2 00:00:10,730 --> 00:00:15,520 這是一個真實的故事 This is a true story. 3 00:00:19,650 --> 00:00:22,950 你兒子發生了嚴重的觸電事故 Your son had a serious electrical event. 4 00:00:22,990 --> 00:00:24,990 可能會有些 He's had some... 5 00:00:25,080 --> 00:00:27,370 神經系統併發症 neurological complications. 6 00:00:27,410 --> 00:00:30,210 我們想讓他再留院觀察幾天 做些檢查 We'd like to keep him here for a few days, run some tests. 7 00:00:31,500 --> 00:00:33,290 我想和我丈夫 I want a moment alone 8 00:00:33,330 --> 00:00:34,790 單獨呆一會兒 with my husband. 9 00:00:34,840 --> 00:00:36,960 為什麼 這樣你們就能把謊撒圓了是嗎 Why, so you can get your stories straight? 10 00:00:37,050 --> 00:00:38,300 出去 Get out. 11 00:00:41,090 --> 00:00:45,300 片中所描述的事件發生在2019年明尼蘇達州 The following events took place in Minnesota in 2019. 12 00:00:45,430 --> 00:00:47,310 聽著 婊子 Listen, bitch. 13 00:00:47,350 --> 00:00:50,430 我歷盡千辛萬苦才走到今天 I've climbed through six kinds of hell to get where I am, 14 00:00:50,480 --> 00:00:52,770 你這種常春藤名校的富家女 and no Ivy League royal wannabe 15 00:00:52,810 --> 00:00:54,020 就因為不喜歡我的味道就要整我 is gonna run me off just because 16 00:00:54,020 --> 00:00:55,560 這種事你想也別想 she doesn't like the way I smell. 17 00:00:56,020 --> 00:00:57,820 應倖存者要求 片中均為化名 At the request of the survivors, the names have been changed. 18 00:00:57,820 --> 00:01:00,110 那多蘿西如何 What about Dorothy? 19 00:01:00,150 --> 00:01:01,570 她是隻披著羊皮的狼 She's a wolf in sheep's clothing, 20 00:01:01,610 --> 00:01:04,240 我們暫時還是盯緊她 that one. We keep her close for now. 21 00:01:05,490 --> 00:01:09,870 出於對死者的尊重 片中所述均屬事實 exactly as it occurred. 22 00:01:33,230 --> 00:01:38,020 老虎 拼寫為T I G E R The tiger, spelled T- I- G- E- R 23 00:01:38,110 --> 00:01:41,570 老虎是地球上最凶猛的獵食者之一 is one of the fiercest hunters on Earth. 24 00:01:43,950 --> 00:01:45,360 準備好了嗎 It's in place? 25 00:01:45,410 --> 00:01:47,370 -關於我們之前討論的是 -是的 What we discussed? - It is. 26 00:01:47,410 --> 00:01:49,450 但我必須重申 But I feel I must reiterate- - 27 00:01:49,490 --> 00:01:51,790 是的 是的 昨晚你說的夠多了 Yes, yes, you went on at length last night. 28 00:01:51,830 --> 00:01:54,040 沒完沒了的說教 It's funny how one's tireless moralizing 29 00:01:54,080 --> 00:01:55,670 真的讓人很疲憊 can become so tiring. 30 00:01:55,710 --> 00:01:58,420 你拿到授權書了 是嗎 You have power of attorney, don't you? 31 00:01:58,460 --> 00:02:01,250 在她和她丈夫喪失行為能力的情況下 In cases where both she and her husband are incapacitated. 32 00:02:02,260 --> 00:02:03,880 好了 這就夠了 Well, there you go. 33 00:02:03,930 --> 00:02:05,630 老虎生性狡猾 Known for its cunning 34 00:02:05,680 --> 00:02:07,550 也具有戰術思維 and strategic mind, 35 00:02:07,600 --> 00:02:09,810 老虎走投無路時 the tiger is most dangerous 36 00:02:09,850 --> 00:02:11,470 才最凶猛 when cornered. 37 00:02:11,520 --> 00:02:13,180 多蘿西 Dorothy. 38 00:02:14,190 --> 00:02:16,190 多蘿西 Dorothy. 39 00:02:17,610 --> 00:02:19,270 現在幾點了 What time is it? 40 00:02:19,320 --> 00:02:21,400 剛過11點 Just past 11: 00. 41 00:02:21,440 --> 00:02:23,190 這些人 These men 42 00:02:23,240 --> 00:02:25,400 想和你談談 would like to talk to you. 43 00:02:25,450 --> 00:02:27,320 什麼事 What? 44 00:02:34,460 --> 00:02:36,000 放鬆 多蘿西 Relax, Dorothy. 45 00:02:36,080 --> 00:02:38,330 我們只想和你談談 We just want to talk to you. 46 00:02:38,380 --> 00:02:40,590 這是為了你好 多蘿西 It's for your own good, Dorothy. 47 00:02:40,630 --> 00:02:42,840 只是為了保護你 It's for your protection. 48 00:02:42,880 --> 00:02:44,550 我們非常擔心 We're very concerned 49 00:02:44,590 --> 00:02:46,380 不 No! 50 00:02:46,430 --> 00:02:48,930 最近幾天 出了很多煩心事 還有 The last few days, with all the upset, and 51 00:02:50,310 --> 00:02:52,680 裡昂夫人 洛林 Mrs. Lyon, Lorraine 52 00:02:52,720 --> 00:02:54,350 -騙子 -不 Liars. No. 53 00:02:54,390 --> 00:02:55,810 不 No! 54 00:02:55,850 --> 00:02:58,060 我沒答應這種事 I don't agree to this. 55 00:02:58,100 --> 00:03:00,610 她和我都覺得 she feels- - and I agree- - 56 00:03:00,650 --> 00:03:01,940 你得了某種 you've been having some kind 57 00:03:01,980 --> 00:03:03,780 精神病 of psychotic 58 00:03:03,820 --> 00:03:07,360 好吧 也許這個詞太不尊重了 Oh, okay, well, maybe that's too strong a word. 59 00:03:07,410 --> 00:03:09,950 你被解雇了 You're fired. 60 00:03:09,990 --> 00:03:11,910 我們擔心你會給自己或者他人 We're worried that you've become a danger 61 00:03:11,950 --> 00:03:13,950 帶來危險 to yourself or others. 62 00:03:14,000 --> 00:03:15,910 你才很危險 You're the danger. 63 00:03:15,960 --> 00:03:17,580 你居然是我的律師 My lawyer? 64 00:03:17,620 --> 00:03:19,330 簡直狗屁倒灶 My A- S- S. 65 00:03:19,380 --> 00:03:21,080 你們敢碰我 If you take me, 66 00:03:21,170 --> 00:03:23,420 我就挖出你們的眼睛 掰斷你們的手指 I'm gonna try and blind you boys, break your fingers, 67 00:03:23,460 --> 00:03:25,510 咬掉你們的鼻子 bite off both your noses. 68 00:03:25,550 --> 00:03:27,880 多蘿西 Dorothy. 69 00:03:27,930 --> 00:03:30,220 也許你們聽過這個故事 Ah- ah. Maybe you heard the story 70 00:03:30,260 --> 00:03:32,100 上一次兩個壞人來抓我 where I burned a fella alive, 71 00:03:32,180 --> 00:03:34,600 我把一個人活活燒死了 chopped the other one's ear off 72 00:03:34,640 --> 00:03:36,480 把割了另一個人的耳朵 when they came for me. 73 00:03:37,480 --> 00:03:39,350 這個故事的真假先不論 I'm not saying that's true 74 00:03:41,230 --> 00:03:43,190 但如果你們違背我的意願強迫我 ...but if you try to force me against my will... 75 00:03:44,780 --> 00:03:46,150 那你們就會知道了 ...you're gonna find out. 76 00:03:54,040 --> 00:03:55,620 我警告過你們了 I told you. 77 00:04:14,470 --> 00:04:16,060 該死 Shoot. 78 00:04:20,650 --> 00:04:22,150 完事了 It's done. 79 00:04:39,410 --> 00:04:41,080 好吧 Okay. 80 00:04:41,120 --> 00:04:43,710 好了 我們到了 你第二個家 Well, here we go. Home away from home. 81 00:04:43,750 --> 00:04:46,750 -我現在感覺好多了 -那挺好 I'm feeling much better now. Oh, good. 82 00:04:46,800 --> 00:04:49,130 我是認真的 =I mean it. Oh, well, uh 83 00:04:49,170 --> 00:04:50,920 真挺好 good. - 84 00:04:50,970 --> 00:04:51,930 我只是在想 I just think, 85 00:04:51,970 --> 00:04:54,050 你費這麼大的勁 to go to all this trouble, 86 00:04:54,100 --> 00:04:55,680 這麼小題大做 so much fuss, 87 00:04:55,720 --> 00:04:57,680 我要的只是泡個澡 when all I need is a bath 88 00:04:57,720 --> 00:05:00,890 你知道的 享受沐浴時刻 and, you know, Calgon, take me away. 89 00:05:00,940 --> 00:05:03,270 好的 Yeah. Okay. 90 00:05:05,110 --> 00:05:07,480 你是個大忙人 And you're so busy. 91 00:05:07,530 --> 00:05:09,480 -我不想耽誤你時間 -多蘿西 I hate to keep you. - Dorothy. 