1 00:32:40,992 --> 00:32:42,780 يا إلهي ، لا. 2 00:32:44,695 --> 00:32:46,240 إذن لماذا؟ 3 00:32:49,062 --> 00:32:51,882 ستكون دائمًا في الخارج ، كما تعلم. 4 00:32:52,804 --> 00:32:55,803 ضغط أنف المدرسة النحوية المخاطية على الجزء. 5 00:32:56,980 --> 00:32:58,490 لن يسمحوا لك بالدخول إلى ناديهم أبدًا ، 6 00:32:58,491 --> 00:33:01,062 بغض النظر عن كثير من الأحيان كنت تقوم بدورهم. 7 00:33:03,062 --> 00:33:04,862 أنا آسف. 8 00:33:07,062 --> 00:33:08,480 أنا أيضا. 9 00:33:35,262 --> 00:33:36,302 مورس. 10 00:33:36,303 --> 00:33:38,319 لدي دكتور بينفورد على الخط من أجلك. 11 00:33:38,320 --> 00:33:39,800 ضعه من خلال. 12 00:33:41,062 --> 00:33:44,061 - مرحبا؟ - دكتور بنفورد؟ كيف يمكنني أن أقدم المساعدة؟ 13 00:33:44,062 --> 00:33:46,810 أنا أتصل بشأن المرأة التي قُتلت على ممر السحب في رأس السنة الجديدة ، 14 00:33:46,811 --> 00:33:48,421 مولي أندروز؟ 15 00:33:48,422 --> 00:33:50,061 نعم بالتأكيد. 16 00:33:50,062 --> 00:33:51,794 ماذا كنت تريد أن تقول؟ 17 00:33:51,819 --> 00:33:53,700 أحد موضوعات الاختبار الخاصة بي ... 18 00:33:54,457 --> 00:33:56,937 في الواقع ، هل يمكننا أن نلتقي في مكان ما غدًا؟ 19 00:34:06,866 --> 00:34:09,061 حسنًا ، هذا شيء. 20 00:34:09,062 --> 00:34:13,061 - نعم. - نعم إنه كذلك. نعومي بنفورد. 21 00:34:13,062 --> 00:34:15,663 دوروثيا فرازيل. أكسفورد ميل. 22 00:34:15,664 --> 00:34:16,951 هل تلقي خطاب؟ 23 00:34:16,952 --> 00:34:19,061 خطاب؟ أنا؟ لا ، لا ، لا أعرف كيف. 24 00:34:19,062 --> 00:34:21,261 أنا فقط أقول بضع كلمات. 25 00:34:21,262 --> 00:34:23,841 أود إجراء مقابلة مع المنظمين ، 26 00:34:23,842 --> 00:34:25,599 حتى مجرد اقتباس ، هل تعرفهم؟ 27 00:34:25,600 --> 00:34:27,826 نعم بالطبع. إنها أرييل وشيلا وسالي. 28 00:34:27,827 --> 00:34:30,062 - يمكنني تقديمك. - أوه ، رائع. 29 00:34:31,262 --> 00:34:34,584 مرحبًا ، آسف ، هل يمكنني تقديم دوروثيا فرازيل. أكسفورد ميل. 30 00:34:34,585 --> 00:34:36,882 سالي الكسندر ، أفترض. 31 00:34:38,262 --> 00:34:40,662 آسف. المعذرة دقيقة واحدة فقط. 32 00:34:41,945 --> 00:34:44,044 الحضانة على طول القاعة. 33 00:34:44,062 --> 00:34:45,343 أنا آسف؟ 34 00:34:45,368 --> 00:34:48,461 الحضانة. الفصول يديرونها اليوم ، إذا كان هذا ما تبحث عنه. 35 00:34:48,544 --> 00:34:50,821 لا ، أنا هنا لرؤية دكتور بنفورد. 36 00:34:50,940 --> 00:34:53,062 - أنت الشرطي. - هذا صحيح. 37 00:34:54,062 --> 00:34:55,102 واحد... 38 00:34:56,262 --> 00:34:59,061 ربما كنت قد تحدثت خارج المنعطف الليلة الماضية. 39 00:34:59,062 --> 00:35:00,303 قبل الأوان ، على الأقل. 40 00:35:00,304 --> 00:35:02,061 حسنا كيف ذلك؟ 41 00:35:02,062 --> 00:35:05,061 أخشى أن دمي كان مستيقظًا عندما اتصلت بالهاتف. 42 00:35:05,420 --> 00:35:08,061 هل تعلم أن هناك جريمة إضاعة وقت الشرطة؟ 43 00:35:08,062 --> 00:35:10,061 أنا آسف ، لكن هناك بروتوكولات احترافية 44 00:35:10,062 --> 00:35:12,581 أنا مضطر للمراقبة قبل أن أتحدث بحرية. 45 00:35:12,582 --> 00:35:16,061 إذا كان لديك أي معلومات حول ما حدث على الممرين في العام الجديد ، 46 00:35:16,063 --> 00:35:18,061 لديك التزام بإخبار الشرطة. 47 00:35:18,062 --> 00:35:20,061 وأنا آسف ، لكنها ليست قصتي لأرويها. 48 00:35:20,062 --> 00:35:23,740 هناك أشخاص أريد التحدث إليهم ، حسناً ، شخص. 49 00:35:23,765 --> 00:35:26,264 - أنا أتحدث إليهم بعد ظهر اليوم. - حق. 50 00:35:26,343 --> 00:35:28,863 لا أستطيع خيانة الثقة. أنا آسف. 51 00:35:33,976 --> 00:35:36,500 - هذه لك عطلة نهاية الأسبوع ، أليس كذلك؟ - بعض منه. 52 00:35:36,687 --> 00:35:38,960 في الرابعة من عمري ، لدي المزيد من هذه الأعمال المروعة للقطط. 53 00:35:38,985 --> 00:35:41,467 تختفي القطط ، ثم تظهر ... 54 00:35:41,492 --> 00:35:42,663 الكل... 55 00:35:42,688 --> 00:35:44,207 أوه ، هذا مروع للغاية. 56 00:35:44,232 --> 00:35:46,700 واحد من أجل RSPCA ، بلا شك. 57 00:35:46,827 --> 00:35:50,827 كما ترون ، بطاقتي للرقص هي خنق إيجابي. 58 00:35:53,062 --> 00:35:56,061 ما الذي تأملون جميعًا أن تتحرروا منه بالضبط؟ 59 00:35:56,062 --> 00:35:59,061 هل هي مجرد أطباق أم تنظيف منزلي خفيف بشكل عام؟ 60 00:35:59,420 --> 00:36:02,421 - الهيمنة البطريركية في المقام الأول. - آه. 61 00:36:02,446 --> 00:36:06,061 التحرر من طغيان الزجاجة المضغوطة مجرد ملحق. 62 00:36:06,420 --> 00:36:09,261 بالحديث عن ذلك ، كيف تستقر في مكانك الجديد هذا؟ 63 00:36:09,263 --> 00:36:10,670 Urgh ببطء. 64 00:36:10,671 --> 00:36:13,061 ما زلت أنتظر سماع خبر فينيسيا. 65 00:36:13,062 --> 00:36:15,261 تمتلئ الشوارع بالمياه. 66 00:36:15,262 --> 00:36:16,901 توقف عن الضغط! 67 00:36:16,902 --> 00:36:20,061 وماذا عنك؟ هل لديك خطط واضحة؟ 68 00:36:20,062 --> 00:36:23,061 أوه ، سأقوم باضطهاد شخص ما في مكان ما ، كما أتوقع. 69 00:36:23,062 --> 00:36:25,581 - الحفاظ على الشوفينية ينتهي. - مم. 70 00:36:25,582 --> 00:36:29,061 خلاف ذلك ، سآخذ وسائل الراحة الخاصة بي حيثما أستطيع. "للموسيقى سحر". 71 00:36:29,062 --> 00:36:31,527 أتمنى لك عطلة نهاية أسبوع سعيدة. 72 00:36:52,380 --> 00:36:53,961 أنت متأكد؟ 73 00:36:53,962 --> 00:36:56,061 لم أعتقد أنه كان من الصواب التحدث نيابة عنك ، 74 00:36:56,062 --> 00:36:57,592 ليس بدون سؤالك أولاً. 75 00:36:57,593 --> 00:36:58,725 لا لا. أنت تعرف، 76 00:36:58,726 --> 00:37:01,040 كنت أرغب في الذهاب إليهم في المقام الأول. أنا فقط... 77 00:37:01,062 --> 00:37:03,242 أراد أن يفعل ذلك بالطريقة الصحيحة. 78 00:37:04,062 --> 00:37:05,541 هل سيصدقونني؟ 79 00:37:05,569 --> 00:37:07,061 بدا لائقًا جدًا. 80 00:37:07,062 --> 00:37:10,101 مزاج سيء بعض الشيء ، ولكن بعد ذلك ، اعتقد أنني كنت أضيع وقته ، 81 00:37:10,102 --> 00:37:12,560 لذلك أعتقد أن هذا أمر مفهوم. 82 00:37:12,668 --> 00:37:15,267 لدي انطباع بأنه يريد الوصول إلى حقيقة الأمر. 83 00:37:15,362 --> 00:37:18,061 سأشعر بالتحسن بمجرد أن يعرفوا. 84 00:37:18,062 --> 00:37:20,061 أنا متأكد من أني سوف. 85 00:37:20,062 --> 00:37:21,742 إنه فقط ، إيه ... 86 00:37:22,382 --> 00:37:24,101 عبء علي. 87 00:37:24,413 --> 00:37:26,133 أنا أعرف. 88 00:37:26,898 --> 00:37:28,980 كنت أقصد أن أشكرك. 89 00:37:29,062 --> 00:37:30,600 لماذا؟ 90 00:37:31,062 --> 00:37:33,162 لتصدقني. 91 00:37:34,492 --> 00:37:36,351 كل شيء سيكون على مايرام. 92 00:37:36,407 --> 00:37:38,047 أعدك. 93 00:37:53,742 --> 00:37:55,180 أوه! 94 00:38:01,906 --> 00:38:03,300 اعذرني. 95 00:38:07,062 --> 00:38:09,062 قف! قف! 96 00:38:23,262 --> 00:38:24,902 حذر! 97 00:38:29,765 --> 00:38:31,020 هل انت بخير؟ 98 00:38:35,500 --> 00:38:37,062 إنه ، أم ... 99 00:38:38,582 --> 00:38:39,660 مورس. 100 00:38:39,851 --> 00:38:41,850 مورس! بالتاكيد! سامحني. 101 00:38:42,062 --> 00:38:43,580 الأسماء الإنجليزية. 102 00:38:44,062 --> 00:38:46,061 أنا آسف هل التقينا؟ 103 00:38:46,062 --> 00:38:49,061 لودو. كنا مستيقظين في نفس الوقت. 104 00:38:49,062 --> 00:38:52,061 كنت في بوفورت ، وكنت في ... أم ... 105 00:38:52,062 --> 00:38:53,741 لا ، انتظر ، لا تخبرني. 106 00:38:53,742 --> 00:38:55,061 كنت في Lonsdale. 107 00:38:55,062 --> 00:38:58,061 لونسديل ، نعم! من فضلك ، اسمح لي أن أشرب لك؟ 108 00:38:58,062 --> 00:38:59,638 أوه لا. أنا بخير شكرا. 109 00:38:59,639 --> 00:39:01,061 لا ، انظر ، أنا أصر. 110 00:39:01,062 --> 00:39:04,061 لدي القليل من التواصل مع الترفيه بعد ظهر هذا اليوم ، 111 00:39:04,062 --> 00:39:06,540 مما يجعلك ، بطريقة الكلام ، ضيفي. 112 00:39:28,749 --> 00:39:31,061 تافه. إنه ليس عملاً علميًا! 113 00:39:31,062 --> 00:39:32,062 انها ليست مهمة. 114 00:39:32,063 --> 00:39:35,061 هذا ... هذا ... يحط من قدرنا جميعًا ، أنا آسف. 115 00:39:35,062 --> 00:39:37,061 دونالد ، أعتقد أنك غير معقول. 116 00:39:37,062 --> 00:39:38,561 أه آسف. 117 00:39:38,662 --> 00:39:40,764 سوف تبقى. إذا كنت في منتصف شيء ما. 118 00:39:40,765 --> 00:39:42,261 - أستطيع ... - لا ، لسنا كذلك. 119 00:39:42,262 --> 00:39:43,762 دونالد. 120 00:39:47,062 --> 00:39:49,100 هل تعلم شيئا عن هذا؟ 121 00:39:49,102 --> 00:39:51,639 أوه ، ربما سمعت شيئًا عنها. 122 00:39:51,640 --> 00:39:53,062 حسنًا ، ربما أخبرتني. 123 00:39:53,063 --> 00:39:54,802 كما تعلم ، هذا قسم جاد. 124 00:39:54,803 --> 00:39:57,061 نحن منخرطون في عمل جاد. 125 00:39:57,062 --> 00:39:59,099 ال Bursar's بالفعل تصدر ضجة حول التمويل. 126 00:39:59,100 --> 00:40:02,180 شيء من هذا القبيل يمكن أن يحولنا إلى أضحوكة. 127 00:40:12,062 --> 00:40:14,061 هل استمتعت بالحفل؟ 128 00:40:14,062 --> 00:40:15,480 كثيرا جدا. 129 00:40:15,632 --> 00:40:18,631 الموسيقى هي حياتي. شغفي الكبير. 130 00:40:18,656 --> 00:40:21,185 في المرتبة الثانية بعد المطاردة الدؤوبة للمرأة الجميلة. 131 00:40:21,210 --> 00:40:22,772 يمكنك أن تقول هذا ، 132 00:40:22,797 --> 00:40:24,996 - "المطاردة الدؤوبة" بالإنجليزية؟ - نعم ، سنفعل. 133 00:40:25,062 --> 00:40:28,061 حسنًا ، ها نحن ذا ، هذه هي بنود إيماني. 134 00:40:28,062 --> 00:40:30,061 الأشخاص الوحيدون الذين أعترف بهم ، في أي حال. 135 00:40:30,062 --> 00:40:31,062 هناك ما هو أسوأ بكثير. 136 00:40:31,063 --> 00:40:32,771 آه ، لا شيء أفضل. 137 00:40:32,772 --> 00:40:34,062 والآن أنا جائع. 138 00:40:34,063 --> 00:40:35,421 هل لدينا عشاء؟ 139 00:40:35,422 --> 00:40:37,741 - أوه ، حسنًا ... - لن أتحمل أي رفض. 140 00:40:37,742 --> 00:40:39,421 هناك مكان صغير أعرفه. 