1 00:00:04,576 --> 00:00:06,510 and may contain mature subject matter. 2 00:00:06,510 --> 00:00:11,910 Viewer discretion is advised. 3 00:00:12,376 --> 00:00:33,143 This season on Big Brother You are cordially invited to 4 00:00:33,143 --> 00:00:40,076 You are cordially invited to solve the ultimate mystery. It's time to embark on a 10 5 00:00:40,076 --> 00:00:46,576 solve the ultimate mystery. It's time to embark on a 10 week journey into a world of 6 00:00:46,576 --> 00:00:47,943 It's time to embark on a 10 week journey into a world of deception. In this house of 7 00:00:47,943 --> 00:00:55,777 week journey into a world of deception. In this house of secrets, there are many clues to 8 00:00:55,777 --> 00:01:06,410 deception. In this house of secrets, there are many clues to decode. And hidden surprises lie 9 00:01:06,410 --> 00:01:07,410 secrets, there are many clues to decode. And hidden surprises lie around every corner. The key to 10 00:01:07,410 --> 00:01:11,176 decode. And hidden surprises lie around every corner. The key to survival is to stay one step 11 00:01:11,176 --> 00:01:16,209 around every corner. The key to survival is to stay one step ahead of the game. But be 12 00:01:16,209 --> 00:01:17,176 survival is to stay one step ahead of the game. But be warned. In this twisted reality, 13 00:01:17,176 --> 00:01:19,777 ahead of the game. But be warned. In this twisted reality, time is your enemy. [intense 14 00:01:19,777 --> 00:01:24,810 warned. In this twisted reality, time is your enemy. [intense music] and everyone is a 15 00:01:24,810 --> 00:01:25,777 time is your enemy. [intense music] and everyone is a suspect. 16 00:01:25,777 --> 00:01:26,777 music] and everyone is a suspect. Nobody will see me coming. 17 00:01:26,777 --> 00:01:27,743 suspect. Nobody will see me coming. Deception is my specialty. 18 00:01:27,743 --> 00:01:29,576 Nobody will see me coming. Deception is my specialty. I will be unstoppable. 19 00:01:29,576 --> 00:01:33,810 Deception is my specialty. I will be unstoppable. I will take them out one by 20 00:01:33,810 --> 00:01:34,777 I will be unstoppable. I will take them out one by one. 21 00:01:34,777 --> 00:01:39,977 I will take them out one by one. So follow the threats of 22 00:01:39,977 --> 00:01:42,543 one. So follow the threats of intrigue [announcer] and unravel 23 00:01:42,543 --> 00:01:48,143 So follow the threats of intrigue [announcer] and unravel every motive. The truth is 24 00:01:48,143 --> 00:01:50,576 intrigue [announcer] and unravel every motive. The truth is waiting to be revealed! welcome 25 00:01:50,576 --> 00:01:51,610 every motive. The truth is waiting to be revealed! welcome to season 11!! 26 00:01:51,610 --> 00:01:51,676 waiting to be revealed! welcome to season 11!! 27 00:01:51,676 --> 00:01:58,810 to season 11!! 28 00:01:58,810 --> 00:02:11,176 Hello and welcome to season 11 of Big Brother Canada. Welcome to the Manor. It is 29 00:02:11,176 --> 00:02:12,176 11 of Big Brother Canada. Welcome to the Manor. It is happening. This season is all 30 00:02:12,176 --> 00:02:13,176 Welcome to the Manor. It is happening. This season is all set to be a mystery like no 31 00:02:13,176 --> 00:02:16,676 happening. This season is all set to be a mystery like no other. 16 Canadians will enter 32 00:02:16,676 --> 00:02:17,676 set to be a mystery like no other. 16 Canadians will enter the manner tonight in a world of 33 00:02:17,676 --> 00:02:18,643 other. 16 Canadians will enter the manner tonight in a world of secrets in suspense. In the end, 34 00:02:18,643 --> 00:02:19,610 the manner tonight in a world of secrets in suspense. In the end, after a gruelling 10 week 35 00:02:19,610 --> 00:02:20,676 secrets in suspense. In the end, after a gruelling 10 week investigation, only one 36 00:02:20,676 --> 00:02:21,576 after a gruelling 10 week investigation, only one houseguest will solve the 37 00:02:21,576 --> 00:02:28,410 investigation, only one houseguest will solve the beautiful mystery that is our 38 00:02:28,410 --> 00:02:29,410 houseguest will solve the beautiful mystery that is our game and win it all. Like 39 00:02:29,410 --> 00:02:30,410 beautiful mystery that is our game and win it all. Like always, this grand house behind 40 00:02:30,410 --> 00:02:39,943 game and win it all. Like always, this grand house behind me has eyes everywhere. And the 41 00:02:39,943 --> 00:02:40,910 always, this grand house behind me has eyes everywhere. And the twist this year, trust me when I 42 00:02:40,910 --> 00:02:41,877 me has eyes everywhere. And the twist this year, trust me when I tell you you don't want to 43 00:02:41,877 --> 00:02:42,910 twist this year, trust me when I tell you you don't want to finished dead last. As we all 44 00:02:42,910 --> 00:02:43,877 tell you you don't want to finished dead last. As we all know, every season of Big 45 00:02:43,877 --> 00:02:44,910 finished dead last. As we all know, every season of Big Brother Canada is more dramatic 46 00:02:44,910 --> 00:02:45,877 know, every season of Big Brother Canada is more dramatic than a Hollywood film script and 47 00:02:45,877 --> 00:02:46,843 Brother Canada is more dramatic than a Hollywood film script and this season will be no 48 00:02:46,843 --> 00:02:47,843 than a Hollywood film script and this season will be no different. And of course, every 49 00:02:47,843 --> 00:02:48,810 this season will be no different. And of course, every good movie starts with the 50 00:02:48,810 --> 00:02:49,777 different. And of course, every good movie starts with the perfect setting. 51 00:02:49,777 --> 00:02:49,843 good movie starts with the perfect setting. 52 00:02:49,843 --> 00:02:59,109 perfect setting. [interior, Big Brother Canada 53 00:02:59,109 --> 00:03:03,176 [interior, Big Brother Canada Manor, night. A foreboding tension hangs over this house. 54 00:03:03,176 --> 00:03:13,710 Manor, night. A foreboding tension hangs over this house. It's a page-one rewrite. The 55 00:03:14,176 --> 00:03:21,410 surroundings have been New overall. These spaces, these hollow halls will soon be home 56 00:03:21,410 --> 00:03:22,376 overall. These spaces, these hollow halls will soon be home to 60 new guests ready to dance 57 00:03:22,376 --> 00:03:24,376 hollow halls will soon be home to 60 new guests ready to dance the deadliest waltz of all. What 58 00:03:24,376 --> 00:03:30,043 to 60 new guests ready to dance the deadliest waltz of all. What can these unproven challengers 59 00:03:30,043 --> 00:03:37,643 the deadliest waltz of all. What can these unproven challengers shake the ghosts of the past? 60 00:03:37,643 --> 00:03:38,610 can these unproven challengers shake the ghosts of the past? Each room in the BBCAN manner 61 00:03:38,610 --> 00:03:39,576 shake the ghosts of the past? Each room in the BBCAN manner conceals dark motives as the 62 00:03:39,576 --> 00:03:46,043 Each room in the BBCAN manner conceals dark motives as the insatiable personal power is 63 00:03:46,043 --> 00:03:47,576 conceals dark motives as the insatiable personal power is captured 24/7 for nearly 70 64 00:03:47,576 --> 00:03:54,243 insatiable personal power is captured 24/7 for nearly 70 days. Secrets, lies and alibis. 65 00:03:54,243 --> 00:03:59,676 captured 24/7 for nearly 70 days. Secrets, lies and alibis. All caught on 114 cameras. And 66 00:03:59,676 --> 00:04:04,610 days. Secrets, lies and alibis. All caught on 114 cameras. And you never know who's watching. 67 00:04:04,610 --> 00:04:05,543 All caught on 114 cameras. And you never know who's watching. Cut to: in the library, where 68 00:04:05,543 --> 00:04:06,510 you never know who's watching. Cut to: in the library, where the plot thickens. When one 69 00:04:06,510 --> 00:04:09,710 Cut to: in the library, where the plot thickens. When one houseguest who can read between 70 00:04:09,710 --> 00:04:14,309 the plot thickens. When one houseguest who can read between the line uncovers a special 71 00:04:14,309 --> 00:04:16,243 houseguest who can read between the line uncovers a special invitation that will flip the 72 00:04:16,243 --> 00:04:22,443 the line uncovers a special invitation that will flip the house upside down. The places 73 00:04:22,443 --> 00:04:23,443 invitation that will flip the house upside down. The places are set, the Manor is waiting 74 00:04:23,443 --> 00:04:29,877 house upside down. The places are set, the Manor is waiting and if they think this will be 75 00:04:29,877 --> 00:04:30,843 are set, the Manor is waiting and if they think this will be easy, they are dead wrong.. The 76 00:04:30,843 --> 00:04:35,076 and if they think this will be easy, they are dead wrong.. The game is afoot! 77 00:04:35,076 --> 00:04:36,076 easy, they are dead wrong.. The game is afoot! Let's meet the first 78 00:04:36,076 --> 00:04:36,977 game is afoot! Let's meet the first houseguests to enter this 79 00:04:36,977 --> 00:04:42,209 Let's meet the first houseguests to enter this manner. 80 00:04:42,209 --> 00:04:43,243 houseguests to enter this manner. I'm going to be the biggest 81 00:04:43,243 --> 00:04:44,209 manner. I'm going to be the biggest menace ever. 82 00:04:44,209 --> 00:04:45,209 I'm going to be the biggest menace ever. On the star of the show. I'm 83 00:04:45,209 --> 00:04:46,143 menace ever. On the star of the show. I'm the attraction. 84 00:04:46,143 --> 00:04:47,143 On the star of the show. I'm the attraction. These houseguests have no 85 00:04:47,143 --> 00:04:48,143 the attraction. These houseguests have no idea what's coming to them. 86 00:04:48,143 --> 00:04:49,143 These houseguests have no idea what's coming to them. Canada you are not ready for 87 00:04:49,143 --> 00:04:56,777 idea what's coming to them. Canada you are not ready for me to enter that house. 88 00:04:56,777 --> 00:04:57,777 Canada you are not ready for me to enter that house. Hi Canada. My name is Kuzie. 89 00:04:57,777 --> 00:05:04,877 me to enter that house. Hi Canada. My name is Kuzie. I am originally from Zimbabwe 90 00:05:04,877 --> 00:05:05,877 Hi Canada. My name is Kuzie. I am originally from Zimbabwe and South Africa. I am your 91 00:05:05,877 --> 00:05:12,810 I am originally from Zimbabwe and South Africa. I am your sweet yummy chocolate gooey GUI 92 00:05:12,810 --> 00:05:19,010 and South Africa. I am your sweet yummy chocolate gooey GUI in a chocolate package. When I 93 00:05:19,010 --> 00:05:20,010 sweet yummy chocolate gooey GUI in a chocolate package. When I say clean I mean myself. I am 94 00:05:20,010 --> 00:05:21,010 in a chocolate package. When I say clean I mean myself. I am charismatic I am bubbly, I am 95 00:05:21,010 --> 00:05:21,977 say clean I mean myself. I am charismatic I am bubbly, I am smart. 96 00:05:21,977 --> 00:05:22,977 charismatic I am bubbly, I am smart. So you're just a regular 97 00:05:22,977 --> 00:05:23,977 smart. So you're just a regular person. 98 00:05:23,977 --> 00:05:29,043 So you're just a regular person. A regular person? Me? 99 00:05:29,043 --> 00:05:30,010 person. A regular person? Me? Regular? I competed in the Miss 100 00:05:30,010 --> 00:05:31,010 A regular person? Me? Regular? I competed in the Miss world Zimbabwe pageant and told 101 00:05:31,010 --> 00:05:32,010 Regular? I competed in the Miss world Zimbabwe pageant and told myself I'm not leaving this 102 00:05:32,010 --> 00:05:39,843 world Zimbabwe pageant and told myself I'm not leaving this pageant without a crown. 103 00:05:39,843 --> 00:05:40,877 myself I'm not leaving this pageant without a crown. here she is. 104 00:05:40,877 --> 00:05:41,810 pageant without a crown. here she is. What's up Canada. My name is 105 00:05:41,810 --> 00:05:42,810 here she is. What's up Canada. My name is Zach. I'm from Ottawa. I'm 34 106 00:05:42,810 --> 00:05:43,810 What's up Canada. My name is Zach. I'm from Ottawa. I'm 34 years old and a serial 107 00:05:43,810 --> 00:05:44,843 Zach. I'm from Ottawa. I'm 34 years old and a serial entrepreneur. I would say that 108 00:05:44,843 --> 00:05:48,410 years old and a serial entrepreneur. I would say that I'm a big deal. I've been 109 00:05:48,410 --> 00:05:49,376 entrepreneur. I would say that I'm a big deal. I've been referred to as the Kimm 110 00:05:49,376 --> 00:05:50,410 I'm a big deal. I've been referred to as the Kimm Kardashian of Ottawa. People 111 00:05:50,410 --> 00:05:51,443 referred to as the Kimm Kardashian of Ottawa. People know who I am but they are not 112 00:05:51,443 --> 00:05:54,877 Kardashian of Ottawa. People know who I am but they are not quite sure why. When I walked 113 00:05:54,877 --> 00:05:57,977 know who I am but they are not quite sure why. When I walked into the office, I'm like, full 114 00:05:57,977 --> 00:05:58,977 quite sure why. When I walked into the office, I'm like, full on hype man. 115 00:05:58,977 --> 00:06:00,643 into the office, I'm like, full on hype man. Let's go! Let's go! 116 00:06:00,643 --> 00:06:08,576 on hype man. Let's go! Let's go! Got that billionaire strap 117 00:06:08,576 --> 00:06:09,543 Let's go! Let's go! Got that billionaire strap going on. Facts from Zach. My 118 00:06:09,543 --> 00:06:10,576 Got that billionaire strap going on. Facts from Zach. My experience in the corporate 119 00:06:10,576 --> 00:06:12,443 going on. Facts from Zach. My experience in the corporate world as can help me set the 120 00:06:12,443 --> 00:06:17,676 experience in the corporate world as can help me set the stage in the house. 