1 00:00:00,829 --> 00:00:02,986 Moms... They're amazing. 2 00:00:02,996 --> 00:00:06,743 They're the closest thing we have in real life to superheroes. 3 00:00:06,811 --> 00:00:10,709 I mean, they may not be able to fly or lift cars, 4 00:00:10,719 --> 00:00:12,983 but they have other superpowers... 5 00:00:14,738 --> 00:00:19,047 like being able to make dinner out of the only available ingredients. 6 00:00:19,057 --> 00:00:20,267 Here you go, baby. 7 00:00:20,277 --> 00:00:23,717 Mama made you some macaroni, Spam, and grape jelly. 8 00:00:23,727 --> 00:00:24,791 Yay! 9 00:00:24,801 --> 00:00:27,395 Another mom superpower... They don't get sick, 10 00:00:27,405 --> 00:00:30,301 no matter how much they care for sick kids. 11 00:00:30,311 --> 00:00:32,755 Is that sweet boy stuffed up? 12 00:00:32,765 --> 00:00:35,925 Come here and let Mama suck that junk 13 00:00:35,935 --> 00:00:37,793 out of that baby nose. 14 00:00:39,689 --> 00:00:43,111 And Bow has the same "never gets sick" superpower, 15 00:00:43,121 --> 00:00:44,859 just without the same loving touch. 16 00:00:44,869 --> 00:00:46,871 Mom, I don't feel good. 17 00:00:46,984 --> 00:00:50,253 You do feel warm. Maybe like a 99.8. 18 00:00:50,263 --> 00:00:51,800 Push fluids. 19 00:00:52,802 --> 00:00:54,847 Take Tylenol... Three, not four. 20 00:00:54,857 --> 00:00:56,686 Four will kill you. Two's not enough. 21 00:00:56,696 --> 00:00:58,198 Four will kill me? 22 00:00:58,208 --> 00:01:00,802 And two's not enough. Aspirin's weird. 23 00:01:01,530 --> 00:01:02,923 Get some rest. 24 00:01:03,724 --> 00:01:05,005 That's it? 25 00:01:05,015 --> 00:01:07,035 Yeah. That or die. 26 00:01:08,674 --> 00:01:10,786 You're fine. Go to work. 27 00:01:10,796 --> 00:01:12,880 - But I don't want to. - Go! 28 00:01:12,890 --> 00:01:16,135 But every once in a while, even Superman goes down. 29 00:01:16,454 --> 00:01:19,472 I got something, and it's bad. 30 00:01:19,482 --> 00:01:22,517 - Mom, are you okay? - Oh, I'm so sorry, Ruby. 31 00:01:22,585 --> 00:01:25,981 I threw up twice, and I haven't even eaten any of your cooking. 32 00:01:25,991 --> 00:01:28,423 Aw, did I say I was sorry? 33 00:01:28,491 --> 00:01:30,987 I meant I hope it's something exotic and terminal. 34 00:01:30,997 --> 00:01:32,174 Bow. 35 00:01:32,184 --> 00:01:35,178 I'm gonna get you when I'm well, Rainbow. 36 00:01:35,579 --> 00:01:37,218 Dre, come help your mama! 37 00:01:37,228 --> 00:01:38,483 Do not move. 38 00:01:39,694 --> 00:01:43,809 Synced and corrected by johnyd13 ~ www.addic7ed.com ~ 39 00:01:45,854 --> 00:01:49,236 Okay, my mom is sick. That never happens. 40 00:01:49,246 --> 00:01:51,228 What are we gonna do? 41 00:01:51,238 --> 00:01:54,154 I think we should quarantine her. Oh! I know where. 42 00:01:54,164 --> 00:01:57,077 At her own house, where she's supposed to live. 43 00:01:57,087 --> 00:01:59,060 Seriously, Bow, this is bad, all right? 44 00:01:59,070 --> 00:02:02,128 It has to be a superbug if it took her down. 45 00:02:02,138 --> 00:02:04,467 Oh, God. It's gonna run through the whole family. 46 00:02:04,477 --> 00:02:07,540 We're toast. I got to live, Bow! Somebody's got to tell our story! 47 00:02:07,550 --> 00:02:09,788 - You need to calm down. - Oh, I am calm. 48 00:02:09,798 --> 00:02:12,613 I just can't get sick, Bow. I carry this household. 49 00:02:12,623 --> 00:02:16,029 - I'm sorry. You carry this household? - I am the big dog. 50 00:02:16,039 --> 00:02:18,114 I can't get sick either, Big Dog. 51 00:02:18,124 --> 00:02:20,376 Parker and Danny are supposed to fight over me, 52 00:02:20,386 --> 00:02:23,042 and if I'm not at school tomorrow, they might not fight. 53 00:02:23,052 --> 00:02:26,138 I mean, people could think I'm not worth fighting over. 54 00:02:26,148 --> 00:02:28,667 Oh, my God. I need to make them fight tonight. 55 00:02:28,734 --> 00:02:30,418 Bow, we got to get the rest of the kids in here 56 00:02:30,428 --> 00:02:31,683 so I can spray them down. 57 00:02:31,693 --> 00:02:34,506 Dre, you cannot spray the kids with bleach. 