1 00:00:09,009 --> 00:00:12,179 My UltraLink half-brothers 2 00:00:09,009 --> 00:00:12,179 are active tonight. 3 00:00:12,220 --> 00:00:13,639 I sense... 4 00:00:13,681 --> 00:00:16,141 a great evil approaching. 5 00:00:24,191 --> 00:00:25,233 Yes... 6 00:00:25,275 --> 00:00:28,487 I feel a great kinship 7 00:00:25,275 --> 00:00:28,487 with this evil. 8 00:00:28,529 --> 00:00:29,780 With this... 9 00:00:29,822 --> 00:00:30,990 Makino. 10 00:00:31,031 --> 00:00:32,783 [growls] 11 00:00:32,825 --> 00:00:34,117 Raaaahhhhhhh!!!!! 12 00:00:37,078 --> 00:00:40,040 [grunts] 13 00:00:40,081 --> 00:00:41,124 Raaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!! 14 00:00:41,166 --> 00:00:43,627 It appears the feeling 15 00:00:41,166 --> 00:00:43,627 isn't mutual. 16 00:00:46,005 --> 00:00:47,715 Apprehend UltraLink anomaly. 17 00:00:51,593 --> 00:00:52,553 [grunts] 18 00:00:52,594 --> 00:00:55,389 Pathetic creature! 19 00:00:55,430 --> 00:00:57,224 Ahhhhhh!!!!!! 20 00:01:01,020 --> 00:01:02,646 Ultralinking with anomaly. 21 00:01:02,688 --> 00:01:05,024 No! 22 00:01:05,065 --> 00:01:07,401 I'm already linked, fool! 23 00:01:11,780 --> 00:01:13,032 [growls] 24 00:01:13,073 --> 00:01:17,036 Uh oh, all alone now. 25 00:01:17,077 --> 00:01:19,621 [roar] 26 00:01:26,085 --> 00:01:28,213 STAY DOWN! 27 00:01:28,255 --> 00:01:31,258 Your master seeks 28 00:01:28,255 --> 00:01:31,258 to destroy me? 29 00:01:31,299 --> 00:01:34,678 Tell him he's got another 30 00:01:31,299 --> 00:01:34,678 thing coming. 31 00:01:34,720 --> 00:01:37,932 [evil laugh] 32 00:01:39,058 --> 00:01:39,892 My name is Steel. 33 00:01:39,934 --> 00:01:41,435 And this is my human, Max. 34 00:01:41,476 --> 00:01:42,728 Go Turbo! 35 00:01:44,688 --> 00:01:47,482 Together, we keep the Earth 36 00:01:44,688 --> 00:01:47,482 safe from the bad guys. 37 00:01:47,524 --> 00:01:52,279 Monsters, Ultralinks, you know, 38 00:01:47,524 --> 00:01:52,279 like Superheroes. 39 00:01:52,320 --> 00:01:54,322 With a secret identity 40 00:01:52,320 --> 00:01:54,322 and everything. 41 00:01:54,364 --> 00:01:57,200 We are the ultimate 42 00:01:54,364 --> 00:01:57,200 Turbo team up. 43 00:01:58,744 --> 00:02:00,537 Max has the power. 44 00:02:00,579 --> 00:02:02,330 And I've got the Alien 45 00:02:00,579 --> 00:02:02,330 kno w - how to control it. 46 00:02:02,372 --> 00:02:05,542 And we're gearing up for 47 00:02:02,372 --> 00:02:05,542 our biggest battle ever. 48 00:02:05,584 --> 00:02:08,754 Together, we are Max Steel! 49 00:02:12,173 --> 00:02:15,970 [BAD ACTING SCREAMING] 50 00:02:16,011 --> 00:02:17,304 Oh no! 51 00:02:17,345 --> 00:02:18,138 Please! 52 00:02:18,179 --> 00:02:19,098 Louder, Max! 53 00:02:19,139 --> 00:02:20,307 More fear! 54 00:02:20,348 --> 00:02:21,683 You're supposed to be 55 00:02:20,348 --> 00:02:21,683 a terrified citizen 56 00:02:21,725 --> 00:02:23,685 on the run from UltraLinks. 57 00:02:23,727 --> 00:02:25,020 [roar] 58 00:02:25,062 --> 00:02:26,229 Ok ok! 59 00:02:26,271 --> 00:02:27,689 Help! 60 00:02:27,731 --> 00:02:30,901 I'm a terrified citizen on 61 00:02:27,731 --> 00:02:30,901 the run from an Ultraliiink. 62 00:02:30,943 --> 00:02:33,403 Oh, that's 63 00:02:30,943 --> 00:02:33,403 waaay better, great job! 64 00:02:35,280 --> 00:02:38,742 [British accent] 65 00:02:35,280 --> 00:02:38,742 Do not fear, Citizens! 66 00:02:38,784 --> 00:02:43,914 The mighty Max Steel 67 00:02:38,784 --> 00:02:43,914 is here to save the day. 68 00:02:45,540 --> 00:02:46,792 Ouch! Ooh! 69 00:02:46,834 --> 00:02:48,167 [wimpy laugh] 70 00:02:48,209 --> 00:02:49,753 [British accent] 71 00:02:48,209 --> 00:02:49,753 That smarts! 72 00:02:49,795 --> 00:02:51,005 Ugh, terrible! 73 00:02:51,046 --> 00:02:52,131 Cut! Cut! 74 00:02:52,171 --> 00:02:53,090 CUT! 75 00:02:53,132 --> 00:02:54,466 [bell rings] 76 00:02:54,508 --> 00:02:57,094 Johnny, honey, baby, sweetie 77 00:02:54,508 --> 00:02:57,094 you're killin' me here! 78 00:02:57,136 --> 00:02:59,888 I need more comedy, 79 00:02:57,136 --> 00:02:59,888 more tragedy! 80 00:02:59,930 --> 00:03:00,806 Comprende? 