1 00:00:05,130 --> 00:00:07,633 RETREAT! 2 00:00:07,675 --> 00:00:10,135 Yee-haw! 3 00:00:10,177 --> 00:00:11,804 Git along little dawgies! 4 00:00:11,846 --> 00:00:13,305 Dial it back, Max! 5 00:00:13,347 --> 00:00:15,766 We need those UltraLinks 6 00:00:13,347 --> 00:00:15,766 alive! 7 00:00:17,852 --> 00:00:19,687 Wish they felt the same 8 00:00:17,852 --> 00:00:19,687 about us! 9 00:00:21,271 --> 00:00:22,815 [yells] 10 00:00:29,613 --> 00:00:32,282 We just need to capture 11 00:00:29,613 --> 00:00:32,282 at least one UltraLink. 12 00:00:32,324 --> 00:00:33,993 R&D is shipping 13 00:00:32,324 --> 00:00:33,993 a DNA Microfuser 14 00:00:34,034 --> 00:00:36,996 that will allow us to crack 15 00:00:34,034 --> 00:00:36,996 their alien genetic code, 16 00:00:37,037 --> 00:00:38,539 so we can calibrate 17 00:00:37,037 --> 00:00:38,539 our weapons 18 00:00:38,580 --> 00:00:40,499 to take them down 19 00:00:38,580 --> 00:00:40,499 more effectively. 20 00:00:40,541 --> 00:00:41,667 We won't crack anything 21 00:00:41,709 --> 00:00:43,752 if those UltraLinks 22 00:00:41,709 --> 00:00:43,752 hitch a ride home. 23 00:00:46,463 --> 00:00:47,673 [grunt] 24 00:00:52,177 --> 00:00:53,804 Nice shot, Jefferson. 25 00:01:00,602 --> 00:01:03,397 Stop him before he gets 26 00:01:00,602 --> 00:01:03,397 to that battle craft! 27 00:01:05,733 --> 00:01:06,817 Got it. 28 00:01:09,570 --> 00:01:11,697 Max! Look out! 29 00:01:11,739 --> 00:01:13,490 WOA! 30 00:01:15,492 --> 00:01:16,702 [screaming] 31 00:01:15,492 --> 00:01:16,702 Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!! 32 00:01:16,744 --> 00:01:18,078 UGH!!!!!!! 33 00:01:24,919 --> 00:01:27,004 Great, the UltraLinks escaped. 34 00:01:27,046 --> 00:01:27,755 And all because of-- 35 00:01:27,796 --> 00:01:31,425 these cute widdle guys. 36 00:01:31,466 --> 00:01:34,762 They are pretty adorable. 37 00:01:34,803 --> 00:01:36,137 I love animals. 38 00:01:36,179 --> 00:01:37,556 Aaahhh!!! Ugh!!!! 39 00:01:37,598 --> 00:01:40,350 Apparently, they don't feel 40 00:01:37,598 --> 00:01:40,350 the same way about you. 41 00:01:40,392 --> 00:01:41,518 Can I take 'em home? 42 00:01:41,560 --> 00:01:43,437 I've never had a pet before. 43 00:01:43,478 --> 00:01:47,399 The idea was to take 44 00:01:43,478 --> 00:01:47,399 one of them home 45 00:01:47,441 --> 00:01:49,985 Hey, well you're kind of 46 00:01:47,441 --> 00:01:49,985 a cute thing aren't ya? 47 00:01:50,027 --> 00:01:55,908 Oh yes you are, 48 00:01:50,027 --> 00:01:55,908 Mr. Flufflefeathers! 49 00:01:55,950 --> 00:01:57,492 [kiss sounds] 50 00:01:57,534 --> 00:02:00,704 Ahhh! My nose! 51 00:02:00,746 --> 00:02:06,043 Oh duckie, did that big 52 00:02:00,746 --> 00:02:06,043 ol' meatbag hurt you? 53 00:02:06,085 --> 00:02:07,419 GAH! 54 00:02:07,461 --> 00:02:10,089 Did that duck just growl 55 00:02:07,461 --> 00:02:10,089 at me? 56 00:02:10,130 --> 00:02:12,466 It's official. They hate you. 57 00:02:12,507 --> 00:02:14,969 As do I, Max Steel. 58 00:02:15,010 --> 00:02:18,055 And once I extroy a few 59 00:02:15,010 --> 00:02:18,055 new alien powers 60 00:02:18,097 --> 00:02:20,348 from my UltraLink half-brothers, 61 00:02:20,390 --> 00:02:24,519 I will turn that hatred 62 00:02:20,390 --> 00:02:24,519 on you... 63 00:02:24,561 --> 00:02:27,564 with a vengeance! 64 00:02:27,606 --> 00:02:29,817 My name is Steel, 65 00:02:27,606 --> 00:02:29,817 and this, is my human -- 66 00:02:29,858 --> 00:02:30,651 Max. 67 00:02:30,692 --> 00:02:33,445 Go turbo! 68 00:02:33,487 --> 00:02:36,323 Together we keep the Earth safe 69 00:02:33,487 --> 00:02:36,323 from the bad guys: 70 00:02:36,364 --> 00:02:38,867 Monsters, Ultralinks. 71 00:02:38,909 --> 00:02:40,869 You know, like superheroes, 72 00:02:40,911 --> 00:02:43,038 with a secret identity 73 00:02:40,911 --> 00:02:43,038 and everything. 74 00:02:43,080 --> 00:02:47,417 We are the ultimate 75 00:02:43,080 --> 00:02:47,417 turbo teamup. 