1 00:00:30,480 --> 00:00:36,160 Gaddafi's aging factory in Libya 利比亚,卡扎菲的老化工厂 2 00:00:59,120 --> 00:01:00,840 Omar, how's the general? 奥马尔,将军的情况怎么样? 3 00:01:00,920 --> 00:01:02,440 He's still with his family 他仍然和家人在一起 4 00:01:04,640 --> 00:01:06,600 Come on, baby, don't you? 来吧,宝贝,不是吗? 5 00:01:17,680 --> 00:01:18,760 Hamza “哈姆扎” 6 00:01:21,600 --> 00:01:22,560 Hamza “哈姆扎” 7 00:01:30,120 --> 00:01:31,680 Weapons, watch out. 武器,小心 8 00:01:34,800 --> 00:01:37,200 Go with them. Take them to the shelter 和他们一起去,带他们去避难所 9 00:01:37,280 --> 00:01:38,240 All right, all right 好啦好啦 10 00:02:35,640 --> 00:02:37,000 Where is General Fezzan? 费赞将军在哪里? 11 00:02:38,480 --> 00:02:39,600 Tell me 告诉我 12 00:02:47,320 --> 00:02:50,920 Keep your position 保持你原有位置 13 00:02:52,000 --> 00:02:55,480 Are you fighting for pride or glory? 你是为了骄傲还是为了荣耀而战? 14 00:02:55,560 --> 00:02:59,520 Can I hold your scar close to your heart? 我可以把你的伤疤贴近你的心吗? 15 00:03:01,880 --> 00:03:05,560 Back off. Yeah 退后吧,是啊 16 00:03:06,640 --> 00:03:10,240 Who will live to tell your story 谁会活着讲述你的故事 17 00:03:10,480 --> 00:03:14,240 You learned not to let anyone fall behind 你学会了不让任何人落后 18 00:03:17,840 --> 00:03:21,280 I don't know. Where have you been 我不知道你去了哪里 19 00:03:23,560 --> 00:03:28,120 Stand with your back against the wall 背靠墙站立 20 00:03:33,200 --> 00:03:35,840 Brother, where's your support? 兄弟你的支持在哪里? 21 00:03:36,760 --> 00:03:39,640 - Brother, where's your support? -- Mercenary 4 - 兄弟,你的支持在哪里? ——《雇佣兵4》 22 00:03:40,320 --> 00:03:42,840 Brother, where's your support? 兄弟你的支持在哪里? 23 00:03:42,920 --> 00:03:46,320 "America", "New Orleans" “美国”、“新奥尔良” 24 00:03:46,480 --> 00:03:50,320 Stand with your back against the wall 背靠墙站立 25 00:03:53,200 --> 00:03:55,400 I may be complicated, but I'm not a desperate person 我可能很复杂,但我不是一个绝望的人 26 00:03:55,480 --> 00:03:58,000 Is that how we describe the situation? Complicated? 这是我们描述情况的方式吗? 复杂的? 27 00:03:58,080 --> 00:04:00,760 Whatever you call it, it wasn't a success, was it? 不管你怎么称呼它,它都不成功,不是吗? 28 00:04:00,840 --> 00:04:03,200 Come on, Jenna. Don't look at the big picture 来吧,珍娜,不要看大局 29 00:04:03,280 --> 00:04:05,000 What is the big picture? 什么是大局? 30 00:04:05,080 --> 00:04:07,200 Am I done? Are you my big shot? 我完成? 你是我的大人物吗? 31 00:04:07,280 --> 00:04:08,240 Oh, my God. Thank you 天哪,谢谢 32 00:04:08,280 --> 00:04:10,560 You have to get over your ego because do you know what you really are? 你必须克服你的自我,因为你知道你到底是什么吗? 33 00:04:10,640 --> 00:04:11,680 caveman 穴居人 34 00:04:12,800 --> 00:04:14,000 She really does look like a caveman 她真的看起来像一个穴居人 35 00:04:14,080 --> 00:04:15,200 - Do you know what's going on? - Aren't you? -你知道是什么情况吗? -你不是吗? 36 00:04:15,280 --> 00:04:17,680 - You don't want to compete, that's your problem. - Gina, Gina, come on - 你不想竞争,那是你的问题 - 吉娜,吉娜,来吧 37 00:04:17,760 --> 00:04:18,839 Please calm down. 请冷静下来 38 00:04:18,920 --> 00:04:20,000 You want me to calm down? 你想让我冷静一下吗? 39 00:04:20,079 --> 00:04:22,840 Is that what you just said? Don't ask me to calm down. I'm calm 你刚才是这么说的吗? 别问我冷静,我很冷静 40 00:04:23,120 --> 00:04:25,400 I've never been so peaceful in my life 我一生中从未如此平静过 41 00:04:26,080 --> 00:04:30,840 Look at me, I'm an Englishman who avoids trouble and I don't like arguments 看看我,我是一个避免麻烦的英国人,我不喜欢争论 42 00:04:30,920 --> 00:04:33,480 - You know what? - I just want some peace in my life - 你猜怎么着 - 我只是想要生活中有一些平静 43 00:04:33,560 --> 00:04:36,040 - I'm from America, you bastard, and we fight about it -那就太好了 -我来自美国,你这个混蛋,我们会为此吵架 44 00:04:36,240 --> 00:04:37,200 Go there 去 去 45 00:04:37,280 --> 00:04:39,760 What does that make me do? Are you stressed? 这让我做什么? 你有压力吗? 46 00:04:40,040 --> 00:04:41,320 No, no, no. 不,不 47 00:04:42,800 --> 00:04:44,280 Maybe a little violent? 也许有点暴力? 48 00:04:45,360 --> 00:04:46,600 I'm a professional 我是专业人士 49 00:04:46,720 --> 00:04:48,640 Yeah, and a little violent 是的,而且有点暴力 50 00:04:48,720 --> 00:04:51,000 Little, little 一点点,一点点 51 00:04:51,280 --> 00:04:54,400 Do you know what's going on? I have your skills and I'm smarter than you 你知道是什么情况吗? 我有你的技能,而且比你更聪明 52 00:04:54,480 --> 00:04:56,760 You don't like it because you're a caveman 你不喜欢它,因为你是穴居人 53 00:04:58,120 --> 00:04:59,120 She talks to you 她跟你说话 54 00:04:59,200 --> 00:05:01,040 Actually looking at you 其实看向你 55 00:05:01,120 --> 00:05:02,600 But I'm talking to you 但我正在跟你说话 56 00:05:03,160 --> 00:05:04,320 But I was talking about you 但我正在谈论你 57 00:05:04,400 --> 00:05:05,760 You can be my boss 你可以当我的老板 58 00:05:05,840 --> 00:05:08,920 But I see clearly that you too come from this hopeless planet 但我清楚地看到你也来自这个绝望的星球 59 00:05:09,040 --> 00:05:12,880 Where relationships and feelings don't exist 在不存在关系和感情的地方 60 00:05:13,320 --> 00:05:16,040 Fuck him, honey. I've wasted too much of my life on you 操他,亲爱的,我在你身上浪费了太多的生命 61 00:05:16,160 --> 00:05:18,240 You're a loser, but I like it 你是个失败者,但我喜欢 62 00:05:18,400 --> 00:05:19,440 thank you 谢谢 63 00:05:20,640 --> 00:05:21,880 Why did you come? 你为什么来? 64 00:05:22,000 --> 00:05:25,080 I lost my ring at the bar, and I need your help 我在酒吧丢了戒指,我需要你帮助我 65 00:05:25,160 --> 00:05:28,280 I'm sorry. Is that all? Are we done talking? 抱歉,就这些了吗? 我们聊完了吗? 66 00:05:28,640 --> 00:05:30,200 Are you done with this conversation? 这段对话你说完了吗? 67 00:05:30,600 --> 00:05:31,640 An accident? 事故? 68 00:05:32,280 --> 00:05:33,520 It was an angry scream 这是一种愤怒的尖叫声 69 00:05:34,600 --> 00:05:35,760 Damn you. 该死的你 70 00:05:36,680 --> 00:05:38,240 Talking to you again 又和你说话了 71 00:05:39,280 --> 00:05:41,600 - It's frustrating. - No, it's okay - 这令人沮丧 - 不,没关系 72 00:05:50,080 --> 00:05:51,200 I like Barney. 我喜欢巴尼。 73 00:05:52,840 --> 00:05:54,880 It's a consumable, Christmas item. 这是一个消耗品,圣诞物品。 74 00:05:55,400 --> 00:05:58,920 Look, I have great respect for your powers, I do 听着,我非常尊重你的超能力,真的 75 00:05:59,920 --> 00:06:03,160 - But you're such a selfish bastard. - 但你真是个自私的混蛋 - 真的吗? 76 00:06:03,240 --> 00:06:05,840 That's what we all do, and that's how we choose to live our lives 我们都是这样,我们也要这样选择这样的生活 77 00:06:05,920 --> 00:06:07,640 Not family and friends 而不是家人和朋友 78 00:06:07,720 --> 00:06:12,440 We do this job for the money, and that's the definition of mean 我们做这份工作是为了钱,这就是卑鄙的定义 79 00:06:12,880 --> 00:06:15,240 What do you think of my analysis? It's good 看完我的分析你觉得怎么样? 这很好 80 00:06:15,640 --> 00:06:18,400 I think you're stupid 我觉得你很傻 81 00:06:18,560 --> 00:06:19,520 Don't believe her 不相信 82 00:06:19,600 --> 00:06:21,800 I trust him completely 我完全相信他 83 00:06:22,560 --> 00:06:23,840 Why are we here? 我们为什么在这里? 84 00:06:24,040 --> 00:06:26,320 I lost my ring in a bet last night 昨天晚上我在打赌中丢了戒指 85 00:06:26,520 --> 00:06:27,920 I'm here to try and buy it back 我来这里是为了尝试把它买回来 86 00:06:28,040 --> 00:06:29,080 Oh, really? 真的吗? 87 00:06:29,160 --> 00:06:30,160 true-up 对真的 88 00:06:30,240 --> 00:06:31,520 Your trinkets 你的小饰品 89 00:06:32,680 --> 00:06:34,600 I'm superstitious and I like it 我很迷信并且喜欢它 90 00:06:35,360 --> 00:06:36,840 I feel like I'm missing a finger 我感觉自己少了一根手指 91 00:06:39,240 --> 00:06:42,080 I tried to get it back, but the bastard refused to negotiate 我试图把它拿回来,但这混蛋拒绝谈判 92 00:06:42,480 --> 00:06:44,200 From? -- "Prawn" 从? ——《大虾》 93 00:06:44,520 --> 00:06:45,720 Who is he? - You'll see 他是谁? - 你会看到的 94 00:06:45,800 --> 00:06:46,920 Shall we split this up with some change? 我们用一些零钱来分割这个吗? 95 00:06:47,040 --> 00:06:48,320 - What's up, Barney? - Hi, Billy. - 怎么样,巴尼? -嗨,比利。 96 00:06:49,200 --> 00:06:50,200 Give me another one 再给我一个 97 00:06:51,240 --> 00:06:54,280 So how do you lose your valuable possessions? 那么你是如何失去宝贵的财产的呢? 98 00:06:56,120 --> 00:06:57,440 Thumb wrestling 拇指摔跤 99 00:06:58,000 --> 00:06:58,920 Did you say arm-wrestling? 你说的是扳手腕? 100 00:06:59,040 --> 00:07:02,640 No, I mean thumb wrestling, like this. Give me your hand 不,我是说拇指摔跤,像这样,把手给我 101 00:07:02,880 --> 00:07:04,440 No, thumb wrestling 不,拇指摔跤 102 00:07:05,120 --> 00:07:06,520 I'm already strong. Why? 我本来就很坚强,怎么了? 103 00:07:06,840 --> 00:07:10,240 I looked puzzled. What happened? Things will change 我一脸茫然,到底发生了什么事? 事情会改变的 104 00:07:11,160 --> 00:07:12,280 - What's up, Barney? How are you? - 怎么样,巴尼? 你好吗? 105 00:07:12,320 --> 00:07:13,640 Are the prawns here? 大虾在吗? 106 00:07:13,920 --> 00:07:15,040 Is there a problem? 有什么问题吗? 107 00:07:15,480 --> 00:07:17,680 My friend wants his ring back 我的朋友想要回他的戒指 108 00:07:19,760 --> 00:07:20,680 A bet is a bet 赌注就是赌注 109 00:07:20,760 --> 00:07:23,280 No offense, but I miss my ring 无意冒犯,但我想念我的戒指 110 00:07:23,360 --> 00:07:24,320 It will remain where it is 它将保留在原地 111 00:07:28,600 --> 00:07:29,600 This is unacceptable 这是无法接受的 112 00:07:30,440 --> 00:07:31,560 Great similarity 相似度很大 113 00:07:34,040 --> 00:07:35,000 It's harsh. 这很严酷 114 00:07:37,920 --> 00:07:39,040 Are those the Barneys? 那些是巴尼家的人? 115 00:07:39,120 --> 00:07:40,080 Well. 好的 116 00:07:40,160 --> 00:07:41,520 I can see now why they call him "Jumbo." 我现在明白为什么他们称他为“Jumbo”了。 117 00:07:41,600 --> 00:07:43,760 No, the other guy, the second one 不,另一个人,第二个 118 00:07:45,720 --> 00:07:47,520 Lost to Santa's helper? 输给了圣诞老人的帮手? 119 00:07:48,280 --> 00:07:50,200 It's embarrassing. 这很尴尬 120 00:07:50,560 --> 00:07:51,680 I'm drunk. 我醉了 121 00:07:51,760 --> 00:07:53,200 No, I'm not drunk right now 是的,我现在没有醉 122 00:07:53,720 --> 00:07:54,880 Why am I here? 为什么我在这里? 123 00:07:57,240 --> 00:07:58,320 I hurt my back 我伤了我的背 124 00:07:58,720 --> 00:07:59,680 How long? 多久? 125 00:07:59,760 --> 00:08:01,440 A few weeks ago, I couldn't even lift a fork 几周前,我什至无法举起叉子 126 00:08:01,520 --> 00:08:03,440 I'll do it for you, but if you don't want to do it, I understand 我会为你做,但如果你不想做,我理解 127 00:08:03,520 --> 00:08:04,720 If you're scared 如果你感到害怕 128 00:08:04,800 --> 00:08:06,000 Are you scared? 害怕? 129 00:08:06,080 --> 00:08:07,600 Hey Lee 嘿李 130 00:08:07,840 --> 00:08:09,280 Make it easy on yourself 让自己轻松一点 131 00:08:10,600 --> 00:08:11,680 Classic tool 经典工具 132 00:08:12,280 --> 00:08:13,920 I'll take care of it, thumb wrestler. 我会处理的,拇指摔跤手。 133 00:08:15,240 --> 00:08:16,240 Beer, please. 啤酒,谢谢 134 00:08:18,040 --> 00:08:19,280 How are you doing on this beautiful day? 在这个美好的日子里,你还好吗? 135 00:08:22,320 --> 00:08:25,720 Would you rather we call you Jumbo or Shrimp? 你愿意我们叫你“Jumbo”还是“Shrimp”? 136 00:08:30,680 --> 00:08:31,840 Take care of it again 再照顾一下 137 00:08:33,480 --> 00:08:34,760 I'll cut your head off 我会砍下你的头 138 00:08:35,159 --> 00:08:37,559 That's a little harsh, little man 这有点严厉,小家伙 139 00:08:38,120 --> 00:08:39,320 Barney wants his ring back 巴尼想要回他的戒指 140 00:08:40,600 --> 00:08:41,640 What did you call me? 