1 00:00:08,250 --> 00:00:13,416 Lord Toranaga has decided to resign from the Council. 2 00:00:13,500 --> 00:00:18,666 The Taikō required five Regents for any vote. 3 00:00:18,750 --> 00:00:21,958 Lady Ochiba requested to return to Osaka. 4 00:00:22,041 --> 00:00:24,166 Obviously I've granted it. 5 00:00:24,250 --> 00:00:25,875 To do otherwise would have been a hostile act. 6 00:00:25,958 --> 00:00:27,625 You're not a suckling child! 7 00:00:32,208 --> 00:00:33,333 Wait! 8 00:00:57,708 --> 00:00:59,333 Your presence here is intolerable. 9 00:01:00,083 --> 00:01:01,083 You're savages. 10 00:01:18,000 --> 00:01:19,208 Damn it all. 11 00:01:19,291 --> 00:01:21,625 Why is this happening to us? 12 00:01:21,708 --> 00:01:26,833 Beastly cannon, piles of corpses... we didn't ask for this. 13 00:01:34,583 --> 00:01:36,291 There's an army coming! 14 00:01:36,375 --> 00:01:37,708 Thousands of them! 15 00:01:56,875 --> 00:01:58,458 My father's returned... 16 00:02:10,833 --> 00:02:11,666 Mariko... 17 00:02:12,291 --> 00:02:13,125 He's alive! 18 00:02:14,833 --> 00:02:15,791 Look who it is! 19 00:02:17,958 --> 00:02:19,375 It's your husband! 20 00:04:18,458 --> 00:04:20,291 Any day, the Lady Ochiba will be returned to us 21 00:04:20,375 --> 00:04:23,666 from Toranaga's castle in Edo... 22 00:04:25,458 --> 00:04:29,833 Let us ensure that the mother of the Heir 23 00:04:29,916 --> 00:04:32,333 comes home to a safer city than what she left. 24 00:04:33,291 --> 00:04:36,291 Toranaga must be impeached. 25 00:04:37,791 --> 00:04:39,125 I agree. 26 00:04:39,208 --> 00:04:43,833 His escape from Osaka was not only a mockery of this Council 27 00:04:43,916 --> 00:04:45,708 but also an insult to the Heir. 28 00:04:47,291 --> 00:04:48,125 Ohno... 29 00:04:48,166 --> 00:04:49,125 ...what do you think? 30 00:04:49,916 --> 00:04:51,000 Impeach. 31 00:04:51,083 --> 00:04:56,166 How fortifying to see us this united... 32 00:04:57,208 --> 00:04:59,750 It's only... 33 00:04:59,833 --> 00:05:04,416 Toranaga's resignation has made impeachment impossible 34 00:05:05,541 --> 00:05:08,208 with our Council now incomplete. 35 00:05:09,625 --> 00:05:13,583 Let us vote on his replacement. 36 00:05:15,833 --> 00:05:19,583 Ishido's friend, Ikeda, would make an excellent Regent. 37 00:05:21,208 --> 00:05:22,458 The man's an idiot. 38 00:05:23,250 --> 00:05:25,083 The seat would stink of countryside. 39 00:05:26,916 --> 00:05:28,875 Perhaps Hiroda? 40 00:05:29,958 --> 00:05:32,125 The seat would stink of Christian. 41 00:05:45,666 --> 00:05:48,125 Lord Kiyama sends his regrets. 42 00:05:52,250 --> 00:05:55,916 I propose Maeda. 43 00:05:56,375 --> 00:05:58,916 Wonderful choice. 44 00:05:59,666 --> 00:06:03,333 I won't sit on a Council with that rotten syphilis. 45 00:06:03,416 --> 00:06:06,166 I'd rather slit my own belly. 46 00:06:06,833 --> 00:06:08,125 Sugiyama. 47 00:06:09,041 --> 00:06:10,958 Perhaps you were unaware... 48 00:06:11,041 --> 00:06:14,500 Maeda is Ohno's cousin. 49 00:06:51,791 --> 00:06:56,125 I see why she is called 'Lady of Steel'. 50 00:06:57,333 --> 00:06:58,625 Your first time hunting? 51 00:06:59,708 --> 00:07:02,416 My husband hasn't had cause to invite me. 52 00:07:04,208 --> 00:07:06,833 He's a miracle, your husband. 