1 00:00:00,801 --> 00:00:01,801 [bird crowing] 2 00:00:01,936 --> 00:00:03,201 [cat meowing, mouse squeaking] 3 00:00:03,203 --> 00:00:05,203 [elephant trumpeting, lion roaring] 4 00:00:05,539 --> 00:00:06,338 ♪ Go! ♪ 5 00:00:06,473 --> 00:00:08,374 [opening theme playing] 6 00:00:13,880 --> 00:00:15,013 ♪ T-E-E-N ♪ 7 00:00:15,149 --> 00:00:16,281 ♪ T-I-T-A-N-S ♪ 8 00:00:16,416 --> 00:00:18,751 ♪ Teen Titans, let's go ♪ 9 00:00:21,822 --> 00:00:23,622 ♪ Teen Titans, go ♪ 10 00:00:27,694 --> 00:00:31,162 - Who's ready for Cy's signature pizza pie? - [all] Yeah. 11 00:00:31,164 --> 00:00:32,030 [beeping] 12 00:00:32,165 --> 00:00:33,165 Crime alert. 13 00:00:33,234 --> 00:00:34,878 - [Beast Boy] Hey! - Our pizza! 14 00:00:34,902 --> 00:00:36,035 This is more important. 15 00:00:36,169 --> 00:00:37,169 [beeping] 16 00:00:37,238 --> 00:00:38,704 Aquaman has gone missing. 17 00:00:38,839 --> 00:00:42,173 The man who is the Aqua is the hunkiest of the heroes. 18 00:00:42,175 --> 00:00:43,775 Who could have done such a thing? 19 00:00:43,777 --> 00:00:46,511 According to this, Aquaman was last seen at the marina, 20 00:00:46,647 --> 00:00:48,847 where Black Manta parks his submarine. 21 00:00:48,982 --> 00:00:52,317 Black Manta! He's the ocean's most dangerous supervillain. 22 00:00:52,319 --> 00:00:55,587 Which is why we need to track him down and get to the bottom of this. 23 00:00:55,589 --> 00:00:57,523 Titans, go! To the marina! 24 00:01:00,461 --> 00:01:01,860 There's Black Manta's sub. 25 00:01:01,995 --> 00:01:03,394 It's probably loaded 26 00:01:03,396 --> 00:01:05,556 with all kinds of deadly high tech weaponry, 27 00:01:05,666 --> 00:01:06,832 so be careful. 28 00:01:11,805 --> 00:01:14,139 Hmm... Doesn't look that high tech to me. 29 00:01:14,141 --> 00:01:17,276 This is just some sad ratty old looking apartment. 30 00:01:17,410 --> 00:01:19,010 I likes it! 31 00:01:19,012 --> 00:01:21,124 I don't know. I expect better from a supervillain. 32 00:01:21,148 --> 00:01:24,283 Oh, look! I have found the adorable kitty cat. 33 00:01:24,417 --> 00:01:25,684 [meows] 34 00:01:25,819 --> 00:01:28,419 I don't understand. Where could Black Manta be? 35 00:01:28,421 --> 00:01:30,421 [toilet flushes] 36 00:01:30,423 --> 00:01:32,291 [intense music playing] 37 00:01:33,961 --> 00:01:35,760 Oh, the Teen Titans! 38 00:01:35,762 --> 00:01:38,763 Come clean, Black Manta. We know you're up to evil. 39 00:01:38,765 --> 00:01:41,833 What? No, man, I haven't been up to anything 40 00:01:41,835 --> 00:01:43,875 since I threw my back out last month. 41 00:01:43,971 --> 00:01:47,038 I've just been sitting around working on my underwater dioramas. 42 00:01:47,040 --> 00:01:50,241 This one's from the time me and Aquaman got into a little tussle. 43 00:01:50,377 --> 00:01:51,977 And things got out of hand. 44 00:01:51,979 --> 00:01:54,223 [Manta laughs] What? That Aquaman's something else. 45 00:01:54,247 --> 00:01:56,648 Let me tell you something, that dude is something. 46 00:01:56,650 --> 00:01:59,451 Speaking of Aquaman, have you seen him lately? 47 00:01:59,586 --> 00:02:01,252 I'm so glad you asked. 