1 00:00:10,833 --> 00:00:14,041 He claims there is a Portuguese base in Macao. 2 00:00:14,291 --> 00:00:17,083 What do you seek in Japan? 3 00:00:19,458 --> 00:00:23,625 Lord Toranaga invited Mother to meet a barbarian. 4 00:00:23,625 --> 00:00:25,333 If you had this barbarian, 5 00:00:25,333 --> 00:00:28,625 and a vassal to control him, 6 00:00:28,625 --> 00:00:30,250 things might be different. 7 00:00:31,958 --> 00:00:33,166 You do have a way 8 00:00:33,166 --> 00:00:36,583 of being in the right place at the right time. 9 00:00:41,666 --> 00:00:44,708 There's so much I don't know. 10 00:00:44,708 --> 00:00:46,541 Perhaps we should learn more about these bases 11 00:00:46,541 --> 00:00:48,833 before negotiating further arrangements. 12 00:00:55,958 --> 00:00:58,208 The assassin didn't come for me. 13 00:01:00,250 --> 00:01:01,916 She came for him. 14 00:01:20,291 --> 00:01:21,791 It's a good will. 15 00:01:22,500 --> 00:01:23,916 Our best yet. 16 00:01:26,166 --> 00:01:28,250 Will it really be today? 17 00:01:59,458 --> 00:02:00,666 Your sword. 18 00:02:24,833 --> 00:02:27,750 You heard about last night's attack? 19 00:02:30,166 --> 00:02:33,833 What do you know about the society of the Amida? 20 00:02:37,500 --> 00:02:39,541 Only what everyone knows. 21 00:02:41,333 --> 00:02:42,833 They are assassins. 22 00:02:43,541 --> 00:02:46,291 Sworn by the most sacred oaths of the Buddha Amida. 23 00:02:49,125 --> 00:02:50,791 And for my head... 24 00:02:51,708 --> 00:02:54,958 What might you pay? 25 00:03:12,250 --> 00:03:17,708 You've decided to take my life, fine. 26 00:03:19,041 --> 00:03:20,625 Let's be done. 27 00:03:21,791 --> 00:03:27,125 Aren't you my reliable friend? 28 00:03:27,875 --> 00:03:30,541 Or has Ishido poured poison in your ear? 29 00:03:32,750 --> 00:03:35,458 I'm told he visited your home. 30 00:03:37,208 --> 00:03:39,750 What was his offer? 31 00:03:42,750 --> 00:03:44,750 Your seat on the Council. 32 00:03:46,583 --> 00:03:47,666 Did it interest you? 33 00:03:49,291 --> 00:03:50,833 Absolutely not. 34 00:03:52,000 --> 00:03:56,416 Then what do you want? 35 00:03:58,958 --> 00:04:00,583 The Suruga Province. 36 00:04:01,541 --> 00:04:02,916 To expand my fief. 37 00:04:05,541 --> 00:04:09,583 But I'd need my head to rule. 38 00:04:17,333 --> 00:04:19,125 You shall keep it. 39 00:04:20,958 --> 00:04:24,416 The assassin was sent to kill the Anjin. 40 00:04:25,541 --> 00:04:28,875 So for their safety, I need the Anjin and Lady Kiri 41 00:04:29,375 --> 00:04:32,625 brought to your fishing village in Ajiro. 42 00:04:32,958 --> 00:04:33,916 Do this, 43 00:04:33,916 --> 00:04:35,833 and Suruga is yours. 44 00:04:38,833 --> 00:04:41,166 And what will you do here? 45 00:04:53,083 --> 00:04:57,708 Won't you watch the sun rise with me? 46 00:08:22,166 --> 00:08:23,916 Please hold still. 47 00:08:52,250 --> 00:08:54,250 He's too tense. 48 00:08:54,666 --> 00:08:57,708 He doesn't need a doctor-- 49 00:08:58,125 --> 00:09:00,916 he needs a woman. 50 00:09:37,375 --> 00:09:38,791 Is the animal behaving himself? 51 00:09:40,500 --> 00:09:41,541 Yes, Buntaro. 52 00:09:41,958 --> 00:09:43,333 We're leaving Osaka immediately. 