1 00:00:12,763 --> 00:00:15,975 - And that's how you get 2 00:00:12,763 --> 00:00:15,975 a private bathroom. 3 00:00:19,269 --> 00:00:21,438 Uh, 4 00:00:19,269 --> 00:00:21,438 what are you guys looking at? 5 00:00:21,480 --> 00:00:24,525 - Don't tell him, Cherry. 6 00:00:21,480 --> 00:00:24,525 - We're staring 7 00:00:21,480 --> 00:00:24,525 at Cole Campbell 8 00:00:21,480 --> 00:00:24,525 until Phoebe can build up 9 00:00:24,566 --> 00:00:26,527 the courage to ask him out. 10 00:00:26,568 --> 00:00:28,028 Don't tell him what? 11 00:00:29,613 --> 00:00:30,906 - Go ahead, Max. 12 00:00:30,948 --> 00:00:33,116 Make fun of me. 13 00:00:30,948 --> 00:00:33,116 Mock my little schoolgirl crush. 14 00:00:33,158 --> 00:00:34,743 - I'm not gonna make fun of 15 00:00:33,158 --> 00:00:34,743 you. 16 00:00:34,785 --> 00:00:36,871 - You're not? 17 00:00:34,785 --> 00:00:36,871 - Yes, I am. 18 00:00:36,912 --> 00:00:38,539 "He's so dreamy. 19 00:00:38,580 --> 00:00:39,832 "I want to marry him. 20 00:00:39,874 --> 00:00:43,042 His hair smells like 21 00:00:39,874 --> 00:00:43,042 cupcakes!" 22 00:00:43,084 --> 00:00:44,670 - Come on, 23 00:00:43,084 --> 00:00:44,670 like you've never had a crush? 24 00:00:44,712 --> 00:00:45,963 - No way. 25 00:00:46,005 --> 00:00:47,381 You will never see me acting 26 00:00:46,005 --> 00:00:47,381 that way 27 00:00:47,422 --> 00:00:52,302 over some stupid guhhhh... 28 00:00:52,344 --> 00:00:54,054 - Hey, Romeo, 29 00:00:52,344 --> 00:00:54,054 you dropped your tongue. 30 00:00:54,095 --> 00:00:56,056 - Uh, that's different. 31 00:00:56,097 --> 00:00:57,850 She's my dark empress 32 00:00:56,097 --> 00:00:57,850 of the night, 33 00:00:57,892 --> 00:01:01,729 a muse to stand by my side 34 00:00:57,892 --> 00:01:01,729 when I become a supervillain. 35 00:01:01,770 --> 00:01:04,773 Uhh, on Halloween. 36 00:01:04,815 --> 00:01:06,149 Gotta go. 37 00:01:07,693 --> 00:01:09,403 - Cole's about to leave. 38 00:01:07,693 --> 00:01:09,403 Now's your chance. 39 00:01:09,444 --> 00:01:10,946 - But I'm nervous, 40 00:01:09,444 --> 00:01:10,946 and when I'm nervous, 41 00:01:10,988 --> 00:01:12,280 I turn into a motormouth. 42 00:01:12,322 --> 00:01:16,035 - Oh, that's too bad, 43 00:01:12,322 --> 00:01:16,035 'cause here he comes. 44 00:01:16,076 --> 00:01:18,037 - Hey, Phoebe. 45 00:01:18,078 --> 00:01:20,205 - Hey, Cole, how are you? 46 00:01:20,247 --> 00:01:21,874 "How are you?" 47 00:01:20,247 --> 00:01:21,874 what a cliche. 48 00:01:21,916 --> 00:01:23,918 Obviously, you're fine. 49 00:01:21,916 --> 00:01:23,918 Oh, unless you're not. 50 00:01:23,959 --> 00:01:25,293 I mean, for all I know, 51 00:01:23,959 --> 00:01:25,293 you might have carpal tunnel 52 00:01:25,335 --> 00:01:27,462 or gout 53 00:01:25,335 --> 00:01:27,462 or restless leg syndrome-- 54 00:01:27,504 --> 00:01:29,172 - Um... 55 00:01:29,214 --> 00:01:31,174 So I was wondering 56 00:01:29,214 --> 00:01:31,174 if you wanted to meet 57 00:01:31,216 --> 00:01:32,467 for frozen yogurt sometime? 58 00:01:32,509 --> 00:01:34,469 - [gasps] 59 00:01:34,511 --> 00:01:35,804 - You do? 60 00:01:35,846 --> 00:01:37,305 Oh, good. 61 00:01:37,347 --> 00:01:39,850 One small thing: 62 00:01:37,347 --> 00:01:39,850 my parents have this dumb rule 63 00:01:39,892 --> 00:01:42,061 that they have to meet 64 00:01:39,892 --> 00:01:42,061 all my other friends' 65 00:01:39,892 --> 00:01:42,061 parents. 66 00:01:42,101 --> 00:01:43,311 You think they could meet yours? 67 00:01:45,731 --> 00:01:47,608 Okay, well... 68 00:01:47,649 --> 00:01:48,984 when? 69 00:01:51,278 --> 00:01:54,573 - Ow...about tomorrow? 70 00:01:54,615 --> 00:01:56,992 Maybe after dinner, or you can 71 00:01:54,615 --> 00:01:56,992 have dinner with us. 72 00:01:57,034 --> 00:01:58,702 Your parents eat dinner, 73 00:01:57,034 --> 00:01:58,702 right? 74 00:01:57,034 --> 00:01:58,702 Stupid question. 75 00:01:58,744 --> 00:01:59,995 Of course they eat dinner. 76 00:02:00,037 --> 00:02:01,455 Does your family like croutons 77 00:02:00,037 --> 00:02:01,455 in their salad, 78 00:02:01,496 --> 00:02:02,623 'Cause some people do, 79 00:02:01,496 --> 00:02:02,623 and other people don't, and-- 80 00:02:02,664 --> 00:02:04,959 - Okay, Phoebe. 81 00:02:05,000 --> 00:02:08,003 We have to get to class now. 82 00:02:08,045 --> 00:02:09,046 - Why did you do that? 83 00:02:09,088 --> 00:02:10,714 - You'll thank me later. 84 00:02:10,756 --> 00:02:14,175 - Guhhh... 85 00:02:14,217 --> 00:02:15,677 - You'll also thank me later. 