1 00:00:00,293 --> 00:00:02,295 [THEME MUSIC PLAYING] 2 00:00:54,305 --> 00:00:57,517 [ROARS] 3 00:00:58,309 --> 00:00:59,936 NARRATOR: The Lion Guard. 4 00:01:00,603 --> 00:01:02,772 KION: The Search for Utamu. 5 00:01:13,866 --> 00:01:17,120 Everyone, everyone! I found the buffalo herd. 6 00:01:17,203 --> 00:01:18,579 They're all safe and sound. 7 00:01:18,663 --> 00:01:20,790 Heh, yep. There they are. 8 00:01:21,624 --> 00:01:22,625 Good work, Ono. 9 00:01:22,708 --> 00:01:25,378 Hmm. Why do you suppose they wandered so far 10 00:01:25,461 --> 00:01:26,921 from their regular grazing ground? 11 00:01:27,004 --> 00:01:30,466 Who cares? We found them, they're fine, let's go. 12 00:01:30,550 --> 00:01:33,886 Wait, I'm not so sure they are fine. Look where they're grazing. 13 00:01:37,140 --> 00:01:38,266 Hapana! 14 00:01:38,349 --> 00:01:39,934 They're right on top of a geyser! 15 00:01:40,017 --> 00:01:41,436 -A what? -A geyser. 16 00:01:41,519 --> 00:01:44,188 Really hot water shooting up from a hole in the ground. 17 00:01:44,272 --> 00:01:46,649 Are you sure you're not making that up? 18 00:01:46,733 --> 00:01:48,401 [LOUD RUMBLING] 19 00:01:48,484 --> 00:01:51,446 Whoa, Big B, you got to eat something. 20 00:01:51,529 --> 00:01:54,615 That stomach of yours is rumbling like crazy! 21 00:01:54,699 --> 00:01:57,285 I don't think that's my stomach. 22 00:01:57,368 --> 00:01:58,828 [RUMBLING CONTINUES] 23 00:01:58,911 --> 00:02:01,164 It's the geyser! It's about to blow! 24 00:02:01,247 --> 00:02:03,040 We've got to warn the buffalo! 25 00:02:03,124 --> 00:02:04,792 Until the Pride Lands' end... 26 00:02:04,876 --> 00:02:07,003 Lion Guard defend! 27 00:02:07,086 --> 00:02:08,921 [MOOING] 28 00:02:09,005 --> 00:02:10,173 [GURGLING] 29 00:02:15,011 --> 00:02:16,179 Whoa! 30 00:02:16,262 --> 00:02:19,140 [ALL MOOING] 31 00:02:19,223 --> 00:02:20,850 Hevi kabisa! The herd! 32 00:02:20,933 --> 00:02:23,186 [ALL MOOING] 33 00:02:23,269 --> 00:02:24,437 We've got to stop them 34 00:02:24,520 --> 00:02:26,564 before they trample everything in their path! 35 00:02:26,647 --> 00:02:27,690 Leave this to me! 36 00:02:27,774 --> 00:02:28,900 Huwezi! 37 00:02:28,983 --> 00:02:30,902 She can't do it alone. Come on. 38 00:02:33,446 --> 00:02:35,323 FULI: Slow it down, buffalo! 39 00:02:35,948 --> 00:02:37,617 That's the way! 40 00:02:39,619 --> 00:02:42,163 Nice and easy. 41 00:02:44,874 --> 00:02:46,834 BESHTE: Would you look at that. 42 00:02:46,918 --> 00:02:49,128 Wow! Maybe she can do it alone! 43 00:02:49,212 --> 00:02:52,423 -[BUFFALO GRUNTING] -[FULI PANTING] 44 00:02:52,507 --> 00:02:53,966 Poa, Fuli! 45 00:02:54,050 --> 00:02:56,552 -That was un-Bunga-lievable! -Thanks. 46 00:02:56,636 --> 00:02:58,179 You should have seen it from up there! 47 00:02:58,262 --> 00:03:01,682 Great work, Fuli. Now why don't you take a break? 48 00:03:01,766 --> 00:03:03,351 GALAGOS: Help! Help! 49 00:03:03,434 --> 00:03:04,936 And the break's over. 50 00:03:05,019 --> 00:03:07,647 [SIGHS] It's gonna be one of those days. 51 00:03:07,730 --> 00:03:09,107 Ono, take a look. 52 00:03:09,190 --> 00:03:10,191 Affirmative! 53 00:03:10,900 --> 00:03:12,944 GALAGOS: Help! 54 00:03:14,028 --> 00:03:15,029 ONO: Hapana! 55 00:03:15,113 --> 00:03:16,364 Ono, what do you got? 56 00:03:16,447 --> 00:03:17,573 ONO: Three galagos! 57 00:03:17,657 --> 00:03:20,576 About to fall from a tree in Ndefu Grove! 58 00:03:20,660 --> 00:03:23,079 -We'd better get moving. -I got this! 59 00:03:23,746 --> 00:03:26,082 GALAGOS: Help! Help! 60 00:03:26,165 --> 00:03:28,000 Don't let go! Don't let go! 61 00:03:28,543 --> 00:03:31,504 I can't hold on. I can't hold on! 62 00:03:32,296 --> 00:03:33,715 [SCREAMS] 63 00:03:34,424 --> 00:03:35,717 Hang on! 64 00:03:35,800 --> 00:03:37,593 [GALAGOS SCREAMING] 65 00:03:37,677 --> 00:03:39,470 -[GALAGOS GRUNTING] -Got you! 66 00:03:41,055 --> 00:03:42,557 [GALAGOS CHEERING] 67 00:03:42,640 --> 00:03:43,891 [GROANS] 68 00:03:43,975 --> 00:03:46,769 Poa, Fuli! Nice save! 69 00:03:46,853 --> 00:03:48,688 Good thing you didn't need any backup. 