53 00:09:43,625 --> 00:09:45,375 The barbarian is to join us. 54 00:09:45,708 --> 00:09:47,791 Where are we going? 55 00:09:48,375 --> 00:09:50,958 Back to Ajiro, with members of Toranaga's clan. 56 00:09:51,208 --> 00:09:52,333 I don't understand-- 57 00:09:52,333 --> 00:09:53,625 It's not for you to understand. 58 00:10:13,625 --> 00:10:16,250 Thank you for this gift of their remains. 59 00:10:19,083 --> 00:10:21,166 I'm grateful, Grandfather. 60 00:10:22,125 --> 00:10:25,583 There's a party leaving for Ajiro tonight. 61 00:10:27,166 --> 00:10:30,750 Our lord commands you to join them. 62 00:10:37,791 --> 00:10:42,208 Your father gave his life for those swords. 63 00:10:43,375 --> 00:10:46,625 In Korea, we fought until we were as good as dead, 64 00:10:47,208 --> 00:10:48,500 and then we kept fighting. 65 00:10:49,000 --> 00:10:53,125 Those are the swords of a samurai. 66 00:10:55,708 --> 00:11:01,000 I'm sorry for your husband and baby. 67 00:11:02,041 --> 00:11:07,125 But they died because they belonged to a greater fight. 68 00:11:10,083 --> 00:11:11,250 And now... 69 00:11:12,833 --> 00:11:15,041 it's your turn. 70 00:11:24,208 --> 00:11:25,958 We'll move around the city by cover of the forest, 71 00:11:25,958 --> 00:11:26,958 then regroup at the galley. 72 00:11:27,208 --> 00:11:28,291 Expect a fight. 73 00:11:28,708 --> 00:11:30,875 There are many who want the Anjin dead. 74 00:11:33,041 --> 00:11:34,625 Your father isn't coming? 75 00:11:35,000 --> 00:11:36,291 He insists on staying. 76 00:11:38,041 --> 00:11:40,250 Then it's goodbye for good. 77 00:11:41,208 --> 00:11:43,541 Lord, your will. 78 00:11:45,083 --> 00:11:46,250 Not today. 79 00:12:08,916 --> 00:12:10,583 The barbarian will walk beside the litter, 80 00:12:11,041 --> 00:12:12,708 and remain within sight. 81 00:12:18,541 --> 00:12:19,375 Mother! 82 00:12:19,958 --> 00:12:21,083 Please don't go. 83 00:12:21,708 --> 00:12:24,916 You'll be brought to your grandfather's castle, where it's safer. 84 00:12:25,208 --> 00:12:26,708 You're not a suckling child! 85 00:12:28,416 --> 00:12:29,458 Go back inside. 86 00:12:41,416 --> 00:12:43,833 What is Kiri no kata doing? 87 00:12:44,333 --> 00:12:46,416 Coming, Hiromatsu. 88 00:12:47,083 --> 00:12:49,500 I'm a tired old woman. 89 00:12:50,125 --> 00:12:51,833 You must forgive me. 90 00:12:52,250 --> 00:12:53,791 On any other day I would. 91 00:12:54,708 --> 00:12:58,125 I wish I could leave this prison with you. 92 00:13:00,750 --> 00:13:05,000 When I see you again, your child will be here. 93 00:13:08,500 --> 00:13:10,083 This is taking too long... 94 00:13:11,833 --> 00:13:13,791 Hurry. You should be on your way. 95 00:13:15,666 --> 00:13:16,958 Lord! There's someone at the gate! 96 00:13:16,958 --> 00:13:18,625 Someone's coming! 97 00:13:19,541 --> 00:13:20,875 It's Lord Ishido! 98 00:13:32,666 --> 00:13:34,500 A fine afternoon, Yabushige. 99 00:13:35,750 --> 00:13:39,000 I was just informed the barbarian was leaving Osaka. 100 00:13:40,166 --> 00:13:41,750 And Kiri no kata as well. 101 00:13:45,375 --> 00:13:47,958 A surprise, I must say. 102 00:13:49,125 --> 00:13:49,958 With all due respect-- 103 00:13:50,625 --> 00:13:54,458 Lady Kiri is not a hostage who begs favors. 