1 00:00:02,377 --> 00:00:08,968 Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! 2 00:00:09,009 --> 00:00:10,385 Forge wasn't joking 3 00:00:09,009 --> 00:00:10,385 when he said my people 4 00:00:10,427 --> 00:00:13,138 were hardwired 5 00:00:10,427 --> 00:00:13,138 to destroy things. 6 00:00:13,180 --> 00:00:14,348 I think it's time we dished out 7 00:00:14,389 --> 00:00:16,809 a little destruction 8 00:00:14,389 --> 00:00:16,809 of our own. 9 00:00:16,851 --> 00:00:17,810 Heads up! 10 00:00:17,852 --> 00:00:19,311 [grunts] 11 00:00:19,353 --> 00:00:22,397 [fighting grunts] 12 00:00:22,439 --> 00:00:23,398 Hahaha... 13 00:00:23,440 --> 00:00:24,566 Alright, Max! 14 00:00:24,608 --> 00:00:27,820 That's one down only 15 00:00:24,608 --> 00:00:27,820 a couple more to go. 16 00:00:27,862 --> 00:00:29,404 Only two more Ultralinks? 17 00:00:29,446 --> 00:00:30,823 I'm almost insulted. 18 00:00:30,865 --> 00:00:32,574 It's hard to find good help 19 00:00:30,865 --> 00:00:32,574 these days. 20 00:00:37,329 --> 00:00:38,873 At least they look 21 00:00:37,329 --> 00:00:38,873 big and scary. 22 00:00:38,914 --> 00:00:41,333 And by scary do you mean, 23 00:00:38,914 --> 00:00:41,333 ugly? 24 00:00:41,375 --> 00:00:43,752 Maybe we can rearrange 25 00:00:41,375 --> 00:00:43,752 their LOOKS! 26 00:00:43,794 --> 00:00:46,005 Go Turbo Strength! 27 00:00:49,675 --> 00:00:51,593 [fighting grunts] 28 00:00:54,013 --> 00:00:54,847 [fighting grunts] 29 00:00:54,889 --> 00:00:57,808 [grunts] 30 00:00:57,850 --> 00:00:59,226 Haha! 31 00:00:59,267 --> 00:01:02,021 And the whole world has 32 00:00:59,267 --> 00:01:02,021 excellent taste in superheroes! 33 00:01:02,062 --> 00:01:03,605 [grunts] 34 00:01:05,190 --> 00:01:07,818 Go Turbo Flight! 35 00:01:12,573 --> 00:01:14,533 [grunts] 36 00:01:14,575 --> 00:01:15,784 Haha, yes! 37 00:01:15,826 --> 00:01:17,870 We are in the zone! 38 00:01:17,912 --> 00:01:19,997 You mean the targeting zone! 39 00:01:20,039 --> 00:01:22,708 No problem, just more 40 00:01:20,039 --> 00:01:22,708 a' the same! 41 00:01:22,750 --> 00:01:24,292 Or maybe not. 42 00:01:24,334 --> 00:01:25,168 [grunts] 43 00:01:25,210 --> 00:01:26,294 What is this thing? 44 00:01:26,336 --> 00:01:28,380 I don't know, some 45 00:01:26,336 --> 00:01:28,380 kind of energy lash? 46 00:01:28,422 --> 00:01:29,965 UGH!!!!!!! 47 00:01:30,007 --> 00:01:33,218 We, may need some big time 48 00:01:30,007 --> 00:01:33,218 backup on this one, Max. 49 00:01:33,260 --> 00:01:36,388 Go Turbo Cannon! 50 00:01:36,430 --> 00:01:39,516 Go Turbo Clone! 51 00:01:41,142 --> 00:01:43,437 Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! 52 00:01:46,857 --> 00:01:49,568 Go Turbo Flight! 53 00:01:53,447 --> 00:01:54,281 Woah! 54 00:01:54,322 --> 00:01:57,076 Woah!!! 55 00:01:57,117 --> 00:01:58,619 UGH!!!!!!! 56 00:02:04,666 --> 00:02:05,333 Haha, aw, yeah! 57 00:02:05,375 --> 00:02:06,251 We bad! 58 00:02:06,293 --> 00:02:09,838 The Makino menace 59 00:02:06,293 --> 00:02:09,838 is toast! 60 00:02:09,880 --> 00:02:11,924 At least, in the holo-sim. 61 00:02:11,966 --> 00:02:13,926 And on its easiest setting. 62 00:02:13,968 --> 00:02:16,053 Haha, well, it's a start. 63 00:02:16,095 --> 00:02:20,015 And a bad one, Max. 64 00:02:20,057 --> 00:02:21,934 The challenges ahead 65 00:02:20,057 --> 00:02:21,934 won't be like the ones 66 00:02:21,976 --> 00:02:23,936 you and Steel faced before. 67 00:02:23,978 --> 00:02:24,979 From here on out, 68 00:02:25,020 --> 00:02:27,230 you've got to be 69 00:02:25,020 --> 00:02:27,230 ready for anything. 70 00:02:27,272 --> 00:02:29,232 That kinda covers a lot, 71 00:02:27,272 --> 00:02:29,232 Uncle Ferrus. 72 00:02:29,274 --> 00:02:31,610 There's a lot out there, 73 00:02:29,274 --> 00:02:31,610 Max. 74 00:02:31,652 --> 00:02:33,612 These are dangerous times. 75 00:02:33,654 --> 00:02:36,698 And the stakes 76 00:02:33,654 --> 00:02:36,698 have never been higher. 77 00:02:36,740 --> 00:02:37,866 Bounty detected. 78 00:02:37,908 --> 00:02:39,827 Wanted for crimes 79 00:02:37,908 --> 00:02:39,827 against the universe. 80 00:02:39,868 --> 00:02:42,788 Uploading capture protocols. 81 00:02:42,830 --> 00:02:43,914 My name is Steel. 82 00:02:43,956 --> 00:02:45,707 And this is my human, 83 00:02:43,956 --> 00:02:45,707 Max. 84 00:02:45,749 --> 00:02:47,292 Go Turbo! 85 00:02:49,920 --> 00:02:51,463 Together, we keep the 86 00:02:49,920 --> 00:02:51,463 Earth safe from the bad guys. 87 00:02:51,505 --> 00:02:52,798 Monsters! 88 00:02:52,840 --> 00:02:54,133 Ultralinks! 89 00:02:54,173 --> 00:02:56,259 You know, like SuperHero. 90 00:02:56,301 --> 00:02:58,303 With a secret identity 91 00:02:56,301 --> 00:02:58,303 and everything. 