1 00:00:00,801 --> 00:00:02,000 [bird crowing] 2 00:00:02,136 --> 00:00:03,401 [cat meowing, mouse squeaking] 3 00:00:03,403 --> 00:00:05,403 [elephant trumpeting, lion roaring] 4 00:00:05,472 --> 00:00:06,271 ♪ Go! ♪ 5 00:00:06,273 --> 00:00:08,340 [opening theme playing] 6 00:00:13,880 --> 00:00:15,013 ♪ T-E-E-N ♪ 7 00:00:15,015 --> 00:00:16,281 ♪ T-I-T-A-N-S ♪ 8 00:00:16,283 --> 00:00:18,884 ♪ Teen Titans, let's go ♪ 9 00:00:21,822 --> 00:00:24,490 ♪ Teen Titans, go! ♪ 10 00:00:26,393 --> 00:00:27,426 [slurping] 11 00:00:33,868 --> 00:00:36,068 - [alarm blaring] - Crime alert! 12 00:00:36,203 --> 00:00:37,602 It appears someone has broken into 13 00:00:37,604 --> 00:00:40,004 the music library at Warner Bros. Studios. 14 00:00:40,006 --> 00:00:42,140 Oh, look, the tiny grandma. 15 00:00:42,142 --> 00:00:43,542 That's no grandma. 16 00:00:43,544 --> 00:00:46,545 That's crazed composer Ludwig Von Sournote. 17 00:00:46,547 --> 00:00:47,547 Guten Tag, Titans. 18 00:00:47,681 --> 00:00:49,592 Oh, and it's Lud-wich, actually, yes. 19 00:00:49,616 --> 00:00:51,528 It's like the "John" of Germany. 20 00:00:51,552 --> 00:00:54,419 Cut the formalities, Ludwig, and tell us what you're after. 21 00:00:54,421 --> 00:00:56,821 So, you want to get down to the gritty-nitty? 22 00:00:56,957 --> 00:00:57,957 Very well. 23 00:00:58,024 --> 00:01:00,759 I am after the Telepix machine. 24 00:01:00,895 --> 00:01:04,229 [slurping] Tele-what, now? 25 00:01:04,231 --> 00:01:06,164 Telepix machine. 26 00:01:06,166 --> 00:01:08,545 You know, the machine that provides the score for your show? 27 00:01:08,569 --> 00:01:10,769 [machine whirring] 28 00:01:10,905 --> 00:01:12,371 So, that machine keeps score? 29 00:01:12,506 --> 00:01:15,107 Well, in that case, I shall go for the extra point. 30 00:01:15,242 --> 00:01:16,108 [yelps loudly] 31 00:01:16,243 --> 00:01:17,820 - [fanfare plays] - It's good. 32 00:01:17,844 --> 00:01:19,644 No, Titans. 33 00:01:19,780 --> 00:01:22,292 The score is the music that accompanies a television show or a film 34 00:01:22,316 --> 00:01:24,294 to enhance the emotional impact of a scene. 35 00:01:24,318 --> 00:01:27,319 Yes, the score can make a scene feel scary, 36 00:01:27,454 --> 00:01:28,631 - dramatic... - [dramatic music plays] 37 00:01:28,655 --> 00:01:30,433 - ...sad... - [melancholy music plays] 38 00:01:30,457 --> 00:01:31,834 - ...or even romantic. - [romantic music playing] 39 00:01:31,858 --> 00:01:33,926 Which is why it is so very crucial 40 00:01:34,060 --> 00:01:35,660 to the storytelling process. 41 00:01:35,796 --> 00:01:36,929 Oh, give us the break. 42 00:01:37,063 --> 00:01:38,775 Don't nobody care about the score. 43 00:01:38,799 --> 00:01:40,132 In fact, it's so unimportant 44 00:01:40,267 --> 00:01:42,434 that our storyboarders handle it. 45 00:01:44,404 --> 00:01:46,138 Which is precisely my problem. 46 00:01:46,273 --> 00:01:49,007 I am being put out of a job because your storyboarders 47 00:01:49,143 --> 00:01:51,209 get their music from this cursed machine. 48 00:01:51,211 --> 00:01:53,251 Entertainment. It is a tough industry. 49 00:01:53,347 --> 00:01:55,147 You're telling me? 50 00:01:55,282 --> 00:01:57,215 Do you know how difficult it is to be a composer? 