the other day... 150 00:07:05,567 --> 00:07:07,267 It burst like a water balloon. 151 00:07:07,371 --> 00:07:09,151 Larry slipped in the pus. 152 00:07:09,176 --> 00:07:10,728 (laughter) 153 00:07:10,753 --> 00:07:12,252 More sauce? 154 00:07:12,254 --> 00:07:13,799 I'm good. 155 00:07:15,505 --> 00:07:18,006 So, is that an apple tree out back? 156 00:07:18,253 --> 00:07:20,094 Yeah. In the fall, we make cider. 157 00:07:20,096 --> 00:07:21,311 CHRISTY: Oh. 158 00:07:21,313 --> 00:07:23,690 Apple cider by the fireplace. 159 00:07:24,244 --> 00:07:25,959 How wonderful. 160 00:07:25,984 --> 00:07:28,317 Remember when that teenager came into the E.R. 161 00:07:28,342 --> 00:07:30,809 with the apple lodged in his eye socket? 162 00:07:30,834 --> 00:07:32,565 PETER (laughs): Oh, yeah. Yeah. 163 00:07:32,590 --> 00:07:35,182 His friend shot it out of an air cannon, and boom, 164 00:07:35,207 --> 00:07:38,745 nothing but apple sauce and ocular fluid oozing out of the hole. 165 00:07:40,116 --> 00:07:41,571 Oh, boy. 166 00:07:42,441 --> 00:07:43,907 This is so fun. 167 00:07:44,454 --> 00:07:47,015 If you live here, we can do this every night. 168 00:07:47,040 --> 00:07:48,702 Ooh. And when we extracted 169 00:07:48,727 --> 00:07:50,645 the apple, the ocular nerve 170 00:07:50,670 --> 00:07:53,188 came stretching out like a rubber band. 171 00:07:55,813 --> 00:07:58,048 (gags): Where's your bathroom? 172 00:07:58,050 --> 00:08:00,267 ♪ ♪ 173 00:08:00,269 --> 00:08:02,636 He won't throw away the damn sandwich. 174 00:08:02,638 --> 00:08:05,022 It's been four days... if it's still there tomorrow, 175 00:08:05,024 --> 00:08:07,602 I think I'm within my rights to set him on fire. 176 00:08:07,964 --> 00:08:09,330 Why didn't you share about it? 177 00:08:09,587 --> 00:08:12,196 Maybe she knows how ridiculous it sounds. 178 00:08:12,198 --> 00:08:14,615 This used to be a safe space, Marjorie. 179 00:08:14,617 --> 00:08:16,844 And then you started coming and we've adjusted. 180 00:08:17,563 --> 00:08:18,702 Pow! 181 00:08:18,704 --> 00:08:21,110 Hit her back, Bonnie... This is getting good. 182 00:08:21,490 --> 00:08:23,140 I'm genuinely worried. 183 00:08:23,165 --> 00:08:24,541 Boyfriend Adam made an effort, 184 00:08:24,543 --> 00:08:26,710 Fiancé Adam is slacking off. 185 00:08:26,712 --> 00:08:28,829 At this rate, Husband Adam will only be 186 00:08:28,831 --> 00:08:31,782 hockey games, ball scratches and farts. 187 00:08:32,168 --> 00:08:33,967 At least you'll be married. 188 00:08:34,212 --> 00:08:37,137 Will I? We set a date, but we haven't told anybody... 189 00:08:37,139 --> 00:08:38,813 I can still wiggle out of this. 190 00:08:38,838 --> 00:08:40,621 Over a sandwich. 191 00:08:41,219 --> 00:08:43,790 Safe space, Marjorie, safe space. 192 00:08:44,134 --> 00:08:46,063 Ralph's watching the kids... I'm a free woman. 193 00:08:46,065 --> 00:08:47,860 I can go nuts, as long as I'm home by 9:30. 