1 00:00:05,539 --> 00:00:06,138 ♪ Go! ♪ 2 00:00:06,273 --> 00:00:07,673 [opening theme playing] 3 00:00:13,748 --> 00:00:14,947 ♪ T-E-E-N ♪ 4 00:00:15,082 --> 00:00:16,214 ♪ T-I-T-A-N-S ♪ 5 00:00:16,350 --> 00:00:19,018 ♪ Teen Titans, let's go ♪ 6 00:00:21,822 --> 00:00:23,655 ♪ Teen Titans, go ♪ 7 00:00:29,029 --> 00:00:31,964 It's S-S-Saturday, Titans. 8 00:00:32,099 --> 00:00:34,499 The perfect day to get out and cut loose. 9 00:00:34,501 --> 00:00:37,102 Now, who's up for some bowling? 10 00:00:37,237 --> 00:00:39,938 Uh. We did that last Saturday. 11 00:00:41,108 --> 00:00:43,642 Then how about some mini golf? 12 00:00:43,644 --> 00:00:46,044 Uh, we did that the Saturday before that. 13 00:00:46,046 --> 00:00:48,981 I suppose we could go into the city and fight some crime. 14 00:00:49,116 --> 00:00:50,693 - Uh! - We talked about this! 15 00:00:50,717 --> 00:00:53,051 You sound like the man who is mad. 16 00:00:53,187 --> 00:00:55,988 Well, there has to be something we can do. 17 00:00:56,123 --> 00:00:57,900 It's too bad we aren't living in the '90s, 18 00:00:57,924 --> 00:01:01,326 'cause back then, the video store was the place to be. 19 00:01:01,462 --> 00:01:04,062 But weren't then places just for the moldy old videotapes? 20 00:01:04,064 --> 00:01:07,199 No, man. There was way more to a video store than that. 21 00:01:07,334 --> 00:01:09,712 It was a place where you could test out the latest video games, 22 00:01:09,736 --> 00:01:14,072 run into familiar faces and snack on all the buttery popcorn you could eat. 23 00:01:14,074 --> 00:01:15,207 No way. 24 00:01:15,342 --> 00:01:17,142 That sounds the amazing. 25 00:01:17,277 --> 00:01:19,055 Then strap on your flannel, Titans. 26 00:01:19,079 --> 00:01:23,148 Because today, we are traveling back to the 1990s. 27 00:01:23,283 --> 00:01:25,084 [all cheering] 28 00:01:31,692 --> 00:01:32,957 Here it is, guys. 29 00:01:32,959 --> 00:01:35,627 The greatest video store the '90s had to offer. 30 00:01:35,762 --> 00:01:38,030 The Video Dome! 31 00:01:38,165 --> 00:01:40,699 [all cheering] 32 00:01:40,835 --> 00:01:43,902 Take in that fresh video store smell. 33 00:01:43,904 --> 00:01:45,838 [all sniffing] Mm. 34 00:01:45,972 --> 00:01:48,507 Popcorn and body odor. 35 00:01:48,509 --> 00:01:51,376 [Robin] Wow! Would you look at this place? 36 00:01:51,378 --> 00:01:53,498 It's got them good old school games, y'all. 37 00:01:53,580 --> 00:01:55,914 And the familiar faces. 38 00:01:55,916 --> 00:01:57,716 Oh! Check out all these snacks. 39 00:01:57,718 --> 00:02:00,318 Bubble gum bandages, candy toothpaste. 40 00:02:00,320 --> 00:02:01,653 Yeah, girl. 41 00:02:01,788 --> 00:02:03,948 In the '90s, they turned anything into candy. 42 00:02:04,058 --> 00:02:05,524 [munching] 43 00:02:05,659 --> 00:02:08,059 Look, Titans! They've got the original Space Struggles. 44 00:02:08,128 --> 00:02:10,907 [Robin] The poor quality version that everyone seems to risk for some reason. 