1 00:00:11,048 --> 00:00:12,214 Previously... 2 00:00:12,352 --> 00:00:14,602 If I don't set that hand, he'll be crippled for life. 3 00:00:14,998 --> 00:00:17,082 These men must be quarantined. 4 00:00:17,084 --> 00:00:19,801 There's nothing more you can do here. 5 00:00:19,837 --> 00:00:21,420 The Comte will not forget what happened. 6 00:00:21,472 --> 00:00:22,971 You've made an enemy here today. 7 00:00:23,006 --> 00:00:24,473 The Duke of Sandringham likes to talk. 8 00:00:24,508 --> 00:00:27,392 It certainly is a most extraordinary document. 9 00:00:27,428 --> 00:00:30,061 We can infiltrate the Jacobite movement. 10 00:00:30,097 --> 00:00:31,430 Get close to the key players 11 00:00:31,432 --> 00:00:33,181 and find a way to disrupt their plans. 12 00:00:33,233 --> 00:00:34,933 Your cousin Jared lives in Paris. 13 00:00:34,935 --> 00:00:36,318 He can vouch for us. 14 00:00:36,353 --> 00:00:38,987 What is the fire that burns within you? 15 00:00:39,022 --> 00:00:41,106 - I'm sorry I doubted you. - You'll help us, then? 16 00:00:41,108 --> 00:00:42,941 Run the wine business in my absence. 17 00:00:42,993 --> 00:00:45,944 And in return, I will give you the run of my house in Paris. 18 00:00:45,979 --> 00:00:47,863 You don't trust me to know the true reason 19 00:00:47,915 --> 00:00:49,865 behind this cloth of lies. 20 00:00:49,917 --> 00:00:52,167 I vow to you, I'll tell you everything that has happened, 21 00:00:52,202 --> 00:00:54,286 at the proper time. 22 00:02:05,077 --> 00:02:10,272 - sync and corrections by Caio - - www.addic7ed.com - 23 00:02:10,734 --> 00:02:13,859 _ 24 00:02:57,353 --> 00:02:59,403 Oh, don't stop. 25 00:03:31,187 --> 00:03:34,555 Is it another one? Another nightmare? 26 00:03:34,607 --> 00:03:36,641 He's gone, Jamie. 27 00:03:37,811 --> 00:03:40,111 He's alive... 28 00:03:40,146 --> 00:03:42,814 in my head. 29 00:03:42,816 --> 00:03:44,866 I canna get him out. 30 00:03:48,905 --> 00:03:51,372 You will in time. 31 00:03:51,407 --> 00:03:53,457 I promise. 32 00:03:57,497 --> 00:04:00,548 I won't be getting any more sleep tonight. 33 00:04:07,974 --> 00:04:11,893 I'll, uh, be going over this week's receipts. 34 00:04:19,936 --> 00:04:22,570 Black Jack Randall is dead. 35 00:04:25,325 --> 00:04:26,691 I know. 36 00:04:29,195 --> 00:04:31,445 See you in the morning, Sassenach. 37 00:04:50,600 --> 00:04:54,518 I noticed Madame has folded her clothes again this morning. 38 00:04:54,554 --> 00:04:56,888 Yes, Suzette. 39 00:04:56,890 --> 00:04:59,307 Why does Madame insist on making her own bed 40 00:04:59,359 --> 00:05:01,359 and folding her own clothes? 41 00:05:01,394 --> 00:05:03,227 I suppose it's habit. 42 00:05:03,229 --> 00:05:06,063 I'm just not used to having servants around me all the time, 43 00:05:06,065 --> 00:05:09,533 attending to my every need. 44 00:05:09,569 --> 00:05:12,620 But a woman of your distinction... 45 00:05:12,655 --> 00:05:16,324 and with child, no less... it is just not done. 46 00:05:16,376 --> 00:05:20,795 Fine. I will endeavor to be sloppier in my personal habits. 47 00:05:20,830 --> 00:05:21,996 Oh, Madame. 48 00:05:22,048 --> 00:05:24,582 Oh, that would make me so happy. 49 00:05:24,584 --> 00:05:26,334 I should be gone an hour or two. 50 00:05:26,386 --> 00:05:28,886 That should give you plenty of time to strip and remake my bed 51 00:05:28,922 --> 00:05:30,421 to your satisfaction. 52 00:05:30,423 --> 00:05:33,557 Oh, Madame, you are too kind. 53 00:05:38,982 --> 00:05:42,433 Good morning, Madame. Your carriage awaits you. 54 00:05:42,435 --> 00:05:45,820 Of course it does. 55 00:05:45,855 --> 00:05:48,322 Running a great house in Paris 56 00:05:48,358 --> 00:05:50,992 had proved more complicated than I'd ever imagined. 57 00:05:51,027 --> 00:05:54,996 Fortunately, Jared had selected his servants with care, 58 00:05:55,031 --> 00:05:58,666 so we had no worries regarding their trustworthiness. 59 00:06:10,463 --> 00:06:13,631 Even after several weeks, Paris itself remained 60 00:06:13,683 --> 00:06:17,802 an endless source of fascination. 61 00:06:17,804 --> 00:06:20,604 As I gazed upon the quaint city streets, 62 00:06:20,640 --> 00:06:23,975 I found it hard to believe that in a mere 40 years, 63 00:06:23,977 --> 00:06:27,361 the French Revolution would turn them into rivers of blood. 64 00:06:27,397 --> 00:06:29,530 The last time I had been here 65 00:06:29,565 --> 00:06:31,699 was during the delirious celebration 66 00:06:31,734 --> 00:06:34,368 marking the end of the Second World War. 67 00:06:37,657 --> 00:06:40,491 I had hoped to climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower, 68 00:06:40,543 --> 00:06:42,994 but the Nazis had closed it during the occupation, 69 00:06:43,046 --> 00:06:45,880 and it had yet to reopen. 70 00:06:45,915 --> 00:06:48,883 Now I had arrived a hundred years before it existed. 71 00:06:55,590 --> 00:06:57,590 _ 72 00:07:12,492 --> 00:07:14,575 Madame? 73 00:07:56,152 --> 00:07:58,986 Madame? 74 00:07:59,011 --> 00:08:01,441 _ 75 00:08:01,870 --> 00:08:04,620 _ 76 00:08:05,175 --> 00:08:08,925 _ 77 00:08:08,950 --> 00:08:10,628 _ 78 00:08:11,417 --> 00:08:13,847 _ 79 00:08:14,472 --> 00:08:16,808 _ 80 00:08:16,833 --> 00:08:20,034 Then I shall make it easier for you. 81 00:08:26,683 --> 00:08:28,933 Mustard... 82 00:08:28,969 --> 00:08:33,771 thyme in walnut oil, I believe, but... 83 00:08:33,807 --> 00:08:36,891 what on Earth do you use to make it smell so nasty? 84 00:08:36,943 --> 00:08:40,561 I see your nose is not purely decorative, Madonna. 85 00:08:40,613 --> 00:08:43,781 As for the smell, well, um... 86 00:08:43,817 --> 00:08:46,401 that, actually, is blood. 87 00:08:46,453 --> 00:08:50,405 But not crocodile blood. 88 00:08:50,457 --> 00:08:53,408 So much cynicism in one so young. 89 00:08:53,460 --> 00:08:56,995 No, in fact... 90 00:08:57,047 --> 00:08:59,797 it's pig's blood, Madonna... 91 00:08:59,833 --> 00:09:02,917 pigs being so much more available than crocodiles. 92 00:09:02,969 --> 00:09:05,670 Fortunately, the ladies and gentlemen of the Court 93 00:09:05,722 --> 00:09:09,007 are more trusting and foolish than you are. 94 00:09:12,395 --> 00:09:14,729 - I was wondering... - Hmm. 95 00:09:14,764 --> 00:09:16,647 Do you carry Nepeta cataria? 