58 00:02:34,574 --> 00:02:38,401 It's diluted. It's basically just bleachy water. 59 00:02:38,411 --> 00:02:41,313 You know what? Let me go handle this. 60 00:02:41,380 --> 00:02:42,688 - Ruby! - Huh? 61 00:02:42,698 --> 00:02:45,743 Can you remember what you've been doing for the last 72 hours? 62 00:02:45,753 --> 00:02:48,558 You sound like that cop when Earl's boat blew up. 63 00:02:48,568 --> 00:02:50,806 I'm trying to figure out what you have. 64 00:02:50,816 --> 00:02:52,057 Think. Think, Ruby. 65 00:02:52,124 --> 00:02:54,593 - I know that Friday... - Uh-huh. 66 00:02:54,660 --> 00:02:56,910 It was the church beefsteak dinner. 67 00:02:57,722 --> 00:03:01,563 And then Saturday was the church crab boil. 68 00:03:02,784 --> 00:03:04,584 And today was Hot Dog Day. 69 00:03:06,239 --> 00:03:09,867 It's flu season, and you decided to hit up 70 00:03:09,877 --> 00:03:13,690 a trifecta of communal hand-eating gatherings? 71 00:03:13,700 --> 00:03:16,886 Rainbow, what do you got against the church raising money 72 00:03:16,896 --> 00:03:19,417 for the pastor's legal-defense fund? 73 00:03:19,427 --> 00:03:22,120 Mom? I don't feel good. 74 00:03:22,130 --> 00:03:24,594 - Aw. - Oh, God. It's happening. 75 00:03:24,604 --> 00:03:27,068 Okay. I'm ready. I'm ready. 76 00:03:27,451 --> 00:03:30,228 Sweetheart, have you been around your grandmother this weekend? 77 00:03:30,238 --> 00:03:31,435 No. 78 00:03:32,055 --> 00:03:33,431 Ooh, meat! 79 00:03:34,488 --> 00:03:35,934 Ooh, crab! 80 00:03:36,797 --> 00:03:38,303 Ooh, hot dogs! 81 00:03:38,371 --> 00:03:39,938 And butter! 82 00:03:40,338 --> 00:03:44,443 It's like a... Whew... 101.3. 83 00:03:44,453 --> 00:03:45,844 You definitely have something. 84 00:03:45,854 --> 00:03:48,538 All right, go upstairs and put on your PJs, okay? 85 00:03:48,548 --> 00:03:50,871 I'll be up there in two seconds. 86 00:03:51,026 --> 00:03:53,320 It is happening. Contagion is here, 87 00:03:53,330 --> 00:03:55,225 and it's gonna get me, and it's gonna get us! 88 00:03:55,235 --> 00:03:57,789 - Oh! Oh, are you kidding me? - I'm sorry. I'm sorry! 89 00:03:57,857 --> 00:03:59,424 I got to live! 90 00:03:59,434 --> 00:04:01,159 I got to live! 91 00:04:01,798 --> 00:04:04,195 - Morning, Dre. - Mm, Oprah. 92 00:04:04,205 --> 00:04:06,265 So, Stedman gonna work the camera, right? 93 00:04:06,275 --> 00:04:08,733 Dre. Hey, yeah. You're in early. 94 00:04:08,801 --> 00:04:11,670 Whoa, whoa. You, uh... You coming down with something? 95 00:04:11,737 --> 00:04:14,272 Oh, no, no, no, no. You know, there's some stuff going around, 96 00:04:14,282 --> 00:04:15,701 but, you know, I'm... I'm okay. 97 00:04:15,711 --> 00:04:18,974 Good. It is not a great time to be getting sick... No. 98 00:04:18,984 --> 00:04:21,077 With all this uncertainty going around. 99 00:04:21,087 --> 00:04:22,872 That is why I am not sick. 100 00:04:22,882 --> 00:04:26,223 Wow. You look sick as (bleep) 101 00:04:26,233 --> 00:04:29,220 I am here in perfectly good health to crush it and remind you 102 00:04:29,288 --> 00:04:31,497 why I am so valuable to this company. 103 00:04:31,507 --> 00:04:33,333 - You're shaking. - It's just allergies. 104 00:04:33,343 --> 00:04:35,873 You know, flowers, grass, shellfish. 105 00:04:35,883 --> 00:04:38,194 Ugh, I ate a seafood tower for breakfast this morning. 106 00:04:38,204 --> 00:04:39,241 So stupid. 107 00:04:39,251 --> 00:04:41,001 And now I'm paying for... 108 00:04:41,481 --> 00:04:44,835 Okay, Josh, seriously, you need to go home right now. 109 00:04:44,845 --> 00:04:47,765 No! I am so fine! Come on. What are we working on? 110 00:04:47,775 --> 00:04:49,996 Let's get her done. Let's go! 111 00:04:50,006 --> 00:04:52,714 Oh, God. I got to live! I got to live! 112 00:04:52,724 --> 00:04:55,039 - Get out! Get out! - Okay! I'm sorry! 