1 00:00:00,293 --> 00:00:02,295 [THEME MUSIC PLAYING] 2 00:00:54,430 --> 00:00:56,516 [ROARS] 3 00:00:58,142 --> 00:00:59,560 NARRATOR: The Lion Guard. 4 00:01:00,686 --> 00:01:02,647 KION: The Kupatana Celebration. 5 00:01:06,484 --> 00:01:11,739 ♪ Kupatana community 6 00:01:11,823 --> 00:01:18,162 [IN UNISON] One day for unity 7 00:01:18,246 --> 00:01:22,542 Gather together in peace 8 00:01:22,625 --> 00:01:26,796 Our Kupatana community ♪ 9 00:01:26,879 --> 00:01:28,256 [SINGING IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE] 10 00:01:28,339 --> 00:01:30,508 -Oh! [CLEARS THROAT] -[SINGING HALTS] 11 00:01:30,591 --> 00:01:34,887 Mbuni, it's Maentaeleyo-ya-uhhi. 12 00:01:34,971 --> 00:01:37,473 -Remember that for tonight! -Mmm-hmm. 13 00:01:39,559 --> 00:01:42,937 [SINGING IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE] 14 00:01:44,230 --> 00:01:46,065 Your dad is sounding good, Beshte. 15 00:01:46,149 --> 00:01:49,068 Thanks, Your Majesty. He's been practicing. 16 00:01:49,152 --> 00:01:52,321 It's not every day you get to be a part of the Kupatana celebration. 17 00:01:52,405 --> 00:01:55,700 Well, considering Kupatana only happens once a year. 18 00:01:55,783 --> 00:02:00,788 And I can't wait! It's the biggest party in the Pride Lands! 19 00:02:00,872 --> 00:02:03,750 -It's not just a party, Bunga. -Yes. 20 00:02:03,833 --> 00:02:09,255 Kupatana is the one day all the animals in the Pride Lands gather side-by-side, 21 00:02:09,338 --> 00:02:11,716 to celebrate the Circle of Life in peace. 22 00:02:11,799 --> 00:02:13,843 [SIGHS] Yeah. 23 00:02:13,926 --> 00:02:16,929 It's the most peaceful day of the year! 24 00:02:17,013 --> 00:02:18,890 [DISTANT YIPPING] 25 00:02:18,973 --> 00:02:20,850 [HYENAS LAUGHING] 26 00:02:20,933 --> 00:02:22,310 I spoke too soon. 27 00:02:29,901 --> 00:02:32,445 Yep. It's Janja and his hyenas. 28 00:02:32,528 --> 00:02:35,281 They're chasing a little jackal pup through the Outlands. 29 00:02:35,364 --> 00:02:37,283 [SIGHS] The Outlands. 30 00:02:37,366 --> 00:02:41,204 I wish the Lion Guard defended the Circle of Life out there, too. 31 00:02:41,287 --> 00:02:42,538 But we don't. 32 00:02:42,622 --> 00:02:46,709 Kion, today is Kupatana. And not just here in the Pride Lands. 33 00:02:46,793 --> 00:02:51,089 The spirit of Kupatana extends to all the animals in the Circle of Life. 34 00:02:51,631 --> 00:02:53,299 Even those in the Outlands. 35 00:02:53,383 --> 00:02:55,593 Of course. You're right, Dad! 36 00:02:55,676 --> 00:02:59,305 Lion Guard, let's go! We're gonna save that pup! 37 00:02:59,389 --> 00:03:00,765 You got it, Kion! 38 00:03:00,848 --> 00:03:02,517 [SPEAKS IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE] 39 00:03:02,600 --> 00:03:06,854 -Until the Pride Land's end... -ALL: Lion Guard defend! 40 00:03:06,938 --> 00:03:08,564 [JACKAL PUP PANTING] 41 00:03:08,648 --> 00:03:10,942 JANJA: There he goes! Come on, fellas! 42 00:03:11,025 --> 00:03:13,361 [LAUGHING] 43 00:03:13,444 --> 00:03:14,695 [PANTING] 44 00:03:15,863 --> 00:03:18,574 -JANJA: Uh-oh! -ALL: Whoa! 45 00:03:18,658 --> 00:03:19,742 [THUDS] 46 00:03:19,826 --> 00:03:21,285 [PANTING] 47 00:03:21,369 --> 00:03:23,329 [ALL WHIMPERING] 48 00:03:23,413 --> 00:03:24,455 [SNARLS] 49 00:03:24,539 --> 00:03:28,334 -Hmm? -Oh, you jackals are so annoying! 50 00:03:28,418 --> 00:03:30,712 We just chased you out of our den yesterday. 51 00:03:30,795 --> 00:03:32,213 And now you're back? 52 00:03:32,296 --> 00:03:34,966 Guess I need to make an example of you! 53 00:03:35,591 --> 00:03:36,759 [WHINES] 54 00:03:36,843 --> 00:03:38,177 -[SNARLS] -[WHIMPERS] 55 00:03:38,261 --> 00:03:40,888 -Not today, Janja! -[BOTH GRUNTING] 56 00:03:40,972 --> 00:03:44,225 -[SNARLS] -Hey! Hey! Easy on the fur! 57 00:03:44,308 --> 00:03:47,270 -[SNARLS] -What are you doing in the Outlands? 