76 00:02:47,459 --> 00:02:49,795 Max has the power and 77 00:02:47,459 --> 00:02:49,795 I've got the alien knowhow 78 00:02:49,837 --> 00:02:51,212 to control it. 79 00:02:51,254 --> 00:02:54,133 And we're gearing up for 80 00:02:51,254 --> 00:02:54,133 our biggest battle ever. 81 00:02:54,173 --> 00:02:57,011 Together, we are Max Steel! 82 00:03:00,263 --> 00:03:02,557 The Turbo Car really 83 00:03:00,263 --> 00:03:02,557 took a beating. 84 00:03:02,599 --> 00:03:03,600 [Chuckles] 85 00:03:03,642 --> 00:03:05,644 Not as bad as 86 00:03:03,642 --> 00:03:05,644 that Makino Fighter. 87 00:03:05,686 --> 00:03:07,395 I'm gonna need more bolts. 88 00:03:07,437 --> 00:03:09,523 Steel, toss this in the 89 00:03:07,437 --> 00:03:09,523 Replicator for me, huh? 90 00:03:09,564 --> 00:03:11,399 Uh, little busy here. 91 00:03:19,616 --> 00:03:23,286 [Computer Voice]: 92 00:03:19,616 --> 00:03:23,286 Replicating. Replicating. 93 00:03:23,328 --> 00:03:25,039 Of course we can go 94 00:03:23,328 --> 00:03:25,039 into the sim-room 95 00:03:25,080 --> 00:03:27,624 and turn it into a giant pond. 96 00:03:27,666 --> 00:03:29,793 [giggles] 97 00:03:27,666 --> 00:03:29,793 Let's go. 98 00:03:29,835 --> 00:03:30,711 Ah! 99 00:03:30,752 --> 00:03:34,213 Hey, we're waddling here! 100 00:03:34,255 --> 00:03:35,716 You might wanna 101 00:03:34,255 --> 00:03:35,716 release those ducks 102 00:03:35,757 --> 00:03:37,551 back into the wild, Steel. 103 00:03:37,592 --> 00:03:38,719 That's where they belong. 104 00:03:38,760 --> 00:03:40,679 But, they're my pets! 105 00:03:40,721 --> 00:03:43,557 Really? A sad, puppy dog eye? 106 00:03:43,598 --> 00:03:45,225 Uh huh... 107 00:03:45,266 --> 00:03:46,560 I'll tell you what. 108 00:03:46,601 --> 00:03:48,520 You release 'em into the wild 109 00:03:46,601 --> 00:03:48,520 where they belong, 110 00:03:48,562 --> 00:03:50,772 and I'll hook you up 111 00:03:48,562 --> 00:03:50,772 with an awesome pet. 112 00:03:50,814 --> 00:03:53,525 Really?! You rock, Berto! 113 00:03:53,567 --> 00:03:53,942 I know. 114 00:03:53,984 --> 00:03:54,902 Oh oh! 115 00:03:54,943 --> 00:03:56,111 Can you make it a puppy? 116 00:03:56,153 --> 00:03:57,821 Ducks are cute, but 117 00:03:56,153 --> 00:03:57,821 on the cuteness scale, 118 00:03:57,863 --> 00:03:59,573 puppies trump duckies. 119 00:03:59,614 --> 00:04:01,533 I'll see what I can do, bro. 120 00:04:05,579 --> 00:04:07,039 We pulled a dine and dash. 121 00:04:07,081 --> 00:04:10,834 Did they have to send 122 00:04:07,081 --> 00:04:10,834 the whole police force? 123 00:04:10,876 --> 00:04:12,669 It was a donut shop, Vin. 124 00:04:15,422 --> 00:04:17,716 [screams] 125 00:04:15,422 --> 00:04:17,716 Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!! 126 00:04:17,758 --> 00:04:19,634 The boss is gonna kill us! 127 00:04:22,470 --> 00:04:23,764 There's the boss, 128 00:04:22,470 --> 00:04:23,764 just in time! 129 00:04:23,805 --> 00:04:29,728 [sirens wailing] 130 00:04:29,770 --> 00:04:30,520 [scream] 131 00:04:29,770 --> 00:04:30,520 Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!! 132 00:04:30,562 --> 00:04:32,522 Vacation's over! 133 00:04:32,564 --> 00:04:35,943 Time to capture an UltraLink 134 00:04:32,564 --> 00:04:35,943 Creature... 135 00:04:35,984 --> 00:04:37,569 Okay, Steel. 136 00:04:37,611 --> 00:04:38,946 You ready to meet your pet? 137 00:04:38,987 --> 00:04:41,656 The anticipation 138 00:04:38,987 --> 00:04:41,656 is killing me. 139 00:04:41,698 --> 00:04:42,657 Is it a puppy? 140 00:04:42,699 --> 00:04:44,451 Please tell me it's a puppy! 141 00:04:44,492 --> 00:04:46,078 Or a piranha 142 00:04:44,492 --> 00:04:46,078 would be cooler. 143 00:04:46,120 --> 00:04:47,037 Or a wolf. 144 00:04:47,079 --> 00:04:49,873 Or a piranha wolf! 145 00:04:49,915 --> 00:04:51,708 [whistles] 146 00:04:53,627 --> 00:04:54,586 [Gasp] 147 00:04:54,628 --> 00:04:56,671 A robo-puppy! 