1 00:00:01,509 --> 00:00:02,709 Christy. 2 00:00:02,711 --> 00:00:04,945 Do me a favor and bus table six. 3 00:00:04,947 --> 00:00:07,280 (Sighs) I'm kind of slammed. 4 00:00:07,282 --> 00:00:08,381 Why can't Hector do it? 5 00:00:08,383 --> 00:00:10,183 Immigration retirement party. 6 00:00:10,185 --> 00:00:12,085 Half the kitchen staff is hiding in the freezer. 7 00:00:12,087 --> 00:00:14,087 Got it. 8 00:00:15,091 --> 00:00:17,726 Hola. 9 00:00:19,304 --> 00:00:21,627 Boy, that's good scotch. 10 00:00:21,629 --> 00:00:24,497 What a waste. Ugh. 11 00:00:24,499 --> 00:00:27,600 What is wrong with these people? 12 00:00:31,364 --> 00:00:33,064 Oops. 13 00:00:41,533 --> 00:00:42,866 Okay. 14 00:00:43,173 --> 00:00:45,974 What's done is done. 15 00:00:51,680 --> 00:00:54,015 They're in the freezer. 16 00:01:00,433 --> 00:01:02,668 Hey! 17 00:01:04,971 --> 00:01:09,441 Which one of you miserable sons of bitches is horny? 18 00:01:09,443 --> 00:01:11,110 (Gasps) 19 00:01:14,581 --> 00:01:15,915 Oh, mom. 20 00:01:15,917 --> 00:01:18,484 I just had the worst drunk dream. 21 00:01:18,486 --> 00:01:19,718 It's okay, baby. 22 00:01:19,720 --> 00:01:22,588 Now, be a love, and tie mama off. 23 00:01:23,890 --> 00:01:25,424 (Gasps) 24 00:01:30,163 --> 00:01:31,430 Mom! 25 00:01:31,432 --> 00:01:32,831 What? 26 00:01:33,800 --> 00:01:35,267 Nothing. 27 00:01:35,269 --> 00:01:36,668 Just checking. 28 00:01:40,273 --> 00:01:43,108 What?! 29 00:01:45,390 --> 00:01:48,616 Mom - 02x01 "Hepatitis and Lemon Zest" 30 00:01:50,562 --> 00:01:53,303 sync and correction by solfieri www.addic7ed.com 31 00:02:01,843 --> 00:02:03,546 It seemed so real, 32 00:02:03,548 --> 00:02:06,552 like I had just thrown away my whole year. 33 00:02:06,554 --> 00:02:09,017 It's okay, honey. It's a slip dream. 34 00:02:09,019 --> 00:02:11,720 I've been sober 33 years, I still get 'em. 35 00:02:11,722 --> 00:02:13,388 - Really? - Oh, yeah. 36 00:02:13,390 --> 00:02:14,723 A couple months ago, 37 00:02:14,725 --> 00:02:18,760 I dreamt I was snorting blow off of Tom Jones' ass. 38 00:02:19,762 --> 00:02:21,163 Who's Tom Jones? 39 00:02:22,598 --> 00:02:25,200 Thanks for ruining a beautiful dream. 40 00:02:27,702 --> 00:02:30,372 - What? - Nothing. Just checking. 41 00:02:31,207 --> 00:02:33,523 I said I was sorry. 42 00:02:33,776 --> 00:02:36,545 For me, slip dreams are a signal something's bothering me 43 00:02:36,547 --> 00:02:37,779 and I'm not dealing with it. 44 00:02:37,781 --> 00:02:40,081 Boy, I don't know. 45 00:02:40,083 --> 00:02:43,184 I can't think of anything that's bothering me. 46 00:02:46,989 --> 00:02:50,058 She drove, so I'm gonna stick with that. 47 00:02:51,160 --> 00:02:52,260 Okay, you know what? 48 00:02:52,262 --> 00:02:56,164 Maybe you're ready to start helping somebody else stay sober. 49 00:02:56,843 --> 00:02:59,138 Maybe it is time for me to start giving back. 50 00:02:59,140 --> 00:03:00,068 Okay. 51 00:03:00,070 --> 00:03:02,437 Go talk to that new girl over there. 52 00:03:07,491 --> 00:03:09,510 Ooh, really? 53 00:03:09,512 --> 00:03:12,747 Can't I start with somebody off the children's menu? 54 00:03:12,749 --> 00:03:14,716 Okay, how about her? 55 00:03:15,384 --> 00:03:16,833 Oh, that's a Gucci bag. 56 00:03:16,835 --> 00:03:18,419 I can really help somebody with a Gucci bag. 57 00:03:18,421 --> 00:03:20,722 Go. 58 00:03:22,458 --> 00:03:23,791 Maybe I should help someone. 