96 00:09:16,683 --> 00:09:19,484 Someone having trouble sleeping? 97 00:09:19,519 --> 00:09:21,819 My husband. 98 00:09:21,855 --> 00:09:24,739 Is the problem the result of excessive eating 99 00:09:24,774 --> 00:09:28,693 or drinking, perhaps, a nervous disposition? 100 00:09:28,695 --> 00:09:30,028 It's nightmares. 101 00:09:30,080 --> 00:09:31,696 I see. 102 00:09:31,748 --> 00:09:36,617 Then I would, uh, suggest, uh... 103 00:09:36,669 --> 00:09:38,002 Uh, Delphine, s'il vous plaît. 104 00:09:38,038 --> 00:09:41,005 Yes, I would suggest, uh... 105 00:09:41,041 --> 00:09:43,958 Valeriana officinalis... 106 00:09:47,213 --> 00:09:49,764 Combined with a touch 107 00:09:49,799 --> 00:09:54,018 of Humulus lupulus. 108 00:10:04,230 --> 00:10:06,948 You have a knowledge of herbs, haven't you? 109 00:10:06,983 --> 00:10:08,983 You're a professional, are you? 110 00:10:09,035 --> 00:10:11,486 Well, I suppose that would depend on what you mean 111 00:10:11,538 --> 00:10:12,820 by the term "professional." 112 00:10:12,872 --> 00:10:15,073 I'm a healer. 113 00:10:15,075 --> 00:10:16,574 Ah... 114 00:10:16,626 --> 00:10:19,127 a healer. 115 00:10:21,047 --> 00:10:23,831 I see. 116 00:10:23,883 --> 00:10:28,052 The size and overall look is as stated. 117 00:10:28,088 --> 00:10:30,922 Your name wouldn't happen to be Claire Fraser, would it? 118 00:10:30,974 --> 00:10:32,590 Yes, it is. 119 00:10:32,642 --> 00:10:34,892 Are you a mind reader as well? 120 00:10:34,928 --> 00:10:38,563 No, but I have an excellent memory for names, and, uh... 121 00:10:38,598 --> 00:10:40,181 yes... I've recently heard yours 122 00:10:40,233 --> 00:10:43,017 in connection with your rather dramatic arrival 123 00:10:43,069 --> 00:10:44,685 on our shores. 124 00:10:44,737 --> 00:10:47,522 Comte St. Germain told me all about your part 125 00:10:47,574 --> 00:10:49,941 in the burning of his pox-afflicted vessel, 126 00:10:49,943 --> 00:10:51,576 "The Patagonia." 127 00:10:51,611 --> 00:10:54,779 You're friends with the Comte St. Germain? 128 00:10:54,831 --> 00:10:56,614 Au contraire. 129 00:10:56,666 --> 00:10:59,867 You may, shall I call us, rivals. 130 00:10:59,919 --> 00:11:03,204 A pleasant term for enemies, is it not? 131 00:11:03,256 --> 00:11:06,124 And since he's your enemy as well, 132 00:11:06,176 --> 00:11:09,343 you must, in point of fact, be my friend. 133 00:11:09,379 --> 00:11:11,712 Thank you. 134 00:11:11,764 --> 00:11:15,099 I could use a friend. 135 00:11:15,135 --> 00:11:18,719 Accept this mixture as my gift to you and your husband. 136 00:11:18,771 --> 00:11:21,606 Have him steep the infusion in a cup of tea 137 00:11:21,641 --> 00:11:23,274 before bedtime. 138 00:11:23,309 --> 00:11:26,894 I guarantee he will keep you awake all night 139 00:11:26,946 --> 00:11:28,279 with his snoring. 140 00:11:47,634 --> 00:11:50,301 You're a dead man, lad. 141 00:11:52,338 --> 00:11:56,641 That left hand of yers is still as weak as a kitten. 142 00:11:56,676 --> 00:12:00,645 Aye, there's no strength in stiff fingers. 143 00:12:03,066 --> 00:12:04,232 Aah! 144 00:12:04,267 --> 00:12:06,901 What of the new sword? Does it satisfy? 145 00:12:06,936 --> 00:12:08,686 This one's lighter than I'm used to. 146 00:12:08,738 --> 00:12:12,106 I still prefer a Scottish blade. 147 00:12:12,158 --> 00:12:15,993 You're cutting too wide, leaving yourself open. 148 00:12:19,866 --> 00:12:21,916 Fight it. 149 00:12:27,373 --> 00:12:29,707 Come on, fight it! 150 00:12:33,880 --> 00:12:35,263 Enough! 151 00:12:40,887 --> 00:12:42,720 Have you never seen two men 152 00:12:42,722 --> 00:12:45,890 practicing the art of the sword, eh? 153 00:12:45,942 --> 00:12:48,142 Oh, clear off. 154 00:12:48,286 --> 00:12:51,563 _ 155 00:12:53,645 --> 00:12:57,126 _ 156 00:13:00,975 --> 00:13:02,558 You cannot blame them for gawking. 157 00:13:02,583 --> 00:13:04,966 Dueling is outlawed in France. 158 00:13:05,002 --> 00:13:07,252 No doubt they think we mean to run each other through. 159 00:13:07,254 --> 00:13:08,637 Yet another wrong 160 00:13:08,672 --> 00:13:11,256 to mark against this misery of a country. 161 00:13:13,143 --> 00:13:14,676 Would you look at me? 162 00:13:14,728 --> 00:13:19,598 I'm out of breath already after hardly an hour. 163 00:13:19,600 --> 00:13:22,075 It's the air. 164 00:13:22,115 --> 00:13:24,282 Arses and armpits! 165 00:13:24,284 --> 00:13:26,917 Too many people. 166 00:13:26,953 --> 00:13:30,788 Scotland doesn't exactly smell like a lady's boudoir. 167 00:13:30,790 --> 00:13:33,291 Aye, but it's an animal smell. 168 00:13:33,343 --> 00:13:35,843 This city reeks of the chamber pot. 169 00:13:38,131 --> 00:13:40,047 Don't you miss it, lad... 170 00:13:40,099 --> 00:13:43,968 the smell of fresh Scottish mud, huh? 171 00:13:45,772 --> 00:13:49,023 It pains me to admit so, but I even find myself 172 00:13:49,058 --> 00:13:52,810 longing for the company of Lard Bucket and Big Head. 173 00:13:54,781 --> 00:13:56,197 You mean Rupert and Angus? 174 00:13:57,950 --> 00:13:59,317 Lard Bucket... 175 00:13:59,319 --> 00:14:03,454 Rupert would call it muscle. 176 00:14:05,208 --> 00:14:09,126 But wee Angus does sport a curiously large head. 177 00:14:10,913 --> 00:14:13,130 I'm sure they miss your sunny countenance as well. 178 00:14:15,084 --> 00:14:16,434 We won't be here forever. 179 00:14:16,459 --> 00:14:19,761 No, but it'll seem so. 180 00:14:23,176 --> 00:14:26,344 I thought we came here to prevent a rebellion. 181 00:14:26,396 --> 00:14:29,013 Instead, what have we become... wine merchants? 182 00:14:29,015 --> 00:14:31,349 Wine is for drinking, not for selling. 183 00:14:31,401 --> 00:14:33,067 What would you have me do? 184 00:14:33,102 --> 00:14:35,436 If you want to kill a snake, you cut off its head. 185 00:14:35,488 --> 00:14:38,906 And the head of this rebellion is Charles Stuart. 186 00:14:38,941 --> 00:14:42,159 Kill The Prince, you kill the rebellion. 187 00:14:42,195 --> 00:14:43,622 I'm no assassin. 188 00:14:43,647 --> 00:14:48,075 No, but I'm betting there are plenty round here 189 00:14:48,153 --> 00:14:51,070 willing to earn that title for a handful of coin. 190 00:14:51,170 --> 00:14:53,921 We don't even know for certain if he's in Paris. 