1 00:00:06,673 --> 00:00:08,842 Any clue when our... houseguest is finally gonna leave? 2 00:00:08,842 --> 00:00:10,552 It’d be nice to have the living room back. 3 00:00:10,552 --> 00:00:12,178 I keep tripping on all his top hats. 4 00:00:12,178 --> 00:00:13,638 He’s always messing with my TiVO! 5 00:00:13,638 --> 00:00:16,182 It’s an antique, the buttons are fragile! 6 00:00:16,182 --> 00:00:17,976 Big surprise that Dad’s avoiding all this. 7 00:00:17,976 --> 00:00:21,229 Guys, he’s a family friend, he can stay as long as he needs. 8 00:00:21,229 --> 00:00:24,399 Hey, so I just sold some drugs to the weird little dude in there, 9 00:00:24,399 --> 00:00:25,692 he said you had cash? 10 00:00:26,025 --> 00:00:28,361 Oh, you kids in school? You having trouble focusing? 11 00:00:28,361 --> 00:00:30,196 Okay, that’s it! Morty, find your grandfather 12 00:00:30,196 --> 00:00:31,781 while go I talk to our houseguest 13 00:00:31,781 --> 00:00:32,991 Jerry, pay the dealer. 14 00:00:32,991 --> 00:00:35,285 Yeah, I prefer the term pharmacist. 15 00:00:35,285 --> 00:00:36,286 So do they! 16 00:00:37,120 --> 00:00:40,707 - Any chance you have... - Sorry, I left my wallet in space. 17 00:00:42,083 --> 00:00:43,209 Are you leaving to get it? 18 00:00:44,919 --> 00:00:47,380 Mr. Poopybutthole, this has gone far enough. 19 00:00:47,380 --> 00:00:49,841 We have been really cool to you in your time of need. 20 00:00:50,967 --> 00:00:54,471 I agree, Beth. I’m a pieeeece of garbage. 21 00:00:54,929 --> 00:00:58,641 Can you boost me up so I can hook my belt to the ceiling fan? 22 00:00:58,641 --> 00:01:00,059 We don’t have a ceiling fan. 23 00:01:00,059 --> 00:01:03,229 Ooo wee, is that why it’s so hot? 24 00:01:03,229 --> 00:01:05,190 They’re not expensive. 25 00:01:06,441 --> 00:01:09,235 Bet you didn’t expect to see me in a cold open, huh? 26 00:01:09,569 --> 00:01:12,572 Looks like I’ve taken another turn for the worse. 27 00:01:12,572 --> 00:01:15,950 - It all started when Beth shot me. - I said I was sorry! 28 00:01:15,950 --> 00:01:18,578 I know. It tore you up inside... 29 00:01:18,953 --> 00:01:20,747 - Like a bullet. - It was an accident! 30 00:01:21,331 --> 00:01:24,125 Anyway, then I got fired from my job, 31 00:01:24,125 --> 00:01:27,420 my wife left me, I broke both my legs, 32 00:01:27,420 --> 00:01:28,963 failed the bar exam. 33 00:01:28,963 --> 00:01:31,925 Ooo wee, things went downhill from there. 34 00:01:31,925 --> 00:01:34,552 So I’ve been crashing with the Smiths for a while. 35 00:01:34,552 --> 00:01:39,641 Ooo wee, I’m Mr. Popybutthole and this is Rick and Morty Season 7. 36 00:02:14,509 --> 00:02:16,636 {\an8}Hey buddy. Brought you a coffee. 37 00:02:16,636 --> 00:02:19,472 {\an8}I can synthesize coffee. You don’t need to make excuses to come see me... 38 00:02:19,472 --> 00:02:21,057 {\an8}Yeah I knew you’d say that so I didn’t even bring a cup. 39 00:02:22,141 --> 00:02:23,184 {\an8}Any progress? 40 00:02:23,184 --> 00:02:26,646 {\an8}Yes, Morty, I found the version of me that killed my wife. You just missed it. 41 00:02:26,646 --> 00:02:27,856 {\an8}Okay, I get it. 42 00:02:27,856 --> 00:02:29,858 {\an8}I had a big sword fight with him on top of Hoover Dam, 43 00:02:29,858 --> 00:02:31,484 {\an8}then he fell and landed on a sharp spike, 44 00:02:31,484 --> 00:02:33,528 {\an8}whispered “thank you” like a werewolf. 45 00:02:33,528 --> 00:02:34,904 {\an8}Was asking to be polite. 46 00:02:34,904 --> 00:02:37,448 {\an8}The family wants you upstairs to deal with Mr. Poopybutthole. 47 00:02:37,448 --> 00:02:38,658 {\an8}It’s finally time, huh? 48 00:02:38,658 --> 00:02:41,119 {\an8}Well, lucky for you guys, I know how to make someone leave. 49 00:02:41,744 --> 00:02:44,747 {\an8}Family. I present to you, RoboGhost. 