1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:35,000 Leviathan Re-Sync & Edit Tharindu_Lakmal_Jeewantha 2 00:00:37,583 --> 00:00:40,332 NON STOP PRODUCTION 3 00:00:41,291 --> 00:00:44,790 THE RUARTS FOUNDATION FOR CONTEMPORARY ART 4 00:00:45,791 --> 00:00:48,665 With support from THE RUSSIAN CINEMA FUND 5 00:00:49,666 --> 00:00:52,915 and from THE RUSSIAN MINISTRY OF CULTURE 6 00:00:53,916 --> 00:00:57,082 AIexander RODNYANSKY Sergey MELKUMOV 7 00:00:58,083 --> 00:00:59,707 present 8 00:01:00,708 --> 00:01:03,082 a fiIm by Andrey ZVYAGINTSEV 9 00:01:04,375 --> 00:01:08,207 LEVIATHAN 10 00:06:10,791 --> 00:06:13,499 I'II have a smoke outside, or I'II faII asIeep. 11 00:06:13,625 --> 00:06:15,165 OK. I'II be quick. 12 00:06:31,916 --> 00:06:33,415 There they are... 13 00:06:50,041 --> 00:06:51,957 Not making your quota, Sergeant? 14 00:06:52,083 --> 00:06:53,582 Your Iicense and registration. 15 00:06:53,708 --> 00:06:56,457 PoIished your badge today? 16 00:06:58,041 --> 00:06:59,124 Hi. 17 00:06:59,958 --> 00:07:03,665 Stepanych wiII come see you today. His carburettor broke again. 18 00:07:03,791 --> 00:07:06,749 Again? I'm not a charity. 19 00:07:06,875 --> 00:07:08,499 You know he'II make it up to you. 20 00:07:08,625 --> 00:07:10,999 I can buy my own damn vodka. 21 00:07:11,791 --> 00:07:12,874 Look, 22 00:07:13,625 --> 00:07:16,874 he said he'II cover everything for our trip: petroI, 23 00:07:17,000 --> 00:07:18,124 food, guns. 24 00:07:18,250 --> 00:07:20,249 I'm so excited, I couId wet my pants! 25 00:07:20,375 --> 00:07:22,165 - KoIya... - Pasha. 26 00:07:22,291 --> 00:07:24,707 - It'II onIy take a second. - I'm serious. 27 00:07:25,208 --> 00:07:27,040 I can't today. 28 00:07:27,166 --> 00:07:29,040 TeII him to come tomorrow. 29 00:07:30,625 --> 00:07:32,832 - I wiII. - AII right. 30 00:07:32,958 --> 00:07:34,332 Say hi to the wife. 31 00:07:43,625 --> 00:07:46,374 I'm sick of that Stepanych and his truck. 32 00:07:46,500 --> 00:07:47,790 Fucking cop... 33 00:07:49,708 --> 00:07:53,290 Cheap bastard is aIways after me to fix his rust bucket. 34 00:07:53,833 --> 00:07:57,290 He can crawI around underneath it himseIf. 35 00:07:58,166 --> 00:08:01,999 Any corrupt traffic cop can afford a good car after 5 years on the job. 36 00:08:02,125 --> 00:08:03,707 Maybe he's an honest cop. 37 00:08:03,833 --> 00:08:05,957 Yeah, and generous! 38 00:08:20,166 --> 00:08:21,999 - Are they here yet? - Nope. 39 00:08:35,250 --> 00:08:37,207 And where's your "good morning"? 40 00:08:37,875 --> 00:08:39,374 I don't know. 41 00:08:40,958 --> 00:08:42,624 Look for it, then. 42 00:08:43,541 --> 00:08:44,624 Where? 43 00:08:48,625 --> 00:08:51,790 Did you wash? Go on, don't be an ape. 44 00:08:53,083 --> 00:08:54,749 You're the ape. 45 00:08:54,875 --> 00:08:56,040 What? 46 00:08:56,958 --> 00:08:57,999 Nothing. 47 00:09:01,875 --> 00:09:04,165 - Stop right there. - Get Iost. 48 00:09:04,291 --> 00:09:06,915 - What did you say? - Just what you heard. 49 00:09:08,958 --> 00:09:10,290 Oh! They're here. 50 00:09:29,166 --> 00:09:32,874 Dima, teII them to take me aIong. 51 00:09:33,833 --> 00:09:37,499 What about schooI? You have a test coming up. Go get ready. 52 00:09:37,625 --> 00:09:38,665 Don't Iie... 53 00:09:38,791 --> 00:09:41,832 - Don't taIk to your mum Iike that! - She's not my mum! 54 00:09:54,791 --> 00:09:56,582 DifficuIt age... 55 00:09:57,375 --> 00:09:58,707 You shouIdn't hit him. 56 00:09:58,833 --> 00:10:00,957 Just an affectionate sIap. 57 00:10:01,083 --> 00:10:03,332 I'm not driving him to schooI today. 58 00:10:03,458 --> 00:10:06,290 He's been rude to me aII morning. 59 00:10:07,375 --> 00:10:09,832 I can't either. My friend's here. 60 00:10:10,375 --> 00:10:14,207 He's your son. Up to you whether he becomes a man or an ape. 61 00:10:15,625 --> 00:10:17,540 Does he reaIIy have a test today? 62 00:10:18,416 --> 00:10:19,540 Yes. 63 00:10:20,833 --> 00:10:23,957 KoIya, just take him. I can come aIong too. 64 00:10:25,291 --> 00:10:27,332 He'd Iike that. 65 00:10:35,291 --> 00:10:38,332 Hey, soIdier of fortune, you ready to go? 66 00:10:44,250 --> 00:10:45,707 How've you been? 67 00:10:45,833 --> 00:10:47,082 AII right. 68 00:10:51,708 --> 00:10:53,624 We're Iooking for a new pIace. 69 00:10:55,166 --> 00:10:57,624 I've been saying we shouId move out of TOWn. 70 00:10:58,750 --> 00:11:01,249 Away from this pIace. He says nothing. 71 00:11:01,375 --> 00:11:04,290 - CouId you taIk to him? - Sure. 72 00:11:04,416 --> 00:11:05,874 Can't I just wear it? 73 00:11:06,000 --> 00:11:08,040 Give it back, Dad. 74 00:11:08,166 --> 00:11:10,582 AII right, I'II give it back. Stop whining. 75 00:11:10,708 --> 00:11:11,707 Thank you. 76 00:11:15,375 --> 00:11:16,874 Go start the car. 77 00:11:17,000 --> 00:11:18,374 You're driving. 78 00:11:18,500 --> 00:11:19,624 AIone? 79 00:11:20,208 --> 00:11:22,582 You wish. 80 00:11:22,708 --> 00:11:24,999 Dima and I are coming too. 81 00:11:26,791 --> 00:11:29,207 - But I'm driving, right? - Yes, you. 82 00:11:33,791 --> 00:11:35,165 Time out! 83 00:11:41,875 --> 00:11:43,874 My own fauIt for coaching him. 84 00:11:46,208 --> 00:11:48,790 A coupIe more years, and he'II knock you out coId. 85 00:11:49,750 --> 00:11:51,207 It's aII good. 86 00:11:56,916 --> 00:11:59,082 - I Iove you. - I know. 87 00:12:04,375 --> 00:12:06,332 Don't Iet him drive too fast! 88 00:12:30,416 --> 00:12:31,415 HeIIo. 89 00:12:31,541 --> 00:12:34,374 Hi. KoIya's taking Roma to schooI. 90 00:12:34,500 --> 00:12:35,874 Come in. He'II be back soon. 91 00:12:36,000 --> 00:12:41,207 That's OK, I'II just wait out here and have a smoke. 92 00:13:35,000 --> 00:13:36,374 HeIIo, KoIya. 93 00:13:36,500 --> 00:13:38,540 Hey there. Car troubIes again? 94 00:13:39,708 --> 00:13:42,332 Didn't Pasha teII you that I can't today? 95 00:13:42,458 --> 00:13:43,915 No. Why, what's up? 96 00:13:44,041 --> 00:13:46,707 My friend is visiting from Moscow. 97 00:13:46,833 --> 00:13:48,540 My court hearing is at noon, 98 00:13:48,666 --> 00:13:51,915 and we stiII have a few things to go over. 99 00:13:55,583 --> 00:13:57,165 I'II do it tomorrow. 100 00:13:57,291 --> 00:13:58,624 Come by in the morning. 101 00:13:58,750 --> 00:13:59,915 Tomorrow? 102 00:14:01,000 --> 00:14:02,832 - I'm Ivan Stepanych. - Dima. 103 00:14:02,958 --> 00:14:05,540 I promise. I'II fix her up - good as new. 104 00:14:06,791 --> 00:14:08,915 OK, KoIya, fair enough. 105 00:14:09,041 --> 00:14:10,832 Tomorrow it is then. 106 00:14:14,583 --> 00:14:16,082 He wasn't happy about that. 107 00:14:18,375 --> 00:14:20,582 - Funny character. - You think? 108 00:14:21,208 --> 00:14:23,874 He's outIived two wives. 109 00:14:24,000 --> 00:14:25,332 Fucking tyrant. 110 00:14:28,291 --> 00:14:30,249 OK, my friends. 111 00:14:32,291 --> 00:14:34,790 Over the Iast two months, I dug up some dirt 112 00:14:35,416 --> 00:14:36,915 on that bastard. 113 00:14:37,041 --> 00:14:38,457 Got him by the baIIs? 114 00:14:38,583 --> 00:14:40,540 Yep, it'II do some damage. 115 00:14:40,666 --> 00:14:44,499 - Doesn't Iook Iike much. - So what now, how does it heIp? 116 00:14:44,625 --> 00:14:45,957 Here's the deaI: 117 00:14:46,625 --> 00:14:49,040 I think today's ruIing won't be in our favour... 118 00:14:49,166 --> 00:14:52,040 - Don't write us off yet. - But... 119 00:14:52,500 --> 00:14:56,332 We need him to think what's best for him: 120 00:14:56,458 --> 00:14:58,290 settIe with us, or we go pubIic. 121 00:14:58,416 --> 00:15:00,415 - Meaning? - KoIya, Iet him finish. 122 00:15:00,541 --> 00:15:04,374 I want to know what he found. A cannon can't bring that prick down! 123 00:15:04,500 --> 00:15:06,499 No need for cannons. 124 00:15:06,625 --> 00:15:08,915 We'II just gentIy tug him 125 00:15:09,041 --> 00:15:10,249 by the baIIs. 126 00:15:10,375 --> 00:15:13,624 I don't beIieve in that approach. We've got to crush him. 127 00:15:15,291 --> 00:15:17,082 - With a sIedgehammer! - No. 128 00:15:17,208 --> 00:15:19,499 OnIy a subtIe approach works with his kind. 129 00:15:19,625 --> 00:15:21,790 This here is our Ieverage. Facts. 130 00:15:21,916 --> 00:15:24,374 - Let me see. - Not just yet. 131 00:15:24,500 --> 00:15:26,040 After the hearing. 132 00:15:27,500 --> 00:15:28,832 - Why's that? - KoIya... 133 00:15:28,958 --> 00:15:31,624 Because you're a hothead. No offense, 134 00:15:31,750 --> 00:15:34,499 but you can fly off the handIe just Iike that. 135 00:15:34,625 --> 00:15:37,415 And the Iast thing we need now is a scandaI. 136 00:15:38,166 --> 00:15:40,207 Come on. I'm not crazy. 137 00:15:40,333 --> 00:15:44,499 I have to know. You think I'II just bIurt out everything in court? 138 00:15:44,625 --> 00:15:47,374 - Do you trust me, bro? - Of course. 139 00:15:47,500 --> 00:15:50,040 Then don't question me - read it after. 140 00:15:51,541 --> 00:15:54,790 LiIya, how about some tea? 141 00:16:01,750 --> 00:16:04,874 WeII, aII right. I'II read it after. 142 00:16:05,458 --> 00:16:06,707 Good man. 143 00:16:07,375 --> 00:16:10,790 But you know, you're bossing me around, junior. 144 00:16:10,916 --> 00:16:12,749 And I don't Iike it. 145 00:16:13,291 --> 00:16:16,832 KoIya, "junior" is what I was in the army 20 years ago. 146 00:16:16,958 --> 00:16:18,040 Why are you 147 00:16:18,166 --> 00:16:21,332 waving these papers in my face then? 148 00:16:21,458 --> 00:16:24,749 See for yourseIf then, chief. 149 00:16:24,875 --> 00:16:28,915 WeII, I've heard things about him. Who hasn't, around here? 150 00:16:29,666 --> 00:16:31,915 He's got bIood dripping... 151 00:16:33,375 --> 00:16:35,457 from his hands. 152 00:16:35,583 --> 00:16:38,374 So why isn't he in prison if you've got aII this documented? 153 00:16:38,500 --> 00:16:41,165 Because somebody up top needs him. 154 00:16:41,291 --> 00:16:43,415 They've got aII of them by the baIIs. 155 00:16:43,541 --> 00:16:46,415 Easier to manage that way. It's aII very simpIe. 156 00:16:47,166 --> 00:16:49,999 Vadim's position is safe 157 00:16:50,125 --> 00:16:51,957 as Iong as he serves his purpose. 158 00:16:52,083 --> 00:16:53,207 Or untiI he dies. 159 00:16:53,333 --> 00:16:55,499 Or untiI someone Iynches him. 160 00:16:55,625 --> 00:16:58,249 Give me a break. Who's going to Iynch him? 161 00:16:58,375 --> 00:17:00,165 You guys coming or what? 162 00:17:00,750 --> 00:17:02,957 So Iet him sIeep. Come aIone. 163 00:17:06,083 --> 00:17:07,540 I see. 164 00:17:09,083 --> 00:17:11,290 If there's no one to watch him, fine. 165 00:17:12,875 --> 00:17:15,540 I know. I've just got other things on my mind. 166 00:17:16,708 --> 00:17:18,082 I'II taIk to you Iater. 167 00:17:18,208 --> 00:17:20,082 So what? Not coming? 168 00:17:20,208 --> 00:17:23,915 Pasha is asIeep after his shift. There's no one to watch the kid. 169 00:17:24,041 --> 00:17:26,915 Last time they had an excuse too. Some friends! 170 00:17:27,041 --> 00:17:29,290 - What about yours? - Mine are right here. 171 00:17:30,083 --> 00:17:32,040 OK, KoIya, you win. 172 00:17:34,000 --> 00:17:35,790 My friends are shit. 173 00:17:35,916 --> 00:17:37,665 - Sure are! - Stop it, pIease. 174 00:17:38,291 --> 00:17:40,749 KoIya, get a grip. Watch your driving. 175 00:17:40,875 --> 00:17:42,499 My driving! 176 00:17:42,625 --> 00:17:43,832 LiIya... 177 00:17:44,625 --> 00:17:45,874 I'm not saying anything. 178 00:18:08,208 --> 00:18:12,790 Decree No. 1 295 of the Pribrezhny Town Administration 179 00:18:12,916 --> 00:18:18,457 ordered the seizure from Mr Sergeyev of a Iand parceI of 0.66 acres 180 00:18:18,583 --> 00:18:21,624 cadastraI number 28:1 36:254:2001 , 181 00:18:21,750 --> 00:18:23,707 aIong with the residentiaI buiIding, 182 00:18:23,833 --> 00:18:26,665 automotive works shed, repair garage and greenhouse. 183 00:18:26,791 --> 00:18:31,124 Mr Sergeyev petitioned the Zagorye District Court to repeaI this Decree. 184 00:18:31,250 --> 00:18:34,207 The Court ruIed to deny the petition. 185 00:18:34,333 --> 00:18:39,499 Mr Sergeyev then petitioned Pribrezhny Town Court to appeaI. 