1 00:00:20,750 --> 00:00:23,930 - -你會遇到麻煩的,夥計。 - -You're gonna get in trouble, man. 2 00:00:23,980 --> 00:00:25,850 然後移居法國。 Then move to France. 3 00:00:25,890 --> 00:00:29,020 法國人嗎,哥們?不,你就像... The French, buddy? No. You're, like... 4 00:00:29,070 --> 00:00:30,630 法國人會比你更喜歡我。 The French would like me better than you. 5 00:00:30,680 --> 00:00:32,770 - -嗯,不,我不認為... - -Well, no, I-I don't think... 6 00:00:39,990 --> 00:00:42,300 現在,我知道那裡至少有一名舞者 Now, I know there's at least one dancer in there 7 00:00:42,340 --> 00:00:44,340 這是針對你的限制令,維維安。 that's got a restraining order against you, Vivian. 8 00:00:44,390 --> 00:00:46,000 五百英尺。 Five hundred feet. 9 00:00:46,040 --> 00:00:49,310 那不是——W——Y——你得到的是舊信息,警長。 That's not-- W-- Y-You got old information, Sheriff. 10 00:00:49,350 --> 00:00:51,480 坎迪上個月搬到蘇福爾斯 Candy moved down to Sioux Falls last month 11 00:00:51,520 --> 00:00:53,140 -照顧她的母親。-哦,那麼現在 -to take care of her mother. -Oh, so now 12 00:00:53,180 --> 00:00:55,570 你在監視那個可憐的女孩,是吧? you're keeping tabs on the poor girl, huh? 13 00:00:56,960 --> 00:00:59,100 法官不會喜歡這樣的。一點也不。 Judge won't gonna like that. Not at all. 14 00:01:03,010 --> 00:01:04,890 你們兩個孩子平安到家了吧? You two kids get home safe, huh? 15 00:01:07,630 --> 00:01:09,500 周四麋鹿隊見。 See you at the Elks on Thursday. 16 00:01:15,590 --> 00:01:16,940 你收到了我的支票,對吧? You got my check, right? 17 00:01:16,980 --> 00:01:19,340 - 連任基金?- -The re-election fund? - 18 00:01:19,380 --> 00:01:21,290 --有……有我的女孩 --Had... had my girl 19 00:01:21,340 --> 00:01:23,120 - -上周親自完成。 - -make it out personally last week. 20 00:01:23,170 --> 00:01:26,300 - 什麼……什麼他媽的,羅伊?- -What... what the fuck, Roy? - 21 00:01:26,340 --> 00:01:27,870 -嗯?-什麼... -Hm? -What... 22 00:01:29,210 --> 00:01:31,780 你不能再做這種事了,羅伊。 You can't do this shit anymore, Roy. 23 00:01:31,830 --> 00:01:34,260 我現在認識州長了。 I-I know the governor now. 24 00:01:37,610 --> 00:01:40,880 現在看看生死攸關的時刻會發生什麼 See, now, what happens in moments of life and death 25 00:01:40,920 --> 00:01:42,970 一切都成為焦點。 is that everything comes into focus. 26 00:01:44,660 --> 00:01:46,410 你專注嗎,維維安? Are you focused, Vivian? 27 00:01:47,450 --> 00:01:48,930 是-是的,是的。 Y-yeah, yeah. 28 00:01:48,970 --> 00:01:51,110 你不會把你的銀行賣給那個女人。 You're not gonna sell your bank to that woman. 29 00:01:52,320 --> 00:01:53,850 L-裡昂? L-Lyon? 30 00:01:53,890 --> 00:01:56,290 Th-Th-就是那個。 Th-Th-That's the one. 31 00:01:56,330 --> 00:01:58,680 你不會賣掉它,你不會談判, You're not gonna sell it, you're not gonna negotiate, 32 00:01:58,720 --> 00:02:00,330 你甚至不會回她的電話。 you're not even gonna return her calls. 33 00:02:00,380 --> 00:02:02,470 W-為什麼? W-Why? 34 00:02:02,510 --> 00:02:04,680 等等,等等,等等! Wait, wait, wait! 35 00:02:04,730 --> 00:02:06,080 哦-好的。 O-Okay. 36 00:02:06,120 --> 00:02:08,860 尋找其他致富之道。 Find some other way to get rich. 37 00:02:08,910 --> 00:02:10,860 取消一些房屋的贖回權, Foreclose on some homes, 38 00:02:10,910 --> 00:02:13,170 出售抽獎券。我不在乎。 sell raffle tickets. I don't care. 39 00:02:13,220 --> 00:02:15,430 但那個女人卻一無所獲。 But that woman gets nothing. 40 00:02:15,480 --> 00:02:17,610 我們清楚了嗎? We're clear? 41 00:02:17,650 --> 00:02:19,050 是的。 Yeah. 42 00:02:21,310 --> 00:02:22,880 現在你為什麼不跳一小段舞呢? Now why don't you do a little dance? 43 00:02:24,180 --> 00:02:25,580 什麼? What? 44 00:02:28,580 --> 00:02:29,970 我只是在開玩笑。 I'm just kidding. 45 00:02:30,010 --> 00:02:31,620 沒有人願意看到這一點。 Nobody wants to see that. 46 00:03:04,180 --> 00:03:06,570 - -我們一直很有耐心。 - - We've been patient. 47 00:03:08,660 --> 00:03:10,140 比耐心更有耐心。 More than patient. 48 00:03:12,490 --> 00:03:14,620 但如果我們今天不能解決這件事 But if we can't settle this thing today, 49 00:03:14,670 --> 00:03:18,410 我的下一個電話是我們的訴訟部門。 my next call is to our litigation department. 50 00:03:18,450 --> 00:03:20,890 謝謝,請務必撥打此電話 Thank you, and please make sure to give this call 51 00:03:20,930 --> 00:03:22,980 - 下一次調查五顆星。- -five stars on the next survey. - 52 00:03:48,960 --> 00:03:51,530 看起來你找到了麥片。 Looks like you found the cereal. 53 00:03:51,570 --> 00:03:53,270 磨砂片。 Frosted Flakes. 54 00:03:53,320 --> 00:03:55,400 - 你的孩子喜歡它們嗎?- -Your kid likes 'em? - 55 00:03:55,450 --> 00:03:57,010 - 嗯,有點。- -Well, kinda. - 56 00:03:57,060 --> 00:03:59,630 我的老公。他還不夠。 My husband. He can't get enough. 57 00:04:00,800 --> 00:04:02,670 你送我去學校嗎? Are you taking me to school? 58 00:04:02,720 --> 00:04:04,670 今天不上學。 No school today. 59 00:04:04,720 --> 00:04:06,070 今天是假期嗎? Is it a holiday? 60 00:04:07,110 --> 00:04:08,850 在某種方式。 In a way. 61 00:04:08,900 --> 00:04:11,200 - 但是我要去上班,所以... - -But I got to go to work, so... - 62 00:04:13,730 --> 00:04:16,030 又睡車庫了? Slept in the garage again? 63 00:04:19,690 --> 00:04:21,210 你不必開門。 You don't have to open the door. 64 00:04:23,080 --> 00:04:26,260 校車看到我在抽屜裡。 School bus saw me in my drawers. 65 00:04:28,090 --> 00:04:29,740 另外,外面很冷。 Plus, it's freezing out. 66 00:04:29,790 --> 00:04:31,270 斯科蒂,親愛的,你可以嗎 Scotty, hon, could you 67 00:04:31,310 --> 00:04:32,310 請把你的書拿到客廳好嗎? take your book to the living room, please? 68 00:04:32,350 --> 00:04:34,660 要我清理碗嗎? Want me to clear my bowl? 69 00:04:34,700 --> 00:04:36,050 請。 Please. 70 00:04:43,500 --> 00:04:45,800 我今天需要你看著她。這只是幾個小時。 I need you to watch her today. It's just for a few hours. 71 00:04:45,850 --> 00:04:47,630 -我想要一個妻子。-也許你可以帶她去公園什麼的-- -I want a wife. -Maybe you could take her to the park or what-- 72 00:04:47,670 --> 00:04:49,720 等等,你說什麼? Wait, what did you say? 73 00:04:51,420 --> 00:04:52,940 我說我想要一個妻子。 I said I want a wife. 74 00:04:53,940 --> 00:04:55,940 我是你的妻子。 I am your wife. 75 00:04:55,990 --> 00:04:58,080 不。 No. 76 00:04:58,120 --> 00:04:59,990 妻子。 A wife. 77 00:05:00,030 --> 00:05:03,340 有人保持房子清潔和做飯。 Someone to keep the house clean and-and cook. 78 00:05:04,470 --> 00:05:05,560 我煮。 I cook. 79 00:05:05,600 --> 00:05:09,740 誰做飯好吃,你知道嗎? Who cooks good, you know? 80 00:05:09,780 --> 00:05:13,130 當我生病時,他會照顧我,並且不會抱怨。 Takes care of me when I'm sick and doesn't complain about it. 81 00:05:13,180 --> 00:05:15,010 誰想先知道我今天過得怎麼樣 Who wants to know how my day was first 82 00:05:15,050 --> 00:05:16,790 並聆聽答案。 and listens to the answer. 83 00:05:17,790 --> 00:05:19,180 一個支持我的女人。 A woman who supports me. 84 00:05:19,230 --> 00:05:20,840 哦... Oh... 85 00:05:20,880 --> 00:05:22,320 我支持你。 I support you. 86 00:05:22,360 --> 00:05:24,190 不,我說的是情感上的。 No, emotionally, I'm saying. 87 00:05:25,190 --> 00:05:26,500 一個妻子,她... A wife who... 88 00:05:26,540 --> 00:05:29,320 誰建立了我的信心, who builds my confidence, 89 00:05:29,370 --> 00:05:33,280 一切都圍繞著……我。 who everything revolves around... me. 90 00:05:33,330 --> 00:05:35,110 不...我知道-我知道你做什麼 Not... And I know-I know what you do 91 00:05:35,160 --> 00:05:37,070 這很重要,我也這麼認為,但是…… is important, I do, but... 92 00:05:38,070 --> 00:05:40,380 我也很重要你知道嗎? I'm important, too, you know? 93 00:05:40,420 --> 00:05:43,340 我的需求,讓我成長 My needs, so I can grow 94 00:05:43,380 --> 00:05:44,990 並成為最好的。 