1 00:00:19,791 --> 00:00:20,875 Lord Toranaga, 2 00:00:20,875 --> 00:00:23,333 in the year since the Taikō's death, 3 00:00:23,333 --> 00:00:25,416 we have watched with concern 4 00:00:25,416 --> 00:00:28,333 as you've aligned power against the Council. 5 00:00:29,416 --> 00:00:31,875 If we go to war now, four armies against one, I will lose. 6 00:00:31,875 --> 00:00:35,416 Which is why you must go to Ajiro in my place. 7 00:00:35,416 --> 00:00:39,041 Lord Toranaga confiscates this ship... and all it contains. 8 00:00:39,041 --> 00:00:42,166 Izu is my fief. 9 00:00:42,166 --> 00:00:47,625 It was my understanding that you were loyal to our lord. 10 00:00:53,875 --> 00:00:56,125 I think our fate has brought us together. 11 00:00:56,541 --> 00:00:57,875 You, me, 12 00:00:58,291 --> 00:01:02,125 and this barbarian who could turn the tide. 13 00:01:27,958 --> 00:01:32,000 Rest, husband. 14 00:01:32,791 --> 00:01:36,208 Please fix your mind on the Buddha. 15 00:01:36,208 --> 00:01:38,416 Where is my son? 16 00:01:45,541 --> 00:01:50,500 Like staring into your mother's eyes. 17 00:01:50,875 --> 00:01:54,208 Perfect endlessness. 18 00:01:56,708 --> 00:01:59,291 Don't be afraid. 19 00:01:59,541 --> 00:02:04,666 Soon I'll be reborn in the Pure Land. 20 00:02:04,791 --> 00:02:10,166 How will I find you there? 21 00:02:10,833 --> 00:02:14,416 Will you still have your eyelashes? 22 00:02:15,458 --> 00:02:17,583 And your fingernails? 23 00:02:22,958 --> 00:02:25,750 So strange, this life... 24 00:02:27,666 --> 00:02:30,958 Just a dream of a dream... 25 00:02:32,208 --> 00:02:34,416 Go to your mother. 26 00:02:42,083 --> 00:02:45,666 The Taikō would like to be alone. 27 00:03:10,333 --> 00:03:13,166 If he doesn't receive the Sacrament, 28 00:03:13,166 --> 00:03:15,125 he'll be lost to God's Kingdom. 29 00:03:15,958 --> 00:03:20,458 Or maybe God's Kingdom is up your own ass... 30 00:03:21,458 --> 00:03:23,041 Have you thought of that? 31 00:03:26,416 --> 00:03:27,583 Toranaga. 32 00:03:29,333 --> 00:03:31,166 Stay. 33 00:03:50,250 --> 00:03:52,458 To think there was a time 34 00:03:52,458 --> 00:03:56,458 when Ochiba could have been married to you. 35 00:03:56,750 --> 00:04:01,041 I never cared for beautiful women. 36 00:04:03,583 --> 00:04:06,333 And I cared too much. 37 00:04:08,916 --> 00:04:12,208 That night we had too much saké, 38 00:04:12,208 --> 00:04:15,208 do you remember what I told you? 39 00:04:15,833 --> 00:04:20,166 "We've shit too many times in the same pot 40 00:04:20,166 --> 00:04:23,750 to piss on our own feet." 41 00:04:26,208 --> 00:04:30,083 I wish we'd taken Joseon together. 42 00:04:30,750 --> 00:04:35,041 I could have given you Japan. 43 00:04:35,708 --> 00:04:39,125 Let it be a gift from your son. 44 00:04:41,458 --> 00:04:43,875 My son... 45 00:04:45,916 --> 00:04:49,708 The vultures are circling. 46 00:04:53,166 --> 00:04:56,541 What would you think... 47 00:04:56,541 --> 00:05:01,833 of becoming sole Regent until he is grown? 48 00:05:03,791 --> 00:05:09,916 If you were to protect him, I could grant you this title. 49 00:05:10,791 --> 00:05:16,500 Giving my enemies a perfect reason to unite. 