59 00:03:23,793 --> 00:03:25,393 What's stopping you? 60 00:03:25,395 --> 00:03:26,994 To be honest? 61 00:03:26,996 --> 00:03:28,930 A complete lack of compassion. 62 00:03:31,800 --> 00:03:33,801 - Hi. - Hi. 63 00:03:33,803 --> 00:03:35,136 Christy. 64 00:03:35,138 --> 00:03:36,637 Jill. 65 00:03:36,639 --> 00:03:37,972 Nice bag. 66 00:03:37,974 --> 00:03:40,441 Thanks. 67 00:03:40,443 --> 00:03:41,676 Gucci. 68 00:03:41,678 --> 00:03:43,778 I wouldn't know. 69 00:03:46,763 --> 00:03:48,763 Is this your first meeting? 70 00:03:48,765 --> 00:03:50,918 How can you tell? 71 00:03:50,920 --> 00:03:53,187 Well, no offense, 72 00:03:53,189 --> 00:03:56,691 but you kind of look like you just got tasered. 73 00:04:01,463 --> 00:04:03,430 I feel terrible. 74 00:04:03,432 --> 00:04:06,834 Yeah, I get it. 75 00:04:06,836 --> 00:04:09,603 A little over a year ago I was sitting 76 00:04:09,605 --> 00:04:12,606 exactly where you are right now. 77 00:04:12,608 --> 00:04:14,640 Of course, I wasn't dressed as nice. 78 00:04:16,548 --> 00:04:20,584 In fact, I think I was wearing this same sweater. 79 00:04:22,702 --> 00:04:24,669 You've been sober a whole year? 80 00:04:24,671 --> 00:04:27,588 Yep. It went by like... 81 00:04:27,590 --> 00:04:30,524 Tha... t. 82 00:04:33,194 --> 00:04:35,329 So, what's been going on? 83 00:04:35,331 --> 00:04:38,632 Not much. Um... 84 00:04:38,634 --> 00:04:43,737 I got a DUI, my husband left me and I tried to commit suicide. 85 00:04:44,639 --> 00:04:47,674 Oh, my God. You're gonna do great here. 86 00:04:54,048 --> 00:04:55,682 Can I be a mom for a moment? 87 00:04:55,684 --> 00:04:56,917 Sure. 88 00:04:56,919 --> 00:04:59,820 How long's it been since you got laid? 89 00:05:01,255 --> 00:05:02,355 What? 90 00:05:02,357 --> 00:05:04,925 Who keeps track of that sort of thing? 91 00:05:04,927 --> 00:05:07,227 The answer is: six months ago, the fireman. 92 00:05:08,429 --> 00:05:10,197 If you knew, why'd you ask? 93 00:05:10,199 --> 00:05:13,066 Because I wanted to talk about me, and I thought I'd come off better 94 00:05:13,068 --> 00:05:15,001 if I pretended to be interested in you. 95 00:05:15,003 --> 00:05:17,778 Wow. I see you trying. I really do. 96 00:05:17,780 --> 00:05:18,972 Thank you. 97 00:05:18,974 --> 00:05:22,275 - So, what's going on? - I cannot wait to bang your father. 98 00:05:24,111 --> 00:05:26,880 I mean, I know I have to bide my time until his ticker's better, 99 00:05:26,882 --> 00:05:29,215 but all I can think about is driving to Chico 100 00:05:29,217 --> 00:05:31,851 and draining him like a dirty pool. 101 00:05:33,687 --> 00:05:35,588 Come on. 102 00:05:35,590 --> 00:05:38,258 You are talking about my father's junk. 103 00:05:38,260 --> 00:05:40,660 No, you're talking about his junk. 104 00:05:40,662 --> 00:05:43,129 I cloaked it in an adorable metaphor. 105 00:05:44,532 --> 00:05:47,200 Maybe Violet is mature enough to be comfortable 106 00:05:47,202 --> 00:05:48,902 with her grandmother's sexuality. 