2 00:00:34,720 --> 00:00:39,970 這是一個真實的故事 3 00:00:41,930 --> 00:00:46,900 片中所描述的事件發生在2019年 明尼蘇達州 4 00:00:48,310 --> 00:00:53,280 應倖存者要求 片中均為化名 5 00:00:55,070 --> 00:01:00,030 出於對死者的尊重 片中所述均屬事實 6 00:01:43,400 --> 00:01:47,740 好了 感謝大家的捧場 And now, because you've all been so sweet, 7 00:01:47,780 --> 00:01:50,580 又是一段二重唱獻給大家 another duet for you. 8 00:01:52,200 --> 00:01:55,540 他們說我們還年輕 ♪They say we're young ♪ 9 00:01:55,580 --> 00:01:59,670 我們不知道 也不會知道 ♪And we don't know, won't find out ♪ 10 00:01:59,710 --> 00:02:02,670 直到我們長大 ♪Until we grow ♪ 11 00:02:04,050 --> 00:02:07,340 哦 我想你說的對 ♪Well, I don't know, I guess it's true ♪ 12 00:02:07,390 --> 00:02:11,560 因為你還有我 寶貝 我還有你 ♪Cause you got me, and, baby, I got you ♪ 13 00:02:11,600 --> 00:02:13,680 寶貝 ♪ Babe ♪ 14 00:02:13,730 --> 00:02:16,230 我還有你 寶貝 ♪ I've got you, babe ♪ 15 00:02:16,270 --> 00:02:19,060 我還有你 寶貝 ♪I got you, babe ♪ 16 00:02:20,320 --> 00:02:22,610 他們說 我們的愛付不起房租 ♪They say our love won't pay the rent ♪ 17 00:02:22,610 --> 00:02:28,620 日子總是過得入不敷出 ♪Before it's earned, our money's always spent♪ 18 00:02:28,620 --> 00:02:31,660 我不知道 我們的未來是那麼迷茫 ♪Well, I don't know, we got no plot♪ 19 00:02:31,700 --> 00:02:33,750 我唯一確定的 ♪ Still I'm sure of ♪ 20 00:02:33,790 --> 00:02:36,620 就是我們滿滿的愛 ♪All the love we got ♪ 21 00:02:36,670 --> 00:02:38,670 寶貝 ♪ Babe ♪ 22 00:02:38,710 --> 00:02:43,380 我還有你寶貝 ♪I got you, babe ♪ 23 00:02:44,470 --> 00:02:49,180 他們說我們年少無知 ♪They say we're young and we don't know ♪ 24 00:02:49,220 --> 00:02:53,560 有些事直到長大才會懂 ♪ Won't find out until we grow ♪ 25 00:02:56,060 --> 00:02:59,060 哦 我不知道 但也許這是真的 ♪Well, I don't know, I guess it's true ♪ 26 00:02:59,110 --> 00:03:03,780 因為寶貝 我們還有彼此在 ♪Cause you got me and, baby, I got you ♪ 27 00:03:03,820 --> 00:03:06,280 寶貝 ♪ Babe ♪ 28 00:03:06,320 --> 00:03:08,910 你有我在 寶貝 ♪I got you, babe ♪ 29 00:03:08,950 --> 00:03:12,200 我有你在 寶貝 ♪I got you, babe ♪ 30 00:03:12,240 --> 00:03:15,500 他們說我們的愛付不起房租 ♪They say our love won't pay the rent ♪ 31 00:03:15,500 --> 00:03:20,420 我們日子總是入不敷出 ♪Before it's earned, our money's always spent♪ 32 00:03:20,460 --> 00:03:24,090 我不知道 我們沒了方向 ♪Well, I don't know, we got no plot♪ 33 00:03:24,130 --> 00:03:28,880 我們唯有彼此的愛可以依託 ♪Still I'm sure of all the love we got♪ 34 00:03:28,930 --> 00:03:31,010 寶貝 ♪ Babe ♪ 35 00:03:31,010 --> 00:03:33,180 你有我在 寶貝 ♪ I got you, babe ♪ 36 00:03:33,220 --> 00:03:36,350 你還有我 寶貝 ♪ I got you, babe ♪ 37 00:03:36,350 --> 00:03:39,810 我拿著春日的鮮花 ♪I got flowers in the spring ♪ 38 00:03:39,850 --> 00:03:44,020 將戒指套在你手上 ♪I got you to wear my ring ♪ 39 00:03:44,070 --> 00:03:46,480 在我難過時 你願意把我逗笑 ♪When I'm sad, you're a clown ♪ 40 00:03:46,530 --> 00:03:52,370 當我害怕時 你總是在我身邊 ♪When I get scared, you're always around ♪ 41 00:03:52,410 --> 00:03:57,160 有人說你的頭髮太長了 ♪Some people say your hair's too long ♪ 42 00:03:57,200 --> 00:03:59,080 我不在乎 ♪I don't care ♪ 43 00:03:59,120 --> 00:04:03,540 與你同行 我永遠都不會出錯 ♪With you I can't go wrong ♪ 44 00:04:03,590 --> 00:04:05,420 所以 *So put your* 45 00:04:05,460 --> 00:04:07,170 把你的小手 *Your little hand* 46 00:04:07,210 --> 00:04:08,970 -放在我的手中 -啊 ♪*In mine*- *Ah, ah ♪ 47 00:04:09,010 --> 00:04:12,890 沒有我們爬不過去的高山 ♪There ain't no hill or mountain we can't climb ♪ 48 00:04:12,930 --> 00:04:15,970 寶貝 ♪- *Ah, ah*- *Babe ♪ 49 00:04:16,020 --> 00:04:18,680 有我在 寶貝 ♪ I got you, babe ♪ 50 00:04:18,730 --> 00:04:22,230 我擁有你 寶貝 ♪I got you, babe ♪ 51 00:04:22,230 --> 00:04:25,360 他們說我們的愛付不起房租 ♪They say our love won't pay the rent ♪ 52 00:04:25,400 --> 00:04:30,360 我們的日子總是入不敷出 ♪Before it's earned, our money's always spent...r 53 00:04:34,240 --> 00:04:38,540 但我對我們的愛充滿信心 ♪Still I'm sure of all the love we got ♪ 54 00:04:38,580 --> 00:04:40,870 寶貝 ♪ Babe ♪ 55 00:04:40,920 --> 00:04:43,580 我對你好 寶貝 ♪I got you, babe ♪ 56 00:04:43,580 --> 00:04:45,840 你對我好 寶貝 ♪I got you, babe. ♪ 57 00:05:40,470 --> 00:05:42,770 嘿 不不不 Hey! No, no, no, no, no, no! 58 00:05:49,150 --> 00:05:51,150 快去追她 Go after her! 59 00:06:14,090 --> 00:06:15,680 我去 納丁 Jesus, Nadine. 60 00:06:18,850 --> 00:06:21,850 丟人玩意兒 蓋特 Shame on you, Gator. 61 00:06:21,850 --> 00:06:24,850 -這房裡還有孩子 -我看見她了 - There's a baby in this house. - I saw her. 62 00:06:24,850 --> 00:06:26,560 估計有九歲了吧 She's like nine. 63 00:06:26,600 --> 00:06:28,350 馬上跟我上車 我們走 Now get your ass in that car, let's go. 64 00:06:28,360 --> 00:06:30,190 我不會回去的 I'm not going back. 65 00:06:30,190 --> 00:06:32,070 別墨跡 納丁 Now, Nadine, 66 00:06:32,110 --> 00:06:34,860 我們都知道 你最後總會回去的 we both know you're going back, 67 00:06:34,900 --> 00:06:36,910 這由不得你 like it or not. 68 00:06:46,870 --> 00:06:49,380 她在地下室 去抓她老公 She's in the basement. Go get the husband. 69 00:06:49,420 --> 00:06:52,670 他 他有 Is- is he- - 70 00:06:52,670 --> 00:06:54,130 給我專心點 Focus. 71 00:06:54,170 --> 00:06:56,340 抓到孩子會有額外獎勵 The kid gets you bonus points. 72 00:07:36,050 --> 00:07:37,670 你在哪啊 媽媽 Where are you, Mama? 73 00:07:39,050 --> 00:07:41,640 該回家了 It's time to go home. 74 00:07:45,390 --> 00:07:50,060 你老公 叫韋恩對吧 Your husband- - it's Wayne, right? 75 00:07:50,060 --> 00:07:51,900 他是個好人 He's a nice guy. 76 00:07:51,940 --> 00:07:53,690 就是有點軟蛋 A little soft, maybe. 77 00:07:53,730 --> 00:07:56,110 是這樣嗎 Is that it? 78 00:07:56,110 --> 00:07:57,940 他硬不起來吧 Is he soft? 79 00:07:59,450 --> 00:08:01,410 你要是不出來 Well, you don't come out of there, 80 00:08:01,450 --> 00:08:03,120 我們就自己找答案 we're gonna find out. 81 00:08:09,830 --> 00:08:12,920 把你臉上那倒霉面具摘掉 Wipe that stupid grin off your face. 82 00:08:51,790 --> 00:08:52,920 納丁 Nadine. 