1 00:00:06,089 --> 00:00:08,008 - Morning, Thunder-Fam. 2 00:00:08,049 --> 00:00:10,135 Hey, Billy, 3 00:00:08,049 --> 00:00:10,135 I found our gloves, huh? 4 00:00:10,177 --> 00:00:11,887 How about a little catch 5 00:00:10,177 --> 00:00:11,887 with the old man? 6 00:00:11,929 --> 00:00:13,514 - No, thanks, Dad. 7 00:00:13,555 --> 00:00:16,391 Last time, you kept throwing 8 00:00:13,555 --> 00:00:16,391 the ball over the wall. 9 00:00:16,433 --> 00:00:17,559 - So? 10 00:00:17,601 --> 00:00:19,394 - The Great Wall of China, 11 00:00:17,601 --> 00:00:19,394 Dad. 12 00:00:22,523 --> 00:00:23,816 - Hey, Dad, 13 00:00:22,523 --> 00:00:23,816 I'll play catch with you. 14 00:00:23,858 --> 00:00:26,109 - Oh. 15 00:00:26,151 --> 00:00:27,235 - Whoa. 16 00:00:27,277 --> 00:00:28,612 Ooh. 17 00:00:30,948 --> 00:00:32,199 - This is why we had Billy. 18 00:00:34,743 --> 00:00:38,163 - Oh, there's my freshman 19 00:00:34,743 --> 00:00:38,163 class president. 20 00:00:38,205 --> 00:00:39,707 - I haven't won yet, Mom. 21 00:00:39,748 --> 00:00:42,960 But I will once everyone 22 00:00:39,748 --> 00:00:42,960 sees this T-shirt. 23 00:00:43,002 --> 00:00:45,754 - "Don't be dweebs, 24 00:00:43,002 --> 00:00:45,754 vote for Pheebs." 25 00:00:47,965 --> 00:00:49,299 - Is that the best 26 00:00:47,965 --> 00:00:49,299 you could do? 27 00:00:49,341 --> 00:00:51,886 - You try rhyming 28 00:00:49,341 --> 00:00:51,886 something with Phoebe. 29 00:00:51,927 --> 00:00:53,929 - "Vote for Phoebe, 30 00:00:51,927 --> 00:00:53,929 this shirt's a freebie." 31 00:00:56,807 --> 00:00:59,226 - Dang it! 32 00:00:59,267 --> 00:01:02,479 Anyway, I have made enough 33 00:00:59,267 --> 00:01:02,479 for everyone. 34 00:01:02,521 --> 00:01:06,650 [gasps] 35 00:01:02,521 --> 00:01:06,650 And Nora gets a bow. 36 00:01:06,692 --> 00:01:10,320 - My scalp is 37 00:01:06,692 --> 00:01:10,320 not a bus bench. 38 00:01:10,362 --> 00:01:13,032 But that is one sweet bow. 39 00:01:13,073 --> 00:01:15,409 - Well, I am so excited 40 00:01:13,073 --> 00:01:15,409 for you, Phoebe. 41 00:01:15,450 --> 00:01:17,536 I know you've been dreaming 42 00:01:15,450 --> 00:01:17,536 about this day forever. 43 00:01:17,578 --> 00:01:19,914 - I know, I wanna become 44 00:01:17,578 --> 00:01:19,914 the voice of my generation 45 00:01:19,955 --> 00:01:21,790 and go down as 46 00:01:19,955 --> 00:01:21,790 the greatest freshman 47 00:01:19,955 --> 00:01:21,790 president 48 00:01:21,832 --> 00:01:23,584 in the history 49 00:01:21,832 --> 00:01:23,584 of Hiddenville High. 50 00:01:23,625 --> 00:01:26,127 - And I just want you to be 51 00:01:23,625 --> 00:01:26,127 the voice of stop talking. 52 00:01:28,756 --> 00:01:31,174 - You know what, I don't care 53 00:01:28,756 --> 00:01:31,174 as long as you help me today. 54 00:01:31,216 --> 00:01:32,133 Here. 55 00:01:32,175 --> 00:01:33,844 I need you and Cherry 56 00:01:33,886 --> 00:01:36,638 to ask me some questions after 57 00:01:33,886 --> 00:01:36,638 my speech to make me look 58 00:01:33,886 --> 00:01:36,638 good. 59 00:01:36,680 --> 00:01:38,557 - "What are 60 00:01:36,680 --> 00:01:38,557 the fundamental challenges 61 00:01:38,599 --> 00:01:40,308 facing students today?" 62 00:01:40,350 --> 00:01:41,476 Oh, I can answer that-- 63 00:01:41,518 --> 00:01:43,144 staying awake 64 00:01:41,518 --> 00:01:43,144 during these questions. 65 00:01:45,146 --> 00:01:47,858 - You know, 66 00:01:45,146 --> 00:01:47,858 when I become president, 67 00:01:47,900 --> 00:01:49,651 I'll probably be so busy, 68 00:01:49,693 --> 00:01:52,446 you'll barely see me 69 00:01:49,693 --> 00:01:52,446 for a whole year. 70 00:01:55,032 --> 00:01:57,158 - Let's go win over 71 00:01:55,032 --> 00:01:57,158 some dweebs. 72 00:01:57,200 --> 00:01:59,912 [upbeat music] 73 00:01:59,954 --> 00:02:01,288 - ♪ What you see ♪ 74 00:02:01,329 --> 00:02:03,248 ♪ Is not what you get ♪ 75 00:02:03,290 --> 00:02:06,460 ♪ Living our lives 76 00:02:03,290 --> 00:02:06,460 with a secret ♪ 77 00:02:06,501 --> 00:02:09,671 ♪ We fit right in, 78 00:02:06,501 --> 00:02:09,671 bet you'd never guess ♪ 79 00:02:09,713 --> 00:02:12,967 ♪ 'Cause we're living our 80 00:02:09,713 --> 00:02:12,967 lives 81 00:02:09,713 --> 00:02:12,967 just like all the rest ♪ 82 00:02:13,008 --> 00:02:16,637 ♪ A picture-perfect family 83 00:02:13,008 --> 00:02:16,637 is what we try to be ♪ 84 00:02:16,678 --> 00:02:17,888 ♪ Look closer, 85 00:02:16,678 --> 00:02:17,888 you might see ♪ 86 00:02:17,930 --> 00:02:19,932 ♪ The crazy things we do ♪ 87 00:02:19,974 --> 00:02:22,935 ♪ This isn't make-believe, 88 00:02:19,974 --> 00:02:22,935 it's our reality ♪ 89 00:02:22,977 --> 00:02:24,603 ♪ Just your average family ♪ 90 00:02:24,645 --> 00:02:27,731 ♪ Trying to be normal 91 00:02:24,645 --> 00:02:27,731 and stay out of trouble ♪ 92 00:02:27,773 --> 00:02:30,150 ♪ Living a double life ♪ 93 00:02:33,612 --> 00:02:36,824 - So don't vote for me 94 00:02:33,612 --> 00:02:36,824 because I'm better 95 00:02:33,612 --> 00:02:36,824 than the other candidates. 