141 00:40:39,422 --> 00:40:41,162 ستحبه. 142 00:40:47,624 --> 00:40:48,840 تعبر. 143 00:40:53,902 --> 00:40:55,400 خطوط متموجة. 144 00:41:03,960 --> 00:41:05,160 مثلث. 145 00:41:05,340 --> 00:41:07,061 دوري الدرجة الأولى. 146 00:41:07,062 --> 00:41:09,861 كامبريدج ، لا شيء ، لينكولن ، واحد. 147 00:41:10,062 --> 00:41:12,061 أكسفورد ، واحد ، برمنغهام ، لا شيء. 148 00:41:12,062 --> 00:41:14,061 ليستر ، أربعة ، مانشستر ... 149 00:41:14,062 --> 00:41:16,061 لا تحب أن تفوتك النتائج. 150 00:41:16,062 --> 00:41:17,421 ... إبسويتش ، اثنان ، كارلايل ... 151 00:41:17,422 --> 00:41:20,061 حق. عمل. 152 00:41:20,062 --> 00:41:21,581 153 00:41:21,582 --> 00:41:23,500 إيه ، إنه عمل. هو ... 154 00:41:24,769 --> 00:41:27,400 الفتاة فوق ممر السحب في رأس السنة الجديدة. 155 00:41:28,062 --> 00:41:31,120 طلب السيد برايت من مورس إلقاء نظرة عليها. 156 00:41:31,750 --> 00:41:34,249 تأكد من عدم وجود شيء فاتني. 157 00:41:34,445 --> 00:41:36,245 مورس؟ 158 00:41:37,062 --> 00:41:40,061 حسنًا ، لست متأكدًا مما أفكر فيه بشأن ذلك ، أنا متأكد. 159 00:41:40,580 --> 00:41:42,461 لا تعني أي شيء. 160 00:41:42,500 --> 00:41:44,701 الممارسة القياسية ، هذا كل شيء. 161 00:41:50,062 --> 00:41:51,380 آه... 162 00:41:51,504 --> 00:41:54,420 اشتريت زوج من جزر الكناري في السوق. 163 00:41:54,898 --> 00:41:57,897 زوج ، ديك ودجاجة. قد نحصل على بعض الكتاكيت. 164 00:41:58,062 --> 00:41:59,460 هل يمكننا؟ 165 00:41:59,485 --> 00:42:01,644 اعتدت على تربية الطيور عندما كنت صبيا. 166 00:42:01,669 --> 00:42:04,260 حسنًا ، اعتني بهم بحثًا عن الرجل العجوز. 167 00:42:04,703 --> 00:42:06,560 اعتقدت أنه قد يكون ... 168 00:42:07,102 --> 00:42:09,762 شيئا ما. مصلحة. 169 00:42:10,725 --> 00:42:12,421 الريش في كل مكان. 170 00:42:12,422 --> 00:42:14,061 إنه ليس ريشًا في كل مكان. 171 00:42:14,062 --> 00:42:16,061 وإذا كان الأمر كذلك ، فسوف ... سأفعل ذلك. 172 00:42:16,062 --> 00:42:19,061 إنه عصفورين. لن يزعجوك. 173 00:42:19,063 --> 00:42:20,694 حسنًا ، أين سنضعهم ؟ 174 00:42:20,695 --> 00:42:23,061 أين سنحتفظ بهم؟ حتى مؤخرتي ، Winifred. 175 00:42:23,062 --> 00:42:24,876 هذا هو المكان الذي سيحتفظ بهم. حتى مؤخرتي. 176 00:42:24,877 --> 00:42:26,480 مثل ديفيد نيكسون. 177 00:42:27,062 --> 00:42:28,700 انا اسالك فقط. 178 00:42:28,757 --> 00:42:30,416 لا حاجة للغة. 179 00:42:30,422 --> 00:42:32,940 في قفص ، أين تعتقد؟ 180 00:42:33,660 --> 00:42:35,819 لقد رأيتهم للتو ، وأردتهم ، واشتريتهم. 181 00:42:35,844 --> 00:42:37,344 وهذا كل شيء ، وهذا كل شيء. 182 00:42:37,420 --> 00:42:40,300 اعتقدت أنه قد يكون شيئًا لطيفًا. شيء لا ... 183 00:42:41,062 --> 00:42:43,062 الدم والقسوة. 184 00:42:43,972 --> 00:42:45,812 والكراهية. 185 00:42:47,874 --> 00:42:50,874 ما الذي سيفعله شخص لآخر ، ليس لديك فكرة. 186 00:42:59,945 --> 00:43:02,445 فقط يحبطك أحيانًا ، هذا كل شيء. 187 00:43:07,062 --> 00:43:08,261 زجاجة أخرى؟ 188 00:43:08,262 --> 00:43:10,061 أوه لا. 189 00:43:12,262 --> 00:43:14,061 حسنا يا له من يوم. 190 00:43:14,062 --> 00:43:16,061 لدينا قول مأثور في بلدي ، 191 00:43:16,062 --> 00:43:18,061 "لا تمدح قبل غروب الشمس بيوم ". 192 00:43:18,062 --> 00:43:19,741 اى المدن هذه؟ 193 00:43:20,140 --> 00:43:23,061 أعادت الحرب ترسيم الحدود الوطنية مرات عديدة 194 00:43:23,062 --> 00:43:25,521 لجعل هذه المفاهيم غير ذات صلة. 195 00:43:25,522 --> 00:43:28,161 أفضل أن أقول إنني رجل العالم. 196 00:43:28,380 --> 00:43:31,061 وماذا تفعل في العالم؟ 197 00:43:31,062 --> 00:43:33,061 السفر في الغالب. 198 00:43:33,062 --> 00:43:34,741 عائلتي في الشحن. 199 00:43:34,742 --> 00:43:36,590 منذ ما قبل فاسكو دا جاما. 200 00:43:38,569 --> 00:43:41,444 أعتني بالأذرع المختلفة لمؤسستنا الخيرية. 201 00:43:41,445 --> 00:43:44,101 أنا أشتري وأبيع أشياء جميلة. عمل فني. 202 00:43:44,102 --> 00:43:48,061 لدي مهرجان موسيقي. وأنت؟ 203 00:43:48,062 --> 00:43:50,061 أوه ، لا شيء مثير للاهتمام. 204 00:43:50,062 --> 00:43:51,421 أنا شرطي. 205 00:43:51,422 --> 00:43:53,061 - حقا؟ - مم-هم. 206 00:43:53,860 --> 00:43:56,741 لكن يبدو أنك رجل صقل. ذوق رائع. 207 00:43:56,742 --> 00:43:59,620 ليس على الإطلاق متكتل ، متثاقل ، مسؤول تافه. 208 00:44:00,062 --> 00:44:01,421 آه ، لقد أساءت إليك. 209 00:44:01,422 --> 00:44:05,061 قصدت ، بالطبع ، رجال الشرطة الذين ليسوا في إنجلترا. 210 00:44:05,140 --> 00:44:07,319 هل سافرت كثيرًا في القارة؟ 211 00:44:07,320 --> 00:44:08,840 أوه ، قليلا. 212 00:44:09,062 --> 00:44:11,061 لذا ، ستعرف مسؤولي الحدود 213 00:44:11,062 --> 00:44:13,741 ورجال شرطة المقاطعات هم أحد نوعين. 214 00:44:13,742 --> 00:44:16,061 الممل ، كل شيء على حدة 215 00:44:16,062 --> 00:44:20,062 وأولئك الذين يفهمون اللغة العالمية الوحيدة يستحقون اللعنة. 216 00:44:21,062 --> 00:44:22,420 اي نوع انت 217 00:44:22,585 --> 00:44:24,038 السابق. بالتااكيد. 218 00:44:24,063 --> 00:44:27,061 - لا يفسد؟ هل هاذا هو؟ - هذا صحيح. 219 00:44:27,062 --> 00:44:29,061 كل رجل له ثمنه. 220 00:44:29,062 --> 00:44:30,366 كل رجل. 221 00:44:30,367 --> 00:44:32,641 سأجعل من حياتي أن أجد عملك. 222 00:44:32,642 --> 00:44:34,061 وبمجرد أن وجدت ضعفك ، 223 00:44:34,062 --> 00:44:36,421 سأستغلها دون رحمة لتحقيق غاياتي. 224 00:44:36,422 --> 00:44:38,061 وما هذا؟ 225 00:44:38,500 --> 00:44:41,061 سوف أفكر في شيء ما. 226 00:44:41,460 --> 00:44:43,061 وماذا عنك؟ 227 00:44:43,062 --> 00:44:45,062 ما هو ضعفك؟ 228 00:44:46,062 --> 00:44:48,061 نقاط ضعفي؟ 229 00:44:48,062 --> 00:44:50,162 تركني ضعفي. 230 00:44:52,062 --> 00:44:53,460 آه... 231 00:44:53,656 --> 00:44:55,980 أنا أرى. أنا آسف. 232 00:45:02,460 --> 00:45:03,980 في احسن الاحوال. 233 00:45:38,562 --> 00:45:39,762 بريدجيت؟ 234 00:46:03,062 --> 00:46:05,421 قسم الإمكانات الكامنة. 235 00:46:05,422 --> 00:46:07,880 نوع من مختبر أبحاث العلوم. 236 00:46:08,062 --> 00:46:11,061 مُلحق بكلية كاردينال بقدر ما أستطيع أن أفهمه. 237 00:46:11,062 --> 00:46:12,581 من هو المتوفى؟ 238 00:46:12,582 --> 00:46:14,061 الدكتورة نعومي بنفورد. 239 00:46:14,062 --> 00:46:15,780 28 سنه. 240 00:46:16,796 --> 00:46:18,995 - ماذا او ما؟ - إنها صغيرة جدًا. 241 00:46:19,262 --> 00:46:21,890 - هل تعلم لها؟ - رأيتها حوالي مرة أو مرتين. 242 00:46:21,940 --> 00:46:24,938 كما تعلم ، الطيور المبكرة. لكن لا تتحدث إلى. 243 00:46:25,062 --> 00:46:27,061 - أنت بخير رغم ذلك؟ - بلى. 244 00:46:27,062 --> 00:46:30,581 كانت حفيدة ريت ، بريدجيت ، هي من وجدتها ، وليس أنا. 245 00:46:30,582 --> 00:46:32,662 إنه أنت أنا متزوج. 246 00:46:33,062 --> 00:46:36,061 رأيت أسوأ في حراسة النار ، في الحرب. حقا. 247 00:46:36,062 --> 00:46:37,562 انا جيد. 248 00:46:37,580 --> 00:46:40,002 الآن ، استمر. قم بعملك. 249 00:46:46,851 --> 00:46:48,850 لقد تم اختيارها للتو لتكون على شاشة التلفزيون 250 00:46:48,875 --> 00:46:50,874 لبعض برامج البث الأكاديمية الجديدة . 251 00:46:50,899 --> 00:46:52,998 هناك القليل في البريد اليوم. 252 00:46:53,062 --> 00:46:55,421 أجرت مقابلة مع الآنسة فرازيل. 253 00:46:55,422 --> 00:46:57,061 عائلة؟ 254 00:46:57,062 --> 00:47:00,061 بنج. السكان المحليون يخطرونهم. 255 00:47:00,062 --> 00:47:02,062 لكنها امتلكت شقة في شمال أكسفورد. 256 00:47:03,781 --> 00:47:05,980 إصابات كارثية متعددة 257 00:47:06,062 --> 00:47:11,061 بما يتفق مع السقوط العالي على سطح صلب. 258 00:47:11,062 --> 00:47:13,161 يجب أن تنتظر بعد الوفاة 259 00:47:13,162 --> 00:47:16,061 لتحديد ما قتلها بالضبط ، 260 00:47:16,062 --> 00:47:20,061 لكن هناك ورم دموي قبل الوفاة في كلا الذراعين. 261 00:47:20,062 --> 00:47:23,061 شخص ما أمسكها من العضلة ذات الرأسين ، 262 00:47:23,062 --> 00:47:25,061 بقوة كافية للكدمات ، 263 00:47:25,062 --> 00:47:27,302 في غضون لحظات من وفاتها. 264 00:47:29,881 --> 00:47:31,062 متى؟ 265 00:47:31,063 --> 00:47:33,061 مساء السبت ، في وقت ما؟ 266 00:47:33,062 --> 00:47:36,061 توقفت الساعة بعد الثامنة إلى الثانية عشرة. 267 00:47:37,220 --> 00:47:39,630 هل تعتقد أن هذا مرتبط بـ (مولي أندروز)؟ 268 00:47:39,631 --> 00:47:41,061 أليس كذلك؟ 269 00:47:41,062 --> 00:47:44,466 لذا ، اتصلت بالمحطة ليلة الجمعة ، 270 00:47:44,467 --> 00:47:46,581 مدعيا أن لديه معلومات عن Towpath Killer. 271 00:47:46,582 --> 00:47:49,061 فقط عندما أراها يوم السبت ، في روسكين ، أصيبت بالبرد 272 00:47:49,062 --> 00:47:50,741 وتقول إنها بحاجة إلى التحدث إلى شخص ما 273 00:47:50,742 --> 00:47:52,901 قبل أن تتمكن من الكشف عن أي شيء تعرفه. 274 00:47:52,902 --> 00:47:54,562 والآن ماتت. 275 00:47:55,609 --> 00:47:58,540 قتلها شخص ما قبل أن تتمكن من إفشاء ما تعرفه عن مولي. 276 00:47:59,902 --> 00:48:01,462 شخص ما هنا. 277 00:48:02,062 --> 00:48:03,709 من المسؤول عن هذا المكان؟ 278 00:48:03,710 --> 00:48:08,061 رئيس الرجل أستاذ ، السير دونالد بليش. 279 00:48:08,062 --> 00:48:10,061 حصل على دروس بعد ظهر اليوم ، 280 00:48:10,062 --> 00:48:12,061 ولا تأتي أبدًا في صباح يوم الإثنين ، 281 00:48:12,062 --> 00:48:14,261 لكن أحد الرجال الصغار موجود. 282 00:48:14,343 --> 00:48:17,343 أ د. جيريمي كريتسيك. 283 00:48:18,304 --> 00:48:20,603 ماذا تفعل هنا دكتور كريتسيك؟ 284 00:48:20,660 --> 00:48:24,061 نحن ندرس جوانب معينة من الوعي البشري. 285 00:48:24,062 --> 00:48:25,581 الظواهر النفسية. 