1 00:00:07,633 --> 00:00:11,261 - Why does Mr. Big Booty 2 00:00:07,633 --> 00:00:11,261 look so mad? 3 00:00:11,303 --> 00:00:13,305 - It's Mr. Begbouday. 4 00:00:13,347 --> 00:00:15,056 He hates it when people call him 5 00:00:13,347 --> 00:00:15,056 "Big Booty." 6 00:00:16,099 --> 00:00:17,559 [objects clatter] 7 00:00:21,981 --> 00:00:25,359 But to be fair, 8 00:00:21,981 --> 00:00:25,359 that is one big booty. 9 00:00:25,400 --> 00:00:26,652 - Who's making a crack? 10 00:00:26,694 --> 00:00:27,653 Is it someone in the rear? 11 00:00:27,695 --> 00:00:29,905 [laughter] 12 00:00:29,947 --> 00:00:31,281 Oh, laugh while you can, 13 00:00:31,323 --> 00:00:32,783 because I've graded your 14 00:00:31,323 --> 00:00:32,783 exams, 15 00:00:32,825 --> 00:00:34,952 and soon you'll be 16 00:00:32,825 --> 00:00:34,952 the butt of the joke. 17 00:00:38,038 --> 00:00:39,331 - Max, what is that? 18 00:00:39,373 --> 00:00:41,291 - It's a proton particle 19 00:00:39,373 --> 00:00:41,291 power booster. 20 00:00:41,333 --> 00:00:42,918 Made it with spare parts 21 00:00:41,333 --> 00:00:42,918 no one was using. 22 00:00:44,837 --> 00:00:46,630 - Oh, come on! 23 00:00:50,926 --> 00:00:53,721 - This is for 24 00:00:50,926 --> 00:00:53,721 Max Thunderman Day. 25 00:00:53,762 --> 00:00:54,805 - Oh, yeah, when is that? 26 00:00:54,847 --> 00:00:57,432 On the 12th 27 00:00:54,847 --> 00:00:57,432 of doesn't-existuary? 28 00:00:59,226 --> 00:01:01,186 - Snark away, but after I pull 29 00:00:59,226 --> 00:01:01,186 the best prank 30 00:01:01,228 --> 00:01:02,312 this school has ever seen, 31 00:01:02,354 --> 00:01:04,064 there'll be a whole day 32 00:01:02,354 --> 00:01:04,064 named after me. 33 00:01:04,105 --> 00:01:07,150 Check it out. 34 00:01:04,105 --> 00:01:07,150 I'm going to clamp these 35 00:01:04,105 --> 00:01:07,150 cables to a giant turkey-- 36 00:01:07,192 --> 00:01:08,736 - Okay, for legal reasons, 37 00:01:08,777 --> 00:01:10,278 we should stop listening 38 00:01:08,777 --> 00:01:10,278 to him now. 39 00:01:12,031 --> 00:01:13,281 - Cherry, here's your exam. 40 00:01:13,323 --> 00:01:14,491 You got 100%... 41 00:01:14,533 --> 00:01:15,826 - [happily] Oh! 42 00:01:14,533 --> 00:01:15,826 - Of the answers wrong. 43 00:01:15,868 --> 00:01:17,786 - Oh. 44 00:01:17,828 --> 00:01:19,997 - Miss Thunderman, B. 45 00:01:20,039 --> 00:01:23,417 - Back up, Big Booty. 46 00:01:23,458 --> 00:01:25,460 Phoebe is the best student 47 00:01:23,458 --> 00:01:25,460 in this class. 48 00:01:25,502 --> 00:01:27,170 She studies hard and gets As. 49 00:01:27,212 --> 00:01:28,422 It's her thing. 50 00:01:28,463 --> 00:01:30,173 - Cherry, calm down. 51 00:01:30,215 --> 00:01:32,175 But she's right; 52 00:01:30,215 --> 00:01:32,175 it's my thing. 53 00:01:33,886 --> 00:01:35,136 Sir. 54 00:01:36,722 --> 00:01:38,682 - Max, what is that? 55 00:01:38,724 --> 00:01:41,852 - This? Just a simple machine 56 00:01:38,724 --> 00:01:41,852 I made, Mr. Begbouday. 57 00:01:41,894 --> 00:01:44,145 - Oh, like the simple 58 00:01:41,894 --> 00:01:44,145 jalapeño toilet paper 59 00:01:44,187 --> 00:01:45,647 you made last week? 60 00:01:48,191 --> 00:01:51,570 I'll lock it in the cabinet 61 00:01:48,191 --> 00:01:51,570 so no "bouday" gets hurt. 62 00:01:51,612 --> 00:01:54,239 - [forced laughing] 63 00:01:54,281 --> 00:01:56,324 I give that joke an A. 64 00:01:56,366 --> 00:01:57,826 speaking of As, uh, 65 00:01:57,868 --> 00:01:59,160 shouldn't I have gotten one? 66 00:01:59,202 --> 00:02:00,621 I don't think 67 00:01:59,202 --> 00:02:00,621 I got anything wrong. 68 00:02:00,662 --> 00:02:02,372 - You didn't, 69 00:02:00,662 --> 00:02:02,372 but I don't give As... 70 00:02:02,414 --> 00:02:03,832 to anyone, ever. 71 00:02:03,874 --> 00:02:05,793 It's my thing. 72 00:02:08,921 --> 00:02:10,547 - [sighs] 73 00:02:10,589 --> 00:02:12,883 - Phoebe, looks like we've got 74 00:02:10,589 --> 00:02:12,883 a big Big Booty problem. 75 00:02:12,925 --> 00:02:15,094 - It's Begbouday! 76 00:02:16,386 --> 00:02:19,347 [glass shatters] 77 00:02:19,389 --> 00:02:21,100 Both: Is it? 78 00:02:21,141 --> 00:02:23,978 [adventure music] 79 00:02:24,019 --> 00:02:27,230 - ♪ What you see 80 00:02:24,019 --> 00:02:27,230 is not what you get ♪ 81 00:02:27,272 --> 00:02:30,317 ♪ Living our lives 82 00:02:27,272 --> 00:02:30,317 with a secret ♪ 83 00:02:30,358 --> 00:02:33,654 ♪ We fit right in, 84 00:02:30,358 --> 00:02:33,654 bet you never guessed ♪ 85 00:02:33,695 --> 00:02:36,865 ♪ 'Cause we're living our 86 00:02:33,695 --> 00:02:36,865 lives 87 00:02:33,695 --> 00:02:36,865 just like all the rest ♪ 88 00:02:36,907 --> 00:02:40,535 ♪ A picture-perfect family 89 00:02:36,907 --> 00:02:40,535 is what we try to be ♪ 90 00:02:40,577 --> 00:02:43,664 ♪ Look closer, you might see 91 00:02:40,577 --> 00:02:43,664 the crazy things we do ♪ 92 00:02:43,705 --> 00:02:45,248 ♪ This isn't make-believe ♪ 93 00:02:45,290 --> 00:02:46,708 ♪ It's our reality ♪ 94 00:02:46,750 --> 00:02:48,460 ♪ Just your average family ♪ 95 00:02:48,502 --> 00:02:51,588 ♪ Trying to be normal 96 00:02:48,502 --> 00:02:51,588 instead of trouble ♪ 97 00:02:51,630 --> 00:02:54,049 ♪ Living a double life ♪ 98 00:02:58,470 --> 00:02:59,638 - A teacher 99 00:02:58,470 --> 00:02:59,638 who doesn't give As? 100 00:02:59,680 --> 00:03:01,723 That's like a cheeseburger 101 00:02:59,680 --> 00:03:01,723 without cheese, 102 00:03:01,765 --> 00:03:03,475 a pizza without cheese, 103 00:03:03,517 --> 00:03:05,853 nachos without cheese. 