你叫我什么? 141 00:08:42,159 --> 00:08:43,679 Yoda, how much do you want? 尤达,你想要多少钱? 142 00:08:43,760 --> 00:08:47,000 Hey, he's gonna stay here, you bastard 嘿,他会留在这里,你这个混蛋 143 00:08:52,080 --> 00:08:53,200 My back 我的背 144 00:08:55,880 --> 00:09:01,080 Look? What we have here is humiliation and human kindness 看? 我们这里所面临的是屈辱和人性的仁慈 145 00:09:01,160 --> 00:09:04,680 My boyfriend loves his ring for all sorts of stupid reasons 我的男朋友出于各种愚蠢的原因喜欢他的戒指 146 00:09:04,760 --> 00:09:06,520 You will be very friendly and civilized 你会非常友善和文明 147 00:09:06,600 --> 00:09:08,840 If you understand that, gentlemen 如果你能明白这个道理,先生们 148 00:09:09,120 --> 00:09:10,800 But since you chose... 但既然你选择了... 149 00:09:12,240 --> 00:09:14,000 - What's the word "Barney"? - Stubborn. - “巴尼” 这个词是什么? - 固执的 150 00:09:14,080 --> 00:09:15,160 Very long 很长 151 00:09:15,280 --> 00:09:16,360 clumsy 笨拙 152 00:09:17,280 --> 00:09:18,280 clumsy 笨拙 153 00:09:19,240 --> 00:09:22,080 Don't leave me with any other options, little man 别给我留下任何其他选择,小家伙 154 00:09:32,760 --> 00:09:34,480 - I'm getting slower - 不客气 - 我越来越慢了 155 00:09:37,120 --> 00:09:38,240 It's my turn, you bastard 轮到我了,你这个混蛋 156 00:09:41,840 --> 00:09:42,920 Come on, Chuck. 来吧,查克。 157 00:09:43,080 --> 00:09:44,800 Come on, cowboy. Come on 来吧,牛仔,来吧 158 00:09:52,760 --> 00:09:54,200 Give him a beer when he wakes up 当他醒来时给他一杯啤酒 159 00:09:58,920 --> 00:10:00,160 You almost killed me 你差点杀了我 160 00:10:01,400 --> 00:10:02,840 I thought your back hurt 我以为你的背疼 161 00:10:03,480 --> 00:10:05,320 It was a miracle that the pain went away 真是奇迹,疼痛竟然消失了 162 00:10:06,120 --> 00:10:08,560 I didn't really need this love fest 我其实并不需要这场爱情盛宴 163 00:10:09,280 --> 00:10:11,160 I love spending time with you 我喜欢和你一起度过时光 164 00:10:13,680 --> 00:10:17,040 Take me for a pony ride next time, okay? 下次带我去骑小马,好吗? 165 00:10:21,480 --> 00:10:22,480 Well. 好的 166 00:10:37,920 --> 00:10:40,040 Surveillance team, what's the status? 监控组,情况怎么样? 167 00:10:42,800 --> 00:10:45,200 Sir, there are three soldiers guarding the general 长官,有三名士兵守护着将军 168 00:10:45,360 --> 00:10:48,560 You need support. I repeat, wait for support 你需要支持,我重复一遍,等待支持 169 00:10:54,120 --> 00:10:55,080 What's he doing? 他在做什么? 170 00:10:55,160 --> 00:10:57,360 No, no, no, please, please, no 不,不,不,拜托,拜托,不 171 00:11:24,040 --> 00:11:25,240 General, how are you? 将军,你好吗? 172 00:11:35,280 --> 00:11:36,560 Is my sight deceiving me? 难道是我的视线欺骗了我? 173 00:11:36,640 --> 00:11:37,840 Why? 为什么? 174 00:11:37,920 --> 00:11:39,320 What's that thing on the shooter's head? 枪手头上的那个东西是什么? 175 00:11:40,080 --> 00:11:41,440 Looks like a sick cat 看起来像只生病的猫 176 00:11:42,640 --> 00:11:45,720 Kittens are cute and look like rolling plants 小猫很可爱,看起来像滚动的植物 177 00:11:46,880 --> 00:11:48,680 Good evening, big man 晚上好,大佬 178 00:11:50,000 --> 00:11:51,600 Let's talk. What's that thing on your head? 咱们说说看,你头上的那个东西是什么? 179 00:11:52,800 --> 00:11:53,760 Fake hair? 假头发? 180 00:11:53,840 --> 00:11:56,080 - Yes, the wig. - The question is, why? - 是的,假发 - 问题是,为什么? 181 00:11:56,280 --> 00:11:59,400 I was talking to a girl online and she liked the 70's look 我在网上和一个女孩聊天,她喜欢 70 年代的造型 182 00:11:59,480 --> 00:12:01,240 It's a Farrah Fawcett look. 这是法拉·福塞特 (Farrah Fawcett) 的造型。 183 00:12:01,560 --> 00:12:03,320 I see. Have you seen her? 我明白了,你见过她吗? 184 00:12:03,680 --> 00:12:06,240 Why would I do that? I love mystery. 我为什么要这么做? 我爱神秘 185 00:12:06,840 --> 00:12:08,160 - Do you understand? - Yeah, that makes sense - 你明白吗? - 是的,这是有道理的 186 00:12:08,240 --> 00:12:09,480 - It looks special - 看起来很特别 - 确实 187 00:12:10,200 --> 00:12:11,320 I like him better when he's drunk 我更喜欢他喝醉的时候 188 00:12:11,400 --> 00:12:12,640 I know what you mean, too 我也明白你的意思 189 00:12:13,000 --> 00:12:14,200 I'm happy for you 我为你感到高兴 190 00:12:18,280 --> 00:12:19,520 Is this the new guy? 这是新人吗? 191 00:12:20,920 --> 00:12:22,400 It was a relaxing day. 这是轻松的一天。 192 00:12:22,920 --> 00:12:24,360 He's a good man. Ex-special Forces 他是个好人,前特种兵 193 00:12:25,000 --> 00:12:26,280 - Hello, Barney. - Hello, Izzy - 你好,巴尼 - 你好,伊兹 194 00:12:27,520 --> 00:12:28,680 Is this our sniper? 这是我们的狙击手吗? 195 00:12:29,320 --> 00:12:30,280 Don't worry about that. 不用担心那个 196 00:12:30,880 --> 00:12:32,280 I have a microscope. 我有显微镜 197 00:12:32,800 --> 00:12:33,920 What? 什么? 198 00:12:34,040 --> 00:12:35,800 Hawkeye, remember that face 鹰眼,记住那张脸 199 00:12:35,880 --> 00:12:37,240 Don't shoot him by mistake 不要误射他 200 00:12:38,880 --> 00:12:40,240 You don't have to worry about me 你不用担心我 201 00:12:40,440 --> 00:12:41,400 Who is this man? 这个人是谁? 202 00:12:41,480 --> 00:12:44,160 You forget, man, you used it yourself. He's Gargo's son. 你忘了,伙计,你自己用过它,他是加尔戈的儿子。 203 00:12:44,400 --> 00:12:48,040 I have the same insight, heart and emotional drive as my father 我有像我父亲一样的洞察力、内心和情感动力 204 00:12:48,120 --> 00:12:49,720 Tell me he's not as talkative as his father 告诉我他不像他父亲那样爱说话 205 00:12:50,000 --> 00:12:51,200 - It's worse - 更糟 - 不 206 00:12:51,280 --> 00:12:52,320 Twice as bad 更糟两倍 207 00:12:52,400 --> 00:12:53,760 It's going to be a long trip 这将是一次漫长的旅行 208 00:12:54,760 --> 00:12:55,760 I'm Gamma Blue 我是伽蓝 209 00:12:57,520 --> 00:12:58,600 Is that supposed to mean something? 这应该意味着什么吗? 210 00:13:01,600 --> 00:13:02,680 Shouldn't mean much. 应该意义不大 211 00:13:02,760 --> 00:13:05,280 All right, enough nonsense. Just focus on me 好了废话不多说了,关注我吧 212 00:13:05,400 --> 00:13:06,480 Who does this suit belong to? 这套衣服的主人是谁? 213 00:13:06,560 --> 00:13:07,880 Called "the swamp." 被称为“沼泽” 214 00:13:08,520 --> 00:13:11,360 I did some business with him before I met you. He's from the Central Intelligence Agency 在认识你之前我和他做过一些生意。他来自中央情报局 215 00:13:11,440 --> 00:13:12,680 Hi, Barney. How are you? 嗨,巴尼,你好吗? 216 00:13:12,840 --> 00:13:14,000 How are you, Marsh? 你好吗,马什? 217 00:13:14,360 --> 00:13:15,440 How are you? 你好吗? 218 00:13:15,920 --> 00:13:17,320 Gravity comes into play 重力发挥作用 219 00:13:18,240 --> 00:13:19,280 Welcome to our club 欢迎来到我们的俱乐部 220 00:13:19,560 --> 00:13:21,680 As much as I'd love to talk to you 尽管我很想和你们聊天 221 00:13:21,760 --> 00:13:23,040 We have an urgent matter before us 我们面前有一件紧急的事情 222 00:13:23,560 --> 00:13:25,480 I'd like you to meet Svaratu Rahmat, 我向您介绍斯瓦拉图·拉赫马特, 223 00:13:26,240 --> 00:13:28,360 A former British citizen turned arms dealer 一名前英国公民成为军火商 224 00:13:28,440 --> 00:13:32,440 He had his own army and had stolen some nuclear missile detonators 他拥有自己的军队,并曾偷取一些核导弹雷管 225 00:13:32,520 --> 00:13:34,200 For a very dangerous client 对于一个非常危险的客户 226 00:13:34,640 --> 00:13:37,080 Rumor has it that the customer's name is Ocelot. 有传言称,这位顾客的名字叫Ocelot。 227 00:13:38,440 --> 00:13:41,040 If those explosives fall into Oslow's hands... 如果那些炸药落入欧斯洛手中…… 228 00:13:41,120 --> 00:13:43,920 He intends to use it to trigger an international incident 他打算利用它来引发国际事件 229 00:13:44,040 --> 00:13:45,280 We cannot allow this to happen 我们不能允许这种情况发生 230 00:13:46,520 --> 00:13:47,800 Now it's your turn 现在轮到你了 231 00:13:49,080 --> 00:13:52,160 Your landing zone is Gaddafi's old chemical warfare factory in Libya. 你的着陆区是卡扎菲在利比亚的旧化学战工厂。 232 00:13:52,240 --> 00:13:54,000 I hear it's beautiful this time of year 我听说每年的这个时候都非常美丽 233 00:13:54,800 --> 00:13:57,120 Your job is to make sure those explosives stay there 你的工作是确保那些炸药留在那儿 234 00:13:58,400 --> 00:14:01,000 Ok? That's all I got. Good luck 好的? 我只有这些了,祝你好运 235 00:14:01,080 --> 00:14:02,680 Barney, fold it up 巴尼,把它折叠起来 236 00:14:03,120 --> 00:14:04,240 I'll do my best. 我会尽力而为 237 00:14:06,360 --> 00:14:07,840 Operation Ocelot 豹猫行动 238 00:14:09,400 --> 00:14:10,360 When were you gonna tell me? 你打算什么时候告诉我? 239 00:14:10,440 --> 00:14:12,440 When you stop playing kicking games with your girlfriend 当你不再和女朋友玩踢脚游戏时 240 00:14:18,520 --> 00:14:21,000 So why does Christmas feel uneasy about Oslow's mission? 那么为什么圣诞节对欧斯洛的使命感到不安呢? 241 00:14:22,000 --> 00:14:23,280 He just acted like himself 他只是表现得像他自己 242 00:14:24,160 --> 00:14:25,280 science 科学 243 00:14:25,400 --> 00:14:26,680 Barney knows best. 巴尼最了解 244 00:14:26,760 --> 00:14:30,080 He knew how far he was willing to go to stop the ocelots. 他知道他愿意付出多大的努力来阻止豹猫。 245 00:14:30,160 --> 00:14:31,680 Who calls themselves "Ocelots"? 谁称自己为“豹猫”? 246 00:14:32,440 --> 00:14:35,240 A few years ago, the CIA used Barney. 几年前,中央情报局使用了巴尼。 247 00:14:35,280 --> 00:14:38,120 Find the guy with the code name "Ocelot". 找出代号为“Ocelot”的人。 248 00:14:38,200 --> 00:14:39,440 He is about to succeed 他即将成功 249 00:14:39,520 --> 00:14:43,320 But someone trapped him and almost killed his entire team 但有人困住了他,差点杀了他的整个团队 250 00:14:43,880 --> 00:14:45,040 damn 该死 251 00:14:45,480 --> 00:14:47,440 Yeah, some people say ocelots are ghosts 是的,有人说豹猫是幽灵 252 00:14:47,520 --> 00:14:50,320 Barney did it to cover up his mistake 巴尼这样做是为了掩盖他的错误 253 00:14:50,760 --> 00:14:51,760 This is impossible 这是不可能的 254 00:14:52,080 --> 00:14:55,280 Ocelots exist, and Barney will bring them down one day 豹猫存在,巴尼有一天会把他打倒 255 00:14:57,040 --> 00:14:58,520 Dude, what happened to your ear? 老兄,你的耳朵怎么了? 256 00:14:59,120 --> 00:15:00,600 I'm glad you asked me that 我很高兴你问我这个问题 257 00:15:00,680 --> 00:15:01,760 I wrestled in college 我在大学时摔跤 258 00:15:01,840 --> 00:15:04,720 A common injury in this sport is ear trauma 这项运动中常见的伤害是耳外伤 259 00:15:17,800 --> 00:15:19,440 Come on, big plane 来吧,大飞机 260 00:15:25,720 --> 00:15:27,320 Fly, thou snare of death 飞吧,你这死亡的网罗 261 00:15:27,520 --> 00:15:28,720 Don't insult her. 别侮辱她 262 00:15:35,600 --> 00:15:38,480 We took off successfully 我们成功起飞了 263 00:15:45,160 --> 00:15:48,200 This could be my first threesome 这可能是我的第一次三人行 264 00:15:48,280 --> 00:15:50,560 You know what I'm talking about, toll roads, right? 你知道我在说什么,收费公路,对吗? 265 00:15:54,440 --> 00:15:55,920 Do you know the meaning of golden rain? 你知道金色雨的含义吗? 266 00:15:58,320 --> 00:16:02,560 When a woman pees on you 当一个女人蹲在你身上撒尿的时候 267 00:16:03,120 --> 00:16:04,160 It's very liberating 这是非常解放的 268 00:16:04,240 --> 00:16:05,880 Gorgeous world-class pervert 华丽的世界级变态 269 00:16:06,000 --> 00:16:07,280 Do you know the meaning of golden rain? 你知道金色雨的含义吗? 