148 00:04:56,713 --> 00:04:57,631 [barks] 149 00:04:57,672 --> 00:04:59,340 A Cybernetic Dog, 150 00:04:57,672 --> 00:04:59,340 to be exact. 151 00:04:59,382 --> 00:05:00,884 I'll call him... 152 00:05:00,926 --> 00:05:01,969 FURBO! 153 00:05:02,010 --> 00:05:04,596 Who's a cute little Furbo? 154 00:05:04,638 --> 00:05:07,015 You are! Yes you are! 155 00:05:07,057 --> 00:05:09,643 I programmed Furbo to 156 00:05:07,057 --> 00:05:09,643 be pretty low maintenance. 157 00:05:09,684 --> 00:05:13,188 You just have to make sure 158 00:05:09,684 --> 00:05:13,188 he gets lots of sleep. 159 00:05:13,230 --> 00:05:14,731 Ten hours, to be exact. 160 00:05:14,773 --> 00:05:17,025 What happens if he doesn't 161 00:05:14,773 --> 00:05:17,025 get ten hours of sleep at night? 162 00:05:17,067 --> 00:05:19,069 He'll get super hyper. 163 00:05:19,111 --> 00:05:20,320 Steel's gotta have 164 00:05:20,361 --> 00:05:22,030 some of the true pet owner 165 00:05:20,361 --> 00:05:22,030 experience, right? 166 00:05:22,072 --> 00:05:24,074 It's tough being the only alien 167 00:05:22,072 --> 00:05:24,074 around here sometimes 168 00:05:24,116 --> 00:05:26,785 and having a pet kinda 169 00:05:24,116 --> 00:05:26,785 makes me feel normal. 170 00:05:26,827 --> 00:05:28,203 I get ya, Steel. 171 00:05:28,245 --> 00:05:31,123 This Turbo energy kinda 172 00:05:28,245 --> 00:05:31,123 makes me feel like an alien too. 173 00:05:32,833 --> 00:05:35,085 Hey, you wanna take Furbo 174 00:05:32,833 --> 00:05:35,085 for a walk? 175 00:05:35,127 --> 00:05:36,753 Gah! Seriously? 176 00:05:36,795 --> 00:05:38,797 Even robo-pets hate me? 177 00:05:38,839 --> 00:05:40,715 Let's go, Furbo! 178 00:05:38,839 --> 00:05:40,715 Come on, boy! 179 00:05:50,142 --> 00:05:52,519 GET 'EM! 180 00:05:52,560 --> 00:05:54,437 Bad guys, Furbo, 181 00:05:52,560 --> 00:05:54,437 get the bad guys! 182 00:05:54,479 --> 00:05:59,193 [barking] 183 00:05:59,234 --> 00:06:00,027 Get 'em! 184 00:06:00,068 --> 00:06:01,069 [barks] 185 00:06:01,111 --> 00:06:03,404 Who's a good boy? 186 00:06:03,446 --> 00:06:04,906 Oh boy. 187 00:06:04,948 --> 00:06:07,284 My little puppsie-pup! 188 00:06:07,326 --> 00:06:08,160 Max. Steel! 189 00:06:08,202 --> 00:06:10,204 Time to go UltraLink 190 00:06:08,202 --> 00:06:10,204 hunting. 191 00:06:10,245 --> 00:06:11,579 [startled] 192 00:06:14,708 --> 00:06:16,543 Patrolling the same valley? 193 00:06:16,584 --> 00:06:19,046 You might as well paint a huge 194 00:06:16,584 --> 00:06:19,046 target on our backs. 195 00:06:19,087 --> 00:06:20,379 Exactly. 196 00:06:20,421 --> 00:06:23,424 A target those UltraLinks 197 00:06:20,421 --> 00:06:23,424 won't be able to resist. 198 00:06:23,466 --> 00:06:25,135 Only, we'll be ready 199 00:06:23,466 --> 00:06:25,135 for them. 200 00:06:25,177 --> 00:06:27,512 Will you please 201 00:06:25,177 --> 00:06:27,512 muzzle that cyber-mongrel? 202 00:06:27,554 --> 00:06:28,638 Easy, boy. 203 00:06:28,680 --> 00:06:30,640 Yes, I know you're excited. 204 00:06:30,682 --> 00:06:32,391 Yes, you are, I know. 205 00:06:32,433 --> 00:06:33,643 You should have left him 206 00:06:32,433 --> 00:06:33,643 at home. 207 00:06:33,685 --> 00:06:34,602 [growl] 208 00:06:34,644 --> 00:06:36,604 He's not housebroken yet. 209 00:06:36,646 --> 00:06:37,814 [growls] 210 00:06:37,856 --> 00:06:39,774 Oh, and I'd watch 211 00:06:37,856 --> 00:06:39,774 where you step in here. 212 00:06:39,816 --> 00:06:40,525 [gasp] 213 00:06:40,567 --> 00:06:42,401 WHOA! 214 00:06:45,404 --> 00:06:47,490 It's boom time, boys! 215 00:06:50,077 --> 00:06:55,123 Go Turbo Strength! 216 00:06:55,165 --> 00:06:56,666 [Awkward chuckle] 217 00:06:59,044 --> 00:06:59,836 [growls] 218 00:06:59,878 --> 00:07:02,172 Sorry, Uncle Ferrus. 219 00:07:02,214 --> 00:07:04,549 [grunt] 220 00:07:04,591 --> 00:07:06,718 [grunt] 221 00:07:09,179 --> 00:07:12,682 [grunts] 222 00:07:17,729 --> 00:07:20,941 Th-th-th-There they are boss, 223 00:07:17,729 --> 00:07:20,941 UltraLinks dead ahead! 