92 00:02:58,345 --> 00:03:01,056 We are the ultimate 93 00:02:58,345 --> 00:03:01,056 Turbo team up! 94 00:03:03,058 --> 00:03:04,476 Max has the power, 95 00:03:04,518 --> 00:03:06,185 and I've got the alien 96 00:03:04,518 --> 00:03:06,185 know how to control it. 97 00:03:06,227 --> 00:03:09,356 And we're gearing up for 98 00:03:06,227 --> 00:03:09,356 our biggest battle ever. 99 00:03:09,397 --> 00:03:10,816 Together, we are... 100 00:03:10,858 --> 00:03:13,401 MAX STEEL! 101 00:03:13,443 --> 00:03:15,487 You need to take things more 102 00:03:13,443 --> 00:03:15,487 seriously, Max. 103 00:03:15,529 --> 00:03:17,865 The threat we face 104 00:03:15,529 --> 00:03:17,865 from Makino is a real one. 105 00:03:18,657 --> 00:03:21,910 Clowning around in the holo-sim 106 00:03:18,657 --> 00:03:21,910 is no way to prepare. 107 00:03:21,952 --> 00:03:22,995 [grunts] 108 00:03:23,037 --> 00:03:24,496 Would you cut that out?! 109 00:03:25,998 --> 00:03:27,332 Uh, sorry boss. 110 00:03:27,374 --> 00:03:29,292 Uh, s-still working out 111 00:03:27,374 --> 00:03:29,292 the kinks on your cyber arm. 112 00:03:29,334 --> 00:03:30,836 To be fair, 113 00:03:30,878 --> 00:03:33,088 we've been playing a lot of 114 00:03:30,878 --> 00:03:33,088 alien-themed video games, too. 115 00:03:33,130 --> 00:03:35,007 [laughs] 116 00:03:35,049 --> 00:03:36,884 This isn't a joke! 117 00:03:36,925 --> 00:03:39,887 Makino wants to absorb Earth 118 00:03:36,925 --> 00:03:39,887 and everything on it. 119 00:03:39,928 --> 00:03:41,638 Absorb it? 120 00:03:41,680 --> 00:03:43,807 Makino doesn't 121 00:03:41,680 --> 00:03:43,807 just destroy planets, 122 00:03:43,849 --> 00:03:45,893 he links with them 123 00:03:43,849 --> 00:03:45,893 and consumes them. 124 00:03:45,934 --> 00:03:47,769 A planet eater? 125 00:03:47,811 --> 00:03:50,022 Any chance we can convince 126 00:03:47,811 --> 00:03:50,022 him to go on a diet? 127 00:03:50,064 --> 00:03:51,690 [sighs] 128 00:03:51,732 --> 00:03:53,567 Max, you have great powers. 129 00:03:53,608 --> 00:03:57,905 But your greatest power is 130 00:03:53,608 --> 00:03:57,905 one you have yet to discover. 131 00:03:57,946 --> 00:04:02,117 And until you do, you won't 132 00:03:57,946 --> 00:04:02,117 stand a chance in this fight. 133 00:04:02,159 --> 00:04:03,952 My greatest power? 134 00:04:03,994 --> 00:04:07,164 Are we even sure Makino and his 135 00:04:03,994 --> 00:04:07,164 army of UltraLinks are coming? 136 00:04:07,206 --> 00:04:08,456 We defeated Dredd. 137 00:04:08,498 --> 00:04:10,584 And it's been months 138 00:04:08,498 --> 00:04:10,584 since that first attack. 139 00:04:10,625 --> 00:04:13,503 Maybe they realized they were 140 00:04:10,625 --> 00:04:13,503 no match for us and skedaddled. 141 00:04:13,545 --> 00:04:16,339 It's true, we did kick their 142 00:04:13,545 --> 00:04:16,339 extra-terrestrial tooshies 143 00:04:16,381 --> 00:04:17,298 pretty handily. 144 00:04:17,340 --> 00:04:18,717 And since then... 145 00:04:18,759 --> 00:04:22,637 We've completely overhauled 146 00:04:18,759 --> 00:04:22,637 the N-Tek battle-fleet... 147 00:04:22,679 --> 00:04:24,932 Our new self-automated drone 148 00:04:22,679 --> 00:04:24,932 strikers are cutting edge. 149 00:04:24,973 --> 00:04:26,516 Whoa! 150 00:04:26,558 --> 00:04:27,684 They may not keep the baddies 151 00:04:26,558 --> 00:04:27,684 out like the defense shield did 152 00:04:27,726 --> 00:04:31,188 but if they do show, 153 00:04:27,726 --> 00:04:31,188 we'll be ready! 154 00:04:31,230 --> 00:04:34,066 But that's turning 155 00:04:31,230 --> 00:04:34,066 into a big 'if'. 156 00:04:34,108 --> 00:04:36,484 Like Steel says, 157 00:04:34,108 --> 00:04:36,484 since that first wave, 158 00:04:36,526 --> 00:04:39,029 we haven't even heard a peep 159 00:04:36,526 --> 00:04:39,029 out of Makino. 160 00:04:39,071 --> 00:04:42,032 That's what makes 161 00:04:39,071 --> 00:04:42,032 me nervous. 162 00:04:44,034 --> 00:04:45,786 Hmm... My greatest power... 163 00:04:45,827 --> 00:04:47,621 wonder what my Uncle Ferrus 164 00:04:45,827 --> 00:04:47,621 meant by that... 165 00:04:47,662 --> 00:04:48,997 Who knows? 166 00:04:49,039 --> 00:04:51,291 'Ol Forge isn't exactly 167 00:04:49,039 --> 00:04:51,291 the most forthcoming fella. 168 00:04:51,332 --> 00:04:53,543 I'm still surprised he got 169 00:04:51,332 --> 00:04:53,543 around to telling me anything 170 00:04:53,585 --> 00:04:55,045 about my past. 171 00:04:55,087 --> 00:04:57,256 Yeah, I still can't believe 172 00:04:55,087 --> 00:04:57,256 you used to be partners 173 00:04:57,297 --> 00:04:58,757 with my Dad. 174 00:04:58,799 --> 00:05:01,051 Even took on Makino 175 00:04:58,799 --> 00:05:01,051 with him back in the day. 176 00:05:01,093 --> 00:05:02,010 Who'd a thunk it? 177 00:05:02,052 --> 00:05:03,178 Not me. 178 00:05:03,220 --> 00:05:05,847 Course, that's usually how 179 00:05:03,220 --> 00:05:05,847 amnesia works. 