1 00:00:01,794 --> 00:00:04,094 [theme music playing] 2 00:00:42,125 --> 00:00:44,495 [bell tolling] 3 00:00:44,503 --> 00:00:46,343 [female narrator] 4 00:00:44,503 --> 00:00:46,343 Welcome, friends, 5 00:00:46,338 --> 00:00:49,378 to the world 6 00:00:46,338 --> 00:00:49,378 of Ever After High, 7 00:00:49,383 --> 00:00:51,593 where today 8 00:00:49,383 --> 00:00:51,593 we're telling the tale 9 00:00:51,593 --> 00:00:55,013 of a most special event-- 10 00:00:51,593 --> 00:00:55,013 Thronecoming. 11 00:00:55,014 --> 00:00:57,564 [male narrator] 12 00:00:55,014 --> 00:00:57,564 A school holiday 13 00:00:55,014 --> 00:00:57,564 where Ever After High 14 00:00:57,558 --> 00:01:01,188 presents 15 00:00:57,558 --> 00:01:01,188 the fairytale students 16 00:00:57,558 --> 00:01:01,188 at their best. 17 00:01:01,186 --> 00:01:04,226 It all starts 18 00:01:01,186 --> 00:01:04,226 with the Thronecoming parade. 19 00:01:04,231 --> 00:01:06,781 [female narrator] 20 00:01:04,231 --> 00:01:06,781 And who can forget 21 00:01:04,231 --> 00:01:06,781 the big game, 22 00:01:06,775 --> 00:01:08,735 the bookball championship? 23 00:01:08,736 --> 00:01:10,146 Charm you later. 24 00:01:10,153 --> 00:01:11,743 [girls sigh] 25 00:01:11,739 --> 00:01:14,909 [male narrator] 26 00:01:11,739 --> 00:01:14,909 Or the Thronecoming dance? 27 00:01:14,909 --> 00:01:18,579 [female narrator] 28 00:01:14,909 --> 00:01:18,579 Where a Thronecoming Queen 29 00:01:14,909 --> 00:01:18,579 and King will be crowned. 30 00:01:18,579 --> 00:01:21,499 [male narrator] 31 00:01:18,579 --> 00:01:21,499 Ever After High does have 32 00:01:18,579 --> 00:01:21,499 a spell's worth of students... 33 00:01:21,498 --> 00:01:24,458 - [bell ringing] 34 00:01:21,498 --> 00:01:24,458 - ...who fit that slipper. 35 00:01:24,459 --> 00:01:26,499 [chuckles] 36 00:01:26,503 --> 00:01:30,973 And this year 37 00:01:26,503 --> 00:01:30,973 all the voting is going to be 38 00:01:26,503 --> 00:01:30,973 on the MirrorNet. 39 00:01:30,966 --> 00:01:32,926 Me and Humphrey Dumpty 40 00:01:30,966 --> 00:01:32,926 are in charge of it. 41 00:01:32,927 --> 00:01:35,217 Let me save you some time, 42 00:01:32,927 --> 00:01:35,217 little bro. 43 00:01:35,220 --> 00:01:38,850 I'm quite certain I'll be named 44 00:01:35,220 --> 00:01:38,850 Thronecoming King. 45 00:01:38,849 --> 00:01:41,559 After all, I am handsome. 46 00:01:43,896 --> 00:01:46,146 Hey, Raven. 47 00:01:46,147 --> 00:01:48,527 I already voted online 48 00:01:46,147 --> 00:01:48,527 for Thronecoming Queen. 49 00:01:48,525 --> 00:01:50,435 And I voted for you. 50 00:01:50,444 --> 00:01:52,994 Really? 51 00:01:50,444 --> 00:01:52,994 Why did you vote for me? 52 00:01:52,988 --> 00:01:55,408 I always win these things, 53 00:01:52,988 --> 00:01:55,408 and, well, 54 00:01:55,407 --> 00:01:57,787 you technically come 55 00:01:55,407 --> 00:01:57,787 from a long line of queens. 56 00:01:57,785 --> 00:02:00,825 Thanks. I'm really glad 57 00:01:57,785 --> 00:02:00,825 you're turning the page. 58 00:02:00,829 --> 00:02:03,829 I mean, I'm the daughter 59 00:02:00,829 --> 00:02:03,829 of the Evil Queen and a Rebel, 60 00:02:03,832 --> 00:02:06,132 but that doesn't mean 61 00:02:03,832 --> 00:02:06,132 I'm trouble. 62 00:02:06,126 --> 00:02:08,126 [woman over P.A.] 63 00:02:06,126 --> 00:02:08,126 Raven Queen, please report 64 00:02:08,128 --> 00:02:10,668 to the headmaster's office 65 00:02:08,128 --> 00:02:10,668 at once. 66 00:02:13,008 --> 00:02:14,678 [clock ticking] 67 00:02:14,676 --> 00:02:16,466 Can we get you something? 68 00:02:16,470 --> 00:02:17,810 Dragon-egg omelet? 69 00:02:17,805 --> 00:02:19,255 No, I'm good. 70 00:02:19,264 --> 00:02:21,564 Miss Trollworth! 71 00:02:19,264 --> 00:02:21,564 One dragon-egg omelet. 72 00:02:21,558 --> 00:02:23,268 So, Miss Queen, 73 00:02:23,268 --> 00:02:25,518 how is your Thronecoming float 74 00:02:23,268 --> 00:02:25,518 going, hmm? 75 00:02:25,520 --> 00:02:26,860 It's going good. 76 00:02:26,855 --> 00:02:28,475 Delightful, my dear. 77 00:02:28,482 --> 00:02:30,782 Oh! 78 00:02:28,482 --> 00:02:30,782 [laughing] 79 00:02:30,776 --> 00:02:32,106 Can I ask you something? 80 00:02:32,111 --> 00:02:33,281 Of course. 81 00:02:33,278 --> 00:02:35,278 Why are you being nice to me? 82 00:02:35,280 --> 00:02:38,410 Ever since I didn't sign 83 00:02:35,280 --> 00:02:38,410 the Storybook of Legends 84 00:02:35,280 --> 00:02:38,410 on Legacy Day, 85 00:02:38,408 --> 00:02:41,158 I always thought 86 00:02:38,408 --> 00:02:41,158 that you, well, 87 00:02:41,161 --> 00:02:42,751 that you saw me 88 00:02:41,161 --> 00:02:42,751 as trouble. 89 00:02:42,746 --> 00:02:46,076 [chuckling] 90 00:02:42,746 --> 00:02:46,076 You? A troublemaker? 91 00:02:46,083 --> 00:02:48,843 - Of course not! 92 00:02:46,083 --> 00:02:48,843 - [Mr. Trollworth shouting] 93 00:02:48,836 --> 00:02:50,666 [laughing] 94 00:02:50,671 --> 00:02:53,301 But funny you should mention 95 00:02:50,671 --> 00:02:53,301 Legacy Day. 96 00:02:53,298 --> 00:02:57,338 As you know, 97 00:02:53,298 --> 00:02:57,338 Thronecoming is one 98 00:02:53,298 --> 00:02:57,338 of the few days a year 99 00:02:57,344 --> 00:02:59,644 the Storybook of Legends 100 00:02:57,344 --> 00:02:59,644 is removed 101 00:02:59,638 --> 00:03:01,258 from its protective case 102 00:03:01,264 --> 00:03:03,184 and displayed for the public. 103 00:03:03,182 --> 00:03:07,562 And a perfect time 104 00:03:03,182 --> 00:03:07,562 for you to reconsider 105 00:03:07,562 --> 00:03:10,572 and sign in front 106 00:03:07,562 --> 00:03:10,572 of the whole world. 107 00:03:10,565 --> 00:03:12,065 I'm sorry, headmaster, 108 00:03:12,067 --> 00:03:14,187 but I made my choice 109 00:03:12,067 --> 00:03:14,187 on Legacy Day. 110 00:03:14,193 --> 00:03:16,323 I want to write 111 00:03:14,193 --> 00:03:16,323 my own destiny, 112 00:03:16,321 --> 00:03:18,411 not follow in the footsteps 113 00:03:16,321 --> 00:03:18,411 of my mother. 114 00:03:18,406 --> 00:03:20,446 Now if there's nothing else, 115 00:03:20,450 --> 00:03:22,330 I'll be going. 116 00:03:22,327 --> 00:03:23,907 [door slams] 117 00:03:23,912 --> 00:03:26,412 Would you like this boiled? 118 00:03:26,414 --> 00:03:28,044 Or fried? 119 00:03:28,042 --> 00:03:30,342 She doesn't understand. 120 00:03:30,335 --> 00:03:34,165 We must stay true 121 00:03:30,335 --> 00:03:34,165 to the stories. 122 00:03:34,173 --> 00:03:36,053 [both panting] 123 00:03:36,050 --> 00:03:39,680 Last one to touch 124 00:03:36,050 --> 00:03:39,680 the heart tree is a dodo egg. 125 00:03:39,678 --> 00:03:41,428 Come on, little brother! 126 00:03:46,852 --> 00:03:48,852 [both laughing] 127 00:03:48,854 --> 00:03:51,364 We're always going 128 00:03:48,854 --> 00:03:51,364 to be best friends, 129 00:03:48,854 --> 00:03:51,364 right, Milton? 130 00:03:51,356 --> 00:03:53,436 Yeah, always. 131 00:03:56,361 --> 00:03:59,491 Thronecoming at last. 132 00:03:59,489 --> 00:04:02,779 The key! 133 00:03:59,489 --> 00:04:02,779 The door is open. 134 00:04:05,787 --> 00:04:09,367 You ready? 135 00:04:05,787 --> 00:04:09,367 I can't wait 136 00:04:05,787 --> 00:04:09,367 to finish my float. 137 00:04:09,374 --> 00:04:12,174 And I did it all without 138 00:04:09,374 --> 00:04:12,174 harming a single flower. 139 00:04:12,169 --> 00:04:13,749 Harming a flower? 140 00:04:13,754 --> 00:04:15,884 Hey, plants have feelings too, 141 00:04:13,754 --> 00:04:15,884 you know. 142 00:04:15,881 --> 00:04:17,471 [chuckles] 143 00:04:15,881 --> 00:04:17,471 You go ahead. 144 00:04:17,465 --> 00:04:19,085 I just need 145 00:04:17,465 --> 00:04:19,085 to sew up this skirt. 146 00:04:19,093 --> 00:04:20,763 Okay, see you there. 147 00:04:22,554 --> 00:04:23,934 Ow, my finger! 148 00:04:25,057 --> 00:04:27,267 [gasps, yawns] 149 00:04:27,267 --> 00:04:30,187 [snoring] 150 00:04:32,773 --> 00:04:35,323 [hammering, chattering] 151 00:04:37,569 --> 00:04:40,409 [pop beat playing] 152 00:04:40,405 --> 00:04:43,195 - [squeaking] 153 00:04:40,405 --> 00:04:43,195 - [laughs] 154 00:04:51,792 --> 00:04:54,382 Oh! 155 00:04:51,792 --> 00:04:54,382 Who wants pizza? 156 00:04:54,377 --> 00:04:57,417 I sampled a slice 157 00:04:54,377 --> 00:04:57,417 and it is just right! 158 00:04:57,422 --> 00:04:59,632 Ooh, meatlovers' pizza. 159 00:05:00,717 --> 00:05:02,547 [growls] 160 00:05:02,552 --> 00:05:05,432 Look, our fairytale princes 161 00:05:02,552 --> 00:05:05,432 are talking strategy 162 00:05:05,430 --> 00:05:07,310 for the big game. 163 00:05:07,307 --> 00:05:10,057 Don't you just love it 164 00:05:07,307 --> 00:05:10,057 when they act all heroic? 165 00:05:10,060 --> 00:05:12,770 We're never going to beat 166 00:05:10,060 --> 00:05:12,770 Beanstalk High at bookball. 167 00:05:12,771 --> 00:05:14,271 Oh, little brother! 168 00:05:14,273 --> 00:05:16,283 Don't be such a worrier. 169 00:05:16,275 --> 00:05:18,235 How tough can it be 170 00:05:18,235 --> 00:05:21,395 to beat a bunch 171 00:05:18,235 --> 00:05:21,395 of little beans, huh? 172 00:05:21,404 --> 00:05:25,084 Beanstalk High is 173 00:05:21,404 --> 00:05:25,084 filled with giants, 174 00:05:21,404 --> 00:05:25,084 Daring, not beans. 