1 00:01:43,833 --> 00:01:49,916 Captain. I was unable to take any celestial declinations due to-- 2 00:01:49,916 --> 00:01:51,083 The clouds. 3 00:01:51,958 --> 00:01:55,416 Yes, the clouds. 4 00:01:55,416 --> 00:01:57,166 However, 5 00:01:57,166 --> 00:01:59,583 white sand. 6 00:02:00,500 --> 00:02:02,041 By the mark, ten. 7 00:02:03,208 --> 00:02:06,583 Ten fathoms. White sand in the tallow. 8 00:02:06,583 --> 00:02:08,208 You see what you want to see. 9 00:02:08,958 --> 00:02:12,375 The son of a bitch Spaniard's rutter was right about Magellan's Pass, was it not? 10 00:02:12,375 --> 00:02:15,750 Give it here. The cursed bastard thing has been the death of us all. 11 00:02:19,791 --> 00:02:22,166 The time has come for you to start making plans. 12 00:02:22,916 --> 00:02:24,125 You have no food. 13 00:02:24,875 --> 00:02:26,791 As of tonight, no water. 14 00:02:26,791 --> 00:02:32,208 We'll make land. 15 00:02:32,208 --> 00:02:35,916 Goddamn English pilots. You never know when to give up. 16 00:02:36,583 --> 00:02:37,791 We'll reach the Japans. 17 00:02:37,791 --> 00:02:41,583 "Japans." Listen to yourself, that is the scurvy talking. 18 00:02:41,583 --> 00:02:45,125 We'll lay claim to that dark land, then it's back to Holland. 19 00:02:45,125 --> 00:02:47,875 Rich, having gone round the world. 20 00:02:50,916 --> 00:02:51,916 No. 21 00:02:53,416 --> 00:02:54,666 No, Pilot. 22 00:02:56,333 --> 00:02:57,333 Not me. 23 00:02:59,375 --> 00:03:01,500 Five ships when we began. 24 00:03:02,208 --> 00:03:04,208 A crew of over 500. 25 00:03:05,458 --> 00:03:07,958 We are now barely a single vessel. 26 00:03:10,208 --> 00:03:12,375 At my age, you draw your line. 27 00:03:22,791 --> 00:03:24,500 That would be a coward's way out. 28 00:03:27,250 --> 00:03:30,416 Erasmus remains home to a dozen men still looking to you-- 29 00:03:30,416 --> 00:03:32,000 Looking to me, for what? 30 00:03:32,833 --> 00:03:36,375 We cannot fulfill our mission. Don't you see, there is nothing! 31 00:03:36,375 --> 00:03:38,916 All right. There you have it. 32 00:03:42,541 --> 00:03:43,708 Pilot. 33 00:03:45,416 --> 00:03:50,541 Pilot, starting to fear is a blessed release. 34 00:03:51,875 --> 00:03:54,791 It's like a-- only a soft wind in your face. 35 00:03:56,125 --> 00:03:57,125 Can you feel it? 36 00:03:58,416 --> 00:04:00,458 That is the breath of the Almighty. 37 00:04:00,458 --> 00:04:01,875 He's calling us. 38 00:04:02,375 --> 00:04:03,375 Listen. 39 00:04:07,416 --> 00:04:08,916 He's calling us home. 40 00:07:12,375 --> 00:07:13,916 Starvation. 41 00:07:49,541 --> 00:07:51,250 What are they...? 42 00:09:04,375 --> 00:09:05,583 Father. 43 00:09:16,875 --> 00:09:18,416 She's splendid. 44 00:09:19,875 --> 00:09:21,166 Truly. 45 00:09:22,458 --> 00:09:26,416 Conceals herself against the sun. 46 00:09:26,791 --> 00:09:28,500 Conserving energy, 47 00:09:29,125 --> 00:09:31,500 waiting for her moment. 48 00:09:32,875 --> 00:09:37,416 You might never even know she's there. 49 00:09:47,541 --> 00:09:48,541 So. 50 00:09:50,250 --> 00:09:52,458 Shall we go then? 51 00:10:09,250 --> 00:10:11,416 Welcome to Osaka Castle. 52 00:10:11,416 --> 00:10:13,541 Lord Ishido asks that you confine yourself 53 00:10:13,541 --> 00:10:15,125 to your personal quarters. 54 00:10:18,666 --> 00:10:21,625 I'm surprised he actually came. 55 00:10:23,583 --> 00:10:27,416 A wise man knows when his time has ended. 56 00:11:30,833 --> 00:11:31,708 Well? 57 00:11:32,375 --> 00:11:35,041 I hate Osaka. 58 00:11:36,125 --> 00:11:37,583 This place... 59 00:11:39,458 --> 00:11:42,333 ...it's become a real shithole. 60 00:11:45,541 --> 00:11:47,625 In that case, 61 00:11:48,625 --> 00:11:49,916 let's be done with it. 62 00:12:22,041 --> 00:12:24,000 Welcome to Osaka. 63 00:12:24,541 --> 00:12:27,166 The Council of Regents appreciates your coming. 64 00:12:37,666 --> 00:12:40,375 This seating arrangement is new. 65 00:12:40,375 --> 00:12:42,541 We thought it appropriate, 66 00:12:43,833 --> 00:12:45,458 under the circumstances. 67 00:12:45,583 --> 00:12:46,958 Lord Toranaga, 68 00:12:46,958 --> 00:12:49,250 in the year since the Taikō's death, 69 00:12:50,541 --> 00:12:51,958 we have watched with concern 70 00:12:51,958 --> 00:12:54,583 as you've aligned power against the Council. 71 00:12:55,458 --> 00:12:59,875 Which the late Taikō had good reason to forbid. 72 00:12:59,875 --> 00:13:01,833 What power have I aligned? 73 00:13:01,833 --> 00:13:06,541 Six marriages you've consented to. 74 00:13:06,541 --> 00:13:10,583 And your fief has doubled in size. 75 00:13:11,458 --> 00:13:14,541 If my fellow Regents are concerned, 76 00:13:14,541 --> 00:13:18,208 let me say I am content as Lord of the Kantō. 77 00:13:19,125 --> 00:13:23,541 I will never be the first to break any peace. 78 00:13:24,750 --> 00:13:26,000 How strange. 79 00:13:26,666 --> 00:13:28,000 When just this morning, 80 00:13:28,000 --> 00:13:31,125 the Heir's mother was taken to your castle at Edo. 81 00:13:31,125 --> 00:13:32,958 No warning, no request. 82 00:13:33,416 --> 00:13:38,583 The Lady Ochiba's sister, my daughter-in-law, is in labor. 83 00:13:38,583 --> 00:13:40,750 Or has Lady Ochiba been taken hostage 84 00:13:40,750 --> 00:13:42,791 to guarantee your safety here? 85 00:13:46,333 --> 00:13:48,833 This is a time of peace, Lord Ishido. 86 00:13:50,000 --> 00:13:52,583 The Lady is no more a hostage in my castle 87 00:13:53,458 --> 00:13:57,500 than I am here, in this one. 88 00:14:02,541 --> 00:14:07,833 What would the Taikō say if he were here with us now? 89 00:14:08,916 --> 00:14:11,750 I think he'd be pleased, 90 00:14:12,583 --> 00:14:15,416 knowing the five of us still can't agree. 