194 00:08:47,885 --> 00:08:49,493 (laughs) 195 00:08:49,518 --> 00:08:51,866 Oh. Okay. Um, you know what? 196 00:08:51,891 --> 00:08:53,572 I'm gonna meet you there. I have a feeling 197 00:08:53,597 --> 00:08:55,009 this one is hovering with a purpose. 198 00:08:56,575 --> 00:08:58,196 Sorry. Mm. 199 00:08:58,221 --> 00:08:59,477 Okay... 200 00:08:59,502 --> 00:09:00,766 - I did what you said. - Mm-hmm. 201 00:09:00,791 --> 00:09:03,094 - I looked at my other options. - Good for you. 202 00:09:03,415 --> 00:09:05,082 I can afford a studio apartment 203 00:09:05,084 --> 00:09:06,876 that used to be a guest bathroom, 204 00:09:06,901 --> 00:09:09,036 a basement out of Silence of the Lambs 205 00:09:09,038 --> 00:09:12,089 or I can move into a gorgeous house with Wendy 206 00:09:12,091 --> 00:09:13,694 and never eat again. 207 00:09:13,719 --> 00:09:15,236 So... ? 208 00:09:15,469 --> 00:09:17,477 None of them are better than what I've got now, 209 00:09:17,502 --> 00:09:20,214 so I guess I'm stuck living with my mom. 210 00:09:20,216 --> 00:09:22,923 No. You're choosing to live with her. 211 00:09:24,470 --> 00:09:26,415 Well, I wouldn't use those words. 212 00:09:26,805 --> 00:09:29,274 - I'm gonna need you to. - Why? 213 00:09:29,299 --> 00:09:31,438 Because if you're stuck, you're a victim. 214 00:09:31,463 --> 00:09:33,413 There's power in making a choice. 215 00:09:33,438 --> 00:09:34,759 So I want to hear you say, 216 00:09:34,784 --> 00:09:37,180 "I'm choosing to live with my mother"" 217 00:09:38,742 --> 00:09:40,071 (sighs): Fine. 218 00:09:40,900 --> 00:09:43,204 I am choosing to live with my mother. 219 00:09:45,509 --> 00:09:47,291 You thought that was gonna be hard for me, 220 00:09:47,293 --> 00:09:48,575 but it really wasn't. 221 00:09:48,577 --> 00:09:50,971 I am choosing to live with my mother. 222 00:09:51,360 --> 00:09:54,876 - Great. Then you got to be nice to her. - What? 223 00:09:55,884 --> 00:09:58,609 You expect me to live with my mother and be nice to her? 224 00:09:58,634 --> 00:10:00,887 Why don't you just ask me to solve global warming? 225 00:10:00,889 --> 00:10:02,290 Well, if you can do that, you need to go ahead and do it, 226 00:10:02,315 --> 00:10:04,933 - but right now let's focus on your mom. - Ugh! 227 00:10:04,958 --> 00:10:06,313 Yeah, but that's what I'm talking about. 228 00:10:06,338 --> 00:10:08,622 That "ugh" stuff has got to stop. 229 00:10:08,647 --> 00:10:11,298 But that's what comes out when I focus on my mother. 230 00:10:11,323 --> 00:10:13,517 In the program, we talk about being loving and tolerant. 231 00:10:13,519 --> 00:10:15,180 When it comes to your mother, you are neither. 