121 00:06:17,676 --> 00:06:18,710 world as can help me set the stage in the house. I'm freezing! I'm Santina I'm 122 00:06:18,710 --> 00:06:23,943 stage in the house. I'm freezing! I'm Santina I'm from Edmonton Alberta and I'm an 123 00:06:23,943 --> 00:06:24,877 I'm freezing! I'm Santina I'm from Edmonton Alberta and I'm an aesthetician. I'm a bit of a 124 00:06:24,877 --> 00:06:25,843 from Edmonton Alberta and I'm an aesthetician. I'm a bit of a hippie. I may not look like a 125 00:06:25,843 --> 00:06:29,376 aesthetician. I'm a bit of a hippie. I may not look like a hippie but last year I just sold 126 00:06:29,376 --> 00:06:30,343 hippie. I may not look like a hippie but last year I just sold everything I ever owned. I am 127 00:06:30,343 --> 00:06:31,343 hippie but last year I just sold everything I ever owned. I am not a 9-to-5 person. I want to 128 00:06:31,343 --> 00:06:32,309 everything I ever owned. I am not a 9-to-5 person. I want to live in a van and I wanted to 129 00:06:32,309 --> 00:06:39,243 not a 9-to-5 person. I want to live in a van and I wanted to travel the world. My dad is 130 00:06:39,243 --> 00:06:44,209 live in a van and I wanted to travel the world. My dad is thai, my mom is metis and I was 131 00:06:44,209 --> 00:06:45,176 travel the world. My dad is thai, my mom is metis and I was raised by my grandmother. I love 132 00:06:45,176 --> 00:06:46,243 thai, my mom is metis and I was raised by my grandmother. I love cooking and I'm going to make 133 00:06:46,243 --> 00:06:47,309 raised by my grandmother. I love cooking and I'm going to make the house panic is much as I 134 00:06:47,309 --> 00:06:48,343 cooking and I'm going to make the house panic is much as I can. 135 00:06:48,343 --> 00:06:49,977 the house panic is much as I can. Mama made it on TV! I love 136 00:06:49,977 --> 00:06:56,209 can. Mama made it on TV! I love you! 137 00:06:56,209 --> 00:06:57,243 Mama made it on TV! I love you! My name is Ty and I'm from 138 00:06:57,243 --> 00:06:58,176 you! My name is Ty and I'm from Toronto. When I was 17 I 139 00:06:58,176 --> 00:07:00,243 My name is Ty and I'm from Toronto. When I was 17 I enlisted in the Canadian Armed 140 00:07:00,243 --> 00:07:01,276 Toronto. When I was 17 I enlisted in the Canadian Armed Forces. It taught me leadership 141 00:07:01,276 --> 00:07:02,610 enlisted in the Canadian Armed Forces. It taught me leadership and always thinking about how I 142 00:07:02,610 --> 00:07:12,710 Forces. It taught me leadership and always thinking about how I can do for others around me. 143 00:07:12,710 --> 00:07:13,710 and always thinking about how I can do for others around me. About it give mom some flowers. 144 00:07:13,710 --> 00:07:14,743 can do for others around me. About it give mom some flowers. I'm a huge Mama's boy. I love my 145 00:07:14,743 --> 00:07:15,710 About it give mom some flowers. I'm a huge Mama's boy. I love my mom to death. My mom was 17 146 00:07:15,710 --> 00:07:16,643 I'm a huge Mama's boy. I love my mom to death. My mom was 17 years old when she had me and 147 00:07:16,643 --> 00:07:17,643 mom to death. My mom was 17 years old when she had me and she sacrificed everything for 148 00:07:17,643 --> 00:07:18,610 years old when she had me and she sacrificed everything for me. 149 00:07:18,610 --> 00:07:19,610 she sacrificed everything for me. You are my first and you will 150 00:07:19,610 --> 00:07:22,777 me. You are my first and you will always be my baby. 151 00:07:22,777 --> 00:07:23,710 You are my first and you will always be my baby. I love my mom ladies and 152 00:07:23,710 --> 00:07:24,777 always be my baby. I love my mom ladies and gentlemen I like to think I'm a 153 00:07:24,777 --> 00:07:27,476 I love my mom ladies and gentlemen I like to think I'm a good guy because of my mom. 154 00:07:27,476 --> 00:07:28,443 gentlemen I like to think I'm a good guy because of my mom. That's my mom. 155 00:07:28,443 --> 00:07:32,843 good guy because of my mom. That's my mom. Was it take to be a man in 156 00:07:32,843 --> 00:07:33,810 That's my mom. Was it take to be a man in Kuzie's life? Instead of attend 157 00:07:33,810 --> 00:07:38,510 Was it take to be a man in Kuzie's life? Instead of attend the man has to be a 15. 158 00:07:38,510 --> 00:07:39,510 Kuzie's life? Instead of attend the man has to be a 15. If there is athletic women I 159 00:07:39,510 --> 00:07:40,510 the man has to be a 15. If there is athletic women I might be in trouble at the 160 00:07:40,510 --> 00:07:41,510 If there is athletic women I might be in trouble at the house. 161 00:07:41,510 --> 00:07:42,476 might be in trouble at the house. Walking around in my little 162 00:07:42,476 --> 00:07:43,443 house. Walking around in my little shorts working on this body! All 163 00:07:43,443 --> 00:07:45,877 Walking around in my little shorts working on this body! All the way to the hundred thousand 164 00:07:45,877 --> 00:07:46,910 shorts working on this body! All the way to the hundred thousand dollars. 165 00:07:46,910 --> 00:07:47,910 the way to the hundred thousand dollars. Put me in the big brother 166 00:07:47,910 --> 00:07:48,910 dollars. Put me in the big brother house, I am the King of that 167 00:07:48,910 --> 00:07:54,843 Put me in the big brother house, I am the King of that house. 168 00:07:54,843 --> 00:07:55,843 house, I am the King of that house. Tires the winner of Big 169 00:07:55,843 --> 00:07:56,777 house. Tires the winner of Big Brother Canada season 11. Canada 170 00:07:56,777 --> 00:07:57,777 Tires the winner of Big Brother Canada season 11. Canada I ask you for a lot but I don't 171 00:07:57,777 --> 00:07:59,410 Brother Canada season 11. Canada I ask you for a lot but I don't need it. Prepare to be 172 00:07:59,410 --> 00:08:06,010 I ask you for a lot but I don't need it. Prepare to be entertained. 173 00:08:06,010 --> 00:08:16,543 need it. Prepare to be entertained. Don't [deep] me because I 174 00:08:17,343 --> 00:08:42,643 will [beep] me because you up. Let's meet Zach! Ty! and Santina! Welcome! you look 175 00:08:42,643 --> 00:08:43,543 Let's meet Zach! Ty! and Santina! Welcome! you look gorgeous! now are you already to 176 00:08:43,543 --> 00:08:44,543 Santina! Welcome! you look gorgeous! now are you already to find out who done done it? Good 177 00:08:44,543 --> 00:08:45,543 gorgeous! now are you already to find out who done done it? Good luck. You may now enter the Big 178 00:08:45,543 --> 00:08:46,843 find out who done done it? Good luck. You may now enter the Big Brother Canada Manor. 179 00:08:46,843 --> 00:08:46,910 luck. You may now enter the Big Brother Canada Manor. 180 00:08:46,910 --> 00:08:48,810 Brother Canada Manor. Let's go! 181 00:08:48,810 --> 00:08:53,943 Let's go! 182 00:08:54,076 --> 00:09:04,676 Oh my goodness! Look at this. 183 00:09:05,176 --> 00:09:17,710 wooo!!! Good to see you my name is Kuzie! hi! 184 00:09:17,710 --> 00:09:22,276 Good to see you my name is Kuzie! hi! You look so beautiful! Hi my 185 00:09:22,276 --> 00:09:23,209 Kuzie! hi! You look so beautiful! Hi my name is Kuzie! Look at this 186 00:09:23,209 --> 00:09:26,276 You look so beautiful! Hi my name is Kuzie! Look at this place! 187 00:09:26,276 --> 00:09:27,243 name is Kuzie! Look at this place! Good for kings and queens! 188 00:09:27,243 --> 00:09:29,810 place! Good for kings and queens! This is amazing! Look at the 189 00:09:29,810 --> 00:09:34,209 Good for kings and queens! This is amazing! Look at the spread! 190 00:09:34,209 --> 00:09:38,043 This is amazing! Look at the spread! Keep each other safe. We keep 191 00:09:38,043 --> 00:09:42,476 spread! Keep each other safe. We keep each other safe. 192 00:09:42,476 --> 00:09:45,443 Keep each other safe. We keep each other safe. Pinky swear! 193 00:09:45,443 --> 00:09:48,643 each other safe. Pinky swear! No back door rubbish. 194 00:09:48,643 --> 00:09:53,810 Pinky swear! No back door rubbish. Keep each other safe right? 195 00:09:53,810 --> 00:09:58,810 No back door rubbish. Keep each other safe right? 196 00:09:58,810 --> 00:10:00,777 Keep each other safe right? Hello fresh! we are eating 197 00:10:00,777 --> 00:10:06,443 Hello fresh! we are eating well! We gotta check those bedrooms 198 00:10:06,443 --> 00:10:07,410 well! We gotta check those bedrooms out. 199 00:10:07,410 --> 00:10:11,143 We gotta check those bedrooms out. Yeah, yeah. 200 00:10:11,143 --> 00:10:12,076 out. Yeah, yeah. I'm so thirsty. Do you want 201 00:10:12,076 --> 00:10:13,143 Yeah, yeah. I'm so thirsty. Do you want someone or something? 202 00:10:13,143 --> 00:10:18,076 I'm so thirsty. Do you want someone or something? Can we get in here? 203 00:10:18,076 --> 00:10:22,410 someone or something? Can we get in here? >>ohhhh!!! Brought the cigars I 204 00:10:22,410 --> 00:10:27,410 Can we get in here? >>ohhhh!!! Brought the cigars I knew it! 205 00:10:27,410 --> 00:10:36,676 >>ohhhh!!! Brought the cigars I knew it! Done. I gotta get it. 206 00:10:36,676 --> 00:10:37,676 knew it! Done. I gotta get it. yayyy!! 207 00:10:37,676 --> 00:10:38,610 Done. I gotta get it. yayyy!! That's my guy. Guys were 208 00:10:38,610 --> 00:10:45,777 yayyy!! That's my guy. Guys were having a drink. 209 00:10:45,777 --> 00:10:46,810 That's my guy. Guys were having a drink. While the first four get 210 00:10:46,810 --> 00:10:47,777 having a drink. While the first four get familiar with the Manor and each 211 00:10:47,777 --> 00:10:48,710 While the first four get familiar with the Manor and each other, let's meet the next group 212 00:10:48,710 --> 00:10:49,710 familiar with the Manor and each other, let's meet the next group of houseguests. 213 00:10:49,710 --> 00:10:51,376 other, let's meet the next group of houseguests. I take pride in how 214 00:10:51,376 --> 00:10:52,376 of houseguests. I take pride in how independent I am. I don't need 215 00:10:52,376 --> 00:10:53,343 I take pride in how independent I am. I don't need help from anybody. 216 00:10:53,343 --> 00:10:54,343 independent I am. I don't need help from anybody. I'm the man, the myth, the 217 00:10:54,343 --> 00:10:57,043 help from anybody. I'm the man, the myth, the legend. I'm telling you now. 218 00:10:57,043 --> 00:10:58,043 I'm the man, the myth, the legend. I'm telling you now. If I can handle the high seas 219 00:10:58,043 --> 00:10:59,043 legend. I'm telling you now. If I can handle the high seas I'm pretty sure I can handle big 220 00:10:59,043 --> 00:11:02,276 If I can handle the high seas I'm pretty sure I can handle big boners. 221 00:11:02,276 --> 00:11:03,209 I'm pretty sure I can handle big boners. I'm the social what I want to 222 00:11:03,209 --> 00:11:04,209 boners. I'm the social what I want to be your friend your best friend, 223 00:11:04,209 --> 00:11:06,510 I'm the social what I want to be your friend your best friend, your dog, I don't care. 224 00:11:06,510 --> 00:11:13,143 be your friend your best friend, your dog, I don't care. We love to see it. 225 00:11:13,143 --> 00:11:14,043 your dog, I don't care. We love to see it. My name is Amal from timber 226 00:11:14,043 --> 00:11:15,043 We love to see it. My name is Amal from timber Toronto Ontario here to bless 227 00:11:15,043 --> 00:11:16,076 My name is Amal from timber Toronto Ontario here to bless your TV screens with the 228 00:11:16,076 --> 00:11:18,810 Toronto Ontario here to bless your TV screens with the entertainment of been dishing 229 00:11:18,810 --> 00:11:28,543 your TV screens with the entertainment of been dishing out my entire life [laughing] I 230 00:11:28,543 --> 00:11:29,476 entertainment of been dishing out my entire life [laughing] I am first generation Somali 231 00:11:29,476 --> 00:11:30,476 out my entire life [laughing] I am first generation Somali Canadian. Being in a tight 232 00:11:30,476 --> 00:11:31,410 am first generation Somali Canadian. Being in a tight family has definitely prepared 233 00:11:31,410 --> 00:11:32,410 Canadian. Being in a tight family has definitely prepared me for this game. The big 234 00:11:32,410 --> 00:11:33,376 family has definitely prepared me for this game. The big brother household will be much 235 00:11:33,376 --> 00:11:34,376 me for this game. The big brother household will be much different than my day-to-day 236 00:11:34,376 --> 00:11:35,410 brother household will be much different than my day-to-day life. I love it. Me and my 237 00:11:35,410 --> 00:11:37,710 different than my day-to-day life. I love it. Me and my sisters. Brackets a video! 238 00:11:37,710 --> 00:11:47,209 life. I love it. Me and my sisters. Brackets a video! Let's go! Hey guys my name is 239 00:11:47,209 --> 00:11:48,209 sisters. Brackets a video! Let's go! Hey guys my name is Hope! from Ontario. I'm a big 240 00:11:48,209 --> 00:11:49,209 Let's go! Hey guys my name is Hope! from Ontario. I'm a big ball of energy and charismatic. 