107 00:05:48,904 --> 00:05:50,103 She's not. 108 00:05:51,772 --> 00:05:54,207 - Anything other than bills? - Um, yeah. 109 00:05:54,209 --> 00:05:56,976 - Something from the Taylors. - Ooh. Baby pictures! 110 00:05:56,978 --> 00:06:00,513 - Open it, let's see. - I don't know if I want to. 111 00:06:00,515 --> 00:06:04,247 Christy: Oh, okay. Well, you don't have to, sweetie. 112 00:06:04,249 --> 00:06:05,825 Yeah, we can just talk about 113 00:06:05,827 --> 00:06:08,021 whether your grandmommy should have violent intercourse 114 00:06:08,023 --> 00:06:10,223 with your grandpappy. 115 00:06:19,133 --> 00:06:20,066 She's cute. 116 00:06:20,068 --> 00:06:21,767 Very cute. 117 00:06:21,769 --> 00:06:23,102 Beautiful. 118 00:06:23,104 --> 00:06:24,170 Oh, no. 119 00:06:24,172 --> 00:06:25,271 What? 120 00:06:25,273 --> 00:06:27,073 They named her "Gwyneth." 121 00:06:28,041 --> 00:06:31,110 - What's wrong with Gwyneth? - Seriously? I have to tell you? 122 00:06:32,779 --> 00:06:36,248 No, no. I get it. 123 00:06:36,250 --> 00:06:40,086 Oh, look at that cute little bunny hat. 124 00:06:40,088 --> 00:06:41,980 You think that's cute? 125 00:06:41,982 --> 00:06:44,216 I do not. 126 00:06:48,843 --> 00:06:51,063 Okay. Well... 127 00:06:51,065 --> 00:06:53,817 I guess that went as good as it could've gone. 128 00:06:53,819 --> 00:06:54,918 Yeah. 129 00:06:57,170 --> 00:06:59,905 You ever wonder what it'd have been like if she kept the baby? 130 00:06:59,907 --> 00:07:01,937 Please don't go down that road. 131 00:07:01,939 --> 00:07:03,757 I suppose. 132 00:07:10,917 --> 00:07:12,618 Why don't I make us some lunch. 133 00:07:13,987 --> 00:07:16,355 Thanks, but I got to run. 134 00:07:16,357 --> 00:07:19,558 I'm going to meet that new girl, Jill. Roscoe, lunch! 135 00:07:19,560 --> 00:07:22,311 - Roscoe: I'm not hungry! - Grandma's making it. 136 00:07:22,313 --> 00:07:23,512 Roscoe: Okay! 137 00:07:26,332 --> 00:07:28,686 You know you're buying his love with bacon. 138 00:07:28,688 --> 00:07:30,688 Still love. 139 00:07:32,071 --> 00:07:33,872 (Knocking on door) 140 00:07:33,874 --> 00:07:35,941 Hang on! 141 00:07:35,943 --> 00:07:37,309 (Knocking continues) 142 00:07:37,311 --> 00:07:39,511 One more time and nobody's home. 143 00:07:44,092 --> 00:07:45,388 (Eastern European accent): Who are you? 144 00:07:45,390 --> 00:07:46,583 Who are you? 145 00:07:46,585 --> 00:07:48,353 Landlord. 146 00:07:48,355 --> 00:07:50,437 Is Crusty here? 147 00:07:51,771 --> 00:07:53,505 Crusty? 148 00:07:53,648 --> 00:07:55,067 Crusty Plunkett. 149 00:07:55,069 --> 00:07:56,671 Oh, that Crusty. 150 00:07:56,673 --> 00:07:58,330 Um, no. 151 00:07:58,332 --> 00:08:01,132 - Can I ask what this is about? - Who are you? 152 00:08:01,134 --> 00:08:04,903 Really? We're starting over? 153 00:08:04,905 --> 00:08:06,872 Okay, I'm her mother. 154 00:08:06,874 --> 00:08:08,771 - You're living here? - Absolutely not. 155 00:08:08,773 --> 00:08:10,732 Good, 'cause you're living here, rent would be higher. 156 00:08:10,734 --> 00:08:12,898 No, no. We wouldn't want it to be higher. 157 00:08:14,947 --> 00:08:16,748 So, what's up? 158 00:08:16,750 --> 00:08:19,417 Your daughter... Three months behind on rent. 159 00:08:19,419 --> 00:08:23,155 Really? Well, that doesn't sound like my little Crusty. 