1 00:00:00,834 --> 00:00:04,138 - ( grunts ) - ( shouting ) 2 00:00:06,474 --> 00:00:08,242 - ( cannon fire ) - ( shouting ) 3 00:00:08,242 --> 00:00:11,612 - ( grunts ) - ( yelling ) 4 00:00:16,584 --> 00:00:18,018 Take cover! 5 00:00:18,018 --> 00:00:19,620 ( cannon blasts ) 6 00:00:26,794 --> 00:00:28,896 It's quiet, sir. 7 00:00:28,896 --> 00:00:30,598 Almost too quiet. 8 00:00:32,500 --> 00:00:35,803 ( phone chiming ) 9 00:00:36,837 --> 00:00:37,905 - Oh, Devan! - Devan! 10 00:00:37,905 --> 00:00:39,273 I'm sorry. I'm sorry, you guys. 11 00:00:39,273 --> 00:00:40,841 I thought I switched it off. 12 00:00:40,841 --> 00:00:42,976 - ( beeps ) - Take the reenactment seriously. 13 00:00:42,976 --> 00:00:44,745 - I know. - Don't be a farb. 14 00:00:44,745 --> 00:00:46,514 - ( groans ) - Why did you even bring that? 15 00:00:46,514 --> 00:00:47,615 In case Heidi calls. 16 00:00:47,615 --> 00:00:49,617 There's a sale going on at the garden center. 17 00:00:49,617 --> 00:00:52,253 She's gonna call me if the gazebos are discounted. 18 00:00:52,253 --> 00:00:54,255 - Got to have a weekend, right? - Amen, brother. 19 00:00:54,255 --> 00:00:57,525 I got a shed that ain't gonna paint itself. 20 00:00:57,525 --> 00:01:01,295 How about you, Roach? You got plans when this darn war is over? 21 00:01:01,295 --> 00:01:02,830 Upgradin' my broadband. 22 00:01:02,830 --> 00:01:05,566 - Yeah. - Ooh. 23 00:01:05,566 --> 00:01:08,369 How about you, friend? I said, do you got plans-- 24 00:01:12,906 --> 00:01:14,675 ( eerie voice ) The brothers are rising! 25 00:01:14,675 --> 00:01:20,047 The brothers are rising! The brothers are rising! 26 00:01:20,047 --> 00:01:23,251 ( theme music playing ) 27 00:01:30,191 --> 00:01:32,460 - Jenkins: Oh, my. - Baird: Hey, you need a hand? 28 00:01:32,460 --> 00:01:36,297 Oh, oh, yes, please. Thank you so much. 29 00:01:36,297 --> 00:01:38,332 Colonel, dealing with the outside world-- 30 00:01:38,332 --> 00:01:41,769 slaying dragons, that's one thing, but supermarkets? 31 00:01:41,769 --> 00:01:45,206 Oh, Colonel, tell me. Have grocery stores always been 32 00:01:45,206 --> 00:01:48,609 such satanic mills of mass consumerism? 33 00:01:48,609 --> 00:01:52,480 Truly, how many varieties of peanut butter does society need? 34 00:01:52,480 --> 00:01:57,618 Oh, and also the unfathomable amount of cards one must have-- 35 00:01:57,618 --> 00:02:01,121 ID card, credit card, club card, ATM card, debit card. 36 00:02:01,121 --> 00:02:02,956 Is that how we measure a man now? 37 00:02:02,956 --> 00:02:07,127 How many little pieces of rectangular plastic he can acquire? 38 00:02:07,127 --> 00:02:08,596 And all the people! 39 00:02:08,596 --> 00:02:11,199 Wait a minute, you've never been to a grocery store? 40 00:02:11,199 --> 00:02:12,700 I didn't need to eat before. 41 00:02:12,700 --> 00:02:14,802 I could if I chose to, but I didn't-- 42 00:02:14,802 --> 00:02:16,570 it wasn't obligatory for living. 43 00:02:16,570 --> 00:02:18,706 And look at this. Look at all the-- I bought all of this. 44 00:02:18,706 --> 00:02:21,609 Why did I buy all of this? Because of the adverts 45 00:02:21,609 --> 00:02:24,312 and the calming music and the aisle upon aisle 46 00:02:24,312 --> 00:02:27,014 of shiny fruits and vegetables and meats. 47 00:02:27,014 --> 00:02:28,549 Oh, Jenkins, we've got you now. 48 00:02:28,549 --> 00:02:31,552 Why didn't you use the magic door? 49 00:02:31,552 --> 00:02:33,754 Well, because now that I'm aging normally, 50 00:02:33,754 --> 00:02:37,991 there will come a time when I will need to retire from the Library. 51 00:02:37,991 --> 00:02:41,161 When that day arrives, I will not have access to the door. 52 00:02:41,161 --> 00:02:43,764 So this was me trying on my training wheels. 53 00:02:43,764 --> 00:02:46,600 Ah-ha. And how'd that go? 54 00:02:46,600 --> 00:02:48,202 They fell off. 55 00:02:49,370 --> 00:02:50,938 Cassandra: No, Ezekiel, no. 56 00:02:50,938 --> 00:02:52,906 What is wrong with agreeing with Darrington Dare? 57 00:02:52,906 --> 00:02:55,509 I'm just saying, maybe there should only be one Librarian. 58 00:02:55,509 --> 00:02:56,810 - Yeah, I agree with him. - You see? 59 00:02:56,810 --> 00:02:58,512 - It should be me. - What? 60 00:02:58,512 --> 00:03:01,515 I only said that I disagree and he jumped down my throat. 61 00:03:01,515 --> 00:03:03,684 Well, I-- why wouldn't it be me, huh? Why wouldn't it be me? 62 00:03:03,684 --> 00:03:05,853 Uh, because you're a rootin' tootin' cowboy. 63 00:03:05,853 --> 00:03:08,055 I'm a rootin' tootin' cowboy with a big-ass I.Q.! 64 00:03:08,055 --> 00:03:11,425 Having multiple Librarians has saved the Library multiple times! 65 00:03:11,425 --> 00:03:13,461 Whoa, what's going on? 66 00:03:13,461 --> 00:03:15,796 - Ezekiel and Stone: She started it! - He started it! 67 00:03:15,796 --> 00:03:17,731 Oh. This argument, still. I don't under-- 68 00:03:17,731 --> 00:03:20,000 listen, just for the record, I'm going to say something. 69 00:03:20,000 --> 00:03:21,402 I agree with Miss Cillian. 70 00:03:21,402 --> 00:03:23,504 You're all Librarians. 71 00:03:23,504 --> 00:03:27,007 The last thing we need here is more disruption. 72 00:03:27,007 --> 00:03:30,244 - Ezekiel called me a bookworm. - You are a bookworm. 73 00:03:30,244 --> 00:03:33,447 - We all work in a Library. - Guys, please! 74 00:03:33,447 --> 00:03:36,149 - ( groans ) - You're upsetting Jenkins. 75 00:03:36,149 --> 00:03:38,286 Colonel, no, no, no. I'm not upset. 76 00:03:38,286 --> 00:03:40,688 It's not that. It's this feeling in my stomach. 77 00:03:40,688 --> 00:03:43,691 I don't understand. Is it too much food or too little food? 78 00:03:43,691 --> 00:03:46,193 Do I need a kitchen or a bathroom? 79 00:03:46,193 --> 00:03:48,796 Uh, okay. Question, Baird. 80 00:03:48,796 --> 00:03:53,166 Where do you stand on the whole multi-Librarian versus solo Librarian debate? 81 00:03:53,166 --> 00:03:56,470 Well, y'all keep this up, I might start coming around to solo. 82 00:03:56,470 --> 00:03:59,039 Both: Yes. Me. No, me. 83 00:03:59,039 --> 00:04:00,608 Definitely a bathroom. 84 00:04:00,608 --> 00:04:03,344 Oh, I hate this mortal coil. 85 00:04:03,344 --> 00:04:06,514 Guys, we are weeks away from the Tethering Ceremony. 86 00:04:06,514 --> 00:04:08,616 Weeks away to figure out which one of you 87 00:04:08,616 --> 00:04:10,484 will tether with me to the Library forever. 88 00:04:10,484 --> 00:04:11,752 We need some resolution. 89 00:04:11,752 --> 00:04:14,722 - ( gasps ) - Ah, saved by the book. 90 00:04:14,722 --> 00:04:18,392 "Civil War Ghost Sightings at a Civil War Reenactment." 91 00:04:18,392 --> 00:04:20,127 - Cool. - No, it's not cool. 92 00:04:20,127 --> 00:04:22,663 The Civil War was a bloody stain on America's history. 93 00:04:22,663 --> 00:04:24,932 Oh, it's got a little museum. 94 00:04:24,932 --> 00:04:27,000 A town called Feud. Field trip. 95 00:04:27,000 --> 00:04:30,471 Well, I am gonna stay here with Jenkins and do research. 96 00:04:30,471 --> 00:04:34,508 False alarm. It was actually a belch. 97 00:04:34,508 --> 00:04:36,644 You learn something new about yourself every day. 98 00:04:36,644 --> 00:04:39,580 Jenkins, fire up the door to Feud. 99 00:04:39,580 --> 00:04:41,148 Oh. 100 00:04:41,148 --> 00:04:42,416 Cass, you sure you don't want to come? 101 00:04:42,416 --> 00:04:44,952 I am sure. Look at this smile. 102 00:04:44,952 --> 00:04:46,587 ( laughs ) 103 00:04:47,855 --> 00:04:50,524 Take care. 104 00:04:50,524 --> 00:04:53,427 Jenkins, we need to talk. 105 00:04:54,895 --> 00:04:57,998 Well, isn't Feud a conveniently appropriate name 106 00:04:57,998 --> 00:04:59,266 for a Civil War town? 107 00:04:59,266 --> 00:05:01,802 Well, it was actually named Fugue. 