186 00:18:39,625 --> 00:18:43,290 During proceedings, Mr Sergeyev insisted the court ruIing be revoked. 187 00:18:43,416 --> 00:18:46,415 The Town Administration rejected the appeaI 188 00:18:46,541 --> 00:18:49,582 and upheId the ruIing of the Zagorye District Court. 189 00:18:49,708 --> 00:18:52,749 Mr Sergeyev states the initiaI ruIing vioIated proceduraI reguIations 190 00:18:52,875 --> 00:18:57,332 and therefore disputes the concIusion that the seizure of the Iand parceI 191 00:18:57,458 --> 00:18:59,249 is IawfuI. 192 00:18:59,375 --> 00:19:04,832 He says the Administration did not meet the deadIine for notifying him 193 00:19:04,958 --> 00:19:08,707 and vioIated the procedure for determining the purchase price. 194 00:19:08,833 --> 00:19:11,457 He aIso contends that, when determining the price, 195 00:19:11,583 --> 00:19:16,290 the court did not consider an independent evaIuation he submitted, 196 00:19:16,416 --> 00:19:18,707 which vaIues the property higher than determined by the Administration. 197 00:19:18,833 --> 00:19:21,040 He aIso states that the Administration 198 00:19:21,166 --> 00:19:24,082 vioIated civiI Iaw. 199 00:19:24,208 --> 00:19:29,957 Mr Sergeyev was not notified of the upcoming seizure a year in advance 200 00:19:30,083 --> 00:19:32,832 due to which he incurred expenses reIated to improving his property. 201 00:19:32,958 --> 00:19:36,832 AIso, the purchase price did not consider his Ioss of business revenue 202 00:19:36,958 --> 00:19:42,290 as weII as his IiabiIities to third parties. 203 00:19:42,416 --> 00:19:45,499 The Court ruIed: by Decree No. 1 295 of Pribrezhny Town Administration, 204 00:19:45,625 --> 00:19:51,374 the Iand parceI shaII be seized to buiId a TOWn communications centre. 205 00:19:51,500 --> 00:19:55,749 The Decree determines the purchase price of the Iand and structures 206 00:19:55,875 --> 00:19:58,499 as 639,540.27 roubIes. 207 00:19:58,625 --> 00:20:01,207 The purchase price was determined based on an evaIuation. 208 00:20:01,333 --> 00:20:05,499 Per Mr Sergeyev's request, AIIiance Ltd estimated the vaIue 209 00:20:05,625 --> 00:20:08,457 of IiabiIities for the Ioss of agricuIturaI production 210 00:20:08,583 --> 00:20:13,415 due to the seizure of the Iand parceI of 0.66 acres for the TOWn's needs. 211 00:20:13,541 --> 00:20:18,165 The market vaIue of the IiabiIities constitutes 3.5 miIIion roubIes. 212 00:20:18,291 --> 00:20:19,332 The court questions... 213 00:20:32,375 --> 00:20:34,415 ...and deems it invaIid. 214 00:20:34,541 --> 00:20:38,165 The Court uphoIds the purchase price of 639,540.27 roubIes 215 00:20:38,291 --> 00:20:41,499 as determined by the Town Administration's evaIuation. 216 00:20:41,625 --> 00:20:46,540 The Court rejects the statement that the purchase procedure was vioIated. 217 00:20:46,666 --> 00:20:49,624 The case fiIe contains Ietters 218 00:20:49,750 --> 00:20:54,457 about the purchase and testimony of Town Administration officiaIs 219 00:20:54,583 --> 00:20:56,999 stating that Mr Sergeyev 220 00:20:57,125 --> 00:21:00,624 had been notified of the seizure of the Iand parceI. 221 00:21:00,750 --> 00:21:03,832 The Court casts doubt on Mr Sergeyev's cIaims 222 00:21:03,958 --> 00:21:05,707 that he didn't receive these notifications. 223 00:21:05,833 --> 00:21:12,332 Having examined Mr Sergeyev's appeaI, Pribrezhny Town Court has concIuded 224 00:21:12,458 --> 00:21:16,874 that Mr Sergeyev faiIed to estabIish grounds to repeaI the court ruIing 225 00:21:17,000 --> 00:21:20,790 pursuant to articIe 330 of the CiviI ProceduraI Code. 226 00:21:20,916 --> 00:21:26,874 As per articIes 320-335 of the CiviI ProceduraI Code, the court denies 227 00:21:27,000 --> 00:21:31,415 Mr Sergeyev's petition to revoke the ruIing of the Zagorye District Court. 228 00:21:31,541 --> 00:21:36,082 That ruIing is upheId, and Mr Sergeyev's appeaI is denied. 229 00:21:36,208 --> 00:21:38,457 The ruIing shaII come into effect forthwith. 230 00:21:51,333 --> 00:21:52,915 WeII, shaII we go? 231 00:21:53,916 --> 00:21:55,165 In a minute. 232 00:22:56,083 --> 00:22:58,499 Vadim, every time you come, 233 00:22:58,625 --> 00:23:00,957 aII you do is worry about the eIection. 234 00:23:01,083 --> 00:23:03,082 It's not for another year. 235 00:23:03,625 --> 00:23:05,832 In fair weather, prepare for fouI. 236 00:23:07,583 --> 00:23:10,749 You do weII to tend 237 00:23:10,875 --> 00:23:12,915 to worIdIy matters, 238 00:23:13,041 --> 00:23:15,082 but remember the divine. 239 00:23:15,208 --> 00:23:16,540 But I... 240 00:23:18,083 --> 00:23:19,082 Don't I aIready? 241 00:23:19,208 --> 00:23:20,624 I know. 242 00:23:22,208 --> 00:23:24,040 You're a most... 243 00:23:25,083 --> 00:23:26,540 charitabIe patron. 244 00:23:27,208 --> 00:23:30,999 Even today, you come from afar, bearing gifts. 245 00:23:33,291 --> 00:23:35,040 Have some fish. 246 00:23:37,125 --> 00:23:38,332 Right. 247 00:23:40,833 --> 00:23:42,707 I'm teIIing you, 248 00:23:43,916 --> 00:23:45,915 don't worry so much. 249 00:23:46,041 --> 00:23:48,374 AII power comes from God. 250 00:23:48,500 --> 00:23:50,874 As Iong as God wishes for it, you need not worry. 251 00:23:52,083 --> 00:23:53,957 And does He? 252 00:23:56,416 --> 00:24:00,374 Who can I ask if not you? You're the priest! 253 00:24:01,541 --> 00:24:03,665 He does. 254 00:24:07,208 --> 00:24:09,290 Chase it with some food. 255 00:24:26,250 --> 00:24:27,499 HeIIo. 256 00:24:28,875 --> 00:24:31,457 Yes. Thank God, finaIIy. 257 00:24:32,250 --> 00:24:37,082 Get Tyagunov's guys on it. 258 00:24:39,041 --> 00:24:40,874 Why wait? 259 00:24:41,333 --> 00:24:44,749 Tear down that bastard's fucking pIace aIready! 260 00:24:45,500 --> 00:24:48,415 We've Iost so much time because of him. 261 00:24:50,541 --> 00:24:53,832 How's that your fauIt? Drop the excuses! 262 00:24:56,208 --> 00:24:57,999 OK, Iater. 263 00:24:58,583 --> 00:25:00,915 Lyosha, get my thing... 264 00:25:03,000 --> 00:25:04,707 from the gIove compartment. 265 00:25:25,750 --> 00:25:27,874 Hey, Vasya. 266 00:25:28,333 --> 00:25:31,832 Let's pay that fucking arsehoIe... 267 00:25:32,541 --> 00:25:34,249 a visit reaI quick. 268 00:25:34,875 --> 00:25:36,707 The one at the bottom of the hiII. 269 00:25:36,833 --> 00:25:38,957 - Past the bridge? - Yes. 270 00:25:39,083 --> 00:25:41,832 There are Iots of arsehoIes at the bottom of hiIIs. 271 00:25:42,666 --> 00:25:43,957 What? 272 00:25:45,083 --> 00:25:48,290 You trying to be smart now? 273 00:25:49,291 --> 00:25:52,707 It's obvious that the prick wants this pIace 274 00:25:52,833 --> 00:25:55,124 so he can buiId himseIf a paIace! 275 00:25:55,250 --> 00:25:56,915 CaIm down. That's enough. 276 00:25:57,041 --> 00:25:59,665 I buiIt this pIace with my own hands! 277 00:26:07,375 --> 00:26:09,040 Here we go again. 278 00:26:10,500 --> 00:26:11,582 KoIya... 279 00:26:29,708 --> 00:26:30,832 Here. 280 00:26:35,375 --> 00:26:37,415 My whoIe Iife is here. 281 00:26:39,000 --> 00:26:41,707 My grandfather Iived here. And my father... 282 00:26:42,208 --> 00:26:43,415 He's seen it before. 283 00:26:43,541 --> 00:26:45,332 Stay out of this! 284 00:26:45,458 --> 00:26:46,582 Stop yeIIing! 285 00:26:46,708 --> 00:26:48,290 KoIya, caIm down. 286 00:27:03,458 --> 00:27:04,915 Come on, Dima. 287 00:27:06,291 --> 00:27:07,624 Let's have a drink. 288 00:27:19,750 --> 00:27:20,999 Here's to you. 289 00:27:21,625 --> 00:27:22,749 AII right. 290 00:27:31,625 --> 00:27:34,915 - To everything you've done for us. - If you say so, bro. 291 00:27:37,291 --> 00:27:42,290 Thank you. 292 00:27:42,416 --> 00:27:45,457 What are you taIking about? It'II be fine. 293 00:27:45,583 --> 00:27:47,165 But that dirt of yours... 294 00:27:47,291 --> 00:27:50,457 KoIya, that's not my fucking dirt. It's his. 295 00:27:53,083 --> 00:27:54,624 AII I'm saying is, 296 00:27:54,750 --> 00:27:56,874 I don't see a way 297 00:27:58,166 --> 00:28:01,082 to put your theory to work. 298 00:28:03,791 --> 00:28:06,332 Either way, they're knocking this pIace down. 299 00:28:08,041 --> 00:28:14,415 We'II buy that crappy apartment near AngeIa's 300 00:28:14,541 --> 00:28:17,082 with that 639,000 roubIes and 27 kopecks 301 00:28:18,958 --> 00:28:21,082 and I'II become a cop, Iike Pasha. 302 00:28:21,208 --> 00:28:22,457 Oh no... 303 00:28:24,666 --> 00:28:26,082 Listen, bro, 304 00:28:26,958 --> 00:28:30,207 this is not Iike you. 305 00:28:31,166 --> 00:28:32,707 You hear me? 306 00:28:35,041 --> 00:28:38,499 You've never Iet probIems get to you before. 307 00:28:38,625 --> 00:28:40,915 What's the matter with you? 308 00:28:42,791 --> 00:28:47,790 Things were different. We're not 20 anymore. 309 00:28:48,291 --> 00:28:50,415 The years take their toII. 310 00:28:50,541 --> 00:28:52,290 Anyway, what are you on about? 311 00:28:54,166 --> 00:28:55,957 Are you a shrink now? 312 00:28:56,083 --> 00:28:59,165 I'm no fucking shrink. 313 00:28:59,291 --> 00:29:01,457 But fuck, man, it's Iike... 314 00:29:01,916 --> 00:29:06,207 You can Iook at this situation differentIy. 315 00:29:06,333 --> 00:29:07,540 How is that? 316 00:29:07,666 --> 00:29:09,832 Fucking heII... 317 00:29:09,958 --> 00:29:11,249 You're my brother! 318 00:29:11,375 --> 00:29:14,540 Take on the chaIIenge, for fuck's sake! 319 00:29:14,666 --> 00:29:16,624 It's a fresh start! 320 00:29:17,833 --> 00:29:21,290 Easy for you to say. You're off to Moscow tomorrow... 321 00:29:21,416 --> 00:29:25,874 What's Moscow got to do with it? Come with me then. You hear me? 322 00:29:26,000 --> 00:29:27,374 Why not? 323 00:29:27,500 --> 00:29:29,040 - To Moscow? - Sure. 324 00:29:29,166 --> 00:29:31,457 Pack your bags. 325 00:29:32,708 --> 00:29:36,249 Rent a studio apartment for starters, for about 30,000. 326 00:29:36,750 --> 00:29:37,790 Oh, wow! 327 00:29:37,916 --> 00:29:39,707 What? That's a fair price. 328 00:29:40,458 --> 00:29:44,790 A fucking genius handyman Iike you won't have any probIems finding work! 329 00:29:44,916 --> 00:29:47,665 With your hands, you'II be aII right. 330 00:29:47,791 --> 00:29:50,457 We'II find something for LiIya, too. 331 00:29:50,583 --> 00:29:53,999 Maybe in some shop at first. 332 00:29:54,625 --> 00:29:58,624 Anything is better than cIeaning fish at that stinking fish farm. 333 00:29:59,291 --> 00:30:01,749 What's the matter with you, bro? 334 00:30:07,666 --> 00:30:09,165 What about Roma? 335 00:30:09,291 --> 00:30:11,915 What about him? He'II go to schooI. 336 00:30:12,041 --> 00:30:14,040 He's a kid. He goes to schooI! 337 00:30:14,166 --> 00:30:15,874 Sort of... 338 00:30:16,750 --> 00:30:19,499 He's bareIy a C-student. Who wiII take him? 339 00:30:19,625 --> 00:30:22,832 They're required to. They'II take him. 340 00:30:23,458 --> 00:30:24,457 KoIya! 341 00:30:24,583 --> 00:30:27,499 I'm not a C-student. I get Bs. 342 00:30:27,625 --> 00:30:28,915 Don't get worked up. 343 00:30:29,041 --> 00:30:31,499 What are you doing Iistening to us? 344 00:30:31,625 --> 00:30:34,374 Why wouId I do that? I just went to the toiIet. 345 00:30:34,500 --> 00:30:35,915 Come over here then! 346 00:30:36,916 --> 00:30:38,540 Come on. 347 00:30:47,666 --> 00:30:49,790 What's up, guys? You need heIp? 348 00:30:50,416 --> 00:30:52,749 KoIya, don't you recognise authority 349 00:30:53,583 --> 00:30:55,624 when you see it? 350 00:30:57,500 --> 00:30:59,624 And what do you want, "Authority"? 351 00:31:00,541 --> 00:31:02,207 Just aII of this. 352 00:31:04,166 --> 00:31:05,582 Come and get it. 353 00:31:06,083 --> 00:31:07,915 WiII it aII fit 354 00:31:08,041 --> 00:31:09,790 into your hearse? 355 00:31:11,166 --> 00:31:12,582 What eIse? 356 00:31:14,583 --> 00:31:17,915 You're aII insects. 357 00:31:18,791 --> 00:31:21,624 You aIways have to make things difficuIt, don't you? 358 00:31:23,083 --> 00:31:26,665 That's why you're aII drowning in shit. 359 00:31:26,791 --> 00:31:28,790 KoIya, 360 00:31:28,916 --> 00:31:31,832 have you packed your suitcases? 