53 00:07:07,708 --> 00:07:09,958 It took him twenty days to return to us. 54 00:07:11,416 --> 00:07:16,375 I'm in awe that he survived. 55 00:07:16,458 --> 00:07:20,708 A contingent of ronin helped him fight his way out. 56 00:07:21,500 --> 00:07:26,333 By the time they reached Edo, only two men were left. 57 00:07:27,041 --> 00:07:29,000 It was a terrible ordeal. 58 00:07:34,166 --> 00:07:39,791 A diary of all that the Anjin has said or done since you left. 59 00:07:40,916 --> 00:07:44,291 I ask that you remain at the Anjin's house 60 00:07:44,375 --> 00:07:46,125 and continue your duties as interpreter. 61 00:07:47,333 --> 00:07:49,333 And my husband? 62 00:07:50,125 --> 00:07:54,583 I've instructed Buntaro to move in to the Anjin's house with you. 63 00:07:55,333 --> 00:07:58,916 This way you can serve them both. 64 00:08:01,208 --> 00:08:02,041 Father! 65 00:08:05,750 --> 00:08:06,625 Tell me... 66 00:08:07,500 --> 00:08:12,041 Was it my son's idea to murder Nebara Jozen? 67 00:08:13,250 --> 00:08:14,750 I don't know. 68 00:08:14,833 --> 00:08:17,541 Killing him was incredibly foolish. 69 00:08:18,125 --> 00:08:22,375 Ishido will likely use it as a pretext for war. 70 00:08:24,541 --> 00:08:25,375 Father. 71 00:08:28,250 --> 00:08:32,416 Mariko, please give this pheasant to the Anjin. 72 00:08:33,125 --> 00:08:34,958 A token of my gratitude. 73 00:08:52,083 --> 00:08:53,958 I know you're upset with me. 74 00:08:56,833 --> 00:08:59,250 Did it ever occur to you 75 00:08:59,333 --> 00:09:01,208 that by killing Jozen, 76 00:09:01,291 --> 00:09:04,000 you might have been doing Yabushige's bidding? 77 00:09:04,083 --> 00:09:05,166 No... 78 00:09:06,166 --> 00:09:09,041 Maybe it was his eager nephew 79 00:09:09,625 --> 00:09:11,916 who tricked you into being so stupid. 80 00:09:12,583 --> 00:09:13,416 Father... 81 00:09:13,500 --> 00:09:14,958 You will address me as Lord! 82 00:09:15,041 --> 00:09:16,625 Stop behaving like a child! 83 00:09:16,708 --> 00:09:18,791 Rotten animals... 84 00:09:18,875 --> 00:09:21,958 Horses are worse than men for treachery. 85 00:09:24,166 --> 00:09:27,500 You so easily fell into their trap. 86 00:09:27,583 --> 00:09:29,416 Broken to another man's fist. 87 00:09:29,500 --> 00:09:33,250 Like a falcon, but without the beauty. 88 00:09:36,458 --> 00:09:37,875 All men are like falcons. 89 00:09:39,583 --> 00:09:43,500 Some are flown straight from the fist, 90 00:09:43,583 --> 00:09:45,666 killing anything that moves. 91 00:09:48,458 --> 00:09:52,916 Others are lazy and tempted by the lure. 92 00:09:54,916 --> 00:09:58,333 But all men can be broken. 93 00:10:01,416 --> 00:10:05,666 Learn to fly them at the right game, 94 00:10:07,625 --> 00:10:10,166 and they will do your hunting for you. 95 00:10:16,625 --> 00:10:20,083 Until you can understand this, 96 00:10:20,166 --> 00:10:22,958 I am stripping the cannon regiment from your command. 97 00:10:42,125 --> 00:10:43,416 A messenger has arrived. 98 00:11:14,000 --> 00:11:17,166 Lord, it's Jozen. 99 00:11:40,833 --> 00:11:41,708 Please watch this. 100 00:11:50,250 --> 00:11:52,750 So sorry, but-- 101 00:11:54,458 --> 00:11:56,875 the bird will rot, no? 102 00:11:57,416 --> 00:12:00,541 You understand, 'rot'? 