1 00:00:01,818 --> 00:00:03,560 Tonight on the curse of oak island... 2 00:00:03,579 --> 00:00:05,838 We got wood here, gentlemen. It's got to be a tunnel. 3 00:00:05,989 --> 00:00:09,249 Yeah. This is a tunnel pointing towards the garden shaft. 4 00:00:09,401 --> 00:00:11,235 -Absolutely. -There it is, mate. 5 00:00:11,253 --> 00:00:13,012 -Look at that. -Wow. 6 00:00:13,239 --> 00:00:15,589 This is a first for oak island, which is fantastic. 7 00:00:15,741 --> 00:00:17,924 So, in terms of where it is from, 8 00:00:18,019 --> 00:00:20,335 -You've got a roman empire going on here. -There we go. 9 00:00:20,429 --> 00:00:22,504 Marty: We're chasing the gold in the money pit. 10 00:00:22,598 --> 00:00:24,189 Wow. There it is. 11 00:00:24,341 --> 00:00:25,599 -That's what we're looking for. -Yeah. 12 00:00:25,751 --> 00:00:27,359 -Finally. -(laughs) 13 00:00:31,106 --> 00:00:34,424 Narrator: There is an island in the north atlantic 14 00:00:34,518 --> 00:00:36,368 Where people have been looking for 15 00:00:36,520 --> 00:00:40,873 An incredible treasure for more than 200 years. 16 00:00:41,100 --> 00:00:43,876 So far, they have found a stone slab 17 00:00:44,103 --> 00:00:46,620 With strange symbols carved into it... 18 00:00:46,714 --> 00:00:50,716 Man-made workings that date to medieval times, 19 00:00:50,867 --> 00:00:54,869 And a lead cross whose origin may be connected 20 00:00:54,963 --> 00:00:56,538 To the knights templar. 21 00:00:56,632 --> 00:00:59,040 To date, six men have died 22 00:00:59,060 --> 00:01:01,785 Trying to solve the mystery. 23 00:01:01,804 --> 00:01:06,290 And according to legend, one more will have to die 24 00:01:06,383 --> 00:01:09,401 Before the treasure can be found. 25 00:01:14,408 --> 00:01:16,909 ♪ ♪ 26 00:01:23,475 --> 00:01:24,157 Charles: We've got a core, gentlemen. 27 00:01:24,251 --> 00:01:26,977 They're coming fast and furious. 28 00:01:27,070 --> 00:01:28,570 -Furious. -Yeah, exactly. 29 00:01:28,664 --> 00:01:29,904 Narrator: A new day 30 00:01:29,998 --> 00:01:31,832 Of excitement and anticipation 31 00:01:31,984 --> 00:01:34,318 Has begun on oak island 32 00:01:34,411 --> 00:01:36,744 For brothers rick and marty lagina, 33 00:01:36,764 --> 00:01:38,597 Their partner craig tester, 34 00:01:38,824 --> 00:01:41,158 And the other faithful members of their team. 35 00:01:41,176 --> 00:01:41,658 -Charles: What do you got? -Adam m.: 24. 36 00:01:41,677 --> 00:01:43,660 Charles: 24. 37 00:01:43,753 --> 00:01:45,604 Narrator: After more than a decade 38 00:01:45,755 --> 00:01:48,498 Of historical research, tireless efforts, 39 00:01:48,517 --> 00:01:50,500 And the application of science, 40 00:01:50,519 --> 00:01:52,502 They may finally be zeroing in 41 00:01:52,521 --> 00:01:55,021 On the fabled money pit treasure vault. 42 00:01:55,116 --> 00:01:57,098 Morning! 43 00:01:57,118 --> 00:01:58,358 -How are you? -Morning, guys. 44 00:01:58,510 --> 00:01:59,451 -Welcome to the table. -Morning. 45 00:01:59,678 --> 00:02:00,861 How are you? 46 00:02:01,013 --> 00:02:01,787 -Good. How are you? -Marty: Ian. 47 00:02:01,938 --> 00:02:04,456 -What have we got? -Ian: Uh... 48 00:02:04,683 --> 00:02:07,108 Blue-gray till. But we don't see any sign of 49 00:02:07,128 --> 00:02:08,443 Disturbance or anything like that. 50 00:02:08,537 --> 00:02:11,130 Let's say lightning strikes. 51 00:02:11,281 --> 00:02:13,707 What does that mean? What's the implications of it? 52 00:02:13,859 --> 00:02:15,450 You both get what you want. 53 00:02:15,469 --> 00:02:18,137 We find the one thing that indicates a deposit 54 00:02:18,288 --> 00:02:20,046 And we find gold, hopefully. So... 55 00:02:20,141 --> 00:02:22,532 -That's what we're looking for. -Yep. -Yeah. 56 00:02:22,551 --> 00:02:25,960 Narrator: Currently, the team is drilling 57 00:02:25,980 --> 00:02:29,815 A borehole known as dn-13.5, 58 00:02:30,042 --> 00:02:33,301 Located 14 feet west of the garden shaft 59 00:02:33,320 --> 00:02:37,230 In an area that has recently been dubbed the blob. 60 00:02:37,383 --> 00:02:41,067 It is within this 70 by 25 foot zone 61 00:02:41,220 --> 00:02:43,811 That recent water testing has indicated 62 00:02:43,831 --> 00:02:46,665 A massive deposit of gold lies buried 63 00:02:46,816 --> 00:02:50,410 Somewhere between a depth of 80 and 120 feet. 64 00:02:50,504 --> 00:02:55,674 The area in pink there would be exactly where the gold is. 65 00:02:55,825 --> 00:02:56,991 Marty: Wow. 66 00:02:57,085 --> 00:02:58,418 Narrator: One week ago, 67 00:02:58,570 --> 00:03:00,086 While drilling a borehole 68 00:03:00,239 --> 00:03:04,016 Just 13 feet southwest known as cn-11... 69 00:03:05,168 --> 00:03:08,078 Right there. Look at that. That is very unusual. 70 00:03:08,096 --> 00:03:09,913 Narrator: ...The team recovered 71 00:03:09,932 --> 00:03:13,025 Disturbed soils at a depth of 118 feet, 72 00:03:13,252 --> 00:03:16,102 Suggesting to geologist terry matheson 73 00:03:16,255 --> 00:03:20,106 That man-made workings may be located nearby. 74 00:03:20,259 --> 00:03:21,942 That's a great puzzle, though, isn't it? 75 00:03:22,094 --> 00:03:24,536 One of the things that keeps me coming back 76 00:03:24,688 --> 00:03:26,947 -Is it's very complex. -It's a world-class puzzle. 77 00:03:27,041 --> 00:03:28,189 -Yep. -Yeah. 78 00:03:28,209 --> 00:03:29,933 Narrator: Now, it is rick, 79 00:03:29,952 --> 00:03:31,877 Marty, craig, 80 00:03:32,104 --> 00:03:33,453 And the team's hope that their second effort 81 00:03:33,605 --> 00:03:38,275 Within the blob at borehole dn-13.5 82 00:03:38,293 --> 00:03:40,052 Will pinpoint the workings 83 00:03:40,203 --> 00:03:44,448 And valuables that they may have narrowly missed one week ago. 84 00:03:44,466 --> 00:03:47,617 Rick: The so-called blob, it's a very intriguing location. 85 00:03:47,636 --> 00:03:49,453 This is an area 86 00:03:49,546 --> 00:03:51,471 That we have not intensely investigated 87 00:03:51,565 --> 00:03:52,880 Prior to this moment. 88 00:03:52,900 --> 00:03:55,976 Marty: I am very much focused this year, 89 00:03:56,128 --> 00:03:57,644 As I've said many times, 90 00:03:57,738 --> 00:03:59,071 On chasing the gold in the money pit. 91 00:03:59,222 --> 00:04:01,889 This could be where it's been hiding all those years. 92 00:04:01,984 --> 00:04:04,134 Hopefully, we'll hit something. 93 00:04:04,152 --> 00:04:06,227 -Yep. -If it's there, we should find it. 94 00:04:06,321 --> 00:04:07,746 -That's what I'm holding out hope for. -Marty: Well, guys, 95 00:04:07,897 --> 00:04:10,398 We're gonna let you carry on, and rick and I are gonna go 96 00:04:10,492 --> 00:04:13,085 Dig up some cool things. Right? 97 00:04:13,312 --> 00:04:15,403 -We're gonna go find treasure. -Let's go. 98 00:04:15,497 --> 00:04:17,314 -Rick: Thank you. -Marty: See you guys. -Ian: Okay. 99 00:04:17,332 --> 00:04:18,815 Narrator: As the drilling operation 100 00:04:18,908 --> 00:04:20,742 Continues in the money pit area... 101 00:04:20,761 --> 00:04:22,594 Gary: Perfect timing. 102 00:04:22,746 --> 00:04:24,078 -Hey, guys. -Hey, there, guys. 103 00:04:24,098 --> 00:04:25,413 Hello. 104 00:04:25,507 --> 00:04:27,173 Narrator: ...On lot 26, 105 00:04:27,268 --> 00:04:29,935 Located on the western side of oak island, 106 00:04:30,162 --> 00:04:33,605 Archeologists laird niven and helen sheldon 107 00:04:33,832 --> 00:04:36,182 Join metal detection expert gary drayton 108 00:04:36,277 --> 00:04:37,776 And jack begley 109 00:04:37,927 --> 00:04:39,927 To begin a methodical investigation 110 00:04:39,947 --> 00:04:42,522 Of a mysterious stone well. 111 00:04:42,616 --> 00:04:44,449 We came in, we had a little scan of the area, 112 00:04:44,676 --> 00:04:48,194 And as you see, we've got some flags down here already. 113 00:04:48,289 --> 00:04:51,606 So, whoever was using this well, might've lost some artifacts. 114 00:04:51,625 --> 00:04:53,350 Laird: Yeah, that might give us a clue. 115 00:04:54,369 --> 00:04:56,870 I wouldn't have pictured myself down here at this well, 116 00:04:57,022 --> 00:04:59,298 But that early date that dr. Spooner got 117 00:04:59,525 --> 00:05:02,859 From down there is really intriguing for me. 118 00:05:02,878 --> 00:05:04,786 Ian: You wouldn't know it was a well. 119 00:05:04,805 --> 00:05:06,954 Narrator: Also last week, 120 00:05:07,049 --> 00:05:10,383 After rick and craig directed geoscientist dr. Ian spooner 121 00:05:10,477 --> 00:05:12,978 To test the water and collect sediment 122 00:05:13,129 --> 00:05:14,387 -From the feature... -Ian: Excellent. 123 00:05:14,481 --> 00:05:16,464 There you go. 124 00:05:16,558 --> 00:05:18,633 It was one of our 125 00:05:18,652 --> 00:05:20,635 Only silver hits 126 00:05:20,729 --> 00:05:23,213 Outside of the money pit. 127 00:05:23,306 --> 00:05:24,714 Narrator: ...The team was stunned 128 00:05:24,733 --> 00:05:26,325 To find that it not only 129 00:05:26,552 --> 00:05:27,642 Contained evidence of possible treasure, 130 00:05:27,736 --> 00:05:31,071 But also proved to be one of the oldest 131 00:05:31,165 --> 00:05:34,391 Man-made structures ever discovered on oak island. 