92 00:05:09,490 --> 00:05:11,490 不行 No. 93 00:05:11,490 --> 00:05:15,240 我很抱歉咬了你們 And I am so sorry for biting you boys. 94 00:05:36,890 --> 00:05:39,930 表面上看這隻老虎已經束手就擒 Though it may look like the tiger has given up, 95 00:05:39,970 --> 00:05:42,640 事實上 這是一個詭計 this is, in fact, a ruse 96 00:05:42,690 --> 00:05:44,850 仔細觀察 Look closer. 97 00:05:44,900 --> 00:05:46,860 即使是現在 她還在計劃逃跑 Even now, she plans an escape. 98 00:05:50,740 --> 00:05:52,150 多糟心的一天啊 What a day. 99 00:05:53,450 --> 00:05:56,370 我很抱歉 真的 I'm sorry. I mean it. 100 00:05:56,410 --> 00:05:59,200 天啊 我看起來一定很嚇人 Geez, I must look a fright. 101 00:05:59,240 --> 00:06:01,830 我的妝都花了 還在流鼻涕 Mascara down my face, my nose running. 102 00:06:01,870 --> 00:06:04,500 太尷尬了 I'm so embarrassed. 103 00:06:04,540 --> 00:06:06,500 你不會恰巧帶了手帕吧 You wouldn't have a hanky, would you? 104 00:06:08,840 --> 00:06:09,880 是的 我 Yeah, I- - 105 00:06:28,560 --> 00:06:30,690 我們開始吧 Here we are. 106 00:06:58,140 --> 00:07:00,930 大家能坐到一起我很高興 I'm so glad we could do this. 107 00:07:00,970 --> 00:07:04,270 數據看起來不錯 魯珀特昨天查過了 The numbers look good. Rupert ran them yesterday. 108 00:07:04,350 --> 00:07:06,440 是啊 一片大好 Yeah, pretty sweet. 109 00:07:06,480 --> 00:07:09,770 他已經和你的格雷夫斯先生談妥了 Says he's been talking things through with your Mr. Graves. 110 00:07:09,810 --> 00:07:11,400 我還以為他會來 Thought he'd be here. 111 00:07:11,440 --> 00:07:14,230 他不來 來的是大老闆 Well, he's not. You get the headliner. 112 00:07:14,280 --> 00:07:15,860 魯珀特說很喜歡他 Rupert says he likes him. 113 00:07:15,900 --> 00:07:18,320 -他是個實在人 -他很信任他 - Straight shooter. - Says he trusts him. 114 00:07:18,360 --> 00:07:20,570 我很高興 I'm so glad. 115 00:07:23,490 --> 00:07:25,580 我還以為今天能見到他 Thought we'd see him today. 116 00:07:27,500 --> 00:07:29,580 讓我猜猜 Let me guess, 117 00:07:29,630 --> 00:07:32,920 你上次和女人談判 the last time you negotiated with a woman 118 00:07:32,960 --> 00:07:36,550 是在蒂華納俱樂部找女人幫你口交 was over the price of a Tijuana blowjob 119 00:07:36,590 --> 00:07:38,970 該付多少錢 How much to 120 00:07:39,010 --> 00:07:41,720 才能找人給你爆個菊 這類的事 stick it in your asshole, that kind of thing. 121 00:07:41,760 --> 00:07:43,600 我要科布沙拉 不加奶酪 I'II have the Cobb salad, no cheese, 122 00:07:43,640 --> 00:07:45,930 這兩位男士 and I'm guessing 123 00:07:45,980 --> 00:07:48,060 應該會點漢堡和薯條 burger and fries for these boys. 124 00:07:48,100 --> 00:07:50,190 再給我們拿一瓶佳慕葡萄酒 And bring us a bottle of the Caymus, 125 00:07:50,230 --> 00:07:52,770 要92年的 不要93年的 the'92, not the'93. 126 00:07:53,940 --> 00:07:55,400 就這樣 Goodbye. 127 00:07:56,860 --> 00:07:58,240 現在 小姐 Now, Miss- - 128 00:07:58,280 --> 00:08:01,280 是洛林·裡昂夫人 Mrs. Lorraine Lyon. 129 00:08:01,320 --> 00:08:04,200 清償服務公司的首席執行官 CEO of Redemption Services, 130 00:08:04,240 --> 00:08:05,950 在納斯達克上市 a Nasdaq- listed, 131 00:08:06,000 --> 00:08:09,040 市值數十億美元的公司 multibillion dollar corporation. 132 00:08:10,380 --> 00:08:12,830 裡昂夫人的聯繫人名單裡 Mrs. Lyon has six governors 133 00:08:12,880 --> 00:08:15,300 有六個州長 聯邦貿易委員會 on speed dial and her own personal 134 00:08:15,340 --> 00:08:17,760 裡也有專屬聯絡人 liaison at the Federal Trade Commission. 135 00:08:17,800 --> 00:08:19,880 認識你們很高興 Nice to meet you. 136 00:08:19,930 --> 00:08:22,390 我們是朋友了吧 很好 Are we friends yet? Good. 137 00:08:24,060 --> 00:08:26,560 我想收購你們的銀行 I want to buy your bank, 138 00:08:26,600 --> 00:08:29,350 但更重要的是 這個銀行你們必須賣 but, more important, you need to sell your bank 139 00:08:29,390 --> 00:08:31,850 因為我看了你們的數據 because I looked at your numbers, 140 00:08:31,900 --> 00:08:34,730 你手頭沒有足夠的現金 這違反了 and you don't have enough cash on hand to satisfy current 141 00:08:34,770 --> 00:08:37,780 美國的銀行法規 這意味著 U. S. banking regulations, which 142 00:08:38,820 --> 00:08:40,950 我只消一個電話 one phone call from me, 143 00:08:40,990 --> 00:08:44,830 就能讓證券交易委員會的和核查員們盯死了你 and you will have so many SEC agents up your keister, 144 00:08:44,870 --> 00:08:48,120 你們下半輩子都得各種官司裡疲於奔命 you'll be shitting briefcases for the rest of your life. 145 00:08:48,160 --> 00:08:50,790 稍等一下 女士 Now hold on just a second, lady. 146 00:08:50,830 --> 00:08:51,830 你明白了嗎 Do you see? 147 00:08:51,870 --> 00:08:53,670 就你這句話 Right there. 148 00:08:53,710 --> 00:08:55,170 我要減少一千萬的報價 I'm going to knock 10 million 149 00:08:55,210 --> 00:08:57,460 就因為你叫我女士 off my offer because you called me"lady. " 150 00:08:57,550 --> 00:08:59,380 我們只是 We just- - 151 00:08:59,420 --> 00:09:01,170 安靜點 小處男 Pipe down, pony boy. 152 00:09:01,220 --> 00:09:03,890 現在還輪不到你說話 I'll tell you when it's your turn to talk. 153 00:09:05,510 --> 00:09:08,020 我之所以 I'm willing 154 00:09:08,060 --> 00:09:10,600 收購你們非法的 to buy your shady 155 00:09:10,640 --> 00:09:13,400 半吊子的銀行 five- gallon bank. 156 00:09:14,520 --> 00:09:17,150 是因為我是做債務生意的 ...because I'm in the debt business, 157 00:09:17,190 --> 00:09:19,820 我想進入信貸業務 and I want to get into the credit business. 158 00:09:19,860 --> 00:09:21,900 大家都愛放債人 Everyone loves a lender, 159 00:09:21,950 --> 00:09:24,280 回購人就不怎麼受歡迎了 not so much the repo man, 160 00:09:24,320 --> 00:09:26,240 但我想要試試水 but I need to test the waters, 161 00:09:26,280 --> 00:09:29,040 讓政府允許我兩件生意都做 make sure the government'll let me do both, 162 00:09:29,080 --> 00:09:31,910 所以我得從小生意做起 so I'm starting small, 163 00:09:31,960 --> 00:09:33,540 和你們合夥 with you. 164 00:09:33,540 --> 00:09:36,500 同時 為了盡快完成這項工作 And I'm willing to pay a premium 165 00:09:36,500 --> 00:09:38,170 我也願意支付額外費用 to get this done quickly, 166 00:09:38,210 --> 00:09:40,880 但如果你們對女人的厭惡 but if you hate women 167 00:09:40,920 --> 00:09:42,670 超過了對金錢的喜愛 more than you love money, 168 00:09:42,720 --> 00:09:46,220 那我只能去別處投資了 I'll just take my millions elsewhere. 