1 00:00:01,418 --> 00:00:02,795 [bad singing] 2 00:00:01,418 --> 00:00:02,795 ♪ Walkin' to school! ♪ 3 00:00:02,837 --> 00:00:05,005 ♪ Not a single care ♪ 4 00:00:05,046 --> 00:00:07,132 Hey keep quiet 5 00:00:05,046 --> 00:00:07,132 down there! 6 00:00:07,174 --> 00:00:14,515 [bad singing] 7 00:00:14,556 --> 00:00:15,557 [gasps] 8 00:00:15,599 --> 00:00:17,267 Hey, Syd, what did 9 00:00:15,599 --> 00:00:17,267 you think 10 00:00:17,309 --> 00:00:19,019 of the sweet sounds 11 00:00:17,309 --> 00:00:19,019 of Turbofied? 12 00:00:19,060 --> 00:00:21,647 Yeah, do we rock 13 00:00:19,060 --> 00:00:21,647 or do we rock? 14 00:00:21,689 --> 00:00:23,983 [British accent] I'd have to 15 00:00:21,689 --> 00:00:23,983 agree with your neighbors, mate. 16 00:00:24,023 --> 00:00:26,610 Turbofied is Turbo-Blah. 17 00:00:26,652 --> 00:00:27,695 What's with the British 18 00:00:26,652 --> 00:00:27,695 accent? 19 00:00:27,736 --> 00:00:30,280 Uh, what British accent? 20 00:00:30,322 --> 00:00:31,532 If we're going to be 21 00:00:30,322 --> 00:00:31,532 rock stars, 22 00:00:31,573 --> 00:00:33,200 I've got to emulate the best. 23 00:00:33,241 --> 00:00:36,411 And all the best rock stars 24 00:00:33,241 --> 00:00:36,411 have British accents. 25 00:00:36,453 --> 00:00:37,621 Lose the British accent. 26 00:00:37,663 --> 00:00:38,539 Now. 27 00:00:38,580 --> 00:00:40,582 Again, what British accent? 28 00:00:40,624 --> 00:00:41,249 What? 29 00:00:41,291 --> 00:00:43,002 Oh, um, it's gone. 30 00:00:43,042 --> 00:00:46,171 [chuckle] Back to good 'ol 31 00:00:43,042 --> 00:00:46,171 non-British accent Syd. 32 00:00:46,213 --> 00:00:47,548 Look, if you guys 33 00:00:46,213 --> 00:00:47,548 want to win 34 00:00:47,589 --> 00:00:49,591 the Copper Canyon Battle of 35 00:00:47,589 --> 00:00:49,591 the Bands-- 36 00:00:49,633 --> 00:00:53,136 Winning fame, fortune, and the 37 00:00:49,633 --> 00:00:53,136 chance to shoot a cool video! 38 00:00:53,178 --> 00:00:55,639 --you need a little help. 39 00:00:55,681 --> 00:01:02,980 [electric guitar] 40 00:00:55,681 --> 00:01:02,980 ♪♪♪♪♪ 41 00:01:03,022 --> 00:01:05,566 [crash sounds] 42 00:01:05,607 --> 00:01:06,483 [electric guitar] 43 00:01:05,607 --> 00:01:06,483 ♪♪♪♪♪ 44 00:01:06,525 --> 00:01:07,735 Woa! 45 00:01:07,776 --> 00:01:09,277 You never told me you could 46 00:01:07,776 --> 00:01:09,277 play guitar. 47 00:01:09,319 --> 00:01:10,445 You never asked. 48 00:01:10,487 --> 00:01:12,698 Welcome to the band! 49 00:01:12,740 --> 00:01:15,576 My name is Steel, and this, 50 00:01:12,740 --> 00:01:15,576 is my human -- Max. 51 00:01:15,617 --> 00:01:17,036 Go turbo! 52 00:01:18,954 --> 00:01:21,623 Together we keep the Earth 53 00:01:18,954 --> 00:01:21,623 safe from the bad guys: 54 00:01:21,665 --> 00:01:22,416 Monsters, 55 00:01:22,457 --> 00:01:24,334 Ultralinks. 56 00:01:24,376 --> 00:01:26,294 You know, like 57 00:01:24,376 --> 00:01:26,294 superheros, 58 00:01:26,336 --> 00:01:28,463 with a secret identity 59 00:01:26,336 --> 00:01:28,463 and everything. 60 00:01:28,505 --> 00:01:31,383 We are the ultimate 61 00:01:28,505 --> 00:01:31,383 turbo team-up. 62 00:01:31,425 --> 00:01:33,510 Max has the power 63 00:01:33,552 --> 00:01:36,388 and I've got the alien 64 00:01:33,552 --> 00:01:36,388 knowhow to control it. 65 00:01:36,430 --> 00:01:39,140 And we're gearing up for 66 00:01:36,430 --> 00:01:39,140 our biggest battle ever. 67 00:01:39,182 --> 00:01:42,269 Together we are Max Steel! 68 00:01:50,235 --> 00:01:52,237 [fighting grunts] 69 00:02:03,624 --> 00:02:05,375 Ahem, I can see 70 00:02:03,624 --> 00:02:05,375 why the Elementors 71 00:02:05,417 --> 00:02:07,711 were bested by this "hero." 72 00:02:07,753 --> 00:02:10,130 But I can assure you, 73 00:02:07,753 --> 00:02:10,130 Master Makino, 74 00:02:10,171 --> 00:02:12,007 I will crush him. 75 00:02:12,049 --> 00:02:14,885 I have consumed countless 76 00:02:12,049 --> 00:02:14,885 planets and civilizations 77 00:02:14,927 --> 00:02:17,721 throughout this universe, 78 00:02:14,927 --> 00:02:17,721 Metallak. 79 00:02:17,763 --> 00:02:20,599 But two planets have 80 00:02:17,763 --> 00:02:20,599 resisted like no others. 81 00:02:20,641 --> 00:02:21,892 Takion-- 82 00:02:21,934 --> 00:02:25,646 And this frail water-based 83 00:02:21,934 --> 00:02:25,646 planet called Earth. 84 00:02:25,687 --> 00:02:28,356 The UltraLink you disdain 85 00:02:25,687 --> 00:02:28,356 most has made this planet 86 00:02:28,398 --> 00:02:29,650 his home. 87 00:02:29,691 --> 00:02:33,236 N'Baro Aksteel x377! 