224 00:07:20,982 --> 00:07:22,650 When do we make our move? 225 00:07:22,692 --> 00:07:25,820 Let Max Steel 226 00:07:22,692 --> 00:07:25,820 soften them up first. 227 00:07:25,862 --> 00:07:29,741 Then I'll scuttle in for a taste 228 00:07:25,862 --> 00:07:29,741 of some alien power. 229 00:07:36,456 --> 00:07:38,166 Aaargh!!!!!!!!!! 230 00:07:38,208 --> 00:07:39,626 Yeah! 231 00:07:39,667 --> 00:07:42,629 [grunting] 232 00:07:42,670 --> 00:07:45,715 UGH!!!!!!! 233 00:07:45,757 --> 00:07:48,051 This is a trap. Run! 234 00:07:48,093 --> 00:07:50,011 [grunting] 235 00:07:56,559 --> 00:07:59,438 You just squashed yourself, 236 00:07:56,559 --> 00:07:59,438 my bug-eyed friend. 237 00:07:59,479 --> 00:08:02,149 Jefferson, Kat, 238 00:07:59,479 --> 00:08:02,149 the bug's all yours. 239 00:08:02,190 --> 00:08:06,320 Go Turbo Speed! 240 00:08:06,361 --> 00:08:07,570 We've got 'em cornered! 241 00:08:07,612 --> 00:08:11,491 Maybe we can capture 242 00:08:07,612 --> 00:08:11,491 more than one today. 243 00:08:11,532 --> 00:08:13,160 [grunt] 244 00:08:13,201 --> 00:08:17,497 What in blazes?! 245 00:08:17,538 --> 00:08:19,333 RETREAT, brothers! 246 00:08:26,631 --> 00:08:27,841 Hang on, Uncle Ferrus! 247 00:08:27,882 --> 00:08:32,137 [grunting] 248 00:08:32,179 --> 00:08:32,887 Whoa. 249 00:08:32,929 --> 00:08:33,972 Kat! Jefferson! 250 00:08:34,014 --> 00:08:36,475 Give me a status report. 251 00:08:36,516 --> 00:08:38,018 Take that UltraLink back 252 00:08:36,516 --> 00:08:38,018 to N-Tek 253 00:08:38,059 --> 00:08:40,395 and tell Berto to 254 00:08:38,059 --> 00:08:40,395 get the lab ready. 255 00:08:40,437 --> 00:08:44,358 Unfortunately, 256 00:08:40,437 --> 00:08:44,358 he's coming with me. 257 00:08:44,399 --> 00:08:46,609 UGH!!!!!!!!! 258 00:08:46,651 --> 00:08:47,694 UGH!!!!!!!! 259 00:08:47,735 --> 00:08:49,529 MAX! FORGE! 260 00:08:55,743 --> 00:08:58,621 Extroyer's trying to kidnap 261 00:08:55,743 --> 00:08:58,621 that UltraLink. 262 00:08:58,663 --> 00:09:00,457 Let's get it back to base. 263 00:09:06,587 --> 00:09:09,383 [struggle-grunting] 264 00:09:13,594 --> 00:09:17,265 [scream] 265 00:09:13,594 --> 00:09:17,265 Ahhhhhh!!!!! 266 00:09:17,307 --> 00:09:19,309 Good hunting, boys. 267 00:09:19,351 --> 00:09:20,101 Here, boy. 268 00:09:20,143 --> 00:09:22,396 Chew net! Chew net! 269 00:09:26,358 --> 00:09:27,942 Ugh, really? 270 00:09:27,984 --> 00:09:30,653 Robo-droppings? 271 00:09:30,695 --> 00:09:33,490 Oh Furbo! What did you eat, boy? 272 00:09:36,159 --> 00:09:37,660 This is a disaster! 273 00:09:37,702 --> 00:09:40,038 If Extroyer starts absorbing 274 00:09:37,702 --> 00:09:40,038 alien UltraLinks, 275 00:09:40,080 --> 00:09:41,998 there'll be no stopping him! 276 00:09:42,040 --> 00:09:44,209 I want all units on the lookout 277 00:09:42,040 --> 00:09:44,209 for Extroyer 278 00:09:44,251 --> 00:09:45,585 and that UltraLink. 279 00:09:45,626 --> 00:09:46,878 Yes, Sir! 280 00:09:46,920 --> 00:09:47,670 Aargh!!!!!! 281 00:09:47,712 --> 00:09:49,297 Fetch, boy, fetch! 282 00:09:49,339 --> 00:09:51,091 What part of "all units 283 00:09:49,339 --> 00:09:51,091 on the lookout" 284 00:09:51,132 --> 00:09:53,593 did you not understand? 285 00:09:53,634 --> 00:09:55,387 We're going, we're going! 286 00:09:55,429 --> 00:09:58,098 Sheesh! 287 00:09:58,139 --> 00:09:59,182 You need to get a handle 288 00:09:58,139 --> 00:09:59,182 on him 289 00:09:59,224 --> 00:10:01,684 and be a more 290 00:09:59,224 --> 00:10:01,684 responsible pet owner. 291 00:10:01,726 --> 00:10:03,686 My alien intelligence 292 00:10:01,726 --> 00:10:03,686 makes me perfectly suited 293 00:10:03,728 --> 00:10:05,272 to look after a pet. 294 00:10:05,313 --> 00:10:07,357 Uh Steel, we should go. 295 00:10:07,399 --> 00:10:09,609 I have more in common 296 00:10:07,399 --> 00:10:09,609 with Furbo than with you, 297 00:10:09,650 --> 00:10:10,693 ya big meatbag. 