1 00:00:01,770 --> 00:00:03,870 - Previously on "the flash"... 2 00:00:03,870 --> 00:00:06,000 - Together, you and cynthia could be an unstoppable duo. 3 00:00:06,010 --> 00:00:07,910 - You wanna be the new breacher? 4 00:00:07,910 --> 00:00:09,670 - Your thinking cap and the dark matter 5 00:00:09,680 --> 00:00:11,280 Is what caused this. I know! 6 00:00:11,280 --> 00:00:13,650 How long before everything i know is gone? 7 00:00:13,650 --> 00:00:15,610 - Devoe has taken out everyone who's gotten in his way. 8 00:00:15,620 --> 00:00:17,280 - He created 12 meta-humans, just so he could 9 00:00:17,280 --> 00:00:19,220 Steal their powers. 10 00:00:19,220 --> 00:00:20,950 - Why does he need their powers? 11 00:00:20,950 --> 00:00:23,120 - The fire that burns down team flash 12 00:00:23,120 --> 00:00:26,460 Will also light the path to the enlightenment. 13 00:00:26,460 --> 00:00:28,430 - Since the age of enlightenment, 14 00:00:28,430 --> 00:00:31,960 When reason, debate, and the search for truth flourished, 15 00:00:31,970 --> 00:00:34,530 The world has improved by nearly every measure 16 00:00:34,530 --> 00:00:36,730 In human advancement, and continues to do so. 17 00:00:36,740 --> 00:00:38,440 There is no doubt in my mind 18 00:00:38,440 --> 00:00:41,440 That as technology continues to bloom, 19 00:00:41,440 --> 00:00:43,240 So will all of humanity. 20 00:00:44,980 --> 00:00:46,910 Professor devoe? 21 00:00:46,910 --> 00:00:48,350 You disagree? 22 00:00:48,350 --> 00:00:50,450 Well, uh, yes, i guess. 23 00:00:50,450 --> 00:00:53,350 Just, i have a more realistic view 24 00:00:53,350 --> 00:00:56,320 Of humanity whenever technology is concerned. 25 00:00:56,320 --> 00:00:57,820 What do you mean? 26 00:00:57,820 --> 00:00:59,560 Well, you spoke of the enlightenment. 27 00:00:59,560 --> 00:01:01,690 One only has to look at history to find the answers. 28 00:01:01,700 --> 00:01:03,090 Okay, let's. 29 00:01:03,100 --> 00:01:05,660 Life expectancy over the past two centuries 30 00:01:05,670 --> 00:01:09,070 Has increased from 30 years to nearly 70 years. 31 00:01:09,070 --> 00:01:11,740 And-and we should assume that's a good thing? 32 00:01:11,740 --> 00:01:13,400 Each new day, we have to share 33 00:01:13,410 --> 00:01:15,610 Very limited resources with anything up to 34 00:01:15,610 --> 00:01:17,280 200,000 newborn babies, 35 00:01:17,280 --> 00:01:19,540 Most of whom will end up living 36 00:01:19,550 --> 00:01:21,380 In abject poverty and famine. 37 00:01:21,380 --> 00:01:24,450 Well, thank you very much, professor doom and gloom. 38 00:01:24,450 --> 00:01:27,020 Remind me never to take one of your history classes. 39 00:01:28,890 --> 00:01:30,920 Perhaps you should. There's much i could teach you. 40 00:01:32,190 --> 00:01:34,330 41 00:01:34,330 --> 00:01:37,530 The taoists, in pursuit of immortality, 42 00:01:37,530 --> 00:01:38,860 Discovered gunpowder. 43 00:01:38,870 --> 00:01:41,230 Alfred nobel created the nobel prize 44 00:01:41,230 --> 00:01:42,470 So he wouldn't be remembered 45 00:01:42,470 --> 00:01:44,200 As the man who invented dynamite. 46 00:01:44,200 --> 00:01:47,340 History has shown us time and time again 47 00:01:47,340 --> 00:01:49,340 That whenever a technological advancement 48 00:01:49,340 --> 00:01:53,310 Can be used to hurt humanity, it will be. 49 00:01:53,310 --> 00:01:54,750 You can't blame technology for the way 50 00:01:54,750 --> 00:01:56,410 Men choose to use it, professor. 51 00:01:56,420 --> 00:01:58,420 You can't ignore that the best of ideas 52 00:01:58,420 --> 00:02:00,890 By the smartest of men often have a way 53 00:02:00,890 --> 00:02:02,650 Of becoming corrupted. 54 00:02:10,030 --> 00:02:12,860 You've located everything we need. 55 00:02:12,870 --> 00:02:14,870 And now the time has come to retrieve it 56 00:02:14,870 --> 00:02:17,340 So we can finally... 57 00:02:17,340 --> 00:02:19,340 Enlighten the world. 58 00:02:19,340 --> 00:02:22,340 59 00:02:32,750 --> 00:02:34,150 Uh-oh. 60 00:02:37,220 --> 00:02:40,360 61 00:02:43,530 --> 00:02:45,360 - Hey, babe. 62 00:02:45,370 --> 00:02:47,530 Uh, it's me. Just checking in. 63 00:02:47,530 --> 00:02:49,100 For my dad. 64 00:02:49,100 --> 00:02:51,700 He... Really wants to know your answer 65 00:02:51,710 --> 00:02:53,040 About taking the breacher job. 66 00:02:53,040 --> 00:02:54,870 67 00:02:54,870 --> 00:02:56,610 "that little son of a breach better tell me, 68 00:02:56,610 --> 00:02:58,610 Or they will never find the body." 69 00:02:58,610 --> 00:03:00,210 Yeah. But you know what? 70 00:03:00,210 --> 00:03:01,780 He's retired. He can wait. 71 00:03:01,780 --> 00:03:03,510 So just take as much time as you need. 72 00:03:03,520 --> 00:03:05,950 Okay? It's, um-- don't say it's fine. 73 00:03:05,950 --> 00:03:07,120 - You know. Don't say it's fine. 74 00:03:07,120 --> 00:03:08,290 - It's fine. Oh, god. 75 00:03:08,290 --> 00:03:09,920 - It's fine. Okay. 76 00:03:09,920 --> 00:03:12,560 - So, just five me. Whenever. 77 00:03:12,560 --> 00:03:13,890 Okay. Bye. 78 00:03:13,890 --> 00:03:16,460 - Ramon, speed lab. Now. 79 00:03:16,460 --> 00:03:18,730 Good! Good, good, good. 80 00:03:18,730 --> 00:03:20,530 Good, good, good good, good. 81 00:03:20,530 --> 00:03:21,970 - Thing we're gonna do to get killer frost 82 00:03:21,970 --> 00:03:23,900 To appear, get that massive spike 83 00:03:23,900 --> 00:03:26,000 In your adrenaline production that we need, 84 00:03:26,010 --> 00:03:27,940 Is, ramon is gonna use his vibes 85 00:03:27,940 --> 00:03:29,770 To shake you up on the cellular level, 86 00:03:29,780 --> 00:03:30,840 And let's see if we can't get your old friend 87 00:03:30,840 --> 00:03:32,810 Killer frost to come out to play. 88 00:03:32,810 --> 00:03:34,450 Are you sure this is gonna work? 89 00:03:34,450 --> 00:03:35,910 Well, i mean, like any hypothesis, 90 00:03:35,920 --> 00:03:37,320 You have to test it to get an answer. 91 00:03:37,320 --> 00:03:38,480 It's what we've all done since 92 00:03:38,490 --> 00:03:40,490 The fourth grade, known as the... 93 00:03:40,490 --> 00:03:41,650 Scientific method? 94 00:03:41,650 --> 00:03:43,620 Right you are, allen! 95 00:03:43,620 --> 00:03:45,320 Of course. Ah, here he is. 96 00:03:45,330 --> 00:03:47,790 Okay, good. So get in position. 97 00:03:47,790 --> 00:03:50,230 Don't worry, i lowered the amps on this thing. 98 00:03:50,230 --> 00:03:51,830 Ramon, you set? 99 00:03:51,830 --> 00:03:53,130 Yeah. 100 00:03:53,130 --> 00:03:54,370 Snow, you ready? 101 00:03:54,370 --> 00:03:55,870 I'm ready. 102 00:03:55,870 --> 00:03:58,540 Three, two, one, and... 103 00:04:01,810 --> 00:04:03,110 Nothing. 104 00:04:03,110 --> 00:04:04,480 All right. Ramon, more power. 105 00:04:06,280 --> 00:04:08,450 Set? Three, two, one-- 106 00:04:10,850 --> 00:04:12,150 All right, this isn't working. 