160 00:08:23,157 --> 00:08:27,926 48 hours, she don't pay... I send sheriff for eviction. 161 00:08:28,591 --> 00:08:30,759 How come I'm not smelling bacon? 162 00:08:36,390 --> 00:08:37,690 Excuse me. 163 00:08:39,438 --> 00:08:41,873 - Are you hungry, baby? - Uh-huh. 164 00:08:41,875 --> 00:08:45,866 You hear that? He's starving. You want him to be homeless, too? 165 00:08:46,726 --> 00:08:48,146 48 hours. 166 00:08:48,148 --> 00:08:50,921 Oh, come on. Look at that face. 167 00:08:52,251 --> 00:08:53,944 Nice face. 168 00:08:53,946 --> 00:08:55,720 48 hours. 169 00:08:56,788 --> 00:08:59,413 Damn. You need to get cuter. 170 00:09:02,528 --> 00:09:05,463 (Knocking on door) 171 00:09:05,465 --> 00:09:07,798 Did you want me to make you a sandwich? 172 00:09:07,800 --> 00:09:11,202 Oh, thanks, but Jill and I are having lunch. 173 00:09:11,204 --> 00:09:12,942 Oh, right. 174 00:09:12,944 --> 00:09:14,006 (door closing) 175 00:09:14,007 --> 00:09:16,606 Boy, she's lucky to have a role model like you. 176 00:09:16,608 --> 00:09:18,409 Ahh. 177 00:09:18,411 --> 00:09:21,178 Yeah, I'm just doing what I can do. 178 00:09:21,180 --> 00:09:23,647 Leading by example. 179 00:09:23,649 --> 00:09:25,149 That's terrific. 180 00:09:25,151 --> 00:09:27,278 Say, maybe you can give me some advice. 181 00:09:27,280 --> 00:09:29,487 Mm. I can give it. 182 00:09:29,489 --> 00:09:32,156 It's up to you to take it. 183 00:09:33,425 --> 00:09:34,458 That's good. 184 00:09:34,460 --> 00:09:36,860 I might use that with Jill. 185 00:09:36,862 --> 00:09:38,262 So, here's the thing. 186 00:09:38,264 --> 00:09:41,465 I have this friend who has an idiot daughter. 187 00:09:41,467 --> 00:09:43,234 I mean, a real screw-up. 188 00:09:43,236 --> 00:09:45,402 Ugh. That's too bad. 189 00:09:45,404 --> 00:09:47,404 Makes you appreciate me, huh? 190 00:09:47,406 --> 00:09:48,937 You bet. 191 00:09:50,776 --> 00:09:53,210 So, here's the thing. 192 00:09:53,212 --> 00:09:57,948 My friend's daughter doesn't pay the rent for three months. 193 00:09:57,950 --> 00:10:01,418 And now she and her whole family are gonna be evicted. 194 00:10:01,420 --> 00:10:04,388 Ooh, yikes. 195 00:10:04,390 --> 00:10:06,089 Wait a minute. 196 00:10:06,091 --> 00:10:09,026 You don't have any friends. 197 00:10:09,028 --> 00:10:11,828 Yes, but I have an idiot daughter. 198 00:10:12,864 --> 00:10:16,466 - Was that the Landlord at the door? - Yes, Crusty. 199 00:10:18,369 --> 00:10:19,736 How much time did he give us? 200 00:10:19,738 --> 00:10:22,005 - 48 hours. - Oh, boy. 201 00:10:22,007 --> 00:10:25,542 - How could you let this happen? - "Let it happen"?! 202 00:10:25,544 --> 00:10:29,946 Between Violet's pregnancy, the adoption and dad's heart attack, 203 00:10:29,948 --> 00:10:31,681 I lost a lot of days at work. 204 00:10:31,683 --> 00:10:33,917 Yeah, but what about the money I've been kicking in? 205 00:10:34,886 --> 00:10:36,052 Yes. 206 00:10:36,054 --> 00:10:37,320 Okay. 207 00:10:38,656 --> 00:10:42,292 Before I tell you about that, 208 00:10:42,294 --> 00:10:46,062 you have to understand that we were so far in the hole, 209 00:10:46,064 --> 00:10:49,299 the only way out was by getting creative. 