83 00:09:15,060 --> 00:09:17,400 我找不到那小子 Can't find this fucking guy. 84 00:09:45,930 --> 00:09:47,010 操 Shit. 85 00:09:56,310 --> 00:09:58,060 -媽媽 -快回去 Mommy! - Not now! 86 00:10:00,400 --> 00:10:02,110 蓋特 Gator! 87 00:10:03,360 --> 00:10:04,780 多特 Dot? ! 88 00:10:11,580 --> 00:10:13,080 留在這 好嗎 Stay, stay, okay? 89 00:10:14,040 --> 00:10:15,540 你來啊 我要殺了你 Come here! I'll kill you! 90 00:10:15,540 --> 00:10:16,670 -寶貝 -沒事的 - Babe? - It's okay. 91 00:10:16,710 --> 00:10:18,630 -納丁 -他們在上面 - Nadine? - They're up herel 92 00:10:18,670 --> 00:10:20,130 親愛的 你叉住他 Hon, hold him. 93 00:10:20,170 --> 00:10:22,210 他們在上面 They're up here! 94 00:10:22,260 --> 00:10:23,630 他們就在上面 等等 等等 等等 Got em up here. Wait, wait, wait. 95 00:10:23,670 --> 00:10:26,090 你打算怎麼 你要幹什麼 What are you gonna do with...What are you- - 96 00:10:26,140 --> 00:10:28,090 你要幹什麼 等等 What are you Wait! 97 00:10:28,100 --> 00:10:30,350 -媽媽厲害 -我來找你了 納丁 - Go, Moml- I'm coming for you, Nadine. 98 00:10:30,390 --> 00:10:32,680 快 順著洗衣槽下去 Quick. Down the laundry chute. 99 00:10:33,980 --> 00:10:35,440 納丁 Nadine? 100 00:10:35,440 --> 00:10:37,230 納丁是誰 Who's Nadine? 101 00:10:37,270 --> 00:10:39,020 -韋恩 -不是 那是 Wayne. - No. That's 102 00:10:39,060 --> 00:10:42,150 -你把我整蒙了 -你去洗衣槽接住斯科特 You got me in the dark here. - Get Scotty down the chute. 103 00:10:42,190 --> 00:10:45,150 不 No. 104 00:10:45,200 --> 00:10:46,990 -服了 -我們沿著主臥的 - Jesus. - Uh, down the...the master bedroom, 105 00:10:47,030 --> 00:10:49,620 -壁掛花架爬下去 -不 千萬別 the trellis, we'll climb down. Go. - No. No, no. 106 00:10:49,620 --> 00:10:51,120 -親愛的 -過來 Hon. Oh! - Come here. 107 00:10:51,160 --> 00:10:53,660 納丁 Nadine! 108 00:10:53,700 --> 00:10:56,500 -納丁 -不要 親愛的 - Nadine! - No, hon! 109 00:11:14,140 --> 00:11:15,480 老爸 老爸 Wha...Oh. - Daddy? 110 00:11:15,520 --> 00:11:17,310 查查他的呼吸 Check his breathing. 111 00:11:17,350 --> 00:11:20,770 納丁 Nadine. 112 00:11:22,780 --> 00:11:23,780 媽媽 Mom! 113 00:11:23,820 --> 00:11:25,150 哦天 Oh, my 114 00:11:26,530 --> 00:11:28,280 好吧 Okay. 115 00:11:35,200 --> 00:11:36,910 幫我把他扶起來 Help me get him up. 116 00:11:38,960 --> 00:11:41,460 斯科特 別管他們 你集中精力好啊 Scotty, don't focus on that. Focus on this, okay? 117 00:11:41,500 --> 00:11:43,040 我們得讓他坐起來 好嗎寶貝 We got to sit him up. Okay, baby? 118 00:11:43,090 --> 00:11:44,880 好的 Yeah. 119 00:11:47,010 --> 00:11:48,840 天啊 Gosh. 120 00:11:50,180 --> 00:11:51,510 好吧 Okay. 121 00:11:51,550 --> 00:11:53,430 你先爬出去 別害怕 You're gonna climb out. It's okay. 122 00:11:53,470 --> 00:11:54,680 好的 Yeah. 123 00:11:54,720 --> 00:11:56,520 好 Good. 124 00:11:56,560 --> 00:11:58,690 -你沒事吧 -沒事 You okay? - Yeah. 125 00:12:03,190 --> 00:12:04,480 然後 幫爸爸出去 Okay, mister 126 00:12:04,530 --> 00:12:07,150 出來了 Out you go. 127 00:12:16,200 --> 00:12:18,750 好吧 Okay. 128 00:12:23,540 --> 00:12:24,960 媽媽 Mom? 129 00:12:26,800 --> 00:12:30,800 媽媽 Mom? 130 00:12:38,350 --> 00:12:40,810 壁掛花架 好的 來吧 Trellis. Okay, come on. 131 00:12:43,440 --> 00:12:45,230 你做得很好 You're doing great. 132 00:12:46,570 --> 00:12:48,150 小心點 Careful. 133 00:12:58,540 --> 00:13:01,080 韋恩 親愛的 Wayne, honey? 134 00:13:01,080 --> 00:13:02,460 韋恩 Wayne? 135 00:13:02,500 --> 00:13:04,580 你給我馬上醒過來 I need you to wake up now. 136 00:13:06,050 --> 00:13:07,590 納丁 Nadine? 137 00:13:09,220 --> 00:13:10,170 納丁 Nadine? 138 00:13:10,220 --> 00:13:11,930 對不起了 寶貝 Ooh, sorry, baby. 139 00:13:18,850 --> 00:13:22,310 好吧 好吧 我來了 Okay, okay. I'm coming. 140 00:13:33,740 --> 00:13:36,780 收拾傷兵 我們撤 Grab the stiff. We're done. 141 00:13:40,660 --> 00:13:42,460 好的 Okay. 142 00:14:59,280 --> 00:15:01,910 老朋友 Well, old friend. 143 00:15:02,950 --> 00:15:05,960 這一次 來到了十字路口 It's the crossroads, no question, 144 00:15:06,000 --> 00:15:09,040 我們都知道 等在那裡的人是誰 and we know who's waiting there. 145 00:15:10,590 --> 00:15:12,460 午夜人 The midnight man. 146 00:15:14,670 --> 00:15:17,130 暗藏毒蛇 With his serpent tongue. 147 00:15:19,600 --> 00:15:22,310 我見過他一次 I met him once. 148 00:15:22,350 --> 00:15:26,940 那次貝勒·麥茲把自己孩子剁成了渣 Old Baylor Maze cut his children to pieces 149 00:15:26,980 --> 00:15:32,110 把老婆用窗簾吊死 and hung his wife with a curtain tie, 150 00:15:32,150 --> 00:15:34,860 我是第一個進門的 and I was first through the door. 151 00:15:35,950 --> 00:15:39,910 老貝勒坐在安樂椅上 And old Baylor was sitting there in his easy chair... 152 00:15:39,950 --> 00:15:42,950 -哇 -神色輕鬆 Whoa. ...taking it easy. 153 00:15:44,830 --> 00:15:48,040 我發誓 在他身後 Behind him, I swear, 154 00:15:48,080 --> 00:15:51,130 其實不用發誓 因為當時你也在場 and you know this 'cause you were there, too. 155 00:15:53,420 --> 00:15:56,090 我看到了惡魔本尊 Beelzebub himself, 156 00:15:56,130 --> 00:16:00,430 俯下身來 在那個可憐人耳邊低語 crouched low, whispering in that poor man's ear. 157 00:16:03,970 --> 00:16:06,470 你那次保護了我 老朋友 You protected me then, old friend. 158 00:16:08,390 --> 00:16:12,150 這一次也請與我們同在 Be with us again in our hour of need. 159 00:16:14,400 --> 00:16:16,070 阿們 Amen. 160 00:17:17,170 --> 00:17:18,840 爸爸 Daddy? 161 00:17:36,150 --> 00:17:38,020 -媽媽 -什麼事 Mama? - Yeah? 162 00:17:38,070 --> 00:17:39,690 那些人是惡魔嗎 Were those demons? 163 00:17:39,740 --> 00:17:41,110 不 親愛的 No, hon. 164 00:17:41,150 --> 00:17:44,070 世上沒有惡魔 只有凡人 There's no such thing as demons, only men. 165 00:17:44,070 --> 00:17:47,660 可他們為什麼那麼卑鄙無恥 But why were they so mean and nasty? 166 00:17:47,700 --> 00:17:49,540 聽我說 Listen to me, okay? 167 00:17:49,580 --> 00:17:51,250 咱們不能講那些人的事 We can't talk about those men. 168 00:17:51,290 --> 00:17:54,080 一講他們就會回來的 If we talk about them, they come back, right? 