50 00:05:17,916 --> 00:05:19,666 Killing me, 51 00:05:19,666 --> 00:05:22,583 then your son. 52 00:05:24,416 --> 00:05:29,625 I don't seek that cruel form of punishment. 53 00:05:32,833 --> 00:05:35,250 A very wise answer. 54 00:05:36,708 --> 00:05:42,416 It's been over 100 years since the end of any true Shōgunate. 55 00:05:43,541 --> 00:05:49,416 All my life I worked to subdue our infighting. 56 00:05:50,583 --> 00:05:57,458 Now, I fear the civil wars will start again. 57 00:05:58,958 --> 00:06:04,041 So I've ordered the formation of a Council of Regents. 58 00:06:04,333 --> 00:06:08,125 Ishido, Kiyama, Ohno, Sugiyama... 59 00:06:09,708 --> 00:06:11,666 and you. 60 00:06:12,625 --> 00:06:19,291 Sharing power until Yaechiyo is sixteen. 61 00:06:20,541 --> 00:06:23,041 A political stalemate. 62 00:06:24,583 --> 00:06:29,666 My lord is the cleverest in the Realm. 63 00:06:32,041 --> 00:06:34,166 I ask you to protect my son 64 00:06:34,166 --> 00:06:38,125 from his enemies and his friends. 65 00:06:40,250 --> 00:06:43,125 Teach him... 66 00:06:43,333 --> 00:06:46,333 the most important lesson... 67 00:06:48,708 --> 00:06:51,625 The man who stands at the greatest height... 68 00:06:51,833 --> 00:06:54,666 is the loneliest man in the Realm. 69 00:11:06,500 --> 00:11:09,708 Greetings, Lord Yaechiyo. 70 00:11:10,666 --> 00:11:13,291 Is he a cannibal, Tsuji? 71 00:11:14,125 --> 00:11:18,291 Toranaga says some barbarians eat humans. 72 00:11:18,708 --> 00:11:21,166 I don't know, Young Master. 73 00:11:21,166 --> 00:11:25,958 But I'll keep my distance, just in case. 74 00:11:40,000 --> 00:11:42,458 My apologies, Lord Toranaga. 75 00:11:42,750 --> 00:11:45,333 I hope I haven't kept you waiting. 76 00:11:48,666 --> 00:11:52,083 I hope Lady Mariko's presence doesn't offend. 77 00:11:52,083 --> 00:11:56,625 I asked that she be here to practice her Portuguese, 78 00:11:56,625 --> 00:11:58,958 since you are the master. 79 00:11:59,208 --> 00:12:01,916 You flatter me, Lord. 80 00:12:01,916 --> 00:12:05,708 Lady Maria's company is always welcome. 81 00:12:36,125 --> 00:12:40,666 The Anjin believes I cannot translate for him truthfully 82 00:12:40,916 --> 00:12:42,625 because I am Portuguese. 83 00:13:14,166 --> 00:13:17,541 I have given the Anjin the word "enemy" 84 00:13:17,541 --> 00:13:22,416 so he can indicate to you that we are not friends. 85 00:13:22,958 --> 00:13:25,375 Lady Maria, do you agree? 86 00:13:25,958 --> 00:13:28,458 The Father translates perfectly. 87 00:13:31,375 --> 00:13:37,375 Ask the barbarian why he is an enemy of my interpreter. 88 00:13:41,458 --> 00:13:44,666 He says that our countries are in conflict. 89 00:13:45,083 --> 00:13:46,291 And what is your country? 90 00:13:52,791 --> 00:13:54,250 His nation is England. 91 00:13:54,500 --> 00:13:57,250 One thousand miles from Portugal. 92 00:14:02,041 --> 00:14:03,875 Tell me. 93 00:14:04,000 --> 00:14:07,625 Why are you at war with Tsuji's kingdom? 94 00:14:13,625 --> 00:14:15,666 You are not Catholic? 95 00:14:23,000 --> 00:14:25,541 But both believe Jesus is God? 96 00:14:30,916 --> 00:14:33,041 Is this why you became a pirate? 