1 00:00:03,050 --> 00:00:05,018 - What is this? - New menu. 2 00:00:05,229 --> 00:00:06,870 New menu? No one asked us. 3 00:00:06,895 --> 00:00:09,112 You put raisins in my Sunshine Salad? 4 00:00:09,137 --> 00:00:10,387 Where's my turkey burger? 5 00:00:10,412 --> 00:00:13,113 The chicken fingers only come with three now? 6 00:00:13,811 --> 00:00:15,190 It doesn't even open. 7 00:00:15,215 --> 00:00:16,548 How can I whisper about Marjorie 8 00:00:16,573 --> 00:00:18,106 if I have nothing to hide behind? 9 00:00:18,450 --> 00:00:20,721 I knew you weren't ready for this. 10 00:00:22,348 --> 00:00:25,099 Well, that was stressful. 11 00:00:25,124 --> 00:00:27,995 Hey, anybody want to come with me to the bonsai exhibit 12 00:00:28,020 --> 00:00:29,886 at the Civic Center tomorrow? 13 00:00:29,911 --> 00:00:32,555 Sorry. Tiny trees make me sad. 14 00:00:32,580 --> 00:00:34,496 That's why I don't eat broccoli. 15 00:00:35,456 --> 00:00:38,934 I can't. I'm getting something done. 16 00:00:39,792 --> 00:00:42,353 - Bonnie? - I wish I could, but I have plans. 17 00:00:42,378 --> 00:00:44,106 She's helping me study for the GED. 18 00:00:44,131 --> 00:00:46,253 Oh, that's right, I really do have plans. 19 00:00:46,910 --> 00:00:50,412 Unlike Miss Getting Something Done. 20 00:00:51,245 --> 00:00:53,755 I didn't know you were taking the GEDs. Good for you. 21 00:00:53,780 --> 00:00:56,440 Yeah, it's the first step towards getting my contractor's license. 22 00:00:56,465 --> 00:00:58,432 The second step is learning how not to show up 23 00:00:58,457 --> 00:00:59,893 when I say I will. 24 00:00:59,918 --> 00:01:01,251 (laughter) 25 00:01:01,532 --> 00:01:03,482 It's so cute. These two have had a lot 26 00:01:03,534 --> 00:01:05,734 of late-night study sessions at my house. 27 00:01:05,759 --> 00:01:07,990 I make them celery stuffed with peanut butter. 28 00:01:08,015 --> 00:01:10,516 We feed it to the cats to shut them up. 29 00:01:10,541 --> 00:01:13,492 You ever hear a cat try to meow with a mouth full of Skippy? 30 00:01:13,544 --> 00:01:15,627 (imitates muffled meow) 31 00:01:16,128 --> 00:01:17,629 Oh, here comes the smoker. 32 00:01:17,664 --> 00:01:20,882 Bonnie, come sit by me so she doesn't stink up my cashmere. 33 00:01:21,862 --> 00:01:23,812 Would you like to look at the new menu, 34 00:01:23,837 --> 00:01:25,439 or is it gonna freak you out? 35 00:01:25,464 --> 00:01:27,847 Oh, God, there's a new menu? 36 00:01:29,726 --> 00:01:31,510 (sighs) 37 00:01:31,562 --> 00:01:33,049 Sorry I'm late. 38 00:01:33,074 --> 00:01:35,124 There was a big accident on the freeway. 39 00:01:35,149 --> 00:01:37,099 Oh, please. You were smoking. 40 00:01:37,184 --> 00:01:38,934 Both could be true. 41 00:01:39,019 --> 00:01:41,019 They're not, but they could be. 42 00:01:41,131 --> 00:01:42,631 Well, I'm glad you're here. 43 00:01:42,656 --> 00:01:44,322 I brought something for you. 44 00:01:44,358 --> 00:01:45,607 That's sweet. 45 00:01:45,719 --> 00:01:47,553 How come she gets a gift and we don't? 46 00:01:47,578 --> 00:01:49,503 And by "we," I mean "me." 47 00:01:51,999 --> 00:01:53,448 Oh. 48 00:01:54,585 --> 00:01:57,628 They're beautiful. 49 00:01:58,372 --> 00:02:01,256 Never mind. Whatever that is, I don't want one. 50 00:02:01,341 --> 00:02:02,674 They're lungs. 51 00:02:02,720 --> 00:02:05,521 We use them at the hospital to scare teenagers. 