232 00:10:15,205 --> 00:10:16,655 Ugh! 233 00:10:16,939 --> 00:10:19,110 Just to be clear, that one was directed at you. 234 00:10:19,135 --> 00:10:20,685 ♪ ♪ 235 00:10:22,564 --> 00:10:25,937 Wait. Exactly how nice to my mother do I have to be? 236 00:10:25,962 --> 00:10:29,296 Because I feel like any day I don't hit her with a rock is a win. 237 00:10:29,298 --> 00:10:32,618 Well, for starters, you can't talk about wanting to hit her with a rock. 238 00:10:33,305 --> 00:10:35,415 It doesn't have to be a rock. 239 00:10:35,440 --> 00:10:38,391 I don't want you to say mean things to her or about her. 240 00:10:38,416 --> 00:10:40,485 I need you to be kind all the time. 241 00:10:40,510 --> 00:10:43,751 - But I don't... - Be kind, be kind, be kind. 242 00:10:43,776 --> 00:10:45,501 But if I keep all my hate inside, 243 00:10:45,526 --> 00:10:47,360 I'm gonna pop... I'm not that big. 244 00:10:47,984 --> 00:10:49,657 You're gonna keep it all inside. 245 00:10:49,682 --> 00:10:51,844 Every time you're angry at your mom, 246 00:10:51,869 --> 00:10:54,016 I want you to do something nice for her. 247 00:10:54,706 --> 00:10:56,275 That's crazy. 248 00:10:56,300 --> 00:10:58,766 I'll be doing nice things for her all the time. 249 00:10:59,245 --> 00:11:01,766 That's right. And here's the tricky part. 250 00:11:01,791 --> 00:11:04,208 You haven't told me the tricky part yet? 251 00:11:04,233 --> 00:11:06,483 You can't tell her the nice things you do, 252 00:11:06,508 --> 00:11:08,062 or anybody else, including me. 253 00:11:08,087 --> 00:11:09,180 I don't want to hear it. 254 00:11:09,205 --> 00:11:10,985 Wait, I don't even get credit? 255 00:11:11,010 --> 00:11:13,134 (scoffs) I changed my mind. 256 00:11:13,330 --> 00:11:16,298 I'll live in Wendy's house of oozing eyeballs. 257 00:11:17,188 --> 00:11:20,048 The point is, to feel love, 258 00:11:20,073 --> 00:11:22,102 you have to do love. 259 00:11:23,384 --> 00:11:25,319 Hi, see you later. Hey, guys. 260 00:11:25,321 --> 00:11:27,337 - See you in a minute. - Oh, good. 261 00:11:27,362 --> 00:11:28,862 You're doing all your whining to her. 262 00:11:28,887 --> 00:11:30,907 Then we won't have to hear it at the bistro. 263 00:11:30,932 --> 00:11:32,682 Kiss my ass, Mom! 264 00:11:34,061 --> 00:11:36,766 Oh, am I supposed to start now? 265 00:11:37,084 --> 00:11:39,334 ♪ ♪ 266 00:11:41,883 --> 00:11:44,100 - Morning. - Morning. 267 00:11:45,313 --> 00:11:46,798 Where'd the coffee go? 268 00:11:46,823 --> 00:11:48,740 I started a pot before I took my shower. 269 00:11:48,765 --> 00:11:51,321 - I drank it. - The whole pot? 270 00:11:52,631 --> 00:11:56,501 Great. I hope you enjoyed it. 271 00:11:56,526 --> 00:11:57,692 Meh. 272 00:12:01,640 --> 00:12:02,923 I like your boots. 273 00:12:02,925 --> 00:12:04,558 You can't have 'em. 274 00:12:04,560 --> 00:12:07,344 What the hell would I do with gigantic work... 275 00:12:08,180 --> 00:12:10,196 So, what are you up to today, Mom? 276 00:12:11,669 --> 00:12:13,266 I'm going to the Home Depot. 277 00:12:14,173 --> 00:12:16,042 That sounds exciting. 278 00:12:16,769 --> 00:12:18,743 Compared to your life, sure. 279 00:12:19,586 --> 00:12:21,419 Good one, Mom. 280 00:12:21,444 --> 00:12:24,188 You sure have a fun energy. 281 00:12:25,781 --> 00:12:28,626 Well, I've got a pot of coffee in me. That helps. 