169 00:09:47,680 --> 00:09:49,310 慢慢享用紅酒吧 Enjoy the wine. 170 00:09:50,640 --> 00:09:54,310 希望今天下班前能給我答覆 I expect your answer by end of business today. 171 00:10:16,420 --> 00:10:18,630 聽說過會兒要下雪 是嗎 Hear it's supposed to snow later, hmm? 172 00:10:18,670 --> 00:10:21,510 拖延症如我 非要到最後一刻 Here's me putting off changing out the radials 173 00:10:21,590 --> 00:10:23,340 -才去換輪胎 -你不是莎拉 till the last second. - You're not Sarah. 174 00:10:23,380 --> 00:10:25,880 莎拉在哪兒 Where's Sarah? 175 00:10:27,220 --> 00:10:29,180 我今天第一天上班 It's my first day. 176 00:10:29,220 --> 00:10:31,810 我還沒把誰是誰弄清楚 Still haven't got all the names straight. 177 00:10:31,850 --> 00:10:33,850 莎拉是那個 Sarah's the one with. 178 00:10:44,900 --> 00:10:47,110 2樓發生灰色警報 Code gray on floor two. 179 00:10:47,160 --> 00:10:49,530 保安 請到二樓報到 Security, please report to floor two. 180 00:10:49,580 --> 00:10:51,740 灰色警報 Code gray. 181 00:10:54,330 --> 00:10:56,370 你在這兒 你好 There you are. Hi. 182 00:10:56,420 --> 00:10:58,790 好吧 Okay. Mm 183 00:11:21,020 --> 00:11:22,690 又怎麼了 What now? 184 00:11:31,700 --> 00:11:33,290 裡昂夫人 Mrs. Lyon. 185 00:11:33,330 --> 00:11:36,460 讓我猜猜 孤兒院需要換個新房頂吧 Let me guess, the orphans need a nev ooi 186 00:11:36,500 --> 00:11:38,460 可能吧 但我更像是 Well, probably, but I'm more of a 187 00:11:38,500 --> 00:11:40,880 會讓孤兒們打一架出出汗的那種人 "let the orphans fight each other for sport"kind of guy. 188 00:11:40,920 --> 00:11:42,380 自由主義者 所以 Libertarian, so 189 00:11:43,550 --> 00:11:45,090 我今天很忙 警官 I've got a busy day, Officer. 190 00:11:45,130 --> 00:11:47,260 其實是治安官 It's"sheriff, "actually. 191 00:11:47,300 --> 00:11:49,300 羅伊·蒂爾曼 斯塔克郡來的 Roy Tillman, from over Stark County. 192 00:11:49,340 --> 00:11:51,300 北達科塔州 North Dakota. 193 00:11:51,350 --> 00:11:55,220 沒錯 我希望我們能談談 That's the one. I was hoping we could, uh, talk. 194 00:11:55,270 --> 00:11:58,980 你想談什麼 Uh- huh. And what exactly are we talking about? 195 00:11:59,020 --> 00:12:01,310 談你的兒媳 Uh, well, your daughter- in- law. 196 00:12:01,360 --> 00:12:03,190 好吧 她又犯什麼事了 Well, what's she done now? 197 00:12:03,230 --> 00:12:04,690 她曾是我老婆 She married me. 198 00:12:07,280 --> 00:12:09,820 你還是進來吧 You better come inside. 199 00:12:20,960 --> 00:12:23,710 好吧 猛男 Okay, sailor. 200 00:12:23,800 --> 00:12:25,670 你要我出多少錢 What are you gonna cost me? 201 00:12:25,670 --> 00:12:26,800 什麼 Excuse me? 202 00:12:26,840 --> 00:12:28,300 買你有多遠滾多遠 The"fuck off fee. " 203 00:12:28,340 --> 00:12:30,470 再也別出現 Never to be seen again. 204 00:12:31,890 --> 00:12:34,140 上帝啊 Oh...Good God, 205 00:12:34,180 --> 00:12:36,470 別告訴我你要她回去 don't tell me you want her back. 206 00:12:37,640 --> 00:12:39,180 是金錢給你的自信 Is it just the money, 207 00:12:39,230 --> 00:12:40,980 還是你總是這麼高高在上 or have you always been this high and mighty? 208 00:12:41,020 --> 00:12:42,980 就像那樣 盛氣凌人地 Like that, looking down your nose 209 00:12:43,020 --> 00:12:44,860 對待一個辛勤工作的美國人 on a hard- working American. 210 00:12:44,900 --> 00:12:47,480 而我 謙卑的拿著帽子 只想做正確的事 And me with my hat in hand just trying to do what's right. 211 00:12:47,530 --> 00:12:49,360 你說正確 指誰的正確呢 What's right for whom? 212 00:12:49,400 --> 00:12:51,780 就像聖經裡說的那樣 Right as in the Bible, 213 00:12:51,860 --> 00:12:54,910 一個女人要發誓尊重和服從她的丈夫 as in a woman swears an oath to honor and obey her man, 214 00:12:54,950 --> 00:12:57,120 而不是出去買半打啤酒 然後再也不回家了 not go out and get a six- pack and never come home. 215 00:12:57,160 --> 00:12:59,120 關於這場所謂的婚姻 May I have the details 216 00:12:59,160 --> 00:13:01,420 你能詳細給我說說嗎 of this alleged matrimony, please? 217 00:13:06,340 --> 00:13:09,840 2007年6月3日 我們在農場結婚了 June 3, 2007. We got married at the ranch. 218 00:13:09,880 --> 00:13:12,180 我是二婚 她是頭婚 My second, her first. Uh. 219 00:13:12,220 --> 00:13:14,090 從認識到婚後 We were together about 220 00:13:14,140 --> 00:13:16,390 我們在一起大約有兩年時間 突然之間 two years, before and during, and then, all of a sudden, 221 00:13:16,430 --> 00:13:19,520 她就消失了 poof, she disappears. 222 00:13:19,560 --> 00:13:21,440 人不見了 Gone. 223 00:13:22,600 --> 00:13:24,310 好吧 實話說 有很多個夜晚 Well, I'll tell you, there were nights 224 00:13:24,360 --> 00:13:26,270 我都在想她一定已經是死了 I figured she must've been dead. 225 00:13:26,320 --> 00:13:27,860 開始胡思亂想 Horrible thoughts. 226 00:13:27,900 --> 00:13:30,490 碰上美洲獅了 碰上墨西哥強姦犯了 Mountain lions, Mexican rapists. 227 00:13:32,200 --> 00:13:34,110 所以當我收到報告說找到她了 So you can understand my relief 228 00:13:34,160 --> 00:13:36,490 你能理解我有多松了口氣吧 when the report came in said she'd been found. 229 00:13:39,750 --> 00:13:42,580 當我聽說她已經再婚還生了孩子 Yeah, my first thought hearing that she'd remarried with a kid, 230 00:13:42,620 --> 00:13:45,040 我的第一反應是她得了某種失憶症 maybe some sort of amnesia. 231 00:13:45,080 --> 00:13:46,920 在高速路上徘徊時被人撿到 Found wandering the highway, 232 00:13:46,960 --> 00:13:48,500 忘了自己的生日什麼的 not knowing when her birthday f- - 233 00:13:48,550 --> 00:13:51,210 好的 我能理解 AlI right, I- II get the picture. 234 00:13:51,260 --> 00:13:53,510 聽著 機靈鬼 Listen, slick. 235 00:13:53,550 --> 00:13:56,260 我巴不得把那個女人 Nothing would make me happier 236 00:13:56,300 --> 00:13:58,260 封進紙箱子裡 than to put that girl in a box 237 00:13:58,310 --> 00:14:00,060 打包退回給發件人 marked"return to sender, " 238 00:14:00,100 --> 00:14:02,730 我們私下裡說 問題在於 between you and me, but 239 00:14:02,810 --> 00:14:05,190 她嫁給了我兒子 she's married to my son, 240 00:14:05,230 --> 00:14:07,020 他愛她 and he loves her, 241 00:14:07,070 --> 00:14:09,150 她是我孫女的母親 and she's the mother to my granddaughter, 242 00:14:09,190 --> 00:14:10,940 而我特別喜歡這個孫女 whom I'm fond of, 243 00:14:10,990 --> 00:14:13,400 所以你不如格局大一點 so you need to put your big boy pants on 244 00:14:13,450 --> 00:14:15,160 自己默默承受吧 and take the hit. 245 00:14:15,200 --> 00:14:17,660 聖經說妻子是丈夫的財產 Bible says the wife is the property of the husband. 