81 00:03:00,848 --> 00:03:02,516 Of course JB -- 82 00:03:02,557 --> 00:03:07,186 I am a master thespian, 83 00:03:02,557 --> 00:03:07,186 after all. 84 00:03:07,228 --> 00:03:10,524 How cool is it that we get 85 00:03:07,228 --> 00:03:10,524 to be extras on a movie set? 86 00:03:10,565 --> 00:03:11,984 Huh! 87 00:03:12,026 --> 00:03:13,735 How cool is it that they're 88 00:03:12,026 --> 00:03:13,735 making a Max Steel movie? 89 00:03:13,777 --> 00:03:14,987 And we're in it! 90 00:03:15,029 --> 00:03:16,613 We're just extras, Kirb. 91 00:03:16,655 --> 00:03:17,364 Extras! 92 00:03:17,405 --> 00:03:18,448 Bah! 93 00:03:18,490 --> 00:03:19,825 They should be making me 94 00:03:18,490 --> 00:03:19,825 a star! 95 00:03:19,867 --> 00:03:21,910 Yeah, easy there, 96 00:03:19,867 --> 00:03:21,910 Master Thespian. 97 00:03:21,952 --> 00:03:23,078 Alright people! 98 00:03:23,120 --> 00:03:24,371 We're going again! 99 00:03:24,412 --> 00:03:28,167 This is the most important 100 00:03:24,412 --> 00:03:28,167 scene in the movie! 101 00:03:29,751 --> 00:03:31,879 [nervous laugh] 102 00:03:31,920 --> 00:03:34,923 And action! 103 00:03:34,965 --> 00:03:37,968 [screaming] 104 00:03:38,010 --> 00:03:39,970 TERRIBLE! Cut! 105 00:03:41,429 --> 00:03:42,973 I'm telling ya, 106 00:03:43,015 --> 00:03:44,558 Max Steel: The Movie is gonna 107 00:03:43,015 --> 00:03:44,558 be a blockbuster! 108 00:03:44,599 --> 00:03:45,684 And what makes you so sure 109 00:03:44,599 --> 00:03:45,684 of that? 110 00:03:45,726 --> 00:03:46,434 Are you kidding? 111 00:03:46,476 --> 00:03:47,602 A movie about us? 112 00:03:47,644 --> 00:03:49,646 How could it be anything but!? 113 00:03:49,688 --> 00:03:51,940 Uhm, that's how. 114 00:03:51,982 --> 00:03:56,570 Don't forget me, 115 00:03:51,982 --> 00:03:56,570 my adoring public... 116 00:03:56,611 --> 00:03:59,114 don't forget meeeeee... 117 00:03:59,156 --> 00:04:02,910 I won't forget you, 118 00:03:59,156 --> 00:04:02,910 whoever you are! 119 00:04:02,951 --> 00:04:03,577 UGH! 120 00:04:03,618 --> 00:04:04,578 People! 121 00:04:04,619 --> 00:04:06,955 We are tryin' to make 122 00:04:04,619 --> 00:04:06,955 art here! 123 00:04:06,997 --> 00:04:09,041 I need a new Max Steel!! 124 00:04:09,083 --> 00:04:10,542 Get me a new Max Steel! 125 00:04:10,584 --> 00:04:11,877 Pronto! 126 00:04:11,919 --> 00:04:13,294 How about me, JB? 127 00:04:13,336 --> 00:04:15,756 I know everything there is 128 00:04:13,336 --> 00:04:15,756 to know about the Maxster. 129 00:04:16,924 --> 00:04:18,175 Hmm. 130 00:04:18,217 --> 00:04:21,929 Weak jawline...pale 131 00:04:18,217 --> 00:04:21,929 complexion...beady eyes... 132 00:04:21,970 --> 00:04:23,263 you're perfect! 133 00:04:23,304 --> 00:04:25,224 [laughs] 134 00:04:25,265 --> 00:04:26,349 Way to go, Kirby! 135 00:04:26,391 --> 00:04:28,518 See Max, that could've 136 00:04:26,391 --> 00:04:28,518 been us. 137 00:04:28,560 --> 00:04:31,063 I'm way more comfortable 138 00:04:28,560 --> 00:04:31,063 behind the camera. 139 00:04:31,105 --> 00:04:34,024 Dude, I will not let you 140 00:04:31,105 --> 00:04:34,024 down JB! 141 00:04:34,066 --> 00:04:35,400 This is gonna be awes... 142 00:04:35,442 --> 00:04:36,985 OW! 143 00:04:37,027 --> 00:04:38,195 Ah-ha I'm fine 144 00:04:38,237 --> 00:04:39,821 [laughs] 145 00:04:39,863 --> 00:04:42,282 Now, where's my power 146 00:04:39,863 --> 00:04:42,282 smoothie!? 147 00:04:42,323 --> 00:04:43,575 Here you go, JB. 148 00:04:43,617 --> 00:04:45,160 Wow!! JB just shouts out orders 149 00:04:45,202 --> 00:04:46,870 and people do 150 00:04:45,202 --> 00:04:46,870 whatever he says... 151 00:04:46,912 --> 00:04:48,538 I know, right? 152 00:04:48,580 --> 00:04:51,083 Yeah, I wonder 153 00:04:48,580 --> 00:04:51,083 what that's like? 154 00:04:51,125 --> 00:04:52,459 Go Turbo Speed. 155 00:04:52,500 --> 00:04:53,835 Go Turbo Strength. 156 00:04:53,877 --> 00:04:56,046 Go Turbo blah, blah, blah! 157 00:04:56,088 --> 00:04:57,047 [slurps] 158 00:04:57,089 --> 00:04:58,215 Uh! BLECH! 159 00:04:58,257 --> 00:05:01,468 There's no power in 160 00:04:58,257 --> 00:05:01,468 this power smoothie! 161 00:05:01,509 --> 00:05:03,511 You're fired! 162 00:05:03,553 --> 00:05:04,888 All right now... 163 00:05:04,930 --> 00:05:08,100 who will be my new 164 00:05:04,930 --> 00:05:08,100 Assistant Director! 