1 00:00:00,968 --> 00:00:02,767 Here we are in temagami, ontario. 2 00:00:02,769 --> 00:00:05,070 [cheering & applauding] 3 00:00:05,106 --> 00:00:06,905 Northern ontario, you can say 4 00:00:06,974 --> 00:00:08,707 When you're north of north bay. 5 00:00:08,842 --> 00:00:11,043 This is a place famous for forests, 6 00:00:11,178 --> 00:00:14,513 Where the ecosystem of the great lakes 7 00:00:14,515 --> 00:00:16,548 Meets that of the boreal. 8 00:00:16,617 --> 00:00:18,917 Below your feet, the canadian shield, 9 00:00:18,986 --> 00:00:22,587 While reaching into the sky and almost out of sight, 10 00:00:22,589 --> 00:00:25,924 The old growth pines both red and white. 11 00:00:25,926 --> 00:00:28,126 Some of these trees, so I'm told, 12 00:00:28,162 --> 00:00:30,929 Are up to 300 years old. 13 00:00:30,998 --> 00:00:34,732 You can look up and see their great branches spread, 14 00:00:34,734 --> 00:00:36,868 Unless of course you got a canoe on your head. 15 00:00:36,904 --> 00:00:38,604 [laughing] 16 00:00:38,739 --> 00:00:41,873 This place boasts thousands of kilometres of 17 00:00:41,909 --> 00:00:44,876 Ancient canoe routes, first used by 18 00:00:44,912 --> 00:00:47,679 The people of the temagami first nation. 19 00:00:47,681 --> 00:00:50,682 Challenging routes that now draw people here 20 00:00:50,751 --> 00:00:52,884 From around the world. 21 00:00:52,920 --> 00:00:55,954 A vast wilderness you can really lose yourself in, 22 00:00:55,990 --> 00:00:58,090 Which I did several times. 23 00:00:58,159 --> 00:01:01,960 In fact, the beauty is so majestic, so indescribable, 24 00:01:01,996 --> 00:01:04,430 I found it kind of hard to describe 25 00:01:04,565 --> 00:01:06,431 When I had to call someone to come find me. 26 00:01:06,500 --> 00:01:08,167 [laughing] 27 00:01:08,302 --> 00:01:10,568 The trees are huge, and... 28 00:01:10,704 --> 00:01:12,037 Like, it's beautiful? 29 00:01:12,106 --> 00:01:14,572 [laughing] 30 00:01:14,608 --> 00:01:16,741 When you grow up in a small town in newfoundland, 31 00:01:16,777 --> 00:01:18,443 You see that people have a sense of humour 32 00:01:18,512 --> 00:01:19,411 About hard times. 33 00:01:19,546 --> 00:01:20,512 Check, check. 34 00:01:20,548 --> 00:01:22,614 I turned that into a career and hit the road. 35 00:01:22,616 --> 00:01:24,649 [mc] mr. Jonny harris! 36 00:01:24,685 --> 00:01:26,985 Now I'm on a mission to find the funny in the places 37 00:01:27,054 --> 00:01:28,553 You'd least expect it, 38 00:01:28,555 --> 00:01:30,622 Canada's struggling small towns. 39 00:01:30,691 --> 00:01:33,859 Towns that are against the ropes, but hanging in there... 40 00:01:33,928 --> 00:01:36,394 Still laughing in the face of adversity. 41 00:01:36,430 --> 00:01:38,597 This is temagami, ontario. 42 00:01:38,599 --> 00:01:43,635 ♪ 43 00:01:43,704 --> 00:01:49,808 ♪ 44 00:01:49,810 --> 00:01:53,478 The attraction of old growth forests was not always for 45 00:01:53,481 --> 00:01:56,081 Nature-loving adventurers scrambling 46 00:01:56,150 --> 00:01:58,616 Over rough portage paths. 47 00:01:58,652 --> 00:02:01,887 No, for decades, it attracted logging. 48 00:02:02,022 --> 00:02:05,490 And the path back then was, let's say, clear cut. 49 00:02:05,493 --> 00:02:07,425 [laughing] 50 00:02:07,495 --> 00:02:10,094 While it meant a livelihood for the locals, 51 00:02:10,131 --> 00:02:14,399 Others became concerned that these ancient old-growth 52 00:02:14,535 --> 00:02:17,302 Forests would be wiped out. 53 00:02:17,437 --> 00:02:18,971 And it came to a head in the late 80s, 54 00:02:19,106 --> 00:02:21,506 When protests broke out. 55 00:02:21,509 --> 00:02:22,908 It wasn't just environmentalists 56 00:02:22,977 --> 00:02:24,709 Versus loggers. 57 00:02:24,745 --> 00:02:28,680 Of course, these forests and the roads being built 58 00:02:28,682 --> 00:02:30,916 To log them were on the traditional territory 59 00:02:30,985 --> 00:02:33,518 Of the temagami first nation. 60 00:02:33,521 --> 00:02:35,854 In fact, they were the first ones to set up 61 00:02:35,856 --> 00:02:38,590 A blockade to stop the logging. 62 00:02:38,725 --> 00:02:40,959 So, you had construction workers 63 00:02:40,995 --> 00:02:42,527 Who were trying to build the road, 64 00:02:42,530 --> 00:02:44,663 But they're blocked by first nations. 65 00:02:44,798 --> 00:02:46,865 Then you got a gang of angry lumberjacks. 66 00:02:47,000 --> 00:02:49,000 Eventually the police get involved. 67 00:02:49,036 --> 00:02:50,302 What do you got there? 68 00:02:50,371 --> 00:02:52,871 Well, you pretty much got the lineup of the village people. 