246 00:14:17,740 --> 00:14:19,740 照這麼說 你的兒子 Therefore, that makes your son 247 00:14:19,790 --> 00:14:21,620 是個小偷 a thief. 248 00:14:21,660 --> 00:14:23,460 我們討論的是 If we're talking about who has 249 00:14:23,500 --> 00:14:25,170 誰的主張更合法 the more legitimate claim. 250 00:14:25,210 --> 00:14:28,000 你知道嗎 我聽說過你 You know, I've heard of you. 251 00:14:30,170 --> 00:14:33,920 你是那種維護憲法權利的治安官 You're one of those constitutional sheriffs. 252 00:14:33,970 --> 00:14:35,630 沒錯 我是 Yes, I am. 253 00:14:35,680 --> 00:14:39,140 自由的捍衛者 民眾的保護者 Defender of freedom and protector of the common man 254 00:14:39,180 --> 00:14:41,850 對抗國家暴政 against the tyranny of the state 255 00:14:41,890 --> 00:14:43,850 和其所發出的邪惡命令 and all its wicked demands. 256 00:14:43,940 --> 00:14:45,640 -反對稅收 -是的 - Taxes? - Oh, yeah. 257 00:14:45,690 --> 00:14:47,270 社會保障體系呢 The social safety net? 258 00:14:47,310 --> 00:14:49,310 我很鄙視那玩意兒 但是 Well, I'd spit, but, uh. 259 00:14:49,360 --> 00:14:51,570 尊重殘疾人士呢 Respect for the otherly- abled? 260 00:14:51,610 --> 00:14:53,490 所有多元文化的那套鬼扯 The whole multi- cultural panoply. 261 00:14:53,530 --> 00:14:56,610 比利有兩個媽媽 亂七八糟的 Billy has two mothers, et cetera, et cetera. 262 00:14:56,660 --> 00:14:58,070 所以 So- so, 263 00:14:58,120 --> 00:15:00,780 你想要自由 you- you want freedom 264 00:15:00,870 --> 00:15:03,250 卻不想承擔責任嗎 with no responsibility? 265 00:15:04,410 --> 00:15:06,830 孩子 地球上只有一個人 Son, there's only one person on Earth 266 00:15:06,830 --> 00:15:08,750 能享受這種待遇 - who gets that deal. - Mm. 267 00:15:08,790 --> 00:15:10,000 總統嗎 The president? 268 00:15:11,000 --> 00:15:12,340 嬰兒 A baby. 269 00:15:14,260 --> 00:15:16,550 你為這些權利而戰 You're fighting for your- your right 270 00:15:16,590 --> 00:15:18,220 是為了做嬰兒 to be a baby. 271 00:15:19,680 --> 00:15:21,890 嗨 他們說 Hi, they said- - 272 00:15:21,930 --> 00:15:24,140 抱歉 Oh, I'm sorry. 273 00:15:24,180 --> 00:15:26,440 我只是想來問問跟達格的商談進行得如何 I just wanted to check, see how the powwow went with Duggar. 274 00:15:27,480 --> 00:15:30,270 什麼 薇薇安·達格嗎 What is that? Uh, Vivian Dugger? 275 00:15:30,320 --> 00:15:32,440 那個叫女人名字的銀行家 The banker with a woman's name? 276 00:15:32,480 --> 00:15:34,530 他還坐過我的警車 He was in my prowler once. 277 00:15:34,570 --> 00:15:36,780 我撞見他在某個晚上和一個女人苟合 I caught him in flagrante with a lady of the evening, 278 00:15:36,860 --> 00:15:38,530 但是我們達成了一個協議 but we came to an arrangement. 279 00:15:38,570 --> 00:15:40,410 通情達理的人都會如此 That's what reasonable men do. 280 00:15:40,450 --> 00:15:43,540 我應該 你想讓我旁聽嗎 Should I be- - Do you want me to sit in on this? 281 00:15:43,580 --> 00:15:45,750 不不 No. No, the, um, 282 00:15:45,790 --> 00:15:48,540 治安官要走了 the sheriff was just leaving. 283 00:15:48,580 --> 00:15:50,330 哦 是嗎 Oh, was I? 284 00:15:50,380 --> 00:15:52,920 就像我說的 如果你願意簽一些文件 Well, as I said, if you're willing to sign some papers, 285 00:15:52,960 --> 00:15:56,130 那我很願意給你開張支票 I could see my way clear to writing a check. 286 00:15:56,170 --> 00:15:57,720 為了你的連任 I mean, between your- your reelection 287 00:15:57,760 --> 00:15:59,590 也為了我的生意 and my business dealings, 288 00:15:59,640 --> 00:16:03,510 我相信你我都不希望這件事鬧的人盡皆知 I'm sure neither of us want any sordid details coming out. 289 00:16:03,560 --> 00:16:06,730 這對你來說算通情達理嗎 Is that reasonable enough for you? 290 00:16:09,650 --> 00:16:12,150 原來這就是你的風格 So, that's who you are. 291 00:16:12,190 --> 00:16:14,780 這就是我的風格 That's who I am. 292 00:16:14,820 --> 00:16:18,740 至於你提到的財產問題 And while we're talking about property rights, 293 00:16:18,780 --> 00:16:21,530 我想說清楚 七年之後 I'd like to be clear that, after seven years, 294 00:16:21,570 --> 00:16:24,490 失蹤的人就可以被推定死亡 a missing person is presumed dead. 295 00:16:24,540 --> 00:16:27,660 所以 從技術上講 So, technically, 296 00:16:27,710 --> 00:16:31,080 多蘿西現在是我兒子的財產了 Dorothy is my son's property now. 297 00:16:35,710 --> 00:16:37,510 納丁 Nadine. 298 00:16:39,010 --> 00:16:40,510 她的真名叫納丁 Her name's Nadine. 299 00:16:40,550 --> 00:16:42,550 現在不用這名了 Not anymore. 300 00:16:53,820 --> 00:16:55,610 難搞的女人 對嗎 Women, am I right? 301 00:16:57,190 --> 00:16:58,860 這是我的名片 Here's my card. 302 00:16:58,900 --> 00:17:00,610 希望明天我們能坐下來 I'd be happy to sit down tomorrow, 303 00:17:00,660 --> 00:17:02,410 好好談個方案出來 discuss the details of a deal. 304 00:17:03,870 --> 00:17:06,120 是這樣 Well, son, 305 00:17:06,160 --> 00:17:08,330 我不確定自己可以跟一個 I'm not sure I can negotiate with a man 306 00:17:08,370 --> 00:17:10,120 叫早餐糕點名字的男人協商 named after a breakfast pastry. 307 00:17:10,160 --> 00:17:11,330 好吧 - Yes, well, 308 00:17:11,370 --> 00:17:13,580 我是裡昂夫人的 I am Mrs. Lyon's 309 00:17:13,630 --> 00:17:15,590 首席法律顧問所以有事你可以找我聊 chief counsel, so I'm the one you talk to. - 310 00:17:15,630 --> 00:17:17,050 你又是誰呢 And who might you be? 311 00:17:17,090 --> 00:17:19,050 斯科特 Scotty. 312 00:17:19,090 --> 00:17:22,630 他取了個糕點名 你取了個男孩名 還有什麼驚喜 He's a muffin, you've got a boy's name. What's next? 313 00:17:22,680 --> 00:17:25,010 戴著帽子的猴子嗎 A monkey with a hat? 314 00:17:29,930 --> 00:17:32,190 很高興見到你 斯科特 Nice meeting you there, Scotty. 315 00:17:32,230 --> 00:17:34,400 跟你媽媽說 羅伊警長向她問好 Tell your mom Sheriff Roy says hello. 316 00:17:34,440 --> 00:17:36,820 她長得和她媽媽一模一樣 She looks just like her mom. 317 00:17:36,860 --> 00:17:38,860 那我等你的電話 Yeah. Ill expect your call. 318 00:17:38,900 --> 00:17:41,150 我們會再見面的 Oh, we'll be seeing each other again, 319 00:17:41,200 --> 00:17:43,450 只是可能不是你想象的那樣 just maybe not in the way you're expecting. 320 00:17:43,490 --> 00:17:45,370 你什麼意思 What's that supposed to mean? 321 00:17:45,410 --> 00:17:46,910 祝你有愉快的一天 You have a nice day. 322 00:17:56,500 --> 00:17:58,840 我還要跟你們說多少遍 How many times do I have to tell you people 323 00:17:58,880 --> 00:18:01,300 -我們不會合作的 -格雷夫斯先生 - we're not gonna cooperate. Mr. Graves, 324 00:18:01,340 --> 00:18:03,090 你今早送多蘿西·裡昂入院治療了嗎 did you have Dorothy Lyon committed this morning? 