165 00:05:08,142 --> 00:05:09,350 Do it, Max! 166 00:05:09,392 --> 00:05:10,185 Say yes so I can watch 167 00:05:09,392 --> 00:05:10,185 J.B. work, 168 00:05:10,227 --> 00:05:11,812 up close and personal. 169 00:05:11,853 --> 00:05:13,605 C'mon buddy, it's perfect! 170 00:05:13,647 --> 00:05:15,649 You said you're better 171 00:05:13,647 --> 00:05:15,649 behind the scenes. 172 00:05:15,690 --> 00:05:17,109 This could be our big break, 173 00:05:15,690 --> 00:05:17,109 Max! 174 00:05:17,151 --> 00:05:18,902 I could become a movie mogul! 175 00:05:18,944 --> 00:05:19,820 Just say yes. 176 00:05:19,861 --> 00:05:21,280 Please, please, pleaaase! 177 00:05:21,321 --> 00:05:22,072 Fine. 178 00:05:22,114 --> 00:05:23,364 But you owe me one. 179 00:05:23,406 --> 00:05:25,951 Uh, I will, uh... sir ... JB. 180 00:05:25,993 --> 00:05:29,871 Hmmm...well come along then. 181 00:05:29,913 --> 00:05:31,665 I wonder what J.B. 182 00:05:29,913 --> 00:05:31,665 will make us do first? 183 00:05:31,706 --> 00:05:33,125 Give script notes, 184 00:05:31,706 --> 00:05:33,125 help with casting, 185 00:05:33,167 --> 00:05:34,918 revise the storyboard? 186 00:05:34,960 --> 00:05:37,045 The toilet in my trailer 187 00:05:34,960 --> 00:05:37,045 is clogged. 188 00:05:37,087 --> 00:05:39,047 Welcome to showbiz, kid. 189 00:05:39,089 --> 00:05:40,465 [sigh] 190 00:05:40,507 --> 00:05:43,177 I had no idea we'd have 191 00:05:40,507 --> 00:05:43,177 to clean toilets, this stinks! 192 00:05:43,218 --> 00:05:45,804 This is a matter of Makino 193 00:05:43,218 --> 00:05:45,804 and his UltraLink goons 194 00:05:45,846 --> 00:05:47,681 wanting to destroy us. 195 00:05:47,722 --> 00:05:51,018 So how do we destroy 196 00:05:47,722 --> 00:05:51,018 him instead? 197 00:05:51,059 --> 00:05:53,854 Ideas boys? 198 00:05:53,895 --> 00:05:55,689 Don't just stand there, 199 00:05:53,895 --> 00:05:55,689 maggots. 200 00:05:55,730 --> 00:05:56,898 Brainstorm! 201 00:05:56,940 --> 00:05:58,025 Oh uhh um um... 202 00:05:58,066 --> 00:05:59,276 Poison cake! 203 00:05:59,318 --> 00:06:00,527 [grunt] 204 00:06:00,568 --> 00:06:02,779 Uh shoot em'....Shoot 205 00:06:00,568 --> 00:06:02,779 him into a black hole! 206 00:06:02,821 --> 00:06:03,738 Poison waffles! 207 00:06:03,780 --> 00:06:04,865 Kill him with kindness! 208 00:06:04,906 --> 00:06:06,116 Poison fortune cookies! 209 00:06:06,158 --> 00:06:08,994 And the ink in the fortunes 210 00:06:06,158 --> 00:06:08,994 is also poison! 211 00:06:09,036 --> 00:06:12,080 Those are terrible ideas! 212 00:06:12,122 --> 00:06:13,456 I kinda liked 213 00:06:12,122 --> 00:06:13,456 the poison waffles. 214 00:06:13,498 --> 00:06:15,416 Yeah I know ... now I'm hungry. 215 00:06:15,458 --> 00:06:17,585 What are we supposed to do, 216 00:06:15,458 --> 00:06:17,585 boss? 217 00:06:17,627 --> 00:06:18,879 He has an army. 218 00:06:18,920 --> 00:06:20,881 A-a-and we don't. 219 00:06:20,922 --> 00:06:22,465 That's it! 220 00:06:25,010 --> 00:06:27,179 I may not have an army. 221 00:06:27,221 --> 00:06:30,974 But perhaps there's a way 222 00:06:27,221 --> 00:06:30,974 I can make one. 223 00:06:33,310 --> 00:06:34,269 YES! 224 00:06:34,311 --> 00:06:37,898 Makino will cower 225 00:06:34,311 --> 00:06:37,898 before my might! 226 00:06:39,482 --> 00:06:43,153 ...and for the finale I want 227 00:06:39,482 --> 00:06:43,153 the biggest explosion ever! 228 00:06:43,195 --> 00:06:46,614 An extravaganza of fiery 229 00:06:43,195 --> 00:06:46,614 destruction! 230 00:06:46,656 --> 00:06:48,783 We'll be ready, JB! 231 00:06:48,825 --> 00:06:50,077 Fantastic! Wunderbar. 232 00:06:50,118 --> 00:06:50,994 And you. 233 00:06:51,036 --> 00:06:51,745 Where's my lunch?! 234 00:06:51,786 --> 00:06:53,247 Uh... 235 00:06:53,288 --> 00:06:54,998 well, the Copper Kettle's 236 00:06:53,288 --> 00:06:54,998 got an awesome grilled cheese-- 237 00:06:55,040 --> 00:06:56,415 Wrong! 238 00:06:56,457 --> 00:06:59,253 I only eat the Tuna Melts 239 00:06:56,457 --> 00:06:59,253 from Sandwich Sensation -- 240 00:06:59,294 --> 00:07:01,338 That's on the other side 241 00:06:59,294 --> 00:07:01,338 of town... 242 00:07:01,380 --> 00:07:02,714 A Triple Vanilla-Choco-chino 243 00:07:02,756 --> 00:07:04,966 with non-fat whip 244 00:07:02,756 --> 00:07:04,966 from Hipster Hut. 245 00:07:05,008 --> 00:07:06,801 That's in another town 246 00:07:05,008 --> 00:07:06,801 altogether! 