58 00:03:47,353 --> 00:03:49,522 Making sure you let that pup go! 59 00:03:49,605 --> 00:03:52,400 Yeah! Don't you know today's Kupatana? 60 00:03:52,483 --> 00:03:57,196 Ku...Kupatana? [LAUGHS] 61 00:03:57,280 --> 00:04:01,868 Okay, Kion. You want the jackal? He's all yours. 62 00:04:02,326 --> 00:04:04,662 Uh, okay. 63 00:04:04,746 --> 00:04:09,500 Come on, fellas. The Lion Guard's doing us a favor today! 64 00:04:09,584 --> 00:04:11,377 [LAUGHS] 65 00:04:11,461 --> 00:04:13,796 Merry Kupatana! 66 00:04:13,880 --> 00:04:16,340 [ALL LAUGHING] 67 00:04:16,924 --> 00:04:19,010 That was different. 68 00:04:19,093 --> 00:04:22,180 Yeah. You think Janja celebrates Kupatana, too? 69 00:04:22,263 --> 00:04:23,931 I seriously doubt it. 70 00:04:24,015 --> 00:04:25,725 Thanks, you guys! You were awesome! 71 00:04:25,808 --> 00:04:28,853 You were like, "Let the jackal go!" And they did! 72 00:04:28,936 --> 00:04:30,688 Yeah. But why? 73 00:04:30,772 --> 00:04:34,233 Well, I'm glad we could help. Um... 74 00:04:34,317 --> 00:04:38,029 I'm Dogo. And you guys must be the Lion Guard! You are the coolest! 75 00:04:38,112 --> 00:04:40,448 You just looked at the hyenas and they ran away! 76 00:04:40,531 --> 00:04:43,117 Yeah. We have that effect on no-goods. 77 00:04:43,201 --> 00:04:45,078 You're safe now, Dogo. 78 00:04:45,161 --> 00:04:48,289 But I'd stay away from Janja's territory if I were you. 79 00:04:48,372 --> 00:04:50,291 Are you guys going back to the Pride Lands? 80 00:04:50,374 --> 00:04:51,667 I know I'd be safe there! 81 00:04:51,751 --> 00:04:53,753 Don't you need to get back to your family, Dogo? 82 00:04:53,836 --> 00:04:55,630 [SIGHS] I'm all by myself. 83 00:04:56,297 --> 00:04:58,841 But I know there are lots of friendly animals in the Pride Lands! 84 00:04:58,925 --> 00:05:00,510 Can I please come with you? 85 00:05:01,803 --> 00:05:02,929 BUNGA & BESHTE: Aww... 86 00:05:03,012 --> 00:05:06,682 Well, it is Kupatana. 87 00:05:08,393 --> 00:05:10,269 Okay, Dogo. You can come. 88 00:05:10,353 --> 00:05:14,107 [YIPPING EXCITEDLY] 89 00:05:14,190 --> 00:05:16,442 [GASPS] That's the signal! He did it! 90 00:05:16,526 --> 00:05:18,861 [LAUGHS] 91 00:05:18,945 --> 00:05:21,656 The plan worked! The Lion Guard rescued Dogo. 92 00:05:21,739 --> 00:05:23,491 Just like I knew they would. 93 00:05:23,574 --> 00:05:26,619 We're getting into the Pride Lands just in time for Kupatana! 94 00:05:26,702 --> 00:05:27,745 [SNORING] 95 00:05:27,829 --> 00:05:29,288 Goigoi! Wake up! 96 00:05:29,372 --> 00:05:34,127 -[GASPING] Aw, I was sleeping! -You're always sleeping. 97 00:05:34,210 --> 00:05:38,589 Listen! Dogo convinced the Lion Guard to invite him into the Pride Lands. 98 00:05:38,673 --> 00:05:42,677 -And when you invite one jackal... -You invite us all! 99 00:05:42,760 --> 00:05:44,762 I'll go round up the boys. 100 00:05:44,846 --> 00:05:50,059 All those animals coming together in peace for Kupatana. 101 00:05:50,143 --> 00:05:53,062 [LAUGHS] They'll never know what hit them! 102 00:05:53,855 --> 00:05:55,732 You sure about this, Kion? 103 00:05:55,815 --> 00:05:59,068 It seemed like Janja couldn't wait to get rid of this jackal! 104 00:05:59,152 --> 00:06:00,611 It does seem odd. 105 00:06:00,695 --> 00:06:04,031 Well, I think we should at least give Dogo a chance. 