325 00:18:03,090 --> 00:18:05,390 這又關你什麼事 I don't see as that's any of your business. 326 00:18:05,430 --> 00:18:07,600 確實關我的事 因為她逃走了 Well, it's my business because she escaped. 327 00:18:07,640 --> 00:18:09,100 呼叫中心剛剛通報了 Call just went out on the radio. 328 00:18:10,310 --> 00:18:11,560 無語了 That's... 329 00:18:21,900 --> 00:18:23,490 你說 Talk to me. 330 00:18:23,530 --> 00:18:25,070 我們執行B計劃 Yeah, we're going with plan B. 331 00:18:25,070 --> 00:18:26,450 把她丈夫抓了 Take the husband. 332 00:18:26,490 --> 00:18:27,870 好的 Yes. 333 00:18:28,910 --> 00:18:30,660 好的 Yes. 334 00:18:30,700 --> 00:18:32,790 讓鮑曼接電話 - Pass me to Bowman. 335 00:18:32,830 --> 00:18:35,370 讓鮑曼接電話 Pass me to Bowman. 336 00:18:35,420 --> 00:18:38,250 你沒必要讓他來給我當保姆 You didn't have to send him to babysit me. 337 00:18:38,290 --> 00:18:39,880 把電話給他 Just give him the damn phone. 338 00:18:43,680 --> 00:18:45,340 好吧 Right. 339 00:18:54,440 --> 00:18:56,690 他怎麼說 What'd he say? 340 00:18:56,730 --> 00:18:58,560 你留在這裡 You stay here. 341 00:19:01,280 --> 00:19:02,650 我可是執法人員 I'm the law. 342 00:19:08,030 --> 00:19:09,950 我就去 I'm coming. I'm... 343 00:19:14,500 --> 00:19:15,910 他媽的 Fuck. 344 00:19:17,630 --> 00:19:21,550 母老虎 或稱雌虎 The female, or lady tiger, 345 00:19:21,590 --> 00:19:24,670 比最熟練的獵人更聰明 can outsmart even the most skilled hunters. 346 00:19:24,720 --> 00:19:27,590 她在保護幼崽和伴侶時 She is a literal genius when it comes 347 00:19:27,640 --> 00:19:30,100 便會化身為 to saving her young 348 00:19:30,180 --> 00:19:32,760 不折不扣的天才 and protecting her mate. 349 00:19:42,030 --> 00:19:43,900 怎麼多了這麼些保安 What's with all the extra security? 350 00:19:43,940 --> 00:19:45,610 一個精神病人逃跑了 Oh, a mental patient escaped. 351 00:19:45,650 --> 00:19:47,860 女性 A female. 352 00:19:49,910 --> 00:19:52,200 我找我表兄弟韋恩·裡昂 I'm looking for my cousin, Wayne Lyon. 353 00:19:53,330 --> 00:19:54,950 我們不走嗎 Aren't we going? 354 00:19:55,000 --> 00:19:57,370 是的 我們得先短暫去個地方 Oh, yeah. We just got to make a quick stop first. 355 00:19:59,210 --> 00:20:00,670 快啊 Come on. 356 00:20:00,710 --> 00:20:02,540 三樓 Oh, uh, third floor. 357 00:20:02,590 --> 00:20:05,260 去護士站再查一下吧 Oh, and, uh, check in at the nurse's station. 358 00:20:18,100 --> 00:20:19,730 等等 Hold it. 359 00:20:25,190 --> 00:20:27,150 他媽的讓我待在車裡 You stay in the fucking car. 360 00:20:27,150 --> 00:20:28,450 好吧 Okay. 361 00:20:29,820 --> 00:20:31,910 他媽的待在車裡 You stay in the fucking car. 362 00:20:51,720 --> 00:20:53,470 該死 Shit. 363 00:20:56,220 --> 00:20:58,810 該死 該死 天啊 Shit. Shit. Geez. 364 00:21:24,880 --> 00:21:26,590 親愛的 我忘了拿文件 Just forgot some of your paperwork, hon, 365 00:21:26,630 --> 00:21:28,050 馬上回來 Back in a jiff. 366 00:21:38,730 --> 00:21:41,060 終於來了 Well, about fucking time. 367 00:21:41,100 --> 00:21:43,560 我早就點了果凍和肉湯 I'm supposed to get Jell- O and broth. 368 00:21:43,610 --> 00:21:46,690 他們說我可以吃果凍和肉湯 Hey. They said I could get some Jell- O and broth. 369 00:21:46,730 --> 00:21:48,440 真是 That's 370 00:21:48,480 --> 00:21:50,190 不好意思 讓我看看 Sorry, let me see what I 371 00:21:50,240 --> 00:21:51,740 整整兩天我都呆在這張破床上 Two days I'm sitting in this stupid bed 372 00:21:51,780 --> 00:21:52,820 等著你們這些人摘出 waiting for you people to rip out 373 00:21:52,860 --> 00:21:54,070 我6英尺的盲腸 six feet of my intestines. 374 00:21:54,120 --> 00:21:55,280 至少讓我吃點果凍 Least I can do is get some Jell- O 375 00:21:55,280 --> 00:21:57,240 還有他媽的肉湯吧 and fucking broth. 376 00:21:57,240 --> 00:21:59,160 當然 Of course. 377 00:21:59,200 --> 00:22:01,120 我幫你去看一下 I'll check on that for you. 378 00:22:01,160 --> 00:22:02,540 你居然偷我的外套 You stealing my coat? 379 00:22:02,580 --> 00:22:04,250 這到底是什麼鬼地方 What the hell kind of place is this? 380 00:22:04,290 --> 00:22:06,840 不 我只是 No. I'm just 381 00:22:06,880 --> 00:22:09,050 我幫你送去洗 I'm having it cleaned. 382 00:22:09,090 --> 00:22:10,510 這是我們服務的一部分 It's part of the service we provide here. 383 00:22:10,550 --> 00:22:11,840 我記住你了賤人 I am on to you, bitch. 384 00:22:11,880 --> 00:22:13,720 你們這些鬼鬼祟祟的人 AlI of you people sneaking around here 385 00:22:13,760 --> 00:22:16,180 假裝自己很友好 但我知道你的真面目 pretending you're so nice, but I know who you really are. 386 00:22:17,890 --> 00:22:19,430 你為什麼 Why are you 387 00:22:19,470 --> 00:22:21,350 這麼粗魯 so rude? 388 00:22:21,390 --> 00:22:23,060 這麼憤怒 - So angry? - 389 00:22:23,100 --> 00:22:24,940 你們這些人 AlI of you. 390 00:22:24,980 --> 00:22:27,150 優雅和尊嚴都去哪了 Whatever happened to grace and dignity? 391 00:22:31,030 --> 00:22:33,150 這裡每個人都在盡力幫你了 Everybody here is just trying to help. 392 00:22:52,800 --> 00:22:55,340 眾所周知 老虎會設陷阱 The tiger has been known to set traps 393 00:22:55,430 --> 00:22:57,220 來誘捕她的追捕者 to ensnare her pursuers. 394 00:22:57,300 --> 00:22:59,050 於是 就有了一句俗語 Thus, the popular colloquialism 395 00:22:59,100 --> 00:23:01,390 不要獵殺老虎 "Do not hunt the tiger 396 00:23:01,430 --> 00:23:04,850 除非你想被老虎抓住 unless you want the tiger catching you. " 397 00:23:09,520 --> 00:23:10,650 什麼錢 What's money? 398 00:23:10,690 --> 00:23:13,190 錢嗎 親愛的, Money? That...Oh, hon, 399 00:23:13,240 --> 00:23:15,610 我現在沒有時間細講 I don't have time to go into the whole 400 00:23:17,070 --> 00:23:18,950 我帶你去洗手間 好嗎 Let's get you to the bathroom, yeah? 401 00:23:18,990 --> 00:23:20,910 我剛去過了 Oh, I just went. 402 00:23:20,950 --> 00:23:22,410 已經拉過便便了 Poop came out. 403 00:23:24,460 --> 00:23:25,830 沒事的 寶貝 That's good, hon. 404 00:23:27,500 --> 00:23:29,130 我們還是去一下好嗎 We're gonna go, though, yeah? 405 00:23:30,920 --> 00:23:32,920 好 Yeah. 406 00:23:35,800 --> 00:23:38,180 等等 我的腳麻了 Uh, hold on, my foot's unconscious. 