282 00:12:28,651 --> 00:12:30,951 - Later. - Bye. 283 00:12:31,587 --> 00:12:33,790 I hope you have a super day. 284 00:12:34,907 --> 00:12:37,257 Drinks all the freakin' coffee I made. 285 00:12:37,282 --> 00:12:39,985 Maybe I want some of the freakin' coffee I made. 286 00:12:40,010 --> 00:12:41,426 No, no, no. No. 287 00:12:41,691 --> 00:12:45,485 Do something nice. Do something nice. 288 00:12:46,283 --> 00:12:49,001 Like pick up her sweater that she dumped in the fruit bowl. 289 00:12:49,026 --> 00:12:51,309 'Cause that's where that belongs. 290 00:12:51,334 --> 00:12:53,821 Probably shoves her socks in the crisper. 291 00:12:54,649 --> 00:12:57,778 She is the most selfish, inconsiderate, petty, 292 00:12:57,780 --> 00:13:01,055 narcissistic, lazy, coffee-hogging monster. 293 00:13:03,063 --> 00:13:06,040 Well, I can't put this perfectly folded sweater 294 00:13:06,065 --> 00:13:07,954 on this catastrophe of a bed. 295 00:13:12,543 --> 00:13:16,251 I am a spiritual giant. 296 00:13:16,632 --> 00:13:18,882 ♪ ♪ 297 00:13:21,791 --> 00:13:23,555 Oh, when did you get here? 298 00:13:23,580 --> 00:13:25,630 Uh, just a few minutes ago. Where's your mom? 299 00:13:25,655 --> 00:13:28,930 - She went to Home Depot. - Home Depot? I'm gonna need a beer. 300 00:13:29,657 --> 00:13:31,532 - I'll get it. - Thanks. 301 00:13:31,557 --> 00:13:34,251 So your mom's been a real pain in the ass lately, huh? 302 00:13:35,660 --> 00:13:37,484 Uh... 303 00:13:37,486 --> 00:13:38,348 No. 304 00:13:38,373 --> 00:13:40,418 Come on, that's why I came over early, 305 00:13:40,443 --> 00:13:41,943 so we could both vent. 306 00:13:41,968 --> 00:13:43,935 It's like our tiny support group. 307 00:13:44,160 --> 00:13:46,239 Bonnie Anonymous. 308 00:13:47,535 --> 00:13:50,869 I... love my mom. 309 00:13:51,136 --> 00:13:53,567 That is why I choose to live here with her. 310 00:13:54,935 --> 00:13:57,621 Oh, God, is she behind me? 311 00:13:59,592 --> 00:14:01,574 Can't I say nice things about my mom 312 00:14:01,599 --> 00:14:02,910 without it being weird? 313 00:14:03,364 --> 00:14:04,364 I don't think so. 314 00:14:05,512 --> 00:14:08,207 Whoa, leave that. It's still in play. 315 00:14:08,551 --> 00:14:11,317 Really? It's been sitting here for days. 316 00:14:11,342 --> 00:14:13,259 It smells so bad, even Gus won't eat it. 317 00:14:13,389 --> 00:14:15,043 Look, whoever throws away that sandwich 318 00:14:15,068 --> 00:14:16,801 will be the weak one in our marriage, 319 00:14:16,826 --> 00:14:19,160 forever, till the day we die. 320 00:14:19,562 --> 00:14:22,262 Your vows are gonna be amazing. 321 00:14:23,442 --> 00:14:25,732 Well, I got stuck in line behind a lesbian couple 322 00:14:25,734 --> 00:14:27,568 building a deck. 323 00:14:29,382 --> 00:14:31,824 - Hey. - Hey. 324 00:14:32,598 --> 00:14:34,785 (scoffs) I'm gonna go take a shower. 325 00:14:34,810 --> 00:14:37,477 Not that we dress for dinner around here. 326 00:14:37,502 --> 00:14:39,135 There are over 40 places in this town 327 00:14:39,160 --> 00:14:40,691 that are okay with a T-shirt. 