96 00:02:36,865 --> 00:02:39,660 "But they're terrible!" 97 00:02:39,701 --> 00:02:42,370 No, no, no. 98 00:02:39,701 --> 00:02:42,370 Let's be nice. 99 00:02:42,412 --> 00:02:44,331 Vote for me 100 00:02:42,412 --> 00:02:44,331 because I'm the right candidate. 101 00:02:44,372 --> 00:02:45,373 [applause] 102 00:02:44,372 --> 00:02:45,373 - Yay, Phoebe! 103 00:02:45,415 --> 00:02:47,668 Whoo! 104 00:02:47,709 --> 00:02:50,004 - Thank you, Phoebe. 105 00:02:50,045 --> 00:02:52,756 Very moving, 106 00:02:50,045 --> 00:02:52,756 especially the first hour. 107 00:02:55,717 --> 00:02:57,803 And now it's time for students 108 00:02:55,717 --> 00:02:57,803 to ask questions 109 00:02:57,845 --> 00:03:00,055 while I play games 110 00:02:57,845 --> 00:03:00,055 on my phone. 111 00:03:03,976 --> 00:03:06,061 - Uh, how about 112 00:03:03,976 --> 00:03:06,061 a question from... 113 00:03:06,103 --> 00:03:09,356 you there, random schoolboy? 114 00:03:09,397 --> 00:03:10,273 - Isn't that your brother? 115 00:03:10,315 --> 00:03:13,610 - Do you really care? 116 00:03:10,315 --> 00:03:13,610 - Nope. 117 00:03:13,652 --> 00:03:15,821 - "Being a good president 118 00:03:13,652 --> 00:03:15,821 means being able 119 00:03:15,863 --> 00:03:18,657 "to juggle responsibilities. 120 00:03:18,699 --> 00:03:21,994 What else can you juggle?" 121 00:03:18,699 --> 00:03:21,994 Okay, nobody wants to see 122 00:03:18,699 --> 00:03:21,994 that. 123 00:03:26,247 --> 00:03:28,042 After sitting 124 00:03:26,247 --> 00:03:28,042 through everyone's speeches, 125 00:03:28,083 --> 00:03:30,169 I didn't hear any of you talk 126 00:03:28,083 --> 00:03:30,169 about things that really matter. 127 00:03:30,209 --> 00:03:34,381 - You mean the things 128 00:03:30,209 --> 00:03:34,381 on your note card? 129 00:03:34,422 --> 00:03:37,968 - No, things like why does 130 00:03:34,422 --> 00:03:37,968 the lunch lady have a hairnet 131 00:03:38,010 --> 00:03:42,181 when the problem 132 00:03:38,010 --> 00:03:42,181 is clearly her beard? 133 00:03:42,222 --> 00:03:44,558 - Can we please get back 134 00:03:42,222 --> 00:03:44,558 to the real issues? 135 00:03:44,599 --> 00:03:47,394 Now, who likes juggling? 136 00:03:47,435 --> 00:03:48,937 - Who's got time for juggling 137 00:03:48,979 --> 00:03:51,356 when the bathroom has 138 00:03:48,979 --> 00:03:51,356 sandpaper 139 00:03:48,979 --> 00:03:51,356 instead of toilet paper? 140 00:03:51,398 --> 00:03:52,774 - Yeah, he's right! 141 00:03:52,816 --> 00:03:56,486 I wait till I get home. 142 00:03:56,528 --> 00:03:58,655 - Yeah, and can't the janitor 143 00:03:56,528 --> 00:03:58,655 wait till after school 144 00:03:58,697 --> 00:04:00,448 before he mops the stairs? 145 00:04:00,490 --> 00:04:02,242 - [grunts] 146 00:04:04,828 --> 00:04:08,082 - Mr. Janitor, 147 00:04:04,828 --> 00:04:08,082 put down that mop! 148 00:04:08,123 --> 00:04:10,167 All: Yeah! 149 00:04:10,209 --> 00:04:12,419 - These are the important 150 00:04:10,209 --> 00:04:12,419 questions that need to be asked. 151 00:04:12,460 --> 00:04:14,504 And it is really fun 152 00:04:12,460 --> 00:04:14,504 to talk in a loud voice 153 00:04:14,546 --> 00:04:15,839 and shake your fist! 154 00:04:15,881 --> 00:04:17,465 All: Yeah! 155 00:04:15,881 --> 00:04:17,465 - Right! 156 00:04:17,507 --> 00:04:19,051 All: Yeah! 157 00:04:19,093 --> 00:04:23,138 Max! Max! Max! Max! Max! 158 00:04:19,093 --> 00:04:23,138 Max! Max! Max! Max! Max! 159 00:04:26,975 --> 00:04:28,685 - Hey, guys, 160 00:04:26,975 --> 00:04:28,685 how was fishing? 161 00:04:28,727 --> 00:04:32,147 - I wasn't really into it until 162 00:04:28,727 --> 00:04:32,147 Dad got hooks stuck on his butt. 163 00:04:37,069 --> 00:04:38,987 And I caught 164 00:04:37,069 --> 00:04:38,987 a bunch of rocks. 165 00:04:39,029 --> 00:04:42,616 It was easy 166 00:04:39,029 --> 00:04:42,616 'cause they're dumber than fish. 167 00:04:42,657 --> 00:04:44,409 - Come on, Billy. 168 00:04:44,451 --> 00:04:46,161 Let's go see if those rocks 169 00:04:44,451 --> 00:04:46,161 match the ones in your head. 170 00:04:50,124 --> 00:04:50,999 [door closes] 171 00:04:51,041 --> 00:04:53,085 - I don't get it, honey. 172 00:04:53,127 --> 00:04:55,420 Billy doesn't want to play 173 00:04:53,127 --> 00:04:55,420 baseball or fish with me. 174 00:04:55,462 --> 00:04:58,548 It's like we don't have 175 00:04:55,462 --> 00:04:58,548 our thing anymore. 176 00:04:58,590 --> 00:05:01,384 - Hank, you're missing what's 177 00:04:58,590 --> 00:05:01,384 right in front of your face. 178 00:05:01,426 --> 00:05:02,970 I mean, look. 179 00:05:03,011 --> 00:05:04,721 - I don't wanna play 180 00:05:03,011 --> 00:05:04,721 with Nora. 181 00:05:04,763 --> 00:05:08,225 She scares me. 182 00:05:08,267 --> 00:05:10,269 - Not Nora. 183 00:05:10,310 --> 00:05:11,603 He likes rocks. 184 00:05:11,645 --> 00:05:13,021 - I like rocks. 