91 00:14:16,083 --> 00:14:20,416 His dying wish was for a peaceful sharing of power. 92 00:14:20,416 --> 00:14:23,041 Yes, until his Heir comes of age. 93 00:14:24,250 --> 00:14:26,833 And I look forward to that day. 94 00:14:27,875 --> 00:14:31,666 These meetings are exhausting. 95 00:14:37,500 --> 00:14:39,250 Then let me put it differently. 96 00:14:41,208 --> 00:14:46,250 The Council has voted to demand the Lady's return. 97 00:14:47,541 --> 00:14:52,291 Under penalty of impeachment. 98 00:14:56,625 --> 00:14:59,500 The time has come to expose those traitors 99 00:15:01,250 --> 00:15:03,375 who wish to usurp the Heir's power. 100 00:15:03,666 --> 00:15:07,666 Low-born, high-born, even a Minowara like yourself. 101 00:15:08,875 --> 00:15:11,333 You'll see four signatures. 102 00:15:11,875 --> 00:15:17,125 Lords Kiyama, Sugiyama, Ohno 103 00:15:18,833 --> 00:15:19,750 and myself. 104 00:15:25,500 --> 00:15:26,500 Your pardon, 105 00:15:26,500 --> 00:15:29,500 but hasn't my lord done everything according to law? 106 00:15:30,166 --> 00:15:33,625 To call him a traitor on such flimsy accusations is-- 107 00:15:35,750 --> 00:15:36,916 Tadayoshi, sit down! 108 00:15:47,291 --> 00:15:50,208 I'm so sorry, 109 00:15:52,166 --> 00:15:57,125 but I could not bear you hearing such insults. 110 00:15:57,750 --> 00:15:59,208 Insults? 111 00:16:00,291 --> 00:16:03,791 How dare you imply that Lord Ishido insulted me? 112 00:16:18,875 --> 00:16:20,541 I ask permission to commit seppuku. 113 00:16:21,291 --> 00:16:22,958 I will end my family line, 114 00:16:25,166 --> 00:16:27,041 and all who carry my name. 115 00:16:30,791 --> 00:16:35,791 My host, please accept my apology. 116 00:16:38,875 --> 00:16:40,125 What's done is done. 117 00:16:40,958 --> 00:16:46,000 Though I must say this childish outburst is typical of your clan, 118 00:16:46,000 --> 00:16:49,250 and an insult to the Taikō's proud legacy. 119 00:16:50,916 --> 00:16:54,083 You have seven days to release the Heir's mother from Edo. 120 00:16:54,083 --> 00:16:55,208 And then 121 00:16:55,708 --> 00:16:59,333 we will vote on your fate. 122 00:17:27,208 --> 00:17:28,833 Usami Tadayoshi-- 123 00:17:29,791 --> 00:17:31,750 he's married to your granddaughter, isn't he? 124 00:17:33,041 --> 00:17:38,666 Yes. Fuji, the best of all my grandchildren. 125 00:17:40,083 --> 00:17:41,833 I'll see to it she lives. 126 00:17:42,250 --> 00:17:44,250 The boy was reckless. 127 00:17:45,166 --> 00:17:47,041 He has only himself to blame. 128 00:17:47,333 --> 00:17:48,375 No, 129 00:17:48,916 --> 00:17:50,583 he was brave. 130 00:17:51,416 --> 00:17:53,875 I don't approve of all this pointless death. 131 00:17:54,875 --> 00:17:59,416 Then why are we still here? 132 00:17:59,416 --> 00:18:04,750 Trapped in this castle by bureaucrats who want us dead. 133 00:18:05,291 --> 00:18:10,666 As soon as they have the Heir's mother back, 134 00:18:11,208 --> 00:18:14,833 they'll vote to kill us all. 135 00:18:15,333 --> 00:18:16,833 Sorry friend, 136 00:18:17,958 --> 00:18:21,666 If we go to war now, four armies against one, I will lose. 137 00:18:21,666 --> 00:18:24,333 I must remain here. 138 00:18:26,750 --> 00:18:30,625 Which is why you must go to Ajiro in my place. 139 00:18:34,666 --> 00:18:37,541 You're prisoner to your enemies, 140 00:18:38,916 --> 00:18:41,625 days from death-- 141 00:18:41,625 --> 00:18:45,625 and you want me to look into a barbarian ship? 142 00:18:45,625 --> 00:18:47,166 Please leave immediately. 143 00:18:51,375 --> 00:18:54,750 I wonder if you made a mistake, Hiromatsu. 144 00:18:57,291 --> 00:19:01,250 Siding with me instead of those bureaucrats who want me dead. 145 00:19:02,291 --> 00:19:05,458 The thought has crossed my mind. 146 00:19:25,125 --> 00:19:27,791 Everything is to remain on board for my uncle to inspect. 147 00:19:28,333 --> 00:19:29,666 Lord Yabushige? 148 00:19:30,708 --> 00:19:32,541 I sent word to him as soon as I could. 149 00:19:34,291 --> 00:19:37,166 He wants to see this in person. 150 00:19:40,666 --> 00:19:42,875 How can Jan see? Move over! 151 00:19:42,875 --> 00:19:45,291 Can you see what they're doing? Come on. 152 00:19:45,291 --> 00:19:47,166 I think they're towing her in. 153 00:19:47,166 --> 00:19:49,458 Can you tell what they are? Are they Catholic? 154 00:19:49,458 --> 00:19:50,541 Quiet! 155 00:19:50,541 --> 00:19:54,208 It's what I've been telling you. They're Japanese. 156 00:19:58,875 --> 00:20:01,000 Well, don't all thank your good fortune at once. 157 00:20:02,083 --> 00:20:07,916 We've reached it. Portugal's secret empire in the east. 158 00:20:07,916 --> 00:20:09,750 Impossible. 159 00:20:10,333 --> 00:20:13,458 - The orders are still on. - What part of this is still on? 160 00:20:13,458 --> 00:20:19,625 All I know is we had Spanish ships to the south and north of us 161 00:20:19,625 --> 00:20:20,958 out of Santa Maria. 162 00:20:21,458 --> 00:20:24,791 And this pilot got us through. 163 00:20:24,791 --> 00:20:28,000 We can still negotiate. We have goods to trade. 164 00:20:28,625 --> 00:20:31,000 Not to mention, I speak fluent Portuguese. 165 00:20:31,000 --> 00:20:36,500 As soon as the Portuguese tell them who we are, we'll be hanged. 166 00:20:37,041 --> 00:20:38,333 They don't know who we are 167 00:20:38,333 --> 00:20:41,666 because the rutters are still locked in the Captain-General's quarters. 168 00:20:43,958 --> 00:20:47,750 And as long as they stay that way, we are safe. 169 00:20:49,625 --> 00:20:51,125 We're just merchants... 170 00:20:53,458 --> 00:20:57,125 lost at sea, looking for safe passage home. 171 00:20:57,125 --> 00:20:59,041 You really think it'll work? 172 00:21:00,500 --> 00:21:02,833 Here's what you're missing, the lot of you. 173 00:21:03,333 --> 00:21:07,833 We've been caught alee, windless, a speck in the current. 