328 00:14:40,716 --> 00:14:44,396 - I Yelped! - "I Yelped." I'll make you yelp. 329 00:14:46,543 --> 00:14:48,512 Aw... 330 00:14:48,950 --> 00:14:51,098 look what he did. 331 00:14:52,353 --> 00:14:55,287 Hey, after I shower, 332 00:14:55,312 --> 00:14:57,880 how 'bout we catch that movie you wanted to see? 333 00:14:58,426 --> 00:15:00,770 The one with the fighting robots? 334 00:15:00,816 --> 00:15:02,232 Yeah. 335 00:15:02,754 --> 00:15:04,707 Wow. Okay. 336 00:15:05,357 --> 00:15:06,689 Thanks. 337 00:15:07,243 --> 00:15:08,689 And then how about I change my shirt 338 00:15:08,714 --> 00:15:09,947 so we can go to dinner, too? 339 00:15:09,972 --> 00:15:11,471 Really? 340 00:15:11,947 --> 00:15:14,962 That would be nice. Thank you. 341 00:15:14,987 --> 00:15:16,603 You're welcome. 342 00:15:21,624 --> 00:15:24,322 ♪ ♪ 343 00:15:24,347 --> 00:15:25,861 I'm telling you, this last week, 344 00:15:25,886 --> 00:15:27,626 Adam has been a totally different guy. 345 00:15:27,651 --> 00:15:29,151 Every time I turn around, boom, 346 00:15:29,176 --> 00:15:30,709 he's done another nice thing. 347 00:15:30,734 --> 00:15:31,705 Mmm. 348 00:15:31,730 --> 00:15:33,230 He keeps making the bed, 349 00:15:33,255 --> 00:15:35,728 he's done the laundry twice, he even vacuumed. 350 00:15:35,753 --> 00:15:38,304 He's like a maid you can have sex with. 351 00:15:39,376 --> 00:15:41,423 Best part, he never says a word. 352 00:15:41,448 --> 00:15:43,962 Doesn't need the credit. That's how amazing he is. 353 00:15:46,409 --> 00:15:48,442 Hey, this is silk. 354 00:15:48,984 --> 00:15:51,486 Well, bring it over to our house. 355 00:15:51,511 --> 00:15:53,337 Maybe Adam can clean it for you, 356 00:15:53,362 --> 00:15:55,478 without taking credit. 357 00:15:55,824 --> 00:15:57,595 Christy, are you okay? 358 00:15:57,620 --> 00:16:00,306 I'm fine. I just got a tough chicken. 359 00:16:01,853 --> 00:16:05,031 Well, I'm glad Adam is making an effort 360 00:16:05,056 --> 00:16:07,087 so you don't have to die alone. 361 00:16:07,492 --> 00:16:10,212 - Jury's still out on that. - Why? 362 00:16:11,009 --> 00:16:13,000 Because... there's a little part of me 363 00:16:13,025 --> 00:16:15,244 that thinks this is a trap... I mean, like, what if he's doing 364 00:16:15,269 --> 00:16:17,501 all these nice things to trick me into picking up the sandwich? 365 00:16:17,640 --> 00:16:20,369 Yeah. Or you could just take the nice things he's doing 366 00:16:20,394 --> 00:16:23,564 at face value, and not assume people are out to get you. 367 00:16:23,589 --> 00:16:26,658 Sure. I'll just jump on the bullet train to Chump Town. 368 00:16:27,332 --> 00:16:29,799 Lot of happy marriages in Chump Town. 369 00:16:30,075 --> 00:16:32,697 ♪ ♪ 370 00:16:32,722 --> 00:16:34,506 I'm not arguing with you, 371 00:16:34,531 --> 00:16:37,009 I am just saying you are completely wrong. 