298 00:10:10,735 --> 00:10:12,153 Steel. Now! 299 00:10:12,195 --> 00:10:14,697 Go Turbo Speed! 300 00:10:19,494 --> 00:10:22,622 [Computer Voice]: 301 00:10:19,494 --> 00:10:22,622 Replicating. Replicating. 302 00:10:22,663 --> 00:10:24,583 [barking] 303 00:10:26,918 --> 00:10:30,755 This alien DNA is more complex 304 00:10:26,918 --> 00:10:30,755 than I imagined. 305 00:10:30,797 --> 00:10:35,718 But N-Tek's DNA Microfuser 306 00:10:30,797 --> 00:10:35,718 could crack the code. 307 00:10:35,760 --> 00:10:37,011 I dunno, boss. 308 00:10:37,053 --> 00:10:39,680 Busting into N-Tek is above 309 00:10:37,053 --> 00:10:39,680 our pay grade. 310 00:10:39,722 --> 00:10:40,932 Right now your "pay grade" 311 00:10:40,974 --> 00:10:44,978 amounts to me sparing 312 00:10:40,974 --> 00:10:44,978 your worthless lives. 313 00:10:45,019 --> 00:10:48,607 But there's no need 314 00:10:45,019 --> 00:10:48,607 to infiltrate N-Tek. 315 00:10:48,648 --> 00:10:51,443 The device is on a cargo ship 316 00:10:51,485 --> 00:10:57,115 and it's scheduled to arrive at 317 00:10:51,485 --> 00:10:57,115 Copper Canyon Port...tomorrow. 318 00:11:00,201 --> 00:11:01,411 [tablet ringing] 319 00:11:01,453 --> 00:11:02,537 What?! Who goes there?! 320 00:11:02,579 --> 00:11:03,371 [gasps] 321 00:11:03,413 --> 00:11:04,331 Max! Steel! 322 00:11:04,372 --> 00:11:05,706 Where've you been?! 323 00:11:05,748 --> 00:11:06,916 [yawn] 324 00:11:06,958 --> 00:11:09,252 We were up all night 325 00:11:06,958 --> 00:11:09,252 searching for Extroyer. 326 00:11:09,294 --> 00:11:12,213 YEAH, let a guy get 327 00:11:09,294 --> 00:11:12,213 some rest already. 328 00:11:12,255 --> 00:11:14,215 Aren't you forgetting 329 00:11:12,255 --> 00:11:14,215 something else 330 00:11:14,257 --> 00:11:16,510 that's supposed to get rest? 331 00:11:16,551 --> 00:11:19,554 Y'Know...like your pet? 332 00:11:19,596 --> 00:11:21,306 Furbo! 333 00:11:24,892 --> 00:11:26,102 [gasp] 334 00:11:26,144 --> 00:11:28,522 Furbo, you're okay!... 335 00:11:28,563 --> 00:11:30,524 HUH? 336 00:11:30,565 --> 00:11:33,026 Whoa...who let the dogs out? 337 00:11:33,067 --> 00:11:36,112 Your pet was up all night 338 00:11:33,067 --> 00:11:36,112 replicating himself. 339 00:11:36,154 --> 00:11:37,489 [screams] 340 00:11:37,531 --> 00:11:39,658 I bet you're re-thinking 341 00:11:37,531 --> 00:11:39,658 this whole "Robo-Pup" thing. 342 00:11:39,698 --> 00:11:41,034 UGH!!!!!!!! 343 00:11:41,075 --> 00:11:42,577 We have to round 'em 344 00:11:41,075 --> 00:11:42,577 all up. 345 00:11:42,619 --> 00:11:43,828 Later. 346 00:11:43,870 --> 00:11:46,581 I need you and Mr. Responsible 347 00:11:43,870 --> 00:11:46,581 Pet Owner here 348 00:11:46,623 --> 00:11:48,667 to take down Extroyer. 349 00:11:48,707 --> 00:11:51,878 The case he stole contains 350 00:11:48,707 --> 00:11:51,878 the DNA Microfuser. 351 00:11:56,257 --> 00:11:57,716 [growl] 352 00:11:57,758 --> 00:11:59,760 You think you 353 00:11:57,758 --> 00:11:59,760 can stop... 354 00:11:59,802 --> 00:12:02,055 EXTROYER?! 355 00:12:02,096 --> 00:12:03,473 [screams] 356 00:12:03,515 --> 00:12:05,975 I eat rats like you 357 00:12:03,515 --> 00:12:05,975 for breakfast! 358 00:12:06,017 --> 00:12:09,688 [grunts] 359 00:12:09,728 --> 00:12:12,899 [screams] 360 00:12:12,940 --> 00:12:16,152 Wait, you eat rats 361 00:12:12,940 --> 00:12:16,152 for breakfast? 362 00:12:16,194 --> 00:12:17,778 Yeuggh! 363 00:12:17,820 --> 00:12:20,699 Go Turbo Strength! 364 00:12:20,739 --> 00:12:22,242 UGH!!!!!!! 365 00:12:22,283 --> 00:12:24,369 [grunt] 366 00:12:24,411 --> 00:12:25,620 UHH? 367 00:12:25,662 --> 00:12:30,542 [grunting] 368 00:12:30,584 --> 00:12:33,587 Go Turbo Speed! 369 00:12:33,628 --> 00:12:35,547 [roar] 370 00:12:35,589 --> 00:12:37,965 [grunt] 371 00:12:38,007 --> 00:12:40,301 Go Turbo Strength! 372 00:12:42,679 --> 00:12:44,889 [groan] 373 00:12:44,931 --> 00:12:47,766 Give me the case, 374 00:12:44,931 --> 00:12:47,766 Extroyer! 