50 00:02:44,747 --> 00:02:46,332 {\an8}- Rick! - Your plan is to scare him away? 51 00:02:46,332 --> 00:02:47,333 {\an8}- Avoidance much? - I’m listening. 52 00:02:48,042 --> 00:02:49,335 {\an8}Assembling body. 53 00:02:53,173 --> 00:02:54,716 {\an8}Activating sentience. 54 00:02:56,092 --> 00:02:57,844 {\an8}Uploading business. 55 00:03:00,763 --> 00:03:03,141 {\an8}Unfinished business detected. 56 00:03:03,141 --> 00:03:04,517 {\an8}Terminating body. 57 00:03:10,648 --> 00:03:13,860 {\an8}Okay. I need to make gravity part of its finished business 58 00:03:13,860 --> 00:03:15,403 {\an8}and leave floors unfinished. 59 00:03:15,778 --> 00:03:18,197 {\an8}- Starting over. - Dad, you can’t keep putting this off. 60 00:03:18,197 --> 00:03:20,074 {\an8}- You’re doing an intervention with us. - Nope. 61 00:03:20,074 --> 00:03:22,243 {\an8}Then we’re sticking Poopybutthole downstairs with you. 62 00:03:22,243 --> 00:03:25,163 {\an8}What is this? Is this an intervention of me not intervening? 63 00:03:25,163 --> 00:03:28,333 {\an8}You know this can’t make the concept work, not comedically or clinically, 64 00:03:28,333 --> 00:03:30,335 {\an8}its success rate is ten percent in both areas. 65 00:03:30,335 --> 00:03:33,004 {\an8}Then you have to help him on your own. And not with a ghost. 66 00:03:35,298 --> 00:03:36,549 {\an8}O, that-that’s interesting, 67 00:03:36,549 --> 00:03:38,551 {\an8}you kind of gave him a little power by mentioning him. 68 00:03:38,885 --> 00:03:41,054 {\an8}There’s a lot of science to unpack about ghosts. 69 00:03:43,014 --> 00:03:44,682 {\an8}After I talk to my friend. 70 00:03:45,099 --> 00:03:46,517 {\an8}He’s in the living room, Rick. 71 00:03:46,517 --> 00:03:48,019 {\an8}I’m not doing this by myself. 72 00:03:48,019 --> 00:03:49,771 {\an8}Oh, so you’re going to have an intervention? 73 00:03:49,771 --> 00:03:52,231 {\an8}No. I’m going to get some friends to help me talk to a friend 74 00:03:52,231 --> 00:03:54,984 {\an8}and you’d know the difference if you weren’t stupid and had friends. 75 00:03:54,984 --> 00:03:57,362 {\an8}- You’re mean! Dad! - Pick your battles, honey. 76 00:03:57,946 --> 00:03:58,905 Yeah fuck you, Summer. 77 00:04:00,114 --> 00:04:01,658 - God damn it. - Your portal closed. 78 00:04:01,658 --> 00:04:04,452 Oh did it? Have an intervention or we’ll intervention you, 79 00:04:04,452 --> 00:04:05,787 you bunch of stupids. 80 00:04:08,498 --> 00:04:10,833 Gearhead! Buddy! Listen. 81 00:04:10,833 --> 00:04:13,544 We gotta help Mr. Poopybutthole. He’s in a bad place. 82 00:04:13,544 --> 00:04:17,840 Well that sounds like an intervention, which Gearhead no Likehead. 83 00:04:17,840 --> 00:04:19,926 It’s not an intervention. And you owe me. 84 00:04:19,926 --> 00:04:22,220 Okay fine, but now I need a drink. 85 00:04:22,220 --> 00:04:23,471 Make it to go and make it two. 86 00:04:25,223 --> 00:04:27,016 Rick, you son of a squanch! 87 00:04:27,016 --> 00:04:28,935 Squanch! Told you he wasn’t dead. 88 00:04:28,935 --> 00:04:29,978 We squanching? 89 00:04:29,978 --> 00:04:32,939 A little, we need to have a hang with Poopybutthole and talk to him about... 90 00:04:32,939 --> 00:04:33,982 His drinking. 91 00:04:34,315 --> 00:04:36,275 Us? Not without a squanch. 92 00:04:36,275 --> 00:04:38,194 - I’d love one if you’re pouring. - Make it three. 93 00:04:38,820 --> 00:04:41,781 You left a Gromflomite femur in the compost. 94 00:04:42,156 --> 00:04:44,367 Your human side is passionate but careless. 95 00:04:44,367 --> 00:04:46,869 I also found your Federation hit list. 96 00:04:46,869 --> 00:04:48,287 Don’t go through my stuff! 97 00:04:48,287 --> 00:04:49,914 This place is worse than prison. 98 00:04:56,004 --> 00:04:57,505 - Rick. - BP! 99 00:04:57,505 --> 00:04:58,506 It’s been a minute. 