270 00:16:07,760 --> 00:16:09,760 She looks like the kind of person who's already been through it 她看起来像是那种已经经历过的人 271 00:16:09,880 --> 00:16:11,280 I'll cut ties with those losers 我会和那些失败者断绝联系 272 00:16:11,600 --> 00:16:12,760 I hear that a lot 我听到很多这样的话 273 00:16:12,840 --> 00:16:15,000 It's time for humility. It's time for music 是时候谦虚了,是时候音乐了 274 00:16:17,920 --> 00:16:19,040 Very retro 很复古 275 00:16:19,120 --> 00:16:20,320 Very soothing 很舒缓 276 00:16:20,520 --> 00:16:21,640 - Soothing? Well. - 舒缓? 好的 277 00:16:22,120 --> 00:16:23,480 maybe 或许 278 00:16:24,680 --> 00:16:26,280 I had a panic attack last night 昨晚我惊恐发作 279 00:16:26,720 --> 00:16:28,040 Oh, really? Are you sure? 真的吗? 你确定吗? 280 00:16:28,120 --> 00:16:29,120 Well. 好的 281 00:16:29,200 --> 00:16:31,440 Do you start to feel chills and your heart starts to race? 您是否开始感到寒意、心跳加速? 282 00:16:31,520 --> 00:16:32,480 completely 完全地 283 00:16:32,560 --> 00:16:35,040 Just take the Xanax pill and pretend you're happy with your life 只需服用 Xanax 药丸并假装您对自己的生活感到满意 284 00:16:35,120 --> 00:16:36,160 I am very happy. 我很开心 285 00:16:37,280 --> 00:16:39,480 By the way, you're the worst doctor ever 顺便说一句,你是有史以来最差的医生 286 00:16:40,400 --> 00:16:42,360 Maybe Jenna's making you anxious 也许珍娜让你感到焦虑 287 00:16:43,480 --> 00:16:44,800 In fact, it relaxes me 事实上,它让我放松 288 00:16:44,880 --> 00:16:47,080 This is the piece 就是这个这个作品 289 00:16:47,160 --> 00:16:48,240 Don't 不 290 00:16:48,600 --> 00:16:51,360 Some young people are not ready to be there, to face the truth 有些年轻人没有准备好陪伴,面对事实 291 00:16:51,440 --> 00:16:52,800 You are wrong. 您错了 292 00:16:52,880 --> 00:16:55,400 You may want to die a miserable old man, but I don't 你可能想以一个痛苦的老人的身份死去,但我不想 293 00:16:55,480 --> 00:16:57,280 I want to be cheerful and happy 我要开朗、快乐 294 00:16:58,280 --> 00:17:01,160 But I will visit you at the shelter 但我会去避难所看望你 295 00:17:01,440 --> 00:17:02,400 Will you promise me? 你答应我吗? 296 00:17:02,480 --> 00:17:03,520 Take the Scout oath 宣读童子军誓言 297 00:17:05,280 --> 00:17:06,640 Let's see what happens 让我们看看发生了什么 298 00:17:07,119 --> 00:17:08,560 One of them is covering me with wax 其中一个正在用蜡覆盖我 299 00:17:08,640 --> 00:17:09,720 Forget it 忘了它 300 00:17:15,839 --> 00:17:17,119 Where are the explosives? 炸药在哪里? 301 00:17:17,200 --> 00:17:18,240 noway 绝不 302 00:17:19,040 --> 00:17:21,839 - Your wife - No, my wife, no, God is great - 你的妻子 - 不,我的妻子,不,上帝是伟大的 303 00:17:23,359 --> 00:17:24,440 Your son is next 下一个是你儿子 304 00:17:25,400 --> 00:17:27,119 Please, not my son, please 拜托,不是我儿子,拜托 305 00:17:27,400 --> 00:17:29,240 Give me the dynamite, and I'll kill him fast 给我炸药,我会让他死得快点 306 00:17:29,280 --> 00:17:30,680 My son Adam 我的儿子亚当 307 00:17:31,160 --> 00:17:32,440 It's a reality you can't change 这是你无法改变的现实 308 00:17:32,840 --> 00:17:34,360 Give me explosives or... 给我炸药或者... 309 00:17:34,440 --> 00:17:35,640 Not my son. 不是我儿子 310 00:17:35,920 --> 00:17:36,880 It's your choice 这是你的选择 311 00:17:37,000 --> 00:17:40,200 All right, all right, it's in the cab 好吧,好吧,它在驾驶室里 312 00:17:40,440 --> 00:17:42,320 The access code to the vault is... 保险库的访问代码是... 313 00:17:43,440 --> 00:17:44,440 eight 八 314 00:17:45,160 --> 00:17:46,720 One and four 一、四 315 00:17:47,280 --> 00:17:48,280 two 二 316 00:17:48,840 --> 00:17:49,880 seven 七 317 00:17:50,200 --> 00:17:51,160 This is a wise choice 这是一个明智的选择 318 00:17:54,560 --> 00:17:55,840 Let's wake up the children 让我们唤醒孩子们 319 00:17:56,480 --> 00:17:57,720 You ready? Well. 准备好? 好的 320 00:18:04,080 --> 00:18:05,680 East end 东端 321 00:18:05,760 --> 00:18:07,480 West end 西端 322 00:18:17,040 --> 00:18:18,160 Where did this come from? 这个是从哪里来的? 323 00:18:18,520 --> 00:18:19,840 It will be interesting 这将很有趣 324 00:18:20,880 --> 00:18:21,920 The landing zone is hot 着陆区很热 325 00:18:22,080 --> 00:18:23,080 Here we are 我们到了 326 00:18:24,760 --> 00:18:26,240 - We're under fire. - Flak - 我们受到炮火攻击 - 高射炮 327 00:18:31,920 --> 00:18:32,920 The information is not accurate 该信息不准确 328 00:18:33,040 --> 00:18:34,120 Create something 创造一些东西 329 00:18:34,600 --> 00:18:35,760 concept 概念 330 00:18:36,800 --> 00:18:37,880 Fast move 快速移动 331 00:18:37,920 --> 00:18:39,560 Yeah, come on, come on 嗯,一起来,一起来 332 00:18:39,920 --> 00:18:40,920 - Will I take the lead? Don't - 我会领先吗? 不 333 00:18:41,080 --> 00:18:42,440 Take over the shift with a shooter. Get everyone to their positions 带着枪手接管值班,让大家各就各位 334 00:18:50,120 --> 00:18:51,120 We've landed. 我们着陆了 335 00:18:58,560 --> 00:18:59,520 Good luck to you 祝你好运 336 00:19:04,520 --> 00:19:06,880 Check it out. There's been an accident at the Arsenal 查看情况,兵工厂出事了 337 00:19:07,160 --> 00:19:08,240 We'll take care of it 我们会处理的 338 00:19:12,840 --> 00:19:15,480 We started counting four carts and a lot of customers 我们开始数,四辆推车和很多顾客 339 00:19:15,640 --> 00:19:17,080 Let's reduce their numbers 让我们减少他们的数量 340 00:19:24,440 --> 00:19:26,080 Sir, I have a new mode of transportation 先生,我有一种新交通工具 341 00:19:26,240 --> 00:19:27,240 amazing 惊人的 342 00:19:28,080 --> 00:19:29,400 Tell the ocelot we have it 告诉豹猫我们有它 343 00:19:30,240 --> 00:19:31,400 Let's go. 我们走吧 344 00:19:34,920 --> 00:19:35,920 I'm in position. 我已就位 345 00:19:37,600 --> 00:19:39,760 - Get in the truck. - Rahmat's got the explosives - 上卡车 - 拉赫马特拿到了炸药 346 00:19:39,840 --> 00:19:41,200 Shooters, do you see them? 枪手,你看到他们了吗? 347 00:19:41,440 --> 00:19:43,240 distinctly 清楚地 348 00:19:49,760 --> 00:19:51,240 Gunner, you're way off target 枪手,你偏离目标太远了 349 00:19:51,280 --> 00:19:52,920 What do you need? Dogs for the blind? 你需要什么? 给盲人养狗? 350 00:19:53,240 --> 00:19:54,600 damn 该死 351 00:19:57,600 --> 00:20:00,560 Stevie Wonder, you should get checked out 史蒂夫·旺德,你应该去检查一下 352 00:20:03,920 --> 00:20:05,440 Attention, Lee. Where are you? 注意,李,你在哪里? 353 00:20:05,520 --> 00:20:07,280 Looks like we're going in 看来我们要进去了 354 00:20:07,360 --> 00:20:08,640 Gather your strength 聚集你的力量 355 00:20:09,520 --> 00:20:11,080 Let's shave 我们刮胡子吧 356 00:20:25,120 --> 00:20:26,520 Who is this? 这是谁? 357 00:20:26,720 --> 00:20:27,920 Mr. President, what do we do? 总统先生,我们该怎么办? 358 00:20:29,720 --> 00:20:30,720 Kill them 杀了他们 359 00:20:30,920 --> 00:20:32,120 They shot. 他们开枪了 360 00:20:42,640 --> 00:20:44,160 Shooter, we need help 枪手,我们需要帮助 361 00:20:48,560 --> 00:20:49,880 I took off six months ago 我六个月前起飞 362 00:20:57,560 --> 00:20:59,080 Well done, gunslinger. 干得好,枪手。 363 00:21:02,160 --> 00:21:03,280 Can you lose them? 你能失去他们吗? 364 00:21:13,040 --> 00:21:14,440 - We're inside. - I found you - 我们在里面 - 我找到你了 365 00:21:17,280 --> 00:21:18,360 They broke up. 他们分手了 366 00:21:19,400 --> 00:21:21,560 Garland, let's take the lead on that son of a bitch 加兰,我们带头去追那个混蛋 367 00:21:21,760 --> 00:21:22,760 I got you 我收到你了 368 00:21:35,640 --> 00:21:36,800 We lost a.50 caliber cannon 我们失去了一门50口径的大炮 369 00:21:50,720 --> 00:21:51,760 Stop next to him 停在他旁边 370 00:21:54,320 --> 00:21:55,440 It's time to improvise 是时候即兴创作了 371 00:21:55,720 --> 00:21:56,760 I can improvise 我可以即兴发挥 372 00:22:10,160 --> 00:22:11,760 Get hit by a bullet, you'll live 被子弹击中,你会活下来 373 00:22:19,360 --> 00:22:20,520 Maybe not. 也许不会 374 00:22:29,680 --> 00:22:31,240 Garland, what are you doing? 加兰,你在做什么? 375 00:22:31,760 --> 00:22:33,080 passable 凑合 376 00:22:44,520 --> 00:22:46,920 What happened in there? I want an immediate status report 里面发生了什么? 我想要立即得到情况报告 377 00:22:49,240 --> 00:22:50,920 One of them stayed, and then we reached Rahmat. 其中一位留下来,然后我们到达拉赫马特。 378 00:23:05,080 --> 00:23:06,080 What is this "simplicity"? 这个“简单”是什么? 379 00:23:09,240 --> 00:23:10,720 Only yesterday was an easy day 只有昨天是个轻松的一天 380 00:23:11,240 --> 00:23:12,320 Well. 好的 381 00:23:16,040 --> 00:23:18,360 Initial success or total failure? 初步成功还是彻底失败? 382 00:23:27,040 --> 00:23:28,360 Initial success 初步成功 383 00:23:29,520 --> 00:23:30,840 I'm out of ammo. I'm going in 我没弹药了,我要进去了 384 00:23:38,440 --> 00:23:39,680 You mean a total failure? 你的意思是彻底失败? 385 00:23:46,200 --> 00:23:48,760 "Christmas" where are you? Explosives are fragile. “圣诞节”你在哪里? 炸药很脆弱 386 00:23:48,840 --> 00:23:50,440 It's at the west end, north 它在西端,向北 387 00:23:53,600 --> 00:23:56,800 Don't let Rahmat leave with explosives, or he'll kill a lot of people 不要让拉赫马特带着炸药离开,否则他会杀死很多人 388 00:24:01,120 --> 00:24:02,680 You losers, get up. We're going shopping 你们这些失败者,起来吧,我们去购物了 389 00:24:03,120 --> 00:24:04,880 You need to watch your back 你要注意身后 390 00:24:07,680 --> 00:24:08,880 Shoot, guys 射击,伙计们 391 00:24:10,280 --> 00:24:11,360 I'm on the move. 我在行动 392 00:24:13,920 --> 00:24:15,080 Cover me 掩护我 393 00:24:15,920 --> 00:24:17,040 We're under attack. 我们受到攻击 394 00:24:19,080 --> 00:24:21,280 Don't worry my friend, I'll never leave you 别担心我的朋友,我永远不会离开你 395 00:24:54,240 --> 00:24:55,480 I can't hit it from that Angle 从那个角度我打不到 396 00:25:03,360 --> 00:25:04,600 I'm out of flares 我的照明弹用完了 397 00:25:04,680 --> 00:25:05,760 Damn it, Barney. 该死的,巴尼。 398 00:25:08,120 --> 00:25:09,480 Christmas, keep working. 圣诞节,继续工作。 399 00:25:09,720 --> 00:25:10,920 You've done the work at the top 你已经完成了顶部的工作 400 00:25:11,240 --> 00:25:13,040 Listen to him, man. Get the dynamite 听他的话,伙计,去拿炸药 401 00:25:13,600 --> 00:25:15,200 Go get the dynamite, Lee. 去拿炸药吧,李。 402 00:25:15,240 --> 00:25:16,400 This is an order 这是一个命令 403 00:25:19,120 --> 00:25:20,880 Of course not. I'll save you, you idiot 当然不会,我会救你的,你这个白痴 404 00:25:40,240 --> 00:25:41,560 You're welcome 不客气 405 00:25:42,400 --> 00:25:44,040 Well done, mate, but who's in charge of Rahmat? 干得好,伙计,但是谁负责拉赫马特呢? 406 00:26:50,400 --> 00:26:51,560 curse 诅咒 407 00:27:16,800 --> 00:27:18,880 - President Barney Ross. - I miss him, man - 纪念巴尼·罗斯总统 - 我想念他,伙计 408 00:27:20,920 --> 00:27:24,280 All our chances are gone 我们所有的机会都消失了 409 00:27:24,360 --> 00:27:25,880 We miss you, Barney. 我们想念你,巴尼。 410 00:27:27,320 --> 00:27:30,920 They were here, but they're gone now 在这里,但他们现在已经走了 411 00:27:33,720 --> 00:27:36,440 The seasons do not fear the angel of death 季节不畏惧死亡天使 412 00:27:36,520 --> 00:27:39,240 And wind, sunshine, rain 还有风、阳光、雨 413 00:27:39,320 --> 00:27:41,200 We can be like her 我们可以像她一样 414 00:27:41,240 --> 00:27:42,440 Everybody, listen to me 大家听我说 415 00:27:43,080 --> 00:27:44,680 There is an old saying 有句老话 416 00:27:45,800 --> 00:27:47,120 Beware of old people 小心老人 417 00:27:47,200 --> 00:27:49,080 He's in the business of good people dying young 他从事的职业是好人英年早逝 418 00:27:49,640 --> 00:27:52,080 I'm sure Barney Ross has a reserved seat 我确信巴尼·罗斯有一个预留座位 419 00:27:52,160 --> 00:27:54,360 Spent some time at the big table up there 在上面的大桌子上呆了一段时间 420 00:27:54,440 --> 00:27:55,920 He deserves the seat 他当之无愧地获得这个席位 421 00:27:56,280 --> 00:27:57,600 Always worth it 永远值得 422 00:27:58,280 --> 00:28:02,080 He brings out the best in all of us because he is the best in us 他激发了我们每个人最好的一面,因为他是我们最好的一面 423 00:28:05,040 --> 00:28:06,160 Here's to Barney. 