1 00:00:39,414 --> 00:00:42,156 You have selected Japanese. 2 00:00:42,376 --> 00:00:45,664 The "Sarajevo roses" are craters left by shells fired on the city 3 00:00:45,879 --> 00:00:48,160 by the army of the republika srpska during the Bosnian war 4 00:00:48,298 --> 00:00:48,912 after the dissolution of yugoslavia. 5 00:00:48,924 --> 00:00:49,037 I li hil hil ni I ih iin fh jit ni I it I I I il hi ih I I hi li il hh! I . Hit iin I I . I hi I I I I le ih iy hil a il I wi I hi hit hii 1 I hill hi hil I hi I I I . Ii I hi ni il in hit wi I hin a a a I ih I I I li I hii ll I li ntl hi hi I! Ii fh I nl I ni ih hit iil fib III li I fii ni hii oh hi nn I: Hil ji hi hillis I a I hi hl I li I li it hi nn [ I. I'll il nn iia I I I hi I lk fn I hint h da fit hii ih nn I nn hn I nin ih ih ; Fin hi! 6 00:00:49,049 --> 00:00:49,253 "Sarajevo, 2015" 7 00:00:49,258 --> 00:00:54,594 "Sarajevo, 2015" the craters were filled with red resin to honor those who died in the bombings. 8 00:00:54,596 --> 00:00:57,716 The craters were filled with red resin to honor those who died in the bombings. 9 00:01:36,930 --> 00:01:40,047 Officials are unable to contact the American embassy there, and... 10 00:01:40,058 --> 00:01:41,969 "Washington D.C., 2022" 11 00:01:41,977 --> 00:01:43,842 "Washington D.C., 2022" captain clavis Shepherd, I believe you hold the answers to our questions 12 00:01:43,854 --> 00:01:49,065 captain clavis Shepherd, I believe you hold the answers to our questions 13 00:01:49,276 --> 00:01:51,813 about special operations I detachment and its mission, 14 00:01:52,029 --> 00:01:56,363 as well as to the question nobody here has voiced yet. 15 00:02:02,706 --> 00:02:07,370 Now tell me: Who is John Paul? 16 00:02:13,508 --> 00:02:19,299 "Georgia, 2020" 17 00:02:48,877 --> 00:02:51,368 Amateurs. 18 00:02:51,588 --> 00:02:55,581 They've got nothing on 'em. What now, clavis? 19 00:03:03,141 --> 00:03:05,177 We'll use our standard play. 20 00:03:18,740 --> 00:03:21,356 Propaganda by the military government? 21 00:03:21,576 --> 00:03:25,569 Yes, sir. I remember hearing the same broadcast six months ago. 22 00:03:25,789 --> 00:03:29,577 You were part of the ossetia op, Alex? 23 00:03:29,793 --> 00:03:32,956 Yes. Evidently, Georgian speakers are in demand. 24 00:03:33,171 --> 00:03:37,710 But when a new public enemy no. 1 pops up so soon after the last one, 25 00:03:37,926 --> 00:03:42,169 I start to wonder if our job really means anything. 26 00:03:49,062 --> 00:03:53,726 There's a checkpoint in 500 meters. Don't let your guard down. 27 00:04:05,495 --> 00:04:09,488 We ran out of fuel and food while we were on patrol. 28 00:04:09,708 --> 00:04:11,118 Oh? 29 00:04:11,960 --> 00:04:13,541 Hold it! 30 00:04:54,628 --> 00:04:58,746 It's like they don't know what "information literacy" means. 31 00:05:00,592 --> 00:05:02,924 The majority leader has arrived, sir. 32 00:05:03,136 --> 00:05:05,627 Who told him about this? 33 00:05:07,849 --> 00:05:12,843 I wish you'd informed me a bit sooner, Mr. president. 34 00:05:13,063 --> 00:05:14,098 Sorry, George. 35 00:05:14,314 --> 00:05:19,900 But we may be released from this nightmare today. 36 00:05:48,306 --> 00:05:52,049 Will we go to hell, do you think? 37 00:05:52,269 --> 00:05:54,681 I'm an atheist. 38 00:05:54,896 --> 00:05:58,684 Sir, hell exists whether you believe in god or not. 39 00:05:58,900 --> 00:06:01,516 Yeah, this place is pretty much hell. 40 00:06:01,736 --> 00:06:04,068 Not what I meant. 41 00:06:04,281 --> 00:06:08,741 Hell is here. In your head... In your brain. 42 00:06:08,952 --> 00:06:12,444 What we're seeing right now isn't hell. 43 00:06:12,664 --> 00:06:16,703 We can leave this and go back to our normal lives in America. 44 00:06:16,918 --> 00:06:20,081 But we can't escape hell. 45 00:06:20,297 --> 00:06:23,915 Because hell is in our heads. 46 00:06:24,718 --> 00:06:26,424 So is heaven in there, too? 47 00:06:26,636 --> 00:06:29,173 Don't make fun, Leland. 48 00:06:29,389 --> 00:06:31,550 Hey, we're coming up on the church. 49 00:06:31,766 --> 00:06:34,599 What do we do with our foot soldier disguises? 50 00:06:35,770 --> 00:06:38,682 The church may have a built-in ID reader. 51 00:06:38,899 --> 00:06:42,687 Using some grunts' tags would work against us. Yank 'em out. 52 00:07:39,167 --> 00:07:40,703 "Moonlight"... 53 00:07:40,919 --> 00:07:42,329 What? 54 00:08:03,817 --> 00:08:06,684 Take this seriously, would ya, bookworm? 55 00:09:15,680 --> 00:09:17,762 The American isn't here. 56 00:09:20,060 --> 00:09:21,721 What now? 57 00:09:32,655 --> 00:09:39,447 I'm looking for an American. The man who was supposed to meet you here. 58 00:09:39,662 --> 00:09:45,578 I didn't know he was American. He's our deputy secretary of cultural information. 59 00:09:45,794 --> 00:09:48,331 Was, I should say. 60 00:09:48,546 --> 00:09:49,661 You killed him? 61 00:09:49,881 --> 00:09:54,090 No. But he said he was going away. 62 00:09:54,302 --> 00:09:59,046 For all his eloquence, he only left us one sentence on official letterhead... 63 00:09:59,265 --> 00:10:01,631 He disappeared? 64 00:10:01,851 --> 00:10:06,561 In other words, Mr. president, he's a no-show. 65 00:10:09,359 --> 00:10:12,396 "Official letterhead" my ass. There's no government here. 66 00:10:12,612 --> 00:10:18,608 Just some militias... and you're the worst of the lot, you genocidal scum. 67 00:10:18,827 --> 00:10:24,788 "Genocidal"? How dare you profane our wish for peace with a word like that? 68 00:10:24,999 --> 00:10:27,536 This is a battle against the base terrorism 69 00:10:27,752 --> 00:10:29,868 that threatens my government and my citizens! 70 00:10:30,088 --> 00:10:33,376 You're the one going around killing those citizens. 71 00:10:33,591 --> 00:10:38,426 And your so-called "government" isn't recognized by any un member states. 72 00:10:38,638 --> 00:10:42,881 The un, pah! Imperialist pigs who trample our culture 73 00:10:43,101 --> 00:10:47,014 and sneer at our right to self-determination. 74 00:10:47,230 --> 00:10:52,520 Different races coexisted in peace here for centuries until they... 75 00:10:53,653 --> 00:10:58,522 That's right, how did we end up this way? 76 00:10:58,741 --> 00:11:02,859 Tolerance and multiculturalism are our country's virtues... 77 00:11:03,079 --> 00:11:07,994 I know, it was the terrorists. This is the terrorists' fault! 78 00:11:08,209 --> 00:11:12,703 No, wait... we didn't have to send troops into the capital for them... 79 00:11:12,922 --> 00:11:16,756 Why did we end up this way? 80 00:11:19,262 --> 00:11:21,674 Repentance won't save you. 81 00:11:23,391 --> 00:11:25,347 What are they talking about? 82 00:11:25,560 --> 00:11:29,678 I don't care what your religion is... if it has a hell, you're going straight there. 83 00:11:29,898 --> 00:11:34,938 Yes, I imagine I will. But you misunderstand me: 84 00:11:35,153 --> 00:11:38,691 This isn't a confession. I really don't know. 85 00:11:38,907 --> 00:11:41,774 I don't know how this land that was so beautiful two years ago 86 00:11:41,993 --> 00:11:44,609 became so devastated. 87 00:11:44,829 --> 00:11:47,195 You started this war! 88 00:11:47,415 --> 00:11:49,497 I started it...? 89 00:11:49,709 --> 00:11:54,373 You... Why have I been killing...? 90 00:12:05,225 --> 00:12:09,264 Colonel! These emotional optimization values are abnormal. 91 00:12:11,522 --> 00:12:14,229 T-tell me! Shut up. 92 00:12:15,276 --> 00:12:18,894 P-please... tell me... 93 00:12:19,113 --> 00:12:21,149 Why have I been killing?! 94 00:12:21,157 --> 00:12:23,614 Please... stop... Why have I been killing?! 95 00:12:23,826 --> 00:12:26,283 They're out of control. 96 00:12:27,288 --> 00:12:29,700 They've risen to a level self-restraint can't conquer! 97 00:12:29,916 --> 00:12:31,497 What's going on? 98 00:12:31,709 --> 00:12:34,872 Captain Shepherd, come in! 99 00:12:37,382 --> 00:12:39,043 Colonel... Shepherd! 100 00:12:39,259 --> 00:12:41,341 Why did I kill them? Captain Shepherd! 101 00:12:41,552 --> 00:12:43,213 Please shut up. 102 00:12:43,429 --> 00:12:46,171 Shepherd! Why? 103 00:12:50,270 --> 00:12:53,979 No... no... 104 00:12:55,692 --> 00:13:00,732 Wait. These numbers aren't captain Shepherd's! 105 00:13:29,309 --> 00:13:31,174 Alex... 106 00:13:31,394 --> 00:13:32,804 Hey. 107 00:13:34,022 --> 00:13:37,059 Why did you do that? 108 00:13:37,275 --> 00:13:38,890 "Why"? 109 00:13:40,820 --> 00:13:43,937 Shepherd, do you read me? 110 00:14:08,765 --> 00:14:13,384 The second lieutenant's vital signs have ceased. 111 00:14:13,603 --> 00:14:17,141 Captain Shepherd! Sitrep, now! 112 00:14:19,233 --> 00:14:25,274 Target a confirmed dead. I made the call to take out Alex. 113 00:14:25,490 --> 00:14:29,654 I'll dispose of the body per procedure in imminent-danger situations. 114 00:14:37,085 --> 00:14:40,168 He's going to abandon the body of an American soldier? 115 00:14:40,380 --> 00:14:43,247 You think the public will stand for that?! 116 00:14:43,466 --> 00:14:47,129 It's a logical decision, sir. 117 00:14:47,345 --> 00:14:51,258 While executive order 12333 remains in effect, 118 00:14:51,474 --> 00:14:55,592 we have to prevent this mission from becoming public. 119 00:15:00,608 --> 00:15:01,688 Permission granted. 120 00:15:01,901 --> 00:15:05,564 Rendezvous with Williams and do whatever it takes to get back to base. 121 00:15:05,780 --> 00:15:08,021 We'll talk after that. 122 00:15:20,586 --> 00:15:23,168 Williams, I assume you're here? 123 00:15:23,381 --> 00:15:26,464 Yep, right below the window. 124 00:15:26,676 --> 00:15:27,961 How's it looking? 125 00:15:28,177 --> 00:15:31,419 We're clear as moonlight. 126 00:15:47,488 --> 00:15:51,106 Ultimate soldiers uninfluenced by emotion, eh? 127 00:15:51,325 --> 00:15:52,325 Sir? 128 00:15:52,452 --> 00:15:54,283 Well, has the situation... 129 00:15:54,495 --> 00:15:58,113 Er, have the survivors' conditions changed? 130 00:15:58,332 --> 00:16:00,118 No, sir. 131 00:16:00,334 --> 00:16:02,871 They're perfectly flat. 132 00:17:18,829 --> 00:17:24,324 The white house has officially denied rumors of its involvement 133 00:17:24,544 --> 00:17:28,753 in the death of the Georgian "defense minister" reported three weeks ago. 134 00:17:28,965 --> 00:17:31,765 In response, Georgia's self-proclaimed provisional government stated... 135 00:17:31,801 --> 00:17:39,515 The day New York's twin towers were lost, something inside us changed. 136 00:17:39,725 --> 00:17:45,561 The scope of our freedoms shrank in order for us to fight terror, 137 00:17:45,773 --> 00:17:52,941 and although the pendulum did swing back a little, 138 00:17:53,155 --> 00:17:58,616 the trauma of losing our peers meant that public sentiment never changed course. 139 00:18:11,674 --> 00:18:16,714 Since a homemade nuclear bomb leveled Sarajevo five years ago, 140 00:18:16,929 --> 00:18:19,671 that trend has gained momentum. 