174 00:21:08,458 --> 00:21:10,041 We've endured pestilence, 175 00:21:10,041 --> 00:21:12,875 known starvation, we've chewed the calfskin that covers the ropes. 176 00:21:12,875 --> 00:21:15,083 We should be corpses by now. 177 00:21:15,083 --> 00:21:16,333 But here we are. 178 00:21:17,916 --> 00:21:20,625 Twelve, shit-smelling... 179 00:21:21,916 --> 00:21:24,791 ...but generally able-bodied protestant scoundrels 180 00:21:25,666 --> 00:21:27,875 on a mission against a savage horde 181 00:21:29,250 --> 00:21:35,541 and the entire goddamn, motherless, shit-picking Portuguese fleet. 182 00:21:35,541 --> 00:21:37,000 Aye! 183 00:21:37,000 --> 00:21:39,250 Now I'd say our chances are fair. 184 00:21:43,708 --> 00:21:45,375 This is not where we die. 185 00:21:47,500 --> 00:21:49,583 Fuji, this has gone far enough... 186 00:21:50,166 --> 00:21:51,583 Stay back. 187 00:21:51,791 --> 00:21:53,500 It's our lord's order. Hand over our son! 188 00:21:53,500 --> 00:21:54,958 I won't do it! 189 00:22:01,625 --> 00:22:02,750 Fuji. 190 00:22:14,291 --> 00:22:19,250 Tadayoshi humiliated our lord in front of Lord Ishido 191 00:22:20,583 --> 00:22:22,791 then committed our son to die. 192 00:22:23,125 --> 00:22:27,083 I heard. I'm sorry. 193 00:22:27,083 --> 00:22:28,791 But I am forced to live. 194 00:22:28,791 --> 00:22:30,791 The order comes from our master. 195 00:22:30,791 --> 00:22:32,500 I am your husband-- ! 196 00:22:32,500 --> 00:22:37,166 And this is the granddaughter of Toda Hiromatsu, 197 00:22:38,416 --> 00:22:40,708 a name that should command your respect. 198 00:22:41,708 --> 00:22:46,083 Her family ends today because of what you've done. 199 00:22:46,416 --> 00:22:50,166 Who are you to treat her harshly? 200 00:22:57,333 --> 00:22:58,416 I'm sorry, 201 00:23:00,041 --> 00:23:02,083 but he's right. 202 00:23:03,833 --> 00:23:07,583 I know you feel the pull of death. 203 00:23:08,916 --> 00:23:11,291 I've felt it too. 204 00:23:12,875 --> 00:23:13,875 However, 205 00:23:16,083 --> 00:23:17,958 it's a mercy that you must reject. 206 00:23:19,708 --> 00:23:24,791 I'm not strong like you, Mariko. 207 00:23:26,625 --> 00:23:31,375 I can't remain in this world without purpose. 208 00:23:31,375 --> 00:23:34,708 If he's ordered you to live, 209 00:23:35,083 --> 00:23:39,916 then that is your purpose. 210 00:23:53,875 --> 00:23:56,875 Let her hands be the last to hold her son. 211 00:24:50,541 --> 00:24:52,083 God-- 212 00:24:54,833 --> 00:24:57,791 forgive me. 213 00:25:27,083 --> 00:25:31,250 Your uncle never set foot in this village before. 214 00:25:31,875 --> 00:25:34,250 Not even when your father died. 215 00:25:35,916 --> 00:25:37,500 We must all make the most of this moment. 216 00:25:38,125 --> 00:25:43,750 Only Lord Yabushige can give you the fief you deserve. 217 00:26:07,708 --> 00:26:09,083 Prisoners come up! 218 00:26:12,041 --> 00:26:13,083 Worthless cowards-- 219 00:26:13,083 --> 00:26:16,333 You are ordered by Yabushige, Lord of Izu, 220 00:26:16,333 --> 00:26:17,833 to come up and present yourself. 221 00:26:17,958 --> 00:26:20,708 Hello there. You the leader of these men? 222 00:26:22,875 --> 00:26:24,250 My name is John Blackthorne, 223 00:26:24,250 --> 00:26:26,583 and I would very much like to speak to you. 224 00:26:27,083 --> 00:26:29,375 All men come up now. 225 00:26:30,083 --> 00:26:32,333 If it's agreeable I will come up alone. 226 00:26:32,916 --> 00:26:35,416 I don't understand what you're saying. Come up, all of you! 227 00:26:35,541 --> 00:26:37,875 They'll kill you, Pilot. - Look at their swords. 228 00:26:37,875 --> 00:26:38,833 Bring them up! 229 00:26:39,500 --> 00:26:41,208 Look out! 230 00:26:41,791 --> 00:26:43,750 No, no, no, no. Don't fight them. 231 00:26:45,166 --> 00:26:47,000 Go up the ladder! Stop resisting! 232 00:26:47,291 --> 00:26:48,291 Everybody up! 233 00:26:48,500 --> 00:26:51,041 No, no violence. We need him alive. 234 00:26:51,166 --> 00:26:52,166 Bring it over! 235 00:27:01,166 --> 00:27:02,791 Come back up! 236 00:27:07,041 --> 00:27:08,583 Filthy savages. 237 00:27:08,583 --> 00:27:10,625 You fucking savages. 238 00:27:11,250 --> 00:27:14,541 Now I will come up alone and speak for my men. 239 00:27:15,208 --> 00:27:17,833 You keep hold of him, in case I don't come back. 240 00:27:21,583 --> 00:27:24,708 Pilot! Pilot! 241 00:27:24,708 --> 00:27:25,958 Bastards! 242 00:27:37,750 --> 00:27:39,333 I submit. 243 00:27:40,083 --> 00:27:41,416 I submit. 244 00:27:41,416 --> 00:27:43,125 We are merchants. 245 00:27:43,750 --> 00:27:49,541 I request we be released to the safety of our ship. 246 00:27:50,333 --> 00:27:52,083 We mean you no harm. 247 00:27:52,375 --> 00:27:53,541 Muraji. 248 00:27:53,541 --> 00:27:55,125 You're Christian. 249 00:27:55,125 --> 00:27:56,250 You speak Portuguese? 250 00:27:56,250 --> 00:27:57,333 Very little. 251 00:27:57,333 --> 00:27:59,041 Tell him to behave. 252 00:28:02,916 --> 00:28:06,291 Omi-sama say, "be good". 253 00:28:11,208 --> 00:28:12,875 Is this the Japans? 254 00:28:12,875 --> 00:28:15,291 [in English] Yes. 255 00:28:15,291 --> 00:28:19,500 How do I say, "I-I understand" in your language? 256 00:28:25,791 --> 00:28:28,750 I ask for my men to be freed. 257 00:28:28,750 --> 00:28:30,458 Not possible. 258 00:28:30,458 --> 00:28:32,625 I beg you in the name of decency. 259 00:28:32,625 --> 00:28:36,500 Please, in Japan, must be good. 260 00:28:38,833 --> 00:28:40,583 If this is how he treats guests, 261 00:28:41,333 --> 00:28:48,291 tell this poxy little bastard I piss on his whole damn country. 