180 00:05:05,889 --> 00:05:08,267 Hey, at least you're kinda 181 00:05:05,889 --> 00:05:08,267 out of the dark now. 182 00:05:08,308 --> 00:05:09,810 Except for how ya met my Dad, 183 00:05:09,851 --> 00:05:11,937 and what you two were 184 00:05:09,851 --> 00:05:11,937 working on at N-TEK. 185 00:05:11,979 --> 00:05:13,021 Right... 186 00:05:13,063 --> 00:05:14,481 and whatever I was up to 187 00:05:13,063 --> 00:05:14,481 before that... 188 00:05:14,522 --> 00:05:15,941 Yo Max! 189 00:05:15,983 --> 00:05:18,610 Uh, hey, Kirby. 190 00:05:18,652 --> 00:05:20,487 Uh, what's with 191 00:05:18,652 --> 00:05:20,487 the tin foil? 192 00:05:20,528 --> 00:05:22,030 Hahaha, huh, 193 00:05:22,072 --> 00:05:24,032 Ever since those aliens tried 194 00:05:22,072 --> 00:05:24,032 to take over Copper Canyon, 195 00:05:24,074 --> 00:05:26,160 ya can't be too careful! 196 00:05:26,201 --> 00:05:29,121 This stuff should deflect 197 00:05:26,201 --> 00:05:29,121 any crazy tractor beams 198 00:05:29,163 --> 00:05:31,165 they try to abduct me with! 199 00:05:31,206 --> 00:05:33,875 And, why would they want 200 00:05:31,206 --> 00:05:33,875 to abduct you? 201 00:05:33,917 --> 00:05:35,585 Duh. To probe my brain! 202 00:05:35,627 --> 00:05:37,587 First you need to have 203 00:05:35,627 --> 00:05:37,587 a brain. 204 00:05:37,629 --> 00:05:38,755 Kirby... 205 00:05:38,797 --> 00:05:40,548 It took Max Steel to stop 206 00:05:38,797 --> 00:05:40,548 those aliens. 207 00:05:40,590 --> 00:05:43,844 You really think a single layer 208 00:05:40,590 --> 00:05:43,844 of tinfoil will save you? 209 00:05:43,885 --> 00:05:45,679 Ooh! You're right! 210 00:05:45,720 --> 00:05:47,139 I should double up! 211 00:05:47,181 --> 00:05:48,890 [laughs] 212 00:05:48,932 --> 00:05:50,767 I'm glad you haven't let 213 00:05:48,932 --> 00:05:50,767 all this alien stuff 214 00:05:50,809 --> 00:05:52,144 change you, Syd. 215 00:05:52,186 --> 00:05:54,896 Unlike Kirby, I'm freaking 216 00:05:52,186 --> 00:05:54,896 out on the inside. 217 00:05:54,938 --> 00:05:57,732 But I'm more intrigued 218 00:05:54,938 --> 00:05:57,732 than I am scared. 219 00:05:57,774 --> 00:06:03,030 To think, there's 220 00:05:57,774 --> 00:06:03,030 intelligent life in the cosmos. 221 00:06:03,071 --> 00:06:05,991 Hehe, too bad they wanted 222 00:06:03,071 --> 00:06:05,991 us all wiped out. 223 00:06:06,033 --> 00:06:07,284 Yeah, there's that. 224 00:06:07,326 --> 00:06:09,119 But never mind the negative. 225 00:06:09,161 --> 00:06:12,164 Outer space is still 226 00:06:09,161 --> 00:06:12,164 so incredible. 227 00:06:12,206 --> 00:06:15,000 Hey, there's a meteor 228 00:06:12,206 --> 00:06:15,000 shower tonight 229 00:06:15,042 --> 00:06:15,917 I was gonna check out. 230 00:06:15,959 --> 00:06:16,835 You wanna come with? 231 00:06:16,877 --> 00:06:18,212 Sure! 232 00:06:18,253 --> 00:06:19,963 Great. See ya then Max! 233 00:06:27,262 --> 00:06:29,848 Location of fugitive Ultralink 234 00:06:27,262 --> 00:06:29,848 acquired. 235 00:06:29,890 --> 00:06:31,516 Activating capture protocols. 236 00:06:40,525 --> 00:06:42,944 Hmm, we're in luck, 237 00:06:40,525 --> 00:06:42,944 it's a clear night. 238 00:06:42,986 --> 00:06:44,571 [sigh] 239 00:06:44,612 --> 00:06:46,323 Nice to be reminded it's not 240 00:06:44,612 --> 00:06:46,323 just doom and despair 241 00:06:46,365 --> 00:06:47,782 that comes down 242 00:06:46,365 --> 00:06:47,782 from the skies. 243 00:06:47,824 --> 00:06:49,450 Huh yeah, I'll say... 244 00:06:49,492 --> 00:06:50,869 Huh? You'll say what? 245 00:06:50,911 --> 00:06:54,289 Oh, uh, huh, nothing 246 00:06:54,331 --> 00:06:58,710 [yawn grunting] 247 00:06:58,752 --> 00:07:00,087 What was that? 248 00:07:00,128 --> 00:07:03,257 Aw, oh, umm, ah probably 249 00:07:00,128 --> 00:07:03,257 just a squirrel. 250 00:07:03,298 --> 00:07:04,591 [grunts] 251 00:07:04,632 --> 00:07:07,635 Yeah, definitely 252 00:07:04,632 --> 00:07:07,635 just a squirrel. 253 00:07:07,677 --> 00:07:10,013 Hello? Is someone there? 254 00:07:10,055 --> 00:07:10,931 [grunts] 255 00:07:10,972 --> 00:07:11,639 [gasps] 256 00:07:11,681 --> 00:07:13,016 Lemme check it out... 257 00:07:14,559 --> 00:07:15,852 Here squirrely, 258 00:07:14,559 --> 00:07:15,852 squirrely, squirrely, 259 00:07:15,894 --> 00:07:17,562 squirrely, squirrely. 260 00:07:20,565 --> 00:07:21,275 I d'no. 261 00:07:21,316 --> 00:07:22,776 [grunts] 262 00:07:22,817 --> 00:07:23,360 Sydney! 