241 00:11:49,209 --> 00:11:50,209 Hope! from Ontario. I'm a big ball of energy and charismatic. I love to play basketball. When 242 00:11:50,209 --> 00:11:53,643 ball of energy and charismatic. I love to play basketball. When I catch a ball, it doesn't 243 00:11:53,643 --> 00:11:54,643 I love to play basketball. When I catch a ball, it doesn't matter who you are, you're 244 00:11:54,643 --> 00:11:55,676 I catch a ball, it doesn't matter who you are, you're getting dunked on for real. When 245 00:11:55,676 --> 00:11:56,576 matter who you are, you're getting dunked on for real. When I was six years old I went back 246 00:11:56,576 --> 00:11:57,576 getting dunked on for real. When I was six years old I went back to Africa and the kids didn't 247 00:11:57,576 --> 00:11:58,510 I was six years old I went back to Africa and the kids didn't have a lot of resources to play 248 00:11:58,510 --> 00:12:01,410 to Africa and the kids didn't have a lot of resources to play and I said "hey I will make a 249 00:12:01,410 --> 00:12:07,476 have a lot of resources to play and I said "hey I will make a difference" so I started project 250 00:12:07,476 --> 00:12:08,510 and I said "hey I will make a difference" so I started project Hope. To this day it is 251 00:12:08,510 --> 00:12:09,443 difference" so I started project Hope. To this day it is completed eight basketball 252 00:12:09,443 --> 00:12:10,443 Hope. To this day it is completed eight basketball courts. Everything I've done has 253 00:12:10,443 --> 00:12:14,743 completed eight basketball courts. Everything I've done has honestly been a blessing. 254 00:12:14,743 --> 00:12:15,710 courts. Everything I've done has honestly been a blessing. I'm Jonathan from Paradise 255 00:12:15,710 --> 00:12:22,910 honestly been a blessing. I'm Jonathan from Paradise Newfoundland. 33 years old, for 256 00:12:22,910 --> 00:12:23,843 I'm Jonathan from Paradise Newfoundland. 33 years old, for sure. Raised on the water. No 257 00:12:23,843 --> 00:12:24,843 Newfoundland. 33 years old, for sure. Raised on the water. No place like Newfoundland. If you 258 00:12:24,843 --> 00:12:25,910 sure. Raised on the water. No place like Newfoundland. If you get a flat tire of the highway, 259 00:12:25,910 --> 00:12:29,810 place like Newfoundland. If you get a flat tire of the highway, it is and if someone will stop 260 00:12:29,810 --> 00:12:30,810 get a flat tire of the highway, it is and if someone will stop and help you it's how many. 261 00:12:30,810 --> 00:12:31,777 it is and if someone will stop and help you it's how many. Family is the most important 262 00:12:31,777 --> 00:12:32,743 and help you it's how many. Family is the most important thing in my life. I'm married, 263 00:12:32,743 --> 00:12:34,977 Family is the most important thing in my life. I'm married, I've been married for about a 264 00:12:34,977 --> 00:12:35,943 thing in my life. I'm married, I've been married for about a year and 1/2 now and my son who 265 00:12:35,943 --> 00:12:38,510 I've been married for about a year and 1/2 now and my son who is 12 years old, he is been my 266 00:12:38,510 --> 00:12:41,243 year and 1/2 now and my son who is 12 years old, he is been my pride and joy since day one. 267 00:12:41,243 --> 00:12:42,243 is 12 years old, he is been my pride and joy since day one. Debt is gonna miss you a lot. 268 00:12:42,243 --> 00:12:44,777 pride and joy since day one. Debt is gonna miss you a lot. He's not just my son is my best 269 00:12:44,777 --> 00:12:45,777 Debt is gonna miss you a lot. He's not just my son is my best friend. Dad is gonna miss you a 270 00:12:45,777 --> 00:12:49,743 He's not just my son is my best friend. Dad is gonna miss you a lot. 271 00:12:49,743 --> 00:12:50,710 friend. Dad is gonna miss you a lot. Hey guys. My name is Renee 272 00:12:50,710 --> 00:12:51,743 lot. Hey guys. My name is Renee I'm 24 years old from Ontario. I 273 00:12:51,743 --> 00:12:53,243 Hey guys. My name is Renee I'm 24 years old from Ontario. I love going out for cocktails and 274 00:12:53,243 --> 00:12:58,643 I'm 24 years old from Ontario. I love going out for cocktails and getting dressed up and having 275 00:12:58,643 --> 00:13:02,043 love going out for cocktails and getting dressed up and having bougie dinners. It's Renee's 276 00:13:02,043 --> 00:13:11,777 getting dressed up and having bougie dinners. It's Renee's planet. I am the sun, the solar 277 00:13:11,777 --> 00:13:12,810 bougie dinners. It's Renee's planet. I am the sun, the solar system. Makeup collection... I 278 00:13:12,810 --> 00:13:13,777 planet. I am the sun, the solar system. Makeup collection... I love makeup. It's so much fun. I 279 00:13:13,777 --> 00:13:14,777 system. Makeup collection... I love makeup. It's so much fun. I buy it all the time. These are 280 00:13:14,777 --> 00:13:15,710 love makeup. It's so much fun. I buy it all the time. These are face brushes, lipsticks, wipes, 281 00:13:15,710 --> 00:13:24,276 buy it all the time. These are face brushes, lipsticks, wipes, islanders and blushes. I can 282 00:13:24,276 --> 00:13:25,276 face brushes, lipsticks, wipes, islanders and blushes. I can literally go on forever. 283 00:13:25,276 --> 00:13:26,276 islanders and blushes. I can literally go on forever. Eyeliners and blushes. I can 284 00:13:26,276 --> 00:13:27,276 literally go on forever. Eyeliners and blushes. I can literally go on forever just 285 00:13:27,276 --> 00:13:28,243 Eyeliners and blushes. I can literally go on forever just bear with me. 286 00:13:28,243 --> 00:13:29,276 literally go on forever just bear with me. I want to go in there and be 287 00:13:29,276 --> 00:13:30,209 bear with me. I want to go in there and be everyone's best friend at the 288 00:13:30,209 --> 00:13:31,176 I want to go in there and be everyone's best friend at the end of the day I want that 289 00:13:31,176 --> 00:13:32,176 everyone's best friend at the end of the day I want that title. 290 00:13:32,176 --> 00:13:33,176 end of the day I want that title. I don't care for the muscle 291 00:13:33,176 --> 00:13:34,510 title. I don't care for the muscle he guys. I'm voting you out. See 292 00:13:34,510 --> 00:13:35,476 I don't care for the muscle he guys. I'm voting you out. See you later alligator! 293 00:13:35,476 --> 00:13:36,510 he guys. I'm voting you out. See you later alligator! I'm fast I can lift heavy 294 00:13:36,510 --> 00:13:40,843 you later alligator! I'm fast I can lift heavy weights. So when it comes to 295 00:13:40,843 --> 00:13:41,877 I'm fast I can lift heavy weights. So when it comes to physical competitions nobody is 296 00:13:41,877 --> 00:13:42,843 weights. So when it comes to physical competitions nobody is touching me. I want to play a 297 00:13:42,843 --> 00:13:43,810 physical competitions nobody is touching me. I want to play a true and pure game. I don't want 298 00:13:43,810 --> 00:13:45,610 touching me. I want to play a true and pure game. I don't want to be manipulated. 299 00:13:45,610 --> 00:13:46,610 true and pure game. I don't want to be manipulated. I definitely have that 300 00:13:46,610 --> 00:13:47,643 to be manipulated. I definitely have that ability to lie and manipulate. I 301 00:13:47,643 --> 00:13:53,410 I definitely have that ability to lie and manipulate. I want to become a lawyer. Being 302 00:13:53,410 --> 00:13:54,476 ability to lie and manipulate. I want to become a lawyer. Being able to piece the other mind and 303 00:13:54,476 --> 00:13:55,410 want to become a lawyer. Being able to piece the other mind and let the house believe what I 304 00:13:55,410 --> 00:13:56,443 able to piece the other mind and let the house believe what I want them to believe is gonna be 305 00:13:56,443 --> 00:14:00,943 let the house believe what I want them to believe is gonna be my strongest feature in the 306 00:14:00,943 --> 00:14:01,910 want them to believe is gonna be my strongest feature in the house. Let's do it. 307 00:14:01,910 --> 00:14:02,877 my strongest feature in the house. Let's do it. This super fan is ready to 308 00:14:02,877 --> 00:14:04,476 house. Let's do it. This super fan is ready to dominate. Time for me to get 309 00:14:04,476 --> 00:14:05,443 This super fan is ready to dominate. Time for me to get that crown. 310 00:14:05,443 --> 00:14:09,943 dominate. Time for me to get that crown. Any twists and turns, I'm 311 00:14:09,943 --> 00:14:10,910 that crown. Any twists and turns, I'm ready for it. Canada get ready. 312 00:14:10,910 --> 00:14:11,910 Any twists and turns, I'm ready for it. Canada get ready. You have a Newfoundland are 313 00:14:11,910 --> 00:14:14,176 ready for it. Canada get ready. You have a Newfoundland are coming. 314 00:14:14,176 --> 00:14:15,176 You have a Newfoundland are coming. See you in the house Canada! 315 00:14:15,176 --> 00:14:17,643 coming. See you in the house Canada! Here are the next four 316 00:14:17,643 --> 00:14:26,676 See you in the house Canada! Here are the next four houseguests. Amal, Jonathan, 317 00:14:26,676 --> 00:14:27,643 Here are the next four houseguests. Amal, Jonathan, Hope and Renee. Welcome to Big 318 00:14:27,643 --> 00:14:28,610 houseguests. Amal, Jonathan, Hope and Renee. Welcome to Big Brother Canada everyone! Now, 319 00:14:28,610 --> 00:14:29,610 Hope and Renee. Welcome to Big Brother Canada everyone! Now, before you get inside, just a 320 00:14:29,610 --> 00:14:33,843 Brother Canada everyone! Now, before you get inside, just a word to the wise. In this house, 321 00:14:33,843 --> 00:14:40,143 before you get inside, just a word to the wise. In this house, always respect everyone. You may 322 00:14:40,143 --> 00:14:43,877 word to the wise. In this house, always respect everyone. You may now enter the BBCAN Manor! Good 323 00:14:43,877 --> 00:14:44,877 always respect everyone. You may now enter the BBCAN Manor! Good luck! 324 00:14:44,877 --> 00:14:44,943 now enter the BBCAN Manor! Good luck! 325 00:14:44,943 --> 00:14:45,010 luck! 326 00:14:45,010 --> 00:14:55,610 I'm an aesthetician so I do facials and stuff. Have you ever had a facial? 327 00:14:55,610 --> 00:14:57,043 facials and stuff. Have you ever had a facial? Of course. You have? 328 00:14:57,043 --> 00:15:03,610 had a facial? Of course. You have? It requires a lot of work. 329 00:15:03,610 --> 00:15:06,676 Of course. You have? It requires a lot of work. Oh hi!!!!! yayyy!! 330 00:15:06,676 --> 00:15:14,410 It requires a lot of work. Oh hi!!!!! yayyy!! What's going on? 331 00:15:14,410 --> 00:15:15,410 Oh hi!!!!! yayyy!! What's going on? Oh my goodness. Hi nice to 332 00:15:15,410 --> 00:15:16,343 What's going on? Oh my goodness. Hi nice to meet you. I'm Renee nice to meet 333 00:15:16,343 --> 00:15:19,209 Oh my goodness. Hi nice to meet you. I'm Renee nice to meet you! 334 00:15:19,209 --> 00:15:25,076 meet you. I'm Renee nice to meet you! I'm Santina. We hug! 335 00:15:25,076 --> 00:15:26,076 you! I'm Santina. We hug! >>Hope! 336 00:15:26,076 --> 00:15:30,443 I'm Santina. We hug! >>Hope! Look at that jacket. 337 00:15:30,443 --> 00:15:37,109 >>Hope! Look at that jacket. I'm Jonathan. 338 00:15:37,109 --> 00:15:42,910 Look at that jacket. I'm Jonathan. I'm Kuzie like Jacuzzi. 339 00:15:42,910 --> 00:15:43,910 I'm Jonathan. I'm Kuzie like Jacuzzi. Name is Renee. 340 00:15:43,910 --> 00:15:48,443 I'm Kuzie like Jacuzzi. Name is Renee. Amal. Where do you go 341 00:15:48,443 --> 00:15:56,376 Name is Renee. Amal. Where do you go shopping? A mall. 342 00:15:56,376 --> 00:15:57,343 Amal. Where do you go shopping? A mall. Look at all the people! Are 343 00:15:57,343 --> 00:15:58,410 shopping? A mall. Look at all the people! Are those all winners? Oh. Gary is 344 00:15:58,410 --> 00:15:59,343 Look at all the people! Are those all winners? Oh. Gary is there. I'm going to join. 345 00:15:59,343 --> 00:16:00,410 those all winners? Oh. Gary is there. I'm going to join. You remember this guy don't 346 00:16:00,410 --> 00:16:01,410 there. I'm going to join. You remember this guy don't you? 347 00:16:01,410 --> 00:16:02,376 You remember this guy don't you? Of course. 348 00:16:02,376 --> 00:16:03,376 you? Of course. There is Anthony with his 349 00:16:03,376 --> 00:16:04,343 Of course. There is Anthony with his missing tooth. 