100 00:04:59,090 --> 00:05:00,633 Is... someone here? 101 00:05:00,633 --> 00:05:02,510 - Birddaughter. - You found her. 102 00:05:02,510 --> 00:05:05,930 Yes. She was imprisoned in a femme fatale training camp. 103 00:05:05,930 --> 00:05:08,975 That’s great! Let’s go celebrate with our closest friends 104 00:05:08,975 --> 00:05:11,811 by encouraging Poopybutthole to dial back his drinking! 105 00:05:13,021 --> 00:05:15,565 Suspect. But I find fatherhood exhausting 106 00:05:15,565 --> 00:05:18,693 and would like to show my daughter what real selfishness looks like. 107 00:05:18,693 --> 00:05:21,112 Perfect! Now, do we know anyone sober? 108 00:05:23,781 --> 00:05:25,825 - Have you been drinking? - On a Thursday? 109 00:05:25,825 --> 00:05:26,826 He seems ideal. 110 00:05:27,910 --> 00:05:31,205 - So where to? A coffee shop? - No. He’ll know something’s up. 111 00:05:31,205 --> 00:05:33,166 Yeah! and I’m not squanching just coffee! 112 00:05:33,166 --> 00:05:34,667 Let’s squanch him to a bar! 113 00:05:34,667 --> 00:05:36,210 It would undercut our messaging. 114 00:05:36,210 --> 00:05:37,795 So it is an intervention. 115 00:05:37,795 --> 00:05:39,589 No! We’re not asking anybody to stop drinking 116 00:05:39,589 --> 00:05:42,967 because we’re not hypocrites or squares, we’re just concerned friends. 117 00:05:42,967 --> 00:05:46,137 Then we can at least do it at a place with a bar. 118 00:05:46,137 --> 00:05:48,806 Look, I think if it has food it’s allowed to have a bar. 119 00:05:53,269 --> 00:05:55,146 Appreciate you guys taking me out. 120 00:05:55,480 --> 00:05:56,647 It’s been a rough week. 121 00:05:57,023 --> 00:06:00,193 Amy’s taking pilaaaates from a guy named Guy. 122 00:06:00,568 --> 00:06:02,945 You’ve been surveilling your ex-wife? 123 00:06:02,945 --> 00:06:07,492 {\an8}Oooweeee not with the restraining order! I hired a Predator to follow her around. 124 00:06:07,492 --> 00:06:09,035 {\an8}You can hire predators? 125 00:06:09,035 --> 00:06:11,287 Yeah, they’re cheap because they live for the hunt, 126 00:06:11,287 --> 00:06:13,581 you just have to pay ‘em to not kill your target 127 00:06:13,581 --> 00:06:16,375 and if they stay cloaked there’s no licensing fee. 128 00:06:16,375 --> 00:06:19,045 Welcome to Fuck You’s! My name is Mart, and... 129 00:06:19,378 --> 00:06:23,049 Fuck you! See, at Fuck You’s, we lightly tease our customers. 130 00:06:23,382 --> 00:06:24,634 Oh, this is fun. 131 00:06:24,634 --> 00:06:26,094 What do you know, Gilligan? 132 00:06:26,427 --> 00:06:27,595 Nice. 133 00:06:27,595 --> 00:06:29,555 Look at this depressed pencil eraser. 134 00:06:29,555 --> 00:06:32,225 Did some middle schooler stick you up a cat’s asshole? 135 00:06:32,558 --> 00:06:35,645 I bet you had everything and you watched it slip through your powerless 136 00:06:35,645 --> 00:06:37,688 little fingers like the sands of time. 137 00:06:38,064 --> 00:06:41,275 Be right back to take your order, folks, or should I say, fucks. 138 00:06:41,651 --> 00:06:44,195 Perhaps this wasn’t the best place to do this, Rick. 139 00:06:44,195 --> 00:06:45,488 What are you talkin’ about? 140 00:06:45,488 --> 00:06:48,741 This is a great place to celebrate my birthday. 141 00:06:48,741 --> 00:06:55,331 Birthday, Birthday, Birthday... 142 00:06:55,331 --> 00:06:56,749 - Your birthday? - Ooo weee. 143 00:06:56,749 --> 00:06:58,751 I can’t believe y’all remembered! 144 00:06:59,085 --> 00:07:03,339 I was at the end of my rope, thinking I’d worn out all my welcomes. 145 00:07:03,673 --> 00:07:05,883 Thanks for doing all this, Rick. 146 00:07:05,883 --> 00:07:08,427 Of course, Mr. PB. What are friends for. 147 00:07:08,427 --> 00:07:10,179 Heard we got a birthday boy. 148 00:07:10,179 --> 00:07:12,181 Yeah but... please don’t sing or... 149 00:07:12,682 --> 00:07:13,641 Yah! Fuck you, shithead! 150 00:07:15,476 --> 00:07:18,521 Haha yeah. That sure is a smart hat... 151 00:07:18,521 --> 00:07:22,024 Because even my son Poopy Jr.. hates me. 152 00:07:23,151 --> 00:07:25,945 I can relate. Birddaughter is a total bitch. 