97 00:14:34,416 --> 00:14:37,000 To wage war against your Catholic enemies, 98 00:14:37,000 --> 00:14:40,916 in the name of this God you don't quite believe in? 99 00:14:45,375 --> 00:14:47,916 What about your twenty cannon? 100 00:15:02,000 --> 00:15:04,541 What if it's us who dare stop you? 101 00:15:10,166 --> 00:15:13,750 I can, very easily. 102 00:15:14,750 --> 00:15:16,250 What then? 103 00:15:49,916 --> 00:15:53,625 I'm told you've invited a barbarian to this castle. 104 00:16:00,833 --> 00:16:03,958 How ugly. 105 00:16:03,958 --> 00:16:06,416 With a dog's face. 106 00:16:06,416 --> 00:16:09,125 We should exhibit him throughout the Empire. 107 00:16:09,125 --> 00:16:11,208 "The Freak from the West." 108 00:16:13,041 --> 00:16:15,083 I find it strange, 109 00:16:15,291 --> 00:16:17,875 with your impeachment so near, 110 00:16:17,875 --> 00:16:20,750 why you've taken an interest in this man. 111 00:16:20,750 --> 00:16:24,625 Surely your final days could be better spent. 112 00:16:26,041 --> 00:16:29,250 The Christians call him a heretic. Is it true? 113 00:16:29,583 --> 00:16:30,916 Yes, Lord Ishido. 114 00:16:31,875 --> 00:16:36,083 What an offense he must be to your faith. 115 00:16:37,875 --> 00:16:41,125 The heretic is of no value to me. 116 00:16:41,500 --> 00:16:45,833 If it pleases you, I'll have my son escort him to prison. 117 00:16:46,416 --> 00:16:49,041 I only wish to keep the peace. 118 00:17:46,708 --> 00:17:49,666 Were his eyes really blue? 119 00:17:50,750 --> 00:17:53,500 Think of the color of a shifting storm. 120 00:17:53,875 --> 00:17:54,916 And... 121 00:17:56,500 --> 00:18:00,041 hair color like this daikon? 122 00:18:01,583 --> 00:18:06,000 I'd say more like this gobo. 123 00:18:09,541 --> 00:18:13,500 You laugh with our son like he's a lady of the court. 124 00:18:28,625 --> 00:18:29,916 What's this about gobo? 125 00:18:30,958 --> 00:18:36,875 Today, Lord Toranaga invited Mother to meet a barbarian. 126 00:18:37,166 --> 00:18:39,833 Why were you summoned there? 127 00:18:42,041 --> 00:18:44,291 Our lord wished for me to practice my Portuguese. 128 00:18:45,666 --> 00:18:49,791 And why would he wish that? 129 00:18:54,500 --> 00:18:55,583 Maybe you know... 130 00:18:55,875 --> 00:18:58,791 why your mother should be anything outside this house? 131 00:19:07,625 --> 00:19:08,500 Father. 132 00:19:09,625 --> 00:19:10,750 Something to eat? 133 00:19:10,750 --> 00:19:13,291 No. No time. 134 00:19:13,291 --> 00:19:15,708 Lord Toranaga has called another meeting. 135 00:19:17,208 --> 00:19:18,916 Not you. 136 00:19:33,916 --> 00:19:35,791 Ah, Lady Mariko! 137 00:19:36,833 --> 00:19:41,000 Younger and more beautiful than ever. 138 00:19:41,916 --> 00:19:45,833 Lady Kiri, you are wise and warm and happy, 139 00:19:45,833 --> 00:19:49,041 and you bask in Lord Toranaga's favor. 140 00:19:49,291 --> 00:19:52,833 Just like Lady Shizu, ripe with his son. 141 00:19:53,708 --> 00:19:58,791 Lady Mariko hasn't changed one bit since we met. 142 00:19:59,791 --> 00:20:02,583 It was sixteen years ago, 143 00:20:02,583 --> 00:20:05,708 at the last feast given by Lord Kuroda. 