104 00:03:05,894 --> 00:03:09,356 I need As 105 00:03:05,894 --> 00:03:09,356 like things need cheese. 106 00:03:09,397 --> 00:03:11,733 - Is this about 107 00:03:09,397 --> 00:03:11,733 your awful chemistry teacher 108 00:03:11,775 --> 00:03:12,818 with the big... 109 00:03:12,860 --> 00:03:14,903 chip on his shoulder? 110 00:03:16,237 --> 00:03:18,239 - Yes, how am I supposed to 111 00:03:16,237 --> 00:03:18,239 get into Hero University 112 00:03:18,281 --> 00:03:20,492 when I have a teacher 113 00:03:18,281 --> 00:03:20,492 who doesn't give As? 114 00:03:20,534 --> 00:03:21,785 - I have an idea. 115 00:03:21,827 --> 00:03:22,995 Why don't you go to... 116 00:03:23,037 --> 00:03:24,955 [yelling] 117 00:03:23,037 --> 00:03:24,955 Get Out Of The Way University? 118 00:03:26,456 --> 00:03:27,582 - You can major in... 119 00:03:27,624 --> 00:03:29,001 [yelling] 120 00:03:27,624 --> 00:03:29,001 Move! 121 00:03:29,043 --> 00:03:31,712 - All right, hold on. 122 00:03:29,043 --> 00:03:31,712 Don't worry. 123 00:03:31,753 --> 00:03:34,965 Now, if my baby girl says 124 00:03:31,753 --> 00:03:34,965 she earned an A, 125 00:03:35,007 --> 00:03:37,134 she's gonna get that A. 126 00:03:37,176 --> 00:03:39,344 I'm going to call 127 00:03:37,176 --> 00:03:39,344 Principal Bradford, 128 00:03:39,386 --> 00:03:41,847 I'll arrange a little 129 00:03:39,386 --> 00:03:41,847 parent-teacher conference, 130 00:03:41,889 --> 00:03:43,932 and we will figure 131 00:03:41,889 --> 00:03:43,932 this thing out. 132 00:03:43,974 --> 00:03:45,142 - That's a great idea. 133 00:03:45,184 --> 00:03:47,561 Nobody gets anything 134 00:03:45,184 --> 00:03:47,561 past your dad. 135 00:03:50,564 --> 00:03:52,107 - Thanks, Dad. 136 00:03:50,564 --> 00:03:52,107 You are the best. 137 00:03:52,149 --> 00:03:53,692 - [chuckles] 138 00:03:53,734 --> 00:03:55,527 Hey, who left 139 00:03:53,734 --> 00:03:55,527 the back door open? 140 00:03:55,569 --> 00:03:56,820 - Billy. 141 00:03:55,569 --> 00:03:56,820 - Nora. 142 00:03:57,654 --> 00:03:59,156 Both: Max. 143 00:04:01,116 --> 00:04:03,118 - [laughing] 144 00:04:03,160 --> 00:04:04,786 I was watching the whole time, 145 00:04:04,828 --> 00:04:06,496 and I still don't know 146 00:04:04,828 --> 00:04:06,496 how this happened! 147 00:04:06,538 --> 00:04:08,373 - [grunting] 148 00:04:08,415 --> 00:04:09,457 Come on. 149 00:04:09,499 --> 00:04:11,085 - [laughing] 150 00:04:13,461 --> 00:04:15,505 - This is for a prank 151 00:04:13,461 --> 00:04:15,505 that's gonna be so big, 152 00:04:15,547 --> 00:04:17,883 the school's going to name 153 00:04:15,547 --> 00:04:17,883 an entire day after me. 154 00:04:17,925 --> 00:04:19,968 - Dancing Turkey Head Day? 155 00:04:20,010 --> 00:04:24,098 - No, Max Thunderman Day. 156 00:04:24,139 --> 00:04:25,557 You know the chemical in turkeys 157 00:04:25,599 --> 00:04:27,308 that you make you super sleepy 158 00:04:25,599 --> 00:04:27,308 after you eat 'em? 159 00:04:27,350 --> 00:04:28,435 - Of course. 160 00:04:28,476 --> 00:04:30,270 It's one of the top ten 161 00:04:28,476 --> 00:04:30,270 evil chemicals, 162 00:04:30,311 --> 00:04:32,064 right after the stuff 163 00:04:30,311 --> 00:04:32,064 in asparagus 164 00:04:32,106 --> 00:04:34,357 that makes your tinkle smell. 165 00:04:34,399 --> 00:04:36,443 - Well, when I steal 166 00:04:34,399 --> 00:04:36,443 my machine back, 167 00:04:36,484 --> 00:04:38,403 I'm going to use it 168 00:04:36,484 --> 00:04:38,403 to boost that turkey chemical 169 00:04:38,445 --> 00:04:41,156 and make super sleepy sandwiches 170 00:04:38,445 --> 00:04:41,156 for all my classmates. 171 00:04:41,198 --> 00:04:42,490 - Then when they fall asleep, 172 00:04:42,532 --> 00:04:44,534 you're going to draw mustaches 173 00:04:42,532 --> 00:04:44,534 on them, right? 174 00:04:44,576 --> 00:04:46,912 - I am now! 175 00:04:54,878 --> 00:04:56,379 What are you doing here? 176 00:04:56,421 --> 00:04:57,589 - Dad's having 177 00:04:56,421 --> 00:04:57,589 his parent-teacher conference 178 00:04:57,631 --> 00:04:59,382 with Mr. Begbouday. 179 00:04:59,424 --> 00:05:00,634 [gasps] 180 00:05:00,675 --> 00:05:03,804 Oh, how was your interview 181 00:05:00,675 --> 00:05:03,804 at clown college? 