108 00:05:01,802 --> 00:05:03,837 They renamed it after this famous feud 109 00:05:03,837 --> 00:05:07,140 between these two brothers, Carlton and Uriah Loveday. 110 00:05:07,140 --> 00:05:10,243 Literally joined opposite sides of the war during the war. 111 00:05:10,243 --> 00:05:13,947 So I guess they take the whole divided town thing seriously around here. 112 00:05:13,947 --> 00:05:16,149 Oh, I think they do. I mean, check this out. 113 00:05:16,149 --> 00:05:20,588 Look at this. It's not just a line. This is the line. 114 00:05:20,588 --> 00:05:21,689 Huh? 115 00:05:21,689 --> 00:05:25,726 North and South divide runs right through Feud. 116 00:05:25,726 --> 00:05:27,495 ( chuckles ) Hey, guys, check it. 117 00:05:27,495 --> 00:05:30,263 I'm a Confederate Yankee. Yee-haw! 118 00:05:30,263 --> 00:05:32,065 Okay, look, we are here, 119 00:05:32,065 --> 00:05:33,634 which means the town is that way 120 00:05:33,634 --> 00:05:35,335 and the museum's up the hill this way. 121 00:05:35,335 --> 00:05:36,870 Yeah, I think we should start at the museum. 122 00:05:36,870 --> 00:05:39,540 - Why the museum? - 'Cause it looks crazy. 123 00:05:39,540 --> 00:05:42,643 Plus, it'll have a good gift shop. 124 00:05:47,615 --> 00:05:49,683 Feud's been having reenactments for years. 125 00:05:49,683 --> 00:05:51,952 I wonder why the ghosts decided to show up now. 126 00:05:51,952 --> 00:05:54,555 Ghosts are so cliché. Why can't it be a time traveler 127 00:05:54,555 --> 00:05:56,524 or hologram or a magic frat house prank? 128 00:05:56,524 --> 00:05:59,693 There's a long history of credible ghost sightings in the United States, okay? 129 00:05:59,693 --> 00:06:01,529 Hell, last year, there were 13 130 00:06:01,529 --> 00:06:03,664 independently verified hauntings in Chicago alone. 131 00:06:03,664 --> 00:06:05,766 The Loveday House Museum. 132 00:06:05,766 --> 00:06:07,435 This must be where the brothers lived. 133 00:06:07,435 --> 00:06:09,069 They must have had a pretty bad fallout, 134 00:06:09,069 --> 00:06:11,605 'cause they literally split the house in two. 135 00:06:18,712 --> 00:06:22,015 A house divided cannot-- ooh, gift shop. 136 00:06:26,487 --> 00:06:28,622 Oh, what, did you finally get your green card? 137 00:06:28,622 --> 00:06:30,791 It's ironic chic. Totally hipster. 138 00:06:30,791 --> 00:06:33,126 Don't steal from a museum, Jones. 139 00:06:33,126 --> 00:06:34,862 I'm leaving a payment, see? 140 00:06:34,862 --> 00:06:37,064 How very responsible and Librarian-y of me. 141 00:06:37,064 --> 00:06:38,799 - Woman: If you can all find a space... - Baird: Guys, shh. 142 00:06:38,799 --> 00:06:41,569 ...we will begin the presentation for the press. 143 00:06:46,674 --> 00:06:52,480 My name is Janet Hedge and I am curator and founder of the Loveday House Museum. 144 00:06:52,480 --> 00:06:55,148 As I'm sure you know, the Loveday brothers 145 00:06:55,148 --> 00:06:58,819 joined opposite sides of the Civil War and became bitter enemies. 146 00:06:58,819 --> 00:07:01,154 This broke the heart of their mother Beatrice, 147 00:07:01,154 --> 00:07:04,792 who on her deathbed, split the heart-shaped locket 148 00:07:04,792 --> 00:07:07,761 containing photographs of both of her sons in two. 149 00:07:07,761 --> 00:07:11,398 She bequeathed one half of the locket to each brother, 150 00:07:11,398 --> 00:07:13,667 begging them to reconcile. 151 00:07:13,667 --> 00:07:15,803 Sadly, this never came to pass, 152 00:07:15,803 --> 00:07:18,205 as at the Battle of Fugue Valley, 153 00:07:18,205 --> 00:07:21,509 the Loveday brothers shot and killed each other. 154 00:07:21,509 --> 00:07:23,644 Ten years ago, my team and I 155 00:07:23,644 --> 00:07:25,479 exhumed the bodies of the brothers 156 00:07:25,479 --> 00:07:26,880 from the battlefield. 157 00:07:26,880 --> 00:07:29,517 Carlton's locket was found with him 158 00:07:29,517 --> 00:07:32,553 and has been a part of this museum ever since. 159 00:07:32,553 --> 00:07:37,224 Uriah's half was never recovered... 160 00:07:37,224 --> 00:07:38,325 until today. 161 00:07:38,325 --> 00:07:40,994 ( crowd gasps, applause ) 162 00:07:40,994 --> 00:07:43,897 Ladies and gentlemen, I am thrilled to announce 163 00:07:43,897 --> 00:07:47,434 that this week we found the other half of the Loveday locket. 164 00:07:47,434 --> 00:07:50,538 And to celebrate, 165 00:07:50,538 --> 00:07:53,473 we will be reuniting both halves of the locket 166 00:07:53,473 --> 00:07:56,076 at a special ceremony to kick off this year's 167 00:07:56,076 --> 00:07:58,746 Feud reenactment festival. 168 00:08:02,015 --> 00:08:04,151 Stone, you were wondering why ghosts started showing up? 169 00:08:04,151 --> 00:08:07,154 I bet it has to do with the other half of that locket getting found. 170 00:08:07,154 --> 00:08:10,223 The lockets are giving off crazy strong signals. 171 00:08:10,223 --> 00:08:13,160 It's definitely the artifact. 172 00:08:14,862 --> 00:08:16,463 Now, are there any questions? 173 00:08:16,463 --> 00:08:17,898 If they unearthed that locket 174 00:08:17,898 --> 00:08:19,767 and they got one ghost already, 175 00:08:19,767 --> 00:08:22,002 what do you think's gonna happen if they put 'em back together? 176 00:08:22,002 --> 00:08:25,673 ( ghostly whooshing ) 177 00:08:30,443 --> 00:08:32,212 Janet: Everyone likes to be a part of history. 178 00:08:32,212 --> 00:08:34,982 And when the two halves of the locket are reunited, 179 00:08:34,982 --> 00:08:36,216 it will be historic. 180 00:08:36,216 --> 00:08:39,286 And please quote me with that exact wording. 181 00:08:39,286 --> 00:08:40,921 Who's next? 182 00:08:40,921 --> 00:08:45,092 Eve Baird, the "Annex News Network Online." 183 00:08:45,092 --> 00:08:46,960 Oh, yes, I haven't heard of you before. 184 00:08:46,960 --> 00:08:48,796 How did you find the other half of the locket? 185 00:08:48,796 --> 00:08:51,464 By chance at a recent dig 186 00:08:51,464 --> 00:08:53,266 at the Fugue Valley Battle site. 187 00:08:53,266 --> 00:08:54,568 Just luck? That's it? 188 00:08:54,568 --> 00:08:57,070 I wish I could claim a greater skill, 189 00:08:57,070 --> 00:08:58,606 but, yes, just lucky. 190 00:08:58,606 --> 00:08:59,907 Convenient timing. 191 00:08:59,907 --> 00:09:01,909 Like I said, it was luck. 192 00:09:01,909 --> 00:09:03,010 Next. 193 00:09:03,010 --> 00:09:05,212 Ezekiel Jones, "Annex Advertiser." 194 00:09:05,212 --> 00:09:07,815 Can you comment on the recent ghost sightings in town? 195 00:09:07,815 --> 00:09:10,417 Well, yes. Obviously they're not true, 196 00:09:10,417 --> 00:09:14,788 but any story that promotes the legend of the Loveday brothers is-- 197 00:09:14,788 --> 00:09:16,690 Sells more tickets to the festival. 198 00:09:16,690 --> 00:09:18,425 No, I was going to say, 199 00:09:18,425 --> 00:09:20,994 "Puts more focus on the issues." 200 00:09:20,994 --> 00:09:26,199 - Yes, Mister-- - Uh, Stone. Jacob Stone. "The New Annexian." 201 00:09:26,199 --> 00:09:30,904 What can you tell us about the line that runs directly through town? 202 00:09:30,904 --> 00:09:32,640 The dividing line has been here 203 00:09:32,640 --> 00:09:34,675 for as long as the reenactment festival has. 204 00:09:34,675 --> 00:09:37,044 It is now a part of this town's history. 205 00:09:37,044 --> 00:09:40,447 So, it's a fake part of this town's history, would you say? 206 00:09:40,447 --> 00:09:42,082 Fake is a very strong word. 207 00:09:42,082 --> 00:09:44,985 Yeah, well, you can't just reinvent the past 208 00:09:44,985 --> 00:09:47,020 to suit ourselves in the present, can you? 209 00:09:47,020 --> 00:09:49,156 It's a metaphor for a nation divided. 