106 00:06:04,115 --> 00:06:07,452 You picked a great day to get chased by hyenas, Dogo! 107 00:06:07,535 --> 00:06:09,120 -I did? -Oh, yeah. 108 00:06:09,203 --> 00:06:13,249 Tonight, all of these baobab trees will bloom for the very first time. 109 00:06:13,332 --> 00:06:17,378 And all the animals in the Pride Lands come here to watch! 110 00:06:17,462 --> 00:06:19,922 It's what we call "Kupatana." 111 00:06:20,006 --> 00:06:22,592 I've heard about Kupatana. But I've never seen it! 112 00:06:22,675 --> 00:06:25,136 I can't wait! [YIPPING] 113 00:06:25,219 --> 00:06:29,682 Whoa, you can't invite him to Kupatana. He's an Outlander. 114 00:06:29,766 --> 00:06:33,311 Outlanders never come to Kupatana. Right, Kion? 115 00:06:33,394 --> 00:06:38,566 Well, we've never had a guest from the Outlands on Kupatana before. 116 00:06:38,649 --> 00:06:42,528 -[WHINES] -But Dogo's just one little jackal. 117 00:06:42,612 --> 00:06:46,115 It might be good for him to learn about Kupatana. Come on. 118 00:06:46,199 --> 00:06:48,367 -[SPEAKS IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE] -All right! 119 00:06:48,451 --> 00:06:52,163 [YIPPING] 120 00:06:53,623 --> 00:06:55,625 [BOTH LAUGHING] 121 00:06:57,460 --> 00:07:01,547 Here you go, Dogo. You can make yourself at home on this hillside. 122 00:07:01,631 --> 00:07:03,883 Yeah! It's the perfect spot! 123 00:07:03,966 --> 00:07:06,219 Just a short trot to the watering hole. 124 00:07:06,302 --> 00:07:08,388 And look at the view! 125 00:07:08,471 --> 00:07:09,806 [BIRDS SQUAWKING] 126 00:07:10,223 --> 00:07:13,267 Okay. Well, thanks. 127 00:07:13,351 --> 00:07:15,561 Welcome to the Pride Lands, Dogo. 128 00:07:15,645 --> 00:07:19,816 Now, let's split up so we can finish our patrol in time for Kupatana. 129 00:07:19,899 --> 00:07:22,443 Bunga, Beshte, head to the watering hole. 130 00:07:22,527 --> 00:07:24,028 Sounds good. 131 00:07:24,112 --> 00:07:27,865 Ono, Fuli, you're with me. We'll meet up back at the lair. 132 00:07:34,038 --> 00:07:36,499 -[SIGHS] -REIREI: Hello, son. 133 00:07:38,251 --> 00:07:41,754 -Mom, Mom! You heard my signal. -That's right. 134 00:07:41,838 --> 00:07:44,632 And here we all are! In the Pride Lands! 135 00:07:44,716 --> 00:07:47,844 Yep. This place sure beats the Outlands. 136 00:07:47,927 --> 00:07:49,846 [CHUCKLES, THEN SLURPS] 137 00:07:50,346 --> 00:07:52,932 I really fooled the Lion Guard, didn't I? 138 00:07:53,015 --> 00:07:55,393 Sure did, Dogo. Great job. 139 00:07:55,476 --> 00:07:57,437 But why are you sitting out here? 140 00:07:57,520 --> 00:07:59,856 Uh, the Lion Guard said I could stay on this hillside. 141 00:07:59,939 --> 00:08:01,774 [LAUGHS] 142 00:08:01,858 --> 00:08:03,901 Jackals don't sit on hillsides. 143 00:08:03,985 --> 00:08:06,821 They have no idea what us jackals are like, do they? 144 00:08:06,904 --> 00:08:10,241 When's this Kupatana thing start? I'm hungry! 145 00:08:10,324 --> 00:08:11,951 Not for a while, honey. 146 00:08:12,034 --> 00:08:15,079 In the meantime, let's make ourselves at home. 147 00:08:15,163 --> 00:08:16,497 Jackal style! 148 00:08:16,581 --> 00:08:17,957 [TRUMPETING] 149 00:08:18,040 --> 00:08:22,712 -Hey, Ma Tembo! Happy Kupatana! -Happy Kupatana, Beshte! 150 00:08:22,795 --> 00:08:24,839 Happy Kupatana, Mbuni! 151 00:08:24,922 --> 00:08:26,591 See you at the celebration tonight? 152 00:08:26,674 --> 00:08:29,010 Yep. Can't wait! 153 00:08:29,594 --> 00:08:32,305 Heya, Dogo. Dogo? 154 00:08:32,388 --> 00:08:34,474 -[SNORING] -BUNGA: He's so cute! 155 00:08:34,557 --> 00:08:37,852 I know. But this is Muhanga the aardvark's den. 156 00:08:38,311 --> 00:08:39,854 He can't stay here. 157 00:08:39,937 --> 00:08:41,564 -Dogo? -[YIPS] 158 00:08:41,647 --> 00:08:44,025 You got your own spot on the hill, remember? 