153 00:07:26,487 --> 00:07:27,905 If you’re a parent you can say that. 154 00:07:28,406 --> 00:07:31,450 Well. Should we do shots? 155 00:07:31,909 --> 00:07:32,827 Rick? 156 00:07:33,995 --> 00:07:36,372 Let’S get Riggity, Riggity, wrecked! 157 00:07:36,372 --> 00:07:38,374 I take a shot Do a pop 158 00:07:38,374 --> 00:07:39,625 Blow a line Huff turpentine 159 00:07:39,625 --> 00:07:40,960 Get wrecked Text your ex 160 00:07:40,960 --> 00:07:42,211 Fight a cop Feeling fine 161 00:07:42,211 --> 00:07:43,379 Punch your dick Turn some tricks 162 00:07:43,379 --> 00:07:44,630 Quit your job Buy a dog 163 00:07:44,630 --> 00:07:45,923 Have two beers Then ten more 164 00:07:45,923 --> 00:07:47,300 Pop a pill And meet the floor. 165 00:07:50,761 --> 00:07:52,346 That one’s not my bellybutton. 166 00:07:53,055 --> 00:07:54,056 Well, what is it? 167 00:08:06,235 --> 00:08:07,320 Hold on, everyone! 168 00:08:10,740 --> 00:08:13,034 I can’t breathe! I can’t breathe! 169 00:08:13,034 --> 00:08:14,243 Is there a restroom? 170 00:08:14,243 --> 00:08:15,244 At the front. 171 00:08:29,759 --> 00:08:31,010 Oh shit it’s happening. 172 00:08:31,761 --> 00:08:34,514 Honey rave! Bee time, baby. 173 00:08:35,348 --> 00:08:37,225 Whoa, what world is this? 174 00:08:37,600 --> 00:08:39,435 - We’re on Earth. - How do you know? 175 00:08:39,435 --> 00:08:41,437 Because I think that is Hugh Jackman. 176 00:08:44,649 --> 00:08:46,609 Oh shit, it is. Hey, Jackman! 177 00:08:47,276 --> 00:08:49,820 Makes sense he recognizes me, we both hosted the Oscars. 178 00:08:49,820 --> 00:08:51,197 It’s a pretty exclusive club. 179 00:08:51,197 --> 00:08:53,908 Listen guys, don’t make this tacky, nobody call him Wolverine, 180 00:08:53,908 --> 00:08:55,618 - just treat him like a regular... - Gene! 181 00:08:55,952 --> 00:08:57,662 - Small world, mate! - Hugh! 182 00:08:57,662 --> 00:08:58,955 Hugh married my cousin. 183 00:08:58,955 --> 00:09:02,166 Which I guess makes him a Wolver-ine-law. 184 00:09:02,875 --> 00:09:04,377 That is fantastic! 185 00:09:05,002 --> 00:09:06,379 Didn’t you host the Oscars? 186 00:09:06,379 --> 00:09:08,214 - Yeah, I uh... - Alright, Alright, listen. 187 00:09:08,214 --> 00:09:11,634 Now, I’m not assuming you guys want to party with me tonight, but if you do. 188 00:09:11,634 --> 00:09:12,760 - Yes we do. - Ooo wee. 189 00:09:12,760 --> 00:09:16,889 If you do, you do it together, as a team. 190 00:09:16,889 --> 00:09:19,558 Now I need to go take what I call a “Huge Ackman.” 191 00:09:19,558 --> 00:09:21,394 Ackman is Australian slang for shit. 192 00:09:21,394 --> 00:09:23,104 Don’t look it up. Do make a decision. 193 00:09:23,437 --> 00:09:25,731 Because from here, I’m heading to the Jack Shack. 194 00:09:26,399 --> 00:09:28,609 - What’s the Jack Shack? - It’s just his house. 195 00:09:28,985 --> 00:09:30,945 But guys. I don’t think we should go there. 196 00:09:30,945 --> 00:09:34,740 I challenge you to explain why not without making us want to go more. 197 00:09:34,740 --> 00:09:37,159 Well, Hugh’s pretty anti-limitation. 198 00:09:37,576 --> 00:09:40,413 When he parties, it gets... extreme. 199 00:09:40,413 --> 00:09:41,539 Challenge failed. 200 00:09:41,539 --> 00:09:43,499 Woah! What’s extreme by the Gene metric? 201 00:09:43,499 --> 00:09:45,126 Does he have Les Mis shot glasses? 202 00:09:45,126 --> 00:09:47,211 We’re not exactly squanchweights, brother. 203 00:09:47,211 --> 00:09:50,798 It’s my birthday and I wish to party with Hugh Jackman. 204 00:09:50,798 --> 00:09:53,259 - Then you shall! - That was a fast shit. 205 00:09:53,634 --> 00:09:55,261 But first everybody’s taking these. 206 00:09:55,261 --> 00:09:57,430 - What are they? - Maybe they’re Tic-Tacs. 207 00:09:57,763 --> 00:09:58,889 Maybe they’re cyanide. 