69 00:02:52,940 --> 00:02:55,006 [laughing] 70 00:02:55,142 --> 00:02:58,676 I managed to find a woman who in a way represented 71 00:02:58,712 --> 00:03:01,846 All factions of the dispute. 72 00:03:01,882 --> 00:03:04,416 Temagami first nation land and resource manager, 73 00:03:04,551 --> 00:03:06,351 Robin koistinen. 74 00:03:06,486 --> 00:03:09,955 [cheering & applauding] 75 00:03:09,957 --> 00:03:14,425 Robin remembers how tense it was back in the blockade days. 76 00:03:14,461 --> 00:03:18,096 At the centre of the dispute was the proposed extension of 77 00:03:18,165 --> 00:03:20,966 A logging road, red squirrel road. 78 00:03:20,968 --> 00:03:22,500 They decided they wanted to put in 79 00:03:22,570 --> 00:03:24,703 The red squirrel extension, 80 00:03:24,838 --> 00:03:26,138 You know, it was just going to be, yeah, 81 00:03:26,140 --> 00:03:27,439 For convenience sake, 82 00:03:27,508 --> 00:03:29,507 For the logging industry, essentially. 83 00:03:29,543 --> 00:03:32,377 She said the road proposal came at a time when the 84 00:03:32,413 --> 00:03:35,747 Temagami people were already at their wits end, 85 00:03:35,749 --> 00:03:37,682 They were already on edge. 86 00:03:37,751 --> 00:03:41,053 Our people had been here for thousands of years, 87 00:03:41,055 --> 00:03:43,055 Trapping and hunting and fishing. 88 00:03:43,190 --> 00:03:45,457 At the time, the government, they were always 89 00:03:45,526 --> 00:03:47,926 Imposing new rules and regulations. 90 00:03:48,061 --> 00:03:49,328 You can no longer trap. 91 00:03:49,463 --> 00:03:50,662 You had to get a license from them. 92 00:03:50,698 --> 00:03:51,997 You can no longer fish. 93 00:03:51,999 --> 00:03:53,531 They were charging our people for, 94 00:03:53,567 --> 00:03:55,934 For doing what they did their whole lives, 95 00:03:56,003 --> 00:03:58,736 Like eking out their living and supporting their families. 96 00:03:58,772 --> 00:04:02,474 You got to consider somebody coming onto your land and 97 00:04:02,543 --> 00:04:04,009 Telling you you need a license to do something that 98 00:04:04,078 --> 00:04:05,677 You've always done. 99 00:04:05,713 --> 00:04:08,013 Like, imagine you're in the backyard, 100 00:04:08,148 --> 00:04:10,748 And a ranger type comes in with a badge and 101 00:04:10,784 --> 00:04:11,816 A sidearm, and is like, 102 00:04:11,852 --> 00:04:14,552 "hey, you got a license for that barbecue?" 103 00:04:14,554 --> 00:04:15,887 [laughing] 104 00:04:15,889 --> 00:04:18,957 "and I think you're over your grams of chicken wings. 105 00:04:19,092 --> 00:04:20,725 Terry, do a wing count." 106 00:04:20,794 --> 00:04:21,960 [laughing] 107 00:04:22,095 --> 00:04:23,428 "I, I'll ask you once again, sir, 108 00:04:23,464 --> 00:04:24,929 Do you have a license for the barbecue? 109 00:04:24,965 --> 00:04:27,699 And no, your 'license to grill' apron does not count." 110 00:04:27,834 --> 00:04:30,502 [laughing] 111 00:04:30,504 --> 00:04:31,569 I have pictures of my mother and 112 00:04:31,639 --> 00:04:33,505 My grandfather and my cousin. 113 00:04:33,574 --> 00:04:35,573 They're out blocking the roads. 114 00:04:35,609 --> 00:04:36,708 They were all hauled off. 115 00:04:36,843 --> 00:04:38,643 Yeah, my mom was arrested. 116 00:04:38,645 --> 00:04:40,712 But at the same time, I was working for 117 00:04:40,748 --> 00:04:42,781 The ministry of natural resources. 118 00:04:42,783 --> 00:04:44,649 They were trying to build the road. 119 00:04:44,718 --> 00:04:46,851 That's got to be pretty awkward at the office, 120 00:04:46,920 --> 00:04:48,854 You know. "okay, ah, hey guys, 121 00:04:48,989 --> 00:04:50,522 Great work today, everybody. 122 00:04:50,591 --> 00:04:53,058 It's 5 o'clock, I gotta bail... 123 00:04:53,193 --> 00:04:54,859 My mom out of jail." 124 00:04:54,895 --> 00:04:56,594 [laughing] 125 00:04:56,664 --> 00:04:58,063 At the same time, 126 00:04:58,065 --> 00:05:00,799 There was environmental groups on the road. 127 00:05:00,801 --> 00:05:02,634 They're at cross -purposes with us, right? 128 00:05:02,636 --> 00:05:04,336 They're not into the hunting, fishing, 129 00:05:04,405 --> 00:05:06,938 Trapping kind of thing. They want it to be a park. 130 00:05:06,940 --> 00:05:09,941 And to us, it's not a wilderness, it's our home. 131 00:05:10,010 --> 00:05:12,411 The temagami people were not after conservationism. 132 00:05:12,413 --> 00:05:13,812 They were after traditionalism. 