263 00:07:23,402 --> 00:07:24,194 Huh? 264 00:07:24,236 --> 00:07:24,611 You need to get out of here. 265 00:07:24,652 --> 00:07:26,821 [grunts] 266 00:07:26,863 --> 00:07:28,240 Max! Who is that? 267 00:07:28,282 --> 00:07:29,032 No time to explain! 268 00:07:29,074 --> 00:07:30,617 Just get in the car and... 269 00:07:30,658 --> 00:07:32,994 [muffled] 270 00:07:30,658 --> 00:07:32,994 Max! 271 00:07:33,036 --> 00:07:34,037 UGH!!!!!! 272 00:07:34,079 --> 00:07:34,913 Huh?! 273 00:07:34,955 --> 00:07:36,164 Max! 274 00:07:36,206 --> 00:07:37,457 [gasps] 275 00:07:37,498 --> 00:07:38,583 There you are! 276 00:07:38,625 --> 00:07:39,667 Kirby! 277 00:07:39,709 --> 00:07:41,420 Why didn't you answer 278 00:07:39,709 --> 00:07:41,420 when I called? 279 00:07:41,461 --> 00:07:42,963 What?!!!!!!!! 280 00:07:43,004 --> 00:07:44,965 I said why didn't you answer 281 00:07:43,004 --> 00:07:44,965 me when I called out to you?! 282 00:07:45,006 --> 00:07:46,466 Sorry! I can't hear you 283 00:07:46,507 --> 00:07:49,594 with these foil covers 284 00:07:46,507 --> 00:07:49,594 over my ears! 285 00:07:49,636 --> 00:07:50,637 [gasps] 286 00:07:50,678 --> 00:07:52,680 Now what was that? 287 00:07:52,722 --> 00:07:53,640 [DEEP SIGH] 288 00:07:53,681 --> 00:07:54,724 Never mind. 289 00:07:54,766 --> 00:07:56,559 Why are you breathing 290 00:07:54,766 --> 00:07:56,559 like that? 291 00:07:56,601 --> 00:07:57,352 [gasps] 292 00:07:57,394 --> 00:07:58,561 Well you would be too 293 00:07:58,603 --> 00:08:01,689 if you just climbed up 294 00:07:58,603 --> 00:08:01,689 the side of the dam. 295 00:08:01,731 --> 00:08:02,774 Huh? 296 00:08:02,816 --> 00:08:04,192 My parents went out 297 00:08:02,816 --> 00:08:04,192 for the night 298 00:08:04,234 --> 00:08:06,403 so I called your mom 299 00:08:04,234 --> 00:08:06,403 to see where you were... 300 00:08:06,445 --> 00:08:09,906 Ya know, uh, in case you two 301 00:08:06,445 --> 00:08:09,906 were scared about being alone. 302 00:08:09,948 --> 00:08:10,991 Ah! Aliens! 303 00:08:11,032 --> 00:08:12,784 They found me! 304 00:08:12,826 --> 00:08:13,368 [sighs] 305 00:08:13,410 --> 00:08:14,535 Relax, Kirby. 306 00:08:14,577 --> 00:08:17,956 It's not Aliens, it's 307 00:08:14,577 --> 00:08:17,956 the meteor shower. 308 00:08:17,998 --> 00:08:21,042 Wow, isn't it beautiful? 309 00:08:32,679 --> 00:08:35,849 The waiting is always 310 00:08:32,679 --> 00:08:35,849 the hardest part. 311 00:08:35,890 --> 00:08:37,100 But now... 312 00:08:37,142 --> 00:08:41,729 At long last, the battle 313 00:08:37,142 --> 00:08:41,729 continues. 314 00:08:41,771 --> 00:08:43,315 And this time... 315 00:08:43,357 --> 00:08:45,817 Earth will never see 316 00:08:43,357 --> 00:08:45,817 it coming! 317 00:08:45,859 --> 00:08:52,240 [evil laugh] 318 00:08:55,827 --> 00:08:57,829 That meteor shower provided 319 00:08:55,827 --> 00:08:57,829 ample cover 320 00:08:57,871 --> 00:08:59,373 for the Ultralinks. 321 00:08:59,414 --> 00:09:01,458 Just as we planned. 322 00:09:01,500 --> 00:09:03,043 [grunts] 323 00:09:03,084 --> 00:09:05,253 [gulps] 324 00:09:05,295 --> 00:09:11,843 Hehe, uh, just as you planned, 325 00:09:05,295 --> 00:09:11,843 Master Makino. 326 00:09:11,885 --> 00:09:14,054 Then carry on human. 327 00:09:14,095 --> 00:09:18,016 And do not fail me. 328 00:09:18,058 --> 00:09:19,059 I don't understand. 329 00:09:19,100 --> 00:09:20,601 I thought N-Tek had 330 00:09:19,100 --> 00:09:20,601 systems in place 331 00:09:20,643 --> 00:09:22,603 to detect any 332 00:09:20,643 --> 00:09:22,603 incoming UltraLinks. 333 00:09:22,645 --> 00:09:24,981 N-Tek was expecting an army. 334 00:09:25,023 --> 00:09:28,151 Not this small, 335 00:09:25,023 --> 00:09:28,151 specialized squadron. 336 00:09:28,193 --> 00:09:30,987 Heh, small is right. 337 00:09:31,029 --> 00:09:31,905 [bang] 338 00:09:31,946 --> 00:09:33,073 Just four pods? 339 00:09:33,114 --> 00:09:34,282 Fool! 340 00:09:34,324 --> 00:09:37,160 After all this time 341 00:09:34,324 --> 00:09:37,160 do you still not grasp 342 00:09:37,202 --> 00:09:38,870 the power of the UltraLink?! 343 00:09:38,912 --> 00:09:39,787 [scared gasp] 344 00:09:39,829 --> 00:09:41,331 True, when inert... 345 00:09:41,373 --> 00:09:42,874 They're harmless. 346 00:09:42,916 --> 00:09:45,377 However, when bonded 347 00:09:42,916 --> 00:09:45,377 with a host, 348 00:09:45,419 --> 00:09:48,713 they can maximize the hosts 349 00:09:45,419 --> 00:09:48,713 true weapon potential, 350 00:09:48,755 --> 00:09:51,883 in ways you can't imagine. 351 00:09:51,925 --> 00:09:54,344 So what happened 352 00:09:51,925 --> 00:09:54,344 with Max Steel? 