为巴尼干杯 424 00:28:06,600 --> 00:28:07,800 Here's to Barney. 为巴尼干杯 425 00:28:17,320 --> 00:28:18,480 How are you? 你好吗? 426 00:28:19,360 --> 00:28:20,400 In the best way possible 以最好的方式 427 00:28:23,240 --> 00:28:24,720 Lee, there's no need to pretend. 李,没必要假装。 428 00:28:25,480 --> 00:28:27,480 You know Barney doesn't want to see you frown like that 你知道巴尼不想看到你那样皱眉 429 00:28:28,920 --> 00:28:30,040 Well, that's right 恩,那就对了 430 00:28:31,360 --> 00:28:32,320 Can I help? 我是否能帮助? 431 00:28:35,920 --> 00:28:37,920 Since you asked me 既然你问了我 432 00:28:39,360 --> 00:28:40,360 I think... 我想... 433 00:28:43,640 --> 00:28:45,400 So when are we going to hold those responsible accountable? 那么我们什么时候才能追究肇事者呢? 434 00:28:46,160 --> 00:28:47,640 You're not going anywhere. Your work's done, okay 你哪儿也不去,你的工作已经完成 435 00:28:51,520 --> 00:28:52,840 What does that mean? - She was removed from the mission 这意味着什么? - 她被从任务中除名 436 00:28:52,920 --> 00:28:53,880 Your work is done. You're leaving 你的工作完成了,你要离开了 437 00:28:53,920 --> 00:28:55,080 Marsh's bullshit 马什的废话 438 00:28:55,320 --> 00:28:56,520 Who's gonna run Team Barney? 谁将管理巴尼队? 439 00:29:01,360 --> 00:29:02,400 "Gina"? “吉娜”? 440 00:29:05,920 --> 00:29:07,200 Is this a bad joke? 这是一个糟糕的笑话吗? 441 00:29:07,240 --> 00:29:09,680 You disobeyed a direct order from your superior 你违反了上级的直接命令 442 00:29:09,760 --> 00:29:11,920 That's why you failed the mission and that's why you're leaving 所以你任务失败所以你要离开 443 00:29:12,080 --> 00:29:13,360 I tried to save him, Marsh. 我试图拯救他,马什。 444 00:29:13,440 --> 00:29:16,440 She didn't do that. This is our mission. The decision is ours. She'll leave. 她没有那样做。这是我们的使命,决定权是我们的。她会离开 445 00:29:18,240 --> 00:29:19,880 It's a sacrifice Barney decided to make, man 这是巴尼决定做出的牺牲,兄弟 446 00:29:20,760 --> 00:29:23,080 He died well for this mission. That's important 他为这次使命死得很好,这很重要 447 00:29:23,640 --> 00:29:27,040 If it is taken away from him, his sacrifice becomes meaningless 如果把它从他身上夺走,他的牺牲就变得毫无意义 448 00:29:33,920 --> 00:29:35,080 Christmas" 圣诞节” 449 00:29:37,280 --> 00:29:38,240 Well. 好的 450 00:29:41,400 --> 00:29:42,480 Thank you for your support 感谢您的支持 451 00:29:45,840 --> 00:29:47,480 You definitely picked the right time, man 你绝对选对了时间,伙计 452 00:30:04,320 --> 00:30:06,040 Barney hates imitation bands 巴尼讨厌仿制乐队 453 00:30:07,560 --> 00:30:08,720 I'll keep you posted 我会与你保持联系 454 00:30:09,920 --> 00:30:14,760 Look, Barney never did anything useless 听着,巴尼从来没有做过任何无用的事 455 00:30:14,840 --> 00:30:16,280 Do you understand? nothing 你明白吗? 没有什么 456 00:30:16,360 --> 00:30:17,560 Dude, relax. 兄弟放松点 457 00:30:17,640 --> 00:30:19,320 - Don't talk about Barney in front of me - it's not the right time or place - 不要在我面前谈论巴尼 - 这不是正确的时间或地点 458 00:30:19,400 --> 00:30:23,240 Come on, young man, calm down, calm down 来吧,年轻人,请冷静,冷静 459 00:30:25,640 --> 00:30:28,360 "Barney Ross" “巴尼·罗斯” 460 00:30:41,640 --> 00:30:42,840 The cook in the pantry 食品储藏室里的厨师 461 00:30:45,680 --> 00:30:47,240 Reception manager 接待经理 462 00:30:48,240 --> 00:30:50,040 I could use a little more 我可以多一点 463 00:30:52,880 --> 00:30:54,920 bodyguard 保镖 464 00:30:55,040 --> 00:30:56,760 For social media influencers 对于社交媒体影响者 465 00:30:59,080 --> 00:31:01,040 bodyguard 保镖 466 00:31:06,680 --> 00:31:07,880 I'm gonna go get a drink 我去喝一杯 467 00:31:09,000 --> 00:31:12,160 We're about to appear live. We're going to film what's happening live 我们即将现场出现。我们即将现场拍摄正在发生的事情 468 00:31:12,240 --> 00:31:15,280 Girls, you look terrible 女孩们,你看起来很糟糕 469 00:31:15,480 --> 00:31:19,000 No, no, bye 不,不,再见 470 00:31:20,240 --> 00:31:22,800 Hey, muscle man, come here 嘿,肌肉男,过来 471 00:31:28,640 --> 00:31:30,400 Here we go, man. Grab my sign 来了,伙计,抓住我的牌子 472 00:31:34,040 --> 00:31:36,040 I'm your personal security guard 我是你的私人保安 473 00:31:36,720 --> 00:31:39,760 I'm here to protect you, not to fly your flag 我是来保护你的,不是来打你的旗帜的 474 00:31:41,240 --> 00:31:43,360 Did you see anyone trying to hurt me? 你看到有人想伤害我吗? 475 00:31:45,560 --> 00:31:46,600 probably 可能 476 00:31:46,880 --> 00:31:48,680 It's okay. Just bring my sign 没关系,带上我的牌子就可以了 477 00:31:49,560 --> 00:31:51,800 Probably a despicable idiot 可能是一个可鄙的白痴 478 00:31:51,880 --> 00:31:53,200 I didn't even know... 我什至不知道... 479 00:31:56,480 --> 00:32:00,360 What about you, idiots? I'm at a Nola Bad party. 你们怎么样,白痴? 我在参加诺拉·巴德 (Nola Bad) 派对。 480 00:32:00,440 --> 00:32:02,200 I'll deliver it to you at home 我在家现场送货给你 481 00:32:02,440 --> 00:32:05,880 Add some movement to your miserable life 为你悲惨的生活增添一些动感 482 00:32:06,760 --> 00:32:08,760 Look at these Nora girls 看看这些诺拉女孩 483 00:32:08,840 --> 00:32:13,560 Which one? No, which two are mine next? 哪一个? 不,接下来哪两个是我的? 484 00:32:13,640 --> 00:32:15,920 Treat the ladies with respect 对女士要尊重 485 00:32:16,280 --> 00:32:18,360 Transfer money directly here 直接在此转账 486 00:32:18,560 --> 00:32:20,680 Do you believe this bullshit? Look at this guy. 这种鬼话你信吗? 看看这个人 487 00:32:20,760 --> 00:32:23,200 Who does he think he is? 他以为他是谁? 488 00:32:23,880 --> 00:32:26,880 I respect women. I will respect them 我尊重女士,我一定会尊重她们 489 00:32:27,000 --> 00:32:29,400 I will respect them enough to let them clean my body 我会足够尊重他们,让他们清洁我的身体 490 00:32:31,440 --> 00:32:33,240 Shit, my nose 妈的,我的鼻子 491 00:32:34,240 --> 00:32:37,320 Do you know how much money I made on that face, you idiot? 你知道我靠这张脸赚了多少钱吗,你这个白痴? 492 00:33:04,760 --> 00:33:05,880 damn 该死 493 00:34:08,840 --> 00:34:11,400 Welcome home, darling 欢迎回家,亲爱的 494 00:34:12,560 --> 00:34:14,159 You're lucky I didn't shoot you 你真幸运我没有开枪打你 495 00:34:16,000 --> 00:34:17,280 probably 大概 496 00:34:17,719 --> 00:34:19,159 Are you watching it now? 你现在在看吗? 497 00:34:19,639 --> 00:34:20,719 What is this? 这是什么? 498 00:34:22,440 --> 00:34:23,760 Are you going somewhere? 你要去某个地方吗? 499 00:34:24,600 --> 00:34:26,320 We need to find Barney's killer 我们要找到杀死巴尼的凶手 500 00:34:29,520 --> 00:34:32,480 The only positive thing to come out of Barney's death is the disclosure of the document 巴尼之死带来的唯一积极的事情就是该文件的披露 501 00:34:32,920 --> 00:34:34,880 What does that mean? What's here? 这意味着什么? 这里是什么? 502 00:34:35,360 --> 00:34:41,440 Well, Barney was part of a covert operation between international agencies 嗯,巴尼是国际机构之间秘密行动的一部分 503 00:34:42,080 --> 00:34:45,239 When things didn't go well, all the agencies involved decided to hide the file 当事情不顺利时,所有相关机构决定隐藏该文件 504 00:34:45,480 --> 00:34:47,560 Until everyone involved is dead 直到所有相关人员都死去 505 00:34:48,320 --> 00:34:50,880 So when Barney died, the file was declassified 所以当巴尼死后,那个文件就被解密了 506 00:34:51,400 --> 00:34:53,840 Provide us with the key to the vital mystery of Oslow's identity. 为我们提供了解开有关欧斯洛身份的重要谜团的钥匙。 507 00:34:57,320 --> 00:34:59,480 I'm in. I'm with you 我要参加,我陪你 508 00:34:59,760 --> 00:35:03,400 I'm sorry, you're not invited 抱歉,您没有被邀请 509 00:35:05,280 --> 00:35:06,840 Won't you feel lonely without me? 没有我你不会感到孤独吗? 510 00:35:08,040 --> 00:35:09,160 Don't 不 511 00:35:09,320 --> 00:35:11,400 There are many other young men on the mission 还有很多其他年轻人也在执行任务 512 00:35:15,080 --> 00:35:16,440 I'm not in the mood for it 我没心情做这件事 513 00:35:16,640 --> 00:35:20,240 I'll play Hendrix, which usually works 我会扮演亨德里克斯,这通常会奏效 514 00:35:20,320 --> 00:35:21,480 Don't start 不要开始 515 00:35:21,920 --> 00:35:23,040 I will start 我会开始 516 00:35:26,880 --> 00:35:28,400 I've always loved this tattoo 我一直很喜欢这个纹身 517 00:35:29,120 --> 00:35:30,480 So is your brother 你的兄弟也是如此 518 00:35:38,880 --> 00:35:40,720 This has always been my favorite seat in the house 这一直是我在家里最喜欢的座位 519 00:35:41,040 --> 00:35:42,840 Well, there are cheap seats 好吧,还有便宜的座位 520 00:35:50,240 --> 00:35:52,000 You really have to be more careful 你真的必须更加小心 521 00:35:52,480 --> 00:35:53,760 Push me into it 将我推入其中 522 00:36:00,080 --> 00:36:01,600 Do an old soldier a favor 帮一个老战士一个忙 523 00:36:04,400 --> 00:36:05,720 First, the most important thing 首先是最重要的事情 524 00:36:24,840 --> 00:36:29,880 When I met Barney, I had just graduated from the Air Force 当我遇见巴尼时,我刚刚从空军毕业 525 00:36:32,360 --> 00:36:34,320 I know nothing, and I've had bad luck 我一无所知,而且我的运气也很糟糕 526 00:36:39,600 --> 00:36:41,880 He ran the risk of using me when no one else would 当没有人愿意这样做时,他冒着利用我的风险 527 00:36:46,840 --> 00:36:49,000 We need to find Barney's killer 我们要找到杀死巴尼的凶手 528 00:36:51,840 --> 00:36:53,200 I promise you 我答应你 529 00:36:58,320 --> 00:36:59,760 I know I can't go with you 我知道我不能和你一起走 530 00:37:03,160 --> 00:37:04,560 But I want you to accept this 但我希望你接受这个 531 00:37:12,880 --> 00:37:16,800 Well, I'll be sure to give your regards to Rehmat. 好吧,我一定会转达你对雷赫马特的问候。 532 00:37:37,920 --> 00:37:40,480 Acquisition signal 获取信号 533 00:37:58,560 --> 00:37:59,880 Do you understand this? 你明白这些了吗? 534 00:38:00,120 --> 00:38:01,400 I don't know what you're talking about 我不知道你在说什么 535 00:38:02,120 --> 00:38:03,520 But why do you think they call it "Lash"? 但你认为他们为什么称其为“Lash”? 536 00:38:03,600 --> 00:38:04,840 I don't know. 我不知道 537 00:38:04,920 --> 00:38:07,600 But I want to know that she can whip me whenever she wants 但我想知道,她可以随时鞭打我 538 00:38:09,240 --> 00:38:11,160 A little older than that, honey 比那还要老一点,亲爱的 539 00:38:11,320 --> 00:38:12,920 No, no, it's a Chinese bird 不不,这是中国鸟 540 00:38:13,240 --> 00:38:14,920 We use our middle finger, they use their pinky 我们用中指,他们用小指 541 00:38:15,320 --> 00:38:16,680 But if the description suits you 但如果描述适合你 542 00:38:18,840 --> 00:38:20,440 I said, what happened to your ear? 我就问你耳朵怎么了? 543 00:38:20,520 --> 00:38:22,120 My ears? damn 我的耳朵? 该死 544 00:38:22,200 --> 00:38:24,040 As you all know, I wrestled in college 大家都知道,我在大学摔跤 545 00:38:24,120 --> 00:38:27,760 A common injury in this sport is ear trauma 这项运动中常见的伤害是耳外伤 546 00:38:27,840 --> 00:38:30,600 It separates the cartilage from the skin and forms a small pocket 它将软骨与皮肤分开并形成一个小口袋 547 00:38:31,240 --> 00:38:32,640 It's been emptied nine times 已被排空九次 548 00:38:32,720 --> 00:38:34,280 I've never seen him so calm 我从未见过他如此平静 549 00:38:35,160 --> 00:38:36,680 Basically, the Almighty gave me a shield 基本上,全能者给了我一个盾牌 550 00:38:37,000 --> 00:38:39,040 He hasn't said a word since Barney died. 自从巴尼死后他就没有说过一句话。 