and be the best. 95 00:05:45,040 --> 00:05:46,600 好的? Okay? 96 00:05:47,820 --> 00:05:50,430 啦啦隊長,我就是這樣的…… A cheerleader, is what I'm... 97 00:05:50,480 --> 00:05:54,170 你知道,一個來俱樂部的妻子 You know, a wife who comes to the club 98 00:05:54,220 --> 00:05:56,530 對於社交,而不是 for the socials and doesn't 99 00:05:56,570 --> 00:05:59,140 談論什麼是重罪或什麼是輕罪, talk about what's a felony or what's a misdemeanor, 100 00:05:59,180 --> 00:06:01,140 但交易食譜, but trades recipes, 101 00:06:01,180 --> 00:06:03,310 正確的?與其他妻子。 right? With the other wives. 102 00:06:04,750 --> 00:06:06,140 當我獲勝時誰鼓掌 Who claps when I win 103 00:06:06,190 --> 00:06:08,320 當我不這樣做的時候,就會撫摸我的背, and rubs my back when I don't, 104 00:06:08,360 --> 00:06:10,020 並說:“下次你會得到它們 and says, "You'll get 'em next time 105 00:06:10,060 --> 00:06:12,720 因為你太棒了。” because you are amazing." 106 00:06:20,720 --> 00:06:22,460 這就是全部? Is that all? 107 00:06:24,990 --> 00:06:27,380 不。 No. 108 00:06:27,430 --> 00:06:30,390 我想要一個能照顧我其他需求的妻子—— I want a wife who takes care of my other needs-- 109 00:06:30,430 --> 00:06:32,170 我的男人需要—— my man needs-- 110 00:06:32,210 --> 00:06:34,210 當我想要的時候 when I feel like it, 111 00:06:34,260 --> 00:06:37,220 並沒有說她累了或者背痛 and doesn't say she's tired or that her back hurts 112 00:06:37,260 --> 00:06:38,830 或者當我完成後退出 or to pull out when I finish 113 00:06:38,870 --> 00:06:40,480 因為她沒有服用避孕藥 'cause she's not on the pill. 114 00:06:40,530 --> 00:06:42,530 我想要一個吃避孕藥的妻子。 Which-- I want a wife who's on the pill. 115 00:06:43,660 --> 00:06:45,400 我不能吃藥。 I can't take the pill. 116 00:06:45,440 --> 00:06:46,620 我出現血塊。 I get blood clots. 117 00:06:46,660 --> 00:06:48,270 那麼,宮內節育器。 Well, an IUD then. 118 00:06:50,540 --> 00:06:53,630 好吧,看看,看看。重點是我累了 Okay, look, look. the-the point is I am tired 119 00:06:53,670 --> 00:06:56,190 感覺我必須成為這裡的一切 of feeling like I got to be everything around here 120 00:06:56,240 --> 00:06:57,460 每時每刻。 all the time. 121 00:06:57,500 --> 00:06:59,110 男人和妻子。 The man and the wife. 122 00:06:59,150 --> 00:07:02,980 就像,我必須一直支持你,你的需求, Like, I got to support you all the time, your needs, 123 00:07:03,030 --> 00:07:05,200 因為你的工作很辛苦而你總是說 'cause your job is hard and you're always saying 124 00:07:05,250 --> 00:07:06,770 你必須加班。 you have to pick up extra shifts. 125 00:07:08,550 --> 00:07:11,730 我們是 192,000 美元 We are $192,000 126 00:07:11,770 --> 00:07:13,860 負債累累。 in debt. 127 00:07:13,910 --> 00:07:15,690 然後。 And that. 128 00:07:15,730 --> 00:07:18,080 一個不是妻子的人 A wife who is not 129 00:07:18,130 --> 00:07:21,130 一直提醒我負面的事情... reminding me all the time about negative... 130 00:07:21,170 --> 00:07:22,740 消極情緒,你知道嗎? negativity, you know? 131 00:07:22,790 --> 00:07:24,570 壓力,當我需要保持積極的時候, Pressure, when I-I need to stay positive, 132 00:07:24,610 --> 00:07:26,220 因為這是一場心理遊戲,對吧? 'cause it's a mental game, right? 133 00:07:26,270 --> 00:07:27,830 你擊球的距離有多遠,無論你是否處於沙坑中, How far you hit a drive, whether you're in the sand trap, 134 00:07:27,880 --> 00:07:29,310 而你只是... and you just... 135 00:07:29,360 --> 00:07:32,710 糟糕。你對此很糟糕。 suck. You suck at that. 136 00:07:33,800 --> 00:07:35,890 所以我想要一個妻子。 So I want a wife. 137 00:07:40,020 --> 00:07:41,850 我上班遲到了。 I'm late for work. 138 00:07:43,240 --> 00:07:44,980 我們可以談談 We can talk about 139 00:07:45,020 --> 00:07:48,030 誰以後真的需要一個妻子。 who really needs a wife later. 140 00:07:51,550 --> 00:07:53,600 斯科蒂,親愛的。我得出去了。 Scotty, hon. I got to go out. 141 00:07:53,640 --> 00:07:55,950 我會盡快回來。 I'll be back as soon as I can. 142 00:07:55,990 --> 00:07:57,300 好吧,那麼。 Okay, then. 143 00:07:57,340 --> 00:07:58,390 我該拿她怎麼辦? What am I supposed to do with her? 144 00:07:58,430 --> 00:08:00,040 我接受了物理治療 I got physical therapy 145 00:08:00,080 --> 00:08:01,870 我應該在 2:00 走果嶺,我的導師說, and I'm supposed to walk the green at 2:00, my guru says, 146 00:08:01,910 --> 00:08:03,350 所以我可以閉著眼睛玩它。 so I can play it with my eyes shut. 147 00:08:03,390 --> 00:08:05,480 你是個大男孩了。想辦法。 You're a big boy. Figure it out. 148 00:08:35,990 --> 00:08:38,560 拜託,拜託—— Please, ple-- 149 00:08:45,910 --> 00:08:47,350 說吧。 Say it. 150 00:08:47,390 --> 00:08:49,180 我要打電話給多特,叫她來。 I'm gonna call Dot and tell her to come. 151 00:08:49,220 --> 00:08:51,870 多特到底是誰? Who the fuck is Dot? 152 00:08:51,920 --> 00:08:54,440 聽著,等等,等等!聽。 Listen, wait, wait! Listen. 153 00:08:54,490 --> 00:08:55,490 聽。 Listen. 154 00:08:55,530 --> 00:08:56,880 我得了癌症。 I got cancer. 155 00:08:56,920 --> 00:08:58,230 我需要做手術。 I need an operation. 156 00:08:58,270 --> 00:08:59,840 你找錯人了。 You got the wrong guy. 157 00:08:59,880 --> 00:09:01,620 你有…… You got... 158 00:09:01,670 --> 00:09:03,970 - 他媽的。- -Fuck. - 159 00:09:07,450 --> 00:09:09,850 去你媽的,你這個該死的混蛋。 Fuck you, you fucking piece of shit. 160 00:09:09,890 --> 00:09:11,150 - 去你的!- -Fuck you! - 161 00:09:13,940 --> 00:09:16,940 ...在我的電話中,但他們從沒想過我會發布它, ...on my phone call, but they never thought I'd release it, 162 00:09:16,990 --> 00:09:18,550 所以他們會沒事的。 so they were gonna be okay. 163 00:09:18,600 --> 00:09:22,210 八次,交換條件。 Eight times,quid pro quo. 164 00:09:22,250 --> 00:09:24,210 除了沒有時間。 Except it was no times. 165 00:09:24,250 --> 00:09:27,780 毫米。這次他們是動真格的了。 Mm. They are doing it for real this time. 166 00:09:27,820 --> 00:09:29,480 豺狼。 Jackals. 167 00:09:31,570 --> 00:09:33,520 彈劾這位偉人。 Impeaching that great man. 168 00:09:33,570 --> 00:09:34,960 現在,耳朵上方不太短。 Now, not too short above the ears. 169 00:09:35,000 --> 00:09:36,530 我即將開始辯論。 I got the debate coming up. 170 00:09:37,790 --> 00:09:39,400 得到我的山羊, Gets my goat, 171 00:09:39,440 --> 00:09:41,880 他們日夜追捕那個可憐的人。 they're hounding that poor man day and night. 172 00:09:41,920 --> 00:09:43,530 雙胞胎也這麼認為。 The twins think so, too. 173 00:09:43,580 --> 00:09:45,410 我們想看動畫片。 We want to watch cartoons. 174 00:09:45,450 --> 00:09:46,840 嘿。 Hey. 175 00:09:46,890 --> 00:09:48,760 不要和你媽媽頂嘴。 Don't talk back to your mother. 176 00:09:51,460 --> 00:09:53,590 在韋恩裡昂起亞, Down at Wayne Lyon Kia, 177 00:09:53,630 --> 00:09:55,590 我們得到了城裡最低的價格, we got the lowest prices in town, 178 00:09:55,630 --> 00:09:57,550 我沒有說謊。 and I ain't lyin'. 179 00:09:57,590 --> 00:09:59,940 大家好,我是裡昂汽車公司的韋恩·裡昂。 Hi, I'm Wayne Lyon at Lyon Motors. 180 00:09:59,990 --> 00:10:01,380 我想讓你駕駛一輛新的...... And I want to get you behind the wheel of a new... 181 00:10:01,420 --> 00:10:03,470 啊啊! Aah! 182 00:10:03,510 --> 00:10:05,080 -哦,羅伊。親愛的...-媽的,女人。 -Oh, Roy. Honey... -Shit, woman. 183 00:10:05,120 --> 00:10:07,380 我很抱歉。 I am so sorry. 184 00:10:07,430 --> 00:10:08,690 -上帝。-我不知道發生了什麼事。 -God. -I don't know what happened. 185 00:10:08,730 --> 00:10:10,080 等一下,讓我... Hold on, let me just... 186 00:10:11,170 --> 00:10:12,690 這是我媽媽的餐巾。 These are my mother's napkins. 187 00:10:12,740 --> 00:10:14,350 發生了什麼事,凱倫,你有嗎? What happened, Karen, is you got 188 00:10:14,390 --> 00:10:16,960 都陷入與你無關的事情中 all caught up in things that don't concern you 189 00:10:17,000 --> 00:10:18,660 而你卻忽視了手頭的工作。 and you lost sight of the job at hand. 190 00:10:20,570 --> 00:10:22,140 -你說得對。-現在是上午 10:00。 -You're right. -Now, it's 10:00 in the morning. 