208 00:09:58,889 --> 00:10:01,642 Maybe I don’t like to party with people that hesitate. 209 00:10:02,977 --> 00:10:04,645 There you go! That’s the spirit! 210 00:10:05,021 --> 00:10:08,357 Now we're all completely fun! 211 00:10:12,737 --> 00:10:15,281 This was not oversold! 212 00:10:15,281 --> 00:10:17,241 A, b, d, e... 213 00:10:17,575 --> 00:10:20,119 I lost my C. My alphabet has no C. 214 00:10:20,119 --> 00:10:22,538 Did I do these already? Did I ask that already? 215 00:10:23,539 --> 00:10:25,333 Squanch, yeah. My turn. 216 00:10:26,917 --> 00:10:27,835 Did I win? 217 00:10:31,505 --> 00:10:32,840 The best bloody day of my life. 218 00:10:32,840 --> 00:10:35,092 My wedding was pretty great too. 219 00:10:35,092 --> 00:10:36,802 I was talking about the Tony award. 220 00:10:39,889 --> 00:10:41,515 - Yes. - We’re squanching now! 221 00:10:41,974 --> 00:10:44,518 - Why the long face, mate? - Shape of my skull. 222 00:10:44,518 --> 00:10:45,728 You know, Mr. Poopybutthole, 223 00:10:45,728 --> 00:10:48,189 when I wrote Caribbean Queen, you know what my agent said? 224 00:10:48,564 --> 00:10:50,566 - Billy Ocean wrote that... - That’s what he said. 225 00:10:50,566 --> 00:10:52,318 Exactly that. “Billy Ocean wrote this. 226 00:10:52,318 --> 00:10:53,819 Don’t write it again. You’re not Billy Ocean.” 227 00:10:53,819 --> 00:10:55,654 You know what I did? I fired my agent. 228 00:10:56,530 --> 00:10:59,367 Don’t accept other people’s limitations. 229 00:10:59,784 --> 00:11:02,328 What does your heart want, lil’ ripper? 230 00:11:02,703 --> 00:11:03,788 Right now, don’t think. 231 00:11:04,163 --> 00:11:07,208 Right now, my heart wants Amy back. 232 00:11:07,208 --> 00:11:09,293 Everybody! Our friend wants Amy back. 233 00:11:09,293 --> 00:11:10,378 Squanch idea. 234 00:11:10,378 --> 00:11:12,380 I will agree to anything in this state. 235 00:11:12,380 --> 00:11:14,632 I do not think that’s a good idea. 236 00:11:14,632 --> 00:11:17,510 Ladies and Gentlemen! This man is a fake friend. 237 00:11:17,510 --> 00:11:19,678 - Come on, Hugh. -"Come on, Hugh." 238 00:11:19,678 --> 00:11:22,390 Come on, everybody. Don’t call Hugh Jackman Wolverine. 239 00:11:22,390 --> 00:11:24,934 Don’t call yourself Billy Ocean. Don’t get Amy Back. 240 00:11:25,434 --> 00:11:27,228 You’re a vampire, brother. 241 00:11:27,228 --> 00:11:28,938 You feed off other people’s energy. 242 00:11:28,938 --> 00:11:30,356 That is kind of true. 243 00:11:30,356 --> 00:11:33,359 Are you kidding me? You’ve been living on my daughter’s sofa for months. 244 00:11:33,359 --> 00:11:36,028 - Do you want me to leave? - The entire family does! 245 00:11:36,028 --> 00:11:38,656 - Why not say something? - Because you’re my friend! 246 00:11:38,656 --> 00:11:41,784 A real friend would have known it’s not my birthday. 247 00:11:42,118 --> 00:11:43,828 O shit. 248 00:11:44,245 --> 00:11:45,204 Fake friend! 249 00:11:45,204 --> 00:11:46,956 You’re not helping, Hugh Jackman. 250 00:11:46,956 --> 00:11:51,210 You do not tell me what to do. Or Anyone Here. 251 00:11:51,210 --> 00:11:52,378 - Affirmative. - Yeah, baby! 252 00:11:52,378 --> 00:11:54,380 Why would you pretend it was your birthday? 253 00:11:54,380 --> 00:11:57,800 You think I don’t know a half-assed intervention when I see one coming? 254 00:11:57,800 --> 00:11:59,176 O Shit. 255 00:11:59,718 --> 00:12:01,220 Love where you are, man. 256 00:12:01,220 --> 00:12:03,597 You’re just Wolverining right now. You feel that? 257 00:12:03,597 --> 00:12:06,517 I think so. Does Wolverining hurt a little? 258 00:12:06,517 --> 00:12:07,768 - Every time! - Every time! 259 00:12:07,768 --> 00:12:09,395 Alright, grab a drink to go, gentlemen. 