1 00:00:00,834 --> 00:00:02,503 - Previously on Good Witch. 2 00:00:02,736 --> 00:00:05,339 - I, uh, I saw you and Sam. 3 00:00:05,373 --> 00:00:07,041 - Oh. - I'll meet you at the festival? 4 00:00:07,075 --> 00:00:09,343 - 8 o'clock? - Count on it. 5 00:00:11,645 --> 00:00:13,647 - Sam, 6 00:00:13,681 --> 00:00:16,084 be careful tonight. 7 00:00:16,117 --> 00:00:18,252 (indistinct chatter) *** 8 00:00:20,488 --> 00:00:23,291 - (female narrator): It was the day before All Hallow's Eve, 9 00:00:23,324 --> 00:00:26,294 as it was perpetually in the town of Tarynsville 10 00:00:26,327 --> 00:00:29,297 because of a curse that had been cast so many years ago. 11 00:00:31,299 --> 00:00:33,567 The people of Tarynsville had grown accustomed 12 00:00:33,601 --> 00:00:36,237 to this anticipation in the same way 13 00:00:36,270 --> 00:00:38,339 that the young woman had been waiting for a love 14 00:00:38,372 --> 00:00:41,442 that she felt would never fulfill her heart. 15 00:00:44,645 --> 00:00:46,780 But on that day, the magic in the air 16 00:00:46,814 --> 00:00:49,783 was of a different spirit. 17 00:00:49,817 --> 00:00:52,586 Tarynsville breathes as if it were alive, 18 00:00:52,620 --> 00:00:55,723 and no one who lived in that magical place could 19 00:00:55,756 --> 00:00:59,127 imagine the change that was about to come, 20 00:00:59,160 --> 00:01:02,363 all of it set in motion by the efforts of... 21 00:01:02,396 --> 00:01:05,199 *** 22 00:01:05,233 --> 00:01:07,201 ...the Enchantress. 23 00:01:13,241 --> 00:01:15,176 - Cassie? 24 00:01:18,646 --> 00:01:20,848 It's awfully late at night to light a fire. 25 00:01:20,881 --> 00:01:23,217 (Cassie sighing) - Yeah, I needed something to do 26 00:01:23,251 --> 00:01:25,219 while I was waiting to hear from Sam. 27 00:01:25,253 --> 00:01:27,355 (sighing) - No word, huh? 28 00:01:27,388 --> 00:01:29,357 - No. He was supposed 29 00:01:29,390 --> 00:01:31,325 to meet me at the Festival, but he never showed up. 30 00:01:31,359 --> 00:01:33,461 - You want me to wait up with you? 31 00:01:33,494 --> 00:01:35,829 - No. That's OK. 32 00:01:35,863 --> 00:01:37,865 I have something to stare into now 33 00:01:37,898 --> 00:01:39,833 while I wait to hear his car. 34 00:01:39,867 --> 00:01:43,337 - Alright. Goodnight. 35 00:01:43,371 --> 00:01:47,107 - Goodnight. *** 36 00:01:49,677 --> 00:01:51,779 (birds chirping) 37 00:01:53,814 --> 00:01:56,417 (sighing) 38 00:01:56,450 --> 00:01:59,220 Sam? - Ah, Cassie. 39 00:01:59,253 --> 00:02:00,921 - Sam, where have you been? 40 00:02:00,954 --> 00:02:03,157 - Well, mostly driving around 41 00:02:03,191 --> 00:02:06,227 until I found a place to kind of sit. 42 00:02:06,260 --> 00:02:09,230 - All night? - Yeah, all night. 43 00:02:09,263 --> 00:02:11,265 - Why? 44 00:02:12,633 --> 00:02:14,802 - I had to do an emergency surgery, and, uh, 45 00:02:14,835 --> 00:02:18,206 I planned to meet you when I got finished, like I said I would, 46 00:02:18,239 --> 00:02:20,574 but there were complications with the patient, and... 47 00:02:21,775 --> 00:02:24,245 I had him open on the table. 48 00:02:24,278 --> 00:02:26,247 Thought he was going to make it but... 49 00:02:26,280 --> 00:02:29,217 - Sam. - Yeah. 50 00:02:29,250 --> 00:02:31,652 I couldn't save him. 51 00:02:31,685 --> 00:02:34,455 - Well, I'm sure you did everything you could. 52 00:02:37,258 --> 00:02:39,293 - It's, um, first time that's happened 53 00:02:39,327 --> 00:02:41,329 since New York, and I just had forgotten 54 00:02:41,362 --> 00:02:44,465 how it rips you up 55 00:02:44,498 --> 00:02:46,467 from the inside out. 56 00:02:48,402 --> 00:02:51,272 So I just left the hospital and turned off my phone and... 57 00:02:51,305 --> 00:02:53,474 - I'm so sorry. 58 00:02:53,507 --> 00:02:56,910 - Thanks. Me too. 59 00:02:56,944 --> 00:03:00,714 - You wanna come inside? No one else is up. I could make some tea. 60 00:03:00,748 --> 00:03:03,651 (sigh) - Yeah, um, 61 00:03:03,684 --> 00:03:06,854 I don't really want to talk about it. 62 00:03:06,887 --> 00:03:09,590 - We don't have to talk. - I, um, 63 00:03:09,623 --> 00:03:11,659 I gotta sleep. *** 64 00:03:16,530 --> 00:03:18,966 (sigh) 65 00:03:24,605 --> 00:03:26,840 (theme music) 66 00:03:33,381 --> 00:03:36,584 *** 67 00:03:54,402 --> 00:03:57,471 - Welcome to Grey House. - Oh! We're so lucky 68 00:03:57,505 --> 00:04:00,274 to have found it. Sean had another B & B 69 00:04:00,308 --> 00:04:02,643 picked out but when our phones stopped working we couldn't 70 00:04:02,676 --> 00:04:06,447 figure out where it was. - I'm glad you ended up here. 71 00:04:06,480 --> 00:04:08,316 (cell phone buzzing) 72 00:04:08,349 --> 00:04:11,051 - Hey! My phone's working again. 73 00:04:11,084 --> 00:04:14,788 - Oh, you must have really good reception. 74 00:04:14,822 --> 00:04:16,457 *** 75 00:04:16,490 --> 00:04:19,393 - George, we've got some unexpected guests. 76 00:04:19,427 --> 00:04:21,362 - And we have a room waiting for them. 77 00:04:21,395 --> 00:04:23,764 - Oh, no, we're not together. 78 00:04:23,797 --> 00:04:26,634 I mean, we're here together, but we're not-- 79 00:04:26,667 --> 00:04:28,669 - We're she and I, uh, not us. 80 00:04:28,702 --> 00:04:32,506 - Right. - Hmm, I see. Well, 81 00:04:32,540 --> 00:04:34,041 what names should I put your rooms under? 82 00:04:34,074 --> 00:04:37,378 - Sean Coyle and Jessica Carrington. 83 00:04:37,411 --> 00:04:39,380 - Jessica Carrington, the author? 84 00:04:39,413 --> 00:04:42,550 - Mm-hmm. - My daughter and I love your books. 85 00:04:42,583 --> 00:04:44,652 - Thank you. I love writing them. 86 00:04:44,685 --> 00:04:46,654 - What kind of books do you write? 87 00:04:46,687 --> 00:04:50,324 - Have you ever heard of the Tarynsville trilogy ? 88 00:04:50,358 --> 00:04:53,060 - No. I mostly read biographies 89 00:04:53,093 --> 00:04:54,928 or fix-it manuals. Hahaha! 90 00:04:54,962 --> 00:04:57,331 - Tarynsville is the magical town where 91 00:04:57,365 --> 00:04:59,900 Jessica's books take place. - And the final book 92 00:04:59,933 --> 00:05:02,370 in the trilogy is coming out next week. 93 00:05:02,403 --> 00:05:04,972 - The Enchantress Unites. Grace and I 94 00:05:05,005 --> 00:05:07,441 are debating what it means and how it all ends. 95 00:05:07,475 --> 00:05:10,378 Could you give me a little hint? No, no. 96 00:05:10,411 --> 00:05:11,979 No, no. No, never mind. I don't want to know. 97 00:05:12,012 --> 00:05:13,847 - Haha! Nobody can know. 98 00:05:13,881 --> 00:05:16,617 Not until the book comes out, which is why my editor thought 99 00:05:16,650 --> 00:05:18,786 it'd be a good idea to get away before the onslaught 100 00:05:18,819 --> 00:05:20,588 of attention happens when it does. 101 00:05:20,621 --> 00:05:22,690 - She calls me "my editor" even though I'm standing right here. 102 00:05:22,723 --> 00:05:27,127 - My editor likes to correct things if I'm a little unclear. 103 00:05:27,160 --> 00:05:29,763 - Well, why don't I show you to your rooms. 