350 00:16:04,343 --> 00:16:06,510 There is Anthony with his missing tooth. What would you say your 351 00:16:06,510 --> 00:16:07,443 missing tooth. What would you say your favourite player is? 352 00:16:07,443 --> 00:16:10,877 What would you say your favourite player is? This man right here. 353 00:16:10,877 --> 00:16:11,843 favourite player is? This man right here. Anthony. He came in and he 354 00:16:11,843 --> 00:16:19,143 This man right here. Anthony. He came in and he whipped everyone to shame. Did 355 00:16:19,143 --> 00:16:20,109 Anthony. He came in and he whipped everyone to shame. Did Did he win? 356 00:16:20,109 --> 00:16:21,143 whipped everyone to shame. Did Did he win? Know he was eliminated on day 357 00:16:21,143 --> 00:16:22,076 Did he win? Know he was eliminated on day one. 358 00:16:22,076 --> 00:16:23,309 Know he was eliminated on day one. This guy? 359 00:16:23,309 --> 00:16:24,276 one. This guy? The way I'm giving you guys 360 00:16:24,276 --> 00:16:30,309 This guy? The way I'm giving you guys all the TV, you should thank me 361 00:16:30,309 --> 00:16:31,309 The way I'm giving you guys all the TV, you should thank me one day. I love big Brother. Why 362 00:16:31,309 --> 00:16:32,343 all the TV, you should thank me one day. I love big Brother. Why would we lie? 363 00:16:32,343 --> 00:16:33,343 one day. I love big Brother. Why would we lie? Eight suspects are already 364 00:16:33,343 --> 00:16:37,643 would we lie? Eight suspects are already inside but there are another 365 00:16:37,643 --> 00:16:38,676 Eight suspects are already inside but there are another eight more than ready to join 366 00:16:38,676 --> 00:16:39,643 inside but there are another eight more than ready to join them. Their arrival in the Manor 367 00:16:39,643 --> 00:16:40,643 eight more than ready to join them. Their arrival in the Manor isis coming right up. And a lite 368 00:16:40,643 --> 00:16:47,376 them. Their arrival in the Manor isis coming right up. And a lite later, we will get into the 369 00:16:47,376 --> 00:16:47,443 isis coming right up. And a lite later, we will get into the 370 00:16:47,443 --> 00:16:47,510 later, we will get into the 371 00:16:51,977 --> 00:17:07,777 Welcome back. We are so grateful to be embarking on our 11th season. As we do so we 372 00:17:07,777 --> 00:17:08,743 grateful to be embarking on our 11th season. As we do so we acknowledge the history of the 373 00:17:08,743 --> 00:17:09,743 11th season. As we do so we acknowledge the history of the land on which the Big Brother 374 00:17:09,743 --> 00:17:10,743 acknowledge the history of the land on which the Big Brother Canada house stands here in 375 00:17:10,743 --> 00:17:11,743 land on which the Big Brother Canada house stands here in Toronto. We are here in the 376 00:17:11,743 --> 00:17:12,710 Canada house stands here in Toronto. We are here in the traditional territory of many 377 00:17:12,710 --> 00:17:13,676 Toronto. We are here in the traditional territory of many Nations. Including the 378 00:17:13,676 --> 00:17:18,843 traditional territory of many Nations. Including the Mississauga's, the Anishnaabe, 379 00:17:18,843 --> 00:17:19,877 Nations. Including the Mississauga's, the Anishnaabe, the Chippewa the [...] and the 380 00:17:19,877 --> 00:17:21,410 Mississauga's, the Anishnaabe, the Chippewa the [...] and the Wendat peoples. Also home to 381 00:17:21,410 --> 00:17:27,777 the Chippewa the [...] and the Wendat peoples. Also home to many diverse persons, Inuit and 382 00:17:27,777 --> 00:17:28,777 Wendat peoples. Also home to many diverse persons, Inuit and Metis peoples. On behalf of the 383 00:17:28,777 --> 00:17:34,710 many diverse persons, Inuit and Metis peoples. On behalf of the entire big brother family, we 384 00:17:34,710 --> 00:17:35,676 Metis peoples. On behalf of the entire big brother family, we want to recognize that. Eight 385 00:17:35,676 --> 00:17:36,610 entire big brother family, we want to recognize that. Eight members are already inside but 386 00:17:36,610 --> 00:17:37,643 want to recognize that. Eight members are already inside but we are only halfway there. Let's 387 00:17:37,643 --> 00:17:43,376 members are already inside but we are only halfway there. Let's meet the next four. 388 00:17:43,376 --> 00:17:44,376 we are only halfway there. Let's meet the next four. I get business done. 389 00:17:44,376 --> 00:17:45,343 meet the next four. I get business done. All the super fans, I'm 390 00:17:45,343 --> 00:17:46,376 I get business done. All the super fans, I'm playing for you. 391 00:17:46,376 --> 00:17:47,343 All the super fans, I'm playing for you. People underestimate me but 392 00:17:47,343 --> 00:17:50,243 playing for you. People underestimate me but that's good to be there mistake. 393 00:17:50,243 --> 00:17:51,209 People underestimate me but that's good to be there mistake. These other houseguests won't 394 00:17:51,209 --> 00:17:52,143 that's good to be there mistake. These other houseguests won't know what hit them. 395 00:17:52,143 --> 00:17:53,176 These other houseguests won't know what hit them. What's good Canada. My name 396 00:17:53,176 --> 00:17:54,209 know what hit them. What's good Canada. My name is Daniel and I'm 33 years old. 397 00:17:54,209 --> 00:17:57,443 What's good Canada. My name is Daniel and I'm 33 years old. I'm a graphic designer from 398 00:17:57,443 --> 00:17:58,410 is Daniel and I'm 33 years old. I'm a graphic designer from Toronto Ontario. I've always 399 00:17:58,410 --> 00:18:06,810 I'm a graphic designer from Toronto Ontario. I've always been larger-than-life. Loud, 400 00:18:06,810 --> 00:18:07,843 Toronto Ontario. I've always been larger-than-life. Loud, over-the-top. Fun. Hey! Hey! I 401 00:18:07,843 --> 00:18:08,810 been larger-than-life. Loud, over-the-top. Fun. Hey! Hey! I did not apply for 11 years to 402 00:18:08,810 --> 00:18:12,243 over-the-top. Fun. Hey! Hey! I did not apply for 11 years to play safe. I'm coming into that 403 00:18:12,243 --> 00:18:13,276 did not apply for 11 years to play safe. I'm coming into that house on 100. I'm to be in the 404 00:18:13,276 --> 00:18:14,243 play safe. I'm coming into that house on 100. I'm to be in the washroom with the girls putting 405 00:18:14,243 --> 00:18:15,209 house on 100. I'm to be in the washroom with the girls putting on makeup, outside working out 406 00:18:15,209 --> 00:18:19,376 washroom with the girls putting on makeup, outside working out with the boys. One second I will 407 00:18:19,376 --> 00:18:20,376 on makeup, outside working out with the boys. One second I will be partying, the next wondering 408 00:18:20,376 --> 00:18:23,209 with the boys. One second I will be partying, the next wondering what the strategy is. I'm icon 409 00:18:23,209 --> 00:18:29,810 be partying, the next wondering what the strategy is. I'm icon status. 410 00:18:29,810 --> 00:18:30,877 what the strategy is. I'm icon status. Hi everyone my name is Anika 411 00:18:30,877 --> 00:18:31,810 status. Hi everyone my name is Anika I'm 28 years old from 412 00:18:31,810 --> 00:18:32,810 Hi everyone my name is Anika I'm 28 years old from Saskatchewan and I work in the 413 00:18:32,810 --> 00:18:33,743 I'm 28 years old from Saskatchewan and I work in the finance sector. When people 414 00:18:33,743 --> 00:18:34,777 Saskatchewan and I work in the finance sector. When people first meet me they think I'm 415 00:18:34,777 --> 00:18:40,276 finance sector. When people first meet me they think I'm arrogant or I have a resting 416 00:18:40,276 --> 00:18:42,743 first meet me they think I'm arrogant or I have a resting bitch face but is it? [meow 417 00:18:42,743 --> 00:18:48,443 arrogant or I have a resting bitch face but is it? [meow sound] I love dancing. I do 418 00:18:48,443 --> 00:18:50,610 bitch face but is it? [meow sound] I love dancing. I do types of dance. It's a 419 00:18:50,610 --> 00:18:52,643 sound] I love dancing. I do types of dance. It's a rich culture, history and also 420 00:18:52,643 --> 00:18:57,576 types of dance. It's a rich culture, history and also we are so family-oriented, 421 00:18:57,576 --> 00:18:58,576 rich culture, history and also we are so family-oriented, bengali. 422 00:18:58,576 --> 00:18:59,777 we are so family-oriented, bengali. Hello I'm Claudia I'm 25 423 00:18:59,777 --> 00:19:00,877 bengali. Hello I'm Claudia I'm 25 years old I work in Marketing 424 00:19:00,877 --> 00:19:08,243 Hello I'm Claudia I'm 25 years old I work in Marketing and I'm from Prince Edward 425 00:19:08,243 --> 00:19:09,176 years old I work in Marketing and I'm from Prince Edward Island. The beach! I'm 5 feet, 426 00:19:09,176 --> 00:19:10,176 and I'm from Prince Edward Island. The beach! I'm 5 feet, very tiny but I got this! I've 427 00:19:10,176 --> 00:19:13,276 Island. The beach! I'm 5 feet, very tiny but I got this! I've been a dancer in a cheerleader 428 00:19:13,276 --> 00:19:14,243 very tiny but I got this! I've been a dancer in a cheerleader since I was eight years old. I 429 00:19:14,243 --> 00:19:18,309 been a dancer in a cheerleader since I was eight years old. I am absolutely going to bring it 430 00:19:18,309 --> 00:19:24,710 since I was eight years old. I am absolutely going to bring it in challenges. I'm small and 431 00:19:24,710 --> 00:19:25,643 am absolutely going to bring it in challenges. I'm small and mighty! 432 00:19:25,643 --> 00:19:26,676 in challenges. I'm small and mighty! What's up Canada on Roberto 433 00:19:26,676 --> 00:19:31,376 mighty! What's up Canada on Roberto Lopez from Toronto and Emma Jim 434 00:19:31,376 --> 00:19:32,343 What's up Canada on Roberto Lopez from Toronto and Emma Jim manager. People assume that I'm 435 00:19:32,343 --> 00:19:33,376 Lopez from Toronto and Emma Jim manager. People assume that I'm just in shock when they look at 436 00:19:33,376 --> 00:19:34,309 manager. People assume that I'm just in shock when they look at me or I'm some kind of meathead. 437 00:19:34,309 --> 00:19:36,877 just in shock when they look at me or I'm some kind of meathead. That's on them. I would 438 00:19:36,877 --> 00:19:37,877 me or I'm some kind of meathead. That's on them. I would definitely say I'm more than a 439 00:19:37,877 --> 00:19:38,877 That's on them. I would definitely say I'm more than a good bod and a bunch of tattoos. 440 00:19:38,877 --> 00:19:41,710 definitely say I'm more than a good bod and a bunch of tattoos. I'm like an onion. There are 441 00:19:41,710 --> 00:19:42,610 good bod and a bunch of tattoos. I'm like an onion. There are layers. I come from an 442 00:19:42,610 --> 00:19:48,243 I'm like an onion. There are layers. I come from an Italian/Mexican background so 443 00:19:48,243 --> 00:19:49,243 layers. I come from an Italian/Mexican background so lots of food in my household. I 444 00:19:49,243 --> 00:19:50,243 Italian/Mexican background so lots of food in my household. I have a sister with two beautiful 445 00:19:50,243 --> 00:19:51,276 lots of food in my household. I have a sister with two beautiful kids. My nephew is now at the 446 00:19:51,276 --> 00:19:55,209 have a sister with two beautiful kids. My nephew is now at the age where he kind of recognizes 447 00:19:55,209 --> 00:19:56,243 kids. My nephew is now at the age where he kind of recognizes me. And calls me Zio and stuff 448 00:19:56,243 --> 00:19:57,143 age where he kind of recognizes me. And calls me Zio and stuff like that so it's pretty 449 00:19:57,143 --> 00:19:59,010 me. And calls me Zio and stuff like that so it's pretty heartwarming. The family is full 450 00:19:59,010 --> 00:19:59,943 like that so it's pretty heartwarming. The family is full of love. 451 00:19:59,943 --> 00:20:02,410 heartwarming. The family is full of love. In the house, my enemies will 452 00:20:02,410 --> 00:20:03,343 of love. In the house, my enemies will be the jocks and any of the 453 00:20:03,343 --> 00:20:07,910 In the house, my enemies will be the jocks and any of the arrogant types. 454 00:20:07,910 --> 00:20:08,843 be the jocks and any of the arrogant types. I can be very blunt. There's 455 00:20:08,843 --> 00:20:10,576 arrogant types. I can be very blunt. There's a difference between arrogant 456 00:20:10,576 --> 00:20:11,510 I can be very blunt. There's a difference between arrogant and confident and I am 457 00:20:11,510 --> 00:20:16,143 a difference between arrogant and confident and I am confidence. 458 00:20:16,143 --> 00:20:17,143 and confident and I am confidence. I am open to love for sure. 459 00:20:17,143 --> 00:20:18,176 confidence. I am open to love for sure. My ideal woman would be somebody 460 00:20:18,176 --> 00:20:19,109 I am open to love for sure. My ideal woman would be somebody who is active and likes to have 461 00:20:19,109 --> 00:20:21,109 My ideal woman would be somebody who is active and likes to have fun. 462 00:20:21,109 --> 00:20:27,176 who is active and likes to have fun. I have find so attractive 463 00:20:27,176 --> 00:20:28,143 fun. I have find so attractive tall dark and handsome. 464 00:20:28,143 --> 00:20:33,777 I have find so attractive tall dark and handsome. Canada! It is finally time to 465 00:20:33,777 --> 00:20:34,777 tall dark and handsome. Canada! It is finally time to have a gay Black man walk out 466 00:20:34,777 --> 00:20:35,710 Canada! It is finally time to have a gay Black man walk out with the crown. 467 00:20:35,710 --> 00:20:36,676 have a gay Black man walk out with the crown. I'm so excited to represent 468 00:20:36,676 --> 00:20:39,843 with the crown. I'm so excited to represent you guys. Let's make it happen! 469 00:20:39,843 --> 00:20:40,843 I'm so excited to represent you guys. Let's make it happen! I have really only seen one 470 00:20:40,843 --> 00:20:41,843 you guys. Let's make it happen! I have really only seen one season of Big Brother Canada. 471 00:20:41,843 --> 00:20:44,710 I have really only seen one season of Big Brother Canada. I'm in a bring it and I'm to be 472 00:20:44,710 --> 00:20:45,643 season of Big Brother Canada. I'm in a bring it and I'm to be fine. 473 00:20:45,643 --> 00:20:46,643 I'm in a bring it and I'm to be fine. 474 00:20:46,643 --> 00:20:49,743 fine. Here the next four 475 00:20:49,743 --> 00:20:57,910 Here the next four houseguests. Anika, Daniel, Claudia and Roberto. 