103 00:12:18,333 --> 00:12:19,708 Understand? 104 00:12:20,541 --> 00:12:22,375 Forbidden, yes? 105 00:12:25,125 --> 00:12:27,041 If touch-- die! 106 00:12:33,708 --> 00:12:37,541 We'll order him knives of his own from Mishima. 107 00:12:37,625 --> 00:12:41,708 From now on, nothing he uses will touch our food. 108 00:12:42,083 --> 00:12:44,250 There's a fine cook in the next village. 109 00:12:44,333 --> 00:12:46,916 When I want another cook I will tell you. 110 00:12:47,250 --> 00:12:48,083 Lady Fuji... 111 00:12:48,166 --> 00:12:52,333 The Anjin may eat whatever he wishes in his own house... 112 00:12:52,708 --> 00:12:53,708 Forgive me for interrupting-- 113 00:12:58,125 --> 00:13:00,083 Lord Toda is here to see you. 114 00:13:05,250 --> 00:13:06,666 Uncle. 115 00:13:07,583 --> 00:13:09,916 It's wonderful to see you returned safely. 116 00:13:10,000 --> 00:13:11,041 Where is Mariko? 117 00:13:13,333 --> 00:13:15,291 Ordered to Lord Toranaga's camp. 118 00:13:16,000 --> 00:13:17,375 Should I send for her? 119 00:13:18,083 --> 00:13:21,250 I am ordered to quarter here. 120 00:13:21,708 --> 00:13:26,666 Bad enough my wife must live under a roof with the Anjin. 121 00:13:28,333 --> 00:13:30,875 But now, I am to do the same. 122 00:13:32,000 --> 00:13:34,958 You've narrowly escaped death. 123 00:13:35,041 --> 00:13:37,583 We'll see to it you are well-cared for. 124 00:13:38,625 --> 00:13:41,125 How is it being consort to a barbarian? 125 00:13:43,208 --> 00:13:45,041 Sorry... 126 00:13:46,291 --> 00:13:49,875 I am consort to a hatamoto, I wouldn't know. 127 00:13:54,583 --> 00:13:57,250 Does he make you pillow? 128 00:13:58,125 --> 00:13:59,041 No. 129 00:14:01,000 --> 00:14:03,083 Thankfully 130 00:14:03,166 --> 00:14:06,708 the Anjin prefers the company of other women. 131 00:14:12,041 --> 00:14:15,125 Barbarians should stick with barbarian women. 132 00:14:18,500 --> 00:14:22,125 Tell the Anjin I'll be back for dinner. 133 00:14:32,208 --> 00:14:34,083 The training has gone quite well. 134 00:14:34,375 --> 00:14:36,500 The barbarian's cannon tactics 135 00:14:36,583 --> 00:14:38,333 offer surprising new advantages. 136 00:14:39,458 --> 00:14:41,333 I look forward to a demonstration. 137 00:14:43,958 --> 00:14:48,708 Though I will be sure to keep my distance 138 00:14:49,333 --> 00:14:51,625 after what happened to Nebara Jozen. 139 00:14:55,375 --> 00:14:57,333 "Return to Osaka, 140 00:14:57,416 --> 00:14:59,708 and pledge loyalty to Ishido." 141 00:14:59,791 --> 00:15:01,708 I heard those are your orders. 142 00:15:02,541 --> 00:15:05,041 As always, you see through everything. 143 00:15:05,291 --> 00:15:06,791 What are you going to do? 144 00:15:07,416 --> 00:15:10,333 Of course I remain with you. 145 00:15:10,416 --> 00:15:13,291 They'll declare you a fugitive. 146 00:15:13,916 --> 00:15:14,791 True. 147 00:15:15,416 --> 00:15:19,291 But since that sunrise in Osaka, 148 00:15:19,375 --> 00:15:22,750 you and I are bound by fate. 149 00:15:23,541 --> 00:15:24,791 Is that so? 150 00:15:27,083 --> 00:15:29,916 Or maybe it was you who manipulated my son 151 00:15:30,000 --> 00:15:32,708 into attacking Jozen? 