210 00:10:49,301 --> 00:10:52,235 So I started thinking outside the box. 211 00:10:52,237 --> 00:10:53,336 Uh-huh. 212 00:10:53,338 --> 00:10:56,206 Like the box was here. 213 00:10:56,208 --> 00:11:00,543 And I was way over here. Thinking. 214 00:11:02,113 --> 00:11:04,614 What did you do? 215 00:11:05,583 --> 00:11:07,851 Um, well... 216 00:11:09,320 --> 00:11:12,913 I guess I can't put off saying it anymore... 217 00:11:20,798 --> 00:11:22,429 Say it! 218 00:11:24,969 --> 00:11:27,804 Okay. 219 00:11:27,806 --> 00:11:29,772 Remember how I used to bet 220 00:11:29,774 --> 00:11:33,276 on football and basketball and such? 221 00:11:33,278 --> 00:11:35,445 Yeah, you sucked at it. 222 00:11:36,380 --> 00:11:37,980 (Quietly): Still do. 223 00:11:38,968 --> 00:11:42,018 - You gambled away the rent money? - No, no, no! 224 00:11:42,020 --> 00:11:43,920 You're not listening to me. 225 00:11:43,922 --> 00:11:46,656 We never had rent money. 226 00:11:46,658 --> 00:11:49,792 I gambled away what little we had 227 00:11:49,794 --> 00:11:52,440 on the hopes of getting the rent money. 228 00:11:52,442 --> 00:11:53,606 See? 229 00:11:53,608 --> 00:11:55,231 Outside the box. 230 00:11:56,233 --> 00:12:00,069 You swore you weren't gonna gamble again. 231 00:12:00,937 --> 00:12:03,339 I thought I'd be better at it sober. 232 00:12:05,108 --> 00:12:07,643 Let's keep in mind the most important thing 233 00:12:07,645 --> 00:12:09,612 throughout all of this is... 234 00:12:09,614 --> 00:12:11,347 That I never took a drink. 235 00:12:11,349 --> 00:12:12,982 We'd be better off if you did! 236 00:12:12,984 --> 00:12:14,917 If you were drunk, you could bang the Landlord 237 00:12:14,919 --> 00:12:17,139 and we wouldn't be homeless. 238 00:12:17,141 --> 00:12:19,796 That's a terrible thing to say. 239 00:12:22,621 --> 00:12:25,623 Think he might go for it? 240 00:12:26,596 --> 00:12:28,797 Just... 241 00:12:38,159 --> 00:12:39,959 You know what I like about this cheesecake? 242 00:12:39,961 --> 00:12:42,075 It's creamy, but still very light. 243 00:12:42,077 --> 00:12:43,630 I think they use some kind of a low-fat... 244 00:12:43,632 --> 00:12:45,732 - Shut up... - Yogurt. 245 00:12:49,952 --> 00:12:52,771 You understand gambling is just your addiction 246 00:12:52,773 --> 00:12:54,473 crawling out another hole? 247 00:12:54,475 --> 00:12:56,175 Yeah. 248 00:12:56,177 --> 00:12:57,810 I get that now. 249 00:12:58,678 --> 00:13:00,412 (Chuckling) 250 00:13:00,414 --> 00:13:03,482 It's kind of like when I went crazy with the oreos and the... 251 00:13:03,484 --> 00:13:05,818 - Shut up... - Ho hos. 252 00:13:09,255 --> 00:13:11,190 How much do you owe the Landlord? 253 00:13:11,192 --> 00:13:12,157 Not much. 254 00:13:12,159 --> 00:13:13,492 Give me a number. 255 00:13:13,494 --> 00:13:15,961 I don't wanna. 256 00:13:15,963 --> 00:13:17,262 Say it! 257 00:13:17,264 --> 00:13:19,164 - Four grand. - (Hisses) 258 00:13:19,166 --> 00:13:20,499 Oh, I hate it when she goes... 259 00:13:20,501 --> 00:13:22,434 (Hisses) 260 00:13:22,436 --> 00:13:24,102 All right. 261 00:13:24,104 --> 00:13:25,170 Here's what we're gonna do. 262 00:13:25,172 --> 00:13:27,372 How much money do you have right now? 263 00:13:27,374 --> 00:13:31,009 I can scrounge up $300... $400. 264 00:13:31,011 --> 00:13:32,844 Bonnie? 