51 00:01:57,217 --> 00:01:59,457 No, but I have a feeling you're about to tell us. 52 00:01:59,553 --> 00:02:01,731 You spend all your time making music demonstrations 53 00:02:01,755 --> 00:02:03,622 and working on spec to land a gig 54 00:02:03,624 --> 00:02:06,759 only to lose it to this glorified MP3 player. 55 00:02:06,893 --> 00:02:08,293 Well, not anymore. 56 00:02:08,428 --> 00:02:10,495 I am pulling the plug on this machine. 57 00:02:10,497 --> 00:02:13,498 Now, your show will be forced to use my score. 58 00:02:13,634 --> 00:02:14,833 [laughs cunningly] 59 00:02:14,835 --> 00:02:15,875 [sarcastically] Ooh. 60 00:02:15,970 --> 00:02:16,970 Who cares? 61 00:02:17,037 --> 00:02:18,703 There's no value in a score. 62 00:02:18,839 --> 00:02:21,039 Yes, there is, you obtuse, little man. 63 00:02:21,041 --> 00:02:25,577 Well, I am going to prove it to you by using my musical magic. 64 00:02:25,712 --> 00:02:26,578 The good luck with that. 65 00:02:26,713 --> 00:02:28,981 We ain'ts worried about no score, fool. 66 00:02:29,115 --> 00:02:29,848 You will be. 67 00:02:29,984 --> 00:02:32,317 [laughing wickedly] 68 00:02:34,188 --> 00:02:36,254 - Whatever. - Now who's up for a snack? 69 00:02:36,390 --> 00:02:38,457 - Oh, yeah. - [all clamoring] 70 00:02:40,060 --> 00:02:41,960 [ominous music playing] 71 00:02:43,597 --> 00:02:45,664 When did the kitchen become so terrifying? 72 00:02:45,666 --> 00:02:48,066 It sure does seem a whole lot scarier. 73 00:02:48,068 --> 00:02:51,536 It is giving me the heebies as well as the jeebies. 74 00:02:51,672 --> 00:02:54,317 And all the hairs be standing up on the backs of my neck, yo. 75 00:02:54,341 --> 00:02:55,674 - [music stops] - There's nothing scary 76 00:02:55,676 --> 00:02:56,941 about this kitchen. 77 00:02:57,077 --> 00:02:59,812 Ludwig is just using his score to make us feel nervous. 78 00:02:59,946 --> 00:03:02,314 - [ominous music resumes] - I'm not too sure about that. 79 00:03:05,219 --> 00:03:06,551 [all gasp] 80 00:03:06,687 --> 00:03:09,021 Relax. I'm just getting a bagel. 81 00:03:09,156 --> 00:03:11,657 [ominous music playing] 82 00:03:13,960 --> 00:03:14,827 [all gasp] 83 00:03:14,961 --> 00:03:17,763 And now, I'm slicing my bagel. 84 00:03:20,835 --> 00:03:22,434 Be the careful, Cyborg. 85 00:03:22,569 --> 00:03:25,215 I have the feeling that something terrible might happen. 86 00:03:25,239 --> 00:03:27,150 There's only one way to find out. 87 00:03:27,174 --> 00:03:28,741 [screams] I can'ts look. 88 00:03:29,844 --> 00:03:31,510 [ominous music continues] 89 00:03:35,049 --> 00:03:36,248 [sighs in relief] 90 00:03:37,651 --> 00:03:38,651 [screams] 91 00:03:39,453 --> 00:03:41,053 Ow. What'd you do that for? 92 00:03:41,188 --> 00:03:42,254 You scared me. 93 00:03:42,389 --> 00:03:44,167 I just wanted some butter for my bagel! 94 00:03:44,191 --> 00:03:47,259 Well, all this tension has made me lose my appetite. 95 00:03:47,394 --> 00:03:49,394 - Me too, bro. - The indeed. 96 00:03:49,530 --> 00:03:50,610 Let's get out of here. 97 00:03:52,466 --> 00:03:54,626 Being in that kitchen really put me on edge. 98 00:03:54,735 --> 00:03:56,935 My heart is still doing of the racing. 99 00:03:57,071 --> 00:03:58,981 Then why don't you all calm down 100 00:03:59,005 --> 00:04:00,072 by watching some TV? 101 00:04:00,207 --> 00:04:01,440 Great idea, bro. 102 00:04:03,277 --> 00:04:05,237 - [dramatic music playing] - [gasps] 103 00:04:06,480 --> 00:04:09,081 Listen, mama, we need to talk. 104 00:04:09,216 --> 00:04:10,082 About what? 105 00:04:10,217 --> 00:04:11,417 You know what this is about. 