113 00:04:55,049 --> 00:04:57,006 This job is all I have! 114 00:04:58,390 --> 00:05:00,861 That is one green white dude. 115 00:05:00,871 --> 00:05:02,762 He's sick and he won't even admit it. 116 00:05:02,772 --> 00:05:05,846 I don't get sick. My grandmother taught me an old-school remedy. 117 00:05:05,856 --> 00:05:08,463 Put some fish guts and vinegar in an old mayonnaise jar. 118 00:05:08,473 --> 00:05:10,775 Let it sit outside in the sun for a couple days. 119 00:05:10,785 --> 00:05:13,997 One shot of that and, boom, you're all good. 120 00:05:14,064 --> 00:05:17,366 - Mm-hmm. - I'm sorry, but that is so backward. 121 00:05:17,376 --> 00:05:21,491 You got to be cutting-edge. In fact, right now, as a preventative, 122 00:05:21,501 --> 00:05:24,157 I just poured myself this delicious cup 123 00:05:24,167 --> 00:05:25,741 of tiger-penis tea. 124 00:05:25,751 --> 00:05:28,830 - Tiger what? - Oh, there's no actual penis in it. 125 00:05:28,840 --> 00:05:31,214 I mean, that would be crazy. No, no, no. 126 00:05:31,282 --> 00:05:33,216 It's the fluid that they extract 127 00:05:33,226 --> 00:05:35,163 when the tiger is fully aroused. 128 00:05:35,173 --> 00:05:37,275 Some poor bastard has to get to third base 129 00:05:37,285 --> 00:05:39,442 with the tiger before they can extract it. 130 00:05:39,452 --> 00:05:44,894 So, it's the fluid of a fully aroused tiger. 131 00:05:44,904 --> 00:05:48,264 - Why don't you think about what that is? - Yeah. 132 00:05:52,056 --> 00:05:53,827 - It's tea. - Yeah. Okay. 133 00:05:53,837 --> 00:05:57,641 Well, I'm not gonna be drinking any fish guts from a jar 134 00:05:57,651 --> 00:05:59,809 or tiger-penis tea, all right? 135 00:05:59,819 --> 00:06:02,275 I'm just gonna keep my kids from making me sick. 136 00:06:02,285 --> 00:06:03,909 I can't be around any sick kids. 137 00:06:03,919 --> 00:06:07,180 The minute Eustace show any cold or flu symptoms, 138 00:06:07,190 --> 00:06:09,071 I make him stay with his mother. 139 00:06:09,081 --> 00:06:11,374 'Course I live between a paint factory 140 00:06:11,384 --> 00:06:13,626 and a sewage-treatment plant, so... 141 00:06:14,072 --> 00:06:17,672 so that coughing and runny nose could be from something else. 142 00:06:17,837 --> 00:06:19,596 I don't see Eustace often. 143 00:06:19,606 --> 00:06:21,789 FaceTime is our quality time. 144 00:06:23,260 --> 00:06:24,643 Rainbow. 145 00:06:25,226 --> 00:06:26,660 Rainbow! 146 00:06:26,670 --> 00:06:28,271 I'm right here. 147 00:06:28,671 --> 00:06:31,674 - You knew that. - I'm delirious. I can only yell. 148 00:06:31,684 --> 00:06:33,859 - I blame this on you, Rainbow! - What? 149 00:06:33,869 --> 00:06:35,876 You probably brought some old demon parasite home 150 00:06:35,886 --> 00:06:38,845 - from that old raggedy hospital. - No. 151 00:06:38,855 --> 00:06:42,494 This is your fault and your dirty church meat. 152 00:06:42,504 --> 00:06:44,587 How many people touched that stuff, huh? 153 00:06:45,125 --> 00:06:46,756 It's called fellowship. 154 00:06:46,766 --> 00:06:48,459 - Yeah, okay. - You wouldn't understand. 155 00:06:48,469 --> 00:06:50,207 - No! - But I'm gonna be taken away 156 00:06:50,217 --> 00:06:52,019 from all of that now. 157 00:06:53,473 --> 00:06:55,102 I'm going to meet my maker. 158 00:06:55,112 --> 00:06:56,732 You're not gonna die. 159 00:06:56,742 --> 00:06:58,835 How can you be so sure? 160 00:06:59,837 --> 00:07:02,237 Because nothing ever works out for me. 161 00:07:03,476 --> 00:07:04,687 Are you guys gonna come in? 162 00:07:04,697 --> 00:07:07,267 Mom says we shouldn't because you might be contagious. 163 00:07:07,277 --> 00:07:10,298 Actually, I'm not worried about getting what you have 164 00:07:10,308 --> 00:07:12,133 because you can't catch weakness. 165 00:07:12,511 --> 00:07:13,886 Ha! 166 00:07:14,141 --> 00:07:16,743 I'm sorry, Jack. Are you all right? 167 00:07:16,753 --> 00:07:19,231 Kind of bored, but it's okay. 168 00:07:19,241 --> 00:07:20,886 It's given me time to think, 169 00:07:20,896 --> 00:07:23,026 and I've come up with something really cool. 170 00:07:23,036 --> 00:07:24,664 - What? - It's a secret. 