476 00:20:57,910 --> 00:20:58,977 houseguests. Anika, Daniel, Claudia and Roberto. Hello. 477 00:20:58,977 --> 00:21:00,777 Claudia and Roberto. Hello. Welcome. Now I have one 478 00:21:00,777 --> 00:21:01,743 Hello. Welcome. Now I have one question for you: are you ready 479 00:21:01,743 --> 00:21:08,610 Welcome. Now I have one question for you: are you ready to get straight up diabolical? 480 00:21:08,610 --> 00:21:09,576 question for you: are you ready to get straight up diabolical? yes. 481 00:21:09,576 --> 00:21:10,576 to get straight up diabolical? yes. You may now enter! 482 00:21:10,576 --> 00:21:10,643 yes. You may now enter! 483 00:21:10,643 --> 00:21:14,376 You may now enter! 484 00:21:14,510 --> 00:21:24,777 It's missing a gym. I think it's enough. Along with the hot tub which is where 485 00:21:24,777 --> 00:21:26,176 I think it's enough. Along with the hot tub which is where I will be! 486 00:21:26,176 --> 00:21:29,309 with the hot tub which is where I will be! The calendar... 487 00:21:29,309 --> 00:21:30,309 I will be! The calendar... 488 00:21:30,309 --> 00:21:30,376 The calendar... 489 00:21:30,376 --> 00:21:40,977 Daniel... Okay all of you all 490 00:21:48,910 --> 00:21:51,777 are already in here. My name is Daniel. Nice to meet you brother. 491 00:21:51,777 --> 00:21:52,777 Daniel. Nice to meet you brother. Claudia. 492 00:21:52,777 --> 00:21:53,810 Nice to meet you brother. Claudia. Nice to meet you as well. 493 00:21:53,810 --> 00:21:55,309 Claudia. Nice to meet you as well. Anika. 494 00:21:55,309 --> 00:21:59,010 Nice to meet you as well. Anika. I saw the back of your hair 495 00:21:59,010 --> 00:22:02,176 Anika. I saw the back of your hair and I thought "I didn't even see 496 00:22:02,176 --> 00:22:03,243 I saw the back of your hair and I thought "I didn't even see her face yet but yes." Where you 497 00:22:03,243 --> 00:22:07,243 and I thought "I didn't even see her face yet but yes." Where you from? 498 00:22:07,243 --> 00:22:16,043 her face yet but yes." Where you from? I am from PEI. 499 00:22:16,043 --> 00:22:17,010 from? I am from PEI. That's amazing!!! 500 00:22:17,010 --> 00:22:17,977 I am from PEI. That's amazing!!! Where you from? 501 00:22:17,977 --> 00:22:22,610 That's amazing!!! Where you from? Milton Toronto. 502 00:22:22,610 --> 00:22:32,843 Where you from? Milton Toronto. Okay. Okay. 503 00:22:33,576 --> 00:22:41,376 Oh my God. Okay [nervous laughing] you guys I found a door! 504 00:22:41,376 --> 00:22:42,309 laughing] you guys I found a door! What happened? 505 00:22:42,309 --> 00:22:48,543 door! What happened? What the hell is this? 506 00:22:48,543 --> 00:22:49,576 What happened? What the hell is this? It's a dining room I think. 507 00:22:49,576 --> 00:22:52,710 What the hell is this? It's a dining room I think. Okay. Say hi and tell them 508 00:22:52,710 --> 00:22:58,176 It's a dining room I think. Okay. Say hi and tell them how much you love them. 509 00:22:58,176 --> 00:23:07,543 Okay. Say hi and tell them how much you love them. Come on in and say hello. 510 00:23:07,543 --> 00:23:08,576 how much you love them. Come on in and say hello. 511 00:23:08,576 --> 00:23:08,643 Come on in and say hello. 512 00:23:08,643 --> 00:23:19,209 Welcome back to our season 513 00:23:22,977 --> 00:23:25,877 from year. This year it's a mystery to end all mysteries. And in the end, only one 514 00:23:25,877 --> 00:23:26,843 mystery to end all mysteries. And in the end, only one houseguests will be able to 515 00:23:26,843 --> 00:23:27,843 And in the end, only one houseguests will be able to solve it and win it all. Coming 516 00:23:27,843 --> 00:23:28,777 houseguests will be able to solve it and win it all. Coming up a little later tonight we 517 00:23:28,777 --> 00:23:30,543 solve it and win it all. Coming up a little later tonight we will get to the competition and 518 00:23:30,543 --> 00:23:31,510 up a little later tonight we will get to the competition and in this one, nobody will want to 519 00:23:31,510 --> 00:23:34,076 will get to the competition and in this one, nobody will want to be dead last. You will see what 520 00:23:34,076 --> 00:23:35,076 in this one, nobody will want to be dead last. You will see what I mean and just a bit. Before 521 00:23:35,076 --> 00:23:36,010 be dead last. You will see what I mean and just a bit. Before that, let's meet our final group 522 00:23:36,010 --> 00:23:38,943 I mean and just a bit. Before that, let's meet our final group of houseguests. 523 00:23:38,943 --> 00:23:39,910 that, let's meet our final group of houseguests. I want to make big moves. 524 00:23:39,910 --> 00:23:40,877 of houseguests. I want to make big moves. This is big for Canada. We gotta 525 00:23:40,877 --> 00:23:44,610 I want to make big moves. This is big for Canada. We gotta put in that work. 526 00:23:44,610 --> 00:23:45,576 This is big for Canada. We gotta put in that work. I am definitely the life of 527 00:23:45,576 --> 00:23:46,543 put in that work. I am definitely the life of the party. 528 00:23:46,543 --> 00:23:47,543 I am definitely the life of the party. I'm just to make everybody 529 00:23:47,543 --> 00:23:53,777 the party. I'm just to make everybody laugh and love me. 530 00:23:53,777 --> 00:23:54,777 I'm just to make everybody laugh and love me. My social will be the life of 531 00:23:54,777 --> 00:23:55,743 laugh and love me. My social will be the life of the party I'm a charmer. 532 00:23:55,743 --> 00:23:56,810 My social will be the life of the party I'm a charmer. There's got to be some 533 00:23:56,810 --> 00:23:57,710 the party I'm a charmer. There's got to be some backstabbing and lying and I'm 534 00:23:57,710 --> 00:23:58,977 There's got to be some backstabbing and lying and I'm excited for it. 535 00:23:58,977 --> 00:24:00,010 backstabbing and lying and I'm excited for it. Hey Canada my name is John 536 00:24:00,010 --> 00:24:01,043 excited for it. Hey Canada my name is John Michael I'm 20 years old and I'm 537 00:24:01,043 --> 00:24:08,010 Hey Canada my name is John Michael I'm 20 years old and I'm from Bradford Ontario. My 538 00:24:08,010 --> 00:24:09,010 Michael I'm 20 years old and I'm from Bradford Ontario. My signature colour is yellow, 539 00:24:09,010 --> 00:24:09,977 from Bradford Ontario. My signature colour is yellow, bright bold... That main colour. 540 00:24:09,977 --> 00:24:10,943 signature colour is yellow, bright bold... That main colour. I'm pretty flamboyant. Walking 541 00:24:10,943 --> 00:24:13,276 bright bold... That main colour. I'm pretty flamboyant. Walking into the room I would definitely 542 00:24:13,276 --> 00:24:16,276 I'm pretty flamboyant. Walking into the room I would definitely set off some fire alarms. This 543 00:24:16,276 --> 00:24:23,843 into the room I would definitely set off some fire alarms. This is my mom. My dad. 544 00:24:23,843 --> 00:24:24,843 set off some fire alarms. This is my mom. My dad. Hello! 545 00:24:24,843 --> 00:24:25,843 is my mom. My dad. Hello! Hello! 546 00:24:25,843 --> 00:24:26,810 Hello! Hello! My parents of the biggest 547 00:24:26,810 --> 00:24:27,810 Hello! My parents of the biggest fans of big brother. I think it 548 00:24:27,810 --> 00:24:28,843 My parents of the biggest fans of big brother. I think it adds to the pressure because I 549 00:24:28,843 --> 00:24:29,810 fans of big brother. I think it adds to the pressure because I think I'm doing this for myself 550 00:24:29,810 --> 00:24:30,777 adds to the pressure because I think I'm doing this for myself but a little bit for them as 551 00:24:30,777 --> 00:24:31,777 think I'm doing this for myself but a little bit for them as well. 552 00:24:31,777 --> 00:24:38,676 but a little bit for them as well. Get the money! 553 00:24:38,676 --> 00:24:39,643 well. Get the money! Hi I'm Shanaya. I'm 27 I live 554 00:24:39,643 --> 00:24:45,576 Get the money! Hi I'm Shanaya. I'm 27 I live in Victoria BC and am a 555 00:24:45,576 --> 00:24:46,543 Hi I'm Shanaya. I'm 27 I live in Victoria BC and am a bartender. I love my job 556 00:24:46,543 --> 00:24:47,576 in Victoria BC and am a bartender. I love my job slinging drinks. I'm not the 557 00:24:47,576 --> 00:24:48,543 bartender. I love my job slinging drinks. I'm not the best bartender but I'm 558 00:24:48,543 --> 00:24:51,877 slinging drinks. I'm not the best bartender but I'm definitely the world's funniest 559 00:24:51,877 --> 00:24:52,910 best bartender but I'm definitely the world's funniest bartender. I am a low-key nerd. 560 00:24:52,910 --> 00:24:54,810 definitely the world's funniest bartender. I am a low-key nerd. I like to play video games. I 561 00:24:54,810 --> 00:24:55,810 bartender. I am a low-key nerd. I like to play video games. I like to watch anime. I'm like, 562 00:24:55,810 --> 00:25:02,343 I like to play video games. I like to watch anime. I'm like, the Queen of self-deprecating 563 00:25:02,343 --> 00:25:03,309 like to watch anime. I'm like, the Queen of self-deprecating humour. Work people tell me I 564 00:25:03,309 --> 00:25:04,276 the Queen of self-deprecating humour. Work people tell me I look a little intimidating and 565 00:25:04,276 --> 00:25:05,309 humour. Work people tell me I look a little intimidating and then I'm cracking fart jokes and 566 00:25:05,309 --> 00:25:06,243 look a little intimidating and then I'm cracking fart jokes and they are always caught off 567 00:25:06,243 --> 00:25:10,576 then I'm cracking fart jokes and they are always caught off guard. 568 00:25:10,576 --> 00:25:11,576 they are always caught off guard. Excuse me. 569 00:25:11,576 --> 00:25:12,510 guard. Excuse me. What's up Canada my name is 570 00:25:12,510 --> 00:25:13,510 Excuse me. What's up Canada my name is Dan I'm 28 years old from 571 00:25:13,510 --> 00:25:15,910 What's up Canada my name is Dan I'm 28 years old from Niagara Falls and a music 572 00:25:15,910 --> 00:25:23,143 Dan I'm 28 years old from Niagara Falls and a music producer/DJ I produce electronic 573 00:25:23,143 --> 00:25:24,143 Niagara Falls and a music producer/DJ I produce electronic music under an alias, Szabo. as 574 00:25:24,143 --> 00:25:25,076 producer/DJ I produce electronic music under an alias, Szabo. as a DJ you command the energy of a 575 00:25:25,076 --> 00:25:31,543 music under an alias, Szabo. as a DJ you command the energy of a room. It's the coolest feeling 576 00:25:31,543 --> 00:25:32,543 a DJ you command the energy of a room. It's the coolest feeling in the world. I have definitely 577 00:25:32,543 --> 00:25:33,543 room. It's the coolest feeling in the world. I have definitely always loved music. My dad was 578 00:25:33,543 --> 00:25:41,476 in the world. I have definitely always loved music. My dad was in rock bands since before I was 579 00:25:41,476 --> 00:25:42,476 always loved music. My dad was in rock bands since before I was born. I always looked up to him. 580 00:25:42,476 --> 00:25:43,443 in rock bands since before I was born. I always looked up to him. And I just thought he was so 581 00:25:43,443 --> 00:25:44,443 born. I always looked up to him. And I just thought he was so cool because he was, like, a 582 00:25:44,443 --> 00:25:46,476 And I just thought he was so cool because he was, like, a rock star. 583 00:25:46,476 --> 00:25:47,443 cool because he was, like, a rock star. Get in! 584 00:25:47,443 --> 00:25:48,476 rock star. Get in! Hey Canada! I'm Vanessa I'm 585 00:25:48,476 --> 00:25:52,209 Get in! Hey Canada! I'm Vanessa I'm 42 years old from Calgary 586 00:25:52,209 --> 00:25:53,143 Hey Canada! I'm Vanessa I'm 42 years old from Calgary Alberta. I have four kids. I am 587 00:25:53,143 --> 00:25:57,343 42 years old from Calgary Alberta. I have four kids. I am not a normal mom. I'm the cool 588 00:25:57,343 --> 00:26:01,610 Alberta. I have four kids. I am not a normal mom. I'm the cool mom. I serve, I skateboard. I do 589 00:26:01,610 --> 00:26:02,610 not a normal mom. I'm the cool mom. I serve, I skateboard. I do kung fu and I love house music. 590 00:26:02,610 --> 00:26:05,376 mom. I serve, I skateboard. I do kung fu and I love house music. My kids know music comes on and 591 00:26:05,376 --> 00:26:10,343 kung fu and I love house music. My kids know music comes on and we are going to throw down! So I 592 00:26:10,343 --> 00:26:11,343 My kids know music comes on and we are going to throw down! So I have had alopecia my whole life. 593 00:26:11,343 --> 00:26:15,243 we are going to throw down! So I have had alopecia my whole life. In simple terms it means I just 594 00:26:15,243 --> 00:26:16,276 have had alopecia my whole life. In simple terms it means I just can't grow here. I also have the 595 00:26:16,276 --> 00:26:20,243 In simple terms it means I just can't grow here. I also have the rejection of pigment in the 596 00:26:20,243 --> 00:26:21,309 can't grow here. I also have the rejection of pigment in the skin. I own my alopecia and I 597 00:26:21,309 --> 00:26:30,643 rejection of pigment in the skin. I own my alopecia and I own my [...] I don't just own it 598 00:26:30,643 --> 00:26:31,576 skin. I own my alopecia and I own my [...] I don't just own it and I love it. This is me. 599 00:26:31,576 --> 00:26:32,576 own my [...] I don't just own it and I love it. This is me. I am incapable of keeping 600 00:26:32,576 --> 00:26:33,510 and I love it. This is me. I am incapable of keeping quiet. I love talking. I 601 00:26:33,510 --> 00:26:34,543 I am incapable of keeping quiet. I love talking. I definitely have to play that 602 00:26:34,543 --> 00:26:36,877 quiet. I love talking. I definitely have to play that sneaky character for a little 603 00:26:36,877 --> 00:26:37,877 definitely have to play that sneaky character for a little bit just to gain everyone's 604 00:26:37,877 --> 00:26:43,977 sneaky character for a little bit just to gain everyone's trust. 