262 00:29:08,125 --> 00:29:10,166 You're a foul-mannered savage. 263 00:29:16,458 --> 00:29:18,000 "Understand?" 264 00:29:41,625 --> 00:29:43,208 Is this man a Christian? 265 00:29:43,375 --> 00:29:44,583 We don't know... 266 00:29:44,916 --> 00:29:46,500 Please! Stay away! 267 00:29:46,875 --> 00:29:48,875 Why is he being held prisoner? 268 00:29:48,875 --> 00:29:49,708 Enough! 269 00:29:50,041 --> 00:29:50,958 Back off! 270 00:30:22,083 --> 00:30:23,458 Where is this translator? 271 00:30:31,916 --> 00:30:35,166 Lord Yabushige, honored I that you come village. 272 00:30:37,375 --> 00:30:38,958 He's the best priest you have? 273 00:30:42,708 --> 00:30:45,916 Priest, you will translate for me and this barbarian. 274 00:30:46,625 --> 00:30:48,208 Who is he? 275 00:30:48,208 --> 00:30:50,583 And why is he here? 276 00:30:50,583 --> 00:30:54,833 Our busho, Lord of Izu, Kashigi Yabushige, 277 00:30:54,833 --> 00:30:58,833 he asks to know who you are and how you came to this land. 278 00:30:58,833 --> 00:31:00,291 Who are you? 279 00:31:00,291 --> 00:31:02,166 A servant of God. 280 00:31:03,041 --> 00:31:08,291 Your God. First make that distinction, you papist prick. 281 00:31:08,291 --> 00:31:12,000 Priest. Why is he angry with you? 282 00:31:12,208 --> 00:31:13,666 Him evil. 283 00:31:13,833 --> 00:31:15,333 Make death. 284 00:31:15,541 --> 00:31:16,416 Pirate. 285 00:31:19,166 --> 00:31:23,000 My name is John Blackthorne. I'm English. 286 00:31:23,750 --> 00:31:25,250 Pilot of the Erasmus. 287 00:31:25,250 --> 00:31:28,708 A Dutch merchant vessel. We were blown off course two months ago. 288 00:31:28,708 --> 00:31:30,958 Lies! That is a Dutch privateer 289 00:31:30,958 --> 00:31:35,166 and you're a pirate come to war on a peaceful Portuguese settlement. 290 00:31:35,166 --> 00:31:37,333 Priest! Translate. 291 00:31:37,750 --> 00:31:40,083 Very bad man. 292 00:31:40,083 --> 00:31:44,250 Make murder Japan and Portuguese. 293 00:31:45,500 --> 00:31:47,250 They don't know about us, do they? 294 00:31:49,208 --> 00:31:51,416 You've told them Portugal's the only flag in Europe. 295 00:31:53,166 --> 00:31:56,291 Which means I am the first English sailor to reach your Catholic treasury. 296 00:31:57,000 --> 00:31:59,375 And you have no intention of translating my words. 297 00:32:03,000 --> 00:32:04,875 I beg your king for parley. 298 00:32:05,541 --> 00:32:07,875 I humbly ask for safe passage. 299 00:32:10,041 --> 00:32:12,541 Tell him his ship is confiscated. 300 00:32:15,125 --> 00:32:19,125 Yabushige-sama says your heretic ship now belongs to him. 301 00:32:19,750 --> 00:32:22,666 You will soon be executed as will your men. 302 00:32:26,333 --> 00:32:28,125 I am not one of them! 303 00:32:28,750 --> 00:32:34,250 And I will not be spoken for by Catholics. 304 00:32:34,250 --> 00:32:36,833 Not in Europe and certainly not in this dark place. 305 00:32:45,250 --> 00:32:47,125 Bring him to a house and bathe him. 306 00:32:48,041 --> 00:32:49,583 Lord! Danger! 307 00:32:50,916 --> 00:32:53,541 Pirate must die! 308 00:32:54,041 --> 00:32:56,583 Do you have proof he's actually a pirate? 309 00:32:57,708 --> 00:32:59,333 Insult to Cross! 310 00:33:01,250 --> 00:33:03,833 I don't have time for this Christian nonsense. 311 00:33:04,166 --> 00:33:08,041 Pirate must die! 312 00:33:08,875 --> 00:33:12,625 Fine. But choose another in his place. 313 00:33:13,291 --> 00:33:15,208 We'll do it in my special way. 314 00:33:21,291 --> 00:33:25,541 Well, I'm sorry, Father. We'll be all over this continent soon. 315 00:33:25,541 --> 00:33:29,000 Go back in your sty, dick up your arse. 316 00:33:33,000 --> 00:33:34,916 Try harder, Uncle. 317 00:33:34,916 --> 00:33:37,458 You always lose! 318 00:33:37,833 --> 00:33:40,000 This is a new game for me, Lord. 319 00:33:40,666 --> 00:33:43,166 It's too complicated for an old man. 320 00:33:43,708 --> 00:33:46,250 Didn't you learn how to play when you were small? 321 00:33:46,833 --> 00:33:49,000 When I was your age, 322 00:33:49,000 --> 00:33:51,500 I was honored to be a hostage. 323 00:33:52,541 --> 00:33:54,333 Until I was this tall, 324 00:33:54,750 --> 00:33:58,166 I was traded amongst enemies. 325 00:33:59,583 --> 00:34:00,750 Lord Yaechiyo, 326 00:34:01,000 --> 00:34:03,041 you'll be late for your writing lesson, 327 00:34:03,041 --> 00:34:05,208 as you well know. 328 00:34:05,625 --> 00:34:07,750 Hello, Daiyoin. 329 00:34:08,083 --> 00:34:11,291 I want to practice archery instead. 330 00:34:11,916 --> 00:34:16,166 A leader must write clearly and beautifully. 331 00:34:16,875 --> 00:34:19,500 He must be the very best in all things. 332 00:34:19,958 --> 00:34:23,166 This is what my mother says too. 333 00:34:23,166 --> 00:34:26,708 Is she coming home from your castle soon? 334 00:34:27,541 --> 00:34:31,000 Yes, absolutely. 335 00:34:31,000 --> 00:34:34,666 Go to writing practice. 336 00:34:39,041 --> 00:34:41,458 I can't imagine 337 00:34:41,458 --> 00:34:45,666 what Ishido promised the Regents to fall in line. 338 00:34:46,375 --> 00:34:49,125 My fief, probably. 339 00:34:50,708 --> 00:34:54,250 He'll kill them next. 340 00:34:55,875 --> 00:34:57,166 And then the child. 341 00:34:58,250 --> 00:34:59,916 It's the Dark Centuries starting again. 342 00:35:00,333 --> 00:35:05,208 I'll protect the Heir with my life. 343 00:35:05,750 --> 00:35:08,583 If only you could stop them. 344 00:35:09,458 --> 00:35:13,916 It's not your name "Yoshii Toranaga" they fear-- 345 00:35:14,625 --> 00:35:18,000 It's your Minowara bloodline. 346 00:35:20,750 --> 00:35:24,666 I don't seek the title of my ancestors. 347 00:35:25,666 --> 00:35:27,583 Because you are a good man. 348 00:35:28,166 --> 00:35:32,208 But now is not the time for good men. 349 00:35:33,708 --> 00:35:37,333 It is time for a Shōgun. 