185 00:05:13,063 --> 00:05:14,231 Oooh! 186 00:05:14,273 --> 00:05:16,441 You're a genius. 187 00:05:16,483 --> 00:05:20,154 Hey, Billy, so you're starting 188 00:05:16,483 --> 00:05:20,154 a rock collection? 189 00:05:20,195 --> 00:05:21,947 You know, this one is formed 190 00:05:21,989 --> 00:05:24,825 through the solidification 191 00:05:21,989 --> 00:05:24,825 of magma. 192 00:05:24,866 --> 00:05:27,244 - Huh? 193 00:05:24,866 --> 00:05:27,244 - You're losing him, Hank. 194 00:05:27,286 --> 00:05:28,787 - And it's shiny when it's wet. 195 00:05:27,286 --> 00:05:28,787 - [gasps] 196 00:05:28,829 --> 00:05:30,664 - Yay, shiny! 197 00:05:33,875 --> 00:05:35,961 - Oh, you're finally home! 198 00:05:36,003 --> 00:05:38,755 Do we have a class president 199 00:05:36,003 --> 00:05:38,755 in the family? 200 00:05:38,797 --> 00:05:41,424 - Yes, we do. 201 00:05:38,797 --> 00:05:41,424 - Ah! 202 00:05:41,466 --> 00:05:43,760 - Me! 203 00:05:46,638 --> 00:05:49,183 - Awkward. 204 00:05:49,224 --> 00:05:51,476 - Wait, Max, you're 205 00:05:49,224 --> 00:05:51,476 the freshman class president? 206 00:05:51,518 --> 00:05:52,686 You weren't even running. 207 00:05:52,727 --> 00:05:54,562 - I know, I just said 208 00:05:52,727 --> 00:05:54,562 what was on my mind, 209 00:05:54,604 --> 00:05:58,525 and next thing I knew, 210 00:05:54,604 --> 00:05:58,525 the students voted me 211 00:05:54,604 --> 00:05:58,525 their supreme overlord. 212 00:05:58,566 --> 00:05:59,860 - Class president, honey. 213 00:05:59,901 --> 00:06:01,278 - Call it what you want, Mom, 214 00:06:01,320 --> 00:06:02,946 but it's a stepping stone 215 00:06:01,320 --> 00:06:02,946 to world domination. 216 00:06:02,988 --> 00:06:06,783 Muah-ha-ha, 217 00:06:02,988 --> 00:06:06,783 muah-ha-ha-ha-ha! 218 00:06:06,825 --> 00:06:10,287 - I want to be proud. 219 00:06:10,329 --> 00:06:12,622 - Phoebe, 220 00:06:10,329 --> 00:06:12,622 you're okay with this? 221 00:06:12,664 --> 00:06:14,333 - Yeah, I'm fine. 222 00:06:14,373 --> 00:06:16,251 Why wouldn't I be? 223 00:06:16,293 --> 00:06:19,963 Max gets to live out a dream 224 00:06:16,293 --> 00:06:19,963 I've had since kindergarten! 225 00:06:24,885 --> 00:06:27,221 - I don't think she's fine. 226 00:06:24,885 --> 00:06:27,221 - Okay. 227 00:06:31,141 --> 00:06:32,226 - Well, she should be. 228 00:06:32,267 --> 00:06:33,810 She got the second most votes 229 00:06:33,852 --> 00:06:35,103 and gets to be 230 00:06:33,852 --> 00:06:35,103 my vice president. 231 00:06:35,145 --> 00:06:37,022 - Well, that's nice too. 232 00:06:37,064 --> 00:06:39,191 - Yeah. 233 00:06:37,064 --> 00:06:39,191 It's not all bad. 234 00:06:39,233 --> 00:06:41,568 Vice president 235 00:06:39,233 --> 00:06:41,568 is a very important job. 236 00:06:41,609 --> 00:06:44,029 - Just keep saying it 237 00:06:41,609 --> 00:06:44,029 till you believe it. 238 00:06:52,704 --> 00:06:56,541 - Goal! 239 00:06:52,704 --> 00:06:56,541 - Max. 240 00:06:56,583 --> 00:06:57,416 - Hold on, I'm not done. 241 00:06:57,458 --> 00:06:59,794 -oal! 242 00:06:59,836 --> 00:07:01,838 What's up? 243 00:07:01,880 --> 00:07:04,507 - Why is there a foosball table 244 00:07:01,880 --> 00:07:04,507 in the student council office? 245 00:07:04,549 --> 00:07:07,552 - Uh, because the pool table 246 00:07:04,549 --> 00:07:07,552 wouldn't fit. 247 00:07:07,594 --> 00:07:09,096 Oh, hey, 248 00:07:07,594 --> 00:07:09,096 you're my vice president. 249 00:07:09,137 --> 00:07:10,722 Do something about that. 250 00:07:10,764 --> 00:07:12,182 - Or I could give you my ideas 251 00:07:12,224 --> 00:07:14,268 that'll actually 252 00:07:12,224 --> 00:07:14,268 help the school. 253 00:07:14,309 --> 00:07:16,436 - Whoa, whoa, whoa, 254 00:07:14,309 --> 00:07:16,436 that sounds like work. 255 00:07:16,477 --> 00:07:18,521 You're gonna have to schedule an 256 00:07:16,477 --> 00:07:18,521 appointment with my secretary. 257 00:07:18,563 --> 00:07:20,690 - Who's dumb enough 258 00:07:18,563 --> 00:07:20,690 to be your secretary? 259 00:07:20,732 --> 00:07:24,152 - I can fit you in for a walk 260 00:07:20,732 --> 00:07:24,152 and talk three weeks from today. 261 00:07:24,194 --> 00:07:26,029 - Cherry? 262 00:07:24,194 --> 00:07:26,029 You're working for Max? 263 00:07:26,071 --> 00:07:27,614 - I need this for my resume. 264 00:07:27,655 --> 00:07:30,491 You think I can just waltz 265 00:07:27,655 --> 00:07:30,491 right into an online college? 266 00:07:33,787 --> 00:07:36,706 - Oh, and, Pheebs, check out 267 00:07:33,787 --> 00:07:36,706 the best part of being prez. 268 00:07:36,748 --> 00:07:38,833 I have my own personal flunky. 269 00:07:38,875 --> 00:07:41,836 Hey, flunky, get on in here! 270 00:07:41,878 --> 00:07:44,131 - What's up, Prez? 271 00:07:44,172 --> 00:07:46,133 Is this lady bothering you? 272 00:07:46,174 --> 00:07:49,594 'Cause I wish 273 00:07:46,174 --> 00:07:49,594 she'd bother me. 274 00:07:49,636 --> 00:07:52,722 - Well, I figured you'd treat 275 00:07:49,636 --> 00:07:52,722 your presidency as a joke, 276 00:07:52,764 --> 00:07:57,352 so I came up with some ideas 277 00:07:52,764 --> 00:07:57,352 to better the school. 