605 00:26:43,977 --> 00:26:44,977 bit just to gain everyone's trust. My biggest weakness? I'm a 606 00:26:44,977 --> 00:26:46,010 trust. My biggest weakness? I'm a little too trusting. Also guys! 607 00:26:46,010 --> 00:26:47,676 My biggest weakness? I'm a little too trusting. Also guys! 608 00:26:47,676 --> 00:26:52,743 little too trusting. Also guys! I'm definitely a flirt. I 609 00:26:52,743 --> 00:26:54,710 I'm definitely a flirt. I like to Survive with someone. I like confidence, good sense of 610 00:26:54,710 --> 00:26:56,143 like to Survive with someone. I like confidence, good sense of humour... 611 00:26:56,143 --> 00:26:57,109 like confidence, good sense of humour... My type? Tattoos, 612 00:26:57,109 --> 00:26:58,043 humour... My type? Tattoos, piercings... Give me and those 613 00:26:58,043 --> 00:26:59,877 My type? Tattoos, piercings... Give me and those who but I love it! 614 00:26:59,877 --> 00:27:03,877 piercings... Give me and those who but I love it! I am so ready to play this 615 00:27:03,877 --> 00:27:07,543 who but I love it! I am so ready to play this game. Get me in that house! 616 00:27:07,543 --> 00:27:10,076 I am so ready to play this game. Get me in that house! How does Arisa do it? 617 00:27:10,076 --> 00:27:16,710 game. Get me in that house! How does Arisa do it? Here they are! John Michael! 618 00:27:16,710 --> 00:27:24,343 How does Arisa do it? Here they are! John Michael! Shanaya! Dan! And Vanessa! 619 00:27:24,343 --> 00:27:25,343 Here they are! John Michael! Shanaya! Dan! And Vanessa! Welcome to Big Brother Canada! 620 00:27:25,343 --> 00:27:26,309 Shanaya! Dan! And Vanessa! Welcome to Big Brother Canada! Now there is one thing I want 621 00:27:26,309 --> 00:27:27,343 Welcome to Big Brother Canada! Now there is one thing I want you to know. This season will be 622 00:27:27,343 --> 00:27:28,276 Now there is one thing I want you to know. This season will be full of suspense and intrigue. 623 00:27:28,276 --> 00:27:29,276 you to know. This season will be full of suspense and intrigue. Do you think you can handle 624 00:27:29,276 --> 00:27:30,243 full of suspense and intrigue. Do you think you can handle that? 625 00:27:30,243 --> 00:27:34,343 Do you think you can handle that? Yes! 626 00:27:34,343 --> 00:27:35,276 that? Yes! We will find out! 627 00:27:35,276 --> 00:27:38,443 Yes! We will find out! Well now you can make a grand 628 00:27:38,443 --> 00:27:42,676 We will find out! Well now you can make a grand entrance. Off you go. Good luck! 629 00:27:42,676 --> 00:27:43,710 Well now you can make a grand entrance. Off you go. Good luck! 630 00:27:43,710 --> 00:27:44,910 entrance. Off you go. Good luck! Everything in here look so 631 00:27:44,910 --> 00:27:47,643 Everything in here look so pretty I don't want to touch it. The moment we have makeup it's 632 00:27:47,643 --> 00:27:48,610 pretty I don't want to touch it. The moment we have makeup it's over. 633 00:27:48,610 --> 00:27:57,943 The moment we have makeup it's over. Exactly. 634 00:27:57,943 --> 00:27:58,877 over. Exactly. 635 00:27:58,877 --> 00:28:02,743 Exactly. Oh my God! 636 00:28:02,743 --> 00:28:07,276 Oh my God! Party here! Hi! John Michael! Oh, I love 637 00:28:07,276 --> 00:28:10,510 Party here! Hi! John Michael! Oh, I love this. 638 00:28:10,510 --> 00:28:14,209 Hi! John Michael! Oh, I love this. Daniel! 639 00:28:14,209 --> 00:28:15,209 this. Daniel! Oh my goodness! 640 00:28:15,209 --> 00:28:21,476 Daniel! Oh my goodness! Vanessa right? 641 00:28:21,476 --> 00:28:22,443 Oh my goodness! Vanessa right? Your energy. You're hyping 642 00:28:22,443 --> 00:28:23,410 Vanessa right? Your energy. You're hyping and I'm like what are we in? 643 00:28:23,410 --> 00:28:24,410 Your energy. You're hyping and I'm like what are we in? I know. It's surreal! 644 00:28:24,410 --> 00:28:28,810 and I'm like what are we in? I know. It's surreal! Oh my gosh the house is so 645 00:28:28,810 --> 00:28:29,810 I know. It's surreal! Oh my gosh the house is so regal!. 646 00:28:29,810 --> 00:28:32,343 Oh my gosh the house is so regal!. Oh my God guys. 647 00:28:32,343 --> 00:28:36,576 regal!. Oh my God guys. Shanaya! Very Canadian I love 648 00:28:36,576 --> 00:28:37,576 Oh my God guys. Shanaya! Very Canadian I love it. 649 00:28:37,576 --> 00:28:39,543 Shanaya! Very Canadian I love it. I'm from Newfoundland. 650 00:28:39,543 --> 00:28:46,810 it. I'm from Newfoundland. Okay will that checks out! 651 00:28:46,810 --> 00:28:47,777 I'm from Newfoundland. Okay will that checks out! I know. I'm so excited!! 652 00:28:47,777 --> 00:28:49,777 Okay will that checks out! I know. I'm so excited!! Oh my God I can't believe 653 00:28:49,777 --> 00:28:50,743 I know. I'm so excited!! Oh my God I can't believe this is our life. When do we 654 00:28:50,743 --> 00:28:55,977 Oh my God I can't believe this is our life. When do we find out what the theme is? 655 00:28:55,977 --> 00:28:57,010 this is our life. When do we find out what the theme is? In the kitchen with the... 656 00:28:57,010 --> 00:29:01,877 find out what the theme is? In the kitchen with the... The bedroom the bathroom... 657 00:29:01,877 --> 00:29:02,877 In the kitchen with the... The bedroom the bathroom... It's like a whodunit. I already 658 00:29:02,877 --> 00:29:05,510 The bedroom the bathroom... It's like a whodunit. I already said that. 659 00:29:05,510 --> 00:29:06,510 It's like a whodunit. I already said that. I love this theme it. 660 00:29:06,510 --> 00:29:16,810 said that. I love this theme it. There's definitely some 661 00:29:16,810 --> 00:29:17,810 I love this theme it. There's definitely some secrets in these Rooms guys. 662 00:29:17,810 --> 00:29:18,843 There's definitely some secrets in these Rooms guys. The doors are closed. The 663 00:29:18,843 --> 00:29:19,743 secrets in these Rooms guys. The doors are closed. The game is on. The mystery that is 664 00:29:19,743 --> 00:29:23,943 The doors are closed. The game is on. The mystery that is season 11 is officially 665 00:29:23,943 --> 00:29:24,943 game is on. The mystery that is season 11 is officially underway. Coming up, we will 666 00:29:24,943 --> 00:29:25,910 season 11 is officially underway. Coming up, we will chat with the houseguests to see 667 00:29:25,910 --> 00:29:28,710 underway. Coming up, we will chat with the houseguests to see how they are settling in. There 668 00:29:28,710 --> 00:29:29,676 chat with the houseguests to see how they are settling in. There is so much to get into tonight. 669 00:29:29,676 --> 00:29:32,910 how they are settling in. There is so much to get into tonight. Big Brother Canada is back on 670 00:29:32,910 --> 00:29:33,877 is so much to get into tonight. Big Brother Canada is back on global after this. Big Brother 671 00:29:33,877 --> 00:29:39,943 Big Brother Canada is back on global after this. Big Brother Canada guests are competing for 672 00:29:39,943 --> 00:29:40,910 global after this. Big Brother Canada guests are competing for a $100,000 cash prize. $10,000 673 00:29:40,910 --> 00:29:41,877 Canada guests are competing for a $100,000 cash prize. $10,000 towards a brand-new wardrobe 674 00:29:41,877 --> 00:29:48,910 a $100,000 cash prize. $10,000 towards a brand-new wardrobe courtesy of winners and $10,000 675 00:29:48,910 --> 00:29:49,877 towards a brand-new wardrobe courtesy of winners and $10,000 676 00:29:49,877 --> 00:29:49,943 courtesy of winners and $10,000 677 00:29:49,943 --> 00:30:05,209 Welcome back to the season premiere of Big Brother Canada. Even though the 16 houseguests 678 00:30:05,209 --> 00:30:06,176 premiere of Big Brother Canada. Even though the 16 houseguests have only been in the manner for 679 00:30:06,176 --> 00:30:07,176 Even though the 16 houseguests have only been in the manner for a few minutes, this game of 680 00:30:07,176 --> 00:30:08,176 have only been in the manner for a few minutes, this game of "whodunit" is already an 681 00:30:08,176 --> 00:30:09,209 a few minutes, this game of "whodunit" is already an overdrive. By the way, you can 682 00:30:09,209 --> 00:30:10,543 "whodunit" is already an overdrive. By the way, you can get more info on the season and 683 00:30:10,543 --> 00:30:17,143 overdrive. By the way, you can get more info on the season and all the houseguests over at 684 00:30:17,143 --> 00:30:18,209 get more info on the season and all the houseguests over at bigbrothercanada.ca. let's get 685 00:30:18,209 --> 00:30:19,109 all the houseguests over at bigbrothercanada.ca. let's get inside. 686 00:30:19,109 --> 00:30:21,743 bigbrothercanada.ca. let's get inside. You guys look beautiful. I 687 00:30:21,743 --> 00:30:22,743 inside. You guys look beautiful. I will start. My name's Hope. I'm 688 00:30:22,743 --> 00:30:23,743 You guys look beautiful. I will start. My name's Hope. I'm from Milton. Let's have fun for 689 00:30:23,743 --> 00:30:30,977 will start. My name's Hope. I'm from Milton. Let's have fun for real 690 00:30:30,977 --> 00:30:31,943 from Milton. Let's have fun for real 691 00:30:31,943 --> 00:30:35,710 real My name is Roberto. 692 00:30:35,710 --> 00:30:42,777 My name is Roberto. He's a cute guy! Roberto is very cute with the 693 00:30:42,777 --> 00:30:43,743 He's a cute guy! Roberto is very cute with the tattoos and then knows who. I 694 00:30:43,743 --> 00:30:48,843 Roberto is very cute with the tattoos and then knows who. I think I'm blushing a little bit. 695 00:30:48,843 --> 00:30:49,843 tattoos and then knows who. I think I'm blushing a little bit. I can feel my chest pounding. 696 00:30:49,843 --> 00:30:55,843 think I'm blushing a little bit. I can feel my chest pounding. Okay. I'm Shanaya. You guys 697 00:30:55,843 --> 00:30:58,010 I can feel my chest pounding. Okay. I'm Shanaya. You guys can call me Nae-nae if that's 698 00:30:58,010 --> 00:31:03,276 Okay. I'm Shanaya. You guys can call me Nae-nae if that's easier. [everyone exclaims and 699 00:31:03,276 --> 00:31:04,243 can call me Nae-nae if that's easier. 700 00:31:04,243 --> 00:31:10,043 easier. My name is Zach and you can 701 00:31:10,043 --> 00:31:16,510 cheers] My name is Zach and you can call me Nae Nae as well! 702 00:31:16,510 --> 00:31:17,576 My name is Zach and you can call me Nae Nae as well! Everyone laughs] 703 00:31:17,576 --> 00:31:18,476 call me Nae Nae as well! Everyone laughs] My name is Daniel. This is 704 00:31:18,476 --> 00:31:19,510 Everyone laughs] My name is Daniel. This is hot like fire. 705 00:31:19,510 --> 00:31:20,476 My name is Daniel. This is hot like fire. My name is John Michael and 706 00:31:20,476 --> 00:31:21,643 hot like fire. My name is John Michael and I'm from a small town called 707 00:31:21,643 --> 00:31:26,443 My name is John Michael and I'm from a small town called Bradford. Hopefully they have a 708 00:31:26,443 --> 00:31:27,410 I'm from a small town called Bradford. Hopefully they have a billboard with my face on it. I 709 00:31:27,410 --> 00:31:32,010 Bradford. Hopefully they have a billboard with my face on it. I know John Michael is a mouthful. 710 00:31:32,010 --> 00:31:34,243 billboard with my face on it. I know John Michael is a mouthful. You can call me JM... daddy. 711 00:31:34,243 --> 00:31:36,276 know John Michael is a mouthful. You can call me JM... daddy. Daddy? My God! 712 00:31:36,276 --> 00:31:38,010 You can call me JM... daddy. Daddy? My God! Watch yourself on the sassy 713 00:31:38,010 --> 00:31:42,243 Daddy? My God! Watch yourself on the sassy one around here. 714 00:31:42,243 --> 00:31:52,777 Watch yourself on the sassy one around here. Hi guys. My name is Lucy what 715 00:31:53,143 --> 00:32:04,176 Kuzivakwashe. Kuzie for short. I am sweet yummy, Louis GUI, the dynamite. The highs I'm sorry 716 00:32:04,176 --> 00:32:09,243 I am sweet yummy, Louis GUI, the dynamite. The highs I'm sorry but I don't actually believe 717 00:32:09,243 --> 00:32:17,176 dynamite. The highs I'm sorry but I don't actually believe them. [applause] let's make this 718 00:32:17,176 --> 00:32:18,209 but I don't actually believe them. [applause] let's make this a fun season. 