86 00:02:17,304 --> 00:02:20,140 [upbeat music] 87 00:02:20,181 --> 00:02:23,184 - ♪ What you see 88 00:02:20,181 --> 00:02:23,184 is not what you get ♪ 89 00:02:23,226 --> 00:02:26,396 ♪ Living our lives 90 00:02:23,226 --> 00:02:26,396 with a secret ♪ 91 00:02:26,438 --> 00:02:29,691 ♪ We fit right in, 92 00:02:26,438 --> 00:02:29,691 bet you'd never guess ♪ 93 00:02:29,733 --> 00:02:32,987 ♪ 'Cause we're living our 94 00:02:29,733 --> 00:02:32,987 lives 95 00:02:29,733 --> 00:02:32,987 just like all the rest ♪ 96 00:02:33,028 --> 00:02:36,531 ♪ A picture perfect family 97 00:02:33,028 --> 00:02:36,531 is what we try to be ♪ 98 00:02:36,573 --> 00:02:38,033 ♪ Look closer, 99 00:02:36,573 --> 00:02:38,033 you might see ♪ 100 00:02:38,075 --> 00:02:39,910 ♪ The crazy things we do ♪ 101 00:02:39,952 --> 00:02:42,871 ♪ This isn't make believe, 102 00:02:39,952 --> 00:02:42,871 it's our reality ♪ 103 00:02:42,913 --> 00:02:44,665 ♪ Just your average family ♪ 104 00:02:44,706 --> 00:02:47,709 ♪ Trying to be normal 105 00:02:44,706 --> 00:02:47,709 and stay out of trouble ♪ 106 00:02:47,751 --> 00:02:50,295 ♪ Living a double life ♪ 107 00:02:53,465 --> 00:02:54,967 - Hit the turbo. 108 00:02:53,465 --> 00:02:54,967 Hit the turbo. 109 00:02:55,009 --> 00:02:56,384 Hit the turbo! 110 00:02:58,887 --> 00:03:00,722 - You guys will never guess 111 00:02:58,887 --> 00:03:00,722 what happened today. 112 00:03:00,764 --> 00:03:02,766 - An asteroid was heading 113 00:03:00,764 --> 00:03:02,766 toward school, 114 00:03:02,808 --> 00:03:05,102 and you single-handedly 115 00:03:02,808 --> 00:03:05,102 stopped it with your powers? 116 00:03:05,144 --> 00:03:09,148 - And then melted it into 117 00:03:05,144 --> 00:03:09,148 a puddle with your heat 118 00:03:05,144 --> 00:03:09,148 breath? 119 00:03:09,188 --> 00:03:12,151 - No, a boy asked me out. 120 00:03:12,191 --> 00:03:14,569 - Yeah, we're done here. 121 00:03:14,611 --> 00:03:16,613 - What he said, 122 00:03:14,611 --> 00:03:16,613 but with more disappointment. 123 00:03:19,158 --> 00:03:20,742 - A boy, huh? 124 00:03:20,784 --> 00:03:22,452 I think your mother and I 125 00:03:20,784 --> 00:03:22,452 agree you're a little young 126 00:03:22,494 --> 00:03:23,620 to be dating. 127 00:03:23,662 --> 00:03:24,245 - Is it Cole Campbell? 128 00:03:24,287 --> 00:03:26,957 - Uh-huh. 129 00:03:26,999 --> 00:03:28,249 - That is so exciting. 130 00:03:28,291 --> 00:03:30,002 - I know. 131 00:03:30,044 --> 00:03:32,171 Oh, also, his entire family 132 00:03:30,044 --> 00:03:32,171 is coming here 133 00:03:32,211 --> 00:03:33,172 for dinner tomorrow night. 134 00:03:33,212 --> 00:03:35,883 'Kay, bye. 135 00:03:33,212 --> 00:03:35,883 - Whoa, whoa, whoa. 136 00:03:35,924 --> 00:03:39,427 You invited a family 137 00:03:35,924 --> 00:03:39,427 of non-superheroes to our 138 00:03:35,924 --> 00:03:39,427 house? 139 00:03:39,469 --> 00:03:41,262 - Whoa, whoa, whoa. 140 00:03:41,304 --> 00:03:43,390 No non-supes in the house 141 00:03:41,304 --> 00:03:43,390 is Dad's number one rule. 142 00:03:43,431 --> 00:03:44,725 You lift that, 143 00:03:43,431 --> 00:03:44,725 and next thing you know, 144 00:03:44,766 --> 00:03:46,143 the house'll be full 145 00:03:44,766 --> 00:03:46,143 of Phoebe's giggle buddies 146 00:03:46,185 --> 00:03:47,352 yappin' about nonsense. 147 00:03:47,394 --> 00:03:48,395 "I like boys. 148 00:03:48,436 --> 00:03:49,521 "I like dancing. 149 00:03:49,563 --> 00:03:50,939 Let's go to horse camp." 150 00:03:53,734 --> 00:03:55,360 - Come on, like you're not 151 00:03:53,734 --> 00:03:55,360 gonna 152 00:03:53,734 --> 00:03:55,360 want to have 153 00:03:55,402 --> 00:03:56,737 any of your friends 154 00:03:55,402 --> 00:03:56,737 from school over? 155 00:03:56,778 --> 00:03:58,363 Not one? 156 00:03:58,405 --> 00:04:00,532 - No, because when non-supes 157 00:03:58,405 --> 00:04:00,532 are over, I can't do this. 158 00:04:03,577 --> 00:04:04,578 - Mom. 159 00:04:03,577 --> 00:04:04,578 - Hank. 160 00:04:04,619 --> 00:04:07,288 - Max. 161 00:04:04,619 --> 00:04:07,288 - Sorry. 162 00:04:07,330 --> 00:04:09,083 - C'mon, Dad. 163 00:04:09,124 --> 00:04:10,667 Cole's parents just want to know 164 00:04:09,124 --> 00:04:10,667 I come from a good family. 165 00:04:10,709 --> 00:04:12,544 - Sure, bring 'em over. 166 00:04:12,586 --> 00:04:14,379 Billy can super-speed 167 00:04:12,586 --> 00:04:14,379 around the ceiling 168 00:04:14,421 --> 00:04:18,133 while Nora zaps laser beams 169 00:04:14,421 --> 00:04:18,133 at him with her eyeballs. 170 00:04:18,175 --> 00:04:20,385 - So you're good with it? 171 00:04:20,427 --> 00:04:23,722 - Honey, we moved to 172 00:04:20,427 --> 00:04:23,722 Hiddenville 173 00:04:20,427 --> 00:04:23,722 to be a normal family. 174 00:04:23,764 --> 00:04:26,183 That means keeping our powers 175 00:04:23,764 --> 00:04:26,183 a secret. 176 00:04:26,225 --> 00:04:28,643 You're going to have to cancel 177 00:04:26,225 --> 00:04:28,643 the dinner. 178 00:04:28,685 --> 00:04:30,771 - Yes, 179 00:04:28,685 --> 00:04:30,771 classic Hank. 180 00:04:30,812 --> 00:04:35,275 Up top. 181 00:04:35,316 --> 00:04:36,985 - How are we supposed to have 182 00:04:35,316 --> 00:04:36,985 normal lives here 183 00:04:37,027 --> 00:04:39,446 if we can never have anyone 184 00:04:37,027 --> 00:04:39,446 in the house? 185 00:04:39,487 --> 00:04:41,406 But don't worry. 