286 00:48:25,582 --> 00:48:29,061 التحريك الذهني. ESP ، إدراك حسي إضافي. 287 00:48:29,062 --> 00:48:31,901 Telaesthesia ، استبصار السفر 288 00:48:31,902 --> 00:48:33,581 أو المشاهدة عن بعد ، إذا كنت تفضل ذلك. 289 00:48:33,582 --> 00:48:35,421 يسميها البعض رؤية بعيدة ، 290 00:48:35,422 --> 00:48:38,061 - لكن كل هذا يعني نفس الشيء. - ما هو ماذا؟ 291 00:48:38,900 --> 00:48:42,460 سيكون الموضوع قادرًا على التركيز على الأماكن التي لم يسبق لها مثيل. 292 00:48:42,596 --> 00:48:44,795 يمكن أن يكون في البيت المجاور أو على الجانب الآخر من العالم ، 293 00:48:44,820 --> 00:48:47,819 ووصفها بوضوح وتفصيل كبيرين. 294 00:48:48,062 --> 00:48:50,061 كل ما في أذهانهم. 295 00:48:50,062 --> 00:48:52,581 الناس أيضًا ، الذين لم يلتقوا أبدًا. 296 00:48:52,582 --> 00:48:54,661 إذن ، هل تدفع لك مقابل هذا؟ 297 00:48:55,862 --> 00:48:57,302 أنا متأكد من ذلك لشخص عادي 298 00:48:57,303 --> 00:48:59,860 كل هذا يبدو وكأنه مجموعة كبيرة من الألعاب الضخمة ، 299 00:49:00,062 --> 00:49:02,061 but Faraday was an early researcher. 300 00:49:02,062 --> 00:49:04,061 Sir William Crookes, Rufus Osgood Mason. 301 00:49:04,062 --> 00:49:07,061 They all believed the mind contains vast, untapped powers. 302 00:49:10,062 --> 00:49:11,800 What's all this? 303 00:49:12,062 --> 00:49:13,580 So? 304 00:49:14,062 --> 00:49:16,500 It's Naomi. There's been some sort of accident. 305 00:49:17,429 --> 00:49:19,109 The stairwell. 306 00:49:20,062 --> 00:49:23,342 I don't know what happened, but she's... she's dead. 307 00:49:24,040 --> 00:49:26,061 These gentlemen are with the police. 308 00:49:26,062 --> 00:49:28,523 What? No, that can't be right. 309 00:49:28,882 --> 00:49:30,981 I'm afraid it is. Dr...? 310 00:49:31,062 --> 00:49:32,421 Ferman. 311 00:49:33,300 --> 00:49:35,901 We'll need an account of everyone's movements 312 00:49:35,902 --> 00:49:39,061 between Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. 313 00:49:39,062 --> 00:49:41,901 Well, I was in the pub on Saturday night. 314 00:49:41,902 --> 00:49:45,061 I'm afraid what I did see of Sunday was beneath an eiderdown. 315 00:49:45,062 --> 00:49:46,581 Which pub? 316 00:49:47,340 --> 00:49:49,061 The Baby And The Bird. 317 00:49:49,062 --> 00:49:50,062 The Turl. 318 00:49:50,063 --> 00:49:52,061 And, well, after that it gets a bit hazy. 319 00:49:52,062 --> 00:49:53,820 Anyone vouch for you? 320 00:49:55,062 --> 00:49:56,900 Bar staff, I suppose. 321 00:49:58,062 --> 00:50:00,061 What about you, Doctor Kreitsek? 322 00:50:00,062 --> 00:50:02,061 I was at The Tunnel, Saturday night. 323 00:50:02,062 --> 00:50:03,062 It's a folk club. 324 00:50:03,063 --> 00:50:05,061 Oh, yeah. Who was on? 325 00:50:05,062 --> 00:50:07,460 - Who was playing? - Mm-hm. 326 00:50:08,062 --> 00:50:09,435 Chap called Thackeray, I like. 327 00:50:09,436 --> 00:50:11,061 Seen him at Braden's Week. 328 00:50:11,062 --> 00:50:12,599 I've seen him a couple of times. 329 00:50:12,600 --> 00:50:14,634 Doctor Benford been with you long? 330 00:50:14,700 --> 00:50:17,061 Since, um, about autumn. 331 00:50:17,062 --> 00:50:19,361 What was her role here? 332 00:50:19,980 --> 00:50:21,901 Junior research fellow. 333 00:50:21,902 --> 00:50:24,061 Naomi carried out a number of our experiments. 334 00:50:24,062 --> 00:50:26,062 What sort of experiments? 335 00:50:27,062 --> 00:50:30,700 The subject undergoes a period of sensory deprivation. 336 00:50:31,062 --> 00:50:33,061 A red light is shone on ping-pong balls, 337 00:50:33,062 --> 00:50:35,826 which are cut in half and placed over the eyes. 338 00:50:35,827 --> 00:50:38,101 At the same time, headphones play white noise. 339 00:50:38,102 --> 00:50:40,061 What's the game there, then? 340 00:50:40,500 --> 00:50:43,741 Well, the idea is to clear the mind of any external stimuli 341 00:50:43,742 --> 00:50:46,061 in order that the subject might become more receptive, 342 00:50:46,062 --> 00:50:49,061 more attuned to their extra sensory potential. 343 00:50:49,540 --> 00:50:51,061 And do they? 344 00:50:51,062 --> 00:50:52,961 Some, yeah. 345 00:50:53,062 --> 00:50:55,061 Once the subject is suitably prepared, 346 00:50:55,062 --> 00:50:57,444 the tester turns through a collection of flash cards 347 00:50:57,445 --> 00:51:00,061 which show various geometric symbols. 348 00:51:00,062 --> 00:51:03,061 Like, er, triangles, squares, circles, wavy lines and that. 349 00:51:03,062 --> 00:51:05,061 The subject tries to see what's on the cards. 350 00:51:05,062 --> 00:51:06,360 Triangle. 351 00:51:08,062 --> 00:51:09,279 Anything in it? 352 00:51:09,280 --> 00:51:11,061 Some subjects show an above average aptitude 353 00:51:11,062 --> 00:51:13,061 for correctly identifying the symbols. 354 00:51:13,062 --> 00:51:16,061 And some subjects show a below average aptitude, I assume. 355 00:51:16,062 --> 00:51:17,581 Given the nature of averages. 356 00:51:17,582 --> 00:51:22,061 Look, the government show us a lot of respect for the work we do here. 357 00:51:22,062 --> 00:51:25,327 Perhaps you might want to extend the same respect that it warrants. 358 00:51:25,328 --> 00:51:28,061 Well, to get back to the matter in hand, 359 00:51:28,062 --> 00:51:32,061 did Dr Benford have a boyfriend, or...? 360 00:51:32,062 --> 00:51:33,727 Not so far as I know. 361 00:51:33,728 --> 00:51:35,062 Well, I can't say we were close. 362 00:51:35,063 --> 00:51:37,061 When did you last see her? 363 00:51:37,062 --> 00:51:38,741 Saturday afternoon. 364 00:51:38,742 --> 00:51:40,062 Here? 365 00:51:43,621 --> 00:51:45,221 Doctor? 366 00:51:51,890 --> 00:51:53,061 Good morning. 367 00:51:53,062 --> 00:51:55,161 Detective Sergeant Morse, Chief Inspector Thursday. 368 00:51:55,162 --> 00:51:57,499 From Thames Valley. We're looking for a Professor Blish. 369 00:51:57,500 --> 00:52:00,061 Donald. My husband. 370 00:52:00,062 --> 00:52:02,062 He's in the garden. Won't you come in? 371 00:52:11,062 --> 00:52:13,061 Thought I heard the door. 372 00:52:13,062 --> 00:52:14,490 The police, darling. 373 00:52:14,491 --> 00:52:16,161 Someone at college has died. 374 00:52:16,162 --> 00:52:17,961 A Dr Benford? 375 00:52:18,062 --> 00:52:20,061 - Naomi? - I'm afraid so, sir. 376 00:52:20,062 --> 00:52:23,581 Detective Chief Inspector Thursday, Detective Sergeant Morse. 377 00:52:23,582 --> 00:52:26,061 Would you like tea, or something stronger? 378 00:52:26,062 --> 00:52:28,421 Thank you, Mrs Blish, we won't if it's all the same. 379 00:52:28,820 --> 00:52:30,061 Sorry... 380 00:52:30,062 --> 00:52:33,901 Darling, if I could just trouble you for a cheque for Querels 381 00:52:33,902 --> 00:52:36,000 and then I'll be out of your hair. 382 00:52:37,902 --> 00:52:39,740 I've made out the amount. 383 00:52:40,875 --> 00:52:41,975 The butchers. 384 00:52:42,063 --> 00:52:44,421 Only, I'm not allowed my own cheque book. 385 00:52:44,780 --> 00:52:47,061 In case my head explodes and falls off 386 00:52:47,062 --> 00:52:48,421 Quite right. 387 00:52:48,422 --> 00:52:50,755 Do you let your wife have her own cheque book? 388 00:52:50,756 --> 00:52:54,779 I know it's all the fashion, but money, seems to me, a man's job. 389 00:52:54,780 --> 00:52:56,062 There we are, darling. 390 00:52:56,063 --> 00:52:58,562 If there's anything you want, just shout. 391 00:53:00,305 --> 00:53:02,505 At the Department, you say? 392 00:53:03,262 --> 00:53:05,061 Poor girl. 393 00:53:05,062 --> 00:53:07,061 But how? I don't understand. 394 00:53:07,062 --> 00:53:09,061 Was there some sort of accident, or...? 395 00:53:09,062 --> 00:53:11,061 A fall, sir, but hopefully, with your help, 396 00:53:11,062 --> 00:53:13,061 we'll be able to get to the bottom of it. 397 00:53:13,062 --> 00:53:15,462 When did you last see Dr Benford? 398 00:53:16,062 --> 00:53:18,061 Saturday, it would have been. 399 00:53:18,062 --> 00:53:20,061 Half-past 5 or thereabouts. 400 00:53:20,062 --> 00:53:24,631 She'd been over at Ruskin in the morning for this women's conference, 401 00:53:24,632 --> 00:53:27,061 and then came in for a few hours after lunch. 402 00:53:27,062 --> 00:53:29,101 Was there anyone with her when you left? 403 00:53:29,580 --> 00:53:31,061 Not that I saw. 404 00:53:31,062 --> 00:53:34,061 But I wouldn't expect anyone to be in the lab much after that. 405 00:53:34,062 --> 00:53:36,062 She said she had some work to finish. 406 00:53:38,530 --> 00:53:42,061 Did she ever mention a young woman killed on the towpath at New Year? 407 00:53:42,500 --> 00:53:44,061 Molly Andrews. 408 00:53:44,062 --> 00:53:46,262 She was a barmaid at The Grapes. 409 00:53:48,795 --> 00:53:50,062 I read about it, of course. 410 00:53:50,063 --> 00:53:51,881 Awful thing. But I... 411 00:53:51,949 --> 00:53:54,629 I don't remember Naomi ever mentioning it. 412 00:53:55,835 --> 00:53:57,035 Really? 