191 00:14:53,956 --> 00:14:55,591 I'll find him. I swear it. 192 00:14:55,616 --> 00:14:57,566 And then what? 193 00:14:57,630 --> 00:15:01,013 Charles' death will still leave his father for us to deal with. 194 00:15:01,038 --> 00:15:03,205 You propose we do away with James as well? 195 00:15:05,051 --> 00:15:08,434 Is your longing for home worth the murder of a prince 196 00:15:08,570 --> 00:15:11,071 and The King? 197 00:15:11,096 --> 00:15:14,919 No, for all we know, the death of his son would make James 198 00:15:14,944 --> 00:15:19,480 even more determined to sit on the English throne. 199 00:15:19,532 --> 00:15:21,399 I talk of action, 200 00:15:21,401 --> 00:15:24,568 and you give me logic. 201 00:15:24,570 --> 00:15:26,028 Aye. 202 00:15:26,053 --> 00:15:27,803 Well... 203 00:15:28,074 --> 00:15:29,623 if it's action you crave... 204 00:15:47,568 --> 00:15:49,267 How's your hand? 205 00:15:49,319 --> 00:15:51,937 It's mending. 206 00:15:51,939 --> 00:15:54,072 This arrived for you today in the post. 207 00:15:54,108 --> 00:15:57,025 It's from Jared. 208 00:15:57,077 --> 00:15:58,777 Finally. 209 00:15:58,829 --> 00:16:00,996 Hopefully it's good news. 210 00:16:10,090 --> 00:16:12,290 Good man. 211 00:16:12,342 --> 00:16:14,009 Has he arranged an introduction 212 00:16:14,044 --> 00:16:15,844 with the Jacobite leaders? 213 00:16:15,879 --> 00:16:18,797 He's done better than that. 214 00:16:18,799 --> 00:16:20,298 "Prince Charles Stuart requests the company 215 00:16:20,350 --> 00:16:22,184 "of Lord Broch Tuarach, James Fraser, 216 00:16:22,219 --> 00:16:24,636 "to discuss such matters as the current political situation 217 00:16:24,688 --> 00:16:26,188 amongst the Scottish clans." 218 00:16:26,223 --> 00:16:29,024 And Jared suggested that you meet Charles 219 00:16:29,059 --> 00:16:31,109 at Maison de Madame Elise. 220 00:16:31,145 --> 00:16:32,394 What is that? 221 00:16:35,149 --> 00:16:37,315 It's a brothel. 222 00:17:07,931 --> 00:17:09,931 Mm! 223 00:17:14,104 --> 00:17:16,104 Excuse me. 224 00:17:22,913 --> 00:17:25,997 Your Royal Highness, if you will indulge me for a moment, 225 00:17:26,033 --> 00:17:28,033 I would very much like to discuss the reason 226 00:17:28,085 --> 00:17:30,869 for our having this meeting here tonight. 227 00:17:32,706 --> 00:17:34,873 I was about to suggest that very thing. 228 00:17:34,875 --> 00:17:37,876 _ 229 00:17:38,179 --> 00:17:42,570 _ 230 00:17:42,595 --> 00:17:45,398 _ 231 00:17:45,859 --> 00:17:48,242 _ 232 00:17:49,515 --> 00:17:51,116 _ 233 00:17:54,144 --> 00:17:56,645 Look at their faces... terrified. 234 00:17:59,367 --> 00:18:01,164 _ 235 00:18:04,867 --> 00:18:07,758 _ 236 00:18:10,484 --> 00:18:14,086 _ 237 00:18:14,750 --> 00:18:16,906 _ 238 00:18:17,726 --> 00:18:19,797 _ 239 00:18:20,054 --> 00:18:23,383 _ 240 00:18:23,750 --> 00:18:26,500 _ 241 00:18:26,679 --> 00:18:28,281 _ 242 00:18:28,445 --> 00:18:30,859 _ 243 00:18:32,476 --> 00:18:33,570 _ 244 00:18:34,797 --> 00:18:36,422 _ 245 00:18:43,110 --> 00:18:46,244 James, this is why I admire the French. 246 00:18:46,280 --> 00:18:48,780 They're so wonderfully vulgar. 247 00:18:48,782 --> 00:18:50,448 They never allow their exquisite manners 248 00:18:50,500 --> 00:18:53,118 to interfere with their baser instincts. 249 00:18:53,170 --> 00:18:55,920 Yeah, they do find unique ways to enjoy themselves. 250 00:18:56,092 --> 00:18:58,475 _ 251 00:18:58,500 --> 00:19:01,592 _ 252 00:19:01,617 --> 00:19:03,201 _ 253 00:19:04,857 --> 00:19:09,162 _ 254 00:19:09,187 --> 00:19:13,795 _ 255 00:19:13,820 --> 00:19:16,428 _ 256 00:19:17,944 --> 00:19:20,945 Brave. Brave, bravissime. 257 00:19:22,482 --> 00:19:24,115 Very clever, indeed. 258 00:19:24,151 --> 00:19:27,535 Mark me... if I had a wife, 259 00:19:27,571 --> 00:19:29,821 I'd buy all three... 260 00:19:29,823 --> 00:19:31,539 for variety. 261 00:19:31,575 --> 00:19:33,825 You ask me, the French are a sorry bunch of sodomites 262 00:19:33,877 --> 00:19:35,327 that canna please their women. 263 00:19:35,379 --> 00:19:39,130 Forgive me. I do not recall asking your opinion 264 00:19:39,166 --> 00:19:41,549 nor inviting you here this evening. 265 00:19:43,503 --> 00:19:45,837 Where he goes, I go. 266 00:19:45,839 --> 00:19:48,056 My friend Jared Fraser 267 00:19:48,091 --> 00:19:51,309 claims you're a man of substance, 268 00:19:51,345 --> 00:19:54,229 that you speak your true mind in all matters. 269 00:19:54,264 --> 00:19:56,231 Mark me... 270 00:19:56,266 --> 00:19:58,233 I hope it is so. 271 00:19:58,268 --> 00:20:02,570 I have no desire to add another sycophant to my acquaintances. 272 00:20:02,606 --> 00:20:05,490 I have about me too many already. 273 00:20:05,525 --> 00:20:07,492 Tell me... 274 00:20:07,527 --> 00:20:11,446 what are the state of affairs in Scotland? 275 00:20:11,498 --> 00:20:15,367 Are your clans prepared to hear my call to arms, 276 00:20:15,419 --> 00:20:17,585 rise up against the heretical traitor 277 00:20:17,621 --> 00:20:20,422 that dares to sit upon my father's throne? 278 00:20:22,042 --> 00:20:25,210 You ask of the clans? 279 00:20:25,262 --> 00:20:28,963 Well, sire, the truth of it is, 280 00:20:29,015 --> 00:20:32,884 the clans canna agree on the color of the sky, 281 00:20:32,936 --> 00:20:35,887 let alone put aside their old grievances and band together 282 00:20:35,939 --> 00:20:38,556 to fight the British. 283 00:20:38,558 --> 00:20:41,559 No, sire... 284 00:20:41,611 --> 00:20:43,561 they're not ready to hear the call of the pipes 285 00:20:43,613 --> 00:20:47,565 nor likely to be so for many years to come. 286 00:20:50,654 --> 00:20:52,237 I dare say... 287 00:20:56,209 --> 00:20:59,077 If that is the truth... 288 00:20:59,079 --> 00:21:01,413 it is one I have yet to hear. 289 00:21:01,415 --> 00:21:03,998 Damnable defeatist talk is what it sounds like 290 00:21:04,050 --> 00:21:07,385 and very peculiar coming from a supposed Jacobite. 291 00:21:07,421 --> 00:21:09,587 - Ooh, monsieur... - Non, merci. 