353 00:09:54,386 --> 00:09:56,804 Max and Steel formed 354 00:09:54,386 --> 00:09:56,804 a symbiotic bond, 355 00:09:56,846 --> 00:09:59,558 where Max's turbo energy is 356 00:09:56,846 --> 00:09:59,558 harnessed and controlled 357 00:09:59,599 --> 00:10:01,435 by the steel suit. 358 00:10:01,476 --> 00:10:03,353 These Ultralinks however, 359 00:10:03,395 --> 00:10:05,897 will transform their hosts 360 00:10:03,395 --> 00:10:05,897 on a molecular level, 361 00:10:05,939 --> 00:10:07,982 to unleash a creature 362 00:10:05,939 --> 00:10:07,982 most efficient 363 00:10:08,024 --> 00:10:10,818 in their mission to destroy. 364 00:10:10,860 --> 00:10:12,862 Observe. 365 00:10:20,745 --> 00:10:24,499 This bond is permanent 366 00:10:20,745 --> 00:10:24,499 and, with any luck... 367 00:10:24,541 --> 00:10:26,418 Terrifying. 368 00:10:28,128 --> 00:10:32,924 Makino was wise to choose me 369 00:10:28,128 --> 00:10:32,924 as his earthly herald. 370 00:10:32,966 --> 00:10:35,302 I will serve him well... 371 00:10:35,343 --> 00:10:37,387 For now. 372 00:10:40,599 --> 00:10:42,850 What about that fourth 373 00:10:40,599 --> 00:10:42,850 UltraLink? 374 00:10:42,892 --> 00:10:45,270 All in good time, 375 00:10:42,892 --> 00:10:45,270 Naught. 376 00:10:45,312 --> 00:10:47,021 Welcome to Earth! 377 00:10:47,063 --> 00:10:50,484 Now, let's go destroy it! 378 00:10:56,114 --> 00:10:58,699 To battle! 379 00:10:58,741 --> 00:11:01,453 Hm. That's strange. 380 00:11:01,495 --> 00:11:02,954 What's up, Kat? 381 00:11:02,996 --> 00:11:06,124 I was doing a terrain security 382 00:11:02,996 --> 00:11:06,124 sweep and found something. 383 00:11:08,209 --> 00:11:09,294 An UltraLink? 384 00:11:09,336 --> 00:11:10,629 No... 385 00:11:10,670 --> 00:11:13,714 But definitely something 386 00:11:10,670 --> 00:11:13,714 from out of this world... 387 00:11:13,756 --> 00:11:14,882 [gasps] 388 00:11:14,924 --> 00:11:17,760 [alarm wailing] 389 00:11:17,802 --> 00:11:19,262 They're here. 390 00:11:23,891 --> 00:11:26,227 What do you care if I wear 391 00:11:23,891 --> 00:11:26,227 aluminum underwear? 392 00:11:26,269 --> 00:11:28,271 It's not like 393 00:11:26,269 --> 00:11:28,271 you can see it! 394 00:11:28,313 --> 00:11:31,899 It's just not, uh, 395 00:11:28,313 --> 00:11:31,899 sanitary. 396 00:11:31,941 --> 00:11:33,943 Huh... 397 00:11:33,985 --> 00:11:37,531 Okay, I grant you that. 398 00:11:37,572 --> 00:11:38,906 [grunts] 399 00:11:40,783 --> 00:11:41,951 Hey Max. 400 00:11:41,993 --> 00:11:42,785 Ahhhh!!!!!!! 401 00:11:42,827 --> 00:11:43,786 Woah! 402 00:11:43,828 --> 00:11:47,957 [mumbles and grumbles] 403 00:11:47,999 --> 00:11:54,047 [crowd screaming] 404 00:11:54,088 --> 00:11:56,007 Might have to take off early 405 00:11:54,088 --> 00:11:56,007 from school today, Max. 406 00:11:56,049 --> 00:11:58,426 Uh, 'scuse me guys, I just 407 00:11:56,049 --> 00:11:58,426 remembered I have to take 408 00:11:58,468 --> 00:11:59,427 my cat to the vet. 409 00:11:59,469 --> 00:12:01,137 For a, uh, xylophone lesson. 410 00:12:01,179 --> 00:12:02,889 Because I have a fever. 411 00:12:02,930 --> 00:12:04,516 Gotta run! 412 00:12:04,558 --> 00:12:05,975 Real smooth. 413 00:12:06,017 --> 00:12:07,561 What? They totally bought it. 414 00:12:07,602 --> 00:12:08,895 Are you kidding they wo... 415 00:12:08,936 --> 00:12:10,813 Incoming transmission 416 00:12:08,936 --> 00:12:10,813 from Forge! 417 00:12:10,855 --> 00:12:11,939 Max, Steel! 418 00:12:11,981 --> 00:12:14,401 There's UltraLink activity 419 00:12:11,981 --> 00:12:14,401 downtown! 420 00:12:14,442 --> 00:12:16,819 Keep them busy while 421 00:12:14,442 --> 00:12:16,819 we mobilize the fleet! 422 00:12:16,861 --> 00:12:18,071 Got it. 423 00:12:20,407 --> 00:12:22,450 Go Turbo! Flight! 424 00:12:24,536 --> 00:12:26,954 I knew that creamer 425 00:12:24,536 --> 00:12:26,954 was expired. 426 00:12:26,996 --> 00:12:30,584 Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! 427 00:12:34,546 --> 00:12:37,798 You picked the wrong place 428 00:12:34,546 --> 00:12:37,798 to grab a bite, big guy! 429 00:12:37,840 --> 00:12:38,925 Wrong... 430 00:12:38,966 --> 00:12:39,967 Woah. 431 00:12:40,009 --> 00:12:42,303 It's you who's made 432 00:12:40,009 --> 00:12:42,303 the mistake... 433 00:12:42,345 --> 00:12:43,680 UGH!!!!!!!!!! 434 00:12:43,722 --> 00:12:47,475 Yes, by attempting to defend 435 00:12:43,722 --> 00:12:47,475 this pathetic planet. 436 00:12:47,517 --> 00:12:49,644 And for your betrayal... 437 00:12:49,686 --> 00:12:51,187 UGH!!!!!!!!!!!! 438 00:12:51,229 --> 00:12:52,897 You'll pay! 439 00:12:52,939 --> 00:12:54,899 [snarls] 440 00:12:54,941 --> 00:12:56,901 UGH!!!!!!!!!! 441 00:12:56,943 --> 00:12:58,319 Guess Forge was right 442 00:12:58,361 --> 00:13:00,947 about the whole 'new 443 00:12:58,361 --> 00:13:00,947 challenges' thing... 