169 00:17:54,080 --> 00:17:56,210 他們聽到你在聊他們 就會回來 They hear you talking, and they come back. 170 00:17:58,090 --> 00:18:00,170 你不想讓他們回來 對嗎 You don't want them coming back, do you? 171 00:18:00,210 --> 00:18:02,510 不想 No. 172 00:18:02,550 --> 00:18:05,800 所以我們得 So we got to... 173 00:18:05,850 --> 00:18:09,140 如果有人問起原因 If people ask, 174 00:18:09,180 --> 00:18:12,180 我們就說是電線著火 we got to say it was just wires. 175 00:18:12,230 --> 00:18:15,560 你爸碰到了電線 所以 Your dad touched some wires, and that's how... 176 00:18:17,110 --> 00:18:20,820 他臉上的傷痕 是因為 And the scratches on his face, that was 177 00:18:20,860 --> 00:18:22,860 是在灌木叢劃傷的 Him falling in the bushes. 178 00:18:22,860 --> 00:18:25,070 我們扮成僵屍殺手追他 We- we chased him with the zombie killer, 179 00:18:25,110 --> 00:18:27,370 因為他是僵屍 對吧 'cause he was a zombie, right? 180 00:18:27,410 --> 00:18:31,410 他就跑到灌木叢裡去了 And there he goes, off into the bushes. 181 00:18:31,410 --> 00:18:33,370 太對了 That's right. 182 00:18:33,370 --> 00:18:35,500 很好 對 Good. Yeah. 183 00:18:38,130 --> 00:18:40,300 他摔進了灌木叢中 He fell into some bushes. 184 00:18:41,590 --> 00:18:43,840 他摔進了灌木叢中 He fell into some bushes, 185 00:18:43,880 --> 00:18:48,050 然後 我們回到家後 and then when we got home, 186 00:18:48,100 --> 00:18:50,760 他去動了電線 he touched a wire 187 00:18:50,810 --> 00:18:53,600 想要把燈接上 trying to plug in some lights. 188 00:18:55,060 --> 00:18:58,690 出意外了 這就是起火的原因 An accident. That's what started the fire. 189 00:19:02,190 --> 00:19:05,450 因為壞事不會發生在好人身上 Because bad things don't happen to good people. 190 00:19:06,990 --> 00:19:08,740 惡人只能留在黑暗中 The wicked stick to the darkness, 191 00:19:08,780 --> 00:19:11,450 而我們可以站在光明裡 while we get to stay in the light. 192 00:19:14,710 --> 00:19:17,460 但意外難免會發生 But sometimes accidents happen. 193 00:19:19,040 --> 00:19:22,300 我們都知道 你爸總是笨手笨腳 And we all know your dad is clumsical. 194 00:19:24,300 --> 00:19:27,130 他連走路都會被絆倒 Always tripping over his own left feet. 195 00:19:30,350 --> 00:19:34,310 我們知道 只要你規矩做人 And we know that if you follow the rules 196 00:19:34,310 --> 00:19:37,310 心中摒棄惡念 and think of only good thoughts, 197 00:19:37,310 --> 00:19:41,270 天國便會給你賞賜 that the kingdom of heaven will be the reward. 198 00:19:54,200 --> 00:19:57,330 我把圖像放大了一下 你看看 I blew up the image. You'll see that next. 199 00:20:01,090 --> 00:20:02,500 -嗯 -看到了嗎 Huh. - See? 200 00:20:02,500 --> 00:20:04,210 沒錯 這就是她 Yeah, that's her all right. 201 00:20:04,210 --> 00:20:07,510 然後 我走了進來 And then...here I come. 202 00:20:08,510 --> 00:20:10,050 哎喲 Ouch. 203 00:20:11,970 --> 00:20:13,350 然後燈就滅了 And then the lights go out. 204 00:20:14,890 --> 00:20:17,140 沒有關於罪犯的線索 So, nothing on the perp. 205 00:20:17,140 --> 00:20:18,520 是啊 真倒霉 Yeah, that's the shame. 206 00:20:18,520 --> 00:20:21,310 但反正幽靈照片上也拍不出來 But they say ghosts don't photograph anyway. 207 00:20:22,020 --> 00:20:24,270 幽靈 A ghost? 208 00:20:26,190 --> 00:20:28,570 反正有點不對勁兒 Something else. 209 00:20:30,200 --> 00:20:32,070 我這下更糊塗了 I get it even less now. 210 00:20:32,120 --> 00:20:34,280 一個人被綁架帶走 You get grabbed up, taken, 211 00:20:34,330 --> 00:20:37,250 卻設法逃了出來 遭到槍擊案 somehow you manage to get away, get shot at, 212 00:20:37,290 --> 00:20:39,500 還救了一位宣誓過的警員 come to the aid of a sworn officer, 213 00:20:39,540 --> 00:20:41,420 這本是一場見義勇為的光榮事跡 lifesaving actions. 214 00:20:41,460 --> 00:20:44,540 為什麼還要假裝沒發生 Why the heck would you pretend none of it happened? 215 00:20:44,550 --> 00:20:47,210 她的身手 比很多訓練有素的老兵都強 I've seen trained soldiers couldn't have kept with her. 216 00:20:48,170 --> 00:20:51,130 剛得到消息 裡昂家失火了 五級火警 Get this. Five alarm fire at the Lyon house. 217 00:20:51,180 --> 00:20:53,220 -什麼 -對 What? - Yeah. 218 00:20:53,260 --> 00:20:55,510 消防員正在現場調查起火原因 Fire boys are there right now rooting out the cause. 219 00:20:55,560 --> 00:20:57,970 但韋恩進了急診室 所以你 對 But Wayne's in the ER, so you might yeah. 220 00:20:58,020 --> 00:20:59,310 等等我 Wait for me. 221 00:21:16,240 --> 00:21:18,410 -姆斯戴德 請講 -奧姆斯特德夫人 Olmstead. - Mrs. Olmstead. 222 00:21:18,410 --> 00:21:21,080 我是討債公司的戴爾·皮克尼 This is Dale Pickney, debt collection services. 223 00:21:21,120 --> 00:21:22,460 哦對 Oh, yeah. 224 00:21:22,500 --> 00:21:24,920 不過 我現在有點不方便 You know, this really isn't a good time. 225 00:21:24,960 --> 00:21:26,380 就耽誤您1分鐘 It'll just take a minute. 226 00:21:26,420 --> 00:21:28,130 一開始 只是一種渴望 It starts as an itch. 227 00:21:28,170 --> 00:21:29,920 您還是想解決問題的 You want to make things right here, 228 00:21:29,970 --> 00:21:31,300 對嗎 奧姆斯特德女士 don't you, Ms. Olmstead? 229 00:21:31,340 --> 00:21:33,260 對一雙新鞋子的渴望 I want a new pair of shoes 230 00:21:33,260 --> 00:21:36,760 也許是 那輛小貨車再也打不著火 or maybe the minivan finally gives up the ghost. 231 00:21:36,810 --> 00:21:39,270 我這裡看到一筆未收債務 Well, I see here an outstanding uncollected debt 232 00:21:39,310 --> 00:21:44,150 2671. 43美元的醫療費 from medical services for $2, 671. 43. 233 00:21:44,190 --> 00:21:45,810 對 那是 Yep. That was 234 00:21:45,860 --> 00:21:48,440 拉爾斯 我丈夫 他去年秋天無名指 Lars, my husband, he- he degloved his ring finger 235 00:21:48,440 --> 00:21:50,490 嚴重脫套了 in a- - in a fall last year. 236 00:21:50,530 --> 00:21:52,860 就這樣 你走上了負債之路 And just like that you're in debt. 237 00:21:52,910 --> 00:21:56,280 但這筆錢不還 會一直積累利息的 Well, that debt's just sitting there accruing interest. 238 00:21:56,330 --> 00:21:58,660 壓力會侵蝕你的身體 The stress takes a toll on your body, 239 00:21:58,700 --> 00:22:01,080 就像那個劊子手老梗 like that old joke about the hangman. 240 00:22:01,120 --> 00:22:02,580 你自己給自己套上了吊索 You're at the end of your old rope. 241 00:22:03,870 --> 00:22:05,630 負債人常常束手無策 People in debt feel powerless. 242 00:22:05,670 --> 00:22:08,380 他們覺得無能為力 They are powerless. 