182 00:05:03,845 --> 00:05:05,597 - This is my camouflage outfit. 183 00:05:05,639 --> 00:05:07,808 I've got get back in there 184 00:05:05,639 --> 00:05:07,808 and get my power booster back. 185 00:05:07,849 --> 00:05:09,101 - [sighs] 186 00:05:09,143 --> 00:05:10,227 Good luck, 'cause he's coming. 187 00:05:16,858 --> 00:05:18,401 Sorry I doubted your plan. 188 00:05:26,034 --> 00:05:28,287 - Well, turns out Mr. Begbouday 189 00:05:26,034 --> 00:05:28,287 has hit bottom 190 00:05:28,328 --> 00:05:30,413 and is tired 191 00:05:28,328 --> 00:05:30,413 of turning the other cheek. 192 00:05:30,455 --> 00:05:32,624 [laughs] 193 00:05:32,666 --> 00:05:34,918 The point is, he quit. 194 00:05:34,960 --> 00:05:36,711 - He quit? 195 00:05:34,960 --> 00:05:36,711 But what about my grade? 196 00:05:36,753 --> 00:05:39,047 - You're gonna have to ask 197 00:05:36,753 --> 00:05:39,047 your new chemistry substitute. 198 00:05:39,089 --> 00:05:40,339 - Will he be here tomorrow? 199 00:05:40,381 --> 00:05:43,426 - I sure will. 200 00:05:43,468 --> 00:05:45,386 - Wait, Dad, you're gonna be 201 00:05:43,468 --> 00:05:45,386 our new chemistry sub? 202 00:05:46,680 --> 00:05:47,806 - Why not, right? 203 00:05:47,848 --> 00:05:49,599 He went to college, 204 00:05:47,848 --> 00:05:49,599 he's got a license, 205 00:05:49,641 --> 00:05:51,852 and he's a scientific genius. 206 00:05:51,893 --> 00:05:53,103 What did you call water again? 207 00:05:53,145 --> 00:05:54,146 - H2O. 208 00:05:54,188 --> 00:05:57,024 - Stop showing off, 209 00:05:54,188 --> 00:05:57,024 Jimmy Neutron! 210 00:05:58,317 --> 00:06:00,152 Hey, come on. 211 00:05:58,317 --> 00:06:00,152 Let me show you around. 212 00:06:00,194 --> 00:06:02,154 Hey, you. 213 00:06:00,194 --> 00:06:02,154 Show this guy around. 214 00:06:05,157 --> 00:06:07,075 - Dad can't be a sub here. 215 00:06:07,117 --> 00:06:08,076 How am I going to pull off 216 00:06:07,117 --> 00:06:08,076 my prank 217 00:06:08,118 --> 00:06:09,661 with Thunderman 218 00:06:08,118 --> 00:06:09,661 roaming the halls? 219 00:06:09,703 --> 00:06:10,912 - I think it's great. 220 00:06:10,954 --> 00:06:13,498 He'll right wrongs, 221 00:06:10,954 --> 00:06:13,498 stamp out injustice, 222 00:06:13,540 --> 00:06:16,626 and give helpless students 223 00:06:13,540 --> 00:06:16,626 the As they deserve. 224 00:06:16,668 --> 00:06:17,878 - I'm not giving up yet. 225 00:06:17,919 --> 00:06:19,838 As long as no one can see me, 226 00:06:17,919 --> 00:06:19,838 this isn't over. 227 00:06:22,966 --> 00:06:23,967 - Hi, Pheebs. 228 00:06:22,966 --> 00:06:23,967 Hey, Max. 229 00:06:24,009 --> 00:06:25,384 - I'm a locker! 230 00:06:28,930 --> 00:06:29,890 - Let's go, you two! 231 00:06:29,931 --> 00:06:32,851 Time for school! 232 00:06:32,893 --> 00:06:35,103 Don't forget to close that door. 233 00:06:35,145 --> 00:06:37,314 - What is the big deal 234 00:06:35,145 --> 00:06:37,314 about this door? 235 00:06:37,356 --> 00:06:39,066 - Yeah, what are you guys 236 00:06:37,356 --> 00:06:39,066 so afraid of? 237 00:06:39,107 --> 00:06:41,235 [squirrel chattering] 238 00:06:39,107 --> 00:06:41,235 - Squirrel! 239 00:06:42,694 --> 00:06:45,072 - Ah! 240 00:06:42,694 --> 00:06:45,072 The outside is inside! 241 00:06:46,614 --> 00:06:48,158 - Relax. 242 00:06:48,200 --> 00:06:50,827 If cartoons have taught us 243 00:06:48,200 --> 00:06:50,827 anything, 244 00:06:50,869 --> 00:06:53,621 it's that squirrels 245 00:06:50,869 --> 00:06:53,621 are loveable. 246 00:06:53,663 --> 00:06:54,581 - [hisses] 247 00:06:54,622 --> 00:06:55,540 - Cartoons lie! 248 00:06:55,582 --> 00:06:57,292 [all scream] 249 00:07:00,003 --> 00:07:03,757 [school bell rings] 250 00:07:03,798 --> 00:07:06,885 - [with German accent] 251 00:07:03,798 --> 00:07:06,885 Hello, future scientists! 252 00:07:06,927 --> 00:07:08,929 I am Albert Einstein, 253 00:07:08,970 --> 00:07:13,600 und velcome to chemistry! 254 00:07:13,641 --> 00:07:16,519 - What have you done? 255 00:07:16,561 --> 00:07:18,813 - Hey, if Einstein gets me 256 00:07:16,561 --> 00:07:18,813 into Hero University, 257 00:07:18,855 --> 00:07:22,401 then it's all guten tag. 258 00:07:22,442 --> 00:07:24,319 - Phoebe, 259 00:07:22,442 --> 00:07:24,319 you just said, "Hello." 260 00:07:24,361 --> 00:07:27,488 - Yeah, to an A in chemistry. 261 00:07:27,530 --> 00:07:29,449 What? What? 262 00:07:29,490 --> 00:07:31,492 - Dad will not ruin 263 00:07:29,490 --> 00:07:31,492 Max Thunderman Day. 264 00:07:31,534 --> 00:07:33,536 I'm getting 265 00:07:31,534 --> 00:07:33,536 my power booster back. 266 00:07:33,578 --> 00:07:35,580 [dramatic spy music] 267 00:07:35,622 --> 00:07:43,546 ♪ ♪ 268 00:07:43,588 --> 00:07:47,342 - Und now, because my mustache 269 00:07:43,588 --> 00:07:47,342 is very itchy, 270 00:07:47,384 --> 00:07:50,804 I present to you 271 00:07:47,384 --> 00:07:50,804 your real substitute teacher 272 00:07:50,845 --> 00:07:52,847 and all-around cool guy, 273 00:07:52,889 --> 00:07:55,142 Hank Thunderman. 