361 00:31:31,958 --> 00:31:35,874 Look, sir, it's you who's not supposed to be here now. 362 00:31:36,000 --> 00:31:39,957 The court ruIing hasn't taken effect yet. 363 00:31:40,083 --> 00:31:43,874 And your office doesn't entitIe you to come here. Do you have a warrant? 364 00:31:44,708 --> 00:31:46,207 Who are you? 365 00:31:46,333 --> 00:31:47,624 Dmitri SeIeznev, 366 00:31:48,250 --> 00:31:51,374 Moscow Bar Association. 367 00:31:51,500 --> 00:31:54,457 KoIya's Iawyer in Iitigation with your gang. 368 00:31:55,875 --> 00:32:00,790 Oh, yeah, I heard someone babbIing about that. 369 00:32:00,916 --> 00:32:05,499 So what's up, KoIya? Can't stand up for yourseIf anymore? 370 00:32:05,625 --> 00:32:07,874 Ignore him, man. Take it easy, KoIya. 371 00:32:10,166 --> 00:32:12,040 I'II stand up to you, bitch. 372 00:32:13,166 --> 00:32:16,790 PIease, no more, I just shat myseIf. 373 00:32:16,916 --> 00:32:18,832 Scary stuff. 374 00:32:20,166 --> 00:32:22,165 - Sir... - OK. 375 00:32:23,333 --> 00:32:26,707 Maybe I just wanted to have a friendIy drink with you. 376 00:32:28,083 --> 00:32:30,457 By the way, where is it? Give it here. 377 00:32:31,500 --> 00:32:32,790 Want some? 378 00:32:33,541 --> 00:32:34,582 No? 379 00:32:35,208 --> 00:32:36,290 Guess not. 380 00:32:36,958 --> 00:32:40,415 I'm not gonna offer him any. I don't Iike his kind. 381 00:32:41,666 --> 00:32:45,874 Anyway, I wanted to teII you something to bear in mind. 382 00:32:46,000 --> 00:32:47,957 LiIya, caII the poIice. 383 00:32:48,083 --> 00:32:51,124 Go ahead, LiIya, caII them! 384 00:32:51,250 --> 00:32:53,457 The poIice. Do it. 385 00:32:54,583 --> 00:32:57,082 What's your name, kid? 386 00:32:57,208 --> 00:33:00,207 Listen, Vadim, why are you doing this? 387 00:33:00,333 --> 00:33:02,749 You're not so drunk that you don't know... 388 00:33:02,875 --> 00:33:06,207 Shut your mouth, you courtroom rat. 389 00:33:06,333 --> 00:33:09,124 And you, Iisten up. 390 00:33:09,250 --> 00:33:11,499 - Fuck off. - Remember my face! 391 00:33:11,625 --> 00:33:13,124 Ignore him, bro. 392 00:33:13,250 --> 00:33:14,999 You piece of shit. 393 00:33:15,875 --> 00:33:19,957 You've never had any fucking rights 394 00:33:20,666 --> 00:33:23,332 and never wiII! 395 00:33:24,333 --> 00:33:25,790 Where the fuck are you going? 396 00:33:26,333 --> 00:33:29,832 Listen, it wouId be best if you go now. 397 00:33:30,500 --> 00:33:34,624 You are trespassing. 398 00:33:34,750 --> 00:33:37,374 And the owners are not happy to see you. 399 00:33:37,500 --> 00:33:40,124 Vadim, Iet's not escaIate the situation. 400 00:33:40,250 --> 00:33:41,957 What did you just say? 401 00:33:42,875 --> 00:33:44,624 I'm the owner. 402 00:33:45,250 --> 00:33:48,249 - Got it? - Got it. I've got it. 403 00:33:48,375 --> 00:33:50,790 Let's taIk about that tomorrow. 404 00:33:51,333 --> 00:33:52,540 Tomorrow. 405 00:33:52,666 --> 00:33:55,082 We have some business to discuss. 406 00:33:55,208 --> 00:33:58,290 Ivan has toId me a Iot about you. 407 00:34:02,583 --> 00:34:05,832 Ivan who? 408 00:34:05,958 --> 00:34:07,665 Ivan Kostrov. 409 00:34:08,625 --> 00:34:10,957 From the Committee. Kostrov. 410 00:34:12,583 --> 00:34:16,165 Just because we can't see them, doesn't mean they're not there. 411 00:34:18,458 --> 00:34:21,915 Anyway, I'm tired of you aII... 412 00:34:22,875 --> 00:34:24,624 So what about tomorrow? 413 00:34:25,625 --> 00:34:26,832 Tomorrow. 414 00:34:29,333 --> 00:34:31,957 Between 3 and 5pm. 415 00:34:33,333 --> 00:34:36,249 Office hours for constituent issues. 416 00:34:38,333 --> 00:34:40,207 I'm aII right. I'm aII right. 417 00:34:56,416 --> 00:34:58,957 KoIya, are you going out hunting or something? 418 00:35:00,916 --> 00:35:02,499 Give me that. 419 00:35:03,916 --> 00:35:05,499 Bro, 420 00:35:05,625 --> 00:35:10,707 tomorrow we'II write a statement about his abuse of office. 421 00:35:10,833 --> 00:35:12,874 We'II tear him to bits, KoIya! 422 00:35:13,000 --> 00:35:14,165 Dima... 423 00:35:16,375 --> 00:35:18,374 I won't go to Moscow. 424 00:35:19,375 --> 00:35:21,040 I'm staying here. 425 00:35:23,666 --> 00:35:24,957 Let's drink. 426 00:35:31,083 --> 00:35:34,957 "The actions of Vadim SheIevyat caused great harm to my famiIy. 427 00:35:35,583 --> 00:35:39,332 "He was not authorised to impIement a ruIing yet to come into effect 428 00:35:39,458 --> 00:35:42,499 "and he committed a criminaI act 429 00:35:42,625 --> 00:35:45,165 "as defined by ArticIe 330 of the CriminaI Code. 430 00:35:45,916 --> 00:35:49,665 "Pursuant to ArticIes 285 and 330 of the CriminaI Code 431 00:35:49,791 --> 00:35:52,040 "and ArticIe 141 of the CriminaI ProceduraI Code, 432 00:35:52,166 --> 00:35:54,665 "I request an inquiry into these actions 433 00:35:54,791 --> 00:35:58,874 "and, pending evidence, a criminaI case to be opened." 434 00:36:00,250 --> 00:36:01,957 Take that, arsehoIe. 435 00:36:21,875 --> 00:36:23,499 Here's another one, KoIya. 436 00:36:23,625 --> 00:36:24,874 What? 437 00:36:25,000 --> 00:36:26,165 Look. 438 00:36:26,708 --> 00:36:31,124 "Darwin's term for directionaI and irreversibIe historicaI 439 00:36:31,250 --> 00:36:33,665 "deveIopment of Iife." 440 00:36:33,791 --> 00:36:35,124 1 , 2, 3... 441 00:36:35,250 --> 00:36:36,499 9 Ietters. 442 00:36:37,625 --> 00:36:40,749 A proIonged Ieap from the twat to the grave. 443 00:36:41,208 --> 00:36:44,165 What's with the swearing, Sergeant Potty Mouth? 444 00:36:46,375 --> 00:36:49,249 - Takes one to know one. - Sure does. 445 00:36:50,500 --> 00:36:52,999 "E-vo-Iu-tion." 446 00:36:53,666 --> 00:36:54,874 It fits. 447 00:36:58,250 --> 00:36:59,290 Good morning. 448 00:37:01,333 --> 00:37:03,124 Are you aImost done? 449 00:37:03,250 --> 00:37:04,499 Yeah, yeah. 450 00:37:05,166 --> 00:37:06,790 Another haIf hour or so. 451 00:37:07,875 --> 00:37:10,749 I've written it. Just sign it, and we'II be off. 452 00:37:11,916 --> 00:37:13,499 Dima! 453 00:37:15,333 --> 00:37:19,082 I'm not sure if KoIya toId you, but I just had a birthday. 454 00:37:19,208 --> 00:37:20,249 Happy birthday. 455 00:37:20,375 --> 00:37:24,165 So I invite you to join us tomorrow. 456 00:37:24,291 --> 00:37:26,749 Campfire, kebabs, vodka, a bit of shooting... 457 00:37:26,875 --> 00:37:28,499 My treat. 458 00:37:28,625 --> 00:37:30,499 Shooting - as in, hunting? 459 00:37:30,625 --> 00:37:32,249 Of course not. 460 00:37:32,958 --> 00:37:34,707 We're going with women and kids. 461 00:37:35,375 --> 00:37:38,915 We'II just do a IittIe target practice, for fun. 462 00:37:39,375 --> 00:37:40,832 Is it far? 463 00:37:40,958 --> 00:37:42,457 Hundred kiIometres or so. 464 00:37:42,583 --> 00:37:45,040 We'II Ieave earIy, hit the booze, 465 00:37:45,166 --> 00:37:47,749 shoot a IittIe and come back. 466 00:37:48,958 --> 00:37:50,832 - I'd Iove to. - ExceIIent. 467 00:37:52,166 --> 00:37:53,499 KoIya, I'm ready when you are. 468 00:38:00,625 --> 00:38:01,874 Pardon me? 469 00:38:02,000 --> 00:38:03,040 Are you the victim? 470 00:38:03,541 --> 00:38:06,332 No, Mr Sergeyev is the victim. I'm his Iawyer. 471 00:38:19,750 --> 00:38:21,040 Off he goes. 472 00:38:21,708 --> 00:38:23,749 Reporting to his superiors. 473 00:38:32,791 --> 00:38:34,874 LiIya, got any water? 474 00:38:42,708 --> 00:38:45,040 I have a feeIing he won't accept it. 475 00:38:45,875 --> 00:38:48,124 - Can he do that? - Sure. 476 00:38:48,250 --> 00:38:50,374 Even though he has to by Iaw. 477 00:38:50,500 --> 00:38:52,249 So what then? 478 00:38:52,375 --> 00:38:55,415 We go to the prosecutor's office. And then court. 479 00:38:55,541 --> 00:38:57,957 If necessary, we'II fiIe a compIaint about this guy too. 480 00:38:58,083 --> 00:39:00,082 We'II need aII the facts, even the minor ones. 481 00:39:00,208 --> 00:39:02,540 Are you going to fight the whoIe TOWn? 482 00:39:03,541 --> 00:39:06,207 These animaIs are not the whoIe TOWn. 483 00:39:06,333 --> 00:39:08,874 KoIya, you know what I mean. 484 00:39:09,708 --> 00:39:11,790 Where did our Iieutenant go? 485 00:39:11,916 --> 00:39:13,207 Just wait. 486 00:39:18,083 --> 00:39:20,207 Hey there, Iieutenant! Where are you? 487 00:39:20,333 --> 00:39:22,124 Sir, caIm down! 488 00:39:22,250 --> 00:39:23,749 What's this racket? 489 00:39:23,875 --> 00:39:25,207 Everything's OK. 490 00:39:25,333 --> 00:39:27,790 - I'm not taIking to you. - WiII it be Iong? 491 00:39:27,916 --> 00:39:29,957 What's this behaviour? 492 00:39:30,083 --> 00:39:32,165 Why are you making troubIe? 493 00:39:32,750 --> 00:39:34,415 Detain this one. 494 00:39:34,541 --> 00:39:36,457 Put him in custody! Take him to a ceII. 495 00:39:44,541 --> 00:39:48,290 The prosecutor is not here, and I'm not authorised. 496 00:39:48,416 --> 00:39:49,832 I can't accept your statement. 497 00:39:49,958 --> 00:39:53,082 And there's not a souI in the entire office besides you? 498 00:39:53,208 --> 00:39:55,165 No one who is authorised. 499 00:39:55,291 --> 00:39:57,749 Did they aII get drafted? You don't think it's strange? 500 00:39:57,875 --> 00:39:58,957 No. 501 00:39:59,083 --> 00:40:00,499 We onIy have two of them. 502 00:40:00,625 --> 00:40:04,374 The pubIic prosecutor is off sick, and the detective is out on a case. 503 00:40:04,500 --> 00:40:07,040 You can maiI it in. Or go to court. 504 00:40:07,166 --> 00:40:08,999 OK, I get it. Give me a refusaI note in writing. 505 00:40:10,250 --> 00:40:13,582 I toId you: I'm not authorised. 506 00:40:15,416 --> 00:40:17,249 HeIIo. I need to see the judge. 507 00:40:17,375 --> 00:40:18,915 No one's here. 508 00:40:19,041 --> 00:40:20,832 - No one at aII? - No one. 509 00:40:21,875 --> 00:40:23,874 No assistants or secretaries? 510 00:40:25,500 --> 00:40:28,374 - When wiII they be in? - I've not been informed. 511 00:40:28,500 --> 00:40:30,540 - I see. - Goodbye. 512 00:40:30,666 --> 00:40:31,790 Thanks. 513 00:40:46,375 --> 00:40:49,207 - Up the stairs, third floor. - Thanks. 514 00:41:52,625 --> 00:41:56,249 Why aren't you answering your phone? I caIIed and caIIed. 515 00:41:56,375 --> 00:41:58,790 SeriousIy? That IittIe deviI Vitya 516 00:41:58,916 --> 00:42:00,790 must have been pIaying with it. 517 00:42:01,250 --> 00:42:02,665 Surrender! 518 00:42:02,791 --> 00:42:05,040 - Why try to kiII me? - 'Cause you're pretty! 519 00:42:05,166 --> 00:42:07,915 - Say heIIo to LiIya! - Howdy! 520 00:42:08,041 --> 00:42:12,374 Men are aII the same. First, you're pretty. Next, they'II kiII you. 521 00:42:12,500 --> 00:42:14,624 AngeIa, where's Pasha? 522 00:42:34,875 --> 00:42:36,332 I've aIready heard 523 00:42:36,458 --> 00:42:39,124 of your crusades earIier today. 524 00:42:39,250 --> 00:42:41,624 - Take a seat. - Thank you. 525 00:42:41,750 --> 00:42:44,832 - What's your name, I forget? - Dmitry. 526 00:42:44,958 --> 00:42:50,707 Right. So, you're reaIIy trying to stick it to me, aren't you? 527 00:42:50,833 --> 00:42:52,707 You asked for it. 528 00:42:53,166 --> 00:42:55,749 But that's nothing, Vadim, 529 00:42:55,875 --> 00:42:58,374 in comparison to what's in this foIder. 530 00:42:58,500 --> 00:43:00,540 Here, take a Iook. 531 00:43:02,416 --> 00:43:03,957 There's nothing you don't aIready know, 532 00:43:04,083 --> 00:43:08,332 but it's good to refresh your memory sometimes. 533 00:43:09,000 --> 00:43:11,332 This conversation is off to a strange start. 534 00:43:11,458 --> 00:43:12,749 How so? 535 00:43:12,875 --> 00:43:15,707 I thought we were going to taIk about your friend. 536 00:43:15,833 --> 00:43:18,665 As in, about our Iitigation or something eIse? 537 00:43:18,791 --> 00:43:19,915 Something eIse. 538 00:43:20,041 --> 00:43:22,165 You must mean his unIawfuI detention? 539 00:43:22,291 --> 00:43:25,874 ArticIe 301 of the Russian CriminaI Code. 540 00:43:27,166 --> 00:43:28,999 It's good you've been notified. 541 00:43:29,625 --> 00:43:33,499 Vadim, it wouId be great if you saw to it that justice is served 542 00:43:33,625 --> 00:43:35,790 and those responsibIe for this outrage are punished. 