292 00:21:12,309 --> 00:21:15,260 I assure you, sire... 293 00:21:15,262 --> 00:21:19,314 I hate the English as much as any man. 294 00:21:19,349 --> 00:21:22,233 I carry the scars of 200 lashes on my back 295 00:21:22,269 --> 00:21:25,653 that remind me of the fact every day. 296 00:21:25,689 --> 00:21:27,105 You asked for the truth, 297 00:21:27,157 --> 00:21:29,607 and the truth is what I gave you. 298 00:21:29,659 --> 00:21:31,242 Would you rather I whispered 299 00:21:31,278 --> 00:21:34,195 honeyed words of reassurance in your ear, 300 00:21:34,247 --> 00:21:35,997 words that would lead you... 301 00:21:36,032 --> 00:21:40,618 lead all of Scotland... to disaster? 302 00:21:40,620 --> 00:21:43,671 God demands that a Catholic king 303 00:21:43,707 --> 00:21:46,458 sit on the English throne. 304 00:21:46,510 --> 00:21:49,594 My father is that king. 305 00:21:49,629 --> 00:21:51,346 I wish for that as well. 306 00:21:51,381 --> 00:21:53,131 I'm pleased to hear it. 307 00:21:53,133 --> 00:21:55,600 But wishing... 308 00:21:55,635 --> 00:21:58,970 has proven time and again to be no match 309 00:21:59,022 --> 00:22:02,056 for the muskets of the British Army, 310 00:22:02,108 --> 00:22:04,476 as it did during The Rising of Fifteen. 311 00:22:04,478 --> 00:22:08,480 I will not repeat the mistakes of Lord Mar. 312 00:22:08,532 --> 00:22:11,449 He hesitated when victory was within his grasp. 313 00:22:11,485 --> 00:22:14,786 Above all else, a leader must be decisive. 314 00:22:22,078 --> 00:22:23,578 May I ask, Your Royal Highness, 315 00:22:23,630 --> 00:22:26,498 have ye ever been to Scotland? 316 00:22:33,590 --> 00:22:37,175 I regret having not had the pleasure... 317 00:22:40,347 --> 00:22:42,180 Having spent my early years in Italy, 318 00:22:42,232 --> 00:22:44,682 where my father was forced to seek exile. 319 00:22:45,819 --> 00:22:48,186 Then ken this... 320 00:22:48,188 --> 00:22:51,606 Scotland is a beautiful country... 321 00:22:51,658 --> 00:22:55,527 its glens, its lochs, its mountains. 322 00:22:55,529 --> 00:22:57,745 We're a people of the land, 323 00:22:57,781 --> 00:23:01,616 a simple people with no great love for outsiders. 324 00:23:01,668 --> 00:23:06,421 We will fight... have fought... each other more than not. 325 00:23:06,456 --> 00:23:09,541 But you ask us to shed our blood for what... 326 00:23:09,543 --> 00:23:14,128 to put a more sympathetic arse on the English throne? 327 00:23:14,180 --> 00:23:15,597 Is that cause enough 328 00:23:15,632 --> 00:23:19,300 for a cotter to exchange his scythe for a sword, 329 00:23:19,352 --> 00:23:22,053 to leave his home, his crops, 330 00:23:22,105 --> 00:23:24,439 and charge into a cannon's blast? 331 00:23:28,144 --> 00:23:30,645 It would appear you have now heard the truth 332 00:23:30,697 --> 00:23:34,232 from two loyal Scots. 333 00:23:46,913 --> 00:23:49,199 And what about God's truth? 334 00:23:50,834 --> 00:23:54,586 For His is the only truth that matters, is it not? 335 00:23:56,172 --> 00:23:57,699 I tell you both... 336 00:23:58,758 --> 00:24:02,105 it is God's will that I, Charles Stuart, 337 00:24:02,511 --> 00:24:04,292 unite the clans. 338 00:24:04,598 --> 00:24:07,815 It is God's will that I be the beacon of light, 339 00:24:07,851 --> 00:24:10,268 for I am, by divine right, 340 00:24:10,270 --> 00:24:12,904 the outstretched hand of God. 341 00:24:27,621 --> 00:24:29,871 Our cause shall succeed, 342 00:24:29,923 --> 00:24:32,340 but it cannot move forward without money, 343 00:24:32,375 --> 00:24:34,238 and money it shall have. 344 00:24:34,678 --> 00:24:36,878 But to get it, we must win the support 345 00:24:36,930 --> 00:24:39,263 of the French Minister of Finance, 346 00:24:39,299 --> 00:24:41,466 a certain Joseph Duverney. 347 00:24:42,980 --> 00:24:45,637 As I am in this country unofficially, 348 00:24:45,689 --> 00:24:48,121 I cannot be received at Court. 349 00:24:49,609 --> 00:24:53,715 But you, my Lord Broch Tuarach... 350 00:24:56,496 --> 00:24:58,762 You can go in my place. 351 00:25:00,286 --> 00:25:01,324 Me... 352 00:25:02,405 --> 00:25:03,379 sire? 353 00:25:03,823 --> 00:25:07,457 - I see you have the heart of a true patriot 354 00:25:08,328 --> 00:25:10,578 willing to risk my divine wrath 355 00:25:10,630 --> 00:25:13,247 in order to safeguard your countrymen. 356 00:25:13,299 --> 00:25:16,996 I can think of no better man to help me in this time of need. 357 00:25:18,308 --> 00:25:20,304 Go to the Court of Louis. 358 00:25:20,340 --> 00:25:22,441 Be my advocate for rebellion... 359 00:25:23,309 --> 00:25:24,832 for your Prince, 360 00:25:25,478 --> 00:25:27,199 for the rightful King, 361 00:25:27,931 --> 00:25:31,566 and for the God that sits in judgment of us all. 362 00:25:35,019 --> 00:25:36,019 I will... 363 00:25:40,694 --> 00:25:42,326 Sire. 364 00:25:45,749 --> 00:25:48,043 And now I am in need of a woman... 365 00:25:48,785 --> 00:25:50,702 or maybe two. 366 00:25:57,427 --> 00:25:58,660 Mark me... 367 00:25:59,879 --> 00:26:02,547 is she not a rare beauty? 368 00:26:02,599 --> 00:26:04,207 Che bella donna... 369 00:26:07,721 --> 00:26:10,972 _ 370 00:26:20,400 --> 00:26:22,160 I'm proud of you, Jamie. 371 00:26:24,487 --> 00:26:26,871 You spoke your heart and still won a place 372 00:26:26,906 --> 00:26:28,238 at The Prince's side. 373 00:26:28,658 --> 00:26:32,627 The man is a blockhead and a dangerous one, at that. 374 00:26:32,662 --> 00:26:34,662 He'll get us all killed if we don't stop him. 375 00:26:34,714 --> 00:26:35,913 I wouldna trust The Prince 376 00:26:35,915 --> 00:26:37,882 with Lallybroch's vegetable patch, 377 00:26:37,917 --> 00:26:40,285 let alone the fate of Scotland. 378 00:26:40,670 --> 00:26:42,199 It was just one meeting. 379 00:26:42,589 --> 00:26:45,488 Charles isn't ready to set sail for Scotland anytime soon. 380 00:26:45,925 --> 00:26:47,691 You'll have time to open his ears. 381 00:26:48,394 --> 00:26:50,301 It'll all be for naught, I'm afraid. 382 00:26:50,680 --> 00:26:53,160 The man won't listen to me nor anyone. 383 00:26:53,683 --> 00:26:56,105 Charles listens only to God. 384 00:26:57,437 --> 00:26:58,879 Well, he is right about one thing. 385 00:26:59,405 --> 00:27:00,902 Wars cost money. 386 00:27:01,441 --> 00:27:04,137 And without funds, Charles is helpless. 387 00:27:05,034 --> 00:27:06,527 All we have to do is see to it 388 00:27:06,579 --> 00:27:08,449 that his war chest remains empty. 