106 00:04:11,485 --> 00:04:13,218 You just stole my spot. 107 00:04:13,220 --> 00:04:15,220 Well, I don't see your name on it. 108 00:04:15,355 --> 00:04:20,358 My name ain'ts gotta be on it, 'cause my body is already grooved into the couch. 109 00:04:20,494 --> 00:04:23,295 So groove your body someplace else. 110 00:04:23,430 --> 00:04:24,875 - It ain't that simple! - [objects crash] 111 00:04:24,899 --> 00:04:27,366 It takes years to develop that perfect body groove. 112 00:04:27,501 --> 00:04:29,546 And I can'ts deal with that kind of commitment. 113 00:04:29,570 --> 00:04:31,614 You can't deal with any kind of commitment. 114 00:04:31,638 --> 00:04:33,706 Oh, so that's what this is about. 115 00:04:33,840 --> 00:04:37,240 You wanted to sit here so you could make me jealous with your new boyfriend! 116 00:04:37,311 --> 00:04:38,621 I have no idea what you're talking about. 117 00:04:38,645 --> 00:04:39,912 I don't have a boyfriend. 118 00:04:40,046 --> 00:04:41,179 Oh, really? 119 00:04:41,315 --> 00:04:42,681 Then who's this? 120 00:04:44,318 --> 00:04:45,383 The Aqualad? 121 00:04:45,385 --> 00:04:47,452 Oh, man, this is getting good. 122 00:04:47,588 --> 00:04:48,628 That's right, mama. 123 00:04:48,722 --> 00:04:50,255 I know all about the two of you, 124 00:04:50,257 --> 00:04:52,102 and your secret trip to the Bahamas. 125 00:04:52,126 --> 00:04:54,526 We didn't go to the Bahamas because we're in love, 126 00:04:54,661 --> 00:04:56,821 we went because Aqualad needs an operation! 127 00:04:56,863 --> 00:04:58,330 What kind of operation? 128 00:04:58,465 --> 00:05:00,132 He needs a butt transplant. 129 00:05:00,267 --> 00:05:01,533 A butt transplant? 130 00:05:01,668 --> 00:05:04,068 Oh, no, that sounds serious, yo! 131 00:05:04,070 --> 00:05:05,070 I'm afraid it is. 132 00:05:05,139 --> 00:05:07,873 Well, here, he can have mine. 133 00:05:09,476 --> 00:05:11,143 Whoa, whoa, whoa! 134 00:05:11,278 --> 00:05:12,811 - No one is in need of a butt transplant. - [Beast Boy yelps] 135 00:05:12,813 --> 00:05:15,413 Are you the sure about that, Robin? 136 00:05:15,415 --> 00:05:17,295 - Yes, I'm sure. - [music stops] 137 00:05:17,417 --> 00:05:19,862 Raven and Beast Boy are just getting caught up in the score again. 138 00:05:19,886 --> 00:05:21,153 Now, get lost, Aqualad. 139 00:05:21,822 --> 00:05:22,822 [glass breaking] 140 00:05:22,957 --> 00:05:25,157 Well, that certainly was exciting. 141 00:05:25,292 --> 00:05:28,327 Now, can we please just watch some TV? 142 00:05:32,366 --> 00:05:33,632 That's weird. 143 00:05:33,768 --> 00:05:34,800 It's not working. 144 00:05:36,236 --> 00:05:37,302 Oh, no. 145 00:05:37,304 --> 00:05:38,503 [melancholy music playing] 146 00:05:38,639 --> 00:05:40,873 It appears the batteries 147 00:05:41,575 --> 00:05:42,641 have died. 148 00:05:43,177 --> 00:05:45,277 [sobbing] 149 00:05:47,314 --> 00:05:49,848 Oh, come on, Star. You can't be that upset. 150 00:05:49,984 --> 00:05:53,051 Do not tell me how I should feel, Robin! 151 00:05:53,053 --> 00:05:55,988 Okay, okay. But they're just a pair of batteries. 152 00:05:56,122 --> 00:05:59,124 No, they were our batteries. 