274 00:07:57,060 --> 00:08:00,272 [laughs] 275 00:07:57,060 --> 00:08:00,272 Thanks, Al. 276 00:08:00,314 --> 00:08:02,774 Now, class, I know 277 00:08:00,314 --> 00:08:02,774 that you've been studying 278 00:08:02,816 --> 00:08:05,360 chemical reactions. 279 00:08:05,402 --> 00:08:07,487 So for today's experiment, 280 00:08:07,528 --> 00:08:09,739 I want you to go out, 281 00:08:07,528 --> 00:08:09,739 find items in the school, 282 00:08:09,781 --> 00:08:11,241 bring them back, 283 00:08:11,283 --> 00:08:14,161 and present your own 284 00:08:11,283 --> 00:08:14,161 chemical reactions. 285 00:08:14,202 --> 00:08:15,370 Now, the grade 286 00:08:14,202 --> 00:08:15,370 on this experiment 287 00:08:15,412 --> 00:08:17,580 will replace 288 00:08:15,412 --> 00:08:17,580 your last exam grade, 289 00:08:17,622 --> 00:08:20,792 so really challenge 290 00:08:17,622 --> 00:08:20,792 yourselves. 291 00:08:20,834 --> 00:08:23,044 [indistinct chatter] 292 00:08:25,964 --> 00:08:27,507 - Psst! 293 00:08:25,964 --> 00:08:27,507 Phoebe, cover me. 294 00:08:27,548 --> 00:08:29,009 I'm going to melt this lock 295 00:08:27,548 --> 00:08:29,009 with my heat breath. 296 00:08:29,050 --> 00:08:30,551 - Psst, Max! 297 00:08:30,593 --> 00:08:31,511 No. 298 00:08:33,347 --> 00:08:35,098 Hey, Dad, did you say 299 00:08:35,140 --> 00:08:36,557 you're replacing 300 00:08:35,140 --> 00:08:36,557 the exam grades? 301 00:08:36,599 --> 00:08:38,310 - Sure did. 302 00:08:38,352 --> 00:08:40,979 - Thunderman 303 00:08:38,352 --> 00:08:40,979 wiping out injustice. 304 00:08:43,982 --> 00:08:46,401 - Yikes. 305 00:08:43,982 --> 00:08:46,401 Are you okay? 306 00:08:46,443 --> 00:08:48,069 - That was just a little wink 307 00:08:48,111 --> 00:08:49,570 to let you know 308 00:08:48,111 --> 00:08:49,570 I appreciate it. 309 00:08:52,740 --> 00:08:55,160 Come on, Max. We got to do 310 00:08:52,740 --> 00:08:55,160 our science assignment. 311 00:08:57,787 --> 00:08:59,456 - Uh, just... 312 00:08:59,498 --> 00:09:02,167 getting ready 313 00:08:59,498 --> 00:09:02,167 for baseball practice. 314 00:09:02,209 --> 00:09:03,293 - With a sledgehammer? 315 00:09:03,335 --> 00:09:05,253 - Go big or go home. 316 00:09:10,425 --> 00:09:13,636 - Have you guys caught 317 00:09:10,425 --> 00:09:13,636 the squirrel yet? 318 00:09:13,678 --> 00:09:16,473 - Why are you wearing 319 00:09:13,678 --> 00:09:16,473 Max's catcher's outfit? 320 00:09:16,515 --> 00:09:20,060 - Well, we are trying 321 00:09:16,515 --> 00:09:20,060 to catch a squirrel. 322 00:09:20,101 --> 00:09:22,603 Plus, I think it looks cute 323 00:09:20,101 --> 00:09:22,603 on me. 324 00:09:22,645 --> 00:09:24,189 [squirrel chattering] 325 00:09:22,645 --> 00:09:24,189 - Squirrel! 326 00:09:26,607 --> 00:09:29,152 - Okay, all right. 327 00:09:26,607 --> 00:09:29,152 Everybody just stay calm 328 00:09:26,607 --> 00:09:29,152 and-- 329 00:09:30,862 --> 00:09:33,865 [screams] 330 00:09:30,862 --> 00:09:33,865 [glass shatters] 331 00:09:33,907 --> 00:09:34,615 - I'll get it, Mom. 332 00:09:34,657 --> 00:09:36,826 [whooshing noises] 333 00:09:36,868 --> 00:09:40,580 And he's safe. 334 00:09:40,621 --> 00:09:41,664 - I got this. 335 00:09:42,582 --> 00:09:49,256 [sizzling] 336 00:09:49,297 --> 00:09:52,384 Well, at least now 337 00:09:49,297 --> 00:09:52,384 the chair matches the TV. 338 00:09:53,843 --> 00:09:55,970 - Hey, maybe if we open 339 00:09:53,843 --> 00:09:55,970 the patio doors, 340 00:09:56,012 --> 00:09:57,556 he might run out by himself. 341 00:09:57,597 --> 00:09:58,598 - Yeah, yeah. 342 00:10:06,398 --> 00:10:08,400 He's called for backup! 343 00:10:09,859 --> 00:10:11,152 Save yourselves! 344 00:10:11,194 --> 00:10:13,113 [all yelling] 345 00:10:15,532 --> 00:10:16,824 - [chuckles] 346 00:10:16,866 --> 00:10:18,452 Thank you, Cliff. 347 00:10:18,493 --> 00:10:21,121 Your mint candy-soda geyser 348 00:10:18,493 --> 00:10:21,121 was messy 349 00:10:21,162 --> 00:10:22,539 but well worth it. 350 00:10:22,581 --> 00:10:24,958 You get an A. 351 00:10:24,999 --> 00:10:26,709 And you get towels. 352 00:10:28,753 --> 00:10:31,923 All right, who's next? 353 00:10:31,965 --> 00:10:33,341 Hey, buddy. 354 00:10:33,383 --> 00:10:35,676 What you doing down there? 355 00:10:35,718 --> 00:10:38,221 - You know, just helping 356 00:10:35,718 --> 00:10:38,221 the janitor 357 00:10:38,263 --> 00:10:40,098 look for his keys. 358 00:10:40,140 --> 00:10:41,015 - Oh. 359 00:10:41,057 --> 00:10:43,977 - Found 'em. 360 00:10:44,018 --> 00:10:46,896 - Uh, you can help me 361 00:10:44,018 --> 00:10:46,896 open up the lab cabinet 362 00:10:46,938 --> 00:10:48,356 and get the cleaning solution. 363 00:10:50,066 --> 00:10:52,068 - I love you, Dad. 364 00:10:52,110 --> 00:10:53,236 - Max. 365 00:10:53,278 --> 00:10:55,029 We are at school. 