191 00:10:22,180 --> 00:10:23,970 我認為這些女孩有更好的事情要做 I think these girls have something better to do 192 00:10:24,010 --> 00:10:26,710 而不是像一對福利女王一樣坐在這裡看電視。 than sit here, watch TV like a couple of welfare queens. 193 00:10:28,270 --> 00:10:29,280 - 女孩們,來吧。- -Girls, come on. - 194 00:10:29,320 --> 00:10:30,890 來吧,你爸爸是對的。 Come on, your daddy's right. 195 00:10:30,930 --> 00:10:32,240 是時候去上課了。 It's time to get to your lessons. 196 00:10:32,280 --> 00:10:33,800 - 啊,該死。- -Ah, dang it. - 197 00:10:38,980 --> 00:10:41,330 一瞬間還以為你是那個瘋狂的瑞典人。 Thought you were that crazy Swede for a second. 198 00:10:42,680 --> 00:10:45,120 因為他少了半隻耳朵。 On account of he's missing half an ear. 199 00:10:45,160 --> 00:10:46,820 很搞笑。 Very funny. 200 00:10:49,250 --> 00:10:51,950 當你準備好時,把納丁的丈夫放進包廂裡。 Got Nadine's husband in the box when you're ready. 201 00:10:51,990 --> 00:10:53,520 我是納丁的丈夫。 I'm Nadine's husband. 202 00:10:54,560 --> 00:10:57,220 當然。呃... Sure. Uh... 203 00:10:57,260 --> 00:10:58,960 呃,我的意思是,呃, uh, what I meant was, uh, 204 00:10:59,000 --> 00:11:01,660 汽車推銷員在屠宰場裡,準備談話。 the car salesman's in the abattoir, ready to talk. 205 00:11:01,700 --> 00:11:02,920 你有讓他軟化一點嗎? Did you soften him up a little bit? 206 00:11:02,960 --> 00:11:04,010 哦,他的牙齒仍然完好無損, Oh, he's still got all his teeth, 207 00:11:04,050 --> 00:11:05,620 如果這就是你要問的 if that's what you're asking, 208 00:11:05,660 --> 00:11:08,180 但只是因為它們在那裡非常好。 but only 'cause they're in there pretty good. 209 00:11:08,230 --> 00:11:09,840 哭得像個小女孩? Crying like a little girl? 210 00:11:09,880 --> 00:11:11,580 他生氣了,我告訴你。 He's pissed, I'll tell you that. 211 00:11:11,620 --> 00:11:14,020 叫了我幾個小學以來就沒聽過的名字。 Called me a few names I ain't heard since grade school. 212 00:11:15,630 --> 00:11:17,760 發誓我們找錯人了,就像, Swears we got the wrong guy, which is, like, 213 00:11:17,800 --> 00:11:19,330 不錯的嘗試,混蛋。 nice try, asshole. 214 00:11:19,370 --> 00:11:20,500 以為你說他很溫柔。 Thought you said he was soft. 215 00:11:20,540 --> 00:11:21,680 嗯,他受到了很大的震驚 Well, he had a pretty good shock 216 00:11:21,720 --> 00:11:23,460 在家裡,你知道。 at the house, you know. 217 00:11:23,500 --> 00:11:25,330 手指插入舊電燈插座。 Finger in the old light socket. 218 00:11:25,380 --> 00:11:26,810 有時這會擾亂大腦。 Sometimes that scrambles the brain. 219 00:11:26,860 --> 00:11:28,990 你聽過那些故事,對嗎? You hear those stories, right? 220 00:11:29,030 --> 00:11:30,860 “我的丈夫不是我嫁給的那個人 "My husband ain't the man I married 221 00:11:30,900 --> 00:11:32,300 自從閃電擊中以來。” since the lightning struck." 222 00:11:37,000 --> 00:11:38,080 什麼? What? 223 00:11:49,360 --> 00:11:52,840 我們臉上一直戴著頭巾 We've been wearing kerchiefs on our faces 224 00:11:52,880 --> 00:11:54,670 所以他以後就認不出我們了。 so he don't recognize us later. 225 00:12:02,760 --> 00:12:04,110 ……你不明白嗎?我不知道 ...don't you understand? I don't know 226 00:12:04,150 --> 00:12:05,500 你他媽的在說什麼。 what the fuck you're talking about. 227 00:12:05,550 --> 00:12:07,200 哦,那這是誰? Oh, who's this, then? 228 00:12:07,240 --> 00:12:09,110 噢,白痴大隊之王,嗯? Oh, king of the idiot brigade, eh? 229 00:12:09,160 --> 00:12:10,860 讓我告訴你 Let me tell you 230 00:12:10,900 --> 00:12:12,770 我告訴另外兩個白痴的話。 what I told these other two morons. 231 00:12:12,810 --> 00:12:16,380 你綁架了一個錯誤的笨蛋。我在高層有朋友, You kidnapped the wrong chump. I got friends in high places, 232 00:12:16,430 --> 00:12:18,470 當他們和你搞清楚之後 and when they get through with you, 233 00:12:18,520 --> 00:12:20,040 你會希望自己是膠水廠的那匹馬, you're gonna wish you were the horse at a glue factory, 234 00:12:20,080 --> 00:12:21,870 你…… you... 235 00:12:21,910 --> 00:12:23,260 - 耶穌!- -Jesus! - 236 00:12:34,660 --> 00:12:36,620 爸爸,他媽的怎麼了? What the hot fuck, Dad? 237 00:12:36,660 --> 00:12:38,710 我以為這個應該留在車裡。 I thought this one was supposed to stay in the car. 238 00:12:38,750 --> 00:12:40,020 是的。 Yeah. 239 00:12:40,060 --> 00:12:41,840 所以你也是個豹子。 So you're a leptard, too. 240 00:12:41,890 --> 00:12:43,320 現在我們該如何讓她回來? How are we supposed to get her back now? 241 00:12:43,370 --> 00:12:46,110 -你扼殺了我們的影響力。-那不是他,天才。 -You killed our leverage. -That's not him, genius. 242 00:12:47,150 --> 00:12:48,850 你抓錯了餡餅。 You grabbed the wrong patsy. 243 00:12:49,810 --> 00:12:51,330 什麼?不。 What? No. 244 00:12:56,950 --> 00:12:58,380 我在車裡。 I was in the car. 245 00:12:58,420 --> 00:13:00,170 那是他他媽的。 That's his fuck up. 246 00:13:01,990 --> 00:13:03,600 他就在房間裡,這個傢伙。 He was in the room, this guy. 247 00:13:03,650 --> 00:13:05,740 門上寫著名字。 Name was on the door. 248 00:13:05,780 --> 00:13:08,260 -不知道我還能做什麼。-看? -Don't know what else I could've done. -See? 249 00:13:08,300 --> 00:13:11,260 我以為你說你看到了汽車推銷員 I thought you said you saw the car salesman 250 00:13:11,310 --> 00:13:13,480 -萬聖節那天在他家裡。-是的。 -in his house on Halloween. -Yeah. 251 00:13:13,530 --> 00:13:15,310 說你看好他了。 Said you got a good look at him. 252 00:13:21,620 --> 00:13:22,970 天很黑,好嗎? It was dark, okay? 253 00:13:23,010 --> 00:13:25,630 著火了,然後……我…… And on fire, and... I... 254 00:13:26,540 --> 00:13:27,760 他抓住了他。 He grabbed him. 255 00:13:28,850 --> 00:13:30,630 說我們找到那個人了。這是... Said we got the guy. It's the... 256 00:13:30,670 --> 00:13:33,200 你做什麼...建議的力量。 What do you... Power of suggestion. 257 00:13:43,470 --> 00:13:45,560 所以我們現在怎麼辦? So what do we do now? 258 00:13:47,130 --> 00:13:50,260 兒子,你遇到了不幸的問題。 Son, you got a bad-luck problem. 259 00:13:50,300 --> 00:13:52,350 在那裡的某個地方,有一個顛倒的馬蹄鐵 Somewhere out there, there's an upside down horseshoe 260 00:13:52,390 --> 00:13:53,480 上面有你的名字。 with your name on it. 261 00:13:53,520 --> 00:13:55,090 我剛剛下場了。 I'm just off my game is all. 262 00:13:56,610 --> 00:13:58,700 你知道我是贏家。 You know I'm a winner. 263 00:13:58,750 --> 00:14:00,270 全州四分衛,神槍手, All-state quarterback, crack shot, 264 00:14:00,310 --> 00:14:02,100 我閉著眼睛把所有的別針敲倒。 knocking all the pins down with my eyes closed. 265 00:14:02,140 --> 00:14:03,880 那是你的男孩, That's your boy, 266 00:14:03,930 --> 00:14:05,840 不是這堆嘔吐物。 not this puke pile. 267 00:14:07,280 --> 00:14:09,020 好吧,我想我知道你去哪兒了 All right, I think I know where you got 268 00:14:09,060 --> 00:14:11,320 你爪子上的那根刺。拿車。 that thorn in your paw. Get the car. 269 00:14:11,370 --> 00:14:12,800 我們去哪兒? Where we going? 270 00:14:12,850 --> 00:14:14,630 付給妖怪。 To pay the boogeyman. 271 00:14:23,070 --> 00:14:24,380 你是說病人有一個額外的-- And you're saying that the patient had a sur-- 272 00:14:24,420 --> 00:14:26,120 西摩先生。 Mr. Seymour. 273 00:14:26,160 --> 00:14:27,730 你是說他今天早上安排了手術 You're saying he had surgery scheduled this morning, 274 00:14:27,770 --> 00:14:28,990 但他檢查了自己。 but he checked himself out. 275 00:14:29,040 --> 00:14:30,470 不,他們帶走了他。 No, they took him. 276 00:14:30,520 --> 00:14:31,870 WHO? Who? 277 00:14:31,910 --> 00:14:34,170 兩名男子。他們說他們是一家人。 Two men. They said they were family. 278 00:14:34,220 --> 00:14:35,430 會發生這種事,對吧? That happens, right? 279 00:14:35,480 --> 00:14:36,830 病人會臨陣退縮。 Patient gets cold feet. 280 00:14:36,870 --> 00:14:38,790 是的,除了他的妻子歇斯底裡 Yeah, except his wife is hysterical 281 00:14:38,830 --> 00:14:40,610 從那以後就沒人見過他。 and nobody's seen him since. 