551 00:38:39,800 --> 00:38:42,480 Once I caught my roommate saying bad things about it 有一次我发现我的室友说这件事的坏话 552 00:38:42,560 --> 00:38:45,440 I had to hit him over the head and give him his cauliflower ear 我不得不打他的头并把他的菜花耳朵给他 553 00:38:45,680 --> 00:38:47,160 That's the nature of the situation 这是情况的本质 554 00:38:47,520 --> 00:38:49,480 Do you want to feel it? Not? 你想感受一下吗? 不? 555 00:38:49,600 --> 00:38:51,280 It's not contagious, I promise 它不会传染,我保证 556 00:38:55,640 --> 00:39:01,920 South Asian Sea, the secret location of the CIA 南亚海,中央情报局的秘密所在地 557 00:39:10,560 --> 00:39:14,320 "Thailand" “泰国” 558 00:39:30,160 --> 00:39:31,360 How are you, my friend? 我的朋友你好吗? 559 00:39:32,560 --> 00:39:34,080 Looking for "Disha" 寻找“迪莎” 560 00:39:36,520 --> 00:39:37,880 Deshaunay 《迪莎乌奈》 561 00:39:39,240 --> 00:39:40,320 From? 从? 562 00:39:40,520 --> 00:39:41,760 Former 90 unit member 前90部队成员 563 00:39:41,840 --> 00:39:45,000 Thai special forces. They say he has a boat docked here 来自泰国特种部队,据说他有一艘船停靠在这里 564 00:39:47,200 --> 00:39:48,880 I didn't know anyone here had those specs 我不知道这里有人有这些规格 565 00:39:49,120 --> 00:39:53,280 But if you have a boat, the boat is at the bottom 但如果你有船,船就在底部 566 00:39:53,760 --> 00:39:55,160 Not here 不在这里 567 00:39:57,480 --> 00:39:58,640 Thank you for your help 感谢您的帮助 568 00:40:36,040 --> 00:40:37,320 I'm sorry, my friend 对不起,我的朋友 569 00:40:38,480 --> 00:40:39,840 Do you know the owner of this boat? 你认识这艘船的主人吗? 570 00:40:41,760 --> 00:40:43,400 I am looking for a person named "Disha" 我正在寻找一个名叫“Disha”的人 571 00:40:45,520 --> 00:40:48,280 I'm sorry. Desha's long gone 抱歉,迪莎早已不在了 572 00:40:48,480 --> 00:40:49,840 Oh, really? Where to? 真的吗? 去哪里? 573 00:40:50,560 --> 00:40:53,800 To a place of peace 到一个和平的地方 574 00:40:54,680 --> 00:40:55,880 He's dead? 他死了? 575 00:40:58,400 --> 00:41:01,200 Yes, a lot of people seem to 是的,很多人似乎都是这样 576 00:41:04,720 --> 00:41:06,040 I apologize 我道歉 577 00:41:06,440 --> 00:41:08,680 I can't let you steal this ship, Sir 我不能让你偷了这艘船,先生 578 00:41:10,080 --> 00:41:11,400 What are you worried about? 你担心什么? 579 00:41:13,520 --> 00:41:17,080 It's just a compound, not yours 它只是一个化合物,不是你的 580 00:41:20,160 --> 00:41:23,680 Look, I'm taking this boat with or without your permission 听着,无论你是否允许,我都会乘坐这艘船 581 00:41:29,120 --> 00:41:30,880 Why are you wearing a Barney ring? 你为什么戴巴尼戒指? 582 00:41:32,360 --> 00:41:33,640 Barney is dead “巴尼”死了 583 00:41:35,200 --> 00:41:37,480 I need this boat to find the killer 我需要这艘船去找到凶手 584 00:41:38,240 --> 00:41:39,640 I'm looking for "Disha" 我正在寻找“迪莎” 585 00:41:40,120 --> 00:41:42,640 From what Barney said about him, I might need him no matter what happens in the future, you know 从巴尼对他的评价来看,无论未来发生什么,我都可能需要他 586 00:41:43,360 --> 00:41:44,560 Barney is dead “巴尼”死了 587 00:41:48,600 --> 00:41:50,720 I was Desha, the one you're looking for 我过去是迪莎,你要找的人 588 00:41:51,520 --> 00:41:53,480 But I left that man behind 但我把那个人抛在了身后 589 00:41:53,600 --> 00:41:58,240 If what you're saying is true, Barney deserves revenge 如果你说的是真的,巴尼应该报仇 590 00:41:58,400 --> 00:41:59,760 He definitely should. 他绝对应该 591 00:42:09,120 --> 00:42:10,400 await 等待 592 00:42:18,400 --> 00:42:19,600 All right, listen 好的,听着 593 00:42:20,440 --> 00:42:23,720 The Thai cargo ship "Jantara" was hijacked in the Andaman Sea. 泰国货船“Jantara”号在安达曼海被劫持。 594 00:42:23,800 --> 00:42:25,560 Written by mutual friend "Rahmat" 由共同的朋友“Rahmat”撰写 595 00:42:25,640 --> 00:42:27,160 Jantara changed course 詹塔拉改变了方向 596 00:42:27,280 --> 00:42:30,520 It followed its path to the coast of Vladivostok, Russia 它沿着它的路径前往俄罗斯符拉迪沃斯托克海岸 597 00:42:30,600 --> 00:42:33,280 Given the turmoil in Libya, 鉴于利比亚国内的巨大骚动, 598 00:42:33,680 --> 00:42:36,480 Rahmat obtained the nuclear explosive 拉赫马特获得了核爆炸物 599 00:42:36,680 --> 00:42:38,640 The ship will be home to the exchange 这艘船将成为交易所的所在地 600 00:42:38,720 --> 00:42:41,520 That's where they'll confiscate the remaining nuclear material 他们将在那里没收剩余的核材料 601 00:42:41,720 --> 00:42:44,400 Necessary to make a usable nuclear bomb 制造可用核弹所必需的 602 00:42:44,480 --> 00:42:46,120 We can't let that happen, okay? 我们不能让这种事发生,好吗? 603 00:42:46,720 --> 00:42:48,600 Now we have valuable information 现在我们还有有价值的信息 604 00:42:48,680 --> 00:42:51,320 It is reported that Ocelot will board the Jintara 报道称“Ocelot”将登上“Jintara”号 605 00:42:51,640 --> 00:42:55,120 So this may be our only chance to find out who he really is 所以这可能是我们查出他真实身份的唯一机会 606 00:42:55,200 --> 00:42:56,240 Or who she is 或者她的身份 607 00:42:56,320 --> 00:42:57,360 What? 什么? 608 00:42:58,040 --> 00:42:59,440 It could be a woman 可能是一个女人 609 00:43:00,480 --> 00:43:03,840 Or her identity, yes, and his or her arrest 或者她的身份,是的,以及他或她的被捕 610 00:43:04,080 --> 00:43:05,160 You know, after Barney died... 你知道,巴尼死后... 611 00:43:05,240 --> 00:43:08,480 A document revealing the names of men working with Ocelot has been declassified. 一份泄露了与 Ocelot 合作的男子姓名的文件已被解密。 612 00:43:08,520 --> 00:43:10,400 He's a witness in witness protection 他是证人保护计划的证人 613 00:43:10,600 --> 00:43:12,000 We'll learn more about him from Rousseau. 我们将从卢梭那里了解更多关于他的信息。 614 00:43:12,920 --> 00:43:14,840 His name is Bai Fenliang. 他的名字叫白芬良。 615 00:43:15,160 --> 00:43:18,040 Osloe's ex-partner tried to snitch on Osloe. 欧斯洛的前搭档想要告密欧斯洛。 616 00:43:18,120 --> 00:43:19,800 Snitches get punished, right, gunslinger? 告密者会受到惩罚,对吧,枪手? 617 00:43:19,880 --> 00:43:21,720 Yes, whistleblowers are punished 没错,告密者会受到惩罚 618 00:43:21,880 --> 00:43:24,080 I don't need to tell you how delicate this task is 我不需要告诉你这个任务有多么微妙 619 00:43:24,160 --> 00:43:28,640 If the Russians knew the Americans weren't just around 如果俄罗斯人知道美军不仅在附近 620 00:43:28,720 --> 00:43:30,760 Instead, it's in Russia 相反,它在俄罗斯境内 621 00:43:30,920 --> 00:43:33,240 This could lead to World War III, okay? 这可能会导致第三次世界大战的爆发,明白吗? 622 00:43:33,320 --> 00:43:36,520 So this mission doesn't have any American markings at all 所以这个任务根本没有任何美国标志 623 00:43:36,600 --> 00:43:37,880 This is absolutely undeniable 这是完全可以否认的 624 00:43:38,000 --> 00:43:39,560 If something goes wrong, are you responsible for the consequences 如果出了什么问题,后果由您自己承担 625 00:43:39,640 --> 00:43:40,720 There's one last thing 还有最后一件事 626 00:43:40,800 --> 00:43:43,480 Since you, you slow ass, failed your last mission 既然你,你这个迟钝者,上次任务失败了 627 00:43:43,520 --> 00:43:47,520 There's no me in Libya. I'm with you this time 利比亚没有我,这次我陪你看管你 628 00:43:47,640 --> 00:43:49,120 Isn't that interesting? 那不是很有趣吗? 629 00:43:49,400 --> 00:43:50,520 "Gina"? “吉娜”? 630 00:43:51,200 --> 00:43:53,520 That's how we get the job done 这就是我们如何完成这项工作 631 00:43:54,120 --> 00:43:57,120 We will conduct this attack as a unit with two distinct objectives 我们将作为一个有两个不同目标的分队进行这次攻击 632 00:43:57,200 --> 00:43:58,280 We will seal off the area 我们将封锁该地区 633 00:43:58,360 --> 00:43:59,800 Alpha team will protect the bridge Alpha 团队将保护桥梁 634 00:43:59,880 --> 00:44:01,440 While Bravo team searched and combed the ship 当“Bravo”小队搜索并梳理该船时 635 00:44:01,480 --> 00:44:04,440 We will identify the ocelots and Rahmat and then kill or capture them 我们将识别豹猫和拉赫马特,然后杀死或捕获他们 636 00:44:04,480 --> 00:44:07,080 We will insure explosives and nuclear materials 我们将为爆炸物和核材料提供保险 637 00:44:07,160 --> 00:44:08,280 Let's get it all out 我们全面出来 638 00:44:08,360 --> 00:44:09,720 Any questions? 任何问题? 639 00:44:13,160 --> 00:44:15,640 Is my interpretation a little different than Barney's? 我的解释和巴尼的解释有点不同吗? 640 00:44:15,840 --> 00:44:17,640 He might just say, "Let's go." 他可能只会说:“我们走吧。” 641 00:44:18,440 --> 00:44:19,400 Well. 好的 642 00:44:19,480 --> 00:44:21,680 All right, let's go 好吧,我们走吧 643 00:44:29,520 --> 00:44:30,760 Is this an axe? 这是斧子吗? 644 00:44:32,040 --> 00:44:33,480 No, it's a snow shovel 不,这是雪铲 645 00:44:35,040 --> 00:44:36,120 This is logical 这是符合逻辑的 646 00:44:36,200 --> 00:44:38,120 Not for humans, but it means something to you 不适合人类,但对你来说有意义 647 00:44:43,720 --> 00:44:45,640 So what's your story? 那么你的故事是什么? 648 00:44:47,160 --> 00:44:49,400 Barney tells me you're a former member of the 90th Marines 巴尼告诉我你是第 90 海军陆战队的前成员 649 00:44:50,040 --> 00:44:51,480 An absolute killer 绝对的杀手型 650 00:44:51,760 --> 00:44:54,120 He's never seen anyone faster or better than you 他从未见过比你更快或更好的人 651 00:44:55,920 --> 00:44:59,840 Christmas, you can kill a lot of people. 圣诞节,你可以杀人很多次。 652 00:45:00,440 --> 00:45:03,800 Every time, it gets easier 每一次,都会变得更容易 653 00:45:04,520 --> 00:45:10,000 You become desensitized to pain, pleasure and love 你对痛苦、快乐和爱变得麻木不仁 654 00:45:11,440 --> 00:45:16,640 Every time you kill someone, you lose a bigger part of yourself 你每杀死一个人,你就会失去自己的更大一部分 655 00:45:18,320 --> 00:45:21,160 I have to stop, or there's nothing, okay 我必须停下来,否则就什么都没有了 656 00:46:38,400 --> 00:46:40,360 I thought I'd be using my axe by now 我以为我现在应该用我的斧子了 657 00:46:45,640 --> 00:46:47,480 It's very quiet. Must be something wrong 场面很安静,一定是出了什么问题 658 00:46:48,080 --> 00:46:49,560 Easy day. Rush, come with me 轻松的一天,拉什跟我来 659 00:46:49,760 --> 00:46:51,640 For the rest, please follow the coordinator 其余的,请跟随协调员参观 660 00:46:51,720 --> 00:46:53,040 Remind me where the destination is? 提醒我目的地在哪里? 661 00:46:53,440 --> 00:46:57,160 I'm in the army. We used to say right and left, not left and right 我在部队。我们以前说右和左,而不是左和右 662 00:46:57,240 --> 00:46:58,680 Starboard means right 右舷意味着右 663 00:46:59,880 --> 00:47:01,760 Maysara means left side. I mean back side Maysara 的意思是左侧,我的意思是背面 664 00:47:01,840 --> 00:47:03,040 - Got it. - Let's do it - 明白了 - 我们行动吧 665 00:47:35,840 --> 00:47:37,240 I have a feeling something bad is going to happen here 我有预感这里会发生不好的事情 666 00:47:37,520 --> 00:47:39,080 Yes, where is everyone? 是的,大家都在哪里? 667 00:47:39,680 --> 00:47:41,560 There must be nuclear missiles on board 船上肯定载有核导弹 668 00:47:44,320 --> 00:47:45,920 All right, that's enough. Bad news 好吧,够了,坏消息 669 00:47:46,360 --> 00:47:48,440 They've used detonators to obtain uranium before 他们之前曾用雷管获得过铀 670 00:47:48,720 --> 00:47:52,000 There's a working nuclear bomb on board right now 船上现在有一枚正在工作的核弹 671 00:47:53,480 --> 00:47:54,840 We're about to take control of the cockpit 我们即将控制驾驶舱 672 00:48:06,360 --> 00:48:07,560 The place is completely deserted 这个地方完全荒芜了 673 00:48:08,840 --> 00:48:10,280 Drop your weapon 放下你的武器 674 00:48:15,800 --> 00:48:17,800 What a fuss 多么大惊小怪 675 00:48:18,640 --> 00:48:20,080 First "Libya" and now this? 先是“利比亚”,现在又是这个? 676 00:48:20,360 --> 00:48:22,160 Both times no one knew we were coming 两次都没人知道我们要来 677 00:48:22,360 --> 00:48:23,440 My information has been confirmed 我的信息已被确认 678 00:48:23,520 --> 00:48:25,560 - Your message is terrible - 你的信息太可怕了 - 去他妈的 679 00:48:25,640 --> 00:48:27,440 Information may have been compromised 信息可能已被泄露 680 00:48:27,520 --> 00:48:29,440 - We don't know you. His order has been confirmed - 我们不认识你。