171 00:07:24,674 --> 00:07:26,375 - A secret? - Yeah. 172 00:07:26,385 --> 00:07:28,276 The secret is... 173 00:07:30,508 --> 00:07:32,020 What? 174 00:07:33,269 --> 00:07:34,769 What are you saying? 175 00:07:35,334 --> 00:07:36,977 The secret is... 176 00:07:45,962 --> 00:07:47,896 You've got the flu. 177 00:07:47,906 --> 00:07:49,970 Why?! 178 00:07:50,216 --> 00:07:51,791 I stand corrected. 179 00:07:51,801 --> 00:07:53,231 You can catch weakness. 180 00:07:53,241 --> 00:07:57,184 My house had become a World Health Organization hot zone. 181 00:07:57,194 --> 00:07:59,699 People were dropping like flies. 182 00:07:59,709 --> 00:08:03,095 I needed to pack my go bag and get the hell out of there. 183 00:08:03,723 --> 00:08:05,335 - Dre. - Oh! 184 00:08:05,345 --> 00:08:06,815 What are you doing? 185 00:08:07,289 --> 00:08:09,586 I was, uh... I was just giving this stuff to Goodwill. 186 00:08:09,596 --> 00:08:10,642 - Really? - Mm-hmm. 187 00:08:10,652 --> 00:08:13,610 You're giving old underwear and $2,000 shoes to Goodwill? 188 00:08:13,620 --> 00:08:15,477 Damn it, Bow! I'm checking into a hotel, all right? 189 00:08:15,487 --> 00:08:18,550 I can't get sick. And these shoes really shouldn't be in here, either. 190 00:08:18,560 --> 00:08:19,904 - Dre. - What? 191 00:08:19,914 --> 00:08:23,307 I... I think I got what they have. I feel really rough. 192 00:08:23,375 --> 00:08:24,925 Dre, I'm gonna need your help with the kids. 193 00:08:24,935 --> 00:08:26,511 Me? What... What about Zoey? 194 00:08:26,521 --> 00:08:30,239 Dre, Zoey went down like an hour ago. We have three sick kids. 195 00:08:30,249 --> 00:08:32,547 - I don't feel good, Mommy. - Oh, my God. 196 00:08:32,557 --> 00:08:33,751 I'm weak. 197 00:08:33,761 --> 00:08:36,991 - Dre, we have four sick kids. - Damn it! 198 00:08:37,001 --> 00:08:38,608 I'm really gonna need you step it up. 199 00:08:38,618 --> 00:08:41,796 No, Bow. You're fine. You look great. 200 00:08:41,806 --> 00:08:43,908 - Maybe you just need a nap. - Dre? 201 00:08:43,918 --> 00:08:46,027 I have been sleeping all afternoon. 202 00:08:46,037 --> 00:08:48,102 And it shows. You look fresh. 203 00:08:48,112 --> 00:08:50,262 You can do this, Bow! You're the champ! 204 00:08:50,272 --> 00:08:53,590 - I'm sweating. - You are glistening like the champ. 205 00:08:53,600 --> 00:08:55,798 You're Floyd Mayweather. Come on, Mama. You got the... 206 00:08:55,808 --> 00:08:58,158 Mm! Okay. Okay. Mm-hmm. I get it. I get it. 207 00:08:58,168 --> 00:09:01,018 You're trying... You're trying to make weight! 208 00:09:03,282 --> 00:09:06,267 Hey, sweetie. You're glistening, too. 209 00:09:06,650 --> 00:09:10,712 So, my sick family left me no choice but to take care of them. 210 00:09:10,722 --> 00:09:14,279 First order of business... Separate the patients by symptoms. 211 00:09:14,289 --> 00:09:16,213 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no. 212 00:09:16,223 --> 00:09:17,733 You said separate by symptoms, Bow. 213 00:09:17,743 --> 00:09:19,281 You two are the only ones with nausea. 214 00:09:19,291 --> 00:09:20,701 Yeah, but she's the only one with crazy! 215 00:09:20,711 --> 00:09:23,242 Yeah, but I want to live, Bow! I want to live! 216 00:09:23,252 --> 00:09:25,128 Don't leave Mama in here with her, baby! 217 00:09:25,138 --> 00:09:27,704 Don't stay in here with me! I don't like you! 218 00:09:27,772 --> 00:09:30,130 Don't leave... Don't leave Mama in here with her. 219 00:09:30,140 --> 00:09:32,542 - Mom! - My head hurts! 220 00:09:32,552 --> 00:09:33,877 I'm freezing! 