350 00:35:40,750 --> 00:35:42,958 And I've told you before-- 351 00:35:44,291 --> 00:35:47,291 I don't seek to be Shōgun. 352 00:35:48,166 --> 00:35:50,166 That title is a brutal relic. 353 00:35:50,166 --> 00:35:53,291 From a bygone era. 354 00:36:04,791 --> 00:36:07,708 This was planted the hour Yaechiyo was born. 355 00:36:08,500 --> 00:36:11,208 The splint supports its growth. 356 00:36:12,208 --> 00:36:14,458 Like you and the boy. 357 00:36:16,125 --> 00:36:19,666 What happens to him if you're gone? 358 00:36:35,000 --> 00:36:37,916 Please! We're just merchants! 359 00:36:38,500 --> 00:36:40,625 Please! 360 00:36:40,625 --> 00:36:44,416 We're just merchants! For the love of God! 361 00:36:44,416 --> 00:36:46,291 Please, no! 362 00:36:46,291 --> 00:36:48,416 No! 363 00:36:48,416 --> 00:36:51,625 Please! No! 364 00:36:55,375 --> 00:36:58,333 Please! 365 00:36:58,875 --> 00:37:01,291 Please! 366 00:37:08,291 --> 00:37:10,541 Please! 367 00:37:28,708 --> 00:37:34,375 I'm sorry for the discomfort my lord has caused your village. 368 00:37:35,083 --> 00:37:39,666 It won't be much longer now. 369 00:37:40,333 --> 00:37:41,833 My lord, 370 00:37:42,750 --> 00:37:45,500 he's obsessed with the moment of death. 371 00:37:45,875 --> 00:37:47,875 When you are powerless, 372 00:37:49,041 --> 00:37:51,041 and it's inevitable-- 373 00:37:51,916 --> 00:37:55,708 how a man faces such a moment. 374 00:37:58,541 --> 00:38:03,083 This is the closest 375 00:38:03,083 --> 00:38:06,000 he can get. 376 00:38:31,000 --> 00:38:33,583 I kept waiting, but... nothing. 377 00:38:38,041 --> 00:38:41,791 His final moment came and went. 378 00:38:41,791 --> 00:38:44,750 Like everyone else... inarticulate. 379 00:38:45,375 --> 00:38:47,916 Lord. This is Kiku. 380 00:38:47,916 --> 00:38:50,125 The most celebrated courtesan in Izu. 381 00:38:51,625 --> 00:38:54,958 It is my honor to serve 382 00:38:56,916 --> 00:39:01,250 and my duty to please. 383 00:39:05,291 --> 00:39:07,541 What are you looking at with your pervert eyes? 384 00:39:34,541 --> 00:39:36,000 What are you doing? 385 00:40:02,750 --> 00:40:04,416 Shall I stop? 386 00:40:06,333 --> 00:40:07,375 Go on. 387 00:41:18,583 --> 00:41:20,208 Christ. 388 00:41:20,958 --> 00:41:23,208 Oh. 389 00:41:30,500 --> 00:41:31,583 Good morning. 390 00:41:37,541 --> 00:41:38,541 Where are my boots? 391 00:41:41,916 --> 00:41:44,375 The barbarian took a long time to die. 392 00:41:53,166 --> 00:41:56,125 He was stronger than most Christians. 393 00:42:04,125 --> 00:42:07,333 Give me a poem about him. 394 00:42:18,250 --> 00:42:19,583 His eyes... 395 00:42:21,125 --> 00:42:25,000 were just the end of Hell 396 00:42:25,875 --> 00:42:27,375 all pain, 397 00:42:28,583 --> 00:42:30,250 articulate. 398 00:42:43,125 --> 00:42:45,041 Heard a man screaming last night. 399 00:42:45,041 --> 00:42:46,750 Sounded as though he was in terrible pain. 400 00:42:47,791 --> 00:42:49,000 This is very tight. 401 00:42:51,708 --> 00:42:54,833 Well, listen, if it's amenable to, uh, to either of you I-- 402 00:42:57,250 --> 00:43:00,333 I'd very much like to speak to your leader again. 403 00:43:01,708 --> 00:43:03,791 With the swords, the man with the swords. 404 00:43:09,916 --> 00:43:12,083 Wonderful. 405 00:43:13,333 --> 00:43:16,958 You've managed this village well since your father's death. 406 00:43:18,208 --> 00:43:20,333 How long has it been? 407 00:43:20,791 --> 00:43:22,875 Almost a year. 408 00:43:24,833 --> 00:43:26,583 Your fief is increased to 3000 koku. 409 00:43:28,250 --> 00:43:30,416 I'll see to it as soon as I'm home. 410 00:43:33,666 --> 00:43:35,625 Uncle, if I may... 411 00:43:35,625 --> 00:43:41,166 You're not going to tell Lord Toranaga about the barbarian ship? 412 00:43:43,333 --> 00:43:46,125 Our lord Toranaga is trapped in Osaka. 413 00:43:47,291 --> 00:43:50,625 I told him it was madness, but he went anyway. 414 00:43:55,541 --> 00:43:58,208 Why tell a dead man the future? 415 00:43:59,375 --> 00:44:00,416 Then... 416 00:44:01,458 --> 00:44:03,458 you have other plans. 417 00:44:04,916 --> 00:44:06,166 What do you think? 418 00:44:06,291 --> 00:44:09,583 In these uncertain times-- what comes next? 419 00:44:12,250 --> 00:44:15,875 After Lord Toranaga is dead, no doubt there will be war. 420 00:44:16,291 --> 00:44:18,750 Lord Ishido will be the most powerful Regent, 421 00:44:19,458 --> 00:44:23,291 but he'd next have to contend with the Christian lords. 422 00:44:24,416 --> 00:44:26,250 With their Christian weapons. 423 00:44:27,000 --> 00:44:29,791 So a lord who possesses a ship with these weapons 424 00:44:29,791 --> 00:44:32,250 would make a valuable ally to anyone. 425 00:44:35,583 --> 00:44:39,083 My brother never told me about his son's great qualities. 426 00:44:41,833 --> 00:44:42,833 Lord! 427 00:44:45,208 --> 00:44:46,875 A ship's arrived. 428 00:45:05,166 --> 00:45:06,500 Hiromatsu. 429 00:45:06,500 --> 00:45:08,541 You honor me by coming to one of my villages. 430 00:45:08,958 --> 00:45:10,416 Yabushige. 431 00:45:11,500 --> 00:45:15,375 Lord Toranaga had requested you wait for him in Edo. 432 00:45:17,750 --> 00:45:20,833 We've seized a foreign ship and its crew. 433 00:45:21,916 --> 00:45:23,875 I felt it was important to our cause to be here. 434 00:45:23,875 --> 00:45:25,333 And where are the cannon? 435 00:45:27,166 --> 00:45:30,333 I'm told there are five hundreds muskets, twenty cannon, 436 00:45:31,208 --> 00:45:35,916 and several crates of silver and gold on board that ship. 437 00:45:39,000 --> 00:45:40,958 I had everything brought ashore. 