278 00:07:57,394 --> 00:07:59,896 Here, I call it 279 00:07:57,394 --> 00:07:59,896 my three-pronged approach. 280 00:07:59,938 --> 00:08:01,648 - Rolling backpacks? 281 00:08:01,689 --> 00:08:05,152 - Textbooks are way too heavy. 282 00:08:01,689 --> 00:08:05,152 I mean, look at Cherry. 283 00:08:09,697 --> 00:08:11,658 - Healthy snacks 284 00:08:09,697 --> 00:08:11,658 in the vending machines? 285 00:08:11,699 --> 00:08:16,455 - Who needs potato chips 286 00:08:11,699 --> 00:08:16,455 when you got kelp chips? 287 00:08:16,496 --> 00:08:20,041 Mmm, kelpy. 288 00:08:20,083 --> 00:08:21,960 - Hugs from the school mascot? 289 00:08:22,002 --> 00:08:23,878 - Hugs raise school spirit. 290 00:08:23,920 --> 00:08:25,380 - Whoa, whoa, whoa. 291 00:08:25,422 --> 00:08:27,382 All hugs 292 00:08:25,422 --> 00:08:27,382 go through me first. 293 00:08:30,218 --> 00:08:32,637 It's nice, Mr. President. 294 00:08:30,218 --> 00:08:32,637 Real nice. 295 00:08:35,515 --> 00:08:38,226 - You know, Phoebe, 296 00:08:35,515 --> 00:08:38,226 this is just what we need. 297 00:08:38,268 --> 00:08:42,981 - Really? 298 00:08:38,268 --> 00:08:42,981 - To get you out of here. 299 00:08:43,023 --> 00:08:45,442 - You know what? 300 00:08:43,023 --> 00:08:45,442 Fine, Max, your loss. 301 00:08:45,484 --> 00:08:47,068 But Principal Bradford's 302 00:08:45,484 --> 00:08:47,068 gonna want to hear your plan, 303 00:08:47,110 --> 00:08:48,028 and you've got nothing. 304 00:08:48,069 --> 00:08:49,779 - Listen, you're overreacting. 305 00:08:49,821 --> 00:08:51,948 I don't have to come up 306 00:08:49,821 --> 00:08:51,948 with any ideas until-- 307 00:08:51,990 --> 00:08:53,367 - 3:00 Friday. 308 00:08:53,408 --> 00:08:55,369 - Well, it's 4:30 on Tuesday. 309 00:08:55,410 --> 00:08:56,703 Let's hear your ideas, Max. 310 00:08:56,744 --> 00:08:58,497 - You're fired. 311 00:09:03,710 --> 00:09:06,921 - Who rocks the party? 312 00:09:06,963 --> 00:09:10,633 Your dad rocks the party. 313 00:09:10,675 --> 00:09:12,219 - Whoa! 314 00:09:12,260 --> 00:09:15,138 I've never seen anything 315 00:09:12,260 --> 00:09:15,138 like that one before. 316 00:09:15,180 --> 00:09:19,142 - That's because 317 00:09:15,180 --> 00:09:19,142 it's from the moon. 318 00:09:19,184 --> 00:09:21,186 It's a moon rock. 319 00:09:24,898 --> 00:09:26,525 We should probably hide that. 320 00:09:28,735 --> 00:09:30,695 - No. 321 00:09:30,737 --> 00:09:32,989 No. 322 00:09:33,031 --> 00:09:35,200 - Don't make eye contact. 323 00:09:35,242 --> 00:09:37,702 - I'm glad you both 324 00:09:35,242 --> 00:09:37,702 are having fun, 325 00:09:37,744 --> 00:09:40,121 but I'm gonna need you to get 326 00:09:37,744 --> 00:09:40,121 every single one of these 327 00:09:37,744 --> 00:09:40,121 rocks 328 00:09:40,163 --> 00:09:41,748 out of my living room. 329 00:09:41,789 --> 00:09:46,627 - Well, I believe 330 00:09:41,789 --> 00:09:46,627 it's our living room. 331 00:09:46,669 --> 00:09:48,463 - Is it, Hank? 332 00:09:48,505 --> 00:09:49,630 Is it? 333 00:09:51,550 --> 00:09:53,760 - No, it's yours, all yours. 334 00:09:53,801 --> 00:09:55,136 - [mouthing] 335 00:10:00,683 --> 00:10:03,603 - Agent Flunky is leading the 336 00:10:00,683 --> 00:10:03,603 golden goose to the courtyard. 337 00:10:03,644 --> 00:10:05,980 Roger, Roger. 338 00:10:06,022 --> 00:10:08,525 - Flunky, are you even talking 339 00:10:06,022 --> 00:10:08,525 to anyone on that thing? 340 00:10:08,567 --> 00:10:11,236 - Yeah, bro, 341 00:10:08,567 --> 00:10:11,236 my security team. 342 00:10:11,278 --> 00:10:13,572 Love you too, Mom. 343 00:10:13,613 --> 00:10:15,323 - Max, why have you 344 00:10:13,613 --> 00:10:15,323 been avoiding me? 345 00:10:15,365 --> 00:10:18,118 - Today, 346 00:10:15,365 --> 00:10:18,118 or since I learned to walk? 347 00:10:18,159 --> 00:10:20,537 - I'd never avoid you. 348 00:10:20,579 --> 00:10:21,955 Licorice? 349 00:10:21,996 --> 00:10:23,039 We can meet in the middle. 350 00:10:27,168 --> 00:10:28,503 - Max, as your VP, 351 00:10:27,168 --> 00:10:28,503 I need to know 352 00:10:28,545 --> 00:10:30,380 how your meeting 353 00:10:28,545 --> 00:10:30,380 with the principal went. 354 00:10:30,422 --> 00:10:33,174 - I handled it. 355 00:10:30,422 --> 00:10:33,174 Check out the new mascot. 356 00:10:37,387 --> 00:10:39,931 - That extreme raptor 357 00:10:37,387 --> 00:10:39,931 left me hanging. 358 00:10:39,973 --> 00:10:42,517 - Because he's too busy 359 00:10:39,973 --> 00:10:42,517 bringing school spirit. 360 00:10:42,559 --> 00:10:44,102 Raptors! 361 00:10:44,144 --> 00:10:47,397 All: 362 00:10:44,144 --> 00:10:47,397 Raptors! Raptors! Raptors! 363 00:10:47,439 --> 00:10:49,065 - And check out 364 00:10:47,439 --> 00:10:49,065 everyone's heavy backpacks. 