107 00:04:12,150 --> 00:04:13,920 You know what, ramon? Full power. 108 00:04:13,920 --> 00:04:15,590 Wait, hold on, hold on. What do you mean, 109 00:04:15,590 --> 00:04:16,820 Full power? We don't want to blast caitlin 110 00:04:16,820 --> 00:04:18,520 Across the speed lab. 111 00:04:18,530 --> 00:04:20,020 Well, you need to get a spike in her adrenaline. 112 00:04:20,030 --> 00:04:21,330 Harry, she could get injured. Yeah. 113 00:04:21,330 --> 00:04:22,690 God, this is-- look, this is 114 00:04:22,700 --> 00:04:24,400 Gonna work, okay? Nothing has changed. 115 00:04:24,400 --> 00:04:27,530 All right? Snow's dna tests, 116 00:04:27,530 --> 00:04:29,030 They confirm it. Her meta-dna 117 00:04:29,040 --> 00:04:30,570 Was not spliced by noah's powers. 118 00:04:30,570 --> 00:04:32,300 You mean melting point's powers. 119 00:04:32,310 --> 00:04:34,270 Right, that's what i said. Melting point's powers. 120 00:04:34,270 --> 00:04:35,510 No, you didn't. I did say that. 121 00:04:35,510 --> 00:04:37,380 But, harry, 122 00:04:37,380 --> 00:04:38,880 There's no dark matter in her system anyway. 123 00:04:38,880 --> 00:04:40,410 We're just trying to spike her heart rate. 124 00:04:40,410 --> 00:04:42,180 What do you mean, there's no dark matter? 125 00:04:42,180 --> 00:04:43,680 Harry, you knew that. 126 00:04:43,680 --> 00:04:44,980 We all did. 127 00:04:44,980 --> 00:04:47,620 We did? We did. No, i know. 128 00:04:47,620 --> 00:04:50,150 I just, i think i just, you know, forget. 129 00:04:50,160 --> 00:04:51,220 I forgot. 130 00:04:51,220 --> 00:04:52,660 You forgot? 131 00:04:52,660 --> 00:04:55,030 Harry, are you okay? 132 00:04:57,400 --> 00:05:00,030 No. He's not. 133 00:05:02,870 --> 00:05:04,200 Harry, you're... 134 00:05:04,200 --> 00:05:07,040 Losing my intelligence? Yes. 135 00:05:07,040 --> 00:05:08,970 The injection of dark matter from the thinking cap 136 00:05:08,980 --> 00:05:11,040 Apparently overwhelmed my synapses. 137 00:05:11,040 --> 00:05:15,080 Instead of making my brain faster, it's... 138 00:05:15,080 --> 00:05:16,480 Slowing it down. 139 00:05:18,590 --> 00:05:20,990 Why didn't you tell us this sooner? 140 00:05:20,990 --> 00:05:22,920 141 00:05:22,920 --> 00:05:24,390 How long until... 142 00:05:24,390 --> 00:05:26,420 No way of knowing. 143 00:05:26,430 --> 00:05:27,960 I mean, there are days i can think clearly 144 00:05:27,960 --> 00:05:29,790 And other days... 145 00:05:29,800 --> 00:05:31,630 I... I can't. 146 00:05:33,930 --> 00:05:37,130 The good news is, um, from what i can see, 147 00:05:37,140 --> 00:05:38,800 The regression seems to be reversible. 148 00:05:38,810 --> 00:05:40,570 Okay, great. 149 00:05:40,570 --> 00:05:41,940 I'll start working on it full-time. 150 00:05:41,940 --> 00:05:43,110 No, you won't. 151 00:05:43,110 --> 00:05:44,610 I did this to myself, 152 00:05:44,610 --> 00:05:46,080 And i-i thought "oh, you know what? 153 00:05:46,080 --> 00:05:47,510 "use that thinking cap, and then i can 154 00:05:47,510 --> 00:05:50,950 Outthink devoe and then stop devoe." 155 00:05:50,950 --> 00:05:53,280 I was wrong. Now here we are. 156 00:05:53,290 --> 00:05:54,990 Okay, well, we're gonna fix this. 157 00:05:54,990 --> 00:05:59,820 You and i both know there's a ticking clock... 158 00:05:59,830 --> 00:06:01,330 And i can't help anyone like this. 159 00:06:01,330 --> 00:06:02,960 Yes, you can. 160 00:06:02,960 --> 00:06:04,100 How? 161 00:06:06,500 --> 00:06:09,970 162 00:06:09,970 --> 00:06:11,640 Look, guys. 163 00:06:11,640 --> 00:06:13,000 Ralph... 164 00:06:13,010 --> 00:06:15,470 Caitlyn's powers, now this. 165 00:06:15,480 --> 00:06:18,680 Devoe knew how to break us apart, but... 166 00:06:18,680 --> 00:06:20,510 I mean, we're all still here. 167 00:06:20,510 --> 00:06:22,480 We're a family. 168 00:06:22,480 --> 00:06:25,250 That's how we're gonna beat devoe. 169 00:06:25,250 --> 00:06:28,350 All right, allen. 170 00:06:28,350 --> 00:06:29,590 All right. 171 00:06:29,590 --> 00:06:31,820 172 00:06:34,960 --> 00:06:36,830 Vandermeer steel. 173 00:06:36,830 --> 00:06:38,630 Smaller than i expected. 174 00:06:40,600 --> 00:06:43,470 The first step to our enlightenment 175 00:06:43,470 --> 00:06:45,470 Is as simple... 176 00:06:48,070 --> 00:06:50,740 As opening a door. 177 00:07:01,320 --> 00:07:04,520 Alloy 1771. 178 00:07:04,520 --> 00:07:09,990 Now, the gallium antimonide substrates within these 179 00:07:10,000 --> 00:07:14,330 Can harness power at 400% efficiency. 180 00:07:17,000 --> 00:07:20,340 The precise amount, i calculated. 181 00:07:25,380 --> 00:07:26,640 You can pick 'em up. 182 00:07:27,710 --> 00:07:29,380 Freeze! 183 00:07:29,380 --> 00:07:30,750 184 00:07:30,750 --> 00:07:32,550 You should let us leave. 185 00:07:32,550 --> 00:07:34,390 I can't do that. 186 00:07:34,390 --> 00:07:35,720 Yes, you can. 187 00:07:35,720 --> 00:07:37,990 188 00:07:37,990 --> 00:07:39,520 How are you... 189 00:07:45,700 --> 00:07:47,670 We have what we need. 190 00:07:49,570 --> 00:07:51,640 I suppose we do. 191 00:07:53,740 --> 00:07:56,240 code red! Code red! 192 00:07:59,050 --> 00:08:01,880 Clifford. This is unnecessary. 193 00:08:01,880 --> 00:08:03,710 You knew there were gonna be casualties 194 00:08:03,720 --> 00:08:05,620 When we began. 195 00:08:05,620 --> 00:08:07,790 This is his own doing. 196 00:08:07,790 --> 00:08:09,120 Yes, my love. 197 00:08:20,560 --> 00:08:22,020 What are we dealing with? 198 00:08:22,030 --> 00:08:23,060 First of all, we're trying to determine 199 00:08:23,060 --> 00:08:24,360 What was in that vault. 200 00:08:24,360 --> 00:08:26,030 Watch your step right here. 201 00:08:26,030 --> 00:08:28,860 There was no drilling, there was no lock picked. 202 00:08:28,870 --> 00:08:30,270 And the only thing anybody would tell us 203 00:08:30,270 --> 00:08:31,830 About what was in the vault was that 204 00:08:31,840 --> 00:08:33,840 It was some sort of secretive technology. 205 00:08:33,840 --> 00:08:35,440 Also, security guard here 206 00:08:35,440 --> 00:08:37,670 Was a 24-year-old, apparently shot himself. 207 00:08:37,680 --> 00:08:39,410 Wait, a robbery and a suicide? 208 00:08:39,410 --> 00:08:40,610 He was newly married. 209 00:08:40,610 --> 00:08:43,250 Has an infant at home. 210 00:08:43,250 --> 00:08:45,110 This is smelling like some meta madness to me. 211 00:08:45,120 --> 00:08:47,280 Who else can "kilgore" a retinal scan 212 00:08:47,290 --> 00:08:49,350 And "dibny" a vault lock? 213 00:08:49,350 --> 00:08:51,190 Okay, well, i'm gonna go interview some people, 214 00:08:51,190 --> 00:08:52,520 See what i can find out. 215 00:08:52,520 --> 00:08:53,690 All right, cisco and i will try 216 00:08:53,690 --> 00:08:55,160 To figure out what devoe stole. 217 00:08:55,160 --> 00:08:56,430 All right. I'll be over here. 218 00:08:56,430 --> 00:08:58,830 Okay, so. Where should we start? 