152 00:15:34,125 --> 00:15:35,958 No, I would never... 153 00:15:36,041 --> 00:15:39,041 That way you could delay your response to Ishido, 154 00:15:39,583 --> 00:15:43,958 and continue playing both sides. 155 00:15:44,041 --> 00:15:46,458 Lord... Nagakado decided 156 00:15:46,541 --> 00:15:49,958 Jozen could not be allowed to report on the cannon-- 157 00:15:50,041 --> 00:15:53,541 Nagakado is not clever enough to think of such an idea. 158 00:15:56,916 --> 00:15:59,208 You're right. I'm afraid it was my nephew Omi. 159 00:15:59,291 --> 00:16:03,458 He was drinking saké with Nagakado the night before. 160 00:16:03,541 --> 00:16:05,500 Perhaps his words planted the wrong idea. 161 00:16:08,250 --> 00:16:12,208 That Omi. I will discipline him on your behalf. 162 00:16:13,375 --> 00:16:14,208 Discipline? 163 00:16:19,750 --> 00:16:23,291 He found a way to force our enemies to attack. 164 00:16:23,375 --> 00:16:27,125 Why would I need to discipline such a promising young man? 165 00:16:29,791 --> 00:16:33,000 If I were to attack them in the stronghold of Osaka, 166 00:16:33,083 --> 00:16:35,666 I would surely lose. 167 00:16:37,041 --> 00:16:38,833 But thanks to your nephew 168 00:16:38,916 --> 00:16:42,125 they are sure to take offense, 169 00:16:42,208 --> 00:16:44,708 and must draw out to attack us here. 170 00:16:45,500 --> 00:16:47,333 We can entrench ourselves. 171 00:16:48,000 --> 00:16:49,916 Drain their numbers. 172 00:16:51,125 --> 00:16:54,291 Exactly as you say. I was thinking the same thing. 173 00:16:56,375 --> 00:16:58,375 Inform your nephew... 174 00:16:58,458 --> 00:17:02,375 I'm giving him command of the Anjin's artillery. 175 00:17:03,833 --> 00:17:06,833 A deserving reward for Omi. 176 00:17:24,500 --> 00:17:27,125 This man is a loyal, hard worker... 177 00:17:28,708 --> 00:17:33,625 A perfect cover for the spy you still haven't found. 178 00:17:37,875 --> 00:17:39,666 He's toying with me. 179 00:17:40,458 --> 00:17:43,000 Batting me around like a bird with its prey. 180 00:17:43,666 --> 00:17:46,583 In my own province no less! 181 00:17:49,541 --> 00:17:52,458 Toranaga has given you command of the cannon regiment. 182 00:17:52,541 --> 00:17:54,000 Train them well. 183 00:17:58,541 --> 00:18:03,333 Uncle, if it's your wish, I will relinquish command to you. 184 00:18:06,500 --> 00:18:07,916 What did you just say? 185 00:18:09,375 --> 00:18:11,541 Do you imagine the regiment belongs to you? 186 00:18:14,291 --> 00:18:19,208 How can you relinquish what already belongs to me? 187 00:18:23,291 --> 00:18:24,791 Find Toranaga's spy. 188 00:18:31,416 --> 00:18:32,708 Go to Osaka. 189 00:18:33,750 --> 00:18:35,666 We should fix things with Ishido 190 00:18:35,750 --> 00:18:38,041 for when this all turns to shit. 191 00:18:48,166 --> 00:18:51,041 Things were worse in Joseon. 192 00:18:51,875 --> 00:18:55,208 We had to eat silkworms cooked in shoyu. 193 00:18:56,625 --> 00:18:58,250 People don't die from flies. 194 00:19:10,750 --> 00:19:12,750 You and me... 195 00:19:12,833 --> 00:19:14,875 we're both cursed. 196 00:19:14,958 --> 00:19:19,000 First, the Anjin contaminates our kitchen like a vengeful tatarigami. 