366 00:10:55,071 --> 00:10:57,657 It's "I love you, 367 00:10:55,071 --> 00:10:57,657 Mr. Thunderman." 368 00:10:57,698 --> 00:10:59,784 All right. 369 00:10:59,826 --> 00:11:01,995 Oh, Phoebe, you're up. 370 00:11:02,036 --> 00:11:03,121 - [sighs] 371 00:11:05,665 --> 00:11:06,833 Okay, everyone. 372 00:11:06,874 --> 00:11:07,459 My experiment's called-- 373 00:11:07,501 --> 00:11:11,671 whoa! 374 00:11:11,712 --> 00:11:14,924 Oops, I accidentally spilled ink 375 00:11:11,712 --> 00:11:14,924 on you. 376 00:11:14,966 --> 00:11:16,551 - Oh, no, my lab coat. 377 00:11:16,593 --> 00:11:19,804 But I was on my way 378 00:11:16,593 --> 00:11:19,804 to a science party. 379 00:11:19,846 --> 00:11:21,889 Now what do I do? 380 00:11:21,931 --> 00:11:23,475 - Fix it with chemistry. 381 00:11:32,817 --> 00:11:35,529 [applause] 382 00:11:35,570 --> 00:11:37,656 That ink was really 383 00:11:35,570 --> 00:11:37,656 an acid-based liquid 384 00:11:37,696 --> 00:11:39,782 that disappears when mixed 385 00:11:37,696 --> 00:11:39,782 with carbon dioxide. 386 00:11:39,824 --> 00:11:41,409 Have fun at your party. 387 00:11:41,451 --> 00:11:44,245 - I will...now that I know 388 00:11:41,451 --> 00:11:44,245 all that stuff you said. 389 00:11:45,704 --> 00:11:48,707 [applause] 390 00:11:48,749 --> 00:11:50,126 - Well, Phoebe, 391 00:11:50,168 --> 00:11:52,253 it seems 392 00:11:50,168 --> 00:11:52,253 everyone enjoyed your show. 393 00:11:52,295 --> 00:11:53,963 And your grade is... 394 00:11:54,005 --> 00:11:55,507 - Here comes your A. 395 00:11:54,005 --> 00:11:55,507 [giggles] 396 00:11:55,549 --> 00:11:57,091 - A D. 397 00:11:57,133 --> 00:11:59,594 [class gasps] 398 00:11:59,636 --> 00:12:01,054 - A--a D? 399 00:12:01,095 --> 00:12:02,305 How could you, Dad? 400 00:12:02,347 --> 00:12:03,890 - Phoebe, we're at school. 401 00:12:03,931 --> 00:12:05,766 It's "How could you, 402 00:12:03,931 --> 00:12:05,766 Mr. Thunderman?" 403 00:12:12,232 --> 00:12:14,733 - Hey, Phoebe. 404 00:12:12,232 --> 00:12:14,733 How was school? 405 00:12:14,775 --> 00:12:15,985 - Great. 406 00:12:14,775 --> 00:12:15,985 [laughs] 407 00:12:16,027 --> 00:12:18,363 I laughed. 408 00:12:16,027 --> 00:12:18,363 I learned. 409 00:12:18,405 --> 00:12:23,284 Oh, and I got a D in chemistry 410 00:12:18,405 --> 00:12:23,284 from my own dad. 411 00:12:23,326 --> 00:12:26,204 - Phoebe, I told everyone 412 00:12:23,326 --> 00:12:26,204 to challenge themselves. 413 00:12:26,246 --> 00:12:27,330 You didn't. 414 00:12:27,372 --> 00:12:28,915 You did the same 415 00:12:27,372 --> 00:12:28,915 disappearing ink bit 416 00:12:28,956 --> 00:12:30,875 back in Metroburg when you 417 00:12:28,956 --> 00:12:30,875 were 418 00:12:28,956 --> 00:12:30,875 in the seventh grade. 419 00:12:30,917 --> 00:12:33,794 - And I got an A! 420 00:12:33,836 --> 00:12:35,296 Come on, Dad. 421 00:12:35,338 --> 00:12:37,048 You were supposed 422 00:12:35,338 --> 00:12:37,048 to stamp out injustice 423 00:12:37,090 --> 00:12:38,425 and give me the grade I deserve. 424 00:12:38,466 --> 00:12:39,842 We talked about this. 425 00:12:39,884 --> 00:12:42,011 - Oh, I don't remember 426 00:12:39,884 --> 00:12:42,011 talking about that. 427 00:12:42,053 --> 00:12:44,013 - Do you remember this? 428 00:12:44,055 --> 00:12:46,099 - Ugh! 429 00:12:46,140 --> 00:12:49,352 No one can ever forget that. 430 00:12:46,140 --> 00:12:49,352 - [sighs] 431 00:12:49,394 --> 00:12:52,105 - I'm sorry, Phoebe, 432 00:12:49,394 --> 00:12:52,105 but your grade stands. 433 00:12:52,146 --> 00:12:54,232 - I'm so upset, I can't even 434 00:12:52,146 --> 00:12:54,232 talk to you right now. 435 00:12:54,274 --> 00:12:55,816 I'm going to Cherry's. 436 00:13:00,779 --> 00:13:02,949 - Need a ride to Cherry's? 437 00:13:05,952 --> 00:13:07,995 - So you're not going to 438 00:13:05,952 --> 00:13:07,995 tell Dad we left the door open 439 00:13:08,037 --> 00:13:09,956 and the house is filled 440 00:13:08,037 --> 00:13:09,956 with squirrels? 441 00:13:09,997 --> 00:13:11,124 - I don't think I'll have to 442 00:13:11,165 --> 00:13:13,460 now that we took care 443 00:13:11,165 --> 00:13:13,460 of the damage. 444 00:13:13,501 --> 00:13:15,836 It's like the squirrel smackdown 445 00:13:13,501 --> 00:13:15,836 never happened. 446 00:13:18,381 --> 00:13:21,676 Max, you want to explain 447 00:13:18,381 --> 00:13:21,676 all those sandwiches? 448 00:13:21,718 --> 00:13:23,344 - Not really. 449 00:13:23,386 --> 00:13:25,555 Do you want to explain 450 00:13:23,386 --> 00:13:25,555 all those blankets? 451 00:13:25,597 --> 00:13:27,181 - Not really. 452 00:13:27,223 --> 00:13:28,933 - Then we understand each 453 00:13:27,223 --> 00:13:28,933 other. 454 00:13:32,186 --> 00:13:33,104 - Hi, honey. 455 00:13:33,146 --> 00:13:34,939 - Hey, Dad. 456 00:13:33,146 --> 00:13:34,939 - What blankets? 