265 00:13:32,846 --> 00:13:34,613 Yes? 266 00:13:37,811 --> 00:13:39,084 What do you got? 267 00:13:39,086 --> 00:13:41,286 - (Hisses) - Mom. 268 00:13:41,288 --> 00:13:43,822 Oh, I suppose I can kick in that much. 269 00:13:43,824 --> 00:13:46,091 Okay. I can do the same. 270 00:13:46,093 --> 00:13:49,427 If you can give the Landlord anything like a month's rent, 271 00:13:49,429 --> 00:13:51,363 I'm sure it'll buy you some time. 272 00:13:51,365 --> 00:13:52,364 I'll pay you back. 273 00:13:52,366 --> 00:13:55,166 Damn straight you'll pay me back. 274 00:14:01,273 --> 00:14:04,843 So, anyway, you were so smart to suggest that I work with that new girl. 275 00:14:04,845 --> 00:14:07,178 - It has been incredibly... - Shut up. 276 00:14:07,180 --> 00:14:09,481 Satisfying. 277 00:14:12,318 --> 00:14:14,719 Please, Gabriel, I really need to work more shifts. 278 00:14:14,721 --> 00:14:16,588 If I had them, I'd give them to you. 279 00:14:16,590 --> 00:14:18,423 How about one of Andrea's shifts? 280 00:14:18,425 --> 00:14:20,291 I'm not one to gossip, 281 00:14:20,293 --> 00:14:22,727 but the lady doesn't wash her hands after she tinkles. 282 00:14:22,729 --> 00:14:25,496 Andrea, hey, lookin' good! 283 00:14:26,532 --> 00:14:29,067 Do you really want hepatitis on the menu? 284 00:14:29,069 --> 00:14:31,769 I said no. 285 00:14:32,838 --> 00:14:34,939 Is this because I stopped sleeping with you? 286 00:14:34,941 --> 00:14:36,607 No! 287 00:14:36,609 --> 00:14:38,609 It's because I started sleeping with Andrea. 288 00:14:39,520 --> 00:14:40,754 Damn it. 289 00:14:40,756 --> 00:14:43,825 Yes, I want ten dimes on Mississippi tech, straight up. 290 00:14:43,827 --> 00:14:47,118 Yes, I know they're 18-point underdogs. I got a tip. 291 00:14:47,120 --> 00:14:49,320 Yeah... just put the bet down. 292 00:14:50,222 --> 00:14:52,056 Hi. 293 00:14:52,058 --> 00:14:53,591 Hello. 294 00:14:53,593 --> 00:14:55,026 You got a tip? 295 00:14:55,028 --> 00:14:56,527 - Maybe. - Is it a good one? 296 00:14:56,529 --> 00:14:59,864 Do onions caramelize at 310 degrees fahrenheit? 297 00:15:00,866 --> 00:15:02,033 I have no idea. 298 00:15:02,035 --> 00:15:04,568 But, uh, back to the tip, is it like a sure thing? 299 00:15:04,570 --> 00:15:06,971 Does lemon zest pair with ricotta? 300 00:15:06,973 --> 00:15:08,806 I get it, you're a chef. 301 00:15:08,808 --> 00:15:09,807 Just tell me! 302 00:15:09,809 --> 00:15:10,908 Can't lose. 303 00:15:10,910 --> 00:15:12,616 Pays five to one. 304 00:15:12,618 --> 00:15:14,017 Really? 305 00:15:15,080 --> 00:15:18,149 Five times 1,200 is... 306 00:15:18,151 --> 00:15:20,184 Zero, zero, carry the one... 307 00:15:20,186 --> 00:15:22,553 Okay, it's six grand. 308 00:15:24,656 --> 00:15:26,457 You want me to put a bet down for you? 309 00:15:28,660 --> 00:15:31,069 No, I can't. 310 00:15:31,631 --> 00:15:33,764 I just can't. 311 00:15:35,767 --> 00:15:37,935 Yeah, we both know she's gonna. 312 00:15:39,070 --> 00:15:42,072 You cannot tell my mother about this. 313 00:15:53,151 --> 00:15:55,152 Hi, I'm Jill and I'm an alcoholic. 314 00:15:55,154 --> 00:15:57,657 - Group: Hi, Jill. - Hi, Jill. 315 00:16:00,458 --> 00:16:03,627 I have six days now. 316 00:16:07,232 --> 00:16:09,366 I'm a little scared up here, 317 00:16:09,368 --> 00:16:13,236 I've really never talked in front of a group of people before. 