132 00:05:34,409 --> 00:05:37,077 The date I got on the twig at the bottom 133 00:05:37,171 --> 00:05:39,079 Was 1028 to 1172. 134 00:05:39,173 --> 00:05:40,672 (whistles) 135 00:05:40,899 --> 00:05:44,325 The lot 26 well is unique in many ways. 136 00:05:44,345 --> 00:05:46,178 I've found it interesting from the moment 137 00:05:46,329 --> 00:05:48,162 David and I first found that well. 138 00:05:48,182 --> 00:05:50,740 The relevance of the carbon date here, 139 00:05:50,759 --> 00:05:52,333 I.E. Late 11s, 140 00:05:52,353 --> 00:05:54,260 I don't, as of yet, 141 00:05:54,355 --> 00:05:55,912 Have an understanding 142 00:05:56,005 --> 00:05:57,839 Of how impactful it will be in terms of 143 00:05:57,858 --> 00:06:00,266 Understanding the oak island mystery. 144 00:06:00,361 --> 00:06:03,362 But it's certainly an interesting feature. 145 00:06:03,589 --> 00:06:07,014 I am bemused and befuddled by that well. 146 00:06:07,034 --> 00:06:09,350 What story is it telling us? 147 00:06:09,444 --> 00:06:11,094 So, what are you guys gonna do? 148 00:06:11,187 --> 00:06:13,020 It doesn't look like a well right now. 149 00:06:13,115 --> 00:06:15,932 -Mm-mm. -We're gonna cut some soil away 150 00:06:15,951 --> 00:06:17,692 From two, uh, quadrants 151 00:06:17,711 --> 00:06:20,770 To get a look at how it's constructed. 152 00:06:20,864 --> 00:06:22,789 If we find something in the soils, 153 00:06:22,941 --> 00:06:24,549 Artifacts possibly. 154 00:06:24,776 --> 00:06:26,367 That was dropped while it was in use? 155 00:06:26,461 --> 00:06:28,369 Yeah, exactly. Yeah. 156 00:06:28,389 --> 00:06:30,447 Gary: Any artifacts down at the bottom of there 157 00:06:30,540 --> 00:06:31,890 Should be in really good condition. 158 00:06:32,117 --> 00:06:33,783 -Yeah. -Gary: So, if this was a well, 159 00:06:33,877 --> 00:06:35,135 And someone was sitting there, 160 00:06:35,287 --> 00:06:37,137 You'd drop stuff and... 161 00:06:37,289 --> 00:06:38,730 -Or you'd hide things. -Gary: Yeah. Oh, you hide things. Yeah. 162 00:06:38,882 --> 00:06:40,306 -Laird: Yeah. -Jack: Do you think, 163 00:06:40,459 --> 00:06:42,292 Eventually, you'll end up draining the well 164 00:06:42,385 --> 00:06:44,051 And then digging some of the material out? 165 00:06:44,071 --> 00:06:45,404 That's the hope. We'll talk to 166 00:06:45,631 --> 00:06:47,631 Dr. Spooner about the best approach. 167 00:06:47,724 --> 00:06:49,816 I'm sure we'll get to the bottom of it. 168 00:06:49,910 --> 00:06:51,058 (laughs) 169 00:06:51,153 --> 00:06:52,727 Laird: I've been curious 170 00:06:52,746 --> 00:06:54,896 About the lot 26 well for a long time. 171 00:06:54,990 --> 00:06:57,807 I've excavated a land-based well before. 172 00:06:57,901 --> 00:06:59,567 I've never excavated one like this. 173 00:06:59,661 --> 00:07:03,163 The biggest mystery about this well is its location. 174 00:07:03,315 --> 00:07:05,757 It seems the strangest place to have a well. 175 00:07:05,984 --> 00:07:07,484 It's near the shore and next to a pond. 176 00:07:07,502 --> 00:07:10,487 So, what led people there, you know? 177 00:07:10,580 --> 00:07:12,764 And when did it lead people there? 178 00:07:12,991 --> 00:07:15,100 So, I'm excited to-to get this started. 179 00:07:15,327 --> 00:07:18,252 Yeah. Is there any way that I can help out? 180 00:07:18,272 --> 00:07:21,923 -Clear the topsoil off and delineate the rocks. -Okay. 181 00:07:22,017 --> 00:07:24,776 Narrator: While jack remains to help laird and helen 182 00:07:25,003 --> 00:07:27,446 Expose more of the mysterious feature... 183 00:07:27,673 --> 00:07:29,673 -Gary: I think we're gonna be in for a great day. -Peter: Okay. 184 00:07:29,766 --> 00:07:32,692 -I'll pull this first flag. -All right, mate. 185 00:07:32,786 --> 00:07:34,435 Narrator: ...Less than 50 yards away, 186 00:07:34,455 --> 00:07:37,347 Gary joins rick and marty's nephew, 187 00:07:37,365 --> 00:07:39,532 Peter fornetti, to search for clues 188 00:07:39,685 --> 00:07:42,276 In the surrounding area that could help explain 189 00:07:42,370 --> 00:07:43,853 Just who created the stone well 190 00:07:43,872 --> 00:07:45,689 More than 800 years ago. 191 00:07:45,782 --> 00:07:49,359 Ooh, it sounds actually a little bit better now. 192 00:07:49,377 --> 00:07:50,469 -Okay. -It's just there. 193 00:07:55,142 --> 00:07:57,476 Gary: Hopefully, it's not surface junk. 194 00:08:01,039 --> 00:08:02,564 Oh, it isn't, look. 195 00:08:05,894 --> 00:08:07,377 -Look at that. -What is that? 196 00:08:07,395 --> 00:08:10,880 Gary: More than likely, it looks like a door holder. 197 00:08:10,899 --> 00:08:11,898 Peter: Like a hinge? 198 00:08:12,050 --> 00:08:12,899 Yeah, like a hinge. 199 00:08:12,993 --> 00:08:13,808 A hanger. A door hanger. 200 00:08:13,827 --> 00:08:16,553 One end would've been driven 201 00:08:16,646 --> 00:08:19,831 Into the wooden frame of a door, 202 00:08:19,983 --> 00:08:22,058 And then the door would've 203 00:08:22,151 --> 00:08:25,562 Been hung on this. A swinging door. 204 00:08:25,655 --> 00:08:26,913 It's been there a while, by the look of it. 205 00:08:27,065 --> 00:08:28,155 It's all encrusted. 206 00:08:28,175 --> 00:08:29,582 Peter: Do you know what era 207 00:08:29,735 --> 00:08:31,251 This is typical of? 208 00:08:31,345 --> 00:08:33,011 Gary: I know they go way back. 209 00:08:33,238 --> 00:08:35,514 Something like that, is that wrought iron, or no? 210 00:08:35,741 --> 00:08:38,183 Yeah, it's probably wrought iron, hand-forged... 211 00:08:38,410 --> 00:08:40,243 If it is wrought iron, it's pre-1830s or so. 212 00:08:40,262 --> 00:08:41,686 Yeah. Oh, yeah. 213 00:08:41,838 --> 00:08:43,355 Narrator: Could gary and peter 214 00:08:43,506 --> 00:08:45,690 Have found an ancient hand-forged artifact 215 00:08:45,917 --> 00:08:47,100 On lot 26? 216 00:08:47,252 --> 00:08:51,512 One curious fact about this four-acre property 217 00:08:51,606 --> 00:08:53,180 Is that it was once owned 218 00:08:53,200 --> 00:08:56,017 From the late-1700s to the early-1800s 219 00:08:56,111 --> 00:08:58,261 By samuel ball, 220 00:08:58,280 --> 00:09:01,264 A man who came to oak island as a humble cabbage farmer, 221 00:09:01,357 --> 00:09:03,266 Only to mysteriously become 222 00:09:03,285 --> 00:09:05,026 One of the wealthiest landowners 223 00:09:05,120 --> 00:09:07,620 In all of nova scotia. 224 00:09:07,773 --> 00:09:08,772 We're close to this well... 225 00:09:08,790 --> 00:09:11,107 -Yeah. -...But we're far away 226 00:09:11,200 --> 00:09:14,127 From known establishments. 227 00:09:14,221 --> 00:09:15,278 Yeah. 228 00:09:15,297 --> 00:09:17,297 Narrator: Because the remains 229 00:09:17,391 --> 00:09:20,058 Of samuel ball's 18th century homestead 230 00:09:20,285 --> 00:09:24,211 Sits nearly 100 yards northwest of this location... 231 00:09:24,306 --> 00:09:25,789 Gary: All right, mate, we'll bag it 232 00:09:25,807 --> 00:09:27,732 'cause we know it's potentially old. 233 00:09:27,959 --> 00:09:29,050 That's why we got to dig everything. 234 00:09:29,069 --> 00:09:30,627 Exactly. 235 00:09:30,720 --> 00:09:32,645 Narrator: Is it possible that gary 236 00:09:32,798 --> 00:09:35,815 And peter have found evidence of a much older structure 237 00:09:35,967 --> 00:09:39,302 That may be connected to the mysterious stone well? 238 00:09:39,321 --> 00:09:43,323 If so, might it also be an important clue 239 00:09:43,417 --> 00:09:47,477 That could help explain the great fortune of mr. Ball? 240 00:09:48,480 --> 00:09:51,256 The next flag is by another tree down there. 241 00:09:51,407 --> 00:09:52,549 All right, let's go to it. 242 00:09:54,077 --> 00:09:56,052 -All right, here's the next one. -Yep. 243 00:09:58,323 --> 00:10:00,247 (beeping) 244 00:10:00,267 --> 00:10:02,267 Ah, I love that sound. 245 00:10:02,418 --> 00:10:03,768 That's a nice, sweet tone. 246 00:10:03,920 --> 00:10:06,846 I know one thing: This is super deep, 247 00:10:06,940 --> 00:10:08,607 And we're tagging it. 248 00:10:17,008 --> 00:10:19,284 (beeping) 249 00:10:19,435 --> 00:10:22,195 You've shaken it out, mate, on that last lot. 250 00:10:22,347 --> 00:10:24,456 Yep. There it is, mate. 251 00:10:25,700 --> 00:10:28,960 What the heck is that? 252 00:10:33,525 --> 00:10:36,283 Gary: Ooh, look at that. 253 00:10:36,303 --> 00:10:37,877 (chuckles) I know what this is. 254 00:10:37,971 --> 00:10:39,212 This looks like a pipe tamper. 