210 00:09:49,156 --> 00:09:50,791 And that's enough questions, I think, 211 00:09:50,791 --> 00:09:52,826 ladies and gentlemen. Thank you very much. 212 00:10:00,968 --> 00:10:02,970 Okay, so there's no ley lines around here, 213 00:10:02,970 --> 00:10:04,938 so what would make two ordinary locket halves 214 00:10:04,938 --> 00:10:06,506 turn into two magical locket halves? 215 00:10:06,506 --> 00:10:08,208 I have a theory. 216 00:10:08,208 --> 00:10:11,044 This whole town is based on the legend of the Loveday brothers 217 00:10:11,044 --> 00:10:13,080 and their mutual hatred for one another. 218 00:10:13,080 --> 00:10:15,683 The town even changed their name because of them. 219 00:10:15,683 --> 00:10:17,685 This locket is a symbol of their story. 220 00:10:17,685 --> 00:10:19,086 Well, symbols grow in power 221 00:10:19,086 --> 00:10:21,521 because of the meaning people attach to them, 222 00:10:21,521 --> 00:10:23,090 just like a religious artifact. 223 00:10:23,090 --> 00:10:25,158 Yeah, except this artifact is fueled 224 00:10:25,158 --> 00:10:27,394 by the hate and anger of these two brothers 225 00:10:27,394 --> 00:10:28,595 who never want to be reunited. 226 00:10:28,595 --> 00:10:30,864 So, reunite the two halves of this locket 227 00:10:30,864 --> 00:10:33,433 against the brothers' wishes and what'll happen? 228 00:10:33,433 --> 00:10:34,968 I tell you, it's bad stuff. 229 00:10:34,968 --> 00:10:38,005 Well, we better figure it out and fast, before tomorrow. 230 00:10:38,005 --> 00:10:39,740 Or I could just steal it. Just saying. 231 00:10:39,740 --> 00:10:41,108 Take it down a notch, Jones. 232 00:10:41,108 --> 00:10:42,710 We'll use the power of words. 233 00:10:42,710 --> 00:10:43,744 We'll talk to the curator. 234 00:10:43,744 --> 00:10:45,779 Suit yourself. 235 00:10:47,614 --> 00:10:50,350 Guys, why'd you lock me out? 236 00:10:50,350 --> 00:10:53,553 - Hey! Jones! - Guys? 237 00:10:53,553 --> 00:10:55,823 - ( Ezekiel knocking ) - Guys? 238 00:10:59,126 --> 00:11:02,329 They won't open. I can't open them. 239 00:11:14,041 --> 00:11:17,110 ( eerie voice ) The brothers are rising. 240 00:11:17,110 --> 00:11:22,282 The brothers are rising for you. 241 00:11:35,695 --> 00:11:37,197 You were gonna kill each other. 242 00:11:37,197 --> 00:11:39,833 Well, we wouldn't have done that. 243 00:11:41,101 --> 00:11:43,871 Ha-ha-ha, very funny, Stone. 244 00:11:43,871 --> 00:11:45,605 We had nothing to do with that. 245 00:11:45,605 --> 00:11:49,476 Oh, yeah, really? What was it then? A ghost? 246 00:11:53,814 --> 00:11:55,983 Go on, admit it. 247 00:11:55,983 --> 00:12:00,020 This is almost worth becoming mortal for. 248 00:12:00,020 --> 00:12:00,854 Hmm. 249 00:12:00,854 --> 00:12:05,058 High tea in the Annex. 250 00:12:05,058 --> 00:12:06,726 ( giggles ) 251 00:12:06,726 --> 00:12:08,628 The others can never know about it. 252 00:12:08,628 --> 00:12:12,399 What happens at high tea in the Annex... 253 00:12:12,399 --> 00:12:15,435 Stays in the Annex at high tea. 254 00:12:15,435 --> 00:12:16,736 Exactly. 255 00:12:20,073 --> 00:12:22,542 So now that I have you here, 256 00:12:22,542 --> 00:12:24,277 Darrington Dare's problem with there being only one Librarian 257 00:12:24,277 --> 00:12:25,745 had to do with the Westphalian brothers 258 00:12:25,745 --> 00:12:27,714 who had that falling out in the 5th Century. 259 00:12:27,714 --> 00:12:30,884 But I was thinking, what do we really know about them other than that? 260 00:12:30,884 --> 00:12:33,053 I mean, if we could find out the whole truth 261 00:12:33,053 --> 00:12:34,254 and then prove that we would never make 262 00:12:34,254 --> 00:12:35,989 the same mistakes that they did, 263 00:12:35,989 --> 00:12:38,358 I mean, maybe we could get the others to come around. 264 00:12:39,659 --> 00:12:41,594 You do know that we archive 265 00:12:41,594 --> 00:12:46,900 the personal possessions of all previous Librarians. 266 00:12:46,900 --> 00:12:48,902 I mean, you know, if they, 267 00:12:48,902 --> 00:12:50,670 well, corresponded with each other... 268 00:12:50,670 --> 00:12:52,705 - Their letters. Yes. - Yeah. Yes. 269 00:12:52,705 --> 00:12:55,108 Hmm, as soon as we finish high tea, 270 00:12:55,108 --> 00:12:56,776 we're going to the archives. 271 00:12:56,776 --> 00:12:58,745 Mmm, mmm. 272 00:12:58,745 --> 00:13:01,281 - ( knock on door ) - Come in. 273 00:13:03,316 --> 00:13:05,485 Oh, it's you. 274 00:13:05,485 --> 00:13:06,954 I assumed you worked as a pack 275 00:13:06,954 --> 00:13:08,822 based on your combative line of questioning. 276 00:13:08,822 --> 00:13:10,657 Well, I'm with the "Annex Advertiser," 277 00:13:10,657 --> 00:13:13,393 so it's my job to ask the tough questions. 278 00:13:13,393 --> 00:13:15,929 I'm with the "Annex Advertiser." You're with the "New Annexian." 279 00:13:15,929 --> 00:13:18,698 Miss Hedge, we know the Reenactment Festival 280 00:13:18,698 --> 00:13:20,100 is very close to your heart. 281 00:13:20,100 --> 00:13:21,902 It's the center of my heart. 282 00:13:21,902 --> 00:13:23,170 I'm the one who founded it. 283 00:13:23,170 --> 00:13:25,072 I'm the one who exhumed the brothers. 284 00:13:25,072 --> 00:13:28,375 I'm the one who dedicated decades of her life telling their story. 285 00:13:28,375 --> 00:13:30,743 And you're the one that painted the line down the center of town? 286 00:13:30,743 --> 00:13:32,512 Ugh, that line again. 287 00:13:32,512 --> 00:13:34,814 Let it go. It's a metaphor. 288 00:13:34,814 --> 00:13:37,484 Do you think Disneyland employs real giant mice? 289 00:13:37,484 --> 00:13:39,086 Disneyland is a theme park. 290 00:13:39,086 --> 00:13:42,155 History is a theme park, if you package it right. 291 00:13:42,155 --> 00:13:43,790 You see, now this is where me and you 292 00:13:43,790 --> 00:13:45,325 are going to have a lot of disagreements. 293 00:13:45,325 --> 00:13:48,561 If I could just bring the conversation back around, 294 00:13:48,561 --> 00:13:50,363 we just saw a ghost. 295 00:13:50,363 --> 00:13:51,831 What? Where? 296 00:13:51,831 --> 00:13:54,034 Right out there, just now. A widow in black. 297 00:13:54,034 --> 00:13:55,568 That's two ghost sightings in two days. 298 00:13:55,568 --> 00:13:57,204 Both since you found the second half of that locket. 299 00:13:57,204 --> 00:13:58,771 What do you think is gonna happen 300 00:13:58,771 --> 00:14:00,373 when you put the two halves back together? 301 00:14:00,373 --> 00:14:01,374 Nothing. 302 00:14:01,374 --> 00:14:04,177 Because there's no such thing as ghosts. 303 00:14:04,177 --> 00:14:07,047 Um, we're kind of experts in this sort of field. 304 00:14:07,047 --> 00:14:09,316 So if you don't mind us taking one look at that locket, 305 00:14:09,316 --> 00:14:10,383 it would really-- 306 00:14:10,383 --> 00:14:12,819 That locket is my star attraction. 307 00:14:12,819 --> 00:14:15,255 Visitors' numbers are down. Receipts are down. 308 00:14:15,255 --> 00:14:18,058 That locket is what's bringing everyone back to Feud. 309 00:14:18,058 --> 00:14:19,960 Miss Hedge, you can't move forward with the festival. 310 00:14:19,960 --> 00:14:21,528 People could get hurt. 311 00:14:21,528 --> 00:14:22,729 The Reenactment Festival 312 00:14:22,729 --> 00:14:24,264 is what keeps this town afloat. 313 00:14:24,264 --> 00:14:26,233 Do you know what this place was 314 00:14:26,233 --> 00:14:29,002 before I brought the Loveday brothers' story back to life? 315 00:14:29,002 --> 00:14:31,171 A dead and dying ghost town, 316 00:14:31,171 --> 00:14:32,772 and that's the only ghost I'm worried about-- 317 00:14:32,772 --> 00:14:34,908 the ghost of this town in economic ruin. 318 00:14:34,908 --> 00:14:36,876 Now, please leave. 