1 00:00:00,801 --> 00:00:02,067 [bird crowing] 2 00:00:02,202 --> 00:00:03,468 [cat meowing, mouse squeaking] 3 00:00:03,470 --> 00:00:05,470 [elephant trumpeting, lion roaring] 4 00:00:05,606 --> 00:00:06,204 ♪ Go! ♪ 5 00:00:06,340 --> 00:00:07,460 [opening theme playing] 6 00:00:13,748 --> 00:00:15,079 ♪ T-E-E-N ♪ 7 00:00:15,081 --> 00:00:16,148 ♪ T-I-T-A-N-S ♪ 8 00:00:16,283 --> 00:00:18,684 ♪ Teen Titans, let's go ♪ 9 00:00:21,756 --> 00:00:23,455 ♪ Teen Titans, go ♪ 10 00:00:26,226 --> 00:00:29,361 I'm so happy that pool season is finally here. 11 00:00:29,496 --> 00:00:32,230 It's my favorite time of year, baby. 12 00:00:32,366 --> 00:00:34,767 I can'ts waits to get in that water, yo. 13 00:00:34,901 --> 00:00:36,168 [barking] 14 00:00:36,303 --> 00:00:38,503 Last one in is the egg that is the rotten. 15 00:00:38,505 --> 00:00:39,304 Ew. 16 00:00:39,306 --> 00:00:40,973 Titans, to the pool. 17 00:00:45,245 --> 00:00:47,045 - [all exclaiming] - [coughing] 18 00:00:47,047 --> 00:00:49,247 [retching] 19 00:00:49,249 --> 00:00:50,983 This pool is the nasty. 20 00:00:51,117 --> 00:00:52,717 Agreed. 21 00:00:52,719 --> 00:00:55,587 Look, someone's dumping their garbage in here. 22 00:00:55,722 --> 00:00:56,722 Gross. 23 00:00:56,791 --> 00:00:58,390 Who would do such the thing? 24 00:00:58,525 --> 00:01:01,393 I don't know, but we're about to find out. 25 00:01:01,528 --> 00:01:02,728 [suspenseful music playing] 26 00:01:06,533 --> 00:01:07,666 Ah! 27 00:01:12,939 --> 00:01:15,407 That submarine looks the very familiar. 28 00:01:15,542 --> 00:01:17,342 That's because it belongs to the most dangerous 29 00:01:17,344 --> 00:01:19,322 water-based supervillain we've ever faced. 30 00:01:19,346 --> 00:01:20,446 [tense music playing] 31 00:01:25,820 --> 00:01:27,019 [all] Black Manta! 32 00:01:27,153 --> 00:01:28,687 The Teen Titans. 33 00:01:28,689 --> 00:01:30,155 What a pleasant surprise. 34 00:01:30,290 --> 00:01:31,423 Come on, bring it on in. 35 00:01:31,558 --> 00:01:33,758 Bring it on in, baby, don't be afraid. 36 00:01:33,894 --> 00:01:35,360 We're not your friends. 37 00:01:35,496 --> 00:01:37,540 Now, tell us why you're pouring garbage into our pool? 38 00:01:37,564 --> 00:01:40,365 What? That's a pool? My bad, man. 39 00:01:40,367 --> 00:01:42,501 I mean, it looked like... like a public waste dump. 40 00:01:42,503 --> 00:01:46,304 I didn't know what it was and that... and that is on me. 41 00:01:46,440 --> 00:01:47,706 That's on me. That's my fault. 42 00:01:47,842 --> 00:01:49,952 Eh, I can see why he'd make that mistake. 43 00:01:49,976 --> 00:01:51,021 Our pool is pretty sad. 44 00:01:51,045 --> 00:01:52,045 Mistake or not, 45 00:01:52,179 --> 00:01:53,578 you can't park your sub here. 46 00:01:53,580 --> 00:01:55,848 -So move it -[Black Manta] Come on. 47 00:01:55,982 --> 00:01:57,960 I'm sick of moving my sub from place to place. 48 00:01:57,984 --> 00:02:00,252 You know, I need a spot to chill for a while. 49 00:02:00,387 --> 00:02:01,986 Lay low, you feel me? 50 00:02:01,988 --> 00:02:03,922 You guys clearly need a pool. 51 00:02:03,924 --> 00:02:07,192 So, why don't you let me stick around and build you a new one. 52 00:02:07,194 --> 00:02:09,862 A new pool would be the amazing. 53 00:02:09,996 --> 00:02:11,663 You'd really do that for us? 54 00:02:11,798 --> 00:02:12,797 Of course I would. 55 00:02:12,799 --> 00:02:13,799 Now picture this. 56 00:02:14,401 --> 00:02:16,468 An Olympic-sized mossed. 