133 00:05:13,947 --> 00:05:15,680 They wanted their way of life back. 134 00:05:15,749 --> 00:05:18,083 The way they'd always had it on their land. 135 00:05:18,152 --> 00:05:19,984 Some of the parks, in terms of the 136 00:05:20,020 --> 00:05:21,753 Legislation that was available at the time, 137 00:05:21,888 --> 00:05:24,056 Would be another imposition on us, right? 138 00:05:24,191 --> 00:05:26,925 At first, they were united by a common enemy. 139 00:05:27,060 --> 00:05:28,760 Right? The environmentalists showed up, 140 00:05:28,762 --> 00:05:30,095 They said, "we will protest with you, 141 00:05:30,164 --> 00:05:32,697 We will help you stop this logging. 142 00:05:32,766 --> 00:05:33,965 We don't care how long it takes. 143 00:05:34,034 --> 00:05:35,700 We'll stand with you day and night." 144 00:05:35,769 --> 00:05:38,703 And the temagami people said, "well, thank you. 145 00:05:38,706 --> 00:05:42,374 Ah, but you should know the nights get pretty cold. 146 00:05:42,509 --> 00:05:44,376 So, here are some warm hats. 147 00:05:44,378 --> 00:05:46,111 Feel how soft that is, that's beaver. 148 00:05:46,180 --> 00:05:47,846 Feel that?" -[laughing] 149 00:05:47,848 --> 00:05:51,983 "lovely. That's nice, isn't it? Huh?" 150 00:05:52,052 --> 00:05:53,852 Finally in 1990, 151 00:05:53,987 --> 00:05:56,521 They agreed to come off the road 152 00:05:56,557 --> 00:05:58,724 When they signed the memorandum of understanding. 153 00:05:58,859 --> 00:06:01,659 In 1990, the first nations and the ontario government 154 00:06:01,729 --> 00:06:03,995 Signed the memorandum of understanding. 155 00:06:04,064 --> 00:06:07,399 It was a truce, it put an end to the, the blockades. 156 00:06:07,468 --> 00:06:08,900 Shortly after that, 157 00:06:08,902 --> 00:06:11,803 The milne & sons sawmill closed, 158 00:06:11,938 --> 00:06:15,073 Essentially ending 100 years of 159 00:06:15,142 --> 00:06:17,942 Large scale forestry in this area. 160 00:06:17,978 --> 00:06:20,312 I would say the blockade might have been 161 00:06:20,447 --> 00:06:22,680 The straw that broke the camel's back in that 162 00:06:22,750 --> 00:06:24,149 Everybody had to fess up. 163 00:06:24,151 --> 00:06:25,950 There was an over -competition for 164 00:06:26,019 --> 00:06:27,752 The white and red pine here. 165 00:06:27,755 --> 00:06:29,987 There wasn't going to be enough raw materials 166 00:06:30,023 --> 00:06:31,690 For the mill, which is sad. 167 00:06:31,692 --> 00:06:33,825 I mean, you know, because it displaced 168 00:06:33,861 --> 00:06:35,493 A lot of people in our town. 169 00:06:35,562 --> 00:06:37,763 You know, our friends and neighbours worked at the mill. 170 00:06:37,898 --> 00:06:40,031 It was a huge blow to the community. 171 00:06:40,100 --> 00:06:43,501 As many as 150 people were put out of work, 172 00:06:43,537 --> 00:06:46,471 Families moved away, the grocery store closed, 173 00:06:46,507 --> 00:06:47,872 Restaurants shuttered. 174 00:06:47,941 --> 00:06:50,776 The school went from an attendance of about 300 175 00:06:50,911 --> 00:06:52,911 Down to about 30. 176 00:06:53,046 --> 00:06:55,913 It was really hard for the town, really hard. 177 00:06:55,949 --> 00:06:58,550 It's an age-old debate where you're trying to compare the 178 00:06:58,619 --> 00:07:01,519 Value of something used or harvested 179 00:07:01,555 --> 00:07:04,856 Versus the value of it if you just leave it alone. 180 00:07:04,858 --> 00:07:06,591 You know, I had a similar thing in university with my 181 00:07:06,726 --> 00:07:09,861 Roommates when some of them decided we should take down 182 00:07:09,996 --> 00:07:12,664 The great wall of beer empties to return to 183 00:07:12,666 --> 00:07:14,065 The store for money. 184 00:07:14,101 --> 00:07:15,600 [laughing] 185 00:07:15,735 --> 00:07:17,869 I know it's slightly different in your case. 186 00:07:17,905 --> 00:07:20,639 You know, the stakes are a little higher when you're 187 00:07:20,774 --> 00:07:23,408 Talking about the world's largest stand of 188 00:07:23,477 --> 00:07:25,543 Old growth red and white pines. 189 00:07:25,579 --> 00:07:27,512 We all know how ugly things can get 190 00:07:27,648 --> 00:07:28,946 When you remove old growth. 191 00:07:28,982 --> 00:07:31,683 You don't need to watch dr. Pimple popper to know that. 192 00:07:31,818 --> 00:07:34,719 [laughing & applauding] 193 00:07:39,726 --> 00:07:43,427 ♪ 194 00:07:43,464 --> 00:07:45,096 -Hey, roz, how are you? -Nice to meet you. 195 00:07:45,098 --> 00:07:46,498 Nice to meet you. 196 00:07:46,567 --> 00:07:48,433 I spoke with a woman who has spent 197 00:07:48,568 --> 00:07:50,101 Most of her life in a canoe, 198 00:07:50,137 --> 00:07:53,371 And never stops trying to get other people on board. 