52 00:02:05,606 --> 00:02:07,656 Healthy lung, smoker's lung. 53 00:02:07,681 --> 00:02:11,216 It only takes six months to go from that to that. 54 00:02:11,241 --> 00:02:14,073 So what you're saying is I don't have to quit till June. 55 00:02:15,012 --> 00:02:17,102 ♪♪ 56 00:02:36,692 --> 00:02:37,992 Come on, Tammy. 57 00:02:38,017 --> 00:02:39,544 The square of the hypotenuse 58 00:02:39,569 --> 00:02:41,805 of a right triangle is equal to what? 59 00:02:42,435 --> 00:02:44,168 26. 60 00:02:45,137 --> 00:02:46,903 24. 61 00:02:47,511 --> 00:02:48,877 Eight. 62 00:02:49,520 --> 00:02:51,053 I'm not looking for a number. 63 00:02:51,078 --> 00:02:53,137 X. Lot of times it's X. 64 00:02:53,440 --> 00:02:55,567 I'm gonna jump in here. It's the sum of the squares 65 00:02:55,592 --> 00:02:56,958 of the two adjacent sides. 66 00:02:56,983 --> 00:02:58,649 Which is probably 26. 67 00:02:59,981 --> 00:03:02,124 How come you know this stuff so much better than I do? 68 00:03:02,149 --> 00:03:05,367 Because we've been going through it relentlessly for six weeks. 69 00:03:05,392 --> 00:03:06,679 God, I'm never gonna pass. 70 00:03:06,704 --> 00:03:08,407 You'll be fine. You were the "A" student 71 00:03:08,432 --> 00:03:09,598 when we were teenagers. 72 00:03:09,623 --> 00:03:12,200 That was many brain cells ago. 73 00:03:12,459 --> 00:03:14,292 You know, before the drinking, the drugs 74 00:03:14,328 --> 00:03:17,137 and my Roller Derby concussions. 75 00:03:18,668 --> 00:03:20,001 - Hey. - Hey. 76 00:03:20,026 --> 00:03:23,919 Hey. Tammy, I specifically put the lungs away 77 00:03:23,944 --> 00:03:25,360 so I wouldn't have to see that. 78 00:03:25,385 --> 00:03:27,802 Wendy told me to keep it in your face. Catch. 79 00:03:28,008 --> 00:03:30,342 Hey. How many times have I told you kids 80 00:03:30,367 --> 00:03:32,150 to not play lung in the house? 81 00:03:33,230 --> 00:03:35,013 Wendy is driving me crazy. 82 00:03:35,065 --> 00:03:37,849 She keeps sending me pictures of smokers with mouth cancer 83 00:03:37,901 --> 00:03:39,484 and holes in their throats. 84 00:03:39,520 --> 00:03:42,332 Gross. Can you forward me one? 85 00:03:43,562 --> 00:03:46,719 It can be your treat when we complete your math review. 86 00:03:46,744 --> 00:03:49,491 The carrot on the stick. Well played. 87 00:03:50,477 --> 00:03:52,508 Why is my Visa bill so high? 88 00:03:52,533 --> 00:03:54,476 Don't look at me. I haven't used your Visa card 89 00:03:54,501 --> 00:03:56,585 since Starbucks started asking for I.D. 90 00:03:56,765 --> 00:04:00,546 I mean, even in a hat, they won't believe I'm you. 91 00:04:00,913 --> 00:04:04,209 I spent over $200 on cigarettes last month? 92 00:04:04,234 --> 00:04:05,429 (exhales) 93 00:04:05,454 --> 00:04:07,763 That's it. I'm quitting. 94 00:04:07,788 --> 00:04:10,692 Wait a minute, so pictures of cancer mouth didn't get to you, 95 00:04:10,717 --> 00:04:12,100 but the Visa bill did? 96 00:04:12,246 --> 00:04:13,862 We're all gonna die of something. 97 00:04:13,887 --> 00:04:15,734 Until then, I need money. 98 00:04:15,945 --> 00:04:18,690 (gasps) I can't believe you just threw out those cigarettes. 99 00:04:18,725 --> 00:04:22,030 You know, in prison, that's two massages and a cornbread muffin. 100 00:04:22,929 --> 00:04:25,113 I am so proud of you. 101 00:04:25,138 --> 00:04:26,804 I hate that nasty habit. 