413 00:53:57,063 --> 00:54:01,061 Only, she intimated that there were some professional protocol 414 00:54:01,062 --> 00:54:04,061 that she were obliged to follow, before being able to discuss it. 415 00:54:04,062 --> 00:54:07,061 I'm afraid I'm at a loss to explain what she might have meant by that. 416 00:54:07,460 --> 00:54:11,061 We have it that you quarrelled with her on Saturday afternoon. 417 00:54:11,062 --> 00:54:15,061 Well, I wouldn't call it a quarrel. We had a frank exchange of views. 418 00:54:15,062 --> 00:54:17,340 You upset her, supposedly. 419 00:54:19,062 --> 00:54:21,061 Really? Well, I'm afraid it doesn't take much. 420 00:54:21,062 --> 00:54:23,061 They don't respond well to criticism. 421 00:54:23,062 --> 00:54:25,561 What was the nature of this criticism? 422 00:54:26,140 --> 00:54:28,787 I felt she'd become less than rigorous in her work. 423 00:54:28,788 --> 00:54:31,061 Her mind was on this television business. 424 00:54:31,062 --> 00:54:32,562 You disapproved? 425 00:54:33,380 --> 00:54:36,802 One can either be a serious academic or a frivolous person. 426 00:54:36,803 --> 00:54:40,741 On the whole, I think women are too emotional for the life scientific. 427 00:54:40,742 --> 00:54:43,161 That will come as grave news to Madam Curie, I'm sure. 428 00:54:43,162 --> 00:54:44,481 Hm, well... 429 00:54:44,582 --> 00:54:46,544 I'm not sure I'd offer up someone 430 00:54:46,545 --> 00:54:50,046 who managed to give themselves radiation poisoning as a shining example. 431 00:54:50,062 --> 00:54:52,061 They just get under your feet in the lab. 432 00:54:52,062 --> 00:54:54,061 If they're not crying about who they do love, 433 00:54:54,062 --> 00:54:57,061 they're crying about who doesn't love them. 434 00:54:57,062 --> 00:54:59,061 It's a distraction. 435 00:54:59,062 --> 00:55:01,748 There's a don like that in every other common room in Oxford. 436 00:55:01,749 --> 00:55:03,795 His experience of the other half of humankind 437 00:55:03,796 --> 00:55:06,061 starts with matron and doesn't get much further. 438 00:55:06,062 --> 00:55:08,061 Women are only good for ironing their shirts 439 00:55:08,062 --> 00:55:10,161 and making sure the cruet's filled at the high table. 440 00:55:10,162 --> 00:55:13,061 Anything in it, do you think? This, er, 6th sense business. 441 00:55:13,062 --> 00:55:15,349 I've always had it down for a load of old baloney. 442 00:55:15,350 --> 00:55:18,061 I mean, if you had the gift of second sight, or whatever it is, 443 00:55:18,062 --> 00:55:20,061 you'd be down the bookies, wouldn't you, 444 00:55:20,062 --> 00:55:22,061 not trying to see what Mr Brezhnev's got in his briefcase. 445 00:55:22,062 --> 00:55:24,061 Yes, but we all get feelings don't we? 446 00:55:24,062 --> 00:55:25,819 Like what you had about Carl Sturgis, 447 00:55:25,820 --> 00:55:28,901 - only we call them hunches. - That's experience, though, isn't it? 448 00:55:28,902 --> 00:55:31,040 It's not something from the great beyond. 449 00:55:31,062 --> 00:55:33,062 - Mrs Blish. - Hm. 450 00:56:14,874 --> 00:56:17,006 It's always the ones you like. 451 00:56:17,007 --> 00:56:19,294 I read your piece. What do you make of her? 452 00:56:19,295 --> 00:56:21,935 Clever, beautiful, funny. 453 00:56:21,960 --> 00:56:23,451 Excited about the television. 454 00:56:23,452 --> 00:56:25,069 Whoever hired her knew what they were doing. 455 00:56:25,094 --> 00:56:26,185 How so? 456 00:56:26,186 --> 00:56:27,959 Well, they could have hired some dusty old don, 457 00:56:27,960 --> 00:56:29,412 no-one would have turned a hair, 458 00:56:29,413 --> 00:56:31,959 but put an intelligent young woman on screen... 459 00:56:32,961 --> 00:56:34,538 Was she attached? 460 00:56:34,539 --> 00:56:36,080 She said not. 461 00:56:36,284 --> 00:56:37,963 Was it an accident? 462 00:56:37,988 --> 00:56:39,827 Well, that's what I'm here to find out. 463 00:56:40,000 --> 00:56:41,959 She did ask me, off the record, 464 00:56:41,960 --> 00:56:44,522 if I'd heard anything about the towpath at New Year. 465 00:56:44,523 --> 00:56:46,694 The barmaid at The Grapes. 466 00:56:46,694 --> 00:56:48,213 Such as? 467 00:56:48,214 --> 00:56:51,500 Oh, anything the police might've been keeping from the public. 468 00:56:51,525 --> 00:56:54,180 - Seemed a strange thing to ask. - Hm. 469 00:56:54,342 --> 00:56:56,641 Did she say what her interest would be? 470 00:56:57,695 --> 00:56:59,993 Behalf of a friend, she said. 471 00:57:00,100 --> 00:57:01,693 You think that's connected? 472 00:57:01,694 --> 00:57:03,693 Oh, really, I couldn't say. 473 00:57:03,694 --> 00:57:07,341 And any avoidance of speculation in print ahead of a formal statement 474 00:57:07,342 --> 00:57:09,060 would be greatly appreciated. 475 00:57:09,374 --> 00:57:10,693 It'll cost you. 476 00:57:10,694 --> 00:57:12,693 Oh, it always does. But, thank you. 477 00:57:12,694 --> 00:57:15,373 Just make sure you get the bastard. 478 00:57:15,374 --> 00:57:16,994 She was all right. 479 00:57:55,054 --> 00:57:56,793 Where's all this come from? 480 00:57:56,794 --> 00:58:00,693 The handbag. Pen was under her body. 481 00:58:00,694 --> 00:58:02,693 A few bits and pieces had fallen out, 482 00:58:02,694 --> 00:58:05,693 lipstick, a compact, address book. 483 00:58:05,694 --> 00:58:07,694 - Anything else? - Afraid not. 484 00:58:09,214 --> 00:58:10,693 Hm... 485 00:58:10,694 --> 00:58:13,693 According to the diary at her flat, 486 00:58:13,694 --> 00:58:15,693 Dr Benford was supposed to meet a Jennifer Tate 487 00:58:15,694 --> 00:58:17,693 on Saturday at 8 o'clock. 488 00:58:17,694 --> 00:58:18,694 A friend? 489 00:58:18,695 --> 00:58:21,053 Well, if she was, she wasn't a close one. 490 00:58:21,054 --> 00:58:23,594 There's no address for her in the book. 491 00:58:24,694 --> 00:58:26,693 Doctor Benford had also asked Dorothea Frazil, 492 00:58:26,694 --> 00:58:28,451 if there was anything she'd heard of 493 00:58:28,452 --> 00:58:31,180 that we'd kept back from the public about the towpath killing. 494 00:58:31,546 --> 00:58:34,340 She had clippings related to the case upon her desk. 495 00:58:34,694 --> 00:58:37,053 And in her appointment book, next to Jennifer Tate, 496 00:58:37,054 --> 00:58:39,793 she'd written, "Regarding MA." 497 00:58:40,163 --> 00:58:42,003 Molly Andrews? 498 00:58:42,694 --> 00:58:44,894 Well, that would be my guess. 499 00:58:59,694 --> 00:59:01,993 I was in the neighbourhood. 500 00:59:02,022 --> 00:59:04,022 If it's a bad time? 501 00:59:04,694 --> 00:59:07,374 No. No, no. Um, come in, come in. 502 00:59:09,663 --> 00:59:12,100 It's the second on the left. 503 00:59:17,854 --> 00:59:19,593 I don't get many visitors. 504 00:59:19,594 --> 00:59:21,288 I like what you've done with the place. 505 00:59:21,289 --> 00:59:23,594 You might want to let that breathe. 506 00:59:26,494 --> 00:59:28,693 Well, I'm afraid I've a very limited cellar. 507 00:59:28,694 --> 00:59:32,653 But, um, I've a reasonable bottle of everyday wants finishing while we wait. 508 00:59:32,694 --> 00:59:34,220 Perfect. 509 00:59:45,694 --> 00:59:47,694 Oh, my God! 510 00:59:48,608 --> 00:59:51,967 You have the Calloway '54 Traviata from La Scala. 511 00:59:51,992 --> 00:59:53,631 I've never heard it. 512 00:59:53,656 --> 00:59:55,015 Very few have. 513 00:59:55,054 --> 00:59:56,693 It's a test pressing. 514 00:59:56,694 --> 00:59:59,213 They were trying out some new recording system. 515 00:59:59,855 --> 01:00:01,535 Can I hear it? 516 01:00:02,389 --> 01:00:04,228 Well, you can have it. 517 01:00:04,253 --> 01:00:05,669 You are joking, I can have it? 518 01:00:05,694 --> 01:00:07,021 Do you know how rare it is? 519 01:00:07,022 --> 01:00:08,693 No, I haven't listened to it for years. 520 01:00:08,694 --> 01:00:10,694 I'd sooner it went to a good home. Cheers! 521 01:00:16,694 --> 01:00:19,693 So, to what do I owe the, er...? 522 01:00:19,694 --> 01:00:22,053 I'm having a few people around to my place at the weekend. 523 01:00:22,054 --> 01:00:24,451 A few drinks. I haven't seen you. 524 01:00:24,452 --> 01:00:26,693 Oh, yes, I've just been busy. With work. 525 01:00:26,694 --> 01:00:28,993 What devilish conundrum currently occupies the mind 526 01:00:28,994 --> 01:00:30,814 of the great detective? 527 01:00:33,694 --> 01:00:35,694 Murder in pursuit of robbery. 528 01:00:37,694 --> 01:00:39,494 What makes you say that? 529 01:00:40,843 --> 01:00:42,283 Her necklace. 530 01:00:42,600 --> 01:00:44,084 That's what he took. 531 01:00:44,085 --> 01:00:47,279 That's what made those marks on her neck. 532 01:00:47,280 --> 01:00:49,740 The chain, as he tore it away. 533 01:00:51,608 --> 01:00:54,180 We were occupied... during the war. 534 01:00:55,483 --> 01:00:57,340 There was a girl. 535 01:00:57,373 --> 01:01:00,180 Young girl, daughter of one of our staff. 