247 00:07:06,843 --> 00:07:09,470 And sprinkle a few diamonds 248 00:07:06,843 --> 00:07:09,470 on the lunch tray for effect. 249 00:07:09,512 --> 00:07:10,013 Now, fetch. 250 00:07:10,055 --> 00:07:10,972 Or you're fired! 251 00:07:11,014 --> 00:07:12,057 Go on. Fetch. 252 00:07:12,099 --> 00:07:13,016 Do what he says Max. 253 00:07:13,058 --> 00:07:14,726 I don't wanna blow this gig. 254 00:07:14,768 --> 00:07:18,105 Uh... you got it JB... baby. 255 00:07:18,146 --> 00:07:19,231 Thanks pal. 256 00:07:19,273 --> 00:07:21,942 I think it's Turbo Time... 257 00:07:21,983 --> 00:07:24,152 Go Turbo Speed! 258 00:07:27,114 --> 00:07:27,948 Sandwich. 259 00:07:27,989 --> 00:07:30,075 Check! 260 00:07:30,117 --> 00:07:31,159 Coffee. 261 00:07:31,201 --> 00:07:33,453 Check! 262 00:07:33,494 --> 00:07:36,290 Ok, diamonds... 263 00:07:36,331 --> 00:07:38,208 Checky-check-check. 264 00:07:38,250 --> 00:07:39,126 Coal? 265 00:07:39,167 --> 00:07:40,127 [chuckles] 266 00:07:40,168 --> 00:07:40,877 What are we going 267 00:07:40,168 --> 00:07:40,877 to do with coal? 268 00:07:40,919 --> 00:07:41,962 You'll see. 269 00:07:42,003 --> 00:07:44,256 Go Turbo Heat! 270 00:07:46,591 --> 00:07:48,302 Steel, what are you doing? 271 00:07:48,343 --> 00:07:53,014 Now we take this piece of 272 00:07:48,343 --> 00:07:53,014 coal and apply intense heat... 273 00:07:53,056 --> 00:07:57,185 Then, go Turbo Strength... 274 00:07:57,227 --> 00:07:59,354 we apply extreme pressure... 275 00:07:59,396 --> 00:08:02,149 And voilĂ  -we've created 276 00:07:59,396 --> 00:08:02,149 a diamond! 277 00:08:02,190 --> 00:08:03,524 You're a genius! 278 00:08:03,566 --> 00:08:06,236 I have my moments. 279 00:08:06,278 --> 00:08:07,487 [screams] 280 00:08:09,072 --> 00:08:10,073 Your lunch, JB. 281 00:08:10,115 --> 00:08:12,033 Exactly as you requested. 282 00:08:12,075 --> 00:08:14,786 Garnished with diamonds 283 00:08:12,075 --> 00:08:14,786 and everything. 284 00:08:14,828 --> 00:08:16,246 What is this? 285 00:08:16,288 --> 00:08:17,622 What do you mean? 286 00:08:17,664 --> 00:08:21,126 I asked for a grilled cheese 287 00:08:17,664 --> 00:08:21,126 from the Copper Kettle. 288 00:08:21,168 --> 00:08:23,962 [defeated sigh] 289 00:08:24,004 --> 00:08:28,425 Uhh... Scene 121, Take one! 290 00:08:28,467 --> 00:08:31,970 This is the most important 291 00:08:28,467 --> 00:08:31,970 scene in the movie! 292 00:08:32,012 --> 00:08:33,972 Cue animatronic Extroyer! 293 00:08:34,014 --> 00:08:35,598 Uh, you think someone 294 00:08:34,014 --> 00:08:35,598 would have told us 295 00:08:35,640 --> 00:08:37,392 how to work this thing... 296 00:08:38,935 --> 00:08:40,312 Careful, Max. 297 00:08:40,354 --> 00:08:41,604 That's twenty tons of pure 298 00:08:40,354 --> 00:08:41,604 robotic power. 299 00:08:41,646 --> 00:08:43,148 Keep her smooth and steady. 300 00:08:43,190 --> 00:08:46,443 AAAAANNNDDD...action! 301 00:08:48,778 --> 00:08:50,655 Extroyer, dude, 302 00:08:50,697 --> 00:08:55,202 I am about to make you 303 00:08:50,697 --> 00:08:55,202 an endangered species. 304 00:08:56,953 --> 00:08:58,872 Great... I'm loving it... 305 00:08:58,913 --> 00:09:00,332 make it ROAR! 306 00:09:00,374 --> 00:09:02,083 Nice and easy... 307 00:09:03,043 --> 00:09:04,961 [roar] 308 00:09:05,003 --> 00:09:06,004 [high-pitched scream] 309 00:09:06,046 --> 00:09:06,838 [pained grunt] 310 00:09:06,880 --> 00:09:08,215 Cut. 311 00:09:08,256 --> 00:09:11,009 Max! Do you realize what 312 00:09:08,256 --> 00:09:11,009 this means? 313 00:09:11,051 --> 00:09:14,554 With JB out of the picture 314 00:09:11,051 --> 00:09:14,554 the Assistant Director steps up! 315 00:09:14,595 --> 00:09:17,307 Are you saying what I think 316 00:09:14,595 --> 00:09:17,307 you're saying? 317 00:09:17,349 --> 00:09:19,434 Don't forget me. 318 00:09:19,476 --> 00:09:20,935 What I'm saying is... 319 00:09:20,977 --> 00:09:23,021 you're the director now! 320 00:09:24,939 --> 00:09:27,025 Aw Steel? Director? 321 00:09:27,067 --> 00:09:29,194 I don't know anything 322 00:09:27,067 --> 00:09:29,194 about directing! 323 00:09:29,236 --> 00:09:32,489 Don't worry - I know 324 00:09:29,236 --> 00:09:32,489 everything about directing. 