407 00:23:40,470 --> 00:23:42,430 沒事的 It's okay. 408 00:23:50,110 --> 00:23:51,730 我也愛你 I love you, too. 409 00:23:56,200 --> 00:23:57,780 來吧 Come on. 410 00:24:00,200 --> 00:24:03,740 護士說我們很有錢 The nurse told me that we're rich, 411 00:24:03,790 --> 00:24:05,500 我說我不知道那是什麼意思 and IsaidIdidn't know what that was. 412 00:24:12,630 --> 00:24:13,630 怎麼了 What? 413 00:24:13,670 --> 00:24:15,420 待在這裡 好嗎 Stay here, okay? 414 00:24:15,420 --> 00:24:17,380 然後 你看到 Then, you see 415 00:24:19,390 --> 00:24:20,930 這把鎖嗎 ...this lock? 416 00:24:22,430 --> 00:24:23,560 是的 Yeah. 417 00:24:23,600 --> 00:24:24,970 等我走了 你就鎖上 Turn it when I'm gone 418 00:24:25,020 --> 00:24:26,850 等我說可以了再打開 and don't come out until I say. 419 00:24:36,570 --> 00:24:38,700 我愛你們三個 I love you three. 420 00:24:40,780 --> 00:24:42,950 鎖上門 寶貝 Lock the door, baby. 421 00:24:58,590 --> 00:25:00,130 就是這間 It's this one. 422 00:25:04,350 --> 00:25:05,760 待在這裡 Stay here. 423 00:25:16,150 --> 00:25:17,440 納丁 Oh, Nadine. 424 00:25:17,530 --> 00:25:18,690 -什麼 -他是說 - What? - Dorothy, 425 00:25:18,740 --> 00:25:19,990 多蘿西 不好意思 he means. Sorry. 426 00:25:20,030 --> 00:25:22,070 我 我正 我正要 I'm- - No. I have, I have- - 427 00:25:22,120 --> 00:25:23,740 裡昂夫人 沒事了 我們是來幫你的 M- Mrs. Lyon, it's okay. We- We're here to help you, okay? 428 00:25:23,780 --> 00:25:24,740 我不需要幫助 I don't need help. 429 00:25:24,780 --> 00:25:25,950 -我看你需要 -不 - I think you do. No. 430 00:25:25,990 --> 00:25:27,290 我們先找個房間 Let- Let's just- - We'll find a room 431 00:25:27,330 --> 00:25:29,080 我們慢慢聊聊 and we can talk. 432 00:25:39,970 --> 00:25:41,970 多蘿西 Dorothy? 433 00:25:42,010 --> 00:25:43,760 裡昂夫人 Mrs. Lyon? 434 00:25:48,430 --> 00:25:51,440 不行 我得離開這裡 I can't. I, uh, have to be somewhere. 435 00:25:53,100 --> 00:25:54,810 你能給我一張名片嗎 Do you got a card I could have? 436 00:25:54,860 --> 00:25:56,190 好的 夫人 Yes, ma'am. 437 00:25:56,230 --> 00:25:58,110 你怎麼沒杲在車裡 You were supposed to wait in the truck. 438 00:25:58,150 --> 00:26:00,150 聯邦調查局的來了 FBI is here. 439 00:26:00,190 --> 00:26:02,280 看看他們在跟誰說話 Look who they're talking to. 440 00:26:03,820 --> 00:26:05,620 沒關係 我們抓到她丈夫了 Doesn't matter. We got her husband. 441 00:26:05,660 --> 00:26:07,990 我們把他麻醉了 Had to tenderize him. 442 00:26:08,040 --> 00:26:09,910 瞧這傻逼樣 What an asshole. 443 00:26:09,950 --> 00:26:11,790 我們走吧 Let's go. 444 00:26:16,380 --> 00:26:18,460 我是華金探員 這是我搭檔 I'm Agent Joaquin. This is my, this is my partner, 445 00:26:18,500 --> 00:26:20,090 -邁耶探員 給你名片 -你好 - Agent Meyer. Here you go. - Hey, there. 446 00:26:20,130 --> 00:26:21,550 我們一直在找你 We've been looking for you. 447 00:26:21,590 --> 00:26:23,260 你可以 我們只想談談 Can you- - We just, we just want to talk. 448 00:26:23,300 --> 00:26:25,640 好吧 咱們找個房間吧 - AII right? Let's find a room. - 449 00:26:25,680 --> 00:26:27,720 -好 一個安靜的房間 -你沒事了 不要擔心 - Yeah, a quiet room. - You're okay, you're okay. 450 00:26:27,760 --> 00:26:29,970 -我們是來幫你的 好吧 -沒關係 - We're here to help you. Okay? - It's okay. 451 00:26:30,020 --> 00:26:32,180 -你問下 你丈夫還好嗎 -還好 - I meant to ask, is your, is your husband okay? - Yeah. 452 00:26:32,230 --> 00:26:34,270 我們路過你家房子了 火勢一定很大 We went by the house. That must've been some fire. 453 00:26:37,520 --> 00:26:39,900 只有虎鯊 Only the tiger shark 454 00:26:39,940 --> 00:26:42,070 比老虎更可怕 is a more dangerous foe. 455 00:26:42,110 --> 00:26:43,450 當然 虎鯊 Though, of course, the tiger shark, 456 00:26:43,490 --> 00:26:45,450 或是其他任何鯊 or any kind of shark, really, 457 00:26:45,530 --> 00:26:47,820 在醫院這種環境下 都會窒息而亡 would suffocate in a hospital setting. 458 00:26:51,500 --> 00:26:53,830 我 我會很快的 I'll just...I'll be quick. 459 00:26:58,750 --> 00:27:00,130 你覺得如何 What do you think? 460 00:27:00,170 --> 00:27:01,630 她看上去如釋重負 She looks relieved. 461 00:27:01,670 --> 00:27:03,260 不會再跑了 No more running. 462 00:27:03,300 --> 00:27:04,840 講真 她能堅持到這一步我真佩服 Honestly, I don't know how she made it this far. 463 00:27:08,180 --> 00:27:10,010 你有見過一女的嗎 Have you seen a woman, 464 00:27:10,060 --> 00:27:12,600 淺棕色頭髮 身高一米六 like, light brown hair, maybe five- two 465 00:27:12,640 --> 00:27:14,060 身穿護士服 wearing nurse's scrubs? 466 00:27:14,100 --> 00:27:16,060 她超凶 She's a biter. 467 00:27:16,100 --> 00:27:17,690 沒見過 愛莫能助 No. I can't help you. 468 00:27:17,730 --> 00:27:20,150 -好的 -等等 她叫什麼名字 Okay. - Wait. What's her name? 469 00:27:20,190 --> 00:27:21,980 裡昂太太 Mrs. Lyon? 470 00:27:23,650 --> 00:27:25,200 多蘿西 Dorothy? 471 00:27:31,660 --> 00:27:33,620 不會再跑了 No more running? 472 00:27:35,000 --> 00:27:36,500 該死 Well, shit. 473 00:27:48,890 --> 00:27:50,890 裡昂太太 Mrs. Lyon. 474 00:27:50,930 --> 00:27:52,560 你能再給我解釋下 If I could just understand better 475 00:27:52,640 --> 00:27:53,680 為什麼要把她關起來嗎 why you had her committed. 476 00:27:57,150 --> 00:27:58,560 你欠了債 You're a debtor. 477 00:27:59,810 --> 00:28:01,520 -什麼 -我查過了 What? - I looked it up. 478 00:28:02,820 --> 00:28:05,820 192000美元 $192, 000. 479 00:28:05,860 --> 00:28:08,820 這是你的房貸 Spread between your mortgage, 480 00:28:08,870 --> 00:28:11,990 車貸 學生貸款 car loans, your student loans, 481 00:28:12,040 --> 00:28:13,660 醫療費用 medical bills, 482 00:28:13,700 --> 00:28:15,120 信用卡賬單的總和 credit cards. 483 00:28:15,160 --> 00:28:16,870 你欠得真夠全的 Hell, you've got it all. 484 00:28:16,910 --> 00:28:18,920 這不是 Th- That's not 485 00:28:18,960 --> 00:28:20,790 我不覺得 I don't think... 486 00:28:20,840 --> 00:28:22,380 這與此事相關 relevant to this. 487 00:28:23,550 --> 00:28:25,170 別難過 Don't feel bad. 488 00:28:25,210 --> 00:28:27,090 你並不孤單 You're not alone. 489 00:28:27,130 --> 00:28:30,470 90%多的美國成年人都背著債務 Over 90%of American adults are debtors. 490 00:28:30,510 --> 00:28:32,510 財政陷入赤字 入不敷出 In the red, living beyond their means. 491 00:28:32,560 --> 00:28:34,100 甚至影響到了他們下一代 Kids waiting in the wings. 492 00:28:34,140 --> 00:28:36,350 我不是 I- I'm not 493 00:28:36,390 --> 00:28:38,980 我不是你說的那樣 I'm not that what you said. 494 00:28:39,020 --> 00:28:41,150 但你也看到了 對吧 You see it, right? 495 00:28:41,190 --> 00:28:43,400 你現在是籠中鳥 The cage you're in. 496 00:28:47,400 --> 00:28:48,820 我看到了 I see it. 497 00:28:48,860 --> 00:28:50,280 你欠的第一筆債是什麼 What came first? 