372 00:16:37,280 --> 00:16:39,947 The nicer I am, the angrier I get. 373 00:16:39,972 --> 00:16:42,222 It's only been a week... Give it time. 374 00:16:42,287 --> 00:16:44,504 I know you told me that I couldn't take credit, 375 00:16:44,506 --> 00:16:46,970 but you didn't tell me that I would have to watch someone else 376 00:16:46,995 --> 00:16:49,879 get credit day after day after day after day. 377 00:16:50,035 --> 00:16:51,400 After day! 378 00:16:51,986 --> 00:16:54,290 Oh. That must be hard. 379 00:16:54,315 --> 00:16:55,909 That's what I'm saying. 380 00:16:55,934 --> 00:16:57,384 Too bad. Keep doing it. 381 00:16:57,386 --> 00:16:58,345 Now, I got to go. 382 00:16:58,370 --> 00:17:00,712 - But what if I... - I really got to go. 383 00:17:00,773 --> 00:17:03,220 NEWSMAN: And now with the weather, here's Nora Rogers. 384 00:17:03,245 --> 00:17:04,961 Hope you got those jackets ready, 385 00:17:04,986 --> 00:17:06,751 'cause tonight's gonna be a chilly one. Uh-huh. 386 00:17:06,776 --> 00:17:08,673 And going into Tue... 387 00:17:10,449 --> 00:17:12,040 Oh, for God's sake. 388 00:17:12,743 --> 00:17:14,378 Stop being an idiot! 389 00:17:14,403 --> 00:17:16,157 Just throw away the damn sandwich! 390 00:17:16,361 --> 00:17:18,144 - Uh... - What? 391 00:17:19,341 --> 00:17:21,470 You've never yelled at me before. 392 00:17:22,900 --> 00:17:24,294 Sorry. 393 00:17:24,978 --> 00:17:28,103 I've been swallowing a lot of anger lately. 394 00:17:28,917 --> 00:17:30,584 Christy, I want to throw it away 395 00:17:30,586 --> 00:17:31,985 'cause your mom's been so nice lately, 396 00:17:32,010 --> 00:17:35,727 but it's kind of like Vietnam... I know I need to get out, 397 00:17:35,752 --> 00:17:38,056 but how can I achieve peace with honor? 398 00:17:38,720 --> 00:17:42,179 Maybe you should stop treating your relationship like a war. 399 00:17:42,259 --> 00:17:44,478 You guys are both on the same side. 400 00:17:45,377 --> 00:17:46,751 You're right. 401 00:17:47,039 --> 00:17:49,757 Unless you're in on it. 402 00:17:50,072 --> 00:17:51,309 What are you talking about? 403 00:17:51,334 --> 00:17:53,833 Maybe she got you to say these things so you could trick me 404 00:17:53,858 --> 00:17:56,559 into throwing the sandwich away, so then I'm the guy... 405 00:17:56,695 --> 00:17:59,029 I sound like I'm crazy, don't I? 406 00:17:59,429 --> 00:18:01,723 I'm just gonna throw the sandwich away. 407 00:18:02,212 --> 00:18:03,628 Good. 408 00:18:04,169 --> 00:18:06,840 And next time you two draw a line in the sand, 409 00:18:06,865 --> 00:18:08,481 can it not be with tuna? 410 00:18:12,127 --> 00:18:14,590 - What are you doing? - I am throwing away this sandwich 411 00:18:14,615 --> 00:18:15,614 because I love you. 412 00:18:15,639 --> 00:18:17,739 No! I wanted to throw it away 413 00:18:17,764 --> 00:18:19,104 because I love you. 414 00:18:19,129 --> 00:18:20,848 Too late. It's done. 415 00:18:24,139 --> 00:18:27,607 I'm sorry I told you what to do. 416 00:18:27,609 --> 00:18:28,536 I'm sorry you had to. 417 00:18:28,561 --> 00:18:30,444 I really should make more of an effort. 