282 00:14:52,410 --> 00:14:55,410 就在同一天,那兩個聯邦調查局的傢伙出現了。 And on the same day, those two FBI fellas showed up. 283 00:14:55,450 --> 00:14:57,760 -聯邦調查局?-哦耶。他們正在尋找那個 -FBI? -Oh, yeah. They were looking for that 284 00:14:57,800 --> 00:15:00,680 精神病女,離家出走。 mental patient female, the runaway. 285 00:15:00,720 --> 00:15:02,980 他們現在正在樓下的自助餐廳裡,正在和裡昂先生談話。 They're down in the cafeteria right now, talking to Mr. Lyon. 286 00:15:04,030 --> 00:15:05,420 嗯,就像我說的, Well, like I said, 287 00:15:05,460 --> 00:15:06,860 我們只是想和你妻子談談 we just want to talk to your wife, 288 00:15:06,900 --> 00:15:08,550 確保她沒事。 make sure she's okay. 289 00:15:09,900 --> 00:15:11,730 先生們,你們很確定嗎? Are you gentlemen quite certain 290 00:15:11,780 --> 00:15:13,430 我不能給你一個鑽頭嗎? I can't offer you a gimlet? 291 00:15:13,470 --> 00:15:15,820 呃,不,謝謝。 Uh, no, thanks. 292 00:15:17,000 --> 00:15:18,650 她給了我們單據, She gave us the slip, 293 00:15:18,700 --> 00:15:20,610 但我們認為她正在逃避別人。 but we think she's running from someone else. 294 00:15:22,350 --> 00:15:25,310 對不起,我有一個... I'm sorry, I had a... 295 00:15:26,360 --> 00:15:28,970 我——我還是有點偏向一邊。 I'm-I'm a little sideways, still. 296 00:15:29,010 --> 00:15:30,880 我... I... 297 00:15:30,930 --> 00:15:32,580 接線錯誤。 Faulty wiring. 298 00:15:32,620 --> 00:15:34,970 我想我的房子被燒毀了。 I-I think my house burned down. 299 00:15:35,020 --> 00:15:37,410 我們對此有疑問。 And we have questions about that. 300 00:15:37,450 --> 00:15:41,110 有問題的那個晚上。你還記得什麼。 The night in question. What you remember. 301 00:15:41,150 --> 00:15:42,890 鄰居們說他們看到了幾個“不給糖就搗蛋”的人 Neighbors said they saw a couple of trick-or-treaters 302 00:15:42,940 --> 00:15:45,240 火災發生後逃離該處所。 fleeing the premises after the flames started. 303 00:15:45,290 --> 00:15:46,940 那... That... 304 00:15:46,980 --> 00:15:49,600 逃跑?我不... Fleeing? I-I don't... 305 00:15:54,430 --> 00:15:57,650 你看過那部電影,嗯... You ever see that movie, The,um... 306 00:15:59,040 --> 00:16:01,130 ...聖誕前的噩夢? ...Nightmare Before Christmas? 307 00:16:02,130 --> 00:16:04,700 那——那是一部奇怪的電影。 That-that's a weird movie. 308 00:16:04,740 --> 00:16:08,090 我想說我夢見過它,但在... I want to say I-I dreamed it, but in... 309 00:16:08,140 --> 00:16:09,790 現實生活。 real life. 310 00:16:12,360 --> 00:16:14,620 好吧,先生,要說這個可不容易。 Well, sir, there's no easy way to say this. 311 00:16:14,660 --> 00:16:16,710 - -嗯... - -Um... 312 00:16:16,750 --> 00:16:18,710 你的妻子並不是她所說的那樣。 Your wife isn't who she says she is. 313 00:16:18,760 --> 00:16:21,020 多蘿西·裡昂——呃, Dorothy Lyon-- uh, 314 00:16:21,060 --> 00:16:23,060 這就是我們在工作中所說的別名。 that's what we call an alias in our line of work. 315 00:16:23,110 --> 00:16:24,200 一個封面故事。 A cover story. 316 00:16:24,240 --> 00:16:27,240 她的真名是納丁·邦普。 Her real name is Nadine Bump. 317 00:16:29,590 --> 00:16:32,200 -納丁?——當他還是個孩子的時候, -Nadine? -When he was a boy, 318 00:16:32,250 --> 00:16:35,690 我兒子想成為一名芭蕾舞演員。 my son wanted to be a ballerina. 319 00:16:35,730 --> 00:16:37,250 我告訴他了... I told him... 320 00:16:37,300 --> 00:16:39,650 該物種的雄性 the male of the species 321 00:16:39,690 --> 00:16:41,520 被稱為“芭蕾舞演員” is called a "ballerino," 322 00:16:41,560 --> 00:16:44,740 但他不能動搖。 but he couldn't be swayed. 323 00:16:44,780 --> 00:16:46,700 你說她不是我妻子是什麼意思? What do you mean she's not my wife? 324 00:16:46,740 --> 00:16:48,480 呃,不,不。 Uh, no, no. 325 00:16:48,520 --> 00:16:52,220 -她是你的妻子。-但同時,她也不是。 -She's your wife. -But also, she isn't. 326 00:16:52,270 --> 00:16:54,140 - 對不起?-看,她是 -I'm sorry? - See, she was 327 00:16:54,180 --> 00:16:55,710 以前結婚過。 married previously. 328 00:16:55,750 --> 00:16:57,790 有人會說,還是結婚了。根據法律規定。 Still married, some would say. Under the law. 329 00:16:57,840 --> 00:17:01,100 給另一個男人。一個壞人。 To a-another man. A bad man. 330 00:17:01,150 --> 00:17:02,190 於是她就逃離了他。 So she ran away from him. 331 00:17:02,230 --> 00:17:03,450 並找到了通往你的路。 And found her way to you. 332 00:17:03,500 --> 00:17:05,370 冒充多蘿西。 Posing as Dorothy. 333 00:17:06,370 --> 00:17:07,590 擺姿勢? Posing? 334 00:17:07,630 --> 00:17:09,020 這是一個經典的騙局。 It's a classic scam. 335 00:17:09,070 --> 00:17:10,980 你在墓地裡找到一塊墓碑, You find a gravestone in a cemetery, 336 00:17:11,030 --> 00:17:13,070 一個英年早逝的人,你接管了他們的身份, somebody who died young and you take over their identity, 337 00:17:13,110 --> 00:17:16,290 呃,社會安全號碼等等。 uh, Social Security number, etcetera. 338 00:17:16,330 --> 00:17:18,250 我們認為這個傢伙—— We think this fella-- 339 00:17:18,290 --> 00:17:21,950 原來的,也許也是同時的丈夫—— the original, maybe also simultaneous husband-- 340 00:17:21,990 --> 00:17:24,260 找到了她並追趕她。 found her and came after her. 341 00:17:24,300 --> 00:17:26,170 你妻子。 Your wife. 342 00:17:26,210 --> 00:17:28,690 上周的第一個晚上他帶了她。 That he took her that first night last week. 343 00:17:28,740 --> 00:17:30,000 好的?然後,當她逃走時, Okay? And then, when she escaped, 344 00:17:30,040 --> 00:17:31,780 他在萬聖節回來找她, he came back for her on Halloween, 345 00:17:31,830 --> 00:17:35,660 也許在此過程中燒毀了你的房子。 maybe burning your house down in the process. 346 00:17:35,700 --> 00:17:37,400 現在她逃跑了。 And now she's fled. 347 00:17:37,440 --> 00:17:41,100 所以,我們希望您能有一些見解 So, we're hoping you might have some insight 348 00:17:41,140 --> 00:17:43,800 -至於可能的目的地。-打擾一下。 -as to possible destination. -Excuse me. 349 00:17:43,840 --> 00:17:47,020 英迪拉·奧姆斯特德,斯堪迪亞警察局。 Indira Olmstead, Scandia PD. 350 00:17:47,060 --> 00:17:49,150 你的機器上可能有十幾條給我的消息。 You've probably got a dozen messages for me on your machine. 351 00:17:49,190 --> 00:17:51,500 警官,我們正在接受採訪。 We're right in the middle of an interview, officer. 352 00:17:52,500 --> 00:17:54,850 就我的情況而言。 On my case. 353 00:17:54,890 --> 00:17:56,770 相信我,你會想聽的 And believe me, you're gonna want to hear 354 00:17:56,810 --> 00:17:57,940 關於這件事我必須說些什麼。 what I've got to say on the matter. 355 00:17:57,980 --> 00:18:01,550 你見過我妻子嗎? Have-have you seen my wife? 356 00:18:01,600 --> 00:18:03,640 她今天本來應該來看我的。 She was supposed to visit me today. 357 00:18:08,560 --> 00:18:10,040 不,先生。 No, sir. 358 00:18:10,080 --> 00:18:13,040 但我確信她很好。 But I'm sure she's fine. 359 00:18:13,090 --> 00:18:14,870 還有你的女兒。 And your daughter. 360 00:18:15,830 --> 00:18:18,000 我的斯科蒂打鼓。 My Scotty plays the drums. 361 00:18:18,050 --> 00:18:20,920 隆美爾用了鼓聲 Rommel used the sound of drums 362 00:18:20,960 --> 00:18:22,880 讓他的敵人發瘋。 to drive his enemy mad. 363 00:18:26,580 --> 00:18:27,800 我們到這裡就完成了。 We're done here. 364 00:18:27,840 --> 00:18:30,020 裡昂先生,裡昂先生。 Mr. Lyon, Mr. Lyon. 365 00:18:30,060 --> 00:18:31,930 呃,我們會——我們會繞回來。 Uh, we'll-we'll circle back. 366 00:18:31,980 --> 00:18:34,200 -官。-太感謝了。 -Officer. -Thank you so much. 367 00:18:35,280 --> 00:18:37,330 好的。 Okay. 368 00:18:39,160 --> 00:18:40,810 舞蹈家。 Ballerino. 369 00:18:53,430 --> 00:18:56,780 - 哈!- -Hyah! - 370 00:18:56,830 --> 00:18:59,050 爸爸,來吧。你不會付錢給這個人。 Dad, come on. You're not paying this guy. 371 00:19:00,130 --> 00:19:03,440 美好的。我們本末倒置了 和... Fine. We're upside down. And... 372 00:19:03,490 --> 00:19:06,840 也許這是巫毒或其他什麼,但是... maybe it's voodoo or whatever, but... 373 00:19:06,880 --> 00:19:09,140 ...