375 00:12:47,808 --> 00:12:49,310 You want it? 376 00:12:49,352 --> 00:12:51,104 Come and get it! 377 00:12:51,145 --> 00:12:54,524 [gorilla grunting] 378 00:12:54,566 --> 00:12:56,192 [pants] 379 00:12:56,234 --> 00:12:58,861 Steel, call off the dog? 380 00:12:58,903 --> 00:13:02,616 Furbo, be a good boy. 381 00:13:02,657 --> 00:13:03,824 [barking] 382 00:13:03,866 --> 00:13:05,034 Furbo...SIT. 383 00:13:05,076 --> 00:13:07,328 Extroyer's getting away 384 00:13:05,076 --> 00:13:07,328 with the microfuser! 385 00:13:07,370 --> 00:13:09,038 Stay! 386 00:13:09,080 --> 00:13:10,749 STAAAAAY... 387 00:13:12,542 --> 00:13:13,460 You gotta be 388 00:13:12,542 --> 00:13:13,460 kiddin' me? 389 00:13:13,501 --> 00:13:14,711 What is it, boy? 390 00:13:14,753 --> 00:13:16,921 Go Turbo Speed! 391 00:13:23,428 --> 00:13:28,057 [monkey grunts] 392 00:13:28,099 --> 00:13:30,435 Hand over the case, 393 00:13:28,099 --> 00:13:30,435 banana breath! 394 00:13:32,771 --> 00:13:35,690 [fight grunting] 395 00:13:35,732 --> 00:13:37,150 UGH!!!!!!! 396 00:13:39,486 --> 00:13:42,489 [pants] 397 00:13:47,285 --> 00:13:48,995 Sorry I'm late with the backup. 398 00:13:49,036 --> 00:13:50,079 I had to seal up the hangar 399 00:13:50,121 --> 00:13:52,123 to keep the infestation 400 00:13:50,121 --> 00:13:52,123 from spreading. 401 00:13:52,165 --> 00:13:54,833 How 'bout a Turbo Blaster 402 00:13:52,165 --> 00:13:54,833 to tame that monkey? 403 00:13:54,875 --> 00:13:55,543 [beep] 404 00:13:55,585 --> 00:13:56,628 GAH! 405 00:13:56,670 --> 00:13:57,712 Easy fellas 406 00:13:57,754 --> 00:13:59,422 [nervous laughter] 407 00:13:57,754 --> 00:13:59,422 c'mon, down! down! 408 00:13:59,464 --> 00:14:01,132 [nervous laughter] 409 00:13:59,464 --> 00:14:01,132 easy now! 410 00:14:06,638 --> 00:14:08,181 Funny looking Turbo Blaster. 411 00:14:08,222 --> 00:14:11,392 Guess we'll have 412 00:14:08,222 --> 00:14:11,392 to improvise. 413 00:14:11,434 --> 00:14:14,688 [grunt] 414 00:14:14,729 --> 00:14:16,606 WOOHOO! 415 00:14:16,648 --> 00:14:20,151 [gorilla grunting] 416 00:14:20,193 --> 00:14:22,654 UGH!!!!!!! 417 00:14:22,696 --> 00:14:24,905 Sorry, Max Steel. 418 00:14:24,947 --> 00:14:26,658 Gotta fly! 419 00:14:26,700 --> 00:14:29,619 [grunts] 420 00:14:31,287 --> 00:14:32,163 Game OVER! 421 00:14:32,205 --> 00:14:33,707 YES! 422 00:14:33,748 --> 00:14:36,083 I believe this belongs 423 00:14:33,748 --> 00:14:36,083 to N-Tek. 424 00:14:36,125 --> 00:14:38,586 What? It's Empty! 425 00:14:38,628 --> 00:14:39,838 [laughing] 426 00:14:39,879 --> 00:14:41,339 You fool! 427 00:14:41,381 --> 00:14:45,259 Don't you recognize a decoy 428 00:14:41,381 --> 00:14:45,259 when ya see one? 429 00:14:45,301 --> 00:14:47,679 You were too busy 430 00:14:45,301 --> 00:14:47,679 chasing me 431 00:14:47,721 --> 00:14:51,974 to realize my minions had the 432 00:14:47,721 --> 00:14:51,974 real MicroFuser the whole time! 433 00:14:56,270 --> 00:14:57,772 And now nothing 434 00:14:56,270 --> 00:14:57,772 will stop me 435 00:14:57,814 --> 00:15:01,776 from extracting that alien 436 00:14:57,814 --> 00:15:01,776 UltraLink's power! 437 00:15:01,818 --> 00:15:03,653 [grunt] 438 00:15:03,695 --> 00:15:05,321 Whoa! 439 00:15:05,363 --> 00:15:07,615 [grunt] 440 00:15:07,657 --> 00:15:09,617 [evil laughter] 441 00:15:09,659 --> 00:15:11,494 Bull's eye! 442 00:15:14,622 --> 00:15:17,542 So what exactly did Extroyer 443 00:15:14,622 --> 00:15:17,542 take from us?! 444 00:15:17,584 --> 00:15:18,959 Our DNA Microfuser. 445 00:15:19,001 --> 00:15:22,589 If he reconfigures it, he could 446 00:15:19,001 --> 00:15:22,589 absorb that alien's DNA! 447 00:15:22,630 --> 00:15:25,508 Please tell me it's got a built 448 00:15:22,630 --> 00:15:25,508 in GPS transmitter? 449 00:15:25,550 --> 00:15:26,551 It did. 450 00:15:26,593 --> 00:15:28,261 But Extroyer disabled it. 451 00:15:30,555 --> 00:15:34,517 UHHH... 452 00:15:34,559 --> 00:15:35,769 Whooaaa. 