199 00:07:53,507 --> 00:07:57,509 She can lead from the stern, and that deserves a bow... 200 00:07:57,644 --> 00:07:59,477 Roz kilbridge. 201 00:07:59,480 --> 00:08:02,747 [cheering & applauding] 202 00:08:02,783 --> 00:08:06,718 Roz and her partner, francis, run smoothwater outfitters. 203 00:08:06,787 --> 00:08:09,988 They are upper canada's canoe concierge. 204 00:08:09,990 --> 00:08:12,323 We set people up with as much or as little as they need. 205 00:08:12,392 --> 00:08:14,726 So, some people come to us already kind of 206 00:08:14,795 --> 00:08:16,261 Owning all their own gear. 207 00:08:16,330 --> 00:08:18,429 But then other people need everything, 208 00:08:18,465 --> 00:08:20,464 Especially if they're coming from overseas. 209 00:08:20,501 --> 00:08:22,801 So they get us to do the canoe rentals, 210 00:08:22,803 --> 00:08:25,403 The shuttling, provide all their gear. 211 00:08:25,405 --> 00:08:26,938 We dehydrate a lot of our own food, 212 00:08:26,974 --> 00:08:29,474 So we pack a food package for them. 213 00:08:29,476 --> 00:08:33,077 Where in the world are people coming from to canoe here? 214 00:08:33,113 --> 00:08:35,513 Most of our overseas people are coming from England, 215 00:08:35,516 --> 00:08:36,681 From great britain somewhere. 216 00:08:36,816 --> 00:08:38,816 -Yeah. -Then probably germany. 217 00:08:38,852 --> 00:08:41,753 They have a fascination with the wilderness. 218 00:08:41,822 --> 00:08:43,822 She said they get a lot of people from 219 00:08:43,824 --> 00:08:46,424 The uk and from germany. 220 00:08:46,493 --> 00:08:48,827 So, chances are you're not bringing your own canoe. 221 00:08:48,962 --> 00:08:52,897 If you're coming from germany, she'll rent u-boats. 222 00:08:52,933 --> 00:08:55,433 [laughing] 223 00:08:55,435 --> 00:08:57,636 She'll rent you boat- she'll rent boats to you. 224 00:08:57,638 --> 00:08:59,804 [laughing] 225 00:08:59,806 --> 00:09:01,906 ♪ 226 00:09:01,942 --> 00:09:04,709 It's hard to travel through temagami, and I think... 227 00:09:04,711 --> 00:09:06,644 People underestimate sometimes how 228 00:09:06,713 --> 00:09:08,647 Rugged this area is. 229 00:09:08,649 --> 00:09:11,582 2,4000 kilometres of historic canoe routes. 230 00:09:11,618 --> 00:09:15,320 It's not all waterways, some of that is portage trails. 231 00:09:15,389 --> 00:09:18,556 You have to pack light because you're carrying all 232 00:09:18,691 --> 00:09:23,461 This gear, and a canoe over difficult, rocky portages. 233 00:09:23,497 --> 00:09:25,931 We had one group of americans come up once, 234 00:09:26,066 --> 00:09:27,999 And they had a lot of beer. 235 00:09:28,035 --> 00:09:30,935 And francis said, "you know, I don't think 236 00:09:31,004 --> 00:09:32,603 You're going to want a portage all of that. 237 00:09:32,639 --> 00:09:34,739 I don't think you quite know what you're getting into." 238 00:09:34,808 --> 00:09:36,274 And they said, "no, no, we'll be fine." 239 00:09:36,409 --> 00:09:39,343 Here she is putting chili in a dehydrator, 240 00:09:39,379 --> 00:09:41,779 So you can get rid of the water weight. 241 00:09:41,815 --> 00:09:44,015 The boys show up with a two-four. 242 00:09:44,084 --> 00:09:45,683 [laughing] 243 00:09:45,752 --> 00:09:48,753 Bro, you're supposed to pack light, not coors light. 244 00:09:48,755 --> 00:09:50,821 [laughing] 245 00:09:50,857 --> 00:09:52,624 How do you even begin doing this? 246 00:09:52,693 --> 00:09:54,359 With canoe techniques, she showed me 247 00:09:54,428 --> 00:09:55,760 More than the broad strokes. 248 00:09:55,829 --> 00:09:59,464 She showed me how to get the canoe up and over 249 00:09:59,533 --> 00:10:01,366 The top onto your head. 250 00:10:01,368 --> 00:10:03,335 First, you grab it by the gunnels. 251 00:10:03,470 --> 00:10:05,036 And kind of flip it up like this. 252 00:10:05,038 --> 00:10:07,839 Pull it kind of up onto your thighs like this. 253 00:10:07,974 --> 00:10:10,375 She pulled up the canoe, and then you, you sort of rock it- 254 00:10:10,444 --> 00:10:13,178 You get some momentum going with your thighs, and then... 255 00:10:15,415 --> 00:10:17,048 -Whoa. -You flip it like that. 256 00:10:17,050 --> 00:10:18,916 -Nicely done! -[laughing] 257 00:10:18,952 --> 00:10:20,885 Then it was my turn to try. 258 00:10:20,887 --> 00:10:23,521 So, I pull it up, I got it on my thighs, and I'm like, 259 00:10:23,657 --> 00:10:25,556 Trying to rock it. My technique was- 260 00:10:25,626 --> 00:10:27,091 I don't think I was helping myself doing- 261 00:10:27,127 --> 00:10:30,061 I probably looked more awkward than I do right now. 262 00:10:30,097 --> 00:10:32,730 I'm rocking the canoe, and then... 263 00:10:32,799 --> 00:10:34,799 -[effort grunt] -nice! 264 00:10:34,801 --> 00:10:37,402 -Hey! -Amazing! 