175 00:05:25,075 --> 00:05:28,405 [laughs] 176 00:05:25,075 --> 00:05:28,405 Well, then we are in a lot 177 00:05:25,075 --> 00:05:28,405 of trouble, aren't we? 178 00:05:28,411 --> 00:05:31,171 ♪ They're gonna 179 00:05:28,411 --> 00:05:31,171 kick our tails, yeah! ♪ 180 00:05:31,165 --> 00:05:33,455 Hey, guys. 181 00:05:31,165 --> 00:05:33,455 You know, I was thinking 182 00:05:33,458 --> 00:05:35,708 maybe I'd try out 183 00:05:33,458 --> 00:05:35,708 for the bookball team. 184 00:05:35,710 --> 00:05:36,880 I'm wicked fast. 185 00:05:36,878 --> 00:05:38,378 Oh, well, that sounds good-- 186 00:05:38,379 --> 00:05:40,219 ♪ But you're a girl, oh! ♪ 187 00:05:40,215 --> 00:05:41,965 So what does that 188 00:05:40,215 --> 00:05:41,965 have to do with it? 189 00:05:41,967 --> 00:05:44,887 Sorry, Cerise, 190 00:05:41,967 --> 00:05:44,887 damsels are for saving, 191 00:05:44,886 --> 00:05:47,756 not playing fairytale-back. 192 00:05:47,764 --> 00:05:49,524 [growls] 193 00:05:47,764 --> 00:05:49,524 Boys! 194 00:05:49,516 --> 00:05:52,516 - [feet pounding] 195 00:05:49,516 --> 00:05:52,516 - [boys] Hi, Tiny. 196 00:05:52,519 --> 00:05:56,359 Guys, I think I know a way 197 00:05:52,519 --> 00:05:56,359 we can win against the giants. 198 00:05:56,355 --> 00:05:58,895 - Huddle up! 199 00:05:56,355 --> 00:05:58,895 - [growls] 200 00:05:58,900 --> 00:06:03,110 Nice float, Apple! 201 00:05:58,900 --> 00:06:03,110 It's totally off the page. 202 00:06:03,113 --> 00:06:05,033 Thanks, Raven. 203 00:06:05,032 --> 00:06:07,832 It's got the apple tree 204 00:06:05,032 --> 00:06:07,832 that you poison me from-- 205 00:06:07,826 --> 00:06:10,116 or, um, might poison me from. 206 00:06:10,120 --> 00:06:12,080 Apple. 207 00:06:12,080 --> 00:06:14,620 Oh, it's okay, Raven. 208 00:06:12,080 --> 00:06:14,620 You'll come around. 209 00:06:12,080 --> 00:06:14,620 I just know it. 210 00:06:14,624 --> 00:06:16,254 Come around? 211 00:06:16,251 --> 00:06:19,631 I've tried to explain this 212 00:06:16,251 --> 00:06:19,631 to you every way I know how. 213 00:06:19,629 --> 00:06:22,299 I want to write 214 00:06:19,629 --> 00:06:22,299 my own destiny. 215 00:06:22,299 --> 00:06:24,429 And to be honest, 216 00:06:22,299 --> 00:06:24,429 when it comes to this, 217 00:06:24,425 --> 00:06:26,215 I think you're being selfish. 218 00:06:26,220 --> 00:06:28,720 [all gasping] 219 00:06:28,722 --> 00:06:31,982 You-- you think 220 00:06:28,722 --> 00:06:31,982 I'm being selfish? 221 00:06:31,975 --> 00:06:35,345 All you care about is 222 00:06:31,975 --> 00:06:35,345 your own happily ever after. 223 00:06:35,354 --> 00:06:38,904 You know, because 224 00:06:35,354 --> 00:06:38,904 you didn't sign the book, 225 00:06:38,899 --> 00:06:41,609 all of our stories 226 00:06:38,899 --> 00:06:41,609 could go poof. 227 00:06:41,609 --> 00:06:43,859 We could all go poof! 228 00:06:43,862 --> 00:06:46,662 - Yeah, but we didn't. 229 00:06:43,862 --> 00:06:46,662 - [Apple] Yet. 230 00:06:46,656 --> 00:06:49,866 Raven, I don't want you 231 00:06:46,656 --> 00:06:49,866 to sign the book for me. 232 00:06:49,868 --> 00:06:52,498 I want you to sign it 233 00:06:49,868 --> 00:06:52,498 so that nothing bad 234 00:06:52,495 --> 00:06:54,785 happens to the people 235 00:06:52,495 --> 00:06:54,785 that I love, 236 00:06:54,789 --> 00:06:57,379 including you. 237 00:06:57,376 --> 00:06:59,206 If you ask me, 238 00:06:59,211 --> 00:07:01,381 you're the one 239 00:06:59,211 --> 00:07:01,381 who's being selfish. 240 00:07:03,048 --> 00:07:06,508 - Briar? 241 00:07:03,048 --> 00:07:06,508 - [snoring] 242 00:07:08,427 --> 00:07:10,637 Briar? 243 00:07:10,638 --> 00:07:12,428 [snoring] 244 00:07:12,432 --> 00:07:16,352 - [ticking] Get up! 245 00:07:12,432 --> 00:07:16,352 - [gasps] 246 00:07:16,353 --> 00:07:19,403 Oh, no! 247 00:07:16,353 --> 00:07:19,403 How long have I been asleep? 248 00:07:19,398 --> 00:07:21,898 Well, 249 00:07:19,398 --> 00:07:21,898 you missed float building. 250 00:07:21,900 --> 00:07:24,610 But that's one 251 00:07:21,900 --> 00:07:24,610 of the best parties of the year. 252 00:07:24,611 --> 00:07:26,361 It's okay. 253 00:07:24,611 --> 00:07:26,361 It's not like-- 254 00:07:26,363 --> 00:07:28,493 No, it's not okay! 255 00:07:28,489 --> 00:07:30,119 Is this what 256 00:07:28,489 --> 00:07:30,119 it's going to be like 257 00:07:30,117 --> 00:07:31,657 when I sleep for 100 years? 258 00:07:31,659 --> 00:07:33,659 I'm going to miss out 259 00:07:31,659 --> 00:07:33,659 on all the fun and-- 260 00:07:33,661 --> 00:07:35,621 and my friends. 261 00:07:35,622 --> 00:07:38,002 You always knew 262 00:07:35,622 --> 00:07:38,002 this was going to happen-- 263 00:07:37,999 --> 00:07:40,999 that you were going to be 264 00:07:37,999 --> 00:07:40,999 the next Sleeping Beauty. 265 00:07:41,002 --> 00:07:44,172 I know, but now... 266 00:07:44,172 --> 00:07:46,882 it just feels real. 267 00:07:46,883 --> 00:07:50,473 Well, you haven't signed 268 00:07:46,883 --> 00:07:50,473 the Storybook of Legends yet. 269 00:07:50,470 --> 00:07:52,100 [gasps] 270 00:07:50,470 --> 00:07:52,100 Ashlynn! 271 00:07:52,097 --> 00:07:54,767 Look, Briar, you wouldn't 272 00:07:52,097 --> 00:07:54,767 be the first person 273 00:07:54,766 --> 00:07:56,596 to question your destiny. 274 00:07:56,601 --> 00:08:00,401 I mean, I already signed 275 00:07:56,601 --> 00:08:00,401 and I kind of wish I hadn't. 276 00:08:00,397 --> 00:08:03,317 Who knows what's going to happen 277 00:08:00,397 --> 00:08:03,317 to Hunter and me? 278 00:08:03,317 --> 00:08:06,027 So you're saying 279 00:08:03,317 --> 00:08:06,027 I shouldn't sign? 280 00:08:06,027 --> 00:08:08,027 I should rebel? 281 00:08:08,029 --> 00:08:10,779 I'm saying 282 00:08:08,029 --> 00:08:10,779 that you have choices. 283 00:08:16,830 --> 00:08:18,960 [birds warbling] 284 00:08:18,957 --> 00:08:22,207 Did I make 285 00:08:18,957 --> 00:08:22,207 the wrong choice? 286 00:08:23,544 --> 00:08:25,174 [apple whistling, thudding] 287 00:08:25,172 --> 00:08:27,342 [man] 288 00:08:25,172 --> 00:08:27,342 Hey, who threw that?! 289 00:08:30,218 --> 00:08:32,548 [chicken clucking] 290 00:08:34,097 --> 00:08:35,927 Very good. 291 00:08:35,932 --> 00:08:37,932 [laughing] 292 00:08:35,932 --> 00:08:37,932 That's far enough. 293 00:08:37,934 --> 00:08:39,564 [clucking] 294 00:08:39,560 --> 00:08:42,400 Now you're about to discover 295 00:08:42,397 --> 00:08:45,687 a most unique building 296 00:08:42,397 --> 00:08:45,687 here at school. 297 00:08:45,692 --> 00:08:49,282 It's called Heritage Hall! 298 00:08:49,279 --> 00:08:50,609 [crows cawing] 299 00:08:50,613 --> 00:08:52,783 Madame Yaga? 300 00:08:50,613 --> 00:08:52,783 Where is it? 301 00:08:52,782 --> 00:08:55,792 Well, you see... 302 00:08:55,785 --> 00:09:00,535 Heritage Hall 303 00:08:55,785 --> 00:09:00,535 is a magical structure! 304 00:09:00,540 --> 00:09:04,340 It only appears 305 00:09:00,540 --> 00:09:04,340 during Thronecoming. 306 00:09:06,838 --> 00:09:08,008 [gasps] 307 00:09:10,800 --> 00:09:12,300 Wow. 308 00:09:16,806 --> 00:09:18,476 [students] 309 00:09:16,806 --> 00:09:18,476 Wow! Whoa! 310 00:09:18,475 --> 00:09:19,885 Whoa! 311 00:09:19,893 --> 00:09:22,693 [Baba Yaga] 312 00:09:19,893 --> 00:09:22,693 Heritage Hall is dedicated 313 00:09:22,687 --> 00:09:25,687 to those who came 314 00:09:22,687 --> 00:09:25,687 before you-- 315 00:09:25,690 --> 00:09:27,980 your parents, 316 00:09:27,984 --> 00:09:31,284 the alumni 317 00:09:27,984 --> 00:09:31,284 of Ever After High. 318 00:09:31,279 --> 00:09:34,449 Now if everyone 319 00:09:31,279 --> 00:09:34,449 will gather around 320 00:09:34,449 --> 00:09:36,199 the Storybook of Legends, 321 00:09:36,201 --> 00:09:40,501 I'd like to 322 00:09:36,201 --> 00:09:40,501 tell you about 323 00:09:36,201 --> 00:09:40,501 your Thronecoming treasures. 324 00:09:40,497 --> 00:09:44,077 When your parents 325 00:09:40,497 --> 00:09:44,077 were students, 326 00:09:44,084 --> 00:09:47,504 they were given the chance 327 00:09:44,084 --> 00:09:47,504 to leave gifts 328 00:09:47,504 --> 00:09:50,724 for any of their children 329 00:09:47,504 --> 00:09:50,724 who might attend this school. 330 00:09:50,715 --> 00:09:53,755 [coughing] 331 00:09:50,715 --> 00:09:53,755 Yes, well, let's get to it. 332 00:09:53,760 --> 00:09:55,600 - [students] Yay! 333 00:09:53,760 --> 00:09:55,600 - [giggling] 334 00:09:56,971 --> 00:09:59,681 Oh, running shoes! 335 00:09:59,682 --> 00:10:02,232 Those bears 336 00:09:59,682 --> 00:10:02,232 will never catch me now. 337 00:10:02,227 --> 00:10:03,477 Thanks, Mom. 338 00:10:05,230 --> 00:10:09,150 Sweet! A picnic basket 339 00:10:05,230 --> 00:10:09,150 with an electronic mirror lock. 340 00:10:09,150 --> 00:10:10,650 [whirring] 341 00:10:12,237 --> 00:10:15,027 Hairbrushes? 