319 00:14:36,876 --> 00:14:39,980 Get out. Thank you. 320 00:14:41,949 --> 00:14:44,117 It all boils down to money. 321 00:14:44,117 --> 00:14:46,386 You're right, Stone. It is turning into a theme park. 322 00:14:46,386 --> 00:14:48,655 - History? - War. 323 00:14:48,655 --> 00:14:50,190 I've lived it. Real war. 324 00:14:50,190 --> 00:14:51,959 And it's not a game. It's not fun. 325 00:14:51,959 --> 00:14:53,326 It is not a festival. 326 00:14:53,326 --> 00:14:56,964 Turning war into a family day out-- 327 00:14:56,964 --> 00:14:59,066 I hope nobody does that to any battle I was in. 328 00:15:00,767 --> 00:15:05,072 ( device beeping ) 329 00:15:12,045 --> 00:15:16,416 You wanna know the truth? Meet me in one hour. 330 00:15:19,452 --> 00:15:23,590 ( ghostly children's laughter ) 331 00:15:27,527 --> 00:15:29,862 See? I told you there were ghosts here. 332 00:15:29,862 --> 00:15:31,198 Yeah, it was totally creepy. 333 00:15:31,198 --> 00:15:32,966 This little golem leprechaun thing 334 00:15:32,966 --> 00:15:34,867 was ringing its bell, being all short and spooky. 335 00:15:34,867 --> 00:15:36,369 You have a better description than that? 336 00:15:36,369 --> 00:15:38,205 Short and spooky. I hate ghosts. 337 00:15:38,205 --> 00:15:40,707 "Make Love Not Shawarma." 338 00:15:40,707 --> 00:15:42,475 ( laughs ) 339 00:15:42,475 --> 00:15:44,711 Hmm, shawarma, though. Kind of risky for the South. 340 00:15:44,711 --> 00:15:46,313 According to their Facebook page, 341 00:15:46,313 --> 00:15:49,049 they have a truck set up on the west side of the field. 342 00:15:49,049 --> 00:15:50,883 - Over there. - Hey. 343 00:15:50,883 --> 00:15:52,252 Those three guys, 344 00:15:52,252 --> 00:15:53,686 those are the guys from the Clipping Book, 345 00:15:53,686 --> 00:15:54,988 the first ones to see the ghost. 346 00:15:54,988 --> 00:15:57,424 Okay, you two talk to Secret Shawarma. 347 00:15:57,424 --> 00:15:59,159 I'll go talk to these guys. I speak soldier. 348 00:15:59,159 --> 00:16:01,328 They're fake soldiers. 349 00:16:01,328 --> 00:16:04,264 Okay, then I'll speak fake soldier. 350 00:16:04,264 --> 00:16:07,300 Left, left! Left, right, left! 351 00:16:07,300 --> 00:16:09,469 Hey there, I'm Colonel Baird, NATO. 352 00:16:09,469 --> 00:16:11,871 Cool. I'm pretending to be a corporal. 353 00:16:11,871 --> 00:16:14,974 No, I am an actual colonel, so 'tention! 354 00:16:16,776 --> 00:16:18,711 What's an actual colonel doing here? 355 00:16:18,711 --> 00:16:21,148 No, you say, "Permission to speak, ma'am." Then you ask the question. 356 00:16:21,148 --> 00:16:23,150 Guys, I'm just messing with you. At ease. 357 00:16:23,150 --> 00:16:24,784 I was wondering though, could I ask you 358 00:16:24,784 --> 00:16:27,154 a few questions about a ghost? 359 00:16:29,756 --> 00:16:31,191 - Hello. - Great. 360 00:16:31,191 --> 00:16:32,892 Came here just like you said. 361 00:16:32,892 --> 00:16:34,461 I'm the guy you gave the card to-- 362 00:16:35,862 --> 00:16:37,497 Man: Around here. Before they see you. 363 00:16:41,701 --> 00:16:43,270 Hello? 364 00:16:43,270 --> 00:16:46,439 Hey, before who sees us? 365 00:16:51,478 --> 00:16:53,213 Hey, who's that? 366 00:16:53,213 --> 00:16:54,681 Don't worry. It's safe. He's a friend. 367 00:16:54,681 --> 00:16:56,116 Well, sometimes. 368 00:16:56,116 --> 00:16:57,584 Sometimes safe or sometimes a friend? 369 00:16:57,584 --> 00:17:00,387 Just answer the question. Before who sees us? 370 00:17:00,387 --> 00:17:03,490 The eyes in the skies. The satellites. 371 00:17:03,490 --> 00:17:04,924 The government's watching everything I do. 372 00:17:04,924 --> 00:17:07,094 Ezekiel: I knew it. 373 00:17:07,094 --> 00:17:08,995 Hey, I heard about you from the press conference. 374 00:17:08,995 --> 00:17:10,063 You're asking the right questions. 375 00:17:10,063 --> 00:17:11,964 Why ghosts? Why here? 376 00:17:11,964 --> 00:17:12,999 Why now? 377 00:17:12,999 --> 00:17:14,334 I'll tell you why. 378 00:17:14,334 --> 00:17:16,269 'Cause they're not ghosts. 379 00:17:16,269 --> 00:17:19,839 - What are they? - Robots. 380 00:17:19,839 --> 00:17:22,875 Built by the government using tech salvaged from Area 52. 381 00:17:22,875 --> 00:17:24,411 Area 52? 382 00:17:24,411 --> 00:17:25,478 Yeah, Area 52. 383 00:17:25,478 --> 00:17:27,046 You know, big brother to Area 51, 384 00:17:27,046 --> 00:17:28,681 except it's even more secret. 385 00:17:28,681 --> 00:17:31,284 The whole ghost thing's just a smoke screen. 386 00:17:31,284 --> 00:17:32,819 Government's using alien robots 387 00:17:32,819 --> 00:17:34,053 to hide the truth. 388 00:17:34,053 --> 00:17:35,488 What truth? 389 00:17:35,488 --> 00:17:37,557 That the government's using alien robots. 390 00:17:37,557 --> 00:17:41,294 And they're in league with the damn Yankees. 391 00:17:41,294 --> 00:17:43,430 - Why? - 'Cause the Yankees 392 00:17:43,430 --> 00:17:45,465 and the government, they all work for the Man. 393 00:17:45,465 --> 00:17:48,968 See, they're not clear-thinking rebels. 394 00:17:48,968 --> 00:17:50,303 Like us. 395 00:17:53,173 --> 00:17:55,208 It's actually safe to be seen in public again. 396 00:17:55,208 --> 00:17:56,876 Satellites move on about every half hour. 397 00:17:56,876 --> 00:17:59,812 I see your paranoia runs on a tight schedule as well. 398 00:17:59,812 --> 00:18:01,714 - Thank you. - Jones. 399 00:18:01,714 --> 00:18:04,451 Jones. 400 00:18:04,451 --> 00:18:05,885 Left, left! 401 00:18:05,885 --> 00:18:07,354 Devan: See, I didn't believe in it 402 00:18:07,354 --> 00:18:09,622 until I saw a ghost with my own eyes. 403 00:18:09,622 --> 00:18:12,492 But you gotta ask yourself, who stands to gain 404 00:18:12,492 --> 00:18:14,394 from summoning up dead spirits? 405 00:18:14,394 --> 00:18:17,330 Our theory is the Confederate re-enactors 406 00:18:17,330 --> 00:18:19,065 are trying to change the results. 407 00:18:19,065 --> 00:18:21,201 We Yankees, we won the Battle of Fugue Valley. 408 00:18:21,201 --> 00:18:23,303 But scare all the Yankees away, 409 00:18:23,303 --> 00:18:25,572 they rewrite history, they win. 410 00:18:25,572 --> 00:18:27,974 The pretend Confederates win the reenactment. 411 00:18:27,974 --> 00:18:29,476 History stays the same. 412 00:18:29,476 --> 00:18:31,944 History is the story you tell. 413 00:18:31,944 --> 00:18:33,813 The Confederates win the reenactment, 414 00:18:33,813 --> 00:18:35,715 the Confederates win history. 415 00:18:35,715 --> 00:18:37,384 Don't look now. 416 00:18:37,384 --> 00:18:40,687 Here comes Captain Conspiracy Theory. 417 00:18:40,687 --> 00:18:43,390 He also plays one of the Confederate officers. 418 00:18:43,390 --> 00:18:45,658 Plus does the catering. 419 00:18:45,658 --> 00:18:47,227 Well, well, well, 420 00:18:47,227 --> 00:18:48,995 if it isn't the Yankee boys. 421 00:18:48,995 --> 00:18:51,898 Troy, Roach. 422 00:18:51,898 --> 00:18:54,066 - Devan. - Griz. 423 00:18:54,066 --> 00:18:57,237 You been abducted by any UFOs lately? 424 00:18:57,237 --> 00:18:59,339 I'm sensing some animosity here. 425 00:18:59,339 --> 00:19:01,140 Yeah, we went to high school together. 426 00:19:01,140 --> 00:19:03,343 Griz and I are old rivals. Aren't we? 427 00:19:03,343 --> 00:19:07,714 Debate team, soccer team, jazz improv team. 428 00:19:07,714 --> 00:19:10,183 The point is Griz here has a nasty habit 429 00:19:10,183 --> 00:19:12,018 of always choosing the losing side. 430 00:19:12,018 --> 00:19:13,286 Oh, is that so? 431 00:19:13,286 --> 00:19:15,255 'Cause the way I hear it, you Yankee boys 432 00:19:15,255 --> 00:19:17,257 are about ready to skedaddle on out of here 433 00:19:17,257 --> 00:19:21,428 'cause of some scary, scary ghosts. 