186 00:04:41,448 --> 00:04:43,700 I probably won't cry at all. 187 00:04:45,493 --> 00:04:47,662 - Wait. 188 00:04:47,704 --> 00:04:50,249 Maybe we can make an exception 189 00:04:47,704 --> 00:04:50,249 this once. 190 00:04:50,290 --> 00:04:53,961 - Barb. 191 00:04:50,290 --> 00:04:53,961 - Yeah, Barb. 192 00:04:54,002 --> 00:04:55,129 - We're both gonna be here, 193 00:04:54,002 --> 00:04:55,129 Hank. 194 00:04:55,170 --> 00:04:57,422 And the kids 195 00:04:55,170 --> 00:04:57,422 will behave themselves. 196 00:04:57,464 --> 00:04:59,049 - Please, Dad? 197 00:04:59,091 --> 00:04:59,925 - Well... 198 00:05:04,888 --> 00:05:06,514 Okay. 199 00:05:06,556 --> 00:05:07,975 - Thanks, Dad. 200 00:05:06,556 --> 00:05:07,975 Up top. 201 00:05:10,852 --> 00:05:12,520 - I don't even know you 202 00:05:10,852 --> 00:05:12,520 anymore. 203 00:05:27,702 --> 00:05:28,996 - That kid took your lunch. 204 00:05:30,789 --> 00:05:33,083 - Dark empress strikes again. 205 00:05:35,376 --> 00:05:36,335 - Sorry. 206 00:05:36,377 --> 00:05:37,462 - Don't be. 207 00:05:37,504 --> 00:05:38,964 I'm a big fan of your work. 208 00:05:39,006 --> 00:05:41,340 I don't suppose you'd want to 209 00:05:39,006 --> 00:05:41,340 grab lunch. 210 00:05:41,382 --> 00:05:42,717 - Too late. 211 00:05:42,759 --> 00:05:43,969 I already grabbed yours. 212 00:05:46,387 --> 00:05:48,640 - If you like that, you'll love 213 00:05:46,387 --> 00:05:48,640 turkey wrap Tuesdays. 214 00:05:51,852 --> 00:05:53,854 - Pheebs, 215 00:05:51,852 --> 00:05:53,854 we have an emergency. 216 00:05:53,895 --> 00:05:55,563 - You forgot your password 217 00:05:53,895 --> 00:05:55,563 again? 218 00:05:55,605 --> 00:05:56,731 It's your birthday. 219 00:05:56,773 --> 00:05:58,859 - It's my birthday? 220 00:05:58,900 --> 00:06:00,027 Oh, oh, no, 221 00:05:58,900 --> 00:06:00,027 that's my password. 222 00:06:00,068 --> 00:06:01,695 Okay. 223 00:06:01,736 --> 00:06:05,573 I was doing some research 224 00:06:01,736 --> 00:06:05,573 online, 225 00:06:05,615 --> 00:06:07,159 and look what I found. 226 00:06:07,201 --> 00:06:08,994 - Photos from Cole's 227 00:06:07,201 --> 00:06:08,994 family vacation? 228 00:06:09,036 --> 00:06:10,954 - Yeah, that's not a hotel. 229 00:06:10,996 --> 00:06:12,580 It's their house. 230 00:06:12,622 --> 00:06:14,124 And that's their pool. 231 00:06:14,166 --> 00:06:15,917 Oh, 232 00:06:14,166 --> 00:06:15,917 and those are their polo ponies. 233 00:06:17,794 --> 00:06:20,214 - Is he feeding that horse 234 00:06:17,794 --> 00:06:20,214 money? 235 00:06:20,255 --> 00:06:24,634 - If I were you, 236 00:06:20,255 --> 00:06:24,634 I would be very nervous. 237 00:06:24,676 --> 00:06:26,178 - What are you saying, 238 00:06:26,220 --> 00:06:28,013 that my family's 239 00:06:26,220 --> 00:06:28,013 not classy enough for theirs? 240 00:06:28,055 --> 00:06:29,764 - His parents are on the cover 241 00:06:28,055 --> 00:06:29,764 of this month's 242 00:06:29,806 --> 00:06:32,684 Snob and Country. 243 00:06:32,726 --> 00:06:34,019 - I have to go home now. 244 00:06:37,856 --> 00:06:38,773 Wrong locker. 245 00:06:38,815 --> 00:06:40,108 - Thank you. 246 00:06:43,987 --> 00:06:44,905 - Two hours till dinner. 247 00:06:44,946 --> 00:06:46,698 Is everybody almost ready? 248 00:06:48,116 --> 00:06:50,827 - Why else would I be getting 249 00:06:48,116 --> 00:06:50,827 all pretty? 250 00:06:50,869 --> 00:06:52,871 Now, if I could just nail 251 00:06:50,869 --> 00:06:52,871 this bunion. 252 00:06:54,664 --> 00:06:56,833 - Time for my monkey drink. 253 00:07:01,838 --> 00:07:03,173 - Phoebe, think fast. 254 00:07:04,632 --> 00:07:06,093 Dad, think fast. 255 00:07:07,594 --> 00:07:08,970 - My monkey drink. 256 00:07:13,600 --> 00:07:16,103 I guess they don't make pants 257 00:07:13,600 --> 00:07:16,103 like they used to. 258 00:07:16,144 --> 00:07:17,938 - They don't make you 259 00:07:16,144 --> 00:07:17,938 like they used to. 260 00:07:20,523 --> 00:07:22,109 - Who wants a snack? 261 00:07:22,150 --> 00:07:24,903 - Oh, yeah, baby. 262 00:07:22,150 --> 00:07:24,903 - Pizza tots. 263 00:07:24,945 --> 00:07:27,364 - Hot! Hot! Hot! 264 00:07:27,406 --> 00:07:31,410 - Okay, stop, stop, stop it, 265 00:07:27,406 --> 00:07:31,410 stop! 266 00:07:31,451 --> 00:07:32,827 - Something wrong? 267 00:07:32,869 --> 00:07:35,914 - Yes, your pants are ripped, 268 00:07:32,869 --> 00:07:35,914 mom's got a moustache, 269 00:07:35,956 --> 00:07:38,333 and you're all spitting up 270 00:07:35,956 --> 00:07:38,333 pizza tots. 271 00:07:38,375 --> 00:07:39,793 What do you think Cole's 272 00:07:38,375 --> 00:07:39,793 family 273 00:07:38,375 --> 00:07:39,793 is going to think? 274 00:07:39,834 --> 00:07:41,753 - Honey, they're just people. 275 00:07:41,795 --> 00:07:43,297 - No, Mom, they're not. 276 00:07:43,338 --> 00:07:45,548 They wear fancy clothes 277 00:07:43,338 --> 00:07:45,548 and have polo ponies, 278 00:07:45,590 --> 00:07:47,550 and they don't drink 279 00:07:45,590 --> 00:07:47,550 monkey drinks. 280 00:07:47,592 --> 00:07:52,472 - Well, what are we, 281 00:07:47,592 --> 00:07:52,472 a bunch of slobs? 