325 00:09:32,531 --> 00:09:34,866 Just repeat after me... 326 00:09:34,908 --> 00:09:35,783 All right people! 327 00:09:35,825 --> 00:09:37,744 The show must go on! 328 00:09:37,785 --> 00:09:38,912 All right people the... 329 00:09:38,953 --> 00:09:39,787 whaaaa! 330 00:09:39,829 --> 00:09:40,497 Light it up! 331 00:09:40,539 --> 00:09:41,331 Light it.... 332 00:09:41,373 --> 00:09:43,250 eeeeeee! 333 00:09:43,291 --> 00:09:44,334 Make-up! 334 00:09:44,376 --> 00:09:47,045 Make upppppp..! 335 00:09:47,087 --> 00:09:48,963 [coughing] 336 00:09:50,965 --> 00:09:51,841 [grunt] 337 00:09:51,883 --> 00:09:54,719 Annnnnd action! 338 00:09:54,761 --> 00:09:56,012 Action? 339 00:09:58,098 --> 00:10:03,103 Um...this is the most 340 00:09:58,098 --> 00:10:03,103 important scene of the movie. 341 00:10:03,144 --> 00:10:06,565 [numerous conversations] 342 00:10:09,317 --> 00:10:14,072 Hey, boss, how is this scorpion 343 00:10:09,317 --> 00:10:14,072 gonna help us make an army? 344 00:10:14,114 --> 00:10:16,824 This rare and fascinating 345 00:10:14,114 --> 00:10:16,824 species 346 00:10:16,866 --> 00:10:21,871 self-replicates by a process 347 00:10:16,866 --> 00:10:21,871 called parthenogenesis. 348 00:10:21,913 --> 00:10:23,331 Partheno-what now? 349 00:10:23,373 --> 00:10:25,208 In "Dumb Henchman"-speak-- 350 00:10:25,250 --> 00:10:28,378 it can make clones of itself. 351 00:10:28,420 --> 00:10:32,715 And if I extroy that power 352 00:10:28,420 --> 00:10:32,715 and combine it with my ability 353 00:10:32,757 --> 00:10:35,885 to regenerate 354 00:10:32,757 --> 00:10:35,885 my UltraLink shards... 355 00:10:35,927 --> 00:10:37,929 instant army. 356 00:10:39,847 --> 00:10:44,060 I've finally located a collector 357 00:10:39,847 --> 00:10:44,060 of rare scorpions 358 00:10:44,102 --> 00:10:47,981 who has just the species 359 00:10:44,102 --> 00:10:47,981 I'm looking for... 360 00:10:48,022 --> 00:10:49,983 And...action! 361 00:10:51,067 --> 00:10:52,986 [screaming] 362 00:10:51,067 --> 00:10:52,986 Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 363 00:10:58,950 --> 00:11:01,911 One dude can save 364 00:10:58,950 --> 00:11:01,911 the world. 365 00:11:01,953 --> 00:11:05,081 One dude can keep 366 00:11:01,953 --> 00:11:05,081 the evil at bay. 367 00:11:05,123 --> 00:11:07,334 That dude is me... 368 00:11:07,375 --> 00:11:09,252 Max Steel. 369 00:11:09,294 --> 00:11:11,630 [screaming] 370 00:11:09,294 --> 00:11:11,630 Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! 371 00:11:14,090 --> 00:11:15,175 UGH!!!!!!! 372 00:11:15,925 --> 00:11:16,551 [gasp] 373 00:11:16,593 --> 00:11:18,011 Kirby! 374 00:11:18,928 --> 00:11:20,555 Are you all right? 375 00:11:20,597 --> 00:11:21,473 Ohhh. 376 00:11:21,515 --> 00:11:22,432 That... 377 00:11:22,474 --> 00:11:23,891 was... 378 00:11:23,933 --> 00:11:25,352 AWESOME! 379 00:11:25,393 --> 00:11:26,769 [giggles] 380 00:11:26,811 --> 00:11:29,314 Annnd... Cut! 381 00:11:29,356 --> 00:11:31,899 Kirby, baby, sweetheart. 382 00:11:31,941 --> 00:11:33,568 You are amazing! 383 00:11:33,610 --> 00:11:34,986 [laughs] 384 00:11:35,028 --> 00:11:37,155 Looks like your days as 385 00:11:35,028 --> 00:11:37,155 a big time director are over. 386 00:11:37,197 --> 00:11:39,658 Rub it in, why dontcha?! 387 00:11:39,698 --> 00:11:43,953 Now, this is the most important 388 00:11:39,698 --> 00:11:43,953 scene in the movie. 389 00:11:43,995 --> 00:11:45,038 Scene 27... 390 00:11:45,079 --> 00:11:46,080 28. 391 00:11:46,122 --> 00:11:47,040 [sigh] 392 00:11:47,081 --> 00:11:48,916 Scene 28, take 1. 393 00:11:48,958 --> 00:11:49,792 Take 2. 394 00:11:49,834 --> 00:11:50,835 [exasperated sigh] 395 00:11:50,877 --> 00:11:52,962 Take...2. 396 00:11:53,004 --> 00:11:56,007 Annnnnd... 397 00:11:56,049 --> 00:11:57,008 ACTION! 398 00:11:57,050 --> 00:11:58,759 [grunt] 399 00:11:58,801 --> 00:12:00,053 I'm okay! 400 00:12:00,094 --> 00:12:01,012 Eugh. 401 00:12:01,054 --> 00:12:02,556 Yah!! Sell it baby! 402 00:12:02,597 --> 00:12:03,973 Sell it! 403 00:12:05,225 --> 00:12:05,892 [squeals] 404 00:12:05,933 --> 00:12:10,938 [grunt] 405 00:12:10,980 --> 00:12:12,482 [heavy panting] 406 00:12:12,524 --> 00:12:15,026 More emotion! 