365 00:10:49,107 --> 00:10:51,401 Oh, wait, 366 00:10:49,107 --> 00:10:51,401 they don't have any. 367 00:10:53,987 --> 00:10:55,363 - See, I convinced 368 00:10:53,987 --> 00:10:55,363 the principal 369 00:10:55,405 --> 00:10:57,240 to make all textbooks 370 00:10:55,405 --> 00:10:57,240 available for download. 371 00:10:57,282 --> 00:10:59,867 Genius? 372 00:10:57,282 --> 00:10:59,867 Pretty much. 373 00:10:59,909 --> 00:11:01,661 - You rock, Max. 374 00:11:01,702 --> 00:11:04,789 Without my backpack, 375 00:11:01,702 --> 00:11:04,789 I'm, like, 3 inches taller. 376 00:11:04,831 --> 00:11:07,626 Hello, basketball team. 377 00:11:07,667 --> 00:11:09,169 [glass shatters] 378 00:11:09,210 --> 00:11:12,755 Why'd I do that? 379 00:11:12,797 --> 00:11:14,424 - Oh, and let me guess. 380 00:11:14,466 --> 00:11:16,384 You're putting healthy snacks 381 00:11:14,466 --> 00:11:16,384 in the vending machines? 382 00:11:16,426 --> 00:11:18,345 - Nope, I'm replacing 383 00:11:16,426 --> 00:11:18,345 the vending machines 384 00:11:18,386 --> 00:11:20,472 with a smoothie machine. 385 00:11:20,514 --> 00:11:22,140 There's gonna be 386 00:11:20,514 --> 00:11:22,140 a big unveiling ceremony. 387 00:11:22,182 --> 00:11:24,392 I can probably 388 00:11:22,182 --> 00:11:24,392 get you an invite. 389 00:11:24,434 --> 00:11:27,437 - School spirit, healthy foods, 390 00:11:24,434 --> 00:11:27,437 backpack reform? 391 00:11:27,479 --> 00:11:30,689 You stole my-- 392 00:11:27,479 --> 00:11:30,689 - Three-pronged approach. 393 00:11:30,731 --> 00:11:32,942 That's why people are gonna 394 00:11:30,731 --> 00:11:32,942 remember Max Thunderman 395 00:11:32,984 --> 00:11:35,153 as the greatest class 396 00:11:32,984 --> 00:11:35,153 president 397 00:11:35,195 --> 00:11:37,113 in the history 398 00:11:35,195 --> 00:11:37,113 of Hiddenville High! 399 00:11:37,155 --> 00:11:38,657 - That has always 400 00:11:37,155 --> 00:11:38,657 been my dream, sir. 401 00:11:38,697 --> 00:11:40,200 - But it's my dream! 402 00:11:40,241 --> 00:11:42,035 - Oh, yeah, I forgot. 403 00:11:42,076 --> 00:11:43,495 Why'd you ever give up 404 00:11:42,076 --> 00:11:43,495 on that? 405 00:11:51,252 --> 00:11:54,589 - 23, 24, 25. 406 00:11:56,715 --> 00:11:58,134 Good set, bro. 407 00:12:00,094 --> 00:12:02,847 - Max, how could you steal 408 00:12:00,094 --> 00:12:02,847 my three-pronged approach? 409 00:12:02,889 --> 00:12:04,849 I should be the one unveiling 410 00:12:02,889 --> 00:12:04,849 that smoothie machine 411 00:12:02,889 --> 00:12:04,849 tomorrow. 412 00:12:04,891 --> 00:12:06,934 - But you're 413 00:12:04,891 --> 00:12:06,934 the vice president. 414 00:12:06,976 --> 00:12:10,771 Which is Latin 415 00:12:06,976 --> 00:12:10,771 for "Not the president." 416 00:12:10,813 --> 00:12:12,065 - No, it's not. 417 00:12:12,106 --> 00:12:13,692 And I only know that 418 00:12:12,106 --> 00:12:13,692 because I'm vice president 419 00:12:13,732 --> 00:12:16,444 of the Latin club. 420 00:12:16,486 --> 00:12:18,321 - Look, the principal 421 00:12:16,486 --> 00:12:18,321 put me on the spot, 422 00:12:18,363 --> 00:12:20,948 and I had nothing, 423 00:12:18,363 --> 00:12:20,948 so I gave him your ideas. 424 00:12:20,990 --> 00:12:24,202 And since you work for me, 425 00:12:20,990 --> 00:12:24,202 your ideas are my ideas. 426 00:12:24,244 --> 00:12:25,453 - Here's an idea. 427 00:12:25,495 --> 00:12:27,497 You stink. 428 00:12:27,539 --> 00:12:30,917 - He stinks of power! 429 00:12:30,958 --> 00:12:32,669 [sniffs] 430 00:12:32,711 --> 00:12:35,213 - Whoa! 431 00:12:32,711 --> 00:12:35,213 Power needs a shower. 432 00:12:39,800 --> 00:12:42,095 - Are you really gonna 433 00:12:39,800 --> 00:12:42,095 let Max do that to you? 434 00:12:42,136 --> 00:12:44,138 - You heard him. 435 00:12:42,136 --> 00:12:44,138 The vice president has no power. 436 00:12:44,180 --> 00:12:45,306 I can't do anything. 437 00:12:45,348 --> 00:12:46,641 - Except become president 438 00:12:46,683 --> 00:12:49,018 if something 439 00:12:46,683 --> 00:12:49,018 should happen to Max. 440 00:12:49,060 --> 00:12:51,229 - Please, Nora, I'm not in the 441 00:12:49,060 --> 00:12:51,229 mood for one of your devious-- 442 00:12:51,271 --> 00:12:54,815 what did you have in mind? 443 00:12:51,271 --> 00:12:54,815 - Mm. 444 00:12:54,857 --> 00:12:57,818 Check out this article in 445 00:12:54,857 --> 00:12:57,818 Max's latest issue of Evil Teen. 446 00:13:00,321 --> 00:13:01,864 - "Exotic Russian plant 447 00:13:01,906 --> 00:13:04,534 guarantees a week 448 00:13:01,906 --> 00:13:04,534 of tummy trouble." 449 00:13:04,576 --> 00:13:06,994 - Feed it to Max, 450 00:13:04,576 --> 00:13:06,994 and you'll become number one, 451 00:13:07,036 --> 00:13:08,996 while he's going number two. 452 00:13:12,417 --> 00:13:15,211 - No, I can't. 453 00:13:12,417 --> 00:13:15,211 I'm better than that. 454 00:13:15,253 --> 00:13:18,423 - My boy wants you to handwash 455 00:13:15,253 --> 00:13:18,423 his running clothes. 