438 00:45:41,083 --> 00:45:42,083 Good. 439 00:45:42,833 --> 00:45:46,250 As President of Foreign Relations, 440 00:45:46,666 --> 00:45:50,625 Lord Toranaga confiscates this ship... and all it contains. 441 00:45:52,083 --> 00:45:53,666 With respect. 442 00:45:54,333 --> 00:45:57,291 Izu is my fief. 443 00:45:58,750 --> 00:46:00,625 So sorry... 444 00:46:01,791 --> 00:46:06,708 It was my understanding that you were loyal to our lord. 445 00:46:20,916 --> 00:46:23,291 Of course I am. 446 00:46:25,000 --> 00:46:28,625 Obviously, the ship is already his. 447 00:46:30,041 --> 00:46:33,666 It's a gift, though I had wanted it to be a surprise. 448 00:46:35,791 --> 00:46:40,041 He'll be pleased with your generosity. 449 00:46:45,250 --> 00:46:47,583 He knew everything. 450 00:46:50,250 --> 00:46:51,916 There's a spy in your village. 451 00:46:53,041 --> 00:46:54,708 Where am I being taken? 452 00:46:56,750 --> 00:46:58,875 You. You look at me. 453 00:46:58,875 --> 00:47:01,125 - You murder prisoners without a trial. - Shut that pilot's mouth. 454 00:47:01,125 --> 00:47:03,208 Is that how it's done here? 455 00:47:03,208 --> 00:47:04,291 Is this him? 456 00:47:07,375 --> 00:47:09,333 Tell him he's being taken to Osaka. 457 00:47:09,916 --> 00:47:12,166 You go Osaka. 458 00:47:12,166 --> 00:47:15,625 I go nowhere until I see my men. 459 00:47:15,625 --> 00:47:18,666 Hey, hey, piss-eating bastards! 460 00:47:18,666 --> 00:47:20,000 Forbidden! 461 00:47:20,666 --> 00:47:22,333 Is he the pilot? 462 00:47:22,333 --> 00:47:23,750 Pilot? 463 00:47:24,291 --> 00:47:25,208 Lord Hiromatsu. 464 00:47:25,541 --> 00:47:28,291 Lord Rodrigues will take care of him. 465 00:47:28,291 --> 00:47:31,708 Give him drink, then blow head off. 466 00:47:34,041 --> 00:47:37,208 Bow. Bow to the bastard-sama if you wanna live. 467 00:47:37,208 --> 00:47:38,916 The man is like a king here. 468 00:47:39,416 --> 00:47:40,916 And tell him, goyosha wo. 469 00:47:41,875 --> 00:47:42,958 Pardon me. 470 00:47:46,208 --> 00:47:48,250 To all the shit-eating samas, eh? Come. 471 00:47:50,875 --> 00:47:53,375 - You're pilot of that Dutchman, eh? - Who are you? 472 00:47:53,375 --> 00:47:56,666 Young little shit, aren't you? What's the latitude of a Lizard? 473 00:47:57,291 --> 00:48:02,000 Forty-nine degrees, 56 minutes north and watch out for the reefs, south-southwest. 474 00:48:02,000 --> 00:48:05,083 Or they'll send you tits up. By God, you are a pilot. 475 00:48:05,083 --> 00:48:06,583 And inglés too. Fuck me. 476 00:48:06,583 --> 00:48:10,000 Listen, sir, you speak Japanese. I must know if my crew is alive. 477 00:48:12,083 --> 00:48:14,541 Samurai. Pilot friends? 478 00:48:14,958 --> 00:48:16,250 One has been executed. 479 00:48:16,833 --> 00:48:18,833 The rest are prisoners of Lord Yabushige. 480 00:48:18,833 --> 00:48:21,208 Good news. Only one of your crew is dead, 481 00:48:21,208 --> 00:48:23,958 and the Jappers say they'll free the rest of them if you play nice. 482 00:48:23,958 --> 00:48:25,750 Who of my men is dead? 483 00:48:25,750 --> 00:48:28,750 Here it is, Inglés, your crew belongs to them now. 484 00:48:28,750 --> 00:48:32,583 Maybe you'll see them if you get back. Maybe not, but it's out of your hands, eh. 485 00:48:35,916 --> 00:48:38,708 Where are we going? - Osaka. Big city. 486 00:48:38,708 --> 00:48:41,125 The great Lord Yoshii Toranaga wants to meet you. 487 00:48:42,208 --> 00:48:43,666 And what does he want with me? 488 00:48:43,666 --> 00:48:45,916 Play with your balls maybe. How should I know? 489 00:48:45,916 --> 00:48:48,250 But he's a powerful sort, so I might let him. 490 00:48:49,625 --> 00:48:51,208 More powerful than those men? 491 00:48:51,208 --> 00:48:52,625 Lord of the Kanto? 492 00:48:52,625 --> 00:48:56,083 A million of them fanatics would die for the honor of wiping his ass. 493 00:48:59,583 --> 00:49:01,250 I didn't catch your name, friend. 494 00:49:02,041 --> 00:49:06,250 Rodrigues, and I'm a Spaniard who sails for the Portuguese. I'm not your friend. 495 00:49:07,958 --> 00:49:09,916 Any chance of me boarding my ship, Rodrigues? 496 00:49:09,916 --> 00:49:12,416 Yeah. Yeah, just as soon as you lick my jib. 497 00:49:12,416 --> 00:49:15,333 Listen, Inglés, no more tricks. 498 00:49:15,333 --> 00:49:17,916 I told these samas that I'd be responsible for you. 499 00:49:17,916 --> 00:49:20,791 So do us both a favor, blow her a kiss. 500 00:49:25,791 --> 00:49:27,041 Row! 501 00:49:27,875 --> 00:49:29,250 Row! 502 00:49:29,833 --> 00:49:30,666 Row! 503 00:49:34,708 --> 00:49:37,625 Going to Osaka just to become a prisoner. 504 00:49:39,000 --> 00:49:41,250 Feels wrong, no? 505 00:49:55,458 --> 00:49:59,166 Be a storm by sunset. - Ah, we should head northwest. 506 00:49:59,166 --> 00:50:01,958 This crew will love to keep within sight of land. 507 00:50:03,708 --> 00:50:05,125 Came over with the Portuguese? 508 00:50:05,791 --> 00:50:07,416 Sail for a living. 509 00:50:08,333 --> 00:50:10,375 How'd you get here anyway? 510 00:50:10,375 --> 00:50:13,458 Came by Magellan's Pass, merchant mission. 511 00:50:14,083 --> 00:50:18,625 Captain-General held us in Chile too long. I warned him the winds would die. 512 00:50:19,125 --> 00:50:20,250 He wouldn't listen. 513 00:50:21,666 --> 00:50:24,333 And now command rests on you. 514 00:50:24,333 --> 00:50:26,916 That's some fate. Shukumei. 515 00:50:29,375 --> 00:50:31,458 What is that word? Shukumei? 516 00:50:31,458 --> 00:50:34,416 Shukum-- It's like an attitude out here. 517 00:50:34,416 --> 00:50:35,708 It's, uh, karma. 518 00:50:36,208 --> 00:50:37,666 Uh, fate. 519 00:50:37,666 --> 00:50:39,125 Fixed destiny. 520 00:50:39,125 --> 00:50:42,375 Everything is connected, part of a whole. Life, death. 