434 00:19:21,428 --> 00:19:23,196 Y'all realize the Yankees go runnin', 435 00:19:23,196 --> 00:19:24,664 Confederates win this battle. 436 00:19:24,664 --> 00:19:25,798 ( scoffs ) 437 00:19:25,798 --> 00:19:28,835 So fake Confederates fake win a fake battle. 438 00:19:28,835 --> 00:19:30,069 It's all the same thing. 439 00:19:30,069 --> 00:19:31,304 Shoot. 440 00:19:31,304 --> 00:19:33,172 Vouchers for free shawarma. 441 00:19:33,172 --> 00:19:34,707 You're welcome. 442 00:19:34,707 --> 00:19:36,276 He seems fun. 443 00:19:36,276 --> 00:19:39,479 Guys, have any of you seen the ghost of a widow? 444 00:19:39,479 --> 00:19:41,748 No, ma'am, just the soldier we told you about, 445 00:19:41,748 --> 00:19:45,385 the fellow who said, "The brothers are rising." 446 00:19:45,385 --> 00:19:46,686 Wait, this widow, 447 00:19:46,686 --> 00:19:48,655 did she wear a pendant? Like a black rose? 448 00:19:48,655 --> 00:19:49,989 Yes, how'd you know? 449 00:19:49,989 --> 00:19:53,226 Well, there's a display about her back at the museum. 450 00:19:53,226 --> 00:19:56,963 That's Diana Loveday, Carlton Loveday's widow. 451 00:19:56,963 --> 00:20:00,733 - ( Jenkins laughs ) - ( chuckles ) 452 00:20:00,733 --> 00:20:03,903 From the Archives of the Librarians. 453 00:20:03,903 --> 00:20:05,705 In every box, a life lived. 454 00:20:05,705 --> 00:20:07,674 Is my whole life going to go in a box? 455 00:20:07,674 --> 00:20:09,309 Please, just not my teenage diaries. 456 00:20:09,309 --> 00:20:12,144 Everyone is allowed at least one misguided Goth phase 457 00:20:12,144 --> 00:20:14,247 that... no one else can know about. 458 00:20:14,247 --> 00:20:18,985 Indeed. Ah, Darrington Dare. Huh? Oh, and his Banshee. 459 00:20:18,985 --> 00:20:20,453 ( chuckles ) 460 00:20:22,154 --> 00:20:23,756 Oh, I don't mean to bash the system, 461 00:20:23,756 --> 00:20:25,692 but these are hardly in alphabetical order. 462 00:20:25,692 --> 00:20:27,460 No, they're not. 463 00:20:27,460 --> 00:20:29,396 The Librarian who first established the Archive, 464 00:20:29,396 --> 00:20:31,564 Zelpha The Forgetful, 465 00:20:31,564 --> 00:20:34,601 rather eccentric in her working habits. 466 00:20:34,601 --> 00:20:36,903 Ha! Ta-da. 467 00:20:36,903 --> 00:20:38,405 - Yes. - ( chuckles ) 468 00:20:38,405 --> 00:20:41,808 The brothers of Westphalia's correspondence. 469 00:20:41,808 --> 00:20:43,643 And they're missing. 470 00:20:45,645 --> 00:20:47,079 Ah, Zelpha. 471 00:20:47,079 --> 00:20:49,115 She must have taken them, 472 00:20:49,115 --> 00:20:51,284 left a note where she put them. 473 00:20:51,284 --> 00:20:53,653 "Lí Ban, Acionna, ubiquitous." 474 00:20:53,653 --> 00:20:55,254 - What's that mean? - Don't know. 475 00:20:55,254 --> 00:20:59,659 Her aide-memoires-- impossible to decipher. 476 00:20:59,659 --> 00:21:01,394 Well, I find that hard to believe. 477 00:21:01,394 --> 00:21:02,762 We can figure this out. 478 00:21:02,762 --> 00:21:06,165 Um, well, "ubiquitous" means "everywhere." 479 00:21:06,165 --> 00:21:09,569 - Yes. - Uh, "Lí Ban, Acionna." 480 00:21:09,569 --> 00:21:12,305 Those are Celtic names, I believe, yes. 481 00:21:12,305 --> 00:21:16,409 If only we were near or in some place 482 00:21:16,409 --> 00:21:18,378 that had lots and lots of books. 483 00:21:18,378 --> 00:21:20,880 - ( chuckles ) - To the Celtic section! 484 00:21:20,880 --> 00:21:22,281 - Ah! Ha-ha. - Ha-ha. 485 00:21:22,281 --> 00:21:24,984 Let's see what we can find. 486 00:21:28,655 --> 00:21:31,090 Hey, it's her. 487 00:21:31,090 --> 00:21:32,425 Diana Loveday. 488 00:21:32,425 --> 00:21:34,226 "Diana Loveday, beloved bride 489 00:21:34,226 --> 00:21:35,362 of General Carlton Loveday." 490 00:21:35,362 --> 00:21:36,363 That's this guy right here. 491 00:21:36,363 --> 00:21:38,498 He was a Confederate. 492 00:21:38,498 --> 00:21:40,066 "Little is known about the mysterious Diana 493 00:21:40,066 --> 00:21:42,369 other than that she and Carlton were deeply in love. 494 00:21:42,369 --> 00:21:44,303 Diana outlived her husband by many years. 495 00:21:44,303 --> 00:21:46,339 This is the only known photograph of her." 496 00:21:46,339 --> 00:21:48,575 It's sun-damaged. You can't really see her face. 497 00:21:48,575 --> 00:21:50,510 But look-- same brooch. 498 00:21:50,510 --> 00:21:52,712 The golem leprechaun with the bell! 499 00:21:52,712 --> 00:21:54,814 It's not a golem leprechaun! 500 00:21:55,882 --> 00:21:57,984 It was a kid. 501 00:21:57,984 --> 00:21:59,118 Milton Loveday. 502 00:21:59,118 --> 00:22:00,787 He was Uriah Loveday's son. 503 00:22:00,787 --> 00:22:02,922 That's his brother. That's Uriah Loveday right there. 504 00:22:02,922 --> 00:22:03,990 He was a Yankee. 505 00:22:03,990 --> 00:22:05,091 "Milton Loveday was 12 years old 506 00:22:05,091 --> 00:22:06,926 during the Battle of Fugue Valley. 507 00:22:06,926 --> 00:22:10,096 He'd lost something precious to him-- a gift from his father. 508 00:22:10,096 --> 00:22:12,932 He was looking for it when he was killed in the crossfire." 509 00:22:12,932 --> 00:22:15,535 He used to ring the bell when it was time for church. 510 00:22:15,535 --> 00:22:17,437 That was the bell that I heard. 511 00:22:18,638 --> 00:22:20,807 He must've died with it in his hand. 512 00:22:20,807 --> 00:22:24,276 - ( ghostly whispers ) - ( bell ringing ) 513 00:22:24,276 --> 00:22:26,245 It's him again-- Milton. 514 00:22:26,245 --> 00:22:30,517 ( ringing continues ) 515 00:22:34,320 --> 00:22:38,458 - ( thumping ) - ( ringing continues ) 516 00:22:44,363 --> 00:22:47,567 I didn't mean to lose it. I'm sorry, Daddy. 517 00:22:52,472 --> 00:22:56,809 I didn't mean to lose it. I'm sorry, Daddy. 518 00:22:56,809 --> 00:22:58,411 Lose what, Milton? 519 00:22:58,411 --> 00:23:01,380 I didn't mean to lose it. I'm sorry, Daddy. 520 00:23:01,380 --> 00:23:04,050 Tell us what you lost. We could help you find it. 521 00:23:04,050 --> 00:23:06,018 ( rumbling ) 522 00:23:06,018 --> 00:23:08,220 You guys hear that? 523 00:23:08,220 --> 00:23:10,322 Is that thunder? 524 00:23:10,322 --> 00:23:12,625 That's not thunder. 525 00:23:12,625 --> 00:23:14,060 That's boots on the ground. 526 00:23:17,697 --> 00:23:19,466 ( soldiers chanting ) The brothers are rising. 527 00:23:19,466 --> 00:23:23,703 The brothers are rising. The brothers are rising. 528 00:23:23,703 --> 00:23:27,540 I'm sorry, but tomorrow the brothers are rising. 529 00:23:27,540 --> 00:23:31,410 The brothers are rising. The brothers are rising. 530 00:23:34,447 --> 00:23:37,216 New plan. Back to Ezekiel's old plan. 531 00:23:37,216 --> 00:23:39,251 We steal both sides of the locket 532 00:23:39,251 --> 00:23:40,386 and get them out of here before tomorrow. 533 00:23:40,386 --> 00:23:41,588 Lovely. 534 00:23:43,155 --> 00:23:45,324 Janet: The museum closes in-- 535 00:23:45,324 --> 00:23:47,760 Oh! You again. 536 00:23:47,760 --> 00:23:49,428 Yeah, I didn't touch it or-- 537 00:23:49,428 --> 00:23:51,464 Were you standing outside just now? 538 00:23:51,464 --> 00:23:53,633 No, I was closing up the gift shop. 539 00:23:53,633 --> 00:23:55,735 And you didn't see a platoon 540 00:23:55,735 --> 00:23:58,304 of ghost solders just walk through these walls? 541 00:23:58,304 --> 00:24:01,307 No. Should I have? 542 00:24:01,307 --> 00:24:03,510 I find it strange that you didn't. 543 00:24:03,510 --> 00:24:06,646 Or it's strange that you did. 544 00:24:08,147 --> 00:24:10,783 Come on, guys. I think it's time we got going. 545 00:24:19,692 --> 00:24:24,263 Lí Ban and Acionna were Celtic water goddesses. 546 00:24:24,263 --> 00:24:26,432 Lí Ban, Acionna, ubiquitous. 547 00:24:26,432 --> 00:24:28,701 water, water, everywhere-- 548 00:24:28,701 --> 00:24:31,538 that's a quotation from, uh, "The Ancient Mariner." 