282 00:07:52,513 --> 00:07:54,933 - Look, I'm just asking you 283 00:07:52,513 --> 00:07:54,933 to show the Campbell's 284 00:07:54,975 --> 00:07:56,435 that we can be as fancy 285 00:07:54,975 --> 00:07:56,435 as they are 286 00:07:56,476 --> 00:07:57,685 so they'll let me hang out 287 00:07:56,476 --> 00:07:57,685 with Cole. 288 00:07:57,727 --> 00:07:58,770 Please? 289 00:07:58,812 --> 00:08:00,147 - Okay, sweetheart. 290 00:08:00,188 --> 00:08:02,482 We know how important tonight is 291 00:08:00,188 --> 00:08:02,482 for you. 292 00:08:02,523 --> 00:08:05,026 - Yeah, and who knows when 293 00:08:02,523 --> 00:08:05,026 she'll get asked out again. 294 00:08:06,903 --> 00:08:08,488 - Don't worry, Phoebe. 295 00:08:08,529 --> 00:08:12,575 We're going to make 296 00:08:08,529 --> 00:08:12,575 tonight's dinner a huge success. 297 00:08:12,617 --> 00:08:15,996 - You are going to make 298 00:08:12,617 --> 00:08:15,996 this dinner a huge failure. 299 00:08:16,037 --> 00:08:16,997 - I have to. 300 00:08:17,038 --> 00:08:18,123 If this dinner goes well, 301 00:08:18,165 --> 00:08:20,125 Dad'll lift 302 00:08:18,165 --> 00:08:20,125 the no non-supes rule, 303 00:08:20,167 --> 00:08:21,709 and I won't be able to do 304 00:08:20,167 --> 00:08:21,709 my thing. 305 00:08:21,751 --> 00:08:22,961 - Your dancing? 306 00:08:23,003 --> 00:08:26,047 - No, my superpowers... 307 00:08:26,089 --> 00:08:30,010 and occasionally the dancing. 308 00:08:30,051 --> 00:08:31,594 - So what do you got planned? 309 00:08:31,636 --> 00:08:34,181 'Cause ol' Dr. Colosso 310 00:08:31,636 --> 00:08:34,181 can help ya. 311 00:08:34,222 --> 00:08:35,765 You know, back in the day-- 312 00:08:35,807 --> 00:08:38,352 - I know, before my dad 313 00:08:35,807 --> 00:08:38,352 turned you into a bunny, 314 00:08:38,393 --> 00:08:39,936 you were the world's 315 00:08:38,393 --> 00:08:39,936 biggest supervillain. 316 00:08:39,978 --> 00:08:41,355 - I'm still big, kid. 317 00:08:41,396 --> 00:08:44,483 It's just my poops 318 00:08:41,396 --> 00:08:44,483 that got small. 319 00:08:44,524 --> 00:08:45,817 - Let me tell you 320 00:08:44,524 --> 00:08:45,817 what's gonna happen. 321 00:08:45,859 --> 00:08:47,652 There's gonna be a beekeeper 322 00:08:45,859 --> 00:08:47,652 that's gonna release 323 00:08:47,694 --> 00:08:49,112 a swarm of bees, 324 00:08:49,154 --> 00:08:51,614 then I got burping pills 325 00:08:49,154 --> 00:08:51,614 in the iced tea, 326 00:08:51,656 --> 00:08:54,242 some industrial-strength 327 00:08:51,656 --> 00:08:54,242 hot sauce in the soup, 328 00:08:54,284 --> 00:08:56,828 and six scorpions, 329 00:08:54,284 --> 00:08:56,828 because, hey, 330 00:08:56,870 --> 00:08:58,538 who doesn't like scorpions? 331 00:08:58,579 --> 00:09:03,168 - [sobbing] 332 00:09:03,210 --> 00:09:05,379 - Are you crying? 333 00:09:05,420 --> 00:09:07,881 - I'm just so proud of you. 334 00:09:07,922 --> 00:09:09,299 Don't look at me. 335 00:09:17,224 --> 00:09:19,100 - Everything to your liking, 336 00:09:17,224 --> 00:09:19,100 Madam? 337 00:09:20,727 --> 00:09:23,063 - Explain. 338 00:09:23,104 --> 00:09:24,523 - You said this family 339 00:09:23,104 --> 00:09:24,523 was fancy. 340 00:09:24,605 --> 00:09:28,651 Well, what's fancier than having 341 00:09:24,605 --> 00:09:28,651 a butler? 342 00:09:28,693 --> 00:09:30,820 - They won't believe we have 343 00:09:28,693 --> 00:09:30,820 a ten-year-old butler. 344 00:09:30,862 --> 00:09:33,240 - They will once they meet 345 00:09:30,862 --> 00:09:33,240 the eight-year-old chef. 346 00:09:34,782 --> 00:09:38,786 - William, quit chatting 347 00:09:34,782 --> 00:09:38,786 with Lady Phoebe. 348 00:09:38,828 --> 00:09:41,164 Now, get back in the kitchen 349 00:09:38,828 --> 00:09:41,164 and polish those breadsticks. 350 00:09:43,500 --> 00:09:45,335 It's so hard to find good 351 00:09:43,500 --> 00:09:45,335 help. 352 00:09:46,794 --> 00:09:47,921 [alarm beeping] 353 00:09:47,962 --> 00:09:49,256 - Alert. 354 00:09:47,962 --> 00:09:49,256 Alert. 355 00:09:49,297 --> 00:09:50,924 Non-supe approaching. 356 00:09:50,965 --> 00:09:52,300 - Mom, Dad, they're here! 357 00:09:54,761 --> 00:09:59,474 - And so are we. 358 00:09:59,516 --> 00:10:02,018 - What are you wearing? 359 00:10:02,060 --> 00:10:03,811 - You said to dress nicely. 360 00:10:03,853 --> 00:10:06,022 - We wore this to 361 00:10:03,853 --> 00:10:06,022 a fancy nightclub once, 362 00:10:06,064 --> 00:10:10,193 and within seconds, everyone 363 00:10:06,064 --> 00:10:10,193 cleared the dance floor for 364 00:10:06,064 --> 00:10:10,193 us. 365 00:10:11,611 --> 00:10:12,737 - Huh? 366 00:10:12,779 --> 00:10:14,573 - Huh? Huh? 367 00:10:14,614 --> 00:10:16,657 - That's because 368 00:10:14,614 --> 00:10:16,657 they were frightened. 369 00:10:16,699 --> 00:10:18,826 - Honey, 370 00:10:16,699 --> 00:10:18,826 do you want us to change? 371 00:10:18,868 --> 00:10:19,953 - It's too late now. 372 00:10:18,868 --> 00:10:19,953 They're here. 373 00:10:21,662 --> 00:10:23,290 Is everybody ready? 