219 00:08:58,830 --> 00:09:01,660 If we can gain acc-- 220 00:09:03,570 --> 00:09:04,930 221 00:09:04,940 --> 00:09:06,240 ...To their files... 222 00:09:06,240 --> 00:09:08,340 Alloy 1771? 223 00:09:08,340 --> 00:09:10,340 It's the only item missing from the inventory files. 224 00:09:10,340 --> 00:09:13,010 Or i can just... Stand here and look pretty. 225 00:09:13,010 --> 00:09:14,610 Hey, know what you can do, actually? 226 00:09:14,610 --> 00:09:16,110 You could vibe the gun. 227 00:09:16,110 --> 00:09:18,110 The file didn't say what alloy 1771 was. 228 00:09:18,120 --> 00:09:19,250 So we need another way to learn 229 00:09:19,250 --> 00:09:20,680 Why devoe would want it. 230 00:09:20,690 --> 00:09:22,350 Uh, vibing and devoe do not mix, remember? 231 00:09:22,350 --> 00:09:24,050 Yeah, i know, man. But i mean, 232 00:09:24,060 --> 00:09:25,350 What are we supposed to do? It's the only way. 233 00:09:25,360 --> 00:09:26,560 Barry, i don't really feel like 234 00:09:26,560 --> 00:09:28,360 Getting blasted into a wall right now. 235 00:09:28,360 --> 00:09:30,630 I'm sure there's another way we can 236 00:09:30,630 --> 00:09:31,890 Find out what this is that doesn't 237 00:09:31,900 --> 00:09:33,160 Require me getting a migraine. 238 00:09:33,160 --> 00:09:35,330 It is a solar panel. 239 00:09:35,330 --> 00:09:37,070 Constructed of metal that absorbs 240 00:09:37,070 --> 00:09:38,330 And multiplies the sun's energy 241 00:09:38,340 --> 00:09:40,300 At 400% efficiency. 242 00:09:40,300 --> 00:09:43,070 What would devoe be doing with a solar panel? 243 00:09:43,070 --> 00:09:44,610 Nothing, on its own. 244 00:09:44,610 --> 00:09:46,480 He's gotta be building something. 245 00:09:46,480 --> 00:09:48,340 Look, i-i need you to vibe the gun. 246 00:09:48,350 --> 00:09:50,480 Maybe i should put this in movie terms for you. 247 00:09:50,480 --> 00:09:53,420 Everything in devoe's wake is like the "home alone" house. 248 00:09:53,420 --> 00:09:55,120 Okay? It's booby-trapped. 249 00:09:55,120 --> 00:09:56,950 I would need to double my powers 250 00:09:56,950 --> 00:09:58,850 Just to even attempt to vibe the gun. 251 00:09:58,860 --> 00:10:00,520 Well, hold on. I mean, could-- 252 00:10:00,530 --> 00:10:02,020 Could gypsy double your powers? 253 00:10:02,030 --> 00:10:03,960 That's a good idea. No, not. 254 00:10:03,960 --> 00:10:05,560 Not what? 255 00:10:05,560 --> 00:10:06,630 Gypsy's busy. 256 00:10:06,630 --> 00:10:08,300 Her dad just retired. 257 00:10:08,300 --> 00:10:09,870 She's having to do double the work. 258 00:10:09,870 --> 00:10:11,630 Earth 19 is a mess right now. She's swamped. 259 00:10:11,640 --> 00:10:13,100 Cisco. 260 00:10:13,100 --> 00:10:14,800 Combining your powers could make it 261 00:10:14,810 --> 00:10:16,510 So we know devoe's next move. 262 00:10:19,580 --> 00:10:21,080 - Thanks for meeting me. 263 00:10:21,080 --> 00:10:22,950 I need a favor. Okay. 264 00:10:22,950 --> 00:10:26,820 I need you to distract cecile for a while. 265 00:10:26,820 --> 00:10:28,050 What for? 266 00:10:28,050 --> 00:10:29,250 Well, that's the thing. 267 00:10:29,250 --> 00:10:30,920 I can't tell you, because if i do, 268 00:10:30,920 --> 00:10:32,820 She'll read your mind and find out. 269 00:10:32,820 --> 00:10:34,160 Why can't iris do it? 270 00:10:34,160 --> 00:10:35,590 Because iris knows exactly why 271 00:10:35,590 --> 00:10:36,890 I'm trying to distract cecile. 272 00:10:36,890 --> 00:10:38,890 Ah. And therefore barry knows. 273 00:10:38,900 --> 00:10:41,030 Which means that cisco knows, kid knows. 274 00:10:41,030 --> 00:10:42,360 Whatever you need. Really? 275 00:10:42,370 --> 00:10:43,700 Yeah. Thank you. 276 00:10:43,700 --> 00:10:45,840 You're welcome. All right. 277 00:10:45,840 --> 00:10:48,400 Lose my mind, become a babysitter. 278 00:10:48,410 --> 00:10:50,210 Oh, come on. 279 00:10:50,210 --> 00:10:54,110 Listen, if anybody's gonna reverse what's happening, 280 00:10:54,110 --> 00:10:55,910 It's gonna be those kids at s.T.A.R. Labs. 281 00:10:55,910 --> 00:10:57,750 I mean, they love you, harry. 282 00:10:57,750 --> 00:11:00,780 And they will never stop trying to help you. 283 00:11:00,790 --> 00:11:02,990 So don't lose hope. Right. 284 00:11:02,990 --> 00:11:05,150 285 00:11:05,160 --> 00:11:06,790 286 00:11:06,790 --> 00:11:09,330 And that is how i aced my intro to heat transfer 287 00:11:09,330 --> 00:11:11,390 My first year at university. 288 00:11:11,400 --> 00:11:12,660 Bravo. 289 00:11:12,660 --> 00:11:14,060 Ducked and run. 290 00:11:14,070 --> 00:11:17,130 i miss those days. 291 00:11:17,140 --> 00:11:20,100 I was young and foolish and brave. 292 00:11:20,100 --> 00:11:21,240 And now you're just foolish. 293 00:11:21,240 --> 00:11:23,040 To agree to a date with someone 294 00:11:23,040 --> 00:11:25,640 I first met as they were so rudely 295 00:11:25,640 --> 00:11:28,540 Disagreeing with my professional opinion. 296 00:11:28,550 --> 00:11:30,380 Foolish, maybe. 297 00:11:31,950 --> 00:11:33,850 Yeah, no one's ever challenged me like that. 298 00:11:35,850 --> 00:11:37,850 It was refreshing. 299 00:11:41,060 --> 00:11:42,530 Ah, maybe you are right 300 00:11:42,530 --> 00:11:44,690 About technology's distracting us. 301 00:11:44,700 --> 00:11:46,430 It certainly can destroy moments. 302 00:11:46,430 --> 00:11:49,570 Although, sometimes... 303 00:11:49,570 --> 00:11:51,130 Technology... 304 00:11:51,140 --> 00:11:53,200 Can create them as well. 305 00:11:53,200 --> 00:11:56,210 306 00:12:22,630 --> 00:12:24,400 Thanks for coming to help us, gypsy. 307 00:12:24,400 --> 00:12:25,730 You two are up. 308 00:12:25,740 --> 00:12:28,470 So, how do we do this? 309 00:12:28,470 --> 00:12:32,240 Okay, so to co-vibe, we have to be totally in sync. 310 00:12:32,240 --> 00:12:33,310 All right? Our minds have to be on 311 00:12:33,310 --> 00:12:34,540 Exactly the same page. 312 00:12:34,550 --> 00:12:36,150 Just like always. 313 00:12:36,150 --> 00:12:37,450 Yeah. 314 00:12:44,460 --> 00:12:47,090 Oh. So that was weird. 315 00:12:47,090 --> 00:12:48,590 Why? What did you see? 316 00:12:48,590 --> 00:12:50,160 I don't know, a-a dock? 317 00:12:50,160 --> 00:12:52,130 Um, looked like a shipping container. 318 00:12:52,130 --> 00:12:53,660 Number 16. 319 00:12:53,660 --> 00:12:55,560 That must be what devoe is gonna steal next. 320 00:12:55,570 --> 00:12:57,470 He's gonna have to steal it from us. 321 00:12:57,470 --> 00:12:59,470 322 00:13:02,470 --> 00:13:04,040 All right. 323 00:13:04,040 --> 00:13:06,080 It looks like we made it in time. 324 00:13:06,080 --> 00:13:08,540 Whatever's in this container, we can't let devoe have it. 325 00:13:08,550 --> 00:13:10,480 Actually... 