153 00:05:59,259 --> 00:06:01,427 And they deserve the proper burial. 154 00:06:04,598 --> 00:06:06,398 The dearly beloved, 155 00:06:06,533 --> 00:06:07,932 we are gathered here today 156 00:06:07,934 --> 00:06:11,203 to honor the memory of our friends, 157 00:06:11,338 --> 00:06:13,205 the batteries. 158 00:06:13,340 --> 00:06:15,507 I remember the day we purchased them. 159 00:06:16,610 --> 00:06:19,011 They were so full of the life. 160 00:06:19,145 --> 00:06:23,147 And they put a lot of the energy into keeping us happy, 161 00:06:23,149 --> 00:06:25,950 even though it left them drained. 162 00:06:25,952 --> 00:06:29,621 And while they may have only been the AA batteries, 163 00:06:29,756 --> 00:06:33,758 to me, they will always be the AAA. 164 00:06:33,760 --> 00:06:35,293 [sobbing] 165 00:06:35,295 --> 00:06:36,929 [all sobbing] 166 00:06:39,700 --> 00:06:42,167 That... That was beautiful, Star. 167 00:06:42,302 --> 00:06:44,636 It's just not fair. 168 00:06:44,771 --> 00:06:48,374 Oh, why couldn't they have been rechargeable? Why? 169 00:06:52,713 --> 00:06:55,313 You guys are all acting ridiculous. 170 00:06:55,315 --> 00:06:57,182 We can't help it! 171 00:06:57,317 --> 00:07:00,096 Well, there's no way some stupid score is going to affect my emotions. 172 00:07:00,120 --> 00:07:03,321 Now, to enjoy this delicious bagel. 173 00:07:03,457 --> 00:07:05,557 [romantic music playing] 174 00:07:08,328 --> 00:07:10,795 It's got such an intoxicating aroma. 175 00:07:10,931 --> 00:07:11,931 [sniffs, giggles] 176 00:07:12,066 --> 00:07:14,799 Oh, and would you look at those curves? 177 00:07:14,801 --> 00:07:17,669 Uh-oh, I think somebody's fallen in love. 178 00:07:17,804 --> 00:07:19,337 You've got that right. 179 00:07:19,473 --> 00:07:21,273 We've got so much in common. 180 00:07:21,408 --> 00:07:25,610 We rise early in the morning, our favorite meal is brunch, 181 00:07:25,612 --> 00:07:27,532 and we're both incredibly plain. 182 00:07:27,614 --> 00:07:29,192 - Bagel... - [all gasp] 183 00:07:29,216 --> 00:07:32,150 ...will you marry me? 184 00:07:32,152 --> 00:07:33,552 [romantic music continues] 185 00:07:33,687 --> 00:07:35,487 I'll take that as a yes! 186 00:07:37,624 --> 00:07:39,425 ["Wedding March" playing] 187 00:07:40,094 --> 00:07:41,094 [blows nose] 188 00:07:45,432 --> 00:07:47,766 I now pronounce you man and bagel. 189 00:07:47,902 --> 00:07:50,636 Robin, you may kiss the bread. 190 00:07:53,640 --> 00:07:55,708 [Robin screams] 191 00:07:55,842 --> 00:07:56,842 [gasps] 192 00:07:56,977 --> 00:07:58,042 Who did this? 193 00:07:58,178 --> 00:07:59,578 [munching] 194 00:07:59,580 --> 00:08:01,179 Oh, sorry, bro. 195 00:08:01,315 --> 00:08:03,426 Being around all this breakfast food made me hungry. 196 00:08:03,450 --> 00:08:05,049 [dramatic music playing] 197 00:08:05,051 --> 00:08:07,719 Then you can eat my fist! 198 00:08:07,854 --> 00:08:09,165 - Calm down, dude. - [yelling] 199 00:08:09,189 --> 00:08:10,289 You're overreacting. 200 00:08:12,058 --> 00:08:13,391 You're right. 201 00:08:13,393 --> 00:08:15,238 I'm not in love with this bagel. 202 00:08:15,262 --> 00:08:17,422 My emotions just got caught up in the score. 203 00:08:17,531 --> 00:08:19,464 Perhaps there is more to this score 204 00:08:19,466 --> 00:08:20,732 than we originally thought. 