221 00:09:33,945 --> 00:09:36,847 - My back is killing me! - Help! 222 00:09:39,951 --> 00:09:41,542 Guys, guys, guys! 223 00:09:41,552 --> 00:09:43,520 Okay, hey, guys. 224 00:09:43,530 --> 00:09:45,689 All right, guys, guys, guys. Come on. 225 00:09:45,699 --> 00:09:48,354 Calm down, all right? I'm here to help. I'm here to help, okay? 226 00:09:48,364 --> 00:09:50,794 Now, tell me what you need. 227 00:09:51,866 --> 00:09:53,368 Mom! 228 00:09:53,378 --> 00:09:55,589 Look, I just said I was right here. 229 00:09:55,599 --> 00:09:57,446 - Come on. - You're not Mom! 230 00:09:57,456 --> 00:09:58,675 Where's Mom? 231 00:09:58,685 --> 00:10:01,469 Your mom is too sick to come down here to help you, okay? 232 00:10:01,479 --> 00:10:03,755 So I'm gonna step in, and I'm gonna take care of you. 233 00:10:03,765 --> 00:10:05,657 - No! - Wrong answer! 234 00:10:05,667 --> 00:10:07,292 You broke my heart! 235 00:10:07,302 --> 00:10:09,200 I'm not gonna graduate on time! 236 00:10:09,210 --> 00:10:11,430 I brought tissue! I can do this! 237 00:10:11,440 --> 00:10:14,199 - Can you? - My nose. Can't breathe. 238 00:10:14,496 --> 00:10:17,202 See? That's why I brought tissues, see? 239 00:10:17,212 --> 00:10:20,205 Mom always holds it for us so we can blow really hard. 240 00:10:20,273 --> 00:10:22,989 Okay. Well, uh, Mom always holds it for you. 241 00:10:22,999 --> 00:10:26,042 - I guess I could hold it for you. - Ah-choo! 242 00:10:30,158 --> 00:10:34,273 Mom! 243 00:10:36,208 --> 00:10:38,521 I couldn't scrub hard enough. 244 00:10:38,531 --> 00:10:41,170 But then it hit me. 245 00:10:41,180 --> 00:10:43,298 What kind of father was I? 246 00:10:43,308 --> 00:10:46,124 In their hour of need, my kids wanted anything but me. 247 00:10:46,134 --> 00:10:47,542 - Mom! - Where's Mom? 248 00:10:47,552 --> 00:10:51,153 - You're not Mom! - I was a non-factor. 249 00:10:51,163 --> 00:10:53,079 I had to do better. 250 00:10:53,089 --> 00:10:55,186 Ruby Evelyene Johnson 251 00:10:55,253 --> 00:10:58,346 was ecstatic to live her life out loud, 252 00:10:58,356 --> 00:11:00,357 the ups and downs of her journey 253 00:11:00,367 --> 00:11:04,372 playing like the staccato notes of Louis Armstrong. 254 00:11:04,382 --> 00:11:08,411 - I'm trying to sleep. - And I'm trying to write my obituary. 255 00:11:08,421 --> 00:11:11,974 Oh. You know what? I should have a first draft of that somewhere around here. 256 00:11:12,042 --> 00:11:14,646 Bow, can you teach me how to take care of the kids? 257 00:11:14,656 --> 00:11:17,980 - This is all new to me. - Okay, Dre. 258 00:11:17,990 --> 00:11:19,649 - This is really complicated. - Mm-hmm. 259 00:11:19,716 --> 00:11:21,539 It took me four years of med school to learn this. 260 00:11:21,549 --> 00:11:23,653 You're gonna give the kids medicine, 261 00:11:23,663 --> 00:11:26,472 you're gonna feed them, and you're gonna comfort them. 262 00:11:26,482 --> 00:11:29,731 Medicine, food, comfort. 263 00:11:29,741 --> 00:11:32,217 "M," "F," "C." 264 00:11:32,227 --> 00:11:34,719 Magenta filing cabinet. 265 00:11:34,729 --> 00:11:37,379 - What are you doing? - It's an old adman memory trick. 266 00:11:37,389 --> 00:11:40,022 You link what you're trying to remember to strong visual images. 267 00:11:40,032 --> 00:11:43,236 Magenta filing cabinet. 268 00:11:43,246 --> 00:11:45,575 - What does that stand for, Dre? - It's... 269 00:11:46,462 --> 00:11:48,589 So, Bow wrote it down for me. 270 00:11:48,599 --> 00:11:49,834 All right, guys. 271 00:11:49,844 --> 00:11:52,769 We got to keep our strength up, so it's chicken soup time. 272 00:11:52,779 --> 00:11:54,056 Did Mom make that? 273 00:11:54,066 --> 00:11:55,390 - No. - Hard pass. 274 00:11:55,400 --> 00:11:57,573 Okay. Anybody else? 275 00:11:57,583 --> 00:11:59,688 It's delicious soup. 276 00:11:59,698 --> 00:12:01,370 Oh, you guys are still a little feverish. 277 00:12:01,380 --> 00:12:02,970 All right. Let's get those numbers down. 278 00:12:02,980 --> 00:12:04,981 - Junior, you go first. - I can't swallow a pill. 279 00:12:04,991 --> 00:12:06,479 - What? - That's why Mom lets me 280 00:12:06,489 --> 00:12:07,749 take the liquid stuff. 281 00:12:07,759 --> 00:12:10,678 Man, that's for babies. You're 14 years old, son. 282 00:12:10,688 --> 00:12:14,321 You got to know how to take a pill. Look. I'll show you. 283 00:12:16,042 --> 00:12:18,964 See? Look at that. No problem. Just like that. Your turn. 284 00:12:18,974 --> 00:12:20,776 It's still in your mouth. 