104 00:13:55,208 --> 00:13:56,875 She's free to come and go. 105 00:13:56,875 --> 00:13:57,916 This is true, 106 00:13:57,916 --> 00:14:01,125 but your father and I agreed on protocol during his visit. 107 00:14:01,416 --> 00:14:05,250 A day's notice before the departure of high people, 108 00:14:06,041 --> 00:14:08,166 so I can pay respects. 109 00:14:08,375 --> 00:14:10,583 Jozen. Proceed with the inspection. 110 00:14:12,750 --> 00:14:14,500 Grays are forbidden through this gate! 111 00:14:15,458 --> 00:14:16,916 That's agreed by protocol. 112 00:14:17,333 --> 00:14:19,333 You haven't even seen a battle, 113 00:14:20,125 --> 00:14:22,333 you brazen brat. 114 00:14:22,458 --> 00:14:24,208 Why not here? 115 00:14:24,875 --> 00:14:25,750 Why not now? 116 00:14:26,916 --> 00:14:30,166 A misunderstanding, I'm sure. 117 00:14:31,125 --> 00:14:36,625 Lord Ishido honors us by paying his respects. 118 00:14:37,000 --> 00:14:38,208 Let him through. 119 00:14:41,875 --> 00:14:42,708 Excuse me. 120 00:15:03,458 --> 00:15:04,583 Lady Kiri. 121 00:15:06,458 --> 00:15:09,708 Sorry to see you go. 122 00:15:10,291 --> 00:15:12,833 And I'm sad to leave, 123 00:15:13,250 --> 00:15:17,583 but my lord says there are too many assassins in Osaka. 124 00:15:18,833 --> 00:15:21,750 I feel the same way. 125 00:15:22,458 --> 00:15:24,333 I'm told the barbarian was attacked last night. 126 00:15:25,458 --> 00:15:27,583 I'll have Jozen and my men escort you to the galley. 127 00:15:28,416 --> 00:15:29,458 That won't be necessary. 128 00:15:29,458 --> 00:15:31,041 As protector of Osaka Castle, I insist. 129 00:15:35,625 --> 00:15:37,333 Here, sit down. 130 00:15:37,583 --> 00:15:39,458 Lady Shizu is having pains again. 131 00:15:39,875 --> 00:15:41,916 I'm all right, really... 132 00:15:41,916 --> 00:15:44,000 The doctor said she needed more rest. 133 00:15:44,000 --> 00:15:45,750 Please don't worry. 134 00:15:45,750 --> 00:15:48,291 She's in her final weeks! 135 00:15:53,125 --> 00:15:54,708 I'm fine. 136 00:15:58,333 --> 00:15:59,625 Well, everything's in order. 137 00:16:01,583 --> 00:16:03,625 I wish you a safe journey. 138 00:16:26,000 --> 00:16:30,666 Lord Ishido was confused by your sudden departure. 139 00:16:34,083 --> 00:16:39,750 No doubt he understands I must serve my pledge to Toranaga. 140 00:16:40,500 --> 00:16:43,583 And please remind your lord, I keep my promises. 141 00:16:51,291 --> 00:16:52,458 Well done. 142 00:16:59,208 --> 00:17:00,416 Now... 143 00:17:01,958 --> 00:17:05,583 it's in the hands of the gods. 144 00:17:47,833 --> 00:17:50,125 Hold them at the gate! 145 00:17:53,541 --> 00:17:56,583 I need to verify all members of the party. 146 00:17:56,833 --> 00:18:00,208 Lord Ishido cleared us to depart. 147 00:18:00,583 --> 00:18:02,666 It is Lord Ishido's order. 148 00:18:07,916 --> 00:18:09,916 All travelers are to be verified. 149 00:18:35,916 --> 00:18:37,125 What is the barbarian saying? 150 00:18:42,625 --> 00:18:44,375 I think the barbarian is offended. 151 00:18:45,166 --> 00:18:48,625 In his country it is improper to... leer at women. 152 00:18:48,625 --> 00:18:50,000 This is Japan! 153 00:18:56,958 --> 00:18:58,166 You must excuse him. 154 00:18:58,708 --> 00:19:00,416 He's ignorant of our customs. 