102 00:04:27,124 --> 00:04:28,710 Awfully judgy for a woman 103 00:04:28,735 --> 00:04:31,953 who used to snort coke with a tampon applicator. 104 00:04:32,492 --> 00:04:35,007 Even high, I was an innovator. 105 00:04:36,153 --> 00:04:37,936 This is gonna be good. 106 00:04:37,961 --> 00:04:41,163 This is the right decision. (chuckles) I just saved my own life. 107 00:04:41,352 --> 00:04:42,851 What have you done today? 108 00:04:43,765 --> 00:04:45,807 Oh, Bonnie's been helping me study for the GED. 109 00:04:45,832 --> 00:04:47,448 She knows this stuff better than I do. 110 00:04:47,473 --> 00:04:48,624 Uh-huh. Uh-huh. 111 00:04:48,649 --> 00:04:51,882 Hey, Bonnie. You know what? You should take the GED with me. 112 00:04:51,907 --> 00:04:53,368 Why the hell would I do that? 113 00:04:53,393 --> 00:04:55,060 Well, you could get a high school diploma. 114 00:04:55,085 --> 00:04:57,302 Don't you want one? Come on, Christy, what do you think? 115 00:04:57,616 --> 00:04:59,458 Should I have had one final cigarette 116 00:04:59,483 --> 00:05:01,433 before I threw them all away? 117 00:05:01,546 --> 00:05:04,213 You know, if I wanted a diploma, I could just print one out 118 00:05:04,238 --> 00:05:06,771 on my computer like I did with my pilot's license. 119 00:05:07,825 --> 00:05:09,543 - Hey. - Adam's home. 120 00:05:09,568 --> 00:05:11,627 - Calm down. - What's going on? 121 00:05:11,652 --> 00:05:14,582 I quit smoking. And it's a nightmare. 122 00:05:15,632 --> 00:05:18,101 I'm trying to convince Bonnie to take the GED with me. 123 00:05:18,126 --> 00:05:19,788 - That sounds like a great idea... - Now, don't you start. 124 00:05:19,813 --> 00:05:21,763 - Why? - You always say you hate 125 00:05:21,788 --> 00:05:24,171 being a building manager. Maybe this will open up some doors. 126 00:05:24,196 --> 00:05:26,397 Oh, I see, you're ashamed of me. 127 00:05:26,659 --> 00:05:28,592 Sorry, I'm out. 128 00:05:30,797 --> 00:05:32,631 Okay, guys, I'm just gonna take out the trash. 129 00:05:32,656 --> 00:05:34,073 Oh, wait, honey. 130 00:05:34,098 --> 00:05:35,681 Before you go... 131 00:05:40,904 --> 00:05:43,071 I will dance on your grave. 132 00:05:46,980 --> 00:05:48,507 What are we thinking? 133 00:05:48,819 --> 00:05:50,768 Are we feeling brave? 134 00:05:54,095 --> 00:05:56,646 It's just, we're not good with change. 135 00:05:56,671 --> 00:05:58,851 Okay, but you're missing out on the new salad. 136 00:05:58,876 --> 00:05:59,959 New salad? 137 00:06:00,994 --> 00:06:02,661 No. Not ready. 138 00:06:04,284 --> 00:06:05,333 Where's Tammy? 139 00:06:05,358 --> 00:06:06,642 She's home studying. 140 00:06:06,667 --> 00:06:08,250 The GED's tomorrow. 141 00:06:08,275 --> 00:06:09,858 That's a shot at me, right? 142 00:06:10,003 --> 00:06:11,336 What are you talking about? 143 00:06:11,361 --> 00:06:12,744 Because I won't take the test 144 00:06:12,769 --> 00:06:14,209 and everyone's harassing me about it. 145 00:06:14,234 --> 00:06:16,567 Oh, my God. Shut up already. 146 00:06:16,592 --> 00:06:18,987 Take it, don't take it, who cares? 147 00:06:19,012 --> 00:06:21,999 So, Christy quit smoking. 148 00:06:23,350 --> 00:06:25,156 Yay. 149 00:06:25,710 --> 00:06:27,460 I can wear silk again. 150 00:06:29,072 --> 00:06:31,062 And your health, and your health. 151 00:06:31,552 --> 00:06:33,302 Good for you, sweetie. 152 00:06:33,327 --> 00:06:34,781 And just so you know, 153 00:06:34,806 --> 00:06:37,723 the next few days could be a little rocky. 