141 00:18:19,890 --> 00:18:23,428 Thanks to which, we were released from the fear of terrorism 142 00:18:23,644 --> 00:18:27,853 and gained better security conditions than ever before. 143 00:18:28,733 --> 00:18:34,820 Perhaps in reaction, the terrorists stopped threatening developed nations 144 00:18:35,031 --> 00:18:38,944 and unleashed a storm of civil wars and genocides in their own backyards. 145 00:18:40,620 --> 00:18:44,363 It's like the whole world just decided to go crazy. 146 00:19:00,514 --> 00:19:03,256 Richmond stadium is packed again today. 147 00:19:03,476 --> 00:19:07,560 The pass in the second down was a quick pass to the outside, 148 00:19:07,772 --> 00:19:11,264 but it was incomplete, so we're now in the third down and 10. 149 00:19:11,484 --> 00:19:16,820 The players are passing very well today. Now it's a matter of which route they pick. 150 00:19:17,031 --> 00:19:20,239 He looks left, then throws a pass from the shotgun formation. 151 00:19:20,451 --> 00:19:22,533 Will it work? No! The receiver drops the ball! 152 00:19:22,745 --> 00:19:23,860 That was intense. 153 00:19:24,080 --> 00:19:26,867 That's an incomplete pass. The receiver is devastated. 154 00:19:27,083 --> 00:19:28,789 The quarterback returned, but... 155 00:19:29,001 --> 00:19:30,582 Yes, we're seeing a flag. 156 00:19:30,795 --> 00:19:34,208 Looks like there was a foul. 157 00:19:34,423 --> 00:19:41,135 Hmm... ah, look at Smith the wide receiver. That's a little worrisome. 158 00:19:41,347 --> 00:19:43,463 Yes. 159 00:19:43,683 --> 00:19:47,141 He must've taken a hit to the head. 160 00:19:47,812 --> 00:19:49,052 Personal foul. 161 00:19:49,271 --> 00:19:53,810 A penalty against the defense has triggered an automatic first down! 162 00:19:54,026 --> 00:19:57,484 The rule against going after a defenseless player with your helmet, correct? 163 00:19:57,488 --> 00:19:58,674 Stupid rule... the rule against going after a defenseless player with your helmet, correct? 164 00:19:58,698 --> 00:20:03,317 Yeah, too overprotective... it's a very dangerous move called "helmet-to-helmet." 165 00:20:03,536 --> 00:20:05,527 Let's just hope Smith is all right. 166 00:20:05,538 --> 00:20:08,621 He's dead, but I don't feel anything. Let's just hope Smith is all right. 167 00:20:08,833 --> 00:20:12,371 I couldn't feel anything even when I killed him. 168 00:20:12,586 --> 00:20:13,701 Really? 169 00:20:13,921 --> 00:20:18,881 Lately I have these dreams. Nightmares, maybe. 170 00:20:19,093 --> 00:20:20,958 Me too, actually. 171 00:20:21,178 --> 00:20:23,544 They get me thinking... 172 00:20:23,764 --> 00:20:27,256 Maybe there's still something there in our brains 173 00:20:27,476 --> 00:20:30,434 even if we're too overprotected to feel it anymore. 174 00:20:30,646 --> 00:20:33,513 Alex talked about that. 175 00:20:33,733 --> 00:20:36,691 Yeah. "Hell." 176 00:20:38,696 --> 00:20:42,280 Maybe we'll end up like him someday. 177 00:20:43,743 --> 00:20:46,530 I'll foul out before then. 178 00:20:46,746 --> 00:20:48,327 You're fine with that? 179 00:20:48,539 --> 00:20:51,076 It's just my job. 180 00:20:59,508 --> 00:21:01,044 Yes. 181 00:21:04,054 --> 00:21:06,716 Yeah, he's with me. 182 00:21:06,932 --> 00:21:08,593 The Pentagon? 183 00:21:08,809 --> 00:21:10,720 Right now, sir? 184 00:21:12,021 --> 00:21:13,511 Goodbye. 185 00:21:14,690 --> 00:21:15,690 We've been summoned. 186 00:21:15,775 --> 00:21:19,734 Ah, Smith has stood up! Yes he has. 187 00:21:19,945 --> 00:21:26,157 I guess he's okay. And the crowd is going wild in response. 188 00:22:04,740 --> 00:22:05,740 What's next for you? 189 00:22:05,908 --> 00:22:08,695 Antiterrorism data aggregation. You? 190 00:22:08,911 --> 00:22:12,950 The Libyan liberalization committee, I think. 191 00:22:13,165 --> 00:22:15,781 Captain clavis Shepherd, I believe? 192 00:22:16,001 --> 00:22:17,457 Yes, sir! 193 00:22:18,963 --> 00:22:23,548 You saved the us from a crisis. I'd like to offer my thanks. 194 00:22:23,759 --> 00:22:25,499 Yes, sir... 195 00:22:31,308 --> 00:22:32,639 Ah, yes. 196 00:22:32,852 --> 00:22:34,638 Come right in. 197 00:22:43,112 --> 00:22:46,354 That was Erica sales from Eugene & krupps. 198 00:22:46,574 --> 00:22:48,360 The private military company? 199 00:22:48,576 --> 00:22:50,783 She's quite the saleslady, too. 200 00:22:50,995 --> 00:22:53,077 You two! 201 00:22:53,289 --> 00:22:56,907 What are you waiting for? Get in here. 202 00:22:57,126 --> 00:22:58,991 PTSD, sir? 203 00:22:59,211 --> 00:23:03,045 Yes. That was the experts' consensus. 204 00:23:03,257 --> 00:23:07,341 They discovered a flaw in Alex's pre-mission battle emotion adaptive regulation. 205 00:23:07,553 --> 00:23:08,338 No "flaw 206 00:23:08,554 --> 00:23:11,671 I can't go into the exact numbers here, 207 00:23:11,891 --> 00:23:15,679 but they've admitted a mistake in the optimization value. 208 00:23:16,979 --> 00:23:23,225 You're saying the emotional regulation designed to prevent PTSD caused PTSD? 209 00:23:23,444 --> 00:23:26,732 I'm sorry for the worry this must cause you. 210 00:23:26,947 --> 00:23:30,280 We've already planned measures to prevent a recurrence. 211 00:23:30,492 --> 00:23:34,610 Your decision under the circumstances has been 100% affirmed. 212 00:23:34,830 --> 00:23:36,240 But that's not... 213 00:23:36,457 --> 00:23:39,665 Did you want us to discipline captain Shepherd? 214 00:23:39,877 --> 00:23:43,540 N-no, sir... 215 00:23:45,382 --> 00:23:47,623 You have a new mission. 216 00:23:47,843 --> 00:23:49,754 The American, I presume. 217 00:23:49,970 --> 00:23:51,380 Yes. 218 00:23:57,019 --> 00:24:01,729 John Paul. I know you're familiar with the name. 219 00:24:01,941 --> 00:24:04,227 The intermedia group coordinates image strategy 220 00:24:04,443 --> 00:24:08,106 for countries and large corporations. 221 00:24:08,322 --> 00:24:12,031 Three years ago, it leapt to fame when it put Somalia's economy on track 222 00:24:12,242 --> 00:24:15,985 by getting investments from international companies. 223 00:24:16,205 --> 00:24:20,574 At the time, John Paul was in charge of signing companies as clients, 224 00:24:20,793 --> 00:24:23,660 and he juggled several at once. 225 00:24:23,879 --> 00:24:26,712 His accomplishments were soon recognized, 226 00:24:26,924 --> 00:24:32,339 and he became aide to the cultural publicity ministers of several nations. 227 00:24:32,554 --> 00:24:34,636 And then the genocide started. 228 00:24:34,848 --> 00:24:38,591 Yes. It seems you already understand the situation. 229 00:24:38,811 --> 00:24:41,393 You're saying he's at the center 230 00:24:41,605 --> 00:24:46,440 of the nonstop political chaos happening around the globe. 231 00:24:49,113 --> 00:24:51,195 Just six months. 232 00:24:51,407 --> 00:24:57,243 Peaceful countries he visits descend into civil war in just six months, 233 00:24:57,454 --> 00:24:59,695 and eventually genocide starts. 234 00:24:59,915 --> 00:25:02,873 But you people knew, didn't you? 235 00:25:03,085 --> 00:25:07,670 You knew this before I was ever ordered to assassinate John Paul! 236 00:25:10,843 --> 00:25:12,629 That's right. 237 00:25:12,845 --> 00:25:16,429 We attempted his arrest several times 238 00:25:16,640 --> 00:25:20,508 before we asked special operations command to assassinate him. 239 00:25:20,728 --> 00:25:22,514 I ho? "We" asin w 240 00:25:22,730 --> 00:25:27,144 the CIA. Foreign matters fall under our purview. 241 00:25:27,359 --> 00:25:33,104 So basically, we have to risk our lives to fix your mistakes. 242 00:25:33,323 --> 00:25:35,234 Watch your tongue. 243 00:25:35,451 --> 00:25:41,162 Apologies, sir. But if they hadn't screwed the pooch, Alex wouldn't be dead! 244 00:25:41,373 --> 00:25:43,409 You're quite right. 245 00:25:43,625 --> 00:25:49,461 But in our defense, at that point, the strength of our suspicions was, 246 00:25:49,673 --> 00:25:52,380 "he seems to have been involved in several atrocities 247 00:25:52,593 --> 00:25:55,926 in a manner as yet undetermined." 248 00:25:56,138 --> 00:26:00,131 The chaos spread like wildfire 249 00:26:00,350 --> 00:26:08,348 while we obtained the intel that convinced us John Paul was the source. 250 00:26:08,567 --> 00:26:14,233 You want us to believe one man is leading mass murders around the globe? 251 00:26:14,448 --> 00:26:16,564 Yeah, right. 252 00:26:17,284 --> 00:26:23,280 Why have I been killing? Please, tell me! 253 00:26:24,833 --> 00:26:28,291 Why have I been killing?! 254 00:26:31,757 --> 00:26:33,668 So, why are we here? 255 00:26:35,469 --> 00:26:37,835 A trailing op. 256 00:26:38,055 --> 00:26:42,139 We think John Paul is hiding out in the Czech Republic. 257 00:26:42,351 --> 00:26:44,433 You're telling us to play spy? 258 00:26:44,645 --> 00:26:49,480 As you know, the main mission of our special operations I detachment 259 00:26:49,691 --> 00:26:52,057 is to respond to crimes against humanity: 260 00:26:52,277 --> 00:26:58,989 To contain genocides by killing whoever commands the armies responsible. 261 00:26:59,201 --> 00:27:04,036 But if John Paul is out there somewhere fomenting mass murder right now, 262 00:27:04,248 --> 00:27:06,785 we need to know where. 263 00:27:09,044 --> 00:27:10,750 Lucie skroupova. 264 00:27:10,963 --> 00:27:13,955 She teaches private Czech lessons in Prague. 265 00:27:14,174 --> 00:27:18,042 Three days ago, John Paul met with her. 266 00:27:18,262 --> 00:27:22,551 It was the first time in our two years of surveillance. 267 00:27:22,766 --> 00:27:25,303 John Paul's woman, eh? 268 00:27:25,519 --> 00:27:27,885 Could he have already left the Czech Republic? 269 00:27:28,105 --> 00:27:32,690 We don't know. The man never raises any flags during airport ID checks. 270 00:27:32,901 --> 00:27:38,066 So we're watching the broad, betting on the chance that he'll come back... right? 271 00:27:38,282 --> 00:27:43,242 We're appointing you to the dia, as well as temporarily assigning you 272 00:27:46,165 --> 00:27:49,498 you're the only ones who can stop another genocide. 273 00:27:49,710 --> 00:27:51,575 Even as we speak, 274 00:27:51,795 --> 00:27:58,257 John Paul could be planning to plunge another country into hell. 275 00:28:01,847 --> 00:28:07,808 John Paul's profile is a crossword puzzle steadily being filled in. 276 00:28:08,020 --> 00:28:13,560 We figure the suits would've been better off telling us everything on day one. 277 00:28:13,775 --> 00:28:16,983 John Paul lost his family in Sarajevo. 278 00:28:18,280 --> 00:28:23,946 His wife and six-year-old daughter went for a simple sightseeing trip, 279 00:28:24,161 --> 00:28:28,245 and in a split second they turned into ash at the bottom of a crater. 280 00:28:28,457 --> 00:28:34,748 My ID trace puts him at the home of a student named lucie skroupova that day. 281 00:28:34,963 --> 00:28:36,624 So: An affair. 282 00:28:36,840 --> 00:28:40,628 A month later, he visited the Sarajevo crater 283 00:28:40,844 --> 00:28:43,836 as a family member of the victims. 