389 00:27:08,948 --> 00:27:10,998 Let's hope the French Minister of Finance 390 00:27:11,034 --> 00:27:13,000 knows a bad investment when he sees one. 391 00:27:17,123 --> 00:27:20,347 If the Scottish rebellion can be plotted in a French brothel, 392 00:27:20,927 --> 00:27:23,269 then perhaps it can be stopped at the French Court. 393 00:27:27,550 --> 00:27:29,433 The next step in the plan 394 00:27:29,469 --> 00:27:32,353 was to get an invitation to Versailles. 395 00:27:32,388 --> 00:27:34,605 Louise de la Tour Marquise de Rohan 396 00:27:34,641 --> 00:27:36,357 had become my particular friend 397 00:27:36,392 --> 00:27:38,609 in the three months we'd been in Paris. 398 00:27:38,645 --> 00:27:41,445 I'd found her to be a warm and caring friend, 399 00:27:41,481 --> 00:27:43,481 if, like other ladies of her class, 400 00:27:43,533 --> 00:27:45,783 she also tended towards the superficial 401 00:27:45,819 --> 00:27:47,918 and the frivolous on the surface. 402 00:27:51,825 --> 00:27:56,972 _ 403 00:27:57,378 --> 00:28:00,746 _ 404 00:28:00,925 --> 00:28:03,370 _ 405 00:28:04,808 --> 00:28:07,644 _ 406 00:28:09,027 --> 00:28:10,933 _ 407 00:28:11,728 --> 00:28:15,146 Poor thing. It's a shame she has to be caged up. 408 00:28:15,181 --> 00:28:18,733 Yes, Colette is a cute little rascal, 409 00:28:18,768 --> 00:28:21,769 but she has a tendency to bite. 410 00:28:21,821 --> 00:28:24,535 The bite of the man is desirable, 411 00:28:24,941 --> 00:28:28,025 but the bite of the monkey, not so much. 412 00:28:30,079 --> 00:28:31,496 Mary! 413 00:28:32,198 --> 00:28:33,785 Mary? 414 00:28:35,084 --> 00:28:37,702 You fearful little child. 415 00:28:37,754 --> 00:28:41,066 Stop hiding and come meet a new friend. 416 00:28:41,541 --> 00:28:43,424 Such annoying girl. 417 00:28:43,459 --> 00:28:47,879 I regret my pledge to her uncle to chaperone her around Paris. 418 00:28:47,881 --> 00:28:49,630 Such a bother. 419 00:28:55,521 --> 00:28:57,722 Stop clutching yourself 420 00:28:57,724 --> 00:28:59,974 as if you were on display in a slave market. 421 00:29:01,895 --> 00:29:04,061 But I'm as good as naked. 422 00:29:04,113 --> 00:29:07,199 Ignorant child. 423 00:29:07,617 --> 00:29:11,035 Must I drop my robe and show you what naked means? 424 00:29:11,070 --> 00:29:12,570 Please don't. 425 00:29:12,622 --> 00:29:16,240 Then calm yourself. Your innocence is safe with us. 426 00:29:16,871 --> 00:29:21,128 Mary, allow me to introduce a fellow Englishwoman, 427 00:29:21,164 --> 00:29:23,980 Lady Broch Tuarach, Claire Fraser. 428 00:29:31,409 --> 00:29:35,059 M-Mary Hawkins, Madame. 429 00:29:35,456 --> 00:29:37,440 Mary Hawkins? 430 00:29:38,681 --> 00:29:41,034 I'm sure I've heard that name before somewhere. 431 00:29:41,768 --> 00:29:43,253 I don't believe we've met. 432 00:29:44,270 --> 00:29:47,222 Mm. Well, it will come to me, somehow. 433 00:29:48,604 --> 00:29:51,440 And what brings you to Paris, Mary? 434 00:29:52,111 --> 00:29:54,946 M-my Uncle Silas Hawkins is here on business. 435 00:29:54,998 --> 00:29:58,249 Mary's going to wed the Vicomte Marigny... 436 00:29:58,284 --> 00:30:00,425 a widower of means. 437 00:30:01,087 --> 00:30:04,038 Why a girl soon to be so wealthy 438 00:30:04,090 --> 00:30:06,706 cannot even manage a smile is beyond me. 439 00:30:07,260 --> 00:30:08,933 The Vicomte Marigny. 440 00:30:09,178 --> 00:30:11,929 Is he the older gentleman with all the... 441 00:30:11,965 --> 00:30:16,267 Warts. Yes, that's him. 442 00:30:16,302 --> 00:30:19,370 Ah, I see. 443 00:30:20,273 --> 00:30:22,807 And your uncle has arranged the marriage? 444 00:30:22,859 --> 00:30:27,463 A most fortunate union, in spite of the difference in age. 445 00:30:27,488 --> 00:30:28,823 Aah! 446 00:30:28,848 --> 00:30:30,917 _ 447 00:30:30,942 --> 00:30:33,589 _ 448 00:30:33,784 --> 00:30:35,964 _ 449 00:30:36,205 --> 00:30:38,823 I think I should get dressed. 450 00:30:38,825 --> 00:30:41,075 You will do no such thing. 451 00:30:41,127 --> 00:30:43,627 Her legs are hairier than Colette's, 452 00:30:43,663 --> 00:30:46,664 and no Frenchman will suffer to bed a monkey. 453 00:30:46,666 --> 00:30:49,633 You say such horrible things. 454 00:30:49,669 --> 00:30:52,720 Smile. You've met a new friend. 455 00:30:56,175 --> 00:30:59,894 Claire, you say you wish to go to Court? 456 00:30:59,929 --> 00:31:03,264 You shall accompany Mary and me to Versailles. 457 00:31:04,495 --> 00:31:06,851 Oh. Thank you, Louise. 458 00:31:06,903 --> 00:31:09,320 Perhaps I can bring my husband. 459 00:31:09,862 --> 00:31:11,659 If you must... 460 00:31:12,984 --> 00:31:15,526 though you'd have more fun without him. 461 00:31:16,112 --> 00:31:19,030 I'll make you an appointment with Madame Tabanou. 462 00:31:19,032 --> 00:31:22,166 She'll make you a dress fit for a queen. 463 00:31:31,127 --> 00:31:33,761 But such incredulous faces. 464 00:31:33,796 --> 00:31:35,679 Has no one told you? 465 00:31:35,715 --> 00:31:39,120 In Paris, a hairless mount is de rigueur. 466 00:31:39,719 --> 00:31:43,745 and the men find it absolutely irresistible. 467 00:31:44,651 --> 00:31:47,024 It's so warm and so comforting 468 00:31:47,060 --> 00:31:49,276 being put on 469 00:31:49,312 --> 00:31:52,355 and so painful when it is pulled off. 470 00:31:52,899 --> 00:31:55,866 Such is life. 471 00:31:57,820 --> 00:31:59,787 Aah! 472 00:32:51,841 --> 00:32:53,707 Claire... 473 00:32:53,759 --> 00:32:56,677 what have you done to yourself? 474 00:32:56,712 --> 00:32:59,096 Yer honeypot... 475 00:32:59,132 --> 00:33:01,098 is bare. 476 00:33:01,134 --> 00:33:02,933 I'm aware of that. 477 00:33:02,969 --> 00:33:04,468 I was there when it happened. 478 00:33:04,470 --> 00:33:06,831 And I also did these. 479 00:33:07,940 --> 00:33:09,354 Ah. 480 00:33:10,560 --> 00:33:12,143 That's bad enough, but... 481 00:33:13,279 --> 00:33:15,706 to rid yourself of such a lovely forest, I... 482 00:33:22,288 --> 00:33:24,331 I thought you'd be intrigued... 483 00:33:24,874 --> 00:33:26,323 something different. 484 00:33:27,877 --> 00:33:29,299 Aye. 485 00:33:29,495 --> 00:33:31,510 It's different, right enough. 486 00:33:34,884 --> 00:33:36,557 What must it look like? 487 00:33:38,054 --> 00:33:40,143 Why don't you see for yourself? 488 00:33:47,180 --> 00:33:48,995 Any thoughts? 489 00:33:50,016 --> 00:33:53,934 Aye. It's more complicated than it looks thatched over. 490 00:33:58,357 --> 00:34:00,324 Oh, very smooth. 