374 00:10:23,331 --> 00:10:25,292 - Yeah, what are you 375 00:10:23,331 --> 00:10:25,292 waiting for? 376 00:10:25,333 --> 00:10:27,294 Let 'em in. 377 00:10:27,335 --> 00:10:29,296 - [exhales] 378 00:10:29,337 --> 00:10:30,755 Hi, Cole. 379 00:10:30,797 --> 00:10:32,215 - Hey, Phoebe. 380 00:10:32,257 --> 00:10:34,675 These are my parents, 381 00:10:32,257 --> 00:10:34,675 Gerald and Fiona Campbell. 382 00:10:34,717 --> 00:10:36,844 - Of the Park Avenue Campbells. 383 00:10:36,886 --> 00:10:38,555 - Hello, my dear. 384 00:10:38,597 --> 00:10:41,766 - And these are my parents, 385 00:10:38,597 --> 00:10:41,766 Hank and Barb Thunderman. 386 00:10:41,808 --> 00:10:44,852 - Of the Marvin Gardens 387 00:10:41,808 --> 00:10:44,852 Thundermans. 388 00:10:44,894 --> 00:10:49,107 Greetings and salutations. 389 00:10:49,149 --> 00:10:51,443 - Delicious to make 390 00:10:49,149 --> 00:10:51,443 your acquaintances. 391 00:10:51,485 --> 00:10:53,445 Both: Mwah! Mwah! 392 00:10:53,487 --> 00:10:56,990 - Oh! Oh! 393 00:10:57,031 --> 00:10:58,783 - Oh, this is gonna be bad. 394 00:10:58,825 --> 00:11:00,535 - Oh, this is gonna be good. 395 00:11:00,577 --> 00:11:04,414 - And this is Cole's 396 00:11:00,577 --> 00:11:04,414 older sister, Tara. 397 00:11:07,626 --> 00:11:09,503 - I did not see that coming. 398 00:11:14,591 --> 00:11:16,759 - Come. Come in. 399 00:11:14,591 --> 00:11:16,759 Welcome to our home. 400 00:11:16,801 --> 00:11:18,719 We have ten of them, you know. 401 00:11:18,761 --> 00:11:20,430 - Eleven, actually. 402 00:11:20,472 --> 00:11:23,183 But the one in Hawaii 403 00:11:23,224 --> 00:11:27,187 is just to store paintings 404 00:11:23,224 --> 00:11:27,187 and expensive fruit. 405 00:11:29,856 --> 00:11:32,984 - So you, uh, 406 00:11:29,856 --> 00:11:32,984 steal any sandwiches lately? 407 00:11:33,026 --> 00:11:34,777 - Hey, it's you. 408 00:11:34,819 --> 00:11:38,239 This night just went from lame 409 00:11:34,819 --> 00:11:38,239 to slightly less lame. 410 00:11:38,281 --> 00:11:39,866 - Really? 411 00:11:39,907 --> 00:11:42,285 But what would you think 412 00:11:39,907 --> 00:11:42,285 if someone sabotaged this dinner 413 00:11:42,327 --> 00:11:45,455 in rude, disgusting, 414 00:11:42,327 --> 00:11:45,455 scorpion-related ways? 415 00:11:45,497 --> 00:11:47,624 - I'd want to hang 416 00:11:45,497 --> 00:11:47,624 with that guy. 417 00:11:47,666 --> 00:11:50,293 But my parents 418 00:11:47,666 --> 00:11:50,293 would never let me. 419 00:11:50,335 --> 00:11:52,711 So it's probably the dumbest 420 00:11:50,335 --> 00:11:52,711 thing you could ever do. 421 00:11:56,591 --> 00:11:58,426 - Phoebe, I think I just did 422 00:11:56,591 --> 00:11:58,426 the dumbest thing 423 00:11:58,468 --> 00:11:59,844 I could ever do. 424 00:12:03,806 --> 00:12:06,643 - Whatever did we do 425 00:12:03,806 --> 00:12:06,643 before spray cheese? 426 00:12:12,106 --> 00:12:14,067 - Thundermans, you say? 427 00:12:14,108 --> 00:12:17,237 Any relation to the eminent 428 00:12:14,108 --> 00:12:17,237 superhero Thunder Man? 429 00:12:17,278 --> 00:12:18,946 - [coughs] 430 00:12:20,990 --> 00:12:23,535 - He's joking, of course. 431 00:12:23,577 --> 00:12:26,329 You look 432 00:12:23,577 --> 00:12:26,329 nothing like-- 433 00:12:26,371 --> 00:12:27,622 Well, you're aware of what 434 00:12:26,371 --> 00:12:27,622 you look like. 435 00:12:27,664 --> 00:12:32,751 [laughter] 436 00:12:32,793 --> 00:12:34,087 - It's not that funny. 437 00:12:36,339 --> 00:12:38,091 - I am so sorry. 438 00:12:38,132 --> 00:12:40,719 - For what? 439 00:12:38,132 --> 00:12:40,719 - Everything. 440 00:12:40,759 --> 00:12:42,887 - Excuse us. 441 00:12:42,929 --> 00:12:44,556 Phoebe, we have a problem. 442 00:12:44,598 --> 00:12:45,724 - Besides that? 443 00:12:45,764 --> 00:12:48,101 - Oops, large money bills 444 00:12:48,142 --> 00:12:50,395 are falling out of my pockets. 445 00:12:53,607 --> 00:12:55,066 - It's worse than that. 446 00:12:55,108 --> 00:12:57,652 I sabotaged your dinner. 447 00:12:57,694 --> 00:12:59,195 - Don't worry about-- 448 00:12:57,694 --> 00:12:59,195 wait, you what? 449 00:12:59,237 --> 00:13:01,489 - See, I figured if dinner 450 00:12:59,237 --> 00:13:01,489 was a disaster, 451 00:13:01,531 --> 00:13:03,742 then dad wouldn't lift 452 00:13:01,531 --> 00:13:03,742 the no non-supes rule, so... 453 00:13:03,782 --> 00:13:05,410 it's gonna be a disaster. 454 00:13:05,452 --> 00:13:07,412 - When? Where? How? 455 00:13:07,454 --> 00:13:08,580 - Well, for starters... 456 00:13:08,622 --> 00:13:10,457 [gasps] 457 00:13:08,622 --> 00:13:10,457 Beekeeper. 458 00:13:14,877 --> 00:13:16,463 Hey, here's 20 bucks. 459 00:13:16,504 --> 00:13:18,214 Buzz off. 460 00:13:21,175 --> 00:13:24,554 - And over here, 461 00:13:21,175 --> 00:13:24,554 we have books. 462 00:13:25,930 --> 00:13:27,056 [bell ringing] 463 00:13:27,098 --> 00:13:29,476 - Attention, please. 464 00:13:29,517 --> 00:13:32,604 Dinner will be served 465 00:13:29,517 --> 00:13:32,604 in five minutes. 