144 00:20:06,416 --> 00:20:09,583 She was just married. 145 00:20:09,875 --> 00:20:15,916 Even then I knew she was rare. 146 00:20:15,916 --> 00:20:18,541 Don't bother my interpreter, Kiri. 147 00:20:19,541 --> 00:20:22,083 Kiri no kata, please. 148 00:20:22,416 --> 00:20:24,375 I'm an old woman 149 00:20:24,375 --> 00:20:27,250 and I need lots of respect before I'm dead. 150 00:20:28,333 --> 00:20:31,458 After all these years, she still picks on me. 151 00:20:31,875 --> 00:20:35,250 And you were as unmanageable then as you are now. 152 00:20:35,250 --> 00:20:37,125 Just like the size of your rump. 153 00:20:37,125 --> 00:20:38,333 You! 154 00:20:38,333 --> 00:20:41,333 In front of Lord Hiromatsu. 155 00:20:41,333 --> 00:20:46,625 Now I'll have to shave my head and become a nun. 156 00:20:49,500 --> 00:20:51,541 Excuse me, Lord. 157 00:20:58,041 --> 00:21:00,708 So. Your judgment on today? 158 00:21:01,416 --> 00:21:04,708 The Father is an honest man. 159 00:21:04,708 --> 00:21:08,541 His translation never deceived us. 160 00:21:09,083 --> 00:21:10,666 And the barbarian? 161 00:21:12,291 --> 00:21:16,500 My instinct is to guard against him. 162 00:21:19,083 --> 00:21:23,333 Did it offend you, what he said about your faith? 163 00:21:24,333 --> 00:21:28,291 My faith would not be sincere if it could not be tested. 164 00:21:30,541 --> 00:21:34,000 Lord, I'm not as clever as you, 165 00:21:34,000 --> 00:21:38,208 I know that very well. 166 00:21:38,208 --> 00:21:40,541 But what does any of this 167 00:21:40,541 --> 00:21:45,833 have to do with your impeachment? 168 00:21:47,458 --> 00:21:51,250 My grandchild was born in Edo this morning, 169 00:21:51,250 --> 00:21:55,250 and Lady Ochiba requested to return to Osaka. 170 00:21:55,666 --> 00:21:58,000 Obviously I've granted it. 171 00:21:58,000 --> 00:22:00,083 To do otherwise would have been a hostile act. 172 00:22:01,208 --> 00:22:03,916 So now we wait for the Council 173 00:22:03,916 --> 00:22:07,833 to vote on all of our deaths. 174 00:22:08,083 --> 00:22:09,125 Yes. 175 00:22:09,791 --> 00:22:11,583 But my spies tell me 176 00:22:11,583 --> 00:22:15,458 this barbarian troubles the Portuguese. 177 00:22:16,541 --> 00:22:20,875 They will soon ask the Christian Regents, Kiyama and Ohno, 178 00:22:20,875 --> 00:22:24,708 to protest his presence in Osaka. 179 00:22:24,708 --> 00:22:29,041 And why should we care about the Christian Regents? 180 00:22:36,125 --> 00:22:38,708 Because our lord can only be impeached 181 00:22:38,708 --> 00:22:43,000 if the Council votes as one. 182 00:22:44,416 --> 00:22:47,250 He uses the barbarian to sow division 183 00:22:47,250 --> 00:22:52,458 between Ishido and the Christian lords. 184 00:22:56,166 --> 00:23:00,833 You could use some of your daughter-in-law's intuition. 185 00:23:01,166 --> 00:23:03,708 Lord, but are you certain... 186 00:23:12,791 --> 00:23:13,875 Sankichi! 187 00:23:17,166 --> 00:23:18,166 Let's go. 188 00:23:35,916 --> 00:23:36,750 Hurry up. 189 00:24:10,583 --> 00:24:13,750 Make room for our friend. 