326 00:13:10,480 --> 00:13:13,220 It's what's in... This container 327 00:13:13,220 --> 00:13:15,650 You can't let me have. 328 00:13:15,650 --> 00:13:17,650 Well... 329 00:13:17,660 --> 00:13:19,320 What was in this container. 330 00:13:27,800 --> 00:13:29,060 Hit him! 331 00:13:33,140 --> 00:13:35,100 Gratitude... 332 00:13:35,110 --> 00:13:37,170 For the workout, brief as it was. 333 00:13:38,310 --> 00:13:39,710 Later. 334 00:13:45,020 --> 00:13:47,780 Damn it. Damn it! 335 00:13:47,790 --> 00:13:50,820 Why didn't we see the right container number? 336 00:13:50,820 --> 00:13:54,060 Someone's vibe wasn't clear enough, cisco. 337 00:13:54,060 --> 00:13:56,430 Are you blaming me? 338 00:13:56,430 --> 00:13:58,230 You lost your focus, what can i say? 339 00:13:58,230 --> 00:14:00,430 Yeah, getting hit against a metal container wall 340 00:14:00,430 --> 00:14:01,600 Sort of does that. 341 00:14:01,600 --> 00:14:02,800 You know, i hit that wall too. 342 00:14:02,800 --> 00:14:04,170 I'm perfectly focused. 343 00:14:04,170 --> 00:14:05,530 Oh, well, if you're so focused, 344 00:14:05,540 --> 00:14:06,770 Then why'd you let him get away? 345 00:14:06,770 --> 00:14:08,300 Don't even try and put that on me. 346 00:14:08,310 --> 00:14:09,510 I'm sorry, i didn't put that on you. 347 00:14:09,510 --> 00:14:10,840 You put that on you. 348 00:14:10,840 --> 00:14:11,840 I'm gonna put my fist in your face, 349 00:14:11,840 --> 00:14:13,240 Is what i'm gonna-- 350 00:14:13,240 --> 00:14:14,480 Is that how we'd work together 351 00:14:14,480 --> 00:14:15,680 If i took the job? 352 00:14:15,680 --> 00:14:17,080 Guys. What job? 353 00:14:22,250 --> 00:14:24,020 I brought that metal piece from the shipping container, 354 00:14:24,020 --> 00:14:26,590 In case we want to try co-vibing later, but... 355 00:14:26,590 --> 00:14:29,930 Think we both saw where that led us, so... 356 00:14:29,930 --> 00:14:33,960 So you said... Breacher retired. 357 00:14:33,960 --> 00:14:36,730 He offered you a job on earth 19 to replace him, didn't he? 358 00:14:36,730 --> 00:14:38,130 Mm-hmm. 359 00:14:38,140 --> 00:14:39,700 You know, another shot in the dark, 360 00:14:39,700 --> 00:14:41,200 But you haven't actually given breacher 361 00:14:41,210 --> 00:14:42,740 Or gypsy an answer yet. 362 00:14:42,740 --> 00:14:43,940 Mm-mm. 363 00:14:43,940 --> 00:14:45,640 Which way you leaning? 364 00:14:45,640 --> 00:14:47,940 I wanna be with gypsy more than anything. 365 00:14:47,950 --> 00:14:49,910 It's just complicated. 366 00:14:49,910 --> 00:14:51,910 Hey, no, man, i get it. 367 00:14:51,920 --> 00:14:54,120 368 00:14:54,120 --> 00:14:56,420 But look, i mean... 369 00:14:56,420 --> 00:14:57,990 Maybe... 370 00:14:57,990 --> 00:15:00,120 You guys working together to end this 371 00:15:00,120 --> 00:15:02,920 Will make the decision easier, for both of you. 372 00:15:02,930 --> 00:15:05,760 What if she doesn't want the same thing as me? 373 00:15:05,760 --> 00:15:07,600 I mean, you're never gonna know unless you ask. 374 00:15:08,830 --> 00:15:11,370 And listen, cisco, i mean... 375 00:15:11,370 --> 00:15:13,970 We can't beat devoe without you. 376 00:15:13,970 --> 00:15:15,500 You're our secret weapon. 377 00:15:15,510 --> 00:15:16,970 You and gypsy just need to be 378 00:15:16,970 --> 00:15:18,740 On the same page for that weapon to work. 379 00:15:18,740 --> 00:15:21,180 Yeah, and i don't know that we can be. 380 00:15:21,180 --> 00:15:23,310 All right, well... 381 00:15:23,310 --> 00:15:25,810 Let me help you. 382 00:15:25,820 --> 00:15:27,820 Barry. No, i... Hold on. 383 00:15:29,920 --> 00:15:31,650 So that's gonna end well. 384 00:15:31,660 --> 00:15:34,690 Last one. 385 00:15:34,690 --> 00:15:38,490 Okay, we, uh, need food. 386 00:15:38,500 --> 00:15:40,300 We need wine. 387 00:15:40,300 --> 00:15:41,860 Lots of both. Go. 388 00:15:41,870 --> 00:15:43,130 I'll unpack. 389 00:15:43,130 --> 00:15:45,230 Clifford! 390 00:15:48,070 --> 00:15:49,370 Go. Hurry home. 391 00:15:49,370 --> 00:15:50,810 I can stay, if-- you're sure? 392 00:15:50,810 --> 00:15:52,370 Yeah. I really should. 393 00:15:52,380 --> 00:15:53,840 Last chance. 394 00:16:03,020 --> 00:16:05,490 395 00:16:28,880 --> 00:16:30,850 Me, hunter! 396 00:16:30,850 --> 00:16:33,480 Me hunted feast for my queen! 397 00:16:33,480 --> 00:16:35,020 You don't believe these things you wrote 398 00:16:35,020 --> 00:16:37,150 In this journal, do you? 399 00:16:37,150 --> 00:16:39,920 This reads like some radical's manifesto, clifford. 400 00:16:45,560 --> 00:16:48,960 It is a realist's awakening. 401 00:16:48,970 --> 00:16:52,930 You declare war against every technological philanthropist. 402 00:16:52,940 --> 00:16:55,600 Men, men, men. 403 00:16:55,610 --> 00:16:57,540 Pushing us to the brink of armageddon 404 00:16:57,540 --> 00:16:59,070 With their "inventions." 405 00:16:59,080 --> 00:17:01,710 No, they want a better mankind. 406 00:17:01,710 --> 00:17:04,210 Don't be naive, marlize. 407 00:17:04,210 --> 00:17:06,180 408 00:17:06,180 --> 00:17:08,780 The severity of our society's failings 409 00:17:08,790 --> 00:17:12,790 Require extreme ideas if ever we were to 410 00:17:12,790 --> 00:17:16,260 Restore some semblance of balance. 411 00:17:16,260 --> 00:17:18,190 "technology has become a cancerous cell 412 00:17:18,200 --> 00:17:19,900 "in our social biology. 413 00:17:19,900 --> 00:17:23,230 "exercising it... Would require a total purge, 414 00:17:23,230 --> 00:17:24,870 "not only of the material world, 415 00:17:24,870 --> 00:17:27,440 But also human consciousness"? 416 00:17:27,440 --> 00:17:30,310 This is not balance! This is lobotomizing people! 417 00:17:30,310 --> 00:17:33,380 It is rebooting the masses' brains, 418 00:17:33,380 --> 00:17:35,780 To let them forget their technological crutches! 419 00:17:35,780 --> 00:17:37,710 They are babies with pacifiers! 420 00:17:37,710 --> 00:17:39,280 Oh, and who will teach them? 421 00:17:39,280 --> 00:17:40,650 You, professor? 422 00:17:40,650 --> 00:17:43,490 How does any of this help humankind? 423 00:17:43,490 --> 00:17:46,290 Don't you see? Marlize... 424 00:17:47,420 --> 00:17:50,490 Our technology is killing us. 425 00:17:50,490 --> 00:17:52,960 You and i, we can fix this. 426 00:17:52,960 --> 00:17:55,430 Together. 427 00:17:55,430 --> 00:17:57,000 As partners. 428 00:17:57,000 --> 00:18:00,340 We can lead them, all of society, humanity, 429 00:18:00,340 --> 00:18:04,510 On the true path to enlightenment. 430 00:18:09,710 --> 00:18:11,810 Hey, harry. 431 00:18:11,820 --> 00:18:13,980 Da cecile horton. 432 00:18:13,980 --> 00:18:17,790 Joe said you needed to adjust my mental activity dampener. 433 00:18:17,790 --> 00:18:19,620 Yes. Joe... Yes. 434 00:18:19,620 --> 00:18:22,560 I have to do that. It's, uh, it's not a big deal. 435 00:18:22,560 --> 00:18:25,430 It's a standard procedure. 