536 01:01:00,694 --> 01:01:02,414 14? 15? 537 01:01:04,483 --> 01:01:06,583 She wore a St Christopher. 538 01:01:07,694 --> 01:01:09,894 One of the soldiers, um... 539 01:01:12,694 --> 01:01:15,094 Playing in the woods, I found her body. 540 01:01:16,694 --> 01:01:19,194 The marks on her neck were like this. 541 01:01:21,448 --> 01:01:24,240 I'm sorry, I have never told anyone that story before. 542 01:01:25,054 --> 01:01:26,733 I, um... 543 01:01:26,734 --> 01:01:29,194 I had forgotten it until I saw that. 544 01:01:31,694 --> 01:01:34,300 Can't... I can't imagine. 545 01:01:35,214 --> 01:01:39,693 No. You know, I think that's why I'm drawn... 546 01:01:39,694 --> 01:01:41,894 to the beautiful things in life. 547 01:01:45,202 --> 01:01:47,522 Well... excuse me. 548 01:01:55,734 --> 01:01:58,053 Oh, sorry, matey, I didn't realise you had company. 549 01:01:58,054 --> 01:01:59,693 Um, this is my colleague, 550 01:01:59,694 --> 01:02:00,990 Detective Sergeant Strange. 551 01:02:00,991 --> 01:02:02,993 - This is my friend Ludo. - Ludo. Strange. 552 01:02:03,061 --> 01:02:04,761 Jim. 553 01:02:05,694 --> 01:02:07,993 Ooh, see you've got the record out, then? 554 01:02:08,108 --> 01:02:09,700 Can't go wrong. 555 01:02:10,980 --> 01:02:12,693 So, how'd you know our Morse, then? 556 01:02:12,694 --> 01:02:14,693 Oh, we were up at Oxford at the same time. 557 01:02:14,694 --> 01:02:18,693 Oh, were you? I've been up in Oxford with him the last five years. 558 01:02:18,694 --> 01:02:20,374 Well, up and down. 559 01:02:20,375 --> 01:02:23,248 Cowley for the most part. 560 01:02:23,249 --> 01:02:24,994 Castle Gate now. 561 01:02:25,694 --> 01:02:28,693 Do you mind if I borrowed him for a minute? It's er... It's work. 562 01:02:28,694 --> 01:02:29,940 Excuse us. 563 01:02:34,694 --> 01:02:36,893 Well, I've got a work address for this Tate girl 564 01:02:36,894 --> 01:02:39,693 that Doctor Benford was due to see, Friday night. 565 01:02:39,694 --> 01:02:40,893 Thought you'd want to know. 566 01:02:40,894 --> 01:02:43,094 - In case it was important. - Mm. 567 01:02:44,514 --> 01:02:46,613 Well, that was all. 568 01:02:46,694 --> 01:02:48,693 I won't stop if you've got company. 569 01:02:48,694 --> 01:02:51,693 Don't worry about seeing me out. I know the way. 570 01:02:51,694 --> 01:02:53,454 It's nice to meet you. 571 01:02:55,694 --> 01:02:57,693 Anything from the TV people? 572 01:02:57,694 --> 01:02:59,774 Nothing that won't keep. 573 01:03:00,694 --> 01:03:03,693 Look, I didn't like to say anything in front of your mate, 574 01:03:03,694 --> 01:03:06,593 but we've talked about this. You can't be bringing work home. 575 01:03:06,695 --> 01:03:08,693 Not evidence, you can't. 576 01:03:08,694 --> 01:03:11,693 Orderly running of the office is my responsibility now. 577 01:03:11,694 --> 01:03:14,100 Anything goes missing, it's my neck. 578 01:03:14,894 --> 01:03:16,540 Just think on. 579 01:03:17,694 --> 01:03:19,340 Have a good night. 580 01:03:26,060 --> 01:03:28,693 It's about Dr Benford, Miss Tate. 581 01:03:29,220 --> 01:03:31,053 I thought it must be. 582 01:03:31,054 --> 01:03:32,693 How's that? 583 01:03:32,694 --> 01:03:35,333 Well, Naomi said it'd be passed to the police months ago. 584 01:03:35,420 --> 01:03:37,693 Right after it happened. 585 01:03:37,694 --> 01:03:40,140 - What would? - What I told her. 586 01:03:40,900 --> 01:03:43,693 About the girl on the towpath at New Year. 587 01:03:43,694 --> 01:03:45,553 What did you tell her? 588 01:03:45,578 --> 01:03:47,218 What I saw. 589 01:03:48,576 --> 01:03:50,300 The man who did it. 590 01:03:51,249 --> 01:03:52,694 You saw who killed Molly Andrews? 591 01:03:52,695 --> 01:03:54,793 You were on the Towpath that night? 592 01:03:54,794 --> 01:03:57,693 No. Not exactly. 593 01:03:57,694 --> 01:03:59,693 What do you mean? You said you saw who did it? 594 01:03:59,694 --> 01:04:02,160 Yes, I did, like... 595 01:04:03,694 --> 01:04:05,380 in my head. 596 01:04:06,694 --> 01:04:08,474 It was a vision. 597 01:04:09,694 --> 01:04:12,693 Well, we're very grateful for your assistance, miss. 598 01:04:12,694 --> 01:04:14,693 You don't believe me. 599 01:04:14,694 --> 01:04:17,213 We're the police, we need evidence. 600 01:04:17,214 --> 01:04:18,894 Physical evidence. 601 01:04:20,499 --> 01:04:22,598 He took her necklace, didn't he? 602 01:04:22,694 --> 01:04:24,373 - We're not at liberty... - Yes. 603 01:04:24,374 --> 01:04:26,294 Why? What else did you see? 604 01:04:26,381 --> 01:04:27,694 Did you see his face? 605 01:04:27,695 --> 01:04:29,100 No. 606 01:04:30,413 --> 01:04:32,193 But I felt him. 607 01:04:32,660 --> 01:04:35,694 This... anger. 608 01:04:36,694 --> 01:04:38,340 This hatred. 609 01:04:38,960 --> 01:04:40,646 Something evil. 610 01:04:42,420 --> 01:04:44,440 And the taste, I could... 611 01:04:45,694 --> 01:04:48,193 taste it in my mouth, on my tongue. 612 01:04:48,686 --> 01:04:50,260 Taste what? 613 01:04:52,476 --> 01:04:53,676 Blood. 614 01:04:57,694 --> 01:04:58,894 Blood? 615 01:04:59,020 --> 01:05:01,080 That's what she said, sir. 616 01:05:01,214 --> 01:05:03,080 There was no blood. 617 01:05:03,694 --> 01:05:05,213 Not at the scene. 618 01:05:05,214 --> 01:05:07,593 Certainly, none from Molly Andrews. 619 01:05:07,620 --> 01:05:09,994 Is it possible, do you think? 620 01:05:11,257 --> 01:05:13,576 This girl could literally have seen 621 01:05:13,601 --> 01:05:16,200 what passed on the towpath that night? 622 01:05:16,500 --> 01:05:19,160 Well, I'm not one for the macabre, sir. 623 01:05:20,694 --> 01:05:23,300 The way she described it all... 624 01:05:23,894 --> 01:05:28,693 Maybe you'd have had to have been there, but she did seem sincere, 625 01:05:28,694 --> 01:05:31,170 if you're at all susceptible to that way of thinking. 626 01:05:31,171 --> 01:05:33,593 Susceptible or not, she knew about the necklace. 627 01:05:33,594 --> 01:05:35,893 It's that which caused the marks to Molly Andrews's neck. 628 01:05:35,894 --> 01:05:37,714 The killer tore it from her. 629 01:05:38,694 --> 01:05:40,694 A keepsake, perhaps? 630 01:05:41,694 --> 01:05:43,693 And what of this television programme 631 01:05:43,694 --> 01:05:46,693 that Doctor Benford was involved with, anything there? 632 01:05:46,694 --> 01:05:48,693 I spoke to the producer, sir. 633 01:05:48,694 --> 01:05:50,793 A chap called Ray Douglas. 634 01:05:51,060 --> 01:05:54,693 Quite flamboyant, as is often the way with these people, 635 01:05:54,694 --> 01:05:57,693 but in his words Doctor Benford was a natural. 636 01:05:58,608 --> 01:06:00,608 She had a... 637 01:06:03,694 --> 01:06:05,560 Yeah, here we are. 638 01:06:05,694 --> 01:06:08,693 "She had a very easy rapport with the camera 639 01:06:08,694 --> 01:06:11,213 "and the camera loved her. 640 01:06:11,214 --> 01:06:13,693 "I think we knew as soon as we saw her 641 01:06:13,694 --> 01:06:16,693 "that we'd found our presenter for the Higher Maths module." 642 01:06:16,694 --> 01:06:19,213 Did they interview many people for the post? 643 01:06:19,745 --> 01:06:21,225 Audition. 644 01:06:21,429 --> 01:06:23,308 Hundreds, apparently. 645 01:06:23,374 --> 01:06:26,693 Anyone with a half decent science degree in Oxford put in for it, 646 01:06:26,694 --> 01:06:28,860 including one or two from her own department. 647 01:06:30,694 --> 01:06:32,693 I just went along to see what it was all about. 648 01:06:32,694 --> 01:06:34,693 Didn't expect to get very far with it at all. 649 01:06:34,694 --> 01:06:36,593 I wasn't disappointed. 650 01:06:36,594 --> 01:06:38,693 I think I knew at once that I wasn't the sort of thing 651 01:06:38,694 --> 01:06:40,693 they were looking for. That none of us were. 652 01:06:40,694 --> 01:06:42,320 How's that? 653 01:06:42,491 --> 01:06:45,490 Sex, isn't it? That's what it's all about nowadays. 654 01:06:45,515 --> 01:06:47,669 That's what sells. Sex appeal. 655 01:06:47,694 --> 01:06:50,693 I mean, why bother hiring a fella who knows what he's talking about 656 01:06:50,694 --> 01:06:52,693 when you can put a pair of knockers on screen? 657 01:06:52,694 --> 01:06:55,094 For an academic programme? 658 01:06:55,260 --> 01:06:56,694 For anything, my boy. 659 01:06:56,695 --> 01:06:58,693 From soap suds to Japanese cars. 660 01:06:58,694 --> 01:07:02,162 You see it at the motor show, at the boat show, in the papers now. 661 01:07:02,163 --> 01:07:04,693 I mean, it's not us blokes they've got sprawled all over everything, 662 01:07:04,694 --> 01:07:06,029 showing the world what we've got, is it? 663 01:07:06,030 --> 01:07:07,255 I think that's a bit unnecessary. 