243 00:22:08,420 --> 00:22:10,170 所以 在贖回服務中心 Here at Redemption Services, 244 00:22:10,210 --> 00:22:11,800 我們會為他們重新賦能 we work to give them their power back. 245 00:22:11,800 --> 00:22:15,510 總在他們午飯和晚飯時 打電話催收的不就是貴司嗎 Aren't you the one calling them at breakfast and dinner? 246 00:22:17,640 --> 00:22:21,470 我們是會打電話 但不是你說的那樣 We call, of course, but not like you say. 247 00:22:21,520 --> 00:22:24,730 他們都是專業的債務減免專家 These are professional debt relief specialists. 248 00:22:24,770 --> 00:22:26,440 他們會提供解決方案 They're offering solutions- - 249 00:22:26,480 --> 00:22:29,650 付款計劃 時間表 債務合併等等選項 payment plans, timetables, debt consolidation- - 250 00:22:29,650 --> 00:22:33,490 旨在還人尊嚴 intended to give people their dignity back. 251 00:22:33,530 --> 00:22:35,610 貴公司去年的利潤創歷史新高 Your company earned record profits last year, 252 00:22:35,660 --> 00:22:37,490 你們買下了信用卡公司和保險公司 buying consumer debt the credit card companies 253 00:22:37,530 --> 00:22:40,490 已經註銷並無法收回的債 and insurance companies had written off as uncollectible. 254 00:22:40,540 --> 00:22:43,500 你的意思是 你用時間表和同情心 And you're telling me that you turned those dead ends 255 00:22:43,500 --> 00:22:49,290 就把這些無法收回的債變成了16億美元 into $1. 6 billion with timetables and empathy? 256 00:22:53,130 --> 00:22:54,170 裡昂夫人有 Mrs. Lyon, there's, uh... 257 00:22:54,220 --> 00:22:55,880 我說過別打擾我 I said not to be disturbed. 258 00:22:55,930 --> 00:22:58,850 是 女士 但是 Yes, ma'am, but, uh... 259 00:23:02,980 --> 00:23:05,600 你兒子家著火了 Your son's house is on fire. 260 00:23:07,020 --> 00:23:09,440 當然 Of course. 261 00:23:09,480 --> 00:23:12,440 我來給你講講美國人的特點吧 Here's what you need to understand about Americans. 262 00:23:12,490 --> 00:23:15,150 他們不喜歡被施捨 They don't want a handout. 263 00:23:15,200 --> 00:23:18,110 他們想要的是一個自己 What they're looking for is an opportunity 264 00:23:18,160 --> 00:23:20,280 解決問題的機會 to fix it themselves. 265 00:23:20,330 --> 00:23:21,870 這就是我們提供的 We give them that. 266 00:23:21,870 --> 00:23:25,830 不如我們明天早上再繼續吧 Now, why don't we pick this up again in the morning? 267 00:23:35,380 --> 00:23:38,720 他在哪兒 我兒子呢 Where is he? Where's my son? 268 00:23:40,430 --> 00:23:43,560 洛林 他正在接受治療 Lorraine, they're looking at him right now. 269 00:23:43,560 --> 00:23:46,270 醫生說他陷入了某種休克 Some kind of shock, they're saying. 270 00:23:46,310 --> 00:23:48,600 應該是電路出故障了 前一分鐘還好好的 Bad wiring, I guess. You know, one minute, we- - 271 00:23:48,650 --> 00:23:51,150 我要和醫生談談 這個部門的領導 I want to talk to a doctor. The head of the department. 272 00:23:51,190 --> 00:23:52,520 什麼部門 Which department? 273 00:23:53,980 --> 00:23:55,360 給拉裡打電話 Call Larry. 274 00:23:55,400 --> 00:23:56,610 他是醫院董事會的成員 He's on the board of the hospital. 275 00:23:56,650 --> 00:23:58,610 告訴他 給我安排沙特標準 Tell him I expect the Saudi package- 276 00:23:58,660 --> 00:24:00,700 私人套房 把專家運過來 private suite, experts flown in. 277 00:24:00,740 --> 00:24:02,370 這不是 That's not 278 00:24:02,410 --> 00:24:05,370 我是說 他正在休息 I'mjust saying, he's resting now 279 00:24:05,410 --> 00:24:08,000 然後 就會 and then it'll be, you know, 280 00:24:08,040 --> 00:24:10,250 恢復如初了 lickety- split, good as new. 281 00:24:10,250 --> 00:24:11,580 你真是個掃把星 You're killing me here. 282 00:24:11,630 --> 00:24:13,210 我這會兒本該坐在化妝室 I'm supposed to be making up the sit- down 283 00:24:13,210 --> 00:24:15,170 參加20分鐘前那個福布斯記者的對話節目 with the Forbes reporter 20 minutes ago. 284 00:24:15,210 --> 00:24:17,760 昨天警察為了你的事找來 That got blown yesterday by the cops showing up 285 00:24:17,760 --> 00:24:19,220 把我的事攪黃了 on your last boondoggle, 286 00:24:19,260 --> 00:24:21,340 今天你又把房子燒了 and here you go burning down the house. 287 00:24:21,390 --> 00:24:23,850 不 不是我燒的 Not- - I didn't burn it. 288 00:24:23,890 --> 00:24:27,390 我都說了 線路故障 Like I said, faulty wiring. 289 00:24:27,390 --> 00:24:29,560 我們會找個酒店住幾天的 We'll just get a hotel for a few days. 290 00:24:29,600 --> 00:24:32,230 你要讓我孫女住酒店嗎 You expect my granddaughter to live in a hotel? 291 00:24:32,270 --> 00:24:34,570 我不是 I'm not... 292 00:24:34,610 --> 00:24:37,610 -這事不才剛出嗎 -不好意思 - This just happened, so- - - Excuse me. 293 00:24:38,450 --> 00:24:40,990 誰來接帶我們 We're waiting on service. 294 00:24:41,030 --> 00:24:42,620 女士 這裡不是旅館 Ma'am, this isn't a hotel. 295 00:24:42,620 --> 00:24:45,580 你得跟其他人一樣 到服務台報到 You got to check in at the desk, just like everybody else. 296 00:24:45,620 --> 00:24:48,500 她被炒了 記下她名字 She's fired. Get her name. 297 00:24:48,540 --> 00:24:50,460 -裡昂夫人 -說 Mrs. Lyon. Yes. 298 00:24:50,460 --> 00:24:52,580 抱歉 我們找的是你兒媳 No. Sorry, we're here for your daughter- in- law. 299 00:24:52,630 --> 00:24:54,960 我就知道 你們是來抓她的 I knew it. You're arresting her. 300 00:24:54,960 --> 00:24:58,130 拜託 做點什麼 他們要逮捕她 Well, do- do something. They're- they're arresting her. 301 00:24:58,170 --> 00:24:59,470 不是的 這位是維特·法爾 We're not This is Witt Farr, 302 00:24:59,470 --> 00:25:01,470 北達科他州的州警 state trooper over in North Dakota. 303 00:25:01,510 --> 00:25:02,970 但我們想和裡昂夫人私下談談 But we'd like to talk to Mrs. Lyon in private, 304 00:25:02,970 --> 00:25:04,390 把一些細節弄清楚 clear some things up. 305 00:25:04,430 --> 00:25:06,390 我丈夫還在住院 我得守在他身邊 My husband's unwell. I can't leave his side. 306 00:25:06,430 --> 00:25:08,140 說句公道話 裡昂夫人 Well, technically, Mrs. Lyon, 307 00:25:08,140 --> 00:25:10,560 你此刻也沒守在他身邊 you're not by his side right now, so... 308 00:25:11,520 --> 00:25:13,350 可我得照看我女兒 I got my daughter with me. 309 00:25:13,400 --> 00:25:15,730 我是她奶奶 我可以照看她 I'm her grandmother. I can watch her. 310 00:25:15,780 --> 00:25:17,530 我比她更合適 Somebody better. 311 00:25:17,570 --> 00:25:19,690 她家房子昨晚就是在她照看下燒毀的 Her house burned down last night, under her watch. 