342 00:10:12,237 --> 00:10:15,027 We already have, like, 343 00:10:12,237 --> 00:10:15,027 a million of-- 344 00:10:15,031 --> 00:10:18,161 - [brushes twittering] 345 00:10:15,031 --> 00:10:18,161 - Wicked! 346 00:10:19,494 --> 00:10:22,794 Oh, a super-soft 347 00:10:19,494 --> 00:10:22,794 neck-supporting pillow. 348 00:10:22,789 --> 00:10:24,499 Great. 349 00:10:25,875 --> 00:10:27,285 Glasses? 350 00:10:27,294 --> 00:10:29,504 I don't get it. 351 00:10:27,294 --> 00:10:29,504 Why would my dad-- 352 00:10:29,504 --> 00:10:31,214 wait a splinter! 353 00:10:31,214 --> 00:10:34,054 Oh, I can't tell a lie, 354 00:10:31,214 --> 00:10:34,054 and neither can these glasses. 355 00:10:34,050 --> 00:10:35,840 They're revealer rays! 356 00:10:35,843 --> 00:10:37,433 Whatever After. 357 00:10:37,429 --> 00:10:39,759 They probably don't even work. 358 00:10:39,764 --> 00:10:42,524 Well, they're telling me 359 00:10:39,764 --> 00:10:42,524 the truth about your dress... 360 00:10:42,517 --> 00:10:45,767 - [buzzing] 361 00:10:42,517 --> 00:10:45,767 - ...which is not 362 00:10:42,517 --> 00:10:45,767 a real Hans Christian Dior 363 00:10:45,770 --> 00:10:47,900 - like you've been 364 00:10:45,770 --> 00:10:47,900 telling everyone it is. 365 00:10:45,770 --> 00:10:47,900 - I-- 366 00:10:47,897 --> 00:10:50,777 I-- [honking] 367 00:10:50,775 --> 00:10:52,735 What did you get, Raven? 368 00:10:52,735 --> 00:10:55,855 It's a coin. 369 00:10:52,735 --> 00:10:55,855 The wishing well? 370 00:10:58,450 --> 00:11:01,660 What am I supposed 371 00:10:58,450 --> 00:11:01,660 to wish for? 372 00:11:03,413 --> 00:11:06,333 Wait. I know. 373 00:11:06,333 --> 00:11:09,463 I wish to know 374 00:11:06,333 --> 00:11:09,463 what happens to my friends 375 00:11:09,461 --> 00:11:12,171 if I don't sign 376 00:11:09,461 --> 00:11:12,171 the Storybook of Legends. 377 00:11:16,759 --> 00:11:19,759 [high-pitched giggling] 378 00:11:36,196 --> 00:11:39,026 - [dragons cawing] 379 00:11:36,196 --> 00:11:39,026 - The stepsisters! 380 00:11:39,032 --> 00:11:41,412 - Run! 381 00:11:39,032 --> 00:11:41,412 - [evil cackling] 382 00:11:41,409 --> 00:11:43,579 - [all screaming] 383 00:11:41,409 --> 00:11:43,579 - [gasps] 384 00:11:43,578 --> 00:11:46,118 [cackling] 385 00:11:49,083 --> 00:11:51,043 [cackling] 386 00:11:51,044 --> 00:11:53,054 No! 387 00:11:53,046 --> 00:11:55,086 [crying] 388 00:11:55,089 --> 00:11:58,219 [boy laughing] 389 00:11:59,969 --> 00:12:02,469 [laughing] 390 00:12:04,057 --> 00:12:06,637 Giles, check it out. 391 00:12:06,643 --> 00:12:08,983 The ogre's cave. 392 00:12:08,978 --> 00:12:11,308 Whoa. We'd better 393 00:12:08,978 --> 00:12:11,308 get out of here. 394 00:12:11,314 --> 00:12:13,324 [laughs] 395 00:12:11,314 --> 00:12:13,324 Are you scared? 396 00:12:13,316 --> 00:12:14,726 Uh, yeah. 397 00:12:14,733 --> 00:12:17,403 Don't you remember the story 398 00:12:14,733 --> 00:12:17,403 Father told us? 399 00:12:17,404 --> 00:12:20,914 No one has ever 400 00:12:17,404 --> 00:12:20,914 gone into that cave 401 00:12:17,404 --> 00:12:20,914 and come out alive. 402 00:12:20,907 --> 00:12:22,447 Oh, please! 403 00:12:22,450 --> 00:12:24,160 That's just a story. 404 00:12:24,160 --> 00:12:26,080 They don't all come true, 405 00:12:24,160 --> 00:12:26,080 you know. 406 00:12:26,079 --> 00:12:28,079 Milton, no! 407 00:12:35,963 --> 00:12:37,763 [whistle tweets] 408 00:12:37,756 --> 00:12:40,176 Okay, Tiny, 409 00:12:37,756 --> 00:12:40,176 so what's the secret 410 00:12:40,176 --> 00:12:42,256 to beating the giants 411 00:12:40,176 --> 00:12:42,256 from Beanstalk High? 412 00:12:42,262 --> 00:12:44,432 All giants have a weakness. 413 00:12:44,431 --> 00:12:47,981 Our little toes 414 00:12:44,431 --> 00:12:47,981 are really ticklish. 415 00:12:47,975 --> 00:12:50,095 So, like, this is enough 416 00:12:47,975 --> 00:12:50,095 right here? 417 00:12:50,103 --> 00:12:53,233 Ooh ooh! 418 00:12:50,103 --> 00:12:53,233 [laughing] 419 00:12:53,231 --> 00:12:55,771 - Uh-oh! 420 00:12:53,231 --> 00:12:55,771 - [Tiny thuds] 421 00:12:55,774 --> 00:12:58,114 [Raven] 422 00:12:55,774 --> 00:12:58,114 Guys? Hey, guys? 423 00:12:58,111 --> 00:13:00,201 Have you seen Apple? 424 00:13:00,196 --> 00:13:03,776 Nope. But, hey, 425 00:13:00,196 --> 00:13:03,776 wouldn't you rather hang out 426 00:13:03,782 --> 00:13:06,122 with the coolest dudes 427 00:13:03,782 --> 00:13:06,122 at Ever After? 428 00:13:06,119 --> 00:13:07,449 [growling] 429 00:13:07,454 --> 00:13:09,004 [ribbits] 430 00:13:08,996 --> 00:13:11,996 [British accent] 431 00:13:08,996 --> 00:13:11,996 Good luck on your adventure, 432 00:13:11,999 --> 00:13:14,039 fair maiden. 433 00:13:14,043 --> 00:13:18,173 Lizzie, do you have 434 00:13:14,043 --> 00:13:18,173 any fairy fives? 435 00:13:18,172 --> 00:13:20,842 No! Off with your-- 436 00:13:18,172 --> 00:13:20,842 wait a spell. 437 00:13:20,841 --> 00:13:23,341 Are those your revealer rays? 438 00:13:23,344 --> 00:13:25,314 I wish I could 439 00:13:23,344 --> 00:13:25,314 just tell a lie. 440 00:13:25,305 --> 00:13:27,215 Hey, have you seen Apple?! 441 00:13:27,223 --> 00:13:28,393 - No. 442 00:13:27,223 --> 00:13:28,393 - Not me. 443 00:13:28,391 --> 00:13:29,851 Where is she?! 444 00:13:32,228 --> 00:13:35,568 I'm just saying, 445 00:13:32,228 --> 00:13:35,568 we have vegetarian days 446 00:13:32,228 --> 00:13:35,568 in the castleteria. 447 00:13:35,565 --> 00:13:36,935 Why not meat days? 448 00:13:36,941 --> 00:13:39,861 Apple! 449 00:13:36,941 --> 00:13:39,861 There you are. Finally! 450 00:13:39,860 --> 00:13:42,110 Raven, you'll have to 451 00:13:39,860 --> 00:13:42,110 wait your turn. I'm-- 452 00:13:42,113 --> 00:13:44,163 I want to sign 453 00:13:42,113 --> 00:13:44,163 the Storybook of Legends. 454 00:13:44,157 --> 00:13:45,737 [all gasping] 455 00:13:45,742 --> 00:13:48,162 - Whoa! 456 00:13:45,742 --> 00:13:48,162 - [all gasping] 457 00:13:48,161 --> 00:13:51,711 - No way. 458 00:13:48,161 --> 00:13:51,711 - [dragon] No way! 459 00:13:53,500 --> 00:13:55,750 Um, meeting adjourned. 460 00:13:57,796 --> 00:14:00,586 [Apple] 461 00:13:57,796 --> 00:14:00,586 Headmaster Grimm? 462 00:14:00,590 --> 00:14:02,800 You're never going 463 00:14:00,590 --> 00:14:02,800 to believe it. 464 00:14:02,801 --> 00:14:05,681 The best thing ever after 465 00:14:02,801 --> 00:14:05,681 has happened! 466 00:14:05,679 --> 00:14:08,259 Really? 467 00:14:05,679 --> 00:14:08,259 And what is that? 468 00:14:08,264 --> 00:14:10,894 I want to sign 469 00:14:08,264 --> 00:14:10,894 the Storybook of Legends. 470 00:14:10,891 --> 00:14:12,311 Isn't that spelltastic? 471 00:14:12,310 --> 00:14:14,270 It certainly is. 472 00:14:14,270 --> 00:14:17,650 Whatever changed your mind? 473 00:14:17,649 --> 00:14:20,189 Apple was right. 474 00:14:17,649 --> 00:14:20,189 I was being selfish. 475 00:14:20,193 --> 00:14:23,453 - I don't want anything 476 00:14:20,193 --> 00:14:23,453 to happen to our friends. 477 00:14:20,193 --> 00:14:23,453 - [chuckles] 478 00:14:23,446 --> 00:14:26,526 Well! I'm glad you finally 479 00:14:23,446 --> 00:14:26,526 see the story 480 00:14:26,533 --> 00:14:28,203 from our point of view. 481 00:14:28,201 --> 00:14:30,701 I shall make the arrangements! 482 00:14:30,704 --> 00:14:33,714 The Thronecoming parade 483 00:14:30,704 --> 00:14:33,714 will be seen by millions 484 00:14:33,707 --> 00:14:35,417 in the magical world. 485 00:14:35,416 --> 00:14:38,956 It'll be the perfect time 486 00:14:35,416 --> 00:14:38,956 for you to sign your destiny. 487 00:14:38,961 --> 00:14:41,631 Uh, millions? 488 00:14:41,631 --> 00:14:44,511 Can you believe it, 489 00:14:41,631 --> 00:14:44,511 fairytale fanatics? 490 00:14:44,509 --> 00:14:49,009 Raven Queen is going to sign 491 00:14:44,509 --> 00:14:49,009 the Storybook of Legends. 492 00:14:49,013 --> 00:14:52,813 Why, this is the most 493 00:14:49,013 --> 00:14:52,813 epic thing to happen since-- 494 00:14:52,809 --> 00:14:55,979 since she didn't 495 00:14:52,809 --> 00:14:55,979 sign the Storybook. 496 00:14:55,978 --> 00:14:58,308 First up, Huntlynn-- 497 00:14:58,314 --> 00:15:01,614 that's my cute name 498 00:14:58,314 --> 00:15:01,614 for Hunter and Ashlynn. 499 00:14:58,314 --> 00:15:01,614 [giggles] 500 00:15:01,609 --> 00:15:04,739 It's just when Raven decided 501 00:15:01,609 --> 00:15:04,739 not to sign, 502 00:15:04,738 --> 00:15:06,908 we thought 503 00:15:04,738 --> 00:15:06,908 there was hope for us. 504 00:15:06,906 --> 00:15:10,026 Yeah. Wait! 505 00:15:06,906 --> 00:15:10,026 Raven's gonna sign? 506 00:15:10,034 --> 00:15:13,084 Honey, you really need 507 00:15:10,034 --> 00:15:13,084 to read the MirrorBlogs. 508 00:15:13,079 --> 00:15:15,079 - [static] 509 00:15:13,079 --> 00:15:15,079 - Well, Raven convinced me. 510 00:15:15,081 --> 00:15:17,461 She doesn't want anything 511 00:15:15,081 --> 00:15:17,461 to happen 512 00:15:17,458 --> 00:15:19,338 to her best friends 513 00:15:17,458 --> 00:15:19,338 ever after. 