284 00:28:47,059 --> 00:28:50,847 Soon after, he quit mit. 285 00:28:51,063 --> 00:28:54,806 It was six months later that he joined the intermedia group. 286 00:28:55,025 --> 00:28:57,812 To spread the word about his client countries' plights, 287 00:28:58,028 --> 00:29:00,110 he arranged receptions for famous bureaucrats 288 00:29:00,322 --> 00:29:03,610 and got cabinet members guest spots on American news shows. 289 00:29:03,825 --> 00:29:08,114 The company started thinking very highly of him. 290 00:29:09,331 --> 00:29:12,869 Here's the part of his career the suits wanted to hide. 291 00:29:14,920 --> 00:29:19,289 He was an export fully authorized by the us government. 292 00:29:19,508 --> 00:29:22,875 Basically, at that Pentagon meeting 293 00:29:23,095 --> 00:29:27,464 there were more than a few people who knew our friend John. 294 00:29:31,728 --> 00:29:36,188 Probably because of the genocides in every country he managed, 295 00:29:36,400 --> 00:29:39,107 he was compelled to leave the company. 296 00:29:39,319 --> 00:29:46,487 And he dropped off the map at this shopping mall in Prague. 297 00:29:55,794 --> 00:29:57,830 Apparently European info specialists say 298 00:29:58,046 --> 00:30:02,210 that people who disappear in Prague have zero traceability. 299 00:30:02,426 --> 00:30:05,668 "Apparently"? Not exactly concrete intel. 300 00:30:05,887 --> 00:30:09,175 But the fact remains that John Paul disappeared in this city. 301 00:30:09,391 --> 00:30:13,134 Twice, in fact. Three years ago, and seven days ago. 302 00:30:13,353 --> 00:30:15,935 "Waiting for John Paul," eh? 303 00:30:16,148 --> 00:30:18,935 This is like a kafka play. 304 00:30:19,151 --> 00:30:23,986 If you're alluding to waiting for godot, that's a Beckett play. 305 00:30:24,197 --> 00:30:30,818 And godot never shows up, so the people waiting just talk about him forever. 306 00:30:31,038 --> 00:30:33,370 Try not to jinx us, okay? 307 00:30:33,582 --> 00:30:36,244 Anything absurd is kafka to me. 308 00:30:44,718 --> 00:30:51,556 True, Czech may be more difficult to learn than other languages... 309 00:30:51,767 --> 00:30:53,348 Mr. bishop. 310 00:30:55,771 --> 00:31:01,437 While Czech is a slavic language, like Russian or Croatian, 311 00:31:01,651 --> 00:31:08,648 it takes their trademark inflection-heavy nature to quite an extreme. 312 00:31:08,867 --> 00:31:12,155 The "over 200 inflections for one word" thing, right? 313 00:31:12,371 --> 00:31:15,283 That's the most drastic example. 314 00:31:16,708 --> 00:31:19,199 But in my experience, 315 00:31:19,419 --> 00:31:23,412 the difficulty seems to lie in its free word order and its pronunciation. 316 00:31:23,632 --> 00:31:26,123 People like you who move here for work 317 00:31:26,343 --> 00:31:29,756 all seem to struggle with pronunciation. 318 00:31:29,971 --> 00:31:32,587 I see. 319 00:31:32,808 --> 00:31:38,895 Lucie skroupova makes her living teaching Czech to foreigners. 320 00:31:39,106 --> 00:31:45,978 Students learn the language from her right here in this living room. 321 00:31:46,196 --> 00:31:49,438 Your english is impeccable, ma'am. 322 00:31:49,658 --> 00:31:52,525 English is the hegemonic language, after all. 323 00:31:52,744 --> 00:31:54,609 Where did you learn? 324 00:31:54,830 --> 00:31:57,867 In America. I studied linguistics there. 325 00:31:58,083 --> 00:32:00,825 So you're a word pro, then! 326 00:32:01,628 --> 00:32:03,539 Where in America? 327 00:32:03,755 --> 00:32:05,086 Mit. 328 00:32:05,298 --> 00:32:07,664 Wow, that makes you an elite. 329 00:32:07,884 --> 00:32:09,465 "Wow, that makes you an elite!" 330 00:32:09,469 --> 00:32:12,131 There was something I could only study there, so I went... "Wow, that makes you an elite!" 331 00:32:12,139 --> 00:32:13,699 There was something I could only study there, so I went. 332 00:32:13,723 --> 00:32:15,259 That's all. 333 00:32:15,475 --> 00:32:17,841 What did you research at mit? 334 00:32:22,190 --> 00:32:30,190 Hmm... you could say I studied the effects of language on human behavior. 335 00:32:30,490 --> 00:32:33,653 "A man's language molds his perception of reality"... 336 00:32:33,869 --> 00:32:38,613 Like the thing about eskimos having twenty words for snow? 337 00:32:40,584 --> 00:32:45,669 Ah, the good old sapir-whorf hypothesis. No, not like that. 338 00:32:45,881 --> 00:32:48,918 Are you familiar with the inherent ability to generate grammar? 339 00:32:49,134 --> 00:32:50,544 No... 340 00:32:53,054 --> 00:32:56,512 This goes back to the era when slavery was legal. 341 00:32:56,725 --> 00:33:01,810 People from different tribes kidnapped from different places in Africa 342 00:33:02,022 --> 00:33:05,765 were forced to work together without understanding each other's languages. 343 00:33:05,984 --> 00:33:11,399 In time, they picked up broken versions of their masters' languages. 344 00:33:11,615 --> 00:33:16,826 These were grammatical messes, and any literary technique was impossible. 345 00:33:17,037 --> 00:33:21,155 First-generation systems like that are called "pidgins." 346 00:33:21,374 --> 00:33:25,538 When children of those slaves grew up speaking the pidgin natively, 347 00:33:25,754 --> 00:33:30,919 a lively, natural syntax arose that the rigid pidgin didn't have. 348 00:33:31,134 --> 00:33:35,798 The children acquired a complex grammar that didn't exist before! 349 00:33:36,014 --> 00:33:42,351 The only explanation is that our brains have a faculty for generating sentences. 350 00:33:42,562 --> 00:33:45,349 An inherent ability to generate sentences... 351 00:33:45,565 --> 00:33:48,523 It's a mechanism hardwired into our DNA. 352 00:33:48,735 --> 00:33:53,650 An organ that gives birth to language, if you will. 353 00:33:53,865 --> 00:34:00,532 When you say "organ," is it like our internal organs, or arms, or eyes? 354 00:34:00,747 --> 00:34:02,362 That's right. 355 00:34:03,208 --> 00:34:06,450 Well, you two enjoyed a very cultured conversation. 356 00:34:06,670 --> 00:34:08,501 Leave it to a lit major. 357 00:34:08,713 --> 00:34:10,795 It just happened to play out that way. 358 00:34:11,007 --> 00:34:15,967 Oh yeah? Looked to me like you steered it that way. 359 00:34:16,179 --> 00:34:17,965 Jealous of my single status? 360 00:34:18,181 --> 00:34:21,298 Hey, I've still got it, I'll have you know. 361 00:34:21,518 --> 00:34:24,305 That teacher lady would've been putty in my hands. 362 00:34:24,521 --> 00:34:27,888 As if you're capable of cultured conversation. 363 00:34:30,652 --> 00:34:33,189 I'd talk about eskimos. 364 00:34:33,405 --> 00:34:35,566 Or kafka. 365 00:34:36,825 --> 00:34:41,364 Knowledge gaps are key. Gotta leave openings for the women to poke fun. 366 00:34:41,580 --> 00:34:44,617 That's not a gap, that's a crater. 367 00:34:46,543 --> 00:34:51,333 "Penhaligons eau de toilette"... A Cologne for men. 368 00:34:51,548 --> 00:34:54,881 Pretty sure she hasn't had any men over since John Paul. 369 00:34:55,093 --> 00:34:58,085 The lingering scent of John Paul, eh? 370 00:34:58,305 --> 00:35:02,469 Maybe even he wants to seem gentlemanly in front of his girlfriend. 371 00:35:05,145 --> 00:35:07,261 No sperm in the air? 372 00:35:07,480 --> 00:35:10,472 You'd think they'd be excited after so much time apart. 373 00:35:11,985 --> 00:35:14,067 Watch out, clavis. 374 00:35:14,279 --> 00:35:20,741 I'd peg her as a femme fatale. She brings men grief. 375 00:35:20,952 --> 00:35:24,945 Not that your nerd pheromones attract women anyway. 376 00:35:28,335 --> 00:35:33,671 We're set. May I have your authentication, for the contract? 377 00:35:33,882 --> 00:35:37,591 I'll make my "gaps" a bit classier than Williams's. 378 00:35:39,054 --> 00:35:42,763 I hope I can read kafka in Czech one day. 379 00:35:42,974 --> 00:35:46,933 Oh, no, kafka wrote his novels in German. 380 00:35:47,145 --> 00:35:52,185 You know this country used to be part of the Austria-Hungary empire, right? 381 00:35:52,400 --> 00:35:53,400 It rings a bell. 382 00:35:53,485 --> 00:35:59,105 Kafka was also a Jew... but he couldn't quite fit in with Jewish society. 383 00:35:59,324 --> 00:36:03,033 And he apparently thought of German as a borrowed tongue not his own. 384 00:36:03,244 --> 00:36:06,953 I wonder if works like the castle and amerika 385 00:36:07,165 --> 00:36:11,158 reflected his sense of having no group to belong to. 386 00:36:11,378 --> 00:36:17,669 "I have nowhere to belong, and my words are a string of borrowed sounds." 387 00:36:17,884 --> 00:36:21,251 Yes, perhaps kafka felt that way. 388 00:36:21,471 --> 00:36:26,056 Like the land surveyor loitering around the castle? 389 00:36:30,980 --> 00:36:32,390 I'm sorry. 390 00:36:32,607 --> 00:36:38,147 I was just remembering someone you remind me of. He loved books, too. 391 00:36:38,363 --> 00:36:41,526 What was this boyfriend like? 392 00:36:41,741 --> 00:36:44,073 That's a very personal question. 393 00:36:44,285 --> 00:36:47,027 You're the one who brought him up. 394 00:36:47,247 --> 00:36:49,613 I suppose so... 395 00:36:51,376 --> 00:36:56,837 He was an academic doing linguistics research, like me. 396 00:36:57,048 --> 00:37:00,336 He was the more brilliant scholar, though. 397 00:37:00,552 --> 00:37:04,716 He was involved in a department of defense language project. 398 00:37:04,931 --> 00:37:07,638 The Pentagon invests in linguistics? 399 00:37:07,851 --> 00:37:11,935 He said he was funded by DARPA. 400 00:37:12,147 --> 00:37:14,229 That's one impressive guy. 401 00:37:14,441 --> 00:37:19,731 We met at mit. We dated for a while, but it didn't last. 402 00:37:19,946 --> 00:37:25,657 Then I came back to the Czech Republic and started this job. 403 00:38:00,445 --> 00:38:02,902 Welcome to the Czech Republic ministry of tourism. 404 00:38:03,114 --> 00:38:05,571 Please select your language. 405 00:38:16,753 --> 00:38:18,584 Nothing, huh? 406 00:39:39,586 --> 00:39:41,998 Thanks, Williams. 407 00:40:04,485 --> 00:40:06,851 What a surprise. 408 00:40:11,284 --> 00:40:16,199 Now, then. What I want to know is, who are you? 409 00:40:16,414 --> 00:40:18,575 Like 1'd tell you! 410 00:40:20,460 --> 00:40:24,453 Now, then. What I want to know is, who are you? 411 00:40:24,672 --> 00:40:26,628 I'm nobody! 412 00:40:27,759 --> 00:40:28,623 Now, then... 413 00:40:28,635 --> 00:40:30,751 Who are you? 414 00:40:30,762 --> 00:40:34,425 I'm no one! Please believe me! 415 00:40:34,641 --> 00:40:36,848 I'm really nobody! 416 00:40:56,746 --> 00:40:59,203 You're a cruel guy. 417 00:41:02,752 --> 00:41:05,243 I'm a cruel guy. 418 00:41:13,846 --> 00:41:18,681 Either he lost his fingers in an accident and got transplants, or... 419 00:41:18,893 --> 00:41:20,884 That'd be in the records. 420 00:41:21,104 --> 00:41:23,561 A database mismatch? 421 00:41:26,442 --> 00:41:29,104 "I'm nobody," he said... 422 00:41:29,320 --> 00:41:31,902 How about this explanation? 