436 00:18:27,700 --> 00:18:29,930 That's, yeah. Okay. 437 00:18:29,930 --> 00:18:32,130 All right. I'm in. 438 00:18:32,140 --> 00:18:35,140 Well, it's installing, so... 439 00:18:35,140 --> 00:18:39,110 Now you just... You just sit. 440 00:18:39,110 --> 00:18:40,180 And wait. 441 00:18:40,180 --> 00:18:42,180 For a long time. 442 00:18:45,620 --> 00:18:47,780 Okay. What is happening 443 00:18:47,780 --> 00:18:50,350 With your thoughts right now? 444 00:18:50,350 --> 00:18:52,650 With my... Okay. 445 00:18:52,660 --> 00:18:55,360 So... There was an incident with dark matter-- 446 00:18:55,360 --> 00:18:57,160 Yeah, i know, i know, joe told me about that. 447 00:18:57,160 --> 00:18:58,090 That's not what i'm talking about. 448 00:18:58,100 --> 00:18:59,360 What do you mean? 449 00:18:59,360 --> 00:19:02,000 Your thoughts are screaming at me. 450 00:19:02,000 --> 00:19:04,030 It's like they start to form, 451 00:19:04,030 --> 00:19:05,570 And then, it's like, 452 00:19:05,570 --> 00:19:08,100 The more the ideas appear... 453 00:19:08,110 --> 00:19:10,170 The more they disappear. Exactly. 454 00:19:10,170 --> 00:19:12,540 Well, that explains my "can't" days. 455 00:19:12,540 --> 00:19:14,740 What does that mean, harry? 456 00:19:14,750 --> 00:19:18,780 It means, da cecile horton, 457 00:19:18,780 --> 00:19:22,020 That the more i try to use my brain... 458 00:19:22,020 --> 00:19:24,150 The sooner i'm going to lose it. 459 00:19:26,160 --> 00:19:28,690 Barista. Another one, please. 460 00:19:28,690 --> 00:19:30,330 Uh, make it a double. 461 00:19:30,330 --> 00:19:32,190 Thank you. 462 00:19:32,200 --> 00:19:34,160 Here you go. Thanks. 463 00:19:34,160 --> 00:19:36,600 I've been looking everywhere for you. 464 00:19:36,600 --> 00:19:38,930 Can't a woman caffeinate in peace 465 00:19:38,940 --> 00:19:40,400 Around here? 466 00:19:40,400 --> 00:19:42,570 Hey. Look. Hey! 467 00:19:42,570 --> 00:19:44,710 I know why you're upset, but it's all right. 468 00:19:44,710 --> 00:19:46,170 Really? Yeah. 469 00:19:46,180 --> 00:19:48,180 Look, cisco just thinks if he takes the job, 470 00:19:48,180 --> 00:19:50,050 He'll be letting us down. But, i mean, 471 00:19:50,050 --> 00:19:51,710 He just needs to follow his own heart, 472 00:19:51,720 --> 00:19:53,250 Do what he needs to do, not worry about us. 473 00:19:53,250 --> 00:19:55,280 He knows that. 474 00:19:55,290 --> 00:19:58,620 Wow. That's actually really great. 475 00:19:58,620 --> 00:20:00,320 So now... All you guys have to do 476 00:20:00,320 --> 00:20:02,860 Is talk to each other. 477 00:20:02,860 --> 00:20:05,660 Yeah. Well, that part's not so easy, so... 478 00:20:05,660 --> 00:20:08,000 Yes... It is. 479 00:20:08,000 --> 00:20:09,500 What are you doing? What? 480 00:20:09,500 --> 00:20:11,230 Don'dot even think about . No! 481 00:20:11,230 --> 00:20:12,830 Okay. 482 00:20:12,840 --> 00:20:14,500 Don't ever "whoosh" me again, all right? 483 00:20:14,500 --> 00:20:16,000 Totally, i'm sorry. Um, cisco. 484 00:20:16,010 --> 00:20:17,570 What is going on? 485 00:20:17,570 --> 00:20:19,670 Just getting 'em back on the same page, okay? 486 00:20:19,680 --> 00:20:21,480 Cisco, gypsy is upset, because, frankly? 487 00:20:21,480 --> 00:20:23,380 I mean, it's taking you too long to accept 488 00:20:23,380 --> 00:20:25,210 Breacher's job offer. Duh. And gypsy. 489 00:20:25,220 --> 00:20:28,380 Cisco, he's-he's just worried about abandoning his team. 490 00:20:28,390 --> 00:20:30,090 I mean, it's not that he doesn't want the job. 491 00:20:30,090 --> 00:20:32,790 Right? Okay, so... 492 00:20:32,790 --> 00:20:35,160 Now you both know, right? 493 00:20:35,160 --> 00:20:37,390 And you can dive in and... 494 00:20:37,390 --> 00:20:39,390 Work this out-- let's talk about this. 495 00:20:39,400 --> 00:20:41,660 496 00:20:45,300 --> 00:20:47,340 Ccpd is reporting two more break-ins 497 00:20:47,340 --> 00:20:49,100 At tech manufacturers-- boeing lab 498 00:20:49,110 --> 00:20:50,170 And the jamison institute. 499 00:20:50,170 --> 00:20:51,470 More hardware was stolen. 500 00:20:51,480 --> 00:20:53,480 Devoe. Was anybody hurt? 501 00:20:53,480 --> 00:20:55,310 Three fatalities, all of them security guards 502 00:20:55,310 --> 00:20:57,550 In high-level clearance areas, just like at vandermeer. 503 00:20:57,550 --> 00:20:58,780 He's taking whatever he wants, 504 00:20:58,780 --> 00:21:00,750 Killing anybody that gets in the way. 505 00:21:00,750 --> 00:21:02,820 Guys, i-i'm sorry, but we have to figure out 506 00:21:02,820 --> 00:21:04,290 What kind of machine he's building, 507 00:21:04,290 --> 00:21:06,220 Right now. 508 00:21:06,220 --> 00:21:07,890 Look, we have to try. 509 00:21:07,890 --> 00:21:10,760 510 00:21:15,370 --> 00:21:17,230 You okay? Yeah. Yeah. 511 00:21:19,500 --> 00:21:21,640 Oh, god, are you okay? I saw that one coming. 512 00:21:23,070 --> 00:21:25,570 You okay? I'm good. Thank you. 513 00:21:33,350 --> 00:21:34,750 They okay? 514 00:21:34,750 --> 00:21:36,650 Tests show, physically, they're fine. 515 00:21:36,650 --> 00:21:39,220 As a couple, not so much. 516 00:21:39,220 --> 00:21:41,520 517 00:21:41,530 --> 00:21:43,190 Where are you going? 518 00:21:43,190 --> 00:21:44,660 I need to get these two back in sync. 519 00:21:44,660 --> 00:21:46,230 I mean, we gotta get ahead of this somehow. 520 00:21:46,230 --> 00:21:47,860 Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down, cowboy. 521 00:21:47,860 --> 00:21:49,330 What do you mean? Why? 522 00:21:49,330 --> 00:21:52,070 Maybe you've done enough already, okay? 523 00:21:52,070 --> 00:21:54,470 Cisco and gypsy are clearly going through 524 00:21:54,470 --> 00:21:57,270 Something, and, you know, it's not up to us 525 00:21:57,270 --> 00:21:58,570 To counsel them through it. 526 00:21:58,580 --> 00:22:00,140 Well, then who is it up to, iris? 527 00:22:00,140 --> 00:22:01,780 Just stop for a second-- we can't stop. 528 00:22:01,780 --> 00:22:03,780 The second we do, everyone could fall apart. 529 00:22:03,780 --> 00:22:05,550 The team's hanging on by a thread. 530 00:22:05,550 --> 00:22:07,650 But we are hanging on, barry. For how long? 531 00:22:07,650 --> 00:22:09,050 I mean, look at what's happening. 532 00:22:09,050 --> 00:22:10,950 Devoe is killing innocent people. 533 00:22:10,950 --> 00:22:14,620 He's stealing pieces of tech, for god knows why. 534 00:22:14,620 --> 00:22:17,030 Just trying to keep up with him is tearing us apart. 535 00:22:17,030 --> 00:22:19,430 Babe... You can't put it on yourself 536 00:22:19,430 --> 00:22:21,800 To hold everyone together. 537 00:22:23,770 --> 00:22:26,770 538 00:22:27,800 --> 00:22:30,540 Cisco is family. 