312 00:25:19,740 --> 00:25:21,740 對 女士 我聽說了 Yes, ma'am. I heard about that. 313 00:25:21,780 --> 00:25:23,280 消防部門已經在現場了 Fire department's there right now, 314 00:25:23,280 --> 00:25:25,740 -正在撲滅餘燼 -是線路問題 extinguishing the embers. - Bad wiring. 315 00:25:25,790 --> 00:25:27,540 相信他們會徹底調查 I'm sure they'll do a thorough investigation, 316 00:25:27,580 --> 00:25:29,040 找出根本原因的 ferret out the root cause. 317 00:25:29,080 --> 00:25:31,160 兩位警官 我的委託人很高興 Officers, my client would be happy 318 00:25:31,210 --> 00:25:34,170 為此專門安排一次會面 但考慮到目前情況 to schedule a sit- down, but clearly this is not the time, 319 00:25:34,210 --> 00:25:35,710 現在顯然不方便 given the circumstance. 320 00:25:35,750 --> 00:25:38,840 這我就得反駁一下了 請問怎麼稱呼 Well, see, I got to push back on you there, Mr. uh 321 00:25:38,880 --> 00:25:41,470 格雷夫斯 閣下 Graves. Esquire. 322 00:25:41,510 --> 00:25:43,800 我是家族律師 I represent the family. 323 00:25:45,180 --> 00:25:47,220 好吧 格雷夫斯先生 Well, Mr. Graves. 324 00:25:47,260 --> 00:25:48,970 我們死了一個州警 We've got one state trooper dead 325 00:25:49,020 --> 00:25:51,680 嫌犯還持槍在逃 相當危險 with the suspect on the loose considered armed and dangerous. 326 00:25:51,730 --> 00:25:55,270 各方面的情況都非常緊急 So there's considerable exigency to the circumstances. 327 00:25:55,310 --> 00:25:56,770 裡昂夫人 And, Mrs. Lyon 328 00:25:56,820 --> 00:25:59,070 又見面了 我很高興 裡昂夫人 It's good to see you again, Mrs. Lyon. 329 00:26:04,370 --> 00:26:06,320 你這麼說不對 That's not accurate. 330 00:26:06,370 --> 00:26:09,950 好吧 首先 Ah, well, first of all, 331 00:26:10,000 --> 00:26:11,870 我認出了你 I recognize you. 332 00:26:11,910 --> 00:26:13,460 第二 And second, 333 00:26:13,500 --> 00:26:14,710 我們調出了加油站的監控錄像 we pulled the security tape from the Gas N Go, 334 00:26:14,750 --> 00:26:19,460 你當時就在現場 一清二楚 so it's- it's clear you were there. 335 00:26:19,510 --> 00:26:22,630 人證物證俱在 事實就是這樣 And for the record, that's...that's just reality. 336 00:26:22,680 --> 00:26:26,850 無意冒犯 但我們有自己的事實 With all due respect, we've got our own reality. 337 00:26:26,890 --> 00:26:30,390 你不能 沒這種說法 You can't- - That's not a thing 338 00:26:30,390 --> 00:26:32,310 媽媽 Mommy? 339 00:26:32,350 --> 00:26:34,730 寶貝 我在 Hi, baby. I'm here. 340 00:26:34,730 --> 00:26:37,690 我們都在這裡 奶奶也在 We're all here. Grandma, too. 341 00:26:37,730 --> 00:26:40,650 -嗨 奶奶 我家房子被燒毀了 -不 Hi, Grandma. Our house burned down. - No. 342 00:26:40,690 --> 00:26:42,570 那是誰的錯呢 And whose fault is that? 343 00:26:42,570 --> 00:26:44,610 傑克·斯克靈頓 Jack Skellington. 344 00:26:44,700 --> 00:26:45,660 誰 Who? 345 00:26:45,700 --> 00:26:46,910 是電影裡一個人物 It's a character in a movie. 346 00:26:46,910 --> 00:26:49,450 不如你去販售機那邊 How about you go get something to eat 347 00:26:49,490 --> 00:26:51,240 找點東西吃吧 from the vending machine? 348 00:26:51,290 --> 00:26:53,160 -好嗎 -士力架 口 Okay? - Snickers? 349 00:26:53,210 --> 00:26:56,000 早餐就吃這個 咱們是靠救濟生活的嗎 For breakfast? Are we on welfare? 350 00:26:56,040 --> 00:26:57,540 沒事 It's fine. 351 00:26:58,380 --> 00:27:00,420 士力架就不錯 Snickers is fine. 352 00:27:01,170 --> 00:27:02,710 丹尼什 Danish. 353 00:27:10,220 --> 00:27:11,600 給你 孩子 Here you go, kid. 354 00:27:16,060 --> 00:27:17,230 裡昂夫人 Mrs. Lyon. 355 00:27:17,270 --> 00:27:18,270 多蘿西 Dorothy. 356 00:27:18,310 --> 00:27:19,810 你得告訴我 You got to tell me, 357 00:27:19,860 --> 00:27:22,570 那些人是誰 他們找你幹什麼 who were those fellas, and what did they want with you? 358 00:27:22,610 --> 00:27:24,650 我不知道 I didn't... 359 00:27:26,200 --> 00:27:27,450 拜託 Please. 360 00:27:27,450 --> 00:27:30,120 我現在得守在韋恩身邊 I need to be with Wayne right now. 361 00:27:31,790 --> 00:27:33,040 -你能 -裡昂夫人 Can you...Mrs. Lyon? 362 00:27:33,080 --> 00:27:35,460 -在 -我是叫另一 - Yes. - Oh, I meant... 363 00:27:35,460 --> 00:27:37,000 你丈夫醒了 Your husband's awake. 364 00:27:37,040 --> 00:27:38,420 你照看下斯科特 You'll watch Scotty? 365 00:27:38,460 --> 00:27:39,960 這還用你說 You don't have to tell me to watch her. 366 00:27:40,000 --> 00:27:41,250 她是我孫女 She's my granddaughter. 367 00:27:41,250 --> 00:27:43,630 你才是需要照看的那一個 You're the one needs watching, I think. 368 00:27:43,630 --> 00:27:46,010 我他媽都等了四個小時了 I mean, I've been waiting for four fucking hours. 369 00:27:46,050 --> 00:27:47,630 先生 Sir. 370 00:27:47,680 --> 00:27:50,760 聽著 我明天要切掉6英尺的腸子 Look, they're taking six feet of my intestines tomorrow. 371 00:27:50,760 --> 00:27:52,970 我得了癌症 但我必須 AII right? Cancer. But not if you don't... 372 00:27:53,020 --> 00:27:54,850 我是說 單子上都寫著呢 I mean, it's on the goddamn papers. 373 00:27:54,890 --> 00:27:56,810 -護士得先給我灌腸 -先生 先生 Your gal's supposed to do the enema. - Sir, sir... 374 00:27:56,810 --> 00:27:58,440 她在哪兒呢 我他媽光著屁股 Well, where is she? I'm fucking waiting there 375 00:27:58,480 --> 00:28:00,310 -都等很久了 -冷靜 先生 with my ass hanging out. - Just calm down. Yeah. 376 00:28:00,360 --> 00:28:03,940 我他媽都等了四個小時了 I mean, I've been waiting for four fucking hours. 377 00:28:06,900 --> 00:28:08,660 嘿 寶貝 Hey, baby. 378 00:28:14,040 --> 00:28:16,080 你 Are you... 379 00:28:17,410 --> 00:28:19,000 你還好嗎 How are you? 380 00:28:24,420 --> 00:28:26,630 一切都 Is everything. 381 00:28:28,050 --> 00:28:30,010 醫生怎麼說的 What did the doctor say? 382 00:28:31,180 --> 00:28:32,390 納丁 Nadine. 383 00:28:32,430 --> 00:28:34,180 不 No. That 384 00:28:36,980 --> 00:28:39,060 我是多蘿西 I'm Dorothy. 385 00:28:41,520 --> 00:28:43,150 多特 Dot. 386 00:28:43,190 --> 00:28:45,110 還記得嗎 Remember? 387 00:28:45,150 --> 00:28:46,610 你老婆 Your wife. 388 00:28:49,860 --> 00:28:51,910 我老婆 My wife. 389 00:28:55,660 --> 00:29:00,460 他們給你用了什麼藥嗎 嗎啡之類的 Did they put you on something? Morphine or something? 