423 00:41:32,115 --> 00:41:36,905 He has a contact who's capable of illegally altering the database. 424 00:41:37,120 --> 00:41:41,739 If so, he's probably an agent of one government or another. 425 00:41:41,958 --> 00:41:46,201 Is that why the Pentagon is in such a hurry to assassinate John Paul? 426 00:41:46,421 --> 00:41:48,161 Very possible. 427 00:41:52,885 --> 00:41:54,295 Hey. 428 00:42:06,149 --> 00:42:07,605 Hello! 429 00:42:10,403 --> 00:42:16,569 It was a lucky break that lucie offered to show me kafka's grave. 430 00:42:16,784 --> 00:42:23,075 If someone's tailing her, it means the enemy isn't only interested in me. 431 00:42:23,291 --> 00:42:28,752 Which of us are they keeping tabs on? Or is lucie in on it? 432 00:42:28,963 --> 00:42:30,703 Were these kafka's sisters? 433 00:42:30,923 --> 00:42:32,038 Yes. 434 00:42:32,258 --> 00:42:34,965 They all died around the same time... 435 00:42:35,178 --> 00:42:36,418 Oh. 436 00:42:36,637 --> 00:42:39,629 Yes. Auschwitz. 437 00:42:39,849 --> 00:42:41,931 They all died in the holocaust. 438 00:42:42,143 --> 00:42:45,476 His youngest sister, ottla, was married to a German, 439 00:42:45,688 --> 00:42:49,522 but she divorced him and voluntarily went to the ghetto. 440 00:42:49,734 --> 00:42:54,148 Even though as the wife of an Aryan, she could have gotten an exemption... 441 00:42:54,363 --> 00:42:56,069 You know all the details. 442 00:42:56,282 --> 00:42:58,113 John told me many times. 443 00:42:58,326 --> 00:43:01,944 "John"... that's the man you used to date, right? 444 00:43:02,163 --> 00:43:05,576 John talked about the holocaust a lot. 445 00:43:05,792 --> 00:43:09,034 He seemed interested in the history of genocide. 446 00:43:09,253 --> 00:43:14,418 He'd talk about Stalin, Cambodia, the Sudan, Rwanda... 447 00:43:14,634 --> 00:43:17,592 The history of genocide, huh? 448 00:43:17,804 --> 00:43:21,262 He said it had a particular smell. 449 00:43:21,474 --> 00:43:22,554 A smell? 450 00:43:22,767 --> 00:43:28,637 One that lingers in the Nazi death camps, katyn forest... all those sites. 451 00:43:28,856 --> 00:43:33,441 So, in the end you never knew what John was researching? 452 00:43:33,653 --> 00:43:37,271 No. I don't think he told anyone. 453 00:43:37,490 --> 00:43:43,827 He did it all himself. I doubt even his wife knew. 454 00:43:44,038 --> 00:43:47,030 His wife? You mean you... 455 00:43:47,250 --> 00:43:50,708 I knew he had a child, too. 456 00:43:50,920 --> 00:43:52,751 I'm the worst sort of woman. 457 00:43:52,964 --> 00:43:56,172 I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have pried. 458 00:43:56,384 --> 00:44:02,801 It's fine. But if you're sorry, will you come to one more place with me? 459 00:44:26,247 --> 00:44:27,407 Do you drink budweiser? 460 00:44:27,623 --> 00:44:31,207 Budweiser? That's what I always drink in America. 461 00:44:31,419 --> 00:44:36,789 Ah, the busch one. I won't say it's bad, but you need to try the real thing. 462 00:44:41,929 --> 00:44:45,922 Paper money? I suppose ID-pay is the norm these days, isn't it? 463 00:44:46,142 --> 00:44:47,473 So that was illegal currency? 464 00:44:47,685 --> 00:44:52,145 Of course not! It's a regional currency recognized by the government and the eu. 465 00:44:52,356 --> 00:44:55,223 I thought the experiments with regional currency were over! 466 00:44:55,443 --> 00:44:58,776 Yes, past attempts were about reempowering the community, 467 00:44:58,988 --> 00:45:01,900 so they leaned too far to the left. 468 00:45:02,116 --> 00:45:06,405 But this isn't a community movement so much as a punk one. 469 00:45:06,621 --> 00:45:08,327 Punk? 470 00:45:08,539 --> 00:45:13,374 People want something to balance out the information society. 471 00:45:13,586 --> 00:45:14,701 Hi, lucie. 472 00:45:14,921 --> 00:45:16,912 Ciao, Lucius! 473 00:45:19,550 --> 00:45:24,385 Lucius owns this place. He's very smart, and a deep thinker. 474 00:45:24,597 --> 00:45:28,761 This is Charles bishop. His company just transferred him here from the us. 475 00:45:28,976 --> 00:45:31,718 Pleased to meet you. This is a great bar. 476 00:45:31,938 --> 00:45:32,938 Thank you. 477 00:45:33,064 --> 00:45:37,433 You haven't been by in a while, lucie. Everyone's missed you! 478 00:45:37,652 --> 00:45:39,859 Poor Tyrone's been pining. 479 00:45:40,071 --> 00:45:42,312 Oh, has he? 480 00:45:44,909 --> 00:45:47,776 What's your relationship with lucie? 481 00:45:50,665 --> 00:45:53,452 I'm her student. She's teaching me Czech. 482 00:45:53,668 --> 00:45:57,502 Wow, she's never brought a student here before. 483 00:46:00,758 --> 00:46:03,841 I'll bet you were surprised that we use paper money 484 00:46:04,053 --> 00:46:05,280 and don't screen people at the door. 485 00:46:05,304 --> 00:46:08,762 I was, frankly. This would be unthinkable in America. 486 00:46:08,975 --> 00:46:12,058 America was once known as "the land of the free," 487 00:46:12,270 --> 00:46:16,513 but these days it seems like parts of Europe have a tad more freedom. 488 00:46:16,732 --> 00:46:20,395 I'm certainly impressed by Europe's broadmindedness, 489 00:46:20,611 --> 00:46:23,318 operating places like these even after Sarajevo. 490 00:46:23,531 --> 00:46:26,364 It's about choosing your freedoms. 491 00:46:28,703 --> 00:46:31,445 Labor robs the individual of his freedom, 492 00:46:31,664 --> 00:46:37,125 but in exchange, he gets a salary that he can buy goods with. 493 00:46:37,336 --> 00:46:40,578 He relinquishes one freedom to gain another. 494 00:46:40,798 --> 00:46:43,961 You're saying that Americans have relinquished some of our right to privacy 495 00:46:44,176 --> 00:46:47,919 to gain freedom from the oppressive fear of terrorism? 496 00:46:48,973 --> 00:46:50,713 That's one way of looking at it. 497 00:46:50,933 --> 00:46:57,224 I mean that your country and Europe differ slightly in the balance they strike. 498 00:46:57,440 --> 00:47:00,056 Do you run this bar to protect your freedom? 499 00:47:00,276 --> 00:47:03,109 Nothing so grand as that. 500 00:47:03,321 --> 00:47:08,236 It's just hard to get this crowd to really understand 501 00:47:08,451 --> 00:47:11,409 that "freedom" is made up of those compromises. 502 00:47:11,620 --> 00:47:16,865 Young people mistakenly think that pure and absolute freedom exists. 503 00:47:17,084 --> 00:47:22,374 Right now they need to rejoice in their false freedom. 504 00:47:22,590 --> 00:47:26,458 So that as adults, they realize that a consciously chosen freedom 505 00:47:26,677 --> 00:47:29,589 is a higher form of freedom. 506 00:47:29,805 --> 00:47:32,262 You're an educational person. 507 00:47:32,475 --> 00:47:35,308 I prefer to be called "enlightening," actually. 508 00:47:35,519 --> 00:47:36,975 What are you two talking about? 509 00:47:37,188 --> 00:47:39,053 Freedom as currency. 510 00:47:39,273 --> 00:47:40,058 Again? 511 00:47:40,274 --> 00:47:44,142 Well, there aren't many people I can have conversations like this with! 512 00:47:44,362 --> 00:47:49,277 This was fun. Let's talk again sometime, Mr. bishop. 513 00:47:49,492 --> 00:47:51,574 Absolutely! 514 00:47:53,913 --> 00:47:58,156 It must be tough to run a place like this in today's world. 515 00:47:58,376 --> 00:48:03,541 Yes. But people who remember times when you didn't need biometric ID for everything, 516 00:48:03,756 --> 00:48:06,748 and today's young people... They need a place like this. 517 00:48:06,967 --> 00:48:10,380 Spaces like this always pop up somewhere. 518 00:48:10,596 --> 00:48:13,759 Are you seeking that freedom, too? 519 00:48:13,974 --> 00:48:18,308 Personally, I just want a little breather. 520 00:48:19,688 --> 00:48:24,728 Sometimes I just need someplace I can relax 521 00:48:24,944 --> 00:48:29,358 without anyone knowing what I drank and who I danced with. 522 00:48:35,037 --> 00:48:36,527 Let's get out of here. 523 00:48:36,747 --> 00:48:39,033 Huh?! But my beer...! 524 00:48:45,256 --> 00:48:50,125 Sarajevo was wiped out while I was sleeping with him. 525 00:48:54,849 --> 00:49:00,389 John's wife and daughter were there to visit his sister-in-law. 526 00:49:00,604 --> 00:49:06,941 Boston was so much fun without them. I was in heaven. 527 00:49:14,160 --> 00:49:17,118 The epicenter of the blast, which reports indicate was nuclear, 528 00:49:17,329 --> 00:49:21,993 was most likely Sarajevo's “old city,” stari grad. 529 00:49:22,209 --> 00:49:24,916 Officials are unable to contact the American embassy there, and... 530 00:49:30,426 --> 00:49:33,793 He flew to Sarajevo. 531 00:49:34,013 --> 00:49:40,134 And the horrible thing was, even after that, I still loved him! 532 00:49:41,937 --> 00:49:46,931 But he came back from Sarajevo without telling me, quit mit, 533 00:49:47,151 --> 00:49:49,187 and disappeared. 534 00:49:50,070 --> 00:49:52,857 I couldn't look for him. 535 00:49:53,073 --> 00:49:58,193 Because he was the embodiment of my sins! 536 00:49:58,412 --> 00:50:02,826 And I can't atone for my sins now! 537 00:50:04,293 --> 00:50:08,787 The dead can't forgive anyone. 538 00:50:13,052 --> 00:50:16,795 You know him, don't you? 539 00:50:17,014 --> 00:50:22,259 He visits me for the first time in five years, and then you show up. 540 00:50:22,478 --> 00:50:26,266 What did he do? What are you investigating?! 541 00:50:26,482 --> 00:50:29,144 Lucie... 1 don't know who you are. 542 00:50:29,360 --> 00:50:33,319 But I just can't believe you're the villain he claims! 543 00:50:33,531 --> 00:50:36,989 Are you... in league with him?! 544 00:50:37,201 --> 00:50:40,819 It's not that simple! Our relationship is... 545 00:50:41,038 --> 00:50:42,323 You're... 546 00:50:50,214 --> 00:50:51,704 Your accomplice? 547 00:50:51,924 --> 00:50:54,916 I don't know her. "Accomplice"?! 548 00:51:39,513 --> 00:51:41,674 You're going too fast! 549 00:52:10,044 --> 00:52:14,287 Fingerprint authentication? So, you're a spy. 550 00:52:24,475 --> 00:52:26,306 Mr. bishop? 551 00:52:26,518 --> 00:52:29,851 Charles! What's wrong?! 552 00:52:32,232 --> 00:52:34,223 I'm sorry. I didn't know this would happen! 553 00:52:34,234 --> 00:52:36,314 Run... I'm sorry. I didn't know this would happen! 554 00:52:36,445 --> 00:52:37,525 Run! 555 00:52:37,738 --> 00:52:41,947 He only told me to bring you to the bar! 556 00:52:45,871 --> 00:52:48,408 Lucie... run... 557 00:52:48,624 --> 00:52:52,162 You don't need to run, lucie. 558 00:53:27,871 --> 00:53:33,286 A us government hit squad, is that about right? 559 00:53:33,502 --> 00:53:35,458 John Paul... 560 00:53:36,547 --> 00:53:38,458 The lord of genocide. 561 00:53:38,674 --> 00:53:40,255 What gave me away as military? 562 00:53:40,467 --> 00:53:43,083 Soldiers have a certain way of walking. 563 00:53:43,303 --> 00:53:48,218 My work was all about finding patterns in unorganized data. 564 00:53:48,434 --> 00:53:52,177 You were doing linguistic research with Pentagon funds. 