255 00:10:39,364 --> 00:10:41,306 Narrator: On lot 26, 256 00:10:41,457 --> 00:10:44,534 Located on the western side of oak island, 257 00:10:44,627 --> 00:10:46,478 Metal detection expert gary drayton 258 00:10:46,629 --> 00:10:48,480 And peter fornetti 259 00:10:48,631 --> 00:10:51,057 Have just made a curious discovery 260 00:10:51,209 --> 00:10:55,445 In the vicinity of a mysterious 900-year-old stone well. 261 00:10:56,639 --> 00:10:57,989 Gary: Back in the day, 262 00:10:58,141 --> 00:11:00,066 People would've had tobacco in a pipe, 263 00:11:00,160 --> 00:11:02,977 And they would've used this to pack it down. 264 00:11:03,071 --> 00:11:07,499 This is nice and the first one we've found on oak island. 265 00:11:07,726 --> 00:11:09,483 -I love a first on oak island. -Yeah. 266 00:11:09,503 --> 00:11:10,835 This does look like an oldie to me. 267 00:11:10,987 --> 00:11:12,745 This looks like it's copper alloy. 268 00:11:12,898 --> 00:11:15,489 It's nice and crude. 269 00:11:15,509 --> 00:11:18,659 Now, putting a date on it is difficult. 270 00:11:18,679 --> 00:11:20,570 Peter: This'll be an interesting one 271 00:11:20,588 --> 00:11:22,663 -To throw in the ct scanner to look for... -Yeah. 272 00:11:22,683 --> 00:11:24,165 ...Some sort of monogram or maker's mark. 273 00:11:24,259 --> 00:11:25,850 Yeah, because some of them did. 274 00:11:26,002 --> 00:11:28,019 They had the initials 275 00:11:28,246 --> 00:11:30,747 Or lettering 276 00:11:30,840 --> 00:11:33,082 -On there of the owner. -Okay. 277 00:11:33,101 --> 00:11:35,176 I know one thing, mate, if it is a pipe tamper, 278 00:11:35,270 --> 00:11:37,028 It's a smoking find. 279 00:11:37,180 --> 00:11:39,197 Let's bag it. 280 00:11:39,348 --> 00:11:40,699 Gary: All the artifacts that we are recovering 281 00:11:40,926 --> 00:11:43,609 On lot 26 are really important to me 282 00:11:43,762 --> 00:11:47,096 'cause these artifacts will tell a story 283 00:11:47,115 --> 00:11:49,599 And, hopefully, we can get to the bottom 284 00:11:49,692 --> 00:11:52,377 Of this little mystery on lot 26. 285 00:11:52,528 --> 00:11:55,438 Um, and the next flag 286 00:11:55,457 --> 00:11:57,340 -Is over there. -Okay. 287 00:12:01,463 --> 00:12:04,222 Gary: I'm hoping these are good 'cause we're close to the well. 288 00:12:04,373 --> 00:12:06,466 Here's the next one. 289 00:12:06,618 --> 00:12:07,892 Yep. 290 00:12:10,063 --> 00:12:11,955 (beeping) 291 00:12:11,973 --> 00:12:13,231 Just there, mate. 292 00:12:24,244 --> 00:12:26,077 That should be it. 293 00:12:31,326 --> 00:12:33,476 (beeping) 294 00:12:33,495 --> 00:12:35,754 That's singing, mate. That's a screamer of a signal. 295 00:12:35,905 --> 00:12:37,814 Right down the middle. 296 00:12:37,832 --> 00:12:41,484 Right down the pike, mate. Come on, artifact. 297 00:12:41,503 --> 00:12:44,763 I think we're about to save a little bit of history. 298 00:12:47,158 --> 00:12:48,099 It's there. 299 00:12:48,251 --> 00:12:50,935 -Oh, yeah. -Oh. 300 00:12:51,087 --> 00:12:52,920 That's like a swing door 301 00:12:53,014 --> 00:12:56,090 Or a gate fastener. 302 00:12:56,109 --> 00:12:58,943 It had some ring bolts on it, and it just fit in the top. 303 00:12:59,095 --> 00:13:02,338 This is the second one of these objects 304 00:13:02,357 --> 00:13:04,282 We have found in this area. 305 00:13:04,509 --> 00:13:08,102 We find a lot of one-offs on oak island. 306 00:13:08,196 --> 00:13:10,696 Now, we've got two 307 00:13:10,849 --> 00:13:13,016 Very similar iron artifacts. 308 00:13:13,109 --> 00:13:15,685 They do seem out of place. 309 00:13:15,703 --> 00:13:17,036 It's not the type of area that you'd expect 310 00:13:17,188 --> 00:13:21,782 To find artifacts associated with doors. 311 00:13:21,802 --> 00:13:24,694 We have to have them "carmen dated." 312 00:13:24,787 --> 00:13:27,639 So, here's a little bit of history, 313 00:13:27,866 --> 00:13:28,956 -And hopefully carmen legge... -Yeah. 314 00:13:28,975 --> 00:13:31,792 ...Can shed some light on it. 315 00:13:31,886 --> 00:13:33,794 All right, mate. Keep moving. 316 00:13:33,814 --> 00:13:37,273 The artifacts are piling up on lot 26. 317 00:13:41,729 --> 00:13:43,396 Narrator: The following morning, 318 00:13:43,490 --> 00:13:46,732 While search activities continue on oak island... 319 00:13:46,827 --> 00:13:48,142 Doug: I'm really looking forward to these results. 320 00:13:48,236 --> 00:13:49,994 Alex: Yeah, me, too. 321 00:13:50,146 --> 00:13:51,904 You know, I'm looking forward to seeing how it's done. 322 00:13:52,057 --> 00:13:53,556 Narrator: ...Alex lagina and doug crowell 323 00:13:53,649 --> 00:13:57,001 Have traveled some 300 miles northwest 324 00:13:57,228 --> 00:13:59,245 To the university of new brunswick 325 00:13:59,397 --> 00:14:00,246 In fredericton, nova scotia. 326 00:14:00,398 --> 00:14:02,156 You know where chris's office is? 327 00:14:02,250 --> 00:14:04,175 -Yeah, top floor. -Okay. 328 00:14:04,327 --> 00:14:06,919 Narrator: They have come to witness a scientific test 329 00:14:07,013 --> 00:14:09,347 That will be conducted on the hand-forged, 330 00:14:09,574 --> 00:14:13,334 Cut coin that was found four weeks ago on lot 5. 331 00:14:13,353 --> 00:14:16,521 A coin which numismatist sandy campbell 332 00:14:16,748 --> 00:14:20,750 Believes not only dates to as early as 300 b.C., 333 00:14:20,843 --> 00:14:23,528 But is also of roman origin. 334 00:14:24,756 --> 00:14:26,272 Hey, chris. 335 00:14:26,424 --> 00:14:27,423 -Hi, gentlemen. Good to see you. -How's it going. 336 00:14:27,516 --> 00:14:29,850 -Yeah. Nice to see you. -How are you? 337 00:14:29,870 --> 00:14:31,369 -This is brandon. -Hey, brandon. -Hey. 338 00:14:31,596 --> 00:14:33,354 Narrator: Dr. Chris mcfarlane is 339 00:14:33,373 --> 00:14:35,022 A professor of geochemistry 340 00:14:35,041 --> 00:14:37,266 Who has helped the team determine 341 00:14:37,285 --> 00:14:40,361 The geographic origins of numerous discoveries 342 00:14:40,380 --> 00:14:41,621 That have been made on oak island. 343 00:14:41,773 --> 00:14:46,275 Most notably, the 14th century lead cross, 344 00:14:46,369 --> 00:14:48,961 Which originated in southern France 345 00:14:49,114 --> 00:14:51,389 And is believed to be connected 346 00:14:51,540 --> 00:14:54,951 To the religious military order of the knights templar. 347 00:14:54,969 --> 00:14:57,620 We got the item 348 00:14:57,713 --> 00:14:58,897 -You guys sent down. -Alex: Yeah. Yeah. 349 00:14:59,124 --> 00:15:00,565 Well, so, the thing about this is 350 00:15:00,792 --> 00:15:04,235 We've had an expert in ancient coins look at it. 351 00:15:04,387 --> 00:15:06,738 And the expert told us 352 00:15:06,889 --> 00:15:08,965 That it's possible that it's actually a roman coin, 353 00:15:09,058 --> 00:15:10,466 Which would be pretty incredible. 354 00:15:10,485 --> 00:15:12,226 It's the first of its kind on the island. 355 00:15:12,320 --> 00:15:15,580 Hopefully, we should be able to tell you something about that. 356 00:15:15,807 --> 00:15:17,990 Hopefully, pin it down to a country, 357 00:15:18,143 --> 00:15:19,475 -But, minimum, a region. -Great. 358 00:15:19,568 --> 00:15:22,903 I mean, the best we can do is to get it in the machine, 359 00:15:22,997 --> 00:15:24,647 Have a look at it. 360 00:15:24,740 --> 00:15:26,090 -So, let's go. -After you guys. 361 00:15:26,317 --> 00:15:28,317 Narrator: Certain metal alloys 362 00:15:28,336 --> 00:15:30,762 Have been determined to contain unique chemical signatures 363 00:15:30,989 --> 00:15:33,990 Known as "isotopes," that are specific 364 00:15:34,008 --> 00:15:36,768 To various geographic regions around the world. 365 00:15:36,995 --> 00:15:40,254 By using a process known as laser ablation, 366 00:15:40,273 --> 00:15:43,924 Microscopic samples will be removed from the coin, 367 00:15:44,018 --> 00:15:47,428 Which can then be analyzed for their isotope values, 368 00:15:47,522 --> 00:15:51,950 To hopefully determine just where the artifact was created. 369 00:15:52,177 --> 00:15:56,028 Okay, so, this is where we get everything 370 00:15:56,122 --> 00:15:57,288 -Sorted to get into the machine... -Mm-hmm. 371 00:15:57,515 --> 00:16:01,367 ...Including the custom sort of universal holder. 372 00:16:01,461 --> 00:16:04,854 -Mm-hmm. -It allows us to put odd-shaped things 373 00:16:04,872 --> 00:16:06,522 Into the laser ablation system. 374 00:16:06,541 --> 00:16:08,299 Boucher: I'll just stick this in the cell, 375 00:16:08,451 --> 00:16:10,209 And we'll be good to go. 376 00:16:10,303 --> 00:16:13,029 I'm always hoping that, with any of these tests, 377 00:16:13,122 --> 00:16:14,639 We get, like, a smoking gun, 378 00:16:14,790 --> 00:16:18,050 A conclusive match to put the pieces together. 379 00:16:18,203 --> 00:16:20,294 I don't think there's any way to assemble the truth of what 380 00:16:20,313 --> 00:16:23,314 Happened on oak island without scientific analysis. 381 00:16:23,541 --> 00:16:25,208 Boucher: All right, our sample's in. 382 00:16:25,226 --> 00:16:26,150 We'll analyze it with a laser in the icp-ms. 383 00:16:26,302 --> 00:16:28,319 We'll have a look at what comes out. 384 00:16:28,471 --> 00:16:29,562 -All right. -Okay. 385 00:16:30,548 --> 00:16:33,566 Everyone I have asked about the roman coin 386 00:16:33,660 --> 00:16:35,401 Has the same reaction: 387 00:16:35,495 --> 00:16:36,995 Befuddlement. 