407 00:12:15,068 --> 00:12:16,361 Ow. Ow. 408 00:12:16,403 --> 00:12:17,320 OW!! 409 00:12:17,362 --> 00:12:19,406 Feel the existential irony! 410 00:12:19,447 --> 00:12:20,407 Feel it! 411 00:12:20,448 --> 00:12:21,366 Ow. 412 00:12:21,408 --> 00:12:22,867 Oh he's feelin' it alright. 413 00:12:22,909 --> 00:12:24,369 He's feelin' it. 414 00:12:24,411 --> 00:12:28,081 Who knew being Max Steel 415 00:12:24,411 --> 00:12:28,081 would be so hard? 416 00:12:28,122 --> 00:12:28,915 Ow. 417 00:12:28,956 --> 00:12:30,041 I hear ya, buddy. 418 00:12:30,083 --> 00:12:31,334 CUT! 419 00:12:31,376 --> 00:12:33,002 (Crowd): Kirby, we love you! 420 00:12:33,044 --> 00:12:34,045 Can we have your autograph? 421 00:12:34,087 --> 00:12:37,090 He's so cute! 422 00:12:37,131 --> 00:12:37,965 [chuckle] 423 00:12:38,007 --> 00:12:39,593 [grunt] 424 00:12:39,634 --> 00:12:41,177 (girls): OH Kirby! 425 00:12:41,219 --> 00:12:42,178 [giggles] 426 00:12:42,220 --> 00:12:44,222 At least Kirby's 427 00:12:42,220 --> 00:12:44,222 enjoying himself. 428 00:12:46,849 --> 00:12:48,268 Okay, Kirbinator. 429 00:12:48,309 --> 00:12:52,021 This is the most important scene 430 00:12:48,309 --> 00:12:52,021 in the movie. 431 00:12:52,063 --> 00:12:53,772 What's my motivation JB? 432 00:12:53,814 --> 00:12:58,111 Anger, happiness, sadness, 433 00:12:53,814 --> 00:12:58,111 despair. 434 00:12:58,152 --> 00:12:59,987 Whoooah! 435 00:13:00,029 --> 00:13:02,823 Now... who wants to be 436 00:13:00,029 --> 00:13:02,823 my Extroyer?! 437 00:13:02,865 --> 00:13:03,991 Volunteer! Volunteer! 438 00:13:04,033 --> 00:13:05,076 I don't think we should... 439 00:13:05,118 --> 00:13:06,953 Ugh! Fine, I'll do it! 440 00:13:06,994 --> 00:13:08,747 I told you to quit 441 00:13:06,994 --> 00:13:08,747 doing that! 442 00:13:08,787 --> 00:13:09,497 Let's go, let's go. 443 00:13:09,539 --> 00:13:10,873 Put him in the costume! 444 00:13:14,419 --> 00:13:16,337 [defeated sigh] 445 00:13:16,379 --> 00:13:19,132 Aaand... ACTION! 446 00:13:19,173 --> 00:13:20,799 I am Extroyer. 447 00:13:20,841 --> 00:13:22,093 Rah. 448 00:13:22,135 --> 00:13:24,053 Grrr...rrr? 449 00:13:24,095 --> 00:13:29,517 Yo, like go Turbo Flightness. 450 00:13:29,559 --> 00:13:36,274 [screams] 451 00:13:29,559 --> 00:13:36,274 Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! 452 00:13:36,316 --> 00:13:38,901 UGH!!!!! 453 00:13:38,943 --> 00:13:40,695 AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! 454 00:13:40,737 --> 00:13:42,029 [grunt] 455 00:13:44,365 --> 00:13:44,823 Eulch!!!!!! 456 00:13:44,865 --> 00:13:45,950 Cut! 457 00:13:47,994 --> 00:13:49,245 Cut!! 458 00:13:49,287 --> 00:13:50,371 CUT!!!! 459 00:13:50,413 --> 00:13:52,791 [groan] 460 00:13:52,831 --> 00:13:55,335 Annnd... cue...the doctor..! 461 00:14:01,048 --> 00:14:03,009 Here it is. 462 00:14:03,050 --> 00:14:08,847 This little scorpion 463 00:14:03,050 --> 00:14:08,847 will give me an army! 464 00:14:08,889 --> 00:14:13,603 [evil laugh] 465 00:14:13,645 --> 00:14:15,313 Okay, Kirbinator. 466 00:14:15,355 --> 00:14:20,401 This is the most important scene 467 00:14:15,355 --> 00:14:20,401 in the movie ever, ever! 468 00:14:20,443 --> 00:14:21,736 NO WAY! 469 00:14:21,778 --> 00:14:23,196 Oh yah! 470 00:14:23,237 --> 00:14:26,032 To stop Extroyer, Max Steel 471 00:14:23,237 --> 00:14:26,032 blows up the entire block! 472 00:14:26,073 --> 00:14:27,575 Action! Spectacle! 473 00:14:27,617 --> 00:14:29,243 Lots of KABOOM-BOOM! 474 00:14:29,285 --> 00:14:32,038 Is he seriously gonna blow up 475 00:14:29,285 --> 00:14:32,038 this whole city block? 476 00:14:32,079 --> 00:14:35,291 We are gonna light it up, 477 00:14:32,079 --> 00:14:35,291 big time! 478 00:14:38,795 --> 00:14:40,880 [growling] 479 00:14:40,921 --> 00:14:41,881 That wasn't in the script! 480 00:14:41,922 --> 00:14:43,341 Is that Extroyer?! 481 00:14:43,383 --> 00:14:44,509 What's this?! 482 00:14:44,551 --> 00:14:45,885 Max Steel. 483 00:14:45,926 --> 00:14:48,722 UHHH, I'd like to call 484 00:14:45,926 --> 00:14:48,722 my agent! 485 00:14:48,763 --> 00:14:53,017 Prepare to meet Scorpion 486 00:14:48,763 --> 00:14:53,017 Extroyer! 487 00:14:53,059 --> 00:14:56,020 [crowd scream] 488 00:14:56,062 --> 00:14:57,938 Bigger, badder, creepier 489 00:14:56,062 --> 00:14:57,938 than ever. 490 00:14:57,980 --> 00:15:01,275 And this clown thinks 491 00:14:57,980 --> 00:15:01,275 Kirby's the real Max Steel. 