190 00:27:48,083 --> 00:27:52,291 So the birth went well, the baby is healthy, 191 00:27:52,291 --> 00:27:55,166 and the Heir's mother has been permitted to leave Edo. 192 00:27:55,458 --> 00:27:59,500 It seems Toranaga will accept his fate. 193 00:28:00,875 --> 00:28:04,958 Thanks to your leadership, Lord Ishido. 194 00:28:06,166 --> 00:28:11,000 Thank me after we put an end to Toranaga's threat. 195 00:28:12,958 --> 00:28:15,583 Let us vote. 196 00:28:23,208 --> 00:28:26,000 Lord Ishido... 197 00:28:26,000 --> 00:28:29,791 There's one item of business. 198 00:28:31,541 --> 00:28:33,125 It concerns a heretic. 199 00:28:33,541 --> 00:28:35,625 Brought here by Toranaga. 200 00:28:37,500 --> 00:28:40,333 Yes, I saw him. 201 00:28:40,666 --> 00:28:44,916 I protested, and Toranaga sent him to prison. 202 00:28:46,416 --> 00:28:49,583 Unfortunately, his imprisonment is not sufficient. 203 00:28:50,750 --> 00:28:53,000 There have been unsettling stories 204 00:28:53,000 --> 00:28:57,125 about the massacre of Christians at this man's hand. 205 00:28:59,250 --> 00:29:00,541 Appalling. 206 00:29:01,583 --> 00:29:04,500 Is there proof? 207 00:29:05,000 --> 00:29:08,250 The priests possess the heretic's private letters. 208 00:29:09,791 --> 00:29:13,875 We must politely demand this man be executed. 209 00:29:15,416 --> 00:29:17,125 Before we vote. 210 00:29:22,333 --> 00:29:27,750 It's funny, what becomes clear as years go by. 211 00:29:28,958 --> 00:29:34,541 This morning I woke up and saw us as Toranaga must see us. 212 00:29:35,916 --> 00:29:37,125 Bureaucrats. 213 00:29:38,041 --> 00:29:40,458 While we are stamping our documents, 214 00:29:40,916 --> 00:29:46,666 Toranaga flaunts our rules and uses them against us. 215 00:29:47,333 --> 00:29:50,250 The heretic offends our God. 216 00:29:50,250 --> 00:29:54,833 I wonder if you'd be so devoted to this god, 217 00:29:54,833 --> 00:29:59,166 were it not for the riches his priests heap upon you. 218 00:30:03,291 --> 00:30:04,958 I won't delay this any further. 219 00:30:05,375 --> 00:30:08,083 I demand a vote on Toranaga. 220 00:30:08,458 --> 00:30:11,750 In the name of the Lord Jesus... 221 00:30:13,666 --> 00:30:15,541 the heretic first must die. 222 00:31:02,125 --> 00:31:03,166 Sōbei! 223 00:34:31,208 --> 00:34:34,916 What joy it brings me to see you keeping up your prayers. 224 00:34:35,458 --> 00:34:37,333 Ah, Father. 225 00:34:37,333 --> 00:34:39,333 Are you visiting Lord Toranaga? 226 00:34:39,750 --> 00:34:41,708 Dropping off papers. 227 00:34:42,208 --> 00:34:44,958 How long since your family arrived? 228 00:34:46,000 --> 00:34:48,625 We've been in Osaka for a week. 229 00:34:49,083 --> 00:34:49,916 Please. 230 00:36:07,750 --> 00:36:09,666 Lord, excuse me. 231 00:36:09,666 --> 00:36:11,625 Lord Ishido is here. 232 00:36:12,166 --> 00:36:13,000 Let him through. 233 00:36:20,041 --> 00:36:22,500 Here is the proud samurai 234 00:36:22,500 --> 00:36:25,208 I once pulled from under a mountain of Joseon corpses. 235 00:36:26,000 --> 00:36:32,333 And here is the proud general who will never let me forget it. 236 00:36:38,541 --> 00:36:44,958 Toranaga hasn't had the manners to host you at the castle? 