70 00:03:48,771 --> 00:03:50,148 You left us in the dust. 71 00:03:50,231 --> 00:03:52,817 Yeah, I knew I could handle this one by myself. 72 00:03:52,900 --> 00:03:57,196 But, I could use some help getting these things off me. 73 00:03:57,280 --> 00:03:59,240 All right, Gally-ally-goes. 74 00:03:59,323 --> 00:04:00,616 Off of the kitty! 75 00:04:00,700 --> 00:04:03,828 [WATER SPLASHING] 76 00:04:03,911 --> 00:04:05,079 [FULI GROANS] 77 00:04:05,163 --> 00:04:08,875 I still feel those teeny little hands grabbing my fur. 78 00:04:08,958 --> 00:04:10,668 You sure you got them all? 79 00:04:11,586 --> 00:04:12,920 Yeah, you're good. 80 00:04:13,004 --> 00:04:14,797 [GASPS] Zuka zama! 81 00:04:14,881 --> 00:04:18,134 Look it! The water has reached the trees at Mapema Rock! 82 00:04:18,217 --> 00:04:20,762 Poa! You're right, Bunga! 83 00:04:20,845 --> 00:04:23,765 That means...uh...what does that mean? 84 00:04:23,848 --> 00:04:26,434 It means it's the peak of the rainy season! 85 00:04:26,517 --> 00:04:28,686 It's time for utamu! 86 00:04:28,770 --> 00:04:31,105 -I've got to go get some! -Bunga, wait! 87 00:04:31,189 --> 00:04:33,191 Where are you going? 88 00:04:33,274 --> 00:04:35,610 I just told you. I'm getting utamu! 89 00:04:35,693 --> 00:04:39,363 They're the rarest, most delicious grubs in the Pride Lands! 90 00:04:39,447 --> 00:04:42,700 But, they only come out one day at the peak of the rainy season! 91 00:04:42,784 --> 00:04:45,369 So you got to find them fast! That's why-- 92 00:04:45,453 --> 00:04:47,038 [SERVAL HOWLING] 93 00:04:47,121 --> 00:04:48,623 What is up today? 94 00:04:48,706 --> 00:04:50,917 Sounds like somebody else is in trouble. 95 00:04:52,794 --> 00:04:53,920 ONO: It's a serval! 96 00:04:54,003 --> 00:04:56,714 Looks like he tried to jump across Big Ravine! 97 00:04:56,798 --> 00:04:59,425 He's hanging on to the edge, but he won't last long! 98 00:04:59,509 --> 00:05:02,136 Thanks, Ono! Lion Guard... 99 00:05:02,804 --> 00:05:04,055 Fuli? 100 00:05:06,057 --> 00:05:08,601 [PANTING] 101 00:05:08,684 --> 00:05:09,685 [HOWLING] 102 00:05:09,769 --> 00:05:11,020 Hang on! 103 00:05:15,441 --> 00:05:16,526 [GRUNTS] 104 00:05:19,529 --> 00:05:20,988 [WHIMPERING] 105 00:05:21,781 --> 00:05:23,866 Don't panic. I've got you. 106 00:05:24,534 --> 00:05:25,993 I hope. [GRUNTS] 107 00:05:29,122 --> 00:05:31,040 Hey, calm down! 108 00:05:31,124 --> 00:05:33,418 I'm sorry! I'm...I'm scared! 109 00:05:33,501 --> 00:05:35,962 Yeah, well, I can't help you get up the cliff 110 00:05:36,045 --> 00:05:37,547 if you kick me off it! 111 00:05:37,630 --> 00:05:38,715 [PANTING] 112 00:05:38,798 --> 00:05:39,799 Got it. 113 00:05:39,882 --> 00:05:43,344 Now, just one more push! 114 00:05:43,428 --> 00:05:44,804 [SCREAMS] 115 00:05:46,931 --> 00:05:48,099 I'm out! 116 00:05:49,183 --> 00:05:52,937 You did it! Ha, ha! Thank you! 117 00:05:54,647 --> 00:05:55,815 [GRUNTING] 118 00:05:55,898 --> 00:05:57,150 No problem. 119 00:05:57,233 --> 00:05:59,152 ONO: Great rescue, Fuli! 120 00:06:00,945 --> 00:06:03,948 What took the rest of you so long? 121 00:06:04,031 --> 00:06:05,908 We went around the long way. 122 00:06:05,992 --> 00:06:09,495 Yeah. Even I wouldn't try a crazy jump like that! 123 00:06:09,579 --> 00:06:12,290 Just takes a little speed, that's all. 124 00:06:12,373 --> 00:06:14,542 Fuli, why didn't you wait for us? 125 00:06:14,625 --> 00:06:15,626 Come on, Kion. 126 00:06:15,710 --> 00:06:17,712 You put me on the Guard because I'm the fastest. 127 00:06:17,795 --> 00:06:20,089 If my speed can help, shouldn't I use it? 128 00:06:20,173 --> 00:06:21,924 Yeah, but we're a team. 129 00:06:22,008 --> 00:06:23,509 And our team is not as good 130 00:06:23,593 --> 00:06:25,803 if you get hurt or worn out from going solo. 131 00:06:25,887 --> 00:06:27,472 I'm a cheetah. 