388 00:16:37,222 --> 00:16:38,221 Have a seat, guys. We'll look at this stuff. 389 00:16:38,314 --> 00:16:40,573 Marty: We don't know when. 390 00:16:40,725 --> 00:16:42,241 We don't know why, but 391 00:16:42,393 --> 00:16:45,003 Our coin expert doesn't waver. 392 00:16:45,154 --> 00:16:49,081 He says it's a roman era coin. It's very, very old. 393 00:16:49,234 --> 00:16:51,825 Boucher: Yeah, so, we've got the ablation going right there. 394 00:16:51,845 --> 00:16:54,846 At the minimum, I think it's another one of those outliers 395 00:16:55,073 --> 00:16:56,922 That pushes the time period back, 396 00:16:57,075 --> 00:16:59,075 And it shows, yet again, 397 00:16:59,093 --> 00:17:01,185 That all kinds of things happened here long ago. 398 00:17:01,412 --> 00:17:04,856 So, we have to figure out what that means. 399 00:17:06,417 --> 00:17:10,344 Yeah, so this half-coin certainly 400 00:17:10,363 --> 00:17:12,864 Has enough lead to get a pretty good number out of it. 401 00:17:14,425 --> 00:17:16,200 In fact, of all the stuff 402 00:17:16,352 --> 00:17:20,204 We've ever done, you know, lead artifact-wise, 403 00:17:20,431 --> 00:17:22,615 This one gave some of the best data. 404 00:17:22,767 --> 00:17:24,000 Great. 405 00:17:25,211 --> 00:17:28,771 So, all the little black dots are the data 406 00:17:28,864 --> 00:17:31,624 From the database of european 407 00:17:31,776 --> 00:17:33,885 And other, you know, international sources 408 00:17:34,036 --> 00:17:36,721 Of lead mines and other prospects. 409 00:17:36,872 --> 00:17:39,540 Uh, we can also look at the actual 410 00:17:39,559 --> 00:17:41,801 Area ellipse that we measured. 411 00:17:41,953 --> 00:17:44,136 And when we go through the filtering process, 412 00:17:44,289 --> 00:17:47,714 We end up with about eight possible occurrences. 413 00:17:47,734 --> 00:17:50,976 I can tell you pretty confidently where it's not from. 414 00:17:51,129 --> 00:17:53,296 We have more or less discounted, you know, 415 00:17:53,314 --> 00:17:56,074 Germany as a likely source because it's so far 416 00:17:56,225 --> 00:17:58,743 Removed from the main mass of the lead isotope database. 417 00:17:58,894 --> 00:18:02,914 And that's similarly true for greece and the u.K. 418 00:18:04,158 --> 00:18:07,977 Ultimately, in terms of where it is from, 419 00:18:07,995 --> 00:18:11,572 That really leaves the iberian, 420 00:18:11,666 --> 00:18:13,073 You know, peninsula, 421 00:18:13,093 --> 00:18:15,484 Mediterranean, spanish origin. 422 00:18:15,503 --> 00:18:17,002 There we go. 423 00:18:17,097 --> 00:18:19,913 The roman empire included the iberian peninsula. 424 00:18:19,933 --> 00:18:22,508 So, pretty much, you got a roman empire going on here. 425 00:18:22,660 --> 00:18:23,935 (laughs) 426 00:18:27,849 --> 00:18:28,998 Chris: In terms of where it is from, 427 00:18:29,016 --> 00:18:31,275 We have an iberian peninsula 428 00:18:31,502 --> 00:18:34,837 Circa mediterranean, spanish origin. 429 00:18:34,856 --> 00:18:36,689 It's pretty good. 430 00:18:36,783 --> 00:18:38,265 Narrator: At the university of new brunswick, 431 00:18:38,284 --> 00:18:40,785 Geochemist dr. Chris mcfarlane 432 00:18:41,012 --> 00:18:43,604 And his colleague brandon boucher 433 00:18:43,623 --> 00:18:46,198 Have just determined that the cut coin, 434 00:18:46,351 --> 00:18:49,018 Recently found on oak island's lot 5 435 00:18:49,036 --> 00:18:51,370 And which is believed to be of roman origin 436 00:18:51,522 --> 00:18:54,206 And more than 1,500 years old, 437 00:18:54,359 --> 00:18:56,876 Was likely created in Spain. 438 00:18:57,528 --> 00:18:59,953 I think that's really good info 439 00:18:59,973 --> 00:19:02,365 Because we've narrowed down where we think it was made 440 00:19:02,383 --> 00:19:04,216 Or at least where the lead in the coin came from. 441 00:19:04,310 --> 00:19:07,036 Doug: Yeah. 442 00:19:07,054 --> 00:19:09,889 It still works well with the coin expert's idea 443 00:19:10,041 --> 00:19:12,057 That it's a roman coin because the roman empire 444 00:19:12,210 --> 00:19:14,819 At one time did include these areas. 445 00:19:17,064 --> 00:19:18,972 Narrator: In 206 b.C.... 446 00:19:18,992 --> 00:19:21,159 (man yelling) 447 00:19:21,310 --> 00:19:25,646 ...The roman empire began a nearly 700-year-long occupation 448 00:19:25,740 --> 00:19:27,665 Of the iberian peninsula 449 00:19:27,816 --> 00:19:31,652 Which today consists of Spain and portugal. 450 00:19:31,746 --> 00:19:36,248 The romans mined the territory for riches like gold and silver, 451 00:19:36,401 --> 00:19:37,824 As well as other metals 452 00:19:37,844 --> 00:19:39,493 That were used for the production of tools, 453 00:19:39,587 --> 00:19:44,089 Weaponry and currency such as copper, tin and lead. 454 00:19:44,242 --> 00:19:48,001 But if the half-coin, found on lot 5 455 00:19:48,021 --> 00:19:52,190 Was created in Spain more than 1,500 years ago, 456 00:19:52,417 --> 00:19:54,583 Who could have brought it to oak island? 457 00:19:54,602 --> 00:19:58,087 And could it potentially be related in some way 458 00:19:58,105 --> 00:20:01,515 To the 900-year-old stone well on lot 26? 459 00:20:01,609 --> 00:20:04,535 Alex: There's just something a little more mystical, 460 00:20:04,687 --> 00:20:07,430 A little more magical, about a potentially roman coin 461 00:20:07,523 --> 00:20:09,189 Turning up on oak island. 462 00:20:09,209 --> 00:20:11,934 At least, in the ten years that I've been here, um, 463 00:20:11,953 --> 00:20:13,711 This is one of the more exciting things that we've found. 464 00:20:13,938 --> 00:20:15,362 Just because it's so out of place. 465 00:20:15,381 --> 00:20:17,957 It makes you ask so many questions. 466 00:20:18,051 --> 00:20:20,626 You know, what is it doing here? How did it get here? 467 00:20:20,778 --> 00:20:21,794 What is it telling us? 468 00:20:21,946 --> 00:20:23,279 And can we possibly tease out 469 00:20:23,372 --> 00:20:24,222 A little bit more information from it? 470 00:20:24,373 --> 00:20:25,965 It's exciting. 471 00:20:26,117 --> 00:20:27,967 If it keeps bearing out that it's that old, 472 00:20:28,119 --> 00:20:29,727 It's the oldest thing we've found by far. 473 00:20:30,897 --> 00:20:33,973 We don't know where this supposed treasure came from. 474 00:20:34,067 --> 00:20:36,642 Maybe this fell out of it. You know? Who knows? 475 00:20:36,794 --> 00:20:39,144 So, it's cool for that reason. 476 00:20:39,297 --> 00:20:40,963 But we want to kind of follow the science, 477 00:20:40,982 --> 00:20:44,075 And we want to learn as much as we can trust 478 00:20:44,226 --> 00:20:45,985 About this coin and hopefully not leap to conclusions. 479 00:20:46,137 --> 00:20:48,579 Well, we've got numbers now. 480 00:20:48,731 --> 00:20:51,974 I'll leave the context to you guys. 481 00:20:52,067 --> 00:20:54,067 We'll keep working on that angle, 482 00:20:54,087 --> 00:20:55,736 But we really appreciate it, guys. 483 00:20:55,830 --> 00:20:56,921 Thank you as always. 484 00:20:57,072 --> 00:20:59,423 If we learn more, we'll let you know. 485 00:20:59,575 --> 00:21:01,092 -Chris: Yeah. It was great. -Alex: We'll see you soon. 486 00:21:04,747 --> 00:21:06,097 Narrator: The following morning... 487 00:21:06,324 --> 00:21:07,490 Tedford: It gets pretty tight down there. 488 00:21:07,583 --> 00:21:10,101 ...As the drilling operation 489 00:21:10,328 --> 00:21:12,395 Continues in the money pit area... 490 00:21:13,664 --> 00:21:15,331 -Doug: Hey, marty. -(others greeting) 491 00:21:15,349 --> 00:21:16,165 -Marty: Morning. -Gary: Hello, mate. 492 00:21:16,183 --> 00:21:17,683 I'm ready for some news. 493 00:21:17,835 --> 00:21:20,427 ...Alex lagina and doug crowell 494 00:21:20,446 --> 00:21:22,688 Have returned to the island to share their report 495 00:21:22,782 --> 00:21:26,191 With rick, marty, craig and other members 496 00:21:26,344 --> 00:21:27,860 -Of the team. -Rick: So, 497 00:21:28,012 --> 00:21:28,935 I'll turn it over to you two. 498 00:21:28,955 --> 00:21:29,954 Alex: Yeah. So, 499 00:21:30,105 --> 00:21:31,180 This is the... 500 00:21:31,273 --> 00:21:33,032 Half-coin, and we brought it 501 00:21:33,126 --> 00:21:35,851 To chris mcfarlane for laser ablation testing, 502 00:21:35,870 --> 00:21:37,870 'cause it does contain a little bit of lead. 503 00:21:38,022 --> 00:21:40,356 We got a really good sample in the machine. 504 00:21:40,449 --> 00:21:43,116 And so chris's conclusion was 505 00:21:43,136 --> 00:21:46,378 That the most likely source for this coin is Spain 506 00:21:46,531 --> 00:21:47,530 Or the iberian peninsula. 507 00:21:47,623 --> 00:21:49,381 The roman empire was there. 