他的订单已确认 681 00:48:30,040 --> 00:48:31,520 So maybe she's your new girlfriend 所以也许她是你的新女友 682 00:48:31,600 --> 00:48:32,840 Fuck you, gunslinger. 去你妈的,枪手。 683 00:48:33,200 --> 00:48:35,640 You yourself betrayed us on that mission in Verena 你自己在维莱纳的那个任务中背叛了我们 684 00:48:35,840 --> 00:48:37,480 Do you think I've forgotten? 你认为我忘记了吗? 685 00:48:38,000 --> 00:48:39,480 Someone must have sold us out 肯定有人出卖了我们 686 00:48:40,240 --> 00:48:43,680 Where's your leg? She betrayed him in order to gain the leadership 你的腿呢? 她为了取得领导权而背叛了他 687 00:48:43,760 --> 00:48:45,440 Stop it. She wouldn't do that 住手,她不会这么做的 688 00:48:45,520 --> 00:48:47,360 What? Betray him to command? 什么? 背叛他去指挥? 689 00:48:47,800 --> 00:48:49,000 Damn you. 该死的你 690 00:48:49,040 --> 00:48:50,520 Maybe he's the mute in the corner 也许他是角落里的哑巴 691 00:48:51,000 --> 00:48:53,280 What's the matter, Garan? Cowboy, did the cat eat your tongue? 怎么了,伽兰? 牛仔,猫吃了你的舌头吗? 692 00:48:53,600 --> 00:48:54,680 Yeah, he's hiding something 是的,他隐瞒了一些事情 693 00:48:54,760 --> 00:48:57,160 Yeah, I never trusted that bastard 是的,我从来不相信那个混蛋 694 00:49:09,440 --> 00:49:10,560 Who is the leader? 谁是领导者? 695 00:49:10,640 --> 00:49:11,720 I am the leader. 我是领导者 696 00:49:30,480 --> 00:49:31,560 Take him 带他 697 00:49:48,920 --> 00:49:50,040 damn 该死 698 00:49:51,320 --> 00:49:52,680 Here is 这里是 699 00:49:55,400 --> 00:49:56,560 It's time to move 是时候搬家了 700 00:50:01,360 --> 00:50:04,600 I'll go in first, and I'll signal you when you follow me 我先进去,你可以跟我来的时候给你发信号 701 00:50:04,680 --> 00:50:06,400 I won't go any further than this 我不会再去比这里更远的地方 702 00:50:07,840 --> 00:50:08,880 I might need you 我可能需要你 703 00:50:09,000 --> 00:50:10,120 I can't 我不能 704 00:50:10,800 --> 00:50:12,920 If you allow the release of my former men 如果你允许释放我以前的人 705 00:50:13,360 --> 00:50:16,440 I don't know if I can reset it again 我不知道我是否能够再次重置它 706 00:50:22,560 --> 00:50:23,640 I understand you. 我理解你 707 00:51:20,040 --> 00:51:21,640 There was supposed to be a massacre here 这里本来应该发生一场大屠杀 708 00:51:22,680 --> 00:51:23,920 Where are you young people? 你们年轻人在哪里? 709 00:51:26,000 --> 00:51:27,640 My shift's over. I'm going downstairs 我的轮班结束了,我要下楼了 710 00:51:44,000 --> 00:51:47,040 Don't move. Turn around slowly 别动,慢慢转身 711 00:51:47,560 --> 00:51:51,760 What shall I do, my friend? Not moving or turning slowly? 我应该做什么,我的朋友? 不动或转动缓慢? 712 00:51:52,680 --> 00:51:55,040 Turn around, very slowly 转身,非常缓慢 713 00:52:00,600 --> 00:52:01,800 Oh, my God 我的天啊 714 00:52:02,280 --> 00:52:04,440 Colin, you're crazy, you idiot 科林,你疯了,你这个白痴 715 00:52:05,040 --> 00:52:06,640 "Colin"? Who's "Colin"? “科林”? “科林”是谁? 716 00:52:06,720 --> 00:52:12,040 Come on, you gotta be careful with this. It could explode in your hand 别这样,你要小心这个,它可能会在你手里爆炸 717 00:52:25,440 --> 00:52:26,920 You picked the right time, Mr. Marsh. 你选对了时机,马什先生。 718 00:52:31,320 --> 00:52:32,320 "Swamp"? “沼泽”? 719 00:52:32,400 --> 00:52:34,400 This mission was a trap. Someone leaked our information 这次任务是个陷阱,有人泄露了我们的信息 720 00:52:40,000 --> 00:52:41,480 My request is simple 我的要求很简单 721 00:52:42,280 --> 00:52:43,600 Prisoner exchange 交换囚犯 722 00:52:44,120 --> 00:52:46,360 I want your prisoner, Pinyon Bae. 我想要你的囚犯,品良裴。 723 00:52:47,160 --> 00:52:48,600 He's a good friend of a friend 他是朋友的好朋友 724 00:52:48,920 --> 00:52:54,240 Otherwise, Mr. Marsh will be an example of how seriously I take killing 否则,马什先生将成为我对杀人有多么认真的一个例子 725 00:52:55,040 --> 00:52:57,600 So what are you gonna do, Russo? 那么你要做什么,鲁索? 726 00:52:57,760 --> 00:52:59,640 I have no authority. 我没有权力 727 00:53:00,160 --> 00:53:01,480 I know you didn't 我知道你没有 728 00:53:02,200 --> 00:53:05,120 But I know someone who has it 但我知道有人拥有它 729 00:53:17,000 --> 00:53:19,040 Let's fly the last fake plane 让我们驾驶最后一架假飞机 730 00:53:38,720 --> 00:53:42,400 "Rahmat", you vile bastard “拉赫马特”,你这个卑鄙的混蛋 731 00:53:48,240 --> 00:53:49,640 I can give you strength 我可以给你力量 732 00:53:50,040 --> 00:53:51,560 "Pinliang White" is available at your reservation center “品良白”已在您的订房中心 733 00:53:52,040 --> 00:53:58,000 Your broker is Donald Ullman, license number 22579 您的经纪人是 Donald Ullman,授权号是 22579 734 00:53:58,880 --> 00:54:00,000 Well. 好的 735 00:54:00,120 --> 00:54:01,280 Don't play games 不要玩游戏 736 00:54:01,360 --> 00:54:02,480 It's your choice 这是你的选择 737 00:54:02,560 --> 00:54:05,080 Whether consumables are at risk of being discarded 消耗品是否有被丢弃的风险 738 00:55:05,120 --> 00:55:07,280 Reach the ladies 接触女士们 739 00:55:12,880 --> 00:55:15,600 Look at this man. I love him. He's my hero 看着这个男人,我爱他,他是我的英雄 740 00:55:16,760 --> 00:55:20,480 I would respect them enough to clean up after me 我一定会足够尊重他们为我打扫卫生 741 00:55:20,560 --> 00:55:22,640 I hope to meet him one day 我希望有一天能见到他 742 00:55:45,800 --> 00:55:47,680 This knife doesn't fit you 这把刀不适合你 743 00:55:50,680 --> 00:55:51,880 Where's my friend? 我的朋友在哪里? 744 00:55:55,600 --> 00:55:56,840 Where's my friend? 我的朋友在哪里? 745 00:55:57,920 --> 00:55:59,320 Sir, we may have a problem 先生,我们可能遇到了问题 746 00:55:59,760 --> 00:56:01,160 "Python" and "Tack" are gone. “Python”和“Tack”消失了。 747 00:56:04,160 --> 00:56:06,360 B floor, room 657 B层657室 748 00:56:06,440 --> 00:56:07,800 And for that, I'm really grateful 对此,我真的非常感激 749 00:56:12,800 --> 00:56:14,080 Gunner “炮手” 750 00:56:14,720 --> 00:56:15,680 "Tower"? “塔”? 751 00:56:15,760 --> 00:56:17,080 I don't mind taking it 我不介意接受它 752 00:56:17,320 --> 00:56:18,760 Answer me, Tucker. 回答我,塔克。 753 00:56:18,840 --> 00:56:22,160 There may be intruders on board. Check on everyone 船上可能有入侵者,检查一下大家的情况 754 00:56:23,720 --> 00:56:24,680 "Tower"? “塔”? 755 00:56:25,080 --> 00:56:26,760 Tucker can't come to the phone right now 塔克现在不能接电话 756 00:56:28,480 --> 00:56:29,600 He's a little tired 他有点累了 757 00:56:32,320 --> 00:56:33,360 Who is this? 这是谁? 758 00:56:34,360 --> 00:56:36,760 A man makes a mistake and lets you live 一个人犯了一个错误,却让你活下去 759 00:56:37,040 --> 00:56:38,320 But I'm here to correct that 但我来这里是为了纠正这个问题 760 00:56:40,040 --> 00:56:41,720 Look who's still trying to play hero 看看谁还在尝试扮演英雄 761 00:56:43,040 --> 00:56:44,640 Glad you could join us 很高兴你能加入 762 00:56:44,880 --> 00:56:47,160 If you want a repeat of what happened in Libya... 如果你希望利比亚发生的骚乱重演…… 763 00:56:47,240 --> 00:56:48,360 I'm afraid you're too late 恐怕你来得太晚了 764 00:56:48,680 --> 00:56:50,560 My men are on their way to track you down 我的手下正在追捕你的路上 765 00:56:51,440 --> 00:56:54,120 So I guess I decided to bury you early 所以我想是我决定让你早早入土为安 766 00:56:55,280 --> 00:56:57,600 Just like you did to your friends in Libya. 就像你对你在利比亚的朋友所做的那样。 767 00:56:59,440 --> 00:57:03,200 Correction, he's not my friend, he's my brother 纠正一下,他不是我的朋友,他是我的兄弟 768 00:57:03,880 --> 00:57:05,200 So you can take your army with you 这样你就可以带上你的军队 769 00:57:05,440 --> 00:57:09,040 Take as many people as you want, and I'll pass every single one of them 你想带多少人就带多少人,我会通过他们每一个 770 00:57:09,240 --> 00:57:10,200 When I get to you 当我到达你身边时 771 00:57:10,720 --> 00:57:12,640 I'll make sure you don't disturb the ship 我会确保你别打扰这艘船 772 00:57:13,040 --> 00:57:15,160 Cut into shapes 切成各种形状 773 00:57:56,480 --> 00:57:57,800 Don't shoot near the bomb 不要在炸弹附近射击 774 00:57:57,880 --> 00:57:58,880 Well. 好的 775 00:59:02,160 --> 00:59:04,400 Pavel, did you see the intruder? 帕维尔,你看到入侵者了吗? 776 00:59:05,520 --> 00:59:06,480 Yes, Sir. 是的先生 777 00:59:06,560 --> 00:59:07,520 Where is it located? 它的位置在哪里? 778 00:59:07,600 --> 00:59:08,760 First floor corridor 一楼走廊 779 00:59:14,320 --> 00:59:15,360 - Second floor. - 二楼 - 什么? 780 00:59:31,160 --> 00:59:33,240 Officers' mess on the third floor 三楼军官食堂 781 01:01:10,320 --> 01:01:12,040 Rubber side down, man 橡胶面朝下,伙计 782 01:01:23,000 --> 01:01:24,200 He's behind. 他在后面 783 01:02:13,640 --> 01:02:14,600 What do you do for a living? 你做什么工作? 784 01:02:15,080 --> 01:02:16,240 I thought your life was over 我以为你已经结束了这辈子 785 01:02:16,680 --> 01:02:20,400 Letting Barney's friend die is disrespectful to his memory 让巴尼的朋友死去是对他记忆的不尊重 786 01:02:22,440 --> 01:02:23,520 I like the way you look 我喜欢你的外表 787 01:02:23,600 --> 01:02:24,560 thank you 谢谢 788 01:02:24,880 --> 01:02:26,440 - Let's get started - 让我们开始吧 - 好的 789 01:02:50,880 --> 01:02:52,360 Everything is locked up here 一切都被紧紧锁在这里 790 01:02:52,560 --> 01:02:54,280 Yes, and these welds are strong, too 是的,这些焊接也很牢固 791 01:02:54,400 --> 01:02:55,480 All right, what's next? 好吧,接下来怎么办? 792 01:02:56,640 --> 01:02:58,080 - Al-Jawf system. - Al-Jawf 系统 - 什么? 793 01:02:58,160 --> 01:02:59,160 Jouf system 焦夫系统 794 01:02:59,240 --> 01:03:01,720 In case of emergency, drain water from dry areas of the ship 在紧急情况下,从船上干燥区域排出水 795 01:03:03,200 --> 01:03:04,640 If you open it, he'll get us out of here 如果你打开它 他就会带我们离开这里 796 01:03:04,720 --> 01:03:06,480 Come on, man, let's open it 来吧伙计,我们打开它 797 01:03:08,520 --> 01:03:09,480 damn 该死 798 01:03:11,760 --> 01:03:12,720 It can't move. 它无法移动 799 01:03:12,800 --> 01:03:14,200 Of course, it has to be wet 当然,必须是湿的 800 01:03:14,320 --> 01:03:16,520 What? - If it gets wet, it will open 什么? - 如果弄湿,它会打开 801 01:03:18,680 --> 01:03:20,240 Does anyone have to pee? 有人想尿尿吗? 802 01:03:20,640 --> 01:03:21,560 I have to pee 我要尿尿 803 01:03:21,680 --> 01:03:23,320 I've been wanting to pee since we got here 自从我们到达这里以来我一直想尿尿 804 01:03:33,120 --> 01:03:34,640 Please retain some privacy 请保留一些隐私 805 01:03:44,080 --> 01:03:45,200 Hyoid bone 舌骨 806 01:03:47,240 --> 01:03:50,480 It is the only bone in the human body that is not connected to other bones 它是人体中唯一不与其他骨头相连的骨头 807 01:03:51,920 --> 01:03:54,480 It's in the throat. We can't talk without it 它在喉部,没有它我们就无法说话 808 01:03:56,200 --> 01:04:00,040 I'm gonna use these hands to rip the hyoid out of that bastard Rahmat's throat. 我要用这双手,把拉赫马特那个混蛋喉咙里的舌骨扯下来。 809 01:04:00,160 --> 01:04:01,880 I'm gonna shove it up his friend's ass 我要把它塞进他朋友的屁股里 810 01:04:02,000 --> 01:04:04,920 He then forces them to apologize while they drown in their own blood 然后他强迫他们道歉,而他们则淹死在自己的鲜血中 811 01:04:05,800 --> 01:04:07,480 Barney was my hero 巴尼是我的英雄 812 01:04:08,160 --> 01:04:09,680 I'm not talking. I can't talk 我不说话,我不能说话 813 01:04:09,760 --> 01:04:15,240 Because my head was full of wild fantasies about guts 因为我的脑子里充满了关于胆量的狂野幻想 814 01:04:15,560 --> 01:04:17,680 These imaginary dreams will now become reality 这些想象中的梦想现在将成为现实 815 01:04:21,720 --> 01:04:23,040 You must return to silence 你必须回到沉默 816 01:04:31,920 --> 01:04:33,080 finish 完毕 817 01:04:33,200 --> 01:04:34,240 Anyone want to go in first? 