159 00:08:44,108 --> 00:08:46,235 Oh, right. Okay. 160 00:08:47,779 --> 00:08:51,574 Poor little fella. Must have gone for a walk and gotten lost. 161 00:08:51,657 --> 00:08:53,034 Yeah. Whoa! 162 00:08:53,117 --> 00:08:55,369 [SNORING] 163 00:08:55,453 --> 00:08:56,913 But I thought he-- 164 00:08:56,996 --> 00:08:58,915 -Dogo. -[YIPS] 165 00:08:58,998 --> 00:09:00,541 Go back to your hill. 166 00:09:00,625 --> 00:09:02,502 This den belongs to someone else, too. 167 00:09:05,213 --> 00:09:06,422 [IN SING-SONG] Weird. 168 00:09:07,715 --> 00:09:12,011 -[BOTH SCREAM] -Dogo! These are aardvarks' dens! 169 00:09:12,095 --> 00:09:13,596 You can't stay here! 170 00:09:13,679 --> 00:09:14,931 [YIPPING] 171 00:09:16,057 --> 00:09:19,435 -Uh, Bunga? -Uh-huh. 172 00:09:19,519 --> 00:09:21,604 Hey! What's going on here? 173 00:09:21,687 --> 00:09:24,399 What are jackals doing in our den? 174 00:09:24,482 --> 00:09:27,068 Easy, everybody. Easy! 175 00:09:27,151 --> 00:09:29,195 -We'll take care of this. -Yeah! 176 00:09:30,279 --> 00:09:34,200 -How? -Uh, only one thing to do. 177 00:09:34,784 --> 00:09:36,452 BOTH: Kion! 178 00:09:37,203 --> 00:09:39,414 [GASPS] That was Bunga and Beshte! 179 00:09:39,497 --> 00:09:41,165 Ono! What do you see? 180 00:09:43,126 --> 00:09:44,419 [SPEAKS IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE] 181 00:09:44,502 --> 00:09:47,797 Kion, I think you need to see this for yourself. 182 00:09:48,548 --> 00:09:51,551 Oh, okay, Ono. Lead the way! 183 00:09:55,012 --> 00:09:58,182 -What were you doing in there? -Did you eat all my ants? 184 00:09:58,266 --> 00:10:01,269 Easy there! I'm sure they didn't mean any harm. 185 00:10:02,770 --> 00:10:04,063 [SPEAKS IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE] 186 00:10:04,147 --> 00:10:06,524 FULI: That's a lot of jackals! 187 00:10:09,110 --> 00:10:10,403 Where's Dogo? 188 00:10:10,486 --> 00:10:12,947 -You looking for my boy? -Who are you? 189 00:10:13,030 --> 00:10:17,201 Didn't mean to startle you. I'm Reirei, Dogo's mom. And this... 190 00:10:19,036 --> 00:10:20,621 Goigoi, get out here! 191 00:10:21,372 --> 00:10:23,750 ...is Goigoi, Dogo's dad. 192 00:10:23,833 --> 00:10:27,045 -Hey! That's our den! -And our fruit! 193 00:10:27,128 --> 00:10:29,130 It's such a lovely den. 194 00:10:29,213 --> 00:10:32,300 [SLURPS] And the fruit's delicious! 195 00:10:32,383 --> 00:10:33,885 We didn't say you could eat it! 196 00:10:33,968 --> 00:10:37,847 You took our stuff without asking! You're thieves! 197 00:10:37,930 --> 00:10:40,767 [CHUCKLING] Thieves? Us? Never! 198 00:10:40,850 --> 00:10:44,395 Enough! Which one of you is Dogo? 199 00:10:44,854 --> 00:10:46,022 I'm right here, Kion. 200 00:10:46,105 --> 00:10:49,942 Dogo, I thought you said you didn't have any family. 201 00:10:50,026 --> 00:10:52,904 Uh, no. I said I was all by myself. 202 00:10:52,987 --> 00:10:56,199 Which he was, at the time. 203 00:10:56,282 --> 00:10:59,077 My son always tells the truth. 204 00:10:59,786 --> 00:11:03,039 But when he went into the Pride Lands, we had to follow him. 205 00:11:03,122 --> 00:11:06,209 You can't expect a little pup to live in a strange place 206 00:11:06,292 --> 00:11:09,045 without his mom and dad. Right, Goigoi? 207 00:11:09,128 --> 00:11:11,714 [SNORING] 208 00:11:11,798 --> 00:11:13,758 [GASPS AND COUGHS] 209 00:11:13,841 --> 00:11:15,593 [STUTTERING] Whatever you say, dear. 210 00:11:15,676 --> 00:11:19,055 And we couldn't leave our other kids alone in the Outlands. 