719 00:32:18,209 --> 00:32:19,109 them. [applause] let's make this a fun season. I'm looking forward to 720 00:32:19,109 --> 00:32:20,143 a fun season. I'm looking forward to getting to know you guys a 721 00:32:20,143 --> 00:32:22,977 I'm looking forward to getting to know you guys a little more and having some fun 722 00:32:22,977 --> 00:32:23,977 getting to know you guys a little more and having some fun with it. I'm genuinely what you 723 00:32:23,977 --> 00:32:24,943 little more and having some fun with it. I'm genuinely what you see is what you get. 724 00:32:24,943 --> 00:32:25,943 with it. I'm genuinely what you see is what you get. East Coast. 725 00:32:25,943 --> 00:32:27,743 see is what you get. East Coast. East Coast charm. 726 00:32:27,743 --> 00:32:33,643 East Coast. East Coast charm. Allergic to 727 00:32:33,643 --> 00:32:44,176 East Coast charm. Allergic to I feel like I've seen you. 728 00:32:46,109 --> 00:32:49,010 a bell rings] Dear esteemed guests, I trust you approve of these 729 00:32:49,010 --> 00:32:50,343 Dear esteemed guests, I trust you approve of these accommodations. Many surprises 730 00:32:50,343 --> 00:32:51,309 you approve of these accommodations. Many surprises await including a personalized 731 00:32:51,309 --> 00:32:54,376 accommodations. Many surprises await including a personalized gift bag standing by for each of 732 00:32:54,376 --> 00:32:57,243 await including a personalized gift bag standing by for each of you in the guest quarters. 733 00:32:57,243 --> 00:33:00,943 gift bag standing by for each of you in the guest quarters. 734 00:33:00,943 --> 00:33:03,543 you in the guest quarters. We are too excited! 735 00:33:03,543 --> 00:33:11,376 We are too excited! And do enjoy... While you still can. 736 00:33:11,376 --> 00:33:12,276 And do enjoy... While you still can. 737 00:33:12,276 --> 00:33:12,343 still can. 738 00:33:12,343 --> 00:33:30,843 Nice! Thank you WINNERS! Houseguests... Hey! 739 00:33:30,843 --> 00:33:36,343 Houseguests... Hey! Hi Arisa!! You look 740 00:33:36,343 --> 00:33:37,343 Hey! Hi Arisa!! You look beautiful! 741 00:33:37,343 --> 00:33:38,343 Hi Arisa!! You look beautiful! It is my pleasure to 742 00:33:38,343 --> 00:33:39,343 beautiful! It is my pleasure to officially welcome you to season 743 00:33:39,343 --> 00:33:43,176 It is my pleasure to officially welcome you to season 11 of Big Brother Canada! 744 00:33:43,176 --> 00:33:44,143 officially welcome you to season 11 of Big Brother Canada! 745 00:33:44,143 --> 00:33:45,676 11 of Big Brother Canada! I have some good news for you 746 00:33:45,676 --> 00:33:53,276 I have some good news for you to kick off the season. For the first time ever, nobody will be 747 00:33:53,276 --> 00:34:03,743 to kick off the season. For the first time ever, nobody will be going home this week. [everybody 748 00:34:03,743 --> 00:34:04,743 first time ever, nobody will be going home this week. [everybody cheers]. 749 00:34:04,743 --> 00:34:04,810 going home this week. [everybody cheers]. 750 00:34:04,810 --> 00:34:15,343 cheers]. ... But, like always, there is 751 00:34:16,576 --> 00:34:19,510 good news comes with a twist. This is big brother after all. Brace yourselves because this 752 00:34:19,510 --> 00:34:22,710 This is big brother after all. Brace yourselves because this season is starting with 753 00:34:22,710 --> 00:34:23,710 Brace yourselves because this season is starting with something called dead last. Here 754 00:34:23,710 --> 00:34:30,343 season is starting with something called dead last. Here is what that means. If you come 755 00:34:30,343 --> 00:34:31,276 something called dead last. Here is what that means. If you come in last place in a competition, 756 00:34:31,276 --> 00:34:32,576 is what that means. If you come in last place in a competition, you will automatically be 757 00:34:32,576 --> 00:34:35,443 in last place in a competition, you will automatically be nominated for eviction. 758 00:34:35,443 --> 00:34:40,443 you will automatically be nominated for eviction. What?? 759 00:34:40,443 --> 00:34:41,476 nominated for eviction. What?? Like always, the Head of 760 00:34:41,476 --> 00:34:43,376 What?? Like always, the Head of Household will still nominate to 761 00:34:43,376 --> 00:34:44,376 Like always, the Head of Household will still nominate to houseguests for eviction. 762 00:34:44,376 --> 00:34:46,777 Household will still nominate to houseguests for eviction. Meaning there will be three of 763 00:34:46,777 --> 00:34:52,877 houseguests for eviction. Meaning there will be three of you on the block. 764 00:34:52,877 --> 00:34:53,843 Meaning there will be three of you on the block. This is horrible news!! 765 00:34:53,843 --> 00:35:01,109 you on the block. This is horrible news!! For tonight competition, you 766 00:35:01,109 --> 00:35:02,143 This is horrible news!! For tonight competition, you will be playing in pairs. So 767 00:35:02,143 --> 00:35:03,109 For tonight competition, you will be playing in pairs. So right now, you must choose a 768 00:35:03,109 --> 00:35:04,109 will be playing in pairs. So right now, you must choose a partner. You obviously don't 769 00:35:04,109 --> 00:35:06,443 right now, you must choose a partner. You obviously don't know what the competition will 770 00:35:06,443 --> 00:35:07,410 partner. You obviously don't know what the competition will be yet so try to think of 771 00:35:07,410 --> 00:35:08,410 know what the competition will be yet so try to think of someone or try to choose someone 772 00:35:08,410 --> 00:35:10,777 be yet so try to think of someone or try to choose someone you think you can work with. 773 00:35:10,777 --> 00:35:11,743 someone or try to choose someone you think you can work with. She's gone! 774 00:35:11,743 --> 00:35:13,610 you think you can work with. She's gone! I'm going to need another 775 00:35:13,610 --> 00:35:15,343 She's gone! I'm going to need another drink. 776 00:35:15,343 --> 00:35:18,209 I'm going to need another drink. Okay, what we do here? 777 00:35:18,209 --> 00:35:20,743 drink. Okay, what we do here? Yeah... 778 00:35:20,743 --> 00:35:24,176 Okay, what we do here? Yeah... Want to be my partner? 779 00:35:24,176 --> 00:35:25,143 Yeah... Want to be my partner? Yeah. We are not stopping for 780 00:35:25,143 --> 00:35:28,810 Want to be my partner? Yeah. We are not stopping for whatever. 781 00:35:28,810 --> 00:35:39,276 Yeah. We are not stopping for whatever. We got this. We got this. 782 00:35:39,943 --> 00:35:47,543 We just can't be last. So I don't mind if we don't win. We don't want to be the people that 783 00:35:47,543 --> 00:35:48,543 don't mind if we don't win. We don't want to be the people that will go out on the first day. 784 00:35:48,543 --> 00:35:49,910 don't want to be the people that will go out on the first day. Think about it. You want to make 785 00:35:49,910 --> 00:35:50,943 will go out on the first day. Think about it. You want to make an enemy on the first day? We 786 00:35:50,943 --> 00:36:00,510 Think about it. You want to make an enemy on the first day? We just can't be last because that 787 00:36:00,510 --> 00:36:01,443 an enemy on the first day? We just can't be last because that means [...] we are not selling 788 00:36:01,443 --> 00:36:11,943 just can't be last because that means [...] we are not selling it. We are just not last. You 789 00:36:12,676 --> 00:36:18,877 ] 790 00:36:18,877 --> 00:36:34,810 Welcome back to the season premiere of Big Brother Canada which, this year, is a good old- 791 00:36:34,810 --> 00:36:35,777 premiere of Big Brother Canada which, this year, is a good old- fashioned "whodunit" clues are 792 00:36:35,777 --> 00:36:36,843 which, this year, is a good old- fashioned "whodunit" clues are everywhere and in just 10 weeks, 793 00:36:36,843 --> 00:36:37,743 fashioned "whodunit" clues are everywhere and in just 10 weeks, one of our 16 new houseguests 794 00:36:37,743 --> 00:36:46,443 everywhere and in just 10 weeks, one of our 16 new houseguests will solve the mystery and 795 00:36:46,443 --> 00:36:47,443 one of our 16 new houseguests will solve the mystery and become a big brother Champion. 796 00:36:47,443 --> 00:36:48,443 will solve the mystery and become a big brother Champion. But there is a lot of game to 797 00:36:48,443 --> 00:36:49,443 become a big brother Champion. But there is a lot of game to play before that. It all starts 798 00:36:49,443 --> 00:36:50,443 But there is a lot of game to play before that. It all starts with the first competition of 799 00:36:50,443 --> 00:36:51,410 play before that. It all starts with the first competition of the year. For tonight, the 800 00:36:51,410 --> 00:36:52,343 with the first competition of the year. For tonight, the houseguests are playing in teams 801 00:36:52,343 --> 00:36:53,376 the year. For tonight, the houseguests are playing in teams of two. So let's head to the 802 00:36:53,376 --> 00:36:54,309 houseguests are playing in teams of two. So let's head to the backyard right now to get this 803 00:36:54,309 --> 00:36:57,710 of two. So let's head to the backyard right now to get this haired up party started. 804 00:36:57,710 --> 00:37:00,910 backyard right now to get this haired up party started. It's time to play "rough around 805 00:37:00,910 --> 00:37:06,043 haired up party started. It's time to play "rough around the hedges." Big Brother Canada 806 00:37:06,043 --> 00:37:07,043 It's time to play "rough around the hedges." Big Brother Canada has designed a hedge to protect 807 00:37:07,043 --> 00:37:08,010 the hedges." Big Brother Canada has designed a hedge to protect the grounds and it's your job to 808 00:37:08,010 --> 00:37:08,977 has designed a hedge to protect the grounds and it's your job to assemble an invitation to 809 00:37:08,977 --> 00:37:10,643 the grounds and it's your job to assemble an invitation to protect the manner. This is not 810 00:37:10,643 --> 00:37:15,977 assemble an invitation to protect the manner. This is not your standard competition. It's 811 00:37:15,977 --> 00:37:17,010 protect the manner. This is not your standard competition. It's a two-part showdown. That means 812 00:37:17,010 --> 00:37:18,010 your standard competition. It's a two-part showdown. That means the pair that finishes first 813 00:37:18,010 --> 00:37:19,243 a two-part showdown. That means the pair that finishes first tonight will move on to battle 814 00:37:19,243 --> 00:37:23,176 the pair that finishes first tonight will move on to battle it out for the HOH crown 815 00:37:23,176 --> 00:37:24,109 tonight will move on to battle it out for the HOH crown tomorrow night. The pair that 816 00:37:24,109 --> 00:37:30,543 it out for the HOH crown tomorrow night. The pair that loses will face-off to avoid 817 00:37:30,543 --> 00:37:31,443 tomorrow night. The pair that loses will face-off to avoid being DEAD LAST. this is a 818 00:37:31,443 --> 00:37:33,143 loses will face-off to avoid being DEAD LAST. this is a competition you do not want to 819 00:37:33,143 --> 00:37:43,610 being DEAD LAST. this is a competition you do not want to throw. Get ready houseguests 820 00:37:48,510 --> 00:37:51,410 and...! Go [horn blows]. You got this! You got this Daniel. 821 00:37:51,410 --> 00:37:52,376 You got this! You got this Daniel. Oh my gosh this is the first 822 00:37:52,376 --> 00:37:54,209 You got this Daniel. Oh my gosh this is the first challenge I'm so excited. With 823 00:37:54,209 --> 00:37:55,243 Oh my gosh this is the first challenge I'm so excited. With this new twist, we have no idea 824 00:37:55,243 --> 00:37:56,176 challenge I'm so excited. With this new twist, we have no idea what can happen and I need to go 825 00:37:56,176 --> 00:37:59,543 this new twist, we have no idea what can happen and I need to go out there and witness. 826 00:37:59,543 --> 00:38:00,543 what can happen and I need to go out there and witness. René and Shanaya are the 827 00:38:00,543 --> 00:38:07,843 out there and witness. René and Shanaya are the first to get a puzzle piece. 828 00:38:07,843 --> 00:38:08,777 René and Shanaya are the first to get a puzzle piece. We have to untie our puzzle 829 00:38:08,777 --> 00:38:09,743 first to get a puzzle piece. We have to untie our puzzle pieces and transfer them toward 830 00:38:09,743 --> 00:38:10,743 We have to untie our puzzle pieces and transfer them toward table one at a time. These knots 831 00:38:10,743 --> 00:38:12,510 pieces and transfer them toward table one at a time. These knots are so tight. You really have to 832 00:38:12,510 --> 00:38:13,510 table one at a time. These knots are so tight. You really have to dig your fingers in there. 833 00:38:13,510 --> 00:38:21,410 are so tight. You really have to dig your fingers in there. Thank God for no nails. Oh my 834 00:38:21,410 --> 00:38:22,410 dig your fingers in there. Thank God for no nails. Oh my gosh. 835 00:38:22,410 --> 00:38:23,410 Thank God for no nails. Oh my gosh. Are you good? 836 00:38:23,410 --> 00:38:24,343 gosh. Are you good? I am just focused. 