104 00:05:29,797 --> 00:05:31,499 - Oh! - Thank you. 105 00:05:31,532 --> 00:05:33,467 - Have you started working on your next book yet? 106 00:05:33,501 --> 00:05:35,669 - I'm sort of thinking of some things, 107 00:05:35,703 --> 00:05:38,672 but I haven't figured out the right idea. 108 00:05:38,706 --> 00:05:40,874 - Oh, maybe Grey House will inspire you 109 00:05:40,908 --> 00:05:44,478 to come up with a story that inspires us all. 110 00:05:52,586 --> 00:05:54,955 - I don't think I've seen that. - Ah, it's really good. 111 00:05:54,988 --> 00:05:56,724 He made it right between the two 112 00:05:56,757 --> 00:05:59,627 Godfather films. - Ohhh. Cassie, this is Brian. 113 00:05:59,660 --> 00:06:01,995 Brian, this is my cousin Cassie. - It's really nice to meet you. 114 00:06:02,029 --> 00:06:04,598 - Ah, you too. - We met at the Lights Festival 115 00:06:04,632 --> 00:06:06,567 and bonded over our mutual obsession with movies. 116 00:06:06,600 --> 00:06:08,702 - Oh, I didn't know you were a movie lover. 117 00:06:08,736 --> 00:06:11,004 - I have always loved movies. 118 00:06:11,038 --> 00:06:13,807 So when do you think you'll be back in Middleton? 119 00:06:13,841 --> 00:06:15,843 - As soon as anyone orders a pallet of flour 120 00:06:15,876 --> 00:06:17,878 and 800 pounds of sugar. - Hahaha! 121 00:06:17,911 --> 00:06:20,448 Because Brian owns a bakery-supply company. 122 00:06:20,481 --> 00:06:22,483 - Ohhh... - But the next time 123 00:06:22,516 --> 00:06:24,918 he's in Middleton... - I'll see you at the multiplex. 124 00:06:28,021 --> 00:06:29,990 - Aw, isn't he fantastic? 125 00:06:30,023 --> 00:06:32,159 It's like he Purple Rose of Cairo'ed 126 00:06:32,192 --> 00:06:34,462 right off the screen and into my life. 127 00:06:34,495 --> 00:06:37,631 That's one of the many movies I've seen, by the way. 128 00:06:39,667 --> 00:06:41,769 - Hey, guys. - Hey, um, 129 00:06:41,802 --> 00:06:44,805 was that Jessica Carrington I saw going upstairs? 130 00:06:44,838 --> 00:06:48,041 - Yes. She's staying here. - See? I told you that was her! 131 00:06:48,075 --> 00:06:50,177 - Haha! - Grace got mad at me for not 132 00:06:50,210 --> 00:06:52,980 knowing who she was. Then she got even madder when I told her 133 00:06:53,013 --> 00:06:54,948 I haven't read any of the books. - It's crazy. 134 00:06:54,982 --> 00:06:57,050 - Me neither. 135 00:06:57,084 --> 00:06:58,786 I'm waiting for the movie. 136 00:06:58,819 --> 00:07:01,455 (chuckling) - You know, I sometimes wish 137 00:07:01,489 --> 00:07:03,156 I could be as strong and brave as the characters 138 00:07:03,190 --> 00:07:05,593 in Jessica's books. 139 00:07:05,626 --> 00:07:07,461 They don't seem to be afraid of anything. 140 00:07:07,495 --> 00:07:10,197 - Being brave doesn't mean not being afraid. 141 00:07:10,230 --> 00:07:12,900 It means being afraid and doing it anyway. 142 00:07:12,933 --> 00:07:16,103 - Hmm. - Why don't you grab an extra plate 143 00:07:16,136 --> 00:07:19,473 for Nick at the table? Well, it's almost dinner time. 144 00:07:19,507 --> 00:07:22,643 - Yeah, dad's been eating most of his meals in the hospital. 145 00:07:25,212 --> 00:07:28,015 - Just prep the patient. I'll be there in 20 minutes. 146 00:07:28,048 --> 00:07:30,117 I'll scrub in when I get there. 147 00:07:30,150 --> 00:07:32,119 What?! 148 00:07:32,152 --> 00:07:35,155 No. I, uh... 149 00:07:35,188 --> 00:07:38,191 I thought she was released last night. 150 00:07:38,225 --> 00:07:40,193 Aw, thank you. 151 00:07:40,227 --> 00:07:42,663 Well... OK, fine. 152 00:07:42,696 --> 00:07:44,632 Just make sure there's somebody at the house 153 00:07:44,665 --> 00:07:46,834 when she gets there, OK? I'll... 154 00:07:46,867 --> 00:07:49,202 I'll take another look when I get in. 155 00:07:49,236 --> 00:07:50,838 Bye. - Bye. 156 00:07:50,871 --> 00:07:52,673 - Thank you. Sorry. 157 00:07:52,706 --> 00:07:54,775 Yeah. Yeah, I'm on the way. 158 00:07:57,678 --> 00:08:00,080 (siren blaring) 159 00:08:00,113 --> 00:08:02,082 Give me a call if you have any post-op pains 160 00:08:02,115 --> 00:08:04,084 or if you just want me to explain one more time 161 00:08:04,117 --> 00:08:07,755 how you didn't even need your appendix to begin with. 162 00:08:07,788 --> 00:08:10,123 Could you book an O.R. for me 163 00:08:10,157 --> 00:08:12,726 for tomorrow afternoon? I've got two procedures I've gotta get done before my consult at 6. 164 00:08:14,562 --> 00:08:17,064 - Dr. Radford. I didn't think I saw you on the schedule today. 165 00:08:17,097 --> 00:08:19,232 - I thought I should be on it. (phone ringing) 166 00:08:19,266 --> 00:08:22,670 - You've been here an awful lot lately. I mean, you're entitled 167 00:08:22,703 --> 00:08:25,573 to take some time away from this place. - Well, as soon as people 168 00:08:25,606 --> 00:08:27,741 stop needing a doctor, maybe I will. 169 00:08:27,775 --> 00:08:29,810 - Here's Mrs. Jones' file. 170 00:08:29,843 --> 00:08:32,580 - Oh, I know you guys are pretty backed up in the E.R.; let me 171 00:08:32,613 --> 00:08:35,082 help you thin the lines out a little bit. 172 00:08:35,115 --> 00:08:37,651 *** 173 00:08:39,753 --> 00:08:41,589 *** 174 00:08:50,931 --> 00:08:54,001 - Ohhh... Sorry, I can't stay for breakfast, I have a date. 175 00:08:54,034 --> 00:08:56,837 - Oh! With your movie man? - No. That was Brian. 176 00:08:56,870 --> 00:08:58,672 Today is Carl. He's on his way 177 00:08:58,706 --> 00:09:00,774 to a tennis tournament and is taking a one-hundred-mile 178 00:09:00,808 --> 00:09:03,243 detour just to see me. - Oh, he must really like you. 179 00:09:06,647 --> 00:09:09,650 Good morning! - I didn't realize this house 180 00:09:09,683 --> 00:09:11,952 had such a beautiful courtyard. - Hmm, yeah. 181 00:09:11,985 --> 00:09:14,955 I love being able to... "stand in the shadow of the house 182 00:09:14,988 --> 00:09:18,091 beneath the trees that stretched their boughs overhead." 183 00:09:18,125 --> 00:09:20,694 - "Trees that protected her heart." 184 00:09:20,728 --> 00:09:23,030 - Thought you might recognize your writing. 185 00:09:23,063 --> 00:09:26,066 - Because that's how I described things in my book. 186 00:09:26,099 --> 00:09:28,769 It was a courtyard just like this 187 00:09:28,802 --> 00:09:32,205 with the same kinds of trees where the young woman learns 188 00:09:32,239 --> 00:09:34,942 about her heritage. And it's the place 189 00:09:34,975 --> 00:09:36,910 where she finally kisses the man who-- 190 00:09:36,944 --> 00:09:40,247 - Jessica! - Oh. Spoiler alert. 191 00:09:42,082 --> 00:09:44,985 That's something that maybe happens in The Enchantress Unites. 192 00:09:45,018 --> 00:09:47,354 - Well, I can't wait to find out what happens 193 00:09:47,387 --> 00:09:49,957 with the relationship. I'll probably curl up 194 00:09:49,990 --> 00:09:51,692 right here with a copy of the book, 195 00:09:51,725 --> 00:09:53,927 eager to read every word. 196 00:09:53,961 --> 00:09:56,797 (birds singing) - Actually, 197 00:09:56,830 --> 00:09:59,166 this would be the perfect place to read it. 198 00:09:59,199 --> 00:10:01,134 The first reading, 199 00:10:01,168 --> 00:10:03,671 at midnight, on the night the book is released. 