514 00:15:19,335 --> 00:15:21,335 And what's the hatter 515 00:15:19,335 --> 00:15:21,335 with that? 516 00:15:21,337 --> 00:15:23,127 [squeaks] 517 00:15:23,130 --> 00:15:26,720 - [static] 518 00:15:23,130 --> 00:15:26,720 - Ah! This changes everything! 519 00:15:26,718 --> 00:15:29,598 - [static] 520 00:15:26,718 --> 00:15:29,598 - Uh, this doesn't change 521 00:15:26,718 --> 00:15:29,598 anything. 522 00:15:29,596 --> 00:15:31,056 Oh! 523 00:15:31,055 --> 00:15:33,305 - [static] 524 00:15:31,055 --> 00:15:33,305 - Well, all I have to say 525 00:15:33,307 --> 00:15:36,557 is only two more days 526 00:15:33,307 --> 00:15:36,557 to vote for Thronecoming Queen 527 00:15:33,307 --> 00:15:36,557 and King! 528 00:15:36,561 --> 00:15:38,481 So get online and vote! 529 00:15:38,479 --> 00:15:40,609 - [static] 530 00:15:38,479 --> 00:15:40,609 - Me? Well, 531 00:15:40,607 --> 00:15:43,187 Raven signing 532 00:15:40,607 --> 00:15:43,187 the Storybook of Legends 533 00:15:43,192 --> 00:15:45,452 means we'll each 534 00:15:43,192 --> 00:15:45,452 play our part. 535 00:15:45,445 --> 00:15:49,405 [chuckles] 536 00:15:45,445 --> 00:15:49,405 And I'll sleep 537 00:15:45,445 --> 00:15:49,405 for 100 years. 538 00:15:49,407 --> 00:15:50,317 [TV dying] 539 00:15:57,998 --> 00:16:01,208 [female narrator] 540 00:15:57,998 --> 00:16:01,208 And so as Thronecoming 541 00:15:57,998 --> 00:16:01,208 approached, 542 00:16:01,210 --> 00:16:04,000 the girls were getting 543 00:16:01,210 --> 00:16:04,000 their dresses fairest 544 00:16:04,004 --> 00:16:05,724 at the fitting forum. 545 00:16:05,715 --> 00:16:07,795 Can you believe it? 546 00:16:05,715 --> 00:16:07,795 Raven is going to sign! 547 00:16:07,801 --> 00:16:09,391 Ha. 548 00:16:09,385 --> 00:16:12,505 It's like my birthday 549 00:16:09,385 --> 00:16:12,505 and New Chapter Day 550 00:16:12,513 --> 00:16:14,893 and True Hearts Day 551 00:16:12,513 --> 00:16:14,893 all wrapped into one-- 552 00:16:14,891 --> 00:16:17,891 ow! Ooh, a little tight, 553 00:16:14,891 --> 00:16:17,891 don't you think? 554 00:16:17,894 --> 00:16:20,734 Anyway, all wrapped 555 00:16:17,894 --> 00:16:20,734 into one beautiful present. 556 00:16:20,730 --> 00:16:22,610 Argh! 557 00:16:20,730 --> 00:16:22,610 We get it! 558 00:16:22,607 --> 00:16:24,067 - [all gasping] 559 00:16:22,607 --> 00:16:24,067 - Whoa. 560 00:16:24,066 --> 00:16:25,936 What's ruffled your feathers? 561 00:16:25,944 --> 00:16:30,114 It's just-- 562 00:16:25,944 --> 00:16:30,114 it's not as easy 563 00:16:25,944 --> 00:16:30,114 as you make it sound, Apple. 564 00:16:30,114 --> 00:16:32,704 - What's not? 565 00:16:30,114 --> 00:16:32,704 - Following our destinies. 566 00:16:32,700 --> 00:16:36,620 I mean, you really think 567 00:16:32,700 --> 00:16:36,620 I want to sleep for 100 years? 568 00:16:36,621 --> 00:16:39,461 Well, you are going to miss out 569 00:16:36,621 --> 00:16:39,461 on all the great parties. 570 00:16:39,457 --> 00:16:41,037 Is that how you guys see me? 571 00:16:41,041 --> 00:16:43,211 Just a party girl? 572 00:16:43,210 --> 00:16:47,510 I don't want to sleep 573 00:16:43,210 --> 00:16:47,510 because I'm going to lose 574 00:16:43,210 --> 00:16:47,510 all my friends. 575 00:16:47,507 --> 00:16:50,717 I'm gonna be alone. 576 00:16:47,507 --> 00:16:50,717 How do you think that feels? 577 00:16:50,718 --> 00:16:52,348 I never thought about that. 578 00:16:52,345 --> 00:16:54,005 Well, I have. 579 00:16:54,013 --> 00:16:55,933 And now 580 00:16:54,013 --> 00:16:55,933 that you're gonna sign, 581 00:16:55,932 --> 00:16:58,022 well, it changes everything. 582 00:16:58,017 --> 00:17:02,057 But, Briar, 583 00:16:58,017 --> 00:17:02,057 we all have our part to play. 584 00:17:02,062 --> 00:17:04,152 Easy for you to say, Apple. 585 00:17:04,148 --> 00:17:06,108 You get poisoned for, 586 00:17:04,148 --> 00:17:06,108 what, like a week? 587 00:17:06,108 --> 00:17:07,898 [girls] Oooh! 588 00:17:07,902 --> 00:17:10,152 Briar, I'm sorry 589 00:17:07,902 --> 00:17:10,152 you're upset, but-- 590 00:17:10,154 --> 00:17:11,824 I'm happy for you, Apple. 591 00:17:11,823 --> 00:17:14,623 I'm happy that Raven 592 00:17:11,823 --> 00:17:14,623 is going to sign, 593 00:17:14,617 --> 00:17:17,907 but now I don't think 594 00:17:14,617 --> 00:17:17,907 I want to. 595 00:17:24,377 --> 00:17:27,337 [water dripping] 596 00:17:30,216 --> 00:17:32,636 Whoa. 597 00:17:32,635 --> 00:17:34,345 Milton? 598 00:17:34,345 --> 00:17:37,765 Milton, what if the ogre 599 00:17:34,345 --> 00:17:37,765 catches us? 600 00:17:37,765 --> 00:17:39,885 It's just a story! 601 00:17:39,893 --> 00:17:41,813 - There's no such thing-- 602 00:17:39,893 --> 00:17:41,813 - [wind whistling] 603 00:17:41,811 --> 00:17:43,311 [ogre growling] 604 00:17:44,647 --> 00:17:48,437 [panting] 605 00:17:48,442 --> 00:17:50,652 Ha! 606 00:17:51,738 --> 00:17:54,368 Giles? 607 00:17:54,365 --> 00:17:56,905 [ogre growling] 608 00:17:56,910 --> 00:17:59,200 Giles! 609 00:18:01,581 --> 00:18:03,751 [fireworks exploding] 610 00:18:05,376 --> 00:18:08,246 [all cheering] 611 00:18:08,254 --> 00:18:09,964 Ahh! 612 00:18:09,964 --> 00:18:14,974 Lance Charming here 613 00:18:09,964 --> 00:18:14,974 with Ever Action News! 614 00:18:14,969 --> 00:18:17,639 The first floats 615 00:18:14,969 --> 00:18:17,639 are coming down the street, 616 00:18:17,638 --> 00:18:20,768 and don't they look 617 00:18:17,638 --> 00:18:20,768 spellbinding? 618 00:18:20,767 --> 00:18:22,517 [all cheering] 619 00:18:22,518 --> 00:18:24,098 Now don't forget, folks, 620 00:18:24,103 --> 00:18:26,483 Headmaster Milton Grimm 621 00:18:24,103 --> 00:18:26,483 has promised 622 00:18:26,480 --> 00:18:29,570 a very special surprise 623 00:18:26,480 --> 00:18:29,570 at the end of the parade route. 624 00:18:29,567 --> 00:18:33,567 Remember to tune in later today 625 00:18:29,567 --> 00:18:33,567 and find out what it is. 626 00:18:33,571 --> 00:18:36,991 Reporting at the scene 627 00:18:33,571 --> 00:18:36,991 in Bookend, I'm Lance Charming. 628 00:18:36,991 --> 00:18:38,831 - [camera shuts off] 629 00:18:36,991 --> 00:18:38,831 - That's a wrap. 630 00:18:40,536 --> 00:18:43,576 And so 631 00:18:40,536 --> 00:18:43,576 as many of you remember, 632 00:18:43,581 --> 00:18:48,251 there was a minor, ahem, 633 00:18:43,581 --> 00:18:48,251 chapter break at Legacy Day. 634 00:18:48,252 --> 00:18:50,342 But I'm happy to report 635 00:18:50,337 --> 00:18:53,257 that has now been resolved. 636 00:18:53,257 --> 00:18:57,677 Raven Queen is going to sign 637 00:18:53,257 --> 00:18:57,677 the Storybook of Legends! 638 00:18:57,678 --> 00:19:00,508 - [all cheering] 639 00:18:57,678 --> 00:19:00,508 - Oh. 640 00:19:03,768 --> 00:19:06,518 - [buzzing] 641 00:19:03,768 --> 00:19:06,518 - [Cedar] That can't be! 642 00:19:06,520 --> 00:19:09,230 Somebody is not 643 00:19:06,520 --> 00:19:09,230 telling the truth! 644 00:19:09,231 --> 00:19:12,031 My name is Raven Queen. 645 00:19:12,026 --> 00:19:14,066 Raven! Raven! 646 00:19:15,989 --> 00:19:18,119 - And I-- 647 00:19:15,989 --> 00:19:18,119 - Raven! 648 00:19:18,116 --> 00:19:20,826 - Raven! 649 00:19:18,116 --> 00:19:20,826 - Miss Wood, split! 650 00:19:20,827 --> 00:19:22,947 Raven! 651 00:19:22,954 --> 00:19:25,834 That's not the real 652 00:19:22,954 --> 00:19:25,834 Storybook of Legends! 653 00:19:25,832 --> 00:19:27,882 - That's a fake! 654 00:19:25,832 --> 00:19:27,882 - [gasping] 655 00:19:27,875 --> 00:19:29,085 [gasping] 656 00:19:29,085 --> 00:19:31,665 [all chattering] 657 00:19:31,671 --> 00:19:33,461 Uh, calm down. 658 00:19:33,464 --> 00:19:37,384 Thronecoming pranks are 659 00:19:33,464 --> 00:19:37,384 a traditional occurrence. 660 00:19:37,384 --> 00:19:38,684 This isn't a prank! 661 00:19:38,678 --> 00:19:41,138 My revealer rays 662 00:19:38,678 --> 00:19:41,138 only tell the truth. 663 00:19:41,139 --> 00:19:44,349 And that is not the real 664 00:19:41,139 --> 00:19:44,349 Storybook of Legends! 665 00:19:44,350 --> 00:19:45,850 [all gasping] 666 00:19:45,852 --> 00:19:48,192 [chuckles] 667 00:19:45,852 --> 00:19:48,192 Calm down. 668 00:19:48,187 --> 00:19:50,017 This has gone far enough. 669 00:19:50,023 --> 00:19:53,283 Miss Queen, it is time 670 00:19:50,023 --> 00:19:53,283 for you to sign the book 671 00:19:53,275 --> 00:19:54,775 and seal your destiny. 672 00:19:54,777 --> 00:19:57,987 I'm sorry, but if Cedar says 673 00:19:54,777 --> 00:19:57,987 the book is fake, 674 00:19:57,989 --> 00:20:00,409 - then it is. 675 00:19:57,989 --> 00:20:00,409 - Raven, no! 676 00:20:00,407 --> 00:20:03,867 I guess I should have known 677 00:20:00,407 --> 00:20:03,867 better than to trust you, 678 00:20:00,407 --> 00:20:03,867 Raven Queen. 679 00:20:03,870 --> 00:20:07,170 You probably did all this 680 00:20:03,870 --> 00:20:07,170 just to make me look foolish! 