444 00:13:00,988 --> 00:13:02,031 [growls] 445 00:13:02,073 --> 00:13:03,241 Yep! 446 00:13:03,283 --> 00:13:05,952 [fighting grunts] 447 00:13:05,993 --> 00:13:06,911 [growls] 448 00:13:06,953 --> 00:13:08,371 Uh oh... 449 00:13:10,248 --> 00:13:12,459 [grunts] 450 00:13:12,500 --> 00:13:15,002 Nothing like learning 451 00:13:12,500 --> 00:13:15,002 our lesson the hard way! 452 00:13:15,044 --> 00:13:16,795 [grunts] 453 00:13:16,837 --> 00:13:18,005 Please stop. 454 00:13:21,884 --> 00:13:24,220 Uncle Ferrus says I don't stand 455 00:13:21,884 --> 00:13:24,220 a chance against these guys 456 00:13:24,262 --> 00:13:27,056 'til I discover 457 00:13:24,262 --> 00:13:27,056 some great power. 458 00:13:27,098 --> 00:13:29,058 Well, whadaya say we prove 459 00:13:27,098 --> 00:13:29,058 him wrong! 460 00:13:29,100 --> 00:13:31,978 And how are we gonna 461 00:13:29,100 --> 00:13:31,978 do that? 462 00:13:32,019 --> 00:13:34,981 By showing him how great WE, 463 00:13:32,019 --> 00:13:34,981 already are. 464 00:13:35,022 --> 00:13:37,734 Go Turbo! Speed! 465 00:13:37,776 --> 00:13:40,945 [fighting grunts] 466 00:13:40,987 --> 00:13:43,990 Go Turbo Clone! 467 00:13:44,031 --> 00:13:49,162 [fighting grunts] 468 00:13:49,203 --> 00:13:49,912 Haha! 469 00:13:49,954 --> 00:13:51,122 New bad guy look... 470 00:13:51,164 --> 00:13:53,124 Same bad guy beat down! 471 00:13:53,166 --> 00:13:55,042 Huh? 472 00:13:55,084 --> 00:13:57,836 And same us being too cocky 473 00:13:55,084 --> 00:13:57,836 too soon! 474 00:13:57,878 --> 00:14:00,047 Go Turbo Cannon! 475 00:14:04,969 --> 00:14:07,263 UGH!!!!!!! 476 00:14:07,305 --> 00:14:08,348 [grunts] 477 00:14:08,389 --> 00:14:09,890 That didn't work so well... 478 00:14:16,523 --> 00:14:20,652 Then maybe it's time to bust 479 00:14:16,523 --> 00:14:20,652 out something new! 480 00:14:20,694 --> 00:14:22,487 Catch! 481 00:14:22,529 --> 00:14:23,988 What's this? 482 00:14:24,030 --> 00:14:25,948 'Member that grappling laser 483 00:14:24,030 --> 00:14:25,948 you took on in the holo-sim? 484 00:14:25,990 --> 00:14:27,367 Yeah... 485 00:14:27,408 --> 00:14:29,744 Woah!!! 486 00:14:29,786 --> 00:14:31,454 I call it the TurboLash! 487 00:14:31,496 --> 00:14:33,707 Go on, Turbofy it. 488 00:14:34,957 --> 00:14:36,083 You heard the man! 489 00:14:38,961 --> 00:14:40,714 Uh huh... 490 00:14:40,755 --> 00:14:42,006 Give it a flick! 491 00:14:42,048 --> 00:14:43,675 [grunts] 492 00:14:43,717 --> 00:14:44,592 [grunts] 493 00:14:44,634 --> 00:14:45,926 Woah! 494 00:14:45,968 --> 00:14:48,680 Sweet! I thought you'd like it! 495 00:14:48,722 --> 00:14:49,930 Like it? 496 00:14:51,140 --> 00:14:53,643 Woohoo!!! I love it! 497 00:14:53,685 --> 00:14:55,812 [grunts] 498 00:14:55,854 --> 00:14:57,772 Tailor made for fighting 499 00:14:55,854 --> 00:14:57,772 on the go! 500 00:14:57,814 --> 00:14:58,356 Haha. 501 00:14:58,398 --> 00:14:59,566 Woah! 502 00:14:59,607 --> 00:15:01,067 He's not letting up! 503 00:15:01,108 --> 00:15:02,736 [grunts] 504 00:15:02,777 --> 00:15:04,945 Then let's rein things in! 505 00:15:04,987 --> 00:15:06,364 Got him! 506 00:15:06,406 --> 00:15:07,657 Woah! 507 00:15:07,699 --> 00:15:08,908 [grunts] 508 00:15:08,949 --> 00:15:11,035 Uh, I think you mean 509 00:15:08,949 --> 00:15:11,035 he's got us! 510 00:15:11,077 --> 00:15:12,787 [grunts] 511 00:15:15,248 --> 00:15:16,666 Woah!!! 512 00:15:16,708 --> 00:15:18,501 UGH!!!!!!!!! 513 00:15:18,543 --> 00:15:20,378 We're taking 514 00:15:18,543 --> 00:15:20,378 a beating, Max! 515 00:15:20,420 --> 00:15:21,921 [grunts] 516 00:15:23,882 --> 00:15:25,592 More Turbo energy 517 00:15:23,882 --> 00:15:25,592 isn't the answer! 518 00:15:25,633 --> 00:15:26,885 It's just slowing him down! 519 00:15:26,926 --> 00:15:28,845 Hang on! I have an idea. 520 00:15:28,887 --> 00:15:30,597 Let's give it all we've got. 521 00:15:30,638 --> 00:15:32,807 Why do you keep 522 00:15:30,638 --> 00:15:32,807 increasing power! 523 00:15:32,849 --> 00:15:35,727 Like you said: 524 00:15:32,849 --> 00:15:35,727 to slow him down! 525 00:15:35,769 --> 00:15:39,272 Cuz then when we cut the 526 00:15:35,769 --> 00:15:39,272 cord...he'll speed up! 527 00:15:44,944 --> 00:15:47,113 Let's party! 528 00:15:51,992 --> 00:15:53,620 On my mark -- three 529 00:15:53,661 --> 00:15:54,287 [grunt] 530 00:15:54,328 --> 00:15:56,122 ...two...one... 531 00:15:56,163 --> 00:15:57,791 Now! 532 00:16:00,752 --> 00:16:03,880 Huh, sometimes, 533 00:16:00,752 --> 00:16:03,880 less is more. 534 00:16:03,922 --> 00:16:06,215 Guess we showed them, 535 00:16:03,922 --> 00:16:06,215 huh, Max? 536 00:16:06,257 --> 00:16:08,426 Not all of them. 537 00:16:08,468 --> 00:16:09,761 (All): Dredd?! 