200 00:10:03,704 --> 00:10:06,840 - That's already happening in New York, Jess. The publisher is throwing a big party. 201 00:10:06,874 --> 00:10:10,043 - So, why can't we throw it in Middleton instead? 202 00:10:10,077 --> 00:10:13,714 I could read the first chapter right here in... 203 00:10:16,416 --> 00:10:19,887 I didn't even ask you. Could we use your backyard? 204 00:10:19,920 --> 00:10:21,889 - Of course. - And then we can 205 00:10:21,922 --> 00:10:24,224 have a big party after that -- which is when it'll be 206 00:10:24,257 --> 00:10:26,159 Halloween, which means... 207 00:10:26,193 --> 00:10:30,030 Oh, my gosh, that'd be perfect! 208 00:10:30,063 --> 00:10:33,901 - I guess, maybe, I might be able to convince the publisher 209 00:10:33,934 --> 00:10:35,769 to let us do it here. 210 00:10:35,803 --> 00:10:37,938 - Sean, you can convince anybody to do anything, 211 00:10:37,971 --> 00:10:41,341 which is why they'll let us do it. 212 00:10:45,012 --> 00:10:48,148 - A book release like this, it has to be done right. 213 00:10:48,181 --> 00:10:50,884 So is there anyone in Middleton who might be able 214 00:10:50,918 --> 00:10:53,020 to make a special event like this happen? 215 00:10:53,053 --> 00:10:56,757 - I can think of only one person. 216 00:10:56,790 --> 00:10:58,826 *** - I'll do it! 217 00:10:58,859 --> 00:11:00,761 - You understand that this is going to take a lot of work, 218 00:11:00,794 --> 00:11:03,296 and Halloween is in seven days? - Cassie, 219 00:11:03,330 --> 00:11:05,432 I just completed an enormously 220 00:11:05,465 --> 00:11:08,068 successful fundraiser for Ford Warriors in Pink. 221 00:11:08,101 --> 00:11:10,370 - I was meaning to compliment you on your scarf. 222 00:11:10,403 --> 00:11:12,840 - Yes! We sold them all over town 223 00:11:12,873 --> 00:11:14,842 and 100% of the net 224 00:11:14,875 --> 00:11:17,444 proceeds are being donated to breast-cancer charities. 225 00:11:17,477 --> 00:11:19,412 - A worthy cause. - And a visual 226 00:11:19,446 --> 00:11:21,414 testament to the fact 227 00:11:21,448 --> 00:11:23,416 that I am a woman who knows how to get things done. 228 00:11:23,450 --> 00:11:25,886 - You should have no trouble organizing a book reading 229 00:11:25,919 --> 00:11:29,189 and a big celebration in the town square right after. - None whatsoever. 230 00:11:29,222 --> 00:11:32,392 In fact, I already know everything about Jessica Carrington's 231 00:11:32,425 --> 00:11:36,129 Tarynsville books because I've read them all, cover to cover. 232 00:11:36,163 --> 00:11:39,867 In fact, you gave me the first one as a birthday gift, 233 00:11:39,900 --> 00:11:42,202 so maybe you were 234 00:11:42,235 --> 00:11:44,371 "thinking ahead" all along. 235 00:11:44,404 --> 00:11:46,039 Hmm? 236 00:11:46,073 --> 00:11:48,976 Well, lots to do. Tata! 237 00:11:56,149 --> 00:11:58,819 *** 238 00:12:01,321 --> 00:12:03,924 - Oh! Caution -- painter 239 00:12:03,957 --> 00:12:05,492 at work. - Should I go? 240 00:12:05,525 --> 00:12:07,995 - Ah, you're OK. Just don't walk on the ceiling, 241 00:12:08,028 --> 00:12:09,997 'cause that's what's getting a fresh coat. 242 00:12:10,030 --> 00:12:14,467 - I'll be sure to watch where I step. (both laughing) 243 00:12:14,501 --> 00:12:16,970 Uh, Miss Carrington? 244 00:12:17,004 --> 00:12:18,939 - Oh, please. Call me Jessica. 245 00:12:18,972 --> 00:12:22,009 - I love your books! - Oh, you must be Grace! 246 00:12:22,042 --> 00:12:24,411 - You know who I am? 247 00:12:24,444 --> 00:12:27,180 - Your mother was telling me about how the two of you 248 00:12:27,214 --> 00:12:29,449 used to read my books together. - Yes, we did! 249 00:12:29,482 --> 00:12:31,451 And then we would spend hours talking about who 250 00:12:31,484 --> 00:12:33,386 we thought was going to find the Tarynsville Amulet. 251 00:12:33,420 --> 00:12:36,289 - What's the Tarynsville Amulet? 252 00:12:36,323 --> 00:12:39,793 - Oh, it's this magical necklace that everyone in Jessica's books is looking for 253 00:12:39,827 --> 00:12:44,264 because whoever finds it is guaranteed happiness for the rest of their lives. 254 00:12:46,599 --> 00:12:49,502 How did you even come up with an idea like that anyway? 255 00:12:49,536 --> 00:12:52,239 - Can I tell you a secret? I stole pretty much 256 00:12:52,272 --> 00:12:55,408 everything about Tarynsville from the stories my grandmother used to tell me. 257 00:12:55,442 --> 00:12:57,177 - Really? 258 00:12:57,210 --> 00:12:59,246 - Yeah. Nana used to work 259 00:12:59,279 --> 00:13:01,248 in this great, old house, and she got married 260 00:13:01,281 --> 00:13:03,250 to a man whose family didn't approve, 261 00:13:03,283 --> 00:13:05,485 so they had to keep it a secret. 262 00:13:05,518 --> 00:13:09,056 She couldn't wear her wedding ring or the ruby necklace that he gave her. 263 00:13:09,089 --> 00:13:11,992 She had to keep the ruby necklace hidden in a box, 264 00:13:12,025 --> 00:13:14,394 and I started wondering 265 00:13:14,427 --> 00:13:17,164 what would happen if somebody found it. 266 00:13:17,197 --> 00:13:19,933 - The way everyone's looking for the Tarynsville Amulet. 267 00:13:19,967 --> 00:13:21,869 - All came from Nana. 268 00:13:21,902 --> 00:13:23,837 - Wow! 269 00:13:23,871 --> 00:13:25,572 (knocking) - Uh, Jessica, 270 00:13:25,605 --> 00:13:28,508 we're supposed to meet the mayor for a tour of the town. 271 00:13:28,541 --> 00:13:32,913 - We can be a minute late. - No, we really, really should go now. 272 00:13:32,946 --> 00:13:36,549 - Here's another secret: I based the grumpy goblin character on him. 273 00:13:36,583 --> 00:13:38,886 (Grace and Jessica laughing) 274 00:13:43,991 --> 00:13:45,959 (George laughing) - My gosh! 275 00:13:45,993 --> 00:13:47,995 *** 276 00:13:50,397 --> 00:13:53,033 - I just love this time of year. 277 00:13:53,066 --> 00:13:55,002 It's as if Middleton comes alive 278 00:13:55,035 --> 00:13:57,037 with the spirit of Halloween. 279 00:13:57,070 --> 00:13:59,039 So, keep your eyes out for ghosts 280 00:13:59,072 --> 00:14:00,974 and witches and-- Cassie! 281 00:14:01,008 --> 00:14:03,343 - Martha. I see you're already at work 282 00:14:03,376 --> 00:14:05,345 showing our couple of honour around town. 283 00:14:05,378 --> 00:14:07,580 - Yes, we were just starting a tour. 284 00:14:07,614 --> 00:14:10,117 - Oh. Would you like me to take over as their guide? 285 00:14:10,150 --> 00:14:12,585 - Oh, Cassie, it's as if you read my mind. 286 00:14:12,619 --> 00:14:15,588 I have so much work to do and less than a week to do it. 287 00:14:15,622 --> 00:14:19,259 - Well, I'll be sure to show them all Middleton has to offer. 288 00:14:19,292 --> 00:14:21,261 - You're in good hands with this one. 289 00:14:21,294 --> 00:14:24,331 She can tell you stories as if she's lived here forever. 