197 00:19:19,083 --> 00:19:22,958 And now your husband is back from the dead. 198 00:19:23,625 --> 00:19:26,250 One more reason for us to eat. 199 00:19:29,500 --> 00:19:31,541 He'll be here soon. 200 00:19:35,250 --> 00:19:39,333 If you think the Anjin is in danger, 201 00:19:39,416 --> 00:19:41,125 you'll tell me, right? 202 00:19:43,458 --> 00:19:45,791 Why would he be in danger? 203 00:20:48,916 --> 00:20:51,541 Without a good rock, 204 00:20:51,625 --> 00:20:56,708 a garden is just a place of growing. 205 00:20:56,791 --> 00:20:59,458 I agree, Uejirou. 206 00:21:10,958 --> 00:21:13,791 Welcome to my home, Lord Buntaro. 207 00:21:15,333 --> 00:21:16,416 It's Lord Toda. 208 00:21:32,541 --> 00:21:37,416 The Anjin says only a great warrior could have survived as you did. 209 00:21:37,750 --> 00:21:41,041 He is also honored that you saw the cannon regiment he trained. 210 00:21:42,791 --> 00:21:46,875 My bow can fly faster, and at a greater range than any cannon. 211 00:22:01,958 --> 00:22:04,166 Did something die in this house? 212 00:22:04,583 --> 00:22:08,000 Excuse me, dinner is served. 213 00:23:12,458 --> 00:23:14,000 Look how he eats. 214 00:23:14,791 --> 00:23:16,583 Like a baby monkey. 215 00:23:44,166 --> 00:23:45,458 Clever monkey. 216 00:23:45,541 --> 00:23:47,000 He learns tricks fast, doesn't he? 217 00:24:01,291 --> 00:24:03,375 The Anjin says that in his country, 218 00:24:03,458 --> 00:24:06,625 bigger cups are used for drinking. 219 00:25:14,500 --> 00:25:17,750 If the Anjin asks for more saké, tell him this was the last of it. 220 00:25:18,666 --> 00:25:21,666 And pour that stew into the sea. 221 00:25:51,000 --> 00:25:53,250 It's like being in a barbarian land. 222 00:25:54,750 --> 00:25:58,791 Soon we'll be eating with our feet. 223 00:26:08,333 --> 00:26:09,750 You must be tired. 224 00:26:29,708 --> 00:26:30,875 Forgive me. 225 00:26:31,750 --> 00:26:32,791 But the Anjin... 226 00:26:32,875 --> 00:26:35,208 has heard great tales of your heroism in escaping Osaka. 227 00:26:35,291 --> 00:26:37,375 He says he would like to hear them. 228 00:26:42,291 --> 00:26:45,333 Heroism is for the dead, 229 00:26:47,166 --> 00:26:50,375 and stories are for children. 230 00:26:55,166 --> 00:26:58,625 The Anjin has said improper things, I apologize. 231 00:26:59,666 --> 00:27:04,000 Perhaps it is more acceptable to boast in his country. 232 00:27:05,750 --> 00:27:08,583 Then ask about his battles. 233 00:27:10,666 --> 00:27:14,125 Isn't he the great samurai who trains Lord Toranaga's regiment? 234 00:27:38,583 --> 00:27:39,416 No. 235 00:27:40,958 --> 00:27:41,833 War 236 00:27:43,041 --> 00:27:44,083 Talk 237 00:27:44,958 --> 00:27:45,791 You 238 00:27:51,375 --> 00:27:53,083 Kodai! 239 00:27:54,416 --> 00:27:55,333 Bring a bow! 240 00:28:04,958 --> 00:28:05,958 Have him choose a post. 241 00:28:21,250 --> 00:28:22,125 Right post. 242 00:28:47,625 --> 00:28:48,583 Uncle... 243 00:29:34,916 --> 00:29:37,000 He says that a wife is property 244 00:29:37,083 --> 00:29:39,083 and a husband may do what he wants. 245 00:29:39,958 --> 00:29:41,500 But the Anjin... 246 00:29:43,916 --> 00:29:47,708 wonders if you should treat your wife with more courtesy. 