457 00:13:36,149 --> 00:13:38,234 - So how was your first day? 458 00:13:38,276 --> 00:13:40,612 - Well, I'm pretty sure 459 00:13:38,276 --> 00:13:40,612 Phoebe hates me-- 460 00:13:40,654 --> 00:13:42,363 - Fantastic! 461 00:13:40,654 --> 00:13:42,363 We should celebrate. 462 00:13:42,405 --> 00:13:44,240 Let's go out to dinner. 463 00:13:44,282 --> 00:13:45,824 - Squirrel! 464 00:13:44,282 --> 00:13:45,824 - What? 465 00:13:45,866 --> 00:13:48,328 - Oh. 466 00:13:45,866 --> 00:13:48,328 Mwah! 467 00:13:48,369 --> 00:13:50,455 - All right, let's go eat. 468 00:13:50,497 --> 00:13:51,872 - What were you guys doing 469 00:13:50,497 --> 00:13:51,872 with these blankets? 470 00:13:51,914 --> 00:13:53,207 - Taking a nap. 471 00:13:51,914 --> 00:13:53,207 - Making a fort. 472 00:13:53,249 --> 00:13:54,751 - What blankets? 473 00:14:01,716 --> 00:14:04,969 - Dad, I had a hard time 474 00:14:01,716 --> 00:14:04,969 sleeping last night, 475 00:14:05,011 --> 00:14:08,097 mostly because I thought 476 00:14:05,011 --> 00:14:08,097 I kept seeing squirrels, 477 00:14:05,011 --> 00:14:08,097 but... 478 00:14:08,139 --> 00:14:09,349 also because 479 00:14:08,139 --> 00:14:09,349 I was thinking about 480 00:14:09,390 --> 00:14:10,891 how unfairly you treated me. 481 00:14:10,933 --> 00:14:12,560 So I've decided to... 482 00:14:12,602 --> 00:14:14,979 transfer out of your class. 483 00:14:12,602 --> 00:14:14,979 - Transfer out of my class. 484 00:14:15,021 --> 00:14:16,815 - Wait, 485 00:14:15,021 --> 00:14:16,815 how did you already know? 486 00:14:16,897 --> 00:14:18,566 - I just got the email 487 00:14:16,897 --> 00:14:18,566 from the principal. 488 00:14:18,608 --> 00:14:21,861 That, and I read 489 00:14:18,608 --> 00:14:21,861 your 500-word essay on why. 490 00:14:23,655 --> 00:14:25,323 - I spent a lot of time on it. 491 00:14:25,365 --> 00:14:28,242 Did you give it a D? 492 00:14:28,284 --> 00:14:29,243 - Phoebe... 493 00:14:29,285 --> 00:14:30,787 - Oh, come on, Dad. 494 00:14:30,829 --> 00:14:32,288 You're just being hard on me 495 00:14:30,829 --> 00:14:32,288 because I'm your daughter. 496 00:14:32,330 --> 00:14:35,625 - No, I'm being hard on you 497 00:14:32,330 --> 00:14:35,625 because you are a superhero. 498 00:14:35,667 --> 00:14:37,043 And grades or no grades, 499 00:14:37,084 --> 00:14:39,003 superheroes don't take 500 00:14:37,084 --> 00:14:39,003 the easy way out, 501 00:14:39,045 --> 00:14:42,006 like repeating 502 00:14:39,045 --> 00:14:42,006 an old assignment. 503 00:14:42,048 --> 00:14:43,842 They rise to the challenge. 504 00:14:43,883 --> 00:14:45,760 That's what I was trying 505 00:14:43,883 --> 00:14:45,760 to teach you. 506 00:14:45,802 --> 00:14:47,928 So you still want to transfer, 507 00:14:45,802 --> 00:14:47,928 I'm not going to stop you, 508 00:14:47,970 --> 00:14:50,557 but right now, 509 00:14:47,970 --> 00:14:50,557 I got to get ready. 510 00:14:50,598 --> 00:14:51,850 - Get ready? 511 00:14:50,598 --> 00:14:51,850 For what? 512 00:14:51,891 --> 00:14:54,894 - Well, because of someone's 513 00:14:51,891 --> 00:14:54,894 transfer request, 514 00:14:54,935 --> 00:14:57,397 Principal Bradford's coming 515 00:14:54,935 --> 00:14:57,397 to evaluate my class. 516 00:14:57,438 --> 00:14:59,315 I have to prove 517 00:14:57,438 --> 00:14:59,315 I'm a good teacher, 518 00:14:59,357 --> 00:15:00,608 or I lose my job. 519 00:15:00,650 --> 00:15:01,693 - But you are a good teacher. 520 00:15:01,735 --> 00:15:03,903 All the kids love you. 521 00:15:03,944 --> 00:15:06,322 Well, most of them. 522 00:15:06,364 --> 00:15:07,532 - Oh, I'm not worried. 523 00:15:07,574 --> 00:15:08,742 I like teaching. 524 00:15:08,783 --> 00:15:10,201 I'm totally going to ace 525 00:15:08,783 --> 00:15:10,201 this evalu-- 526 00:15:10,243 --> 00:15:11,870 [snores] 527 00:15:13,830 --> 00:15:15,874 - Phoebe, I think Dad found 528 00:15:13,830 --> 00:15:15,874 my sleepy sandwiches 529 00:15:15,915 --> 00:15:16,999 and brought them for lunch. 530 00:15:17,041 --> 00:15:19,836 - [snoring] 531 00:15:19,878 --> 00:15:21,755 - Yup, he found 'em. 532 00:15:21,796 --> 00:15:23,548 - Wake him up, Max. 533 00:15:21,796 --> 00:15:23,548 - I can't. 534 00:15:23,590 --> 00:15:25,383 And if I'm being honest, 535 00:15:25,425 --> 00:15:28,135 I'm fighting the urge 536 00:15:25,425 --> 00:15:28,135 to draw a mustache on his 537 00:15:25,425 --> 00:15:28,135 face. 538 00:15:28,177 --> 00:15:29,596 - [sighs] 539 00:15:28,177 --> 00:15:29,596 We've got to do something. 540 00:15:29,637 --> 00:15:31,097 He's about to get evaluated 541 00:15:29,637 --> 00:15:31,097 by Bradford. 542 00:15:31,138 --> 00:15:32,599 He could lose his job. 543 00:15:32,640 --> 00:15:34,851 - But then we'll get a new sub, 544 00:15:34,893 --> 00:15:36,770 and that D will drop 545 00:15:34,893 --> 00:15:36,770 off your record. 