565 00:53:52,396 --> 00:53:56,765 Why does a little language scholarship need to be classified info? 566 00:53:56,984 --> 00:54:00,226 They didn't tell you? 567 00:54:00,446 --> 00:54:04,985 So you're willing to submit to that much control. 568 00:54:06,160 --> 00:54:09,994 In the beginning, it was simple academic research. 569 00:54:10,205 --> 00:54:12,992 Official Nazi documents, radio broadcasts... 570 00:54:13,208 --> 00:54:16,792 I acquired all possible text data from fascist regimes 571 00:54:17,004 --> 00:54:18,869 and performed syntactic analysis. 572 00:54:19,089 --> 00:54:24,209 When I presented my results, the Pentagon offered me funding. 573 00:54:24,428 --> 00:54:27,636 They gave me access to classified CIA documents, 574 00:54:27,848 --> 00:54:32,012 records of foreign traffic intercepted by the NSA, all of it. 575 00:54:32,227 --> 00:54:34,718 And what did you find out? 576 00:54:34,938 --> 00:54:38,601 That genocide has a grammar. 577 00:54:40,277 --> 00:54:44,520 Shortly before genocide occurs, you start glimpsing the patterns. 578 00:54:44,740 --> 00:54:48,699 Because it's an innate deep structure independent of any specific language, 579 00:54:48,911 --> 00:54:52,904 those who enjoy the use of those languages can't see it. 580 00:54:53,123 --> 00:54:55,990 Innate grammar...? 581 00:54:58,170 --> 00:55:00,001 The organ. 582 00:55:01,298 --> 00:55:08,886 The Pentagon figured you could predict genocides through traffic analysis, didn't they? 583 00:55:10,390 --> 00:55:16,010 I started being able to see the signs of future violence hidden in language. 584 00:55:17,231 --> 00:55:21,099 When people hear too many sentences generated by this grammar, 585 00:55:21,318 --> 00:55:23,525 a change occurs in their brains. 586 00:55:24,988 --> 00:55:30,073 Activity in an area of the brain related to value judgments is inhibited. 587 00:55:30,285 --> 00:55:35,245 It recalibrates what we call the "moral compass"... 588 00:55:35,457 --> 00:55:37,948 In a very specific direction. 589 00:55:39,294 --> 00:55:42,252 Words can't influence your subconscious that way. 590 00:55:42,464 --> 00:55:44,705 We know the sapir-whorf hypothesis is wrong! 591 00:55:44,925 --> 00:55:48,509 Our thoughts aren't dictated by our language! 592 00:55:50,305 --> 00:55:52,591 What's so funny?! 593 00:55:52,808 --> 00:55:56,642 Sorry, you're just very learned for a spy. 594 00:55:56,854 --> 00:55:59,061 Lucie told me. 595 00:56:02,359 --> 00:56:08,400 Do you ever find yourself thinking that words have no meaning? 596 00:56:08,615 --> 00:56:15,737 Goethe wrote that hearing a military air made him sit up straight. 597 00:56:15,956 --> 00:56:18,242 Music rapes the heart. 598 00:56:18,458 --> 00:56:23,669 "Meaning" is like a useless noble that puts on airs based on that music. 599 00:56:23,881 --> 00:56:27,373 Sound can bypass meaning. 600 00:56:28,302 --> 00:56:35,049 There's a sort of cursed layer that we can't perceive or grasp? 601 00:56:39,354 --> 00:56:41,345 Let me offer you proof. 602 00:56:41,565 --> 00:56:45,934 I buried a certain grammar in my conversation with you. 603 00:56:46,153 --> 00:56:49,987 No need to worry. It's not the one that incites genocide. 604 00:56:50,198 --> 00:56:51,779 What have you done to me?! 605 00:56:51,992 --> 00:56:53,778 I simply stimulated a certain brain function 606 00:56:53,994 --> 00:56:57,282 that's a remnant of past evolutionary needs. 607 00:56:58,415 --> 00:57:02,624 As someone once said, ears have no lids. 608 00:57:02,836 --> 00:57:08,172 No one can block out my words. 609 00:57:51,927 --> 00:57:53,918 That's enough. 610 00:58:00,310 --> 00:58:03,552 The pain is from nanomachines shocking your nerves. 611 00:58:03,772 --> 00:58:07,481 I put them in your budweiser, sorry. 612 00:58:07,693 --> 00:58:09,354 Lucius! 613 00:58:09,569 --> 00:58:10,854 What did you do to lucie?! 614 00:58:11,071 --> 00:58:17,818 She's with John. Poor woman, she lost her place here when you showed up. 615 00:58:18,036 --> 00:58:21,119 I didn't figure you for John Paul's accomplice. 616 00:58:21,915 --> 00:58:24,531 John's a client of ours. 617 00:58:24,751 --> 00:58:28,335 We cooperated with him to protect ourselves. 618 00:58:28,547 --> 00:58:30,037 "We"? 619 00:58:31,425 --> 00:58:34,462 We are the uncounted. 620 00:58:34,678 --> 00:58:36,634 "Uncounted"? 621 00:58:36,847 --> 00:58:39,930 There's an extremely low-tech method. 622 00:58:40,142 --> 00:58:44,101 The world is full of sensors, but most scan only one thing. 623 00:58:44,312 --> 00:58:47,600 Retinas, prints, or veins. 624 00:58:47,816 --> 00:58:50,523 Brainwave sensors here, security cameras there. 625 00:58:50,736 --> 00:58:56,697 Map out every sensor, and you can see the least-watched routes. 626 00:58:56,908 --> 00:59:01,902 Then, if you have nanolayer fingerprints and copies of someone else's retinas, 627 00:59:02,122 --> 00:59:05,455 it's almost impossible to track you. 628 00:59:06,418 --> 00:59:07,954 Sarajevo?! 629 00:59:08,170 --> 00:59:10,582 We made those into living ids. 630 00:59:10,797 --> 00:59:13,914 Aren't you the one who said freedom was about compromise?! 631 00:59:14,134 --> 00:59:18,423 Sure, but things are very unbalanced right now. 632 00:59:22,184 --> 00:59:28,555 The authorities take far more privacy than they give back in safety. 633 00:59:29,816 --> 00:59:34,810 After 9/11, the world ramped up security by managing all our personal information. 634 00:59:35,030 --> 00:59:39,364 But the higher they raised the security, the more terrorism happened. 635 00:59:39,576 --> 00:59:40,361 Liar! 636 00:59:40,577 --> 00:59:43,694 You can verify it just by graphing the official statistics. 637 00:59:43,914 --> 00:59:47,998 Governments lie about it, and the media follows suit. 638 00:59:48,210 --> 00:59:51,919 There are plenty of tragedies in this world that don't get reported on. 639 00:59:52,130 --> 00:59:53,370 For example... 640 00:59:53,590 --> 00:59:57,128 That artificial flesh. 641 00:59:58,136 --> 01:00:02,846 It's made of genetically modified dolphins and whales. 642 01:00:04,142 --> 01:00:06,508 They're bred in lake Victoria, 643 01:00:06,728 --> 01:00:11,313 then they're dissected and the muscle fibers shipped to industrial companies. 644 01:00:11,525 --> 01:00:16,440 By little boys and girls, and for low wages. 645 01:00:17,197 --> 01:00:21,406 Anyone could trace all this if they had even a shred of interest, 646 01:00:21,618 --> 01:00:23,859 but they don't want to know 647 01:00:24,079 --> 01:00:29,949 what terrible conditions their daily comforts are produced under. 648 01:00:30,168 --> 01:00:37,586 And you would know exactly how many civil wars are going ignored in this world. 649 01:00:37,801 --> 01:00:41,794 People are only interested in a fraction of them. 650 01:00:42,013 --> 01:00:47,007 We're built to see only what we want to see. 651 01:01:02,742 --> 01:01:04,607 A tracer dog! 652 01:01:04,828 --> 01:01:06,409 You bastard! 653 01:01:22,804 --> 01:01:25,011 Okay there, clavis? 654 01:01:25,223 --> 01:01:27,885 Where's lucie? Is she... 655 01:01:28,602 --> 01:01:31,594 Dunno. She disappeared. 656 01:01:45,994 --> 01:01:48,360 The natural elimination anti-nanomachines 657 01:01:48,580 --> 01:01:51,993 are doing a great job at removing the paingivers. 658 01:01:52,209 --> 01:01:57,078 The nanomachines in your blood should all be gone in about three days. 659 01:01:57,297 --> 01:02:00,209 The biggest problem is how the mental stress they cause 660 01:02:00,425 --> 01:02:02,086 may influence your psychological state in batt... 661 01:02:02,093 --> 01:02:04,926 Sins... may influence your psychological state in batt... 662 01:02:14,105 --> 01:02:16,687 This footage was captured by an aerospace force recon satellite 663 01:02:16,900 --> 01:02:21,189 on the old India-Pakistan border four days ago. 664 01:02:21,404 --> 01:02:24,942 The new India government filed a claim with the hague, 665 01:02:25,158 --> 01:02:26,677 whose investigative team issued warrants 666 01:02:26,701 --> 01:02:28,679 for eight leaders of an indus fundamentalist alliance 667 01:02:28,703 --> 01:02:31,240 operating in the Indian countryside. 668 01:02:31,456 --> 01:02:33,447 The indictments are for crimes against humanity, 669 01:02:33,667 --> 01:02:38,457 using children to participate in hostilities, and genocide. 670 01:02:39,464 --> 01:02:41,079 What is this...? 671 01:02:42,467 --> 01:02:47,928 A goodbye present the generals left when they fled to escape trial for their nukes. 672 01:02:48,139 --> 01:02:52,052 John Paul may be traveling with them. 673 01:02:53,103 --> 01:02:57,517 The new India government received un approval for military action, 674 01:02:57,732 --> 01:03:01,566 some of which has been outsourced to Eugene & krupps. 675 01:03:02,612 --> 01:03:07,447 And I take it America doesn't want them to get to John Paul before we do. 676 01:03:07,659 --> 01:03:12,494 We'll be operating as the Japanese government's military proxy. 677 01:03:12,706 --> 01:03:16,290 Which means we'll be categorized as mercenaries under the Geneva convention. 678 01:03:16,501 --> 01:03:18,082 The Rome statute? 679 01:03:18,295 --> 01:03:19,705 Exactly. 680 01:03:20,714 --> 01:03:24,627 Then the goal of our op is to take out John Paul? 681 01:03:24,843 --> 01:03:26,959 No, just arrest him. 682 01:03:27,178 --> 01:03:30,966 However, we cannot let him fall into the hands of the hague or new India. 683 01:03:31,182 --> 01:03:36,677 We believe 60% of the local combatants are minors. 684 01:03:37,731 --> 01:03:41,474 I need you to start getting tactical counseling tomorrow. 685 01:03:41,693 --> 01:03:44,275 The op is in one week. 686 01:03:47,240 --> 01:03:52,075 Does this murderous intent really belong to me? 687 01:03:52,287 --> 01:03:56,621 Of course. It's your own intent, beyond a doubt. 688 01:03:56,833 --> 01:03:59,996 Beyond a doubt, eh? 689 01:04:00,211 --> 01:04:04,705 Well, it's just like coming to the clinic when you get sick. 690 01:04:04,924 --> 01:04:08,792 Your intent is to get better. That's why you act. 691 01:04:09,012 --> 01:04:12,721 Counseling and partial frontal lobe masking are tools. 692 01:04:12,932 --> 01:04:18,518 After all, you'd already chosen to fight before you entered my office. 693 01:04:18,730 --> 01:04:25,317 Human thoughts and actions are formed by a vast system of modules in the brain. 694 01:04:25,528 --> 01:04:27,189 Modules? 695 01:04:27,405 --> 01:04:30,192 Think about the word "crowd." 696 01:04:30,408 --> 01:04:32,990 We can probably agree that a thousand people is a crowd. 697 01:04:33,203 --> 01:04:39,073 But what about a hundred? Ten? When does a group become a "crowd"? 698 01:04:40,502 --> 01:04:43,710 How many modules must exist to form the "self"? 699 01:04:43,922 --> 01:04:48,006 How many modules must unite to form "consciousness"? 700 01:04:48,218 --> 01:04:50,129 The counselor asks questions. 