88 00:02:33,278 --> 00:02:36,115 Steel, as he calls himself. 89 00:02:36,156 --> 00:02:37,783 He linked with 90 00:02:36,156 --> 00:02:37,783 this human filth 91 00:02:37,825 --> 00:02:42,079 to become the one known 92 00:02:37,825 --> 00:02:42,079 as Max Steel. 93 00:02:42,121 --> 00:02:45,916 Steel is a deserter, 94 00:02:42,121 --> 00:02:45,916 a disgrace to our army! 95 00:02:45,958 --> 00:02:49,044 I will destroy him for 96 00:02:45,958 --> 00:02:49,044 humiliating your honour, 97 00:02:49,086 --> 00:02:51,505 I will take control of the 98 00:02:49,086 --> 00:02:51,505 advance fleet from Elementor. 99 00:02:51,546 --> 00:02:53,090 Whip it back into shape 100 00:02:53,132 --> 00:02:57,218 and grind Steel's Ultralink 101 00:02:53,132 --> 00:02:57,218 shell into scrap metal! 102 00:02:57,260 --> 00:02:59,680 Once you destroy Max Steel, 103 00:02:59,721 --> 00:03:01,556 there will be nothing 104 00:02:59,721 --> 00:03:01,556 to stop me 105 00:03:01,598 --> 00:03:04,434 from consuming Earth 106 00:03:01,598 --> 00:03:04,434 and its people! 107 00:03:04,476 --> 00:03:06,353 It shall be done! 108 00:03:06,394 --> 00:03:09,648 There is one last thing, 109 00:03:06,394 --> 00:03:09,648 be weary of Dredd, 110 00:03:09,690 --> 00:03:15,988 he is an ally, for now... 111 00:03:09,690 --> 00:03:15,988 but he is dangerous. 112 00:03:16,030 --> 00:03:19,074 For the glory of Makino! 113 00:03:19,116 --> 00:03:22,410 Now to find a suitable target 114 00:03:19,116 --> 00:03:22,410 to Megalink with! 115 00:03:25,873 --> 00:03:31,586 Analyzing weapon potential, 116 00:03:31,628 --> 00:03:36,967 yes, that will do nicely, 117 00:03:31,628 --> 00:03:36,967 prepare for Megalink! 118 00:03:56,361 --> 00:03:58,155 [growls] 119 00:03:58,197 --> 00:04:00,032 Such power. 120 00:04:00,074 --> 00:04:07,330 Max Steel, prepare to meet 121 00:04:00,074 --> 00:04:07,330 Metalelementor! 122 00:04:07,372 --> 00:04:08,415 Haha! 123 00:04:08,456 --> 00:04:10,709 We totally rocked 124 00:04:08,456 --> 00:04:10,709 that jam session. 125 00:04:10,751 --> 00:04:13,670 Yeah, we were on fire. 126 00:04:13,712 --> 00:04:15,005 All because of you. 127 00:04:15,047 --> 00:04:17,883 To Sydney, the meanest 128 00:04:15,047 --> 00:04:17,883 Maestro in Copper Canyon. 129 00:04:17,925 --> 00:04:20,301 Aw, all I did was help you 130 00:04:17,925 --> 00:04:20,301 find the musical talent 131 00:04:20,343 --> 00:04:21,887 you had inside all along. 132 00:04:21,929 --> 00:04:24,264 Which is what I hope our 133 00:04:21,929 --> 00:04:24,264 music inspires people to do 134 00:04:24,305 --> 00:04:26,892 - you know, to unlock 135 00:04:24,305 --> 00:04:26,892 their inner potential. 136 00:04:26,934 --> 00:04:27,601 Whoa... 137 00:04:27,642 --> 00:04:29,186 pretty deep, bro. 138 00:04:29,228 --> 00:04:31,146 Hey, I just wanna be 139 00:04:29,228 --> 00:04:31,146 a rock legend. 140 00:04:31,188 --> 00:04:33,440 Speaking of which, did you 141 00:04:31,188 --> 00:04:33,440 call any music reviewers 142 00:04:33,481 --> 00:04:34,357 or publicists? 143 00:04:34,399 --> 00:04:35,609 Publicists? 144 00:04:35,650 --> 00:04:37,694 Publicity would be 145 00:04:35,650 --> 00:04:37,694 a great idea. 146 00:04:37,736 --> 00:04:39,947 We need TV, print, radio, 147 00:04:37,736 --> 00:04:39,947 social media. 148 00:04:39,988 --> 00:04:43,033 Turbofied is going to take 149 00:04:39,988 --> 00:04:43,033 the world by storm! 150 00:04:43,075 --> 00:04:44,367 Bring it in, guys. 151 00:04:44,409 --> 00:04:45,994 Let's post a vid online. 152 00:04:46,036 --> 00:04:48,163 Hey, everyone, 153 00:04:46,036 --> 00:04:48,163 this is Turbofied. 154 00:04:48,205 --> 00:04:51,625 Come on out tomorrow and support 155 00:04:48,205 --> 00:04:51,625 us at the Battle of the Bands. 156 00:04:51,666 --> 00:04:53,501 Not only will you be 157 00:04:51,666 --> 00:04:53,501 supporting our dreams, 158 00:04:53,543 --> 00:04:56,379 but donations will go toward 159 00:04:53,543 --> 00:04:56,379 the Earth Defense Fund. 160 00:04:56,421 --> 00:04:58,506 So show up and let those 161 00:04:56,421 --> 00:04:58,506 UltraLinks know 162 00:04:58,548 --> 00:05:01,051 we're united behind Max Steel! 163 00:05:01,093 --> 00:05:02,385 Oh, and rumor has it, 164 00:05:02,427 --> 00:05:05,055 Max Steel is actually gonna make 165 00:05:02,427 --> 00:05:05,055 an appearance. 166 00:05:05,097 --> 00:05:06,140 So don't miss him. 167 00:05:06,181 --> 00:05:10,435 And don't forget to vote 168 00:05:06,181 --> 00:05:10,435 for Turbofied. 