132 00:06:27,555 --> 00:06:29,015 Cheetahs don't get worn out. 133 00:06:29,098 --> 00:06:31,017 Actually, Fuli, cheetahs do. 134 00:06:32,351 --> 00:06:36,314 Uh, well, maybe you don't get worn out? 135 00:06:37,940 --> 00:06:42,403 Well, now that that's settled, I got to go find the utamu grubs. 136 00:06:42,487 --> 00:06:43,738 You coming or not? 137 00:06:43,821 --> 00:06:44,947 I'm in. Let's go! 138 00:06:45,031 --> 00:06:48,201 Whoa, whoa, whoa! I think you need to rest. 139 00:06:48,284 --> 00:06:51,537 If anything else happens, we'll need you at full strength. 140 00:06:51,621 --> 00:06:53,623 I'm sorry, have we met? 141 00:06:53,706 --> 00:06:56,584 I'm Fuli. I'm always at full strength. 142 00:06:56,667 --> 00:06:58,086 I mean it, Fuli. 143 00:06:58,169 --> 00:07:01,589 You need to take it easy for a while. I want you to stay here. 144 00:07:01,672 --> 00:07:02,799 [GROANS] 145 00:07:02,882 --> 00:07:07,637 I think Kion's trying to say that everybody needs to rest sometimes. 146 00:07:07,720 --> 00:07:10,223 [SIGHS] Fine. I'll rest. 147 00:07:10,306 --> 00:07:11,682 But, I won't like it. 148 00:07:11,766 --> 00:07:13,267 Wouldn't expect you to. 149 00:07:13,351 --> 00:07:15,937 So, Bunga. these utamu grubs. 150 00:07:16,020 --> 00:07:17,438 Do you know where to find them? 151 00:07:17,522 --> 00:07:19,440 Do I? Do I? 152 00:07:20,441 --> 00:07:21,526 Do I? 153 00:07:21,609 --> 00:07:23,945 Yes! Yes, I totally do! 154 00:07:24,028 --> 00:07:25,029 This way! 155 00:07:25,113 --> 00:07:26,447 See you later, Fuli! 156 00:07:26,531 --> 00:07:27,532 [SIGHS] 157 00:07:27,615 --> 00:07:28,616 Bye. 158 00:07:35,498 --> 00:07:36,582 [SIGHS] 159 00:07:39,085 --> 00:07:40,253 [SIGHS] 160 00:07:40,336 --> 00:07:41,337 [SNIFFS] 161 00:07:41,421 --> 00:07:43,256 [GRUNTING] 162 00:07:45,007 --> 00:07:46,926 Resting? Hunting? 163 00:07:47,009 --> 00:07:50,263 They're kind of the same thing. 164 00:07:50,346 --> 00:07:54,183 ♪ Utamu, utamu ♪ 165 00:07:54,267 --> 00:07:56,561 ♪ Good for you and yummy too ♪ 166 00:07:56,644 --> 00:07:58,604 ♪ Goes right down like squishy goo ♪ 167 00:07:58,688 --> 00:08:02,650 ♪ Utamu, utamu ♪ 168 00:08:02,734 --> 00:08:06,404 ♪ When only the best will do It's the grub for you ♪ 169 00:08:06,487 --> 00:08:07,572 ♪ Utamu ♪ 170 00:08:07,655 --> 00:08:09,240 -Ah! Hey! -Oops. 171 00:08:09,323 --> 00:08:10,616 Sorry, Little B. 172 00:08:10,700 --> 00:08:13,327 Okay, Bunga, which way do we go? 173 00:08:15,329 --> 00:08:17,915 When in doubt, follow the dung! 174 00:08:17,999 --> 00:08:21,586 Follow the dung? Like, follow the poop? 175 00:08:21,669 --> 00:08:24,172 Yup, the dung beetles always lead you to grubs. 176 00:08:24,255 --> 00:08:25,256 Never fails. 177 00:08:25,339 --> 00:08:26,591 Really? Why's that? 178 00:08:26,674 --> 00:08:30,053 Because grubs are dung beetle larvae. Common knowledge, really. 179 00:08:30,136 --> 00:08:31,387 Right! Check it out. 180 00:08:32,805 --> 00:08:35,099 Would you look at that. 181 00:08:35,183 --> 00:08:36,768 Hey, little guys. 182 00:08:36,851 --> 00:08:38,186 They're just heading home. 183 00:08:38,269 --> 00:08:39,771 And we can follow them! 184 00:08:39,854 --> 00:08:41,439 Pretty cool that you knew that. 185 00:08:41,522 --> 00:08:44,192 I know! I'm un-dunga-lievable! 186 00:08:44,275 --> 00:08:45,610 Ha, ha. Come on! 187 00:08:45,693 --> 00:08:49,614 BUNGA: ♪ When only the best will do It's the grub for you ♪ 188 00:08:49,697 --> 00:08:50,823 ♪ Utamu ♪ 189 00:08:51,532 --> 00:08:55,078 [GRUNTING] 190 00:08:56,662 --> 00:08:58,081 [YELLING] 191 00:08:58,164 --> 00:09:00,958 Fuli! Fuli! 192 00:09:01,042 --> 00:09:03,002 [SIGHS] Seriously? 193 00:09:03,086 --> 00:09:07,590 Fuli! Fuli, I need the Lion Guard! The oryxes are fighting! 194 00:09:07,673 --> 00:09:10,635 Calm down. Oryxes fight all the time. 195 00:09:10,718 --> 00:09:13,096 But, they're fighting near our nests! 