265 00:10:37,471 --> 00:10:39,737 And really, was there any doubt I would get it up there? 266 00:10:39,873 --> 00:10:41,473 I mean, if you've seen my acting, 267 00:10:41,475 --> 00:10:42,807 If you've seen murdoch mystery, 268 00:10:42,809 --> 00:10:44,942 You know my technique is not very good, 269 00:10:44,978 --> 00:10:46,877 But when it comes time to be over the top, 270 00:10:46,913 --> 00:10:48,646 Well, no sweat. 271 00:10:48,649 --> 00:10:52,516 [laughing] [applauding] 272 00:10:57,157 --> 00:11:00,825 ♪ 273 00:11:00,960 --> 00:11:03,961 There's a new, more sustainable forestry program 274 00:11:03,997 --> 00:11:07,866 Happening in temagami now, and I met the guy who- 275 00:11:08,001 --> 00:11:11,903 Well, let's call him the branch manager, jeff barton. 276 00:11:11,972 --> 00:11:16,974 [cheering & applauding] 277 00:11:17,010 --> 00:11:20,512 Daki menan is a forestry company started by the 278 00:11:20,514 --> 00:11:21,979 Temagami first nation. 279 00:11:22,015 --> 00:11:24,115 They have a mill, they cut trees, they plant trees. 280 00:11:24,151 --> 00:11:27,685 But most of all, what jeff is trying to do is 281 00:11:27,688 --> 00:11:31,122 Provide training for youth from temagami 282 00:11:31,158 --> 00:11:32,723 And the surrounding areas. 283 00:11:32,759 --> 00:11:33,992 There's a sign up the highway that says, 284 00:11:34,127 --> 00:11:37,595 "forestry supports 180,000 jobs in ontario." 285 00:11:37,664 --> 00:11:40,798 Part of what we're doing is sharing a small piece of that. 286 00:11:40,834 --> 00:11:43,134 He said oftentimes he'll train someone up to a point 287 00:11:43,170 --> 00:11:46,137 Where they're so good, they'll get hired by 288 00:11:46,173 --> 00:11:47,805 A bigger forestry company. 289 00:11:47,841 --> 00:11:49,407 He said it's kind of like being the coach for 290 00:11:49,542 --> 00:11:50,875 The toronto marlies. 291 00:11:51,010 --> 00:11:52,877 If you do a good job and you win the cup, 292 00:11:52,879 --> 00:11:54,813 You lose your best guys. -Right. 293 00:11:54,815 --> 00:11:57,782 The difference though between forestry and hockey is, 294 00:11:57,917 --> 00:12:00,518 In hockey, the leafs fall in the spring. 295 00:12:00,520 --> 00:12:02,120 [laughing] 296 00:12:02,122 --> 00:12:03,588 Jeff was talking to me about 297 00:12:03,657 --> 00:12:05,689 The regeneration of the forest- 298 00:12:05,726 --> 00:12:08,693 How wide, how thick a tree will grow 299 00:12:08,695 --> 00:12:11,696 Depends on how crowded it is. 300 00:12:11,698 --> 00:12:12,864 In order to renew the forest, 301 00:12:12,999 --> 00:12:14,532 You need to take away the competition, 302 00:12:14,667 --> 00:12:16,100 Just like you would when you're weeding the garden. 303 00:12:16,169 --> 00:12:17,735 He said it's not unlike thinning out 304 00:12:17,804 --> 00:12:19,103 Your vegetable garden. 305 00:12:19,172 --> 00:12:21,639 And he said it to me as if I had a vegetable garden. 306 00:12:21,708 --> 00:12:23,641 [laughing] 307 00:12:23,643 --> 00:12:26,510 Yeah, I guess each tree is competing for sunlight and 308 00:12:26,646 --> 00:12:27,779 The nutrients in the soil. 309 00:12:27,914 --> 00:12:29,114 Right, what we're trying to do is, 310 00:12:29,249 --> 00:12:30,982 Is give those trees the best chance that 311 00:12:31,051 --> 00:12:33,117 They can to get to maturity. 312 00:12:33,186 --> 00:12:35,920 You do this with a brush cutter, a brush saw. 313 00:12:36,055 --> 00:12:37,956 Jeff and one of the other workers who was there, 314 00:12:38,091 --> 00:12:39,223 Sebastian, 315 00:12:39,292 --> 00:12:41,726 They got me kitted up with the helmet and the glasses, 316 00:12:41,861 --> 00:12:44,129 The visor, the harness, the... 317 00:12:44,264 --> 00:12:46,064 The brush saw. 318 00:12:46,199 --> 00:12:47,765 I watched seb do it first. 319 00:12:47,768 --> 00:12:50,034 [chainsaw rumbling continues] 320 00:12:56,009 --> 00:12:57,708 I started doing it. 321 00:13:01,081 --> 00:13:03,014 It was fun, although, I almost felt like 322 00:13:03,149 --> 00:13:06,084 An evil version of bob ross. 323 00:13:06,086 --> 00:13:09,020 "here's a happy little tree right here. 324 00:13:09,089 --> 00:13:11,689 He's happy, but he's a little too little, 325 00:13:11,825 --> 00:13:14,024 So he's got to go." 326 00:13:14,060 --> 00:13:16,027 [laughing] 327 00:13:16,096 --> 00:13:17,828 If you want a sustainable forest, 328 00:13:17,864 --> 00:13:19,497 That's what you have to do. 329 00:13:19,632 --> 00:13:21,966 You got to get rid of some of these small, gnarly ones. 330 00:13:22,101 --> 00:13:24,168 I bet jeff is the only guy who, when people 331 00:13:24,237 --> 00:13:26,103 Are watching the charlie brown christmas, right? 