508 00:21:49,534 --> 00:21:50,808 Jack: Wow. So it is 509 00:21:50,959 --> 00:21:52,977 Possibly a roman coin. 510 00:21:53,204 --> 00:21:54,645 Roman, baby! 511 00:21:54,872 --> 00:21:55,604 (chuckling) 512 00:21:56,707 --> 00:21:57,798 Alex: We've identified this lead 513 00:21:57,892 --> 00:21:59,299 As coming from Spain, but, 514 00:21:59,319 --> 00:22:00,818 You know, it's the iberian peninsula. 515 00:22:00,969 --> 00:22:02,987 And portugal is on the iberian peninsula, too. 516 00:22:03,214 --> 00:22:04,322 Correct. 517 00:22:04,549 --> 00:22:05,381 Alex: We were just there investigating 518 00:22:05,399 --> 00:22:06,565 A potential templar connection. 519 00:22:06,659 --> 00:22:10,886 So portugal and the templars are still in play. 520 00:22:10,905 --> 00:22:12,221 Great point. 521 00:22:12,314 --> 00:22:13,739 Corjan: Oh. Good morning. 522 00:22:13,891 --> 00:22:15,407 -Welcome to portugal. -Rick: Thank you. 523 00:22:15,560 --> 00:22:16,725 Narrator: One year ago, 524 00:22:16,744 --> 00:22:18,911 Rick, alex, doug and peter 525 00:22:19,005 --> 00:22:21,246 Investigated a number of sites in portugal 526 00:22:21,399 --> 00:22:23,415 With researcher corjan mol, 527 00:22:23,568 --> 00:22:26,735 Where the knights templar maintained strongholds 528 00:22:26,754 --> 00:22:29,738 Between the 12th and 16th centuries. 529 00:22:29,757 --> 00:22:31,665 This symbol is definitely on the 90 foot stone. 530 00:22:31,759 --> 00:22:32,925 Rick: It's perfect. 531 00:22:33,077 --> 00:22:34,852 Narrator: Incredibly, 532 00:22:35,003 --> 00:22:37,429 They not only saw numerous stone carvings that have 533 00:22:37,582 --> 00:22:40,933 Also been found on oak island over the last two centuries... 534 00:22:41,085 --> 00:22:43,510 Alex: The stone path looks exactly like this. 535 00:22:43,604 --> 00:22:47,773 ...But also a stone road that dated back to the roman era, 536 00:22:47,925 --> 00:22:50,109 One identical to the stone road 537 00:22:50,203 --> 00:22:53,779 Uncovered in the oak island swamp back in 2020, 538 00:22:53,931 --> 00:22:56,932 Which is believed to be at least 500 years old 539 00:22:56,951 --> 00:22:59,192 And of portuguese origin. 540 00:22:59,212 --> 00:23:01,620 Is it possible that the roman half-coin 541 00:23:01,772 --> 00:23:03,439 May have once been in the possession 542 00:23:03,457 --> 00:23:04,957 Of a portuguese templar knight 543 00:23:05,109 --> 00:23:09,202 And offer more evidence that the secretive medieval order 544 00:23:09,296 --> 00:23:12,631 Could really be connected to the oak island mystery? 545 00:23:12,783 --> 00:23:15,059 Jack: Would a coin like that 546 00:23:15,210 --> 00:23:18,211 Have been in the coffers of the knights templar? 547 00:23:18,231 --> 00:23:20,789 Like, could that have been part of their treasure at the time 548 00:23:20,808 --> 00:23:22,958 -When it was lost? -Sure. 549 00:23:22,977 --> 00:23:24,309 -Yeah. I don't see why not. -Gary: Yeah. 550 00:23:24,462 --> 00:23:26,128 Craig: I mean, to me, you know, 551 00:23:26,147 --> 00:23:27,554 We're searching for a treasure. 552 00:23:27,573 --> 00:23:29,907 And if a group came here and put a treasure in, 553 00:23:30,134 --> 00:23:31,817 They may have taken part of the treasure 554 00:23:31,911 --> 00:23:34,486 And, as a token of-of the job they did and the... 555 00:23:34,639 --> 00:23:37,322 And the camaraderie, 556 00:23:37,417 --> 00:23:39,750 They-they cut up a few coins and passed them 557 00:23:39,902 --> 00:23:41,419 To the-- to the members. 558 00:23:41,570 --> 00:23:42,736 Quite possibly, yeah. 559 00:23:42,830 --> 00:23:45,756 Guys, this is an exotic thing. 560 00:23:45,983 --> 00:23:48,651 And so exotic theories come to mind. 561 00:23:48,744 --> 00:23:50,928 Sometimes things like that, 562 00:23:51,079 --> 00:23:52,504 If it's cut cleanly, 563 00:23:52,657 --> 00:23:53,764 What if a pact was made 564 00:23:53,916 --> 00:23:56,341 Between somebodies 565 00:23:56,494 --> 00:23:57,826 And the coin was brought out? 566 00:23:57,845 --> 00:23:59,662 This ancient roman coin. 567 00:23:59,680 --> 00:24:00,938 You clip it. 568 00:24:01,089 --> 00:24:02,606 One person gets one piece, 569 00:24:02,758 --> 00:24:04,275 One person gets the other. 570 00:24:04,502 --> 00:24:07,093 And then if the emissaries ever meet, 571 00:24:07,188 --> 00:24:08,762 If the coin matches, 572 00:24:08,781 --> 00:24:10,005 They know it's for real. 573 00:24:10,024 --> 00:24:11,674 Rick: It's eminently plausible. 574 00:24:11,692 --> 00:24:13,008 If there were secret societies involved, 575 00:24:13,027 --> 00:24:16,195 -Perhaps it's something like that. -I agree. 576 00:24:16,347 --> 00:24:17,513 It's like a passport key, right? 577 00:24:17,531 --> 00:24:19,181 -You-you prove... -Yeah. 578 00:24:19,274 --> 00:24:20,365 -You prove who you are. -Yeah. 579 00:24:20,518 --> 00:24:22,793 We often have trouble eliminating any theories 580 00:24:23,020 --> 00:24:25,296 When we find new data, because a lot of them fit. 581 00:24:25,447 --> 00:24:29,300 Things like a very, very early portuguese settlement, 582 00:24:29,527 --> 00:24:31,302 Unknown voyages from the new world, 583 00:24:31,453 --> 00:24:33,119 Perhaps templars. 584 00:24:33,139 --> 00:24:35,214 It's got to be something of an outlier, 585 00:24:35,366 --> 00:24:37,049 Why that coin is there. 586 00:24:37,201 --> 00:24:39,384 And it could lead us to all kinds of other theories, 587 00:24:39,537 --> 00:24:42,221 Because that is well before discovery of the money pit. 588 00:24:42,373 --> 00:24:44,206 Rick: Here's my takeaway-- 589 00:24:44,225 --> 00:24:46,208 That little coin has stimulated 590 00:24:46,227 --> 00:24:48,877 -Very spirited discussion in this room. -Alex: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. 591 00:24:48,971 --> 00:24:50,154 Rick: And that's a cool thing. 592 00:24:50,305 --> 00:24:52,397 I mean, I love marty's thing about, 593 00:24:52,550 --> 00:24:53,716 You know, basically, it's a secret code ring 594 00:24:53,809 --> 00:24:56,977 Out of a special k box, right? 595 00:24:57,071 --> 00:24:58,237 -(chuckling) -yeah. 596 00:24:58,389 --> 00:25:00,222 But the only way we're gonna find out is 597 00:25:00,315 --> 00:25:01,907 If you guys get back out and find 598 00:25:02,059 --> 00:25:04,076 Its brothers and sisters, gary. 599 00:25:04,228 --> 00:25:06,170 Yeah. Roman brothers and sisters. 600 00:25:06,397 --> 00:25:07,730 (chuckling) 601 00:25:07,823 --> 00:25:09,414 Or iberian brothers and sisters. 602 00:25:09,509 --> 00:25:10,399 (chuckles) 603 00:25:10,492 --> 00:25:12,067 That little coin is pretty cool, 604 00:25:12,160 --> 00:25:13,660 But we got to get out and get to work. 605 00:25:13,679 --> 00:25:16,329 And hopefully find some amigos 606 00:25:16,349 --> 00:25:18,073 -And amigas. -(chuckling) -craig: Okay. 607 00:25:18,092 --> 00:25:19,408 -Marty: There you go. -Rick: See ya. 608 00:25:19,501 --> 00:25:20,333 Alex: See ya. See ya, marty. 609 00:25:20,353 --> 00:25:21,685 Gary: Bye-bye. 610 00:25:22,930 --> 00:25:25,247 Narrator: Later that afternoon... 611 00:25:25,266 --> 00:25:26,749 Charles: Here we go. You got another core. 612 00:25:26,767 --> 00:25:29,601 ...In the money pit area, 613 00:25:29,695 --> 00:25:32,104 Oak island historians charles barkhouse 614 00:25:32,198 --> 00:25:33,438 And paul troutman... 615 00:25:33,591 --> 00:25:35,274 -It's disturbed. Yeah. -Okay. 616 00:25:35,426 --> 00:25:37,109 ...Continue supervising the drilling operation 617 00:25:37,203 --> 00:25:39,762 In dn-13.5. 618 00:25:39,780 --> 00:25:41,021 Down to 99. 619 00:25:41,040 --> 00:25:42,948 Charles: 'kay. 620 00:25:43,042 --> 00:25:45,434 Narrator: Having reached the target zone 621 00:25:45,452 --> 00:25:48,528 Between 80 and 120 feet deep, 622 00:25:48,622 --> 00:25:51,774 Where a large source of gold is believed to be located... 623 00:25:51,792 --> 00:25:52,699 -It stiffened up right at the bottom there. -Okay. 624 00:25:52,793 --> 00:25:55,611 ...Every passing moment 625 00:25:55,629 --> 00:25:58,055 Comes with greater anticipation for the team. 626 00:25:59,800 --> 00:26:00,949 We've got wood. 627 00:26:00,968 --> 00:26:02,726 -Got the wood? -Yeah. 628 00:26:02,953 --> 00:26:05,045 Right here. 629 00:26:05,139 --> 00:26:06,397 Paul: Oh, look at that. 630 00:26:06,624 --> 00:26:07,956 -Same wood contact. -Charles: Yeah. 631 00:26:08,050 --> 00:26:09,567 Paul: Eight inches here. 632 00:26:09,794 --> 00:26:11,143 -Charles: This would be 93.5. -Yes. 633 00:26:11,237 --> 00:26:12,628 It's really interesting. 634 00:26:12,646 --> 00:26:13,737 Could be a collapsed tunnel. 635 00:26:15,390 --> 00:26:16,907 Charles: I'll let craig know. 636 00:26:21,730 --> 00:26:23,563 Charles: It's definitely wood. 637 00:26:23,657 --> 00:26:24,656 Paul: Oh, look at that. 638 00:26:24,750 --> 00:26:27,418 93 to 95 feet. 639 00:26:27,569 --> 00:26:30,570 Narrator: It is an exciting moment in the money pit area... 640 00:26:30,590 --> 00:26:32,981 And mike said it has stiffened up. 641 00:26:33,075 --> 00:26:35,317 ...As the team has just recovered evidence 642 00:26:35,410 --> 00:26:37,744 Of a wooden structure in borehole dn-13.5 643 00:26:37,763 --> 00:26:42,600 At a depth of nearly 100 feet. 644 00:26:42,751 --> 00:26:45,269 Could be a tunnel. It's really interesting. 