48 00:02:01,254 --> 00:02:04,055 I've got important information on his whereabouts right here. 49 00:02:04,191 --> 00:02:06,291 Next to my shrink ray! 50 00:02:08,395 --> 00:02:10,595 We're so tiny now! 51 00:02:10,731 --> 00:02:14,666 That will teach you not to break into my house while I'm sitting on the can. 52 00:02:14,668 --> 00:02:16,267 That's a man's private time. 53 00:02:16,403 --> 00:02:18,003 [all yelling] 54 00:02:18,005 --> 00:02:19,470 - Let us go. - No way. 55 00:02:19,472 --> 00:02:21,272 You're my helpless prisoners now. 56 00:02:21,274 --> 00:02:25,344 And nothing's going to make me miss watching you squirm. 57 00:02:25,478 --> 00:02:26,545 [cat meowing] 58 00:02:26,680 --> 00:02:28,547 Oh, man! You let my cat out. 59 00:02:28,682 --> 00:02:33,418 Mr. Puddles, get back inside. [screams] Ah! My back. 60 00:02:33,420 --> 00:02:34,931 How's we gonna get out of this one? 61 00:02:34,955 --> 00:02:37,222 Don't panic. It's just an aquarium. 62 00:02:37,224 --> 00:02:38,890 We're not in any real danger. 63 00:02:38,892 --> 00:02:40,359 [eerie music playing] 64 00:02:40,493 --> 00:02:42,493 Shark music! It's time to panic. 65 00:02:42,495 --> 00:02:44,229 [music tempo increases] 66 00:02:45,632 --> 00:02:46,765 [neighs] 67 00:02:46,900 --> 00:02:50,169 Oh, it is just the adorable sea horse. 68 00:02:50,303 --> 00:02:51,770 [neighs] 69 00:02:51,905 --> 00:02:53,883 Aw, I think she's trying to communicate with us. 70 00:02:53,907 --> 00:02:55,040 I gots this! 71 00:02:55,042 --> 00:02:57,276 [neighing] 72 00:02:58,179 --> 00:02:59,611 [continues neighing] 73 00:03:00,848 --> 00:03:03,715 - [neighing] - She says she can help us. 74 00:03:03,717 --> 00:03:05,762 But first we gots to follow her underwater. 75 00:03:05,786 --> 00:03:07,697 But we can't breathe under there. 76 00:03:07,721 --> 00:03:08,520 [neighs] 77 00:03:08,522 --> 00:03:09,922 [bubbles bloop] 78 00:03:13,126 --> 00:03:14,426 This way, bros! 79 00:03:19,200 --> 00:03:20,632 [sea horse neighs] 80 00:03:22,069 --> 00:03:24,936 [all exclaiming] Wow! 81 00:03:24,938 --> 00:03:27,138 What a lovely underwater ornament. 82 00:03:27,274 --> 00:03:29,074 This is not an ornament! 83 00:03:29,076 --> 00:03:30,576 [trumpeting fanfare] 84 00:03:31,945 --> 00:03:35,547 - This is my Kingdom of Atlantis. - [dings] 85 00:03:35,549 --> 00:03:37,749 [exclaims] Oh, my goodness! It's Aquaman. 86 00:03:37,885 --> 00:03:41,352 He is even the dreamier in person. [tinkling] Ah! 87 00:03:41,488 --> 00:03:45,957 Yeah, he is. He's got that strong chin that looks like a booty! 88 00:03:45,959 --> 00:03:49,228 And the confidence to wear his underwear as outerwear. 89 00:03:49,362 --> 00:03:51,162 [cheering] 90 00:03:51,298 --> 00:03:55,767 And he is the only hero strong enough to wield the mighty salad fork. 91 00:03:55,769 --> 00:04:00,371 What! Aquaman is the coolest, yo! [laughs] 92 00:04:00,507 --> 00:04:02,041 It's true. I am pretty cool. 93 00:04:02,175 --> 00:04:04,976 Probably the coolest Justice League member. 94 00:04:05,112 --> 00:04:06,845 [neighs] 95 00:04:06,980 --> 00:04:10,381 Holds up. So, if you're Aquaman, this must be your trusty steed Storm. 96 00:04:10,517 --> 00:04:12,597 Uh, no, no. That's Storm second cousin, 97 00:04:12,719 --> 00:04:15,120 - Light Breeze. - [snorts] [tinkling] 98 00:04:15,122 --> 00:04:19,791 Oh my goodness! She says she wants me to carry her babies. 99 00:04:19,927 --> 00:04:22,695 I always did want to be a mama. Mama. 100 00:04:24,397 --> 00:04:27,733 Light Breeze, get away from that strange sea horse! 