用子彈解決它,而不是... ...solve it with a bullet, not... 374 00:19:10,450 --> 00:19:12,150 不然怎麼辦? Otherwise, what? 375 00:19:13,150 --> 00:19:15,110 我們信任這個人嗎? We trust this guy? 376 00:19:17,850 --> 00:19:19,330 “這是你的錢,請解除詛咒”? "Here's your money, please lift the curse"? 377 00:19:19,370 --> 00:19:21,290 我不這麼認為。 I don't think so. 378 00:19:21,330 --> 00:19:23,550 我們試圖殺死他。 We tried killing him. 379 00:19:23,590 --> 00:19:27,200 現在我們正在從正在下沉的船上撈水。 Now we're bailing water out of a sinking boat. 380 00:19:27,250 --> 00:19:28,950 距離選舉還有一周,我們仍然在 Election's a week away and we're still 381 00:19:28,990 --> 00:19:31,730 全力糾正納丁的舊錯誤, balls-deep on righting old wrongs with Nadine, 382 00:19:31,770 --> 00:19:33,300 我們的雞巴在微風中。 our dicks in the breeze. 383 00:19:35,730 --> 00:19:37,560 我們需要排除運氣因素。 We need to take luck out of the equation. 384 00:19:37,610 --> 00:19:40,040 時期。故事結局。 Period. End of story. 385 00:19:49,310 --> 00:19:51,400 繼續搜查他,然後在車裡等著。 Go on, search him, then wait in the car. 386 00:19:53,450 --> 00:19:55,410 來吧,來吧。 Come on, come on. 387 00:19:55,450 --> 00:19:57,840 - -我們走吧。 - -Let's go. 388 00:20:07,720 --> 00:20:09,330 讓我看看你的手。 Let me see your hands. 389 00:20:26,570 --> 00:20:27,960 這不是一場勝利。 It's not a win. 390 00:20:29,090 --> 00:20:31,400 我們宣布抽籤。 We're calling a draw. 391 00:20:33,970 --> 00:20:36,010 所以別得意忘形。 So don't get cocky. 392 00:20:52,720 --> 00:20:54,810 我在市場上尋找牛市。 I'm in the market for a bull. 393 00:20:56,510 --> 00:20:58,160 他們告訴我,這是有科學依據的, There's a science to it, they tell me, 394 00:20:58,210 --> 00:21:01,340 但我更喜歡憑直覺行事。 but I prefer to go on instinct. 395 00:21:01,390 --> 00:21:03,820 為我父親和他之前的父親工作。 Worked for my father and his father before him. 396 00:21:05,610 --> 00:21:07,260 我們有生意。 We have business. 397 00:21:07,300 --> 00:21:10,130 天哪,看看那個怪物身上的雞巴。 Christ, look at the cock on that monster. 398 00:21:11,090 --> 00:21:14,090 肉就是肉。 Meat is meat. 399 00:21:15,360 --> 00:21:17,050 你話不多。我喜歡。 You don't talk much. I like that. 400 00:21:18,750 --> 00:21:22,620 一個人一生只能說這麼多的話。 A man has only so many words in his lifetime. 401 00:21:24,020 --> 00:21:26,280 為了我們, For us, 402 00:21:26,320 --> 00:21:28,890 剩下的已經很少了。 there are very few left. 403 00:21:36,460 --> 00:21:38,810 再加上利息,因為我們偏離了方向。 Plus interest, 'cause we got sideways. 404 00:21:38,860 --> 00:21:40,250 現在,我沒有和你達成協議 Now, I didn't make your deal 405 00:21:40,290 --> 00:21:42,250 但如果我有的話我就會很清楚了。 but if I had I would've been clear. 406 00:21:43,340 --> 00:21:44,950 那個女人就像蜱蟲一樣。 That woman's like a tick. 407 00:21:46,210 --> 00:21:49,130 無法壓碎她,無法將她拉乾淨。 Can't crush her, can't pull her out clean. 408 00:21:49,170 --> 00:21:51,700 窒息是關鍵。 Suffocation is the key. 409 00:21:51,740 --> 00:21:54,660 或者火。 Or fire. 410 00:21:54,700 --> 00:21:56,960 如果每次她發現陽光我都能得到五分錢 If I had a nickel for every time she found the daylight 411 00:21:57,010 --> 00:21:59,050 當我以為我已經埋葬了她的時候 when I thought I had her buried... 412 00:22:01,270 --> 00:22:02,750 以前從未遇到過問題 Never had a problem before 413 00:22:02,790 --> 00:22:04,800 或者從那以後,傷害了一個女人,但是那個, or since, breaking a woman, but that one, 414 00:22:04,840 --> 00:22:08,100 她是……你叫她什麼? she's... What'd you call her? 415 00:22:09,150 --> 00:22:10,930 一隻老虎。 A tiger. 416 00:22:10,980 --> 00:22:12,500 正確的。 Right. 417 00:22:12,540 --> 00:22:15,020 你以為你在追捕她,但其實一直 You think you're hunting her but all the while 418 00:22:15,070 --> 00:22:17,330 你只是一隻老鼠,而她正在玩她的晚餐。 you're just a mouse and she's playing with her supper. 419 00:22:21,250 --> 00:22:23,420 也許應該讓她這樣,但是…… Probably ought to let her be, but... 420 00:22:38,480 --> 00:22:41,400 當一個人挖墳墓時, When a man digs a grave, 421 00:22:41,440 --> 00:22:43,310 他必須填補它。 he has to fill it. 422 00:22:44,530 --> 00:22:47,840 不然的話,就只是一個坑而已。 Otherwise, it's just a hole. 423 00:23:21,610 --> 00:23:24,090 現在快樂嗎,臭鳥? Happy now, shitbird? 424 00:23:24,140 --> 00:23:25,750 你拿到錢了嗎? You got your money? 425 00:23:27,490 --> 00:23:29,190 人們死了。好男人。 People are dead. Good men. 426 00:23:29,230 --> 00:23:31,140 而你依然在地球上流浪 And you're still wandering the earth, 427 00:23:31,190 --> 00:23:33,280 呼吸他們應該呼吸的空氣。 breathing the air they should be breathing. 428 00:23:42,940 --> 00:23:44,720 一個男孩抱怨 A boy complains 429 00:23:44,770 --> 00:23:47,640 因為他認為這個世界是不公平的。 because he thinks the world is unfair. 430 00:23:47,680 --> 00:23:49,600 他向他的母親哭訴 He cries to his mother 431 00:23:49,640 --> 00:23:52,860 當玩具破裂或膝蓋破皮時。 when the toy breaks or the knee is skinned. 432 00:23:52,900 --> 00:23:55,390 他媽的。你就是那個會哭的人。 Fuck that. You're the one who's gonna be crying. 433 00:24:00,870 --> 00:24:03,050 男人更了解。 A man knows better. 434 00:24:04,310 --> 00:24:07,530 發生的事情就發生了。 The things that happen happen. 435 00:24:07,570 --> 00:24:11,050 誰生,誰死。 Who lives, who dies. 436 00:24:11,100 --> 00:24:14,750 你不會因為巨石是一塊岩石而大喊大叫。 You don't yell at the boulder for being a rock. 437 00:24:20,190 --> 00:24:23,240 你想聽最後一句話嗎?這裡是。 You want the last word? Here it is. 438 00:24:23,280 --> 00:24:25,630 我很快就會見到你,混蛋。 I'll see you soon, asshole. 439 00:25:05,060 --> 00:25:07,150 他的名字是羅伊·蒂爾曼。 His name is Roy Tillman. 440 00:25:07,200 --> 00:25:10,240 他是北達科他州斯塔克縣的警長。 He's the sheriff of Stark County, North Dakota. 441 00:25:11,550 --> 00:25:14,030 多蘿西·裡昂是他的妻子。 Dorothy Lyon was his wife. 442 00:25:14,070 --> 00:25:15,990 她11年前失蹤了。 She disappeared 11 years ago. 443 00:25:16,030 --> 00:25:17,820 到目前為止,人們都認為它已經死亡。 Until now, it was presumed dead. 444 00:25:20,250 --> 00:25:22,860 我看到了他。 I saw him. 445 00:25:22,910 --> 00:25:23,870 昨天。 Yesterday. 446 00:25:23,910 --> 00:25:25,780 在裡昂莊園。 At the Lyon Estate. 447 00:25:25,820 --> 00:25:27,480 他在那裡做什麼? What was he doing there? 448 00:25:29,000 --> 00:25:31,260 我猜是在尋找他的妻子。 Looking for his wife, I'm guessing. 449 00:25:33,480 --> 00:25:36,400 他是一個真正的“我就是法律”類型, He's a real "I am the law" type, 450 00:25:36,440 --> 00:25:39,010 -她的丈夫。-除了他的法律版本是支出 -her husband. -Except his version of the law is spending 451 00:25:39,050 --> 00:25:41,230 一百萬美元購買戰術裝備 a million dollars on tactical gear 452 00:25:41,270 --> 00:25:43,840 用納稅人的錢買武器, and weapons on the taxpayer's dollar, 453 00:25:43,890 --> 00:25:46,980 然後將它們送給右翼民兵 and then gifting them to a right-wing militia. 454 00:25:47,020 --> 00:25:48,590 由羅伊的岳父經營。 Run by Roy's father-in-law. 455 00:25:48,630 --> 00:25:49,760 現任岳父。 Current father-in-law. 456 00:25:52,680 --> 00:25:55,200 但多蘿西會如何幫助你呢? But how's Dorothy gonna help you with that? 457 00:25:55,240 --> 00:25:57,900 她已經十年不再是蒂爾曼夫人了。 She hasn't been Mrs. Tillman in ten years. 458 00:25:57,940 --> 00:25:59,860 警長,他管理嚴密。 He runs a tight ship, the sheriff. 459 00:25:59,900 --> 00:26:00,900 沒有人說話。 Nobody talks. 460 00:26:00,950 --> 00:26:02,380 人們消失了。納丁... People disappear. Nadine... 461 00:26:02,430 --> 00:26:04,040 -太太。裡昂。-她認識所有的球員, -Mrs. Lyon. -She knows all the players, 462 00:26:04,080 --> 00:26:06,780 甚至可能埋葬屍體的地方。 maybe even where the bodies are buried. 463 00:26:06,820 --> 00:26:09,650 我們用她來翻轉它們。 We use her to flip them. 464 00:26:11,390 --> 00:26:14,570 兒子或牧場工頭。 The son or the ranch foreman. 