492 00:15:01,317 --> 00:15:02,985 Let's Go Turbo! 493 00:15:03,027 --> 00:15:05,697 [evil laugh] 494 00:15:05,739 --> 00:15:06,947 Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!! 495 00:15:06,989 --> 00:15:08,949 [whimpering] I'd 496 00:15:06,989 --> 00:15:08,949 like to get down now. 497 00:15:08,991 --> 00:15:10,827 [grunt] 498 00:15:12,328 --> 00:15:13,454 [grunt] 499 00:15:13,496 --> 00:15:16,916 TWO Max Steels!? 500 00:15:13,496 --> 00:15:16,916 That's impossible! 501 00:15:16,957 --> 00:15:19,460 Yeah! It's movie magic, 502 00:15:16,957 --> 00:15:19,460 Extroyer. 503 00:15:19,502 --> 00:15:21,128 But you probably don't 504 00:15:19,502 --> 00:15:21,128 get out to the movies much 505 00:15:21,170 --> 00:15:22,797 because you don't have 506 00:15:21,170 --> 00:15:22,797 any friends. 507 00:15:22,839 --> 00:15:25,132 Ooh, I have friends. 508 00:15:30,179 --> 00:15:33,974 I have a whole colony 509 00:15:30,179 --> 00:15:33,974 of friends! 510 00:15:34,016 --> 00:15:35,017 Bring it! 511 00:15:39,063 --> 00:15:40,857 Looks like trouble! 512 00:15:40,899 --> 00:15:44,235 Uh! I don't think 513 00:15:40,899 --> 00:15:44,235 I like his friends. 514 00:15:51,659 --> 00:15:53,703 Ah, you're just full 515 00:15:51,659 --> 00:15:53,703 of surprises! 516 00:15:53,745 --> 00:15:58,666 I extroyed a scorpion to create 517 00:15:53,745 --> 00:15:58,666 an army against Makino, 518 00:15:58,708 --> 00:16:02,002 but I can use them 519 00:15:58,708 --> 00:16:02,002 against you too! 520 00:16:03,838 --> 00:16:04,798 Ahhhhh!!!!! 521 00:16:04,839 --> 00:16:06,883 [crowd scream] 522 00:16:09,051 --> 00:16:10,845 How many of these things 523 00:16:09,051 --> 00:16:10,845 can Extroyer make? 524 00:16:10,887 --> 00:16:12,972 Don't know, don't care. 525 00:16:13,013 --> 00:16:14,724 Let's just stop him 526 00:16:13,013 --> 00:16:14,724 from making more. 527 00:16:14,766 --> 00:16:16,142 [grunting] 528 00:16:18,937 --> 00:16:20,438 UGH!!!!!!!!! 529 00:16:20,480 --> 00:16:21,606 Okay, Extroyer. 530 00:16:21,648 --> 00:16:24,317 Let me introduce you 531 00:16:21,648 --> 00:16:24,317 to my friends. 532 00:16:24,358 --> 00:16:26,778 Go Turbo Clone! 533 00:16:28,738 --> 00:16:30,824 Did I write this scene? 534 00:16:30,865 --> 00:16:33,576 I must have -- 535 00:16:30,865 --> 00:16:33,576 because it's genius! 536 00:16:35,995 --> 00:16:37,831 Pure genius! 537 00:16:37,872 --> 00:16:49,843 [fighting grunts] 538 00:16:49,884 --> 00:16:51,719 Max! Our clones are outnumbered. 539 00:16:51,761 --> 00:16:53,513 I can't produce them 540 00:16:51,761 --> 00:16:53,513 fast enough. 541 00:16:53,554 --> 00:16:55,849 But I can... 542 00:16:55,890 --> 00:16:58,309 Go Turbo Speed! 543 00:17:01,855 --> 00:17:04,941 [fighting grunts] 544 00:17:07,485 --> 00:17:12,031 [fighting grunts] 545 00:17:12,072 --> 00:17:15,660 I clawed my way to the top 546 00:17:12,072 --> 00:17:15,660 of the animal kingdom. 547 00:17:15,702 --> 00:17:18,955 And I'll claw my way through 548 00:17:15,702 --> 00:17:18,955 you too. 549 00:17:18,997 --> 00:17:20,832 [grunt] 550 00:17:20,874 --> 00:17:21,958 Whoah! 551 00:17:23,835 --> 00:17:24,794 Incoming! 552 00:17:27,171 --> 00:17:29,841 Kick his keister, 553 00:17:27,171 --> 00:17:29,841 Max Steel! 554 00:17:29,883 --> 00:17:31,258 Will do... 555 00:17:31,300 --> 00:17:32,969 Max Steel. 556 00:17:33,887 --> 00:17:36,639 Max Steel, hit Extroyer hard. 557 00:17:36,681 --> 00:17:40,018 Like the fate of the world 558 00:17:36,681 --> 00:17:40,018 depended on it. 559 00:17:40,935 --> 00:17:45,356 And Extroyer, you hit Max Steel 560 00:17:40,935 --> 00:17:45,356 even harder! 561 00:17:46,399 --> 00:17:47,775 With pleasure! 562 00:17:47,817 --> 00:17:49,151 UGH! 563 00:17:49,193 --> 00:17:51,696 Yah! It's beautiful! 564 00:17:51,738 --> 00:17:53,573 And that's lunch! 565 00:17:53,614 --> 00:17:55,282 [groans] 566 00:17:55,324 --> 00:17:56,951 Ow. 567 00:17:56,993 --> 00:17:58,118 We need to find a way 568 00:17:56,993 --> 00:17:58,118 to stop him 569 00:17:58,160 --> 00:17:59,829 from breaking off those shards. 570 00:17:59,871 --> 00:18:01,372 What are those things? 