701 01:04:50,345 --> 01:04:54,588 I don't know what function these questions have 702 01:04:54,808 --> 01:04:59,142 within the larger process called battle emotion adaptive regulation. 703 01:04:59,354 --> 01:05:03,973 I don't know what judgments the counselor makes when I answer. 704 01:05:04,192 --> 01:05:07,400 I don't know what effect the string of words coming from his mouth 705 01:05:07,612 --> 01:05:13,198 has had on my emotions or reason. 706 01:05:17,163 --> 01:05:21,076 Well? Do you feel you could kill a child right now? 707 01:05:54,451 --> 01:05:57,318 It's friendship in a bottle, clavis! 708 01:06:00,790 --> 01:06:02,655 Okay, okay. 709 01:06:02,876 --> 01:06:08,712 Man, I wish I could show you just how much I love you right now. 710 01:06:08,923 --> 01:06:11,289 Says the family man. 711 01:06:13,720 --> 01:06:15,802 Put in your ar lenses. 712 01:06:26,232 --> 01:06:28,393 No issues with the display. 713 01:06:28,610 --> 01:06:33,229 I always think this test pattern is a trip. 714 01:06:33,823 --> 01:06:37,065 Wipe off that cream. You look like a panda. 715 01:06:37,285 --> 01:06:41,028 Pandas have white faces and black eye rings, dude. 716 01:06:41,247 --> 01:06:44,956 We're nearing the drop point. Get ready for your high dive! 717 01:06:45,168 --> 01:06:47,625 Mechanics, put on your oxygen masks! 718 01:06:47,837 --> 01:06:50,499 Opening the ejection gate in 20 seconds! 719 01:06:51,633 --> 01:06:57,048 As planned, you're touching down right after we've hit their tanks with ccbs. 720 01:06:57,263 --> 01:07:01,597 Let your pods calculate when to deploy the drogue chutes. 721 01:07:08,650 --> 01:07:11,687 We'll start the countdown after we drop the ccbs. 722 01:07:11,903 --> 01:07:13,939 Open the gate! 723 01:07:15,990 --> 01:07:17,526 Drop. 724 01:07:20,662 --> 01:07:25,907 5, 4, 3... godspeed. 725 01:08:19,762 --> 01:08:22,003 Jaeger one, touchdown. 726 01:09:31,000 --> 01:09:34,367 Have you noticed? These kids are drugged. 727 01:09:34,587 --> 01:09:39,502 All the more reason to make sure you kill them. 728 01:09:55,274 --> 01:09:59,688 We're no different, jaeger. 729 01:09:59,904 --> 01:10:04,989 We've put nanomachines in our brains to block the pain. 730 01:10:22,260 --> 01:10:26,503 Have you ever thought about the fact that if we had to take out one of our own, 731 01:10:26,723 --> 01:10:32,593 we'd just have to keep shooting until we're 100% sure of the kill? 732 01:10:35,565 --> 01:10:38,352 That's what I call hell. 733 01:11:06,012 --> 01:11:08,003 Snipers. 734 01:11:09,640 --> 01:11:14,304 We're cut off. What now? Crawl on our bellies? 735 01:11:15,772 --> 01:11:17,433 Blue boy, are you here? 736 01:11:17,648 --> 01:11:19,604 That's a yes, jaeger. 737 01:11:21,986 --> 01:11:26,446 Can't say I want to bet on how many snipers there are, though. 738 01:11:26,657 --> 01:11:28,864 Wanna fill the place with smoke? 739 01:11:29,994 --> 01:11:32,110 Smoke is no fun to get attacked in. 740 01:11:32,330 --> 01:11:34,946 Guess we better pray, then. 741 01:11:36,209 --> 01:11:38,916 Seaweed, I need you to drop a bomb. 742 01:11:39,128 --> 01:11:41,039 We'll point out the target. 743 01:11:41,756 --> 01:11:44,042 Roger that, jaeger. 744 01:11:48,346 --> 01:11:49,961 Gotcha. 745 01:12:05,154 --> 01:12:07,236 Thanks, seaweed! 746 01:12:43,192 --> 01:12:44,807 Don't move. 747 01:12:47,071 --> 01:12:50,063 We're here to execute the icc warrants. 748 01:12:50,283 --> 01:12:55,323 Why, were you expecting different visitors with assault rifles? 749 01:12:55,538 --> 01:13:01,204 Mercenaries, eh? You're dirtbags who live off of war. 750 01:13:02,378 --> 01:13:04,585 Yup, same as you. 751 01:13:04,797 --> 01:13:11,794 We are holy warriors battling infidels who defile the great land of India! 752 01:13:13,055 --> 01:13:15,421 We don't worship money like you. 753 01:13:15,641 --> 01:13:17,802 Hey, he's a comedian. 754 01:13:30,865 --> 01:13:32,981 John Paul. 755 01:13:35,536 --> 01:13:40,576 Hello, spy. I didn't know you were also special forces. 756 01:13:40,791 --> 01:13:42,747 This is my main job. 757 01:13:42,960 --> 01:13:44,496 Where's lucie? 758 01:13:44,712 --> 01:13:46,498 Not here. 759 01:13:46,714 --> 01:13:51,754 It sounds like you've got a different goal than your country ordered. 760 01:14:00,519 --> 01:14:02,726 You're under arrest. 761 01:14:02,939 --> 01:14:05,305 I've got this, jaeger. 762 01:14:07,652 --> 01:14:10,940 Seaweed, we've secured the goods. Settle our accounts. 763 01:15:00,496 --> 01:15:02,578 This way, guys! 764 01:15:23,269 --> 01:15:25,601 We've got them all! 765 01:15:26,564 --> 01:15:29,397 Jaeger! How many floors is this hotel? 766 01:15:29,608 --> 01:15:32,896 Four. Eight feet per floor. 767 01:15:46,834 --> 01:15:49,325 Office, this is jaeger. 768 01:15:49,545 --> 01:15:52,036 The op is complete. 769 01:15:52,256 --> 01:15:56,169 We have all the packages, and we secured the treasure, too. 770 01:15:57,720 --> 01:15:59,631 Returning to base. 771 01:16:02,266 --> 01:16:06,726 Message from the seaweed, sir. They've secured target a. 772 01:16:09,774 --> 01:16:11,105 Any of our men hurt? 773 01:16:11,317 --> 01:16:12,317 No, sir. 774 01:16:12,526 --> 01:16:18,817 The flying pig has crossed the final warning line into Eugene & krupps airspace. 775 01:16:19,033 --> 01:16:22,571 If they stay on the planned route, their eta at the Mumbai base 776 01:16:22,787 --> 01:16:25,950 is 0253 tomorrow Washington DC time. 777 01:16:29,085 --> 01:16:35,752 Jaeger, we've crossed the final warning line. No one in pursuit. 778 01:16:35,966 --> 01:16:39,834 Hey, did you hear me quote "the Spanish inquisition"? 779 01:16:40,054 --> 01:16:42,010 Are you sure you did? 780 01:16:42,223 --> 01:16:44,760 It's the funniest joke of the century! 781 01:16:47,061 --> 01:16:50,553 How dare you treat us as if we have no human rights?! 782 01:16:50,564 --> 01:16:55,103 Hey, these are first class seats. Wasted on you, really. How dare you treat us as if we have no human rights?! 783 01:16:55,319 --> 01:16:57,310 Leland. Sir? 784 01:16:57,530 --> 01:16:59,646 I'll handle that one. 785 01:17:03,285 --> 01:17:07,745 Don't play too rough, sir. 786 01:17:07,957 --> 01:17:12,371 Artificial-flesh coffins? How perverse. 787 01:17:12,586 --> 01:17:18,331 But they'll keep us alive even if we crash. I suppose they really are first class. 788 01:17:18,551 --> 01:17:20,416 Where is lucie? 789 01:17:20,636 --> 01:17:22,922 That has nothing to do with your mission. 790 01:17:23,139 --> 01:17:25,755 What I want is lucie. 791 01:17:27,685 --> 01:17:32,270 And you'll kill children for her sake, will you? 792 01:17:34,108 --> 01:17:38,442 It's painful, but I have no choice. It's my job. 793 01:17:38,654 --> 01:17:40,394 "Painful"? 794 01:17:42,324 --> 01:17:44,610 Liar. I know the truth. 795 01:17:44,827 --> 01:17:47,193 You people don't feel anything. 796 01:17:47,413 --> 01:17:49,529 "It's my job, so I have no choice." 797 01:17:49,748 --> 01:17:51,488 Since the dawn of the 19th century, 798 01:17:51,709 --> 01:17:55,293 those words have unleashed so much brutality from ordinary people 799 01:17:55,504 --> 01:17:59,088 who "wouldn't hurt a fly." 800 01:17:59,300 --> 01:18:03,088 "It's my job" allowed the Nazis to send the Jews to the gas chambers. 801 01:18:03,304 --> 01:18:08,719 "It's my job" enabled east Germany's border police to shoot escapees. 802 01:18:08,934 --> 01:18:14,179 Jobs exist for the purpose of numbing the human conscience. 803 01:18:14,398 --> 01:18:17,060 You're a hard worker yourself. 804 01:18:17,276 --> 01:18:20,985 You fly around the world causing mass genocide, cool as a cucumber. 805 01:18:21,197 --> 01:18:24,781 Well, look at that: We're birds of a feather. 806 01:18:24,992 --> 01:18:25,992 Bullshit! 807 01:18:26,035 --> 01:18:28,526 No, we're the same. 808 01:18:28,746 --> 01:18:35,834 I'll confess: All I do is chant a curse. It doesn't feel like killing. 809 01:18:36,045 --> 01:18:38,536 What about you? 810 01:18:38,756 --> 01:18:41,589 When your brain is regulated for battle, 811 01:18:41,800 --> 01:18:48,217 do you feel the proper relief and guilt after shooting the kids gunning for you? 812 01:18:48,432 --> 01:18:50,218 Let me tell you. 813 01:18:52,269 --> 01:18:54,100 You're a flat line. 814 01:18:54,313 --> 01:18:57,805 When emotionally optimized, in the moment you kill someone, 815 01:18:58,025 --> 01:19:02,689 your actions are reflexive, but you're also perfectly calm. 816 01:19:06,617 --> 01:19:11,281 I'll put it to you straight: Even though you've fought in real wars, 817 01:19:11,497 --> 01:19:17,914 you, and probably your friends, always feel like it's not enough. 818 01:19:19,546 --> 01:19:27,089 You harden your hearts. Or rather, you allow them to harden. 819 01:19:27,304 --> 01:19:33,345 You let yourselves not care when you take a life. A young life, at that. 820 01:19:33,560 --> 01:19:39,226 In a way, that's far crueler than just killing a child. 821 01:19:41,735 --> 01:19:46,775 I'll tell you a secret: The grammar of genocide affects the brain 822 01:19:46,991 --> 01:19:51,610 in much the same way your bear process does. 823 01:19:53,289 --> 01:19:58,750 Inhibiting conscience, recalibrating value judgments in a specific way. 824 01:19:59,712 --> 01:20:07,676 You do it with technology, and I do it with the ancient power of language. 825 01:20:09,346 --> 01:20:10,461 What's wrong? 826 01:20:10,681 --> 01:20:17,553 If the grammar of genocide were to reach our brains, with our masking in place... 827 01:20:17,771 --> 01:20:22,765 Yes, I think it would be even more effective. 828 01:20:26,405 --> 01:20:28,691 Want to try it and see? 829 01:20:29,992 --> 01:20:31,448 Jaeger one. 830 01:20:33,120 --> 01:20:34,120 What is it? 831 01:20:34,204 --> 01:20:36,320 Something's on our tail. 832 01:20:42,212 --> 01:20:43,497 Indus pursuers? 833 01:20:43,714 --> 01:20:45,204 It's Chinese-made. 834 01:20:45,424 --> 01:20:48,257 No idea whose chopper it is. 835 01:20:50,262 --> 01:20:52,719 Seaweed, we've got... 836 01:21:42,231 --> 01:21:43,892 Williams... 837 01:21:45,943 --> 01:21:47,433 At least he's not dead. 838 01:21:47,653 --> 01:21:49,063 Dammit! 839 01:22:19,768 --> 01:22:22,510 Blue boy. Blue boy, come in! 840 01:22:22,729 --> 01:22:24,890 Is that you, jaeger? 841 01:22:25,274 --> 01:22:28,766 I'm about 200 yards from you. What's the sitrep? 842 01:22:28,986 --> 01:22:33,821 Looks like the chopper got shot down. A heliborne unit arrived right after. 843 01:22:34,032 --> 01:22:37,274 We're exchanging fire with them from cargo bay two. 844 01:22:37,494 --> 01:22:38,574 The prisoners? 845 01:22:38,787 --> 01:22:40,027 I don't know. 846 01:22:40,247 --> 01:22:44,786 But everyone left in cargo bay one is showing up as status: Deceased. 847 01:22:45,002 --> 01:22:51,373 And I got my left arm blown off the second I tried to step outside. 