155 00:19:12,583 --> 00:19:14,458 His customs are very different, 156 00:19:14,458 --> 00:19:16,333 and I find it's very hard to reach him... 157 00:19:23,166 --> 00:19:24,416 What is this buffoonery? 158 00:19:27,750 --> 00:19:32,291 Lord Ishido has ordered us all to the harbor. 159 00:19:32,750 --> 00:19:33,708 Let them through. 160 00:19:54,125 --> 00:19:56,916 This is the man we're risking our lives for... 161 00:22:21,291 --> 00:22:22,791 They're on the ridge. 162 00:22:52,833 --> 00:22:53,833 Father...?! 163 00:23:12,375 --> 00:23:13,458 It's the Christians. 164 00:23:14,583 --> 00:23:16,625 They've come again for the Anjin. 165 00:23:22,875 --> 00:23:26,041 Lord Kiyama-- Ishido's men are down there too! 166 00:23:26,833 --> 00:23:29,708 Then they'll die with the heretic. 167 00:23:34,791 --> 00:23:35,666 Here they come. 168 00:23:44,833 --> 00:23:45,875 It's Toranaga... 169 00:23:46,458 --> 00:23:47,500 We've been betrayed! 170 00:23:47,625 --> 00:23:48,500 Lord Jozen-- 171 00:23:48,791 --> 00:23:51,250 Toranaga was hiding in the caravan! 172 00:23:51,250 --> 00:23:52,791 He's here! 173 00:23:54,375 --> 00:23:56,250 Don't let Toranaga get away! 174 00:24:24,666 --> 00:24:26,666 Are they... fighting each other? 175 00:24:27,083 --> 00:24:28,666 Something isn't right... 176 00:24:45,041 --> 00:24:46,666 One of these days 177 00:24:46,666 --> 00:24:48,666 I'd like to know about your plan before it happens. 178 00:24:48,666 --> 00:24:49,875 I'll keep it in mind. 179 00:24:51,208 --> 00:24:52,666 Lord Ishido must be informed! 180 00:25:14,291 --> 00:25:15,458 Hurry to the ship! 181 00:25:17,125 --> 00:25:18,750 We'll hold them off here 182 00:25:18,875 --> 00:25:20,250 and catch up to you later. 183 00:25:24,791 --> 00:25:26,375 Alert the men in the harbor. 184 00:25:27,250 --> 00:25:28,416 The heretic is on his way. 185 00:25:51,166 --> 00:25:52,041 Anjin! 186 00:26:15,000 --> 00:26:16,541 Now, row. 187 00:26:31,500 --> 00:26:33,458 Toranaga is escaping Osaka! 188 00:26:34,791 --> 00:26:36,916 Everyone get to the harbor! 189 00:26:50,666 --> 00:26:51,500 Wait! 190 00:26:52,958 --> 00:26:54,916 Buntaro! He's coming! 191 00:27:12,416 --> 00:27:13,458 We must continue on! 192 00:27:55,916 --> 00:27:57,500 Toda Hirokatsu! 193 00:29:17,125 --> 00:29:19,250 Lose the rowboats and sound the drum. 194 00:29:19,750 --> 00:29:21,166 There's no time to spare. 195 00:30:23,375 --> 00:30:26,958 Toranaga was with them all along. 196 00:30:27,666 --> 00:30:29,416 Yabushige betrayed us. 197 00:30:31,750 --> 00:30:33,958 Those boats blocking their escape... 198 00:30:33,958 --> 00:30:35,833 are they Kiyama's men? 199 00:30:44,208 --> 00:30:45,041 We die. 200 00:30:56,333 --> 00:30:58,166 He wants us to approach the Black Ship. 201 00:31:05,958 --> 00:31:07,750 Towards that carrack! 202 00:32:26,000 --> 00:32:28,708 If your Black Ship protects my galley, 203 00:32:28,833 --> 00:32:31,333 you have my permission to leave Osaka harbor. 204 00:32:38,833 --> 00:32:41,958 The Captain feels this is not enough. 205 00:32:45,458 --> 00:32:47,375 In that spirit, how about this... 206 00:32:48,708 --> 00:32:51,125 When the Black Ship leaves Macao, 207 00:32:51,125 --> 00:32:53,916 it will carry ten thousand tael silver coins for me 208 00:32:54,375 --> 00:32:56,666 to invest in the silk trade. 