498 00:28:50,320 --> 00:28:52,620 學生貸款吧 Student loan? 499 00:28:52,700 --> 00:28:54,790 我猜猜 Mm. Let me guess. 500 00:28:57,080 --> 00:28:59,670 你父母把你送進了一所 Your parents sent you to a private school 501 00:28:59,750 --> 00:29:01,380 他們供不起的私立大學 they can't afford, 502 00:29:01,420 --> 00:29:04,040 於是申請了貸款 讓你簽字 took out a loan, made you sign. 503 00:29:05,670 --> 00:29:07,460 但我順利完成了學業 I put myself through school, 504 00:29:07,510 --> 00:29:09,380 打兩份工 working two jobs. 505 00:29:09,430 --> 00:29:11,760 你不是有貸款嗎 Mm, you got a loan. 506 00:29:11,800 --> 00:29:13,600 大二時學費上漲了 Tuition went up sophomore year. 507 00:29:13,640 --> 00:29:15,970 所以沒人騙你 So, nobody tricked you into debt, 508 00:29:16,020 --> 00:29:17,680 或逼你負債 or- or forced you into it. 509 00:29:17,770 --> 00:29:19,520 你是心甘情願負債的 You went willingly. 510 00:29:22,360 --> 00:29:24,480 動物園的動物至少還會抗爭一下 At least the animals in the zoo fight. 511 00:29:24,520 --> 00:29:27,360 我不是動物 I'm not an animal. 512 00:29:27,400 --> 00:29:29,950 但你已經在動物園裡了 你們所有人 But you're in the zoo. All of you. 513 00:29:29,990 --> 00:29:31,780 每個月 And every month, 514 00:29:31,820 --> 00:29:33,870 利率都會上升 the interest rate goes up, 515 00:29:33,910 --> 00:29:36,200 滯納金也會上漲 the fees and fines. 516 00:29:36,240 --> 00:29:38,290 你晚上幫孩子掖好被窩 卻不告訴他們 You tuck your kids in at night, never telling them 517 00:29:38,330 --> 00:29:39,870 他們也成了籠中鳥 that they're- they're in the cage, too, 518 00:29:39,910 --> 00:29:41,960 因為當你死後 because, when you die, 519 00:29:42,000 --> 00:29:44,420 你的債務就會轉到他們身上 your debts become theirs. 520 00:29:45,960 --> 00:29:47,460 所以 So, 521 00:29:47,510 --> 00:29:49,170 你給我記住 just know that, when you 522 00:29:49,220 --> 00:29:52,090 你面前坐著的 talk to me, you're talking 523 00:29:52,140 --> 00:29:54,300 是動物園管理員 to the zookeeper. 524 00:29:55,310 --> 00:29:57,970 不是什麼旅鼠或狐猴 Not some lemming or lemur 525 00:29:58,020 --> 00:29:59,640 裡昂太太 Mrs. Lyon. 526 00:29:59,680 --> 00:30:02,270 是 我聽到了 Yes, I heard you. 527 00:30:02,310 --> 00:30:05,940 我那個疑似有 My psychotic 528 00:30:05,980 --> 00:30:09,110 殺人傾向的精神病兒媳 possibly homicidal daughter- in- law 529 00:30:09,150 --> 00:30:13,410 從戒備森嚴的精神病院逃出來了 escaped a locked psychiatric ward. 530 00:30:13,450 --> 00:30:16,330 我想知道的是 你會去找她嗎 And what I want to know is, are you gonna look for her, 531 00:30:16,370 --> 00:30:19,620 還是要坐在全州唯一一座你明知 or are you gonna sit drinking coffee in the one house 532 00:30:19,660 --> 00:30:21,870 她不在的房子裡喝咖啡 in the state where I know that girl ain't at? 533 00:30:32,010 --> 00:30:33,800 -拉森 你在嗎 -收到 Larson, are you there? Copy. 534 00:30:33,840 --> 00:30:35,800 拉爾森在 收到 Larson here. Copy. 535 00:30:44,520 --> 00:30:46,690 嗨 Hi. 536 00:30:47,690 --> 00:30:49,190 媽媽 Mommy? 537 00:30:55,200 --> 00:30:57,410 見到你太開心了 I'm so happy to see you. 538 00:30:57,450 --> 00:31:00,160 他們說你病了 我看起來像生病了嗎 They said you were sick. - Do I look sick? 539 00:31:00,200 --> 00:31:02,660 你看起來很累 You look tired. 540 00:31:02,710 --> 00:31:04,460 放心 關鍵時刻我很能打 Well, I'm right as rain where it matters, so- - 541 00:31:04,500 --> 00:31:06,920 -媽媽 -你說 Mama? - Yeah? 542 00:31:06,960 --> 00:31:08,790 羅伊治安官是誰 Who's Sheriff Roy? 543 00:31:11,510 --> 00:31:13,880 你從哪兒聽到這個名字的 Where did you hear that name? 544 00:31:13,970 --> 00:31:15,970 他來過奶奶家 He was here at Grandma's, 545 00:31:17,180 --> 00:31:19,260 他讓我向你問好 He said to say hi. 546 00:31:21,470 --> 00:31:22,850 他誰都不是 He's no one. 547 00:31:24,810 --> 00:31:27,440 只是媽媽以前一個熟人 Just someone Mommy used to know. 548 00:31:27,480 --> 00:31:29,190 我們走吧 Let's go. 549 00:31:29,230 --> 00:31:30,940 來 快跟我來 Come on, come on. 550 00:31:38,660 --> 00:31:40,330 請出示身份證 ID, please. 551 00:31:42,250 --> 00:31:43,870 可我正要離開 But I'm leaving. 552 00:31:43,910 --> 00:31:46,210 -請出示身份證 -別擋我道 - ID, please. - Get out of my way. 553 00:31:46,250 --> 00:31:48,580 長官 我有令在身 Sir, I have my orders. 554 00:31:48,630 --> 00:31:52,090 任何進出人員 都必須出示身份證 Nobody comes or goes without showing ID. 555 00:31:52,130 --> 00:31:55,050 是我雇的你 你的工資支票是我簽的 I hired you. I sign your paychecks. 556 00:31:55,090 --> 00:31:57,050 我是你老闆 That's who I am. 557 00:31:57,090 --> 00:31:59,050 我表示感謝 先生 I appreciate that, sir. 558 00:31:59,100 --> 00:32:01,640 但還請出示證件 I insist. ID, please. 559 00:32:10,400 --> 00:32:13,030 謝謝你 格雷夫斯先生 Thank you, Mr. Graves. 560 00:32:13,070 --> 00:32:14,570 去你媽的 Fuck you. 561 00:32:14,610 --> 00:32:16,610 別再他媽這麼搞我明白嗎 Don't do this to me again. Do you understand? 562 00:32:16,650 --> 00:32:18,450 -你看到斯科特了嗎 -什麼 Have you seen Scotty? - What? 563 00:32:18,490 --> 00:32:19,870 斯科特 她剛還在這兒 Scotty. She was just here. 564 00:32:19,950 --> 00:32:22,240 我找不到她了 - - I can't find her. 565 00:32:22,290 --> 00:32:26,200 你趕快去把裡昂夫人的孫女找到吧 Well, I guess you'd better find Mrs. Lyon's granddaughter. 566 00:32:27,500 --> 00:32:30,080 玩具盒 發現失蹤 Toy box. 10- 65. 567 00:32:30,130 --> 00:32:32,040 收到失蹤報告 馬上與你匯合 Copy that, 10- 65. Moving your direction. 568 00:32:55,150 --> 00:32:56,780 拜託 Come on. 569 00:32:56,820 --> 00:32:58,450 該死 Shit. 570 00:33:18,880 --> 00:33:20,340 我煮了咖啡 I made coffee. 571 00:33:21,300 --> 00:33:23,180 想來點嗎 You want some? 572 00:33:31,350 --> 00:33:32,770 好主意 Why not? 573 00:33:32,810 --> 00:33:35,730 看來我一時半會兒也睡不了 Looks like I'll be up for a while. 574 00:33:37,190 --> 00:33:38,900 嘿 親愛的 Hey, hon. 575 00:33:38,900 --> 00:33:42,200 一半的警力都在找你 你沒事吧 We got half the force looking for you. You okay? 576 00:33:42,240 --> 00:33:44,700 我們晚餐吃了早餐那一套 We had breakfast for dinner. 577 00:33:44,740 --> 00:33:47,410 她喜歡這樣 She loves that. 578 00:33:48,410 --> 00:33:49,870 誰不喜歡呢 Who doesn't? 579 00:33:58,260 --> 00:34:01,680 我往裡面加了點肉桂和蜂蜜 I added cinnamon and a little honey. 580 00:34:03,050 --> 00:34:05,430 還能這麼操作 好喝 Didn't know you could do that. Hmm. 581 00:34:05,470 --> 00:34:08,060 你有什麼她能看的動畫片嗎 You got some cartoons she could watch? 