848 01:22:51,592 --> 01:22:53,332 Does it hurt? 849 01:22:53,552 --> 01:22:58,467 Sure it hurts. I can't feel it, but I'm aware of it. 850 01:22:58,682 --> 01:23:03,767 It's no problem, sir. I can't physically sense the pain. 851 01:23:03,979 --> 01:23:06,015 Barry! 852 01:23:06,231 --> 01:23:09,348 Shit! Clavis, they just got Nelson. 853 01:23:09,568 --> 01:23:11,854 Fuck! 854 01:23:42,059 --> 01:23:43,720 Masking?! 855 01:23:45,979 --> 01:23:48,220 Be advised the enemy has sensory masking! 856 01:23:50,901 --> 01:23:55,440 We'll just have to keep firing 'til they're hamburger meat. 857 01:24:24,560 --> 01:24:26,596 This is such shit! 858 01:24:32,776 --> 01:24:34,687 Dammit... 859 01:24:34,903 --> 01:24:36,313 Hi, sir. 860 01:24:38,365 --> 01:24:40,526 How's it looking outside? 861 01:25:02,598 --> 01:25:05,590 Can you wait a bit for the other one? 862 01:25:08,437 --> 01:25:12,897 How is it outside? Are they... 863 01:25:20,824 --> 01:25:22,735 I don't know. 864 01:25:41,762 --> 01:25:42,797 Yep, it's a foul for the defense. 865 01:25:42,804 --> 01:25:44,657 Stupid rule. Yep, it's a foul for the defense. 866 01:25:44,681 --> 01:25:47,798 Yeah, too overprotective. 867 01:25:50,228 --> 01:25:53,061 Alex talked about that. 868 01:25:53,273 --> 01:25:56,231 Yeah. "Hell." 869 01:25:56,443 --> 01:26:00,732 Maybe we'll end up like him someday. 870 01:26:00,947 --> 01:26:03,029 Can you keep going? 871 01:26:03,241 --> 01:26:05,072 I'll keep going. 872 01:26:05,285 --> 01:26:07,241 It's my job. 873 01:26:09,039 --> 01:26:14,284 Other than Williams and I, the only survivors were Sean and Bob. 874 01:26:15,504 --> 01:26:21,249 We were the first us special forces unit to be defeated in a long time. 875 01:26:22,135 --> 01:26:25,673 Most of the enemy corpses were in pieces, too. 876 01:26:27,432 --> 01:26:33,928 A week with the meat puzzles told us that they'd been dead men in another sense. 877 01:26:34,147 --> 01:26:39,733 They were all soldiers who'd been reported as missing or killed in action 878 01:26:39,945 --> 01:26:42,652 by the military contractor they worked for. 879 01:26:43,990 --> 01:26:48,359 It was pretty much a given that Eugene & krupps was the culprit, 880 01:26:48,578 --> 01:26:51,474 and it didn't take long to figure out that one of their execs was behind it. 881 01:26:51,498 --> 01:26:54,990 Namely, the senate majority leader. 882 01:26:56,169 --> 01:26:58,376 The indus fundamentalist bigwigs we captured 883 01:26:58,588 --> 01:27:02,376 never made it to a holding cell, let alone the hague. 884 01:27:02,592 --> 01:27:06,631 They skipped straight to the graveyard. 885 01:27:06,847 --> 01:27:10,055 The sheaths that saved them from dying in the crash 886 01:27:10,267 --> 01:27:12,929 ended up being their coffins. 887 01:27:13,979 --> 01:27:17,892 The ghost soldiers' objective was to retrieve John Paul. 888 01:27:18,108 --> 01:27:20,144 That was all. 889 01:27:27,826 --> 01:27:29,737 This is mouse two. 890 01:27:31,121 --> 01:27:33,453 I'll bring you back a gold medal, seaweed. 891 01:27:33,665 --> 01:27:35,405 I'll hold you to that, mouse. 892 01:27:36,543 --> 01:27:38,223 Someone on the ground just locked on to us. 893 01:27:38,378 --> 01:27:40,414 No way. They can see us?! 894 01:27:40,630 --> 01:27:42,040 Cut us loose, now! 895 01:27:42,257 --> 01:27:44,418 Don't be stupid. The enemy's got our location! 896 01:27:44,634 --> 01:27:47,000 Just push the release button! That's crazy. 897 01:27:47,220 --> 01:27:48,710 Missiles fired! 898 01:27:49,514 --> 01:27:51,175 Hey, clavis? 899 01:27:56,104 --> 01:27:58,345 A priority interruption has been executed. 900 01:27:58,565 --> 01:28:01,227 The pod will be released after five seconds. 901 01:28:01,443 --> 01:28:04,731 Two, one, Mark. 902 01:28:41,191 --> 01:28:46,151 Splashdown in five seconds. Two, one, Mark. 903 01:28:51,326 --> 01:28:56,537 Ten, eleven, twelve... deploying propeller. 904 01:29:14,140 --> 01:29:16,552 The uncounted. 905 01:29:16,768 --> 01:29:19,601 It's the same fake-ID technique that Lucius showed off to me 906 01:29:19,813 --> 01:29:22,680 while I was staring death in the face back in Prague. 907 01:29:24,860 --> 01:29:27,192 He told the truth. 908 01:29:37,914 --> 01:29:40,030 John said it, too... 909 01:29:43,795 --> 01:29:47,788 "Patterns in unorganized data." 910 01:29:48,008 --> 01:29:52,217 Once I'd excluded all the ids in valid use, 911 01:29:52,429 --> 01:29:55,592 only the ids with inconsistencies were left. 912 01:29:56,558 --> 01:30:02,394 By sorting and tagging those, I could see their traffic. 913 01:30:08,945 --> 01:30:15,282 They were telling the truth. The honest truth... 914 01:30:15,994 --> 01:30:20,784 Destination reached. The pod will self-destruct in 30 seconds. 915 01:30:20,999 --> 01:30:24,036 Passenger, please prepare to dive. 916 01:31:25,605 --> 01:31:31,225 It still hurts to see people outside living in such unbelievable poverty. 917 01:31:31,444 --> 01:31:33,355 Don't trouble yourself about them, madam Paul. 918 01:31:33,571 --> 01:31:38,736 I feel better hearing you say that. Good night, mugabe. 919 01:31:38,952 --> 01:31:41,159 Good night, madam. 920 01:31:45,667 --> 01:31:47,453 Lucie... 921 01:32:39,345 --> 01:32:40,960 What's this? 922 01:32:48,438 --> 01:32:52,932 You made it in time for once, Mr. hit man. 923 01:32:53,151 --> 01:32:56,735 I've only just started sowing the seeds here. 924 01:32:56,946 --> 01:32:59,528 That's an antique Browning. 925 01:32:59,741 --> 01:33:04,986 No ID checker... Anyone can use it to kill anyone else. 926 01:33:05,205 --> 01:33:08,618 Tonight's the first time I've picked it up, actually. 927 01:33:08,833 --> 01:33:11,666 I actively avoid guns. 928 01:33:11,878 --> 01:33:15,496 Makes sense. After all, you've got the power to slaughter whole hordes 929 01:33:15,715 --> 01:33:19,628 without getting your hands dirty. 930 01:33:19,844 --> 01:33:22,210 I just found it. 931 01:33:22,430 --> 01:33:26,298 Brutality has lurked in the human brain all along. 932 01:33:26,518 --> 01:33:29,055 You didn't have to bring this genocide language into it... 933 01:33:29,270 --> 01:33:34,481 Our brains have always had the faculties for killing, stealing, and raping. 934 01:33:34,692 --> 01:33:41,564 Indeed. I'm getting ready to kill you as we speak. 935 01:33:41,783 --> 01:33:47,244 But if raping and pillaging are acts born of our survival needs, 936 01:33:47,455 --> 01:33:52,825 then logically speaking, sympathy, love, and sacrificing oneself for others 937 01:33:53,044 --> 01:33:56,832 were born of our evolutionary needs, too. 938 01:33:57,048 --> 01:34:04,591 Yes. Our brains have several competing emotional modules. 939 01:34:04,806 --> 01:34:08,845 And among them are some that are completely obsolete, 940 01:34:09,060 --> 01:34:11,722 yet stubbornly remain with us. 941 01:34:13,022 --> 01:34:19,609 Imagine that a drought hit, back before we'd developed agriculture. 942 01:34:19,821 --> 01:34:22,938 Our species learned that in that scenario, community and cooperation 943 01:34:23,158 --> 01:34:29,119 were more efficient than betrayal and competition. 944 01:34:29,330 --> 01:34:31,491 Adaptation for survival... 945 01:34:31,708 --> 01:34:36,247 But now let's say that another drought hit, 946 01:34:36,462 --> 01:34:40,876 and the community was larger than the available food could sustain. 947 01:34:41,092 --> 01:34:46,837 Now what? Must that altruistic community perish? 948 01:34:49,976 --> 01:34:54,640 Are you saying the grammar of genocide was an adaptation to food scarcity?! 949 01:34:54,856 --> 01:35:02,149 Yes. It's the artifact of a time when humans couldn't control food production. 950 01:35:02,363 --> 01:35:03,398 But... 951 01:35:03,615 --> 01:35:06,778 Genocide is carried out, the number of individuals drops, 952 01:35:06,993 --> 01:35:09,029 and the food supply stabilizes. 953 01:35:09,245 --> 01:35:12,783 Masking the conscience and engendering a mood tolerant of genocide 954 01:35:12,999 --> 01:35:17,618 actually gives the individual a survival advantage. 955 01:35:17,837 --> 01:35:22,171 Is that your reason for starting wars in impoverished countries? 956 01:35:22,383 --> 01:35:29,346 That's what you want? To prove that humans are essentially cruel? 957 01:35:29,557 --> 01:35:31,297 It's my fault, isn't it?! 958 01:35:33,561 --> 01:35:39,727 When Sarajevo was wiped out, you couldn't forgive yourself. 959 01:35:39,943 --> 01:35:41,353 Lucie... 960 01:35:42,820 --> 01:35:45,106 That's why you wanted to convince yourself 961 01:35:45,323 --> 01:35:48,815 that betrayal and violence are human nature. 962 01:35:49,035 --> 01:35:52,619 You keep proving the darkness of the human heart 963 01:35:52,830 --> 01:35:55,037 to get away from your own sin! 964 01:35:55,250 --> 01:36:02,668 You're wrong, lucie. I'm not doing this to prove anything. 965 01:36:02,882 --> 01:36:04,964 Why, then? 966 01:36:05,176 --> 01:36:08,714 I discovered an ancient human mechanism. 967 01:36:08,930 --> 01:36:12,639 But at the same time, I know that the biological basis for loving thy neighbor 968 01:36:12,850 --> 01:36:20,768 is as strong... no, is stronger than the one for barbarity. 969 01:36:20,984 --> 01:36:27,981 I didn't despair of human nature just because I found a genocidal organ. 970 01:36:30,159 --> 01:36:34,903 If you're not killing out of despair, what the hell is your reason?! 971 01:36:44,966 --> 01:36:47,958 To protect the ones I love. 972 01:36:56,185 --> 01:37:00,554 When I lost my wife and child, I made up my mind 973 01:37:00,773 --> 01:37:04,436 that I didn't want to feel that sorrow again. 974 01:37:04,652 --> 01:37:08,144 But you're the one causing the sorrow! 975 01:37:08,364 --> 01:37:13,154 You've killed so many people, half the world is nothing but sorrow! 976 01:37:13,369 --> 01:37:17,658 But it's a sorrow no one sees. 977 01:37:18,750 --> 01:37:21,787 People only see what they want to see. 978 01:37:24,756 --> 01:37:28,669 Our world doesn't care what tragedies might happen in others. 979 01:37:28,885 --> 01:37:32,252 But ours is the world I grew up in. 980 01:37:32,472 --> 01:37:37,182 We go to Starbucks, shop on Amazon, and see only what we want to see. 981 01:37:37,393 --> 01:37:44,185 I love that depraved world, and I Cherish the people who live there. 982 01:37:44,400 --> 01:37:50,020 Civilization and the conscience are very fragile things. 983 01:37:50,239 --> 01:37:54,573 On the whole, civilization trends toward valuing others' happiness, 984 01:37:54,786 --> 01:37:56,868 but we're not there yet. 985 01:37:57,080 --> 01:38:01,915 Terrorism born of true despair doesn't consider traceability risk. 986 01:38:02,126 --> 01:38:04,287 It's suicidal. 987 01:38:04,504 --> 01:38:08,838 A phenomenon born of societal despair can't be reduced by systems, 988 01:38:09,050 --> 01:38:12,338 whether based on ID security or anything else. 989 01:38:12,553 --> 01:38:15,090 So I had an idea: 990 01:38:15,306 --> 01:38:22,849 Let's get them to kill each other before they start wanting to kill us. 991 01:38:23,064 --> 01:38:28,104 That way, our world and theirs will be uncoupled. 