211 00:11:19,138 --> 00:11:21,057 What kind of parents would do that? 212 00:11:21,140 --> 00:11:24,769 -[ALL WHINING] -Okay, yeah. I can see that. 213 00:11:24,852 --> 00:11:26,396 -But-- -DISTANT VOICE: Ah! Help! 214 00:11:33,111 --> 00:11:36,697 Kion! Mbeya the rhino, he's trapped in a mud pit. 215 00:11:36,781 --> 00:11:38,491 All the way over at Lake Matope. 216 00:11:38,574 --> 00:11:40,118 We'll need to get moving. 217 00:11:40,201 --> 00:11:41,452 Okay, Reirei. 218 00:11:41,536 --> 00:11:45,123 You and your family have to stay away from the aardvarks' dens. 219 00:11:45,206 --> 00:11:48,501 -And food. Got it? -Oh, yes. 220 00:11:48,584 --> 00:11:51,629 And I'm so sorry for any misunderstanding. 221 00:11:53,464 --> 00:11:55,299 Lion Guard, follow me! 222 00:11:57,176 --> 00:12:00,638 Come on, kids! Let's leave these nice aardvarks to their business. 223 00:12:00,722 --> 00:12:02,682 We'll find someplace else to go. 224 00:12:02,765 --> 00:12:04,225 Yeah, you do that. 225 00:12:05,643 --> 00:12:07,353 You were right, Reirei. 226 00:12:07,437 --> 00:12:10,606 The Pride Lands is filled with great things to take. 227 00:12:10,690 --> 00:12:14,026 Just wait for that big old Kupatana celebration. 228 00:12:14,110 --> 00:12:17,655 All the Pride Lands' animals in one place! 229 00:12:17,739 --> 00:12:19,407 [HUMS WITH PLEASURE] 230 00:12:19,490 --> 00:12:23,661 Now, let's help ourselves to more of the Pride Landers' generosity. 231 00:12:23,745 --> 00:12:27,165 But, Mom, won't Kion and the Lion Guard get mad and kick us out? 232 00:12:27,248 --> 00:12:29,709 Dogo, Dogo, Dogo. 233 00:12:29,792 --> 00:12:32,503 Today is the one day these silly Pride Landers 234 00:12:32,587 --> 00:12:34,172 will let us get away with anything. 235 00:12:34,255 --> 00:12:35,423 Right, Goigoi? 236 00:12:35,506 --> 00:12:39,302 Yup! Because it's Kupatana. 237 00:12:39,385 --> 00:12:40,762 [LAUGHING] 238 00:12:40,845 --> 00:12:43,222 We can do whatever we want. 239 00:12:43,306 --> 00:12:46,225 As long as we do it jackal style! 240 00:12:50,354 --> 00:12:52,440 ♪ Our kind is born a bit smarter 241 00:12:52,523 --> 00:12:54,984 Than other creatures you might know 242 00:12:55,068 --> 00:12:57,028 And though we seem quite pleasant 243 00:12:57,111 --> 00:12:59,363 [SNORING] Our niceness is just a show 244 00:12:59,447 --> 00:13:03,034 We've learned how to beat the system Everyone else does our work for us 245 00:13:03,576 --> 00:13:05,536 But before we can take advantage 246 00:13:05,620 --> 00:13:09,082 First we have to win their trust 247 00:13:09,165 --> 00:13:10,458 So listen up 248 00:13:10,541 --> 00:13:12,835 Pretend to be sweet 249 00:13:12,919 --> 00:13:14,128 Speak with a smile 250 00:13:15,213 --> 00:13:19,217 Then you can take things jackal style 251 00:13:19,300 --> 00:13:21,427 [SQUEALS AND GROWLS] Even if you're mad 252 00:13:21,511 --> 00:13:23,513 Play it cool for a while 253 00:13:23,596 --> 00:13:28,059 That's how you fool them jackal style 254 00:13:29,727 --> 00:13:30,770 [GROWLS] 255 00:13:32,021 --> 00:13:34,148 Don't gather food or build a home 256 00:13:34,232 --> 00:13:36,692 There's plenty here for us to take 257 00:13:36,776 --> 00:13:38,611 Working hard might be good for others 258 00:13:38,694 --> 00:13:41,948 But we get by just being fake 259 00:13:42,031 --> 00:13:43,157 By being fake 260 00:13:43,241 --> 00:13:45,576 ♪ Pretend to be sweet ♪ ♪Pretend to be sweet ♪ 261 00:13:45,660 --> 00:13:47,912 ♪ Speak with a smile ♪ ♪ Speak with a smile ♪ 262 00:13:47,995 --> 00:13:51,833 Then you can take things jackal style 263 00:13:51,916 --> 00:13:54,293 ♪ Even if you're mad ♪ ♪ Even if you're mad ♪ 264 00:13:54,377 --> 00:13:56,629 ♪ Play it cool for a while ♪ ♪ Play it