169 00:05:10,477 --> 00:05:16,275 So Metallak has finally decided 170 00:05:10,477 --> 00:05:16,275 to grace us with his presence? 171 00:05:16,316 --> 00:05:18,277 Watch your tone, Windbag. 172 00:05:18,318 --> 00:05:20,070 Our mission is simple - 173 00:05:20,112 --> 00:05:24,074 subdue this planet 174 00:05:20,112 --> 00:05:24,074 and destroy Max Steel. 175 00:05:24,116 --> 00:05:25,867 Good luck with that. 176 00:05:25,909 --> 00:05:26,994 Fool! 177 00:05:27,035 --> 00:05:28,912 He is a MegaLink. 178 00:05:28,954 --> 00:05:31,581 He can annex us! 179 00:05:31,623 --> 00:05:35,585 Exactly, Elementor, I can 180 00:05:31,623 --> 00:05:35,585 absorb you into my being! 181 00:05:35,627 --> 00:05:37,087 And I should 182 00:05:37,129 --> 00:05:40,715 considering you failed to 183 00:05:37,129 --> 00:05:40,715 subdue this planet years ago. 184 00:05:40,757 --> 00:05:45,679 I apologize for being 185 00:05:40,757 --> 00:05:45,679 so hot-headed, Sir. 186 00:05:45,720 --> 00:05:49,390 And for being a big failure. 187 00:05:49,432 --> 00:05:52,560 And for being a big failure. 188 00:05:52,602 --> 00:05:57,356 Unlike Elementor, 189 00:05:52,602 --> 00:05:57,356 I will not fail you. 190 00:05:57,398 --> 00:06:01,903 Instead, I will forge you 191 00:05:57,398 --> 00:06:01,903 into a powerful fighting force. 192 00:06:01,945 --> 00:06:06,658 And once I do, we will destroy 193 00:06:01,945 --> 00:06:06,658 Max Steel. 194 00:06:06,700 --> 00:06:09,077 For the Glory of Makino! 195 00:06:09,119 --> 00:06:11,872 For the Glory of Makino! 196 00:06:11,913 --> 00:06:13,999 We are so gonna 197 00:06:11,913 --> 00:06:13,999 win tomorrow. 198 00:06:14,041 --> 00:06:15,250 Yo! Yo!! Yo!!! 199 00:06:15,292 --> 00:06:18,962 [♪♪♪♪♪] 200 00:06:19,004 --> 00:06:21,256 ♪ You're walkin' 201 00:06:19,004 --> 00:06:21,256 through the hall. ♪ 202 00:06:21,298 --> 00:06:23,382 ♪ When we trip you 203 00:06:21,298 --> 00:06:23,382 and you fall ♪ 204 00:06:23,424 --> 00:06:24,092 Ohh! 205 00:06:24,134 --> 00:06:26,928 These guys are good. 206 00:06:26,970 --> 00:06:29,890 Yo, yo, yo, 207 00:06:26,970 --> 00:06:29,890 Copper Canyonites! 208 00:06:29,931 --> 00:06:33,560 You all know me as Butch, 209 00:06:29,931 --> 00:06:33,560 King Butch, Butch the Boss. 210 00:06:33,601 --> 00:06:37,814 But at the Battle of the Bands, 211 00:06:33,601 --> 00:06:37,814 I'll be Butch-tastic, 212 00:06:37,856 --> 00:06:40,317 lead singer of 213 00:06:37,856 --> 00:06:40,317 the Locker Thugs. 214 00:06:40,359 --> 00:06:42,443 Come on out and vote for us. 215 00:06:42,485 --> 00:06:44,654 [cheers and applause] 216 00:06:44,696 --> 00:06:45,697 They have laser lights! 217 00:06:45,739 --> 00:06:47,282 And flash pots! 218 00:06:47,324 --> 00:06:49,993 Why'd they have to have 219 00:06:47,324 --> 00:06:49,993 flash pots? 220 00:06:50,035 --> 00:06:53,163 We're ambushing 221 00:06:50,035 --> 00:06:53,163 Max Steel tomorrow. 222 00:06:53,205 --> 00:06:54,248 We? 223 00:06:54,289 --> 00:06:55,832 You're staying here, 224 00:06:55,874 --> 00:06:59,044 while we finish the job that 225 00:06:55,874 --> 00:06:59,044 you couldn't. 226 00:06:59,086 --> 00:07:01,462 Am I interrupting something? 227 00:07:01,504 --> 00:07:04,049 The infamous Miles Dredd. 228 00:07:04,091 --> 00:07:05,424 And you are? 229 00:07:05,466 --> 00:07:08,762 Metal Elementor, Supreme 230 00:07:05,466 --> 00:07:08,762 Commander of Makino's fleet. 231 00:07:08,803 --> 00:07:12,099 Prepare your forces to assist 232 00:07:08,803 --> 00:07:12,099 mine in an attack. 233 00:07:12,140 --> 00:07:15,435 First of all, I don't take 234 00:07:12,140 --> 00:07:15,435 orders from you. 235 00:07:15,476 --> 00:07:20,648 Second of all, I don't take 236 00:07:15,476 --> 00:07:20,648 orders from you. 237 00:07:20,690 --> 00:07:22,567 You may have made a deal 238 00:07:20,690 --> 00:07:22,567 with my master. 239 00:07:22,609 --> 00:07:26,571 But when I destroy Max Steel, 240 00:07:22,609 --> 00:07:26,571 that deal is over. 241 00:07:26,613 --> 00:07:28,489 I look forward to that day. 242 00:07:28,531 --> 00:07:31,576 Because it will be your last! 243 00:07:31,618 --> 00:07:35,122 Now, tell me about this attack. 244 00:07:35,163 --> 00:07:37,582 My team intercepted 245 00:07:35,163 --> 00:07:37,582 the following transmission 246 00:07:37,624 --> 00:07:39,334 from an online source. 247 00:07:39,376 --> 00:07:42,296 Come on out tomorrow and support 248 00:07:39,376 --> 00:07:42,296 us at the Battle of the Bands. 