154 00:06:37,748 --> 00:06:40,109 Will they, oh wise one? 155 00:06:41,368 --> 00:06:43,991 Why don't you just shut the knowledge hole? 156 00:06:45,088 --> 00:06:47,943 Okay. Back to you, Bonnie. 157 00:06:47,968 --> 00:06:50,235 Why wouldn't you want to take the GED? 158 00:06:50,260 --> 00:06:52,427 Because I'm not good at tests. I always fail. 159 00:06:52,452 --> 00:06:54,286 I'm not book-smart. I'm street-smart. 160 00:06:54,311 --> 00:06:55,694 Which is better anyway. 161 00:06:55,719 --> 00:06:57,882 You know what never saved my life? Geometry. 162 00:06:57,907 --> 00:07:01,484 You know what did? Being able to tell if a drug dealer was a cop. 163 00:07:03,649 --> 00:07:05,491 White socks. 164 00:07:06,526 --> 00:07:09,194 I don't think you're giving yourself enough credit. 165 00:07:09,239 --> 00:07:11,873 I mean, sure, maybe you didn't do well in school, 166 00:07:11,898 --> 00:07:14,199 but you were drinking and using back then. 167 00:07:14,530 --> 00:07:15,863 Wendy, what's new with you? 168 00:07:16,202 --> 00:07:18,070 Don't try to change the subject 169 00:07:18,095 --> 00:07:19,405 by pretending to care about Wendy. 170 00:07:19,511 --> 00:07:20,937 Yeah. 171 00:07:23,952 --> 00:07:26,416 Bonnie, you can't let fear get in your way. 172 00:07:26,441 --> 00:07:28,190 You're a strong, sober woman now, 173 00:07:28,215 --> 00:07:30,131 and that means you're capable of handling things 174 00:07:30,156 --> 00:07:32,156 that you couldn't handle before. 175 00:07:37,093 --> 00:07:38,306 JILL: Well, 176 00:07:38,331 --> 00:07:39,446 that's beautiful. 177 00:07:39,471 --> 00:07:41,765 Beatrice, give me that new menu. 178 00:07:41,790 --> 00:07:44,109 Nope, nope. (grunts) I spoke too soon. 179 00:07:50,998 --> 00:07:53,749 Do you realize it's been 40 years 180 00:07:53,774 --> 00:07:55,690 since we sat together in a classroom? 181 00:07:55,715 --> 00:07:57,636 Longer than that, isn't it? 182 00:07:57,866 --> 00:07:59,421 Well, it was 1975. 183 00:07:59,446 --> 00:08:00,779 How many years is that? 184 00:08:01,050 --> 00:08:03,383 (mouthing) 185 00:08:06,471 --> 00:08:09,835 I'm starting to lose confidence about the math section. 186 00:08:10,741 --> 00:08:12,735 All right, everybody, turn off your phones. 187 00:08:12,759 --> 00:08:15,960 The test will begin in two minutes. 188 00:08:16,013 --> 00:08:17,962 I'm so glad we studied together. 189 00:08:17,987 --> 00:08:19,486 I feel so prepared. 190 00:08:19,511 --> 00:08:21,648 How you doing? Good, good, good, good. 191 00:08:22,585 --> 00:08:24,496 Hey, will you switch with me? 192 00:08:24,521 --> 00:08:26,138 - Why? - There's a squirrel out here. 193 00:08:26,163 --> 00:08:28,283 It looks like he's wearing pants. 194 00:08:28,308 --> 00:08:30,734 - It's distracting. - Yeah. Okay. 195 00:08:32,612 --> 00:08:34,279 (sighs) 196 00:08:34,314 --> 00:08:36,077 (grunts) 197 00:08:38,868 --> 00:08:41,035 This chair has a wobbly back. 198 00:08:44,866 --> 00:08:47,542 (whispering): Hey. My friend thinks you're cute. 199 00:08:47,567 --> 00:08:49,100 Would you mind swapping seats? 200 00:09:00,827 --> 00:09:03,379 - You okay? - Perfect. 201 00:09:03,994 --> 00:09:07,249 Except Big Ben is ticking in my ear. 202 00:09:15,856 --> 00:09:17,822 Hey. Would you switch with me? 203 00:09:17,847 --> 00:09:19,847 Uh, that guy thinks you're cute. 204 00:09:25,218 --> 00:09:26,897 Hey, Bonnie! 