cool for a while ♪ 265 00:13:56,713 --> 00:14:00,967 That's how you fool them jackal style 266 00:14:02,218 --> 00:14:03,761 Jackal style 267 00:14:05,513 --> 00:14:09,225 And just wait for Kupatana 268 00:14:09,308 --> 00:14:12,353 All these animals gathered in peace 269 00:14:13,396 --> 00:14:16,482 We'll stroll in and eat at our pleasure 270 00:14:17,775 --> 00:14:20,236 It's gonna be one amazing feast 271 00:14:20,319 --> 00:14:23,865 ALL: It's gonna be one amazing feast 272 00:14:23,948 --> 00:14:26,075 ♪ Pretend to be sweet ♪ ♪ Pretend to be sweet ♪ 273 00:14:26,159 --> 00:14:28,327 ♪ Speak with a smile ♪ ♪ Speak with a smile ♪ 274 00:14:28,411 --> 00:14:32,498 Then you can take things jackal style 275 00:14:32,582 --> 00:14:34,959 ♪ Even if you're mad ♪ ♪ Even if you're mad ♪ 276 00:14:35,043 --> 00:14:36,919 ♪ Play it cool for a while ♪ ♪Play it cool for a while ♪ 277 00:14:37,003 --> 00:14:41,716 That's how you fool them 278 00:14:41,799 --> 00:14:45,720 That's how you fool them 279 00:14:45,803 --> 00:14:50,183 Jackal style Jackal style 280 00:14:50,266 --> 00:14:54,270 That's how you fool them Jackal style ♪ 281 00:14:54,353 --> 00:14:55,897 -[ALL GROAN] -Oh, dear. 282 00:14:55,980 --> 00:14:57,940 Has there been another misunderstanding? 283 00:14:59,025 --> 00:15:02,528 Whew. Thank you so much. 284 00:15:02,612 --> 00:15:05,990 -Hakuna Matata, Mbeya. -Happens to all of us sometimes. 285 00:15:06,074 --> 00:15:08,409 [WHIMPERING] 286 00:15:08,493 --> 00:15:12,538 Maybe next time you could get stuck in mud that isn't so sticky. 287 00:15:12,622 --> 00:15:16,292 It's okay. We've still got time to hit the watering hole 288 00:15:16,375 --> 00:15:18,419 and get cleaned up before the celebration. 289 00:15:18,503 --> 00:15:19,837 [ANIMALS CALLING OUT] 290 00:15:19,921 --> 00:15:21,339 Or maybe not. 291 00:15:24,634 --> 00:15:27,303 Nothing to see here. Move along. 292 00:15:27,804 --> 00:15:28,930 I'm sorry, Kion. 293 00:15:29,013 --> 00:15:31,182 I just don't understand why everyone's so upset. 294 00:15:31,265 --> 00:15:34,310 Yeah. We didn't take anything from the aardvarks. 295 00:15:34,394 --> 00:15:36,771 What about all these other animals? 296 00:15:36,854 --> 00:15:39,023 Oh, them? Well... 297 00:15:39,107 --> 00:15:42,985 -It was just a misunderstanding. -FULI: A misunderstanding? 298 00:15:43,069 --> 00:15:44,946 Is that what they call stealing food 299 00:15:45,029 --> 00:15:48,032 and invading other animals' homes in the Outlands? 300 00:15:48,116 --> 00:15:51,536 Well, yes, it is. Things are so different out there. 301 00:15:51,619 --> 00:15:55,206 How could we possibly know what's acceptable in the Pride Lands? 302 00:15:55,289 --> 00:15:56,457 Give me a break. 303 00:15:56,541 --> 00:16:00,211 Kion, you don't know how hard it is to start over in a strange place. 304 00:16:00,294 --> 00:16:02,130 We just don't know how to fit in. 305 00:16:02,213 --> 00:16:05,633 We do so want to be accepted as part of your community. 306 00:16:05,717 --> 00:16:09,137 Don't you Pride Landers have a word for that? 307 00:16:09,220 --> 00:16:11,764 We do. It's Kupatana. 308 00:16:11,848 --> 00:16:15,768 We're actually gathering in Mizimu Grove tonight to celebrate Kupatana. 309 00:16:15,852 --> 00:16:20,022 Kupatana. Ku-pa-tana. 310 00:16:20,106 --> 00:16:22,608 [INHALES] It sounds lovely. 311 00:16:22,692 --> 00:16:27,739 Do you think we jackals can be a part of your Kupatana? 312 00:16:29,157 --> 00:16:34,245 Maybe, but only if you can treat everyone in the Pride Lands with respect. 