260 00:12:09,812 --> 00:12:11,147 Because we’re either getting Amy back. 261 00:12:11,522 --> 00:12:12,857 Or. We’re going home. 262 00:12:12,857 --> 00:12:15,067 - You’re nuts! - Then nut me up, bitch! 263 00:12:15,526 --> 00:12:16,902 Nut me up! 264 00:12:17,445 --> 00:12:19,447 - Nut me up! - Nut me up! 265 00:12:19,447 --> 00:12:20,531 It’s not an expression! 266 00:12:21,323 --> 00:12:23,367 Amy’S coming back dead or alive! 267 00:12:24,827 --> 00:12:25,744 Yes. 268 00:12:26,954 --> 00:12:29,498 Fake friend, my ass. I know how to be there for my friends. 269 00:12:31,750 --> 00:12:33,419 Father? Why? 270 00:12:33,419 --> 00:12:36,172 Ah crap. Hang on. Lemme go upstairs and grab the business finisher. 271 00:12:36,172 --> 00:12:40,259 From where I’m sitting, you’re the one with unfinished business. 272 00:12:40,259 --> 00:12:41,886 Hey, mind your own business. 273 00:12:41,886 --> 00:12:46,474 Business is my business. And brother, business is good. 274 00:12:52,813 --> 00:12:55,149 Oh, you come back to ruin our fun? 275 00:12:55,149 --> 00:12:56,775 No. To help you finish this. 276 00:12:57,109 --> 00:12:59,862 I made you guys come out because I didn’t want to talk to PB alone. 277 00:13:00,362 --> 00:13:01,489 I’m here to go down with the ship. 278 00:13:01,989 --> 00:13:03,782 - Respect, Rick. - Hit it, Hugh! 279 00:13:04,867 --> 00:13:08,954 I lose my cool when she steps in the room 280 00:13:13,000 --> 00:13:16,921 And I get so excited just from her perfume 281 00:13:16,921 --> 00:13:19,298 Weeeeooo, there she is. My Amy. 282 00:13:21,550 --> 00:13:22,927 Electric eyes that you can't ignore... 283 00:13:22,927 --> 00:13:25,638 Oh, she feels my love around her! Oowee! 284 00:13:25,638 --> 00:13:27,431 Wow. Your love is pretty strong. 285 00:13:29,892 --> 00:13:31,435 I guess that’s not all she’s feeling. 286 00:13:31,435 --> 00:13:35,523 Predator P.I.? This is the opposite of what I hired you for! 287 00:13:35,856 --> 00:13:39,485 Now, now. Did you do this, Gul’karna? 288 00:13:39,818 --> 00:13:42,696 You do this? You do this? 289 00:13:42,696 --> 00:13:44,031 ...running my game... 290 00:13:44,031 --> 00:13:46,325 I’m gonna uncloak this later... 291 00:13:46,325 --> 00:13:48,077 Now. Now. 292 00:13:49,245 --> 00:13:51,497 Okay, honestly PB, that could have gone a lot worse... 293 00:13:52,289 --> 00:13:53,207 Pb? 294 00:13:53,874 --> 00:13:55,501 - Caribbean Queen... - Ooooweeee gotta goooo! 295 00:13:56,001 --> 00:13:56,919 Run! 296 00:13:59,421 --> 00:14:01,799 I’m too drunk to flee a Predator right now. 297 00:14:01,799 --> 00:14:04,301 Mud. The mud thing. Everyone mud up and hide! 298 00:14:06,053 --> 00:14:08,722 What’s that smell? Squanchy, that’s not mud. 299 00:14:08,722 --> 00:14:10,140 Well, I’m not from this planet. 300 00:14:10,140 --> 00:14:11,725 Daddy, what’s happening? 301 00:14:11,725 --> 00:14:13,686 Quiet, Poopy Jr. I’m taking you home. 302 00:14:15,771 --> 00:14:18,065 - Look, I just didn’t think I could... - What? Be honest? 303 00:14:18,065 --> 00:14:19,858 Don’t high-road me. It’s just as dishonest 304 00:14:19,858 --> 00:14:21,860 to play dumb about wearing out your welcome! 305 00:14:21,860 --> 00:14:23,487 You could’ve just told me. 306 00:14:23,487 --> 00:14:25,447 You’re an adult! Read the room and figure it out. 307 00:14:45,301 --> 00:14:47,511 I admit it, that was self destructive. 308 00:14:49,680 --> 00:14:52,433 Use me as a shield, I feel nothing! 309 00:14:55,269 --> 00:14:56,895 Squanch this. 310 00:15:01,400 --> 00:15:04,236 I’m so... I’m so squanched up, man. 311 00:15:06,989 --> 00:15:10,868 I’m not really with these guys, I was just walking in this park... 312 00:15:12,953 --> 00:15:14,371 No! 313 00:15:14,997 --> 00:15:16,415 Why is this my thing? 314 00:15:16,415 --> 00:15:19,001 No! I won’t let you take my family from me. 315 00:15:28,677 --> 00:15:31,722 Guess you didn’t see season 4, episode 3. 