390 00:29:00,500 --> 00:29:01,710 把那玩意兒給我 Bring me the dang thing now. 391 00:29:01,750 --> 00:29:03,080 -我自己來 -先生 - I' I do it myself. - Sir. 392 00:29:03,130 --> 00:29:04,750 或給我瓶瀉藥 Or a bottle of freaking Ex- Lax. 393 00:29:04,750 --> 00:29:06,840 無所謂 趕緊讓癌症從我體內消失 I don't care, I need this cancer out of me. 394 00:29:06,880 --> 00:29:09,550 很生氣 Angry. 395 00:29:10,510 --> 00:29:12,890 -是啊 是啊 -是的 Yeah, yeah. - Yeah. 396 00:29:12,930 --> 00:29:15,680 有些人還真是不耐心呢 Some people don't know how to wait their turn. 397 00:29:17,180 --> 00:29:19,890 你 Did you... 398 00:29:19,940 --> 00:29:22,520 我想問問 I'm wondering... 399 00:29:22,560 --> 00:29:25,230 你還記得出什麼事了嗎 what you remember about what happened. 400 00:29:27,400 --> 00:29:28,490 梯子 Ladder. 401 00:29:28,530 --> 00:29:31,070 額不 Well, no. 402 00:29:31,070 --> 00:29:33,030 不 No. 403 00:29:34,490 --> 00:29:37,040 你碰到了電線 You touched a wire, I guess. 404 00:29:38,540 --> 00:29:40,370 然後被電到了 Got some kind of shock. 405 00:29:43,210 --> 00:29:46,960 人被電擊之後 頭腦中會產生錯覺 You know, something like that can play tricks on your mind, 406 00:29:47,000 --> 00:29:50,470 以為自己做了什麼 但其實你沒做 make you think you did something that maybe you didn't. 407 00:29:52,430 --> 00:29:55,180 你問斯科特 她會告訴你的 Ask Scotty. She'll tell you. 408 00:29:55,220 --> 00:29:58,180 我們出去過萬聖節 然後回到了家 We were out trick- or- treating, then we came inside 409 00:29:58,220 --> 00:30:00,980 你想去把燈插上 接著就 and you went to plug in some lights, and... 410 00:30:02,270 --> 00:30:04,940 -我老婆 -對 My wife. - Yeah. 411 00:30:08,980 --> 00:30:11,110 你的真命天女 The one. 412 00:30:14,320 --> 00:30:16,620 很抱歉 I'm so sorry. 413 00:30:16,660 --> 00:30:19,410 我從沒想過會這樣 I never meant for any of this to happen. 414 00:30:22,460 --> 00:30:24,960 咱們的房子著火了 Our house was on fire. 415 00:30:26,840 --> 00:30:29,000 我都會搞定的 I'm going to fix it. 416 00:30:29,050 --> 00:30:30,710 我保證 I promise. 417 00:30:32,300 --> 00:30:34,220 還有房子的事 And the house. 418 00:30:36,930 --> 00:30:39,810 我們可以建座新房子 Or we'll build a new house, 419 00:30:39,850 --> 00:30:43,140 然後過著童話裡的生活 and we'll live just like the fairy tale says. 420 00:30:45,560 --> 00:30:47,360 我老婆 My wife. 421 00:30:51,490 --> 00:30:52,990 你往那邊靠一下 Move over, you. 422 00:31:26,190 --> 00:31:27,520 你看到他的廣告牌了嗎 Have you seen his billboards? 423 00:31:27,560 --> 00:31:29,190 艱難時期的硬漢 "A hard man for hard times. " 424 00:31:29,190 --> 00:31:31,730 可與此同時 他還拒絕執行基本法 Meanwhile, he refuses to enforce the basic law, 425 00:31:31,780 --> 00:31:34,610 最基本的工作都不做 which...can you still call him a lawman 426 00:31:34,650 --> 00:31:36,280 他還稱得上是執法人員嗎 if he skips that part of his job? 427 00:31:36,320 --> 00:31:39,280 也許等他輸了選舉 這破事也就結束了 Maybe he loses the election, and the whole thing goes away. 428 00:31:39,330 --> 00:31:41,740 然後再以普通公民的身份逮捕他嗎 Arrest him then, you're saying? As a private citizen? 429 00:31:41,790 --> 00:31:46,080 我是說終於解脫了 不用再跟他打交道 No, I'm saying wash our hands. Good riddance. 430 00:31:46,120 --> 00:31:48,170 所以我們更像是個不正常的家庭 Oh, so more like a dysfunctional family 431 00:31:48,210 --> 00:31:50,420 而不是聯邦執法機構吧 than a federal law enforcement agency. 432 00:31:50,460 --> 00:31:52,630 大家一笑泯恩仇 假裝小時候沒被老爸 Smile and pretend Daddy didn't touch our pee- pees 433 00:31:52,670 --> 00:31:54,090 摸過下體嗎 when we were kids? 434 00:31:54,130 --> 00:31:56,470 -什麼 -武器在莫名消失 長官 - What? - Weapons are missing, sir. 435 00:31:56,510 --> 00:31:57,970 包括戰術設備 Tactical equipment. 436 00:31:58,010 --> 00:31:59,470 我們認為他打著警局名義買下 We think he bought them for his department, 437 00:31:59,510 --> 00:32:01,510 然後送給了他的民兵朋友 and then gave them to his friends in the militia. 438 00:32:01,510 --> 00:32:03,810 -奧丁·利特爾 -只是你猜測 Odin Little. - You think. 439 00:32:03,850 --> 00:32:05,930 我們有個線人 但莫名失蹤了 We had an informant, but he disappeared. 440 00:32:05,980 --> 00:32:07,980 很多他身邊的人都失蹤了 A lot of people disappear around this guy, 441 00:32:08,020 --> 00:32:09,980 包括他的兩個妻子 including two of his wives. 442 00:32:10,020 --> 00:32:12,070 昨天他的一個副手也離奇死亡 Just put one of his deputies in the ground yesterday. 443 00:32:12,110 --> 00:32:13,900 當地驗屍官說是車禍 Local coroner said car crash, 444 00:32:13,900 --> 00:32:15,570 但12小時不到就把人埋了 but they had him buried in less than 12 hours, 445 00:32:15,610 --> 00:32:17,070 所以 SO... 446 00:32:17,070 --> 00:32:18,700 怎麼 你難道想把他挖出來 Don't tell me you want to dig him up. 447 00:32:18,740 --> 00:32:20,870 不 我們要做的是持續施壓 No. What we want to do is increase the pressure. 448 00:32:20,910 --> 00:32:25,040 讓他明白 要尊重法治 否則後果自負 Send a message: respect the rule of law, or else. 449 00:32:30,580 --> 00:32:32,250 1958年 In 1958, 450 00:32:32,290 --> 00:32:34,840 中國人跟麻雀開戰了 the Chinese went to war with the sparrow. 451 00:32:35,880 --> 00:32:37,920 -什麼意思 -是毛下的命令 Sir? - Mao gave the order. 452 00:32:37,970 --> 00:32:40,180 麻雀會吃掉種子和糧食 The birds were eating the people's seeds and grain. 453 00:32:40,220 --> 00:32:41,640 因此必須消滅 They had to go. 454 00:32:41,680 --> 00:32:44,430 於是全國各地的人們開始敲鑼打盆 So people all over the country started beating on pots and pans 455 00:32:44,470 --> 00:32:46,430 哄嚇麻雀 to drive the birds mad. 456 00:32:46,480 --> 00:32:48,020 把麻雀累死 Death by exhaustion. 457 00:32:48,060 --> 00:32:50,100 這樣共計消滅了20億隻麻雀 Two billion sparrows exterminated, 458 00:32:50,100 --> 00:32:51,810 大家都稱讚偉大領袖 all praised a great leader. 459 00:32:51,860 --> 00:32:53,940 但你知道 鳥從食物鏈中消失 But do you know what happens when you remove birds 460 00:32:53,940 --> 00:32:55,860 會產生什麼樣的後果嗎 from a food chain? 461 00:32:59,570 --> 00:33:02,030 蟲子和蝗蟲就沒天敵了 There's no one left to eat the bugs and the locust. 462 00:33:02,070 --> 00:33:04,910 所以非但沒解決饑餓問題 So instead of solving a hunger problem, 463 00:33:04,950 --> 00:33:07,370 還製造了更大的饑餓 they end up creating an even bigger one. 464 00:33:08,620 --> 00:33:10,120 你聽說過三年困難時期嗎 You ever heard of the Great Famine? 