456 00:13:18,465 --> 00:13:20,258 Be sure to hit the pits. 457 00:13:22,843 --> 00:13:24,596 - What page was it? 458 00:13:22,843 --> 00:13:24,596 - 42. 459 00:13:29,559 --> 00:13:32,061 - Okay, I called Max 460 00:13:29,559 --> 00:13:32,061 and told him it was pizza night. 461 00:13:32,103 --> 00:13:34,355 He should be home any minute. 462 00:13:32,103 --> 00:13:34,355 Start cooking. 463 00:13:39,653 --> 00:13:41,780 Now all we need 464 00:13:39,653 --> 00:13:41,780 is the special topping. 465 00:13:41,820 --> 00:13:43,364 It's been 30 seconds. 466 00:13:43,406 --> 00:13:45,283 Why isn't Billy back from Russia 467 00:13:43,406 --> 00:13:45,283 with that plant yet? 468 00:13:48,536 --> 00:13:49,537 - Sorry I'm late. 469 00:13:49,579 --> 00:13:52,248 I went hat shopping. 470 00:13:52,290 --> 00:13:53,458 Now if you'll excuse me, 471 00:13:53,500 --> 00:13:55,585 I have to go do 472 00:13:53,500 --> 00:13:55,585 non-rock things. 473 00:13:55,627 --> 00:13:57,420 - Hold on, Billy. 474 00:13:57,462 --> 00:13:59,756 Mom told us to make sure 475 00:13:57,462 --> 00:13:59,756 you're not still collecting. 476 00:13:59,798 --> 00:14:03,176 Search him. 477 00:14:03,217 --> 00:14:04,761 - He's clean. 478 00:14:04,803 --> 00:14:07,681 - Guys, I told you. 479 00:14:04,803 --> 00:14:07,681 I'm out of the rock game. 480 00:14:14,562 --> 00:14:17,524 Dad, 481 00:14:14,562 --> 00:14:17,524 rocks in the hole. 482 00:14:17,565 --> 00:14:19,400 - Send them down quietly. 483 00:14:19,442 --> 00:14:21,611 Your mom can't know 484 00:14:19,442 --> 00:14:21,611 we're hiding rocks down here, 485 00:14:21,653 --> 00:14:24,989 or she'll be very-- 486 00:14:21,653 --> 00:14:24,989 ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! 487 00:14:25,031 --> 00:14:26,907 Thanks. 488 00:14:29,285 --> 00:14:31,329 - [sighs] 489 00:14:31,371 --> 00:14:35,041 And now 490 00:14:31,371 --> 00:14:35,041 for the final ingredient. 491 00:14:35,082 --> 00:14:36,584 Revenge! 492 00:14:36,626 --> 00:14:39,713 Sweet revenge! 493 00:14:39,754 --> 00:14:41,088 Oh, no. 494 00:14:41,130 --> 00:14:43,007 I'm rubbing my hands together 495 00:14:41,130 --> 00:14:43,007 maniacally. 496 00:14:43,049 --> 00:14:45,968 I've turned into Max. 497 00:14:46,010 --> 00:14:48,847 [sighs] 498 00:14:46,010 --> 00:14:48,847 I can't do this. 499 00:14:48,888 --> 00:14:50,724 - Hold up, angel. 500 00:14:50,765 --> 00:14:53,351 I gotta taste all of Max's 501 00:14:50,765 --> 00:14:53,351 food 502 00:14:50,765 --> 00:14:53,351 before he eats it. 503 00:14:53,393 --> 00:14:55,478 You know, 504 00:14:53,393 --> 00:14:55,478 in case it's poisoned. 505 00:14:55,520 --> 00:14:56,646 Or delicious. 506 00:14:56,688 --> 00:14:57,772 - No, no, Flunky, 507 00:14:56,688 --> 00:14:57,772 you don't wanna-- 508 00:14:57,814 --> 00:14:59,482 - Mmm, mmm. 509 00:14:59,524 --> 00:15:03,069 Pizza's good, Max! 510 00:14:59,524 --> 00:15:03,069 Oh, but my tummy's not. 511 00:15:03,110 --> 00:15:04,111 - Oh, I'm starv--whoa! 512 00:15:04,153 --> 00:15:07,866 [screams] 513 00:15:07,907 --> 00:15:10,368 - Max! 514 00:15:07,907 --> 00:15:10,368 - Bathroom! 515 00:15:12,286 --> 00:15:15,122 - [groans] 516 00:15:15,164 --> 00:15:16,833 - Max, I'm so sorry 517 00:15:16,875 --> 00:15:19,460 for not knowing 518 00:15:16,875 --> 00:15:19,460 you'd be home this early. 519 00:15:19,502 --> 00:15:21,546 - Oh, my gosh, Max, 520 00:15:19,502 --> 00:15:21,546 are you okay? 521 00:15:21,588 --> 00:15:24,716 - It only hurts when I answer 522 00:15:21,588 --> 00:15:24,716 stupid obvious questions. 523 00:15:29,136 --> 00:15:31,598 - You're not gonna tell your 524 00:15:29,136 --> 00:15:31,598 mom 525 00:15:29,136 --> 00:15:31,598 we got rocks down here, are you? 526 00:15:31,639 --> 00:15:33,974 - [groans] 527 00:15:31,639 --> 00:15:33,974 I'm not a rat. 528 00:15:34,016 --> 00:15:34,934 - But I am. 529 00:15:34,975 --> 00:15:38,229 Barb! 530 00:15:38,271 --> 00:15:41,315 That's what you get for filling 531 00:15:38,271 --> 00:15:41,315 my cage with rocks. 532 00:15:41,357 --> 00:15:43,777 And turning me into a rabbit. 533 00:15:49,115 --> 00:15:53,787 - What were you thinking putting 534 00:15:49,115 --> 00:15:53,787 all those rocks in Max's lair? 535 00:15:53,828 --> 00:15:57,039 - It was Billy's idea. 536 00:15:57,081 --> 00:15:59,584 - Billy hasn't had an idea 537 00:15:57,081 --> 00:15:59,584 in ten years, 538 00:15:59,626 --> 00:16:01,377 and he's ten! 539 00:16:02,921 --> 00:16:05,047 - Wait, we're supposed 540 00:16:02,921 --> 00:16:05,047 to be coming up with ideas? 541 00:16:05,089 --> 00:16:08,676 Why didn't anyone tell me? 542 00:16:08,718 --> 00:16:11,262 - Hank, Billy, I need you 543 00:16:08,718 --> 00:16:11,262 to clear out all those rocks, 544 00:16:11,304 --> 00:16:14,014 so my baby 545 00:16:11,304 --> 00:16:14,014 can have his bed back. 546 00:16:14,056 --> 00:16:19,061 - One day, son, we're gonna 547 00:16:14,056 --> 00:16:19,061 look back at all this and laugh. 