316 00:15:31,722 --> 00:15:32,723 Let’s Go! 317 00:15:34,266 --> 00:15:35,100 Fuck. 318 00:15:37,102 --> 00:15:39,313 Who’s got the three dots on their forehead now? 319 00:15:39,313 --> 00:15:41,398 Could have done that before he punched me. 320 00:15:44,151 --> 00:15:45,319 Suck my squanch! 321 00:15:51,075 --> 00:15:52,451 Gimme that big ol’ tooth! 322 00:15:52,451 --> 00:15:54,453 Gul’karna... 323 00:16:00,626 --> 00:16:01,919 No, no, stop! 324 00:16:01,919 --> 00:16:03,837 What are you doing? I want that skull! 325 00:16:03,837 --> 00:16:07,424 No, Rick. No more. This is my fault. All of it. 326 00:16:07,424 --> 00:16:09,885 And... if he’s gonna protect my wife and chiiild, 327 00:16:10,344 --> 00:16:13,138 that’s a great thing to know while I get my shit together. 328 00:16:13,138 --> 00:16:14,223 Wayne? 329 00:16:14,223 --> 00:16:15,933 - Wayne? - Amy. 330 00:16:15,933 --> 00:16:18,060 I messed up real baaad, 331 00:16:18,602 --> 00:16:21,397 I came to say I don’t know what to do without you, but... 332 00:16:21,397 --> 00:16:23,899 I guess I can start by not kidnapping. 333 00:16:24,233 --> 00:16:26,694 That’s definitely where you should start. 334 00:16:31,073 --> 00:16:33,117 I’m... sorry, Amy. 335 00:16:33,117 --> 00:16:35,327 You should be. But I’m not. 336 00:16:35,327 --> 00:16:36,954 We’re a family now. 337 00:16:36,954 --> 00:16:42,126 Me, Poopy Jr., and Gul’Karna, Clan Leader of The Skin'Thieves. 338 00:16:42,543 --> 00:16:43,669 Goodbye, Wayne. 339 00:16:44,211 --> 00:16:45,170 Goodbye. 340 00:16:46,922 --> 00:16:48,340 Ooo-weee, a musket? 341 00:16:48,340 --> 00:16:50,342 I’m starting to think it’s like their currency... 342 00:16:50,926 --> 00:16:56,348 I hunt because I must. But man possesses a precious gift; the power to change. 343 00:16:57,057 --> 00:16:59,101 More like the power of music, bitch! 344 00:16:59,101 --> 00:17:00,227 What the fuck? 345 00:17:00,227 --> 00:17:02,271 Jesus, Hugh, we were just resolving it. 346 00:17:02,271 --> 00:17:04,148 Well, I’m an actor and I’m high. 347 00:17:04,606 --> 00:17:07,818 “Caribbean Queen, written by Hugh Jackman, age sixteen.” 348 00:17:07,818 --> 00:17:09,028 How’s that for a twist? 349 00:17:09,737 --> 00:17:10,738 Confusing. 350 00:17:10,738 --> 00:17:12,531 Well. Sometimes you have to believe. 351 00:17:12,531 --> 00:17:15,826 Wow, that’s reeeal inspiring. Makes me think of how... 352 00:17:15,826 --> 00:17:18,871 - Get the hell out of here! - Okay, okay, sorry. 353 00:17:18,871 --> 00:17:20,873 lright guys, I’m buying drive through tacos, 354 00:17:20,873 --> 00:17:23,542 but nobody tells my nutritionist and we have to steal a car. 355 00:17:25,878 --> 00:17:26,879 Wayne’ huh? 356 00:17:26,879 --> 00:17:31,884 Oooweee. But I prefer Mr. Popybutthole. More refined. 357 00:17:34,052 --> 00:17:37,598 It appears Birddaughter has broken into another Federation compound. 358 00:17:37,931 --> 00:17:39,057 I must go. 359 00:17:39,057 --> 00:17:41,602 Wayne, this counts as attending your actual birthday. 360 00:17:42,186 --> 00:17:44,396 Rick. It was... canonical to see you. 361 00:17:44,772 --> 00:17:45,731 Yeah, let’s call it. 362 00:17:46,148 --> 00:17:48,442 I wanna pass out before I remember what we did tonight. 363 00:17:48,942 --> 00:17:52,488 I never want to forget it. And I never want to repeat it. 364 00:17:53,030 --> 00:17:54,072 Proud of you, little buddy. 365 00:17:55,324 --> 00:17:56,366 You too, Squanch. 366 00:17:56,825 --> 00:18:00,788 Fuck. Look at us. A bird guy, talking cat, 367 00:18:01,330 --> 00:18:03,874 what are you? A robot man, and a mutant. 368 00:18:03,874 --> 00:18:07,127 Was a bonzer night, mates. That’s one for the books. 369 00:18:07,586 --> 00:18:09,588 Bonzer night indeed. 370 00:18:09,963 --> 00:18:12,257 Kept in touch with the guys over the years. 371 00:18:12,257 --> 00:18:14,760 As much as ya can in this fast world. 