45 00:02:10,931 --> 00:02:13,666 Yo! There's tons of great movies here. 46 00:02:13,800 --> 00:02:16,268 That's 'cause this is the employee section 47 00:02:16,403 --> 00:02:18,381 where they put their movie recommendations. 48 00:02:18,405 --> 00:02:20,739 Well, I don't know who this Kyle person is, 49 00:02:20,875 --> 00:02:22,607 but I am loving his picks. 50 00:02:22,609 --> 00:02:24,943 Look! He's recommending Freddy Forkfingers. 51 00:02:24,945 --> 00:02:29,347 And, The Disguise, about a green guy who becomes a cartoon superhero. 52 00:02:29,483 --> 00:02:32,084 [laughs] Where does Hollywood come up with this stuff? 53 00:02:32,219 --> 00:02:33,730 He's picked all the great '90s movies. 54 00:02:33,754 --> 00:02:35,820 Look! There's Judge Drudge. 55 00:02:35,956 --> 00:02:38,691 - The Grid. - And the Jupiter Attacks. 56 00:02:38,825 --> 00:02:42,961 Oh, this Kyle person certainly does have the great taste in the movies. 57 00:02:43,097 --> 00:02:45,029 I'd totally love to meet this dude. 58 00:02:45,031 --> 00:02:46,699 Welcome to the Video Dome. 59 00:02:46,833 --> 00:02:48,100 Hi, I'm Kyle. 60 00:02:48,235 --> 00:02:50,102 [all exclaiming] Control Freak! 61 00:02:50,237 --> 00:02:53,772 Yes, I can be a control freak when it comes to running this store. 62 00:02:53,774 --> 00:02:57,041 But that's only because I believe in great customer service. 63 00:02:57,043 --> 00:02:59,912 Drop the act. We know you're here to destroy us. 64 00:03:00,046 --> 00:03:01,446 Why would I do that? 65 00:03:01,582 --> 00:03:03,960 I love superheroes, and I think you guys are super cool. 66 00:03:03,984 --> 00:03:05,384 What? 67 00:03:05,519 --> 00:03:08,052 You think that we are the cool? 68 00:03:08,054 --> 00:03:09,388 You bet I do. 69 00:03:10,591 --> 00:03:12,925 Will you excuse us for just one second? 70 00:03:13,059 --> 00:03:15,127 Dude, what is going on here? 71 00:03:15,262 --> 00:03:17,173 Why is Control Freak being so nice to us? 72 00:03:17,197 --> 00:03:19,864 It appears we've traveled back to a time before Control Freak 73 00:03:19,866 --> 00:03:22,200 became the vile video villain we've grown to loathe. 74 00:03:22,336 --> 00:03:25,537 But what terrible thing could have turned into the dark side? 75 00:03:25,672 --> 00:03:27,472 Beats me. 76 00:03:27,474 --> 00:03:29,852 But maybe if we befriend him, we can prevent that thing from happening. 77 00:03:29,876 --> 00:03:32,544 Sounds like a plan, y'all. 78 00:03:32,679 --> 00:03:36,749 Say there, Kyle, you've got a pretty cool store here. 79 00:03:36,883 --> 00:03:38,083 Oh, the yes. 80 00:03:38,218 --> 00:03:40,685 It is the very cool indeed. 81 00:03:40,687 --> 00:03:42,955 Well, if you guys think this place is cool, 82 00:03:43,089 --> 00:03:45,724 [snorts] you should check out where I live. 83 00:03:47,294 --> 00:03:48,693 Here it is! 84 00:03:48,695 --> 00:03:52,164 My home, sweet home, or as I like to call it, 85 00:03:52,299 --> 00:03:55,033 Kyle's Castle of Cool. 86 00:03:55,169 --> 00:03:56,435 No way! 87 00:03:56,570 --> 00:03:59,237 I can't believe you live in the back of the store. 