209 00:32:58,208 --> 00:33:00,666 Half the profit would be his. 210 00:33:09,333 --> 00:33:12,375 Also Tsuji, I offer something to you. 211 00:33:13,250 --> 00:33:15,416 In my home city of Edo, 212 00:33:16,833 --> 00:33:19,291 I will allow the construction of a Christian church. 213 00:33:23,166 --> 00:33:24,041 In exchange, 214 00:33:24,791 --> 00:33:29,000 I need your help with Lords Kiyama and Ohno. 215 00:33:29,583 --> 00:33:30,583 How do you mean? 216 00:33:30,958 --> 00:33:33,250 They are allied with Ishido right now. 217 00:33:33,750 --> 00:33:38,666 I need you to bring them to my side. 218 00:34:06,833 --> 00:34:10,083 The Father-Visitor pledges his assistance. 219 00:34:12,000 --> 00:34:13,333 Fine. 220 00:34:14,666 --> 00:34:19,333 Now rid me of these pirates so I may leave Osaka. 221 00:34:29,666 --> 00:34:32,583 He asks that you leave the heretic in Osaka. 222 00:34:34,250 --> 00:34:35,583 The Anjin is my guest. 223 00:34:40,000 --> 00:34:46,125 I must warn you about this man you've taken in. 224 00:34:46,666 --> 00:34:49,458 He is not the merchant he claims to be. 225 00:35:05,291 --> 00:35:09,833 All lords and ladies are to be brought to the Portuguese ship. 226 00:35:10,166 --> 00:35:11,375 And our guns? 227 00:35:11,833 --> 00:35:14,750 Lord Toranaga has been forced to abandon them. 228 00:35:16,125 --> 00:35:17,916 And the Anjin. 229 00:36:19,000 --> 00:36:20,166 Sound the drum! 230 00:37:00,208 --> 00:37:01,750 He means 'faster'! 231 00:37:52,625 --> 00:37:55,250 They'll never get through, Lord. 232 00:38:10,458 --> 00:38:11,916 He's mad. 233 00:39:04,416 --> 00:39:05,250 Anjin! 234 00:39:05,958 --> 00:39:06,833 Look out! 235 00:39:24,916 --> 00:39:26,708 Hurry! Hurry! 236 00:40:31,583 --> 00:40:33,166 He did it! 237 00:40:56,541 --> 00:40:58,250 It appears they got through. 238 00:41:13,791 --> 00:41:14,625 Mariko. 239 00:41:15,416 --> 00:41:18,416 Please thank the Captain-General for the use of his ship. 240 00:41:18,791 --> 00:41:20,958 But seeing as my pilot has left Osaka, 241 00:41:21,250 --> 00:41:23,708 I'll now return to my galley. 242 00:41:31,333 --> 00:41:35,125 Men wish to conduct their affairs with the blade, I do not object. 243 00:41:35,708 --> 00:41:41,458 But when there's violence in the city I swore to protect 244 00:41:42,125 --> 00:41:44,333 I consider it a personal affront. 245 00:41:44,458 --> 00:41:47,083 I share your outrage over last night. 246 00:41:48,458 --> 00:41:51,125 Too many bandits in this city. 247 00:41:52,166 --> 00:41:56,166 We agreed on a lawful execution of that barbarian. 248 00:41:56,541 --> 00:42:02,000 Yet Toranaga stole him from my custody, and you did nothing. 249 00:42:03,375 --> 00:42:06,375 In a matter of days, there would have been no Toranaga. 250 00:42:06,708 --> 00:42:10,291 I'd have handed you the heretic myself. 251 00:42:12,791 --> 00:42:13,958 Pardon me. 252 00:42:20,208 --> 00:42:23,708 Lord Hiromatsu has come with a message. 253 00:42:36,583 --> 00:42:38,458 Esteemed Regents. 254 00:42:39,583 --> 00:42:43,833 Lord Toranaga regrets that for personal reasons 255 00:42:44,541 --> 00:42:48,291 he has decided 256 00:42:48,291 --> 00:42:52,625 to resign from the Council. 