681 00:20:07,165 --> 00:20:09,075 No, I want to sign! 682 00:20:09,083 --> 00:20:11,463 I really do, but-- 683 00:20:11,460 --> 00:20:14,250 This isn't the end. 684 00:20:18,092 --> 00:20:20,432 [thunder rumbling] 685 00:20:23,097 --> 00:20:25,057 They know. 686 00:20:25,058 --> 00:20:27,478 They know you switched them! 687 00:20:27,476 --> 00:20:29,346 I ask you again, 688 00:20:29,353 --> 00:20:32,733 where did you hide 689 00:20:29,353 --> 00:20:32,733 the real Storybook of Legends?! 690 00:20:32,732 --> 00:20:35,032 [Mirror laughing] 691 00:20:37,486 --> 00:20:41,616 Okay, Thronecoming? Totally off 692 00:20:37,486 --> 00:20:41,616 on the wrong slipper. 693 00:20:41,615 --> 00:20:43,405 Well, since the book is a fake, 694 00:20:43,409 --> 00:20:46,119 at least Raven can't sign 695 00:20:46,120 --> 00:20:48,580 and I don't have to decide 696 00:20:46,120 --> 00:20:48,580 what I'm going to do. 697 00:20:52,210 --> 00:20:54,090 Unless... 698 00:20:54,087 --> 00:20:57,337 Unless what? 699 00:20:57,339 --> 00:21:02,049 Unless Raven decides 700 00:20:57,339 --> 00:21:02,049 to go looking for the real 701 00:20:57,339 --> 00:21:02,049 Storybook of Legends. 702 00:21:02,053 --> 00:21:05,683 She wouldn't do that. 703 00:21:02,053 --> 00:21:05,683 Would she? 704 00:21:05,681 --> 00:21:07,311 [knocking] 705 00:21:07,307 --> 00:21:10,267 Maddie! You have to help us 706 00:21:07,307 --> 00:21:10,267 find the real book. 707 00:21:10,269 --> 00:21:12,559 [snoring] 708 00:21:14,356 --> 00:21:16,436 Meow. 709 00:21:16,442 --> 00:21:19,112 Hey, um, maybe 710 00:21:16,442 --> 00:21:19,112 we should talk outside 711 00:21:16,442 --> 00:21:19,112 so Kitty doesn't hear. 712 00:21:19,112 --> 00:21:21,952 Don't worry. 713 00:21:19,112 --> 00:21:21,952 When she's taking a cat nap, 714 00:21:21,948 --> 00:21:24,618 - nothing wakes her up. 715 00:21:21,948 --> 00:21:24,618 - So you'll help? 716 00:21:24,617 --> 00:21:28,447 Of course! 717 00:21:24,617 --> 00:21:28,447 Raven's totally got me seeing 718 00:21:24,617 --> 00:21:28,447 the Royal side of things, 719 00:21:28,454 --> 00:21:30,374 and I can't say no 720 00:21:28,454 --> 00:21:30,374 to her. 721 00:21:30,372 --> 00:21:33,382 Or a good cup of tea! 722 00:21:30,372 --> 00:21:33,382 [slurping] 723 00:21:33,375 --> 00:21:36,745 If there's one person 724 00:21:33,375 --> 00:21:36,745 who knows everything 725 00:21:33,375 --> 00:21:36,745 that goes on at this school, 726 00:21:36,754 --> 00:21:39,094 it's the person 727 00:21:36,754 --> 00:21:39,094 that lives under the school. 728 00:21:39,090 --> 00:21:40,420 [chuckles] 729 00:21:53,520 --> 00:21:55,480 [chuckling] 730 00:22:01,528 --> 00:22:05,028 So who exactly 731 00:22:01,528 --> 00:22:05,028 are we looking for? 732 00:22:05,032 --> 00:22:06,532 [blows] 733 00:22:07,827 --> 00:22:09,867 From the nest to the sea 734 00:22:09,870 --> 00:22:12,080 comes the bird made of three 735 00:22:12,081 --> 00:22:14,631 to seek truth, 736 00:22:12,081 --> 00:22:14,631 beauty and me. 737 00:22:14,625 --> 00:22:17,705 It's hat-tastic 738 00:22:14,625 --> 00:22:17,705 to see you too, Giles! 739 00:22:17,711 --> 00:22:19,961 [gasps] 740 00:22:17,711 --> 00:22:19,961 Giles Grimm? 741 00:22:19,964 --> 00:22:21,474 The one and only. 742 00:22:21,465 --> 00:22:23,835 I-- I knew the headmaster 743 00:22:21,465 --> 00:22:23,835 had a brother, but-- 744 00:22:23,843 --> 00:22:26,973 Feathers and friends, 745 00:22:23,843 --> 00:22:26,973 together, alone. 746 00:22:26,971 --> 00:22:28,141 He says hi. 747 00:22:33,644 --> 00:22:36,614 What's he doing down here? 748 00:22:36,605 --> 00:22:38,895 Well, he only speaks Riddlish, 749 00:22:38,899 --> 00:22:41,029 so we don't really know. 750 00:22:41,027 --> 00:22:44,237 But if the real Storybook 751 00:22:41,027 --> 00:22:44,237 of Legends is near, 752 00:22:44,238 --> 00:22:46,818 he can absotively point us 753 00:22:44,238 --> 00:22:46,818 in the right direction. 754 00:22:46,824 --> 00:22:49,584 Pages and chapters 755 00:22:46,824 --> 00:22:49,584 and bookmarks abound, 756 00:22:49,576 --> 00:22:52,536 but where can freedom 757 00:22:49,576 --> 00:22:52,536 truly be found? 758 00:22:52,538 --> 00:22:54,168 He's talking about the book. 759 00:22:54,165 --> 00:22:57,075 I'd better write this down. 760 00:22:54,165 --> 00:22:57,075 Hold, please. 761 00:22:57,084 --> 00:23:00,174 - [utensils rattling] 762 00:22:57,084 --> 00:23:00,174 - I know there's some parchment 763 00:22:57,084 --> 00:23:00,174 in here somewhere. 764 00:23:00,171 --> 00:23:03,341 - [crashes] 765 00:23:00,171 --> 00:23:03,341 - [buzzing] 766 00:23:05,425 --> 00:23:07,215 [panting] 767 00:23:07,220 --> 00:23:09,390 Father! Father! 768 00:23:09,387 --> 00:23:11,927 - Milton, what is it? 769 00:23:09,387 --> 00:23:11,927 - It's Giles! 770 00:23:11,932 --> 00:23:14,692 I dared him to go 771 00:23:11,932 --> 00:23:14,692 into the ogre's cave. 772 00:23:14,685 --> 00:23:16,685 But I told you the story. 773 00:23:16,687 --> 00:23:18,147 I'm sorry. 774 00:23:18,147 --> 00:23:20,357 I'm sorry. 775 00:23:22,902 --> 00:23:25,282 Found it! 776 00:23:25,279 --> 00:23:27,279 [whistle tweets] 777 00:23:27,281 --> 00:23:30,031 [male narrator] 778 00:23:27,281 --> 00:23:30,031 And so the big day 779 00:23:27,281 --> 00:23:30,031 finally arrived. 780 00:23:30,034 --> 00:23:33,004 The Thronecoming 781 00:23:30,034 --> 00:23:33,004 bookball championship! 782 00:23:32,995 --> 00:23:35,705 [female narrator] 783 00:23:32,995 --> 00:23:35,705 Big day? No. The big day is 784 00:23:35,706 --> 00:23:38,166 - the Thronecoming dance. 785 00:23:35,706 --> 00:23:38,166 - [male narrator] 786 00:23:35,706 --> 00:23:38,166 Uh, football game. 787 00:23:38,167 --> 00:23:40,037 [female narrator] 788 00:23:38,167 --> 00:23:40,037 Thronecoming dance. 789 00:23:40,044 --> 00:23:41,634 Cool it, you two-de-doo! 790 00:23:41,628 --> 00:23:43,258 The game is about to start. 791 00:23:43,256 --> 00:23:45,126 [male narrator] 792 00:23:43,256 --> 00:23:45,126 I forgot she could hear us. 793 00:23:45,132 --> 00:23:48,342 Okay, now these giants 794 00:23:45,132 --> 00:23:48,342 from Beanstalk High? 795 00:23:45,132 --> 00:23:48,342 They are tough. 796 00:23:48,344 --> 00:23:50,474 - However-- 797 00:23:48,344 --> 00:23:50,474 - Um, Coach Gingerbread Man? 798 00:23:50,470 --> 00:23:53,560 Sorry to interrupt, 799 00:23:50,470 --> 00:23:53,560 but it's all good. 800 00:23:53,557 --> 00:23:55,347 We've got a plan. 801 00:23:55,351 --> 00:23:57,731 Hex, yeah, we do! 802 00:23:55,351 --> 00:23:57,731 Tiny told us that all giants 803 00:23:57,728 --> 00:23:59,728 have a weak spot 804 00:23:57,728 --> 00:23:59,728 on their little toes. 805 00:23:59,730 --> 00:24:03,440 True, but that's why 806 00:23:59,730 --> 00:24:03,440 the other team is wearing 807 00:23:59,730 --> 00:24:03,440 toe protectors. 808 00:24:03,441 --> 00:24:06,531 [cracking] 809 00:24:11,200 --> 00:24:14,700 I'll stay on the bench! 810 00:24:14,703 --> 00:24:16,713 ♪ Yeah yeah yeah! ♪ 811 00:24:16,705 --> 00:24:20,125 Okay, now is the perfect time 812 00:24:16,705 --> 00:24:20,125 to go looking for the book. 813 00:24:20,126 --> 00:24:21,586 Wait a spell. 814 00:24:21,585 --> 00:24:23,665 Let's grab Cedar. 815 00:24:23,670 --> 00:24:26,720 Those truth-telling glasses 816 00:24:23,670 --> 00:24:26,720 will let us know 817 00:24:26,715 --> 00:24:28,505 if we find the real dealio. 818 00:24:28,508 --> 00:24:30,258 Huh? 819 00:24:31,929 --> 00:24:33,509 Where are they going? 820 00:24:33,513 --> 00:24:35,603 I don't know. 821 00:24:35,599 --> 00:24:36,729 [whistle tweets] 822 00:24:36,725 --> 00:24:38,435 [panting] 823 00:24:36,725 --> 00:24:38,435 Oh! 824 00:24:38,436 --> 00:24:40,596 [crowd jeering] 825 00:24:42,648 --> 00:24:44,518 [whistle tweets] 826 00:24:46,235 --> 00:24:49,065 Major fairy fail. 827 00:24:49,071 --> 00:24:51,071 [buzzer sounds] 828 00:24:51,073 --> 00:24:55,583 [giants chanting] 829 00:24:51,073 --> 00:24:55,583 Giants, giants, giants! 830 00:25:00,291 --> 00:25:02,671 [thunder rumbling] 831 00:25:02,668 --> 00:25:05,958 So you think 832 00:25:02,668 --> 00:25:05,958 the real Storybook of Legends 833 00:25:05,963 --> 00:25:09,223 - is hidden in here? 834 00:25:05,963 --> 00:25:09,223 - This is where the clue leads! 835 00:25:09,216 --> 00:25:12,636 "Where the stories 836 00:25:09,216 --> 00:25:12,636 of the past come alive, 837 00:25:12,636 --> 00:25:14,966 revive and thrive." 838 00:25:14,972 --> 00:25:17,432 - See anything, Cedar? 839 00:25:14,972 --> 00:25:17,432 - Hmm. 840 00:25:18,851 --> 00:25:22,601 No, just a-- 841 00:25:18,851 --> 00:25:22,601 wait a splinter. 842 00:25:22,604 --> 00:25:25,864 I think the Storybook 843 00:25:22,604 --> 00:25:25,864 of Legends 844 00:25:25,858 --> 00:25:29,698 is in the Storybook of Legends. 845 00:25:29,695 --> 00:25:31,155 [buzzer sounds] 846 00:25:31,155 --> 00:25:33,815 - [crowd jeering] 847 00:25:31,155 --> 00:25:33,815 - [grunting] 848 00:25:33,824 --> 00:25:35,744 [birds twittering] 849 00:25:37,077 --> 00:25:39,617 - Whoa! 850 00:25:37,077 --> 00:25:39,617 - [crowd jeering] 851 00:25:39,621 --> 00:25:41,121 Ugh! 852 00:25:41,123 --> 00:25:43,173 [buzzer sounds] 853 00:25:43,167 --> 00:25:45,287 Oh, come on! 854 00:25:45,294 --> 00:25:46,964 But they're so fast! 855 00:25:46,962 --> 00:25:49,632 [grunting] 856 00:25:51,008 --> 00:25:52,968 Why aren't you doing 857 00:25:51,008 --> 00:25:52,968 what I told you? 858 00:25:52,968 --> 00:25:55,468 - Go go go! 859 00:25:52,968 --> 00:25:55,468 - Wait a spell! 