549 00:24:31,538 --> 00:24:34,273 And I believe that I have-- 550 00:24:34,273 --> 00:24:36,475 Yes! We have a first edition 551 00:24:36,475 --> 00:24:37,744 of said book. 552 00:24:37,744 --> 00:24:40,246 Oh! Ah-ha! Another note. 553 00:24:40,246 --> 00:24:43,249 Oh. "The throne of the sun, the boar, 554 00:24:43,249 --> 00:24:45,785 and the ship's wheel at 11:00 p.m." 555 00:24:45,785 --> 00:24:48,154 Jeez, Zelpha, couldn't you just use Dewey Decimal? 556 00:24:54,293 --> 00:24:56,162 Stone: What about the motion sensors? 557 00:24:56,162 --> 00:24:58,531 ( beeping ) 558 00:24:59,999 --> 00:25:01,133 ( beeps ) 559 00:25:01,133 --> 00:25:02,969 You see? You would be lost 560 00:25:02,969 --> 00:25:04,537 without me in these kind of situations. 561 00:25:04,537 --> 00:25:06,739 And yet I would not be lost without yours. 562 00:25:06,739 --> 00:25:08,875 There's plenty of situations where I'd have the upper hand. 563 00:25:08,875 --> 00:25:11,644 - Name three. - Anything outdoorsy. Huh? 564 00:25:11,644 --> 00:25:13,079 Anything fist-fighty. 565 00:25:13,079 --> 00:25:15,381 Anything that deals with medieval Spanish love poetry. 566 00:25:15,381 --> 00:25:17,483 Oh! Because we're always coming up against life or death 567 00:25:17,483 --> 00:25:19,518 Spanish medieval love poetry situations. 568 00:25:19,518 --> 00:25:22,188 Girls, quit it. You're both pretty. 569 00:25:22,188 --> 00:25:24,323 I am so much prettier-- 570 00:25:24,323 --> 00:25:26,392 Okay. Let's just say you had to tether 571 00:25:26,392 --> 00:25:28,861 one of us to the Library, which you do, 572 00:25:28,861 --> 00:25:30,697 - which one of us do you pick? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 573 00:25:30,697 --> 00:25:32,264 I'm not answering that. 574 00:25:32,264 --> 00:25:33,633 Baird, you said it yourself. 575 00:25:33,633 --> 00:25:35,501 The Tethering Ceremony is weeks away. Okay? 576 00:25:35,501 --> 00:25:37,036 You gotta pick somebody. Is it gonna be me 577 00:25:37,036 --> 00:25:38,671 or is it gonna be him? 578 00:25:38,671 --> 00:25:41,808 Well, what makes you think I wouldn't pick Cassandra? 579 00:25:41,808 --> 00:25:43,810 - ( gasps ) Cassandra? - I'm being serious here. 580 00:25:43,810 --> 00:25:45,678 - I'm-- I'm prettier. - Who's gonna do the heavy lifting? 581 00:25:45,678 --> 00:25:46,713 Ezekiel: Jones is going to do the heavy lifting? 582 00:25:46,713 --> 00:25:48,981 Guys, the lockets aren't here. 583 00:25:48,981 --> 00:25:51,017 I noticed she had a safe in her office. 584 00:25:51,017 --> 00:25:52,785 Maybe she's keeping it there overnight. Stone! 585 00:25:52,785 --> 00:25:54,987 Since you're so amazingly brilliant at everything, 586 00:25:54,987 --> 00:25:56,956 why don't you go crack open the safe? 587 00:25:56,956 --> 00:25:58,825 You want me to crack open the safe? I guarantee you I can. 588 00:25:58,825 --> 00:26:00,526 - If you can do it, then I can probably-- - Puh-lease! 589 00:26:00,526 --> 00:26:02,561 Crack open a safe? You couldn't crack open an egg. 590 00:26:02,561 --> 00:26:05,264 I'll crack open your head. 591 00:26:05,264 --> 00:26:07,800 Oh, too easy. 592 00:26:07,800 --> 00:26:09,802 It's a Hewlett-Taylor-Cooper Safematic Mark Four. 593 00:26:09,802 --> 00:26:11,738 These things practically crack themselves. 594 00:26:11,738 --> 00:26:13,940 Gotta admit, boy's got skills. 595 00:26:13,940 --> 00:26:15,041 I got skills. 596 00:26:15,041 --> 00:26:16,242 And a moral code. 597 00:26:16,242 --> 00:26:17,509 Are you implying I don't? 598 00:26:17,509 --> 00:26:19,245 You're-- You're a thief. Of course you don't. 599 00:26:19,245 --> 00:26:22,114 Uh-huh. I like to think I have my own moral code. 600 00:26:22,114 --> 00:26:24,250 - Which is? - A work in progress. 601 00:26:24,250 --> 00:26:25,718 Stone's got a point. 602 00:26:25,718 --> 00:26:27,820 Being a Librarian is more than just about what's in here. 603 00:26:27,820 --> 00:26:28,821 It's about what's in here. 604 00:26:28,821 --> 00:26:30,256 Yeah, yeah, yeah, great. 605 00:26:30,256 --> 00:26:33,693 Now, how about what's in here? 606 00:26:33,693 --> 00:26:35,461 That's weird. There's no locket halves. 607 00:26:35,461 --> 00:26:36,796 Just a bunch of old photos. 608 00:26:36,796 --> 00:26:38,631 Why would you keep old photos in a safe? 609 00:26:38,631 --> 00:26:39,966 Let me see these. 610 00:26:41,167 --> 00:26:44,036 Who's... 611 00:26:44,036 --> 00:26:47,506 Must be a picture of when she found the brothers' bodies. 612 00:26:47,506 --> 00:26:48,841 Dated ten years ago? 613 00:26:48,841 --> 00:26:50,743 These look just like the photos from the museum. 614 00:26:50,743 --> 00:26:52,211 Why hide these away? 615 00:26:52,211 --> 00:26:53,746 I don't trust this woman. 616 00:26:53,746 --> 00:26:54,981 Miss Janet Hedge 617 00:26:54,981 --> 00:26:56,683 seems to be behind everything 618 00:26:56,683 --> 00:26:59,551 that's going on in this town. What is-- 619 00:26:59,551 --> 00:27:01,620 That's a picture of Diana Loveday. 620 00:27:01,620 --> 00:27:04,556 There's more detail in this original photo. 621 00:27:04,556 --> 00:27:06,358 I've got just the thing. 622 00:27:06,358 --> 00:27:08,895 Borrowed some super-secret government software. 623 00:27:08,895 --> 00:27:10,797 It's a facial reconstruction program. 624 00:27:12,198 --> 00:27:13,432 How long does that take? 625 00:27:13,432 --> 00:27:14,867 There's not much to go on, 626 00:27:14,867 --> 00:27:16,268 so it's just under nine hours. 627 00:27:16,268 --> 00:27:20,206 Oh, nice try. 628 00:27:20,206 --> 00:27:22,675 Trying to steal the Loveday locket, are you? 629 00:27:22,675 --> 00:27:24,210 Well, bad luck. 630 00:27:24,210 --> 00:27:27,479 The locket is in a safe and secret location tonight. 631 00:27:27,479 --> 00:27:29,215 I know how this must look. 632 00:27:29,215 --> 00:27:31,751 It looks like you're trying to sabotage my festival, 633 00:27:31,751 --> 00:27:34,921 and we don't take kindly to saboteurs in my town. 634 00:27:34,921 --> 00:27:37,589 And let me make something very clear. 635 00:27:37,589 --> 00:27:39,491 - This is my town. - ( siren wailing ) 636 00:27:39,491 --> 00:27:41,728 ( siren chirps ) 637 00:27:47,133 --> 00:27:48,634 Man: When are they going to set bail? 638 00:27:48,634 --> 00:27:50,602 Man 2: Not till after the ceremony. 639 00:27:50,602 --> 00:27:51,904 Man: The locket ceremony? 640 00:27:51,904 --> 00:27:53,272 Man 2: Yeah, that's what they told me. 641 00:27:53,272 --> 00:27:55,607 Guys, guys. I just heard the cops talking. 642 00:27:55,607 --> 00:27:56,809 They're not gonna set our bail 643 00:27:56,809 --> 00:27:58,010 until after the locket ceremony, 644 00:27:58,010 --> 00:27:59,746 which means we need to break out now 645 00:27:59,746 --> 00:28:01,580 if we're gonna stop it. 646 00:28:01,580 --> 00:28:04,851 - Ezekiel, do something-- - They took my Game Boy off me! 647 00:28:04,851 --> 00:28:06,118 - What? - What? 648 00:28:06,118 --> 00:28:08,154 That's where I keep all my lockpicks. 649 00:28:08,154 --> 00:28:09,989 That's a seriously old-fashioned door. 650 00:28:09,989 --> 00:28:13,525 You would need some kind of strong metal pin to unlock it. 651 00:28:13,525 --> 00:28:15,227 I got nothing. Sorry. 652 00:28:16,662 --> 00:28:18,630 Me neither. 653 00:28:18,630 --> 00:28:20,566 But I can get you one. 654 00:28:20,566 --> 00:28:22,835 Right. Get me one how? 655 00:28:22,835 --> 00:28:24,804 Well, you see, my skillset 656 00:28:24,804 --> 00:28:26,438 allows me to see that this place 657 00:28:26,438 --> 00:28:29,608 was built... 1930s. 658 00:28:29,608 --> 00:28:32,111 Which means... 659 00:28:32,111 --> 00:28:34,713 the original ceiling's been lowered. 