257 00:42:54,375 --> 00:42:59,208 With apologies. 258 00:43:02,083 --> 00:43:04,958 This piece of paper changes nothing. 259 00:43:05,583 --> 00:43:08,041 We'll impeach him, four to none. 260 00:43:08,625 --> 00:43:10,750 As would be your right. 261 00:43:11,375 --> 00:43:15,250 But if I recall... 262 00:43:16,083 --> 00:43:20,875 the Taikō required five Regents for any vote. 263 00:43:22,958 --> 00:43:24,625 And now... 264 00:43:26,250 --> 00:43:29,000 I fear you have only four. 265 00:43:48,291 --> 00:43:52,250 This galley will carry me to Edo, where I have business. 266 00:43:53,291 --> 00:43:55,416 You will remain in Ajiro 267 00:43:55,416 --> 00:43:59,416 and help Yabushige train a new regiment. 268 00:43:59,833 --> 00:44:01,833 But Yabushige conspires with Ishido. 269 00:44:01,833 --> 00:44:03,416 He was betraying us in the open... 270 00:44:03,416 --> 00:44:04,333 And? 271 00:44:06,833 --> 00:44:09,208 ...and I am your son. 272 00:44:09,666 --> 00:44:12,208 Why am I so unworthy of your trust? 273 00:44:13,791 --> 00:44:15,791 When will you understand, 274 00:44:16,791 --> 00:44:19,625 you are playing a game of friends and enemies... 275 00:44:21,708 --> 00:44:25,333 when you have only yourself in this life. 276 00:46:40,000 --> 00:46:42,750 Please thank the Anjin for his assistance in Osaka. 277 00:46:44,125 --> 00:46:46,458 He acted bravely. 278 00:46:49,791 --> 00:46:54,875 Our Christian friends gave me a gift before we parted... 279 00:46:58,166 --> 00:47:01,250 I'm told they are proof of piracy. 280 00:47:05,125 --> 00:47:08,791 A crime punishable by death. 281 00:47:16,291 --> 00:47:17,750 Of course... 282 00:47:18,375 --> 00:47:22,958 these will take a long time to translate. 283 00:47:30,166 --> 00:47:32,333 In the meantime, we must prepare for war. 284 00:47:33,333 --> 00:47:37,500 I would like him to train a regiment in foreign tactics 285 00:47:37,958 --> 00:47:40,208 using the weapons from his ship. 286 00:48:04,875 --> 00:48:07,541 He says he would be honored. 287 00:48:19,083 --> 00:48:19,916 Yabushige. 288 00:48:20,750 --> 00:48:26,958 You and my son will learn everything there is to know 289 00:48:27,375 --> 00:48:29,166 about the way barbarians war. 290 00:48:29,833 --> 00:48:30,916 I understand. 291 00:48:30,916 --> 00:48:35,083 And as he will now be my vassal, 292 00:48:35,416 --> 00:48:39,000 we can't keep calling him 'barbarian'. 293 00:48:39,875 --> 00:48:41,125 I proclaim him... 294 00:48:42,333 --> 00:48:43,583 'Hatamoto'. 295 00:48:58,166 --> 00:48:59,958 Thank you. 296 00:49:05,208 --> 00:49:06,750 Now, please ask the Anjin 297 00:49:06,750 --> 00:49:08,916 if he would join me for a swim. 298 00:49:33,208 --> 00:49:34,291 Show me. 299 00:49:46,208 --> 00:49:47,541 Again. 300 00:50:10,166 --> 00:50:13,500 Perhaps he can try again tomorrow. 301 00:50:16,625 --> 00:50:17,916 Tomorrow is tomorrow. 302 00:50:18,958 --> 00:50:20,666 Today I will learn how to dive. 303 00:50:22,958 --> 00:50:23,916 Wait. 304 00:50:34,708 --> 00:50:36,791 If I asked for a race to the shore, 305 00:50:37,291 --> 00:50:38,791 would the Anjin join me? 306 00:50:53,708 --> 00:50:54,875 Here we go.