290 00:14:24,364 --> 00:14:27,234 *** - Wow! 291 00:14:27,267 --> 00:14:29,903 What a beautiful, old building! 292 00:14:29,937 --> 00:14:31,939 - Middleton has a rich history. 293 00:14:31,972 --> 00:14:35,242 - Hmm... I like to think of the people who stood here before... 294 00:14:37,044 --> 00:14:39,612 ...artist who worked with that stone. 295 00:14:39,646 --> 00:14:41,514 - Does it give you ideas for your next book? 296 00:14:41,548 --> 00:14:44,217 - I'm still waiting for inspiration. 297 00:14:46,219 --> 00:14:49,089 Sometimes I wish I was like the fireplace builder 298 00:14:49,122 --> 00:14:51,091 in Tarynsville -- always finishing 299 00:14:51,124 --> 00:14:53,093 one project and moving on to the next. 300 00:14:53,126 --> 00:14:55,128 - Leaving his mark when he was done. 301 00:14:55,162 --> 00:14:57,430 - Heart and infinity sign, yeah. (all laughing) 302 00:14:57,464 --> 00:15:00,367 I was telling your daughter how I got ideas for my books, 303 00:15:00,400 --> 00:15:03,136 but I never mentioned that was from real life, too. 304 00:15:03,170 --> 00:15:05,705 The man my grandmother married carved that symbol 305 00:15:05,738 --> 00:15:07,975 somewhere on every fireplace he built. 306 00:15:08,008 --> 00:15:09,977 - And we're using that image on the cover 307 00:15:10,010 --> 00:15:11,979 of The Enchantress Unites. 308 00:15:12,012 --> 00:15:14,047 - Wonderful symbol of perpetual love. 309 00:15:15,582 --> 00:15:19,386 - Hey, I put a fountain like this in Tarynsville. 310 00:15:19,419 --> 00:15:21,388 It sprung from the ground near 311 00:15:21,421 --> 00:15:23,390 where the first fire started itself. 312 00:15:23,423 --> 00:15:25,625 - It was one of the first signs of magic. 313 00:15:27,560 --> 00:15:29,729 - You know, my nana actually used to believe in that stuff. 314 00:15:29,762 --> 00:15:31,498 - Ohhh... - When I was little, 315 00:15:31,531 --> 00:15:33,500 she used to tell me stories of the town 316 00:15:33,533 --> 00:15:35,368 where she lived and all the magic and romance 317 00:15:35,402 --> 00:15:37,337 that happened there. 318 00:15:37,370 --> 00:15:39,139 I thought it was true. 319 00:15:39,172 --> 00:15:41,274 - But you don't anymore? 320 00:15:41,308 --> 00:15:44,677 - I guess maybe I believe in romance, 321 00:15:44,711 --> 00:15:46,613 but it's a lot more 322 00:15:46,646 --> 00:15:49,182 common in my books than it's ever been in my real life. 323 00:15:49,216 --> 00:15:51,451 *** - Maybe 324 00:15:51,484 --> 00:15:53,953 life can imitate art someday. 325 00:15:55,455 --> 00:15:57,724 - Yeah. Maybe. 326 00:16:00,193 --> 00:16:03,430 My editor never lets me stop believing in happy endings. 327 00:16:03,463 --> 00:16:06,599 - Well, I think we all could use an editor like that. 328 00:16:06,633 --> 00:16:08,401 - Yeah. 329 00:16:10,703 --> 00:16:13,373 *** 330 00:16:13,406 --> 00:16:17,144 (indistinct chatter) 331 00:16:17,177 --> 00:16:19,479 - Cassie said you wanted to pick out some flower arrangements, 332 00:16:19,512 --> 00:16:21,748 together? 333 00:16:21,781 --> 00:16:24,351 - Uh, Jessica's doing the picking. I'm just here 334 00:16:24,384 --> 00:16:27,054 to stay out of the way. - Sean gets some say 335 00:16:27,087 --> 00:16:30,123 in how things are going to go. - But it's Jessica's big day. 336 00:16:30,157 --> 00:16:33,426 - Oh, how did you know? - Know what? 337 00:16:33,460 --> 00:16:35,462 - Chrysanthemums are her favourite flower. 338 00:16:35,495 --> 00:16:37,464 - You knew that? 339 00:16:37,497 --> 00:16:39,466 - Yeah, I heard you mention it once. 340 00:16:39,499 --> 00:16:42,635 I guess I must have remembered. - Hmm! 341 00:16:42,669 --> 00:16:45,338 - I didn't set these up for you. Cassie ordered them 342 00:16:45,372 --> 00:16:47,507 for all the guestrooms at Grey House. 343 00:16:47,540 --> 00:16:49,409 (drilling noise) (sighing) 344 00:16:49,442 --> 00:16:51,444 But if you want, I could order some more. 345 00:16:51,478 --> 00:16:54,147 - That would be kind of perfect actually. 346 00:16:54,181 --> 00:16:57,016 We could mix them with those-- (drilling noise) 347 00:16:59,252 --> 00:17:01,188 - Sorry, you were saying we could mix them with...? 348 00:17:01,221 --> 00:17:04,424 (drilling noise) 349 00:17:04,457 --> 00:17:07,427 Ahhh... Would you excuse me for a minute? 350 00:17:07,460 --> 00:17:10,130 - Sure. - Mm-hmm. - OK. 351 00:17:10,163 --> 00:17:12,599 (drilling noise) 352 00:17:12,632 --> 00:17:15,302 Excuse me! 353 00:17:15,335 --> 00:17:17,737 (drilling noise) Excuse me! 354 00:17:19,406 --> 00:17:22,675 My flower shop is on the other side 355 00:17:22,709 --> 00:17:26,313 of that very thin wall. 356 00:17:26,346 --> 00:17:30,150 - And yet for some reason, you're all the way over here. 357 00:17:30,183 --> 00:17:33,120 - This has been going on for two days, and 358 00:17:33,153 --> 00:17:36,156 I'm with some really important customers right now. 359 00:17:36,189 --> 00:17:38,725 Can't you do whatever it is 360 00:17:38,758 --> 00:17:41,194 you're doing some other time? 361 00:17:41,228 --> 00:17:43,263 - I wanna take on bigger orders and I need to upgrade 362 00:17:43,296 --> 00:17:46,766 my appliances in case they start to come in. 363 00:17:46,799 --> 00:17:49,702 Come on, Ben. Break time's over. 364 00:17:49,736 --> 00:17:53,173 (Ben sighs.) - She's the boss. 365 00:17:53,206 --> 00:17:56,376 (drilling noise) 366 00:17:58,378 --> 00:18:00,347 - (Grace): Which way is the children's wing? 367 00:18:00,380 --> 00:18:02,549 - Right down there. You just have to be careful 368 00:18:02,582 --> 00:18:05,285 when you show them what's in that box because you're gonna get swarmed. 369 00:18:05,318 --> 00:18:07,287 - Jessica was so nice to sign these copies 370 00:18:07,320 --> 00:18:09,322 of her first two books. 371 00:18:09,356 --> 00:18:11,558 And I cannot believe that I am calling Jessica Carrington 372 00:18:11,591 --> 00:18:14,627 "Jessica" because I know her and she knows who I am! 373 00:18:14,661 --> 00:18:16,596 (Cassie chuckling) 374 00:18:21,901 --> 00:18:24,604 - So, what have I go next? - Uh, pre-op exam. 375 00:18:24,637 --> 00:18:28,475 You told Dr. Zemmick you'd fill in for her while she was out of town. 376 00:18:28,508 --> 00:18:30,177 - Put the patient in exam room three, and I'll be right there. 377 00:18:32,679 --> 00:18:35,848 You're not here to see a doctor, are you? Because I didn't think you believed in those things. 378 00:18:35,882 --> 00:18:38,685 - Well, I don't mind running into one occasionally. 379 00:18:38,718 --> 00:18:41,421 - Well, I just had a minute to say hello. 380 00:18:41,454 --> 00:18:44,291 - Hello. - Hi. 381 00:18:44,324 --> 00:18:46,193 - Looks like you've been working hard. 382 00:18:46,226 --> 00:18:47,694 - Yeah, more than ever. 383 00:18:47,727 --> 00:18:49,729 I've got two surgeries lined up for tonight, 384 00:18:49,762 --> 00:18:52,532 and a few more bodies to patch up tomorrow afternoon. 