318 00:16:13,238 --> 00:16:16,039 Unless you count the team of doctors who were trying to determine 319 00:16:16,041 --> 00:16:17,774 if I was still a danger to myself. 320 00:16:17,776 --> 00:16:19,376 (Laughter) 321 00:16:19,378 --> 00:16:25,615 Anyway, my sponsor told me that I should share, so... 322 00:16:25,617 --> 00:16:27,184 Here I am. 323 00:16:27,186 --> 00:16:28,752 And I'm doing everything she says 324 00:16:28,754 --> 00:16:31,478 because I really want to have it all together like she does. 325 00:16:31,480 --> 00:16:33,439 You're an inspiration to me, Christy. 326 00:16:38,496 --> 00:16:40,697 The way she turned her life around 327 00:16:40,699 --> 00:16:42,666 gives me hope that maybe I can do the same. 328 00:16:42,668 --> 00:16:44,367 (Very quietly): Oh, come on, make the kick, 329 00:16:44,369 --> 00:16:46,536 make the kick. 330 00:16:46,538 --> 00:16:49,272 Christy says that it's all about honesty, 331 00:16:49,274 --> 00:16:52,709 taking responsibility for my mistakes and doing things differently. 332 00:16:52,711 --> 00:16:54,595 The snap is good, kick is up. 333 00:16:54,597 --> 00:16:57,313 Anyway... I guess that's it, so... 334 00:16:57,315 --> 00:17:00,049 - Thank you. - I won! 335 00:17:00,051 --> 00:17:03,419 Oh, thank you, God, I won! 336 00:17:04,853 --> 00:17:07,439 - Hey. - Leader: Who else would like to share? 337 00:17:10,561 --> 00:17:12,629 Are you crying? 338 00:17:12,631 --> 00:17:14,397 I'm just so happy. 339 00:17:15,566 --> 00:17:16,799 For you. 340 00:17:17,673 --> 00:17:19,202 You're the best. 341 00:17:19,204 --> 00:17:20,703 (Crying): Thank you. 342 00:17:22,072 --> 00:17:24,273 (Silently mouthing) 343 00:17:29,179 --> 00:17:30,379 Ooh. 344 00:17:30,381 --> 00:17:32,849 I don't usually sleep with fat, bald guys, 345 00:17:32,851 --> 00:17:36,219 but tonight's your night, Mr. Franklin. 346 00:17:36,221 --> 00:17:37,486 - Don't turn around. - What? 347 00:17:37,488 --> 00:17:39,188 Just give me the money and walk away. 348 00:17:39,190 --> 00:17:40,656 Oh, no. No, no. 349 00:17:40,658 --> 00:17:42,825 Look, I'm not screwing around. There's a gun in your back. 350 00:17:42,827 --> 00:17:46,329 Yeah, I can feel it, I'm actually peeing myself a little. 351 00:17:46,331 --> 00:17:49,398 But you don't understand, I need this money to pay my rent. 352 00:17:49,400 --> 00:17:51,334 - How about we split it? - Shut up. 353 00:17:51,336 --> 00:17:53,536 Yeah, gee, I been getting that a lot lately. 354 00:17:53,538 --> 00:17:55,905 Okay, uh, see if this works. 355 00:17:55,907 --> 00:17:59,241 Follow me to my Landlord's, uh, let me give him this money, 356 00:17:59,243 --> 00:18:01,911 and then you rob him. Everybody wins. 357 00:18:05,160 --> 00:18:06,961 (Quietly): No. 358 00:18:09,286 --> 00:18:12,054 Man: I'm so frigging happy I can't even stand it. 359 00:18:12,056 --> 00:18:13,222 Hey. 360 00:18:13,224 --> 00:18:17,960 Great news. Landlord came by, he said one month's rent would be fine. 361 00:18:17,962 --> 00:18:19,587 - He said that, huh? - Yup. 362 00:18:19,588 --> 00:18:21,564 I told him to come back in the morning. 363 00:18:21,565 --> 00:18:24,333 (Exhales) Great. 