465 00:26:20,230 --> 00:26:21,970 你知道她在哪裡嗎? Do you know where she is? 466 00:26:23,930 --> 00:26:25,400 我不。 I do not. 467 00:26:30,240 --> 00:26:32,320 虐待怎麼辦? What about the abuse? 468 00:26:32,370 --> 00:26:35,550 他曾經毆打過她? The fact that he used to beat her? 469 00:26:35,590 --> 00:26:37,630 或者當前的犯罪、綁架企圖? Or the current crimes, kidnapping attempts? 470 00:26:39,110 --> 00:26:43,070 密謀殺害一名北達科他州士兵。 Conspiracy to kill a North Dakota state trooper. 471 00:26:43,120 --> 00:26:45,600 或者,我的意思是,他們昨天抓到的這個旁觀者。 Or, I mean, this bystander they grabbed up yesterday. 472 00:26:45,640 --> 00:26:46,990 可能帶他回牧場 Probably took him back to the ranch, 473 00:26:47,040 --> 00:26:48,250 以為他是韋恩。 thinking he's Wayne. 474 00:26:48,300 --> 00:26:50,170 我說我們 I say that we 475 00:26:50,210 --> 00:26:53,170 拿到搜查令,今天就去那裡。現在。 get a warrant and go there today. Now. 476 00:26:53,220 --> 00:26:54,430 天知道他們要對他做什麼 God knows what they're gonna do with him 477 00:26:54,480 --> 00:26:55,430 當他們意識到他是假的時 when they realize he's a fake. 478 00:26:55,480 --> 00:26:57,260 如果他不在呢? And if he's not there? 479 00:26:57,310 --> 00:27:01,180 然後我們舉手,他團結起來,先生…… Then we showed our hand, he closes ranks, Mister... 480 00:27:01,220 --> 00:27:03,050 西摩. Seymour. 481 00:27:03,090 --> 00:27:04,750 最終被扔下懷俄明州某處的懸崖, Ends up thrown off a cliff somewhere in Wyoming, 482 00:27:04,790 --> 00:27:06,270 再也見不到了。 never to be seen again. 483 00:27:06,320 --> 00:27:07,800 是的。 Yeah. 484 00:27:11,280 --> 00:27:12,890 如果你看到她。 If you see her. 485 00:27:12,930 --> 00:27:14,450 我會打電話。 I'll call. 486 00:27:16,460 --> 00:27:18,150 這就是它的工作原理,對吧? That's how this works, right? 487 00:27:18,200 --> 00:27:21,550 你幫我。我幫你。 You help me. I help you. 488 00:27:21,590 --> 00:27:23,940 我們都幫助多蘿西。 And we all help Dorothy. 489 00:27:23,990 --> 00:27:26,550 你知道……受害者。 You know... the victim. 490 00:27:36,950 --> 00:27:38,520 拉屎。 Shit. 491 00:27:40,780 --> 00:27:41,960 我很無聊。 I'm bored. 492 00:27:42,000 --> 00:27:43,530 嗯。 Uh-huh. 493 00:27:46,620 --> 00:27:48,140 這些是誰的? Whose are these? 494 00:27:48,180 --> 00:27:50,190 別碰那個。 Don't touch that. 495 00:27:50,230 --> 00:27:51,840 怎麼會? How come? 496 00:27:51,880 --> 00:27:54,410 這不是一個玩具。這是一個工具。 It's not a toy. It's a tool. 497 00:27:56,710 --> 00:27:59,060 那為什麼說“打鼓”呢? Then why do they say "play the drums"? 498 00:28:00,370 --> 00:28:02,590 好吧,我得出去了, Okay, I got to go out, 499 00:28:02,630 --> 00:28:04,720 去看我的物理治療師。 see my physical therapist. 500 00:28:06,240 --> 00:28:08,290 晚餐呢? What about dinner? 501 00:28:09,510 --> 00:28:12,900 嗯,她會給你帶來一些東西。 Um, she'll bring you something. 502 00:28:12,950 --> 00:28:14,340 大概。 Probably. 503 00:28:16,080 --> 00:28:17,870 好的。 Okay. 504 00:28:17,910 --> 00:28:20,390 不要燒毀房子。 Don't burn the house down. 505 00:28:54,340 --> 00:28:56,950 也許有問題。 Problem, maybe. 506 00:28:58,300 --> 00:29:00,600 薇薇安或他的人不會接我的電話。 Vivian or his man won't take my call. 507 00:29:00,650 --> 00:29:04,130 出了辦公室,他的女兒說道。無法到達。 Out of the office, his girl said. Unreachable. 508 00:29:04,170 --> 00:29:05,700 無法到達? Unreachable? 509 00:29:05,740 --> 00:29:08,520 無限期無法到達。 Indefinitely unreachable. 510 00:29:09,830 --> 00:29:11,610 他們在做什麼? What are they up to? 511 00:29:11,660 --> 00:29:14,530 呃,也許是把我們的腳放在火上。 Uh, holding our feet to the fire, maybe. 512 00:29:14,570 --> 00:29:17,140 玩得很難得到。呃... Playing hard to get. Uh... 513 00:29:17,190 --> 00:29:18,750 進而... and then... 514 00:29:18,800 --> 00:29:20,100 有這個。 there's this. 515 00:29:21,100 --> 00:29:22,580 那是什麼? What's that? 516 00:29:22,630 --> 00:29:25,320 呃,我想這是一件……這是一件正裝襯衫。 Uh, it's a... it's a dress shirt, I think. 517 00:29:25,370 --> 00:29:27,280 它是粉紅色的。 It's pink. 518 00:29:27,330 --> 00:29:30,110 呃,有人在接待處給你寄了這個。 Uh, someone dropped this off for you at reception. 519 00:29:30,150 --> 00:29:32,240 -為我?-是的。 -For me? -Yeah. 520 00:29:32,290 --> 00:29:33,770 它是字母組合的。 It's monogrammed. 521 00:29:33,810 --> 00:29:35,770 確實如此。 So it is. 522 00:29:36,730 --> 00:29:37,950 維德 V.D. 523 00:29:39,420 --> 00:29:42,730 哦,你收到了這張紙條。 Oh, and you got this note. 524 00:29:52,000 --> 00:29:54,530 -保安看到這個了嗎?-是的。 -Security saw this? -Yeah. 525 00:29:54,570 --> 00:29:57,010 他們說,他們有一個手寫人員在做這件事。 They got a handwriting guy working on it, they said. 526 00:29:57,050 --> 00:29:59,880 看看能否找到作者。 Seeing if they can trace the author. 527 00:29:59,920 --> 00:30:01,620 這意味著什麼,你認為—— What's it mean, you think-- 528 00:30:01,660 --> 00:30:03,190 “不在我的監視之下”? "Not on my watch"? 529 00:30:03,230 --> 00:30:04,800 那銀星又是怎麼回事呢? And what's with the silver star? 530 00:30:04,840 --> 00:30:07,020 意味著交易結束了。 Means the deal's off. 531 00:30:08,190 --> 00:30:10,150 感謝多蘿西的丈夫。 Thanks to Dorothy's husband. 532 00:30:11,150 --> 00:30:12,410 -韋恩?-不。 -Wayne? -No. 533 00:30:12,460 --> 00:30:13,760 笨蛋。 Idiot. 534 00:30:13,810 --> 00:30:16,510 第一任丈夫。警長。 The first husband. The sheriff. 535 00:30:16,550 --> 00:30:19,420 我沒有給他他想要的東西,所以... I didn't give him what he wanted, so... 536 00:30:19,460 --> 00:30:21,770 這是針鋒相對的。 this is tit for that. 537 00:30:21,820 --> 00:30:23,950 看看誰在周圍。 Look who's up and around. 538 00:30:23,990 --> 00:30:25,510 哦,現在不行。 Oh, not now. 539 00:30:25,560 --> 00:30:27,300 噢,裡昂夫人。 Oh, Mrs. Lyon. 540 00:30:27,340 --> 00:30:29,080 嘿,強擊手。 Hey there, slugger. 541 00:30:29,130 --> 00:30:30,870 你感覺怎麼樣? How are you feeling? 542 00:30:33,570 --> 00:30:35,790 - 使困惑。-我以為 -Confused. - I thought 543 00:30:35,830 --> 00:30:38,050 - 你要帶他去房子。-是的,女士, -you were taking him to the house. - Yes, ma'am, 544 00:30:38,090 --> 00:30:40,050 但他想見你。 but he wanted to see you. 545 00:30:41,050 --> 00:30:42,620 我想回家。 I want to go home. 546 00:30:43,530 --> 00:30:46,010 我的家。 My home. 547 00:30:47,100 --> 00:30:48,490 對不起。 Sorry. 548 00:30:48,540 --> 00:30:50,370 你妻子燒毀了房子。 Your wife burned the house down. 549 00:30:50,410 --> 00:30:52,720 我告訴了他,但他一直問她。 I told him, but he keeps asking for her. 550 00:30:52,760 --> 00:30:55,020 裡昂夫人。 Mrs. Lyon. 551 00:30:55,070 --> 00:30:57,330 另一個。 The other. 552 00:30:57,370 --> 00:30:58,980 毫米。 Mm. 553 00:30:59,030 --> 00:31:00,900 她... She... 554 00:31:00,940 --> 00:31:03,200 她出城幾天。 she went out of town for a few days. 555 00:31:03,250 --> 00:31:05,210 觀光。 Sightseeing. 556 00:31:05,250 --> 00:31:07,160 並帶著斯科蒂一起。 And took Scotty with her. 557 00:31:07,210 --> 00:31:09,730 他們說你該休息了。 They said you're supposed to rest. 558 00:31:09,780 --> 00:31:12,870 那麼,傑羅姆會帶你回家。 So, Jerome's gonna take you home. 559 00:31:12,910 --> 00:31:16,830 我們收拾了你的舊房間,拿出了你所有的東西。 We made up your old room, we got out all your stuffies. 560 00:31:16,870 --> 00:31:19,870 我稍後會回家,我們可以去拜訪。 I'll be home later, and we can visit. 561 00:31:21,000 --> 00:31:23,700 廚師正在製作勃艮第牛肉 Chef's making boeuf bourguignon 562 00:31:23,750 --> 00:31:25,790 和那些你喜歡的小洋蔥一起。 with those-those little onions you like. 563 00:31:25,840 --> 00:31:30,270 媽媽...媽媽,我...我... M... M-Mom, I wa... I w... 564 00:31:42,940 --> 00:31:45,200 獲取Vivian的手機號碼, Get Vivian's cell phone number, 565 00:31:45,250 --> 00:31:46,860 我不在乎如何。 