453 00:15:35,810 --> 00:15:38,229 Okay, I want everyone 454 00:15:35,810 --> 00:15:38,229 searching for Extroyer. 455 00:15:38,271 --> 00:15:39,773 Now! 456 00:15:39,814 --> 00:15:41,691 Everyone except you two. 457 00:15:41,733 --> 00:15:44,944 Fix this before they tear 458 00:15:41,733 --> 00:15:44,944 the base apart! 459 00:15:44,985 --> 00:15:45,904 Incoming! 460 00:15:45,945 --> 00:15:46,821 Ahhhhhh!!!!! 461 00:15:46,863 --> 00:15:49,741 [barking] 462 00:15:54,161 --> 00:15:56,330 Your DNA Microfuser, sir! 463 00:15:56,372 --> 00:15:57,749 Excellent. 464 00:15:57,791 --> 00:16:00,794 I've clawed my way to the top 465 00:15:57,791 --> 00:16:00,794 of the animal kingdom. 466 00:16:00,835 --> 00:16:05,965 And with this, I'll do the same 467 00:16:00,835 --> 00:16:05,965 in the alien kingdom. 468 00:16:06,006 --> 00:16:08,551 Once I destroy Max Steel, 469 00:16:08,593 --> 00:16:10,553 there'll be no one to stop me 470 00:16:10,595 --> 00:16:14,599 from expanding my hunting 471 00:16:10,595 --> 00:16:14,599 grounds to other worlds. 472 00:16:14,641 --> 00:16:18,018 Huh? 473 00:16:18,060 --> 00:16:20,688 Get that Microfuser! 474 00:16:23,691 --> 00:16:25,485 Any sign of Extroyer, 475 00:16:23,691 --> 00:16:25,485 Jefferson? 476 00:16:25,526 --> 00:16:26,736 Negative. 477 00:16:26,778 --> 00:16:29,196 It's like searching for a needle 478 00:16:26,778 --> 00:16:29,196 in a haystack. 479 00:16:29,238 --> 00:16:33,284 Hey Steel, how about we put 480 00:16:29,238 --> 00:16:33,284 these pups in the pound. 481 00:16:33,326 --> 00:16:35,703 Go Turbo Speed! 482 00:16:38,748 --> 00:16:39,999 There's too many! 483 00:16:40,040 --> 00:16:44,003 Go Turbo Clone! 484 00:16:44,044 --> 00:16:49,676 [barking] 485 00:16:49,717 --> 00:16:50,718 [proudly] 486 00:16:49,717 --> 00:16:50,718 Yeah! 487 00:16:50,760 --> 00:16:51,719 That's the last of them. 488 00:16:51,761 --> 00:16:52,929 Hopefully they'll stay put. 489 00:16:52,971 --> 00:16:53,888 Oh, no. 490 00:16:53,930 --> 00:16:55,723 I left FURBO down 491 00:16:53,930 --> 00:16:55,723 at the pier! 492 00:16:55,765 --> 00:16:58,559 I'm the worst 493 00:16:55,765 --> 00:16:58,559 pet owner ever! 494 00:16:58,601 --> 00:16:59,811 You make a good point. 495 00:16:59,853 --> 00:17:01,813 What if he run's away? 496 00:17:01,855 --> 00:17:03,690 He's probably 497 00:17:01,855 --> 00:17:03,690 got a GPS locator. 498 00:17:03,731 --> 00:17:04,398 [Gasp!] 499 00:17:04,440 --> 00:17:05,483 I love you, man! 500 00:17:05,525 --> 00:17:07,193 [laughs] 501 00:17:07,234 --> 00:17:10,571 ALRIGHT! Alright, 502 00:17:07,234 --> 00:17:10,571 I love you too. 503 00:17:10,613 --> 00:17:11,948 That's weird. 504 00:17:11,990 --> 00:17:15,117 His signal's coming from 505 00:17:11,990 --> 00:17:15,117 an island off Copper Canyon. 506 00:17:15,159 --> 00:17:17,370 What's Furbo doing 507 00:17:15,159 --> 00:17:17,370 all the way over there? 508 00:17:17,411 --> 00:17:18,287 Get him! 509 00:17:18,329 --> 00:17:19,497 UGH!!!!!!! 510 00:17:19,539 --> 00:17:21,248 [grunts] 511 00:17:21,290 --> 00:17:25,879 [fumbling] 512 00:17:25,920 --> 00:17:28,464 It's just not my day. 513 00:17:28,506 --> 00:17:30,257 Fools! 514 00:17:32,134 --> 00:17:33,636 [grunt] 515 00:17:35,429 --> 00:17:36,931 [evil laughter] 516 00:17:39,726 --> 00:17:41,602 [grunt] 517 00:17:41,644 --> 00:17:42,729 [groan] 518 00:17:42,770 --> 00:17:46,900 Ahhhh!!!! 519 00:17:46,941 --> 00:17:50,611 Now to taste something 520 00:17:46,941 --> 00:17:50,611 out of this world. 521 00:17:55,157 --> 00:17:57,660 [grunting] 522 00:17:57,702 --> 00:18:00,162 [growling] 523 00:18:00,204 --> 00:18:01,664 Knock knock. 524 00:18:01,706 --> 00:18:05,418 [roar] 525 00:18:05,459 --> 00:18:07,336 I'll take 'em head on. 526 00:18:07,378 --> 00:18:09,589 [grunts] 527 00:18:09,630 --> 00:18:13,593 [electrocuted] 528 00:18:13,634 --> 00:18:15,511 You're too late, Max Steel. 