237 00:36:44,958 --> 00:36:47,416 Somehow the invitation was lost. 238 00:36:48,166 --> 00:36:51,750 I never understood why you declared fealty to that Minowara. 239 00:36:53,041 --> 00:36:55,041 He knows nothing of gratitude. 240 00:36:56,125 --> 00:36:58,750 See those walls? 241 00:36:58,750 --> 00:37:02,083 When the Taikō was building this castle, 242 00:37:02,083 --> 00:37:05,125 all lords in the Realm gave their finest stones. 243 00:37:05,791 --> 00:37:10,750 He chose mine as the corner piece. 244 00:37:10,958 --> 00:37:15,625 And rewarded me with a seat on the Council. 245 00:37:15,625 --> 00:37:17,791 It's a fine stone. 246 00:37:19,458 --> 00:37:22,916 Tell me about this barbarian you brought to Osaka. 247 00:37:24,625 --> 00:37:26,875 He's a pirate. 248 00:37:26,875 --> 00:37:28,625 A man of little character. 249 00:37:28,625 --> 00:37:30,958 Brash and simple. 250 00:37:31,500 --> 00:37:35,166 What does Toranaga see in him? 251 00:37:35,750 --> 00:37:38,208 Perhaps it's what he represents. 252 00:37:38,208 --> 00:37:40,666 Twenty cannon, five hundred guns... 253 00:37:41,041 --> 00:37:44,208 Japan has such things. 254 00:37:46,125 --> 00:37:49,166 ...and a hatred of the Portuguese. 255 00:37:49,583 --> 00:37:53,291 He believes the Christian Regents will soon be our enemies. 256 00:37:53,291 --> 00:37:54,166 Nonsense. 257 00:37:55,375 --> 00:37:57,708 Our Council is united. 258 00:38:02,375 --> 00:38:05,375 But go on. 259 00:38:10,250 --> 00:38:15,583 I'm only thinking of the future. 260 00:38:15,583 --> 00:38:18,208 What might happen when Toranaga is impeached and dead. 261 00:38:18,833 --> 00:38:22,041 And you with him, as his ally. 262 00:38:22,041 --> 00:38:23,291 Yes that's true. 263 00:38:23,291 --> 00:38:26,416 But looking past myself... 264 00:38:26,416 --> 00:38:30,583 You would have the most power. 265 00:38:30,583 --> 00:38:35,583 Yet you would next have to contend with Kiyama and Ohno, 266 00:38:35,583 --> 00:38:38,375 with their Christian support. 267 00:38:40,333 --> 00:38:42,291 It's a war I would lose. 268 00:38:43,416 --> 00:38:46,750 But if you had this barbarian, 269 00:38:46,750 --> 00:38:50,000 and a vassal to control him, 270 00:38:50,000 --> 00:38:51,458 things might be different. 271 00:38:56,083 --> 00:39:00,791 It's only a shame I had to approve the barbarian's execution. 272 00:39:00,791 --> 00:39:04,000 The Christian Regents demanded it. 273 00:39:04,583 --> 00:39:06,750 There was nothing I could do. 274 00:39:14,291 --> 00:39:18,083 Then perhaps there's something I could do. 275 00:39:23,083 --> 00:39:24,208 Anjin! 276 00:39:47,166 --> 00:39:49,625 You are now a prisoner of Lord Kiyama. 277 00:40:17,166 --> 00:40:18,416 What are you doing on these grounds? 278 00:40:21,625 --> 00:40:22,708 Step out of the way! 279 00:40:25,291 --> 00:40:26,375 Bandits! 