I don't care how. 566 00:31:47,990 --> 00:31:50,030 然後給保時捷加油。 And then gas up the Porsche. 567 00:31:51,380 --> 00:31:53,120 我要去哪裡? Where am I going? 568 00:31:57,260 --> 00:31:59,390 竊取選舉。 To steal an election. 569 00:33:04,110 --> 00:33:06,590 看著你。 Look at you. 570 00:33:06,630 --> 00:33:08,810 這是一個不錯的套件。 This is a nice kit. 571 00:33:08,850 --> 00:33:10,160 嗯,應該是這樣。 Well, it ought to be. 572 00:33:10,200 --> 00:33:11,900 成本夠了。 Cost enough. 573 00:33:11,940 --> 00:33:13,940 是的,那是他最後的夢想, Yeah, that was his last dream, 574 00:33:13,990 --> 00:33:16,160 天上的餡餅先生。 Mr. Pie in the Sky. 575 00:33:17,470 --> 00:33:18,560 你今天過得怎麼樣? How was your day? 576 00:33:19,510 --> 00:33:21,120 超級無聊。 Super boring. 577 00:33:23,040 --> 00:33:24,170 拉爾斯在哪兒? Where's Lars? 578 00:33:24,210 --> 00:33:25,260 他離開了。 He left. 579 00:33:25,300 --> 00:33:27,000 他... He... 580 00:33:27,040 --> 00:33:28,520 物理治療什麼的。 Physical therapy or something. 581 00:33:28,570 --> 00:33:31,130 但那是一個小時前的事了。 But that was, like, an hour ago. 582 00:33:31,180 --> 00:33:33,010 你帶晚飯了嗎? Did you bring dinner? 583 00:33:34,050 --> 00:33:35,700 你最後吃的東西是什麼? What was the last thing you ate? 584 00:33:35,750 --> 00:33:37,920 我之前吃過一些餅乾。 I had some crackers before. 585 00:33:37,970 --> 00:33:39,530 比如,午餐時。 Like, at lunch. 586 00:33:43,670 --> 00:33:45,020 好吧。 Okay, then. 587 00:33:45,060 --> 00:33:46,150 我們去拿你的東西吧。 Let's get your stuff. 588 00:33:46,190 --> 00:33:47,850 我們去哪? Where are we going? 589 00:33:47,890 --> 00:33:49,630 去奶奶家。 To Grandma's. 590 00:34:06,950 --> 00:34:09,260 是的,你在這裡會很安全。 Yeah, you'll be safe here. 591 00:34:10,350 --> 00:34:11,650 好吧, All right, 592 00:34:11,700 --> 00:34:13,480 讓他們擁有吧,孩子們。 let them have it, boys. 593 00:34:13,520 --> 00:34:16,010 不!我是美國人。 Nein! Ich bin ein Amrikaner. 594 00:34:16,050 --> 00:34:17,920 不,他們不是!火! No, they're not! Fire! 595 00:34:17,960 --> 00:34:19,620 【模擬爆炸】 596 00:34:19,660 --> 00:34:21,970 - 啊啊!- -Aah! - 597 00:34:30,410 --> 00:34:31,930 看看我找到了誰。 Look who I found. 598 00:34:36,160 --> 00:34:38,200 前進。 Go ahead. 599 00:34:41,340 --> 00:34:42,640 爸爸! Daddy! 600 00:34:47,210 --> 00:34:48,560 斯科蒂. Scotty. 601 00:34:51,130 --> 00:34:52,220 嘿。 Hey. 602 00:34:54,390 --> 00:34:56,960 - 我愛你。-我非常想念你。 - I love you. - I missed you so much. 603 00:34:57,000 --> 00:34:58,310 哦,斯科蒂。 Oh, Scotty. 604 00:34:58,350 --> 00:35:00,050 你猜怎麼著,昨天我得到了…… Guess what, yesterday I got... 605 00:35:01,750 --> 00:35:03,570 - -是的。 - - Yeah. 606 00:35:03,620 --> 00:35:05,580 - 哦,是嗎?-你的手看起來好多了。 - Oh, yeah? - Your hand looks better. 607 00:35:12,840 --> 00:35:15,330 什麼,她媽媽有她嗎? What, did her mother have her 608 00:35:15,370 --> 00:35:17,460 在 Save Mart 外面耍花招? turning tricks outside the Save Mart? 609 00:35:18,460 --> 00:35:19,810 對不起? I'm sorry? 610 00:35:19,850 --> 00:35:21,940 不要那樣做。道歉的女人 Don't do that. Women who apologize 611 00:35:21,980 --> 00:35:23,990 對於那些不是他們的錯的事情 for things that aren't their fault 612 00:35:24,030 --> 00:35:27,210 還不如在他們的臉上寫上“歡迎墊”呢。 might as well have "welcome mat" written on their faces. 613 00:35:29,560 --> 00:35:30,910 現在你告訴我。 Now you tell me. 614 00:35:34,210 --> 00:35:35,610 那是什麼? What's that? 615 00:35:36,960 --> 00:35:38,570 這就是你兒媳婦的歷史 That's the history of your daughter-in-law, 616 00:35:38,610 --> 00:35:41,310 用拳頭和掐脖子的方式寫成。 written in punches and chokeholds. 617 00:35:43,660 --> 00:35:45,530 好吧,我確信我不需要看到這個。 Well, I'm sure I don't need to see that. 618 00:35:46,530 --> 00:35:47,750 自稱受害者的人 People who claim to be victims 619 00:35:47,790 --> 00:35:49,140 是這個國家的垮台。 are the downfall of this country. 620 00:35:49,190 --> 00:35:52,880 裡昂夫人,你的生命中曾有過你嗎? Mrs. Lyon, have you ever in your life 621 00:35:52,930 --> 00:35:54,190 聽你兒媳婦說 heard your daughter-in-law say 622 00:35:54,230 --> 00:35:55,800 她是受害者?任何東西? that she was a victim? Of anything? 623 00:35:55,840 --> 00:35:58,150 你可能不喜歡它,但有時 You may not like it, but sometimes 624 00:35:58,190 --> 00:35:59,940 犯罪是針對人的。 crimes are committed against people. 625 00:35:59,980 --> 00:36:02,550 他們是受害者。這不是他們的錯。 They're victimized. And it's not their fault. 626 00:36:03,940 --> 00:36:05,680 我告訴他不要娶她。 I told him not to marry her. 627 00:36:05,720 --> 00:36:07,120 這整個骯髒的混亂。 This whole sordid mess. 628 00:36:07,160 --> 00:36:08,900 你是說如果一個女人被虐待 You're saying if a woman is abused 629 00:36:08,940 --> 00:36:10,550 她設法逃脫, and she manages to escape, 630 00:36:10,600 --> 00:36:13,430 她應該搬到樹林裡去,住在樹上, she should move to the woods, live in a tree, 631 00:36:13,470 --> 00:36:15,650 擺脫基本人際接觸的負擔? free from the burdens of basic human contact? 632 00:36:15,690 --> 00:36:17,780 上帝不允許她重新開始, God forbid she gets a fresh start, 633 00:36:17,820 --> 00:36:19,650 好人洗去壞人的味道。 a good man to wash out the taste of the bad. 634 00:36:19,690 --> 00:36:21,000 我不喜歡你的語氣。 I don't like your tone. 635 00:36:21,040 --> 00:36:22,480 太難了。 Tough shit. 636 00:36:26,270 --> 00:36:29,400 我們中的一些人為了謀生而工作,回家後卻發現空盪蕩的房子 Some of us work for a living and go home to empty houses 637 00:36:29,440 --> 00:36:31,710 或-或 本來應該是空的房子卻被填滿了 or-or houses that should be empty but are instead filled 638 00:36:31,750 --> 00:36:34,970 和我們男孩配偶的髒內褲。 with the dirty underpants of our man-child spouses. 639 00:36:35,010 --> 00:36:37,490 你的問題是你認為自己很富有 Your problem is you think that you're rich 640 00:36:37,540 --> 00:36:38,710 因為你比我優秀。 cause you're better than me. 641 00:36:38,760 --> 00:36:39,800 哦拜託。 Oh, please. 642 00:36:39,840 --> 00:36:41,670 我們是一樣的。 We're the same. 643 00:36:41,720 --> 00:36:44,890 黎明前起床,在世界上留下我們的印記。 Up before dawn, making our mark on the world. 644 00:36:44,940 --> 00:36:48,720 -但你知道你真正與誰同步嗎?-嗯? -But you know who you're really in sync with? -Hm? 645 00:36:48,770 --> 00:36:50,510 多蘿西. Dorothy. 646 00:36:51,510 --> 00:36:52,510 是的。 Yeah. 647 00:36:52,550 --> 00:36:54,120 我知道你不想看 I know you don't want to see it, 648 00:36:54,160 --> 00:36:56,300 但讓我告訴你我所看到的。 but let me tell you what I see. 649 00:36:56,340 --> 00:37:00,130 我看到一個女人智勝了兩個綁匪 I see a woman who outsmarted two kidnappers, 650 00:37:00,170 --> 00:37:02,910 殺死了其中一個並差點殺死了另一個 killed one of them and nearly killed the other 651 00:37:02,950 --> 00:37:05,090 誰可能救了你兒子和孫女的命 and who probably saved your son and granddaughter's lives 652 00:37:05,130 --> 00:37:07,570 當他們再次來到她家時。 when they came at her again at the house. 653 00:37:07,610 --> 00:37:10,920 我看到一個無論如何都不會放棄的女人。 I see a woman who doesn't quit, no matter what. 654 00:37:10,960 --> 00:37:13,100 誰不會沉默。 Who won't be silenced. 655 00:37:13,140 --> 00:37:14,920 而且,與你不同的是, And, unlike you, 656 00:37:14,970 --> 00:37:17,100 誰從不抱怨。 who never complains. 657 00:37:18,450 --> 00:37:19,880 即使婆婆讓她犯了罪 Even when her mother-in-law has her committed 658 00:37:19,930 --> 00:37:21,540 去精神病院。 to a mental hospital. 659 00:37:24,800 --> 00:37:26,240 所以我給你帶來了她的檔案 So I brought you her file 660 00:37:26,280 --> 00:37:28,330 所以至少你可以成為一個受過教育的混蛋。 so at least you could be an educated asshole. 661 00:37:30,900 --> 00:37:32,900 來為我工作吧。 