285 00:12:20,786 --> 00:12:23,266 It is not. 286 00:12:23,334 --> 00:12:24,600 Prove it. 287 00:12:26,387 --> 00:12:28,551 Kyle Berry hit me in the throat with a curtain rod in fifth grade, 288 00:12:28,561 --> 00:12:30,671 and I haven't been the same ever since. Huh. 289 00:12:30,681 --> 00:12:31,815 What's your excuse? 290 00:12:31,825 --> 00:12:34,573 I don't need one. I am who I am. 291 00:12:34,583 --> 00:12:37,385 Fine. Babies, let's go. Your turn. 292 00:12:37,453 --> 00:12:39,554 - There you go. - Did Mom pour that? 293 00:12:39,621 --> 00:12:41,811 - No. - And how do I know it's the right dose? 294 00:12:41,821 --> 00:12:44,118 - You don't. - One extra cc of that, 295 00:12:44,128 --> 00:12:46,781 - I'm in a permanent vegetative state. - They look even. 296 00:12:46,791 --> 00:12:49,849 - Here, Jack. Take yours. - That's gonna be a no for me, dawg. 297 00:12:52,218 --> 00:12:55,353 And it should read, "Survived by her son, Andre, 298 00:12:55,363 --> 00:12:57,856 the light of her life, bravely raising 299 00:12:57,866 --> 00:13:00,561 her four gorgeous grandchildren alone." 300 00:13:00,571 --> 00:13:01,625 Excuse me? 301 00:13:01,635 --> 00:13:04,285 "Survived by her many satisfied lovers..." 302 00:13:05,150 --> 00:13:09,236 "Including Compton City Councilman Eugene Tinsley, 303 00:13:09,246 --> 00:13:11,212 Syrus from the Real World, 304 00:13:11,222 --> 00:13:14,830 and wrestling legend Junkyard Dog." 305 00:13:15,003 --> 00:13:16,692 I think this is hell. 306 00:13:16,702 --> 00:13:18,643 I'm in hell right now. 307 00:13:18,711 --> 00:13:22,180 So, Bow had a long night, and so did the kids, 308 00:13:22,248 --> 00:13:25,137 tossing and turning and turning and tossing. 309 00:13:25,147 --> 00:13:28,779 And no matter what they did, they couldn't get comfortable. 310 00:13:28,789 --> 00:13:30,486 And neither could I. 311 00:13:30,496 --> 00:13:32,680 The next day wasn't much better. 312 00:13:32,690 --> 00:13:34,903 - I'm freezing! - I'm boiling! 313 00:13:34,913 --> 00:13:37,718 - Okay, okay. - Why is it so bright in here? 314 00:13:37,728 --> 00:13:40,071 - Okay. Okay. - Ah! It's too dark! 315 00:13:40,081 --> 00:13:42,429 Vitamin D draining out of me! 316 00:13:42,439 --> 00:13:44,459 - Now I'm freezing! - Now I'm boiling! 317 00:13:44,469 --> 00:13:47,338 - Okay, I am not a yo-yo! - Still so bright! 318 00:13:47,406 --> 00:13:49,495 - I'm not a vampire! - Okay. 319 00:13:49,505 --> 00:13:51,242 Unfortunately. 320 00:13:51,310 --> 00:13:53,417 Why are you kids so damn needy?! 321 00:13:53,427 --> 00:13:56,147 Why are you not Mom?! 322 00:13:56,215 --> 00:13:57,943 Diane was right. 323 00:13:57,953 --> 00:14:00,282 I was never going to be Dr. Mom. 324 00:14:00,292 --> 00:14:03,514 If I was going to succeed, I had to do this my own way. 325 00:14:03,524 --> 00:14:06,960 I had to be Dr. Dre! 326 00:14:29,078 --> 00:14:30,579 - Hey, Rainbow? - Mm. 327 00:14:30,647 --> 00:14:31,894 - Rainbow. - Mm. 328 00:14:31,904 --> 00:14:35,122 What do you think about this picture for my obituary? 329 00:14:35,915 --> 00:14:37,781 You need to use a recent photo, Ruby. 330 00:14:37,791 --> 00:14:40,458 But this is just from three years ago. 331 00:14:41,057 --> 00:14:43,402 It is not from three years ago. 332 00:14:43,813 --> 00:14:45,527 Yeah. 333 00:14:45,537 --> 00:14:47,629 It's a lifetime ago. 334 00:14:47,697 --> 00:14:50,243 Another chapter. When I lived in New York. 335 00:14:50,253 --> 00:14:51,989 - You lived in New York? - Mm. 336 00:14:51,999 --> 00:14:54,520 - What did you do there? - I sang a little, 337 00:14:54,530 --> 00:14:56,051 nightclubs. 338 00:14:56,061 --> 00:14:57,855 Mostly backup. 339 00:14:57,865 --> 00:15:00,085 - You sang backup? - Mm-hmm. 340 00:15:00,095 --> 00:15:02,496 - For who? - Midler. 341 00:15:04,211 --> 00:15:05,695 - Bette Midler? - Yeah. 342 00:15:05,705 --> 00:15:07,935 You sang for Bette Midler? 