660 00:28:36,282 --> 00:28:39,185 Probably around 1970. 661 00:28:39,185 --> 00:28:40,987 And given the light construction 662 00:28:40,987 --> 00:28:43,489 and the building codes of that time, 663 00:28:43,489 --> 00:28:45,124 this place was held together... 664 00:28:47,559 --> 00:28:48,995 with metal pins. 665 00:28:50,262 --> 00:28:51,764 Come on. Give it. 666 00:28:51,764 --> 00:28:52,965 - Here, take it. - Give it. 667 00:28:52,965 --> 00:28:54,767 - Here. - Give it. 668 00:28:56,836 --> 00:28:58,971 A little history lesson for you. You're welcome. 669 00:28:58,971 --> 00:29:00,506 ( mocking ) "A little history lesson for you." 670 00:29:00,506 --> 00:29:01,874 Thank you. 671 00:29:03,843 --> 00:29:05,444 - Wakey-wakey. - Oh. 672 00:29:05,444 --> 00:29:07,279 Come on, Jenkins. Up and at 'em. 673 00:29:07,279 --> 00:29:08,414 Thinking caps on. 674 00:29:08,414 --> 00:29:09,849 I refuse to lose 675 00:29:09,849 --> 00:29:12,551 a treasure hunt to Zelpha The Infuriating. 676 00:29:12,551 --> 00:29:15,321 The Forgetful. But I take your point. 677 00:29:17,523 --> 00:29:22,862 Miss Cillian, not long ago it seems you agreed with Mr. Dare 678 00:29:22,862 --> 00:29:24,530 that there should be only one Librarian, 679 00:29:24,530 --> 00:29:27,399 and now it seems you're proactively opposed to the idea. 680 00:29:27,399 --> 00:29:30,102 May I ask why? 681 00:29:31,437 --> 00:29:33,739 I love being a Librarian. 682 00:29:33,739 --> 00:29:36,408 I want to continue to be a Librarian, 683 00:29:36,408 --> 00:29:38,644 and if there's only one... 684 00:29:38,644 --> 00:29:39,946 you know those kids in school 685 00:29:39,946 --> 00:29:41,513 who never got picked for sports teams? 686 00:29:41,513 --> 00:29:43,315 That was me. 687 00:29:43,315 --> 00:29:46,752 So I just worry that if there's only one position, 688 00:29:46,752 --> 00:29:49,121 that I'm not going to make the cut. 689 00:29:49,121 --> 00:29:52,091 But if we keep the team together, then I'm in. 690 00:29:54,160 --> 00:29:58,164 When I say it out loud, it sounds selfish. 691 00:29:58,164 --> 00:30:00,799 Well, if that's the case, then I'm being selfish, too, 692 00:30:00,799 --> 00:30:03,035 because quite frankly... 693 00:30:06,038 --> 00:30:08,407 I like having all of you around. 694 00:30:10,076 --> 00:30:11,543 "The throne of the sun, 695 00:30:11,543 --> 00:30:14,380 the boar, and the ship's wheel 696 00:30:14,380 --> 00:30:16,148 at 11:00 p.m." 697 00:30:16,148 --> 00:30:19,751 Could it be referencing heraldry? 698 00:30:19,751 --> 00:30:21,053 It could be. 699 00:30:22,121 --> 00:30:24,523 A flag with a sun, a boar, 700 00:30:24,523 --> 00:30:27,026 and a ship's wheel. 701 00:30:27,026 --> 00:30:29,896 Wait a minute. It's-- 702 00:30:29,896 --> 00:30:31,964 It's the the Coat of Arms for Pure 703 00:30:31,964 --> 00:30:33,632 in Ardennes northern France. 704 00:30:33,632 --> 00:30:36,602 Pure-- what's the rest of the clue? 705 00:30:36,602 --> 00:30:38,337 At 11:00 p.m. 706 00:30:38,337 --> 00:30:39,872 11:00 p.m., night. 707 00:30:39,872 --> 00:30:42,574 Pure... night-- oh! 708 00:30:42,574 --> 00:30:44,843 Oh, Galahad, that-- 709 00:30:44,843 --> 00:30:47,046 it's you. 710 00:30:47,046 --> 00:30:50,049 Galahad's throne? I've never had a throne. 711 00:30:52,251 --> 00:30:53,519 But you do now. 712 00:30:53,519 --> 00:30:55,587 It's your desk. 713 00:30:55,587 --> 00:30:57,556 My desk. 714 00:30:57,556 --> 00:30:59,325 But-- well, no, really. 715 00:30:59,325 --> 00:31:03,295 I mean, I think that I would remember if somebo-- 716 00:31:03,295 --> 00:31:04,863 Jenkins. 717 00:31:04,863 --> 00:31:08,167 Shrove Tuesday, 1782, 718 00:31:08,167 --> 00:31:13,973 Zelpha gave me a stack of letters 719 00:31:13,973 --> 00:31:17,576 to keep from-- 720 00:31:17,576 --> 00:31:18,744 My apologies. 721 00:31:18,744 --> 00:31:22,481 They have been literally under my nose. 722 00:31:22,481 --> 00:31:27,253 Well, I guess now we can find out the truth. 723 00:31:28,820 --> 00:31:32,224 ( marching band playing ) 724 00:31:39,331 --> 00:31:41,233 Good luck in the battle, Yankee. 725 00:31:41,233 --> 00:31:43,635 We don't need luck, Griz. 726 00:31:43,635 --> 00:31:45,571 The outcome's already decided. 727 00:31:45,571 --> 00:31:46,605 Oh, is it? 728 00:31:54,813 --> 00:31:56,682 Thank you, Abe. I'll take it from here. 729 00:31:57,916 --> 00:31:59,551 Is this on? Yes, it's on. 730 00:31:59,551 --> 00:32:01,320 Hello, everybody! 731 00:32:01,320 --> 00:32:05,791 And welcome to the tenth annual Feud Reenactment Festival. 732 00:32:05,791 --> 00:32:08,694 Not only are we celebrating history today, 733 00:32:08,694 --> 00:32:10,129 we are making it. 734 00:32:10,129 --> 00:32:14,266 Today, for the first time in over 150 years, 735 00:32:14,266 --> 00:32:17,069 the two halves of the Loveday Locket 736 00:32:17,069 --> 00:32:19,238 will be reunited. 737 00:32:19,238 --> 00:32:22,941 And who better to help perform this historic task 738 00:32:22,941 --> 00:32:24,810 are the brothers themselves-- 739 00:32:24,810 --> 00:32:28,280 Uriah and Carlton Loveday. 740 00:32:28,280 --> 00:32:31,583 - ( cheering ) - Thank you, Abe. 741 00:32:39,291 --> 00:32:41,893 - ( rumbling ) - History has been made. 742 00:32:41,893 --> 00:32:43,329 - ( rumbling continues ) - ( cheering ) 743 00:32:43,329 --> 00:32:46,365 We're too late. She's already done it. 744 00:32:46,365 --> 00:32:48,867 ( murmuring ) 745 00:32:48,867 --> 00:32:52,138 Wow. Tough crowd. 746 00:32:52,138 --> 00:32:55,474 I think we're losing them. 747 00:32:55,474 --> 00:32:57,376 Oh, good God. Ghosts! 748 00:32:59,045 --> 00:33:00,679 Wait, wait. She's not in on this? 749 00:33:00,679 --> 00:33:03,482 Detail, attention! 750 00:33:03,482 --> 00:33:07,519 Company to the ready! 751 00:33:07,519 --> 00:33:09,221 Janet, look what you're doing to the town! 752 00:33:09,221 --> 00:33:11,357 You have to break the locket! 753 00:33:12,491 --> 00:33:13,792 It won't break. 754 00:33:13,792 --> 00:33:16,262 - Company! - March! 755 00:33:16,262 --> 00:33:18,097 - Forward march! - ( woman screams ) 756 00:33:18,097 --> 00:33:19,765 - March! - ( crowd gasping ) 757 00:33:19,765 --> 00:33:22,434 Atten-hut! 758 00:33:26,472 --> 00:33:29,141 The ghosts are possessing the townspeople. 759 00:33:39,251 --> 00:33:41,520 Yeah, these fake re-enactors aren't so fake anymore. 760 00:33:41,520 --> 00:33:43,889 - I'm gonna break the locket. - No, I'm gonna break the locket. 761 00:33:43,889 --> 00:33:45,324 Boy, I am sick and tired of you. 762 00:33:45,324 --> 00:33:47,359 Ever since school, undermining me, 763 00:33:47,359 --> 00:33:49,027 mocking me, stealing my boyfriends. 764 00:33:49,027 --> 00:33:52,598 Greg and Brandon loved me, and you know it! 765 00:33:52,598 --> 00:33:53,799 You Yankee blowhard. 766 00:33:53,799 --> 00:33:55,067 Confederate scum. 767 00:33:55,067 --> 00:33:57,403 Griz, Devan, pull it together. 768 00:33:57,403 --> 00:34:00,139 The Loveday brothers are trying to restart the Civil War. 769 00:34:00,139 --> 00:34:01,740 Janet, give me the locket! 770 00:34:01,740 --> 00:34:04,143 No, no, no, no. I've got a stronger grip than you. 771 00:34:04,143 --> 00:34:06,078 Yeah, well, I've got the hands of a brain surgeon. 772 00:34:06,078 --> 00:34:07,813 ( grunting ) 773 00:34:07,813 --> 00:34:09,515 This is not one of your little techno gizmos! 774 00:34:09,515 --> 00:34:12,851 It's not one of your Spanish medieval love poems! 775 00:34:12,851 --> 00:34:14,086 Baird: No, guys, fight it! 776 00:34:14,086 --> 00:34:15,954 Don't let them take you, too! 777 00:34:15,954 --> 00:34:18,524 No! Come on, break. 