664 01:07:07,256 --> 01:07:09,169 I won't have you talking smut about her. 665 01:07:09,170 --> 01:07:11,693 - We were friends. - Ha, friends! 666 01:07:11,694 --> 01:07:14,213 Jeremy had a soft spot for her, didn't you, eh? 667 01:07:14,214 --> 01:07:15,529 Well soft-ish. 668 01:07:15,530 --> 01:07:17,693 Asked her out the week she started, didn't you? 669 01:07:17,694 --> 01:07:20,694 But she turned him down flat. Shame! 670 01:07:22,694 --> 01:07:24,302 You never mentioned. 671 01:07:24,303 --> 01:07:26,693 I asked her out once, for a drink. 672 01:07:26,694 --> 01:07:28,593 She said no. 673 01:07:28,694 --> 01:07:31,094 She was under no obligation anyway. 674 01:07:31,694 --> 01:07:34,593 I wasn't her type, clearly. That's all there was to it. 675 01:07:34,594 --> 01:07:36,693 Not her type? You didn't have anything to offer her. 676 01:07:36,694 --> 01:07:38,224 That's why you weren't her type. 677 01:07:38,225 --> 01:07:40,693 No leg up, no leg over. You want to wake up, man. 678 01:07:40,695 --> 01:07:42,693 It's not a battle of the sexes, it's war, mate. 679 01:07:42,694 --> 01:07:44,373 And they've got the bazookas. 680 01:07:44,374 --> 01:07:46,793 How's your poor little pea-shooter gonna compete with that? 681 01:07:46,794 --> 01:07:48,794 I'll tell you, it's not. 682 01:08:00,374 --> 01:08:01,693 Sam. 683 01:08:01,694 --> 01:08:03,094 What is it? 684 01:08:17,820 --> 01:08:20,693 We're proceeding upon the assumption that, what? 685 01:08:20,694 --> 01:08:23,334 The towpath killing and the murder of Dr Benford 686 01:08:23,335 --> 01:08:25,256 are the work of the same hand? 687 01:08:25,940 --> 01:08:28,693 Potentially, sir. But in truth, there's very little to go on. 688 01:08:29,320 --> 01:08:31,319 Her colleagues at work? 689 01:08:31,320 --> 01:08:33,866 Only one of them has a solid alibi, sir. 690 01:08:33,867 --> 01:08:35,216 Professor Blish. 691 01:08:35,217 --> 01:08:36,850 At home with his wife. 692 01:08:36,851 --> 01:08:41,159 He denied Dr Benford had mentioned the towpath killing to him. 693 01:08:41,160 --> 01:08:42,319 If he'd lie about that... 694 01:08:42,320 --> 01:08:45,005 Well we've only really got Jenny Tate's word to go on, sir. 695 01:08:45,006 --> 01:08:49,677 You said Kreitsek had interviewed for this television post 696 01:08:49,678 --> 01:08:51,319 and had been turned down? 697 01:08:51,320 --> 01:08:53,319 Something in that? Professional jealousy. 698 01:08:53,320 --> 01:08:56,857 Hmm. Ferman seemed rather bitter about it. 699 01:08:56,858 --> 01:09:01,319 Put her getting the job down to her natural advantages. 700 01:09:01,320 --> 01:09:03,359 And Professor Blish? 701 01:09:03,360 --> 01:09:05,779 What was his position with regard 702 01:09:05,780 --> 01:09:08,849 to Dr Benford's part in these educational programmes? 703 01:09:08,850 --> 01:09:10,069 Far as we could make out, sir, 704 01:09:10,070 --> 01:09:12,880 he's none too keen on having women in his department at all. 705 01:09:12,881 --> 01:09:15,319 Only had her there on sufferance. 706 01:09:15,320 --> 01:09:17,679 Word just through from Birmingham, sir. 707 01:09:17,680 --> 01:09:20,319 Petrovski, the bargee who passed through Braunston Junction 708 01:09:20,320 --> 01:09:22,319 in the early hours of January 1st. 709 01:09:22,320 --> 01:09:25,360 Collapsed on his boat yesterday afternoon near Gas Street Basin. 710 01:09:29,070 --> 01:09:31,569 Apparently, he died of alcohol poisoning. 711 01:09:32,140 --> 01:09:36,319 Sister says he'd never hurt a fly, but just couldn't resist a drink. 712 01:09:36,320 --> 01:09:38,720 Yeah, the place is full of empties. 713 01:09:40,320 --> 01:09:42,719 Look, I got a bone to pick with you. 714 01:09:42,757 --> 01:09:43,957 Oh, yeah? 715 01:09:43,980 --> 01:09:46,879 I didn't think much to you hanging the old man out to dry. 716 01:09:47,140 --> 01:09:49,319 I've read the case files. 717 01:09:49,320 --> 01:09:52,919 The first 48 hours of the Molly Andrews investigation were slipshod at best. 718 01:09:52,999 --> 01:09:54,124 Slipshod? 719 01:09:54,125 --> 01:09:56,519 Yeah, all right, shabby, then, if you'd sooner. 720 01:09:56,520 --> 01:09:59,319 Poor record keeping. Statements misfiled. 721 01:09:59,320 --> 01:10:01,940 In short, it was a catalogue of errors from start to finish. 722 01:10:02,683 --> 01:10:05,380 We were short-handed, with the New Year. 723 01:10:05,765 --> 01:10:08,264 You know Ainsley's rubbish on exhibits. 724 01:10:08,320 --> 01:10:09,840 If you hadn't been on leave... 725 01:10:09,865 --> 01:10:12,280 Yeah, well, if people had done their job in the first place, 726 01:10:12,320 --> 01:10:14,820 then perhaps Naomi Benford might still be alive. 727 01:10:15,882 --> 01:10:18,180 Anyway, Molly's boyfriend, 728 01:10:18,320 --> 01:10:19,920 Carl Sturgis? 729 01:10:20,520 --> 01:10:22,320 I don't think so. 730 01:10:23,687 --> 01:10:25,340 Is it hers? 731 01:10:36,320 --> 01:10:39,319 So, you took her to the folk club in November? 732 01:10:39,320 --> 01:10:41,200 She kept the tickets. 733 01:10:42,000 --> 01:10:43,660 I really liked her. 734 01:10:44,520 --> 01:10:46,920 All right, she was my kind of girl. 735 01:10:47,730 --> 01:10:50,209 What kind's that, then? Easy? 736 01:10:50,700 --> 01:10:53,159 See, you're just like the tools I work with. 737 01:10:53,160 --> 01:10:57,319 She wasn't easy or a pushover or any of the other names you'd call her. 738 01:10:57,320 --> 01:11:00,319 Then, why didn't you tell us about your relationship with her? 739 01:11:00,320 --> 01:11:03,320 You've heard them rib me at work over taking Naomi out. 740 01:11:04,014 --> 01:11:07,299 If they'd found out I was seeing a bar maid that would've been the end of me. 741 01:11:07,320 --> 01:11:09,320 How would they have known? 742 01:11:10,187 --> 01:11:12,886 She was a test subject, wasn't she? At the lab. 743 01:11:13,020 --> 01:11:15,719 No latent potential for ESP, whatsoever. 744 01:11:15,883 --> 01:11:17,883 Well, a complete brick. 745 01:11:18,620 --> 01:11:20,920 Don kept her on as a control group. 746 01:11:20,921 --> 01:11:24,300 They thought it was funny, Don and Ferman. 747 01:11:24,976 --> 01:11:27,975 They thought they'd have some sport with a thick barmaid. 748 01:11:28,780 --> 01:11:31,319 Mind you, she was making 30-bob every visit, 749 01:11:31,320 --> 01:11:33,499 so who had the last laugh there? 750 01:11:34,012 --> 01:11:35,679 You were ashamed of her? 751 01:11:35,680 --> 01:11:37,000 No. 752 01:11:37,706 --> 01:11:39,905 I was willing to take her on. 753 01:11:40,000 --> 01:11:41,519 Only you didn't. 754 01:11:41,520 --> 01:11:43,798 Yeah, she was still with Carl. 755 01:11:43,799 --> 01:11:45,420 Then why didn't she just drop him? 756 01:11:45,421 --> 01:11:47,520 She was frightened to. 757 01:11:49,320 --> 01:11:51,120 She was afraid of him. 758 01:11:51,320 --> 01:11:53,160 And with good reason. 759 01:11:54,101 --> 01:11:57,100 I mean, he got her in the end, didn't he? 760 01:11:57,320 --> 01:11:59,320 That what you think? 761 01:12:02,265 --> 01:12:03,665 Don't you? 762 01:12:15,729 --> 01:12:17,248 I didn't tell you, did I? 763 01:12:17,273 --> 01:12:19,273 The television people have been in touch. 764 01:12:21,468 --> 01:12:23,288 Which television people? 765 01:12:24,242 --> 01:12:26,241 About these lecture programmes. 766 01:12:26,266 --> 01:12:28,265 With what happened to Dr Benford, 767 01:12:28,290 --> 01:12:31,290 they want me to talk to them about stepping in to her role. 768 01:12:32,320 --> 01:12:34,319 Is that something you want? 769 01:12:34,320 --> 01:12:36,616 To be a... oh, what do you call them, 770 01:12:36,640 --> 01:12:38,319 a television personality. 771 01:12:38,320 --> 01:12:39,679 No. Not really. 772 01:12:39,680 --> 01:12:41,720 I can't think of anything worse. 773 01:12:42,132 --> 01:12:44,295 But they've asked and you never know. 774 01:12:44,617 --> 01:12:46,617 Might be good for the department. 775 01:12:50,320 --> 01:12:55,076 This Dr Benford that the police were here about. 776 01:12:55,077 --> 01:12:56,839 Is there any news? 777 01:12:56,840 --> 01:12:58,320 No. 778 01:12:59,320 --> 01:13:00,520 No. 779 01:13:02,840 --> 01:13:04,880 She must have been pretty. 780 01:13:06,120 --> 01:13:07,359 How's that? 781 01:13:07,360 --> 01:13:09,519 You never mention the pretty ones. 782 01:13:09,520 --> 01:13:11,966 What nonsense you do talk. 783 01:13:11,967 --> 01:13:13,320 I'm plain. 784 01:13:13,321 --> 01:13:15,319 It must be very dull for you. 785 01:13:15,320 --> 01:13:18,219 Now, you're just fishing for compliments. 786 01:13:18,320 --> 01:13:21,119 If I've not mentioned her, it's because I barely notice her. 787 01:13:21,143 --> 01:13:23,843 They are a general nuisance in the laboratory. 