343 00:15:08,002 --> 00:15:09,966 - Yeah. - Shut up, Ruby. 344 00:15:09,976 --> 00:15:11,698 Beth and I had a good run. 345 00:15:11,708 --> 00:15:14,503 Oh, my God. That's amazing. 346 00:15:14,513 --> 00:15:16,610 Why do you never talk about it? 347 00:15:16,678 --> 00:15:18,658 - A long time ago. - Huh. 348 00:15:18,668 --> 00:15:21,248 Yeah, I just kind of filed it away 349 00:15:21,258 --> 00:15:24,167 'cause things went a little off between me and Beth. 350 00:15:24,177 --> 00:15:26,760 Do you think it was that you called her Beth? 351 00:15:26,770 --> 00:15:29,055 Well, it's not "not" because of that. 352 00:15:29,065 --> 00:15:31,728 So, while Bow and Ruby were finding their groove, 353 00:15:31,738 --> 00:15:33,549 I was finding mine with the kids. 354 00:15:59,671 --> 00:16:02,518 Okay. So, we're doing this "Wolf of Wall Street" style. 355 00:16:02,528 --> 00:16:05,986 What are you, an idiot? This goes inside the orange juice. 356 00:16:06,054 --> 00:16:07,294 Oh. 357 00:16:08,317 --> 00:16:09,894 - That's cool, too. - I can't believe 358 00:16:09,904 --> 00:16:12,079 you're actually in a Bette Midler movie. 359 00:16:12,089 --> 00:16:14,063 You know, nowadays, with all the advances 360 00:16:14,073 --> 00:16:15,863 in cardiac anti-rejection drugs, 361 00:16:15,873 --> 00:16:17,963 the Barbara Hershey character never would have died. 362 00:16:17,973 --> 00:16:19,556 How you know about all that? 363 00:16:19,566 --> 00:16:22,036 You know, there was a chapter of my life 364 00:16:22,046 --> 00:16:24,212 when I went to med school to become a doctor. 365 00:16:24,222 --> 00:16:26,006 Good for you for chasing your dreams. 366 00:16:26,016 --> 00:16:27,763 You know, I... I actually did it. I... 367 00:16:27,773 --> 00:16:29,683 I might have given up my dreams too soon. 368 00:16:29,693 --> 00:16:32,210 Oh, don't say that, Ruby. Come on. You started a family. 369 00:16:32,220 --> 00:16:36,020 You had too much going on to be a backup singer for Bette Midler. 370 00:16:38,152 --> 00:16:40,701 I wonder what our next chapter's gonna be. 371 00:16:40,711 --> 00:16:45,091 Guys! It is chicken soup time! 372 00:16:45,101 --> 00:16:47,904 Um, that did not go great for you last time, Dad. 373 00:16:47,914 --> 00:16:50,572 Yeah. Why would you undo all the good that you've done? 374 00:16:50,582 --> 00:16:53,237 - Don't "Phantom Menace" yourself. - Not gonna happen, 375 00:16:53,247 --> 00:16:55,641 because this little bit of magic right here 376 00:16:55,651 --> 00:16:58,675 I call fried-chicken soup. 377 00:16:58,685 --> 00:17:00,071 - This is awesome. - Mm-hmm. 378 00:17:00,081 --> 00:17:01,626 How has no one had this idea before? 379 00:17:01,636 --> 00:17:05,341 I have ideas other haven't. And they're brilliant. 380 00:17:05,351 --> 00:17:08,201 Actually, it's quite common in Japan, where it is known... 381 00:17:08,211 --> 00:17:10,259 Have you ever been to Japan? 382 00:17:11,105 --> 00:17:12,507 Neither have I. 383 00:17:12,689 --> 00:17:14,292 They're my ideas. 384 00:17:14,302 --> 00:17:16,254 I still don't feel good, Daddy. 385 00:17:16,322 --> 00:17:17,972 Come here, baby. What's wrong? 386 00:17:17,982 --> 00:17:20,265 Oh, your nose? Let me get that for you. 387 00:17:20,275 --> 00:17:23,863 - Let me get that for my baby. - Hey, guys. Oh, my God. 388 00:17:23,873 --> 00:17:26,690 - This is amazing. - Mm-hmm. 389 00:17:26,700 --> 00:17:28,725 - Dad made it. - Mm-hmm. 390 00:17:29,562 --> 00:17:31,263 Wow. 391 00:17:32,247 --> 00:17:36,540 They actually said they wanted Dre, so I say, "Do your thing, buddy." 392 00:17:36,550 --> 00:17:38,215 Wow. Really? 393 00:17:38,225 --> 00:17:39,791 - Mm-hmm. - My Dre? 394 00:17:39,801 --> 00:17:41,788 - My Dre. - Earl never did any of that. 395 00:17:41,798 --> 00:17:46,756 You know what? Now we have time for a whole Bette Midler marathon. 396 00:17:46,911 --> 00:17:50,249 Okay. But we're not watching that "Hocus Pocus." 