992 01:38:28,319 --> 01:38:32,983 A world of murder and hatred, and a world of peace. 993 01:38:35,368 --> 01:38:38,610 I'll keep them busy killing their own people. 994 01:38:38,830 --> 01:38:42,664 I won't let them lay a finger on our world. 995 01:38:44,085 --> 01:38:48,044 The framework of deep structure is clear. 996 01:38:48,256 --> 01:38:51,623 If we translate it into a local language, 997 01:38:51,843 --> 01:38:56,382 the effect is limited to that linguistic area and its surroundings. 998 01:38:56,597 --> 01:38:59,213 As long as no one decides to transmit it in english, 999 01:38:59,434 --> 01:39:01,675 controlling the scope is easy. 1000 01:39:01,894 --> 01:39:04,510 Please, John. Put the gun down. 1001 01:39:04,730 --> 01:39:07,221 I'm capable of shooting you right now. 1002 01:39:07,442 --> 01:39:09,228 You see that, don't you? 1003 01:39:09,444 --> 01:39:15,531 Yes, lucie. It's your way of taking responsibility for your sin. 1004 01:39:23,499 --> 01:39:25,410 Bishop. 1005 01:39:25,626 --> 01:39:29,289 What's your real name? 1006 01:39:29,505 --> 01:39:33,748 Captain clavis Shepherd. I'm with the intelligence department. 1007 01:39:33,968 --> 01:39:37,586 Clavis, arrest this man. 1008 01:39:38,681 --> 01:39:41,639 Take him back to the us and put him on trial. 1009 01:39:41,851 --> 01:39:43,637 Everyone needs to know. 1010 01:39:43,853 --> 01:39:45,093 They owe the world that much. 1011 01:39:45,313 --> 01:39:48,771 They need to be accountable for the freedom their choices brought them. 1012 01:39:50,193 --> 01:39:52,900 If we kill him and end this, 1013 01:39:53,112 --> 01:39:59,073 it'll be at the expense of those who died in the genocides. 1014 01:39:59,285 --> 01:40:02,322 That would be unforgivable. 1015 01:40:02,538 --> 01:40:04,574 Lucie... 1016 01:40:11,214 --> 01:40:12,624 Okay. 1017 01:40:14,008 --> 01:40:16,374 I'll take John back to... 1018 01:40:21,682 --> 01:40:23,092 Lucie! 1019 01:40:25,102 --> 01:40:26,512 Wait... 1020 01:40:33,486 --> 01:40:39,231 She didn't have to die. Nobody needed to get killed! 1021 01:40:39,450 --> 01:40:40,986 Why did you kill her?! 1022 01:40:41,202 --> 01:40:43,693 For monita and the baby! 1023 01:40:43,913 --> 01:40:47,747 My wife doesn't need to know how shitty this world is! 1024 01:40:47,959 --> 01:40:53,920 I want my kid to grow up without knowing our world floats on a sea of hell! 1025 01:40:54,131 --> 01:40:56,213 I'm going to protect my world. 1026 01:40:56,425 --> 01:41:01,465 You bet I'll protect the world where I order jalapeño pizza and pay with my ID. 1027 01:41:01,681 --> 01:41:05,799 Where I throw away half my big Mac because I'm full! 1028 01:41:06,018 --> 01:41:08,350 Lucie didn't have to die. 1029 01:41:08,563 --> 01:41:10,645 You ought to die here! 1030 01:41:17,113 --> 01:41:22,107 Clavis, calm down! We have to cooperate to get past the guards. 1031 01:41:22,326 --> 01:41:25,864 I'll kill you and cooperate with your corpse! 1032 01:41:26,080 --> 01:41:30,915 The brass ordered the hit, okay? You just didn't know about it. 1033 01:41:31,127 --> 01:41:32,583 Why?! 1034 01:41:37,758 --> 01:41:39,919 You can't stop it now! 1035 01:41:40,136 --> 01:41:45,256 Our citizens, the state, and the corporations started this on purpose. 1036 01:41:45,474 --> 01:41:50,935 You wanna just waste the whole infrastructure they built to do it with?! 1037 01:41:56,777 --> 01:42:00,520 The whole damn thing is a lie, Williams! 1038 01:42:00,740 --> 01:42:07,612 Maybe so, but the economy it got going is sure real! 1039 01:42:35,524 --> 01:42:37,185 Time to run. 1040 01:43:05,638 --> 01:43:10,632 We left her behind. We left her body... 1041 01:43:14,188 --> 01:43:20,730 It's so selfish to not see her corpse as a "thing" because I loved her... 1042 01:43:23,823 --> 01:43:28,863 When I lost my family in Sarajevo and started to lose sight of myself, 1043 01:43:29,078 --> 01:43:30,943 lucie said... 1044 01:43:33,666 --> 01:43:37,124 "If words have the power to dictate our lives, 1045 01:43:37,336 --> 01:43:44,083 I want to change this world into one where we never lose anyone so suddenly." 1046 01:43:46,387 --> 01:43:48,924 I regret nothing. 1047 01:43:49,140 --> 01:43:52,132 I weighed lives against each other. 1048 01:43:52,351 --> 01:43:55,263 The lives of the people in our world, 1049 01:43:55,479 --> 01:44:00,599 versus those of people in poor countries that show signs of animosity. 1050 01:44:00,818 --> 01:44:08,818 I made my choices knowing exactly how many deaths would be on my head. 1051 01:44:11,662 --> 01:44:17,999 Once you know what you're capable of, you can't escape it. 1052 01:44:22,339 --> 01:44:24,170 What will you do now? 1053 01:44:24,383 --> 01:44:29,753 Lucie said someone should explain to the world what I've done. 1054 01:44:29,972 --> 01:44:37,344 I intend to fulfill her wish. It's my form of atonement for her suffering. 1055 01:44:40,775 --> 01:44:45,690 But... I doubt our world will allow it. 1056 01:44:46,947 --> 01:44:51,065 Like your partner said, to my homeland, 1057 01:44:51,285 --> 01:44:53,697 I'm the dictionary definition of "inconvenient." 1058 01:44:53,913 --> 01:44:57,246 Then lucie's wish...? 1059 01:45:01,462 --> 01:45:04,078 There is one solution. 1060 01:45:05,216 --> 01:45:11,177 You could do it... in fact, you're the only one who could. 1061 01:46:04,191 --> 01:46:06,523 Welcome back, captain Shepherd. 1062 01:46:06,735 --> 01:46:09,727 So... the mission is over, right? 1063 01:46:15,619 --> 01:46:17,405 Where's Williams? 1064 01:46:17,621 --> 01:46:19,907 I heard he died. 1065 01:46:20,124 --> 01:46:24,242 That's according to a transmission the NSA team intercepted. 1066 01:46:36,724 --> 01:46:37,463 Let's go. 1067 01:46:37,683 --> 01:46:39,093 Yes, sir. 1068 01:47:08,964 --> 01:47:12,798 War as a spectacle is always necessary. 1069 01:47:13,010 --> 01:47:16,343 We need to know a war is happening somewhere. 1070 01:47:16,555 --> 01:47:22,926 Especially if it's a miserable war somewhere we have no connection to. 1071 01:47:23,145 --> 01:47:27,605 You see, only by knowing and witnessing that 1072 01:47:27,816 --> 01:47:31,559 can we define ourselves. 1073 01:47:34,657 --> 01:47:37,364 Captain clavis Shepherd. 1074 01:47:38,953 --> 01:47:42,946 Clavis Shepherd, member of a top-secret assassination squad, 1075 01:47:43,165 --> 01:47:45,281 was indicted. 1076 01:47:45,501 --> 01:47:49,961 And thus I fulfill my promise to John. 1077 01:47:50,172 --> 01:47:57,214 My story will probably plunge Washington into the biggest scandal of the 21st century. 1078 01:47:57,429 --> 01:48:00,967 But will the people who criticize the government for this 1079 01:48:01,183 --> 01:48:06,769 change their tune the next time the us is a target of terrorism? 1080 01:48:08,190 --> 01:48:14,436 When that leaves them shaken, they'll start hardening their hearts again. 1081 01:48:14,655 --> 01:48:19,775 They'll start letting themselves be indifferent to others. 1082 01:48:19,994 --> 01:48:22,576 What occurs to me now 1083 01:48:22,788 --> 01:48:28,033 is that John Paul was just another resident of kafka's castle. 1084 01:48:28,252 --> 01:48:32,746 They had the wings to fly away, but they chose to protect the castle instead. 1085 01:48:34,133 --> 01:48:39,969 Even though if we take steps, this world will change... 1086 01:48:40,180 --> 01:48:43,297 I decided to bear responsibility for my sins. 1087 01:48:43,517 --> 01:48:46,680 To punish myself. 1088 01:48:46,895 --> 01:48:52,390 Before my heart is hardened. Before I become indifferent. 1089 01:48:54,445 --> 01:49:01,533 It's a betrayal of John, but I've realized it's how to keep my promise to lucie. 1090 01:49:01,744 --> 01:49:09,458 I'll probably lose the ones I love, but it'll be the beginning of a new world. 1091 01:49:14,173 --> 01:49:17,631 This is my story. 1092 01:49:28,228 --> 01:49:33,143 Erue a framea animam meam 1093 01:49:33,358 --> 01:49:38,773 et de manu canis unicam meam. 1094 01:49:38,989 --> 01:49:40,854 Salva me 1095 01:49:44,745 --> 01:49:47,157 after accepting an eternity 1096 01:49:47,372 --> 01:49:49,909 the peons grab on tight 1097 01:49:50,125 --> 01:49:52,582 scale the wall in your path 1098 01:49:52,795 --> 01:49:55,457 and with this blow, strike back 1099 01:50:06,517 --> 01:50:14,517 An unkept promise 1100 01:50:18,362 --> 01:50:26,362 and the fruit of sin that we feared 1101 01:50:28,747 --> 01:50:36,747 when we bit into it and perceived love 1102 01:50:40,551 --> 01:50:45,796 we learned hope 1103 01:50:46,014 --> 01:50:54,014 footsteps drawing near 1104 01:50:57,067 --> 01:51:01,686 cock your weapon and slaughter 1105 01:51:01,905 --> 01:51:07,275 it's too late for anyone now 1106 01:51:07,494 --> 01:51:10,361 now call the reloaded 1107 01:51:10,581 --> 01:51:12,788 become salvation 1108 01:51:13,000 --> 01:51:18,415 for those who can no longer turn back 1109 01:51:18,630 --> 01:51:23,920 o advocate, shout loud and strong 1110 01:51:24,136 --> 01:51:27,253 we offer up this symphony of wailing 1111 01:51:27,472 --> 01:51:31,056 change our fate 1112 01:51:42,112 --> 01:51:50,112 Why can't I hear? 1113 01:51:53,999 --> 01:52:01,999 Submerge the inconsistencies 1114 01:52:05,052 --> 01:52:13,052 who hurt you? 1115 01:52:16,063 --> 01:52:20,773 Show us the Barb 1116 01:52:20,984 --> 01:52:26,354 show us his justice 1117 01:52:26,573 --> 01:52:29,440 now call the reloaded 1118 01:52:29,660 --> 01:52:31,901 become salvation 1119 01:52:32,120 --> 01:52:37,490 for those with no tears left to cry 1120 01:52:37,709 --> 01:52:42,954 o resister, shout loud and strong 1121 01:52:43,173 --> 01:52:46,336 a transcendent philosophy 1122 01:52:46,551 --> 01:52:50,043 will change our fate 1123 01:53:00,357 --> 01:53:02,848 After accepting an eternity 1124 01:53:03,068 --> 01:53:05,650 the watch fires of the peons burn 1125 01:53:05,862 --> 01:53:08,194 fuel them with quiet rage 1126 01:53:08,407 --> 01:53:10,898 and with this blow, strike back 1127 01:53:33,223 --> 01:53:36,056 Now call the reloaded 1128 01:53:36,268 --> 01:53:38,509 become salvation 1129 01:53:38,729 --> 01:53:44,144 shoulder the shadow to seek the light 1130 01:53:44,359 --> 01:53:49,479 which looks too fragile to touch 1131 01:53:49,698 --> 01:53:52,986 we offer up this symphony of wailing 1132 01:53:53,201 --> 01:53:55,157 change our fate 1133 01:53:55,370 --> 01:53:58,112 now call the reloaded 1134 01:53:58,332 --> 01:54:00,573 become salvation 1135 01:54:00,792 --> 01:54:06,207 for those with no tears left to cry 1136 01:54:06,423 --> 01:54:11,759 o resister, shout loud and strong 1137 01:54:11,970 --> 01:54:15,087 a transcendent philosophy 1138 01:54:15,307 --> 01:54:19,641 will change our fate