364 00:18:24,335 --> 00:18:27,336 That's when I'll sleep with him. 365 00:18:27,338 --> 00:18:29,605 What are you talking about? 366 00:18:30,440 --> 00:18:31,974 I got mugged. 367 00:18:33,243 --> 00:18:34,543 The money's gone. 368 00:18:34,545 --> 00:18:35,611 Are you kidding me? 369 00:18:35,613 --> 00:18:37,579 I wish I was. 370 00:18:37,581 --> 00:18:39,648 There was a gun at my back. 371 00:18:39,650 --> 00:18:43,418 Oh, baby, oh, my God, come here. 372 00:18:43,420 --> 00:18:46,655 Oh, mom, I was so scared. 373 00:18:46,657 --> 00:18:48,423 Oh. It's gonna be all right. 374 00:18:48,425 --> 00:18:50,559 Everything's gonna be fine. 375 00:18:54,510 --> 00:18:56,720 Wait a minute. 376 00:18:57,868 --> 00:18:59,267 There was no mugger. 377 00:18:59,269 --> 00:19:01,203 Yeah, there was. Keep hugging. 378 00:19:01,205 --> 00:19:02,904 No, no, no, no. 379 00:19:02,906 --> 00:19:04,706 You gambled again, didn't you? 380 00:19:04,708 --> 00:19:06,675 Well... 381 00:19:06,677 --> 00:19:09,544 Oh, I knew it! What is wrong with you? 382 00:19:09,546 --> 00:19:11,746 - But I won! - Oh, really? Where's the money? 383 00:19:11,748 --> 00:19:13,315 I told you, I got mugged. 384 00:19:13,317 --> 00:19:16,384 Christy, it is time to admit you've got another problem. 385 00:19:16,386 --> 00:19:18,553 Gambling's not a problem when you win. 386 00:19:22,625 --> 00:19:25,026 - And I did get mugged. - Sure you did. Let me guess, 387 00:19:25,028 --> 00:19:27,762 - he was a big, scary-looking black guy? - He was. 388 00:19:27,764 --> 00:19:29,297 Shame on you, Christy. 389 00:19:29,299 --> 00:19:32,534 It's not my fault he perpetuates the stereotype. 390 00:19:32,536 --> 00:19:35,470 Oh, my God, save it, we don't have time for your racism. 391 00:19:35,472 --> 00:19:39,073 Now, do we have any cash for our heartless Armenian Landlord? 392 00:19:40,443 --> 00:19:41,543 Well, I guess that's it. 393 00:19:41,545 --> 00:19:43,912 Sheriff shows up in the morning, we get evicted. 394 00:19:43,914 --> 00:19:47,248 Oh, I don't want the kids to have to go through that. 395 00:19:47,250 --> 00:19:48,483 What's the alternative? 396 00:19:48,485 --> 00:19:50,752 Give me a second, let me think. 397 00:19:58,594 --> 00:20:01,696 I need another box. 398 00:20:05,401 --> 00:20:08,836 Pack your stuff, Roscoe. We're going on a surprise vacation. 399 00:20:08,838 --> 00:20:12,306 Bonnie: Pack up, Violet, we're skipping out on the rent. 400 00:20:14,001 --> 00:20:15,280 What are you standing there for? 401 00:20:15,282 --> 00:20:16,878 We got to get out of here before the Landlord shows up. 402 00:20:16,880 --> 00:20:19,380 (Sighs) Roscoe grew up here. 403 00:20:19,382 --> 00:20:21,949 This is a memory that's gonna be gone forever. 404 00:20:23,480 --> 00:20:24,847 Hang on. 405 00:20:26,759 --> 00:20:28,656 What are you doing? 406 00:20:28,658 --> 00:20:30,925 It's not like we're gonna get the security deposit back. 407 00:20:38,699 --> 00:20:40,900 That works. 408 00:20:49,396 --> 00:20:51,134 Violet: This place sucks, mom. 409 00:20:51,135 --> 00:20:54,103 Christy: Come on, look on the bright side. 410 00:20:54,721 --> 00:20:56,970 We've won HBO. 411 00:21:02,306 --> 00:21:04,306 sync and correction by solfieri www.addic7ed.com