465 00:33:10,170 --> 00:33:12,880 約有5000萬中國人餓死 Possibly 50 million Chinese starving to death. 466 00:33:12,920 --> 00:33:14,920 -先生 -多想一步 Sir- One step ahead. 467 00:33:14,960 --> 00:33:18,880 我不是讓你們一下蹦到大氣層 I'm not asking you to play four- dimensional chess. 468 00:33:18,920 --> 00:33:22,890 我只讓你多想一步 I'm saying think one step ahead. 469 00:33:22,930 --> 00:33:25,600 假如貿然與北達科塔最有權勢的治安官開戰 If we go to war with the most powerful sheriff 470 00:33:25,640 --> 00:33:28,980 一個從父輩起就穩坐治安官地位的家族 in North Dakota, whose fathers and grandfathers were sheriffs, 471 00:33:29,020 --> 00:33:31,060 一個跟中西部最有能力的民兵組織 and who's connected to the most powerful militia 472 00:33:31,100 --> 00:33:33,690 交情深厚的人 in the upper Midwest, 473 00:33:33,730 --> 00:33:35,440 你們覺得接下來會發生什麼 what do you think happens next? 474 00:33:37,690 --> 00:33:39,320 在你們想清楚答案之前 Until you can answer that question, 475 00:33:39,360 --> 00:33:42,990 先把羅伊·迪爾曼當成課餘作業 I want you to make Roy Tillman more like a hobby of yours, 476 00:33:42,990 --> 00:33:44,410 一個你在懲罰真正罪犯之餘 something you do in your spare time 477 00:33:44,450 --> 00:33:48,660 的小消遣 when you're not punishing the actual criminals. 478 00:33:48,660 --> 00:33:50,960 你在幫他說話 You're on his side. 479 00:33:52,460 --> 00:33:54,080 就到這裡吧 We're done here. 480 00:33:55,210 --> 00:33:57,130 謝謝您撥冗 長官 Thank you for your time, sir. 481 00:33:58,170 --> 00:33:59,880 -消遣 -托尼 A hobby? - Tony. 482 00:33:59,920 --> 00:34:01,670 -真是難以置信 -他們找到她了 I mean, can you believe this guy? - They found her. 483 00:34:01,720 --> 00:34:03,300 我們是堡壘 是堡壘 It's the bulwark. We're the bulwark. 484 00:34:03,340 --> 00:34:05,300 這是憲法寫明了的 他就該 It's in the Constitution. I mean, he should 485 00:34:05,350 --> 00:34:06,890 他就該好好讀一讀 he should read it maybe, you know? 486 00:34:06,930 --> 00:34:08,770 這是司法系統的問題 Like, it's- it's the justice system. 487 00:34:08,810 --> 00:34:10,140 事關司法系統 It's a system of justice. 488 00:34:10,180 --> 00:34:12,640 不是什麼騎馬打天下 You know, not like just one man on a horse. 489 00:34:12,690 --> 00:34:14,900 -托尼 -什麼 Tony. - What? 490 00:34:14,940 --> 00:34:16,650 他們找到她了 They found her. 491 00:34:16,690 --> 00:34:18,360 納丁 第二個老婆 Nadine. The second wife. 492 00:34:18,400 --> 00:34:20,190 她的指紋剛出現在了系統中 We just got a hit on her fingerprints. 493 00:34:20,190 --> 00:34:22,530 她改了名字 現在住明尼蘇達州 Living in Minnesota under a different name. 494 00:34:22,570 --> 00:34:24,860 多蘿西·裡昂 Dorothy Lyon. 495 00:34:26,030 --> 00:34:27,580 真是命運的召喚啊 Feels like fate, right? 496 00:34:27,620 --> 00:34:29,370 去他媽的消遣 - Hobby my ass. - Ah. 497 00:34:34,130 --> 00:34:36,210 在蒙克小時候 When Munch was a boy 498 00:34:38,000 --> 00:34:42,670 自由是一塊土豆 freedom was a potato. 499 00:34:45,140 --> 00:34:48,180 自由是安然度過此天 It was you didn't get killed today. 500 00:34:49,390 --> 00:34:54,020 不被饑餓和鏽刃奪去性命 Freedom from hunger, from the rusty blade. 501 00:34:55,980 --> 00:34:58,270 但為了自由 But to free himself, 502 00:34:58,320 --> 00:35:02,990 他先下手為強 the man ate first so others could not. 503 00:35:03,030 --> 00:35:06,240 他以殺戮代替被殺 He killed before he was killed. 504 00:35:07,910 --> 00:35:10,410 他別無所求 He wanted nothing more, 505 00:35:10,410 --> 00:35:14,660 因為只有國王 because only kings... 506 00:35:17,540 --> 00:35:20,170 才能得到想要的自由 ...had the freedom to want. 507 00:35:21,920 --> 00:35:26,840 但現在 你放眼望去 But now everywhere you look, 508 00:35:26,890 --> 00:35:29,050 到處都是國王 you see kings. 509 00:35:30,510 --> 00:35:34,100 他們想要什麼 只會用嘴說 Everything they want, they call their own, 510 00:35:34,140 --> 00:35:38,690 如果得不到 他們就說不自由 and if they cannot have it, they say that they are not free. 511 00:35:40,150 --> 00:35:43,860 他們甚至假裝 這種自由是免費的 They even pretend their freedom should be free, 512 00:35:43,900 --> 00:35:45,570 是沒有代價的 that it has no cost, 513 00:35:45,610 --> 00:35:48,990 但代價從來都有 but the cost is always... 514 00:35:50,530 --> 00:35:52,290 代價就是死亡 ...death. 515 00:35:53,580 --> 00:35:56,660 以命抵命 Life for life. 516 00:35:59,540 --> 00:36:01,460 不是我死 Me. 517 00:36:09,050 --> 00:36:10,510 就是你亡 ...or you. 518 00:36:15,600 --> 00:36:17,810 求你了 Please. 519 00:36:17,810 --> 00:36:20,610 我不明白 I don't understand. 520 00:36:21,940 --> 00:36:24,280 你為什麼在這裡 Why are you here? 521 00:36:25,990 --> 00:36:27,700 你想要什麼 What do you want? 522 00:36:39,460 --> 00:36:41,330 要煎餅 Pancakes. 523 00:37:14,160 --> 00:37:16,200 出什麼事了 What happened? 524 00:37:17,540 --> 00:37:20,500 來了個妖怪還在孩子房裡留了警告 Boogeyman came, left a warning in the kids'room. 525 00:37:21,500 --> 00:37:24,000 -誰 蒙克嗎 -不知道名字 - Who, Munch? - I don't know his name. 526 00:37:24,000 --> 00:37:25,800 但絕對是個瘋子 Full- on wild man, though. 527 00:37:25,840 --> 00:37:28,210 來自黑湖的野人 Creature from the Black Lagoon. 528 00:37:29,590 --> 00:37:30,720 羅伊呢 Where's Roy? 529 00:37:45,020 --> 00:37:47,230 這次我沒動她 No funny business this time. 530 00:37:49,950 --> 00:37:52,360 所以你才有吃的 Got some groceries, then. 531 00:37:57,660 --> 00:37:59,500 約書亞 Joshua. 532 00:38:01,420 --> 00:38:02,500 怎麼啦 What? 533 00:38:02,540 --> 00:38:04,920 如今 摩西神的僕人死了 "Now, after the death of Moses 534 00:38:04,920 --> 00:38:06,420 這事就成就了 "the servant of the Lord, it came to pass, 535 00:38:06,420 --> 00:38:09,840 耶和華曉諭 "that the Lord spake unto Joshua, 536 00:38:09,880 --> 00:38:12,380 嫩的兒子約書亞說 "the son of Nun, Moses' minister, 537 00:38:12,430 --> 00:38:15,760 我的僕人摩西死了 "saying, Moses my servant is dead; 538 00:38:15,760 --> 00:38:18,720 現在你要站起來 "now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, 539 00:38:18,720 --> 00:38:22,100 率領著百姓渡過約旦河 "thou, and all these people, unto the land 540 00:38:22,140 --> 00:38:23,480 進入我所賜給 "which I do give to them, 541 00:38:23,520 --> 00:38:26,770 以色列人的土地 even to the children of Israel. 