196 00:09:13,179 --> 00:09:16,808 If they're not stopped, they'll trample our eggs! 197 00:09:16,891 --> 00:09:18,601 Got it. Take me there. 198 00:09:18,684 --> 00:09:21,521 But, what about the rest of the Lion Guard? 199 00:09:21,604 --> 00:09:25,400 If you want help fast, you want me, with or without the Guard! 200 00:09:25,483 --> 00:09:27,151 Hmm, that makes sense. 201 00:09:27,235 --> 00:09:28,236 Follow me! 202 00:09:29,070 --> 00:09:31,864 BUNGA: Here we go! We're really picking up speed now! 203 00:09:32,740 --> 00:09:35,118 Uh...so, Little B, 204 00:09:35,201 --> 00:09:39,205 what's so special about these "utami" grubs anyway? 205 00:09:39,288 --> 00:09:43,501 Well, utamu brought me together with my Uncle Timon and Uncle Pumbaa. 206 00:09:43,584 --> 00:09:45,628 Really? I never knew that. 207 00:09:45,712 --> 00:09:47,088 You mean I never told you? 208 00:09:47,171 --> 00:09:48,297 I always wondered. 209 00:09:48,381 --> 00:09:50,508 How did you end up staying with Timon and Pumbaa? 210 00:09:50,591 --> 00:09:54,971 Glad you asked! It was a while ago. When I was really little. 211 00:09:55,763 --> 00:09:57,807 I never met my real mom and dad. 212 00:09:57,890 --> 00:10:00,017 Back then I was, all on my own. 213 00:10:00,101 --> 00:10:02,437 I could find my own food easy enough. 214 00:10:02,520 --> 00:10:04,230 But, I was lonely. 215 00:10:04,313 --> 00:10:07,191 -[TIMON AND PUMBAA SINGING] -And then I saw them. 216 00:10:07,275 --> 00:10:09,861 Right as they walked past Mapema Rock. 217 00:10:09,944 --> 00:10:12,196 ♪ The taste will blow your mind ♪ 218 00:10:12,280 --> 00:10:16,284 -♪ Utamu, utamu ♪ -♪ Utamu, utamu ♪ 219 00:10:16,367 --> 00:10:18,202 ♪ Good for you and yummy too ♪ 220 00:10:18,286 --> 00:10:20,455 ♪ Goes right down like squishy goo ♪ 221 00:10:20,538 --> 00:10:24,167 -♪ Utamu, utamu ♪ -♪ Utamu, utamu ♪ 222 00:10:24,250 --> 00:10:27,879 ♪ When only the best will do It's the grub for you ♪ 223 00:10:27,962 --> 00:10:28,963 ♪ Utamu ♪ 224 00:10:29,047 --> 00:10:33,051 ♪ It's got a taste, rich and bold Your mouth will be amazed ♪ 225 00:10:33,134 --> 00:10:37,388 ♪ It's a kind of taste you won't forget The rest of your days ♪ 226 00:10:37,472 --> 00:10:41,642 -♪ Utamu, utamu ♪ -♪ Utamu, utamu ♪ 227 00:10:41,726 --> 00:10:43,478 ♪ Good for you and yummy too ♪ 228 00:10:43,561 --> 00:10:45,605 ♪ Goes right down like squishy goo ♪ 229 00:10:45,688 --> 00:10:49,400 -♪ Utamu, utamu ♪ -♪ Utamu, utamu ♪ 230 00:10:49,484 --> 00:10:53,071 ♪ When only the best will do It's the grub for you ♪ 231 00:10:53,154 --> 00:10:54,614 -♪ Utamu ♪ -♪ Utamu ♪ 232 00:10:54,697 --> 00:10:56,032 Come on, Pumbaa. 233 00:10:56,115 --> 00:10:59,202 The utamu grubs only come out once a year. 234 00:10:59,285 --> 00:11:01,329 And this year, we're gonna get them. 235 00:11:01,412 --> 00:11:04,165 Oh, that's what you say every year, Timon. 236 00:11:04,248 --> 00:11:09,837 And then, halfway up that big tree, you decide to wait until next year. 237 00:11:09,921 --> 00:11:11,547 BUNGA: They seemed friendly. Funny. 238 00:11:11,631 --> 00:11:15,093 [SNIFFING] And a little stinky. Just like me! 239 00:11:15,176 --> 00:11:16,719 I knew we'd get along! 240 00:11:16,803 --> 00:11:17,970 Huh? 241 00:11:20,056 --> 00:11:21,265 Beat it, kid. 242 00:11:21,349 --> 00:11:23,142 Me and Pumbaa have grubs to find. 243 00:11:23,226 --> 00:11:24,394 BABY BUNGA: Grubs! Grubs! 244 00:11:24,477 --> 00:11:26,145 Oh, Timon! 245 00:11:26,229 --> 00:11:29,023 I think he likes you! 246 00:11:29,107 --> 00:11:30,400 Okay, kid. 247 00:11:30,483 --> 00:11:32,068 See that big rock? 248 00:11:32,151 --> 00:11:34,404 I bet you there's plenty of grubs under it. 249 00:11:34,487 --> 00:11:35,488 You go get them! 250 00:11:35,571 --> 00:11:37,073 BABY BUNGA: Zuka zama! 251 00:11:37,156 --> 00:11:38,991 Pumbaa, now! Before he comes back. 252 00:11:39,075 --> 00:11:40,201 PUMBAA: Oh, all right. 253 00:11:40,284 --> 00:11:41,285 Grubs! Grubs! 