778 00:34:18,524 --> 00:34:20,192 Come on! 779 00:34:23,895 --> 00:34:25,897 Guys, are you... you? 780 00:34:25,897 --> 00:34:28,234 What's wrong with a Spanish love poem? 781 00:34:28,234 --> 00:34:30,369 What's wrong with techno gizmos? 782 00:34:30,369 --> 00:34:32,238 No! No! 783 00:34:35,174 --> 00:34:36,708 Baird: Nothing's happened. 784 00:34:36,708 --> 00:34:38,610 Man: Ready! 785 00:34:38,610 --> 00:34:40,512 Aim! 786 00:34:40,512 --> 00:34:41,513 Fire! 787 00:34:41,513 --> 00:34:44,116 ( guns firing ) 788 00:34:49,555 --> 00:34:50,656 Everybody missed. 789 00:34:52,057 --> 00:34:53,492 I couldn't do it, brother. 790 00:34:53,492 --> 00:34:55,461 Me neither. 791 00:34:55,461 --> 00:34:56,495 I never could. 792 00:34:56,495 --> 00:34:58,330 You're possessed by the Loveday brothers. 793 00:34:58,330 --> 00:35:01,066 You command their troops. 794 00:35:01,066 --> 00:35:03,969 When you missed, 795 00:35:03,969 --> 00:35:05,504 everybody missed. 796 00:35:07,939 --> 00:35:09,441 Company! 797 00:35:09,441 --> 00:35:11,443 Dismissed! 798 00:35:13,779 --> 00:35:17,015 Man: Company, fall in! Forward, march! 799 00:35:17,015 --> 00:35:21,253 Man: Company, fall in! Forward, march! 800 00:35:23,289 --> 00:35:25,624 Um, why are they still here? 801 00:35:25,624 --> 00:35:27,993 It is time you learned the truth. 802 00:35:27,993 --> 00:35:29,795 Bring her. 803 00:35:30,862 --> 00:35:32,864 ( laughs ) 804 00:35:33,899 --> 00:35:36,568 ( footsteps approaching ) 805 00:35:41,106 --> 00:35:42,808 Oh, the photo. 806 00:35:42,808 --> 00:35:44,643 That's private property. 807 00:35:47,779 --> 00:35:49,581 Jones, magnifying glass? 808 00:35:52,418 --> 00:35:55,754 The locket-- they died with it in one piece, 809 00:35:55,754 --> 00:36:00,559 which means you chose Stone and Jones for a reason. 810 00:36:00,559 --> 00:36:03,028 You knew they would put their guns down, 811 00:36:03,028 --> 00:36:04,663 just like you did. 812 00:36:04,663 --> 00:36:08,166 ( soldiers shouting ) 813 00:36:18,844 --> 00:36:22,881 ( muted shouting ) 814 00:36:30,121 --> 00:36:32,624 Baird: In the end, you couldn't kill your brother. 815 00:36:35,461 --> 00:36:37,463 You forgot about war. 816 00:36:39,531 --> 00:36:42,468 But war didn't forget about you. 817 00:36:48,006 --> 00:36:50,208 ( explosion ) 818 00:37:07,326 --> 00:37:09,995 You changed the end of the story, didn't you? 819 00:37:09,995 --> 00:37:12,364 You found the brothers with the locket put back together. 820 00:37:12,364 --> 00:37:13,632 Tell the truth, Janet. 821 00:37:13,632 --> 00:37:16,067 I had to keep your feud going. 822 00:37:16,067 --> 00:37:18,470 No feud, meant no Feud museum, 823 00:37:18,470 --> 00:37:20,372 meant the end of my lovely town. 824 00:37:20,372 --> 00:37:22,107 And visitor numbers were dropping. 825 00:37:22,107 --> 00:37:25,143 That's the only reason I had to find the other side of the locket now, 826 00:37:25,143 --> 00:37:26,845 to keep the crowds coming back. 827 00:37:26,845 --> 00:37:29,281 We'd have nothing if we'd let the truth get in the way. 828 00:37:29,281 --> 00:37:32,217 The truth that two brothers loved each other so much, 829 00:37:32,217 --> 00:37:34,620 they reconciled in the middle of battle. 830 00:37:34,620 --> 00:37:37,122 That's an even better story, and it's filled with hope. 831 00:37:37,122 --> 00:37:40,492 You just wanted your story told, didn't you? 832 00:37:40,492 --> 00:37:44,330 So the town would know how awful war really is, 833 00:37:44,330 --> 00:37:47,333 to show them why you chose peace. 834 00:37:47,333 --> 00:37:50,369 But what made you end your feud? 835 00:37:57,409 --> 00:37:59,177 Both: The people they loved. 836 00:37:59,177 --> 00:38:04,249 Uriah's son was killed not but a mile from here and he was 12 years old. 837 00:38:04,249 --> 00:38:07,619 I don't know anything that would drive a man away from war faster. 838 00:38:07,619 --> 00:38:08,620 ( beeping ) 839 00:38:08,620 --> 00:38:11,490 Uh, Stone, you need to see this. 840 00:38:11,490 --> 00:38:13,625 The facial reconstruction of Diana-- 841 00:38:13,625 --> 00:38:14,626 It's complete. 842 00:38:17,463 --> 00:38:20,065 The wife of a Confederate General 843 00:38:20,065 --> 00:38:22,834 in the Southern states, 844 00:38:22,834 --> 00:38:25,203 but they were never legally married. 845 00:38:25,203 --> 00:38:26,805 It was forbidden then, 846 00:38:26,805 --> 00:38:27,739 and it was true love. 847 00:38:27,739 --> 00:38:30,609 That's why Carlton turned his back 848 00:38:30,609 --> 00:38:32,611 on the Confederate cause. 849 00:38:32,611 --> 00:38:35,414 I didn't mean to lose it. I'm sorry, Daddy. 850 00:38:35,414 --> 00:38:38,617 Milton's story's still not finished yet. 851 00:38:38,617 --> 00:38:40,886 He's still looking for what he lost on the battlefield. 852 00:38:42,988 --> 00:38:45,190 Your cap. 853 00:38:45,190 --> 00:38:47,025 You were looking for your cap. You-- 854 00:38:49,294 --> 00:38:53,331 Here. I think your son needs this. 855 00:39:22,728 --> 00:39:24,996 So you think the economy of your town would collapse 856 00:39:24,996 --> 00:39:26,231 if the truth came out? 857 00:39:26,231 --> 00:39:28,567 Well, think again, sister. 858 00:39:28,567 --> 00:39:30,969 It's a story of hope. It's a story of love. 859 00:39:30,969 --> 00:39:33,739 It's brothers being brothers, and right now, 860 00:39:33,739 --> 00:39:36,174 that is exactly what this world needs. 861 00:39:36,174 --> 00:39:38,844 Of course you'll have to change the name of your town again. 862 00:39:38,844 --> 00:39:40,178 To what? 863 00:39:40,178 --> 00:39:41,613 Forgiveness. 864 00:39:41,613 --> 00:39:44,783 ( laughing, chattering ) 865 00:39:44,783 --> 00:39:46,985 Of course. 866 00:39:46,985 --> 00:39:48,787 The Forgiveness Festival. 867 00:39:48,787 --> 00:39:50,021 Guys, look. 868 00:40:16,682 --> 00:40:20,218 Well, that's one Civil War town that's a little more civil. 869 00:40:20,218 --> 00:40:23,121 And good news. We've changed our minds. 870 00:40:23,121 --> 00:40:26,758 There should absolutely be more than one Librarian in the library, 871 00:40:26,758 --> 00:40:28,193 especially if our Librarians 872 00:40:28,193 --> 00:40:30,862 are as united as Jones and Stone. 873 00:40:30,862 --> 00:40:33,532 Oh, okay. Well, this is awkward. 874 00:40:33,532 --> 00:40:37,102 Yes. Um, we discovered 875 00:40:37,102 --> 00:40:38,770 a group of letters 876 00:40:38,770 --> 00:40:40,639 between the Westphalian brothers, 877 00:40:40,639 --> 00:40:42,774 and reading them, it becomes pretty clear 878 00:40:42,774 --> 00:40:44,710 as to why they fell apart. 879 00:40:44,710 --> 00:40:48,146 The root sin seems to be that they both 880 00:40:48,146 --> 00:40:50,348 became excessively selfish, 881 00:40:50,348 --> 00:40:53,552 putting their own personal interests 882 00:40:53,552 --> 00:40:54,686 ahead of the Library's. 883 00:40:54,686 --> 00:40:57,623 Which is what we've all be doing. 884 00:40:57,623 --> 00:41:00,692 I wanted us all to stay Librarians 885 00:41:00,692 --> 00:41:03,428 because I wanted to be a Librarian. 886 00:41:03,428 --> 00:41:07,032 So we have come to agree with Mr. Dare. 887 00:41:07,032 --> 00:41:08,534 So you've changed your minds 888 00:41:08,534 --> 00:41:10,502 about how many Librarians there should be, 889 00:41:10,502 --> 00:41:11,937 we've changed our minds 890 00:41:11,937 --> 00:41:14,105 about how many Librarians there should be, 891 00:41:14,105 --> 00:41:16,742 so we're all still in complete disagreement 892 00:41:16,742 --> 00:41:18,610 about how many Librarians there should be. 893 00:41:18,610 --> 00:41:21,780 And the Tethering Ceremony is approaching fast. 894 00:41:21,780 --> 00:41:22,914 So... 895 00:41:24,382 --> 00:41:26,484 where do we go from here? 896 00:41:42,300 --> 00:41:46,538 ( theme music playing )