249 00:07:42,337 --> 00:07:43,546 Oh, and rumor has it, 250 00:07:43,588 --> 00:07:46,507 Max Steel is actually gonna make 251 00:07:43,588 --> 00:07:46,507 an appearance. 252 00:07:46,549 --> 00:07:48,385 Interesting. 253 00:07:48,427 --> 00:07:51,096 A morale boosting rally. 254 00:07:51,138 --> 00:07:54,682 Which I plan to turn into 255 00:07:51,138 --> 00:07:54,682 a morale busting rally. 256 00:07:54,724 --> 00:07:57,102 I will destroy their beloved 257 00:07:54,724 --> 00:07:57,102 Max Steel, 258 00:07:57,144 --> 00:08:00,105 before their very eyes. 259 00:08:08,363 --> 00:08:11,241 Max, relax, 260 00:08:08,363 --> 00:08:11,241 things'll be fine. 261 00:08:11,283 --> 00:08:12,826 It's not gonna be fine, Syd. 262 00:08:12,867 --> 00:08:14,661 Butch's band has lasers and-- 263 00:08:14,702 --> 00:08:15,996 Flash pots. 264 00:08:16,037 --> 00:08:18,498 Yeah, you've really got a thing 265 00:08:16,037 --> 00:08:18,498 about flash pots. 266 00:08:18,539 --> 00:08:20,292 Crowds do love the flash. 267 00:08:20,334 --> 00:08:21,084 Exactly! 268 00:08:21,126 --> 00:08:22,794 And we have no flash! 269 00:08:22,836 --> 00:08:24,212 Actually, we do. 270 00:08:24,254 --> 00:08:25,713 We do?! 271 00:08:25,755 --> 00:08:26,589 Uh. 272 00:08:26,631 --> 00:08:27,924 Do we or don't we? 273 00:08:27,966 --> 00:08:29,468 Just say "I know a guy." 274 00:08:29,509 --> 00:08:32,053 Uhh... I know a guy. 275 00:08:34,639 --> 00:08:35,390 Huh? 276 00:08:35,432 --> 00:08:36,557 N-Tek's very own... 277 00:08:36,599 --> 00:08:38,018 Turbo Roadie! 278 00:08:38,059 --> 00:08:39,394 Me llamo Berto. 279 00:08:39,436 --> 00:08:41,146 You guys need special FX? 280 00:08:41,188 --> 00:08:42,647 [dumbfounded] 281 00:08:41,188 --> 00:08:42,647 Yuhhhhhhh... 282 00:08:42,689 --> 00:08:45,775 I've got special F-X. 283 00:08:45,817 --> 00:08:47,486 C'mon, don't just stand there! 284 00:08:47,527 --> 00:08:48,695 Let's rock and roll! 285 00:08:48,736 --> 00:08:49,529 YEAH! 286 00:08:49,570 --> 00:08:51,072 Let's do this! 287 00:08:54,784 --> 00:08:57,662 [frustrated grunting] 288 00:08:57,704 --> 00:08:58,788 Naught! 289 00:08:58,830 --> 00:08:59,956 Have you decrypted 290 00:08:58,830 --> 00:08:59,956 the Turbo Star data 291 00:08:59,998 --> 00:09:01,749 that we recovered 292 00:08:59,998 --> 00:09:01,749 from N-Tek? 293 00:09:01,791 --> 00:09:04,044 I'm working as fast 294 00:09:01,791 --> 00:09:04,044 as I can. 295 00:09:04,085 --> 00:09:04,878 [grunts] 296 00:09:04,919 --> 00:09:06,129 Well, work faster! 297 00:09:06,171 --> 00:09:08,548 Makino has sent a new 298 00:09:06,171 --> 00:09:08,548 general to ensure that 299 00:09:08,589 --> 00:09:14,388 Max Steel's destruction happens 300 00:09:08,589 --> 00:09:14,388 sooner, rather than later. 301 00:09:14,429 --> 00:09:15,596 If he destroys Max Steel, 302 00:09:15,638 --> 00:09:17,891 Makino has no more 303 00:09:15,638 --> 00:09:17,891 use for us, and... 304 00:09:17,932 --> 00:09:19,893 he'll turn his sights on us! 305 00:09:19,934 --> 00:09:21,186 Crack that data. 306 00:09:21,228 --> 00:09:22,603 Find the Turbo Star. 307 00:09:22,645 --> 00:09:23,813 Our survival depends on it! 308 00:09:23,855 --> 00:09:26,316 [cheering] 309 00:09:26,358 --> 00:09:30,111 Give it up for 310 00:09:26,358 --> 00:09:30,111 Stanky Sandwich. 311 00:09:30,153 --> 00:09:31,446 I'm Ty Dimples and welcome, 312 00:09:30,153 --> 00:09:31,446 once again, 313 00:09:31,488 --> 00:09:33,532 to the Copper Canyon Battle 314 00:09:31,488 --> 00:09:33,532 of the Bands. 315 00:09:33,573 --> 00:09:34,533 Are you having fun?! 316 00:09:34,574 --> 00:09:36,951 [cheering] 317 00:09:36,993 --> 00:09:40,080 Is it just me or 318 00:09:36,993 --> 00:09:40,080 is it getting hot? 319 00:09:40,121 --> 00:09:41,164 Your vitals are spiking. 320 00:09:41,206 --> 00:09:42,290 Relax. 321 00:09:42,332 --> 00:09:44,334 I'm trying Steel, 322 00:09:42,332 --> 00:09:44,334 but the more I try, 323 00:09:44,376 --> 00:09:46,044 the more nervous I get. 324 00:09:46,086 --> 00:09:47,504 Where are the costumes, 325 00:09:46,086 --> 00:09:47,504 people? 326 00:09:47,546 --> 00:09:49,214 We don't have our costumes? 327 00:09:49,256 --> 00:09:50,507 Take a deep breath, Max. 328 00:09:50,549 --> 00:09:52,050 Remember why we're here. 329 00:09:52,092 --> 00:09:54,553 I wanted to be a rock legend 330 00:09:52,092 --> 00:09:54,553 and you wanted to-- 331 00:09:54,594 --> 00:09:56,012 Create music that 332 00:09:54,594 --> 00:09:56,012 inspired people 333 00:09:56,054 --> 00:09:58,181 to unlock their inner potential. 