254 00:11:42,578 --> 00:11:45,540 Oh. Eh...thanks, kid. 255 00:11:45,623 --> 00:11:47,583 [MUNCHING] 256 00:11:47,667 --> 00:11:51,087 Oh, look at him. He's such a cute little thing. 257 00:11:51,170 --> 00:11:54,507 -Can we keep him? -Keep him? No. No more kids. 258 00:11:54,590 --> 00:11:56,634 We already raised a lion, remember? 259 00:11:56,718 --> 00:11:58,302 Besides, he's a honey badger. 260 00:11:58,386 --> 00:11:59,679 He can fend for himself! 261 00:11:59,762 --> 00:12:02,306 So long, kid. Thanks for the grub! 262 00:12:03,182 --> 00:12:07,520 Oh, I think he wants to be with us too! 263 00:12:07,603 --> 00:12:09,480 We'll see about that. 264 00:12:09,564 --> 00:12:11,858 BUNGA: Then Timon asked me to find the rarest, 265 00:12:11,941 --> 00:12:15,778 most delicious grubs in the Pride Lands. Utamu! 266 00:12:15,862 --> 00:12:17,613 BABY BUNGA: Zuka Zama! 267 00:12:17,697 --> 00:12:19,824 [GIGGLING] 268 00:12:19,907 --> 00:12:21,451 He's really doing it! 269 00:12:21,534 --> 00:12:24,162 I was sure he'd be too scared and just run away. 270 00:12:24,245 --> 00:12:26,956 PUMBAA: I don't think he's afraid of anything, Timon. 271 00:12:27,039 --> 00:12:30,293 TIMON: Yeah. The kid is loopier than a snake squeezing his supper. 272 00:12:30,376 --> 00:12:34,964 Or as they say in the Serengeti, he's bunga! 273 00:12:35,048 --> 00:12:36,049 BABY BUNGA: Bunga, Bunga, Bunga! 274 00:12:36,132 --> 00:12:39,719 Would you look at that. He got them! He got the utamu! 275 00:12:39,802 --> 00:12:42,388 Now, can we keep him, Timon? 276 00:12:42,472 --> 00:12:43,473 Can we? 277 00:12:43,556 --> 00:12:47,101 The little Bunga got us the most delicious grubs in the Pride Lands! 278 00:12:47,185 --> 00:12:48,811 How can we not? 279 00:12:48,895 --> 00:12:50,146 Come on, Bunga! 280 00:12:50,229 --> 00:12:52,690 From now on, you're with us! 281 00:12:52,774 --> 00:12:53,816 Mmm! 282 00:12:55,193 --> 00:12:58,905 So now, at the peak of every rainy season, we celebrate. 283 00:12:58,988 --> 00:13:00,656 I always bring the utamu. 284 00:13:00,740 --> 00:13:02,116 My uncles love them! 285 00:13:02,200 --> 00:13:03,785 And I don't wanna let them down. 286 00:13:04,952 --> 00:13:06,162 Aw, Little B. 287 00:13:06,245 --> 00:13:07,246 [SNIFFLES] 288 00:13:07,330 --> 00:13:08,331 That was beautiful! 289 00:13:08,414 --> 00:13:09,499 Don't worry, Bunga. 290 00:13:09,582 --> 00:13:11,876 We'll help you get that utamu. Right, guys? 291 00:13:11,959 --> 00:13:15,671 Yes, but the dung beetles aren't going to help. 292 00:13:15,755 --> 00:13:17,465 -They're gone. -Say what? 293 00:13:18,674 --> 00:13:21,094 So how are we gonna to find the utamu now? 294 00:13:21,177 --> 00:13:24,055 Hmm. [GASPS] I see the tree! 295 00:13:24,138 --> 00:13:25,306 Zuka Zama! 296 00:13:25,390 --> 00:13:26,557 Come on! 297 00:13:27,183 --> 00:13:29,602 Too bad Fuli didn't get to hear Bunga's story. 298 00:13:29,685 --> 00:13:32,730 Yeah, But it's good that she's getting some rest. 299 00:13:32,814 --> 00:13:34,941 [BREATHING HEAVILY] Are we getting close? 300 00:13:35,024 --> 00:13:36,109 Pretty close! 301 00:13:36,818 --> 00:13:39,195 [FULI PANTING] 302 00:13:39,278 --> 00:13:42,281 [GRUNTING] 303 00:13:42,365 --> 00:13:43,699 What about now? 304 00:13:43,783 --> 00:13:45,410 Mmm. Pretty close! 305 00:13:45,493 --> 00:13:50,373 [FULI PANTING] 306 00:13:50,456 --> 00:13:51,999 How much farther? 307 00:13:52,083 --> 00:13:53,918 Oh, we're pretty close now! 308 00:13:54,001 --> 00:13:59,382 [PANTING AND GRUNTING] 309 00:14:00,967 --> 00:14:02,468 Fuli! 310 00:14:02,552 --> 00:14:05,346 I know, I know! We're pretty close! 311 00:14:05,430 --> 00:14:07,557 No, we're here now! Look! 312 00:14:07,640 --> 00:14:09,767 [PANTING] 313 00:14:09,851 --> 00:14:12,770 [GRUNTING] 314 00:14:12,854 --> 00:14:17,608 [SQUAWKING] 315 00:14:17,692 --> 00:14:19,694 -Can you stop them? -[FULI SIGHS] 316 00:14:19,777 --> 00:14:21,696 You better believe it. 317 00:14:21,779 --> 00:14:24,157 Oryxes! 