332 00:13:26,139 --> 00:13:29,039 And everybody feels bad for that like little, 333 00:13:29,075 --> 00:13:31,042 Gnarly, weak tree, I bet jeff is like, 334 00:13:31,111 --> 00:13:33,244 "no, no, this is not how it's done." 335 00:13:33,280 --> 00:13:35,179 "that is not... Okay. 336 00:13:35,215 --> 00:13:37,515 Try framing your house with some lumber from that." 337 00:13:37,650 --> 00:13:39,617 [laughing] 338 00:13:39,653 --> 00:13:44,922 ♪ 339 00:13:44,991 --> 00:13:47,858 Next, I met a family who are trying to make sure people 340 00:13:47,894 --> 00:13:51,996 With physical challenges can enjoy the temagami experience. 341 00:13:52,131 --> 00:13:54,999 Even if you aren't a peak performance paddler, 342 00:13:55,134 --> 00:13:57,669 You should at least come get your feet wet. 343 00:13:57,804 --> 00:14:00,437 From andorra accessible cottages, 344 00:14:00,473 --> 00:14:03,708 I had a chat with candice and tyson rogerson. 345 00:14:03,843 --> 00:14:08,146 [cheering & applauding] 346 00:14:08,148 --> 00:14:10,014 Candice, so you spent some time in this area 347 00:14:10,149 --> 00:14:11,216 When you were younger? 348 00:14:11,351 --> 00:14:15,520 Yes, my family had a remote fly-in cottage up here. 349 00:14:15,655 --> 00:14:16,587 What did you love about it? 350 00:14:16,656 --> 00:14:18,456 Why did you want to come back at some point? 351 00:14:18,525 --> 00:14:19,624 I don't know, it's very relaxing, 352 00:14:19,693 --> 00:14:22,427 Like just being here, it's like, it fills you up. 353 00:14:22,562 --> 00:14:24,529 Candice and her family, they bought an old 354 00:14:24,664 --> 00:14:26,898 Tourist lodge here, and it's all about, you know, 355 00:14:27,033 --> 00:14:29,767 Allowing people with challenges to... 356 00:14:29,803 --> 00:14:31,169 It's all about accessibility. 357 00:14:31,304 --> 00:14:32,870 In fact, things were so accessible, 358 00:14:32,873 --> 00:14:34,972 Tyson didn't want to sit and talk to me, 359 00:14:35,008 --> 00:14:36,441 He had a powered wheelchair, and he just went 360 00:14:36,576 --> 00:14:38,108 Booting around doing his own thing. 361 00:14:38,144 --> 00:14:40,511 [laughing] 362 00:14:40,513 --> 00:14:43,514 So, tyson has cerebral palsy and, 363 00:14:43,516 --> 00:14:45,449 A very severe form of epilepsy. 364 00:14:45,518 --> 00:14:47,919 And we could never, ever find a place where 365 00:14:48,054 --> 00:14:49,987 We could just come to a cottage for a week... 366 00:14:50,023 --> 00:14:52,924 And have all of our needs met. 367 00:14:52,993 --> 00:14:56,460 The goal is to build a fully accessible resort. 368 00:14:56,529 --> 00:14:58,862 Accessible means can I 369 00:14:58,899 --> 00:15:01,532 Dress or bathe or change an 370 00:15:01,534 --> 00:15:05,002 Adult-size person that has to have that happen 371 00:15:05,038 --> 00:15:08,439 While they're lying down? Is there a hoyer lift? 372 00:15:08,574 --> 00:15:12,977 Is there extra power by the bedside to run a pump or 373 00:15:13,112 --> 00:15:15,380 Oxygen or a feeding tube or something like that? 374 00:15:15,515 --> 00:15:17,481 A cottage is never going to come 375 00:15:17,550 --> 00:15:18,949 Equipped with those features. 376 00:15:18,951 --> 00:15:19,883 Right. 377 00:15:19,920 --> 00:15:22,420 We had almost jokingly talked about, well, 378 00:15:22,555 --> 00:15:24,688 We should just buy a resort up here and, and... 379 00:15:24,724 --> 00:15:28,159 Make it accessible and, we saw this place and, 380 00:15:28,228 --> 00:15:30,962 As we're driving down the driveway, I just got like, 381 00:15:31,097 --> 00:15:33,131 Whoa, this is the one. 382 00:15:33,266 --> 00:15:37,168 ♪ 383 00:15:37,237 --> 00:15:39,737 ♪ 384 00:15:39,739 --> 00:15:42,073 Doing this kind of thing, if you go a certain route, 385 00:15:42,208 --> 00:15:43,708 It can be very expensive. 386 00:15:43,710 --> 00:15:46,643 You know, the cost of, of accessibility. 387 00:15:46,680 --> 00:15:48,545 We have a chair in the house, that's- 388 00:15:48,581 --> 00:15:50,714 It's called a recovery chair, 389 00:15:50,850 --> 00:15:52,183 And it's just basically a soft, 390 00:15:52,252 --> 00:15:55,119 Foamy chair that he can sit in, 391 00:15:55,121 --> 00:15:58,522 And he's perfectly safe if he's had a seizure. 