有人想先进去吗? 818 01:04:34,520 --> 01:04:36,440 Is this gonna lead us to Barney's killer? 这会引导我们找到杀死巴尼的人吗? 819 01:04:37,560 --> 01:04:38,560 Well. 好的 820 01:04:39,240 --> 01:04:40,440 I will avenge him 我会为他报仇 821 01:04:46,760 --> 01:04:48,800 I think he really likes the golden rain 我觉得他真的很喜欢金色的雨 822 01:04:49,800 --> 01:04:53,040 Ryubai is on his way to find you right now 龙白此刻正在赶来找你的路上 823 01:04:53,520 --> 01:04:57,000 I want you to bring my team back alive 我希望你能让我的团队活着回来 824 01:04:57,080 --> 01:04:58,120 nature 自然 825 01:04:58,200 --> 01:04:59,560 What is a man worth if he does not keep his promise? 一个人如果不遵守诺言,还有什么价值呢? 826 01:05:00,520 --> 01:05:01,720 Ready to swap 准备交换 827 01:05:02,800 --> 01:05:03,840 We'll move. 我们会搬家 828 01:05:05,160 --> 01:05:06,400 - Start here - 从这里开始 - 好的 829 01:05:07,280 --> 01:05:09,400 Your friends will be happy to see you, won't they? 你的朋友见到你一定会很高兴,对吗? 830 01:05:09,480 --> 01:05:10,480 Probably not 可能不会 831 01:05:10,560 --> 01:05:12,560 Jenna has to admit that she needs me 珍娜必须承认她需要我 832 01:05:13,080 --> 01:05:14,160 - When I count to three - 当我数到三时 - 是的 833 01:05:14,480 --> 01:05:15,560 three 三 834 01:05:17,640 --> 01:05:18,760 There's nobody here. 这里没有人 835 01:05:18,840 --> 01:05:19,880 No joke 不开玩笑 836 01:05:20,280 --> 01:05:21,440 Where did they go? 他们去哪儿了? 837 01:05:24,120 --> 01:05:25,240 Do I smell urine? 我闻到尿味了吗? 838 01:05:26,480 --> 01:05:27,440 Well. 好的 839 01:05:28,200 --> 01:05:30,360 We will remain silent until the time comes for action 我们将保持沉默,直到采取行动的时候 840 01:05:32,400 --> 01:05:33,720 - All right, all right - 好吧,好吧 - 是的 841 01:05:38,360 --> 01:05:39,400 Lie on the ground 趴在地上 842 01:05:40,480 --> 01:05:41,560 Time to move? 是时候搬家了? 843 01:05:45,400 --> 01:05:47,360 You better get down, man 你最好趴下,伙计 844 01:05:48,280 --> 01:05:49,240 Or what? 否则怎么办? 845 01:05:53,280 --> 01:05:55,000 Otherwise, consumables will kill you. 否则,消耗品会杀了你。 846 01:05:56,800 --> 01:05:59,480 Don't tell me you're happy to see me 别告诉我,你见到我很高兴 847 01:05:59,520 --> 01:06:01,880 Technically, I'm no longer a consumable or a Christmas item. 从技术上讲,我不再是消耗品或圣诞物品。 848 01:06:02,320 --> 01:06:03,480 Especially you 尤其是你 849 01:06:04,120 --> 01:06:05,240 I'm glad to see you 我很高兴见到你 850 01:06:05,400 --> 01:06:06,640 - Me too. - You picked a good time - 我也是 - 你选了一个很好的时机 851 01:06:06,720 --> 01:06:07,720 An Easy Day 《轻松的一天》 852 01:06:07,800 --> 01:06:08,880 Merry Christmas 圣诞节快乐 853 01:06:11,360 --> 01:06:12,520 Is this my axe? 这是我的斧头吗? 854 01:06:12,680 --> 01:06:14,040 - What do you think? - 是的 - 你觉得怎么样? 855 01:06:14,360 --> 01:06:15,360 I'm getting used to it 我开始习惯了 856 01:06:15,440 --> 01:06:16,560 Why are you late? 你为什么迟到? 857 01:06:17,160 --> 01:06:21,080 Do you expect me to believe that you actually gave me the knife? 你以为我会相信你真的把刀给了我吗? 858 01:06:21,480 --> 01:06:22,720 Did you give her the knife? 你把刀给她了吗? 859 01:06:23,320 --> 01:06:24,480 Romance is said to be dead 据说浪漫已经不复存在 860 01:06:24,720 --> 01:06:25,840 Put a tracking device in it 在里面装一个追踪装置 861 01:06:26,320 --> 01:06:27,800 It's all part of the plan 这都是计划的一部分 862 01:06:28,080 --> 01:06:29,080 Excuse me 对不起 863 01:06:30,920 --> 01:06:32,480 I feel a little used 我感觉有点被利用了 864 01:06:39,280 --> 01:06:40,680 All right, let's go 好的,我们走吧 865 01:06:41,360 --> 01:06:42,560 Shooter, protect us from behind 枪手,从后面保护我们 866 01:06:43,560 --> 01:06:44,680 I like your hair 我喜欢你的头发 867 01:06:44,760 --> 01:06:45,840 Who's your new friend? 谁是你的新朋友? 868 01:06:45,920 --> 01:06:47,840 Desha, an old friend of Barney's. 迪莎,巴尼的老朋友。 869 01:06:47,920 --> 01:06:49,480 He is very good at fighting 他非常擅长战斗 870 01:06:49,560 --> 01:06:51,600 Any friend of Barney's will have my full approval 巴尼的任何朋友都会得到我的完全认可 871 01:06:51,680 --> 01:06:52,880 Rahmat caught Marsh. 拉赫马特抓住了马什。 872 01:06:53,440 --> 01:06:54,440 Really angry 真的很生气 873 01:06:54,560 --> 01:06:58,480 First things first, toll roads, there's something I want you to see 更重要的事情先,收费公路,我想让你看一些东西 874 01:07:00,720 --> 01:07:02,280 It's a huge bomb 这是一颗巨大的炸弹 875 01:07:03,480 --> 01:07:04,920 We didn't get the detonator 我们没有得到的雷管 876 01:07:05,640 --> 01:07:06,720 We are done 我们完成了 877 01:07:07,160 --> 01:07:08,440 Can you explain? 你能解释一下吗? 878 01:07:08,640 --> 01:07:10,600 It explodes in 27 minutes 27分钟后就会爆炸 879 01:07:10,680 --> 01:07:11,720 It can resist any attempt to tamper with it 它可以抵抗任何篡改它的尝试 880 01:07:11,800 --> 01:07:13,160 It has a mercury key 它有水银钥匙 881 01:07:13,240 --> 01:07:16,160 The only way to disable it is to find the Remote Disable button 禁用它的唯一方法是找到远程禁用按钮 882 01:07:16,240 --> 01:07:17,480 This is the last line of defense 这是最后一道防线 883 01:07:17,720 --> 01:07:18,840 This is short term 这是短期的 884 01:07:18,920 --> 01:07:21,480 So whoever has the disable switch is on this ship 所以谁拿着禁用开关就在这艘船上 885 01:07:21,760 --> 01:07:22,880 - Rahmat. - Rahmat. - “拉赫马特” - “拉赫马特” 886 01:07:24,080 --> 01:07:25,240 Who is "Rahmat"? “拉赫马特”是谁? 887 01:07:25,320 --> 01:07:26,440 Who killed Barney? 谁杀了巴尼? 888 01:07:26,800 --> 01:07:28,320 We may have just entered Russian waters 我们可能刚刚进入俄罗斯水域 889 01:07:29,320 --> 01:07:31,560 Make the ship look like an American aircraft carrier 让这艘船看起来像美国航空母舰 890 01:07:31,640 --> 01:07:34,160 A nuclear missile is about to blow up the Russian coast. 一枚核导弹即将炸毁俄罗斯海岸。 891 01:07:34,240 --> 01:07:35,520 This will lead to the outbreak of World War III 这将导致第三次世界大战的爆发 892 01:07:36,600 --> 01:07:38,320 Time is running out. Let's download it 时间不多了,快来下载吧 893 01:07:38,560 --> 01:07:40,280 New location, on board 新地点,船上 894 01:07:40,640 --> 01:07:42,200 Now it's about the disable button 现在是关于禁用按钮的 895 01:07:42,680 --> 01:07:45,000 Let's eliminate Rahmat once and for all 让我们永久消灭拉赫马特 896 01:07:46,040 --> 01:07:48,400 Can you think of something loud for us? 你能为我们想出一些响亮的东西吗? 897 01:07:48,480 --> 01:07:50,120 Does a top official defecate in a forest? 最高官员会在森林里大便吗? 898 01:07:50,720 --> 01:07:55,040 No, he doesn't defecate in the woods or near bears. Why would you make a face like that? 不,他不会在树林里或在熊附近排便。你为什么要做出类似的表情呢? 899 01:07:56,640 --> 01:07:59,080 I don't know what you've heard about me 我不知道你听说过我什么 900 01:08:01,440 --> 01:08:02,440 What is this? 这是什么? 901 01:08:04,760 --> 01:08:06,840 I'm a bad man, a fucking man 我是个坏人,该死的人 902 01:08:07,920 --> 01:08:12,720 I don't know what you've heard about me, but no woman gets money from me 我不知道你听说过我什么,但没有女人能从我这里得到钱 903 01:08:12,840 --> 01:08:15,360 No Cadillacs, no haircuts, you can't see 没有凯迪拉克,没有理发,你看不到 904 01:08:15,680 --> 01:08:17,800 I'm a bad man, a fucking man 我是个坏人,该死的人 905 01:08:17,880 --> 01:08:20,279 She danced for money in the club 她在俱乐部里为钱跳舞 906 01:08:20,359 --> 01:08:23,160 Like "Gucci", "Fendi", "Prada" brand goods. 喜欢“Gucci”、“Fendi”、“Prada”品牌的商品。 907 01:08:36,760 --> 01:08:37,800 Damn it, the bomb. 该死,炸弹 908 01:09:14,600 --> 01:09:15,560 damn 该死 909 01:09:34,479 --> 01:09:35,800 You little cat 你这只小猫 910 01:09:40,800 --> 01:09:41,760 Damn it! 他妈的 911 01:09:49,479 --> 01:09:50,560 You're welcome 不客气 912 01:09:53,640 --> 01:09:54,600 No, thank you. 不需要谢谢 913 01:10:04,560 --> 01:10:05,520 Glad to be back 很高兴回来 914 01:10:09,920 --> 01:10:10,920 I support you. 我支持你 915 01:10:12,000 --> 01:10:12,920 thank you 谢谢 916 01:10:31,920 --> 01:10:33,080 You bastard. 你这个混蛋 917 01:10:49,360 --> 01:10:50,400 I'll take care of it. 我会处理的 918 01:11:07,400 --> 01:11:10,920 Toll road, Izzy, we have a wounded man 收费公路,伊兹,我们有一个受伤的人 919 01:11:17,200 --> 01:11:18,640 Can you kiss him to make me feel better? 你能吻他让我感觉好一点吗? 920 01:11:19,080 --> 01:11:20,600 Maybe later. I'm a little busy right now 也许以后吧,我现在有点忙 921 01:11:21,480 --> 01:11:22,720 I'll take care of him. 我会照顾他 922 01:12:04,640 --> 01:12:06,160 Prepare for an exchange of prisoners 准备交换战俘 923 01:12:06,720 --> 01:12:08,400 We'll be landing in three minutes 三分钟后我们将着陆 924 01:12:08,520 --> 01:12:10,160 We are waiting for the exchange to execute 我们正在等待交换执行 925 01:12:10,640 --> 01:12:12,000 Proceed as planned 按计划进行 926 01:12:33,520 --> 01:12:34,600 How are you, Rahmat? 你好吗,拉赫马特? 927 01:12:35,840 --> 01:12:37,440 I see you like to play with knives 我看你喜欢玩刀 928 01:12:37,760 --> 01:12:38,840 I'm not playing anymore 我不玩了 929 01:12:39,120 --> 01:12:41,680 You give me the disable button, and we'll end this 你给我禁用按钮,我们就结束这一切 930 01:12:41,800 --> 01:12:43,120 Come on, hero 来吧,英雄 931 01:13:52,880 --> 01:13:54,200 Is this your biggest? 这是你最大的吗? 932 01:14:21,280 --> 01:14:22,400 Don't 不 933 01:14:22,840 --> 01:14:24,280 This is the biggest I have 这是我拥有的最大的 934 01:14:30,840 --> 01:14:31,920 Lee, are you okay? 李,你还好吗? 935 01:14:32,320 --> 01:14:33,280 Well. 好的 936 01:14:38,440 --> 01:14:39,680 Where's the kill switch? 终止开关在哪里? 937 01:14:39,840 --> 01:14:41,240 You're such an idiot 你真是个白痴 938 01:14:41,840 --> 01:14:43,160 I don't have a disable button 我没有禁用按钮 939 01:14:44,840 --> 01:14:46,120 My boss has 我老板有 940 01:14:48,840 --> 01:14:49,880 Ocelot “豹猫” 941 01:15:07,040 --> 01:15:08,480 Liang Baifen is coming. 梁白芬来了。 942 01:15:08,760 --> 01:15:10,840 He's the witness who can identify Ocelot. 他是能够确定Ocelot身份的证人。 943 01:15:19,920 --> 01:15:20,880 Hi Pei 你好裴 944 01:15:21,000 --> 01:15:22,480 Oh, my God. No, no 天哪,不,不 945 01:15:22,600 --> 01:15:23,520 So long. 再见 946 01:15:31,080 --> 01:15:32,200 Marsh is an ocelot. 马什是豹猫。 947 01:15:32,680 --> 01:15:34,480 The disable button was always with him 禁用按钮一直伴随着他 948 01:15:36,600 --> 01:15:37,800 This is for Barney. 这是给巴尼的。 949 01:15:46,040 --> 01:15:47,360 How much time until the explosion? 距离爆炸还有多少时间? 950 01:15:48,120 --> 01:15:49,080 12 minutes 12分钟 951 01:15:49,280 --> 01:15:52,680 All right, we've got 12 minutes before this ship explodes like a Roman candle 好吧,我们还有 12 分钟,这艘船就会像罗马蜡烛一样爆炸 952 01:16:03,480 --> 01:16:05,920 Marsh, I don't think you're gonna need this anymore 马什,我认为你不再需要这个了 953 01:16:06,400 --> 01:16:07,560 All right, Christmas. 好吧,圣诞节。 954 01:16:08,240 --> 01:16:09,560 You're like a pimple 你就像一颗痘痘 955 01:16:09,840 --> 01:16:13,720 You always appear when we don't need you and refuse to disappear 当我们不需要你、拒绝消失的时候你总是出现 956 01:16:13,920 --> 01:16:15,480 Do you have something I want, Marsh? 