313 00:16:34,328 --> 00:16:36,956 -Can you and your family do that? -Oh, yes. 314 00:16:37,039 --> 00:16:39,208 -[SNORING] -I think we understand now. 315 00:16:39,292 --> 00:16:42,253 Right, Goigoi? Goigoi! 316 00:16:43,713 --> 00:16:45,840 [SNORES, THEN STAMMERS] Yeah, yeah, yeah. Huh? 317 00:16:45,923 --> 00:16:48,384 Uh, yeah, whatever you say, dear. 318 00:16:48,801 --> 00:16:50,845 Okay. Now we should go. 319 00:16:50,928 --> 00:16:53,639 We need to clean up for the Kupatana celebration. 320 00:16:53,723 --> 00:16:55,349 But I hope we'll see you there. 321 00:16:57,518 --> 00:17:00,063 Oh, they'll see us there, all right. 322 00:17:00,146 --> 00:17:05,693 -Won't they, Goigoi? -Whatever you say, dear. 323 00:17:05,777 --> 00:17:08,905 [SINISTER LAUGHS] 324 00:17:08,988 --> 00:17:12,116 ♪ We gather together great and small 325 00:17:12,200 --> 00:17:15,995 Here we are, Every animal of the Pride Lands 326 00:17:16,079 --> 00:17:19,373 For this day of peace 327 00:17:19,457 --> 00:17:24,754 Kupatana community 328 00:17:24,837 --> 00:17:31,135 [IN UNISON] One day for unity 329 00:17:31,219 --> 00:17:35,306 Gather together in peace 330 00:17:35,390 --> 00:17:40,561 Our Kupatana community ♪ 331 00:17:40,645 --> 00:17:44,273 -[SONG FADES] -Hey. Did Dogo and his family come? 332 00:17:45,817 --> 00:17:49,070 -I don't see them. -FULI: Shh. It's starting. 333 00:17:51,572 --> 00:17:53,658 Thank you all for joining us. 334 00:17:53,741 --> 00:17:58,871 We're here not just to witness the blooming of the baobab flowers, 335 00:17:58,955 --> 00:18:03,584 but to celebrate our community. Our Kupatana. 336 00:18:03,668 --> 00:18:06,754 And to honor all of our roles in the Circle of Life. 337 00:18:06,838 --> 00:18:09,215 [WIND WHOOSHES] 338 00:18:09,298 --> 00:18:10,800 It is time. 339 00:18:10,883 --> 00:18:13,803 [ALL EXCLAIM] 340 00:18:21,102 --> 00:18:22,770 [ALL GASPING] 341 00:18:29,152 --> 00:18:30,445 Wow. 342 00:18:30,528 --> 00:18:32,655 [SNIFFLES] This is so unexpected. 343 00:18:32,739 --> 00:18:34,574 I didn't think I'd be so moved. 344 00:18:34,657 --> 00:18:36,659 What? By a bunch of flowers? 345 00:18:36,743 --> 00:18:39,871 No, by all the options. 346 00:18:40,496 --> 00:18:43,332 REIREI: All these delicious little animals, all in one place. 347 00:18:43,416 --> 00:18:47,211 -How will we ever know where to begin? -I don't know. Let's dig in. 348 00:18:48,421 --> 00:18:51,382 And now, let the Kupatana celebration-- 349 00:18:51,466 --> 00:18:52,884 -Begin? -[SNARLING AND GROWLING] 350 00:18:52,967 --> 00:18:54,510 [ANIMALS CALLING OUT] 351 00:18:54,594 --> 00:18:55,636 Oh, no. 352 00:18:55,720 --> 00:18:57,764 -Dogo. -I knew it. 353 00:18:57,847 --> 00:19:01,059 [ANIMALS CLAMORING] 354 00:19:01,601 --> 00:19:04,604 -What is going on? -It's Reirei and her jackal family! 355 00:19:04,687 --> 00:19:06,105 Jackal family? 356 00:19:06,189 --> 00:19:08,983 Sorry, Dad. This is my fault. 357 00:19:09,067 --> 00:19:10,359 But I know what to do. 358 00:19:10,443 --> 00:19:12,445 Everyone! Don't be afraid! 359 00:19:12,528 --> 00:19:15,656 You can all help the Lion Guard by defending each other! 360 00:19:15,740 --> 00:19:16,824 Kion is right. 361 00:19:16,908 --> 00:19:20,661 If we stand together, no Outlanders can defeat us. 362 00:19:20,745 --> 00:19:22,955 We've got to round up these jackals 363 00:19:23,039 --> 00:19:25,875 and send them back to the Outlands where they belong. 364 00:19:25,958 --> 00:19:27,293 -Ono? -Affirmative. 365 00:19:31,631 --> 00:19:34,842 Fuli! I see Goigoi! Behind the elephants! 366 00:19:35,635 --> 00:19:36,928 [SPEAKS IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE] 367 00:19:37,011 --> 00:19:38,054 [GASPS] 368 00:19:38,137 --> 00:19:40,139 Nowhere to run, Goigoi! 