318 00:14:24,240 --> 00:14:25,658 Get out of here! Now! 319 00:14:30,413 --> 00:14:31,706 [PANTING] 320 00:14:31,789 --> 00:14:34,751 You did it! You saved our nests! 321 00:14:34,834 --> 00:14:37,128 -Thanks! -No problem. 322 00:14:37,211 --> 00:14:40,048 I'm just gonna head out now. 323 00:14:40,131 --> 00:14:46,637 [PANTING HEAVILY] 324 00:14:46,721 --> 00:14:49,974 [PANTING, THEN SIGHS DEEPLY] 325 00:14:51,601 --> 00:14:54,020 [VULTURES CHATTERING INDISTINCTLY] 326 00:14:54,103 --> 00:14:55,521 [MZINGO CLEARS THROAT] 327 00:14:55,605 --> 00:14:58,733 Before we bring the meeting of this committee to order, 328 00:14:58,816 --> 00:15:03,112 Please join me in the singing of our parliamentary anthem. 329 00:15:03,196 --> 00:15:07,742 [MUSIC PLAYING] 330 00:15:07,825 --> 00:15:09,952 ♪ What birds are the lords of the sky ♪ 331 00:15:10,036 --> 00:15:12,163 ♪ Ruling the rest from on high ♪ 332 00:15:12,246 --> 00:15:14,457 -♪ The answer is clear ♪ -♪ Cause we're all perched here 333 00:15:14,540 --> 00:15:16,542 ♪ All hail the vultures ♪ All hail the vultures 334 00:15:16,626 --> 00:15:18,461 -♪ All hail the vultures -♪ All hail the vultures 335 00:15:18,544 --> 00:15:21,297 Hail, hail the vultures, all hail 336 00:15:21,381 --> 00:15:22,757 ♪ All hail ♪ 337 00:15:22,840 --> 00:15:25,426 ♪ Hail, hail the vultures, all hail ♪ 338 00:15:25,510 --> 00:15:27,053 ♪ All hail ♪ 339 00:15:27,136 --> 00:15:31,349 ♪ We are the greatest, Just try to debate us ♪ 340 00:15:31,432 --> 00:15:34,018 ♪ Hail, hail the vultures, all hail ♪ 341 00:15:34,102 --> 00:15:35,144 ♪ All hail ♪ 342 00:15:35,728 --> 00:15:37,522 ♪ Some may call us scavengers ♪ 343 00:15:37,605 --> 00:15:39,565 ♪ And some may call us thieves ♪ 344 00:15:39,649 --> 00:15:41,818 ♪ But if you're looking for intelligence ♪ 345 00:15:41,901 --> 00:15:43,611 ♪ Just look up in the leaves ♪ 346 00:15:43,694 --> 00:15:46,781 ♪ Hail, hail the vultures, all hail ♪ 347 00:15:46,864 --> 00:15:48,282 ♪ All hail ♪ 348 00:15:48,366 --> 00:15:51,160 ♪ Hail, hail the vultures, all hail ♪ 349 00:15:51,244 --> 00:15:52,537 ♪ All hail ♪ 350 00:15:52,620 --> 00:15:56,833 ♪ We are the greatest Just try to debate us ♪ 351 00:15:56,916 --> 00:15:59,585 ♪ Hail, hail the vultures, all hail ♪ 352 00:15:59,669 --> 00:16:01,045 ♪ All hail ♪ 353 00:16:01,129 --> 00:16:03,965 ♪ Hail, hail the vultures, all hail ♪ 354 00:16:04,048 --> 00:16:05,425 ♪ All hail ♪ 355 00:16:06,050 --> 00:16:07,468 [CHUCKLES] That was good. 356 00:16:08,636 --> 00:16:11,514 Oi, is that Fuli lying down there? 357 00:16:11,597 --> 00:16:13,808 I've never seen her when she wasn't running. 358 00:16:13,891 --> 00:16:15,268 What's wrong with her? 359 00:16:15,351 --> 00:16:19,522 Hmm. It seems Fuli is too young to know her limits. 360 00:16:20,189 --> 00:16:23,192 You mean she don't know cheetahs can only run for so long 361 00:16:23,276 --> 00:16:24,694 before they need a rest? 362 00:16:24,777 --> 00:16:25,945 Precisely. 363 00:16:26,028 --> 00:16:31,284 I conclude she's pushed herself too hard, and currently has no energy at all. 364 00:16:31,367 --> 00:16:35,163 Which means she can't fight back. 365 00:16:35,246 --> 00:16:37,039 Oh, should we form a subcommittee 366 00:16:37,123 --> 00:16:40,752 to discuss our options in attacking Fuli in her current weakened state? 367 00:16:40,835 --> 00:16:42,879 Actually, I think this is the one time 368 00:16:42,962 --> 00:16:45,882 that we dispense with formal parliamentary procedures. 369 00:16:45,965 --> 00:16:49,052 [INHALES DEEPLY] And simply attack. 370 00:16:49,135 --> 00:16:52,722 Is this really the tree where you first found the utamu, Little B? 371 00:16:52,805 --> 00:16:53,848 Sure is! 372 00:16:53,931 --> 00:16:56,309 Now all I have to do is climb up and get them! 373 00:16:56,392 --> 00:16:57,894 Zuka Zama! 374 00:16:59,103 --> 00:17:01,939 Careful, Bunga! That tree looks pretty dead! 375 00:17:02,023 --> 00:17:05,401 I know! That's why grubs love living in it! 376 00:17:06,402 --> 00:17:07,487 [WOOD CREAKS, THEN SNAPS] 377 00:17:07,570 --> 00:17:08,738 [ALL GASP] 378 00:17:09,280 --> 00:17:10,364 [GRUNTS] 379 00:17:10,448 --> 00:17:13,534 -[ALL SIGH] -I'm coming for you, utamu! 