788 01:13:23,906 --> 01:13:26,520 but beyond that, they are invisible to me. 789 01:13:30,601 --> 01:13:32,241 Dessert? 790 01:13:32,840 --> 01:13:34,319 Prunes. 791 01:13:34,711 --> 01:13:36,711 Oh, splendid. 792 01:13:37,320 --> 01:13:39,319 And cold custard. 793 01:13:39,547 --> 01:13:41,387 Tip-top. 794 01:14:43,320 --> 01:14:44,839 That Miss Tate telephoned. 795 01:14:44,840 --> 01:14:47,419 She's had another one of her turns, and wanted to talk to somebody. 796 01:14:47,420 --> 01:14:49,319 I'll give her a call. 797 01:14:49,660 --> 01:14:51,319 I don't know if it's connected, 798 01:14:51,320 --> 01:14:53,319 but this was handed over from nights. 799 01:14:53,320 --> 01:14:56,319 Woman reported a fella exposing himself on the towpath. 800 01:14:56,320 --> 01:14:59,319 Not 200 yards from where Molly Andrews' body was found. 801 01:14:59,320 --> 01:15:02,319 She says she heard someone whistling just before he jumped out at her. 802 01:15:02,320 --> 01:15:03,568 I've got identikit coming in, 803 01:15:03,569 --> 01:15:05,319 see if we can't get a description off her. 804 01:15:05,320 --> 01:15:08,999 His face, obviously, not the, er... 805 01:15:09,000 --> 01:15:11,119 Last turkey in the shop? 806 01:15:11,120 --> 01:15:13,359 Hanging about the bushes half the night in all weathers 807 01:15:13,360 --> 01:15:16,320 on the off-chance of a passer-by to wave your doings at. 808 01:15:17,320 --> 01:15:20,019 What do they get out of it? That's what I can never fathom. 809 01:15:20,109 --> 01:15:22,843 Great relief to us all, Sergeant, I'm sure 810 01:15:22,844 --> 01:15:25,519 You think that's what's happened at New Year? He goes out flashing, 811 01:15:25,520 --> 01:15:28,319 and something's gone wrong between him and Molly Andrews. 812 01:15:28,320 --> 01:15:31,119 I don't think it's about a man exposing himself on the towpath. 813 01:15:31,220 --> 01:15:32,522 I think it's about a college type 814 01:15:32,523 --> 01:15:35,420 writing his telephone number on flashcards for a barmaid. 815 01:15:36,226 --> 01:15:38,626 Did Dr Benford ever mention her private life? 816 01:15:39,520 --> 01:15:41,320 Not really. 817 01:15:42,320 --> 01:15:45,320 What about a Dr Kreitsek, did she ever mention him? 818 01:15:47,320 --> 01:15:49,360 It was here, wasn't it? 819 01:15:51,320 --> 01:15:54,320 Where she died. The girl from New Year. 820 01:15:57,680 --> 01:16:00,078 When did you start having these, 821 01:16:00,079 --> 01:16:02,842 what would you call them, intuitions? 822 01:16:02,843 --> 01:16:05,319 Um, when I was a little girl. 823 01:16:05,320 --> 01:16:07,183 It was just little things. 824 01:16:07,184 --> 01:16:09,319 Family things to start with. 825 01:16:09,320 --> 01:16:11,319 My aunt had a car accident, 826 01:16:11,320 --> 01:16:13,319 and I knew about it before she'd told my mum. 827 01:16:13,531 --> 01:16:15,011 Right. 828 01:16:17,840 --> 01:16:20,320 Sorry, I don't want to go down there. 829 01:16:25,320 --> 01:16:26,983 The man from here, 830 01:16:26,984 --> 01:16:30,020 could he have anything to do with what happened to Dr Benford? 831 01:16:30,789 --> 01:16:32,289 I don't know. 832 01:16:34,520 --> 01:16:36,619 Look, it's like... 833 01:16:36,980 --> 01:16:40,319 being a radio that's left on, 834 01:16:40,320 --> 01:16:43,791 that's tuning through the frequencies, trying to find a station. 835 01:16:44,320 --> 01:16:47,520 I can't always make sense of what I see until later. 836 01:16:50,680 --> 01:16:52,520 Like with you. 837 01:16:53,249 --> 01:16:54,449 Me? 838 01:16:55,680 --> 01:16:57,519 Why, what about me? 839 01:16:57,936 --> 01:16:59,936 There's a woman... 840 01:17:00,570 --> 01:17:02,410 in a green dress. 841 01:17:04,680 --> 01:17:07,660 And there's just, er... a sadness. 842 01:17:08,874 --> 01:17:11,554 Does that mean anything to you? 843 01:17:16,320 --> 01:17:19,640 Jenny Tate confided to Dr Benford about this vision 844 01:17:19,641 --> 01:17:22,858 or whatever it was, and she, in turn, notified you. 845 01:17:22,859 --> 01:17:27,267 I'm curious as to why you didn't bring this information to the police? 846 01:17:27,321 --> 01:17:29,319 I really didn't think it was my place. 847 01:17:29,320 --> 01:17:32,319 We only had Miss Tate's word to go on. 848 01:17:32,320 --> 01:17:33,889 This vision did not take place 849 01:17:33,890 --> 01:17:36,319 under laboratory controlled conditions. 850 01:17:36,320 --> 01:17:38,828 We'd no way to know if it was genuine. 851 01:17:38,829 --> 01:17:41,319 Or she was just doing it for attention. 852 01:17:41,320 --> 01:17:44,319 She could have just picked up on something she read in the papers. 853 01:17:44,320 --> 01:17:47,319 You know we're not in the vision business. Not like that. 854 01:17:47,320 --> 01:17:51,319 Our experiments suggest that paranormal phenomena, 855 01:17:51,320 --> 01:17:55,319 present in far less dramatic a fashion than she described. 856 01:17:55,320 --> 01:17:58,900 You're not treating her claims with any degree of seriousness, are you? 857 01:17:59,249 --> 01:18:01,248 There are certain details of the crime 858 01:18:01,273 --> 01:18:03,792 known only to ourselves and the perpetrator. 859 01:18:03,817 --> 01:18:07,608 Miss Tate's insight or vision, or whatever you want to call it, 860 01:18:07,632 --> 01:18:10,319 accords with those peculiarities to a degree 861 01:18:10,320 --> 01:18:13,047 which warrants us taking them very seriously indeed. 862 01:18:13,048 --> 01:18:14,519 Oh, and what happened to Naomi? 863 01:18:14,520 --> 01:18:17,319 Did, um... Miss Tate have a vision of what happened there? 864 01:18:17,320 --> 01:18:19,099 Oh, that's a very good point, Dai. 865 01:18:19,100 --> 01:18:20,999 They were quite close. 866 01:18:21,000 --> 01:18:24,319 If this girl really had half the talent she pretends to, 867 01:18:24,320 --> 01:18:26,839 one might imagine she'd have some idea 868 01:18:26,840 --> 01:18:29,053 of who was responsible for Naomi's death. 869 01:18:29,054 --> 01:18:32,319 If she had, Professor, I'd hardly be at liberty to discuss it. 870 01:18:32,320 --> 01:18:34,580 Certainly not with any of her colleagues. 871 01:18:37,058 --> 01:18:38,217 Hm. 872 01:18:38,242 --> 01:18:41,241 Yeah. Yeah, no. I'll be right over. Thank you. 873 01:18:41,266 --> 01:18:42,665 Could you cover for me? 874 01:18:42,720 --> 01:18:44,740 Why? Where you going? 875 01:18:46,020 --> 01:18:49,319 Looks like Dr Kreitsek wasn't lying about Molly Andrews. 876 01:18:49,320 --> 01:18:52,320 She's here, all right, with all the rest of the guinea-pigs. 877 01:18:52,320 --> 01:18:55,319 Professor Blish signed off her expenses each visit. 878 01:18:55,320 --> 01:18:57,319 Worth giving Carl another go, I think. 879 01:18:57,320 --> 01:18:59,725 So, Professor Blish uses a fountain pen? 880 01:18:59,726 --> 01:19:00,891 Hm? 881 01:19:00,916 --> 01:19:03,319 You can tell by the signature on the time sheet, look. 882 01:19:03,860 --> 01:19:05,319 The nib has become splayed. 883 01:19:05,320 --> 01:19:07,398 That's what's giving it that double-vision look. 884 01:19:07,423 --> 01:19:08,570 So? 885 01:19:11,320 --> 01:19:14,959 I thought it was unusual for Dr Benford 886 01:19:14,960 --> 01:19:16,960 to be using a pen like this. 887 01:19:17,062 --> 01:19:19,262 This is Professor Blish's pen. 888 01:19:20,038 --> 01:19:23,037 But we saw Blish sign a cheque for the butcher's. 889 01:19:23,320 --> 01:19:25,359 It was a silver pen, quite modern. 890 01:19:25,360 --> 01:19:28,319 But didn't his wife give him a pen with the chequebook? 891 01:19:28,320 --> 01:19:30,319 Bloke can have more than one pen. 892 01:19:30,320 --> 01:19:34,160 He can, but this pen belonged to Professor Blish. 893 01:19:34,886 --> 01:19:37,045 Look, the lines on the page, 894 01:19:37,070 --> 01:19:39,749 are the exact same as the signature on the time sheets. 895 01:19:39,774 --> 01:19:42,295 And that's the pen that was found under Dr Benford's body? 896 01:19:42,320 --> 01:19:45,519 Which means it must have landed before she fell. 897 01:19:45,520 --> 01:19:48,319 Why kill Molly Andrews, though? 898 01:19:48,320 --> 01:19:50,319 You think he was knocking her off? 899 01:19:50,320 --> 01:19:52,320 Only one way to find out. 900 01:19:59,320 --> 01:20:04,319 Just one or two formalities I wanted to go through with you. 901 01:20:04,320 --> 01:20:08,131 I'm taking care of Dr Benford's subjects now. 902 01:20:11,160 --> 01:20:13,639 You spoke to the police, I believe? 903 01:20:13,920 --> 01:20:15,319 Er, yes. Yes, I did. 904 01:20:15,320 --> 01:20:16,679 About Dr Benford? 905 01:20:16,680 --> 01:20:20,319 Yes. And I told her about my... 906 01:20:20,789 --> 01:20:23,788 Er, what I saw on the towpath. 