Come work for me. 662 00:37:34,330 --> 00:37:35,640 什麼? What? 663 00:37:35,680 --> 00:37:37,470 你看到了保安隊。 You saw the security team. 664 00:37:37,510 --> 00:37:39,250 所有這些傢伙。 All those dicks. 665 00:37:39,300 --> 00:37:41,560 想想對於處於我這個位置的女性來說,這會是什麼樣子。 Think about how that looks for a woman in my position. 666 00:37:41,600 --> 00:37:44,170 來當櫥窗裝飾——這就是提議? Come be window dressing-- that's the offer? 667 00:37:44,210 --> 00:37:46,780 不,不。快來管理安全團隊吧 No, no. Come run the security team, 668 00:37:46,820 --> 00:37:48,260 成為他們的老闆。 be their boss. 669 00:37:48,300 --> 00:37:50,870 - -我知道你需要錢。 - -I know you need the money. 670 00:37:50,920 --> 00:37:53,140 我可以幫助你償還債務,鞏固它, I can help with your debt, consolidate it, 671 00:37:53,180 --> 00:37:54,570 制定付款計劃, set up a payment schedule, 672 00:37:54,620 --> 00:37:56,790 把豺狼從你的背上趕走。 get the jackals off your back. 673 00:37:57,840 --> 00:37:59,710 說出你的價格。 Name your price. 674 00:38:01,320 --> 00:38:02,360 那是... That's... 675 00:38:03,580 --> 00:38:05,320 我有工作了。 I've got a job. 676 00:38:05,370 --> 00:38:09,240 清理警車後部的嘔吐物。 Cleaning vomit out of the back of a squad car. 677 00:38:09,280 --> 00:38:12,290 看看他們讓你穿什麼。 And look what they make you wear. 678 00:38:12,330 --> 00:38:15,900 我說的是白領工作 I'm talking about a white collar job, 679 00:38:15,940 --> 00:38:18,550 白領工資和福利, a white collar salary with benefits, 680 00:38:18,600 --> 00:38:21,290 經營一個代理團隊,周遊世界。 running a team of agents, traveling the world. 681 00:38:21,340 --> 00:38:23,820 我的意思是,你不能——你不能認真地拒絕它。 I mean, you can't-you can't seriously turn that down. 682 00:38:23,860 --> 00:38:26,300 否則,你和我就沒有什麼相似之處。 Otherwise, you and I are nothing alike. 683 00:38:33,350 --> 00:38:35,130 你真是太好了。 It's kind of you. 684 00:38:35,180 --> 00:38:36,530 不,這不對。 No, it's not. 685 00:38:37,750 --> 00:38:39,490 它很聰明。 It's smart. 686 00:38:40,790 --> 00:38:42,360 接受這份工作。 Take the job. 687 00:38:43,710 --> 00:38:45,360 我... I... 688 00:38:45,410 --> 00:38:47,620 我必須考慮一下 I-I've got to think about it, 689 00:38:47,670 --> 00:38:49,760 - 如果那是... - 不要請求許可。 -if that's... -Don't ask for permission. 690 00:38:52,500 --> 00:38:53,760 正確的。 Right. 691 00:38:54,940 --> 00:38:56,890 我會考慮一下。 I'm gonna think about it. 692 00:38:58,240 --> 00:39:00,860 與此同時, And in the meantime, 693 00:39:00,900 --> 00:39:03,420 想想我說的話。 think about what I said. 694 00:39:03,470 --> 00:39:04,990 關於多蘿西. About Dorothy. 695 00:39:05,030 --> 00:39:07,690 她在外面某個地方。 She's out there somewhere. 696 00:39:07,730 --> 00:39:10,130 而且她並沒有尋求幫助。 And she's not asking for help. 697 00:39:10,170 --> 00:39:12,080 但她需要它。 But she needs it. 698 00:39:19,960 --> 00:39:22,010 你還有24小時。 You've got 24 hours. 699 00:39:23,230 --> 00:39:25,140 或者機會就消失了。 Or the opportunity disappears. 700 00:39:28,320 --> 00:39:30,280 世界就是這樣運作的。 That's how the world works. 701 00:39:30,320 --> 00:39:32,370 這個短暫的窗口。 This brief window. 702 00:39:33,930 --> 00:39:35,500 謝謝。 Thank you. 703 00:39:35,540 --> 00:39:37,330 哦,我打賭你沒想到你會這麼說 Aw, bet you didn't think you were gonna say that 704 00:39:37,370 --> 00:39:39,500 當你走進這裡的時候,就是認真的。 and mean it when you walked in here. 705 00:40:23,810 --> 00:40:25,290 杜格先生。 Mr. Dugger. 706 00:40:28,380 --> 00:40:29,730 -我有電話要找你。-什麼? -I have a call for you. -What? 707 00:40:29,770 --> 00:40:32,770 謝謝。謝謝。 Thank you. Thanks. 708 00:40:32,820 --> 00:40:35,560 丹麥墳墓,救贖服務, Danish Graves, Redemption Services, 709 00:40:35,600 --> 00:40:37,210 以防你忘記了。 in case you forgot. 710 00:40:37,260 --> 00:40:39,080 裡昂夫人正在給我打電話。 And I have Mrs. Lyon on the phone. 711 00:40:39,130 --> 00:40:40,430 為你。 For you. 712 00:40:40,480 --> 00:40:41,520 什麼? What? 713 00:40:51,230 --> 00:40:52,270 你好? Hello? 714 00:40:52,310 --> 00:40:54,400 你的蛋蛋在肚子裡嗎 Are your balls in your belly, 715 00:40:54,450 --> 00:40:57,230 正在尋找安全的藏身之處? looking for a safe place to hide? 716 00:40:58,540 --> 00:41:00,450 好的。 Good. 717 00:41:00,500 --> 00:41:01,980 聽我說。 Listen to me. 718 00:41:02,020 --> 00:41:03,760 我要撤回報價了 I'm pulling the offer. 719 00:41:03,800 --> 00:41:05,890 那1億美元 That $100 million 720 00:41:05,940 --> 00:41:08,980 要去梅薩保德信 is going to Mesa Prudential 721 00:41:09,030 --> 00:41:12,120 在弗拉格斯塔夫。 out in Flagstaff. 722 00:41:12,160 --> 00:41:14,680 你得到的反而是全部的力量 What you get instead is the full might 723 00:41:14,730 --> 00:41:17,210 聯邦政府的 of the federal government 724 00:41:17,250 --> 00:41:19,340 讀你內褲上的屎漬 reading the shit stains in your underwear 725 00:41:19,380 --> 00:41:21,690 像茶葉一樣。 like tea leaves. 726 00:41:21,740 --> 00:41:23,300 裡昂夫人…… Mrs. Lyon... 727 00:41:23,350 --> 00:41:25,220 安靜的。 Quiet. 728 00:41:25,260 --> 00:41:27,180 一個大人在說話。 A grown-up is talking. 729 00:41:27,220 --> 00:41:31,750 我親自給 SEC 主席打電話。 I called the SEC chairman personally. 730 00:41:31,790 --> 00:41:34,140 當我們說話時, And as we speak, 731 00:41:34,180 --> 00:41:36,400 兩打聯邦探員 two dozen federal agents 732 00:41:36,450 --> 00:41:40,750 在你的辦公室裡,拿走你的書。 are in your office, seizing your books. 733 00:41:40,800 --> 00:41:44,020 他們還凍結了每個人 They've also frozen every personal 734 00:41:44,060 --> 00:41:47,200 以及您擁有的商業銀行賬戶。 and business bank account you've got. 735 00:41:47,240 --> 00:41:49,070 所以... So... 736 00:41:49,110 --> 00:41:51,290 我希望你沒有把所有的逛街錢都給了 I hope you didn't give all your walking-around money 737 00:41:51,330 --> 00:41:53,510 到那個脫衣舞娘。 to that stripper. 738 00:41:55,940 --> 00:41:59,120 哦。另外,我聽到 Oh. Plus, I-I hear 739 00:41:59,160 --> 00:42:01,040 你的兒子即將開始一年級 your son is starting his freshman year 740 00:42:01,080 --> 00:42:03,300 在,嗯,巴黎聖母院? at, um, Notre Dame? 741 00:42:03,340 --> 00:42:07,480 除了,哎呀。 Except, whoops. 742 00:42:07,520 --> 00:42:10,130 - -你上課遲到了。 - -You're late on tuition. 743 00:42:10,170 --> 00:42:13,870 - -所以,嗯。 - -So, hmm. 744 00:42:13,920 --> 00:42:15,310 哦,你聽到的鈴聲—— Oh, that ring you hear-- 745 00:42:15,350 --> 00:42:17,660 另一邊是你的兒子 that's your son on the other line 746 00:42:17,700 --> 00:42:20,710 打電話告訴你他已被開除。 calling to tell you he's been expelled. 747 00:42:20,750 --> 00:42:22,670 裡昂夫人,有請。 Mrs. Lyon, please. 748 00:42:22,710 --> 00:42:24,620 哦拜託。” Oh, "please." 749 00:42:24,670 --> 00:42:26,890 這就是你的秘密武器? That's your secret weapon? 750 00:42:29,280 --> 00:42:31,540 你想知道你的錯誤是什麼嗎? Do you want to know what your mistake was? 751 00:42:31,590 --> 00:42:35,240 它認為死亡是最糟糕的事情 It was thinking death is the worst thing 752 00:42:35,290 --> 00:42:36,900 這可能會發生在你身上。 that could happen to you. 753 00:42:38,070 --> 00:42:39,860 那麼,恭喜你。 So, congratulations. 754 00:42:39,900 --> 00:42:42,900 警長不會殺你的。 The sheriff's not gonna kill you. 755 00:42:42,950 --> 00:42:46,560 相反,你將度過餘下的日子 Instead you're going to live the rest of your days 756 00:42:46,600 --> 00:42:48,650 在骯髒的地方, in squalor, 757 00:42:48,690 --> 00:42:50,690 被死氣沉沉的目光包圍 surrounded by the dead-eyed stares 758 00:42:50,740 --> 00:42:53,610 你那些沒有未來的孩子。 of your futureless children. 759 00:43:05,060 --> 00:43:06,580 祝你度過一個美好的夜晚。 Have a nice night. 760 00:46:39,180 --> 00:46:42,140 現在我明白了。 Now I get it.