205 00:09:27,331 --> 00:09:29,718 - So glad we're doing this together. - Me, too. 206 00:09:30,665 --> 00:09:32,665 PROCTOR: And begin. 207 00:09:37,461 --> 00:09:39,461 (inhales sharply) 208 00:09:42,182 --> 00:09:44,304 Which one of you is wearing perfume? 209 00:09:48,782 --> 00:09:50,832 Look at those lucky bastards, 210 00:09:50,857 --> 00:09:53,374 puffing away without a care in the world. 211 00:09:53,399 --> 00:09:56,267 And all I've got is this stupid cinnamon toothpick. 212 00:09:56,648 --> 00:09:59,397 Yeah, but you're going to live longer than they are. 213 00:09:59,422 --> 00:10:01,085 Step away. 214 00:10:04,157 --> 00:10:06,515 Quitting smoking still hard? 215 00:10:06,540 --> 00:10:08,702 Yes, Jill. Yes, it is. 216 00:10:09,421 --> 00:10:11,686 Why don't you try that nicotine gum? 217 00:10:11,711 --> 00:10:13,218 It's supposed to take the edge off. 218 00:10:13,243 --> 00:10:17,327 Hmm. Do you know how much that nicotine gum costs? 219 00:10:17,918 --> 00:10:20,804 Do you know how much anything costs, you princess? 220 00:10:22,722 --> 00:10:25,089 I know that if you keep talking to me like that, 221 00:10:25,142 --> 00:10:27,976 this princess is gonna pop you right in that cute button nose. 222 00:10:28,001 --> 00:10:30,366 Aw, go ahead. 223 00:10:30,647 --> 00:10:33,431 And I'll give you a refreshing cinnamon blast 224 00:10:33,456 --> 00:10:35,320 right in the eye. 225 00:10:35,936 --> 00:10:39,237 You know what? I'm gonna go scrub the sink. 226 00:10:39,262 --> 00:10:40,929 Come on, Wendy, show me how. 227 00:10:43,421 --> 00:10:46,110 Don't we usually have more cookies left over? 228 00:10:46,135 --> 00:10:47,801 Christy ate, like, 30 of them. 229 00:10:47,826 --> 00:10:49,609 Do not ask her about it. 230 00:10:50,028 --> 00:10:52,687 Oh, my God, you guys. I got my score. I passed! 231 00:10:52,712 --> 00:10:55,000 Oh, fantastic. 232 00:10:57,199 --> 00:10:58,532 Mom, did you get yours? 233 00:10:58,786 --> 00:11:00,152 I failed. 234 00:11:00,177 --> 00:11:01,626 What? No. 235 00:11:01,678 --> 00:11:02,927 No, it's okay. I'm good. 236 00:11:03,711 --> 00:11:06,515 - You sure? - Yeah. I'm fine. 237 00:11:21,890 --> 00:11:24,187 This one would like to stay out. 238 00:11:30,593 --> 00:11:32,272 Mom, you okay? 239 00:11:33,468 --> 00:11:34,884 Want a cookie? 240 00:11:34,909 --> 00:11:36,397 Toothpick? 241 00:11:37,408 --> 00:11:39,291 Split a pack of cigarettes? 242 00:11:41,023 --> 00:11:43,178 I don't need you to feel sorry for me. 243 00:11:43,203 --> 00:11:44,736 And stop eating these. 244 00:11:44,761 --> 00:11:47,280 I talked you into this. It's all my fault. 245 00:11:47,305 --> 00:11:48,967 No, it's not. I failed a test. 246 00:11:48,992 --> 00:11:50,658 I've done it a million times. 247 00:11:50,932 --> 00:11:52,682 You knew this stuff. What happened? 248 00:11:52,707 --> 00:11:54,407 What always happens... I couldn't focus. 249 00:11:54,432 --> 00:11:56,733 I forgot everything. I didn't even finish. 250 00:11:56,758 --> 00:11:59,141 It didn't help that the room was, like, 1,000 degrees 251 00:11:59,166 --> 00:12:01,283 and there were sirens and dogs and a mouth breather 252 00:12:01,308 --> 00:12:02,891 who sounded like Darth Vader. 253 00:12:02,916 --> 00:12:06,085 Seriously, try to concentrate with this going on behind you. 254 00:12:06,110 --> 00:12:09,078 (deep, rasping breaths) 255 00:12:10,139 --> 00:12:13,045 Bonnie, when can you take the test again? 