247 00:29:57,333 --> 00:29:58,875 Makes me laugh. 248 00:30:00,041 --> 00:30:01,875 You of all people... 249 00:30:01,958 --> 00:30:04,625 That you deserve courtesy. 250 00:30:05,250 --> 00:30:07,500 Tell him what your name is. 251 00:30:11,666 --> 00:30:12,500 Tell him! 252 00:30:18,166 --> 00:30:22,000 Tell him about the disgusting, filthy line you come from. 253 00:30:35,791 --> 00:30:38,875 Daughter of the treacherous assassin. 254 00:32:17,583 --> 00:32:19,083 Who gave you permission to leave? 255 00:32:43,291 --> 00:32:45,041 This is your fault. 256 00:32:46,583 --> 00:32:47,916 Do you understand? 257 00:32:49,708 --> 00:32:50,916 Say something! 258 00:33:02,583 --> 00:33:03,875 My uncle has already left. 259 00:33:05,416 --> 00:33:06,250 Now! 260 00:33:14,916 --> 00:33:17,833 He should not have seen this. 261 00:33:22,125 --> 00:33:23,833 I tried to stop him 262 00:33:24,666 --> 00:33:26,333 but he won't listen. 263 00:33:27,333 --> 00:33:29,333 I ask that you both leave. 264 00:33:30,916 --> 00:33:32,500 Please leave! 265 00:33:33,916 --> 00:33:38,333 If you disturb this home, you dishonor the Anjin. 266 00:33:42,458 --> 00:33:44,500 What is there to dishonor? 267 00:33:46,291 --> 00:33:48,875 This house is cursed. 268 00:35:07,416 --> 00:35:09,916 I've disturbed the harmony of your home. 269 00:35:10,583 --> 00:35:13,166 Please forgive me. 270 00:35:16,458 --> 00:35:17,291 Saké. 271 00:35:38,083 --> 00:35:39,708 Because of the saké. 272 00:36:42,583 --> 00:36:44,833 Their feathers are too damp, Muraji. 273 00:36:45,083 --> 00:36:46,375 I agree. 274 00:36:46,458 --> 00:36:49,625 But hiding the pigeons here 275 00:36:49,708 --> 00:36:52,416 was your idea in the first place. 276 00:36:55,375 --> 00:36:58,666 Yabushige is hunting for a spy in your village. 277 00:37:00,125 --> 00:37:05,208 Lord, please allow me to surrender myself. 278 00:37:05,291 --> 00:37:07,000 Not a chance. 279 00:37:07,458 --> 00:37:10,166 Your real name is Tonomoto Akinao, 280 00:37:11,583 --> 00:37:14,333 my long-serving, prized samurai. 281 00:37:16,500 --> 00:37:18,250 You will remain my spy. 282 00:37:18,791 --> 00:37:21,250 Then what's to be done? 283 00:37:21,916 --> 00:37:24,125 Find him another spy. 284 00:37:31,250 --> 00:37:32,666 We can't go on like this. 285 00:37:33,333 --> 00:37:35,583 The stench of death, arrows sticking from our walls... 286 00:37:36,416 --> 00:37:41,083 Villagers are starting to whisper there's a tatarigami in your house. 287 00:37:45,000 --> 00:37:47,000 Anjin, I have a favor to ask. 288 00:37:48,416 --> 00:37:52,458 This awful smell. May we get rid of it? 289 00:41:32,791 --> 00:41:33,750 Bird 290 00:41:33,833 --> 00:41:34,666 Who 291 00:41:35,833 --> 00:41:37,041 Took 292 00:41:38,833 --> 00:41:40,250 It was Uejirou. 293 00:41:52,541 --> 00:41:54,083 Uejirou, good. 294 00:41:56,958 --> 00:41:57,791 Fetch him. 295 00:41:59,875 --> 00:42:01,458 Uejirou is dead. 296 00:42:06,333 --> 00:42:07,541 Dead? 297 00:42:08,750 --> 00:42:09,666 How? 298 00:42:11,291 --> 00:42:12,208 Lord. 299 00:42:14,416 --> 00:42:16,541 Because you said it was forbidden. 