491 00:34:03,329 --> 00:34:05,613 Do you like it? 492 00:34:05,665 --> 00:34:09,283 You're a daring woman, Sassenach. 493 00:34:09,335 --> 00:34:12,286 I suppose that makes me a very lucky man. 494 00:34:48,527 --> 00:34:50,023 It's okay. 495 00:34:51,267 --> 00:34:53,015 It's okay. 496 00:34:59,903 --> 00:35:01,789 Let's just go to sleep. 497 00:35:04,225 --> 00:35:05,781 Aye. 498 00:35:43,296 --> 00:35:44,594 Civilized... 499 00:35:45,424 --> 00:35:47,710 very civilized. 500 00:35:48,267 --> 00:35:50,985 Though you'll probably be the only one at Court with a beard. 501 00:35:51,270 --> 00:35:53,852 Ye expect me to shave for a bunch of French fops? 502 00:35:56,516 --> 00:35:59,393 Ye could've at least washed your knees, ye swine. 503 00:35:59,812 --> 00:36:01,395 I did. 504 00:36:03,616 --> 00:36:05,492 I see we're all ready to go. 505 00:36:09,156 --> 00:36:10,704 Murtagh, please try not to insult 506 00:36:10,740 --> 00:36:12,823 too many people tonight. 507 00:36:24,587 --> 00:36:26,266 Are you... 508 00:36:27,306 --> 00:36:28,977 mad, woman? 509 00:36:29,342 --> 00:36:32,274 I can see every inch of you, right down to your third rib. 510 00:36:32,887 --> 00:36:34,420 No, you can't. 511 00:36:42,021 --> 00:36:44,914 Christ. I can see right down to your navel. 512 00:36:45,274 --> 00:36:47,024 Surely you don't mean to go out in public like this. 513 00:36:47,076 --> 00:36:48,609 I most certainly do. 514 00:36:48,661 --> 00:36:50,953 I'll have you know, I helped design this dress. 515 00:36:51,278 --> 00:36:52,641 Ah, Christ. 516 00:36:53,416 --> 00:36:57,034 Sassenach, first your honeypot, now this. 517 00:36:57,086 --> 00:36:58,419 I'll... I'll wait in the carriage. 518 00:36:58,454 --> 00:37:01,205 No, you won't. 519 00:37:02,792 --> 00:37:05,843 I suppose it'll have to do. 520 00:37:07,680 --> 00:37:11,849 - You could cover up a bit. - Oh, I already thought of that. 521 00:37:12,859 --> 00:37:14,600 You're gonna to need a larger fan. 522 00:38:07,740 --> 00:38:11,325 I'm intimate with all the noble families, 523 00:38:11,360 --> 00:38:14,495 their genealogies, and their allegiances. 524 00:38:14,530 --> 00:38:17,331 So, if there is anyone you wish to meet... 525 00:38:17,366 --> 00:38:19,333 Oh, I've heard Monsieur Duverney 526 00:38:19,368 --> 00:38:20,834 is an interesting gentleman. 527 00:38:20,870 --> 00:38:24,288 Oh, a man of rather gross sensibilities. 528 00:38:24,340 --> 00:38:27,791 But fear not, if he is here, I shall find him. 529 00:38:27,843 --> 00:38:30,299 _ 530 00:38:33,182 --> 00:38:34,465 Annalise. 531 00:38:45,144 --> 00:38:46,727 Claire... 532 00:38:46,820 --> 00:38:48,492 _ 533 00:38:48,789 --> 00:38:49,719 _ 534 00:38:49,899 --> 00:38:52,109 Annalise de Marrilac. 535 00:38:52,133 --> 00:38:53,666 Annalise... 536 00:38:54,627 --> 00:38:56,190 _ 537 00:38:56,455 --> 00:38:57,488 Claire Fraser. 538 00:38:58,409 --> 00:39:00,112 Charmed, I'm sure. 539 00:39:00,743 --> 00:39:03,544 Let me congratulate you on having won such a strong, 540 00:39:03,579 --> 00:39:05,963 passionate man for a husband. 541 00:39:07,833 --> 00:39:11,668 Yes. I'm quite fortunate, aren't I? 542 00:39:14,590 --> 00:39:18,225 Tell me, did he fight many duels to win your affection? 543 00:39:19,645 --> 00:39:21,678 Actually, he won my heart 544 00:39:21,680 --> 00:39:23,814 without having to draw his sword. 545 00:39:23,849 --> 00:39:25,983 Oh, more's the pity. 546 00:39:26,018 --> 00:39:28,936 When I knew him, he had quite the appetite for the blades. 547 00:39:28,988 --> 00:39:30,687 Mm. 548 00:39:30,739 --> 00:39:33,607 Did he? 549 00:39:33,659 --> 00:39:35,909 It was just one duel... 550 00:39:35,945 --> 00:39:40,247 one very small, insignificant duel. 551 00:39:43,786 --> 00:39:46,870 As I recall, I merely scratched my opponent. 552 00:39:46,872 --> 00:39:48,539 Mm. 553 00:39:51,710 --> 00:39:53,710 The ironic thing is... 554 00:39:53,712 --> 00:39:56,547 and it's really quite funny... 555 00:39:56,599 --> 00:39:59,466 Annalise ended up marrying the lucky fellow. 556 00:39:59,518 --> 00:40:01,885 Oh, how romantic. 557 00:40:01,937 --> 00:40:04,438 He's dead. Smallpox. 558 00:40:09,278 --> 00:40:10,394 Jamie... 559 00:40:10,419 --> 00:40:12,034 _ 560 00:40:12,059 --> 00:40:14,948 _ 561 00:40:15,026 --> 00:40:18,112 _ 562 00:40:19,213 --> 00:40:21,354 _ 563 00:40:22,491 --> 00:40:25,742 You don't mind if I borrow your husband for a few minutes? 564 00:40:27,746 --> 00:40:28,795 Be at ease. 565 00:40:28,831 --> 00:40:30,297 I can only bring him 566 00:40:30,332 --> 00:40:31,965 to the door of The King's bedroom. 567 00:40:32,001 --> 00:40:35,969 The dressing of The King is a male-only affair. 568 00:40:37,729 --> 00:40:39,588 _ 569 00:40:50,069 --> 00:40:52,686 - Murtagh. - Hmm? 570 00:40:52,738 --> 00:40:56,273 You'll accompany them? 571 00:40:56,325 --> 00:40:57,908 Where are we going? 572 00:40:57,943 --> 00:41:00,911 To witness the dressing of The King, you foolish man. 573 00:41:00,946 --> 00:41:04,448 Ah, I wouldn't wanna miss that. 574 00:41:07,963 --> 00:41:11,229 _ 575 00:41:11,456 --> 00:41:15,260 _ 576 00:41:15,432 --> 00:41:20,237 _ 577 00:41:20,956 --> 00:41:22,722 _ 578 00:41:30,059 --> 00:41:33,894 Only in France does a King need an audience to shite. 579 00:41:35,682 --> 00:41:38,635 _ 580 00:41:39,118 --> 00:41:41,401 If you're lucky, you'll be given the honor 581 00:41:41,453 --> 00:41:43,453 of wiping the royal arse. 582 00:41:43,489 --> 00:41:44,788 Tsk! 583 00:41:48,166 --> 00:41:51,010 _ 584 00:41:51,035 --> 00:41:53,621 _ 585 00:41:54,051 --> 00:41:55,856 _ 586 00:41:56,059 --> 00:41:59,121 _ 587 00:41:59,146 --> 00:42:01,957 _ 588 00:42:03,770 --> 00:42:05,684 _ 589 00:42:11,723 --> 00:42:12,614 _ 590 00:42:13,519 --> 00:42:16,520 _ 591 00:42:16,941 --> 00:42:19,746 - _ - _ 592 00:42:20,993 --> 00:42:24,578 Seigneur Broch Tuarach. 593 00:42:24,918 --> 00:42:29,003 _ 594 00:42:42,003 --> 00:42:45,722 _ 595 00:42:46,511 --> 00:42:50,167 _ 596 00:42:50,639 --> 00:42:52,881 James Fraser... 597 00:42:53,075 --> 00:42:57,598 _ 598 00:42:58,332 --> 00:43:00,575 _ 599 00:43:02,676 --> 00:43:04,051 _ 600 00:43:06,184 --> 00:43:08,918 _ 601 00:43:09,114 --> 00:43:13,863 _ 602 00:43:15,080 --> 00:43:17,475 Porridge, you say? 603 00:43:18,133 --> 00:43:20,550 Aye. It is the breakfast of choice 604 00:43:20,586 --> 00:43:22,123 in the Highlands of Scotland. 