101 00:04:27,868 --> 00:04:30,401 We don't know where he's been. 102 00:04:30,403 --> 00:04:33,204 Listen, Aquaman. We need to find a way out of here. 103 00:04:33,206 --> 00:04:36,008 Hmm... a way out. Thinking. 104 00:04:37,077 --> 00:04:38,444 Thoughts. 105 00:04:39,480 --> 00:04:40,846 Pondering. 106 00:04:43,484 --> 00:04:45,016 Oh, I've got it! 107 00:04:45,018 --> 00:04:47,218 We can use a pebble to jam up the filter. 108 00:04:47,220 --> 00:04:49,666 The jammed filter will then build up pressure and explode. 109 00:04:49,690 --> 00:04:53,492 [explosion] Causing the fish tank to tip over and smash open on the floor. 110 00:04:53,627 --> 00:04:55,694 Then we'll all be free. 111 00:04:55,829 --> 00:04:59,831 Wow, what a ridiculous idea! What are you trying to do? 112 00:04:59,833 --> 00:05:01,232 Put us all in an early grave? 113 00:05:01,234 --> 00:05:03,168 - Yeah! You dum-dum. - That is such a bad idea. 114 00:05:03,170 --> 00:05:05,504 You've got to be kidding me with that nonsense. 115 00:05:05,639 --> 00:05:08,039 Wait a minute. I'm getting an idea here. 116 00:05:08,175 --> 00:05:11,354 We jam up the filter, causing it to build up pressure and explode. 117 00:05:11,378 --> 00:05:13,712 Which will tip over the aquarium and smash it. 118 00:05:13,847 --> 00:05:15,580 - And then we'll all be free. - [explosion] 119 00:05:15,582 --> 00:05:17,160 - Brilliant! - Great plan! 120 00:05:17,184 --> 00:05:18,383 Dude is a genius! 121 00:05:18,519 --> 00:05:20,719 What an original idea, Aquaman. 122 00:05:20,854 --> 00:05:23,588 No, it's not. He just stole that idea from me. 123 00:05:23,590 --> 00:05:26,925 - Don't be petty, yo. - Aquaman is the brilliant! 124 00:05:27,060 --> 00:05:28,259 [screaming] 125 00:05:28,261 --> 00:05:30,129 There's just one small glitch. 126 00:05:30,263 --> 00:05:32,798 We're going to need someone small enough to swim through the filter tube 127 00:05:32,800 --> 00:05:34,933 so that we can shut it down. 128 00:05:35,068 --> 00:05:38,269 Oh, I know, you can use your magic trident to turn Robin into an itty-bitty tiny fish. 129 00:05:38,271 --> 00:05:39,649 - Whoa! - Sounds good to me. 130 00:05:39,673 --> 00:05:40,939 [Robin screaming] 131 00:05:42,343 --> 00:05:43,608 [all] Wow! 132 00:05:43,744 --> 00:05:45,655 Just look at those tiny, tiny baby fins. 133 00:05:45,679 --> 00:05:48,079 - [exclaims] Ow! - I do not have baby fins. 134 00:05:48,215 --> 00:05:49,614 [baby crying] 135 00:05:49,616 --> 00:05:51,416 We need to stay focused on getting to the filter. 136 00:05:51,418 --> 00:05:53,418 But how's we supposed to get there? 137 00:05:55,222 --> 00:05:58,289 First we'll go past the clam, take a right at the treasure chest, 138 00:05:58,291 --> 00:06:00,892 and then it's a straight shot to the filter. 139 00:06:00,894 --> 00:06:01,827 Huh? 140 00:06:01,829 --> 00:06:03,494 Let me put that another way. 141 00:06:03,496 --> 00:06:06,143 Head to clam, take a right at the treasure chest 142 00:06:06,167 --> 00:06:08,277 - and straight on to the filter. - [explosion] 143 00:06:08,301 --> 00:06:10,079 - Now, that's a great leader right there. - Oh, yeah! 144 00:06:10,103 --> 00:06:12,904 - Great plan, Aquaman. - It is the brilliant! 145 00:06:13,040 --> 00:06:14,040 Really? 