334 00:09:58,223 --> 00:09:59,682 Let's rock this! 335 00:09:59,724 --> 00:10:00,934 HA! 336 00:10:00,975 --> 00:10:04,479 Max McGrath and Steel, 337 00:10:00,975 --> 00:10:04,479 the UltraLink Slayer! 338 00:10:04,521 --> 00:10:07,148 Uh you do realize you're 339 00:10:04,521 --> 00:10:07,148 an UltraLink, right? 340 00:10:07,190 --> 00:10:07,857 I know. 341 00:10:07,899 --> 00:10:08,900 It sounds cool, though. 342 00:10:08,942 --> 00:10:09,943 [gasp] 343 00:10:09,984 --> 00:10:10,985 Uhhh, Max? 344 00:10:11,027 --> 00:10:13,447 Heh, pretty life-like 345 00:10:11,027 --> 00:10:13,447 model, huh? 346 00:10:13,488 --> 00:10:14,948 I -- am - Steel. 347 00:10:14,989 --> 00:10:16,408 Rock - on. 348 00:10:16,450 --> 00:10:19,578 [chuckles nervously] 349 00:10:19,619 --> 00:10:20,661 Everyone... 350 00:10:20,703 --> 00:10:22,581 the Locker Thugs! 351 00:10:22,622 --> 00:10:28,044 [cheering] 352 00:10:28,086 --> 00:10:30,880 Go Turbo... Panic... 353 00:10:30,922 --> 00:10:33,967 [♪♪♪♪♪] 354 00:10:34,008 --> 00:10:36,136 ♪ You're walkin' 355 00:10:34,008 --> 00:10:36,136 through the hall ♪ 356 00:10:36,177 --> 00:10:38,721 ♪ When we trip you 357 00:10:36,177 --> 00:10:38,721 and you fall ♪ 358 00:10:38,763 --> 00:10:42,309 ♪ It's Locker Time! ♪ 359 00:10:42,350 --> 00:10:44,727 No sign of Max Steel yet. 360 00:10:44,769 --> 00:10:45,937 Give it time. 361 00:10:45,979 --> 00:10:48,565 Patience is a general's most 362 00:10:45,979 --> 00:10:48,565 valuable weapon. 363 00:10:50,817 --> 00:10:52,860 ♪ It's Locker Time! ♪ 364 00:10:52,902 --> 00:10:55,655 ♪ It's Locker Time! ♪ 365 00:10:55,696 --> 00:11:00,076 ♪ It's Locker time! ♪ 366 00:11:00,118 --> 00:11:02,203 ♪ YEAHHH! ♪ 367 00:11:02,245 --> 00:11:03,830 WOOOOOO! 368 00:11:03,871 --> 00:11:06,541 Give it up for the Locker 369 00:11:03,871 --> 00:11:06,541 Thugs! 370 00:11:06,583 --> 00:11:07,667 [cheers] 371 00:11:07,708 --> 00:11:09,252 Yeah, give it up! 372 00:11:09,294 --> 00:11:10,337 Or else! 373 00:11:10,378 --> 00:11:12,506 Beat that, McGrath. 374 00:11:14,257 --> 00:11:15,258 Don't let him get 375 00:11:14,257 --> 00:11:15,258 into your head. 376 00:11:15,300 --> 00:11:17,302 It's crowded enough in here. 377 00:11:17,344 --> 00:11:19,513 Berto, where are the 378 00:11:17,344 --> 00:11:19,513 costumes?! 379 00:11:22,681 --> 00:11:24,559 WOAAA! 380 00:11:24,601 --> 00:11:28,188 Okay people, our final band 381 00:11:24,601 --> 00:11:28,188 of the competition... 382 00:11:28,229 --> 00:11:30,273 Turbofied! 383 00:11:30,315 --> 00:11:31,732 You ready to rock, Tur-Bro? 384 00:11:31,774 --> 00:11:34,068 Thanks to you, Ro-Bro. 385 00:11:34,110 --> 00:11:35,694 1-2-3-4! 386 00:11:35,736 --> 00:11:38,239 [♪♪♪♪♪] 387 00:11:38,281 --> 00:11:39,533 Max Steel located! 388 00:11:39,574 --> 00:11:42,118 ♪ Max and Steel, ♪ 389 00:11:42,160 --> 00:11:43,702 ♪ we're joined at the hip! ♪ 390 00:11:43,744 --> 00:11:47,374 ♪ 391 00:11:47,415 --> 00:11:52,711 ♪ The baddies are here, 392 00:11:47,415 --> 00:11:52,711 but don't run in fear. ♪ 393 00:11:52,753 --> 00:11:55,131 He appears to be in a powerful 394 00:11:52,753 --> 00:11:55,131 new Turbo Mode. 395 00:11:55,173 --> 00:11:58,677 ♪ So long Dredd Earth Wind 396 00:11:55,173 --> 00:11:58,677 Water and Fire. ♪ 397 00:11:58,717 --> 00:12:02,055 ♪ Your situation's 398 00:11:58,717 --> 00:12:02,055 pretty dire. ♪ 399 00:12:02,096 --> 00:12:05,892 ♪ Go Turbo Speed! ♪ 400 00:12:05,933 --> 00:12:09,854 ♪ Go Turbo Strength! ♪ 401 00:12:09,896 --> 00:12:12,691 ♪ Go Turbo Flight! ♪ 402 00:12:12,731 --> 00:12:17,028 ♪ We're gonna Rock you 403 00:12:12,731 --> 00:12:17,028 Turbo tonight! ♪ 404 00:12:17,070 --> 00:12:20,073 I am Steel, the 405 00:12:17,070 --> 00:12:20,073 UltraLink Slayer! 406 00:12:20,114 --> 00:12:21,908 [cheering] 407 00:12:21,949 --> 00:12:23,577 Flash pots! 408 00:12:23,618 --> 00:12:28,915 [cheering] 409 00:12:28,956 --> 00:12:31,209 It's my pleasure 410 00:12:28,956 --> 00:12:31,209 to present the winners 411 00:12:31,251 --> 00:12:33,961 of this year's battle of 412 00:12:31,251 --> 00:12:33,961 the bands... 413 00:12:34,003 --> 00:12:36,715 Turbofied! 414 00:12:36,755 --> 00:12:37,716 [scoffs] 415 00:12:37,756 --> 00:12:38,757 Could you have at 416 00:12:37,756 --> 00:12:38,757 least pretended 417 00:12:38,799 --> 00:12:40,677 it was hard to choose?! 418 00:12:40,719 --> 00:12:43,597 [chanting] 419 00:12:40,719 --> 00:12:43,597 Turbofied! Turbofied! 