521 00:50:42,375 --> 00:50:45,000 You just have to accept your wee place. 522 00:50:52,666 --> 00:50:54,500 These people are godless savages. 523 00:50:54,500 --> 00:50:56,958 Or maybe they just don't give a shit what you think, 524 00:50:56,958 --> 00:50:58,708 young scheming little pirate. 525 00:50:59,833 --> 00:51:01,583 Why do you believe I'm a pirate? 526 00:51:01,583 --> 00:51:04,041 You had 20 guns on that ship. 527 00:51:04,041 --> 00:51:07,625 Twenty guns to defend ourselves 528 00:51:07,625 --> 00:51:10,250 from unlawful Portuguese galleons piloted by Spanish dogs. 529 00:51:11,500 --> 00:51:13,833 We drifted here by accident. 530 00:51:13,833 --> 00:51:18,166 We're just merchants hoping to once again cast eyes on our coast of origin. 531 00:51:18,166 --> 00:51:21,750 I like you, Inglés, I do. 532 00:51:21,750 --> 00:51:25,208 In fact, given we have a long night ahead of us, 533 00:51:25,208 --> 00:51:28,166 I think I shall allow you the honor of taking this watch. 534 00:51:28,666 --> 00:51:29,916 Come. 535 00:51:30,583 --> 00:51:33,041 Kind of you to trust me. Well, why not? 536 00:51:33,041 --> 00:51:35,875 You're a pilot, not a godless savage, eh? 537 00:51:35,875 --> 00:51:37,291 Understand? 538 00:51:39,875 --> 00:51:40,750 Yes. 539 00:51:58,416 --> 00:52:00,958 Maybe we won't be dying in Osaka after all! 540 00:52:00,958 --> 00:52:04,583 We've got to turn ourselves into the swell! 541 00:52:05,583 --> 00:52:07,166 Where are your cojones, eh? 542 00:52:07,166 --> 00:52:10,375 Where they should be, by God, and where I'd like them to stay! 543 00:52:18,375 --> 00:52:21,208 Go below, get them to row! Can you swim? 544 00:52:21,875 --> 00:52:22,916 Can't you? 545 00:52:22,916 --> 00:52:25,833 Never learned! Better to drown quickly, right? 546 00:52:37,791 --> 00:52:40,708 Goddamn it! Into the swell! 547 00:52:40,708 --> 00:52:44,333 What? What are you still doing up here, you pirate bitch? 548 00:52:44,333 --> 00:52:46,458 Piss on the Spaniard who serves the Portuguese! 549 00:52:46,458 --> 00:52:48,375 Piss on all English! 550 00:52:50,791 --> 00:52:53,041 What is he up to? 551 00:52:54,208 --> 00:52:55,208 Row! 552 00:52:57,208 --> 00:52:59,208 Stand strong! 553 00:52:59,208 --> 00:53:02,666 Stand strong! Big swell coming! 554 00:53:05,750 --> 00:53:07,750 Row! 555 00:53:10,250 --> 00:53:12,000 Rodrigues! Pirate! 556 00:53:12,666 --> 00:53:18,625 Rodrigues! 557 00:53:29,208 --> 00:53:31,333 If you bastards wanna live, 558 00:53:32,208 --> 00:53:33,833 pull! 559 00:53:35,208 --> 00:53:36,041 Row! 560 00:53:36,875 --> 00:53:37,875 Row! 561 00:54:03,375 --> 00:54:05,000 The ship is ready. 562 00:54:05,375 --> 00:54:07,250 Everyone, we're leaving! 563 00:54:17,625 --> 00:54:18,708 What is he doing? 564 00:54:18,916 --> 00:54:20,625 Rodrigu-sama. 565 00:54:20,625 --> 00:54:23,583 Your pilot is somewhere... here. 566 00:54:23,583 --> 00:54:25,583 For all we know, he could still be breathing. 567 00:54:27,458 --> 00:54:32,041 I don't care what sort of savage whore-bitch turd you are, 568 00:54:32,708 --> 00:54:36,166 where I come from we don't leave a man behind. 569 00:54:39,791 --> 00:54:42,291 He's not wrong to search for the Spaniard. 570 00:54:42,291 --> 00:54:44,958 The man is a skilled pilot. 571 00:54:47,916 --> 00:54:50,041 You take him. Make it quick. 572 00:55:18,833 --> 00:55:19,750 Lord! I found him! 573 00:55:21,083 --> 00:55:21,916 He's there! 574 00:55:23,500 --> 00:55:25,125 Rodrigues! 575 00:55:26,375 --> 00:55:27,791 Move inland! 576 00:55:29,250 --> 00:55:30,916 I'm only trying to get a look. 577 00:55:30,916 --> 00:55:32,791 Don't let the pilot put himself in danger. 578 00:55:38,916 --> 00:55:40,500 I'll bring him up. 579 00:55:42,083 --> 00:55:43,083 Me. 580 00:55:48,291 --> 00:55:49,291 Oh, I see. 581 00:55:55,166 --> 00:55:58,041 You can't turn down a challenge in front of your men, can you? 582 00:56:01,750 --> 00:56:02,750 Go on, savage. 583 00:56:02,750 --> 00:56:05,083 Maybe the fall will kill you before you drown. 584 00:56:10,458 --> 00:56:12,125 Let's be fast about this. 585 00:56:12,125 --> 00:56:14,000 Lord, let me go in your place. 586 00:56:14,583 --> 00:56:15,958 Don't you see what he's doing? 587 00:56:16,208 --> 00:56:18,041 The barbarian wants me to fail. 588 00:56:18,041 --> 00:56:19,833 He's testing me. 589 00:56:19,833 --> 00:56:23,583 He's very simple, though he doesn't know it. 590 00:56:56,958 --> 00:56:58,333 Lord! 591 00:57:08,416 --> 00:57:10,541 Sorry about your sack of shit lord. 592 00:57:12,041 --> 00:57:13,791 Fetch more ropes from the ship! 593 00:57:36,541 --> 00:57:37,916 He's breathing! 594 00:57:38,708 --> 00:57:40,541 Rope is coming! 595 00:57:52,875 --> 00:57:53,791 Lord! 596 00:58:08,750 --> 00:58:10,750 Please grab onto something! 597 00:58:35,916 --> 00:58:38,291 Lord! Help is coming! 598 00:58:47,916 --> 00:58:49,625 What the hell is he doing? 599 00:59:55,625 --> 00:59:57,250 Good evening, Mariko. 600 00:59:57,666 --> 01:00:01,000 So sorry, my Lord-- I was told I'd be meeting my father-in-law. 601 01:00:01,708 --> 01:00:04,166 I sent Hiromatsu away on business. 602 01:00:04,583 --> 01:00:06,208 I asked for you. 603 01:00:08,125 --> 01:00:11,375 How long has it been since you married into my general's family? 604 01:00:12,041 --> 01:00:13,458 Sixteen years. 605 01:00:15,333 --> 01:00:18,166 And so rarely have we spoken. 606 01:00:20,708 --> 01:00:27,458 Thank you for helping Lady Fuji through her grief the other day. 607 01:00:28,458 --> 01:00:30,500 I wish I could have done more. 608 01:00:30,666 --> 01:00:32,125 Such a waste. 