385 00:18:52,565 --> 00:18:55,235 - They're more than just bodies, you know? 386 00:18:55,268 --> 00:18:58,871 *** - That is true. 387 00:18:58,905 --> 00:19:02,242 - Dr. Radford, your patient's ready for you. - Tell him I'll be right there. 388 00:19:02,275 --> 00:19:05,345 - Uh, he's a she. - Right. 389 00:19:06,879 --> 00:19:09,916 Uhh, sorry, I've got to go, but, uh, 390 00:19:09,949 --> 00:19:13,286 I guess I'll see you-- - Soon. 391 00:19:13,320 --> 00:19:15,788 *** 392 00:19:15,822 --> 00:19:17,424 - Yeah. 393 00:19:26,299 --> 00:19:28,568 *** 394 00:19:33,906 --> 00:19:37,244 - Something up there? - Yeah, the wrong colour. 395 00:19:37,277 --> 00:19:40,347 I tried three different shades; I can't seem to get it right. 396 00:19:40,380 --> 00:19:42,749 - Ugh, I can relate. I can't tell you 397 00:19:42,782 --> 00:19:45,352 how many times I sat down to write my next book, 398 00:19:45,385 --> 00:19:47,654 but I can't come up with the perfect idea. 399 00:19:47,687 --> 00:19:49,522 - Except I've never heard you have a bad one. 400 00:19:49,556 --> 00:19:50,957 - Thanks. 401 00:19:50,990 --> 00:19:53,260 But I need to know for sure 402 00:19:53,293 --> 00:19:55,628 that I'm heading down the right path before I make a decision 403 00:19:55,662 --> 00:19:59,266 that could take up a big chunk of the rest of my life. 404 00:19:59,299 --> 00:20:01,801 - Maybe you should take another walk through Middleton. 405 00:20:01,834 --> 00:20:04,471 - It's not a bad idea. 406 00:20:04,504 --> 00:20:06,473 - Hm! - Might help me think 407 00:20:06,506 --> 00:20:09,476 of something to write about. - No, I mean I'm gonna 408 00:20:09,509 --> 00:20:12,579 throw another coat of paint up there, and I don't want to get the stuff all over you. 409 00:20:12,612 --> 00:20:15,282 - (laughing): Oh, we'll get out of your way. 410 00:20:17,049 --> 00:20:19,252 *** 411 00:20:19,286 --> 00:20:21,354 - I've been consulting my Tarynsville list and there's 412 00:20:21,388 --> 00:20:23,756 still one big item on it I think you can help me with. 413 00:20:23,790 --> 00:20:26,593 I need you to get me a cauldron. - Why would you think 414 00:20:26,626 --> 00:20:28,861 I'd be the right person to get you that? 415 00:20:28,895 --> 00:20:30,697 - Please, don't play games. I need the largest one you have, 416 00:20:30,730 --> 00:20:32,532 so I can give the book reading a Halloween flair. 417 00:20:32,565 --> 00:20:34,867 Oh! Now, next stop 418 00:20:34,901 --> 00:20:38,605 is the hardware store. I'm hoping that if I look my best 419 00:20:38,638 --> 00:20:40,507 they'll give me a discount on broomsticks. 420 00:20:40,540 --> 00:20:43,009 Ohhh! Ah! 421 00:20:43,042 --> 00:20:46,245 - Here, use this. 422 00:20:50,550 --> 00:20:53,320 It was used in the early days of Middleton by coachmen to see 423 00:20:53,353 --> 00:20:56,723 things they had just passed by. - Sort of a rear-view mirror. 424 00:20:56,756 --> 00:20:58,925 - Yeah, perfect to see what's behind you. 425 00:20:58,958 --> 00:21:01,328 (Martha snickers.) 426 00:21:01,361 --> 00:21:03,330 - Hey, can I help you? 427 00:21:03,363 --> 00:21:05,398 - I hope so. I went to city hall 428 00:21:05,432 --> 00:21:07,400 looking for the mayor, and they said she came 429 00:21:07,434 --> 00:21:10,703 here. - Meredith?! 430 00:21:10,737 --> 00:21:13,840 Meredith Mitchell?! - Martha Endicott. 431 00:21:13,873 --> 00:21:16,509 - Oh well, it's Martha Tinsdale now. 432 00:21:16,543 --> 00:21:18,778 - Oh, yes, that's right, somebody said you got married. 433 00:21:18,811 --> 00:21:20,780 I just thought they were making it up. 434 00:21:20,813 --> 00:21:23,516 (Meredith and Martha laughing) - Meredith 435 00:21:23,550 --> 00:21:25,752 and I went to college together. 436 00:21:25,785 --> 00:21:27,787 - And of course, you do know what I've been up to since then. 437 00:21:27,820 --> 00:21:30,490 - Oh, uh, I think maybe I've seen you 438 00:21:30,523 --> 00:21:32,592 on TV a couple of times. 439 00:21:32,625 --> 00:21:35,562 - Now, it's practically every night, 440 00:21:35,595 --> 00:21:37,096 reporting live from somewhere. 441 00:21:37,129 --> 00:21:39,599 Which is why the network sent me here 442 00:21:39,632 --> 00:21:41,968 to this out-of-the-way little town. 443 00:21:42,001 --> 00:21:44,437 They want me to do a story on the book launch. 444 00:21:44,471 --> 00:21:46,806 - Our local event is gonna be national news? 445 00:21:46,839 --> 00:21:49,008 - You are gonna get so much attention. 446 00:21:49,041 --> 00:21:51,378 Oh, I hope you can live up to it. 447 00:21:51,411 --> 00:21:54,514 You have a lovely shop. - Thank you. 448 00:21:54,547 --> 00:21:57,350 - I mean there isn't anything here I'd actually want to buy, 449 00:21:57,384 --> 00:21:59,619 but still, it is a lovely, lovely shop. 450 00:21:59,652 --> 00:22:01,521 - Hmm, great, thanks. 451 00:22:01,554 --> 00:22:02,822 - Yes. 452 00:22:02,855 --> 00:22:04,891 - (Martha): Hmm-hmm! - (Meredith): No. 453 00:22:06,859 --> 00:22:09,696 - I take it you weren't exactly college besties. 454 00:22:09,729 --> 00:22:12,565 - I'm sure she came here hoping to see me fail. 455 00:22:12,599 --> 00:22:15,101 - Well, then this is your chance to prove her wrong. 456 00:22:15,134 --> 00:22:17,036 - If I can pull everything off. 457 00:22:17,069 --> 00:22:20,373 Oh, if only we had an actual enchantress living amongst us. 458 00:22:20,407 --> 00:22:23,576 Imagine what we could accomplish in Middleton then! 459 00:22:27,980 --> 00:22:30,016 *** 460 00:22:40,693 --> 00:22:43,596 - Cassie. Look at you sitting here all alone. 461 00:22:46,132 --> 00:22:48,100 I'm about to go on a date with Dennis. 462 00:22:48,134 --> 00:22:49,736 - Your tennis player? - No. 463 00:22:49,769 --> 00:22:52,138 Tennis is Carl. This is Dennis. 464 00:22:52,171 --> 00:22:55,442 Not to be confused with my out- of-town bakery supplier, Brian. 465 00:22:55,475 --> 00:22:58,545 - So you've decided to start dating three men at the same time? 466 00:22:58,578 --> 00:23:01,814 - Not at the same time. Only when the others aren't here. 467 00:23:03,650 --> 00:23:05,952 - Cassie, your timing is perfect! 468 00:23:05,985 --> 00:23:07,854 Martha just asked me to bake 469 00:23:07,887 --> 00:23:09,922 a thousand "MupCakes" for the party after the book reading. 470 00:23:09,956 --> 00:23:13,660 - What's a MupCake? - It's the magical cupcakes 471 00:23:13,693 --> 00:23:15,795 that are eaten in Tarynsville. - Yeah, 472 00:23:15,828 --> 00:23:17,630 so it's a good thing that you encouraged me 473 00:23:17,664 --> 00:23:21,167 to upgrade my appliances at my catering shop when you did. 474 00:23:21,200 --> 00:23:23,470 *** Otherwise, I'd never have been 475 00:23:23,503 --> 00:23:25,472 ready for a party this size. 476 00:23:25,505 --> 00:23:28,107 - So this was your idea? - Yeah, 477 00:23:28,140 --> 00:23:31,077 I might have suggested a while ago that it was time 478 00:23:31,110 --> 00:23:34,180 Stephanie make some changes. - Next time, 479 00:23:34,213 --> 00:23:36,483 could you suggest quieter ones? 480 00:23:36,516 --> 00:23:39,986 - OK, well, I have no idea what a MupCake is supposed to taste like, 481 00:23:40,019 --> 00:23:42,054 but I was thinking of making them cherry 482 00:23:42,088 --> 00:23:44,056 to represent the fires that light themselves in the book. 483 00:23:44,090 --> 00:23:45,992 - Orange frosting for Halloween? 