837 00:38:24,343 --> 00:38:25,376 Are you good? I am just focused. You got this. You got this. 838 00:38:25,376 --> 00:38:26,376 I am just focused. You got this. You got this. Good work! 839 00:38:26,376 --> 00:38:27,309 You got this. You got this. Good work! I was hoping to team with 840 00:38:27,309 --> 00:38:37,209 Good work! I was hoping to team with Roberto but he ended up going 841 00:38:37,209 --> 00:38:38,176 I was hoping to team with Roberto but he ended up going with Hope so me and [...] end up 842 00:38:38,176 --> 00:38:39,176 Roberto but he ended up going with Hope so me and [...] end up together. Let's see what 843 00:38:39,176 --> 00:38:43,376 with Hope so me and [...] end up together. Let's see what happens. Me and Claudia ended up 844 00:38:43,376 --> 00:38:44,376 together. Let's see what happens. Me and Claudia ended up together. 845 00:38:44,376 --> 00:38:45,309 happens. Me and Claudia ended up together. This is hard. 846 00:38:45,309 --> 00:38:46,309 together. This is hard. Jonathan is still struggling 847 00:38:46,309 --> 00:38:47,343 This is hard. Jonathan is still struggling with the knots. 848 00:38:47,343 --> 00:38:53,610 Jonathan is still struggling with the knots. It's so frustrating watching 849 00:38:53,610 --> 00:38:54,576 with the knots. It's so frustrating watching everybody else throw the pieces 850 00:38:54,576 --> 00:38:55,576 It's so frustrating watching everybody else throw the pieces down and fishermen Jonathan is 851 00:38:55,576 --> 00:38:56,576 everybody else throw the pieces down and fishermen Jonathan is down there like what are you 852 00:38:56,576 --> 00:38:57,510 down and fishermen Jonathan is down there like what are you doing? 853 00:38:57,510 --> 00:39:01,043 down there like what are you doing? Holy... 854 00:39:01,043 --> 00:39:02,010 doing? Holy... Daniel has his last piece and 855 00:39:02,010 --> 00:39:02,943 Holy... Daniel has his last piece and is moving onto the next stage. 856 00:39:02,943 --> 00:39:07,610 Daniel has his last piece and is moving onto the next stage. Now that I have collected all 857 00:39:07,610 --> 00:39:08,610 is moving onto the next stage. Now that I have collected all my puzzle pieces, she can unlock 858 00:39:08,610 --> 00:39:11,710 Now that I have collected all my puzzle pieces, she can unlock the hatch, untie her puzzle 859 00:39:11,710 --> 00:39:12,777 my puzzle pieces, she can unlock the hatch, untie her puzzle pieces and get down here. 860 00:39:12,777 --> 00:39:14,209 the hatch, untie her puzzle pieces and get down here. I got it. 861 00:39:14,209 --> 00:39:16,476 pieces and get down here. I got it. Good job. 862 00:39:16,476 --> 00:39:22,977 I got it. Good job. Push it again. 863 00:39:22,977 --> 00:39:24,010 Good job. Push it again. Coming back up. Good? 864 00:39:24,010 --> 00:39:24,977 Push it again. Coming back up. Good? Good good. 865 00:39:24,977 --> 00:39:25,977 Coming back up. Good? Good good. Good job. 866 00:39:25,977 --> 00:39:28,410 Good good. Good job. Go! 867 00:39:28,410 --> 00:39:29,410 Good job. Go! Santina and John Michael are 868 00:39:29,410 --> 00:39:30,443 Go! Santina and John Michael are first to free their key now that 869 00:39:30,443 --> 00:39:32,977 Santina and John Michael are first to free their key now that they can get the hatch open. 870 00:39:32,977 --> 00:39:39,076 first to free their key now that they can get the hatch open. Very nice. Let's go! Oh my 871 00:39:39,076 --> 00:39:45,010 they can get the hatch open. Very nice. Let's go! Oh my God I broke a nail! [intense 872 00:39:45,010 --> 00:39:45,977 Very nice. Let's go! Oh my God I broke a nail! 873 00:39:45,977 --> 00:39:46,943 God I broke a nail! Let's go baby! Let's work! 874 00:39:46,943 --> 00:39:47,977 music] Let's go baby! Let's work! All we gotta do is make sure 875 00:39:47,977 --> 00:39:50,543 Let's go baby! Let's work! All we gotta do is make sure we are not last. 876 00:39:50,543 --> 00:39:53,209 All we gotta do is make sure we are not last. Nice! Nice! Thank you. 877 00:39:53,209 --> 00:39:55,410 we are not last. Nice! Nice! Thank you. You're welcome. 878 00:39:55,410 --> 00:39:57,610 Nice! Nice! Thank you. You're welcome. Let's go. Is it coming right 879 00:39:57,610 --> 00:40:03,109 You're welcome. Let's go. Is it coming right down? 880 00:40:03,109 --> 00:40:04,043 Let's go. Is it coming right down? How did you get it out? It's 881 00:40:04,043 --> 00:40:05,010 down? How did you get it out? It's really hard to get these pieces 882 00:40:05,010 --> 00:40:08,010 How did you get it out? It's really hard to get these pieces down. The sharp edges are 883 00:40:08,010 --> 00:40:09,010 really hard to get these pieces down. The sharp edges are getting caught everywhere and 884 00:40:09,010 --> 00:40:09,977 down. The sharp edges are getting caught everywhere and the net is twisted. It's an 885 00:40:09,977 --> 00:40:10,977 getting caught everywhere and the net is twisted. It's an absolute nightmare. 886 00:40:10,977 --> 00:40:12,010 the net is twisted. It's an absolute nightmare. I just don't know how to 887 00:40:12,010 --> 00:40:14,610 absolute nightmare. I just don't know how to twist this. 888 00:40:14,610 --> 00:40:15,610 I just don't know how to twist this. All right. 889 00:40:15,610 --> 00:40:23,043 twist this. All right. Good job! 890 00:40:23,043 --> 00:40:24,043 All right. Good job! Okay we are good! 891 00:40:24,043 --> 00:40:25,010 Good job! Okay we are good! Don't get tangled up in this. 892 00:40:25,010 --> 00:40:26,010 Okay we are good! Don't get tangled up in this. You're going to have to lift 893 00:40:26,010 --> 00:40:27,010 Don't get tangled up in this. You're going to have to lift your feet up on, like, a higher 894 00:40:27,010 --> 00:40:27,977 You're going to have to lift your feet up on, like, a higher run and we will twisted. You 895 00:40:27,977 --> 00:40:29,777 your feet up on, like, a higher run and we will twisted. You omitted twisted? 896 00:40:29,777 --> 00:40:30,676 run and we will twisted. You omitted twisted? Yeah. 897 00:40:30,676 --> 00:40:35,209 omitted twisted? Yeah. There you go. Good job, good 898 00:40:35,209 --> 00:40:37,576 Yeah. There you go. Good job, good job let's go! Puzzle time! 899 00:40:37,576 --> 00:40:41,410 There you go. Good job, good job let's go! Puzzle time! Twisted? 900 00:40:41,410 --> 00:40:50,910 job let's go! Puzzle time! Twisted? Okay come on down! 901 00:40:50,910 --> 00:40:51,943 Twisted? Okay come on down! I'm stuck I'm stuck!! 902 00:40:51,943 --> 00:40:52,943 Okay come on down! I'm stuck I'm stuck!! Let's see if I can figure 903 00:40:52,943 --> 00:40:53,843 I'm stuck I'm stuck!! Let's see if I can figure this partner. 904 00:40:53,843 --> 00:40:54,843 Let's see if I can figure this partner. I'm thinking this will be 905 00:40:54,843 --> 00:40:55,877 this partner. I'm thinking this will be easy because other people have 906 00:40:55,877 --> 00:41:01,043 I'm thinking this will be easy because other people have figured it out. 907 00:41:01,043 --> 00:41:02,010 easy because other people have figured it out. Okay... I am stuck in here 908 00:41:02,010 --> 00:41:03,043 figured it out. Okay... I am stuck in here like a fish. I'm wiggling for my 909 00:41:03,043 --> 00:41:05,877 Okay... I am stuck in here like a fish. I'm wiggling for my life. I am mangled like a 910 00:41:05,877 --> 00:41:06,877 like a fish. I'm wiggling for my life. I am mangled like a pretzel. How did the others do 911 00:41:06,877 --> 00:41:09,309 life. I am mangled like a pretzel. How did the others do this so fast? 912 00:41:09,309 --> 00:41:17,343 pretzel. How did the others do this so fast? Twisting and rotating... Keep 913 00:41:17,343 --> 00:41:18,343 this so fast? Twisting and rotating... Keep going. 914 00:41:18,343 --> 00:41:22,676 Twisting and rotating... Keep going. Let's go. Money man. Let's 915 00:41:22,676 --> 00:41:23,610 going. Let's go. Money man. Let's go. Other way, other way. 916 00:41:23,610 --> 00:41:27,810 Let's go. Money man. Let's go. Other way, other way. Yes sir. 917 00:41:27,810 --> 00:41:28,843 go. Other way, other way. Yes sir. Good! Good! Good! 918 00:41:28,843 --> 00:41:30,543 Yes sir. Good! Good! Good! Definitely, like right in the 919 00:41:30,543 --> 00:41:31,543 Good! Good! Good! Definitely, like right in the middle of her here. 920 00:41:31,543 --> 00:41:41,843 Definitely, like right in the middle of her here. What goes here? 921 00:41:44,209 --> 00:41:54,676 There are three teams on this 922 00:41:57,209 --> 00:42:03,376 puzzle right now and it is neck and neck. Whoever wins one of them is going to be HOH. 923 00:42:03,376 --> 00:42:09,610 and neck. Whoever wins one of them is going to be HOH. I don't want to win. I don't 924 00:42:09,610 --> 00:42:10,610 them is going to be HOH. I don't want to win. I don't think we should. 925 00:42:10,610 --> 00:42:11,610 I don't want to win. I don't think we should. I think we should win. 926 00:42:11,610 --> 00:42:12,576 think we should. I think we should win. You want to win? 927 00:42:12,576 --> 00:42:13,610 I think we should win. You want to win? Yeah I want to win. 928 00:42:13,610 --> 00:42:14,543 You want to win? Yeah I want to win. Are you sure? 929 00:42:14,543 --> 00:42:23,343 Yeah I want to win. Are you sure? You got that? 930 00:42:23,343 --> 00:42:24,343 Are you sure? You got that? Hey, what goes here? 931 00:42:24,343 --> 00:42:25,410 You got that? Hey, what goes here? >>... How are we not getting 932 00:42:25,410 --> 00:42:26,309 Hey, what goes here? >>... How are we not getting this? I don't understand. This 933 00:42:26,309 --> 00:42:27,276 >>... How are we not getting this? I don't understand. This has to be on the corner... This 934 00:42:27,276 --> 00:42:28,276 this? I don't understand. This has to be on the corner... This way? 935 00:42:28,276 --> 00:42:29,243 has to be on the corner... This way? No, this definitely has to be 936 00:42:29,243 --> 00:42:31,676 way? No, this definitely has to be in it. 937 00:42:31,676 --> 00:42:36,877 No, this definitely has to be in it. We should definitely win. We 938 00:42:36,877 --> 00:42:37,877 in it. We should definitely win. We should win. 939 00:42:37,877 --> 00:42:42,343 We should definitely win. We should win. Okay. Let's do this! 940 00:42:42,343 --> 00:42:44,843 should win. Okay. Let's do this! You know what? I think it 941 00:42:44,843 --> 00:42:47,810 Okay. Let's do this! You know what? I think it makes sense. 942 00:42:47,810 --> 00:42:50,109 You know what? I think it makes sense. A check! 943 00:42:50,109 --> 00:43:00,410 makes sense. A check! >>WE So good. 944 00:43:01,843 --> 00:43:04,910 We WON!!!! Congratulations Santina and John Michael. You have conquered 945 00:43:04,910 --> 00:43:05,877 Congratulations Santina and John Michael. You have conquered part one of this competition. 946 00:43:05,877 --> 00:43:13,276 John Michael. You have conquered part one of this competition. But for everyone else, don't 947 00:43:13,276 --> 00:43:14,243 part one of this competition. But for everyone else, don't stop the competition is not 948 00:43:14,243 --> 00:43:15,276 But for everyone else, don't stop the competition is not over. Be here tomorrow when the 949 00:43:15,276 --> 00:43:16,309 stop the competition is not over. Be here tomorrow when the winning parable compete against 950 00:43:16,309 --> 00:43:17,243 over. Be here tomorrow when the winning parable compete against each other to decide the first 951 00:43:17,243 --> 00:43:18,309 winning parable compete against each other to decide the first Head of Household of the season. 952 00:43:18,309 --> 00:43:19,176 each other to decide the first Head of Household of the season. On top of that, whichever pair 953 00:43:19,176 --> 00:43:22,076 Head of Household of the season. On top of that, whichever pair finishes "dead last" tonight 954 00:43:22,076 --> 00:43:23,076 On top of that, whichever pair finishes "dead last" tonight will also be with the loser 955 00:43:23,076 --> 00:43:27,376 finishes "dead last" tonight will also be with the loser automatically up for eviction 956 00:43:27,376 --> 00:43:31,543 will also be with the loser automatically up for eviction next Thursday. Go to 957 00:43:31,543 --> 00:43:37,443 automatically up for eviction next Thursday. Go to bigbrothercanada.ca to vote and 958 00:43:37,443 --> 00:43:38,376 next Thursday. Go to bigbrothercanada.ca to vote and where you think who should win 959 00:43:38,376 --> 00:43:39,376 bigbrothercanada.ca to vote and where you think who should win the Belairdirect insurance for 960 00:43:39,376 --> 00:43:40,376 where you think who should win the Belairdirect insurance for the week. Get ready for a killer 961 00:43:40,376 --> 00:43:41,476 the Belairdirect insurance for the week. Get ready for a killer season and remember, someone is 962 00:43:41,476 --> 00:43:42,476 the week. Get ready for a killer season and remember, someone is always watching... 963 00:43:42,476 --> 00:43:42,543 season and remember, someone is always watching... 964 00:43:42,543 --> 00:43:52,676 always watching... 965 00:43:54,243 --> 00:44:02,176 >>... You try to twist it... Pull up. I don't know... Oh my God! God it. 966 00:44:02,176 --> 00:44:05,209 Pull up. I don't know... Oh my God! God it. I'm stuck, hold on. 967 00:44:05,209 --> 00:44:06,209 God! God it. I'm stuck, hold on. I don't know. How did we get 968 00:44:06,209 --> 00:44:10,977 I'm stuck, hold on. I don't know. How did we get in this? 969 00:44:10,977 --> 00:44:11,943 I don't know. How did we get in this? 970 00:44:11,943 --> 00:44:12,010 in this?