571 00:18:01,414 --> 00:18:02,790 Some kind of crystal... 572 00:18:02,832 --> 00:18:04,834 They look like diamonds... 573 00:18:04,876 --> 00:18:05,919 That's it! 574 00:18:07,921 --> 00:18:09,797 You know how we changed the 575 00:18:07,921 --> 00:18:09,797 molecular structure of the coal 576 00:18:09,839 --> 00:18:10,924 to make it stronger? 577 00:18:10,965 --> 00:18:12,091 Into diamonds? 578 00:18:12,132 --> 00:18:13,593 Yeah. 579 00:18:13,634 --> 00:18:15,803 Can we do the same thing to 580 00:18:13,634 --> 00:18:15,803 Extroyer's UltraLink shards? 581 00:18:15,845 --> 00:18:17,513 Harden them ... 582 00:18:17,555 --> 00:18:20,767 so he can't break them off 583 00:18:17,555 --> 00:18:20,767 to produce more scorplings. 584 00:18:20,808 --> 00:18:23,436 Come and get me, ugly! 585 00:18:23,477 --> 00:18:24,270 AH! 586 00:18:24,311 --> 00:18:25,688 This could work! 587 00:18:25,730 --> 00:18:26,647 With a little intense heat 588 00:18:25,730 --> 00:18:26,647 and pressure, 589 00:18:26,689 --> 00:18:28,148 we can pretty much make 590 00:18:28,190 --> 00:18:30,610 Extroyer's UltraLink 591 00:18:28,190 --> 00:18:30,610 shards indestructible. 592 00:18:30,651 --> 00:18:32,904 [grunting] 593 00:18:32,946 --> 00:18:33,780 Whoa! 594 00:18:33,821 --> 00:18:34,781 [grunt] 595 00:18:34,822 --> 00:18:36,616 And speaking of 596 00:18:34,822 --> 00:18:36,616 indestructible... 597 00:18:36,657 --> 00:18:38,868 Go Turbo Cannon! 598 00:18:43,205 --> 00:18:44,582 [grunt] 599 00:18:45,291 --> 00:18:47,001 YES!!!! 600 00:18:47,043 --> 00:18:48,044 Uh oh. 601 00:18:48,086 --> 00:18:50,964 [struggle grunting] 602 00:18:51,005 --> 00:18:52,548 You put up a good fight, 603 00:18:52,590 --> 00:18:56,302 but this Max Steel movie 604 00:18:52,590 --> 00:18:56,302 is over. 605 00:18:56,343 --> 00:18:58,846 [grunting] 606 00:18:59,889 --> 00:19:01,849 Max, the big explosion scene... 607 00:19:05,937 --> 00:19:07,897 Citizens! The plunger! 608 00:19:07,939 --> 00:19:08,940 [gasp] 609 00:19:08,982 --> 00:19:10,441 I'M ON IT! 610 00:19:14,112 --> 00:19:15,154 [screaming] 611 00:19:15,195 --> 00:19:17,531 This only works on toilets! 612 00:19:17,573 --> 00:19:20,409 UHHH, the other plunger! 613 00:19:28,584 --> 00:19:31,921 I better start practicing 614 00:19:28,584 --> 00:19:31,921 my acceptance speech. 615 00:19:31,963 --> 00:19:35,299 I'd like to thank the academy 616 00:19:31,963 --> 00:19:35,299 und my mother... 617 00:19:35,341 --> 00:19:37,551 Oh no... 618 00:19:37,593 --> 00:19:41,014 And that's a wrap. 619 00:19:44,600 --> 00:19:45,893 Huh! 620 00:19:45,935 --> 00:19:48,771 I'm tellin' ya Steel, 621 00:19:45,935 --> 00:19:48,771 Turbo Cannon is the bomb! 622 00:19:48,813 --> 00:19:52,232 [roaring] 623 00:19:52,274 --> 00:19:55,444 Ok! Let's give that diamond 624 00:19:52,274 --> 00:19:55,444 thing a try. 625 00:19:55,486 --> 00:19:58,114 Go Turbo Heat! 626 00:20:05,913 --> 00:20:07,414 [screaming] 627 00:20:05,913 --> 00:20:07,414 Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! 628 00:20:07,456 --> 00:20:09,291 What? Can't stand the heat? 629 00:20:09,333 --> 00:20:10,835 NOOOOOOOOO! 630 00:20:10,877 --> 00:20:13,629 And now for the pressure. 631 00:20:13,671 --> 00:20:17,383 Go Turbo Mimic - Strength! 632 00:20:27,935 --> 00:20:28,769 [grunt] 633 00:20:28,811 --> 00:20:30,146 MY TAIL! 634 00:20:30,188 --> 00:20:32,148 What have you done? 635 00:20:32,190 --> 00:20:34,274 We just stopped you from making 636 00:20:32,190 --> 00:20:34,274 cheap knock-offs 637 00:20:34,316 --> 00:20:35,776 of your ugly face. 638 00:20:35,818 --> 00:20:38,821 And we didn't even have to call 639 00:20:35,818 --> 00:20:38,821 an exterminator. 640 00:20:38,863 --> 00:20:41,115 [grunt] 641 00:20:43,367 --> 00:20:44,952 NOOOOOOOOOO!!! 642 00:20:51,500 --> 00:20:54,003 Go Turbo Speed! 643 00:20:57,297 --> 00:20:59,759 Go Turbo Scuba! 644 00:21:11,062 --> 00:21:12,021 Huh! 645 00:21:12,063 --> 00:21:15,024 No sign of Extroyer anywhere. 646 00:21:15,066 --> 00:21:17,276 That, my friend, is a wrap! 647 00:21:21,488 --> 00:21:25,576 Uh, yo, guys a little help here? 648 00:21:25,618 --> 00:21:28,328 Guys? Guys?! 649 00:21:28,370 --> 00:21:30,497 Hellooo? 650 00:21:30,539 --> 00:21:32,125 [defeated] 651 00:21:30,539 --> 00:21:32,125 Aw man...