529 00:18:19,057 --> 00:18:20,349 Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!! 530 00:18:20,391 --> 00:18:23,477 This alien and I are now one. 531 00:18:23,519 --> 00:18:26,355 Go Turbo Speed! 532 00:18:26,397 --> 00:18:28,107 [grunt] 533 00:18:28,148 --> 00:18:30,818 I'm not letting cytro get 534 00:18:28,148 --> 00:18:30,818 turned into scrap again! 535 00:18:30,860 --> 00:18:32,695 Activate wrecking ball! 536 00:18:36,824 --> 00:18:39,077 [groan] 537 00:18:39,118 --> 00:18:40,703 [grunt] 538 00:18:40,745 --> 00:18:43,497 Argh!!! 539 00:18:43,539 --> 00:18:46,500 Look at you - a wounded 540 00:18:43,539 --> 00:18:46,500 animal. 541 00:18:46,542 --> 00:18:49,712 The law of the jungle 542 00:18:46,542 --> 00:18:49,712 is cruel and savage. 543 00:18:49,754 --> 00:18:53,382 The weak fall prey 544 00:18:49,754 --> 00:18:53,382 to the strong. 545 00:18:53,424 --> 00:18:55,051 [struggling] 546 00:18:55,093 --> 00:18:56,844 How's this for strong? 547 00:18:56,886 --> 00:18:59,639 Go Turbo Cannon! 548 00:18:59,680 --> 00:19:06,687 [grunts] 549 00:19:06,729 --> 00:19:09,065 We can't hit this guy 550 00:19:06,729 --> 00:19:09,065 without getting zapped. 551 00:19:09,107 --> 00:19:11,651 Might I suggest 552 00:19:09,107 --> 00:19:11,651 a Turbo Blaster? 553 00:19:13,653 --> 00:19:17,364 [grunts] 554 00:19:17,406 --> 00:19:18,324 Huh? 555 00:19:18,365 --> 00:19:24,288 [grunting] 556 00:19:24,330 --> 00:19:25,372 [groaning] 557 00:19:25,414 --> 00:19:25,915 Aargh!!!!!! 558 00:19:25,957 --> 00:19:30,377 Looking for me? 559 00:19:30,419 --> 00:19:32,672 YEEHAW! 560 00:19:32,713 --> 00:19:34,590 Yippie Kai Yay! 561 00:19:34,632 --> 00:19:37,176 And now for the ultimate 562 00:19:34,632 --> 00:19:37,176 bug zapper - 563 00:19:37,217 --> 00:19:39,012 my stasis beam. 564 00:19:40,930 --> 00:19:43,641 [struggling] 565 00:19:43,683 --> 00:19:44,517 UGH!!!!!!! 566 00:19:44,558 --> 00:19:45,601 Oh no! 567 00:19:49,480 --> 00:19:51,024 [growls] 568 00:19:55,987 --> 00:19:57,155 FURBO!!! 569 00:19:57,196 --> 00:19:58,364 No Bueno! 570 00:20:01,325 --> 00:20:01,742 [grunts] 571 00:20:01,784 --> 00:20:03,410 AHHHHHHHH! 572 00:20:10,292 --> 00:20:12,003 Aaargh!!!!!!! 573 00:20:15,589 --> 00:20:16,716 He's gone. 574 00:20:16,757 --> 00:20:18,592 That's a shocker! 575 00:20:18,634 --> 00:20:19,677 FURBO. 576 00:20:19,719 --> 00:20:22,471 I'm sorry for leaving 577 00:20:19,719 --> 00:20:22,471 you buddy, 578 00:20:22,513 --> 00:20:23,806 This is all my fault. 579 00:20:23,848 --> 00:20:27,351 I should've taken better 580 00:20:23,848 --> 00:20:27,351 care of you, I know. 581 00:20:27,393 --> 00:20:32,398 Please, bark, or yip, 582 00:20:27,393 --> 00:20:32,398 or do something! 583 00:20:36,402 --> 00:20:39,530 FURBO, You're ok! 584 00:20:39,572 --> 00:20:40,156 [laughing] 585 00:20:40,198 --> 00:20:42,867 He's alive, alive! 586 00:20:42,909 --> 00:20:45,369 [barks] 587 00:20:45,411 --> 00:20:46,746 Extroyer may have escaped. 588 00:20:46,787 --> 00:20:49,165 But at least you recovered 589 00:20:46,787 --> 00:20:49,165 the Microfuser. 590 00:20:49,207 --> 00:20:50,374 Thanks to you and Steel, 591 00:20:50,416 --> 00:20:53,044 our technology isn't 592 00:20:50,416 --> 00:20:53,044 in enemy hands anymore. 593 00:20:53,086 --> 00:20:54,962 FURBO helped too you know. 594 00:20:55,004 --> 00:20:57,673 What are we gonna do 595 00:20:55,004 --> 00:20:57,673 with all these FURBO clones? 596 00:20:57,715 --> 00:21:00,426 I have an idea... 597 00:21:00,467 --> 00:21:02,678 If this all goes well, 598 00:21:00,467 --> 00:21:02,678 this captured Makino fighter 599 00:21:02,720 --> 00:21:05,806 should slip right 600 00:21:02,720 --> 00:21:05,806 into that destroyer. 601 00:21:05,848 --> 00:21:08,893 Initiating operation 602 00:21:05,848 --> 00:21:08,893 Trojan Puppy. 603 00:21:13,689 --> 00:21:17,777 Hmm, What's that noise? 604 00:21:17,818 --> 00:21:24,658 [barking] 605 00:21:27,494 --> 00:21:31,582 [laughing]