539 00:22:30,540 --> 00:22:31,910 And when family hurts, we all hurt. 540 00:22:31,910 --> 00:22:34,440 I get that. 541 00:22:34,440 --> 00:22:36,740 But sometimes you can't answer their questions for them. 542 00:22:36,750 --> 00:22:38,280 Sometimes, you just have to support them 543 00:22:38,280 --> 00:22:39,810 While they find them on their own, 544 00:22:39,820 --> 00:22:41,580 Whether they're together or they're apart. 545 00:22:45,790 --> 00:22:46,890 What? 546 00:22:46,890 --> 00:22:48,860 That's it. 547 00:22:48,860 --> 00:22:51,630 The pieces of tech don't fit together... 548 00:22:51,630 --> 00:22:54,060 Because they're not supposed to. 549 00:22:54,060 --> 00:22:56,600 He's not building one thing, he's building multiple. 550 00:22:56,600 --> 00:22:59,670 551 00:23:01,810 --> 00:23:04,810 Harry, i know this is hard. 552 00:23:04,810 --> 00:23:07,280 Well... 553 00:23:07,280 --> 00:23:10,210 It is hard, da cecile horton, because my brain, 554 00:23:10,210 --> 00:23:11,680 The one thing that has defined me 555 00:23:11,680 --> 00:23:13,280 For, well, pretty much my entire life, 556 00:23:13,280 --> 00:23:14,350 Is about to... 557 00:23:15,850 --> 00:23:18,820 ...Vanish, and then who will i be? 558 00:23:18,820 --> 00:23:21,190 You'll be the exact same man you've always been. 559 00:23:21,190 --> 00:23:23,360 Yeah, but dumb. 560 00:23:23,360 --> 00:23:26,390 Same man. Way less intelligent. 561 00:23:26,400 --> 00:23:27,960 Harry. 562 00:23:27,960 --> 00:23:30,530 There are lots of ways to be intelligent. 563 00:23:30,530 --> 00:23:32,530 Not just using your head. 564 00:23:32,540 --> 00:23:33,940 565 00:23:33,940 --> 00:23:35,500 Right. 566 00:23:40,810 --> 00:23:42,780 567 00:23:42,780 --> 00:23:44,450 Wait. 568 00:23:44,450 --> 00:23:46,650 Do that again. Harry! 569 00:23:46,650 --> 00:23:48,550 Do what? Do it again! Do it again! 570 00:23:50,120 --> 00:23:53,120 571 00:23:54,320 --> 00:23:55,690 Right? 572 00:23:55,690 --> 00:23:57,160 How did you do that? I saw it! 573 00:23:57,160 --> 00:23:59,030 Inside your mind, before it vanished. 574 00:23:59,030 --> 00:24:02,300 In... Wait. So you can-- 575 00:24:02,300 --> 00:24:03,700 Write down what you're thinking. 576 00:24:03,700 --> 00:24:05,330 Before it-- disappears. 577 00:24:05,340 --> 00:24:06,670 Wow. Yeah. 578 00:24:06,670 --> 00:24:10,370 Marlize? I brought the sample. 579 00:24:10,370 --> 00:24:13,680 Hey. Hey! 580 00:24:13,680 --> 00:24:15,280 Okay. 581 00:24:17,180 --> 00:24:18,310 All right. 582 00:24:20,520 --> 00:24:22,620 Fingers crossed. Yep. 583 00:24:22,620 --> 00:24:24,020 Here we go. 584 00:24:30,630 --> 00:24:31,990 Cheers. 585 00:24:34,360 --> 00:24:35,400 Yes! 586 00:24:35,400 --> 00:24:36,560 Yeah? 587 00:24:36,570 --> 00:24:38,830 Show the others. Got it. 588 00:24:42,410 --> 00:24:45,170 589 00:24:45,180 --> 00:24:47,580 Hello? 590 00:24:47,580 --> 00:24:48,980 - Marlize. 591 00:24:48,980 --> 00:24:50,350 It's me. 592 00:24:50,350 --> 00:24:52,550 593 00:24:52,550 --> 00:24:54,180 Clifford. 594 00:24:54,180 --> 00:24:56,580 I need you to come home. 595 00:24:56,590 --> 00:24:58,590 I can't. 596 00:24:58,590 --> 00:25:00,560 I'm making a difference here-- i'm changing lives 597 00:25:00,560 --> 00:25:01,590 For the better. 598 00:25:01,590 --> 00:25:02,790 These people need me. 599 00:25:02,790 --> 00:25:04,230 I need you. 600 00:25:06,630 --> 00:25:08,460 I'm sorry. 601 00:25:08,470 --> 00:25:10,060 I can't be with someone that thinks 602 00:25:10,070 --> 00:25:12,400 That society is a disease, that believes 603 00:25:12,400 --> 00:25:15,840 That our world is being plagued by technology. 604 00:25:15,840 --> 00:25:18,010 I am nothing without you. 605 00:25:18,010 --> 00:25:19,410 You're a brilliant man 606 00:25:19,410 --> 00:25:20,980 With a great future ahead of you. 607 00:25:20,980 --> 00:25:22,840 What kind of future do i have 608 00:25:22,850 --> 00:25:24,850 If you are not by my side? 609 00:25:24,850 --> 00:25:27,320 I just wish that you could show 610 00:25:27,320 --> 00:25:29,520 The same compassion for the rest of humanity 611 00:25:29,520 --> 00:25:31,350 As you do for me. 612 00:25:31,350 --> 00:25:35,220 Listen to me, marlize, i... 613 00:25:35,230 --> 00:25:37,530 My thoughts, i cannot-- 614 00:25:37,530 --> 00:25:39,660 I-i just-- i just don't think that-- 615 00:25:39,660 --> 00:25:41,760 [tires crunching on gravel, man shouts indistinctly] 616 00:25:41,770 --> 00:25:43,730 617 00:25:43,730 --> 00:25:46,770 [explosion booms, indistinct shouting] 618 00:25:46,770 --> 00:25:47,970 Marlize? 619 00:25:49,170 --> 00:25:50,170 Marlize? 620 00:25:51,410 --> 00:25:52,970 Marlize! 621 00:25:54,010 --> 00:25:55,180 622 00:25:58,180 --> 00:26:01,480 So... What were you gonna say? 623 00:26:01,480 --> 00:26:04,320 Before we were so alarmingly interrupted. 624 00:26:04,320 --> 00:26:07,320 625 00:26:08,320 --> 00:26:10,020 Look, i just... 626 00:26:12,960 --> 00:26:14,430 Cisco, i-- 627 00:26:14,430 --> 00:26:16,830 Don't want you to take the job. 628 00:26:16,830 --> 00:26:18,870 Oh. 629 00:26:20,640 --> 00:26:22,900 That is such a relief. 630 00:26:22,910 --> 00:26:25,840 Because i don't want anything to change. 631 00:26:34,220 --> 00:26:37,650 Not only have we not been on the same page, 632 00:26:37,650 --> 00:26:39,820 We haven't even been on the same planet. 633 00:26:39,820 --> 00:26:41,720 Literally. 634 00:26:41,720 --> 00:26:43,830 We've been doing this back-and-forth thing 635 00:26:43,830 --> 00:26:45,330 For almost a year, 636 00:26:45,330 --> 00:26:47,200 Negotiating who gets to go to whose earth 637 00:26:47,200 --> 00:26:48,900 And when, just to see each other, 638 00:26:48,900 --> 00:26:50,800 And on the off-chance we do get to see each other, 639 00:26:50,800 --> 00:26:53,530 There's, like, a countdown until one of us has to leave, 640 00:26:53,540 --> 00:26:55,600 And i'm tired of it! 641 00:26:55,610 --> 00:26:57,910 I don't want to have to breach to see the woman i love. 642 00:26:57,910 --> 00:27:00,310 I want to wake up next to her. 643 00:27:00,310 --> 00:27:02,510 Every morning. 644 00:27:02,510 --> 00:27:03,850 So what are you saying? 645 00:27:05,820 --> 00:27:08,280 I'm saying i want more. 646 00:27:08,280 --> 00:27:10,120 I'm saying i don't want breacher's job, 647 00:27:10,120 --> 00:27:11,420 But i do want you. 648 00:27:11,420 --> 00:27:13,220 I want you too. 649 00:27:13,220 --> 00:27:14,960 What am i supposed to do? 650 00:27:14,960 --> 00:27:17,090 Pack up my entire life, everything? 651 00:27:17,090 --> 00:27:18,760 Forget about my job, my responsibilities-- 652 00:27:18,760 --> 00:27:20,500 No, no, no-- move here? 653 00:27:20,500 --> 00:27:22,060 No, no, that's not what i'm asking you to do. 654 00:27:22,070 --> 00:27:23,730 I would never ask you to leave the agency. 655 00:27:23,730 --> 00:27:26,570 I know how important that is to you. 656 00:27:26,570 --> 00:27:27,900 But tell me, 657 00:27:27,900 --> 00:27:30,240 And tell me honestly... 