538 00:16:09,803 --> 00:16:12,263 Bravo, Max Steel. 539 00:16:12,305 --> 00:16:14,933 You've entertained 540 00:16:12,305 --> 00:16:14,933 until the end. 541 00:16:14,974 --> 00:16:15,934 You're alive?! 542 00:16:15,975 --> 00:16:18,728 Ohaha, very much so. 543 00:16:18,770 --> 00:16:21,397 But in just a matter 544 00:16:18,770 --> 00:16:21,397 of moments, 545 00:16:21,439 --> 00:16:23,065 you won't be!!! 546 00:16:24,442 --> 00:16:25,359 You've got to be kidding me. 547 00:16:25,401 --> 00:16:26,861 Hahahaha!!! 548 00:16:26,903 --> 00:16:28,112 UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!! 549 00:16:28,154 --> 00:16:30,824 Farewell, Max Steel! 550 00:16:30,865 --> 00:16:32,408 [growls] 551 00:16:32,450 --> 00:16:33,576 Look out! 552 00:16:36,621 --> 00:16:37,956 No. 553 00:16:37,997 --> 00:16:39,415 What? 554 00:16:39,457 --> 00:16:40,875 Where did he go? 555 00:16:42,042 --> 00:16:44,712 Am I seeing things or 556 00:16:42,042 --> 00:16:44,712 is that Dredd down there?! 557 00:16:44,754 --> 00:16:45,922 That's Dredd alright. 558 00:16:45,964 --> 00:16:47,214 But where's Max? 559 00:16:47,256 --> 00:16:48,174 No se! 560 00:16:48,215 --> 00:16:51,093 He was here 561 00:16:48,215 --> 00:16:51,093 just a minute ago. 562 00:16:51,135 --> 00:16:53,680 [grunts] 563 00:16:54,848 --> 00:16:56,015 Find him Berto! 564 00:16:56,056 --> 00:16:58,309 Everyone else, focus 565 00:16:56,056 --> 00:16:58,309 on the mission at hand. 566 00:16:59,894 --> 00:17:02,689 We'll just have to hope 567 00:16:59,894 --> 00:17:02,689 Max is OK. 568 00:17:02,730 --> 00:17:04,357 Wherever he is. 569 00:17:06,609 --> 00:17:08,361 [grunts] 570 00:17:08,402 --> 00:17:09,278 Ow... 571 00:17:09,320 --> 00:17:10,864 W-What happened? 572 00:17:10,905 --> 00:17:12,907 Where are we? 573 00:17:12,949 --> 00:17:14,074 Huh? 574 00:17:14,116 --> 00:17:15,117 Who are you? 575 00:17:15,159 --> 00:17:17,370 I am Ven-Ghan. 576 00:17:17,411 --> 00:17:18,621 You saved us? 577 00:17:18,663 --> 00:17:20,164 I brought you here. 578 00:17:20,206 --> 00:17:22,876 Well, thanks but we've 579 00:17:20,206 --> 00:17:22,876 gotta get back to the fight! 580 00:17:22,917 --> 00:17:24,544 Dredd's back and we... 581 00:17:24,585 --> 00:17:25,169 Dah! 582 00:17:25,211 --> 00:17:26,086 You may leave. 583 00:17:26,128 --> 00:17:28,631 But the fugitive must remain. 584 00:17:28,673 --> 00:17:29,799 Fugitive? 585 00:17:29,841 --> 00:17:30,842 What fugitive? 586 00:17:30,884 --> 00:17:32,927 You, UltraLink. 587 00:17:32,969 --> 00:17:34,470 You will be brought to justice 588 00:17:34,512 --> 00:17:36,723 for the crimes you've committed 589 00:17:34,512 --> 00:17:36,723 against the universe. 590 00:17:36,764 --> 00:17:37,557 Me? 591 00:17:37,598 --> 00:17:38,808 W-What did I do?! I... 592 00:17:38,850 --> 00:17:40,977 Woah, hey, relax, bud. 593 00:17:41,019 --> 00:17:42,020 I got this. 594 00:17:42,061 --> 00:17:44,480 Look, uh, Ven-Ghan, 595 00:17:42,061 --> 00:17:44,480 was it? 596 00:17:44,522 --> 00:17:46,024 I don't know what your deal is 597 00:17:46,065 --> 00:17:48,776 but there's no way you're 598 00:17:46,065 --> 00:17:48,776 taking my pal Steel anywhere. 599 00:17:48,818 --> 00:17:51,529 You of all people 600 00:17:48,818 --> 00:17:51,529 should understand. 601 00:17:51,571 --> 00:17:53,740 Me? And, why's that? 602 00:17:53,781 --> 00:17:56,951 You bear the same markings as 603 00:17:53,781 --> 00:17:56,951 the Universes greatest hero... 604 00:17:56,993 --> 00:17:57,994 McGraw. 605 00:17:58,036 --> 00:17:59,119 What? 606 00:17:59,161 --> 00:18:00,997 You were obviously fighting 607 00:17:59,161 --> 00:18:00,997 his fight. 608 00:18:01,039 --> 00:18:03,082 What do you know 609 00:18:01,039 --> 00:18:03,082 about McGraw? 610 00:18:03,123 --> 00:18:05,167 I knew of his legend. 611 00:18:05,209 --> 00:18:09,213 And I know that this Ultralink 612 00:18:05,209 --> 00:18:09,213 is not to be trusted. 613 00:18:09,255 --> 00:18:10,798 Now step aside! 614 00:18:16,930 --> 00:18:18,806 They're no match for these 615 00:18:16,930 --> 00:18:18,806 new drone strikers! 616 00:18:18,848 --> 00:18:22,769 I know...it's almost 617 00:18:18,848 --> 00:18:22,769 too easy... 618 00:18:22,810 --> 00:18:25,187 The Ultralink comes with me. 619 00:18:25,229 --> 00:18:25,980 Or else... 620 00:18:26,022 --> 00:18:29,358 Go Turbo! Strength! 621 00:18:31,819 --> 00:18:32,862 [grunts] 622 00:18:32,904 --> 00:18:33,654 Huh? 623 00:18:33,696 --> 00:18:35,531 You fight like a Dagma... 