645 00:26:45,496 --> 00:26:48,272 A borehole located where recent water testing 646 00:26:48,423 --> 00:26:50,757 Has suggested that a large source of gold 647 00:26:50,851 --> 00:26:52,668 Lies somewhere close by, 648 00:26:52,686 --> 00:26:55,762 Between 80 and 120 feet underground. 649 00:26:55,781 --> 00:26:57,948 It's got to be a tunnel. 650 00:26:58,175 --> 00:27:00,600 Question is, does it go a little further? 651 00:27:00,620 --> 00:27:02,602 If we could, it would be nice to sink another hole, 652 00:27:02,696 --> 00:27:04,604 -Just to see if it continues. -Yeah. 653 00:27:04,624 --> 00:27:06,290 I mean, we got to follow it now. 654 00:27:06,441 --> 00:27:08,125 -If-if we can, we have to follow it. -Yeah. 655 00:27:08,352 --> 00:27:10,461 Absolutely. I agree. 656 00:27:10,688 --> 00:27:13,188 Rick: The finding of the wood 657 00:27:13,281 --> 00:27:16,449 Or a possible tunnel in the so-called blob, 658 00:27:16,469 --> 00:27:18,284 It's exciting, 659 00:27:18,304 --> 00:27:21,287 Because we are in an area that... 660 00:27:21,307 --> 00:27:24,433 Certainly merits further investigation. 661 00:27:25,703 --> 00:27:27,202 Where does it go? 662 00:27:27,221 --> 00:27:29,388 Can we figure out who built it? 663 00:27:29,540 --> 00:27:30,889 When was it built? 664 00:27:31,041 --> 00:27:34,300 That's really what this is about. 665 00:27:34,320 --> 00:27:37,713 It's how do we exploit the find of this tunnel. 666 00:27:37,731 --> 00:27:40,658 -Craig. Terry. -Wow. 667 00:27:40,809 --> 00:27:42,475 -Hi, paul. How you doing? -How's it going? -Good. 668 00:27:42,495 --> 00:27:44,069 Craig: That's good. 669 00:27:44,163 --> 00:27:46,905 Paul: It's, uh, dn-13.50. 670 00:27:46,999 --> 00:27:49,333 Found it at 93 to 95. 671 00:27:49,484 --> 00:27:51,126 Oh, that's great. And there it is. 672 00:27:53,655 --> 00:27:55,397 Okay. Wow. 673 00:27:56,400 --> 00:27:58,175 You got a pretty good ch-chunk of wood here. 674 00:27:59,161 --> 00:28:01,236 Yeah, it's fairly firm there. 675 00:28:01,329 --> 00:28:03,163 And above, 676 00:28:03,257 --> 00:28:06,408 Uh, it's relatively firm. 677 00:28:06,501 --> 00:28:10,262 Undisturbed material and relatively firm below. 678 00:28:10,356 --> 00:28:13,432 Why this free-floating piece of wood is just sitting there, 679 00:28:13,584 --> 00:28:15,693 There's no rhyme or reason for it to be that way. 680 00:28:17,530 --> 00:28:20,422 This is where we are at dn-13.5. 681 00:28:20,515 --> 00:28:22,591 Terry: This is really, really interesting. 682 00:28:22,609 --> 00:28:24,184 Uh, this looks like the continuation 683 00:28:24,203 --> 00:28:28,021 Of this tunnel that we hit here out of dn-12.5. 684 00:28:28,040 --> 00:28:30,115 Now we're over here at dn-13.5, 685 00:28:30,209 --> 00:28:32,692 Five feet further to the west. 686 00:28:32,786 --> 00:28:35,287 We're starting to get a really good east-west alignment 687 00:28:35,381 --> 00:28:37,956 Back towards the garden shaft. 688 00:28:38,050 --> 00:28:39,624 Craig: Yeah. To me, this is 689 00:28:39,719 --> 00:28:41,460 A tunnel, which it looks like, and it goes 690 00:28:41,554 --> 00:28:44,555 By the garden shaft or under it. 691 00:28:46,784 --> 00:28:48,116 Narrator: Earlier this year, 692 00:28:48,135 --> 00:28:50,619 At a depth of 95 feet, 693 00:28:50,637 --> 00:28:55,307 The team unearthed handworked wood in borehole dn-12.5, 694 00:28:55,459 --> 00:28:57,217 Just five feet to the west 695 00:28:57,311 --> 00:29:00,738 Of where they are currently drilling in dn-13.5. 696 00:29:02,074 --> 00:29:04,800 Could terry and craig be correct 697 00:29:04,818 --> 00:29:07,636 That both boreholes encountered a tunnel 698 00:29:07,654 --> 00:29:09,471 That may be heading toward the garden shaft, 699 00:29:09,490 --> 00:29:12,249 Located just 12 feet to the east? 700 00:29:12,476 --> 00:29:14,309 Three months ago, 701 00:29:14,328 --> 00:29:16,661 The team was stunned to find out 702 00:29:16,814 --> 00:29:20,649 That this flooded 80-foot-deep structure may not only predate 703 00:29:20,667 --> 00:29:23,576 The discovery of the money pit by half a century or more 704 00:29:23,596 --> 00:29:28,056 But also contains high trace evidence of gold. 705 00:29:30,418 --> 00:29:32,436 Cote: We had to put some planks in this corner right here. 706 00:29:32,663 --> 00:29:34,679 This corner, it was those two-by-sixes missing. 707 00:29:34,774 --> 00:29:37,757 Narrator: In order to find out what may lie at the bottom 708 00:29:37,777 --> 00:29:40,168 Or in the nearby vicinity... 709 00:29:40,262 --> 00:29:44,097 ...Rick, marty and craig hired a mining company 710 00:29:44,191 --> 00:29:46,358 Named dumas contracting limited 711 00:29:46,510 --> 00:29:50,454 To begin reconstructing a new waterproof vertical shaft, 712 00:29:50,605 --> 00:29:53,773 One that will also allow for horizontal tunneling 713 00:29:53,793 --> 00:29:55,867 If evidence of treasure is discovered nearby. 714 00:29:55,961 --> 00:29:58,796 But, unfortunately, 715 00:29:59,023 --> 00:30:02,024 Due to permitting issues regarding safety protocols, 716 00:30:02,117 --> 00:30:04,284 The provincial government has forced the team 717 00:30:04,303 --> 00:30:08,138 To delay the project until those concerns are resolved. 718 00:30:09,216 --> 00:30:11,624 We have two wells now. They're-they're fairly close. 719 00:30:11,718 --> 00:30:14,627 But, in general, they're pointing towards 720 00:30:14,721 --> 00:30:16,038 The garden shaft. 721 00:30:16,131 --> 00:30:17,130 -Yes. -Terry: Yeah. -So... 722 00:30:17,224 --> 00:30:18,056 Paul: Same horizon. 723 00:30:18,208 --> 00:30:19,299 Are these connected? 724 00:30:19,318 --> 00:30:21,109 Potentially, could be. 725 00:30:22,988 --> 00:30:25,138 The quest is exciting right now. 726 00:30:25,157 --> 00:30:28,400 Things coalesce around that garden shaft. 727 00:30:28,494 --> 00:30:30,886 There's some evidence it was a man-made structure, 728 00:30:30,904 --> 00:30:33,555 A hundred feet below the surface right there. 729 00:30:33,574 --> 00:30:34,890 Rehabbing the garden shaft will be a big deal in the story 730 00:30:34,908 --> 00:30:37,075 Of oak island. 731 00:30:37,227 --> 00:30:38,001 I'm hoping 732 00:30:38,228 --> 00:30:39,728 Dumas is coming back 733 00:30:39,746 --> 00:30:41,171 And they're gonna get us underground. 734 00:30:41,398 --> 00:30:44,416 And I think it could yield answers. 735 00:30:44,510 --> 00:30:46,084 There's a lot of anomalous, weird things going on 736 00:30:46,236 --> 00:30:47,402 In this area that we still don't understand. 737 00:30:47,421 --> 00:30:48,995 It's unlike any other area in the money pit. 738 00:30:49,014 --> 00:30:52,407 -Definitely bag this sucker up. -Yes. 739 00:30:52,426 --> 00:30:54,743 -We'll get a sample. -Uh, we may want to do dendro on that. 740 00:30:54,761 --> 00:30:55,911 Getting a water sample. 741 00:30:55,929 --> 00:30:58,338 Terry: Absolutely. Okay. 742 00:30:58,432 --> 00:31:00,415 Narrator: In order to fully explore 743 00:31:00,434 --> 00:31:02,860 The believed treasure zone in this location of the blob, 744 00:31:03,087 --> 00:31:06,679 The team will continue drilling borehole dn-13.5 745 00:31:06,699 --> 00:31:09,682 Down to a depth of 120 feet. 746 00:31:09,776 --> 00:31:13,595 They will also have the wood scientifically dated 747 00:31:13,614 --> 00:31:15,430 While testing a water sample for further evidence 748 00:31:15,523 --> 00:31:17,282 -Of gold. -Paul: Okay. 749 00:31:17,376 --> 00:31:19,376 I'll head out to get the kit, and I'll be back when I have it. 750 00:31:19,527 --> 00:31:21,786 -Terry: Okay, good. Talk to you soon. -Craig: Okay. 751 00:31:21,939 --> 00:31:23,939 Narrator: While the drilling operation continues 752 00:31:23,957 --> 00:31:25,457 In the money pit area... 753 00:31:25,609 --> 00:31:27,200 (scraping sounds) 754 00:31:27,219 --> 00:31:29,369 Jack: Hey, helen. Hey, laird. 755 00:31:29,463 --> 00:31:32,464 -Helen: Hi, jack. -...Jack begley returns to lot 26 756 00:31:32,558 --> 00:31:35,634 To once again assist archaeologists laird niven 757 00:31:35,786 --> 00:31:38,061 And helen sheldon as they investigate 758 00:31:38,213 --> 00:31:41,214 The mysterious 900-year-old stone well. 759 00:31:41,233 --> 00:31:43,475 -Jack: The well looks clear. -Laird: Yeah. 760 00:31:43,627 --> 00:31:46,294 -This is the center of the well here, right? -Yeah. 761 00:31:46,313 --> 00:31:48,146 It's kind of oval-shaped. 762 00:31:48,298 --> 00:31:49,798 Yeah. 763 00:31:49,891 --> 00:31:51,466 And you can see the three rocks there. 764 00:31:51,485 --> 00:31:55,245 Those are in there permanently. Those have been built into it. 765 00:31:56,323 --> 00:31:58,231 See, ideally, what we'd want for testing 766 00:31:58,325 --> 00:31:59,975 Is find a wooden artifact... 