146 00:06:15,509 --> 00:06:16,775 Guys, guys, hold up. 147 00:06:16,910 --> 00:06:20,311 I can't move too fast now that I'm preggers! 148 00:06:20,313 --> 00:06:22,781 Wow! You're glowing, Beast Boy. 149 00:06:22,916 --> 00:06:24,516 Nice baby bump, bro! 150 00:06:24,651 --> 00:06:27,811 Cut the chatter. We don't want to alert Black Manta to our plan. 151 00:06:27,855 --> 00:06:29,721 Did someone say my name? 152 00:06:29,857 --> 00:06:33,525 Black Manta, you're going to pay for shrinking me and my undersea castle. 153 00:06:33,660 --> 00:06:37,328 Well, consider it pay back for stealing my parking space at the marina. 154 00:06:37,464 --> 00:06:41,000 I had to park so far away that I slipped on the dock and injured my back. 155 00:06:41,134 --> 00:06:43,402 Now I got to go to physical therapy twice a week. 156 00:06:43,537 --> 00:06:47,539 My insurance won't cover it. And my medical bills are piling up. 157 00:06:47,541 --> 00:06:50,542 It's going to ruin my credit! 158 00:06:50,544 --> 00:06:53,545 Oh... [mimicking baby cry] Cry me an ocean. 159 00:06:53,680 --> 00:06:55,013 That's enough out of you. 160 00:06:55,148 --> 00:06:57,268 Nothing more should come out of your mouth. 161 00:06:57,350 --> 00:07:00,085 I don't want to see no words, I don't want to hear nothing. 162 00:07:00,087 --> 00:07:02,465 Nothing should come out of your mouth. That's enough. 163 00:07:02,489 --> 00:07:05,891 'Cause it's time for the Manta to bring the pain! 164 00:07:06,693 --> 00:07:08,493 [heavy thudding] 165 00:07:08,495 --> 00:07:10,095 [all screaming] 166 00:07:10,231 --> 00:07:11,563 It's an earthquake! 167 00:07:11,698 --> 00:07:13,032 What are we gonna do? 168 00:07:13,166 --> 00:07:16,201 I know, we can take cover underneath this clam shell. 169 00:07:17,571 --> 00:07:19,638 I got it! [screams] 170 00:07:19,773 --> 00:07:20,773 [neighing] 171 00:07:23,911 --> 00:07:27,178 - That's my baby mama right there. - [neighs] 172 00:07:27,314 --> 00:07:33,051 You may have won this round. But prepare to feel the Wrath Of Poseidon. 173 00:07:33,186 --> 00:07:34,786 I was supposed to have an echo after that. 174 00:07:34,788 --> 00:07:37,189 The Wrath Of Poseidon. [mimicking echoes] 175 00:07:38,525 --> 00:07:40,503 That's what I call my pet betta fish. 176 00:07:40,527 --> 00:07:44,395 Aw, you're so cute, little Wrath O' Poseidon. Aren't you? 177 00:07:44,397 --> 00:07:45,664 Go get 'em, killer! 178 00:07:47,268 --> 00:07:49,334 [growls] 179 00:07:49,336 --> 00:07:51,070 [all screaming] 180 00:07:51,204 --> 00:07:53,706 Don't worry, everyone. I have a plan. 181 00:07:55,676 --> 00:07:57,542 Here fishy, fishy. 182 00:07:57,678 --> 00:08:00,612 - [growls] - [Robin screams] 183 00:08:00,614 --> 00:08:01,694 [screaming continues] 184 00:08:01,748 --> 00:08:03,214 [chomping] 185 00:08:03,350 --> 00:08:06,017 [screams] Stop! 186 00:08:06,153 --> 00:08:07,753 Get him! Get him! 187 00:08:08,622 --> 00:08:10,589 [chomping, growling continues] 188 00:08:22,235 --> 00:08:23,535 [crashes] 189 00:08:25,238 --> 00:08:26,105 [exclaims] Whoo! 190 00:08:26,239 --> 00:08:27,906 Curse you, superfreaks. 191 00:08:28,041 --> 00:08:29,975 [screams] Ah! My back. 192 00:08:31,112 --> 00:08:32,377 I can't do this. 193 00:08:32,379 --> 00:08:33,645 Nice work. 194 00:08:33,647 --> 00:08:35,380 [panting] Thanks. 195 00:08:35,382 --> 00:08:37,116 Not you. Aquaman. 