你有我想要的东西吗,马什? 957 01:16:17,160 --> 01:16:18,200 I'll go down and get him 我会下去接他 958 01:16:18,480 --> 01:16:21,920 I think you know this device is here 我想你知道这个设备在这里 959 01:16:22,040 --> 01:16:24,320 This is the only way to prevent the outbreak of World War III 这是阻止第三次世界大战爆发的唯一办法 960 01:16:24,480 --> 01:16:27,040 It is a conflict, even though it is devastating for many 这是一场冲突,尽管它对许多人来说是毁灭性的 961 01:16:27,760 --> 01:16:32,880 It will be very profitable for someone 对于某人来说这将是非常有利可图的 962 01:16:33,080 --> 01:16:35,160 And that person will be me 而那个人将是我 963 01:16:35,320 --> 01:16:38,040 And the death squads will be held accountable 而敢死队将会为这一切承担责任 964 01:16:38,440 --> 01:16:40,200 So enjoy the show 所以尽情享受表演吧 965 01:16:43,640 --> 01:16:44,800 Kill them all. 杀光他们 966 01:16:44,880 --> 01:16:46,160 shield 掩护 967 01:16:49,320 --> 01:16:50,480 They all fell down 他们都倒下了 968 01:16:54,400 --> 01:16:56,440 We have to get off this ship or we're going to burn 我们必须离开这艘船,否则我们就会被烧毁 969 01:16:56,520 --> 01:16:58,840 Jumping on board now seems like a good plan 现在跳上船似乎是一个好计划 970 01:16:59,040 --> 01:17:00,400 We'll never get out of the blast zone 我们永远不会走出爆炸区 971 01:17:00,680 --> 01:17:01,920 We'll never get there in time 我们永远无法及时赶到 972 01:17:06,400 --> 01:17:08,040 Look, man, you're not gonna die here with me 听着,伙计,你不会和我一起死在这里 973 01:17:10,040 --> 01:17:11,400 We have to act. We bleed 我们必须行动,流血不止 974 01:17:12,800 --> 01:17:14,040 I have an idea 我有个主意 975 01:17:14,200 --> 01:17:15,640 We can take my boat 我们可以乘坐我的船 976 01:17:16,040 --> 01:17:17,160 Become a drop 成为一滴 977 01:17:17,240 --> 01:17:18,280 That's a good idea 这是一个好主意 978 01:17:18,360 --> 01:17:19,840 Let's start with that next time 下次我们就从这个开始吧 979 01:17:19,920 --> 01:17:20,920 Well. 好的 980 01:17:21,040 --> 01:17:22,800 Gunner, open fire. We're out 炮手,开火,我们出去了 981 01:17:22,880 --> 01:17:24,120 I got you. Cover fire 我抓住你了,掩护火力 982 01:17:30,480 --> 01:17:33,280 We met in the stern. I repeat, we met in the stern 我们在船尾相遇,我重复一遍,我们在船尾相遇 983 01:17:35,800 --> 01:17:36,840 Grenade 手榴弹 984 01:17:39,200 --> 01:17:40,320 We have to move. 我们必须搬家 985 01:17:43,080 --> 01:17:44,560 I saw the girl across from me 我看到了对面的那个女孩 986 01:18:01,520 --> 01:18:02,720 There's no one in the cab 驾驶室里没有人 987 01:18:02,800 --> 01:18:04,200 Start searching for ships. 开始搜寻船只 988 01:18:14,080 --> 01:18:15,280 Toll road. You're next 收费公路,下一个就是你 989 01:18:25,080 --> 01:18:26,320 Galan, it's your turn 伽蓝,轮到你了 990 01:18:33,080 --> 01:18:34,040 Let's go. 我们走吧 991 01:18:43,200 --> 01:18:44,360 What? 什么? 992 01:18:46,880 --> 01:18:47,920 It's not your fault 这不是你的错 993 01:18:49,400 --> 01:18:50,440 Let's go. 我们走吧 994 01:19:07,840 --> 01:19:09,160 Task first 任务第一 995 01:19:15,400 --> 01:19:17,040 I have to steer this ship 我必须驾驶这艘船 996 01:19:20,800 --> 01:19:22,680 I will make my sacrifice worth it 我会让我的牺牲变得值得 997 01:19:25,560 --> 01:19:26,920 It's up to him 决定权在他 998 01:19:32,920 --> 01:19:36,040 Desha, we have to move, or the turnpike won't survive. 迪莎,我们必须搬家,否则收费公路就无法生存。 999 01:19:47,600 --> 01:19:49,520 Lose D, they're on the other side 输掉D区,他们就到了另一边 1000 01:21:29,400 --> 01:21:31,360 Bring the rest of the inflatable boats here 把剩下的充气船带到这里 1001 01:21:32,240 --> 01:21:33,800 Sir, we're setting sail again 先生,我们又起航了 1002 01:21:34,040 --> 01:21:36,040 Move it, move it, man 动起来,动起来,人 1003 01:21:41,640 --> 01:21:43,240 It's all fucking pimples 都是他妈的痘痘 1004 01:21:43,520 --> 01:21:44,680 Wipe them out 消灭他们 1005 01:21:45,440 --> 01:21:46,800 Inflate that boat 给那艘船充气 1006 01:21:50,000 --> 01:21:51,360 We have to get the ship back on course 我们必须让船回到航线 1007 01:21:51,400 --> 01:21:52,880 Get in the cockpit and adjust the situation 进入驾驶舱调整一下这个情况 1008 01:21:53,400 --> 01:21:54,440 But Sir 但是先生 1009 01:21:55,160 --> 01:21:56,160 What? 什么? 1010 01:21:56,240 --> 01:21:58,120 Nuclear missiles explode. We can't get up there 核导弹会爆炸,我们上不去 1011 01:22:01,320 --> 01:22:02,680 How was the promotion? 升职怎么样? 1012 01:22:04,000 --> 01:22:05,280 Everyone to the cockpit 大家都到驾驶舱去 1013 01:22:05,520 --> 01:22:08,760 Take him out. Everybody in the cockpit. Come on, come on 消灭他,大家都到驾驶舱去,来吧,来吧 1014 01:23:06,440 --> 01:23:08,200 Looks like I'll see you soon, Barney. 看来很快就能见到你了,巴尼。 1015 01:23:32,440 --> 01:23:33,640 Christmas" 圣诞节” 1016 01:23:42,440 --> 01:23:43,680 I'm here, Marsh. 我在这里,马什。 1017 01:23:45,120 --> 01:23:47,080 I saw you summon the cavalry 我看到你召唤了骑兵 1018 01:23:47,920 --> 01:23:49,480 You can't get rid of me 你无法摆脱我 1019 01:23:50,400 --> 01:23:51,920 The fun is in trying. 乐趣在于尝试 1020 01:23:52,160 --> 01:23:55,480 Why don't you come down here and face me directly? From one person to another 你为什么不下来直接面对我呢? 从一个人到另一个人 1021 01:23:58,560 --> 01:23:59,920 In the traditional way 以传统方式 1022 01:24:00,400 --> 01:24:01,720 I don't mind. 我不介意 1023 01:24:02,360 --> 01:24:03,440 I long for that 我渴望那个 1024 01:24:03,520 --> 01:24:06,000 Don't move. I'll be right down 别动,我马上下来 1025 01:24:08,240 --> 01:24:12,520 Barney's been trying to expose me for 25 years, and he's failed 巴尼 25 年来一直试图揭露我,但失败了 1026 01:24:12,680 --> 01:24:15,000 But you, you're a good soldier 但你,你是一个好士兵 1027 01:24:15,880 --> 01:24:17,400 You're a very good soldier 你是一名非常优秀的士兵 1028 01:24:17,560 --> 01:24:20,520 But this -- this is beyond your power 但这,这超出了你的能力范围 1029 01:24:20,600 --> 01:24:23,320 This is this is the highest level 这这这是最高级别了 1030 01:24:24,600 --> 01:24:25,920 Barney would be proud of you 巴尼会为你感到骄傲 1031 01:24:27,920 --> 01:24:29,400 You can tell him yourself 你可以亲自告诉他 1032 01:24:30,680 --> 01:24:32,160 Because you're about to join him 因为你即将加入他 1033 01:24:32,720 --> 01:24:34,120 That's very kind of you 你真是太好了 1034 01:24:34,680 --> 01:24:36,240 See what Santa brought me 看看圣诞老人给我带来了什么 1035 01:24:48,080 --> 01:24:50,360 What is this? "Barney"? 这是什么? “巴尼”? 1036 01:24:50,680 --> 01:24:53,040 I did it the classic way 我用的是经典方法 1037 01:24:53,560 --> 01:24:55,640 You almost killed me 你差点杀了我 1038 01:24:55,880 --> 01:24:57,160 You're welcome 不客气 1039 01:25:00,840 --> 01:25:01,920 Let's go. 我们走吧 1040 01:25:03,000 --> 01:25:04,240 What's going on? 发生什么事了? 1041 01:25:04,320 --> 01:25:05,400 Hold on 不挂断 1042 01:25:10,920 --> 01:25:12,120 Where are the nuclear missiles? 核导弹在哪里? 1043 01:25:12,200 --> 01:25:13,320 On the quarter 在船尾 1044 01:25:14,720 --> 01:25:16,720 You Are Dead 你死了 1045 01:25:17,120 --> 01:25:18,280 What's going on here? 这是怎么回事? 1046 01:25:18,360 --> 01:25:19,560 I'm a little busy. 我有点忙 1047 01:25:47,600 --> 01:25:48,800 So what's the story? 那么故事是怎样的呢? 1048 01:25:49,040 --> 01:25:50,120 25 years ago 25年前 1049 01:25:50,200 --> 01:25:53,080 We're in the middle of a covert operation. Eight members of my team have been wiped out 我们正在进行秘密行动,我的团队八名成员被消灭 1050 01:25:53,280 --> 01:25:56,680 I had to fake my own death to open a secret file 我不得不假死才能打开一份秘密档案 1051 01:25:56,800 --> 01:25:59,720 Bring Marsh out of hiding and prove he's an ocelot. 将马什带出藏身之处并证明他是豹猫。 1052 01:26:00,360 --> 01:26:01,680 Why did you hide it from us? 你为什么向我们隐瞒? 1053 01:26:01,880 --> 01:26:03,840 If I hadn't carried out this mission, they'd all be alive 如果我没有执行这个任务,他们都会活下来 1054 01:26:03,920 --> 01:26:05,320 So it's personal 所以这是个人问题 1055 01:26:06,920 --> 01:26:08,120 Understand the situation 了解情况 1056 01:26:41,720 --> 01:26:42,920 I need a drink 我需要喝一杯 1057 01:26:43,760 --> 01:26:45,000 Me too 我也是 1058 01:26:46,280 --> 01:26:47,240 On your account 在您的帐户上 1059 01:26:47,320 --> 01:26:48,360 I'm broke. 我破产了 1060 01:26:48,400 --> 01:26:49,920 You know what? You're more fun when you're dead 你知道吗? 你死的时候更有趣 1061 01:26:53,000 --> 01:26:54,720 It was nice spending time with you again 很高兴再次与你共度时光 1062 01:26:55,440 --> 01:26:56,880 But you need a shower 但你需要洗个澡 1063 01:27:08,120 --> 01:27:11,600 In memory of Barney Ross 纪念巴尼·罗斯 1064 01:27:11,680 --> 01:27:13,200 The turnpike owes me $20 收费公路欠我二十美元 1065 01:27:13,280 --> 01:27:14,400 I guess you don't need a cup 我猜你不需要杯子 1066 01:27:14,440 --> 01:27:15,680 it doesn't matter 没关系 1067 01:27:17,360 --> 01:27:21,040 Salute to friends who never give up 向永不放弃的朋友们致敬 1068 01:27:21,280 --> 01:27:22,560 To all of you 献给你们所有人 1069 01:27:22,640 --> 01:27:23,760 - For your health. - For your health - 为了您的健康 - 为了您的健康 1070 01:27:23,840 --> 01:27:25,080 To all of you 献给你们所有人 1071 01:27:25,320 --> 01:27:27,560 How about the Christmas boat cliche? 圣诞船上那句陈词滥调怎么样? 1072 01:27:27,640 --> 01:27:29,280 No need to repeat, toll road. 无需重复,收费公路。 1073 01:27:29,360 --> 01:27:31,760 I will make my sacrifice worth it 我会让我的牺牲变得值得 1074 01:27:32,360 --> 01:27:33,480 Yeah, fuck you 是的,操你妈 1075 01:27:33,560 --> 01:27:36,520 Stop teasing him. I think he's cute 别再逗他了,我觉得他很可爱 1076 01:27:38,440 --> 01:27:39,560 cute 可爱的 1077 01:27:39,800 --> 01:27:42,120 They're all jealous because you're the most handsome 他们都嫉妒,因为你最帅 1078 01:27:42,320 --> 01:27:43,280 know 知道 1079 01:27:43,360 --> 01:27:44,680 Isn't love beautiful? 爱情不是很美好吗? 1080 01:27:45,200 --> 01:27:46,400 Toll road “收费路” 1081 01:27:47,600 --> 01:27:48,760 Oh, really? 真的吗? 1082 01:27:50,800 --> 01:27:53,000 Barney Ross is back from the dead 巴尼·罗斯死而复生 1083 01:27:53,080 --> 01:27:56,640 Only you can walk out of the fire without getting cut 只有你才能走出烈火而不被划伤 1084 01:27:56,720 --> 01:27:59,880 You're like a bird rising from the ashes 你就像一只从灰烬中重生的神鸟 1085 01:28:00,000 --> 01:28:01,480 - I don't know how... - Wait a minute. - 我不知道怎么... - 等一下 1086 01:28:01,560 --> 01:28:03,640 I'm relaxing, trying to talk to my hero here 我正在放松,尝试在这里与我的英雄交谈 1087 01:28:03,720 --> 01:28:05,400 Easy Day, can you give me some space? Easy Day,你能给我一些空间吗? 1088 01:28:05,440 --> 01:28:07,800 Hey idiot, can I have a minute of your time? 嘿白痴,我可以占用你一点时间吗? 1089 01:28:08,360 --> 01:28:09,720 - Of course. - I have a little problem - 当然 - 我有一个小问题 1090 01:28:09,800 --> 01:28:11,040 Help oneself 帮助自己 1091 01:28:11,280 --> 01:28:13,360 Right there, a piece of junk 就在那里,一块垃圾 1092 01:28:13,400 --> 01:28:14,680 I miss him. 我想念他 1093 01:28:14,760 --> 01:28:15,840 My friend, thank you. 朋友,谢谢 1094 01:28:15,920 --> 01:28:18,400 Yes, I should know 是的,我应该知道 1095 01:28:18,920 --> 01:28:20,680 - Whose body is that? completely - 那是谁的身体? 完全地 1096 01:28:20,920 --> 01:28:23,760 Ever wonder what happened to the prawns? 有没有想过大虾发生了什么? 1097 01:28:28,360 --> 01:28:30,200 Warning, land ahead 警告,前方有陆地 1098 01:28:30,280 --> 01:28:31,400 Flying very low 飞得很低 1099 01:28:32,440 --> 01:28:34,640 Warning, do not disassemble 警告,请勿拆装 1100 01:28:35,080 --> 01:28:36,080 Has risen 已崛起 1101 01:28:42,840 --> 01:28:44,040 Fail to do so 没有这样做 1102 01:28:46,520 --> 01:28:47,760 indeed 的确