205 00:08:20,867 --> 00:08:22,907 I guess that Ludwig dude was right, yo. 206 00:08:23,003 --> 00:08:24,469 Which is why we need to stop him 207 00:08:24,471 --> 00:08:25,938 from using it to manipulate us. 208 00:08:26,072 --> 00:08:28,540 Titans, go! To Warner Bros. Studios! 209 00:08:28,675 --> 00:08:30,409 [heroic music playing] 210 00:08:33,013 --> 00:08:35,213 - [music stops] - [tires screech] 211 00:08:35,215 --> 00:08:36,915 [car beeping] 212 00:08:39,019 --> 00:08:41,353 - [all yell] - Listen up, Ludwig. 213 00:08:41,488 --> 00:08:42,755 [gasps] Wait! 214 00:08:42,889 --> 00:08:44,867 Before you say anything, let me guess, please. 215 00:08:44,891 --> 00:08:46,691 I love the guessing games. 216 00:08:46,827 --> 00:08:48,693 Okay. You are here to tell me how much 217 00:08:48,695 --> 00:08:51,074 - you have been enjoying my score. - [orchestral music playing] 218 00:08:51,098 --> 00:08:52,098 Yes? Am I close? 219 00:08:52,232 --> 00:08:53,231 No. 220 00:08:53,233 --> 00:08:55,367 We are here to shut you down. 221 00:08:55,502 --> 00:08:57,502 Now release the Telepix machine. 222 00:08:57,504 --> 00:08:59,037 Never! 223 00:08:59,173 --> 00:09:01,151 Fine. Then I guess we'll just do this the hard way. 224 00:09:01,175 --> 00:09:04,977 Ooh, it looks like we are gearing up for a fight sequence, 225 00:09:05,112 --> 00:09:07,873 and I have the perfect action score in mind. 226 00:09:07,982 --> 00:09:10,182 - Percussion! - [dramatic music playing] 227 00:09:10,317 --> 00:09:11,916 Brass! 228 00:09:11,918 --> 00:09:13,251 Strings! 229 00:09:13,253 --> 00:09:14,386 [laughs maliciously] 230 00:09:14,521 --> 00:09:16,281 - Titans, go! - [all grunt] 231 00:09:16,923 --> 00:09:17,923 [growls] 232 00:09:21,996 --> 00:09:23,962 These drums is really powerful. 233 00:09:27,534 --> 00:09:29,401 The strings are too nimble. 234 00:09:31,472 --> 00:09:33,472 These horns know how to stab. 235 00:09:38,012 --> 00:09:39,143 Oh, ow! 236 00:09:39,145 --> 00:09:41,946 These woodwinds pack a punch. [grunts] 237 00:09:42,082 --> 00:09:45,350 And this bombastic bass is blowing me away. 238 00:09:45,486 --> 00:09:47,619 [screams, grunts] 239 00:09:47,754 --> 00:09:48,931 [Ludwig] Now, give up, Titans! 240 00:09:48,955 --> 00:09:51,356 You cannot defeat my musical might. 241 00:09:51,358 --> 00:09:54,927 He's right. His score is just way too awesome! 242 00:09:56,296 --> 00:09:57,095 [music stops] 243 00:09:57,231 --> 00:09:58,763 Do you really mean that? 244 00:09:58,899 --> 00:10:00,543 - Of course we the do. - [upbeat orchestral music playing] 245 00:10:00,567 --> 00:10:02,501 Today, you demonstrated to all of us 246 00:10:02,503 --> 00:10:04,969 just how powerful your score can truly be. 247 00:10:04,971 --> 00:10:07,572 So, does this mean you're going to keep using my score? 248 00:10:07,574 --> 00:10:08,951 - Oh, no, no, no. - [objects crash] 249 00:10:08,975 --> 00:10:10,975 We don't have the budget for that kind of thing. 250 00:10:10,977 --> 00:10:13,356 But we do know someone that has plenty of money for your score. 251 00:10:13,380 --> 00:10:15,514 [dramatic music playing] 252 00:10:17,918 --> 00:10:19,918 Thank you for your help, Titans. 253 00:10:19,920 --> 00:10:22,521 Now, consider this score settled. 254 00:10:22,523 --> 00:10:24,990 - [plays loudly] - [glass shatters]