484 00:23:46,025 --> 00:23:48,628 - Cherry cupcake with orange frosting? 485 00:23:48,661 --> 00:23:51,531 Yeah, I don't really think that goes together. 486 00:23:51,564 --> 00:23:54,000 - Sometimes, things that don't seem to match 487 00:23:54,033 --> 00:23:55,935 end up going together perfectly. 488 00:23:55,968 --> 00:23:57,837 - Ah. - Well, I have 489 00:23:57,870 --> 00:24:01,073 some important duties of my own. Martha's asked me to make 490 00:24:01,107 --> 00:24:02,909 themed flower arrangements for the event. 491 00:24:02,942 --> 00:24:06,045 - Ahhh... Well, then I hope you can keep it down 492 00:24:06,078 --> 00:24:08,881 on your side of the wall. *** 493 00:24:15,855 --> 00:24:17,790 - Thanks for, uh, coming here with me. 494 00:24:17,824 --> 00:24:20,660 - Sure. I wanted to read to the kids I gave books to yesterday. 495 00:24:20,693 --> 00:24:22,662 - Do you ever do anything that involves 496 00:24:22,695 --> 00:24:26,265 something other than reading or studying or being inside? 497 00:24:26,298 --> 00:24:28,501 - Well, sometimes I read 498 00:24:28,535 --> 00:24:31,203 or study outside. Does that count? 499 00:24:31,237 --> 00:24:34,206 - No, not at all. - Oh! 500 00:24:34,240 --> 00:24:36,108 - Oh, it doesn't look like you have any more. 501 00:24:36,142 --> 00:24:38,578 - But-- - Books. I saw you 502 00:24:38,611 --> 00:24:41,948 passing them out yesterday. - Yeah, I know. I'm book-less. 503 00:24:41,981 --> 00:24:44,951 I hope that's not why you came back to the hospital -- to get another one. 504 00:24:44,984 --> 00:24:47,620 - Oh, no, no, no. I had to come back here for some tests. 505 00:24:47,654 --> 00:24:49,589 I had a brain tumor when I was 7, 506 00:24:49,622 --> 00:24:51,591 and according to some chart, 507 00:24:51,624 --> 00:24:53,225 I'm always at risk for another one, so... 508 00:24:53,259 --> 00:24:55,828 - Sounds kind of serious. - I don't know. 509 00:24:55,862 --> 00:24:58,297 I mean, it'll either happen or it won't. 510 00:24:58,330 --> 00:25:01,267 - So what do you do while you're waiting 511 00:25:01,300 --> 00:25:04,203 to see if it does happen? - Uhhh, let's see... 512 00:25:04,236 --> 00:25:06,205 I went skydiving last week. - What?! 513 00:25:06,238 --> 00:25:09,108 - Mm-hmm. And I'm going white-water kayaking. 514 00:25:09,141 --> 00:25:12,645 You know, once you've had brain surgery, all the other stuff seems 515 00:25:12,679 --> 00:25:16,148 not so scary. - Ha! 516 00:25:16,182 --> 00:25:19,218 Hey, I'm gonna go read to the kids. If you wanted to come? 517 00:25:19,251 --> 00:25:21,554 - Uhhh, yeah, sure! 518 00:25:21,588 --> 00:25:24,323 - I had Jessica sign the books before I brought them here yesterday. 519 00:25:24,356 --> 00:25:27,026 She's staying at my house! 520 00:25:27,059 --> 00:25:29,095 - Jessica Carrington is staying at your house? 521 00:25:29,128 --> 00:25:32,865 - Mm-hmm. - Well, you just became someone I like even more. 522 00:25:32,899 --> 00:25:34,834 - Oh. (giggling) 523 00:25:36,636 --> 00:25:38,304 - My dad said he's stuck here for the night, so I guess 524 00:25:38,337 --> 00:25:40,707 I have to spend the rest of my fast-food money. 525 00:25:40,740 --> 00:25:42,742 - Oh, well, hey, Nick, this is...? 526 00:25:42,775 --> 00:25:44,243 - Courtney. - Courtney. 527 00:25:44,276 --> 00:25:45,945 - Hey. 528 00:25:45,978 --> 00:25:48,715 So I guess I'll see you later. 529 00:25:48,748 --> 00:25:50,650 - Yeah. - Have fun reading Tarynsburg 530 00:25:50,683 --> 00:25:53,620 to the kids. (Grace sighing) 531 00:25:53,653 --> 00:25:55,788 - It's Tarynsville! 532 00:25:55,822 --> 00:25:57,824 - I know. I just wanted to see how long 533 00:25:57,857 --> 00:26:00,059 it'd take you to correct me. - Hmm! 534 00:26:00,092 --> 00:26:03,763 *** 535 00:26:03,796 --> 00:26:05,998 - Thought I might find you here. 536 00:26:06,032 --> 00:26:08,000 This old tree has a way 537 00:26:08,034 --> 00:26:11,170 of drawing people in. 538 00:26:11,203 --> 00:26:14,373 Its roots run deep. 539 00:26:14,406 --> 00:26:17,376 - I put a tree just like it in my books 540 00:26:17,409 --> 00:26:19,679 because Nana told me about one in her town. 541 00:26:19,712 --> 00:26:23,215 She'd walk there from the house that she worked, 542 00:26:23,249 --> 00:26:26,385 dream about life with the man that she loved. 543 00:26:26,418 --> 00:26:28,721 - I love walking here from Grey House, 544 00:26:28,755 --> 00:26:30,723 down the winding path. 545 00:26:30,757 --> 00:26:33,025 - There was a lot to see, yeah. 546 00:26:33,059 --> 00:26:35,795 - Working on your next book? 547 00:26:35,828 --> 00:26:38,765 - I am. 548 00:26:38,798 --> 00:26:40,767 It's not going so well. 549 00:26:40,800 --> 00:26:44,070 - I'm sure you'll come up with the right story eventually. 550 00:26:44,103 --> 00:26:47,840 It may end up being your most romantic one yet. 551 00:26:51,210 --> 00:26:54,213 (whirring noise) 552 00:26:54,246 --> 00:26:57,316 - Ugh! Alright! You're all set! 553 00:26:57,349 --> 00:26:59,218 All you have to do is turn your new oven on 554 00:26:59,251 --> 00:27:01,688 and you're ready to go. - Ah, good, 555 00:27:01,721 --> 00:27:03,923 because, unlike in those Tarynsville books, 556 00:27:03,956 --> 00:27:05,958 these MupCakes aren't gonna bake themselves. 557 00:27:09,261 --> 00:27:13,365 (generator powering down) 558 00:27:13,399 --> 00:27:15,868 OK, well, that wasn't supposed to happen. 559 00:27:15,902 --> 00:27:17,870 - No. I checked the schematics of this building; 560 00:27:17,904 --> 00:27:19,672 we should have more than enough electricity flowing 561 00:27:19,706 --> 00:27:21,207 to this room. 562 00:27:21,240 --> 00:27:23,843 Unless somebody's draining all our power. 563 00:27:23,876 --> 00:27:26,713 (whirring noises) 564 00:27:26,746 --> 00:27:29,381 (loud noises) (toaster popping) 565 00:27:36,055 --> 00:27:39,325 - Let me explain to you what the word "share" means. 566 00:27:39,358 --> 00:27:42,361 - And I'll explain to you what the words "I don't care" mean. 567 00:27:42,394 --> 00:27:45,031 - Ladies, ladies, ladies, please, please! 568 00:27:45,064 --> 00:27:48,434 We can't have you on opposite sides arguing when we need everyone working together 569 00:27:48,467 --> 00:27:52,204 in order to pull off what is going to be national news! - Oh, dear, 570 00:27:52,238 --> 00:27:54,140 trouble in small-town paradise? 571 00:27:54,173 --> 00:27:56,843 - Trouble? Oh! No, no, no, no, no! 572 00:27:56,876 --> 00:27:59,779 No trouble. We were just discussing 573 00:27:59,812 --> 00:28:01,981 some new ideas that I've come up with for the book launch. 