548 00:16:19,103 --> 00:16:22,106 But don't try now, your new 549 00:16:19,103 --> 00:16:22,106 collarbone's still mending. 550 00:16:25,777 --> 00:16:28,279 - Here, Max, 551 00:16:25,777 --> 00:16:28,279 I got you a card. 552 00:16:29,989 --> 00:16:31,825 I am so sorry 553 00:16:29,989 --> 00:16:31,825 this happened to you. 554 00:16:31,866 --> 00:16:33,326 - Don't be. 555 00:16:31,866 --> 00:16:33,326 It's not your fault. 556 00:16:33,367 --> 00:16:36,036 - [chuckles nervously] 557 00:16:36,078 --> 00:16:37,956 - The only bummer is, 558 00:16:36,078 --> 00:16:37,956 if I can't go to school, 559 00:16:37,997 --> 00:16:39,624 I can't be president. 560 00:16:39,666 --> 00:16:42,794 That, and my knee 561 00:16:39,666 --> 00:16:42,794 bends the other way. 562 00:16:42,836 --> 00:16:44,420 - So what does that mean? 563 00:16:44,462 --> 00:16:47,632 - It means I'm gonna run funny 564 00:16:44,462 --> 00:16:47,632 from now on. 565 00:16:47,674 --> 00:16:50,217 Oh, oh, 566 00:16:47,674 --> 00:16:50,217 and you're the new president. 567 00:16:50,259 --> 00:16:54,347 So you're gonna have to do 568 00:16:50,259 --> 00:16:54,347 the smoothie machine 569 00:16:50,259 --> 00:16:54,347 unveiling. 570 00:16:54,388 --> 00:16:55,890 - I don't know, Max. 571 00:16:54,388 --> 00:16:55,890 It doesn't feel right. 572 00:16:55,932 --> 00:16:58,267 - Hey, you're gonna 573 00:16:55,932 --> 00:16:58,267 be a great president. 574 00:16:58,309 --> 00:17:02,062 Put on the sash. 575 00:17:02,104 --> 00:17:04,482 - The sash of lies. 576 00:17:02,104 --> 00:17:04,482 - What was that? 577 00:17:04,524 --> 00:17:08,903 - Um, I said 578 00:17:04,524 --> 00:17:08,903 it's just my size. 579 00:17:10,196 --> 00:17:11,614 I gotta go. 580 00:17:21,081 --> 00:17:22,625 - That would have been funny 581 00:17:21,081 --> 00:17:22,625 if you didn't look like 582 00:17:22,667 --> 00:17:25,586 a snowman 583 00:17:22,667 --> 00:17:25,586 on his invisible motorcycle. 584 00:17:25,628 --> 00:17:27,547 - I blame Flunky. 585 00:17:27,588 --> 00:17:31,551 And myself for being friends 586 00:17:27,588 --> 00:17:31,551 with a guy named Flunky. 587 00:17:31,592 --> 00:17:33,761 - Yeah, that Russian plant 588 00:17:31,592 --> 00:17:33,761 hit him quick. 589 00:17:33,803 --> 00:17:35,054 - What Russian plant? 590 00:17:35,095 --> 00:17:36,890 - Uh... 591 00:17:38,933 --> 00:17:42,353 - [screams] 592 00:17:42,395 --> 00:17:43,855 Why'd you do that? 593 00:17:43,897 --> 00:17:45,565 - I'm sorry, I panicked. 594 00:17:49,109 --> 00:17:50,444 - You know something. 595 00:17:50,486 --> 00:17:52,446 - Spill it. 596 00:17:50,486 --> 00:17:52,446 - Never! 597 00:17:52,488 --> 00:17:54,490 - I know 598 00:17:52,488 --> 00:17:54,490 where you keep your bows. 599 00:17:54,532 --> 00:17:57,827 - Not my babies! 600 00:17:57,869 --> 00:17:59,662 Okay, fine. 601 00:18:04,792 --> 00:18:05,877 - Is everything set up? 602 00:18:05,919 --> 00:18:09,005 - We are a go for revenge. 603 00:18:09,047 --> 00:18:10,631 - Good. 604 00:18:10,673 --> 00:18:11,966 When Madam President goes 605 00:18:10,673 --> 00:18:11,966 to make the first smoothie, 606 00:18:12,008 --> 00:18:14,301 it'll be anything but smooth. 607 00:18:14,343 --> 00:18:16,888 - Good afternoon, students. 608 00:18:16,930 --> 00:18:19,933 Before his tragic accident, 609 00:18:16,930 --> 00:18:19,933 President Thunderman 610 00:18:19,974 --> 00:18:23,061 had a plan to bring 611 00:18:19,974 --> 00:18:23,061 healthy foods to the school. 612 00:18:23,102 --> 00:18:25,563 But all improvements 613 00:18:23,102 --> 00:18:25,563 come at a cost. 614 00:18:25,605 --> 00:18:29,025 So we say good-bye to 615 00:18:25,605 --> 00:18:29,025 the art teacher, Mr. Ferguson... 616 00:18:33,821 --> 00:18:38,325 so that we may say hello 617 00:18:33,821 --> 00:18:38,325 to a smoothie machine. 618 00:18:38,367 --> 00:18:40,954 [cheers and applause] 619 00:18:43,456 --> 00:18:48,002 - Here to pour the first drink, 620 00:18:43,456 --> 00:18:48,002 the new President Thunderman. 621 00:18:48,044 --> 00:18:50,088 [applause] 622 00:18:53,925 --> 00:18:55,384 - Thank you, everyone. 623 00:18:55,426 --> 00:18:57,303 We're all here 624 00:18:55,426 --> 00:18:57,303 to welcome proper nutrition 625 00:18:57,344 --> 00:19:01,808 to Hiddenville High. 626 00:19:01,849 --> 00:19:04,894 Max? 627 00:19:04,936 --> 00:19:06,520 - That's right, Phoebe. 628 00:19:06,562 --> 00:19:11,025 Pour me a frosty glass 629 00:19:06,562 --> 00:19:11,025 of payback. 630 00:19:11,067 --> 00:19:14,070 - Go ahead, Phoebe. 631 00:19:11,067 --> 00:19:14,070 Do it for your brother. 632 00:19:14,112 --> 00:19:17,031 And for me. 633 00:19:14,112 --> 00:19:17,031 I got a movie to catch. 634 00:19:17,073 --> 00:19:18,699 But mainly for your brother. 635 00:19:24,497 --> 00:19:26,373 - This isn't right. 636 00:19:24,497 --> 00:19:26,373 I don't deserve to be here. 637 00:19:26,415 --> 00:19:29,794 - There goes my movie. 