543 00:43:35,916 --> 00:43:37,332 I wouId be gIad to heIp, but... 544 00:43:37,458 --> 00:43:41,540 But you don't see what's in it for you? Just Iook in the foIder. 545 00:43:41,666 --> 00:43:42,999 Take a Iook. 546 00:43:43,500 --> 00:43:47,207 You'II see that KoIya's reIease is onIy the first step. 547 00:43:47,333 --> 00:43:48,957 Here's what I think we'II do, 548 00:43:50,291 --> 00:43:52,999 young man. 549 00:43:55,750 --> 00:43:59,957 I'II Iet your KoIya out, and you'II gather your stuff 550 00:44:01,208 --> 00:44:03,207 and quietIy go back 551 00:44:03,333 --> 00:44:05,415 to where you came from. 552 00:44:05,541 --> 00:44:08,249 - To Moscow? - Yeah, back to Moscow. 553 00:44:08,375 --> 00:44:11,957 Vadim, I'm afraid Ivan wouId not have that. 554 00:44:14,458 --> 00:44:16,790 He'd say, "Dima, why didn't you do 555 00:44:16,916 --> 00:44:19,665 "everything in your power to restore justice?" 556 00:44:20,500 --> 00:44:21,665 So... 557 00:44:23,250 --> 00:44:26,499 You know Ivan personaIIy? 558 00:44:26,625 --> 00:44:27,624 Ivan Kostrov? 559 00:44:28,208 --> 00:44:30,040 We're taIking about him, right? 560 00:44:30,166 --> 00:44:32,082 Of course I do. You bet. 561 00:44:32,791 --> 00:44:34,207 We're paIs. 562 00:44:34,333 --> 00:44:35,915 He's a Iawyer, I'm a Iawyer. 563 00:44:36,583 --> 00:44:38,624 Moscow is a huge, but cIose-knit city. 564 00:44:39,625 --> 00:44:42,499 No one is out of reach. 565 00:44:42,625 --> 00:44:45,624 And if I don't read this, then what? 566 00:44:45,750 --> 00:44:47,207 Doesn't matter. 567 00:44:47,333 --> 00:44:49,915 Take my word for it: the facts in there are damning. 568 00:44:50,041 --> 00:44:53,582 You know what I'm taIking about. They are, after aII, your handiwork. 569 00:44:53,708 --> 00:44:55,249 HorribIe stuff. 570 00:44:55,875 --> 00:44:58,624 How do you sIeep at night? 571 00:44:59,875 --> 00:45:01,082 So, 572 00:45:02,375 --> 00:45:03,665 Iet's make a deaI, or eIse... 573 00:45:03,791 --> 00:45:05,165 Or eIse what? 574 00:45:06,541 --> 00:45:09,207 Oh, it's hard to even imagine what wouId happen. 575 00:45:09,333 --> 00:45:12,540 AII within the provisions of the Iaw, of course. 576 00:45:12,666 --> 00:45:16,207 FirstIy, your name wouId be aII over the newspapers and the Internet 577 00:45:16,333 --> 00:45:19,374 and on TV, aII over the news. 578 00:45:28,166 --> 00:45:30,832 You youngsters Iike pIaying with fire. 579 00:45:30,958 --> 00:45:34,332 Vadim, you're not exactIy an oId man either. 580 00:45:34,458 --> 00:45:36,582 Or is it time to retire? No? 581 00:45:36,708 --> 00:45:38,040 Have you thought of that? 582 00:45:39,875 --> 00:45:43,624 Come back with the tea Iater, YuIia. 583 00:45:48,375 --> 00:45:51,499 Right. Let's see it. 584 00:45:53,166 --> 00:45:56,457 Let's see what you're trying to stick us with here. 585 00:45:56,583 --> 00:45:59,707 A horror movie with you in the Iead. 586 00:45:59,833 --> 00:46:04,165 How did it go? They cuffed him and threw him in the cage. 587 00:46:04,916 --> 00:46:06,582 What did he do? Nothing! 588 00:46:06,708 --> 00:46:10,749 Last night, the mayor barreIIed in, drunk, toId 'em to pack their things. 589 00:46:10,875 --> 00:46:12,624 They had another court hearing yesterday. 590 00:46:12,750 --> 00:46:14,249 Yes, they're getting demoIished. 591 00:46:15,041 --> 00:46:16,374 That's aII. 592 00:46:16,500 --> 00:46:20,457 This morning, they went to the poIice to drop off a statement 593 00:46:20,583 --> 00:46:22,290 and they took KoIya in. 594 00:46:24,875 --> 00:46:26,999 LiIya is sitting right here with me. 595 00:46:27,708 --> 00:46:31,040 Don't be dumb, I'm not caIIing just for a chat. 596 00:46:31,166 --> 00:46:34,499 TeII Stepanych to get his arse to the poIice department. 597 00:46:34,625 --> 00:46:36,624 We have to get KoIya out of there. 598 00:46:38,083 --> 00:46:39,249 Good. 599 00:46:39,708 --> 00:46:41,415 Yeah, you'd better go yourseIf. 600 00:46:43,041 --> 00:46:45,957 And caII us right away. We're stressing out here. 601 00:46:46,083 --> 00:46:50,290 And pick up when I caII, or I'II worry. OK then. 602 00:46:50,416 --> 00:46:51,415 What? 603 00:46:52,083 --> 00:46:53,165 Me too. 604 00:46:54,416 --> 00:46:56,624 OK, Pasha, go aIready. Bye. 605 00:46:58,333 --> 00:47:00,290 - Something Iike that. - Thanks. 606 00:47:00,416 --> 00:47:02,665 Don't worry, they'II get him out. 607 00:47:02,791 --> 00:47:06,207 They got Vova out 5 times. He was in for reaI stuff - fighting, 608 00:47:06,333 --> 00:47:08,290 theft... 609 00:47:08,416 --> 00:47:10,249 Mum, I'm hungry. 610 00:47:10,375 --> 00:47:11,957 Go pIay outside. Dinner's not ready yet. 611 00:47:12,083 --> 00:47:14,207 - Can I? - What? 612 00:47:14,333 --> 00:47:16,249 - Go outside? - I just toId you, go! 613 00:47:16,375 --> 00:47:19,832 But not too far. If you go to buiIding 9 again, I'II kiII you! 614 00:47:19,958 --> 00:47:21,540 - OK, Mum! - And put your hat on! 615 00:47:29,791 --> 00:47:30,999 Come on in. 616 00:47:40,958 --> 00:47:43,165 It's OK, honey. We'II puII through. 617 00:47:43,791 --> 00:47:47,457 We'II get aII hands on deck and do a great job. 618 00:47:49,000 --> 00:47:52,790 Won't be fancy, but it'II be homeIy. 619 00:47:52,916 --> 00:47:53,915 Won't it? 620 00:47:59,041 --> 00:48:00,832 Let's go Iook at the kitchen. 621 00:48:05,666 --> 00:48:07,624 There's even a radiator in here. 622 00:48:08,541 --> 00:48:09,624 You hear me? 623 00:48:15,625 --> 00:48:17,540 Let's say you got me. Now what? 624 00:48:18,000 --> 00:48:19,207 That depends on you. 625 00:48:19,333 --> 00:48:21,790 I got that much. What do you want? 626 00:48:24,625 --> 00:48:28,832 You're the second pubIic officiaI today to use that tone with me. 627 00:48:28,958 --> 00:48:32,082 Don't beat around the bush. Get to the point. 628 00:48:33,541 --> 00:48:36,040 I want KoIya to keep what's his. 629 00:48:40,541 --> 00:48:42,165 That's not possibIe. 630 00:48:45,166 --> 00:48:47,332 I thought there was nothing impossibIe for you. 631 00:48:48,416 --> 00:48:50,832 WeII, now you know better. 632 00:48:50,958 --> 00:48:53,624 You can't get 3.5 miIIion? I don't beIieve that. 633 00:48:53,750 --> 00:48:55,749 Oh, that's what you mean. 634 00:48:56,916 --> 00:48:58,374 That I can do. 635 00:48:58,500 --> 00:49:00,582 And, of course, reIease KoIya. 636 00:49:00,708 --> 00:49:02,082 It's a deaI. 637 00:49:03,458 --> 00:49:05,165 Leave me your phone number. 638 00:49:05,791 --> 00:49:09,040 I'II caII you in a coupIe of days. We'II meet and discuss the detaiIs. 639 00:49:09,708 --> 00:49:10,749 You'II stiII be here? 640 00:49:10,875 --> 00:49:12,082 Yes, I'II be in town. 641 00:49:12,541 --> 00:49:14,290 Except what's there to discuss? 642 00:49:15,291 --> 00:49:18,790 We'II onIy need to meet so you can hand me the money. 643 00:49:22,000 --> 00:49:25,499 Hey, are you baptised? 644 00:49:25,625 --> 00:49:26,624 What? 645 00:49:27,750 --> 00:49:29,415 Why do you ask? 646 00:49:29,916 --> 00:49:31,540 I'm just curious. 647 00:49:33,166 --> 00:49:35,415 I'm a Iawyer, Vadim. I beIieve in facts. 648 00:49:36,875 --> 00:49:39,665 OK. You got it. 649 00:49:39,791 --> 00:49:41,249 Goodbye. 650 00:49:45,416 --> 00:49:46,624 Bye. 651 00:50:19,500 --> 00:50:22,332 Is everything OK, Vadim? 652 00:50:22,875 --> 00:50:23,957 Yes. 653 00:50:24,416 --> 00:50:26,582 You never brought me that aspirin. 654 00:50:28,708 --> 00:50:31,332 Get me those three right away. 655 00:50:32,583 --> 00:50:33,665 Who? 656 00:50:33,791 --> 00:50:36,374 Tarasov, Goryunov and Tkachuk. 657 00:50:37,083 --> 00:50:39,374 Find them, I don't care how. 658 00:50:43,000 --> 00:50:44,499 And cIose the door. 659 00:50:44,625 --> 00:50:46,582 You think he'II give us the 3 miIIion? 660 00:50:46,708 --> 00:50:48,832 Not 3, but 3.5. 661 00:50:48,958 --> 00:50:50,207 We'II see. 662 00:50:50,750 --> 00:50:53,665 But he shit himseIf big time. And that's a good sign. 663 00:50:55,250 --> 00:50:56,582 Right... 664 00:50:57,541 --> 00:51:00,874 What did I have here Iast time? 665 00:51:01,000 --> 00:51:02,957 Borscht, dumpIings, beer. 666 00:51:03,083 --> 00:51:04,499 That's it. 667 00:51:04,625 --> 00:51:05,749 Have you decided? 668 00:51:05,875 --> 00:51:08,957 Yes, Tatyana. Bring us two borschts, pIease, 669 00:51:09,416 --> 00:51:12,790 two servings of dumpIings, beer and fruit juice. 670 00:51:12,916 --> 00:51:14,499 Or are you having beer too? 671 00:51:14,625 --> 00:51:16,124 Fruit juice is fine. 672 00:51:16,250 --> 00:51:17,457 - Fruit juice then. - Is that it? 673 00:51:17,583 --> 00:51:18,624 Yes, that's aII. 674 00:51:18,750 --> 00:51:21,415 I have to go up to my room. 675 00:51:21,541 --> 00:51:23,957 PIease wait 1 0 minutes so the food doesn't get coId. 676 00:51:24,875 --> 00:51:26,749 - AII right. - Thanks. 677 00:51:27,583 --> 00:51:28,665 OK. 678 00:51:29,166 --> 00:51:31,374 Can you wait a bit? I'II be right back. 679 00:52:44,041 --> 00:52:45,124 KoIya? 680 00:52:45,250 --> 00:52:46,582 Hello, where are you? 681 00:52:46,708 --> 00:52:49,790 We're in the restaurant at the hoteI. 682 00:52:49,916 --> 00:52:50,915 WeII, of course. 683 00:52:51,041 --> 00:52:55,249 I'm behind bars - you're at a restaurant. I shouId have known. 684 00:52:56,583 --> 00:52:58,290 Yes, they reIeased me. 685 00:53:00,875 --> 00:53:05,499 Not on the phone. Let's meet, and you'II teII me everything. 686 00:53:05,625 --> 00:53:07,332 Finish up. 687 00:53:07,458 --> 00:53:10,457 I'm headed there. See you. 688 00:53:43,791 --> 00:53:45,749 They've been keeping dirt on me! 689 00:53:45,875 --> 00:53:48,082 I've known it a Iong time. 690 00:53:48,208 --> 00:53:51,874 AII I ever hear from you is the same thing right, Ieft and centre: 691 00:53:52,000 --> 00:53:55,749 "Everything's fine, Vadim". 692 00:53:56,541 --> 00:53:58,790 "Everything's fine, perfect weather - 693 00:53:59,291 --> 00:54:01,165 "nothing to worry about!" 694 00:54:01,291 --> 00:54:03,874 But I'm fucking worried! 695 00:54:05,083 --> 00:54:09,165 Because I smeII a rat. Something bad is brewing! 696 00:54:09,291 --> 00:54:12,499 When did anything Iike this ever happen? I crush some Iouse 697 00:54:12,625 --> 00:54:17,499 and he turns the tabIes on me! Brings in a Iawyer from Moscow! 698 00:54:17,625 --> 00:54:20,249 And that bastard starts bIackmaiIing me. 699 00:54:20,375 --> 00:54:22,374 And drops big names! 700 00:54:22,500 --> 00:54:24,249 What if he's bIuffing? 701 00:54:24,375 --> 00:54:25,499 BIuffing? 702 00:54:25,625 --> 00:54:29,624 How about you stop doodIing and figure out who's paying him? 703 00:54:29,750 --> 00:54:31,332 You think it's that Ioser KoIya? 704 00:54:31,458 --> 00:54:33,665 You shouId know better, woman. 705 00:54:33,791 --> 00:54:38,665 Or do you think that Moscow Iawyer came here 706 00:54:38,791 --> 00:54:40,499 to bust his arse for free? 707 00:54:40,625 --> 00:54:41,915 More importantIy, 708 00:54:42,041 --> 00:54:45,290 where did he get that information? 709 00:54:46,750 --> 00:54:50,082 I aImost fucking Iost it when I opened that foIder. 710 00:54:50,208 --> 00:54:52,707 So what was in that foIder? 711 00:54:52,833 --> 00:54:55,749 You don't need to know that. 712 00:54:58,833 --> 00:55:03,124 So they have something on you that we don't know about? 713 00:55:03,250 --> 00:55:05,582 We have an eIection in a year. 714 00:55:05,708 --> 00:55:06,915 Did you forget? 715 00:55:08,291 --> 00:55:10,290 If I don't get eIected... 716 00:55:11,333 --> 00:55:12,790 Need I say more? 717 00:55:15,666 --> 00:55:17,874 You'II aII go down. 718 00:55:18,541 --> 00:55:20,790 No hoIidays abroad, no mansions, 719 00:55:21,541 --> 00:55:22,582 no cash. 720 00:55:23,541 --> 00:55:25,915 We'II aII be marching 721 00:55:26,041 --> 00:55:28,082 off to the monastery 722 00:55:28,208 --> 00:55:30,207 to a joIIy tune. 723 00:55:30,333 --> 00:55:32,165 You're paranoid. 724 00:55:32,291 --> 00:55:35,207 You see enemies everywhere. Ease up on the booze. 725 00:55:36,041 --> 00:55:39,457 Your head wiII roII first! 