280 00:41:08,541 --> 00:41:09,666 Well done. 281 00:41:26,708 --> 00:41:27,833 Thank you. 282 00:41:33,375 --> 00:41:35,166 Listen to him. 283 00:41:35,666 --> 00:41:37,708 Speaking like a civilized man. 284 00:41:38,125 --> 00:41:40,333 He's a smart dog. 285 00:41:40,333 --> 00:41:42,041 Then, let me teach you this-- 286 00:41:42,041 --> 00:41:43,791 "I am a dog." 287 00:41:44,250 --> 00:41:45,458 Say it. 288 00:41:45,458 --> 00:41:47,375 "I am a dog." 289 00:41:48,166 --> 00:41:50,375 I am a dog. 290 00:41:50,375 --> 00:41:53,541 That's right. Good boy. 291 00:41:53,541 --> 00:41:56,333 Now, on your knees. Dogs kneel down. 292 00:41:56,916 --> 00:41:58,458 Yes, "I am a dog." That's right. 293 00:42:01,791 --> 00:42:02,791 Thank you. 294 00:42:03,708 --> 00:42:05,458 All he wants is a good master. 295 00:42:20,708 --> 00:42:22,791 My greatest appreciation, Yabushige. 296 00:42:23,333 --> 00:42:27,166 You've now brought me this barbarian twice. 297 00:42:27,666 --> 00:42:30,166 I was only lucky... 298 00:42:30,166 --> 00:42:34,791 On his way to his execution, he was ambushed by bandits. 299 00:42:34,791 --> 00:42:37,333 I only happened to be passing by. 300 00:42:37,333 --> 00:42:38,916 You do have a way 301 00:42:38,916 --> 00:42:42,500 of being in the right place at the right time. 302 00:42:47,875 --> 00:42:50,250 He's dirty. 303 00:42:52,041 --> 00:42:54,416 May I tell him he needs a bath? 304 00:42:54,416 --> 00:42:56,208 Of course, Lord. 305 00:42:56,208 --> 00:42:59,416 But first let us welcome our translator. 306 00:43:39,833 --> 00:43:42,333 Tell the Anjin, 307 00:43:42,333 --> 00:43:45,333 I hope his time in prison wasn't too difficult. 308 00:43:57,708 --> 00:43:59,291 He thanks you. 309 00:43:59,791 --> 00:44:03,541 Our young lord wishes to know about his country. 310 00:44:04,083 --> 00:44:07,458 Its rulers and customs. 311 00:44:37,291 --> 00:44:40,333 He claims not to be our enemy, 312 00:44:40,333 --> 00:44:43,291 and says his Queen extends friendship. 313 00:44:45,416 --> 00:44:47,541 Give the Anjin a ladle. 314 00:44:47,958 --> 00:44:51,291 Young Lord, forgive us for disrespecting your garden. 315 00:44:51,541 --> 00:44:53,291 But I would now like for the Anjin 316 00:44:53,291 --> 00:44:55,541 to draw a map of the world as he knows it. 317 00:45:45,083 --> 00:45:48,916 He points out Japan, and England. 318 00:45:52,625 --> 00:45:55,500 He came through this land mass. 319 00:46:01,958 --> 00:46:05,208 Says it was a Portuguese and Spanish secret. 320 00:46:16,458 --> 00:46:20,958 He claims there is a Portuguese base in Macao. 321 00:46:38,166 --> 00:46:42,375 A secret base for gun running. It contains ronin. 322 00:46:42,375 --> 00:46:46,041 The guns were used during the uprising... 323 00:46:46,791 --> 00:46:50,833 I think against the Taikō. I'm not sure. 324 00:46:52,166 --> 00:46:55,500 Tell the Anjin, later I will want detail to this map. 325 00:46:55,500 --> 00:47:00,375 With all Portuguese bases marked. 326 00:47:26,416 --> 00:47:28,208 He believes Portugal and Spain 327 00:47:28,208 --> 00:47:31,708 have divided up this region. 328 00:47:31,708 --> 00:47:33,958 He claims that Japan... 329 00:47:35,125 --> 00:47:37,666 belongs to the Portuguese. 330 00:47:38,458 --> 00:47:42,666 Did he really say "belongs"? 331 00:47:43,458 --> 00:47:44,916 Yes, Lord. 332 00:47:46,041 --> 00:47:47,291 Absurd-- 333 00:47:47,291 --> 00:47:50,333 Why not just split the heavens between ourselves and China? 