767 00:31:59,993 --> 00:32:01,810 -Somewhere in there? -...That we could test. 768 00:32:01,828 --> 00:32:03,736 Helen: Yeah. 769 00:32:03,756 --> 00:32:05,313 -Jack: Is there any way I can help out? -Sure. 770 00:32:05,332 --> 00:32:07,649 We need some more of this sod stripped back. 771 00:32:07,668 --> 00:32:09,551 Sure. I'll do what I can. 772 00:32:12,005 --> 00:32:14,172 Helen: So, this coarse, sandy matrix 773 00:32:14,266 --> 00:32:16,099 Seems really consistent all the way around. 774 00:32:18,679 --> 00:32:21,663 Laird: So we've done as much historical research as we can. 775 00:32:21,682 --> 00:32:24,499 We've got water testing done and core testing done-- 776 00:32:24,518 --> 00:32:25,500 Things like that. 777 00:32:25,519 --> 00:32:27,686 So it's time now 778 00:32:27,838 --> 00:32:29,688 For us to begin taking off 779 00:32:29,840 --> 00:32:31,840 All the vegetation that's overgrown-- 780 00:32:31,858 --> 00:32:34,025 And there's a lot of vegetation-- 781 00:32:34,119 --> 00:32:36,361 So we can look at it, get an idea of its size 782 00:32:36,513 --> 00:32:39,848 And hopefully an idea of how it was constructed 783 00:32:39,941 --> 00:32:43,126 And perhaps find a clue as to who constructed it. 784 00:32:43,353 --> 00:32:45,036 We'll take these little rocks off. 785 00:32:45,189 --> 00:32:46,964 Leave these ones in. 786 00:32:47,191 --> 00:32:48,690 But then we can move all of these. 787 00:32:48,709 --> 00:32:49,207 The loose ones. 788 00:32:49,301 --> 00:32:51,876 Right? And then 789 00:32:51,971 --> 00:32:54,471 Really get a good idea of the structure from there. 790 00:32:54,698 --> 00:32:57,382 -So it's coming up slowly. -Helen: It is. 791 00:32:57,476 --> 00:33:01,036 Yeah, it's turning out to be a pretty interesting area, eh? 792 00:33:01,129 --> 00:33:04,706 Between you and gary's finds and... 793 00:33:05,709 --> 00:33:07,818 -...What we're uncovering. -Yeah. -H-hopefully 794 00:33:08,045 --> 00:33:09,969 The source of that silver is somewhere in the well. 795 00:33:10,063 --> 00:33:11,713 -Yeah. -Or maybe it's coming 796 00:33:11,732 --> 00:33:12,739 From somewhere near here. 797 00:33:13,808 --> 00:33:15,141 Who knows? 798 00:33:15,235 --> 00:33:16,885 Jack: You have the hope 799 00:33:16,978 --> 00:33:23,500 -Of a treasure hunter, laird. -(chuckling) 800 00:33:23,727 --> 00:33:25,318 Narrator: As a new day begins on oak island... 801 00:33:25,412 --> 00:33:28,338 Helen: I've never seen one this close to salt water before. 802 00:33:28,490 --> 00:33:30,915 Yeah, it's turning out to be a pretty interesting area, right? 803 00:33:31,010 --> 00:33:33,918 ...And the archaeological investigation continues 804 00:33:34,071 --> 00:33:36,013 At the stone well on lot 26... 805 00:33:37,665 --> 00:33:38,923 (clanging) 806 00:33:39,076 --> 00:33:40,684 Scott: Hey, carmen. 807 00:33:40,835 --> 00:33:41,501 Well, hello. You got some more goodies this time? 808 00:33:41,595 --> 00:33:44,095 Doug: You know we do. 809 00:33:44,189 --> 00:33:47,691 ...Oak island historian doug crowell and scott barlow 810 00:33:47,842 --> 00:33:50,435 Have traveled some 50 miles to northville farm 811 00:33:50,587 --> 00:33:52,178 In centreville, nova scotia. 812 00:33:52,272 --> 00:33:53,755 They are meeting 813 00:33:53,848 --> 00:33:55,532 With blacksmithing expert carmen legge 814 00:33:55,683 --> 00:33:58,927 To get his professional analysis of the metal artifacts 815 00:33:59,020 --> 00:34:02,447 That were discovered two days ago near the ancient stone well. 816 00:34:02,599 --> 00:34:04,766 So, we brought a couple of things that, uh, 817 00:34:04,785 --> 00:34:06,601 Gary has found on lot 26. 818 00:34:06,620 --> 00:34:09,120 They're both found in close proximity to each other. 819 00:34:09,214 --> 00:34:10,530 I'll let you have a look and see what you think they might be. 820 00:34:10,624 --> 00:34:11,840 -All righty. -It has that... 821 00:34:13,034 --> 00:34:14,885 ...Uh, hinge appeal to it. 822 00:34:15,036 --> 00:34:16,636 But kind of curious on what you think they are. 823 00:34:18,706 --> 00:34:20,039 -Can I see the other one, too, scott? -Yeah. 824 00:34:20,059 --> 00:34:23,042 They both have a similar shape to them. 825 00:34:23,954 --> 00:34:26,712 Yeah, this one is more encrusted. 826 00:34:26,732 --> 00:34:28,290 They're both the same thickness. 827 00:34:28,383 --> 00:34:31,568 These are broken pieces off of a cutting tool. 828 00:34:31,795 --> 00:34:33,719 -These are from a bush scythe. -Oh, wow. 829 00:34:35,132 --> 00:34:37,890 Narrator: Dating back as much as 5,000 years, 830 00:34:37,910 --> 00:34:41,078 Bush scythes were used throughout europe and asia 831 00:34:41,229 --> 00:34:44,489 As cutting tools in the field of agriculture. 832 00:34:44,641 --> 00:34:46,991 However, when european cultures, 833 00:34:47,144 --> 00:34:51,646 Including the spanish, english and portuguese, began exploring 834 00:34:51,739 --> 00:34:54,482 North america by the 15th century, 835 00:34:54,501 --> 00:34:58,553 Bush scythes became essential tools on large sailing vessels. 836 00:35:00,265 --> 00:35:04,101 And the bush scythes would be used to hack off all the bushes, 837 00:35:04,252 --> 00:35:06,919 Small shrubs and anything up to about an inch and a half. 838 00:35:06,939 --> 00:35:08,921 And they would smash 'em off and... 839 00:35:08,941 --> 00:35:10,923 Get a encampment area cleared 840 00:35:10,943 --> 00:35:13,168 So that they could, uh, come ashore, 841 00:35:13,186 --> 00:35:14,444 Put up a little habitation or something like that 842 00:35:14,596 --> 00:35:16,171 -Sort of thing. -Yeah. 843 00:35:16,189 --> 00:35:18,264 Um, actually, if you look behind you there, 844 00:35:18,283 --> 00:35:20,450 You'll see a bush scythe leaned up against the wall there. 845 00:35:20,602 --> 00:35:22,953 You can bring that over and we can com-compare. 846 00:35:24,364 --> 00:35:27,791 And show you exactly what part this is. 847 00:35:27,942 --> 00:35:29,534 Yeah. This is what I remember, except, the ones we had, 848 00:35:29,628 --> 00:35:31,128 They were much longer. 849 00:35:31,355 --> 00:35:32,278 Yeah. It's a lawn blade or a grass blade. 850 00:35:32,297 --> 00:35:35,190 And if we compare it with that one, 851 00:35:35,283 --> 00:35:37,192 You can see it's-it's the exact match. 852 00:35:37,210 --> 00:35:38,552 Scott: Yeah, that's-that's identical. 853 00:35:40,864 --> 00:35:41,787 Doug: So, if you were gonna put 854 00:35:41,807 --> 00:35:43,956 A date range to-to these ones, 855 00:35:44,050 --> 00:35:45,383 What-what would you think? 856 00:35:45,535 --> 00:35:47,460 These are much older. 857 00:35:47,479 --> 00:35:48,961 The way these are made and shaped, 858 00:35:48,981 --> 00:35:51,039 I'm gonna say probably middle 1600s. 859 00:35:51,057 --> 00:35:52,223 Wow. 860 00:35:52,317 --> 00:35:54,042 Narrator: Bush scythes 861 00:35:54,060 --> 00:35:57,212 Possibly dating back more than 150 years 862 00:35:57,230 --> 00:36:01,049 Prior to the discovery of the money pit in 1795? 863 00:36:01,067 --> 00:36:04,494 Since no one is documented to have settled on oak island 864 00:36:04,721 --> 00:36:06,221 Before the 1760s, 865 00:36:06,314 --> 00:36:09,666 Who brought these tools to lot 26? 866 00:36:09,817 --> 00:36:12,060 Could it have been someone that was looking 867 00:36:12,078 --> 00:36:15,839 For something of great value in the 900-year-old stone well? 868 00:36:16,066 --> 00:36:19,176 Or was it someone who actually repurposed it 869 00:36:19,403 --> 00:36:21,344 To hide valuables there themselves? 870 00:36:22,589 --> 00:36:25,590 Rick: The bush scythe dating to the 1600s, 871 00:36:25,742 --> 00:36:26,908 It's interesting. 872 00:36:27,001 --> 00:36:31,095 And then you transition to dr. Spooner's work 873 00:36:31,248 --> 00:36:33,598 Indicating 1198 from the well. 874 00:36:33,750 --> 00:36:35,841 H-how is that possible? 875 00:36:35,861 --> 00:36:38,678 The only explanation I have in my mind 876 00:36:38,697 --> 00:36:41,105 Is that the enormity of the work done on oak island 877 00:36:41,200 --> 00:36:42,848 Was done in stages. 878 00:36:42,868 --> 00:36:45,035 There was a infrastructure stage, 879 00:36:45,186 --> 00:36:49,021 A depositional phase, a implementation phase, 880 00:36:49,041 --> 00:36:51,041 A logistics phase. 881 00:36:51,268 --> 00:36:53,526 Perhaps done over a long period of time. 882 00:36:54,621 --> 00:36:57,789 There are nuances to telling the story, 883 00:36:57,941 --> 00:36:59,774 And we need to make certain 884 00:36:59,793 --> 00:37:02,034 That we're not misunderstanding any of it. 885 00:37:03,280 --> 00:37:06,114 Scott: And, again, it reinforces that people were probably around here 886 00:37:06,132 --> 00:37:06,948 A little before we thought they were. 887 00:37:06,967 --> 00:37:08,725 Carmen: Oh, absolutely. 888 00:37:08,952 --> 00:37:11,061 Uh, these-these are before any, uh, uh, 889 00:37:11,212 --> 00:37:13,455 Settlement or habitation here in nova scotia. 