57 00:02:16,603 --> 00:02:18,937 With dive platforms. Whoo. 58 00:02:19,073 --> 00:02:22,274 Those cool little squirty fountains, I love those fountains. 59 00:02:22,409 --> 00:02:23,742 Flame jets everywhere, 60 00:02:23,878 --> 00:02:27,612 and super slides all up and down your patio, whoo. 61 00:02:27,614 --> 00:02:30,615 Forget it, we're not falling for your sales pitch. 62 00:02:30,751 --> 00:02:31,750 Yes, we are. 63 00:02:31,752 --> 00:02:33,485 We are so falling for it. 64 00:02:33,620 --> 00:02:36,154 I wish to ride down those super slides. 65 00:02:36,290 --> 00:02:38,757 And I want some of them squirty fountains. 66 00:02:38,759 --> 00:02:40,893 I say we let him build the pool. 67 00:02:41,027 --> 00:02:45,029 [all] Build the pool, build the pool, build the pool. 68 00:02:45,031 --> 00:02:47,031 But he's a supervillain. 69 00:02:47,033 --> 00:02:49,880 Look, Robin. Now, I can tell by your little baby hands that you're scared. 70 00:02:49,904 --> 00:02:53,906 And I get it. But don't listen to your baby hands, man. 71 00:02:54,040 --> 00:02:56,308 Listen to your giant heart. 72 00:02:56,443 --> 00:02:58,977 It's sayin', "Step back, baby hands. 73 00:02:58,979 --> 00:03:03,382 I want this pool. I want Black Manta to build this pool for me, 74 00:03:03,517 --> 00:03:05,317 'cause this man knows water. 75 00:03:05,452 --> 00:03:06,985 He can talk to water." 76 00:03:06,987 --> 00:03:08,320 Water and Black Manta 77 00:03:08,455 --> 00:03:10,923 have an ongoin' relationship. 78 00:03:11,057 --> 00:03:12,390 He's right, Robin. 79 00:03:12,392 --> 00:03:15,193 Don't let your tiny hands boss you around, bro. 80 00:03:15,329 --> 00:03:17,529 Okay, fine. But don't make me regret this. 81 00:03:17,664 --> 00:03:20,465 I promise you, Robin, you won't even know I'm here. 82 00:03:20,601 --> 00:03:23,468 Consider me not Black Manta, Invisible Manta. 83 00:03:23,470 --> 00:03:26,471 From this point on, I'm known as Invisible Manta. 84 00:03:26,607 --> 00:03:27,847 You won't even know I'm here. 85 00:03:29,610 --> 00:03:30,642 [purring] 86 00:03:34,681 --> 00:03:38,817 - Say, you look familiar. - [canned laughter] 87 00:03:38,953 --> 00:03:40,285 Whoo, that's funny. 88 00:03:40,420 --> 00:03:42,621 Now, that is some funny stuff right there. 89 00:03:42,756 --> 00:03:44,156 Black Manta. 90 00:03:44,291 --> 00:03:46,269 You've been here for a month and you haven't done any work! 91 00:03:46,293 --> 00:03:47,373 Look, man, I told you, 92 00:03:47,494 --> 00:03:49,027 I'm waiting for my building permits 93 00:03:49,029 --> 00:03:51,095 to get approved by the city, and we gonna be all good, 94 00:03:51,097 --> 00:03:52,096 I promise you that. 95 00:03:52,098 --> 00:03:53,565 [slurping] 96 00:03:53,700 --> 00:03:55,878 But you're using our electricity and eating all our food. 97 00:03:55,902 --> 00:03:57,547 The other Titans and I have had it. 98 00:03:57,571 --> 00:03:58,837 [all] We don't care. 99 00:03:58,973 --> 00:04:01,173 I hopes Black Manta stays with us forever. 100 00:04:01,308 --> 00:04:02,240 Well, I don't. 101 00:04:02,242 --> 00:04:03,375 Now listen, Manta, 102 00:04:03,510 --> 00:04:04,843 if you don't start working, 103 00:04:04,845 --> 00:04:07,179 I'm gonna have your submarine towed. 104 00:04:07,314 --> 00:04:10,248 Ooh, that's cold, Robin. 105 00:04:10,384 --> 00:04:12,450 But you know what? I see your point, though. 106 00:04:12,452 --> 00:04:15,498 I'mma head downtown and see if I can grease the wheels at the permit office. 