582 00:34:10,390 --> 00:34:13,850 我家有線電視上周就停了 Uh, they turned off the cable last week... 583 00:34:16,110 --> 00:34:18,230 不過客廳裡還有張 ...but I think there's a Little MermaidDVD 584 00:34:18,280 --> 00:34:21,320 《小美人魚》的光碟 somewhere in the living room. Mm. 585 00:34:23,280 --> 00:34:24,870 你覺得如何 How about that? Hmm? 586 00:34:24,910 --> 00:34:26,830 《小美人魚》聽上去還不錯吧 How does that sound? Little Mermaid. 587 00:34:26,870 --> 00:34:29,290 瑪麗蘇劇好無聊 Princesses are dumb. - 588 00:34:29,330 --> 00:34:31,370 乞丐就別挑肥揀瘦了 But beggars can't be choosers. 589 00:34:31,410 --> 00:34:33,870 -遙控器在桌子上 -去吧 Remote's on the table. - Go on. 590 00:34:39,880 --> 00:34:43,180 我在想 放眼世界史 I'm trying to think of who, in the history of the world, 591 00:34:43,220 --> 00:34:45,550 還有誰經歷過與你一樣勇敢的一周 has had a week like the one you just had. 592 00:34:46,550 --> 00:34:48,680 估計阿米莉亞·埃爾哈特能有一拼 Amelia Earhart, maybe. 593 00:34:48,720 --> 00:34:50,270 才過了一周嗎 It's only been a week? 594 00:34:50,310 --> 00:34:52,100 差不多吧 Give or take. 595 00:34:52,140 --> 00:34:54,390 你面相很和善 You got a nice face. 596 00:34:55,360 --> 00:34:57,020 你知道嗎 You know that? 597 00:34:58,020 --> 00:34:59,650 眼裡透著善良 Kind, in the eyes. 598 00:35:01,610 --> 00:35:04,280 必要的時候 我也可以很凶狠的 Oh, I can be scary when I need to. 599 00:35:04,320 --> 00:35:07,070 -問我老公就知道了 -嗯 - Just ask my husband. - Hmm. 600 00:35:07,160 --> 00:35:10,330 就是車庫裡那個人嗎 Is that him in the garage? 601 00:35:10,370 --> 00:35:12,910 他在裡面幹什麼啊 都待了好幾個小時了 What's he doing in there? It's been hours. 602 00:35:12,960 --> 00:35:16,210 是啊 九號桿 八號桿 七號桿 Yeah. The nine iron, the eight iron, the seven iron. 603 00:35:16,250 --> 00:35:18,130 想聽推桿的事 那就有的講了 Don't get me started on the putter. 604 00:35:18,170 --> 00:35:21,210 他是個高爾夫球手 Ah. He's a golfer. 605 00:35:25,840 --> 00:35:29,510 你有沒有做過這樣的夢 在你醒來的一刻 You ever have a dream where you, you wake up one day 606 00:35:29,560 --> 00:35:33,600 意識到自己的天賦永遠吃不了這碗飯 and you realize you're just not tall enough to reach it? 607 00:35:34,640 --> 00:35:37,100 他只是還沒醒呢 Well, he ain't woke up yet. 608 00:35:37,190 --> 00:35:40,520 他總覺得是裝備的問題“需要更好的裝備” Keeps thinking it's the gear. "Maybe with better gear. " 609 00:35:40,570 --> 00:35:43,570 所以 每個月的信用卡賬單 So, every month when I open the credit card bills, 610 00:35:43,610 --> 00:35:48,450 就像滾雪球一樣 they just keep getting bigger and bigger. 611 00:35:57,290 --> 00:36:00,420 我得把斯科特留在這兒幾天 I need to leave Scotty here for a few days. 612 00:36:01,460 --> 00:36:03,340 你不是認真的吧 You're not serious. 613 00:36:03,380 --> 00:36:06,130 兩天 最多三天吧 Two. Three, maybe, tops? - 614 00:36:07,090 --> 00:36:08,970 我要去辦點事 I got to do something. 615 00:36:09,050 --> 00:36:10,600 我不 I don't 616 00:36:11,850 --> 00:36:14,430 她在洛林那邊不安全 She's not safe at Lorraine's. 617 00:36:15,480 --> 00:36:17,520 誰會害她呢 Safe from what? 618 00:36:41,000 --> 00:36:42,290 我這裡的入住費用是 Price of admission. 619 00:36:43,500 --> 00:36:45,460 你告訴我真相 You tell me the truth, 620 00:36:45,510 --> 00:36:46,970 我看看是否能幫忙 and I'll see if I can help you out. 621 00:36:49,640 --> 00:36:51,090 好吧 Okay. 622 00:37:04,650 --> 00:37:08,150 前幾天 有幾個人找上了我 Some fellas came for me the other day, 623 00:37:08,240 --> 00:37:10,320 他們萬聖節也來過 and again on Halloween. 624 00:37:11,320 --> 00:37:12,870 是誰 Who? 625 00:37:12,910 --> 00:37:15,490 我丈夫 My husband. 626 00:37:15,540 --> 00:37:17,040 第一任丈夫 The first one. 627 00:37:18,960 --> 00:37:20,920 韋恩 Before Wayne. 628 00:37:21,920 --> 00:37:24,420 我當時才17歲 I was 17. 629 00:37:24,460 --> 00:37:26,630 他們收留我時 我才15歲 15 when they took me in. 630 00:37:26,670 --> 00:37:29,510 那就是完全不同的故事了 That's a whole other story. 631 00:37:30,470 --> 00:37:31,970 繼續說 Keep going. 632 00:37:38,810 --> 00:37:42,270 在一切順風順水時 他們是不會打你的 They never hit you when it's going their way, you know? 633 00:37:44,770 --> 00:37:46,940 只有當他們感覺軟弱 It's when they're weak, 634 00:37:46,990 --> 00:37:50,360 需要假裝堅強 and just pretending to be strong. 635 00:37:50,410 --> 00:37:53,780 需要霸凌弱小來感受自己強大的時候才會 When they need something small to climb on to feel big. 636 00:37:56,490 --> 00:37:59,660 他們 你說的是”他們” "They"? You said"they. " 637 00:37:59,710 --> 00:38:01,370 你就讓我 Can I just 638 00:38:05,090 --> 00:38:07,590 讓我把她留在這兒吧 Can I leave her here or what? 639 00:38:09,550 --> 00:38:12,720 多蘿西 Dorothy 640 00:38:12,760 --> 00:38:14,720 你是個通緝犯 You're a wanted fugitive. 641 00:38:14,760 --> 00:38:17,930 你女兒是失蹤人口 疑似綁架 Your daughter is a missing person, presumed kidnapped, 642 00:38:17,970 --> 00:38:20,390 而我是一名執法警察 我 and I'm an officer of the law. I 643 00:38:20,440 --> 00:38:22,190 所以你不同意嗎 So that's a no? - 644 00:38:22,270 --> 00:38:24,900 寶貝 我又向右偏了 Babe, I'm slicing right again. 645 00:38:24,940 --> 00:38:27,150 都怪沃爾特賣我的那些破球桿 It's those goddamn clubs that Walter sold me. 646 00:38:27,230 --> 00:38:28,940 我打算明早退回去 I'm gonna take them back in the morning, 647 00:38:28,990 --> 00:38:30,990 看看能不能換成五星級的史詩加大桿 see if he'll exchange them for the Epic MAX Star five, 648 00:38:31,030 --> 00:38:34,320 但做好被他狠宰一筆的準備吧 but we need to be prepared for him to bone me. 649 00:38:36,280 --> 00:38:38,330 寶貝 廚房裡坐著位女士 Babe, there's a lady in our kitchen. 650 00:38:38,370 --> 00:38:40,330 當然 There sure is. 651 00:38:44,210 --> 00:38:46,790 這是我朋友愛麗絲 我們是在聖盧克教堂 This is my friend Alice, from the potlucks 652 00:38:46,840 --> 00:38:48,670 百家飯活動上認識的 over at Saint Luke's. 653 00:38:49,840 --> 00:38:52,880 嗨 原諒我一身的邋裡邋遢 Hi. Forgive the getup. 654 00:38:52,930 --> 00:38:55,140 我剛在醫院連上了兩輪班 I just pulled a double at the hospital. 655 00:39:01,140 --> 00:39:02,810 她女兒斯科特會跟我們 Her daughter Scotty's gonna be staying with us 656 00:39:02,850 --> 00:39:05,520 住幾天 for a couple of days. 657 00:39:05,560 --> 00:39:08,900 她正在客廳看《小美人魚》呢 She's in the living room, watching The Little Mermaid. 658 00:39:11,280 --> 00:39:13,360 你是指真正的小孩嗎 Like, an actual kid?