574 00:28:02,014 --> 00:28:04,150 - Oh, new ideas like what? 575 00:28:04,183 --> 00:28:06,085 - "Like what"? - Hmm. 576 00:28:06,118 --> 00:28:09,255 - Like how, uh, in addition 577 00:28:09,288 --> 00:28:11,924 to the book reading and, of course the party afterwards, 578 00:28:11,958 --> 00:28:15,427 that the entire town of Middleton is going to... 579 00:28:18,965 --> 00:28:20,933 ...is going to be turned 580 00:28:20,967 --> 00:28:23,169 into Tarynsville itself! (delighted gasp) 581 00:28:23,202 --> 00:28:25,104 - The entire town? - Stephanie, 582 00:28:25,137 --> 00:28:26,806 you can make your bistro 583 00:28:26,839 --> 00:28:29,942 into Dendall's Dining Hall. Oh, and Abigail, 584 00:28:29,976 --> 00:28:33,846 your store will become The Garden of Perpetual Joy. 585 00:28:33,880 --> 00:28:35,815 Of course, we only have a few days to do it, 586 00:28:35,848 --> 00:28:39,518 but the people of this town are known to get things done. 587 00:28:39,551 --> 00:28:42,488 - Well, maybe you can share those old-fashioned values 588 00:28:42,521 --> 00:28:44,490 when I interview you the night of the event. 589 00:28:44,523 --> 00:28:47,059 (gasping) - You're going 590 00:28:47,093 --> 00:28:49,228 to interview me on national TV? 591 00:28:49,261 --> 00:28:52,264 - Oh, yes. - Oh, my! 592 00:28:52,298 --> 00:28:55,401 Well, in that case, I need to go and buy a new outfit. 593 00:28:55,434 --> 00:28:58,337 - Oh, and the camera adds years to your appearance; 594 00:28:58,370 --> 00:29:00,973 you may want to get a facial, too. 595 00:29:01,007 --> 00:29:03,242 (Martha sighing) 596 00:29:03,275 --> 00:29:05,311 *** 597 00:29:10,016 --> 00:29:13,019 - Sam! - Cassie. 598 00:29:13,052 --> 00:29:15,321 - They let you out of the hospital. - Yeah, for a bit. 599 00:29:15,354 --> 00:29:18,958 I need to stop by and check in with Eve so I thought I would just pick up something to go. 600 00:29:18,991 --> 00:29:21,828 - Oh. Well, maybe we could actually sit down some time, 601 00:29:21,861 --> 00:29:24,330 eat a meal together? - Oh, yeah, I'd love that, 602 00:29:24,363 --> 00:29:27,967 but I've got my schedule so packed I don't even know when my next meal is. 603 00:29:28,000 --> 00:29:30,436 - Well, maybe something will open up. 604 00:29:30,469 --> 00:29:33,172 (cell phone ringing) - If it does, I'll let you know, 605 00:29:33,205 --> 00:29:34,406 OK? - OK. 606 00:29:34,440 --> 00:29:37,343 - It's hospital. Sorry. Doctor Radford. 607 00:29:37,376 --> 00:29:39,111 Yeah. 608 00:29:39,145 --> 00:29:41,380 Is it being rescheduled? 609 00:29:41,413 --> 00:29:43,415 Well, maybe we should take tomorrow's and... 610 00:29:46,552 --> 00:29:49,889 No, no, no. No, leave it open. Thanks. 611 00:29:49,922 --> 00:29:52,825 Well, something opened up. 612 00:29:52,859 --> 00:29:54,526 - Well, I just happen to be free for dinner. 613 00:29:54,560 --> 00:29:57,263 - Hmm! Pick you up at 7? 614 00:29:57,296 --> 00:29:59,098 - You remember where I live, right? 615 00:29:59,131 --> 00:30:02,068 (laughing) - Yeah. I think it's still on my GPS. 616 00:30:02,101 --> 00:30:04,236 See ya. 617 00:30:06,372 --> 00:30:10,476 *** 618 00:30:10,509 --> 00:30:12,912 - Oh, hey! - Hi. 619 00:30:12,945 --> 00:30:16,415 - What do you think? It's supposed to look like Dendall's Dining Hall 620 00:30:16,448 --> 00:30:18,417 from Jessica's books. - I like it. 621 00:30:18,450 --> 00:30:20,319 Martha wants me to turn Bell, Book and Candle 622 00:30:20,352 --> 00:30:22,588 into The Apothecary's Shoppe. (Stephanie chuckling) 623 00:30:22,621 --> 00:30:24,857 (indistinct chatter) 624 00:30:24,891 --> 00:30:26,959 (woman laughing) 625 00:30:29,428 --> 00:30:32,298 (indistinct comment from the man) 626 00:30:32,331 --> 00:30:34,867 - Awesome! - Hi! You must be Carl. 627 00:30:34,901 --> 00:30:37,136 Abigail told me about her tennis player. I'm Cassie. 628 00:30:37,169 --> 00:30:38,871 - My cousin. - Nice to meet you. 629 00:30:38,905 --> 00:30:41,273 - Me too. - Carl's just in town for the day. 630 00:30:41,307 --> 00:30:43,976 - Yeah, a tournament got rained out which gave me 631 00:30:44,010 --> 00:30:46,212 just enough time to stop off and see her. 632 00:30:46,245 --> 00:30:49,949 (giggling) - Isn't that just so lucky? 633 00:30:49,982 --> 00:30:52,584 But I don't want to keep you so long 634 00:30:52,618 --> 00:30:55,221 that you miss your next one. - Actually, I've got plenty of time. 635 00:30:55,254 --> 00:30:57,924 The drive from here to there isn't very far, and... 636 00:30:57,957 --> 00:31:00,226 (alarm system ringing) 637 00:31:00,259 --> 00:31:03,129 - Carl, I think that's your car. 638 00:31:03,162 --> 00:31:05,364 You should go see. And, um, 639 00:31:05,397 --> 00:31:08,034 I'm going to check that tournament schedule 640 00:31:08,067 --> 00:31:09,936 so I know 641 00:31:09,969 --> 00:31:12,571 the next time you're nearby. 642 00:31:12,604 --> 00:31:14,974 - I hope that's soon. - Me too. 643 00:31:17,109 --> 00:31:19,278 - Bye. 644 00:31:19,311 --> 00:31:21,347 - Hmm, it's too bad he had to leave so soon. 645 00:31:21,380 --> 00:31:25,151 - Actually, I think I got him out the door just in time... 646 00:31:25,184 --> 00:31:27,920 because... - Abigail! 647 00:31:27,954 --> 00:31:29,888 Hi. 648 00:31:33,159 --> 00:31:35,361 *** (indistinct chatter) 649 00:31:39,198 --> 00:31:43,102 - You think Jessica will like it? 650 00:31:43,135 --> 00:31:44,971 - Uh, it's her words 651 00:31:45,004 --> 00:31:45,371 come to life. She'll love it! 652 00:31:47,706 --> 00:31:50,977 - Everyone's working to make things as Tarynsville as possible before the big night. 653 00:31:51,010 --> 00:31:53,579 - Yeah, actually, uh, that's kind of why I'm here. 654 00:31:53,612 --> 00:31:56,048 Uhhh, I want to get something 655 00:31:56,082 --> 00:31:58,617 for Jessica to give her when her book comes out, 656 00:31:58,650 --> 00:32:00,386 and I was wondering if you could give me some advice. 657 00:32:00,419 --> 00:32:04,390 - Advice is free with every purchase. - Thank you. 658 00:32:06,258 --> 00:32:08,194 (door chime) 659 00:32:08,227 --> 00:32:10,629 (Cassie sighing) 660 00:32:10,662 --> 00:32:13,265 I was hoping you might have an idea about what to get for her. 661 00:32:13,299 --> 00:32:16,402 - Ah, well, why don't we start with what ideas you have. 662 00:32:16,435 --> 00:32:18,670 - I don't have any. (both laughing) 663 00:32:18,704 --> 00:32:22,074 I've known her for years, but sometimes I feel like I don't know her at all. 664 00:32:22,108 --> 00:32:25,211 Ever since I've met Jessica, she's had no time for anything 665 00:32:25,244 --> 00:32:27,713 other than writing, which is why I wanted to get away with her. 666 00:32:29,448 --> 00:32:32,284 Which is why I wanted her to get away and come here. 667 00:32:32,318 --> 00:32:34,486 - Hmm. 668 00:32:34,520 --> 00:32:37,089 - What's that? 669 00:32:37,123 --> 00:32:39,658 - I picked this up in Azerbaijan. The country's known 670 00:32:39,691 --> 00:32:43,262 as the land of fire, and this sparked my interest. 671 00:32:43,295 --> 00:32:45,731 - Seems like the kind of thing Jessica might like. 672 00:32:45,764 --> 00:32:47,566 - Do you want to know what it does? 673 00:32:47,599 --> 00:32:50,202 - It doesn't even matter. Just seems like 674 00:32:50,236 --> 00:32:52,204 the king of thing that might exist in a world she created. 