466 00:13:32,646 --> 00:13:37,816 - William, I say when dinner 467 00:13:32,646 --> 00:13:37,816 will be served! 468 00:13:37,858 --> 00:13:40,027 Dinner will be served 469 00:13:37,858 --> 00:13:40,027 in five minutes. 470 00:13:41,279 --> 00:13:44,658 Get back in there! 471 00:13:44,699 --> 00:13:47,619 - You use your children 472 00:13:44,699 --> 00:13:47,619 as the help? 473 00:13:47,661 --> 00:13:50,204 - Oh, those aren't 474 00:13:47,661 --> 00:13:50,204 our children. 475 00:13:50,246 --> 00:13:52,373 They're our tiny servants. 476 00:13:52,415 --> 00:13:54,167 - Really? 477 00:13:52,415 --> 00:13:54,167 - Oh, yes. 478 00:13:54,208 --> 00:13:57,253 Tiny servants are all the rage 479 00:13:54,208 --> 00:13:57,253 this season. 480 00:13:57,295 --> 00:13:58,963 - They take up much less space. 481 00:13:59,005 --> 00:14:03,050 Our William sleeps 482 00:13:59,005 --> 00:14:03,050 in a cello case. 483 00:14:03,092 --> 00:14:06,304 - We have got to get 484 00:14:03,092 --> 00:14:06,304 one of those. 485 00:14:06,346 --> 00:14:09,599 - I didn't know your family 486 00:14:06,346 --> 00:14:09,599 was so...fancy. 487 00:14:09,641 --> 00:14:13,603 - Yeah, 488 00:14:09,641 --> 00:14:13,603 just found that out myself. 489 00:14:13,645 --> 00:14:17,982 - Shall we adjourn 490 00:14:13,645 --> 00:14:17,982 to the formal dining room? 491 00:14:18,024 --> 00:14:19,317 Here we are. 492 00:14:23,446 --> 00:14:24,989 - I know how you feel. 493 00:14:25,031 --> 00:14:26,658 My parents embarrass me 494 00:14:25,031 --> 00:14:26,658 all the time. 495 00:14:26,700 --> 00:14:28,868 - They do? 496 00:14:26,700 --> 00:14:28,868 - Totally. 497 00:14:28,909 --> 00:14:30,745 But I get a feeling that 498 00:14:28,909 --> 00:14:30,745 they're gonna let us hang out. 499 00:14:30,787 --> 00:14:33,122 Oh, unless something goes 500 00:14:30,787 --> 00:14:33,122 horribly wrong. 501 00:14:33,164 --> 00:14:35,667 - 'Scuse us. 502 00:14:35,709 --> 00:14:37,335 Things are about to go 503 00:14:35,709 --> 00:14:37,335 horribly wrong. 504 00:14:38,795 --> 00:14:40,421 - You've got to stop doing 505 00:14:38,795 --> 00:14:40,421 that. 506 00:14:40,463 --> 00:14:42,215 Cole and I are totally 507 00:14:40,463 --> 00:14:42,215 hitting it off. 508 00:14:42,256 --> 00:14:45,051 - Yeah, and my dark empress 509 00:14:42,256 --> 00:14:45,051 said 510 00:14:42,256 --> 00:14:45,051 she wants to hang, Phoebe. 511 00:14:45,092 --> 00:14:49,096 She wants to hang! 512 00:14:49,138 --> 00:14:50,640 - We gotta shut down 513 00:14:49,138 --> 00:14:50,640 your stupid plans. 514 00:14:50,682 --> 00:14:51,599 What were they? 515 00:14:51,641 --> 00:14:52,851 - Well, the next one was-- 516 00:14:52,892 --> 00:14:54,185 - Iced tea is served. 517 00:14:54,227 --> 00:14:56,187 - That one. 518 00:14:56,229 --> 00:14:59,649 - Iced tea with no lemon. 519 00:14:56,229 --> 00:14:59,649 You are evil. 520 00:14:59,691 --> 00:15:01,984 - So I said 521 00:14:59,691 --> 00:15:01,984 to the prime minister, 522 00:15:02,026 --> 00:15:03,611 "That's not my hat. 523 00:15:03,653 --> 00:15:04,529 That's my--" 524 00:15:04,571 --> 00:15:06,531 [belches] 525 00:15:06,573 --> 00:15:08,115 Pardonez-moi. 526 00:15:08,157 --> 00:15:09,325 - Good gracious, dear. 527 00:15:09,367 --> 00:15:10,326 - My word. 528 00:15:10,368 --> 00:15:14,205 [belches] 529 00:15:14,247 --> 00:15:15,707 - Good show, old sport. 530 00:15:15,749 --> 00:15:20,545 [belching] 531 00:15:20,587 --> 00:15:22,756 - What has gotten into you all? 532 00:15:22,797 --> 00:15:25,299 [belches] 533 00:15:25,341 --> 00:15:28,469 - That was a juicy one, 534 00:15:25,341 --> 00:15:28,469 Mrs. C. 535 00:15:28,511 --> 00:15:30,304 - Okay, tea time's over. 536 00:15:35,309 --> 00:15:36,394 - How's the soup? 537 00:15:36,436 --> 00:15:38,396 - Hmm, 538 00:15:36,436 --> 00:15:38,396 needs more soup. 539 00:15:43,818 --> 00:15:45,528 - Okay, 540 00:15:43,818 --> 00:15:45,528 what else do we need to stop? 541 00:15:45,570 --> 00:15:47,572 - Uh... 542 00:15:45,570 --> 00:15:47,572 oh, the scorpions. 543 00:15:47,614 --> 00:15:49,156 Both: Scorpions? 544 00:15:49,198 --> 00:15:51,576 - Ugh, 545 00:15:49,198 --> 00:15:51,576 I'll keep them distracted, 546 00:15:51,618 --> 00:15:52,993 and you two go round up 547 00:15:51,618 --> 00:15:52,993 the scorpions. 548 00:15:53,035 --> 00:15:55,496 And no using powers, 549 00:15:53,035 --> 00:15:55,496 or Dad won't lift the rule. 550 00:15:55,538 --> 00:15:57,874 Go. 551 00:15:55,538 --> 00:15:57,874 Go, go, go, go, go. 552 00:15:57,916 --> 00:16:00,460 - "One gallon of hot sauce?" 553 00:16:00,501 --> 00:16:02,921 Eh, 554 00:16:00,501 --> 00:16:02,921 what do I know about soup? 555 00:16:08,008 --> 00:16:11,846 [humming] 556 00:16:11,888 --> 00:16:15,558 - And that's why you never 557 00:16:11,888 --> 00:16:15,558 bring 558 00:16:11,888 --> 00:16:15,558 a donkey on a yacht. 