88 00:03:59,373 --> 00:04:00,639 Pretty awesome, right? 89 00:04:00,775 --> 00:04:03,041 My entire life revolves around this store. 90 00:04:03,043 --> 00:04:05,910 Without it, I might have to resort to a life of crime. 91 00:04:06,046 --> 00:04:06,779 [chuckles] 92 00:04:06,913 --> 00:04:08,180 What's this thing? 93 00:04:08,315 --> 00:04:09,692 It's an invention I've been working on, 94 00:04:09,716 --> 00:04:13,251 that will allow me to rewind multiple movies at once. 95 00:04:13,387 --> 00:04:14,586 [zaps and rewinds] 96 00:04:16,256 --> 00:04:19,191 But, I haven't been able to get it to work quite right. 97 00:04:19,326 --> 00:04:20,837 Well, I could take a look at it for you. 98 00:04:20,861 --> 00:04:23,261 I'm pretty handy when it comes to technology. 99 00:04:23,263 --> 00:04:25,864 Okay, but just be careful with that. 100 00:04:25,866 --> 00:04:27,599 Sweet! Nunchucks! 101 00:04:29,804 --> 00:04:32,337 That's not a weapon. That's my phone! 102 00:04:32,473 --> 00:04:34,473 Yo, check out this weird doll. 103 00:04:35,409 --> 00:04:37,009 [toy talks] 104 00:04:37,144 --> 00:04:39,144 Ah! What is that thing? 105 00:04:39,279 --> 00:04:40,945 [farts] Oh-oh! 106 00:04:41,081 --> 00:04:42,881 [exclaims] It is the monster. 107 00:04:42,883 --> 00:04:44,416 Quick, smash it! 108 00:04:44,551 --> 00:04:46,819 Stop! That's not a monster. 109 00:04:46,953 --> 00:04:49,754 It's a limited edition Telecrummy's doll. 110 00:04:49,890 --> 00:04:51,289 Tell-o what now? 111 00:04:51,291 --> 00:04:53,826 Telecrummies from the hit show. 112 00:04:55,095 --> 00:04:57,930 [dolls talking] 113 00:05:01,435 --> 00:05:04,436 [farts] Oh-oh! 114 00:05:04,571 --> 00:05:07,639 So parents let their kids watch this monstrosity. 115 00:05:07,774 --> 00:05:10,687 Yes, it's the most popular show on Saturday mornings. 116 00:05:10,711 --> 00:05:13,445 But look at that thing, it'll give kids nightmares. 117 00:05:13,580 --> 00:05:15,692 Listen, I don't have time to debate this with you. 118 00:05:15,716 --> 00:05:17,216 I have to get back to work. 119 00:05:21,455 --> 00:05:23,522 I'm sorry, sir. 120 00:05:23,657 --> 00:05:26,102 My records show that you never returned your copy of Freddy Forkfingers Three. 121 00:05:26,126 --> 00:05:27,992 Don't worry, Kyle. 122 00:05:27,994 --> 00:05:31,274 I'll get to the bottom of this using an old trick, Batman taught me. 123 00:05:33,067 --> 00:05:35,178 [in Batman tone] Tell me what you did with that tape. 124 00:05:35,202 --> 00:05:37,135 Where is it? Where is it? 125 00:05:37,137 --> 00:05:38,603 It's here! It's here! 126 00:05:38,739 --> 00:05:41,473 I... I must have misplaced it in the drop slot. 127 00:05:41,608 --> 00:05:43,341 Oh, hm. Well, then. 128 00:05:43,477 --> 00:05:45,410 Here are your new tapes. 129 00:05:45,546 --> 00:05:47,827 [in Batman tone] But you better be kind and rewind. 