609 01:00:32,541 --> 01:00:35,208 Since Lord Ishido aligned the Council against me, 610 01:00:36,291 --> 01:00:40,458 death is everywhere I look. 611 01:00:42,208 --> 01:00:45,666 If the Regents vote for your impeachment, 612 01:00:46,375 --> 01:00:47,958 we will welcome death with you. 613 01:00:52,958 --> 01:00:54,916 I'm told you speak Portuguese. 614 01:00:55,458 --> 01:00:56,833 Only as a student. 615 01:00:58,166 --> 01:01:01,833 Your father-in-law is bringing a prisoner from Ajiro. 616 01:01:02,791 --> 01:01:04,666 A barbarian from a foreign ship. 617 01:01:05,791 --> 01:01:07,833 I want you to translate for us. 618 01:01:09,791 --> 01:01:13,291 Surely the Portuguese can send Tsuji to translate. 619 01:01:15,958 --> 01:01:18,541 It's been fourteen years since your father's death? 620 01:01:21,791 --> 01:01:22,750 Fourteen years 621 01:01:23,583 --> 01:01:24,750 and three months. 622 01:01:26,958 --> 01:01:30,708 Akechi Jinsai was brave and principled, 623 01:01:31,333 --> 01:01:33,583 and I revered him. 624 01:01:38,500 --> 01:01:42,833 But I know it's haunted you. 625 01:01:42,833 --> 01:01:46,125 Not being permitted to join him in death. 626 01:01:47,916 --> 01:01:49,291 Like Fuji. 627 01:01:50,583 --> 01:01:55,250 Kept from the fight and robbed of your purpose. 628 01:01:56,833 --> 01:01:57,750 What if, 629 01:01:58,208 --> 01:01:59,875 as your liege lord, 630 01:01:59,875 --> 01:02:03,041 I could restore you to this purpose? 631 01:02:05,583 --> 01:02:10,083 The barbarian is an enemy of your faith. 632 01:02:10,833 --> 01:02:13,500 Would your loyalty to God 633 01:02:13,500 --> 01:02:18,833 conflict with your service to me? 634 01:02:20,208 --> 01:02:23,375 If I were just Christian, yes. 635 01:02:23,375 --> 01:02:24,291 But-- 636 01:02:26,083 --> 01:02:30,208 I have more than one heart. 637 01:02:32,875 --> 01:02:35,541 I think our fate has brought us together. 638 01:02:37,041 --> 01:02:38,416 You, me, 639 01:02:40,333 --> 01:02:44,875 and this barbarian who could turn the tide. 640 01:02:48,916 --> 01:02:50,375 My leg is on fire, 641 01:02:50,375 --> 01:02:53,666 my head is bursting, and my piss pot's full. 642 01:02:54,541 --> 01:02:56,500 You make a foul nurse, Inglés. 643 01:02:58,666 --> 01:03:02,625 That man was going to kill himself up on that cliff. 644 01:03:04,333 --> 01:03:06,208 He risked his life to save you, 645 01:03:07,250 --> 01:03:09,541 and when he knew he was done for in those waves, he didn't fight. 646 01:03:09,541 --> 01:03:13,083 He could have tried, but he just turned and drew his blade. 647 01:03:13,791 --> 01:03:17,166 He chose his death. What better end can a man hope for? 648 01:03:19,666 --> 01:03:21,250 Will I die here? 649 01:03:22,541 --> 01:03:23,541 Likely. 650 01:03:23,541 --> 01:03:27,250 How can you just accept being powerless to this madness? 651 01:03:27,916 --> 01:03:29,916 You mean to this life. 652 01:03:34,583 --> 01:03:37,916 One cannot resist the unseen path of nature. 653 01:03:37,916 --> 01:03:40,875 All we can do is accept our small part. 654 01:03:40,875 --> 01:03:42,041 It's bollocks. 655 01:03:43,583 --> 01:03:45,708 I fought too long, too hard to get here. 656 01:03:45,708 --> 01:03:47,833 I won't succumb to this madness. I won't, I can't. 657 01:03:49,208 --> 01:03:51,208 That's funny, I thought you washed up by accident. 658 01:03:55,708 --> 01:03:58,083 Listen, Pilot, I-I think it's only fair... 659 01:04:02,291 --> 01:04:03,708 I found this on your ship. 660 01:04:04,916 --> 01:04:08,708 This, uh, rutter was stolen off a Spanish sailor, I imagine. 661 01:04:08,708 --> 01:04:11,750 It's how you must have found your way through Magellan's Pass. 662 01:04:14,000 --> 01:04:16,041 Which means this belongs to you. 663 01:04:16,041 --> 01:04:19,958 It's a-- a list of all the Catholic bases 664 01:04:19,958 --> 01:04:23,750 that you and your so-called merchant crew were putting to the torch. 665 01:04:23,750 --> 01:04:26,125 I mean, real savage business if you ask me. 666 01:04:26,958 --> 01:04:27,958 Your orders, 667 01:04:27,958 --> 01:04:32,083 "Plunder any Spanish territory, reach the Japans, 668 01:04:32,083 --> 01:04:34,166 open trade in the New World." 669 01:04:34,750 --> 01:04:36,250 Which is why I'm warning you, 670 01:04:36,250 --> 01:04:38,541 these go to the Portuguese soon as I arrive. 671 01:04:50,583 --> 01:04:51,916 This isn't the end for me. 672 01:04:54,291 --> 01:04:56,083 I won't die in this wretched land. 673 01:04:58,583 --> 01:04:59,958 This wretched land? 674 01:05:03,041 --> 01:05:05,875 I tell you what, Inglés. We're coming into port soon. 675 01:05:05,875 --> 01:05:08,958 Why don't you go on up there? Go up and tell me what you see. 676 01:05:15,166 --> 01:05:18,000 And tell me when you set eyes on Osaka 677 01:05:18,000 --> 01:05:21,750 if you really think our world is the hilt of civilization. 678 01:05:28,375 --> 01:05:30,166 And then ask yourself 679 01:05:30,666 --> 01:05:34,458 what kind of man wields power in a land like this. 680 01:05:38,833 --> 01:05:40,875 The one who schemes in the open? 681 01:05:43,083 --> 01:05:44,750 Or the one you never see? 682 01:05:53,583 --> 01:05:57,416 There's a saying out here that every man has three hearts. 683 01:05:58,416 --> 01:06:00,833 One in his mouth for the world to know. 684 01:06:05,041 --> 01:06:08,041 Another in his chest just for his friends. 685 01:06:14,250 --> 01:06:19,083 And a secret heart buried deep where no one can find it. 686 01:06:23,708 --> 01:06:28,083 That is a heart a man must keep hidden if he wants to survive. 687 01:06:37,000 --> 01:06:39,041 You'll understand soon, Inglés. 688 01:06:41,500 --> 01:06:42,750 And who knows, 689 01:06:42,750 --> 01:06:46,333 maybe-- maybe fate brought you here for a reason. 690 01:06:54,833 --> 01:06:58,416 Maybe you'll live long enough to find out what it is.