300 00:42:17,416 --> 00:42:19,291 'If touch-- die!' 301 00:42:42,875 --> 00:42:44,666 It is my responsibility to bear. 302 00:42:48,333 --> 00:42:49,375 Please... 303 00:42:51,375 --> 00:42:53,000 Please take my life. 304 00:43:29,750 --> 00:43:32,500 It was my fault for being difficult with my husband. 305 00:43:34,125 --> 00:43:35,375 I beg your forgiveness. 306 00:43:37,083 --> 00:43:39,541 Buntaro may do whatever he wishes to his wife. 307 00:43:40,250 --> 00:43:43,041 But right now I cannot have my translator harmed. 308 00:43:44,750 --> 00:43:47,708 Lord, you have another visitor. 309 00:43:49,166 --> 00:43:50,000 Excuse me. 310 00:44:19,416 --> 00:44:22,416 Your arrangement about training the cannon regiment... 311 00:44:23,458 --> 00:44:26,083 He believes it is now complete. 312 00:44:27,541 --> 00:44:28,375 And... 313 00:44:30,625 --> 00:44:33,500 he would like to leave Japan permanently. 314 00:44:39,708 --> 00:44:43,291 There's a shadow on both of you. 315 00:45:04,750 --> 00:45:06,916 He's upset about a matter with his gardener. 316 00:45:09,541 --> 00:45:11,750 He will stop acting like a child. 317 00:45:31,083 --> 00:45:32,750 I can't be bothered with this nonsense. 318 00:46:52,333 --> 00:46:53,541 Don't move! 319 00:47:04,166 --> 00:47:05,000 Father! 320 00:47:32,208 --> 00:47:33,041 Father! 321 00:48:05,416 --> 00:48:06,291 Any injuries? 322 00:48:06,375 --> 00:48:07,208 Lord! 323 00:48:14,625 --> 00:48:15,458 Your swords... 324 00:48:48,916 --> 00:48:50,000 Thank you. 325 00:49:03,458 --> 00:49:04,291 Father. 326 00:49:04,791 --> 00:49:05,708 Look... 327 00:51:28,541 --> 00:51:31,166 We only discovered these after the earthquake. 328 00:51:33,291 --> 00:51:34,916 As my uncle said, 329 00:51:35,541 --> 00:51:38,375 there was a filthy spy all along. 330 00:51:40,666 --> 00:51:41,500 Who lives here? 331 00:51:42,375 --> 00:51:45,125 An old gardener. 332 00:51:45,208 --> 00:51:47,000 Name was Uejirou. 333 00:51:47,083 --> 00:51:49,916 Worked for the barbarian. 334 00:51:50,000 --> 00:51:52,875 Died just yesterday. 335 00:51:56,416 --> 00:51:57,625 Lucky for him. 336 00:52:37,750 --> 00:52:38,875 Mother! 337 00:52:47,500 --> 00:52:52,791 Glad you've returned safely, Lady Ochiba. 338 00:53:09,291 --> 00:53:12,041 I owe you my gratitude, Lord Ishido. 339 00:53:13,000 --> 00:53:16,416 I'm told my release from Edo was thanks to your Council 340 00:53:16,500 --> 00:53:20,500 putting pressure on Toranaga. 341 00:53:21,208 --> 00:53:27,958 The Regents are pleased for your safe return. 342 00:53:30,416 --> 00:53:35,250 I'm also told the Council was outmaneuvered. 343 00:53:36,583 --> 00:53:41,458 That Toranaga has once again conspired and paralyzed it. 344 00:53:42,833 --> 00:53:45,958 I will restore the Council. 345 00:53:46,041 --> 00:53:47,041 When? 346 00:53:53,041 --> 00:53:56,125 Forgive my impatience. 347 00:53:57,333 --> 00:54:02,916 But I fear for my son's future. 348 00:54:04,750 --> 00:54:07,125 If anyone attempted to harm the Taikō's heir, 349 00:54:07,208 --> 00:54:08,791 I would give my life. 350 00:54:08,875 --> 00:54:09,833 In that case... 351 00:54:11,625 --> 00:54:14,875 The time for politics has come to an end. 352 00:54:20,291 --> 00:54:27,291 The Council will answer to me.