890 00:37:13,548 --> 00:37:16,124 It-it is uncommon to see one this old. 891 00:37:16,217 --> 00:37:17,567 Doug: Why would you need a... 892 00:37:17,794 --> 00:37:19,903 Bush scythe on oak island in that time period? 893 00:37:20,054 --> 00:37:21,887 Scott: And to find two of them-- it almost suggests 894 00:37:21,907 --> 00:37:23,073 There may have been multiple people there 895 00:37:23,224 --> 00:37:24,649 Trying to clear an area. 896 00:37:24,801 --> 00:37:26,225 This could have been a-a-- very possible 897 00:37:26,245 --> 00:37:27,911 That this was a point of entry to the island, 898 00:37:28,062 --> 00:37:29,746 Where people were coming ashore here. 899 00:37:29,897 --> 00:37:32,064 -You've got my mind wandering now. -(chuckling) 900 00:37:32,158 --> 00:37:33,750 -Scott: We'll let you get back to work. -Thanks, carmen. 901 00:37:33,901 --> 00:37:35,310 -Carmen: All right. See you later. -Scott: Thanks. 902 00:37:35,403 --> 00:37:37,328 Narrator: Later that afternoon... 903 00:37:37,481 --> 00:37:38,313 -Rick: Hi, guys. -Alex: Hey. -(others greeting) 904 00:37:38,331 --> 00:37:39,647 Hello. 905 00:37:39,666 --> 00:37:40,832 Thank you for joining us. 906 00:37:40,984 --> 00:37:42,926 ...Rick and marty lagina, 907 00:37:43,153 --> 00:37:45,077 Craig tester and members of the team 908 00:37:45,097 --> 00:37:47,155 Have gathered in the war room 909 00:37:47,248 --> 00:37:49,248 For a video conference with representatives 910 00:37:49,268 --> 00:37:51,676 From dumas contracting limited. 911 00:37:51,770 --> 00:37:53,436 Everybody knows how important the garden shaft project is 912 00:37:53,588 --> 00:37:58,016 -To everything we do this year in the money pit. -Yeah. 913 00:37:58,168 --> 00:38:01,002 Narrator: Six weeks after having to halt reconstruction 914 00:38:01,021 --> 00:38:03,613 On the garden shaft in the money pit area... 915 00:38:03,840 --> 00:38:05,615 Cameron: We are very much interested 916 00:38:05,767 --> 00:38:08,343 And remain committed to this project, rick. 917 00:38:08,361 --> 00:38:10,011 ...Cameron carter, the vice president 918 00:38:10,030 --> 00:38:13,531 Of technical services and development at dumas, 919 00:38:13,683 --> 00:38:15,959 Along with his colleagues, have 920 00:38:16,110 --> 00:38:18,628 A critical update to share with the team. 921 00:38:18,855 --> 00:38:21,039 Look, uh, the bottom line is we're hoping 922 00:38:21,191 --> 00:38:23,207 For good news today. 923 00:38:23,360 --> 00:38:26,619 Well, um, I hope the team can appreciate 924 00:38:26,638 --> 00:38:28,696 The scrutiny that we are receiving 925 00:38:28,715 --> 00:38:31,199 From the regulatory bodies in nova scotia. 926 00:38:31,217 --> 00:38:32,717 They want 927 00:38:32,869 --> 00:38:34,886 This project to proceed in a safe manner, 928 00:38:34,980 --> 00:38:37,647 Uh, as does dumas and as does 929 00:38:37,799 --> 00:38:40,108 All the stakeholders that are engaged in this work. 930 00:38:41,486 --> 00:38:44,154 There have been some hurdles that we're trying 931 00:38:44,381 --> 00:38:48,325 To remove from our way to ensure that we can proceed 932 00:38:48,476 --> 00:38:50,568 On the garden shaft rehabilitation 933 00:38:50,720 --> 00:38:52,662 In the most safe and appropriate manner. 934 00:38:52,814 --> 00:38:55,073 -Yes. -Rick: I think, 935 00:38:55,225 --> 00:38:57,000 On our side, we believe the very same thing. 936 00:38:57,151 --> 00:38:59,727 But do you have an update for us? 937 00:38:59,821 --> 00:39:01,629 Where do we sit? Where do we go from here? 938 00:39:02,749 --> 00:39:03,989 Yep. Certainly. 939 00:39:04,009 --> 00:39:07,510 We do have some news here, rick. 940 00:39:13,743 --> 00:39:15,743 Rick: Do you have an update for us? Where do we sit? 941 00:39:15,762 --> 00:39:17,412 Where do we go from here? 942 00:39:17,430 --> 00:39:19,338 Yep. Certainly. 943 00:39:19,432 --> 00:39:21,583 The commitment that-that the government has made to us 944 00:39:21,676 --> 00:39:23,251 Is that they're going to work with us 945 00:39:23,269 --> 00:39:24,769 In an expedited manner, 946 00:39:24,921 --> 00:39:26,754 As efficiently as they can. 947 00:39:26,773 --> 00:39:28,848 And, quite simply, I can't ask for more than that. 948 00:39:28,867 --> 00:39:32,351 We have confirmed with the government 949 00:39:32,445 --> 00:39:34,779 That they are in receipt of the additional information 950 00:39:34,931 --> 00:39:37,189 That's been provided by dumas 951 00:39:37,209 --> 00:39:40,268 That we are in the opinion satisfies 952 00:39:40,286 --> 00:39:42,437 All outstanding requirements, uh, for authorization. 953 00:39:42,455 --> 00:39:45,215 As we sit here today, 954 00:39:45,366 --> 00:39:48,943 We are not in receipt of the authorizations to proceed 955 00:39:48,962 --> 00:39:50,795 With the garden shaft rehabilitation, 956 00:39:50,947 --> 00:39:53,131 But we do anticipate 957 00:39:53,283 --> 00:39:55,892 That it should be received this week. 958 00:39:56,043 --> 00:39:57,209 -Scott: Good news. -Marty: That would be cool. 959 00:39:57,303 --> 00:39:59,211 -Craig: Great. -Wow. 960 00:39:59,231 --> 00:40:01,973 There was a huge sigh of relief 961 00:40:02,125 --> 00:40:03,291 In the entire room, because, 962 00:40:03,309 --> 00:40:04,550 Finally, we'll be able 963 00:40:04,644 --> 00:40:05,885 To move this project forward. 964 00:40:05,904 --> 00:40:09,221 The dumas people should be proud 965 00:40:09,241 --> 00:40:10,890 That they brought their team together 966 00:40:10,909 --> 00:40:13,392 And responded in a very timely manner. 967 00:40:13,412 --> 00:40:15,412 Again, we thank you very much for all the hard work. 968 00:40:15,639 --> 00:40:17,989 We're excited about the potential 969 00:40:18,141 --> 00:40:19,657 That this has in terms 970 00:40:19,809 --> 00:40:22,085 Of solving the mystery and, uh, 971 00:40:22,236 --> 00:40:23,811 -Look forward to seeing you guys. -Okay. Thank you. 972 00:40:23,905 --> 00:40:26,256 -Rick: Thanks, guys! -See you guys. Thank you. -(others saying bye) 973 00:40:26,407 --> 00:40:27,649 -Appreciate it. Take care. -Bye! -Goodbye. 974 00:40:27,667 --> 00:40:28,666 Thank you. 975 00:40:28,760 --> 00:40:31,319 It looks like we might just get it in 976 00:40:31,412 --> 00:40:32,578 Under the wire on all this stuff. 977 00:40:32,597 --> 00:40:34,764 Rick: Everything appears to be 978 00:40:34,991 --> 00:40:37,767 In-in place to expedite the permitting process. 979 00:40:38,920 --> 00:40:40,328 We get eyes and boots on the ground. 980 00:40:40,346 --> 00:40:41,604 We keep moving forward. 981 00:40:41,756 --> 00:40:43,255 Get the shaft done. 982 00:40:43,275 --> 00:40:44,757 See what's-- see what's down there. 983 00:40:44,851 --> 00:40:46,017 It's that simple. 984 00:40:46,169 --> 00:40:47,610 -Craig: Okay. -All right. 985 00:40:47,837 --> 00:40:49,446 -Simple. I like simple. -Alex: Yep. Yep. 986 00:40:52,600 --> 00:40:55,860 Narrator: For rick, marty, craig and their team, 987 00:40:55,954 --> 00:41:00,181 As another extraordinary week comes to an end, 988 00:41:00,200 --> 00:41:03,017 They are more confident than ever that the veil 989 00:41:03,036 --> 00:41:05,110 Which has shrouded oak island in mystery 990 00:41:05,130 --> 00:41:07,689 For more than two centuries will soon be lifted. 991 00:41:07,707 --> 00:41:12,969 But as the clues continue to mount all across the island 992 00:41:13,120 --> 00:41:17,215 And the dig in the money pit area resumes, 993 00:41:17,367 --> 00:41:20,960 Will the ultimate secret of what happened here long ago 994 00:41:21,054 --> 00:41:23,221 And what purpose it served 995 00:41:23,373 --> 00:41:25,482 Finally be revealed? 996 00:41:26,726 --> 00:41:28,726 Perhaps only time 997 00:41:28,878 --> 00:41:31,821 And the mysterious forces of the island 998 00:41:31,973 --> 00:41:33,323 Will tell. 999 00:41:35,327 --> 00:41:38,069 Next time on the curse of oak island... 1000 00:41:38,221 --> 00:41:41,055 Jack: We're gonna drain the well to search the bottom. 1001 00:41:41,148 --> 00:41:43,315 Oh. Look at that. Looks handwrought. 1002 00:41:43,335 --> 00:41:45,226 Christa: This is one of the older objects 1003 00:41:45,245 --> 00:41:46,002 -You've found. -Wow. 1004 00:41:46,229 --> 00:41:48,062 Pharoah: You have four lines 1005 00:41:48,155 --> 00:41:50,322 Measured from nolan's cross 1006 00:41:50,342 --> 00:41:53,176 Perfectly intersecting at the garden shaft. 1007 00:41:53,327 --> 00:41:55,403 Rick: Wow. Let's get the answers at the bottom 1008 00:41:55,421 --> 00:41:56,679 -Of that shaft. -Absolutely. Absolutely. 1009 00:41:56,906 --> 00:41:58,740 Gary: That is a stairway to treasure. 1010 00:41:58,758 --> 00:42:00,350 -Let's go for the gold! -Alex: Yes! -(laughter) 1011 00:42:00,501 --> 00:42:01,851 -That's what we want. -Jack: Yeah. Let's go. 1012 00:42:02,003 --> 00:42:03,335 That is awesome. 1013 00:42:03,355 --> 00:42:05,104 Captioning provided by a+e networks