605 00:43:22,588 --> 00:43:24,787 Is that so? 606 00:43:25,557 --> 00:43:27,674 Unfortunately, The King has never acquired 607 00:43:27,726 --> 00:43:30,594 a taste for peasant food. 608 00:43:41,873 --> 00:43:44,873 Perhaps this would be the perfect time. 609 00:43:57,717 --> 00:44:00,014 _ 610 00:44:00,756 --> 00:44:03,920 _ 611 00:44:04,342 --> 00:44:06,467 _ 612 00:44:06,795 --> 00:44:11,725 _ 613 00:44:11,750 --> 00:44:15,045 _ 614 00:44:16,667 --> 00:44:18,904 _ 615 00:44:19,945 --> 00:44:21,478 Tell us, Madame Fraser, 616 00:44:21,530 --> 00:44:25,115 what do English ladies call a male member? 617 00:44:25,150 --> 00:44:27,951 Ah, well, I've... 618 00:44:27,986 --> 00:44:30,987 heard it referred to as "peter." 619 00:44:34,827 --> 00:44:37,828 Though there are those who prefer "prick." 620 00:44:37,830 --> 00:44:39,326 "Prick." 621 00:44:39,646 --> 00:44:41,584 _ 622 00:44:41,670 --> 00:44:44,576 - _ - _ 623 00:44:44,639 --> 00:44:48,131 _ 624 00:44:48,225 --> 00:44:51,069 _ 625 00:44:52,344 --> 00:44:55,262 No offense intended, my dear. 626 00:44:55,314 --> 00:44:58,014 None taken. 627 00:44:58,066 --> 00:45:00,350 That wicked little minx... 628 00:45:00,352 --> 00:45:01,735 she's found herself a lover 629 00:45:01,770 --> 00:45:05,322 even before the exchange of wedding vows. 630 00:45:05,357 --> 00:45:07,741 It's hardly that, I'm sure. 631 00:45:10,662 --> 00:45:13,163 If you'll excuse me, ladies, I, uh... 632 00:45:13,198 --> 00:45:15,699 need to get some air. 633 00:45:20,038 --> 00:45:21,922 Excusez-moi. 634 00:45:25,725 --> 00:45:27,943 _ 635 00:45:27,968 --> 00:45:29,217 _ 636 00:45:29,242 --> 00:45:31,014 _ 637 00:45:31,537 --> 00:45:34,342 _ 638 00:45:34,367 --> 00:45:38,068 _ 639 00:45:41,950 --> 00:45:43,529 _ 640 00:45:43,554 --> 00:45:45,309 _ 641 00:45:45,310 --> 00:45:49,435 _ 642 00:45:50,247 --> 00:45:54,091 _ 643 00:45:54,286 --> 00:45:55,381 _ 644 00:45:55,407 --> 00:45:56,818 No, no, no, no, no. 645 00:45:57,075 --> 00:45:59,247 _ 646 00:46:01,710 --> 00:46:04,093 _ 647 00:46:48,961 --> 00:46:50,794 Lady Broch Tuarach... 648 00:46:50,819 --> 00:46:52,734 _ 649 00:46:53,288 --> 00:46:54,765 _ 650 00:46:56,101 --> 00:46:57,434 Excuse me? 651 00:46:57,469 --> 00:46:59,769 I am told you are desirous of the company 652 00:46:59,805 --> 00:47:01,812 of Monsieur Joseph Duverney. 653 00:47:02,808 --> 00:47:06,810 Since I alone, in all of France, answer to that name, 654 00:47:06,862 --> 00:47:10,062 it is I you have been praying for. 655 00:47:10,983 --> 00:47:13,066 It's indeed an honor. My husband... 656 00:47:13,118 --> 00:47:16,319 No, no, no, there is no need to speak of husbands or wives. 657 00:47:16,371 --> 00:47:17,821 No, no, no, no. 658 00:47:17,873 --> 00:47:20,740 Instead, let me worship at your... 659 00:47:20,792 --> 00:47:22,042 feet. 660 00:47:22,077 --> 00:47:24,377 Monsieur, I think you are, uh... 661 00:47:24,413 --> 00:47:27,163 Oh, my God! 662 00:47:27,215 --> 00:47:29,215 Grossly mistaken! 663 00:47:29,251 --> 00:47:31,134 Monsieur! 664 00:47:31,169 --> 00:47:33,920 There is no need to play the coquette. 665 00:47:35,340 --> 00:47:38,091 Let us take the few brief moments we have 666 00:47:38,143 --> 00:47:42,012 and find ecstasy in each other's embrace. 667 00:47:42,064 --> 00:47:44,014 Come to me, my little mouse. 668 00:47:44,016 --> 00:47:46,099 Let me hear you squeak! 669 00:47:50,355 --> 00:47:51,404 No, Jamie, don't! 670 00:47:51,440 --> 00:47:53,323 Aah! 671 00:47:55,160 --> 00:47:57,110 That was the Minister of Finance. 672 00:47:57,162 --> 00:47:58,862 Monsieur Duverney? 673 00:47:58,864 --> 00:48:00,864 The very same. 674 00:48:00,866 --> 00:48:04,367 I tried to tell you, but it all happened so fast. 675 00:48:07,923 --> 00:48:09,873 Paris. 676 00:48:09,925 --> 00:48:12,592 I told you that dress would bring us grief. 677 00:48:25,474 --> 00:48:28,024 Please, accept my most fervent apology 678 00:48:28,060 --> 00:48:30,132 for my beastly behavior. 679 00:48:30,645 --> 00:48:33,813 Minister Duverney, I'm happy to accept your gracious apology. 680 00:48:34,116 --> 00:48:35,398 As am I. 681 00:48:35,400 --> 00:48:37,534 Thank you both, most sincerely. 682 00:48:37,569 --> 00:48:39,569 What can I say? I've grown too fond 683 00:48:39,621 --> 00:48:42,405 of The King's ever-flowing champagne. 684 00:48:42,457 --> 00:48:45,375 If my wife had caught me attempting to make love 685 00:48:45,410 --> 00:48:47,911 to yet another woman... 686 00:48:47,913 --> 00:48:49,379 Oh, yeah. 687 00:48:49,414 --> 00:48:52,549 My beloved possesses a fiery temper. 688 00:48:52,584 --> 00:48:56,136 Well, she need never know. 689 00:48:56,171 --> 00:48:59,055 - God's blessing on you both. - Mm. 690 00:49:02,060 --> 00:49:06,262 Perhaps there is some way I can be of service? 691 00:49:09,067 --> 00:49:10,650 Your friendship is service enough. 692 00:49:10,685 --> 00:49:12,652 Then you shall have it. 693 00:49:12,687 --> 00:49:17,107 Tell me, do you, by any chance, enjoy the game of chess? 694 00:49:17,109 --> 00:49:19,442 Oh, he's a master. 695 00:49:19,494 --> 00:49:21,244 Master? No. 696 00:49:21,279 --> 00:49:23,446 But I have been known to brood over a board or two. 697 00:49:23,448 --> 00:49:26,116 Wonderful. We must have a game. 698 00:49:26,168 --> 00:49:28,168 Aye. 699 00:49:30,505 --> 00:49:32,038 The King. 700 00:49:39,538 --> 00:49:41,749 _ 701 00:49:42,280 --> 00:49:46,468 _ 702 00:49:47,523 --> 00:49:49,147 _ 703 00:49:49,710 --> 00:49:53,202 _ 704 00:49:55,257 --> 00:50:00,304 _ 705 00:50:05,445 --> 00:50:07,366 _ 706 00:50:14,866 --> 00:50:17,023 _ 707 00:50:18,390 --> 00:50:21,747 _ 708 00:50:56,174 --> 00:50:59,425 _ 709 00:51:06,339 --> 00:51:08,139 Judas! 710 00:51:09,038 --> 00:51:11,437 You'll pay for yer treachery. 711 00:51:11,473 --> 00:51:13,356 Murtagh. 712 00:51:13,391 --> 00:51:16,442 Never draw your weapon in the presence of the King. 713 00:51:17,612 --> 00:51:19,062 It is death. 714 00:51:23,827 --> 00:51:26,225 _ 715 00:51:27,155 --> 00:51:30,240 If that's an apology, and I do hope it is, 716 00:51:30,292 --> 00:51:33,243 I accept with all good grace. 