624 00:18:35,573 --> 00:18:38,200 And that's not a compliment. 625 00:18:38,242 --> 00:18:41,037 UGH!!!!!!!!!!! 626 00:18:41,079 --> 00:18:43,163 So if UltraLinks 627 00:18:41,079 --> 00:18:43,163 are the bad guys 628 00:18:43,205 --> 00:18:45,374 why do you have three 629 00:18:43,205 --> 00:18:45,374 working for ya huh?! 630 00:18:45,416 --> 00:18:47,794 These three have been 631 00:18:45,416 --> 00:18:47,794 rehabilitated. 632 00:18:47,835 --> 00:18:49,712 Now they serve our cause. 633 00:18:49,754 --> 00:18:52,172 And in more ways 634 00:18:49,754 --> 00:18:52,172 than one. 635 00:18:52,214 --> 00:18:53,215 Our cause? 636 00:18:53,257 --> 00:18:54,050 Who's cause? 637 00:18:54,092 --> 00:18:55,802 Aren't you with Makino? 638 00:18:55,843 --> 00:18:57,386 Makino is my enemy. 639 00:18:57,428 --> 00:18:59,221 As is the fugitive. 640 00:18:59,263 --> 00:19:01,223 I don't like 641 00:18:59,263 --> 00:19:01,223 where this is going. 642 00:19:01,265 --> 00:19:05,019 Go Turbo! Flight! 643 00:19:05,061 --> 00:19:06,980 UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 644 00:19:13,193 --> 00:19:14,904 What are you waiting for?! 645 00:19:14,946 --> 00:19:16,823 Activate that UltraLink! 646 00:19:16,864 --> 00:19:18,992 We need all the help 647 00:19:16,864 --> 00:19:18,992 we can get! 648 00:19:19,033 --> 00:19:23,162 Yes, I'd say the timing 649 00:19:19,033 --> 00:19:23,162 is finally right. 650 00:19:23,203 --> 00:19:25,915 Hahaha! 651 00:19:34,214 --> 00:19:37,718 No! It failed to activate! 652 00:19:40,346 --> 00:19:41,681 What now? 653 00:19:41,722 --> 00:19:43,808 Now we live to fight 654 00:19:41,722 --> 00:19:43,808 another day. 655 00:19:43,850 --> 00:19:45,434 And believe me, 656 00:19:45,476 --> 00:19:48,980 that fight will end much 657 00:19:45,476 --> 00:19:48,980 differently than this one. 658 00:19:49,022 --> 00:19:51,816 You're up, Mr. Naught. 659 00:19:51,858 --> 00:19:54,193 Aye, aye Captain! 660 00:19:56,904 --> 00:20:00,658 All battlecraft - 661 00:19:56,904 --> 00:20:00,658 focus on that fighter! 662 00:20:05,079 --> 00:20:06,580 That's my cue. 663 00:20:10,918 --> 00:20:12,045 Got 'em, Commander! 664 00:20:12,086 --> 00:20:13,504 Huh? 665 00:20:13,546 --> 00:20:16,256 [evil laugh] 666 00:20:16,298 --> 00:20:17,842 Naught isn't the only thing 667 00:20:16,298 --> 00:20:17,842 we lost, 668 00:20:17,884 --> 00:20:19,844 Dredd and those UltraLink 669 00:20:17,884 --> 00:20:19,844 behemoths. 670 00:20:19,886 --> 00:20:21,971 They're gone. 671 00:20:22,013 --> 00:20:23,890 [grunts] 672 00:20:25,975 --> 00:20:32,148 [groans] 673 00:20:32,190 --> 00:20:32,899 [grunts] 674 00:20:32,940 --> 00:20:35,109 Game's up, Ven-Ghan. 675 00:20:35,151 --> 00:20:38,612 Now look, I'm all about 676 00:20:35,151 --> 00:20:38,612 bringing UltraLinks to justice 677 00:20:38,654 --> 00:20:41,949 but I'm telling ya, Steel 678 00:20:38,654 --> 00:20:41,949 is one of the good guys. 679 00:20:41,991 --> 00:20:43,242 Max, come in! 680 00:20:43,283 --> 00:20:44,618 Can you hear me?! 681 00:20:44,660 --> 00:20:45,912 Are you okay? 682 00:20:45,953 --> 00:20:48,164 Yeah Uncle Ferris, 683 00:20:45,953 --> 00:20:48,164 I'm alright! 684 00:20:48,206 --> 00:20:49,874 We could've used you, 685 00:20:48,206 --> 00:20:49,874 Max. 686 00:20:49,916 --> 00:20:51,918 We lost Dredd and his new pals 687 00:20:51,959 --> 00:20:55,337 but we were able to secure an 688 00:20:51,959 --> 00:20:55,337 UltraLink they left behind. 689 00:20:55,379 --> 00:20:56,714 What's your status? 690 00:20:56,756 --> 00:20:58,716 About to return to base. 691 00:20:58,758 --> 00:21:01,928 And bringing back a little 692 00:20:58,758 --> 00:21:01,928 something of my own. 693 00:21:01,969 --> 00:21:02,636 Huh? 694 00:21:02,678 --> 00:21:03,262 What in the... 695 00:21:03,303 --> 00:21:05,098 [grunts] 696 00:21:05,139 --> 00:21:06,807 Indeed you are. 697 00:21:06,849 --> 00:21:09,018 The news that one more 698 00:21:06,849 --> 00:21:09,018 UltraLink... 699 00:21:09,060 --> 00:21:11,395 Will soon meet his doom! 700 00:21:11,437 --> 00:21:12,646 Max! 701 00:21:12,688 --> 00:21:14,481 Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 702 00:21:16,859 --> 00:21:17,526 No! 703 00:21:17,568 --> 00:21:18,194 [grunts] 704 00:21:18,236 --> 00:21:18,903 Max! 705 00:21:18,945 --> 00:21:19,904 Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! 706 00:21:19,946 --> 00:21:21,739 Steel!!! No! 707 00:21:22,907 --> 00:21:24,324 Steel... 708 00:21:26,493 --> 00:21:28,621 Then again, maybe it's best 709 00:21:26,493 --> 00:21:28,621 you're not around... 710 00:21:28,662 --> 00:21:31,540 Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!