546 00:15:38,646 --> 00:15:39,898 - [sighs] 547 00:15:39,980 --> 00:15:41,441 No, Max, not this time. 548 00:15:41,482 --> 00:15:42,734 I'm a superhero, 549 00:15:42,776 --> 00:15:45,236 and superheroes always rise 550 00:15:42,776 --> 00:15:45,236 to the challenge. 551 00:15:45,278 --> 00:15:47,906 - Well, this supervillain 552 00:15:45,278 --> 00:15:47,906 has a legendary prank to pull. 553 00:15:47,947 --> 00:15:49,115 See ya. 554 00:15:51,826 --> 00:15:52,993 Come on, Max. 555 00:15:53,035 --> 00:15:54,537 Not even 556 00:15:53,035 --> 00:15:54,537 the most evil supervillain 557 00:15:54,579 --> 00:15:58,332 sacrifices his own father 558 00:15:54,579 --> 00:15:58,332 for a stupid high school 559 00:15:54,579 --> 00:15:58,332 stunt. 560 00:15:58,374 --> 00:16:02,545 - But I need it 561 00:15:58,374 --> 00:16:02,545 for Max Thunderman Day! 562 00:16:04,338 --> 00:16:06,883 [sighs] 563 00:16:04,338 --> 00:16:06,883 Fine, I'll help. 564 00:16:06,925 --> 00:16:08,175 But first... 565 00:16:10,344 --> 00:16:11,721 the 'stache. 566 00:16:16,016 --> 00:16:18,060 - Clearly, we're no match 567 00:16:16,016 --> 00:16:18,060 for these squirrels. 568 00:16:18,102 --> 00:16:20,062 We need a pro 569 00:16:18,102 --> 00:16:20,062 to take care of this. 570 00:16:20,104 --> 00:16:21,397 Can you help us out? 571 00:16:22,732 --> 00:16:23,817 - No problem. 572 00:16:23,858 --> 00:16:25,819 Go wait in the kitchen. 573 00:16:25,860 --> 00:16:28,488 Show yourself, squirrel! 574 00:16:28,529 --> 00:16:29,948 [high-pitched yelling] 575 00:16:32,992 --> 00:16:36,287 Oh! 576 00:16:32,992 --> 00:16:36,287 There you are, tree rat. 577 00:16:36,329 --> 00:16:38,665 Listen, this is my turf. 578 00:16:38,706 --> 00:16:40,959 You and your buddies 579 00:16:38,706 --> 00:16:40,959 need to move along. 580 00:16:41,000 --> 00:16:43,586 - [chattering] 581 00:16:43,628 --> 00:16:48,090 - Hey, there's no reason 582 00:16:43,628 --> 00:16:48,090 to bring my mother into this. 583 00:16:48,132 --> 00:16:50,677 - [chattering] 584 00:16:50,718 --> 00:16:52,052 - Oh, that's it. 585 00:16:52,094 --> 00:16:55,389 You just opened up yourself 586 00:16:52,094 --> 00:16:55,389 a can of hippity hop. 587 00:16:55,431 --> 00:16:57,433 Whaaa! 588 00:16:57,475 --> 00:16:59,560 [ripping noises] 589 00:16:59,602 --> 00:17:01,521 [squirrel chattering, 590 00:16:59,602 --> 00:17:01,521 Dr. Colosso yelling] 591 00:17:07,193 --> 00:17:08,486 - Well? 592 00:17:10,112 --> 00:17:12,949 - So the squirrels 593 00:17:10,112 --> 00:17:12,949 are gonna stay. 594 00:17:12,991 --> 00:17:14,617 But, uh... 595 00:17:14,659 --> 00:17:15,743 good news. 596 00:17:15,785 --> 00:17:17,871 They've agreed 597 00:17:15,785 --> 00:17:17,871 to live in the walls. 598 00:17:17,912 --> 00:17:19,831 [squirrel chattering] 599 00:17:19,873 --> 00:17:22,000 Correction: 600 00:17:19,873 --> 00:17:22,000 we have to live in the walls. 601 00:17:27,463 --> 00:17:29,089 - Okay, he's ready. 602 00:17:31,885 --> 00:17:35,388 - He looks bananas. 603 00:17:35,429 --> 00:17:37,223 - At least you can't tell 604 00:17:35,429 --> 00:17:37,223 he's asleep. 605 00:17:38,265 --> 00:17:39,684 [farts] 606 00:17:42,645 --> 00:17:44,939 - My childhood 607 00:17:42,645 --> 00:17:44,939 is officially over. 608 00:17:47,233 --> 00:17:48,401 - Come on, Max. 609 00:17:48,442 --> 00:17:50,028 Let's get him 610 00:17:48,442 --> 00:17:50,028 carefully over to his stool. 611 00:17:50,069 --> 00:17:51,487 Come on. 612 00:17:59,286 --> 00:18:00,538 More carefully than that. 613 00:18:09,296 --> 00:18:11,340 [sighs] 614 00:18:11,382 --> 00:18:12,508 [school bell rings] 615 00:18:12,550 --> 00:18:15,053 - Showtime. 616 00:18:15,094 --> 00:18:16,971 - Well, Hank, 617 00:18:15,094 --> 00:18:16,971 you'd better wow me. 618 00:18:17,013 --> 00:18:18,681 I don't want to have to find 619 00:18:17,013 --> 00:18:18,681 another sub. 620 00:18:18,723 --> 00:18:20,433 That would take time, effort, 621 00:18:20,474 --> 00:18:21,809 a respectable work ethic. 622 00:18:21,851 --> 00:18:23,728 And I have none of those. 623 00:18:25,688 --> 00:18:26,814 - [laughs nervously] 624 00:18:26,856 --> 00:18:29,233 Time to take your seat, 625 00:18:26,856 --> 00:18:29,233 Mr. Bradford. 626 00:18:29,275 --> 00:18:30,234 [clears throat] 627 00:18:30,276 --> 00:18:31,485 Okay, everybody. 628 00:18:31,527 --> 00:18:33,112 Mr. Thunderman would like 629 00:18:31,527 --> 00:18:33,112 to welcome you all 630 00:18:33,153 --> 00:18:34,238 to today's lesson, 631 00:18:34,280 --> 00:18:35,990 "The magic of chemistry." 632 00:18:38,117 --> 00:18:39,577 [upbeat music] 633 00:18:39,619 --> 00:18:47,877 ♪ ♪ 634 00:18:58,512 --> 00:19:00,514 [applause] 635 00:19:04,560 --> 00:19:06,186 [thud] 636 00:19:04,560 --> 00:19:06,186 [students gasp] 637 00:19:10,858 --> 00:19:12,192 - Why are you doing that? 638 00:19:12,234 --> 00:19:13,694 - 'Cause we can. 639 00:19:16,656 --> 00:19:18,198 - Okay, okay, 640 00:19:16,656 --> 00:19:18,198 back to the experiments. 