392 00:15:58,558 --> 00:16:03,661 I was fortunate to purchase it for $800, used. 393 00:16:03,796 --> 00:16:05,663 A new one would have been $3000. 394 00:16:05,732 --> 00:16:07,031 So, they're trying to figure out how to do 395 00:16:07,166 --> 00:16:08,265 Some stuff on their own. 396 00:16:08,335 --> 00:16:10,868 They're trying to take the "bill" out of accessibility. 397 00:16:10,870 --> 00:16:12,804 [laughing] 398 00:16:12,939 --> 00:16:15,706 They've got like a raised bed on the beach there. 399 00:16:15,709 --> 00:16:18,575 Older people that want to relax at the beach and 400 00:16:18,611 --> 00:16:20,611 Lie down, but they maybe don't want to go all the way 401 00:16:20,647 --> 00:16:23,080 To the ground either because it's harder to 402 00:16:23,116 --> 00:16:24,281 Get up from the ground. 403 00:16:24,351 --> 00:16:28,552 Or, even changing a toddler out of a wet bathing suit, 404 00:16:28,588 --> 00:16:31,489 If you're raised up on something that's not full of 405 00:16:31,558 --> 00:16:34,692 Sand, it just makes life easier for everybody. 406 00:16:34,827 --> 00:16:37,428 Changing out a wet bathing suit is hard, 407 00:16:37,464 --> 00:16:39,696 I don't care who you are, what age or- 408 00:16:39,733 --> 00:16:43,167 I go get in the car at the beach like I'm going to leave. 409 00:16:43,169 --> 00:16:45,703 But if it's a busy day, there's people all around, 410 00:16:45,838 --> 00:16:47,104 So I try to do it real quickly, 411 00:16:47,240 --> 00:16:48,606 Like whip down my trunks, 412 00:16:48,608 --> 00:16:50,574 And then I hope no one's walking by, 413 00:16:50,643 --> 00:16:52,844 Then I get my trunk stuck around my ankles, 414 00:16:52,979 --> 00:16:54,645 And I hope no one is looking, 415 00:16:54,647 --> 00:16:55,846 And then I'm wrestling with that, 416 00:16:55,882 --> 00:16:58,916 And just as I'm doing that, my forehead honks the horn 417 00:16:58,985 --> 00:17:00,984 And people are like, "whoa, is that guy okay? 418 00:17:01,021 --> 00:17:02,053 Let's go check on him." 419 00:17:02,122 --> 00:17:03,287 And then, eventually I just roll my window down, 420 00:17:03,423 --> 00:17:05,789 And it's like, "oh, the water was so cold today, right?" 421 00:17:05,825 --> 00:17:08,459 [laughing] 422 00:17:08,495 --> 00:17:10,594 [applauding] 423 00:17:16,036 --> 00:17:17,135 Take care, we'll see you soon. 424 00:17:17,137 --> 00:17:18,569 -I'll see you Saturday. -Yeah. 425 00:17:18,704 --> 00:17:21,372 [train bell ringing] 426 00:17:21,507 --> 00:17:24,275 I heard the old train station had been turned into 427 00:17:24,410 --> 00:17:27,578 An art centre that is showcasing the talent 428 00:17:27,614 --> 00:17:31,049 And culture that's located right here in town. 429 00:17:31,184 --> 00:17:33,217 It's called living temagami. 430 00:17:33,286 --> 00:17:35,420 I was dying to see it. 431 00:17:35,555 --> 00:17:39,690 I had a visit with ashly legacy and omar de la serna. 432 00:17:39,692 --> 00:17:44,362 [cheering & applauding] 433 00:17:44,364 --> 00:17:45,996 My grandparents had an island on the lake, 434 00:17:46,066 --> 00:17:47,498 So I used to grow up coming here in the summer 435 00:17:47,567 --> 00:17:48,966 And in the winter. 436 00:17:49,035 --> 00:17:50,535 I found a guy that was willing to 437 00:17:50,537 --> 00:17:52,203 Move up here with me. 438 00:17:52,338 --> 00:17:54,572 Omar, he's mexican. 439 00:17:54,641 --> 00:17:57,207 The most amazing thing omar told me, he said- 440 00:17:57,243 --> 00:18:00,178 Temagami is really similar to mexico city, right? 441 00:18:00,180 --> 00:18:03,180 "temagami reminds me of mexico city." 442 00:18:03,249 --> 00:18:06,317 And I was like, the one with the population of 443 00:18:06,386 --> 00:18:08,519 Twenty something million people? 444 00:18:08,588 --> 00:18:09,987 And he said, "yeah." 445 00:18:10,056 --> 00:18:12,390 Everyone say hi to everyone. 446 00:18:12,525 --> 00:18:14,191 The people are really friendly. 447 00:18:14,227 --> 00:18:15,159 So, the vibe is sort of- 448 00:18:15,195 --> 00:18:17,528 The vibe is really similar to my town. 449 00:18:17,564 --> 00:18:19,330 I've been to mexico. 450 00:18:19,399 --> 00:18:21,198 I don't think I ever would have made the comparison. 451 00:18:21,267 --> 00:18:24,435 But, who knows, I've never seen temagami 452 00:18:24,504 --> 00:18:26,670 At cinco de mayo. So, what do I know? 453 00:18:26,739 --> 00:18:29,006 [laughing] 454 00:18:29,075 --> 00:18:31,542 [applauding] 455 00:18:31,578 --> 00:18:34,411 ♪ 456 00:18:34,447 --> 00:18:36,981 Omar brings an expertise in paper mache. 457 00:18:37,116 --> 00:18:38,549 This is very big in mexican culture, 458 00:18:38,551 --> 00:18:40,684 Particularly for festivities. 