717 00:51:34,462 --> 00:51:37,213 Jamie, dear boy, 718 00:51:37,249 --> 00:51:41,751 upon my word, I'm delighted to see you looking so healthy. 719 00:51:41,803 --> 00:51:46,222 Ah, Mrs. Fraser, what a joyful reunion. 720 00:51:46,258 --> 00:51:48,091 I wish I could say the same. 721 00:51:48,093 --> 00:51:50,260 You cut me to the quick. 722 00:51:50,262 --> 00:51:52,095 But I suppose I deserve it. 723 00:51:52,097 --> 00:51:54,430 Let me assure you, I had every intention of delivering 724 00:51:54,482 --> 00:51:56,649 that Petition of Complaint to The Court of Sessions, 725 00:51:56,685 --> 00:51:59,519 as I had pledged to do. 726 00:51:59,571 --> 00:52:01,437 It was that damned Randall. 727 00:52:01,439 --> 00:52:04,657 The brute insisted I give it to him instead. 728 00:52:04,693 --> 00:52:07,327 I had no choice whatsoever. 729 00:52:07,362 --> 00:52:09,696 Will you ever forgive me? 730 00:52:13,702 --> 00:52:15,251 What's done is done. 731 00:52:15,287 --> 00:52:16,786 How true. 732 00:52:16,838 --> 00:52:19,422 What's passed is passed. 733 00:52:19,457 --> 00:52:21,791 What are you both doing here in France? 734 00:52:21,793 --> 00:52:25,031 Jamie has been employed by his cousin Jared. 735 00:52:25,797 --> 00:52:27,601 The wine merchant? 736 00:52:28,246 --> 00:52:31,915 What a serendipitous surprise. 737 00:52:33,101 --> 00:52:35,521 Tomorrow I go back to England. 738 00:52:35,557 --> 00:52:38,691 But I shall return shortly, and when I do, 739 00:52:38,727 --> 00:52:41,311 I should be very interested to sample 740 00:52:41,313 --> 00:52:44,147 some of that rare Belle Rouge port 741 00:52:44,199 --> 00:52:45,815 I understand he's stocking. 742 00:52:45,867 --> 00:52:47,784 I must have a case. 743 00:52:48,491 --> 00:52:49,757 Hmm. How much? 744 00:52:50,023 --> 00:52:53,929 I'd be willing to pay 20% over the asking price. 745 00:52:54,620 --> 00:52:56,069 Sold. 746 00:52:57,169 --> 00:52:59,302 On credit, no doubt. 747 00:52:59,581 --> 00:53:01,631 Jamie, why don't you take Murtagh to have a drink 748 00:53:01,666 --> 00:53:04,804 with our new friend, the Minister of Finance? 749 00:53:24,656 --> 00:53:27,774 I see you're already cultivating important people 750 00:53:27,826 --> 00:53:29,776 in high places. 751 00:53:29,828 --> 00:53:33,164 How very in keeping with your character. 752 00:53:33,615 --> 00:53:36,916 Poor Jamie, he must be missing Scotland terribly. 753 00:53:36,951 --> 00:53:40,976 I suppose it's no longer a safe haven for either of you. 754 00:53:41,539 --> 00:53:42,773 Hmm. 755 00:53:43,792 --> 00:53:45,156 Yes... 756 00:53:45,960 --> 00:53:47,757 and so here we all are... 757 00:53:48,930 --> 00:53:50,937 on the same side, no less... 758 00:53:52,095 --> 00:53:55,179 all supporters of the Jacobite cause. 759 00:53:55,527 --> 00:53:59,779 Of course, you being an English aristocrat, 760 00:53:59,941 --> 00:54:04,444 that position makes you a traitor to the Crown. 761 00:54:04,479 --> 00:54:06,896 I see time has done nothing 762 00:54:06,948 --> 00:54:10,533 to dull the sharpness of your tongue, Madame. 763 00:54:15,573 --> 00:54:18,741 Your Grace, uh, the fireworks are due to begin in a moment. 764 00:54:18,743 --> 00:54:20,293 Ah. 765 00:54:20,328 --> 00:54:24,070 If you must cough on someone, find a servant. 766 00:54:24,582 --> 00:54:26,466 Was that a bit harsh? 767 00:54:26,501 --> 00:54:27,734 Just a little. 768 00:54:28,401 --> 00:54:30,952 Are you all right, sir? 769 00:54:31,089 --> 00:54:32,388 Your pardon, Madame. 770 00:54:32,674 --> 00:54:34,507 It's chronic, I'm afraid. 771 00:54:35,260 --> 00:54:38,394 Some Althea officinalis should help soothe your throat. 772 00:54:41,330 --> 00:54:43,496 Didn't I see you talking to Mary Hawkins earlier? 773 00:54:43,525 --> 00:54:44,858 You know her? 774 00:54:45,019 --> 00:54:46,898 Enchanting girl. 775 00:54:47,605 --> 00:54:48,654 Yes, she is. 776 00:54:48,690 --> 00:54:50,406 Where are my manners? 777 00:54:50,442 --> 00:54:52,992 Mrs. Claire Fraser, 778 00:54:53,027 --> 00:54:55,278 may I introduce my new secretary, 779 00:54:55,280 --> 00:54:56,835 Alexander Randall. 780 00:54:57,415 --> 00:55:00,450 Yes, the name is not a coincidence. 781 00:55:00,502 --> 00:55:02,034 Alex is the younger brother 782 00:55:02,086 --> 00:55:06,070 of Captain Jonathan Randall, Esquire. 783 00:55:06,145 --> 00:55:10,280 Mrs. Fraser and your brother are very well acquainted. 784 00:55:10,305 --> 00:55:13,306 Well, I will have to tell Jonathan that I have met you. 785 00:55:16,603 --> 00:55:18,569 Tell him? 786 00:55:18,832 --> 00:55:22,667 I-I don't understand. 787 00:55:29,030 --> 00:55:31,030 Your brother, he isn't... 788 00:55:31,065 --> 00:55:32,031 dead? 789 00:55:32,066 --> 00:55:34,400 I certainly hope not. 790 00:55:34,452 --> 00:55:36,486 I received a letter from Scotland this morning 791 00:55:36,538 --> 00:55:38,905 that he posted only two weeks ago. 792 00:55:41,261 --> 00:55:43,211 Can I be of assistance? 793 00:55:47,048 --> 00:55:49,048 I'm fine. Thank you. 794 00:55:55,673 --> 00:55:58,558 I suppose I... 795 00:55:58,593 --> 00:56:00,843 heard a false rumor of his demise. 796 00:56:00,895 --> 00:56:03,813 Jonathan did suffer wounds in the line of duty. 797 00:56:03,848 --> 00:56:05,097 They were not insignificant, 798 00:56:05,149 --> 00:56:07,149 but, luckily, my brother is blessed 799 00:56:07,185 --> 00:56:09,101 with a much stronger constitution than my own. 800 00:56:12,657 --> 00:56:15,691 Oh! 801 00:56:15,693 --> 00:56:17,944 How lovely. 802 00:56:21,165 --> 00:56:24,700 Must they be so thunderous? 803 00:56:24,702 --> 00:56:26,536 Go and fetch my carriage. 804 00:56:47,642 --> 00:56:50,142 I barely heard the fireworks. 805 00:56:56,651 --> 00:56:58,451 What would happen when Jamie found out 806 00:56:58,486 --> 00:57:00,653 that Black Jack Randall was alive? 807 00:57:02,003 --> 00:57:04,717 Would his need for vengeance eclipse our resolve 808 00:57:04,742 --> 00:57:06,375 to prevent the uprising? 809 00:57:08,860 --> 00:57:10,468 Should I even tell him? 810 00:57:11,642 --> 00:57:14,894 Even if I tried to keep that appalling news from him, 811 00:57:15,086 --> 00:57:17,648 in time, he'd be sure to learn the truth. 812 00:57:18,590 --> 00:57:20,089 What then? 813 00:57:25,226 --> 00:57:28,156 - sync and corrections by Caio - - www.addic7ed.com -