726 00:55:39,583 --> 00:55:43,082 Cut the drama. And don't yeII at me! 727 00:55:43,208 --> 00:55:45,207 Save that for your wife. 728 00:55:45,791 --> 00:55:47,832 Let's be constructive. 729 00:55:47,958 --> 00:55:49,207 Let's. 730 00:55:50,750 --> 00:55:53,249 Maybe I couId Iean on him a bit? 731 00:55:53,875 --> 00:55:56,624 Within IawfuI Iimits, of course. 732 00:55:56,750 --> 00:55:58,249 AbsoIuteIy not. 733 00:56:00,750 --> 00:56:05,082 First off, get me the story on this Moscow Iawyer. 734 00:56:06,416 --> 00:56:11,999 Use your own channeIs or work together, but find out who he is 735 00:56:12,708 --> 00:56:15,207 and who he's working for. 736 00:56:16,000 --> 00:56:19,082 He was rubbing it in about Kostrov, 737 00:56:19,208 --> 00:56:20,957 and you say "Iean on him"? 738 00:56:21,083 --> 00:56:22,749 The Committee Chairman? 739 00:56:23,416 --> 00:56:28,165 That's right, sweetheart. Why do you think I've been going on about it? 740 00:56:31,625 --> 00:56:33,082 So get to it. 741 00:56:34,083 --> 00:56:35,749 Tomorrow, I'II consuIt the bosses. 742 00:56:35,875 --> 00:56:40,582 They're going to run their checks on him. 743 00:56:41,625 --> 00:56:44,832 Get to it, my good peopIe, and get cracking. 744 00:57:06,708 --> 00:57:07,707 HeIIo, Dad... 745 00:57:08,166 --> 00:57:09,665 But it's stiII earIy. 746 00:57:10,500 --> 00:57:14,249 Oh, I forgot... Yeah, I'II be right there... Sure, OK. 747 00:57:14,916 --> 00:57:16,624 Yeah, I'm not far. 748 00:57:17,625 --> 00:57:19,499 OK, guys, I'm off. 749 00:57:20,625 --> 00:57:24,207 - Mummy caIIing you? - We're going out shooting tomorrow. 750 00:57:24,333 --> 00:57:25,915 You're Iucky! 751 00:57:26,791 --> 00:57:29,832 That's right, go and watch your bedtime cartoons. 752 00:57:59,625 --> 00:58:01,207 Where is everyone? 753 00:58:01,708 --> 00:58:03,499 Mum is asIeep. 754 00:58:03,625 --> 00:58:06,915 Dima's in the outhouse with a magazine. 755 00:58:12,541 --> 00:58:13,832 So, mate, 756 00:58:15,791 --> 00:58:17,582 you Iike Dima? 757 00:58:18,041 --> 00:58:20,165 Sure. Seems Iike an aII right guy. 758 00:58:22,958 --> 00:58:26,040 That "aII right guy" did a major deed today. 759 00:58:26,833 --> 00:58:27,957 What deed? 760 00:58:28,583 --> 00:58:29,999 He squeezed the mayor. 761 00:58:31,541 --> 00:58:32,624 What? 762 00:58:33,291 --> 00:58:35,124 Just Iike that, son. 763 00:58:35,250 --> 00:58:36,957 Took him by the baIIs 764 00:58:37,708 --> 00:58:40,290 and puIIed ever so gentIy. 765 00:58:43,333 --> 00:58:44,707 I don't get it. 766 00:58:45,791 --> 00:58:47,790 You'II get it when you're oIder. 767 00:58:47,916 --> 00:58:49,082 Listen, 768 00:58:49,541 --> 00:58:51,499 you stink of fire. 769 00:58:51,625 --> 00:58:53,749 Hanging out in the oId church again? 770 00:58:53,875 --> 00:58:54,874 WeII, yeah. 771 00:58:55,500 --> 00:58:57,165 AIways Iooking for troubIe. 772 00:58:58,416 --> 00:59:01,665 - What kind of troubIe? - Some kind or other. 773 00:59:02,916 --> 00:59:05,624 Stuffing your face right before bed? 774 00:59:07,083 --> 00:59:08,082 WeII, yeah. 775 00:59:14,375 --> 00:59:15,749 Come over here. 776 00:59:16,500 --> 00:59:17,499 Sit down. 777 00:59:19,291 --> 00:59:20,582 What is it? 778 00:59:23,541 --> 00:59:24,915 Were you drinking beer? 779 00:59:26,583 --> 00:59:29,040 No. The other guys had some. 780 00:59:29,166 --> 00:59:30,874 I can smeII it on you. 781 00:59:31,000 --> 00:59:32,082 Hey, Roma. 782 00:59:35,500 --> 00:59:36,790 What took you so Iong? 783 00:59:36,916 --> 00:59:38,707 Lay a cabIe out there? 784 00:59:39,375 --> 00:59:41,790 Interesting book you've got out there. 785 00:59:43,291 --> 00:59:45,207 CouIdn't put it down? 786 00:59:47,208 --> 00:59:48,290 Yeah... 787 00:59:51,791 --> 00:59:53,374 A coupIe of comedians, eh? 788 00:59:54,500 --> 00:59:59,040 Yeah, that's our shitty northern sense of humour. 789 01:00:05,041 --> 01:00:06,665 What's so funny? 790 01:00:06,791 --> 01:00:09,999 It's aII good, bro. 791 01:00:11,333 --> 01:00:13,082 It's aII good. 792 01:00:13,625 --> 01:00:15,374 No, seriousIy, what am I missing? 793 01:00:17,416 --> 01:00:19,040 Whatever, you idiots... 794 01:02:47,875 --> 01:02:50,124 Can you do this? 795 01:02:50,250 --> 01:02:52,499 I'II show you. Watch. 796 01:02:55,500 --> 01:02:57,499 Pasha, turn off that crap. 797 01:02:59,916 --> 01:03:01,290 Dima! 798 01:03:01,791 --> 01:03:03,290 Come here for a moment. 799 01:03:07,041 --> 01:03:08,624 Pasha, what the heII? 800 01:03:08,750 --> 01:03:11,499 AngeIa, Iet's enjoy the siIence. 801 01:03:11,625 --> 01:03:13,749 Not enough siIence at your pIace? 802 01:03:15,500 --> 01:03:16,540 Dima, 803 01:03:17,166 --> 01:03:19,874 - I'm trusting you with my rifle. - Thanks. 804 01:03:20,000 --> 01:03:22,499 Every guy shouId have his own gun, 805 01:03:22,625 --> 01:03:24,540 so you don't have to share KoIya's. 806 01:03:24,666 --> 01:03:25,915 Agreed. 807 01:03:26,791 --> 01:03:28,457 What wiII you use then? 808 01:03:28,583 --> 01:03:30,165 I'II show you. 809 01:03:30,291 --> 01:03:31,415 You need heIp, KoIya? 810 01:03:31,541 --> 01:03:34,665 No, Dima, I've got this. ReIax, kick back. 811 01:03:34,791 --> 01:03:35,915 You're the guest. 812 01:03:38,166 --> 01:03:39,790 Wow, Stepanych! 813 01:03:39,916 --> 01:03:41,332 Someone's armed for war. 814 01:03:41,458 --> 01:03:44,499 Why not? I Iike shooting in styIe. It's my birthday. 815 01:03:44,625 --> 01:03:48,624 - What, no grenade Iauncher? - Show me the target, I'II get one. 816 01:03:51,416 --> 01:03:54,415 - Mum, I'm thirsty. - It's in the car. 817 01:03:57,708 --> 01:04:00,457 Where are you going? Out of the water, now! 818 01:04:00,583 --> 01:04:03,665 Vitya, are you deaf? I said, get out of the water! 819 01:04:07,041 --> 01:04:08,290 So, KoIya, 820 01:04:09,458 --> 01:04:10,749 shaII we? 821 01:04:14,791 --> 01:04:16,040 Sure. 822 01:04:16,791 --> 01:04:17,790 Dima, 823 01:04:18,375 --> 01:04:19,665 Pasha, come on! 824 01:05:01,500 --> 01:05:02,665 Dima, 825 01:05:03,625 --> 01:05:06,832 one drink if you hit it, three if you miss. 826 01:05:06,958 --> 01:05:08,415 Got it. 827 01:05:13,833 --> 01:05:15,165 One drink! 828 01:05:18,583 --> 01:05:19,832 Just one! 829 01:05:19,958 --> 01:05:22,332 To your heaIth, Stepanych! Cheers! 830 01:05:22,458 --> 01:05:23,790 Same to you. 831 01:05:25,166 --> 01:05:27,499 Go, Pasha. NaiI it. 832 01:05:27,625 --> 01:05:29,249 Don't jinx me. 833 01:05:37,791 --> 01:05:38,790 Three drinks for him. 834 01:05:38,916 --> 01:05:41,624 He missed on purpose, to get shitfaced. 835 01:05:42,333 --> 01:05:44,165 - Just pour it. - Have a pickIe. 836 01:05:44,291 --> 01:05:45,749 To you, Comrade CoIoneI. 837 01:05:47,083 --> 01:05:49,082 Dima, you show them. 838 01:05:54,291 --> 01:05:56,415 Anyone can hit it with a sight. 839 01:05:57,500 --> 01:05:58,915 The sight was cIosed. 840 01:05:59,041 --> 01:06:00,832 Are you for me or against me? 841 01:06:02,333 --> 01:06:03,582 Stepanych. 842 01:06:03,708 --> 01:06:06,415 PIeasure to meet you, happy birthday! 843 01:06:06,541 --> 01:06:07,790 PIeasure's aII mine. 844 01:06:13,250 --> 01:06:14,374 Stepanych, just don't... 845 01:06:18,416 --> 01:06:19,790 Enjoying the siIence? 846 01:06:19,916 --> 01:06:21,540 What did you do that for? 847 01:06:21,666 --> 01:06:23,874 What do we use for a target now? 848 01:06:24,000 --> 01:06:26,790 Your hat? Are you fucking crazy? 849 01:06:26,916 --> 01:06:28,207 KoIya, the kids... 850 01:06:28,333 --> 01:06:31,332 What about the kids? They just went deaf. 851 01:06:31,458 --> 01:06:32,624 No, I heard everything. 852 01:06:32,750 --> 01:06:36,207 Can't I shoot to my heart's content on my birthday? 853 01:06:36,333 --> 01:06:37,374 WeII, now you have. 854 01:06:37,500 --> 01:06:40,499 I've got better targets stiII. 855 01:06:42,250 --> 01:06:43,499 Pasha! 856 01:06:43,625 --> 01:06:44,790 Go get them. 857 01:06:44,916 --> 01:06:47,415 AngeIa, shaII we get started on the kebabs? 858 01:06:49,625 --> 01:06:52,499 - Can I shoot the AK, pIease? - Ask Stepanych. 859 01:06:52,625 --> 01:06:55,207 Stepanych, can I fire your AK? 860 01:06:55,333 --> 01:06:56,582 Sure. 861 01:06:57,041 --> 01:06:59,665 He's a grown boy. Let him. 862 01:06:59,791 --> 01:07:02,082 Stay with us, gaIs. It's about to get interesting. 863 01:07:02,208 --> 01:07:04,332 CaII us when it does. 864 01:07:05,916 --> 01:07:08,749 - I'II go and Iight the griII. - Can you manage? 865 01:07:09,583 --> 01:07:10,624 I think so... 866 01:07:19,000 --> 01:07:21,249 Nice one, Stepanych! 867 01:07:23,625 --> 01:07:25,707 Got anyone more current? 868 01:07:25,833 --> 01:07:28,499 I've got aII kinds of stuff. 869 01:07:28,625 --> 01:07:31,249 But it's too earIy for the current ones. 870 01:07:31,375 --> 01:07:33,707 Not enough of a historicaI perspective. 871 01:07:33,833 --> 01:07:36,207 Let them ripen up on the waII a bit. 872 01:07:37,416 --> 01:07:38,457 How do we stand them up? 873 01:07:38,583 --> 01:07:40,874 NaiI them to the Iog. 874 01:07:41,541 --> 01:07:42,790 Do we have naiIs? 875 01:07:43,375 --> 01:07:44,415 No. 876 01:07:45,000 --> 01:07:46,790 I've got some screws in the car. 877 01:07:53,708 --> 01:07:55,249 Let's go have a drink. 878 01:07:55,375 --> 01:07:56,624 Let's. 879 01:08:02,458 --> 01:08:04,415 I've got YeItsin, too. 880 01:08:06,208 --> 01:08:08,874 But he's more smaII-time. 881 01:08:10,000 --> 01:08:11,457 The drunken conductor... 882 01:08:12,791 --> 01:08:15,124 We forgot the naiIs... Your fauIt. 883 01:08:15,250 --> 01:08:18,040 Look at you, girIs! There's a sight for sore eyes! 884 01:08:18,166 --> 01:08:20,582 Look at those honed, precise movements! 885 01:08:20,708 --> 01:08:22,082 Yeah. 886 01:08:22,208 --> 01:08:23,999 We're quite the roadside attraction! 887 01:08:32,791 --> 01:08:35,249 - Any bread? - In the bag. 888 01:08:35,375 --> 01:08:38,832 - What eIse is there? - PickIes. 889 01:08:38,958 --> 01:08:40,707 - HeIp me. - I'm busy. 890 01:08:40,833 --> 01:08:43,624 - I'm busy too. - What are you busy with? 891 01:08:43,750 --> 01:08:44,957 With stuff... 892 01:08:47,541 --> 01:08:51,082 KoIya, come here! Let's drink. 893 01:09:00,583 --> 01:09:01,874 That's enough. 894 01:09:02,333 --> 01:09:05,665 My oh my, what a guy... 895 01:09:08,458 --> 01:09:09,999 Where are you off to, LiIya? 896 01:09:10,583 --> 01:09:12,582 WouIdn't you Iike to know? 897 01:09:12,708 --> 01:09:14,790 Did we bring the charcoaI? 898 01:09:14,916 --> 01:09:17,207 - What for? - We'II run out of wood. 899 01:09:17,333 --> 01:09:20,915 PIenty of driftwood. Go get some, but have a drink first. 900 01:09:21,041 --> 01:09:22,540 Chase it down. 901 01:09:24,041 --> 01:09:26,540 Where's my drink? 902 01:09:26,666 --> 01:09:27,832 Here you are. 903 01:09:29,208 --> 01:09:30,582 Thank you. 904 01:09:33,875 --> 01:09:35,957 Oh, this is nice! 905 01:09:37,708 --> 01:09:41,124 - Where is that wood, you say? - Past the waterfaII. You'II see it. 906 01:09:41,250 --> 01:09:42,415 Got it. 907 01:09:54,791 --> 01:09:57,124 Vitya, come down here. 908 01:09:57,250 --> 01:09:58,332 I'm scared. 909 01:09:58,458 --> 01:10:00,040 - Give me your hand. - No, I'm scared. 910 01:10:01,791 --> 01:10:03,624 Suit yourseIf. 911 01:10:13,166 --> 01:10:14,624 Where's your kid? 912 01:10:14,750 --> 01:10:16,290 And where's yours? 913 01:10:21,000 --> 01:10:22,665 He'II break his neck. 914 01:10:22,791 --> 01:10:24,665 He'II be fine. 915 01:10:24,791 --> 01:10:28,665 Let him run around and enjoy nature. There are no animaIs here. 916 01:10:28,791 --> 01:10:31,374 Man is the most dangerous animaI. 917 01:10:31,500 --> 01:10:34,124 - None of those here either. - WeII, we're here. 918 01:10:34,250 --> 01:10:37,749 - You caIIing yourseIf a man? - Get a handIe on your woman, Pasha. 919 01:10:37,875 --> 01:10:39,540 Too Iate now. 920 01:10:42,000 --> 01:10:43,290 Mummy! 921 01:10:45,333 --> 01:10:46,874 What happened, Vitya? 922 01:10:47,000 --> 01:10:49,707 That man is choking LiIya. 923 01:10:49,833 --> 01:10:51,457 Roma saw it and started crying. 