107 00:04:15,522 --> 00:04:16,655 Okay? Oh, here. 108 00:04:16,791 --> 00:04:18,301 Help yourself with some of my pizza. 109 00:04:18,325 --> 00:04:21,126 - You a pepperoni guy? - This is my pizza. 110 00:04:21,261 --> 00:04:22,394 Wow. 111 00:04:22,529 --> 00:04:24,529 That's how you're gonna do the boy? 112 00:04:25,532 --> 00:04:27,310 That's how you gonna do me, man? 113 00:04:27,334 --> 00:04:28,767 [elevator dings] 114 00:04:30,004 --> 00:04:31,269 Nice going, Robin. 115 00:04:31,405 --> 00:04:33,271 You just hurt Black Manta's feelings. 116 00:04:33,273 --> 00:04:34,917 Why you gots to be such a party poop? 117 00:04:34,941 --> 00:04:37,876 Trust me, this is how you have to deal with contractors. 118 00:04:38,012 --> 00:04:41,213 Now that I've put the scare into him, we'll see some progress. 119 00:04:43,884 --> 00:04:47,519 ♪ First, we hydrate the hair and then we rinse ♪ 120 00:04:48,222 --> 00:04:49,621 What? No! 121 00:04:49,756 --> 00:04:50,889 [shouts] 122 00:04:52,959 --> 00:04:53,959 [screaming] 123 00:04:57,364 --> 00:04:58,296 - [Raven] Hey. - [Cyborg] Oh, man. 124 00:04:58,298 --> 00:04:59,331 What gives? 125 00:05:04,839 --> 00:05:07,039 Stop, stop! What are you doing? 126 00:05:07,174 --> 00:05:08,440 [Black Manta] Good news. 127 00:05:08,575 --> 00:05:09,908 I just got the building permit. 128 00:05:10,044 --> 00:05:12,288 So now I'm taking out all these old pipes and junk 129 00:05:12,312 --> 00:05:15,647 - to make room for your new pool. See? - [objects shatter] 130 00:05:15,782 --> 00:05:17,494 Well, how long is this going to take? 131 00:05:17,518 --> 00:05:18,518 Couple days. 132 00:05:18,652 --> 00:05:20,385 - Give or take. - Days? 133 00:05:20,387 --> 00:05:22,054 Forget it. You're fired. 134 00:05:22,189 --> 00:05:23,349 See, you gotta understand. 135 00:05:23,390 --> 00:05:25,390 If I stop now, you'll be stuck 136 00:05:25,526 --> 00:05:27,860 with this big nasty hole in your yard. 137 00:05:27,994 --> 00:05:29,327 Be patient, people. 138 00:05:29,463 --> 00:05:32,231 This pool is gonna blow your mind. 139 00:05:34,535 --> 00:05:36,201 I do wants my mind blown. 140 00:05:36,203 --> 00:05:39,404 - [Cyborg] Yeah, just blow it up. - [Raven] Blow my mind. 141 00:05:39,540 --> 00:05:41,005 [groans] Fine. 142 00:05:41,141 --> 00:05:45,477 Great! 'Cause I just had another amazing idea. 143 00:05:45,612 --> 00:05:51,083 Picture this, a bunch of indoor pools that will feed into your outdoor pool. 144 00:05:51,218 --> 00:05:54,753 That way you can go anywhere you want and still be in the pool. 145 00:05:54,889 --> 00:05:55,889 Ooh. 146 00:05:56,022 --> 00:05:57,355 [all] Wow. 147 00:05:57,357 --> 00:05:59,624 No way, that'll take months to build. 148 00:05:59,626 --> 00:06:03,428 Well, the work would go a lot faster if I had help. 149 00:06:03,564 --> 00:06:05,698 Then let's rip this tower up, yo. 150 00:06:05,832 --> 00:06:07,700 [all cheering] 151 00:06:11,105 --> 00:06:13,105 [grunts and yells] 152 00:06:13,240 --> 00:06:14,440 [drill whirring] 153 00:06:16,510 --> 00:06:17,576 [Robin screaming] 154 00:06:18,312 --> 00:06:19,844 [timer beeping] 155 00:06:19,980 --> 00:06:20,980 [screaming] 156 00:06:29,256 --> 00:06:30,322 [slurping] 157 00:06:30,457 --> 00:06:31,501 Where you want this, Manta? 158 00:06:31,525 --> 00:06:32,991 Uh, uh... 159 00:06:32,993 --> 00:06:34,033 Put that over there. 