256 00:12:13,070 --> 00:12:14,703 Never. Now, come on, let's go celebrate 257 00:12:14,728 --> 00:12:17,529 the one person in this room who actually is smart. 258 00:12:18,217 --> 00:12:21,228 I don't know how many times I have to remind you people 259 00:12:21,280 --> 00:12:24,850 I have a master's degree in art history, but okay. 260 00:12:25,178 --> 00:12:27,444 I'll meet you guys outside. I got to go to the bathroom. 261 00:12:27,469 --> 00:12:28,991 - (whispers): So do you. - Oh, so do I. 262 00:12:29,016 --> 00:12:30,259 What's up? 263 00:12:30,284 --> 00:12:32,283 I just feel bad celebrating in front of Bonnie. 264 00:12:32,308 --> 00:12:33,841 Oh, that's understandable. 265 00:12:33,866 --> 00:12:36,053 But, honey, this is a big deal. 266 00:12:36,078 --> 00:12:38,496 And it's okay for you to be proud of yourself. 267 00:12:38,521 --> 00:12:40,688 Good, 'cause I'm really, really proud of myself. 268 00:12:40,713 --> 00:12:42,443 I passed, I passed, I passed. 269 00:12:42,468 --> 00:12:44,348 - Come on, Marge, dance with me. - Yeah, yeah. Okay. 270 00:12:44,373 --> 00:12:45,567 Okay, okay. I passed, I passed. 271 00:12:45,592 --> 00:12:47,759 My hip. My back. My leg. 272 00:12:51,665 --> 00:12:54,600 Uh-uh, Christy, we're waiting over here for them. 273 00:12:54,847 --> 00:12:56,880 I'm coming. 274 00:12:57,049 --> 00:12:59,833 Hey, Bonnie, have you ever thought you might have A.D.D.? 275 00:12:59,882 --> 00:13:01,366 Now, why would she have an alarm company? 276 00:13:01,391 --> 00:13:03,224 She barely has any furniture. 277 00:13:03,491 --> 00:13:05,541 Attention deficit disorder. 278 00:13:05,566 --> 00:13:07,399 Oh, that you definitely have. 279 00:13:07,507 --> 00:13:09,974 Really, Jill? Is that your master's degree 280 00:13:10,009 --> 00:13:12,143 in finger painting talking? 281 00:13:12,168 --> 00:13:14,335 You know, it would explain a lot. 282 00:13:14,397 --> 00:13:16,230 Why don't you go back to whatever crab boat 283 00:13:16,255 --> 00:13:17,871 you're the captain of? 284 00:13:18,258 --> 00:13:20,044 I know a doctor who can test you. 285 00:13:20,069 --> 00:13:22,320 - Ugh. - Wouldn't kill you to check it out. 286 00:13:22,355 --> 00:13:23,966 Actually, I think it would, because if I find out 287 00:13:23,990 --> 00:13:25,718 I have one more thing wrong with me, I'm gonna go home 288 00:13:25,742 --> 00:13:26,835 and put my head in the oven. 289 00:13:27,156 --> 00:13:29,721 It's electric, but you can try. 290 00:13:29,917 --> 00:13:32,083 All right, let's go. 291 00:13:37,587 --> 00:13:39,453 It's okay, blow right in my face. 292 00:13:39,891 --> 00:13:41,482 JILL: Christy! 293 00:13:41,913 --> 00:13:44,914 Love you guys. Smell you tomorrow. 294 00:13:49,882 --> 00:13:52,516 Oh. What are you doing up? 295 00:13:52,541 --> 00:13:54,341 Nothing. What are you doing up? 296 00:13:54,387 --> 00:13:55,984 Nothing. 297 00:14:04,164 --> 00:14:05,297 What are you looking for? 298 00:14:06,921 --> 00:14:08,566 I thought I might have some ice cream is all. 299 00:14:08,591 --> 00:14:11,069 Oh, good, 'cause I threw out the cigarettes you hid in there. 