559 00:16:19,562 --> 00:16:21,188 - I'm back. 560 00:16:21,230 --> 00:16:24,567 So, uh, Cole, 561 00:16:21,230 --> 00:16:24,567 why don't you tell everyone 562 00:16:24,609 --> 00:16:27,111 how you made the winning shot 563 00:16:24,609 --> 00:16:27,111 at the basketball game? 564 00:16:27,153 --> 00:16:29,238 - No, 565 00:16:27,153 --> 00:16:29,238 I don't want to bore everyone. 566 00:16:29,280 --> 00:16:31,658 - Three, two, one. 567 00:16:31,699 --> 00:16:33,117 - So I'm at half-court 568 00:16:33,159 --> 00:16:34,327 with seven seconds left 569 00:16:33,159 --> 00:16:34,327 on the clock-- 570 00:16:34,368 --> 00:16:35,829 - Oh, gross. 571 00:16:35,870 --> 00:16:37,371 - Why is that gross? 572 00:16:37,413 --> 00:16:38,414 - Uh... 573 00:16:38,456 --> 00:16:40,500 "Gross" is the new "awesome." 574 00:16:42,168 --> 00:16:43,336 Sorry. 575 00:16:42,168 --> 00:16:43,336 Go on. 576 00:16:43,377 --> 00:16:45,087 - Well, I get the ball 577 00:16:43,377 --> 00:16:45,087 and decide to go for 578 00:16:45,129 --> 00:16:46,172 a three-pointer-- 579 00:16:46,213 --> 00:16:47,507 - Oh, that's disgusting. 580 00:16:47,548 --> 00:16:50,050 - It is? 581 00:16:50,092 --> 00:16:54,263 - Yeah, 582 00:16:50,092 --> 00:16:54,263 "disgusting" is the new "gross." 583 00:16:54,305 --> 00:16:55,598 Continue. 584 00:16:55,640 --> 00:16:58,058 - Well, it went in 585 00:16:55,640 --> 00:16:58,058 right at the buzzer, and we won. 586 00:16:58,100 --> 00:16:59,936 Totally disgusting. 587 00:17:04,816 --> 00:17:09,069 - Mrs. Campbell, did you know 588 00:17:04,816 --> 00:17:09,069 that our butler William here 589 00:17:09,111 --> 00:17:12,490 is also a very sought-after 590 00:17:09,111 --> 00:17:12,490 hair stylist? 591 00:17:12,532 --> 00:17:14,617 - Really? 592 00:17:14,659 --> 00:17:16,661 What would you do for my hair? 593 00:17:16,703 --> 00:17:19,539 - I would start whacking it 594 00:17:16,703 --> 00:17:19,539 really hard, like this. 595 00:17:19,580 --> 00:17:23,877 - Ehh! Oh! Oh! Oh! 596 00:17:19,580 --> 00:17:23,877 Good heavens. 597 00:17:23,918 --> 00:17:25,753 Mad tiny servant! 598 00:17:27,547 --> 00:17:31,258 - That will be $500. 599 00:17:31,300 --> 00:17:33,511 - Soup is served. 600 00:17:33,553 --> 00:17:37,515 - Oh, good, I'm starved. 601 00:17:37,557 --> 00:17:40,267 - Nora, please don't tell me 602 00:17:37,557 --> 00:17:40,267 you put hot sauce in the soup. 603 00:17:40,309 --> 00:17:42,311 - It's more like there's soup 604 00:17:40,309 --> 00:17:42,311 in the hot sauce. 605 00:17:46,649 --> 00:17:48,192 - Don't eat the soup. 606 00:17:49,861 --> 00:17:51,779 Because it's... 607 00:17:51,821 --> 00:17:54,323 a smelling soup. 608 00:17:54,365 --> 00:17:56,075 - A smelling soup? 609 00:17:56,116 --> 00:17:59,537 - Yeah, you just smell it, 610 00:17:56,116 --> 00:17:59,537 like they do in, uh... 611 00:17:59,579 --> 00:18:01,539 Sweden. 612 00:17:59,579 --> 00:18:01,539 - France. 613 00:18:01,581 --> 00:18:03,624 - Sweden. 614 00:18:01,581 --> 00:18:03,624 - France. 615 00:18:03,666 --> 00:18:04,918 - Nonsense. 616 00:18:04,959 --> 00:18:06,836 Let's have a taste. 617 00:18:10,548 --> 00:18:12,800 - Ahh! 618 00:18:12,842 --> 00:18:14,260 - Sweet mother of minestrone! 619 00:18:16,763 --> 00:18:18,973 - Ahh! 620 00:18:19,015 --> 00:18:20,516 - Oh, that's worse. 621 00:18:20,558 --> 00:18:22,852 - That is it! 622 00:18:22,894 --> 00:18:24,812 I have had just about enough. 623 00:18:24,854 --> 00:18:27,523 It has been nothing 624 00:18:24,854 --> 00:18:27,523 but mischief and shenanigans 625 00:18:27,565 --> 00:18:29,483 since we arrived. 626 00:18:29,525 --> 00:18:32,737 Come, Campbells. 627 00:18:32,779 --> 00:18:34,614 - Wait, don't leave. 628 00:18:36,866 --> 00:18:39,786 I have a confession to make. 629 00:18:39,827 --> 00:18:42,580 We're not really like this. 630 00:18:42,622 --> 00:18:44,040 I asked my family 631 00:18:42,622 --> 00:18:44,040 to impress you guys 632 00:18:44,082 --> 00:18:46,000 so you'd let Cole hang out 633 00:18:44,082 --> 00:18:46,000 with me. 634 00:18:46,042 --> 00:18:49,045 We don't really have a yacht 635 00:18:46,042 --> 00:18:49,045 or tiny servants, 636 00:18:49,087 --> 00:18:53,382 and my parents don't really have 637 00:18:49,087 --> 00:18:53,382 fancy accents. 638 00:18:53,424 --> 00:18:56,010 - Hi. 639 00:18:53,424 --> 00:18:56,010 - How's it going? 640 00:18:56,052 --> 00:18:58,805 - I mean, maybe we took it 641 00:18:56,052 --> 00:18:58,805 a step too far, 642 00:18:58,846 --> 00:19:00,723 but if you can give us 643 00:18:58,846 --> 00:19:00,723 another chance, 644 00:19:00,765 --> 00:19:02,433 then maybe we can have 645 00:19:00,765 --> 00:19:02,433 a nice dinner, 646 00:19:02,475 --> 00:19:05,144 and you can get to know us 647 00:19:02,475 --> 00:19:05,144 for who we really are. 648 00:19:07,396 --> 00:19:08,689 - Come on, Dad. 649 00:19:10,733 --> 00:19:12,443 - Fine. 650 00:19:12,485 --> 00:19:16,489 Our driver won't be here 651 00:19:12,485 --> 00:19:16,489 for another 15 minutes anyway. 