860 00:25:59,557 --> 00:26:04,437 I know a damsel 861 00:25:59,557 --> 00:26:04,437 who might just be able 862 00:25:59,557 --> 00:26:04,437 to rescue us. 863 00:26:04,438 --> 00:26:06,148 Cerise? 864 00:26:06,148 --> 00:26:09,688 Um, if you're 865 00:26:06,148 --> 00:26:09,688 not doing anything, you know, 866 00:26:09,693 --> 00:26:12,113 - maybe you could-- 867 00:26:09,693 --> 00:26:12,113 - [squeaks] 868 00:26:12,112 --> 00:26:14,162 I'll get my shoes. 869 00:26:15,324 --> 00:26:17,874 [all grunting] 870 00:26:17,868 --> 00:26:21,658 It just won't budge. 871 00:26:21,663 --> 00:26:22,793 So what do we do? 872 00:26:22,789 --> 00:26:24,999 How about I give it a try? 873 00:26:25,000 --> 00:26:27,420 - [Madeline] Blondie! 874 00:26:25,000 --> 00:26:27,420 - Were you spying on us? 875 00:26:27,420 --> 00:26:30,380 A good reporter always knows 876 00:26:27,420 --> 00:26:30,380 where the story is. 877 00:26:30,381 --> 00:26:33,301 And if it is a lock 878 00:26:30,381 --> 00:26:33,301 you need to get past, well... 879 00:26:33,300 --> 00:26:36,350 [chuckles] 880 00:26:33,300 --> 00:26:36,350 ...that is kind of my thing. 881 00:26:38,431 --> 00:26:41,231 [rustling, clanging] 882 00:26:42,435 --> 00:26:43,935 [gasps] 883 00:26:43,936 --> 00:26:45,846 Wicked. 884 00:26:45,854 --> 00:26:48,364 - I wonder 885 00:26:45,854 --> 00:26:48,364 if we're supposed to-- 886 00:26:45,854 --> 00:26:48,364 - [Briar] Raven! 887 00:26:48,357 --> 00:26:51,937 Okay, did everyone 888 00:26:48,357 --> 00:26:51,937 and their fairy godmother 889 00:26:48,357 --> 00:26:51,937 follow us here? 890 00:26:51,944 --> 00:26:55,494 Well, I didn't follow you, 891 00:26:51,944 --> 00:26:55,494 but I got bored at the game, 892 00:26:55,489 --> 00:26:57,489 so I thought I'd come 893 00:26:55,489 --> 00:26:57,489 check this place out. 894 00:26:57,491 --> 00:26:59,241 What are you all doing here? 895 00:26:59,243 --> 00:27:02,083 We're trying to find 896 00:26:59,243 --> 00:27:02,083 the real Storybook of Legends 897 00:27:02,079 --> 00:27:03,659 so Raven can sign. 898 00:27:03,663 --> 00:27:07,293 I'm sorry, 899 00:27:03,663 --> 00:27:07,293 but I can't let you do that. 900 00:27:07,293 --> 00:27:08,503 Briar? 901 00:27:08,502 --> 00:27:10,802 If you find the real book, 902 00:27:10,796 --> 00:27:12,966 that means I'm going 903 00:27:10,796 --> 00:27:12,966 to lose you all. 904 00:27:12,965 --> 00:27:15,875 Briar, maybe we can 905 00:27:12,965 --> 00:27:15,875 find another-- 906 00:27:15,884 --> 00:27:18,014 Raven, no! 907 00:27:18,011 --> 00:27:19,681 [all gasping] 908 00:27:19,679 --> 00:27:21,389 I'm sorry, Briar. 909 00:27:35,362 --> 00:27:38,412 [thunder rumbling] 910 00:27:38,407 --> 00:27:40,407 [all] Whoa! 911 00:27:46,706 --> 00:27:49,786 Whoa. 912 00:27:46,706 --> 00:27:49,786 What is this place? 913 00:27:49,793 --> 00:27:51,463 Look at all the writing. 914 00:27:51,462 --> 00:27:53,382 I think we're inside the book. 915 00:27:55,007 --> 00:27:57,637 Maddie, are there 916 00:27:55,007 --> 00:27:57,637 any more clues left? 917 00:27:57,635 --> 00:27:59,385 "A chapter for all 918 00:27:59,386 --> 00:28:01,176 to live and survive 919 00:28:01,180 --> 00:28:05,020 with a page of the answer 920 00:28:01,180 --> 00:28:05,020 and come out alive." 921 00:28:05,017 --> 00:28:07,597 The books! 922 00:28:05,017 --> 00:28:07,597 There are eight books. 923 00:28:07,603 --> 00:28:10,193 And there are eight of us. 924 00:28:10,189 --> 00:28:13,899 [gasps] 925 00:28:10,189 --> 00:28:13,899 It sounds like a page from 926 00:28:10,189 --> 00:28:13,899 the real Storybook of Legends 927 00:28:13,900 --> 00:28:16,280 is hidden 928 00:28:13,900 --> 00:28:16,280 in each of these books. 929 00:28:16,278 --> 00:28:19,488 But how do we know 930 00:28:16,278 --> 00:28:19,488 which story is ours? 931 00:28:19,490 --> 00:28:20,660 We don't. 932 00:28:20,658 --> 00:28:22,618 I guess there's no going back. 933 00:28:27,914 --> 00:28:30,634 - One... 934 00:28:27,914 --> 00:28:30,634 - Two... 935 00:28:30,626 --> 00:28:32,246 [all] 936 00:28:30,626 --> 00:28:32,246 Three! 937 00:28:40,511 --> 00:28:42,801 Three bowls 938 00:28:40,511 --> 00:28:42,801 of porridge? 939 00:28:42,804 --> 00:28:46,064 Well, I'm in Blondie's story. 940 00:28:46,058 --> 00:28:49,228 - [bear growling] 941 00:28:46,058 --> 00:28:49,228 - Uh-oh, bears! 942 00:28:53,357 --> 00:28:56,567 Oh, no, 943 00:28:53,357 --> 00:28:56,567 I'm in Apple's story! 944 00:28:56,569 --> 00:28:59,359 [thunder crackling] 945 00:28:59,363 --> 00:29:01,873 Eat, my dear. 946 00:29:01,865 --> 00:29:03,405 - Eat. 947 00:29:01,865 --> 00:29:03,405 - [gasps] 948 00:29:03,409 --> 00:29:05,199 [cackling] 949 00:29:05,202 --> 00:29:06,292 Ah! 950 00:29:06,286 --> 00:29:08,656 It's your destiny! 951 00:29:14,211 --> 00:29:16,881 Why do I feel-- 952 00:29:16,880 --> 00:29:19,930 [gasps] 953 00:29:16,880 --> 00:29:19,930 I'm in Cedar's story! 954 00:29:24,971 --> 00:29:27,101 [gasps] 955 00:29:24,971 --> 00:29:27,101 Wait a spell! 956 00:29:27,099 --> 00:29:29,019 I'm in Ashlynn's story. 957 00:29:29,017 --> 00:29:32,807 - [clock striking] 958 00:29:29,017 --> 00:29:32,807 - Huh? It's midnight! 959 00:29:34,106 --> 00:29:36,606 [circus music playing] 960 00:29:38,026 --> 00:29:40,026 Um, okay. 961 00:29:40,028 --> 00:29:43,158 - This is... 962 00:29:40,028 --> 00:29:43,158 - [Queen] Off with your head! 963 00:29:43,156 --> 00:29:44,776 ...mad! 964 00:29:48,662 --> 00:29:52,002 I'm Cupid! 965 00:29:48,662 --> 00:29:52,002 Terrific! 966 00:29:51,998 --> 00:29:55,708 Ooh, I bet I'm supposed 967 00:29:51,998 --> 00:29:55,708 to make those bunnies 968 00:29:55,711 --> 00:29:57,671 fall in love! 969 00:29:59,047 --> 00:30:01,337 [squealing angrily] 970 00:30:01,341 --> 00:30:02,431 Or not. 971 00:30:06,096 --> 00:30:08,346 [bats squealing] 972 00:30:10,225 --> 00:30:12,265 Am I-- [gasps] 973 00:30:12,269 --> 00:30:13,979 [mirror] 974 00:30:12,269 --> 00:30:13,979 It worked, my queen. 975 00:30:13,979 --> 00:30:15,939 The poison worked. 976 00:30:15,939 --> 00:30:19,819 Now you are the fairest 977 00:30:15,939 --> 00:30:19,819 in the land. 978 00:30:19,818 --> 00:30:21,448 I did that? 979 00:30:21,445 --> 00:30:22,605 Oh no! 980 00:30:23,947 --> 00:30:25,907 A spinning wheel. 981 00:30:25,907 --> 00:30:27,987 Castle Tower? 982 00:30:27,993 --> 00:30:30,703 That must mean 983 00:30:27,993 --> 00:30:30,703 I'm in Briar's story. 984 00:30:30,704 --> 00:30:33,334 [chuckles] 985 00:30:30,704 --> 00:30:33,334 Well, as long as I don't-- 986 00:30:33,332 --> 00:30:36,002 No. No! 987 00:30:43,342 --> 00:30:48,142 The pages! 988 00:30:43,342 --> 00:30:48,142 For ages, the pages. 989 00:30:48,138 --> 00:30:50,348 [buzzer sounds] 990 00:30:52,601 --> 00:30:54,811 - [growls] 991 00:30:52,601 --> 00:30:54,811 - [whistle tweets] 992 00:30:54,812 --> 00:30:57,612 [giant feet thudding] 993 00:30:57,606 --> 00:30:59,356 Yes, Cerise! 994 00:30:59,358 --> 00:31:00,978 Run! Run! 995 00:31:00,984 --> 00:31:02,944 [Dexter] 996 00:31:00,984 --> 00:31:02,944 Yes, Cerise! 997 00:31:00,984 --> 00:31:02,944 Get it, girl! 998 00:31:02,944 --> 00:31:06,114 Whoo! We're going 999 00:31:02,944 --> 00:31:06,114 to get those gia-- ah. 1000 00:31:06,114 --> 00:31:07,454 [growls] 1001 00:31:07,449 --> 00:31:09,079 [Dexter] 1002 00:31:07,449 --> 00:31:09,079 Go go go! 1003 00:31:09,075 --> 00:31:11,405 [coach] 1004 00:31:09,075 --> 00:31:11,405 Run! Run as fast as you can! 1005 00:31:11,411 --> 00:31:13,211 [boy] 1006 00:31:11,411 --> 00:31:13,211 Go go go go! 1007 00:31:17,000 --> 00:31:19,000 [all cheering] 1008 00:31:19,002 --> 00:31:20,882 - [whistle tweets] 1009 00:31:19,002 --> 00:31:20,882 - [howling] 1010 00:31:20,879 --> 00:31:23,339 [announcer on P.A.] 1011 00:31:20,879 --> 00:31:23,339 And the game is over! 1012 00:31:25,008 --> 00:31:28,178 Cerise Hood scores 1013 00:31:25,008 --> 00:31:28,178 the winning touchcrown! 1014 00:31:28,178 --> 00:31:31,388 Ever After High wins! 1015 00:31:31,390 --> 00:31:34,690 [bear growling] 1016 00:31:37,229 --> 00:31:39,059 The page! 1017 00:31:39,064 --> 00:31:41,484 [growling] 1018 00:31:41,483 --> 00:31:43,033 Huh? 1019 00:31:44,277 --> 00:31:46,147 Maddie, are you okay? 1020 00:31:46,154 --> 00:31:47,994 Oh, yeah, but whew! 1021 00:31:47,989 --> 00:31:51,119 I mean, Cupid's job is not 1022 00:31:47,989 --> 00:31:51,119 all just hearts and kisses. 1023 00:31:51,117 --> 00:31:53,447 - [Cedar laughing] 1024 00:31:51,117 --> 00:31:53,447 - Not my head! 1025 00:31:53,453 --> 00:31:57,793 Oh, I don't ever want 1026 00:31:53,453 --> 00:31:57,793 to go home with you on break. 