300 00:14:12,496 --> 00:14:13,612 Damn it. 301 00:14:14,741 --> 00:14:16,457 So, why are you really up? 302 00:14:17,194 --> 00:14:18,793 I'm reading about A.D.D. 303 00:14:19,132 --> 00:14:21,556 I found this online test that helps you figure out 304 00:14:21,581 --> 00:14:23,538 - if you might have it. - Did you take it? 305 00:14:23,563 --> 00:14:25,560 About half, and then I found your credit card 306 00:14:25,585 --> 00:14:27,885 and bought a pair of yoga pants, just for old time's sake. 307 00:14:28,882 --> 00:14:30,755 Well, first, give me my card. 308 00:14:30,807 --> 00:14:32,089 It's already back in your wallet. 309 00:14:32,141 --> 00:14:33,937 What is this, amateur hour? 310 00:14:34,640 --> 00:14:36,954 All right, let me see this test. 311 00:14:36,979 --> 00:14:38,429 (sighs) 312 00:14:40,400 --> 00:14:43,017 Do you have trouble finishing projects and activities? 313 00:14:43,042 --> 00:14:44,796 That's when I saw the ad for the yoga pants, 314 00:14:44,844 --> 00:14:47,343 so what do you think, sometimes? 315 00:14:48,324 --> 00:14:50,107 Sure. 316 00:14:51,994 --> 00:14:55,257 Have you ever experienced problems with drugs and alcohol? 317 00:14:56,083 --> 00:14:58,093 (both laugh) 318 00:15:01,806 --> 00:15:03,439 (both sigh) 319 00:15:06,241 --> 00:15:08,459 Do you ever have difficulty staying focused 320 00:15:08,484 --> 00:15:11,249 during boring or repetitive tasks? 321 00:15:11,274 --> 00:15:12,724 What's going on? 322 00:15:13,476 --> 00:15:14,942 Things were heating up in there, 323 00:15:14,967 --> 00:15:16,687 and then you just wandered off. 324 00:15:28,197 --> 00:15:29,898 - Sometimes. - Sometimes. 325 00:15:37,257 --> 00:15:39,007 There it is. 326 00:15:39,549 --> 00:15:41,194 Right? 327 00:15:43,690 --> 00:15:45,273 Thought you quit. 328 00:15:45,539 --> 00:15:47,085 I did. 329 00:15:47,333 --> 00:15:51,023 Twice this morning, and again ten minutes ago. 330 00:15:52,234 --> 00:15:53,683 I don't get it. 331 00:15:53,708 --> 00:15:56,807 Why was I able to quit drinking, drugs and gambling, 332 00:15:56,832 --> 00:15:58,298 but I can't beat this? 333 00:15:58,344 --> 00:16:00,511 Well, 'cause you had a lot of support 334 00:16:00,563 --> 00:16:02,146 with those other things. 335 00:16:02,171 --> 00:16:04,773 You ever considered Nicotine Anonymous? 336 00:16:06,152 --> 00:16:09,382 Do you get a kickback for every group you get me into? 337 00:16:10,827 --> 00:16:13,148 - No more programs. - Okay. 338 00:16:13,173 --> 00:16:15,623 Maybe you're not ready to stop. 339 00:16:15,648 --> 00:16:18,108 But I hate it. My friends hate it. 340 00:16:18,133 --> 00:16:19,557 It makes me smell bad. 341 00:16:19,582 --> 00:16:21,081 It's wreaking havoc on my skin. 342 00:16:21,106 --> 00:16:22,772 My teeth are turning yellow. 343 00:16:22,797 --> 00:16:25,646 I'm hacking up stuff that should not come from a human. 344 00:16:25,671 --> 00:16:28,007 Excuse me, can you take this inside? 345 00:16:29,327 --> 00:16:31,686 This is my last one, and then I'm quitting. 346 00:16:31,711 --> 00:16:35,163 Yeah, this is my last one, too. 347 00:16:35,431 --> 00:16:37,431 (laughing) 348 00:16:40,929 --> 00:16:43,197 Hi. I'm Bonnie, and I'm an alcoholic. 349 00:16:43,222 --> 00:16:44,305 ALL: Hi, Bonnie. 350 00:16:44,390 --> 00:16:46,974 So, I just came from the doctor, 351 00:16:46,999 --> 00:16:49,804 and he says I have attention deficit disorder. 352 00:16:51,345 --> 00:16:54,646 And it kind of explains my whole life. 353 00:16:54,901 --> 00:16:57,515 My trouble at school, jobs, 354 00:16:58,120 --> 00:16:59,741 relationships. 