459 00:18:40,720 --> 00:18:43,020 -I used to make pinatas. -Yeah? 460 00:18:43,022 --> 00:18:43,954 In the school, like, 461 00:18:43,990 --> 00:18:46,290 It was a common thing to do in December. 462 00:18:46,292 --> 00:18:49,627 This art is made to be destroyed. 463 00:18:49,696 --> 00:18:52,696 -Tell me about this. -This is the phoenix. 464 00:18:52,732 --> 00:18:55,766 The idea is that people will come over the 465 00:18:55,768 --> 00:18:58,202 Next couple of months and get a feather. 466 00:18:58,204 --> 00:19:00,938 And then you write something down, something in your, 467 00:19:00,974 --> 00:19:03,440 In your life that you want to be done with, that, that- 468 00:19:03,476 --> 00:19:06,076 Something negative that maybe you want to move past, 469 00:19:06,146 --> 00:19:07,478 You want to put behind you. 470 00:19:07,480 --> 00:19:08,713 And you write that on the feather, 471 00:19:08,715 --> 00:19:10,281 And then that goes on the phoenix. 472 00:19:10,416 --> 00:19:12,049 So, the feathers will actually all go 473 00:19:12,185 --> 00:19:14,051 Onto the bird and become the bird. 474 00:19:14,053 --> 00:19:15,686 And then, on the winter solstice, 475 00:19:15,722 --> 00:19:18,656 We're gonna burn the phoenix with the community. 476 00:19:18,791 --> 00:19:22,059 Everybody gets to start fresh and burn all their bad. 477 00:19:22,061 --> 00:19:24,094 And they invited me to be a part of it, 478 00:19:24,164 --> 00:19:25,863 So I had a feather, 479 00:19:25,998 --> 00:19:26,997 And I wasn't sure what to write down. 480 00:19:27,066 --> 00:19:28,666 I was like- and then I thought of something that 481 00:19:28,668 --> 00:19:30,868 I actually did get rid of, but I've never really 482 00:19:31,003 --> 00:19:33,470 Mentally been able to put in my past for me, 483 00:19:33,506 --> 00:19:35,406 So I wrote down "belly button ring". 484 00:19:35,541 --> 00:19:37,341 [laughing] 485 00:19:37,476 --> 00:19:39,610 It's sort of ironic that this thing's gonna go up in flames 486 00:19:39,646 --> 00:19:42,079 Because really, I think it's the burning is the 487 00:19:42,115 --> 00:19:45,149 Reason I've never been able to get past it entirely. 488 00:19:45,151 --> 00:19:47,084 [laughing] 489 00:19:47,153 --> 00:19:48,619 ♪ 490 00:19:48,655 --> 00:19:50,755 [laughing] 491 00:19:50,890 --> 00:19:53,957 "up north," you can say when you're north of north bay, 492 00:19:53,993 --> 00:19:56,561 And temagami is by an hour. 493 00:19:56,696 --> 00:19:58,295 Trees reach even higher, 494 00:19:58,364 --> 00:20:00,297 So when you light that bird on fire, 495 00:20:00,333 --> 00:20:01,899 I wish I could be watching from that 496 00:20:02,034 --> 00:20:04,035 Awesome fire tower. 497 00:20:04,170 --> 00:20:06,470 If you have challenges already and want something 498 00:20:06,472 --> 00:20:09,973 More steady than wearing a canoe like a fedora... 499 00:20:10,009 --> 00:20:11,776 Well, mobility needs are met 500 00:20:11,778 --> 00:20:14,478 Where wheelchair wheels get wet. 501 00:20:14,480 --> 00:20:18,049 Life's a beach for everyone at andorra. 502 00:20:18,184 --> 00:20:22,019 People made a demand, so the old pines still stand... 503 00:20:22,055 --> 00:20:26,323 After protests, arrests, and riffs and tears. 504 00:20:26,325 --> 00:20:30,060 By lake temagami they stand, and watch over the land, 505 00:20:30,129 --> 00:20:33,631 As they've done so for 300 years. 506 00:20:33,700 --> 00:20:35,399 Thanks for coming out, everybody! 507 00:20:35,534 --> 00:20:37,068 You've been great! 508 00:20:37,203 --> 00:20:39,369 [cheering & applauding] 509 00:20:39,405 --> 00:20:40,471 -It was awesome! -It was wonderful. 510 00:20:40,540 --> 00:20:42,473 It was great! 511 00:20:42,475 --> 00:20:46,544 ♪ 512 00:20:46,679 --> 00:20:49,247 ♪ 513 00:20:49,382 --> 00:20:51,415 -I loved it! -Yeah, yeah, good show. 514 00:20:51,417 --> 00:20:54,952 ♪ 515 00:20:55,087 --> 00:20:57,421 ♪ 516 00:20:57,423 --> 00:20:59,156 We're bagging firewood, we're making lumber, 517 00:20:59,225 --> 00:21:01,092 We're planting trees, so we might have him 518 00:21:01,227 --> 00:21:03,293 In the yard next time. 519 00:21:03,329 --> 00:21:08,065 ♪ 520 00:21:08,200 --> 00:21:09,500 You know, jonny, I think belly button rings 521 00:21:09,635 --> 00:21:10,501 Are gonna come back. 522 00:21:10,570 --> 00:21:12,570 Soon. [laughing] 523 00:21:12,705 --> 00:21:17,008 ♪ 524 00:21:17,143 --> 00:21:19,109 Jonny, thank you for 525 00:21:19,178 --> 00:21:21,445 Showcasing temagami wonderfully. 526 00:21:21,580 --> 00:21:24,081 ♪