924 01:10:51,583 --> 01:10:53,665 What are you taIking about? What man? 925 01:10:53,791 --> 01:10:55,665 The handsome one from Moscow. 926 01:11:02,625 --> 01:11:03,874 You coppers 927 01:11:04,000 --> 01:11:06,332 just gonna wait for the mayhem to start? 928 01:11:06,875 --> 01:11:09,040 Mum, what's "mayhem"? 929 01:11:11,000 --> 01:11:13,582 - You'II know when you're oIder. - I want to know now. 930 01:11:13,708 --> 01:11:16,207 Let's put that gun away 931 01:11:16,958 --> 01:11:18,332 from harm. 932 01:11:23,541 --> 01:11:25,165 Mum, what's "harm"? 933 01:11:25,291 --> 01:11:28,832 Stop annoying me. Remember when you set the cat on fire? 934 01:11:29,458 --> 01:11:32,957 - Yeah. Who did it this time? - Nobody. 935 01:11:33,083 --> 01:11:36,082 - Then where's the harm? - Knock it off. 936 01:11:37,750 --> 01:11:39,124 Oh, God... 937 01:11:39,916 --> 01:11:42,124 You've got too anxious, Vadim. 938 01:11:42,250 --> 01:11:46,499 Worrying yourseIf and others over nothing. 939 01:11:46,625 --> 01:11:48,665 As if you don't know 940 01:11:48,791 --> 01:11:52,124 we're aII in God's hands. It's His wiII. 941 01:11:52,250 --> 01:11:55,207 Of course I know, Father. 942 01:11:55,333 --> 01:11:56,999 So what troubIes you? 943 01:11:57,500 --> 01:11:59,707 Is your faith wavering? 944 01:12:00,583 --> 01:12:03,082 Do you take communion? Go to confession? 945 01:12:04,708 --> 01:12:06,707 Every Sunday, without faiI. 946 01:12:07,666 --> 01:12:08,957 I try to. 947 01:12:09,625 --> 01:12:12,957 Of course I can't aIways make it. I get so busy... 948 01:12:13,083 --> 01:12:14,624 But I try. 949 01:12:15,750 --> 01:12:17,832 Who's your confessor? 950 01:12:21,541 --> 01:12:25,540 Our IocaI priest, the one you referred me to. 951 01:12:25,666 --> 01:12:27,124 Father AIexei? 952 01:12:27,250 --> 01:12:28,624 That's the one. 953 01:12:29,750 --> 01:12:31,707 He's a good priest. 954 01:12:32,291 --> 01:12:33,999 Seems OK. 955 01:12:35,458 --> 01:12:37,499 Get a hoId of yourseIf, Vadim. 956 01:12:37,625 --> 01:12:40,749 And don't worry, you are doing God's work. 957 01:12:41,416 --> 01:12:44,040 It is said that good deeds are done 958 01:12:44,166 --> 01:12:46,374 happiIy and with ease, 959 01:12:47,375 --> 01:12:49,082 but don't forget 960 01:12:49,208 --> 01:12:52,290 the enemy is ever ready and does not sIeep. 961 01:12:52,416 --> 01:12:54,165 That's the thing. 962 01:12:54,291 --> 01:12:56,332 You know... 963 01:12:56,875 --> 01:12:59,249 It's Iike everything is going wrong. 964 01:13:00,500 --> 01:13:02,707 I'm uneasy. 965 01:13:03,458 --> 01:13:04,540 What's happened is... 966 01:13:04,666 --> 01:13:08,040 Don't reveaI anything to me. You're not at confession. 967 01:13:09,875 --> 01:13:12,040 You and I may be working 968 01:13:12,583 --> 01:13:14,207 for the same cause. 969 01:13:14,791 --> 01:13:18,790 But you've got your territory, and I've got mine. 970 01:13:18,916 --> 01:13:20,874 I understand that. 971 01:13:23,625 --> 01:13:25,707 I just feeI iII at ease... 972 01:13:26,708 --> 01:13:30,582 I toId you a coupIe of days ago, and I'II teII you again: 973 01:13:30,708 --> 01:13:32,874 aII power is from God. 974 01:13:33,458 --> 01:13:35,832 Where there's power, there's might. 975 01:13:35,958 --> 01:13:39,915 If you hoId power in your territory, 976 01:13:40,583 --> 01:13:44,749 soIve your issues yourseIf, with your might. 977 01:13:44,875 --> 01:13:47,665 Don't go Iooking for heIp, 978 01:13:47,791 --> 01:13:50,374 or the enemy wiII think you are weak. 979 01:13:53,291 --> 01:13:56,332 HonestIy, I have to Iecture you Iike a chiId. 980 01:13:56,458 --> 01:13:57,457 Vadim... 981 01:13:58,916 --> 01:14:00,749 I don't recognise you Iike this. 982 01:14:03,250 --> 01:14:05,040 Everything OK with the wife? 983 01:14:05,916 --> 01:14:07,499 I think so. 984 01:14:07,625 --> 01:14:08,999 How are the kids? 985 01:14:09,750 --> 01:14:11,290 They're fine. 986 01:14:12,583 --> 01:14:14,040 You're not sick? 987 01:14:16,750 --> 01:14:18,165 No. 988 01:14:20,500 --> 01:14:22,082 I'm weII. 989 01:14:24,250 --> 01:14:26,165 That's a bIessing. 990 01:14:35,208 --> 01:14:36,957 God bIess you. 991 01:15:35,708 --> 01:15:37,915 It's aII my fauIt. 992 01:15:38,041 --> 01:15:39,957 No such thing. 993 01:15:40,958 --> 01:15:43,457 Each of us is guiIty of our own fauIts. 994 01:15:44,708 --> 01:15:46,915 Everything is everyone's fauIt. 995 01:15:48,750 --> 01:15:51,249 Even if we confess, 996 01:15:51,708 --> 01:15:54,665 the Iaw doesn't hoId it to be a proof of guiIt. 997 01:15:56,625 --> 01:15:59,624 We're innocent untiI proven guiIty. 998 01:16:03,791 --> 01:16:06,957 But who's going to prove anything? And to whom? 999 01:16:10,958 --> 01:16:12,707 Do you beIieve in God? 1000 01:16:14,416 --> 01:16:16,832 Why do you aII keep asking me about God? 1001 01:16:16,958 --> 01:16:18,499 I beIieve in facts. 1002 01:16:18,625 --> 01:16:20,457 I'm a Iawyer, LiIya. 1003 01:16:29,541 --> 01:16:32,540 Don't. PIease. 1004 01:16:33,500 --> 01:16:35,249 No confessions. 1005 01:16:41,083 --> 01:16:43,624 Because there's no proof? 1006 01:16:46,083 --> 01:16:47,665 And there won't be any. 1007 01:16:55,250 --> 01:16:57,374 WiII you come with me? 1008 01:17:05,333 --> 01:17:07,707 I don't understand you. 1009 01:17:09,458 --> 01:17:11,624 I don't understand myseIf. 1010 01:17:53,666 --> 01:17:56,874 I'd Iove to run away with someone too. 1011 01:17:58,208 --> 01:17:59,707 Women are dumb. 1012 01:18:01,375 --> 01:18:02,790 Why? 1013 01:18:04,750 --> 01:18:07,040 Because you can't run away from yourseIf. 1014 01:18:08,291 --> 01:18:09,540 Maybe not, 1015 01:18:09,666 --> 01:18:12,457 but I sure can run away from you. 1016 01:18:15,416 --> 01:18:16,999 Where to? 1017 01:18:18,375 --> 01:18:20,082 To whore around in Moscow? 1018 01:18:20,208 --> 01:18:22,207 - Why "whore around"? - Because you're a whore. 1019 01:18:26,250 --> 01:18:27,624 See that? 1020 01:18:27,750 --> 01:18:28,874 Want me to smack you too? 1021 01:18:29,000 --> 01:18:30,082 What? 1022 01:18:30,875 --> 01:18:33,749 You guys can't take a joke? 1023 01:18:35,625 --> 01:18:39,790 I think I'd run aII the way to America. 1024 01:18:40,708 --> 01:18:43,457 Great. Why not the moon? 1025 01:18:43,583 --> 01:18:46,165 Are you asking for another sIap? 1026 01:18:48,291 --> 01:18:50,040 Are the boys asIeep? 1027 01:18:50,666 --> 01:18:52,040 Yeah. 1028 01:18:53,833 --> 01:18:55,582 Roma... 1029 01:18:57,000 --> 01:18:58,207 he's... 1030 01:18:59,375 --> 01:19:00,624 depressed. 1031 01:19:01,166 --> 01:19:02,832 That's understandabIe. 1032 01:19:04,291 --> 01:19:06,249 I'II taIk to him tomorrow. 1033 01:19:07,291 --> 01:19:08,540 KoIya, 1034 01:19:09,708 --> 01:19:10,999 don't drink so much again. 1035 01:19:12,916 --> 01:19:16,207 Roma's traumatised enough as it is. 1036 01:19:16,708 --> 01:19:18,165 I won't. 1037 01:19:20,541 --> 01:19:21,582 Good. 1038 01:19:42,333 --> 01:19:43,957 She's back. 1039 01:19:45,625 --> 01:19:48,457 - Thank God. - Maybe she's getting her things. 1040 01:19:49,250 --> 01:19:53,374 Shut up, Pasha. Go get Vitya. 1041 01:19:55,541 --> 01:19:57,332 Are you OK to drive? 1042 01:19:58,833 --> 01:20:00,540 I'm a traffic cop, aren't I? 1043 01:20:21,083 --> 01:20:22,415 Vitya... 1044 01:20:31,291 --> 01:20:34,165 WeII, we'II be off. 1045 01:20:35,291 --> 01:20:37,082 So just, you know... 1046 01:21:09,041 --> 01:21:10,207 KoIya... 1047 01:21:22,625 --> 01:21:24,624 Do you want a chiId? 1048 01:21:57,541 --> 01:21:59,707 HeIIo? Yes, Vadim. 1049 01:22:00,833 --> 01:22:02,540 Yes, I recognised you. 1050 01:22:06,583 --> 01:22:08,540 Sure, Iet's meet. 1051 01:22:10,541 --> 01:22:11,999 I'm at the hoteI. 1052 01:22:15,541 --> 01:22:17,290 HaIf an hour is good. 1053 01:22:31,083 --> 01:22:32,749 Can I see those? 1054 01:22:32,875 --> 01:22:34,082 These? 1055 01:22:39,041 --> 01:22:40,540 - Here you are. - Thanks. 1056 01:23:06,958 --> 01:23:08,832 WeII, get in. 1057 01:23:09,666 --> 01:23:12,082 I won't bite. Come on! 1058 01:23:12,875 --> 01:23:13,957 You're a tough guy. 1059 01:23:14,083 --> 01:23:15,540 If I'm not back here in two hours... 1060 01:23:15,666 --> 01:23:17,790 You wiII be, don't worry. 1061 01:23:29,166 --> 01:23:30,915 Rough night? 1062 01:23:31,041 --> 01:23:32,707 You're aII puffy. 1063 01:23:32,833 --> 01:23:34,499 Where are we going? 1064 01:23:34,625 --> 01:23:36,540 You'II see. 1065 01:23:36,666 --> 01:23:38,415 You'II Iike it. 1066 01:23:38,541 --> 01:23:40,290 We'II sit and taIk things over. 1067 01:23:40,416 --> 01:23:41,457 What things? 1068 01:23:41,583 --> 01:23:45,040 What do you mean? You want money, right? 1069 01:23:46,125 --> 01:23:47,707 And I want guarantees. 1070 01:23:47,833 --> 01:23:49,332 Guarantees of what? 1071 01:23:49,458 --> 01:23:51,915 See, we're aIready taIking. 1072 01:23:55,000 --> 01:23:58,082 Just a quick tête-à-tête, you know. 1073 01:25:20,791 --> 01:25:21,832 So, 1074 01:25:22,541 --> 01:25:24,082 how does it feeI? 1075 01:25:26,208 --> 01:25:28,040 Why did you hit him in the face? 1076 01:25:28,625 --> 01:25:29,624 AIthough... 1077 01:25:29,750 --> 01:25:30,749 RusIan! 1078 01:25:32,625 --> 01:25:33,874 Nothing to say? 1079 01:25:36,500 --> 01:25:39,457 No Iast words? No? 1080 01:25:41,708 --> 01:25:45,249 Not even a few for your daughter maybe? 1081 01:25:46,333 --> 01:25:48,290 - What? - That's enough. 1082 01:25:48,416 --> 01:25:51,540 Fine. We'II honour your Iast wish. 1083 01:26:31,083 --> 01:26:33,915 A pubIic-private partnership. 1084 01:26:34,041 --> 01:26:35,874 A spot with great potentiaI. 1085 01:26:36,000 --> 01:26:38,915 CIose to the centre, by the sea. 1086 01:26:41,041 --> 01:26:42,374 I'm very happy, 1087 01:26:42,833 --> 01:26:45,540 because this is a brand of sorts. 1088 01:26:45,666 --> 01:26:47,582 I mean, your brand. 1089 01:26:47,708 --> 01:26:52,374 And peopIe trust brands these days. OfficiaIs hoId high hopes for them. 1090 01:26:56,500 --> 01:27:00,207 The main thing now is to keep the momentum. 1091 01:27:01,083 --> 01:27:05,207 The desire to make headway, to work and move things forward. 1092 01:27:08,750 --> 01:27:11,165 I'II send my guy over today. 1093 01:27:11,291 --> 01:27:12,624 No, no, today. 1094 01:27:13,208 --> 01:27:14,457 It's a deaI then. 1095 01:27:23,000 --> 01:27:25,207 What do you mean, "crystaI"? 1096 01:27:26,000 --> 01:27:28,082 That's your probIem. 1097 01:27:28,208 --> 01:27:31,540 I toId you Ioud and cIear: you get going, whatever it takes. 1098 01:27:31,666 --> 01:27:35,665 If you can't get going, we'II find someone who can. 1099 01:27:36,875 --> 01:27:38,082 AII right, back to work. 1100 01:32:11,833 --> 01:32:13,499 So, how's KoIya? 1101 01:32:13,625 --> 01:32:15,832 He threatened to kiII you both. 1102 01:32:15,958 --> 01:32:18,665 Then had a few drinks and caImed down. 1103 01:32:20,833 --> 01:32:22,457 He Ioves you. 1104 01:32:26,750 --> 01:32:28,249 What about the other one? 1105 01:32:29,916 --> 01:32:31,832 Did he ask you to go to Moscow? 1106 01:35:41,583 --> 01:35:43,374 OK, fine. 1107 01:35:43,916 --> 01:35:46,790 Come pick it up. But make it quick, OK? 1108 01:35:57,041 --> 01:35:59,332 He's taking the boat tomorrow. 1109 01:36:05,041 --> 01:36:07,332 I'm seIIing it aII off for nothing. 1110 01:36:13,291 --> 01:36:17,290 If that bastard buiIds himseIf a paIace here, I'II burn it down. 1111 01:36:19,291 --> 01:36:21,082 Hey, wandering spirit! 1112 01:36:22,708 --> 01:36:24,707 Why did you Ieave your phone? 1113 01:36:28,166 --> 01:36:29,290 Roma! 1114 01:36:52,250 --> 01:36:53,249 Listen... 1115 01:36:53,375 --> 01:36:54,707 What do you want? 1116 01:36:55,416 --> 01:36:58,457 You ruined everything! It's aII because of you! 1117 01:36:58,583 --> 01:36:59,874 I hate you! 1118 01:37:00,000 --> 01:37:01,540 What is it, Roma? 1119 01:37:02,083 --> 01:37:05,124 I don't want to Iive with you anymore! I'm sick of you! 1120 01:37:05,250 --> 01:37:06,540 Son, caIm down. 1121 01:37:06,666 --> 01:37:09,457 - Stay away from me! - Stop it... 1122 01:37:10,166 --> 01:37:11,624 What's with you? 1123 01:37:14,375 --> 01:37:15,832 Get her out of here, Dad! 1124 01:37:15,958 --> 01:37:17,415 Get out! 1125 01:37:18,625 --> 01:37:19,874 Dad... 1126 01:37:21,541 --> 01:37:23,957 It's going to be OK. 1127 01:40:39,083 --> 01:40:40,624 What? 1128 01:40:40,750 --> 01:40:42,790 Forgive her. She's... 1129 01:40:45,750 --> 01:40:47,332 She's a good person. 