380 00:17:14,744 --> 00:17:18,456 KION: Bunga, that branch is rotten! I don't think it will hold you! 381 00:17:18,539 --> 00:17:19,916 Sure it will! 382 00:17:22,543 --> 00:17:23,961 He's gonna need our help. 383 00:17:24,045 --> 00:17:25,963 Ono, steady the end of that branch. 384 00:17:26,047 --> 00:17:27,465 Beshte, hold the trunk. 385 00:17:27,548 --> 00:17:28,591 Sure thing! 386 00:17:29,550 --> 00:17:30,968 [GRUNTING] 387 00:17:33,096 --> 00:17:34,097 Hey, you, Ono. 388 00:17:34,180 --> 00:17:36,265 I'm almost there! Whoa! 389 00:17:36,349 --> 00:17:37,892 Hapana. 390 00:17:38,601 --> 00:17:42,021 Kion, Mzingo and his vultures, they're circling! 391 00:17:42,105 --> 00:17:44,816 That's never good. We need to check it out. 392 00:17:44,899 --> 00:17:47,735 Ono, Beshte, Bunga, let's go! 393 00:17:47,819 --> 00:17:49,862 Wait! Just one more step! 394 00:17:49,946 --> 00:17:51,823 -[BRANCH CREAKING] -[BUNGA SCREAMS] 395 00:17:51,906 --> 00:17:53,116 I'm coming, Bunga! 396 00:17:53,199 --> 00:17:54,826 No! My utamu! 397 00:17:54,909 --> 00:17:56,244 KION: Incoming, Beshte! 398 00:17:56,327 --> 00:17:57,328 Got it! 399 00:17:57,412 --> 00:17:58,704 [BUNGA GRUNTS] 400 00:17:58,788 --> 00:18:00,206 You okay, Little B? 401 00:18:00,289 --> 00:18:02,083 Yeah, I guess. 402 00:18:02,166 --> 00:18:03,292 Sorry, Bunga. 403 00:18:03,376 --> 00:18:06,337 But, we got to go see what Mzingo and his vultures are up to. 404 00:18:06,421 --> 00:18:08,214 Yeah, I know. 405 00:18:08,297 --> 00:18:10,133 KION: Ono, keep an eye out for Fuli. 406 00:18:10,216 --> 00:18:12,009 We'll need her if there's trouble. 407 00:18:12,093 --> 00:18:14,429 If I know Fuli, she's already there. 408 00:18:15,471 --> 00:18:22,478 [VULTURES SQUAWKING] 409 00:18:22,562 --> 00:18:24,063 [GROANING] 410 00:18:24,147 --> 00:18:25,148 [GRUNTS] 411 00:18:27,191 --> 00:18:28,776 Back off, vultures. 412 00:18:28,860 --> 00:18:30,570 You don't want any part of me. 413 00:18:30,653 --> 00:18:32,447 Oh, but I believe we do. 414 00:18:32,530 --> 00:18:33,990 I want a leg! 415 00:18:34,073 --> 00:18:35,408 Young cheetah. 416 00:18:35,491 --> 00:18:37,910 You have so little energy right now, 417 00:18:37,994 --> 00:18:40,246 you couldn't attack us if you tried. 418 00:18:40,329 --> 00:18:42,165 Oh, um, question: 419 00:18:42,248 --> 00:18:44,208 You really think she can't fight back? 420 00:18:44,292 --> 00:18:46,669 [SIGHS] Just try me! 421 00:18:46,753 --> 00:18:49,964 If you had any strength, you'd have pounced by now. 422 00:18:50,048 --> 00:18:52,425 All in favor of attacking from all sides, hmm? 423 00:18:52,508 --> 00:18:53,676 ALL VULTURES: Aye! 424 00:18:53,760 --> 00:18:54,844 All opposed? 425 00:18:55,928 --> 00:18:59,474 Motion passed. The "ayes" have it. 426 00:19:00,141 --> 00:19:01,642 KION: No sign of Fuli, Ono? 427 00:19:01,726 --> 00:19:03,436 We sure could use her on this one. 428 00:19:03,519 --> 00:19:05,480 No, nothing. I... 429 00:19:05,563 --> 00:19:08,274 Oh, no! It's Fuli! 430 00:19:10,234 --> 00:19:13,404 She's down and she's surrounded by vultures! 431 00:19:13,488 --> 00:19:14,739 Hevi kabisa! 432 00:19:15,323 --> 00:19:17,241 To the Pride Lands' end... 433 00:19:17,325 --> 00:19:19,744 Lion Guard defend! 434 00:19:19,827 --> 00:19:21,746 [SNARLS] 435 00:19:21,829 --> 00:19:25,124 Oh, don't worry, my dear. It will all be over soon. 436 00:19:25,208 --> 00:19:29,045 After all, we are not uncivilized. [LAUGHS] 437 00:19:29,587 --> 00:19:32,840 Now, parliament, attack! 438 00:19:33,508 --> 00:19:35,927 KION: Vultures! Get away from her! 439 00:19:36,010 --> 00:19:37,470 Kion? 440 00:19:37,553 --> 00:19:38,763 [GRUNTS] 441 00:19:40,348 --> 00:19:43,017 Zuka zama! 442 00:19:43,101 --> 00:19:44,519 MWOGA: Ow! Ow! Ow! 443 00:19:44,602 --> 00:19:46,562 Leave Fuli alone! 