334 00:47:50,333 --> 00:47:51,416 Be silent. 335 00:48:22,000 --> 00:48:23,916 What did he say? 336 00:48:27,708 --> 00:48:30,125 He says the Portuguese... 337 00:48:30,125 --> 00:48:33,208 want to replace all non-Christian rulers 338 00:48:33,208 --> 00:48:38,250 with leaders of their own. 339 00:48:40,625 --> 00:48:43,416 What do you seek in Japan? 340 00:48:53,625 --> 00:48:57,666 To enlist you against his enemies. 341 00:48:59,541 --> 00:49:02,416 I think you should abandon this war. 342 00:49:02,416 --> 00:49:03,791 You are outnumbered. 343 00:49:03,791 --> 00:49:05,958 There is no hope for you. 344 00:49:21,500 --> 00:49:26,125 He says, "Unless I win." 345 00:49:31,125 --> 00:49:35,375 Tell the Anjin he'll stay in the West Palace tonight. 346 00:49:35,375 --> 00:49:39,541 It's dangerous out there, with bandits lurking. 347 00:51:08,875 --> 00:51:13,125 For some reason, the Anjin doesn't wish to bathe. 348 00:51:58,333 --> 00:52:01,916 The winds have not been favorable lately... 349 00:52:01,916 --> 00:52:05,916 If the Black Ship isn't soon allowed to leave for Nagasaki, 350 00:52:05,916 --> 00:52:08,833 she won't return in time for next year's shipment. 351 00:52:10,083 --> 00:52:15,083 So, as you are President of Foreign Relations, 352 00:52:15,083 --> 00:52:19,291 perhaps it's time you sent her off. 353 00:52:23,000 --> 00:52:27,625 I keep thinking about the profits... 354 00:52:27,625 --> 00:52:29,500 your country's and mine. 355 00:52:30,500 --> 00:52:35,375 There's so much I don't know. 356 00:52:35,375 --> 00:52:38,416 And so much the barbarian seems to know. 357 00:52:44,291 --> 00:52:49,000 I'd like to hold off on the departure of the Black Ship for now. 358 00:52:49,000 --> 00:52:51,666 The seas can be so dangerous. 359 00:52:52,541 --> 00:52:55,708 Perhaps that's why 360 00:52:55,708 --> 00:53:00,625 your Church is building secret bases in our region. 361 00:53:05,583 --> 00:53:08,541 Perhaps we should learn more about these bases 362 00:53:08,541 --> 00:53:12,166 before negotiating further arrangements. 363 00:54:23,416 --> 00:54:25,291 What are you doing here so late? 364 00:54:41,250 --> 00:54:42,250 Assassin! 365 00:54:46,291 --> 00:54:47,541 Protect our lord! 366 00:54:52,500 --> 00:54:53,375 What are you doing? 367 00:54:56,541 --> 00:54:57,833 Where's Lord Toranaga? 368 00:54:57,958 --> 00:54:58,958 Intruder! 369 00:54:58,958 --> 00:55:00,416 There's an intruder in the castle! 370 00:55:00,416 --> 00:55:01,666 He's in the guest quarters. 371 00:55:02,250 --> 00:55:03,500 No, he's over here. 372 00:55:05,083 --> 00:55:06,291 It's Kayo the maid. 373 00:55:06,625 --> 00:55:08,083 She's looking for Lord Toranaga. 374 00:56:03,125 --> 00:56:06,166 Lord! Are you hurt? 375 00:56:09,333 --> 00:56:10,500 Ishido's gone mad. 376 00:56:11,333 --> 00:56:13,208 - This is war! - No. 377 00:56:13,583 --> 00:56:15,708 This wasn't Ishido. 378 00:56:16,666 --> 00:56:20,166 I gave my quarters to the Anjin. 379 00:56:20,708 --> 00:56:24,208 Concealed myself in his. 380 00:56:25,208 --> 00:56:28,916 The assassin didn't come for me. 381 00:56:28,916 --> 00:56:30,750 She came for him.