1027 00:31:57,791 --> 00:31:59,001 Whoo! 1028 00:32:02,212 --> 00:32:04,262 Ah! 1029 00:32:04,256 --> 00:32:06,966 So that's what it feels like 1030 00:32:04,256 --> 00:32:06,966 when the slipper's 1031 00:32:04,256 --> 00:32:06,966 on the other foot. 1032 00:32:10,178 --> 00:32:13,008 [cackling] 1033 00:32:10,178 --> 00:32:13,008 You must eat! 1034 00:32:13,014 --> 00:32:15,774 It's your destiny. 1035 00:32:15,768 --> 00:32:17,228 No! 1036 00:32:17,227 --> 00:32:20,857 You cannot escape 1037 00:32:17,227 --> 00:32:20,857 your story! 1038 00:32:20,856 --> 00:32:23,066 [cackling] 1039 00:32:29,406 --> 00:32:31,906 [screams] 1040 00:32:33,993 --> 00:32:36,003 Raven, you made it! 1041 00:32:37,122 --> 00:32:38,462 Briar! 1042 00:32:38,457 --> 00:32:39,537 Are you okay? 1043 00:32:39,541 --> 00:32:41,211 Oh, Raven. 1044 00:32:41,209 --> 00:32:43,379 I had no idea. 1045 00:32:43,378 --> 00:32:45,508 Wait a spell. 1046 00:32:45,505 --> 00:32:47,295 Where's Apple? 1047 00:32:47,299 --> 00:32:49,759 [Ashlynn] 1048 00:32:47,299 --> 00:32:49,759 Briar's is the only book left! 1049 00:32:49,760 --> 00:32:52,760 So if Apple has my story, 1050 00:32:52,763 --> 00:32:54,563 and she fell asleep, 1051 00:32:54,556 --> 00:32:56,556 she won't be able 1052 00:32:54,556 --> 00:32:56,556 to find her page! 1053 00:32:56,558 --> 00:32:58,728 - I have to help her! 1054 00:32:56,558 --> 00:32:58,728 - Briar, wait! 1055 00:32:58,727 --> 00:33:00,897 - It's too dangerous. 1056 00:32:58,727 --> 00:33:00,897 - I have to! 1057 00:33:00,896 --> 00:33:04,066 She's my best friend! 1058 00:33:11,907 --> 00:33:13,157 [growls] 1059 00:33:13,158 --> 00:33:14,408 Ah! 1060 00:33:19,915 --> 00:33:22,325 [growling] 1061 00:33:22,334 --> 00:33:24,134 Ah! 1062 00:33:31,301 --> 00:33:33,851 I'm ending this chapter! 1063 00:33:33,846 --> 00:33:35,306 [growls] 1064 00:33:43,229 --> 00:33:44,649 Apple! 1065 00:33:47,526 --> 00:33:49,526 Briar did it! 1066 00:33:49,528 --> 00:33:51,488 Apple? Apple? 1067 00:33:51,488 --> 00:33:54,068 Wake up. Wake up! 1068 00:33:54,073 --> 00:33:57,543 You-- you saved me. 1069 00:33:57,536 --> 00:33:58,996 Of course. 1070 00:33:58,996 --> 00:34:00,706 We're best friends. 1071 00:34:00,706 --> 00:34:03,076 Forever after. 1072 00:34:23,687 --> 00:34:26,687 That doesn't look 1073 00:34:23,687 --> 00:34:26,687 like the Storybook of Legends. 1074 00:34:28,567 --> 00:34:30,357 Well, what does it say? 1075 00:34:30,360 --> 00:34:32,110 "Speech return! 1076 00:34:32,111 --> 00:34:33,321 Words you say. 1077 00:34:33,321 --> 00:34:36,371 Break this curse 1078 00:34:33,321 --> 00:34:36,371 for our new day!" 1079 00:34:37,784 --> 00:34:39,584 Nothing happened. 1080 00:34:39,578 --> 00:34:41,158 But it did! 1081 00:34:41,162 --> 00:34:45,332 You retrieved the pages 1082 00:34:41,162 --> 00:34:45,332 so you could break my curse! 1083 00:34:45,333 --> 00:34:47,463 He says we retrieved 1084 00:34:45,333 --> 00:34:47,463 the pages-- 1085 00:34:47,460 --> 00:34:49,840 [gasps] 1086 00:34:47,460 --> 00:34:49,840 Giles, you can talk! 1087 00:34:49,838 --> 00:34:52,338 Like, everyone- 1088 00:34:49,838 --> 00:34:52,338 can-understand-you talk! 1089 00:34:52,340 --> 00:34:55,340 Yes, Madeline. 1090 00:34:52,340 --> 00:34:55,340 And for that, I thank you-- 1091 00:34:55,343 --> 00:34:56,723 all of you. 1092 00:34:56,720 --> 00:34:59,100 It took extraordinary courage 1093 00:34:59,097 --> 00:35:01,727 for you 1094 00:34:59,097 --> 00:35:01,727 to face those challenges. 1095 00:35:01,725 --> 00:35:05,135 You are all a credit 1096 00:35:01,725 --> 00:35:05,135 to your stories. 1097 00:35:05,144 --> 00:35:06,864 But, Mr. Grimm, 1098 00:35:06,855 --> 00:35:08,975 if we weren't searching 1099 00:35:06,855 --> 00:35:08,975 for the Storybook of Legends, 1100 00:35:08,982 --> 00:35:10,402 do you know where it is? 1101 00:35:10,400 --> 00:35:11,480 No. 1102 00:35:11,484 --> 00:35:13,614 But I know who took it. 1103 00:35:13,612 --> 00:35:15,032 Who?! 1104 00:35:16,823 --> 00:35:19,413 The Evil Queen. 1105 00:35:19,409 --> 00:35:21,539 My mother? 1106 00:35:21,536 --> 00:35:24,326 [explosion sound] 1107 00:35:24,330 --> 00:35:28,000 My mother stole 1108 00:35:24,330 --> 00:35:28,000 the Storybook of Legends! 1109 00:35:28,001 --> 00:35:30,591 - Why? 1110 00:35:28,001 --> 00:35:30,591 - I do not know, 1111 00:35:30,587 --> 00:35:32,667 but I can tell you this. 1112 00:35:32,672 --> 00:35:37,432 Years ago, your mother tried 1113 00:35:32,672 --> 00:35:37,432 to expand beyond her story 1114 00:35:37,427 --> 00:35:40,097 and bring evil 1115 00:35:37,427 --> 00:35:40,097 to all the tales. 1116 00:35:41,890 --> 00:35:44,680 [cackling] 1117 00:35:44,684 --> 00:35:47,194 [Giles] 1118 00:35:44,684 --> 00:35:47,194 And my brother and I-- 1119 00:35:47,186 --> 00:35:49,976 we stopped her. 1120 00:35:49,982 --> 00:35:52,482 But why are you down here? 1121 00:35:52,484 --> 00:35:55,324 Oddly enough, 1122 00:35:52,484 --> 00:35:55,324 because of my brother. 1123 00:35:55,320 --> 00:35:57,280 What? Why? 1124 00:35:57,280 --> 00:35:59,990 [sighs] 1125 00:35:57,280 --> 00:35:59,990 Let me tell you a tale. 1126 00:35:59,992 --> 00:36:02,292 A long time ago, 1127 00:36:02,285 --> 00:36:05,575 when my brother and I 1128 00:36:02,285 --> 00:36:05,575 were just boys... 1129 00:36:10,418 --> 00:36:12,588 Giles? 1130 00:36:12,587 --> 00:36:14,257 I'm so sorry! 1131 00:36:14,255 --> 00:36:17,085 I will never 1132 00:36:14,255 --> 00:36:17,085 go against the stories again! 1133 00:36:17,092 --> 00:36:18,892 Ever. 1134 00:36:20,762 --> 00:36:24,932 While I always respected 1135 00:36:20,762 --> 00:36:24,932 our fairy-tale past, 1136 00:36:24,933 --> 00:36:27,393 I also thought 1137 00:36:24,933 --> 00:36:27,393 that each of us 1138 00:36:27,393 --> 00:36:31,403 should be able to write 1139 00:36:27,393 --> 00:36:31,403 our own destiny. 1140 00:36:31,397 --> 00:36:33,857 And the headmaster 1141 00:36:31,397 --> 00:36:33,857 didn't like that? 1142 00:36:33,859 --> 00:36:35,439 Indeed he did not. 1143 00:36:35,443 --> 00:36:37,743 He cursed me 1144 00:36:35,443 --> 00:36:37,743 with that babble spell 1145 00:36:37,737 --> 00:36:39,197 and imprisoned me here. 1146 00:36:39,197 --> 00:36:41,697 But your curse 1147 00:36:39,197 --> 00:36:41,697 is lifted now. 1148 00:36:41,700 --> 00:36:46,040 Yes! Thanks to you 1149 00:36:41,700 --> 00:36:46,040 extraordinary girls. 1150 00:36:46,038 --> 00:36:49,708 Now come! 1151 00:36:46,038 --> 00:36:49,708 Thronecoming is almost upon us. 1152 00:36:49,708 --> 00:36:50,998 Are you coming with us? 1153 00:36:51,001 --> 00:36:52,381 Well, now, 1154 00:36:52,377 --> 00:36:55,167 I haven't been 1155 00:36:52,377 --> 00:36:55,167 to a party in ages. 1156 00:36:55,172 --> 00:36:57,222 I wouldn't know 1157 00:36:55,172 --> 00:36:57,222 what to wear. 1158 00:36:57,215 --> 00:36:58,335 We'll help. 1159 00:36:58,341 --> 00:37:00,261 [girls laughing] 1160 00:37:00,259 --> 00:37:02,639 [Giles laughs] 1161 00:37:02,637 --> 00:37:04,967 [owl hooting] 1162 00:37:07,017 --> 00:37:08,557 [laughs] 1163 00:37:08,560 --> 00:37:11,190 [growls] 1164 00:37:11,188 --> 00:37:13,018 [both laughing] 1165 00:37:13,023 --> 00:37:14,693 [Poppy] Help! 1166 00:37:14,691 --> 00:37:16,991 Enough already! 1167 00:37:16,985 --> 00:37:18,895 - Enough! 1168 00:37:16,985 --> 00:37:18,895 - [brush whines] 1169 00:37:21,280 --> 00:37:22,490 Ahem. 1170 00:37:22,490 --> 00:37:24,490 [giggling] 1171 00:37:29,748 --> 00:37:31,458 [clangs] 1172 00:37:34,127 --> 00:37:36,417 [chattering, giggling] 1173 00:37:44,345 --> 00:37:46,925 [Ashlynn] 1174 00:37:44,345 --> 00:37:46,925 Hey, Briar? Can you come 1175 00:37:44,345 --> 00:37:46,925 help me with my hair? 1176 00:37:46,932 --> 00:37:49,852 Uh, yeah. 1177 00:37:46,932 --> 00:37:49,852 Um, coming. 1178 00:37:52,520 --> 00:37:56,730 [music playing] 1179 00:38:04,282 --> 00:38:06,992 [goats braying] 1180 00:38:11,915 --> 00:38:13,625 - Huzzah! 1181 00:38:11,915 --> 00:38:13,625 - Yeah! 1182 00:38:26,554 --> 00:38:30,104 [audience applauds] 1183 00:38:37,482 --> 00:38:39,942 [ribbits] 1184 00:38:42,195 --> 00:38:43,655 [braying] 1185 00:38:52,122 --> 00:38:54,332 - Welcome, everyone... 1186 00:38:52,122 --> 00:38:54,332 - [microphone feedback] 1187 00:38:54,332 --> 00:38:55,882 [all] Ah! 1188 00:38:55,875 --> 00:38:57,875 [microphone adjusting] 1189 00:38:57,877 --> 00:39:02,417 ...to Ever After High's 1190 00:38:57,877 --> 00:39:02,417 Thronecoming Dance! 1191 00:39:02,423 --> 00:39:04,683 [all cheering] 1192 00:39:06,469 --> 00:39:10,269 The school tradition 1193 00:39:06,469 --> 00:39:10,269 where we spellabrate our stories 1194 00:39:10,265 --> 00:39:13,135 and those who came 1195 00:39:10,265 --> 00:39:13,135 before us. 1196 00:39:13,143 --> 00:39:14,983 [all oohing] 1197 00:39:14,978 --> 00:39:16,898 We'll get 1198 00:39:14,978 --> 00:39:16,898 to the big announcement, 1199 00:39:16,896 --> 00:39:19,726 Thronecoming Queen 1200 00:39:16,896 --> 00:39:19,726 and King, soon! 1201 00:39:19,732 --> 00:39:22,782 But now 1202 00:39:19,732 --> 00:39:22,782 let's get this party started! 