542 00:38:26,770 --> 00:38:28,070 約書亞 Joshua. 543 00:38:31,110 --> 00:38:33,110 你他媽在說什麼 What the fuck you talking about? 544 00:38:34,280 --> 00:38:36,870 你照我說的那樣 服侍你男人了嗎 Did you tend to your man like I said? 545 00:38:36,910 --> 00:38:39,370 讓他感到尊重了嗎 Make him feel respected? 546 00:38:40,120 --> 00:38:42,710 沒人叫你來我家 Nobody asked you to come here. 547 00:38:44,580 --> 00:38:48,040 摩西派了12個探子 See, there were 12 spies of Israel, 548 00:38:48,090 --> 00:38:49,960 去偵察迦南地 sent to scout the Land of Canaan. 549 00:38:49,960 --> 00:38:52,420 約書亞是其中的好人 Joshua was one of the good ones. 550 00:38:52,470 --> 00:38:55,220 你是好人嗎 約書亞 Are you one of the good ones, Joshua? 551 00:39:04,980 --> 00:39:07,440 我盡力了 I tried. 552 00:39:09,530 --> 00:39:13,650 我的曾祖父也叫羅伊 是個印第安殺手 My great grandfather's name was Roy, Indian killer, 553 00:39:13,650 --> 00:39:18,160 參加了死水牛湖的大丘戰役 fought in the battle of Big Mound, Dead Buffalo Lake. 554 00:39:18,160 --> 00:39:20,410 在惡土之戰中失去一隻耳朵 Lost an ear in the Battle of the Badlands. 555 00:39:20,450 --> 00:39:24,620 他是唯一一個獲得四枚榮譽勛章的美國人 He's the only American to ever earn four Medals of Honor. 556 00:39:24,670 --> 00:39:28,880 他是好人之一 Now, he was one of the good ones. 557 00:39:31,210 --> 00:39:33,420 我 我盡力向他看齊 Me, I try to be. 558 00:39:35,430 --> 00:39:38,300 你嘛 我覺得稱不上好人 You...not so much, I think. 559 00:39:40,680 --> 00:39:44,100 你更像是人們口中的廢物 You're what we call a waste of skin. 560 00:39:44,140 --> 00:39:46,190 殘次品 Defective. 561 00:39:46,230 --> 00:39:48,770 消耗我們的食物 呼吸我們的空氣 Eating our food, breathing our air, 562 00:39:48,810 --> 00:39:51,440 浪費寶貴的資源 wasting precious resources. 563 00:39:52,360 --> 00:39:56,490 繼續說 看看會怎樣 Yeah, keep talking, see what happens. 564 00:39:56,530 --> 00:39:59,120 瞧 這個殘次男以為有把槍 See, now your beta male thinks 565 00:39:59,160 --> 00:40:01,450 就能變成阿爾法戰士 that having a firearm makes him an alpha, 566 00:40:01,490 --> 00:40:04,410 其實不過是給豬花紅嘴脣兒 懂我意思嗎 but it's just lipstick on a pig, you feel me? 567 00:40:04,460 --> 00:40:06,710 你不見棺材不落淚 是吧 You don't know when to fucking quit, do you? 568 00:40:06,750 --> 00:40:08,630 寶貝 不要 Babe, don't. 569 00:40:12,130 --> 00:40:15,550 昨晚有男人來到我家 威脅了我家娃 A man threatened my children last night. 570 00:40:15,590 --> 00:40:19,680 臉畫得像個阿帕契人 Came to my house, face painted like an Apache. 571 00:40:19,720 --> 00:40:23,520 也許他根本不是人 而是某種鬼魂 Maybe it wasn't a man. Some- some kind of spirit. 572 00:40:25,850 --> 00:40:30,230 我想說的是 你 My point is, this- you. 573 00:40:31,440 --> 00:40:33,980 就是雨中的紙飛機 Like a paper airplane in the rain. 574 00:40:45,870 --> 00:40:47,000 管他毛 Fuck it. 575 00:40:59,760 --> 00:41:01,680 該死 Fucking hell. 576 00:41:04,640 --> 00:41:06,640 你沒事吧 You okay? 577 00:41:08,640 --> 00:41:11,940 能給我一杯水嗎 Can I get a glass of water? 578 00:41:11,940 --> 00:41:13,690 麗諾爾 Lenore? 579 00:41:31,210 --> 00:41:33,250 嗯 爸爸 Uh...Dad? 580 00:41:33,290 --> 00:41:35,040 接下來怎麼辦 Uh, what are we doing? 581 00:41:35,090 --> 00:41:37,510 你找到她了嗎 Oh, did you get her? 582 00:41:39,630 --> 00:41:43,050 別費勁兒解釋了 我從你臉上能看出來 - Um- Don't bother, I can see it all over your face. 583 00:41:43,100 --> 00:41:44,850 她把你整得挺慘吧 Worked you over pretty good, did she? 584 00:41:44,890 --> 00:41:46,810 哦 麗諾爾 Uh, Lenore. 585 00:41:48,310 --> 00:41:50,600 爸 那個納丁 Dad, that Nadine, it's- I don't know. 586 00:41:50,640 --> 00:41:54,730 真跟他說的一樣 是個母老虎 It's like he said, some kind of tiger. 587 00:41:55,860 --> 00:41:58,780 但她家丈夫受傷了 房子也燒了 The husband got hurt. House caught on fire. 588 00:41:58,820 --> 00:42:00,820 這個一會兒說 Not now. 589 00:42:06,330 --> 00:42:07,990 我們抓到了蒙克 Um, we got Munch. 590 00:42:08,040 --> 00:42:09,290 真的嗎 You did? 591 00:42:09,330 --> 00:42:10,500 這不就躺在沙發上嗎 Got him right there on the couch. 592 00:42:10,500 --> 00:42:11,830 就是加油站那個人 The guy from the filling station. 593 00:42:11,830 --> 00:42:13,170 那個警察殺手 The cop killer. 594 00:42:13,170 --> 00:42:14,670 線索是通過舉報的來的 Tip came in over the hotline 595 00:42:14,670 --> 00:42:16,800 就是麗諾爾自己打的電話 對吧 麗諾 Lenore here called it in herself, didn't you, Lenore? 596 00:42:16,840 --> 00:42:19,170 我 I. 597 00:42:19,170 --> 00:42:21,720 老公回到家 吹噓自己把兩個州警 Husband came home bragging he killed a state trooper, 598 00:42:21,760 --> 00:42:24,090 打的一傷一殘 我接到消息後出警 wounded another one, I responded. 599 00:42:24,140 --> 00:42:25,720 跟嫌犯發生交火 你來支援我 Shots fired. You were my backup. 600 00:42:25,760 --> 00:42:29,560 -所以 -邏輯閉環了 - So...- Loop's closed, I'm saying. 601 00:42:29,600 --> 00:42:31,430 各州停止相互甩鍋 States can call off their dogs, 602 00:42:31,480 --> 00:42:35,520 我們的分歧可以私下解決了 and we're free to settle our differences in private. 603 00:42:37,780 --> 00:42:40,860 現在 我只希望你看到 Now, all I need to know from you 604 00:42:40,860 --> 00:42:43,450 這對你來說是件大好事 is that you see how this helps you. 605 00:42:45,320 --> 00:42:47,660 再也不用被打得鼻青臉腫了 No more black eyes and broken bones. 606 00:42:47,700 --> 00:42:49,910 每個月都會有錢進賬 Cash in your pocket every month, 607 00:42:49,950 --> 00:42:52,960 因為羅伊·迪爾曼永遠不會忘記朋友 cause Roy Tillman never forgets a friend. 608 00:42:54,380 --> 00:42:56,670 我們是朋友吧 親愛的 And we're friends, aren't we, darling? 609 00:42:58,420 --> 00:43:00,260 是的 羅伊 Y- Yes, Roy. 610 00:43:00,300 --> 00:43:02,510 好姑娘 Attagirl. 611 00:43:18,360 --> 00:43:21,940 我想出去兜個風 理理思緒 Think I'll go for a ride, clear my head. 612 00:43:38,540 --> 00:43:41,050 好了 夥計 走吧 來 AlI right, buddy, let's go. Come on. 613 00:43:41,090 --> 00:43:43,090 來吧 親愛的 出發 Come on, hon, let's go. 614 00:46:58,120 --> 00:47:00,200 V. V