641 00:19:27,500 --> 00:19:29,418 [crowd gasps] 642 00:19:29,460 --> 00:19:32,379 [applause] 643 00:19:32,421 --> 00:19:33,464 ♪ ♪ 644 00:19:33,506 --> 00:19:35,800 - Oh! 645 00:19:35,842 --> 00:19:37,510 Wow! 646 00:19:37,551 --> 00:19:38,511 [laughs] 647 00:19:38,552 --> 00:19:39,846 Wow, this guy's great. 648 00:19:39,887 --> 00:19:42,723 The lights, the dancing-- 649 00:19:42,765 --> 00:19:44,475 that's private school stuff, 650 00:19:42,765 --> 00:19:44,475 people. 651 00:19:46,477 --> 00:19:47,812 Where'd he go? 652 00:19:47,854 --> 00:19:50,523 - To...the bathroom. 653 00:19:50,564 --> 00:19:52,025 - Oh, man. 654 00:19:52,066 --> 00:19:53,567 I am so sore. 655 00:19:53,609 --> 00:19:55,235 - [laughs] 656 00:19:55,277 --> 00:19:57,530 Oh, TMI, big guy. 657 00:20:00,158 --> 00:20:02,952 - Uh, Dad, I think 658 00:20:00,158 --> 00:20:02,952 your evaluation went great. 659 00:20:02,994 --> 00:20:05,454 "Chemistry is magic" 660 00:20:02,994 --> 00:20:05,454 was a fantastic idea. 661 00:20:05,496 --> 00:20:08,749 Very powerful. 662 00:20:08,791 --> 00:20:10,168 - Thank you, Phoebe. 663 00:20:10,209 --> 00:20:12,920 Looks like I really rose 664 00:20:10,209 --> 00:20:12,920 to the challenge 665 00:20:12,962 --> 00:20:15,173 with these experiments. 666 00:20:15,214 --> 00:20:16,382 - Thanks, Dad. 667 00:20:16,423 --> 00:20:19,844 For being so awesome! 668 00:20:19,886 --> 00:20:21,595 - You guys are a weird family. 669 00:20:23,723 --> 00:20:25,975 But I've seen 670 00:20:23,723 --> 00:20:25,975 all I need to see. 671 00:20:26,017 --> 00:20:28,352 Hank, you're keeping your job. 672 00:20:26,017 --> 00:20:28,352 - [laughs] 673 00:20:28,394 --> 00:20:31,147 - Wait, so can I transfer back 674 00:20:28,394 --> 00:20:31,147 into Mr. Thunderman's class? 675 00:20:31,189 --> 00:20:33,941 - Ugh! You are nothing 676 00:20:31,189 --> 00:20:33,941 but paperwork, Phoebe. 677 00:20:35,735 --> 00:20:36,736 Hank, just a reminder. 678 00:20:36,777 --> 00:20:37,987 I still need a copy 679 00:20:36,777 --> 00:20:37,987 of your license. 680 00:20:38,029 --> 00:20:42,366 - Oh! 681 00:20:38,029 --> 00:20:42,366 Copy it right now. 682 00:20:42,408 --> 00:20:44,577 - This is your driver's 683 00:20:42,408 --> 00:20:44,577 license. 684 00:20:42,408 --> 00:20:44,577 - Mm-hmm. 685 00:20:44,618 --> 00:20:46,746 - You're not a licensed teacher, 686 00:20:44,618 --> 00:20:46,746 are you? 687 00:20:46,787 --> 00:20:50,166 - What? 688 00:20:46,787 --> 00:20:50,166 You need a license to teach? 689 00:20:50,208 --> 00:20:54,087 - If anyone asks, 690 00:20:50,208 --> 00:20:54,087 you never taught here. 691 00:20:54,128 --> 00:20:55,880 Anyone record this? 692 00:20:55,922 --> 00:20:58,382 - Caught every second. 693 00:20:55,922 --> 00:20:58,382 - Ah. 694 00:20:58,424 --> 00:21:00,176 Just--oh, look at that! 695 00:21:00,218 --> 00:21:03,054 You'll get this back 696 00:21:00,218 --> 00:21:03,054 when you graduate. 697 00:21:03,096 --> 00:21:05,181 - But that might never happen! 698 00:21:07,266 --> 00:21:09,309 - Come on, Hank! 699 00:21:07,266 --> 00:21:09,309 We're sitting down to eat. 700 00:21:09,351 --> 00:21:10,686 - Coming! 701 00:21:17,693 --> 00:21:21,864 - I think Dad's nose 702 00:21:17,693 --> 00:21:21,864 pooped on his lip. 703 00:21:21,906 --> 00:21:23,616 - That's not how the body 704 00:21:21,906 --> 00:21:23,616 works, Billy. 705 00:21:27,411 --> 00:21:28,913 - Ah, I tell you, 706 00:21:28,955 --> 00:21:30,623 wouldn't mind 707 00:21:28,955 --> 00:21:30,623 getting back in the classroom 708 00:21:30,664 --> 00:21:32,625 with my favorite twins. 709 00:21:32,666 --> 00:21:34,627 I wish there was a way. 710 00:21:34,668 --> 00:21:35,711 - Dad, you could go 711 00:21:34,668 --> 00:21:35,711 back to school 712 00:21:35,753 --> 00:21:37,004 and get your teaching license. 713 00:21:37,046 --> 00:21:39,632 - Yup, sure wish 714 00:21:37,046 --> 00:21:39,632 there was a way. 715 00:21:42,051 --> 00:21:43,928 - Well, we were lucky 716 00:21:42,051 --> 00:21:43,928 to have you as a sub. 717 00:21:43,970 --> 00:21:45,179 You really were a great teacher. 718 00:21:45,221 --> 00:21:50,434 - Oh, every-bodies wuves 719 00:21:45,221 --> 00:21:50,434 each other! 720 00:21:50,476 --> 00:21:52,145 If you don't mind, 721 00:21:50,476 --> 00:21:52,145 I'm trying to eat my 722 00:21:50,476 --> 00:21:52,145 din-- 723 00:21:52,186 --> 00:21:54,480 [snoring] 724 00:21:54,521 --> 00:21:56,023 - What's wrong with Max? 725 00:21:56,065 --> 00:21:57,150 - [laughs] 726 00:21:57,191 --> 00:21:59,944 He's just getting a lesson 727 00:21:57,191 --> 00:21:59,944 in payback. 728 00:21:59,986 --> 00:22:02,321 We each get two minutes 729 00:21:59,986 --> 00:22:02,321 to draw on Max's face. 730 00:22:02,362 --> 00:22:03,906 [all cheer]