130 00:05:48,883 --> 00:05:50,282 Ah! 131 00:05:51,886 --> 00:05:52,886 [punching] 132 00:05:55,355 --> 00:05:57,089 Ha-ha. Boo-yeah. 133 00:05:57,224 --> 00:05:59,758 This game is good and all, but it would be better 134 00:05:59,760 --> 00:06:02,094 if it had them life-like 3D graphics. 135 00:06:02,229 --> 00:06:03,229 I can fix that. 136 00:06:04,565 --> 00:06:07,266 [robotic music playing] 137 00:06:09,970 --> 00:06:12,671 Yeah, boy! Now that's what I'm talking about. 138 00:06:14,441 --> 00:06:15,574 Get over here! 139 00:06:18,112 --> 00:06:19,378 [people screaming] 140 00:06:19,513 --> 00:06:21,847 Turn that off! It's scaring the customers. 141 00:06:23,117 --> 00:06:24,117 [laughing] 142 00:06:24,251 --> 00:06:25,584 Oh, man. 143 00:06:25,586 --> 00:06:28,520 You just cost me a flawless victory, fool. 144 00:06:31,325 --> 00:06:32,724 Hey, Superman. 145 00:06:32,859 --> 00:06:34,637 Trade places with me next to the window. 146 00:06:34,661 --> 00:06:35,860 No way, friend. 147 00:06:35,996 --> 00:06:38,530 The sun has turned you into a faded mess. 148 00:06:38,665 --> 00:06:41,533 But you love the sun and I belong to the shadows. 149 00:06:41,668 --> 00:06:45,537 Sorry, Batman, but I am afraid you are going to be stuck there forever. 150 00:06:45,672 --> 00:06:47,472 I was of you forever. 151 00:06:47,608 --> 00:06:48,607 [grunting] 152 00:06:48,609 --> 00:06:50,275 You like that? 153 00:06:50,277 --> 00:06:53,478 Because I have plenty more sequels where that came from. 154 00:06:53,480 --> 00:06:54,813 Oh, yeah? 155 00:06:54,815 --> 00:06:59,284 It's Superman IV, The Quest for Peace. 156 00:06:59,286 --> 00:07:01,420 Stop! Cut that out! 157 00:07:01,555 --> 00:07:02,588 Hey, Kyle. 158 00:07:03,624 --> 00:07:04,823 You're all out of popcorn. 159 00:07:04,959 --> 00:07:06,224 You ate it all? 160 00:07:06,226 --> 00:07:09,227 That popcorn is supposed to be for the customers. 161 00:07:09,229 --> 00:07:11,163 No sweat. I can make more 162 00:07:11,298 --> 00:07:13,098 Asa wrath metreon Zeus! 163 00:07:15,636 --> 00:07:18,036 No, that's too much! 164 00:07:18,038 --> 00:07:19,338 [blasts] 165 00:07:21,708 --> 00:07:22,775 That's it! 166 00:07:22,909 --> 00:07:25,778 I want you all out of my store. Now! 167 00:07:25,912 --> 00:07:27,912 Wait. You don't want to kick us out now. 168 00:07:27,914 --> 00:07:29,714 Look! I fixed your remote. 169 00:07:29,716 --> 00:07:31,916 [zaps and rewinds] 170 00:07:31,918 --> 00:07:33,518 [bell dings] 171 00:07:33,520 --> 00:07:35,680 Wow. I can't believe you were able to fix it. 172 00:07:35,722 --> 00:07:37,722 Plus, I added a few upgrades. 173 00:07:37,858 --> 00:07:39,591 Now it not only rewinds movies, 174 00:07:39,726 --> 00:07:41,926 but it also makes you a part of them. 175 00:07:42,062 --> 00:07:43,062 Check it! 176 00:07:47,802 --> 00:07:50,135 Time for a little target practice. 