372 00:18:15,135 --> 00:18:17,262 Birdperson went home to take on a challenge 373 00:18:17,262 --> 00:18:19,598 way more difficult than a Predator... 374 00:18:19,932 --> 00:18:21,517 raising Birddaughter. 375 00:18:22,017 --> 00:18:25,813 Gearhead went back to The Gear System and got a spinal replacement. 376 00:18:26,313 --> 00:18:27,773 He’s still paying it off. 377 00:18:28,190 --> 00:18:31,485 Squanchy? Checked himself into a nice rehab. 378 00:18:31,860 --> 00:18:34,321 No one thought it would stick and it didn’t. 379 00:18:34,321 --> 00:18:37,866 He was later arrested for smuggling toad venom across the border. 380 00:18:38,242 --> 00:18:40,035 to glue Hugh Jackman went to the Jack Shack 381 00:18:40,035 --> 00:18:42,996 back together the Tony award that Gene shot. 382 00:18:43,330 --> 00:18:47,125 And possibly to put a bullet in all future Wolverine references. 383 00:18:47,125 --> 00:18:48,293 Thanks to us. 384 00:18:48,293 --> 00:18:51,547 And what came of Rick? I think he learned something that night. 385 00:18:51,880 --> 00:18:54,341 About friendship. About honesty. 386 00:18:54,675 --> 00:18:58,053 And maybe he learned something about himseelllf. 387 00:18:59,054 --> 00:19:02,850 Here. Forgot to give you a fading pill. Great for hangovers. 388 00:19:02,850 --> 00:19:06,144 Just to clarify, I had to take an un-fading pill to counteract 389 00:19:06,562 --> 00:19:07,938 the original fading pill I just took. 390 00:19:08,355 --> 00:19:10,315 Okay? 391 00:19:10,315 --> 00:19:12,150 And if you’re hung up on why the taxi disappeared, 392 00:19:12,150 --> 00:19:15,153 the pills aren’t sentient, but they do detect human coverings, 393 00:19:15,153 --> 00:19:17,781 so it saw the taxi as some sort of large overcoat. 394 00:19:18,407 --> 00:19:19,324 Doesn’t matter. 395 00:19:19,658 --> 00:19:21,076 You uh, gonna be alright? 396 00:19:21,618 --> 00:19:22,619 Got a place to stay? 397 00:19:23,245 --> 00:19:25,122 I can 3D print you an apartment on the moon. 398 00:19:25,122 --> 00:19:27,499 I’ll figure it out, Rick. Thanks. 399 00:19:27,916 --> 00:19:29,710 Well, here I go pill’in again. 400 00:19:32,087 --> 00:19:36,216 Yep. Don’t any of you worry about Mr. Popybutthole. 401 00:19:36,717 --> 00:19:39,887 I got a lot of work to do, but I’ll land on my poopy little feet. 402 00:19:40,262 --> 00:19:41,471 I always do. 403 00:19:43,307 --> 00:19:46,351 This burns like hell. How did the other guys not react? 404 00:19:46,351 --> 00:19:49,813 Is mine different? It’s like my skin is boiling! 405 00:19:50,606 --> 00:19:53,025 Guys, I got the Best Buds Burrito Box. 406 00:19:53,025 --> 00:19:54,860 They normally ask for proof of friendship, 407 00:19:54,860 --> 00:19:56,987 but the cashier trusted me that you guys were out... 408 00:19:58,697 --> 00:19:59,615 ...here. 409 00:20:01,241 --> 00:20:02,284 Not cool, man. 410 00:20:41,698 --> 00:20:45,202 You don’t have to do this, Sheriff. It’s your last day on the job. 411 00:20:45,202 --> 00:20:48,956 That’s exactly why I must. I ain’t retiring a coward. 412 00:20:49,498 --> 00:20:50,916 Get out of here, officer. 413 00:20:51,583 --> 00:20:53,377 And go take care of my granddaughter. 414 00:21:26,785 --> 00:21:33,291 When I was young and in my prime, my mind being free from care. 415 00:21:33,709 --> 00:21:35,293 I ain’t scared of you! 416 00:21:36,003 --> 00:21:39,172 Whilst leaving all in Donegal. 417 00:21:39,715 --> 00:21:44,177 That i might, plough, the raging main, 418 00:21:44,886 --> 00:21:47,472 going to amerikay... 419 00:22:01,528 --> 00:22:02,446 What happened? 420 00:22:02,904 --> 00:22:04,406 I think it ran out of gas. 421 00:22:06,408 --> 00:22:09,161 So, he could have survived if he just stood back five feet? 422 00:22:10,370 --> 00:22:13,206 Well. Let’s not tell his granddaughter that.