418 00:18:30,766 --> 00:18:33,622 That's the most romantic thing you've ever said to me. 419 00:18:35,366 --> 00:18:38,450 (both moaning) 420 00:18:41,781 --> 00:18:43,564 BONNIE: Mmm, Adam. 421 00:18:45,160 --> 00:18:46,827 ♪ ♪ 422 00:18:46,829 --> 00:18:49,145 And I know I'm not supposed to be telling you this, 423 00:18:49,170 --> 00:18:52,149 but I picked up her sweater and put it away. 424 00:18:52,454 --> 00:18:55,411 And while I was doing it, I didn't want to kill her. 425 00:18:55,436 --> 00:18:57,636 I was too busy being happy for her. 426 00:18:58,006 --> 00:18:59,723 What did you do to me? 427 00:19:00,137 --> 00:19:01,675 I didn't do it, you did. 428 00:19:01,677 --> 00:19:03,226 I just made a suggestion. 429 00:19:03,228 --> 00:19:04,928 Well, it worked. 430 00:19:04,930 --> 00:19:07,653 Good. Maybe next time you won't push back so hard. 431 00:19:07,850 --> 00:19:08,965 I won't. 432 00:19:08,990 --> 00:19:10,523 Yeah, you will. 433 00:19:11,082 --> 00:19:12,903 Also, you're gonna need an umbrella tonight. 434 00:19:13,109 --> 00:19:14,419 But it's sunny. 435 00:19:14,444 --> 00:19:16,444 You're gonna have to learn to trust me. 436 00:19:16,525 --> 00:19:18,364 Here you go. 437 00:19:18,389 --> 00:19:21,077 Here you go. Here you go. 438 00:19:21,079 --> 00:19:24,174 - What's this? - This is the "Save the Date" card 439 00:19:24,199 --> 00:19:25,434 for my wedding. 440 00:19:25,459 --> 00:19:27,824 You may or may not be invited, but save the date. 441 00:19:28,323 --> 00:19:29,456 MARJORIE: Oh. 442 00:19:29,481 --> 00:19:31,147 You ready to be a bridesmaid? 443 00:19:31,172 --> 00:19:34,496 Mm, God, my skin's already itching from the polyester. 444 00:19:35,177 --> 00:19:39,045 It's official... I am no longer backing out, I'm locking it in. 445 00:19:39,047 --> 00:19:41,692 So Adam wasn't just trying to trick you? 446 00:19:41,717 --> 00:19:43,895 No, Marjorie, you were wrong. 447 00:19:46,057 --> 00:19:48,308 Oh, my God, Christy, what's wrong? 448 00:19:49,634 --> 00:19:52,035 You... made me love my mother, 449 00:19:52,060 --> 00:19:53,731 and now she's leaving me. 450 00:19:54,192 --> 00:19:56,810 (thunder crashing) 451 00:19:58,840 --> 00:20:00,441 Told you. 452 00:20:07,474 --> 00:20:09,474 Oh, God. 453 00:20:09,499 --> 00:20:12,293 We're in Vietnam again? 454 00:20:13,935 --> 00:20:16,269 (sighs) This is me doing nice things. 455 00:20:16,294 --> 00:20:19,412 'Cause that's what I do... I'm a nice thing doer. 456 00:20:19,437 --> 00:20:21,854 ADAM: Hey, what the hell happened to my lunch? 457 00:20:21,879 --> 00:20:23,795 CHRISTY: Oops. 458 00:20:27,597 --> 00:20:29,297 Gus? 459 00:20:29,870 --> 00:20:31,820 Did you eat my sandwich? 460 00:20:33,054 --> 00:20:35,020 And the plate? 461 00:20:37,934 --> 00:20:39,410 See you later, Mom! 462 00:20:39,412 --> 00:20:41,199 Enjoy your sandwich! 463 00:20:41,224 --> 00:20:42,863 Oh. Hey, Adam. 464 00:20:45,552 --> 00:20:49,739 -- Synced and corrected by ChrisKe -- -- www.addic7ed.com --