638 00:19:29,836 --> 00:19:31,879 - This machine 639 00:19:29,836 --> 00:19:31,879 was my brother's idea. 640 00:19:31,921 --> 00:19:33,506 And it's my fault 641 00:19:31,921 --> 00:19:33,506 that he can't be here 642 00:19:33,547 --> 00:19:34,674 to make the inaugural 643 00:19:33,547 --> 00:19:34,674 smoothie. 644 00:19:34,715 --> 00:19:36,216 - What is she doing? 645 00:19:36,258 --> 00:19:38,636 - I think she's feeling bad 646 00:19:36,258 --> 00:19:38,636 for what she did. 647 00:19:38,678 --> 00:19:40,721 It's kinda sweet. 648 00:19:40,763 --> 00:19:43,099 Does she have a boyfriend? 649 00:19:43,141 --> 00:19:45,143 - Oh, no, no, no. 650 00:19:43,141 --> 00:19:45,143 She can't do this. 651 00:19:45,184 --> 00:19:46,686 If she feels bad, 652 00:19:45,184 --> 00:19:46,686 then I'll feel bad. 653 00:19:46,727 --> 00:19:49,689 - So, Max, 654 00:19:46,727 --> 00:19:49,689 this smoothie is for you. 655 00:19:49,730 --> 00:19:52,399 - And now I feel bad. 656 00:19:52,441 --> 00:19:53,901 Push me. 657 00:19:56,737 --> 00:19:59,907 Phoebe, wait! 658 00:19:59,949 --> 00:20:01,575 [crash] 659 00:20:01,617 --> 00:20:05,038 - Max? 660 00:20:05,079 --> 00:20:07,165 Okay, I don't know 661 00:20:05,079 --> 00:20:07,165 what this is all about, 662 00:20:07,206 --> 00:20:10,417 but I'm really glad 663 00:20:07,206 --> 00:20:10,417 you're here. 664 00:20:10,459 --> 00:20:11,794 I need to tell you something. 665 00:20:11,836 --> 00:20:13,629 - It's okay, 666 00:20:11,836 --> 00:20:13,629 I already know. 667 00:20:13,671 --> 00:20:15,422 - I never meant 668 00:20:13,671 --> 00:20:15,422 for you to get hurt. 669 00:20:15,464 --> 00:20:17,091 - Well, it's not like 670 00:20:15,464 --> 00:20:17,091 I didn't deserve it. 671 00:20:17,133 --> 00:20:19,177 I stole your ideas. 672 00:20:17,133 --> 00:20:19,177 - But you made them 673 00:20:17,133 --> 00:20:19,177 better. 674 00:20:19,218 --> 00:20:21,762 You're actually 675 00:20:19,218 --> 00:20:21,762 a great class president. 676 00:20:21,804 --> 00:20:23,931 And you should be making 677 00:20:21,804 --> 00:20:23,931 the first smoothie. 678 00:20:23,973 --> 00:20:24,932 - [mocking] 679 00:20:23,973 --> 00:20:24,932 "You're a good president." 680 00:20:24,974 --> 00:20:26,475 "No, you're a good president." 681 00:20:26,517 --> 00:20:28,061 "No, 682 00:20:26,517 --> 00:20:28,061 you're a good president." 683 00:20:28,102 --> 00:20:29,687 We're here to make smoothies! 684 00:20:32,606 --> 00:20:34,901 - [gurgling] 685 00:20:34,942 --> 00:20:37,070 - That doesn't sound 686 00:20:34,942 --> 00:20:37,070 very healthy. 687 00:20:46,162 --> 00:20:48,873 - That was meant for me, 688 00:20:46,162 --> 00:20:48,873 wasn't it? 689 00:20:48,915 --> 00:20:51,084 - Don't ruin the moment. 690 00:20:58,340 --> 00:21:01,343 - I'm sorry I made you 691 00:20:58,340 --> 00:21:01,343 get rid of your rock 692 00:20:58,340 --> 00:21:01,343 collection 693 00:21:01,385 --> 00:21:03,137 that maimed our child. 694 00:21:03,179 --> 00:21:05,681 - [sighs] 695 00:21:05,723 --> 00:21:08,642 - But there has to be 696 00:21:05,723 --> 00:21:08,642 something else you can 697 00:21:05,723 --> 00:21:08,642 collect. 698 00:21:08,684 --> 00:21:11,187 - Like what? 699 00:21:11,229 --> 00:21:12,271 - Stamps? 700 00:21:12,312 --> 00:21:14,440 Both: No. 701 00:21:14,481 --> 00:21:15,399 - Coins? 702 00:21:15,441 --> 00:21:17,443 Both: Pfft. 703 00:21:17,484 --> 00:21:18,527 - Shells? 704 00:21:18,569 --> 00:21:20,154 Both: Do you even know us? 705 00:21:20,196 --> 00:21:21,739 - Okay. 706 00:21:21,781 --> 00:21:23,950 Well, what are you 707 00:21:21,781 --> 00:21:23,950 gonna collect then? 708 00:21:23,991 --> 00:21:26,326 Lint? 709 00:21:26,368 --> 00:21:27,494 - Dryer or belly button? 710 00:21:27,536 --> 00:21:29,455 - Why not both? 711 00:21:29,496 --> 00:21:31,707 - You know, there's a buildup 712 00:21:29,496 --> 00:21:31,707 of lint behind the dryer. 713 00:21:31,749 --> 00:21:33,542 - I've got tiny hands. 714 00:21:33,584 --> 00:21:34,961 - [laughs] 715 00:21:37,755 --> 00:21:39,132 - Boys. 716 00:21:39,173 --> 00:21:42,718 So gross. 717 00:21:42,760 --> 00:21:44,804 Hey, I have tiny hands too! 718 00:21:46,764 --> 00:21:48,515 - So we agree 719 00:21:46,764 --> 00:21:48,515 we're not saying anything 720 00:21:48,557 --> 00:21:49,892 about the smoothie 721 00:21:48,557 --> 00:21:49,892 malfunction. 722 00:21:49,934 --> 00:21:52,103 - Right. 723 00:21:49,934 --> 00:21:52,103 Twins stick together. 724 00:21:52,145 --> 00:21:54,563 - Hey, kids, do you know 725 00:21:52,145 --> 00:21:54,563 anything about your principal 726 00:21:54,605 --> 00:21:55,856 getting blasted 727 00:21:54,605 --> 00:21:55,856 across the quad? 728 00:21:55,898 --> 00:21:58,818 - Every twin for themselves! 729 00:21:58,859 --> 00:22:01,695 - [groans] 730 00:21:58,859 --> 00:22:01,695 - Max? 731 00:22:01,737 --> 00:22:03,072 - You'll never catch me.