355 00:17:00,406 --> 00:17:03,040 Good news is he says I can take the GED again 356 00:17:03,075 --> 00:17:04,825 and ask for extra time. 357 00:17:04,911 --> 00:17:07,044 I can even take it in a room by myself 358 00:17:07,079 --> 00:17:09,569 if I want to, where there are no distractions. 359 00:17:10,468 --> 00:17:12,030 You know, a do-over. 360 00:17:13,351 --> 00:17:15,062 I kind of wish I could get a do-over 361 00:17:15,087 --> 00:17:16,999 for the other stuff I've messed up in my life. 362 00:17:18,231 --> 00:17:19,694 God. 363 00:17:21,180 --> 00:17:23,013 How did no one notice this? 364 00:17:23,702 --> 00:17:25,896 I mean, if one foster parent 365 00:17:25,932 --> 00:17:27,815 or teacher or anybody had said, 366 00:17:27,840 --> 00:17:30,374 "Hey, this kid isn't dumb, she just needs a little help," 367 00:17:30,486 --> 00:17:32,152 everything could have been different. 368 00:17:32,663 --> 00:17:35,049 I mean, I've spent my entire freaking life struggling, 369 00:17:35,074 --> 00:17:38,242 and now I find out it didn't have to be that way? 370 00:17:40,720 --> 00:17:42,393 Who knows what I could have done? 371 00:17:47,620 --> 00:17:48,953 That's all I got. 372 00:17:51,260 --> 00:17:52,483 Oh, one more thing. 373 00:17:52,508 --> 00:17:55,009 If you've ever been mad at me for falling asleep 374 00:17:55,034 --> 00:17:57,438 or texting while you're sharing, you can't be. 375 00:17:57,463 --> 00:17:59,213 I have A.D.D. 376 00:18:08,307 --> 00:18:10,149 This new salad is the best. 377 00:18:10,174 --> 00:18:11,390 Why did we resist it? 378 00:18:11,415 --> 00:18:14,199 I know. Nectarines, corn and cranberries 379 00:18:14,251 --> 00:18:17,212 don't seem like they go together, but they do. 380 00:18:18,122 --> 00:18:19,621 Kind of like us. 381 00:18:19,673 --> 00:18:21,501 (all groan) 382 00:18:22,904 --> 00:18:24,619 I don't know what you guys are talking about. 383 00:18:24,644 --> 00:18:26,929 I hate it. Excuse me, Bea? 384 00:18:26,964 --> 00:18:29,014 When I ordered this salad, I didn't realize 385 00:18:29,039 --> 00:18:30,836 there was all this gross stuff in it. 386 00:18:30,861 --> 00:18:33,245 All the gross stuff is listed on the menu. 387 00:18:33,270 --> 00:18:35,554 Yeah, but here's the thing. 388 00:18:35,579 --> 00:18:37,439 I have A.D.D. 389 00:18:38,300 --> 00:18:40,416 I'll light a candle for you. 390 00:18:43,877 --> 00:18:45,509 I'm gonna make you a t-shirt 391 00:18:45,533 --> 00:18:48,727 that says "I have A.D.D." so you don't have to say it as much. 392 00:18:48,752 --> 00:18:51,618 Well, I won't remember to wear it. You know why? 393 00:18:52,516 --> 00:18:53,962 I got to feed my meter. 394 00:18:53,986 --> 00:18:56,228 Wait, before you go smoke, 395 00:18:56,626 --> 00:18:59,353 we all chipped in and got you something. 396 00:19:01,462 --> 00:19:03,806 If this is a kidney or a heart 397 00:19:04,095 --> 00:19:06,095 or any other diseased organ, 398 00:19:06,423 --> 00:19:09,791 I'm going to chop it up and put it in your salads. 399 00:19:09,994 --> 00:19:12,947 Everything else is in here. Why not throw it in? 400 00:19:13,275 --> 00:19:15,001 Come on, open it. 401 00:19:15,978 --> 00:19:17,244 Ah. 402 00:19:18,587 --> 00:19:20,587 Nicotine gum. 403 00:19:20,986 --> 00:19:22,525 Have I really been that cranky? 404 00:19:22,549 --> 00:19:23,697 ALL: Yes. 405 00:19:23,721 --> 00:19:26,830 Oh, like you're all so freaking low-maintenance. 406 00:19:27,939 --> 00:19:30,916 Yeah, I'm just gonna go ahead and pop one in right now.