1203 00:39:22,777 --> 00:39:24,147 Follow me! 1204 00:39:24,154 --> 00:39:26,114 [techno music playing] 1205 00:39:39,336 --> 00:39:42,506 - Cerise? 1206 00:39:39,336 --> 00:39:42,506 - Oh, hey, Daring. 1207 00:39:42,505 --> 00:39:44,915 I-- I just want to say 1208 00:39:42,505 --> 00:39:44,915 that, um, 1209 00:39:44,924 --> 00:39:47,184 well, I am sorry 1210 00:39:47,177 --> 00:39:50,257 I ever thought you were 1211 00:39:47,177 --> 00:39:50,257 a damsel in distress, 1212 00:39:50,263 --> 00:39:52,643 and you really saved us 1213 00:39:50,263 --> 00:39:52,643 out there. 1214 00:39:52,640 --> 00:39:55,390 - So yeah. 1215 00:39:52,640 --> 00:39:55,390 - Oh, thanks. 1216 00:39:55,393 --> 00:39:57,193 So how about a dance? 1217 00:39:57,187 --> 00:40:00,897 Um, aren't there 1218 00:39:57,187 --> 00:40:00,897 a few other girls ahead of me? 1219 00:40:00,899 --> 00:40:02,649 [girls cheering] 1220 00:40:02,650 --> 00:40:04,490 But I-- I'd rather 1221 00:40:02,650 --> 00:40:04,490 dance with you. 1222 00:40:16,831 --> 00:40:17,961 [gasps] 1223 00:40:19,667 --> 00:40:22,917 - Madame Yaga? 1224 00:40:19,667 --> 00:40:22,917 - Yes, my dear? 1225 00:40:22,921 --> 00:40:25,921 That picture-- 1226 00:40:22,921 --> 00:40:25,921 that looks like my dorm room, 1227 00:40:25,924 --> 00:40:27,934 but who are those people? 1228 00:40:27,926 --> 00:40:31,676 Why, 1229 00:40:27,926 --> 00:40:31,676 that's Little Red Riding Hood 1230 00:40:31,679 --> 00:40:33,929 and, uh, the Evil Queen. 1231 00:40:33,932 --> 00:40:35,812 [gasps] 1232 00:40:35,808 --> 00:40:38,188 - Miss Beauty? 1233 00:40:35,808 --> 00:40:38,188 - [boys all spit, laugh] 1234 00:40:38,186 --> 00:40:41,056 Cedar, do you have 1235 00:40:38,186 --> 00:40:41,056 your revealer rays? 1236 00:40:41,064 --> 00:40:42,694 I need to borrow them. 1237 00:40:46,611 --> 00:40:47,701 [hairpin pings] 1238 00:41:06,505 --> 00:41:08,875 [rustling] 1239 00:41:20,645 --> 00:41:23,815 The Storybook of Legends! 1240 00:41:23,815 --> 00:41:25,565 [music continues] 1241 00:41:36,161 --> 00:41:38,661 [girls giggling] 1242 00:41:38,663 --> 00:41:41,373 Ahem. 1243 00:41:38,663 --> 00:41:41,373 Hello, Apple. 1244 00:41:41,374 --> 00:41:44,464 Uh, Miss Queen. 1245 00:41:44,461 --> 00:41:47,881 Look, Headmaster, 1246 00:41:44,461 --> 00:41:47,881 I know you're angry with me... 1247 00:41:47,880 --> 00:41:49,510 To say the least. 1248 00:41:49,507 --> 00:41:51,337 ...and I'm sorry. 1249 00:41:51,343 --> 00:41:54,103 I really do want to sign 1250 00:41:51,343 --> 00:41:54,103 the Storybook of Legends. 1251 00:41:54,095 --> 00:41:56,465 - You do? 1252 00:41:54,095 --> 00:41:56,465 - Yes. 1253 00:41:56,473 --> 00:41:59,353 If I don't, that terrible vision 1254 00:41:56,473 --> 00:41:59,353 that I saw in the mirror 1255 00:41:59,351 --> 00:42:01,351 - will come true. 1256 00:41:59,351 --> 00:42:01,351 - Wishing well. 1257 00:42:01,353 --> 00:42:04,193 You saw the vision 1258 00:42:01,353 --> 00:42:04,193 in the wishing well, dear. 1259 00:42:04,189 --> 00:42:07,359 I never told anyone 1260 00:42:04,189 --> 00:42:07,359 I saw a vision in the well. 1261 00:42:07,359 --> 00:42:09,989 Which means the only way 1262 00:42:07,359 --> 00:42:09,989 you know about it 1263 00:42:09,986 --> 00:42:11,776 is if you put it there. 1264 00:42:11,779 --> 00:42:14,029 Headmaster Grimm, 1265 00:42:11,779 --> 00:42:14,029 that was wrong. 1266 00:42:14,032 --> 00:42:16,832 Well, I-- uh-- ahem! 1267 00:42:16,826 --> 00:42:19,496 I did it 1268 00:42:16,826 --> 00:42:19,496 to protect our stories. 1269 00:42:19,496 --> 00:42:22,166 Raven needs to make up 1270 00:42:19,496 --> 00:42:22,166 her own mind. 1271 00:42:22,165 --> 00:42:25,375 She doesn't need 1272 00:42:22,165 --> 00:42:25,375 to be tricked into doing 1273 00:42:22,165 --> 00:42:25,375 what you think is right. 1274 00:42:25,377 --> 00:42:28,337 We can be good and evil, 1275 00:42:28,338 --> 00:42:30,548 happy and sad, 1276 00:42:30,548 --> 00:42:32,338 Royal and Rebel, 1277 00:42:32,342 --> 00:42:35,852 many things all at once. 1278 00:42:35,845 --> 00:42:37,255 Giles? 1279 00:42:37,263 --> 00:42:40,983 Bu-- but that's impossible. 1280 00:42:40,975 --> 00:42:42,475 Hello, brother. 1281 00:42:42,477 --> 00:42:44,437 I missed you. 1282 00:42:44,437 --> 00:42:46,767 And I forgive you. 1283 00:42:48,525 --> 00:42:51,525 I missed you, too. 1284 00:42:51,528 --> 00:42:56,118 Can we turn the page 1285 00:42:51,528 --> 00:42:56,118 and start a new chapter? 1286 00:42:58,701 --> 00:43:00,621 [chuckling] 1287 00:43:04,374 --> 00:43:06,294 [female narrator] 1288 00:43:04,374 --> 00:43:06,294 She's not really going 1289 00:43:06,292 --> 00:43:08,712 to throw the book 1290 00:43:06,292 --> 00:43:08,712 down the well, is she? 1291 00:43:08,711 --> 00:43:10,961 [male narrator] 1292 00:43:08,711 --> 00:43:10,961 She doesn't want to lose 1293 00:43:08,711 --> 00:43:10,961 her friends forever after. 1294 00:43:10,963 --> 00:43:12,593 [female narrator] 1295 00:43:10,963 --> 00:43:12,593 But it's a mistake. 1296 00:43:12,590 --> 00:43:14,760 [male narrator] 1297 00:43:12,590 --> 00:43:14,760 Oh, she'll realize that. 1298 00:43:14,759 --> 00:43:17,299 For Briar's story 1299 00:43:14,759 --> 00:43:17,299 is far from over. 1300 00:43:18,763 --> 00:43:21,023 In fact, 1301 00:43:18,763 --> 00:43:21,023 in the next chapter-- 1302 00:43:21,015 --> 00:43:22,555 [female narrator] 1303 00:43:21,015 --> 00:43:22,555 Hey, zip it. 1304 00:43:22,559 --> 00:43:25,439 What did I tell you 1305 00:43:22,559 --> 00:43:25,439 about spoilers? 1306 00:43:25,437 --> 00:43:28,567 [music continues] 1307 00:43:28,565 --> 00:43:30,645 And now it's time 1308 00:43:28,565 --> 00:43:30,645 to announce 1309 00:43:30,649 --> 00:43:32,739 the Thronecoming Queen 1310 00:43:30,649 --> 00:43:32,739 and King! 1311 00:43:32,735 --> 00:43:36,235 Let's ask 1312 00:43:32,735 --> 00:43:36,235 our MirrorNet experts 1313 00:43:32,735 --> 00:43:36,235 to give us the results! 1314 00:43:36,239 --> 00:43:38,199 [announcer] 1315 00:43:36,239 --> 00:43:38,199 And the candidates 1316 00:43:36,239 --> 00:43:38,199 are Apple White... 1317 00:43:38,199 --> 00:43:39,989 Go on, tell 'em, Humphrey! 1318 00:43:39,992 --> 00:43:41,952 Me? I thought you 1319 00:43:39,992 --> 00:43:41,952 were going to count 'em up. 1320 00:43:41,953 --> 00:43:43,373 That was your job! 1321 00:43:43,371 --> 00:43:45,211 I had to put the web site 1322 00:43:43,371 --> 00:43:45,211 back together again 1323 00:43:45,206 --> 00:43:46,496 after you broke it. 1324 00:43:46,499 --> 00:43:48,079 Me? Oh, man! 1325 00:43:48,084 --> 00:43:49,794 - [laughing] 1326 00:43:48,084 --> 00:43:49,794 - [microphone feedback] 1327 00:43:49,794 --> 00:43:53,094 Looks like you've got more time 1328 00:43:49,794 --> 00:43:53,094 to get your votes in. 1329 00:43:53,089 --> 00:43:54,669 So jump on the MirrorNet, 1330 00:43:54,673 --> 00:43:56,933 log into MyChapter 1331 00:43:54,673 --> 00:43:56,933 and make it happen. 1332 00:43:56,926 --> 00:43:58,966 We'll announce 1333 00:43:56,926 --> 00:43:58,966 the winners soon. 1334 00:43:58,970 --> 00:44:00,430 Stay tuned! 1335 00:44:00,430 --> 00:44:02,850 Meanwhile, 1336 00:44:00,430 --> 00:44:02,850 here's a real page-ripper! 1337 00:44:02,848 --> 00:44:05,098 Happy Thronecoming, everyone! 1338 00:44:05,101 --> 00:44:06,891 [music continues] 1339 00:44:06,894 --> 00:44:09,524 [male narrator] 1340 00:44:06,894 --> 00:44:09,524 Happy Thronecoming indeed. 1341 00:44:09,522 --> 00:44:11,822 [female narrator] 1342 00:44:09,522 --> 00:44:11,822 And if there's one thing 1343 00:44:09,522 --> 00:44:11,822 we've learned, 1344 00:44:11,816 --> 00:44:14,896 it's that you can't 1345 00:44:11,816 --> 00:44:14,896 judge a book by its cover. 1346 00:44:14,902 --> 00:44:18,112 [male narrator] 1347 00:44:14,902 --> 00:44:18,112 Especially a fairytale book. 1348 00:44:18,114 --> 00:44:19,624 [female narrator] 1349 00:44:18,114 --> 00:44:19,624 That's what I just said. 1350 00:44:19,616 --> 00:44:21,866 Must you clarify 1351 00:44:19,616 --> 00:44:21,866 every little thing? 1352 00:44:21,867 --> 00:44:24,157 [male narrator] 1353 00:44:21,867 --> 00:44:24,157 There's nothing wrong 1354 00:44:21,867 --> 00:44:24,157 with clarification. 1355 00:44:24,162 --> 00:44:26,502 [female narrator] 1356 00:44:24,162 --> 00:44:26,502 I mean, come on, 1357 00:44:24,162 --> 00:44:26,502 we've been through this. 1358 00:44:26,498 --> 00:44:28,828 [male narrator] 1359 00:44:26,498 --> 00:44:28,828 It's what good storytelling's 1360 00:44:26,498 --> 00:44:28,828 all about. 1361 00:44:28,833 --> 00:44:30,963 [female narrator] 1362 00:44:28,833 --> 00:44:30,963 You don't always have to 1363 00:44:28,833 --> 00:44:30,963 have the last word. 1364 00:44:30,960 --> 00:44:32,630 - [male narrator] 1365 00:44:30,960 --> 00:44:32,630 Of course, you do. 1366 00:44:30,960 --> 00:44:32,630 - Yes, I do. 1367 00:44:35,047 --> 00:44:38,757 [ominous music playing] 1368 00:44:53,274 --> 00:44:56,194 [theme music playing]