420 00:12:43,638 --> 00:12:46,099 Thank you, Copper Canyon! 421 00:12:53,772 --> 00:12:54,232 Woa! 422 00:12:54,274 --> 00:12:55,108 [growl] 423 00:12:55,149 --> 00:12:57,485 [screaming] 424 00:12:55,149 --> 00:12:57,485 Ahhhh! 425 00:12:57,527 --> 00:12:58,528 Berto, smoke show! 426 00:12:58,570 --> 00:13:00,530 Now! 427 00:13:00,572 --> 00:13:04,367 Go Turbo Flight! 428 00:13:04,409 --> 00:13:05,535 Heads up! 429 00:13:08,162 --> 00:13:08,996 WOA! 430 00:13:09,038 --> 00:13:11,207 Max! Max! 431 00:13:11,249 --> 00:13:14,419 Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!! 432 00:13:14,461 --> 00:13:17,213 Um, Steel, 433 00:13:17,255 --> 00:13:18,632 what is that thing? 434 00:13:18,673 --> 00:13:22,510 It's like an UltraLink, 435 00:13:18,673 --> 00:13:22,510 only waaay scarier. 436 00:13:22,552 --> 00:13:24,554 It's part iron, 437 00:13:22,552 --> 00:13:24,554 part titanium, 438 00:13:24,596 --> 00:13:27,599 with trace samples 439 00:13:24,596 --> 00:13:27,599 of other metals. 440 00:13:27,641 --> 00:13:29,350 Metal Elementor? 441 00:13:29,392 --> 00:13:31,603 [roar] 442 00:13:31,645 --> 00:13:33,812 Pleased to meet you, 443 00:13:31,645 --> 00:13:33,812 Max Steel. 444 00:13:33,854 --> 00:13:37,233 Even more pleased to say 445 00:13:33,854 --> 00:13:37,233 good bye... 446 00:13:40,194 --> 00:13:42,697 [screaming] 447 00:13:40,194 --> 00:13:42,697 NO!!!!!!!!! 448 00:13:44,073 --> 00:13:45,742 [screaming] 449 00:13:44,073 --> 00:13:45,742 NO!!!!!!!!! 450 00:13:46,451 --> 00:13:47,577 [screaming] 451 00:13:46,451 --> 00:13:47,577 Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!! 452 00:13:49,287 --> 00:13:52,666 Go Turbo Speed! 453 00:13:52,707 --> 00:13:56,835 Go Turbo Clone! 454 00:13:56,877 --> 00:13:58,588 [grunts] 455 00:14:01,382 --> 00:14:04,678 You'll be safe here, citizen. 456 00:14:04,719 --> 00:14:06,137 Kirby, did you see Max? 457 00:14:06,179 --> 00:14:06,929 Dude! 458 00:14:06,971 --> 00:14:08,682 I'm seeing a bunch of 'em! 459 00:14:08,723 --> 00:14:09,557 Help! 460 00:14:09,599 --> 00:14:11,225 Mommy?! 461 00:14:11,267 --> 00:14:13,186 [screams] 462 00:14:11,267 --> 00:14:13,186 Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!! 463 00:14:13,227 --> 00:14:14,646 I love you Max Steel! 464 00:14:16,606 --> 00:14:17,649 [GRUNT] 465 00:14:19,984 --> 00:14:21,402 Gah! 466 00:14:21,444 --> 00:14:22,570 [roar] 467 00:14:25,615 --> 00:14:29,703 They're totally 468 00:14:25,615 --> 00:14:29,703 ganging up on us. 469 00:14:29,744 --> 00:14:31,245 Two can play at that game. 470 00:14:31,287 --> 00:14:33,289 But nine can play it 471 00:14:31,287 --> 00:14:33,289 even better. 472 00:14:36,584 --> 00:14:41,631 [grunts] 473 00:14:41,673 --> 00:14:42,632 M-M-Mama! 474 00:14:47,094 --> 00:14:49,889 Prepare to taste metal, 475 00:14:47,094 --> 00:14:49,889 Steel! 476 00:14:57,063 --> 00:14:57,772 This stinks! 477 00:14:57,814 --> 00:14:58,565 [growl] 478 00:14:58,606 --> 00:14:59,482 AAH! 479 00:14:59,524 --> 00:15:01,984 [struggles] 480 00:15:02,026 --> 00:15:04,696 Okay, I like 481 00:15:02,026 --> 00:15:04,696 your new tag-team tactics. 482 00:15:04,738 --> 00:15:07,615 But you fight together-- 483 00:15:04,738 --> 00:15:07,615 You fall together! 484 00:15:07,657 --> 00:15:08,491 [grunts] 485 00:15:08,533 --> 00:15:11,994 [whimpers] 486 00:15:12,036 --> 00:15:15,498 [grunts] 487 00:15:12,036 --> 00:15:15,498 Go Turbo Cannon! 488 00:15:15,540 --> 00:15:17,667 [groans] 489 00:15:17,709 --> 00:15:20,461 You're mine now Max Steel! 490 00:15:20,503 --> 00:15:22,797 [grunts] 491 00:15:22,839 --> 00:15:25,675 Max he's siphoning 492 00:15:22,839 --> 00:15:25,675 our Turbo Energy. 493 00:15:25,717 --> 00:15:28,094 You're going to tell me 494 00:15:25,717 --> 00:15:28,094 everything you know 495 00:15:28,135 --> 00:15:30,638 about the Turbo Star. 496 00:15:30,680 --> 00:15:32,557 The Turbo What-now? 497 00:15:32,599 --> 00:15:35,560 Don't play coy with me 498 00:15:32,599 --> 00:15:35,560 Max Steel! 499 00:15:35,602 --> 00:15:37,520 [growls] 500 00:15:37,562 --> 00:15:38,646 AAAAHHH!! 501 00:15:38,688 --> 00:15:40,899 Guess Dredd needs 502 00:15:38,688 --> 00:15:40,899 a backup plan. 503 00:15:40,940 --> 00:15:43,276 Berto! Right on time! 504 00:15:43,317 --> 00:15:44,694 Time to rock! 505 00:15:44,736 --> 00:15:46,863 And roll! 506 00:15:46,905 --> 00:15:51,910 [crash sounds] 507 00:15:51,951 --> 00:15:54,621 We finish this now! 508 00:15:54,662 --> 00:15:55,580 Bring it! 509 00:15:55,622 --> 00:15:56,915 Heads up, Max! 510 00:16:00,710 --> 00:16:04,255 At long last, Steel - 511 00:16:00,710 --> 00:16:04,255 the Deserter. 