160 00:06:35,662 --> 00:06:39,031 Hey-oh. Ladies, a little to the left. 161 00:06:42,068 --> 00:06:44,028 - We need to talk. - Not now, Robin. 162 00:06:44,070 --> 00:06:46,004 Can't you see I'm working, man? 163 00:06:46,006 --> 00:06:49,073 Yes, and pool season's almost over and you're still not done. 164 00:06:49,075 --> 00:06:50,208 Robin, I promise 165 00:06:50,344 --> 00:06:53,678 we will definitely be done by next pool season. 166 00:06:53,814 --> 00:06:56,481 - It's gonna be stupendous. - No. 167 00:06:56,483 --> 00:06:58,083 I'm sick of living like this. 168 00:06:58,218 --> 00:06:59,417 Which is why I've called in 169 00:06:59,419 --> 00:07:01,886 the one person who can make you finish. 170 00:07:01,888 --> 00:07:03,021 Aquaman. 171 00:07:03,023 --> 00:07:04,022 [inhales deeply] 172 00:07:04,024 --> 00:07:05,391 [conch sounding] 173 00:07:08,362 --> 00:07:09,402 [rock music playing] 174 00:07:12,432 --> 00:07:14,032 [imitates fanfare playing] 175 00:07:14,034 --> 00:07:15,500 That's right. 176 00:07:15,636 --> 00:07:17,636 It is I, Aquaman. 177 00:07:17,772 --> 00:07:19,482 Lord of the ocean, King of the sea, 178 00:07:19,506 --> 00:07:21,907 also the Justice League's hunkiest hero. 179 00:07:23,710 --> 00:07:25,555 [scoffs] More like the dumbest hero. 180 00:07:25,579 --> 00:07:30,114 Your shrimp-sized brain cannot match my scientific wizardry. 181 00:07:30,116 --> 00:07:32,985 [exclaims] 182 00:07:33,120 --> 00:07:36,388 It doesn't have to. Your wizardry is stupid. 183 00:07:36,523 --> 00:07:37,255 Stupid? 184 00:07:37,391 --> 00:07:39,391 My wizardry is stupid? 185 00:07:39,526 --> 00:07:40,392 You wanna talk stupid? 186 00:07:40,527 --> 00:07:42,126 How about the stupid outfit? 187 00:07:42,128 --> 00:07:43,261 Put that in your pocket. 188 00:07:43,263 --> 00:07:45,063 If you have pockets on them tight pants. 189 00:07:45,065 --> 00:07:48,200 Look, Manta, I came here to reason with you. 190 00:07:48,335 --> 00:07:50,935 But I... I realize now 191 00:07:50,937 --> 00:07:53,538 that we're going to have to settle this 192 00:07:53,540 --> 00:07:57,476 like men of the ocean. 193 00:07:57,611 --> 00:08:00,345 You talking that age old tradition. 194 00:08:00,481 --> 00:08:03,081 I feel you. I see where you're coming from right now. 195 00:08:03,083 --> 00:08:06,018 Yes, the way of the sea. 196 00:08:06,153 --> 00:08:09,621 [laughs] Sounds like you're in for it now, Manta. 197 00:08:09,756 --> 00:08:11,289 That's right, you are. 198 00:08:11,291 --> 00:08:15,594 Because I am challenging you to a splash competition. 199 00:08:18,432 --> 00:08:21,500 - A what now? - If I win, you'll finish your work today 200 00:08:21,635 --> 00:08:22,901 and never come back. 201 00:08:23,037 --> 00:08:25,637 But if I win, I get to live here forever. 202 00:08:25,772 --> 00:08:28,284 - Sounds fair. - This is going to be awesome. 203 00:08:28,308 --> 00:08:29,708 No. No, no, no! 204 00:08:29,710 --> 00:08:31,109 We are not doing this. 205 00:08:31,245 --> 00:08:34,579 Don't worry, I can definitely probably beat him. 206 00:08:34,715 --> 00:08:36,795 [tense music playing, eagle screeching] 207 00:08:40,254 --> 00:08:41,720 I'm going easy on you 208 00:08:41,856 --> 00:08:45,157 with something I call cannonball! 