652 00:19:16,530 --> 00:19:19,241 But you can forget about 653 00:19:16,530 --> 00:19:19,241 spending any more time 654 00:19:19,283 --> 00:19:21,661 with that girl. 655 00:19:21,702 --> 00:19:23,079 - Excuse me? 656 00:19:23,121 --> 00:19:24,998 - [chuckles] 657 00:19:23,121 --> 00:19:24,998 He can certainly do better 658 00:19:25,039 --> 00:19:26,874 than this family of hooligans. 659 00:19:26,916 --> 00:19:27,875 - All right, now, 660 00:19:26,916 --> 00:19:27,875 hang on one second. 661 00:19:27,917 --> 00:19:29,502 - Oh, I'm sorry. 662 00:19:29,543 --> 00:19:33,006 What my wife meant to say 663 00:19:29,543 --> 00:19:33,006 was "classless hooligans." 664 00:19:33,047 --> 00:19:34,548 - How about I take you to 665 00:19:33,047 --> 00:19:34,548 class? 666 00:19:34,590 --> 00:19:36,884 - Dad, Mom-- 667 00:19:34,590 --> 00:19:36,884 - Okay... 668 00:19:36,926 --> 00:19:40,429 I think we're all just getting 669 00:19:36,926 --> 00:19:40,429 a little bit hungry, yeah? 670 00:19:40,471 --> 00:19:42,515 Uh, what do you say, Pheebs? 671 00:19:42,556 --> 00:19:43,599 - Max, forget it. 672 00:19:42,556 --> 00:19:43,599 It's over. 673 00:19:43,641 --> 00:19:45,559 - I rigged the dinner 674 00:19:43,641 --> 00:19:45,559 to explode. 675 00:19:45,601 --> 00:19:48,729 - Nora, 676 00:19:45,601 --> 00:19:48,729 we're ready for dinner. 677 00:19:48,771 --> 00:19:53,317 - May I present 678 00:19:48,771 --> 00:19:53,317 Casserole a la Nora. 679 00:19:53,359 --> 00:19:55,361 - It's light but really packs 680 00:19:53,359 --> 00:19:55,361 a punch. 681 00:19:56,570 --> 00:19:58,572 You might want to back up 682 00:19:56,570 --> 00:19:58,572 a bit. 683 00:20:00,491 --> 00:20:03,995 - Please, guests first. 684 00:20:04,037 --> 00:20:06,831 - Oh, self-serve. 685 00:20:06,873 --> 00:20:08,499 How expected. 686 00:20:22,805 --> 00:20:24,557 We'll be going now. 687 00:20:28,519 --> 00:20:31,689 - So, uh, next time your place? 688 00:20:37,277 --> 00:20:39,488 - I know. 689 00:20:37,277 --> 00:20:39,488 I messed up. 690 00:20:39,530 --> 00:20:41,365 Guess I'll just 691 00:20:39,530 --> 00:20:41,365 see you around school. 692 00:20:41,407 --> 00:20:44,284 - No way. 693 00:20:41,407 --> 00:20:44,284 This was great. 694 00:20:44,326 --> 00:20:45,494 When can we 695 00:20:44,326 --> 00:20:45,494 get together? 696 00:20:45,536 --> 00:20:47,287 - But what about your parents? 697 00:20:47,329 --> 00:20:48,622 - What are they going to do, 698 00:20:48,664 --> 00:20:50,958 take away my polo club 699 00:20:48,664 --> 00:20:50,958 membership? 700 00:20:51,000 --> 00:20:52,126 - Yes. 701 00:20:52,168 --> 00:20:55,963 - Good. 702 00:20:52,168 --> 00:20:55,963 I hate polo. 703 00:20:56,005 --> 00:20:57,548 I'll call you tomorrow. 704 00:20:57,590 --> 00:20:59,800 Mr. And Mrs. Thunderman, 705 00:20:57,590 --> 00:20:59,800 it was lovely meeting you. 706 00:20:59,842 --> 00:21:01,135 - Oh, indeed. 707 00:21:01,177 --> 00:21:04,513 Ta-ta, young master. 708 00:21:04,555 --> 00:21:06,974 - Mom, you're not rich, 709 00:21:04,555 --> 00:21:06,974 remember? 710 00:21:07,016 --> 00:21:10,519 - I know; I just really like 711 00:21:07,016 --> 00:21:10,519 talking that way. 712 00:21:10,561 --> 00:21:13,397 - So this no non-supes rule... 713 00:21:13,439 --> 00:21:14,899 - It stays? 714 00:21:13,439 --> 00:21:14,899 Good. 715 00:21:14,941 --> 00:21:16,692 Because if I can't have 716 00:21:14,941 --> 00:21:16,692 my dark empress, 717 00:21:16,734 --> 00:21:18,986 I don't want anyone 718 00:21:16,734 --> 00:21:18,986 coming in this house. 719 00:21:19,028 --> 00:21:22,573 - Actually, despite everything 720 00:21:19,028 --> 00:21:22,573 you kids have done, 721 00:21:22,615 --> 00:21:23,908 I'm lifting the rule. 722 00:21:23,950 --> 00:21:25,409 [together] 723 00:21:23,950 --> 00:21:25,409 What? Really? You mean it? 724 00:21:25,451 --> 00:21:27,286 - But tonight went horribly. 725 00:21:27,327 --> 00:21:29,580 That couple hates us. 726 00:21:29,622 --> 00:21:31,916 I let scorpions out 727 00:21:29,622 --> 00:21:31,916 everywhere. 728 00:21:31,958 --> 00:21:34,794 Maybe I shouldn't have said 729 00:21:31,958 --> 00:21:34,794 that last part. 730 00:21:34,835 --> 00:21:37,755 - Yeah, but you did, 731 00:21:34,835 --> 00:21:37,755 so guess who's cleaning up. 732 00:21:37,797 --> 00:21:40,633 - But none of you used 733 00:21:37,797 --> 00:21:40,633 your superpowers, 734 00:21:40,674 --> 00:21:43,928 and it was nice finally 735 00:21:40,674 --> 00:21:43,928 seeing you spend time 736 00:21:43,970 --> 00:21:45,679 with non-supe kids. 737 00:21:45,721 --> 00:21:47,640 - It's why we moved here 738 00:21:45,721 --> 00:21:47,640 to Hiddenville. 739 00:21:47,681 --> 00:21:49,683 - No. 740 00:21:47,681 --> 00:21:49,683 I will never back down. 741 00:21:49,725 --> 00:21:51,811 Hear this, Thundermans: 742 00:21:51,852 --> 00:21:54,147 the "no non-supes 743 00:21:51,852 --> 00:21:54,147 in the house rule" must stand. 744 00:21:54,188 --> 00:21:55,439 [knock at door] 745 00:21:55,481 --> 00:21:57,691 - Psst, Max. 746 00:21:57,733 --> 00:21:59,152 Call me. 747 00:22:02,196 --> 00:22:03,697 - Stupidest rule ever.