512 00:16:05,506 --> 00:16:06,382 Deserter? 513 00:16:06,424 --> 00:16:07,508 Refreshing take 514 00:16:06,424 --> 00:16:07,508 on "Traitor." 515 00:16:07,550 --> 00:16:08,718 Wait, I deserted? 516 00:16:08,760 --> 00:16:10,762 From my army! 517 00:16:10,804 --> 00:16:12,096 Woa! 518 00:16:12,138 --> 00:16:14,641 And I will make you pay 519 00:16:12,138 --> 00:16:14,641 for dishonoring our code. 520 00:16:14,682 --> 00:16:16,976 [striking effort] 521 00:16:17,017 --> 00:16:19,312 [grunting] 522 00:16:19,353 --> 00:16:22,565 I am Steel, the 523 00:16:19,353 --> 00:16:22,565 UltraLink Slayer! 524 00:16:22,607 --> 00:16:25,192 [grunt] 525 00:16:25,234 --> 00:16:27,528 I am a MegaLink. 526 00:16:27,570 --> 00:16:29,405 Which does complicate 527 00:16:27,570 --> 00:16:29,405 matters... 528 00:16:29,447 --> 00:16:31,491 Incoming! 529 00:16:31,532 --> 00:16:33,242 Yeah! Cytro! 530 00:16:33,284 --> 00:16:34,702 N-Tek backup's on the way. 531 00:16:37,330 --> 00:16:38,539 [sighs] 532 00:16:38,581 --> 00:16:40,082 We need to figure 533 00:16:38,581 --> 00:16:40,082 out how to take him down! 534 00:16:40,124 --> 00:16:41,167 [roar] 535 00:16:41,208 --> 00:16:44,545 I'm thinking, 536 00:16:41,208 --> 00:16:44,545 I'm thinking! 537 00:16:44,587 --> 00:16:47,674 That is not good! 538 00:16:47,715 --> 00:16:52,011 Go Turbo Strength! 539 00:16:52,052 --> 00:16:54,221 A truck full of 540 00:16:52,052 --> 00:16:54,221 Dangerous chemicals. 541 00:16:54,263 --> 00:16:55,222 That's it! 542 00:16:55,264 --> 00:16:57,016 Head to the Industrial 543 00:16:55,264 --> 00:16:57,016 District. 544 00:16:57,057 --> 00:16:59,185 28... 29... 30! 545 00:16:59,226 --> 00:17:01,312 That is one more lunch 546 00:16:59,226 --> 00:17:01,312 you owe me Kat! 547 00:17:01,354 --> 00:17:02,563 Not yet Jefferson, 548 00:17:02,605 --> 00:17:04,482 Dreddnaughts in the park 549 00:17:02,605 --> 00:17:04,482 count double! 550 00:17:09,529 --> 00:17:10,655 [angry growl] 551 00:17:16,285 --> 00:17:18,663 This is a metal processing 552 00:17:16,285 --> 00:17:18,663 plant, Steel. 553 00:17:18,705 --> 00:17:19,998 Filled with metal. 554 00:17:20,039 --> 00:17:24,377 You do realize we're fighting 555 00:17:20,039 --> 00:17:24,377 a metal elementor? 556 00:17:24,418 --> 00:17:25,419 A spray rig! 557 00:17:25,461 --> 00:17:26,504 For cleaning metal! 558 00:17:26,546 --> 00:17:28,214 Your plan is to shower him 559 00:17:26,546 --> 00:17:28,214 to death? 560 00:17:28,255 --> 00:17:30,758 My plan is to shower him 561 00:17:28,255 --> 00:17:30,758 with hydrochloric acid. 562 00:17:30,800 --> 00:17:32,844 This plant cleans metal 563 00:17:30,800 --> 00:17:32,844 by burning rust off 564 00:17:32,886 --> 00:17:34,012 with small doses of it. 565 00:17:34,053 --> 00:17:36,639 But in larger doses, 566 00:17:34,053 --> 00:17:36,639 it dissolves metal. 567 00:17:36,681 --> 00:17:38,933 So I lead Metal Elementor 568 00:17:36,681 --> 00:17:38,933 under this thing. 569 00:17:38,975 --> 00:17:42,645 And I activate it remotely. 570 00:17:42,687 --> 00:17:43,855 Coward! 571 00:17:43,897 --> 00:17:45,690 I will destroy you! 572 00:17:45,732 --> 00:17:47,692 Yeah, we kinda have 573 00:17:45,732 --> 00:17:47,692 the same plan. 574 00:17:47,734 --> 00:17:50,945 Go Turbo Strength! 575 00:17:50,987 --> 00:17:53,197 Aaargh!!!!! 576 00:17:53,239 --> 00:17:54,281 Uh-oh! 577 00:17:54,323 --> 00:17:55,616 UGH!!!!!! 578 00:17:55,658 --> 00:17:57,243 [ROARS] 579 00:17:57,284 --> 00:17:59,620 Uhh... We didn't discuss 580 00:17:57,284 --> 00:17:59,620 a plan B, did we? 581 00:17:59,662 --> 00:18:00,663 Sadly, no. 582 00:18:00,705 --> 00:18:02,415 Incoming! 583 00:18:05,710 --> 00:18:07,503 You are a disgrace, 584 00:18:05,710 --> 00:18:07,503 Steel! 585 00:18:07,545 --> 00:18:09,296 You ally with this 586 00:18:07,545 --> 00:18:09,296 pathetic human 587 00:18:09,338 --> 00:18:11,716 and seek to destroy 588 00:18:09,338 --> 00:18:11,716 your own kind? 589 00:18:11,758 --> 00:18:13,927 At least I'm not Makino's 590 00:18:11,758 --> 00:18:13,927 lackey. 591 00:18:15,720 --> 00:18:17,764 [grunts] 592 00:18:17,805 --> 00:18:19,891 How dare you?! 593 00:18:19,933 --> 00:18:21,726 [grunts] 594 00:18:21,768 --> 00:18:24,062 [panting] 595 00:18:24,103 --> 00:18:27,023 I spy with my little eye, 596 00:18:24,103 --> 00:18:27,023 plan B. 597 00:18:27,065 --> 00:18:28,816 More hydrochloric acid! 598 00:18:28,858 --> 00:18:31,069 This ends now- 599 00:18:31,110 --> 00:18:33,821 Argh!!!!! 600 00:18:33,863 --> 00:18:37,199 Time to put the pedal 601 00:18:33,863 --> 00:18:37,199 to the metal! 