444 00:19:47,563 --> 00:19:49,982 -Twende kiboko! -[VULTURES SQUAWKS] 445 00:19:50,066 --> 00:19:52,693 Reconvene! Reconvene! 446 00:19:52,777 --> 00:19:54,445 [GROWLS] 447 00:19:54,529 --> 00:19:55,530 Mzingo! 448 00:19:55,613 --> 00:19:58,825 When you and your vultures take on one member of the Guard... 449 00:19:58,908 --> 00:20:01,369 You take on us all! 450 00:20:01,452 --> 00:20:03,204 [ROARS] 451 00:20:03,287 --> 00:20:08,167 -[VULTURES SCREAMING] -[ROARING CONTINUES] 452 00:20:10,795 --> 00:20:11,796 You okay? 453 00:20:11,879 --> 00:20:14,590 Yeah. Thanks for saving me, guys. 454 00:20:14,674 --> 00:20:17,677 Even though I feel kind of lame for needing it. 455 00:20:17,760 --> 00:20:20,555 You shouldn't. We're always there for each other. 456 00:20:20,638 --> 00:20:21,848 We're a team! 457 00:20:21,931 --> 00:20:25,226 Yeah. Even I've been in trouble once or twice. 458 00:20:26,310 --> 00:20:27,729 Okay, lots of times. 459 00:20:27,812 --> 00:20:31,774 Well, I wasn't helping the team by going off alone and getting worn out. 460 00:20:31,858 --> 00:20:34,861 Next time, I really will wait for the rest of you. 461 00:20:34,944 --> 00:20:39,323 Just try to move a little faster, so I won't have to wait so long. 462 00:20:39,407 --> 00:20:41,409 -[GUARD LAUGHS] -[BUNGA SIGHS] 463 00:20:41,492 --> 00:20:42,994 Bunga, what's wrong? 464 00:20:43,077 --> 00:20:45,621 I got to go meet up with my uncles. 465 00:20:45,705 --> 00:20:48,249 And I don't have any utamu. 466 00:20:48,332 --> 00:20:51,461 -Oh, I'm sure they won't care. -You think? 467 00:20:51,544 --> 00:20:54,589 Let's go to Hakuna Matata Falls and find out. 468 00:20:54,672 --> 00:20:58,384 TIMON AND PUMBAA: -♪ Utamu, utamu, Utamu, utamu ♪ 469 00:20:58,468 --> 00:21:01,095 BUNGA: Uncle Timon? Uncle Pumbaa? 470 00:21:01,179 --> 00:21:02,180 TIMON: What's wrong, kid? 471 00:21:02,263 --> 00:21:05,266 I, uh, I've got some bad news. 472 00:21:05,349 --> 00:21:09,437 I know I usually bring the utamu grubs for us to celebrate with. 473 00:21:09,520 --> 00:21:11,731 But, I couldn't get them this time. 474 00:21:11,814 --> 00:21:16,694 Eh, Bunga. Utamu grubs are great, But that's not why we celebrate. 475 00:21:16,778 --> 00:21:17,904 Timon is right. 476 00:21:17,987 --> 00:21:23,326 We celebrate because the day we got the utamu was the day we met you! 477 00:21:23,409 --> 00:21:25,411 -Really? -Of course! 478 00:21:26,120 --> 00:21:27,663 Mmm. 479 00:21:27,747 --> 00:21:30,249 Oh, that's nice. 480 00:21:30,333 --> 00:21:32,710 Besides, this year... 481 00:21:33,419 --> 00:21:35,004 we got the utamu! 482 00:21:35,088 --> 00:21:36,756 What? But, how? 483 00:21:36,839 --> 00:21:38,383 Oh, you won't believe it! 484 00:21:38,466 --> 00:21:42,929 A branch full of utamu grubs fell right out of the sky! 485 00:21:43,012 --> 00:21:44,722 I believe it. 486 00:21:44,806 --> 00:21:48,851 Here's to the two best uncles a honey badger could ask for! 487 00:21:48,935 --> 00:21:51,020 [SLURPING AND GULPING] 488 00:21:51,104 --> 00:21:54,899 TIMON AND PUMBAA: ♪ Utamu, utamu ♪ 489 00:21:54,982 --> 00:21:58,611 ♪ When only the best will do It's the grub for you ♪ 490 00:21:58,694 --> 00:21:59,904 ♪ Utamu ♪ 491 00:22:03,199 --> 00:22:05,034 MAN: ♪ Only one grub, incredibly rare ♪ 492 00:22:05,118 --> 00:22:06,869 ♪ Impossible to find ♪ 493 00:22:06,953 --> 00:22:09,497 ♪ Only one grub that's so delish 494 00:22:09,580 --> 00:22:11,916 ♪ The taste will blow your mind ♪ 495 00:22:11,999 --> 00:22:16,003 ♪ Utamu, utamu ♪ 496 00:22:16,087 --> 00:22:18,089 ♪ Good for you and yummy too ♪ 497 00:22:18,172 --> 00:22:20,425 ♪ Goes right down like squishy goo ♪ 498 00:22:20,508 --> 00:22:24,053 ♪ Utamu, utamu ♪ 499 00:22:24,178 --> 00:22:26,556 ♪ When only the best will do ♪ 500 00:22:26,639 --> 00:22:28,307 ♪ It's the grub for you ♪ 501 00:22:28,391 --> 00:22:29,809 ♪ Utamu ♪