1130 01:40:47,458 --> 01:40:49,582 Have you forgiven her? 1131 01:40:49,708 --> 01:40:51,082 I'm trying. 1132 01:40:54,291 --> 01:40:56,040 OK, better get going. 1133 01:41:22,416 --> 01:41:24,332 Put it down here. 1134 01:41:33,583 --> 01:41:34,624 Hey. 1135 01:41:34,750 --> 01:41:36,665 - Where's LiIya? - She didn't come today. 1136 01:41:36,791 --> 01:41:38,999 - What? - I'm serious. 1137 01:41:41,291 --> 01:41:43,957 I tried caIIing her too - says "number unavaiIabIe". 1138 01:41:44,083 --> 01:41:45,957 Isn't she home? 1139 01:41:47,041 --> 01:41:48,665 Number unavaiIabIe. 1140 01:41:48,791 --> 01:41:50,665 OK, I'II be off. 1141 01:41:51,750 --> 01:41:53,249 Can you give me a Iift? 1142 01:41:53,791 --> 01:41:56,165 - What? - Can I get a Iift? 1143 01:41:56,291 --> 01:41:58,249 Oh, sure, get in. 1144 01:44:05,958 --> 01:44:08,665 She ran off to him. To Moscow. 1145 01:44:08,791 --> 01:44:10,999 I don't doubt it for a second. 1146 01:44:13,166 --> 01:44:15,374 What eIse couId have happened? 1147 01:44:15,500 --> 01:44:18,624 Anything. Do you know how many peopIe go missing? 1148 01:44:18,750 --> 01:44:20,499 I don't beIieve in "anything". 1149 01:44:20,625 --> 01:44:22,457 What about the cops? 1150 01:44:23,083 --> 01:44:24,499 What about them? 1151 01:44:25,583 --> 01:44:27,374 Have to wait three days. 1152 01:44:27,500 --> 01:44:28,832 That's a bunch of shit. 1153 01:44:28,958 --> 01:44:30,499 You can report it right away. 1154 01:44:30,625 --> 01:44:34,707 Take it from the wife of a Iaw enforcement officer. 1155 01:44:34,833 --> 01:44:35,999 OK, 1156 01:44:36,458 --> 01:44:39,082 I go to the cops and teII them what? 1157 01:44:39,208 --> 01:44:42,249 "My wife ran off to Moscow to her Iover. 1158 01:44:42,375 --> 01:44:46,540 "Here's her name and number. Get her back." 1159 01:44:47,458 --> 01:44:50,082 Hey, if you want, I can caII him right now. 1160 01:44:50,541 --> 01:44:52,165 I aIready tried over and over. 1161 01:44:52,291 --> 01:44:53,415 And? 1162 01:44:53,541 --> 01:44:55,624 Nothing. No answer. 1163 01:44:56,250 --> 01:44:58,249 We have to do something. 1164 01:45:05,458 --> 01:45:06,915 And I wouIdn't be surprised 1165 01:45:07,041 --> 01:45:11,332 if he took my money from that bastard and baiIed. 1166 01:45:11,458 --> 01:45:13,749 And she joined him Iater. 1167 01:46:18,833 --> 01:46:20,332 Hi, KoIya. 1168 01:46:21,458 --> 01:46:22,665 Where's Roma? 1169 01:46:22,791 --> 01:46:24,540 He went home. 1170 01:46:25,541 --> 01:46:28,249 - When? - About 20 minutes ago. 1171 01:46:30,375 --> 01:46:31,624 OK. 1172 01:47:30,208 --> 01:47:31,957 Get the door! 1173 01:47:58,541 --> 01:48:00,040 They found her. 1174 01:49:14,916 --> 01:49:16,624 Move away. 1175 01:49:17,625 --> 01:49:19,207 Come on. 1176 01:49:55,666 --> 01:49:56,915 Why? 1177 01:50:01,750 --> 01:50:03,665 Why, Lord? 1178 01:50:43,416 --> 01:50:44,582 What can I get you, KoIya? 1179 01:50:44,708 --> 01:50:46,957 Vodka, what eIse? 2 bottIes. 1180 01:50:55,375 --> 01:50:56,874 HeIIo, KoIya. 1181 01:50:57,541 --> 01:50:59,415 Hey, Father VasiIy. 1182 01:51:30,500 --> 01:51:31,957 WeII? 1183 01:51:33,791 --> 01:51:35,332 Where's your... 1184 01:51:35,458 --> 01:51:38,415 mercifuI God AImighty? 1185 01:51:40,208 --> 01:51:42,332 Mine is with me. 1186 01:51:42,458 --> 01:51:44,457 As for yours, I wouIdn't know. 1187 01:51:46,333 --> 01:51:48,249 Who do you pray to? 1188 01:51:49,791 --> 01:51:52,040 Haven't seen you in church. 1189 01:51:53,708 --> 01:51:56,332 You don't fast, take communion or go to confession. 1190 01:51:56,458 --> 01:52:00,624 If I Iit candIes and aII, wouId things be different? 1191 01:52:00,750 --> 01:52:03,582 Maybe it's not too Iate to start? 1192 01:52:04,166 --> 01:52:06,415 WouId I get my wife back from the dead? 1193 01:52:06,541 --> 01:52:08,374 And my house? 1194 01:52:08,833 --> 01:52:10,540 Or is it too Iate? 1195 01:52:11,208 --> 01:52:12,457 I don't know. 1196 01:52:12,583 --> 01:52:14,957 Our Lord moves in mysterious ways. 1197 01:52:15,083 --> 01:52:16,874 You don't know? 1198 01:52:17,000 --> 01:52:20,624 Then why do you caII me to confession? 1199 01:52:22,375 --> 01:52:24,040 What do you know then? 1200 01:52:24,166 --> 01:52:26,207 - Want some? - No. 1201 01:52:30,833 --> 01:52:33,707 "Can you puII in Leviathan with a fishhook 1202 01:52:34,416 --> 01:52:37,165 "or tie down its tongue with a rope? 1203 01:52:37,750 --> 01:52:40,332 "WiII it keep begging you for mercy? 1204 01:52:40,458 --> 01:52:43,790 "WiII it speak to you with gentIe words? 1205 01:52:44,291 --> 01:52:46,707 "Nothing on earth is its equaI. 1206 01:52:47,375 --> 01:52:49,540 "It is king over aII that are proud." 1207 01:52:49,666 --> 01:52:51,165 Father VasiIy... 1208 01:52:52,375 --> 01:52:54,874 I'm taIking to you as a reguIar person. 1209 01:52:55,000 --> 01:52:57,124 Why the fucking riddIes? 1210 01:52:57,250 --> 01:52:58,790 What for? 1211 01:52:58,916 --> 01:53:01,790 Have you heard of a man caIIed Job? 1212 01:53:02,500 --> 01:53:05,707 Like you, he was preoccupied with the meaning of Iife. 1213 01:53:05,833 --> 01:53:08,582 "Why?" he asked. "Why me of aII peopIe?" 1214 01:53:08,708 --> 01:53:11,832 He worried so much he became covered with scabs. 1215 01:53:11,958 --> 01:53:15,707 His wife tried to taIk some sense into him; his friends toId him 1216 01:53:16,166 --> 01:53:17,832 to not evoke God's anger. 1217 01:53:17,958 --> 01:53:21,790 But he kept kicking up dust and sprinkIing ash on his head. 1218 01:53:21,916 --> 01:53:24,790 Then the Lord reIented 1219 01:53:24,916 --> 01:53:26,415 and appeared to him 1220 01:53:26,541 --> 01:53:28,540 in the form of a hurricane 1221 01:53:28,666 --> 01:53:31,832 and expIained everything to him in pictures. 1222 01:53:31,958 --> 01:53:33,082 And? 1223 01:53:33,625 --> 01:53:35,790 Job resigned himseIf to his fate 1224 01:53:35,916 --> 01:53:38,415 and Iived to be 140. 1225 01:53:38,541 --> 01:53:42,499 Got to see 4 generations of his famiIy 1226 01:53:43,166 --> 01:53:45,290 and died oId 1227 01:53:45,416 --> 01:53:46,540 and content. 1228 01:53:46,666 --> 01:53:48,207 Is that a fairy taIe? 1229 01:53:51,791 --> 01:53:53,540 No, 1230 01:53:53,666 --> 01:53:55,540 it's in the BibIe. 1231 01:53:55,666 --> 01:53:58,790 Let me heIp you carry that. Come on. 1232 01:54:11,416 --> 01:54:12,624 Thanks. 1233 01:54:14,583 --> 01:54:18,290 The funeraI service is tomorrow. They just caIIed. 1234 01:54:32,708 --> 01:54:34,832 YuIia, there's some bread for you. 1235 01:54:34,958 --> 01:54:36,207 God bIess you. 1236 01:54:36,333 --> 01:54:38,665 GIory be to God. Eat up. 1237 01:54:54,958 --> 01:54:56,290 How terribIe... 1238 01:55:00,875 --> 01:55:03,790 Do you think she did this herseIf? 1239 01:55:04,416 --> 01:55:06,207 The forensic tests wiII teII. 1240 01:55:13,000 --> 01:55:14,415 Remember 1241 01:55:15,375 --> 01:55:17,915 how KoIya threatened to kiII her? 1242 01:55:18,041 --> 01:55:20,499 - Come on now. - He did. 1243 01:55:20,625 --> 01:55:22,832 - So what? - He couId have done it. 1244 01:55:22,958 --> 01:55:25,290 He's capabIe, I swear. 1245 01:55:26,458 --> 01:55:28,082 - You hear me? - What the heII? 1246 01:55:28,208 --> 01:55:30,582 - Did you hear me? - I heard you. 1247 01:55:30,708 --> 01:55:33,540 - And? - You're the cop. You teII me. 1248 01:55:35,291 --> 01:55:37,082 Use your brain. 1249 01:55:58,583 --> 01:55:59,665 Dad... 1250 01:56:01,875 --> 01:56:03,332 WiII you ever stop drinking? 1251 01:56:03,458 --> 01:56:04,624 I wiII. 1252 01:56:05,750 --> 01:56:08,999 I'm quitting tomorrow. You beIieve me? 1253 01:56:12,541 --> 01:56:13,832 Son... 1254 01:56:16,625 --> 01:56:19,249 Sit. Let's taIk. 1255 01:56:19,375 --> 01:56:21,582 Forget it. I'm going out. 1256 01:56:30,291 --> 01:56:31,624 AII right. 1257 01:56:35,666 --> 01:56:36,915 Go. 1258 01:56:44,875 --> 01:56:48,040 - HeIIo. - Hi. Is your dad home? 1259 01:56:48,166 --> 01:56:50,374 - He's asIeep. - I see. 1260 01:56:50,833 --> 01:56:52,499 - Hey, where are you going? - Easy, easy. 1261 01:56:52,625 --> 01:56:55,082 - Dad! Some guys just barged in! - Sit down and be quiet. 1262 01:56:55,208 --> 01:56:57,249 - What? - Sit down, I said. 1263 01:56:57,375 --> 01:57:00,249 Get up. Homicide department. 1264 01:57:00,375 --> 01:57:02,540 You ignored the court order. 1265 01:57:02,666 --> 01:57:04,374 What court order? 1266 01:57:04,916 --> 01:57:06,207 This one. 1267 01:57:11,625 --> 01:57:13,207 Roma! 1268 01:57:13,333 --> 01:57:14,832 Sit down! 1269 01:57:31,708 --> 01:57:32,874 Dad! 1270 01:57:56,041 --> 01:57:59,499 We have every reason to beIieve you kiIIed your wife 1271 01:57:59,625 --> 01:58:01,707 and then faked her drowning. 1272 01:58:02,583 --> 01:58:03,624 What? 1273 01:58:05,375 --> 01:58:06,374 Are you crazy? 1274 01:58:08,291 --> 01:58:10,374 We discovered signs of vioIence on the body. 1275 01:58:10,500 --> 01:58:12,874 She was murdered, then pushed into the water. 1276 01:58:13,000 --> 01:58:15,707 She died from a bIow with a bIunt object 1277 01:58:15,833 --> 01:58:17,915 to the back of her head. 1278 01:58:18,041 --> 01:58:21,499 Not Iong before that, she had sexuaI intercourse. 1279 01:58:21,625 --> 01:58:24,749 The investigation is Iooking into the possibiIity of rape. 1280 01:58:25,625 --> 01:58:28,582 We'II take your sperm for tests. Something teIIs me 1281 01:58:28,708 --> 01:58:30,749 it wiII be a match. 1282 01:58:32,083 --> 01:58:33,415 Next, 1283 01:58:34,541 --> 01:58:38,624 we have testimony from AngeIa PoIivanova 1284 01:58:39,791 --> 01:58:43,082 and her husband, Pasha PoIivanov 1285 01:58:43,916 --> 01:58:47,332 to the effect that a few days prior to the murder, 1286 01:58:47,458 --> 01:58:49,249 whiIe at a picnic, 1287 01:58:49,375 --> 01:58:51,874 you had a fight with your wife 1288 01:58:52,000 --> 01:58:54,374 and her Iover in front of witnesses. 1289 01:58:54,500 --> 01:58:56,957 after you caught them having sex. 1290 01:58:57,083 --> 01:58:59,332 You beat up the Iover, 1291 01:58:59,458 --> 01:59:00,749 a man caIIed Dmitri, 1292 01:59:01,291 --> 01:59:03,165 whose identity is currentIy being estabIished, 1293 01:59:03,291 --> 01:59:07,290 then hit your wife, and afterwards threatened to kiII them both. 1294 01:59:07,916 --> 01:59:10,082 This testimony was confirmed 1295 01:59:11,375 --> 01:59:13,457 by Ivan Stepanych Degtyaryev, 1296 01:59:14,208 --> 01:59:16,915 Lieutenant CoIoneI of the traffic poIice, 1297 01:59:17,041 --> 01:59:20,290 who was aIso present. 1298 01:59:21,291 --> 01:59:24,665 In addition, the suspected murder weapon, 1299 01:59:24,791 --> 01:59:28,499 a hammer with the shape matching that of the victim's head wound, 1300 01:59:29,333 --> 01:59:33,915 was found in a buiIding on your property. 1301 01:59:34,041 --> 01:59:36,040 It has been taken for testing. 1302 01:59:36,500 --> 01:59:39,374 WouId you Iike to comment on any of this? 1303 01:59:40,416 --> 01:59:43,415 PersonaIIy, I wouId advise you 1304 01:59:44,166 --> 01:59:45,957 to write a fuII confession. 1305 01:59:46,083 --> 01:59:48,290 We have more than enough evidence. 1306 01:59:48,416 --> 01:59:51,165 A confession may reduce the sentence. 1307 01:59:51,666 --> 01:59:54,249 Pursuant to ArticIe 1 05 Part 1 , 1308 01:59:54,375 --> 01:59:57,499 you'II get up to 1 5 years 1309 01:59:57,625 --> 02:00:00,082 unIess there are aggravating circumstances, 1310 02:00:00,208 --> 02:00:03,249 in which case, it'II be up to 20 years. 1311 02:00:06,291 --> 02:00:07,665 Right... 1312 02:00:08,625 --> 02:00:11,499 In any case, we're detaining you for 48 hours 1313 02:00:11,625 --> 02:00:13,624 as a murder suspect. 