397 00:17:50,259 --> 00:17:53,958 - That's some devil (bleep) right there. - Fair enough. Oh, God. Oh, God. 398 00:17:53,968 --> 00:17:56,202 - Damn it, not again! - What? 399 00:17:56,212 --> 00:17:58,416 Rainbow, what is wrong with you?! 400 00:17:58,426 --> 00:18:00,526 I haven't thrown up in 36 hours! 401 00:18:01,923 --> 00:18:05,473 Of course, I haven't eaten any of your cooking for 36 hours. 402 00:18:07,576 --> 00:18:09,816 We were doing so good. 403 00:18:10,580 --> 00:18:15,585 I now see that I may be the root of our problems. 404 00:18:19,526 --> 00:18:21,322 - Hey. - Hey. 405 00:18:21,332 --> 00:18:24,056 - You okay? Can I get you anything? - Yeah, I'm good. I'm totally good. 406 00:18:24,066 --> 00:18:25,595 Hey. 407 00:18:25,605 --> 00:18:27,834 - Kids are doing really good. - Yeah. 408 00:18:27,844 --> 00:18:29,541 Yeah, I think they're getting better, too. 409 00:18:29,551 --> 00:18:32,096 What can I say? I have healing hands. 410 00:18:32,747 --> 00:18:33,770 Oh, my God. 411 00:18:33,780 --> 00:18:36,517 - Calm down, Healing Hands. - No. No, for real. 412 00:18:36,527 --> 00:18:39,889 I think I now know what it feels like to be a doctor. 413 00:18:39,899 --> 00:18:42,749 And it's not as hard as you make it out to be. 414 00:18:43,336 --> 00:18:47,350 Seriously, babe, I really like doing those things for them. 415 00:18:48,471 --> 00:18:51,733 I can't believe I missed out on it all those years. 416 00:18:55,102 --> 00:18:57,041 You know, I was talking to your mom 417 00:18:57,051 --> 00:18:59,253 - about chapters in our lives. - Mm-hmm. 418 00:18:59,263 --> 00:19:02,117 And if you feel like you missed something, 419 00:19:02,127 --> 00:19:03,847 there's always a new chapter. 420 00:19:03,857 --> 00:19:06,633 - You think I could be a doctor? - No. Absolutely not, Dre. 421 00:19:06,643 --> 00:19:08,472 - Wha... - No. 422 00:19:25,266 --> 00:19:26,914 We're pregnant. 423 00:19:30,498 --> 00:19:32,398 - Oh, my God. - Yes. 424 00:19:32,689 --> 00:19:34,479 Babe, when did you even think that you... 425 00:19:34,489 --> 00:19:37,892 I was just... I was throwing up so much, it was just weird. 426 00:19:37,902 --> 00:19:40,498 I mean, I'm sick, but it's... It's morning sickness. 427 00:19:40,508 --> 00:19:43,038 Oh, baby. Baby, baby, I love you. 428 00:19:43,048 --> 00:19:45,076 - No, no. Baby, I'm sick. Stop. - No, I don't care. Give it to me. 429 00:19:45,086 --> 00:19:47,774 - I'm still sick. I'm still sick. - No, no. 430 00:19:49,930 --> 00:19:51,678 - Gotcha! - Got you! 431 00:19:52,001 --> 00:19:54,714 Getting you with hugs! Getting you with hugs! 432 00:20:04,209 --> 00:20:06,626 Come here, babe. Come here. 433 00:20:08,654 --> 00:20:11,781 Am I too old to be pregnant? 434 00:20:12,090 --> 00:20:13,674 No. 435 00:20:15,581 --> 00:20:17,931 I've got to find the right words, 436 00:20:18,084 --> 00:20:20,099 because this is a big moment. 437 00:20:20,190 --> 00:20:23,412 Little, tiny baby, I love you with all my heart. 438 00:20:23,422 --> 00:20:27,479 - Dre, enough. - No. I'm not done. This is important. 439 00:20:28,025 --> 00:20:29,662 I just want you to remember my voice. 440 00:20:29,672 --> 00:20:31,731 Okay. I cannot believe that you are having me 441 00:20:31,741 --> 00:20:33,881 stand here while you say goodbye to your car. 442 00:20:33,891 --> 00:20:35,992 - Her name is Yolanda, Bow. - All right. Okay. 443 00:20:36,002 --> 00:20:39,252 All right? And she can hear you. Yo-yo, play our song. 444 00:20:41,310 --> 00:20:42,561 Oh, God. 445 00:20:42,652 --> 00:20:45,720 ♪ Unlock, the swag, the swag, unlock ♪ 446 00:20:45,730 --> 00:20:49,250 Dre, you are just getting a bigger car 447 00:20:49,260 --> 00:20:53,443 - to fit our new baby. - Hold on! This is our part. 448 00:20:53,453 --> 00:20:57,641 ♪ Unlock, the swag, the swag, unlock ♪ 449 00:20:57,651 --> 00:20:59,790 - ♪ Unlock, the swag, the swag... ♪ - I promise... 450 00:20:59,800 --> 00:21:02,085 I will try and get rid of him before you get here.