658 00:27:30,240 --> 00:27:32,310 This, what we have... 659 00:27:33,610 --> 00:27:35,310 Is this enough for you? 660 00:27:38,280 --> 00:27:40,620 Yes. 661 00:27:40,620 --> 00:27:43,220 It is. 662 00:27:47,360 --> 00:27:48,920 Well, it isn't for me. 663 00:27:51,190 --> 00:27:54,200 - Hey, guys? I need you both in the cortex. 664 00:27:54,200 --> 00:27:56,360 Why? I know what devoe's doing. 665 00:27:56,370 --> 00:27:57,830 It's not one machine. 666 00:27:57,830 --> 00:27:59,770 They're machines. Machines that work together, 667 00:27:59,770 --> 00:28:01,140 But they're still separate. 668 00:28:01,140 --> 00:28:02,770 Satellites. 669 00:28:02,770 --> 00:28:04,440 Separate satellites working together 670 00:28:04,440 --> 00:28:06,370 For a single purpose? 671 00:28:06,380 --> 00:28:08,080 So this guy really is a bond villain. 672 00:28:08,080 --> 00:28:09,610 Devoe would need a massive amount 673 00:28:09,610 --> 00:28:11,180 Of computational power for them to be able 674 00:28:11,180 --> 00:28:12,480 To talk to each other. 675 00:28:12,480 --> 00:28:13,950 Something to triangulate navigation 676 00:28:13,950 --> 00:28:15,120 Between each satellite. 677 00:28:15,120 --> 00:28:17,990 So, like, a quantum computer? 678 00:28:17,990 --> 00:28:19,850 Mercury labs just put a whole system 679 00:28:19,860 --> 00:28:21,920 Of quantum computers online, at their home base. 680 00:28:21,930 --> 00:28:23,360 That's where he's going. 681 00:28:23,360 --> 00:28:25,630 Okay, great. This time, we catch devoe by surprise. 682 00:28:25,630 --> 00:28:28,300 683 00:28:31,130 --> 00:28:32,930 Behold. 684 00:28:32,940 --> 00:28:34,500 The key to communicating 685 00:28:34,500 --> 00:28:36,800 Our message of the enlightenment. 686 00:28:38,710 --> 00:28:40,780 Polynomial time computing. 687 00:28:40,780 --> 00:28:45,150 And a dream shall soon become... Reality. 688 00:29:00,130 --> 00:29:03,130 689 00:29:12,010 --> 00:29:14,110 Clifford! 690 00:29:15,340 --> 00:29:17,140 Uh-uh. Don't move. 691 00:29:17,150 --> 00:29:18,680 Barry! Knock him out, and then cuff him! 692 00:29:18,680 --> 00:29:19,750 On it! 693 00:29:23,950 --> 00:29:27,620 694 00:29:27,620 --> 00:29:29,120 Gypsy, now! 695 00:29:32,460 --> 00:29:34,730 Stop it, you're killing him! 696 00:29:38,530 --> 00:29:40,800 cisco, look out! 697 00:29:44,370 --> 00:29:45,440 Barry, hit him again! 698 00:29:46,710 --> 00:29:48,280 Enough! 699 00:29:52,450 --> 00:29:54,380 Caitlin. 700 00:29:57,320 --> 00:29:58,390 Caitlin, what the hell are you doing? 701 00:29:58,390 --> 00:30:00,790 Bringing her back. 702 00:30:03,730 --> 00:30:05,060 Devoe is creating a sonic pulse. 703 00:30:05,060 --> 00:30:07,360 You need to get out of there before-- 704 00:30:15,340 --> 00:30:18,270 Oh, i get it. You'd like me to frighten you 705 00:30:18,270 --> 00:30:20,710 Into becoming your better half. 706 00:30:20,710 --> 00:30:22,080 Gladly. 707 00:30:23,910 --> 00:30:25,980 Devoe! Ugh. 708 00:30:27,350 --> 00:30:29,850 Children should be seen, not heard. 709 00:30:29,850 --> 00:30:32,120 I'm very sure seeing your bestie die 710 00:30:32,120 --> 00:30:33,850 Would be frightening enough, 711 00:30:33,860 --> 00:30:35,960 But i can't kill the flash. 712 00:30:35,960 --> 00:30:37,390 Well, not just yet. 713 00:30:37,390 --> 00:30:39,390 My plan for the enlightenment 714 00:30:39,400 --> 00:30:41,400 Requires his further participation. 715 00:30:41,400 --> 00:30:45,270 You, however... Are a lot less fortunate. 716 00:30:45,270 --> 00:30:46,600 Barry, he's gonna kill gypsy! 717 00:30:47,770 --> 00:30:50,570 718 00:30:50,570 --> 00:30:52,570 Now, do you feel that? 719 00:30:52,580 --> 00:30:54,110 Around your throat? 720 00:30:54,110 --> 00:30:56,510 That is the gravitational equivalent 721 00:30:56,510 --> 00:30:59,610 Of my boot busting your windpipe. 722 00:31:01,150 --> 00:31:02,950 She's innocent. Leave her alone! 723 00:31:02,950 --> 00:31:04,280 Clifford... 724 00:31:04,290 --> 00:31:05,850 725 00:31:05,860 --> 00:31:08,590 This isn't part of our plan. 726 00:31:08,590 --> 00:31:10,260 Cisco, wake up! Wake up! 727 00:31:11,560 --> 00:31:13,960 Our plan is to save them. 728 00:31:13,960 --> 00:31:16,330 Well, you can't save everyone, my love. 729 00:31:17,100 --> 00:31:18,300 Devoe! 730 00:31:18,300 --> 00:31:20,170 perhaps. 731 00:31:20,170 --> 00:31:23,070 But i won't watch you kill an innocent life again. 732 00:31:33,150 --> 00:31:34,850 Yes, you will. 733 00:31:37,950 --> 00:31:40,090 Please. Clifford. 734 00:31:41,690 --> 00:31:43,360 Remember who you are. 735 00:31:45,260 --> 00:31:47,560 Is this truly the lesson you wish to bestow today? 736 00:31:51,300 --> 00:31:54,540 737 00:31:57,570 --> 00:32:00,310 738 00:32:03,810 --> 00:32:05,210 Get the case. 739 00:32:18,030 --> 00:32:20,230 Cynthia! 740 00:32:20,230 --> 00:32:23,460 What happened? Come on, it's okay. 741 00:32:23,470 --> 00:32:24,630 What did he do to her? 742 00:32:26,270 --> 00:32:29,500 Hey, talk to me. Come on, it's okay. 743 00:32:38,150 --> 00:32:41,080 You're okay. You're okay. 744 00:32:47,480 --> 00:32:49,950 No thefts have been reported in the last 12 hours. 745 00:32:49,950 --> 00:32:52,820 So devoe managed to get everything he needed. 746 00:32:52,820 --> 00:32:55,950 And we still don't know what his next step is. 747 00:32:57,660 --> 00:33:00,530 You know, he said something about the enlightenment. 748 00:33:00,530 --> 00:33:02,130 The hell's that supposed to mean? 749 00:33:02,130 --> 00:33:04,130 I know what he's thinking. 750 00:33:04,130 --> 00:33:05,700 I know what he's planning. 751 00:33:05,700 --> 00:33:06,770 We know what he's planning. 752 00:33:06,770 --> 00:33:08,330 Harry, wait. What? 753 00:33:08,340 --> 00:33:10,000 I can give them the cliffsnotes version. 754 00:33:10,000 --> 00:33:11,540 No, no. 755 00:33:11,540 --> 00:33:14,010 The component parts stolen to create each satellite 756 00:33:14,010 --> 00:33:17,140 Will possess a 30... Cubit quantum system, okay, 757 00:33:17,150 --> 00:33:20,080 And each system... Is c-capable of-- 758 00:33:20,080 --> 00:33:22,680 Each system is capable of redirecting 759 00:33:22,680 --> 00:33:24,320 Concentrated dark matter back to earth 760 00:33:24,320 --> 00:33:26,020 In 10-million-megawatt bursts. 761 00:33:26,020 --> 00:33:27,550 Which-- level of which 762 00:33:27,550 --> 00:33:28,890 Is toxic enough to affect 763 00:33:28,890 --> 00:33:31,660 Each and every human brain on the planet 764 00:33:31,660 --> 00:33:33,560 And reboot them back to a-- 765 00:33:33,560 --> 00:33:35,260 Reboot them. 766 00:33:35,260 --> 00:33:37,430 Back to a simplified state. 767 00:33:37,430 --> 00:33:40,270 Just like mine. 768 00:33:40,270 --> 00:33:41,930 Devoe wants to remove the intelligence 769 00:33:41,940 --> 00:33:43,070 Of everyone on earth? 770 00:33:43,070 --> 00:33:44,600 Yes. 771 00:33:44,610 --> 00:33:47,440 Exactly, barry. Exactly right. 