369 00:19:40,223 --> 00:19:42,683 That's what you think. [LAUGHS] 370 00:19:42,767 --> 00:19:44,811 [THUDS, THEN GROANS] 371 00:19:44,894 --> 00:19:47,105 Beshte! Jackal pups near the giraffes! 372 00:19:47,188 --> 00:19:50,066 [BARKING AND SNARLING] 373 00:19:50,608 --> 00:19:52,443 Enough with the nipping. 374 00:19:52,527 --> 00:19:53,694 [WHINING] 375 00:19:55,321 --> 00:19:56,531 [ALL GROWLING ANGRILY] 376 00:19:57,407 --> 00:19:59,575 Come on, where are you, Reirei? 377 00:19:59,659 --> 00:20:00,827 [EXCLAIMS IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE] 378 00:20:00,910 --> 00:20:02,078 [WHINES] 379 00:20:02,161 --> 00:20:04,163 Got you, Dogo. 380 00:20:04,247 --> 00:20:06,582 You know what? I don't think you're cute anymore. 381 00:20:06,666 --> 00:20:09,377 -Now, little one, it'll all be over quick. -[SQUEALING] 382 00:20:09,460 --> 00:20:10,670 [SQUEAKS] 383 00:20:10,753 --> 00:20:12,755 KION: Drop the hyrax. 384 00:20:12,839 --> 00:20:14,257 [GROWLING] 385 00:20:14,340 --> 00:20:17,427 Why, Kion. What's got you so upset? [LAUGHING NERVOUSLY] 386 00:20:17,510 --> 00:20:19,470 You lied to me, Reirei. 387 00:20:19,554 --> 00:20:24,100 Oh, no. Did we make another mistake? These Pride Land rules-- 388 00:20:24,183 --> 00:20:27,353 Save it. You're going back to the Outlands. 389 00:20:27,437 --> 00:20:29,814 -All of you. -Just one more chance. 390 00:20:29,897 --> 00:20:31,774 -That's all we... -SIMBA: You heard my son. 391 00:20:32,775 --> 00:20:35,403 Leave. Now. 392 00:20:35,486 --> 00:20:40,533 Oh, Simba. I think there's been a misunderstanding. 393 00:20:40,616 --> 00:20:41,909 [ROARING] 394 00:20:41,993 --> 00:20:44,162 You know what they say, there's no place like home! 395 00:20:44,245 --> 00:20:46,497 -Let's go, kids! -Whatever you say, dear! 396 00:20:46,581 --> 00:20:48,958 [JACKALS YELPING] 397 00:20:49,041 --> 00:20:51,335 -Kion? -I'm sorry, Dad. 398 00:20:51,419 --> 00:20:52,962 Don't forget, Kion. 399 00:20:53,046 --> 00:20:56,382 I encouraged you to save that jackal pup this morning. 400 00:20:56,466 --> 00:21:00,344 Yeah, but you didn't tell me to invite him into the Pride Lands. 401 00:21:00,428 --> 00:21:01,929 You made a mistake, Kion. 402 00:21:02,013 --> 00:21:04,599 But you made it in the spirit of Kupatana. 403 00:21:05,141 --> 00:21:07,143 You gave strangers a chance to fit in. 404 00:21:07,226 --> 00:21:09,979 And tonight we saw Kupatana in action. 405 00:21:10,063 --> 00:21:13,775 All the animals of the Pride Lands standing together as one. 406 00:21:13,858 --> 00:21:15,276 Thanks, Dad. 407 00:21:15,359 --> 00:21:17,945 [SIGHS] I guess this year's celebration's over. 408 00:21:18,029 --> 00:21:19,113 BUNGA: You kidding? 409 00:21:19,197 --> 00:21:22,533 Usually we just get to look at these things. 410 00:21:22,617 --> 00:21:24,911 [MUNCHING] 411 00:21:24,994 --> 00:21:28,039 Mmm. This is the best Kupatana ever. 412 00:21:28,122 --> 00:21:29,999 [CONTINUES MUNCHING] 413 00:21:30,083 --> 00:21:32,335 Mmm. [CHUCKLING] 414 00:21:32,418 --> 00:21:34,462 Have to admit, Bunga's right. 415 00:21:34,545 --> 00:21:37,006 These baobab blossoms are delicious. 416 00:21:37,840 --> 00:21:40,927 [ALL MUNCHING AND EXCLAIMING] 417 00:21:42,303 --> 00:21:46,391 You see, Kion? Everything has its place. 418 00:21:46,474 --> 00:21:49,894 Yeah. It's the Circle of Life. 419 00:21:49,977 --> 00:21:53,022 -Happy Kupatana, Dad. -Happy Kupatana, Kion. 420 00:21:53,106 --> 00:21:59,612 ♪ Our Kupatana community ♪ 421 00:22:01,322 --> 00:22:03,658 [CHORUS VOCALIZING] 422 00:22:26,681 --> 00:22:28,266 ♪ Look out Here comes the Lion Guard ♪