196 00:08:37,250 --> 00:08:39,651 -[fanfare music playing] -That's right. It was all part of my plan. 197 00:08:39,653 --> 00:08:42,253 Now it's time for you to start pulling your weight, little fella. 198 00:08:42,255 --> 00:08:44,656 Grab that pebble, and get to the filter. 199 00:08:44,791 --> 00:08:46,591 [Robin grunts] Fine. 200 00:08:46,593 --> 00:08:49,995 - But remember, this was my idea. - [all] Just go, Robin! 201 00:08:50,731 --> 00:08:52,698 [intense music playing] 202 00:08:55,402 --> 00:08:57,202 [motor whirring] 203 00:08:57,204 --> 00:09:01,140 Okay. All I have to do is stop the motor with this pebble. 204 00:09:04,878 --> 00:09:07,078 [exclaiming] Whoo! Yes! 205 00:09:07,214 --> 00:09:08,881 [laughs] 206 00:09:09,550 --> 00:09:12,051 [Robin screaming] 207 00:09:13,154 --> 00:09:14,019 [thuds] 208 00:09:14,021 --> 00:09:15,354 [all gasping in horror] 209 00:09:15,488 --> 00:09:17,889 What do we have here? 210 00:09:18,025 --> 00:09:21,426 Hmm. He was a pain in my butt. But a noble adversary. 211 00:09:21,428 --> 00:09:23,829 I'll make sure to give him a proper burial. 212 00:09:23,964 --> 00:09:26,765 Or a proper flushing, if I may say. 213 00:09:26,900 --> 00:09:28,834 - [toilet flushes] - [Manta laughs wickedly] 214 00:09:28,836 --> 00:09:32,171 - I cannot believe it. [sobbing] - Robin's gone. 215 00:09:32,305 --> 00:09:35,974 I don't know if it's 'cause Robin's dead or my pregnancy, 216 00:09:36,109 --> 00:09:39,578 but I feel so emotional right now. [crying] 217 00:09:41,314 --> 00:09:44,449 Guys, it looks like we're about to have bigger problems. 218 00:09:44,585 --> 00:09:46,425 - [swishing] - [all screaming] 219 00:09:49,122 --> 00:09:50,122 [meowing] 220 00:09:50,924 --> 00:09:52,524 Do something, Aquaman. 221 00:09:52,659 --> 00:09:54,993 Yeah! Protect my babies! 222 00:09:55,128 --> 00:10:00,465 Right. Well, the thing is, I have a paralyzing cat phobia, so, see ya! 223 00:10:00,601 --> 00:10:04,803 -[Starfire gasps] The Aquaman has abandoned us. -Yeah. What a jerk. 224 00:10:04,938 --> 00:10:06,205 [all screaming] 225 00:10:06,339 --> 00:10:08,339 Destroy them, my pet! Destroy them! 226 00:10:08,475 --> 00:10:10,319 - [all screaming] - [swishing continues] 227 00:10:10,343 --> 00:10:14,013 Oh, man! Oh, man! All this stress is gonna send me into labor. 228 00:10:14,147 --> 00:10:18,817 It's over, Titans! It's over. 229 00:10:18,952 --> 00:10:21,987 - [high-pitched growling] - [Manta screaming] 230 00:10:23,024 --> 00:10:25,424 That'll do, Shaparu. That'll do. 231 00:10:25,559 --> 00:10:26,992 [all exclaiming] Robin! 232 00:10:28,695 --> 00:10:31,362 Hey! My back. You fixed it. 233 00:10:31,498 --> 00:10:33,364 Whoo! I'm healed. 234 00:10:33,500 --> 00:10:35,033 [water swooshes] 235 00:10:35,168 --> 00:10:37,169 [yelling] Thank you! 236 00:10:40,173 --> 00:10:42,841 Thanks for saving us, Robin. It's more than Aquaman did. 237 00:10:42,976 --> 00:10:45,244 I can't believe he turned out to be such a jerk. 238 00:10:45,378 --> 00:10:47,112 Where is the Aquaman? 239 00:10:47,248 --> 00:10:48,379 [meowing] 240 00:10:48,381 --> 00:10:50,215 [gags, coughs] 241 00:10:51,985 --> 00:10:53,919 [all laughing] 242 00:10:53,921 --> 00:10:55,787 - [neighing] - [bubble pops] 243 00:10:55,789 --> 00:10:58,123 Oh, I think my water just broke.