177 00:07:50,270 --> 00:07:51,736 [fires shot] 178 00:07:51,738 --> 00:07:54,138 You can't do that in here. It's against the law. 179 00:07:54,140 --> 00:07:55,540 I make the law. 180 00:07:55,542 --> 00:07:57,543 [laughs mischievously] 181 00:08:01,548 --> 00:08:04,349 Wow, these fork fingers are handy. 182 00:08:04,351 --> 00:08:05,351 [munches] 183 00:08:05,486 --> 00:08:07,886 Hey! You have to pay for those! 184 00:08:08,022 --> 00:08:11,657 I shall lay your planet to waste, puny earthlings. 185 00:08:14,161 --> 00:08:16,762 Stop! My insurance won't cover that. 186 00:08:17,431 --> 00:08:18,564 [zaps] 187 00:08:19,566 --> 00:08:22,234 Whoa! I just learned Kung fu. 188 00:08:22,369 --> 00:08:23,635 Check out these moves, Batman. 189 00:08:23,770 --> 00:08:25,771 [makes ninja sounds] 190 00:08:27,641 --> 00:08:29,641 Oh, you want some of this, too, Sups? 191 00:08:31,512 --> 00:08:32,577 Stop! Stop! Stop! 192 00:08:32,713 --> 00:08:34,446 You guys are trashing my store. 193 00:08:34,581 --> 00:08:35,948 [Beast Boy] Woo-hoo! 194 00:08:37,251 --> 00:08:39,551 I look smoldering. 195 00:08:44,658 --> 00:08:45,658 That's enough! 196 00:08:45,792 --> 00:08:47,992 Now, hand over that remote. 197 00:08:47,994 --> 00:08:49,127 Here you go. 198 00:08:49,263 --> 00:08:50,573 - [growls] - [Kyle] Ow! 199 00:08:50,597 --> 00:08:53,398 Bad remote, bad, bad. 200 00:08:53,534 --> 00:08:54,574 [Kyle] Give me that. 201 00:09:02,342 --> 00:09:05,343 I am Control Freak! 202 00:09:05,479 --> 00:09:06,812 [laughs wickedly] 203 00:09:08,082 --> 00:09:09,082 [all groaning] 204 00:09:09,483 --> 00:09:10,949 Oh, no! 205 00:09:11,085 --> 00:09:14,286 It appears, we have driven Kyle to the dark side. 206 00:09:14,421 --> 00:09:17,422 So it was us who turned him into Control Freak 207 00:09:17,558 --> 00:09:19,157 Well, I didn't see that coming. 208 00:09:19,293 --> 00:09:20,492 Defend yourselves, Titans. 209 00:09:20,627 --> 00:09:21,493 [grunts] 210 00:09:21,628 --> 00:09:22,827 Oh, give me a break. 211 00:09:22,963 --> 00:09:25,043 Blasters are no match for a laser sword. 212 00:09:28,635 --> 00:09:29,434 [grunts] 213 00:09:29,570 --> 00:09:30,836 [laughs mischievously] 214 00:09:32,239 --> 00:09:35,741 Oh, please. That tire gag never works. 215 00:09:38,445 --> 00:09:39,778 Too easy. 216 00:09:43,784 --> 00:09:45,717 Wow, that's so cool. 217 00:09:45,852 --> 00:09:47,119 Okay, I'm over it. 218 00:09:49,656 --> 00:09:51,656 Boom! You lose, Titans. 219 00:09:51,792 --> 00:09:55,860 And now, you're gonna pay for all the damage you've done here today. 220 00:09:55,862 --> 00:09:57,129 Oh, come on, bro. 221 00:09:57,264 --> 00:09:58,597 Don't be like that. 222 00:09:58,599 --> 00:10:00,398 We were just having some Saturday fun. 223 00:10:00,400 --> 00:10:02,000 Oh, really? 224 00:10:02,002 --> 00:10:04,247 Well, you know what I like to do for fun on a Saturday? 225 00:10:04,271 --> 00:10:06,004 Watch, Telecrummies! 226 00:10:06,140 --> 00:10:07,639 [zaps] 227 00:10:08,742 --> 00:10:10,676 [all crying] 228 00:10:17,017 --> 00:10:19,118 [theme music playing]