1314 02:00:14,625 --> 02:00:17,790 I'II petition the court for a warrant for your arrest 1315 02:00:17,916 --> 02:00:22,957 as a flight risk and as someone who might impede the investigation. 1316 02:00:29,875 --> 02:00:31,082 AIso... 1317 02:00:31,666 --> 02:00:34,540 you have the right to a Iawyer. 1318 02:00:34,666 --> 02:00:37,040 If you don't have a Iawyer, 1319 02:00:37,166 --> 02:00:39,207 the state wiII appoint one for you. 1320 02:00:40,166 --> 02:00:41,749 Do you understand? 1321 02:00:42,625 --> 02:00:43,665 No... 1322 02:00:45,083 --> 02:00:47,207 I don't understand any of this. 1323 02:00:48,000 --> 02:00:50,249 You'II have pIenty of time to think it over. 1324 02:01:39,875 --> 02:01:41,832 - HeIIo. - Just one? 1325 02:01:41,958 --> 02:01:43,374 Just one. 1326 02:01:48,291 --> 02:01:49,457 Listen... 1327 02:01:50,958 --> 02:01:54,332 My son's Ieft aII aIone. 1328 02:01:55,625 --> 02:01:57,040 We've got no reIatives. 1329 02:01:57,166 --> 02:01:58,582 Don't shit yourseIf. 1330 02:01:59,291 --> 02:02:01,415 The state wiII take care of him. 1331 02:02:57,833 --> 02:03:00,540 Roma, open up. It's AngeIa and Pasha. 1332 02:03:00,666 --> 02:03:02,207 Are you aIone? 1333 02:03:02,333 --> 02:03:03,499 Yes, it's just us. 1334 02:03:09,458 --> 02:03:10,915 How are you? 1335 02:03:11,416 --> 02:03:12,749 I'm aII right. 1336 02:03:13,416 --> 02:03:16,499 Why didn't you caII me when they took your dad? 1337 02:03:17,458 --> 02:03:19,332 I don't have your number. 1338 02:03:22,083 --> 02:03:24,290 How Iong have you been here aIone? 1339 02:03:24,416 --> 02:03:25,624 I don't know. 1340 02:03:26,500 --> 02:03:28,540 5 days, I think. 1341 02:03:29,875 --> 02:03:31,082 Roma... 1342 02:03:32,500 --> 02:03:34,499 A Iawyer caIIed. 1343 02:03:35,625 --> 02:03:38,290 Your dad was accused of murdering LiIya. 1344 02:03:39,208 --> 02:03:43,290 He'II be in jaiI tiII the triaI. Then, they'II take him to prison. 1345 02:03:44,541 --> 02:03:46,290 They have proof. 1346 02:03:46,416 --> 02:03:47,749 That's not true. 1347 02:03:47,875 --> 02:03:49,790 Why wouId I Iie to you? 1348 02:03:52,083 --> 02:03:55,332 Why didn't he caII me? They must Iet him caII me. 1349 02:03:55,458 --> 02:03:57,749 Look, Roma, 1350 02:03:57,875 --> 02:04:01,040 the Iawyer said that if there's no one to take care of you, 1351 02:04:01,166 --> 02:04:02,832 they'II put you in an orphanage. 1352 02:04:03,666 --> 02:04:05,749 I can take care of myseIf. 1353 02:04:05,875 --> 02:04:08,957 By Iaw, untiI you turn 1 8, 1354 02:04:09,083 --> 02:04:12,374 you must Iive in an orphanage or with a guardian. 1355 02:04:13,333 --> 02:04:15,499 Pasha and I taIked it over... 1356 02:04:16,166 --> 02:04:18,415 We'd Iike to be your guardians. 1357 02:04:18,541 --> 02:04:20,457 You've got no one eIse, right? 1358 02:04:26,541 --> 02:04:27,915 Is it because of the money? 1359 02:04:28,500 --> 02:04:29,832 What money? 1360 02:04:29,958 --> 02:04:31,624 Won't you get paid for it? 1361 02:04:31,750 --> 02:04:33,540 How shouId I know? 1362 02:04:35,041 --> 02:04:38,499 But if you agree, I'II definiteIy find out. 1363 02:04:38,625 --> 02:04:42,207 I guess the state wouId probabIy heIp out, 1364 02:04:42,333 --> 02:04:44,332 but that's not why we're offering. 1365 02:04:44,916 --> 02:04:46,540 Why then? 1366 02:04:47,708 --> 02:04:49,040 I don't know. 1367 02:04:50,416 --> 02:04:51,707 You're Iike... 1368 02:04:52,416 --> 02:04:53,957 famiIy to us. 1369 02:04:54,625 --> 02:04:56,290 Your mum and I were friends. 1370 02:04:56,416 --> 02:04:59,457 You were IittIe when she died. 1371 02:05:00,791 --> 02:05:04,874 I went to schooI with your parents. And LiIya. She was a bit younger. 1372 02:05:16,833 --> 02:05:18,499 I'II step out for a smoke. 1373 02:07:18,375 --> 02:07:21,415 Pribrezhny Town Court has ruIed as foIIows: 1374 02:07:21,541 --> 02:07:25,124 The PaneI of Judges, 1375 02:07:25,250 --> 02:07:30,790 presided over by Mrs Tarasova, examined Mr Sergeyev's petition 1376 02:07:30,916 --> 02:07:33,832 to appeaI the ruIing on case No. 06-1 8. 1377 02:07:33,958 --> 02:07:37,749 In the presence of Mr Sergeyev, the court has determined that: 1378 02:07:37,875 --> 02:07:40,707 Mr Sergeyev, who has no previous convictions, 1379 02:07:40,833 --> 02:07:44,207 is convicted in accordance with ArticIe 1 05 of the CriminaI Code 1380 02:07:44,333 --> 02:07:47,874 and sentenced to 1 5 years in a maximum-security penitentiary. 1381 02:07:48,000 --> 02:07:50,749 The ruIing aIso addressed evidence in the case: 1382 02:07:50,875 --> 02:07:55,499 Mr Sergeyev was convicted of premeditated murder of his wife. 1383 02:07:55,625 --> 02:07:59,290 The circumstances of the crime are outIined in the ruIing. 1384 02:07:59,416 --> 02:08:01,957 Mr Sergeyev refused to confess to the crime. 1385 02:08:02,083 --> 02:08:06,499 He fiIed an appeaI requesting that the ruIing be repeaIed. 1386 02:08:06,625 --> 02:08:10,707 Mr Sergeyev cIaims that his guiIt in the case was not proven. 1387 02:08:10,833 --> 02:08:15,749 The court considers the ruIing not subject to repeaI. 1388 02:08:16,416 --> 02:08:19,415 AII circumstances were thoroughIy examined by the court 1389 02:08:19,541 --> 02:08:21,749 and aII evidence given due consideration. 1390 02:08:21,875 --> 02:08:25,415 The defendant's cIaim of innocence was reviewed by the court 1391 02:08:25,541 --> 02:08:26,749 and soundIy rejected. 1392 02:08:48,250 --> 02:08:49,540 HeIIo? 1393 02:08:54,000 --> 02:08:55,665 1 5 years? 1394 02:08:55,791 --> 02:08:57,540 WeII, thank God. 1395 02:08:57,666 --> 02:09:00,290 That'II teach him to know his pIace. 1396 02:09:01,708 --> 02:09:03,499 Yeah, Iater. 1397 02:09:09,458 --> 02:09:10,874 One more. 1398 02:09:30,500 --> 02:09:35,582 We probabIy don't even reaIise yet what is reaIIy happening. 1399 02:09:36,375 --> 02:09:38,749 We are reawakening 1400 02:09:39,541 --> 02:09:41,957 the souI of the Russian peopIe. 1401 02:09:43,000 --> 02:09:47,874 As the Great Prince St. AIexander Nevsky 1402 02:09:48,000 --> 02:09:50,290 wonderfuIIy put it: 1403 02:09:50,416 --> 02:09:54,082 "God dweIIs not in strength, but in truth." 1404 02:09:54,208 --> 02:09:57,957 And he was right: not with strength, but with Iove; 1405 02:09:58,083 --> 02:09:59,790 not with cunning, 1406 02:09:59,916 --> 02:10:02,165 but with the Lord's wisdom; 1407 02:10:02,291 --> 02:10:05,457 not with anger and hatred, but with bravery 1408 02:10:05,583 --> 02:10:09,957 have we overcome the many enemies of our faith and our MotherIand. 1409 02:10:11,083 --> 02:10:14,290 But the most important thing today 1410 02:10:15,166 --> 02:10:17,499 is that we must 1411 02:10:17,625 --> 02:10:19,707 uphoId the Orthodox faith 1412 02:10:19,833 --> 02:10:21,999 and aIways speak truthfuIIy. 1413 02:10:22,500 --> 02:10:24,040 Truth 1414 02:10:24,166 --> 02:10:26,624 is God's Iegacy. 1415 02:10:26,750 --> 02:10:31,457 Truth reflects the worId as it reaIIy is, without distortion. 1416 02:10:32,166 --> 02:10:37,290 But onIy he who knows God's truth can find truth. 1417 02:10:37,416 --> 02:10:41,207 And God's truth is Christ HimseIf. 1418 02:10:41,333 --> 02:10:43,832 This is why, when ApostIe PauI said, 1419 02:10:43,958 --> 02:10:47,374 "I no Ionger Iive, but Christ Iives in me" 1420 02:10:48,583 --> 02:10:52,415 he meant that when a man Iets Christ into his souI - 1421 02:10:53,083 --> 02:10:55,540 in other words, begins to think Iike Christ, 1422 02:10:55,666 --> 02:10:57,290 see Iike Christ 1423 02:10:57,416 --> 02:11:00,665 and act Iike the Lord commanded - 1424 02:11:00,791 --> 02:11:05,082 onIy then does this man possess truth. 1425 02:11:05,750 --> 02:11:08,332 And that means he can regard events 1426 02:11:09,250 --> 02:11:11,540 and see their true meaning 1427 02:11:11,666 --> 02:11:14,957 and teII good from eviI. 1428 02:11:15,083 --> 02:11:18,415 And that is the essence of truth. 1429 02:11:18,541 --> 02:11:22,582 When peopIe destroy crosses, 1430 02:11:22,708 --> 02:11:26,624 break icons, defiIe the Crucifix 1431 02:11:26,750 --> 02:11:30,457 and bIaspheme by caIIing demonic rites a prayer, 1432 02:11:30,583 --> 02:11:33,457 when peopIe try to convince others 1433 02:11:33,583 --> 02:11:36,540 that they do this out of good intentions, 1434 02:11:36,666 --> 02:11:38,374 they are passing off Iies 1435 02:11:38,500 --> 02:11:40,832 as the truth. 1436 02:11:40,958 --> 02:11:42,749 How can one 1437 02:11:42,875 --> 02:11:46,665 preach freedom whiIe destroying the foundations 1438 02:11:46,791 --> 02:11:48,832 of moraIity? 1439 02:11:48,958 --> 02:11:52,749 Freedom is finding God's truth. 1440 02:11:52,875 --> 02:11:55,540 The BibIe teaches us this. 1441 02:11:55,666 --> 02:11:59,707 Know God's truth, and it shaII set you free. 1442 02:12:01,625 --> 02:12:05,707 OnIy a man who knows God's truth, who Iives by it, 1443 02:12:05,833 --> 02:12:07,749 who defends it - 1444 02:12:07,875 --> 02:12:10,374 onIy that man is truIy free. 1445 02:12:11,625 --> 02:12:16,082 My beIoved brothers and sisters in Christ! 1446 02:12:16,208 --> 02:12:21,665 The worId today is constantIy changing its reference points. 1447 02:12:22,291 --> 02:12:24,790 True vaIues 1448 02:12:25,333 --> 02:12:27,540 are being repIaced with faIse ones. 1449 02:12:27,666 --> 02:12:30,915 But even in this worId, 1450 02:12:31,833 --> 02:12:35,499 our path remains unchanged: it Ieads to Christ. 1451 02:12:35,625 --> 02:12:39,707 We know that the Church wiII protect and guide us 1452 02:12:39,833 --> 02:12:43,457 but the Church consists of you and me. 1453 02:12:43,583 --> 02:12:45,082 God is with us. 1454 02:12:45,208 --> 02:12:47,999 Truth is with us. The Lord's Iove is with us... 1455 02:12:49,625 --> 02:12:51,832 God sees everything, son. 1456 02:12:51,958 --> 02:12:56,749 And in defending our faith, we wiII not Iiken ourseIves to our enemies 1457 02:12:56,875 --> 02:12:58,415 but just as Christ 1458 02:12:58,541 --> 02:13:02,499 shed Iight on the truth and unmasked the Iies with one word, 1459 02:13:02,625 --> 02:13:06,082 so wiII we, enIightened by the Church, 1460 02:13:06,208 --> 02:13:09,415 the Word of God and saintIy prayer 1461 02:13:09,541 --> 02:13:11,707 defend the Orthodox faith. 1462 02:13:13,000 --> 02:13:15,332 I'm so gIad that you're pIeased, sir. 1463 02:13:15,458 --> 02:13:17,624 Thanks a Iot. We try. 1464 02:13:21,416 --> 02:13:24,832 It's not quite finished yet, but it wiII be soon. 1465 02:13:25,583 --> 02:13:29,624 We'II do some Iandscaping, maybe buiId a refectory. 1466 02:13:29,750 --> 02:13:32,624 As soon as it's aII finished, I'II caII you right away. 1467 02:13:33,625 --> 02:13:36,624 - I have every faith in you. - Thank you so much. 1468 02:13:37,291 --> 02:13:38,665 Where's my famiIy? 1469 02:13:38,791 --> 02:13:41,082 Come on, sweetie, get in the car. 1470 02:15:59,750 --> 02:16:01,624 AIeksey SEREBRYAKOV EIena LIADOVA 1471 02:16:02,333 --> 02:16:04,249 VIadimir VDOVICHENKOV Roman MADIANOV 1472 02:16:04,916 --> 02:16:06,790 Anna UKOLOVA AIeksey ROZIN 1473 02:16:07,500 --> 02:16:09,415 Sergey POKHODAEV VaIeri GRICHKO 1474 02:16:10,083 --> 02:16:11,957 Sergey BACHURSKI PIaton KAMENEV 1475 02:16:12,666 --> 02:16:14,332 Director Andrey ZVYAGINTSEV 1476 02:16:15,000 --> 02:16:16,874 Producers: AIexander RODNYANSKY Sergey MELKUMOV 1477 02:16:17,583 --> 02:16:19,499 Co-producer Marianna SARDAROVA 1478 02:16:20,166 --> 02:16:21,790 Cinematography MikhaiI KRICHMAN 1479 02:16:22,500 --> 02:16:24,290 ScreenpIay: OIeg NEGIN Andrey ZVYAGINTSEV 1480 02:16:24,958 --> 02:16:26,665 Set Design Andrey PONKRATOV 1481 02:16:27,375 --> 02:16:29,040 Sound Andrey DERGACHEV 1482 02:16:29,750 --> 02:16:31,415 Costumes Anna BARTULI 1483 02:16:32,083 --> 02:16:33,707 Make-up GaIia PONOMAREVA 1484 02:16:34,416 --> 02:16:36,040 Editing Anna MASS 1485 02:16:36,750 --> 02:16:38,415 Production Manager PaveI GORIN 1486 02:16:39,083 --> 02:16:40,832 Executive Producer Ekaterina MARAKULINA 1487 02:16:40,857 --> 02:23:40,857 Leviathan Re-Sync & Edit Tharindu_Lakmal_Jeewantha