602 00:18:37,241 --> 00:18:39,368 Go Turbo Speed! 603 00:18:41,495 --> 00:18:43,623 Go Turbo Strength! 604 00:18:43,664 --> 00:18:45,458 [grunts] 605 00:18:45,499 --> 00:18:47,085 Go Turbo Flight! 606 00:18:54,717 --> 00:18:56,094 NOOOOOO!!! 607 00:18:59,639 --> 00:19:02,016 Go Turbo Cannon! 608 00:19:07,730 --> 00:19:09,607 Looks like we tested 609 00:19:07,730 --> 00:19:09,607 your mettle. 610 00:19:09,649 --> 00:19:10,524 And you failed. 611 00:19:10,566 --> 00:19:11,943 Big time! 612 00:19:11,985 --> 00:19:15,905 I will destroy you, 613 00:19:11,985 --> 00:19:15,905 Max Steel. 614 00:19:15,947 --> 00:19:17,448 And once I do, 615 00:19:17,490 --> 00:19:21,953 my master will consume 616 00:19:17,490 --> 00:19:21,953 your pathetic planet! 617 00:19:21,995 --> 00:19:23,746 For the Glory of Makino! 618 00:19:30,795 --> 00:19:33,881 Poor Metal Elementor. 619 00:19:33,923 --> 00:19:36,342 It must be burning him 620 00:19:33,923 --> 00:19:36,342 up inside 621 00:19:36,383 --> 00:19:39,178 that Max Steel defeated him. 622 00:19:42,682 --> 00:19:44,725 How did Metal Elementor 623 00:19:42,682 --> 00:19:44,725 fare? 624 00:19:44,767 --> 00:19:46,894 Let's just say he feels 625 00:19:44,767 --> 00:19:46,894 a little burned 626 00:19:46,936 --> 00:19:48,604 by the experience. 627 00:19:48,646 --> 00:19:52,232 Have you made any progress 628 00:19:48,646 --> 00:19:52,232 regarding the Turbo Star? 629 00:19:52,274 --> 00:19:52,942 Yes. 630 00:19:52,984 --> 00:19:54,110 I decrypted some data 631 00:19:54,152 --> 00:19:56,320 that proves your suspicions 632 00:19:54,152 --> 00:19:56,320 were right. 633 00:19:56,362 --> 00:19:59,532 The Turbo Star wasn't 634 00:19:56,362 --> 00:19:59,532 destroyed during the explosion?! 635 00:19:59,573 --> 00:20:00,783 No. 636 00:20:00,825 --> 00:20:03,243 It broke up into three 637 00:20:00,825 --> 00:20:03,243 pieces and, like you, 638 00:20:03,285 --> 00:20:05,746 each piece was teleported 639 00:20:03,285 --> 00:20:05,746 somewhere around the planet 640 00:20:05,788 --> 00:20:08,457 by a quantum level reaction. 641 00:20:08,499 --> 00:20:09,375 WHERE?! 642 00:20:09,416 --> 00:20:11,127 I have a lead on 643 00:20:09,416 --> 00:20:11,127 the first piece. 644 00:20:11,169 --> 00:20:13,880 But it'll take time to 645 00:20:11,169 --> 00:20:13,880 reveal the exact coordinates. 646 00:20:13,921 --> 00:20:16,590 Time is something 647 00:20:13,921 --> 00:20:16,590 we're running out of. 648 00:20:16,632 --> 00:20:21,470 Makino is coming and the Turbo 649 00:20:16,632 --> 00:20:21,470 Star is the ace up my sleeve. 650 00:20:21,512 --> 00:20:22,930 Work fast, Mr Naught. 651 00:20:22,972 --> 00:20:24,557 Work fast. 652 00:20:27,101 --> 00:20:28,394 This is it, guys. 653 00:20:28,435 --> 00:20:30,521 They posted our video online. 654 00:20:30,563 --> 00:20:31,230 You ready? 655 00:20:31,271 --> 00:20:32,190 After weeks of waiting? 656 00:20:32,272 --> 00:20:33,149 Totally! 657 00:20:33,191 --> 00:20:34,984 [laughs] 658 00:20:33,191 --> 00:20:34,984 Go Turbofied! 659 00:20:35,026 --> 00:20:36,110 Hit play already. 660 00:20:36,152 --> 00:20:38,112 I want to see how good 661 00:20:36,152 --> 00:20:38,112 I look. 662 00:20:38,154 --> 00:20:42,658 [♪♪♪♪♪] 663 00:20:42,700 --> 00:20:45,327 ♪ Max and Steel, ♪ 664 00:20:45,369 --> 00:20:46,829 ♪ we're joined at the hip. ♪ 665 00:20:46,871 --> 00:20:50,499 [♪♪♪♪♪] 666 00:20:50,541 --> 00:20:56,380 ♪ And we're on a turbo 667 00:20:50,541 --> 00:20:56,380 powered trip! ♪ 668 00:20:56,422 --> 00:20:58,507 [growl] 669 00:20:58,549 --> 00:21:05,973 ♪ The baddies are here, 670 00:20:58,549 --> 00:21:05,973 but don't run in fear. ♪ 671 00:21:06,015 --> 00:21:09,643 ♪ So long Dredd 672 00:21:06,015 --> 00:21:09,643 Earth Wind Water and Fire. ♪ 673 00:21:09,685 --> 00:21:12,605 ♪ Your situations 674 00:21:09,685 --> 00:21:12,605 pretty dire. ♪ 675 00:21:12,646 --> 00:21:16,525 ♪ Go turbo speed, ♪ 676 00:21:16,567 --> 00:21:20,613 ♪ go turbo strength, ♪ 677 00:21:20,654 --> 00:21:23,490 ♪ go turbo flight, ♪ 678 00:21:23,532 --> 00:21:27,161 ♪ we're gonna rock you 679 00:21:23,532 --> 00:21:27,161 turbo tonight! ♪ 680 00:21:27,203 --> 00:21:30,539 I am Steel, the 681 00:21:27,203 --> 00:21:30,539 Ultralink slayer! 682 00:21:30,581 --> 00:21:31,665 [laughing]