907 01:20:23,789 --> 01:20:27,788 And did you talk to them about anything else? Anyone here, say? 908 01:20:28,758 --> 01:20:30,380 Like who? 909 01:20:33,789 --> 01:20:35,189 Well... 910 01:20:36,789 --> 01:20:39,788 you remember that little conversation I had with Dr Benford? 911 01:20:39,789 --> 01:20:42,148 You were both laughing. 912 01:20:42,149 --> 01:20:43,788 Do you remember? 913 01:20:43,789 --> 01:20:45,688 On the staircase. 914 01:20:46,590 --> 01:20:48,352 Perhaps, I seemed a little funny? 915 01:20:48,353 --> 01:20:49,789 What's... 'A little cross, maybe?' 916 01:20:49,790 --> 01:20:52,788 - what's funny? - Oh, nothing. 917 01:20:52,789 --> 01:20:53,789 Oh, really. 918 01:20:53,790 --> 01:20:55,788 It seemed quite funny. 919 01:20:55,789 --> 01:20:56,789 No. No, I assure you. 920 01:20:56,790 --> 01:20:58,380 Do you? 921 01:20:59,789 --> 01:21:02,188 Well, then, I am assured... 922 01:21:02,304 --> 01:21:04,020 aren't I? 923 01:21:11,179 --> 01:21:13,539 Did you mention that at all? 924 01:21:14,719 --> 01:21:15,719 No. 925 01:21:15,962 --> 01:21:17,481 No. 926 01:21:18,258 --> 01:21:20,098 Well, that's good. 927 01:21:30,989 --> 01:21:32,888 You're all right. You're all right. 928 01:21:32,889 --> 01:21:34,409 You OK? 929 01:21:43,563 --> 01:21:45,402 So, did Molly Andrews threaten to expose 930 01:21:45,427 --> 01:21:47,206 what was going on between you to your wife? 931 01:21:47,309 --> 01:21:48,788 Is that why you killed her? 932 01:21:48,789 --> 01:21:49,789 Square. 933 01:21:49,790 --> 01:21:52,788 She was blackmailing you, so you strangled her 934 01:21:52,789 --> 01:21:54,789 the way you tried to strangle Jenny Tate. 935 01:21:56,260 --> 01:21:57,629 What? 936 01:21:58,445 --> 01:21:59,789 Molly, I, er... 937 01:21:59,790 --> 01:22:02,289 I don't know what you're talking about. 938 01:22:03,989 --> 01:22:07,788 What happened between me and Naomi was nothing to do with anything else. 939 01:22:07,789 --> 01:22:09,788 No more lies, Professor. 940 01:22:09,789 --> 01:22:12,188 You'll never breathe free air again. 941 01:22:12,220 --> 01:22:14,788 Why don't you come clean? Get it off your chest. 942 01:22:15,260 --> 01:22:17,789 You must have hated her with a passion. 943 01:22:18,789 --> 01:22:20,288 Hate Naomi? 944 01:22:20,580 --> 01:22:22,360 I didn't hate her. 945 01:22:23,023 --> 01:22:25,023 Quite the opposite. 946 01:22:25,789 --> 01:22:27,669 I had feelings for her. 947 01:22:29,789 --> 01:22:32,140 And she gave me reason to believe they were reciprocated. 948 01:22:32,976 --> 01:22:35,976 You know, it's... it's little things. 949 01:22:36,937 --> 01:22:39,937 Shy glances held a moment too long. 950 01:22:41,149 --> 01:22:43,300 Young woman like that? 951 01:22:43,789 --> 01:22:46,288 What would she want with an old stick like you? 952 01:22:46,380 --> 01:22:49,260 No, you don't know. You've no conception. 953 01:22:49,789 --> 01:22:55,469 An older man has experience, wisdom. 954 01:22:56,789 --> 01:22:59,220 Donald, I'm-I'm flattered, but... 955 01:23:00,149 --> 01:23:01,889 I thought... 956 01:23:03,789 --> 01:23:07,789 You gave me reason to believe you felt something for me. 957 01:23:09,309 --> 01:23:11,789 I... I gave you no reason. 958 01:23:13,469 --> 01:23:15,089 You took my arm. 959 01:23:16,789 --> 01:23:17,989 What? 960 01:23:18,789 --> 01:23:20,669 In the common room. 961 01:23:22,156 --> 01:23:23,496 Did I? 962 01:23:28,789 --> 01:23:30,788 I suppose you'll put it round the college now. 963 01:23:30,789 --> 01:23:31,988 You can all have a... 964 01:23:31,989 --> 01:23:34,788 you can all have a jolly good laugh. Well... 965 01:23:34,789 --> 01:23:37,788 I'm telling you now, I won't be laughed at! I won't. 966 01:23:37,789 --> 01:23:40,308 I know. I wouldn't. 967 01:23:40,309 --> 01:23:42,629 I respect you too much to ever laugh. 968 01:23:43,551 --> 01:23:45,710 She had a lovely laugh. 969 01:23:45,929 --> 01:23:48,260 That's one of the things that first drew me to her. 970 01:23:50,874 --> 01:23:53,874 But, I mean, when you think about it. It was her fault. 971 01:23:56,624 --> 01:23:59,060 That's what set the whole thing in motion. The end of it. 972 01:24:07,789 --> 01:24:09,180 Donald? 973 01:24:09,789 --> 01:24:11,788 I gave you a chance! 974 01:24:11,789 --> 01:24:13,328 Here. 975 01:24:13,329 --> 01:24:14,788 To make something of yourself. 976 01:24:14,789 --> 01:24:17,828 I give you a chance and... you used me. 977 01:24:18,140 --> 01:24:19,988 Used you how? 978 01:24:20,180 --> 01:24:23,788 I am infinitely more qualified for that television thing than you. 979 01:24:23,789 --> 01:24:26,308 It was me first mentioned your name to them. 980 01:24:26,309 --> 01:24:27,988 I thought you might make a good assistant. 981 01:24:27,989 --> 01:24:29,989 That's what this is about? 982 01:24:30,789 --> 01:24:32,620 Your bruised ego. 983 01:24:33,789 --> 01:24:36,780 A woman beat you to the job, and you can't stand it. 984 01:24:38,578 --> 01:24:40,140 You're pathetic. 985 01:24:40,789 --> 01:24:43,280 Where do you think you're going?! 986 01:24:43,440 --> 01:24:44,828 I'm going home, Donald. 987 01:24:44,829 --> 01:24:47,148 You'll stay here until I'm finished with you! 988 01:24:47,149 --> 01:24:49,688 I just want a kiss. Kiss me. 989 01:24:49,689 --> 01:24:51,788 What are you doing? Get off me! 990 01:24:51,789 --> 01:24:55,388 I would have changed my life, burnt all this to the ground. 991 01:24:55,406 --> 01:24:56,788 Please. Please. Please. 992 01:25:03,929 --> 01:25:06,329 She could have been something, you know? 993 01:25:09,309 --> 01:25:11,500 Really been something. 994 01:25:11,689 --> 01:25:14,560 She was more than "something", she was someone. 995 01:25:14,578 --> 01:25:16,677 Is that how it went with Molly Andrews? 996 01:25:16,789 --> 01:25:18,308 You became fixated with her 997 01:25:18,309 --> 01:25:20,788 the same way you became fixated on Dr Benford? 998 01:25:20,789 --> 01:25:23,468 Did she reject your unwanted advances in the same way? 999 01:25:23,469 --> 01:25:25,480 Is that why you killed her? 1000 01:25:34,789 --> 01:25:36,089 I'm off. 1001 01:25:36,100 --> 01:25:37,508 Drink? 1002 01:25:37,900 --> 01:25:39,120 Um... 1003 01:25:39,244 --> 01:25:41,444 I won't this evening. 1004 01:25:45,789 --> 01:25:47,600 You were right, then. 1005 01:25:48,789 --> 01:25:50,500 And I was wrong. 1006 01:25:51,220 --> 01:25:53,089 It wasn't the boyfriend. 1007 01:25:54,790 --> 01:25:57,228 Well, don't feel too bad about it. 1008 01:25:57,660 --> 01:26:00,788 Sometimes you can't see what's staring you in the face. 1009 01:26:00,789 --> 01:26:02,788 We got there in the end. 1010 01:26:02,789 --> 01:26:04,500 That's the main thing. 1011 01:26:05,219 --> 01:26:06,820 See you tomorrow. 1012 01:26:18,437 --> 01:26:19,789 You made it! 1013 01:26:19,790 --> 01:26:22,241 How's the case. Did you get your man? 1014 01:26:22,242 --> 01:26:24,750 - Yeah, it looks that way. - Congratulations. 1015 01:26:24,789 --> 01:26:27,860 Hm. Thank you. I say, this is quite the place. 1016 01:26:28,789 --> 01:26:30,788 Let me get you a top up. 1017 01:26:30,789 --> 01:26:32,530 - Sure. - Well, make yourself at home. 1018 01:26:32,531 --> 01:26:33,989 Enjoy the garden. Relax. 1019 01:26:33,990 --> 01:26:36,489 I'll find you and you can tell me all about it. 1020 01:26:45,789 --> 01:26:49,280 My wife's been having these people round. 1021 01:26:49,789 --> 01:26:52,248 Faith healers, they call themselves. 1022 01:26:52,940 --> 01:26:56,788 They perform this laying on of hands, they call it. 1023 01:26:56,789 --> 01:26:59,420 Touching her body while prayers are said. 1024 01:26:59,789 --> 01:27:04,149 She says it won't work unless... one believes. 1025 01:27:06,789 --> 01:27:08,400 Do you believe? 1026 01:27:08,989 --> 01:27:11,788 Well, can't say I've ever had much use for it in civilian life 1027 01:27:11,789 --> 01:27:13,788 outside of court, of course. 1028 01:27:13,789 --> 01:27:16,260 We weren't Bible raised. 1029 01:27:17,202 --> 01:27:19,602 Can it work, do you think? 1030 01:27:20,789 --> 01:27:22,460 Beyond me, sir. 1031 01:27:23,617 --> 01:27:27,616 For some people, believing's enough. 1032 01:27:28,062 --> 01:27:31,522 What they say, "Faith can move mountains"? 1033 01:27:32,269 --> 01:27:33,788 If it gives her comfort. 1034 01:27:33,789 --> 01:27:35,880 Yes. Yes, that's... 1035 01:27:36,789 --> 01:27:39,389 that's the important thing. Comfort. Hope. 1036 01:27:41,789 --> 01:27:43,788 But I worry, do you see? 1037 01:27:43,789 --> 01:27:48,789 ماذا لو كانت هناك فرصة يمكن أن تنجح وأريد إيماني ...؟ 1038 01:28:26,507 --> 01:28:27,507 مورس! 1039 01:28:27,532 --> 01:28:29,631 تعال وقابل زوجتي.