772 00:34:14,900 --> 00:34:17,240 I'm really gonna do this. 773 00:34:17,240 --> 00:34:19,910 You treat me... 774 00:34:19,910 --> 00:34:21,970 Like i am the only woman in the multiverse, 775 00:34:21,980 --> 00:34:24,540 And i want more. 776 00:34:24,550 --> 00:34:26,110 What is wrong with me? 777 00:34:27,750 --> 00:34:29,480 I don't know what's wrong with me. 778 00:34:32,320 --> 00:34:34,720 I'm sorry. 779 00:34:34,720 --> 00:34:35,820 Nothing's wrong. 780 00:34:37,460 --> 00:34:39,260 Nothing at all. 781 00:34:45,970 --> 00:34:47,630 I guess maybmasometimes, 782 00:34:47,640 --> 00:34:51,100 One plus one just equals two, you know? 783 00:34:51,100 --> 00:34:53,100 What are you gonna do? 784 00:35:13,730 --> 00:35:15,360 Wait. 785 00:35:38,620 --> 00:35:41,350 Good-bye, cynthia. 786 00:35:41,350 --> 00:35:43,190 Bye, cisco. 787 00:35:55,300 --> 00:35:58,300 788 00:36:00,010 --> 00:36:01,270 Surprise! 789 00:36:01,270 --> 00:36:02,540 What is this? 790 00:36:02,540 --> 00:36:05,440 It's your baby shower, baby! 791 00:36:05,450 --> 00:36:07,050 This is why you were singing 792 00:36:07,050 --> 00:36:09,050 "the girl from ipanema" in your head all day. 793 00:36:09,050 --> 00:36:10,450 He has been planning this for days. 794 00:36:10,450 --> 00:36:12,650 Oh, this is so sweet! 795 00:36:12,650 --> 00:36:14,350 I feel really guilty pulling everybody away 796 00:36:14,350 --> 00:36:15,890 At a time like this, but-- 797 00:36:15,890 --> 00:36:17,220 It's the perfect time to celebrate. 798 00:36:17,220 --> 00:36:18,460 Surrounded by family. 799 00:36:18,460 --> 00:36:19,630 You guys! 800 00:36:19,630 --> 00:36:22,560 This baby is gonna be so loved. 801 00:36:22,560 --> 00:36:24,460 Aww. 802 00:36:26,370 --> 00:36:28,200 Thank you. You're welcome. 803 00:36:28,200 --> 00:36:31,200 804 00:36:34,310 --> 00:36:36,010 Why don't you go talk to him? 805 00:36:36,010 --> 00:36:39,010 806 00:36:43,250 --> 00:36:45,580 Hey, man. Are you okay? 807 00:36:47,390 --> 00:36:49,890 Not really, no. 808 00:36:51,730 --> 00:36:53,630 Do you want some space, or... 809 00:36:53,630 --> 00:36:56,230 Actually, i got plenty of that right now. 810 00:37:02,270 --> 00:37:05,370 I'm sorry for pushing the two of you. 811 00:37:07,110 --> 00:37:10,210 I think you both did the right thing, though. 812 00:37:13,850 --> 00:37:16,180 Then why does it hurt so much? 813 00:37:24,430 --> 00:37:26,290 Caitlin. 814 00:37:26,290 --> 00:37:28,430 Look, i don't think you should do that again. 815 00:37:28,430 --> 00:37:31,430 You could have gotten yourself killed. 816 00:37:31,430 --> 00:37:34,500 I have to get her back. We will. 817 00:37:34,500 --> 00:37:37,570 No. I will. 818 00:37:40,970 --> 00:37:42,610 - Clifford. 819 00:37:42,610 --> 00:37:43,910 Clifford. 820 00:37:43,910 --> 00:37:46,910 Ow! It's fine. 821 00:37:46,910 --> 00:37:49,050 It's fine. 822 00:37:53,690 --> 00:37:56,520 When the line cut out, i came. 823 00:37:56,520 --> 00:37:57,990 Immediately. 824 00:38:00,530 --> 00:38:03,830 I thought i'd lost you. 825 00:38:03,830 --> 00:38:06,930 You'll never lose me, clifford. 826 00:38:06,930 --> 00:38:09,100 You were right. 827 00:38:09,100 --> 00:38:10,970 Technology has become a cancer. 828 00:38:10,970 --> 00:38:15,740 Driving civilization to consume itself. 829 00:38:15,740 --> 00:38:17,680 A militia group found out about the water purifier 830 00:38:17,680 --> 00:38:20,510 That i created. 831 00:38:20,510 --> 00:38:26,180 And they just killed dozens of-of people to take it. 832 00:38:26,190 --> 00:38:27,790 833 00:38:27,790 --> 00:38:30,020 Women and children slaughtered. 834 00:38:30,020 --> 00:38:32,790 For a simple piece of technology. 835 00:38:36,300 --> 00:38:38,700 Your journal. 836 00:38:38,700 --> 00:38:41,330 Wrote of a world where humanity forgot 837 00:38:41,340 --> 00:38:45,940 That this technological menace was capable. 838 00:38:45,940 --> 00:38:47,410 But what i didn't tell you... 839 00:38:50,010 --> 00:38:53,010 ...Was that i saw the truth in it even then. 840 00:38:53,010 --> 00:38:54,710 And it frightened me. 841 00:38:56,950 --> 00:38:59,720 And that's why i ran. 842 00:39:02,220 --> 00:39:04,960 And i'm not frightened anymore. 843 00:39:04,960 --> 00:39:06,290 You believe. 844 00:39:06,290 --> 00:39:08,290 I believe in you. 845 00:39:09,860 --> 00:39:12,360 Enlighten them, clifford. 846 00:39:12,370 --> 00:39:15,170 You're the only one who can. 847 00:39:21,440 --> 00:39:23,310 I'm nothing without you. 848 00:39:36,890 --> 00:39:41,890 The chair will rejuvenate your fractured scaphoid. 849 00:39:41,900 --> 00:39:44,060 Prepare the satellites for assembly. 850 00:39:44,060 --> 00:39:47,070 851 00:39:50,370 --> 00:39:51,540 I said, prepare the-- 852 00:39:51,540 --> 00:39:53,370 No! 853 00:39:54,970 --> 00:39:58,710 Initially, we set out to enlighten the world. 854 00:39:58,710 --> 00:40:01,380 Now you want to rule it. 855 00:40:02,720 --> 00:40:04,850 I am leaving you, clifford. 856 00:40:10,960 --> 00:40:13,890 Nothing can get in or out. 857 00:40:13,890 --> 00:40:16,630 You dare orchestrate an exodus 858 00:40:16,630 --> 00:40:19,700 On the eve of humanity's greatest reckoning? 859 00:40:19,700 --> 00:40:21,570 You made a vow. 860 00:40:21,570 --> 00:40:23,040 To my husband! 861 00:40:24,540 --> 00:40:27,670 But my husband is dead. 862 00:40:27,680 --> 00:40:30,540 The thinker's first victim. 863 00:40:30,540 --> 00:40:34,950 The enlightenment will come for you too, marlize. 864 00:40:34,950 --> 00:40:37,450 I will be all that remains. 865 00:40:37,450 --> 00:40:40,990 Oh, clifford. 866 00:40:40,990 --> 00:40:43,260 You are nothing without me. 867 00:40:57,840 --> 00:40:59,600 Special delivery! 868 00:40:59,610 --> 00:41:02,070 Wow! You're super pregnant! 869 00:41:02,080 --> 00:41:04,480 Looks like you're due about 21 days from tonight, i'd say. 870 00:41:04,480 --> 00:41:05,810 I-i mean, if i were guessing. 871 00:41:05,810 --> 00:41:07,110 Sweetheart, who is it? 872 00:41:07,110 --> 00:41:09,950 Uh, someone sent us a diaper bag. 873 00:41:09,950 --> 00:41:12,120 It looks like it's a gift from someone 874 00:41:12,120 --> 00:41:13,990 Who wanted you both to know how special you are. 875 00:41:13,990 --> 00:41:16,420 Someone who understands that time is precious 876 00:41:16,420 --> 00:41:18,990 And right now is all we've got. 877 00:41:18,990 --> 00:41:21,630 Aww. Relatively speaking. 878 00:41:21,630 --> 00:41:23,590 Dad? Hey, look what we got. 879 00:41:23,600 --> 00:41:26,130 Oh! Who sent that? Wally? 880 00:41:26,130 --> 00:41:28,000 Wally already sent us a bassinet, 881 00:41:28,000 --> 00:41:31,700 Which apparently was owned by moses. 882 00:41:31,710 --> 00:41:33,170 Was there a note? 883 00:41:33,170 --> 00:41:35,170 884 00:41:35,180 --> 00:41:36,470 Who was it?