209 00:08:46,060 --> 00:08:47,459 [beeping] 210 00:08:48,995 --> 00:08:50,429 [Black Manta] Ah! Ooh. 211 00:08:51,331 --> 00:08:52,811 - Oh! - Ooh! 212 00:08:55,135 --> 00:08:57,202 Nice dive, helmet-head. 213 00:08:57,204 --> 00:08:58,671 [laughs] Whoo! 214 00:08:58,805 --> 00:09:01,507 Oh, yeah? Well, two can play that game. 215 00:09:02,076 --> 00:09:03,076 [whistling] 216 00:09:04,144 --> 00:09:04,877 [screaming] 217 00:09:05,011 --> 00:09:06,478 [groaning] 218 00:09:08,482 --> 00:09:09,614 Oh, come on. 219 00:09:09,750 --> 00:09:11,816 Aquaman's dive was better than that. 220 00:09:11,952 --> 00:09:13,285 You's in denial, fool. 221 00:09:13,420 --> 00:09:16,088 Now watch the master show you how it's done. 222 00:09:16,223 --> 00:09:17,021 [whistling] 223 00:09:17,157 --> 00:09:18,957 - [dolphin clicking] - Whoo! 224 00:09:19,894 --> 00:09:20,894 [beeping] 225 00:09:25,832 --> 00:09:27,592 - [dolphin burping] - Whoo. 226 00:09:36,110 --> 00:09:37,110 [bell dinging] 227 00:09:39,380 --> 00:09:40,380 [laughing] 228 00:09:42,048 --> 00:09:43,248 [all cheering] 229 00:09:45,051 --> 00:09:46,651 Stop voting for Black Manta. 230 00:09:46,787 --> 00:09:48,653 We are only being the honest. 231 00:09:48,789 --> 00:09:50,949 But you just gave him a near perfect score. 232 00:09:51,057 --> 00:09:53,592 It's going to be impossible for Aquaman to beat that. 233 00:09:53,594 --> 00:09:55,438 Hey, get that house key ready, Robin. 234 00:09:55,462 --> 00:09:57,195 'Cause I ain't going nowhere. 235 00:09:57,197 --> 00:09:58,263 Alright, Aquaman. 236 00:09:58,265 --> 00:09:59,664 This is your last dive. 237 00:09:59,800 --> 00:10:01,800 I'm counting on you. 238 00:10:01,802 --> 00:10:04,803 Don't you worry, little guy. I got a plan. 239 00:10:04,939 --> 00:10:07,139 - [glass shattering] - K-k-k-k-Kraken. 240 00:10:07,274 --> 00:10:09,474 Kraken. 241 00:10:09,610 --> 00:10:10,976 Kraken. 242 00:10:11,946 --> 00:10:13,145 Kraken. 243 00:10:13,280 --> 00:10:14,280 Kraken. 244 00:10:20,754 --> 00:10:22,154 [roaring] 245 00:10:22,289 --> 00:10:23,155 Oh, snap. 246 00:10:23,290 --> 00:10:24,690 It's a kraken, yo. 247 00:10:40,707 --> 00:10:42,574 You lose, Black Manta. 248 00:10:42,709 --> 00:10:44,643 Now go finish your work. 249 00:10:44,779 --> 00:10:46,311 But it's already done. 250 00:10:46,313 --> 00:10:48,781 Look, the pool I promised you is right over there. 251 00:10:48,915 --> 00:10:50,035 [dramatic music playing] 252 00:10:59,460 --> 00:11:01,326 It's... It's 253 00:11:01,328 --> 00:11:02,861 amazing! 254 00:11:02,997 --> 00:11:04,729 You really came through in the end. 255 00:11:04,731 --> 00:11:05,998 That's right, I did. 256 00:11:06,132 --> 00:11:07,710 Now who's up for a game of Marco Polo? 257 00:11:07,734 --> 00:11:09,934 [all cheering] 258 00:11:10,070 --> 00:11:12,404 Bring it on. I'm the king of Marco Polo. 259 00:11:12,539 --> 00:11:14,272 Whatever. [chuckles] 260 00:11:14,408 --> 00:11:16,875 You're more like the king of non-fashion. How about that? 261 00:11:16,877 --> 00:11:19,878 And when has orange ever gone with green? 262 00:11:19,880 --> 00:11:21,724 Anybody will see that on runways? 263 00:11:21,748 --> 00:11:23,748 And that's... that's not even an outfit. 264 00:11:23,750 --> 00:11:25,149 Come on, man. 265 00:11:25,151 --> 00:11:27,952 You're wearing orange and green together. 266 00:11:27,954 --> 00:11:29,888 See? That's the best you can do? 267 00:11:29,890 --> 00:11:31,133 I would love to see your closet. 268 00:11:31,157 --> 00:11:32,735 A bunch of orange and green outfits 269 00:11:32,759 --> 00:11:35,360 just all lined up for every day of the week. 270 00:11:35,496 --> 00:11:36,576 [Black Manta laughing] 271 00:11:37,364 --> 00:11:38,364 Whoo!