675 00:32:52,238 --> 00:32:55,707 It's decorative and mysterious and, 676 00:32:55,741 --> 00:32:58,444 I don't know, magical. 677 00:32:58,477 --> 00:33:00,579 - Why don't I wrap it up for you 678 00:33:00,612 --> 00:33:02,581 and you can give it to her when the time is right. 679 00:33:02,614 --> 00:33:05,551 (door chime) 680 00:33:07,086 --> 00:33:08,520 - Sean? 681 00:33:08,554 --> 00:33:10,356 What are you doing here? 682 00:33:10,389 --> 00:33:13,092 - Oh, uh, I was, uh, 683 00:33:13,125 --> 00:33:15,061 window shopping. 684 00:33:15,094 --> 00:33:17,529 But I didn't find the right window, 685 00:33:17,563 --> 00:33:20,366 so... I'll see you later. 686 00:33:20,399 --> 00:33:22,601 (door chime) 687 00:33:22,634 --> 00:33:25,204 - I'd ask why Sean is acting so strange, 688 00:33:25,237 --> 00:33:27,339 but if I asked that every time, I'd always be asking. 689 00:33:27,373 --> 00:33:29,775 (both laughing) - How goes the writing? 690 00:33:29,808 --> 00:33:32,744 - I don't know. Something will come to me eventually. 691 00:33:32,778 --> 00:33:35,814 But I decided to stop thinking so hard about it. 692 00:33:35,847 --> 00:33:38,317 - Clearing your mind. That's good advice. 693 00:33:40,519 --> 00:33:42,788 *** - (Jessica): What's that? 694 00:33:42,821 --> 00:33:44,790 - Oh, I found that in the attic 695 00:33:44,823 --> 00:33:48,160 at Grey House. It's a map of old Middleton. 696 00:33:48,194 --> 00:33:50,362 - Oh, this is what the town looked like? 697 00:33:50,396 --> 00:33:52,464 - More than a hundred years ago, 698 00:33:52,498 --> 00:33:54,433 yeah. - I love this place. 699 00:33:54,466 --> 00:33:56,468 So much history here. 700 00:33:56,502 --> 00:33:59,538 - And an interesting future that's yet to be. 701 00:34:02,608 --> 00:34:05,411 *** - (Martha): Yes, I'm hiring you 702 00:34:05,444 --> 00:34:08,080 to dress up as "the boy prince" from Tarynsville. 703 00:34:08,114 --> 00:34:10,149 - Maybe I should have read the books 704 00:34:10,182 --> 00:34:12,584 before I said yes to the job. - Nick, please. 705 00:34:12,618 --> 00:34:14,586 I have to make this event much bigger than I'd planned 706 00:34:14,620 --> 00:34:16,588 and I thought having a character 707 00:34:16,622 --> 00:34:19,125 greet the guests, it would give it that, you know, 708 00:34:19,158 --> 00:34:21,127 New York touch. 709 00:34:21,160 --> 00:34:23,395 - I could use the extra money. - Oh, and I'll also 710 00:34:23,429 --> 00:34:25,697 need you to speak in a British accent. 711 00:34:25,731 --> 00:34:28,667 - (with subtle British accent): Very well then. What would you like me to say? 712 00:34:28,700 --> 00:34:31,237 - Well, I'd like you to say something in a British accent. 713 00:34:31,270 --> 00:34:33,272 - (with British accent): Why, I am speaking in an accent. 714 00:34:33,305 --> 00:34:36,742 - Ohhhh. Yeah, still not hearing it. 715 00:34:36,775 --> 00:34:39,711 *** 716 00:34:41,880 --> 00:34:43,515 - Mmm! Smells good! 717 00:34:43,549 --> 00:34:46,618 - Hey, how is your day? - It was amazing! 718 00:34:46,652 --> 00:34:48,587 You know, your daughter really knows how to tame a river. 719 00:34:48,620 --> 00:34:51,723 - Now, now. - What? 720 00:34:51,757 --> 00:34:53,792 - Uh, we went white-water kayaking. 721 00:34:53,825 --> 00:34:57,563 - Well, I am really proud of you for being so brave and adventurous. 722 00:34:57,596 --> 00:34:59,565 - You know, I was actually kind of afraid, 723 00:34:59,598 --> 00:35:01,600 but I decided to do it anyway. 724 00:35:04,370 --> 00:35:06,605 Grandpa? 725 00:35:06,638 --> 00:35:09,408 Are you reading The Darkness of Tarynsville? 726 00:35:09,441 --> 00:35:12,578 - Well, I just picked it up to see what all the fuss was about. 727 00:35:12,611 --> 00:35:15,481 - And? - I agree with all the fuss. 728 00:35:15,514 --> 00:35:18,850 - OK, I think that Desiree knows where the amulet is, 729 00:35:18,884 --> 00:35:21,520 and she's gonna be the one that finally finds it. 730 00:35:21,553 --> 00:35:24,356 - How can she know that? She wasn't even born when it was hidden. 731 00:35:24,390 --> 00:35:26,392 - Because her sister left her all those clues before she died. 732 00:35:26,425 --> 00:35:29,561 - (Courtney): Yes. - I don't believe she's dead. 733 00:35:29,595 --> 00:35:31,930 She's gonna show up in The Enchantress Unites, 734 00:35:31,963 --> 00:35:34,400 probably disguised as a sorceress. 735 00:35:36,735 --> 00:35:40,272 - That... could work. - Yeah, could actually happen. 736 00:35:40,306 --> 00:35:42,508 - You've got to learn to read the words 737 00:35:42,541 --> 00:35:44,776 between the words. Hmm? 738 00:35:44,810 --> 00:35:47,279 - Wow! 739 00:35:56,522 --> 00:35:58,757 - Wasn't expecting to see you midday. 740 00:35:58,790 --> 00:36:01,327 - I'm not even here. I had to pick up some fresh clothes for my date with Cassie. 741 00:36:01,360 --> 00:36:03,329 - You've got time off for the first time 742 00:36:03,362 --> 00:36:05,331 in, like, forever 743 00:36:05,364 --> 00:36:08,267 and you're not spending it with your own son? 744 00:36:08,300 --> 00:36:10,269 (both chuckling) 745 00:36:10,302 --> 00:36:12,804 I'm kidding. No, I'm glad 746 00:36:12,838 --> 00:36:15,241 you two are getting together. You deserve a break. 747 00:36:15,274 --> 00:36:18,777 - You know what? I think I got time for a quick game. 748 00:36:18,810 --> 00:36:21,313 - Ah, we gotta make it quick. First one to score wins. 749 00:36:21,347 --> 00:36:23,515 - This'll be a snap. 750 00:36:23,549 --> 00:36:25,517 Oh! 751 00:36:25,551 --> 00:36:27,286 - Oooh! 752 00:36:27,319 --> 00:36:29,288 What a devastating loss! 753 00:36:29,321 --> 00:36:31,323 - I was never even in it. 754 00:36:33,492 --> 00:36:35,394 *** 755 00:36:35,427 --> 00:36:37,363 - I knew you'd be able to get one. 756 00:36:37,396 --> 00:36:39,665 - You found Martha a cauldron? 757 00:36:39,698 --> 00:36:41,767 - Slightly used cauldron. 758 00:36:41,800 --> 00:36:44,603 - OK, here's how things are going to go. 759 00:36:44,636 --> 00:36:47,773 Jessica, you'll proceed down that aisle 760 00:36:47,806 --> 00:36:50,909 looking beautiful, and then up these stairs. 761 00:36:50,942 --> 00:36:52,911 - I can put flowers on both sides. 762 00:36:52,944 --> 00:36:55,281 - Oh! Make sure your new dress 763 00:36:55,314 --> 00:36:58,517 does not clash on camera with the colours. 764 00:36:58,550 --> 00:37:01,353 - I'll be standing here, waiting for you, 765 00:37:01,387 --> 00:37:04,590 then I'll take your hand... 766 00:37:07,826 --> 00:37:10,296 (Jessica chuckles.) We can... we can practice that 767 00:37:10,329 --> 00:37:12,798 later, but I'll remind you when it happens. 768 00:37:16,535 --> 00:37:19,037 - Is that enough? - Oh no, I'll need three times that amount. 769 00:37:19,070 --> 00:37:21,973 The fire needs to rise and crackle and spark, 770 00:37:22,007 --> 00:37:25,344 just like in the book. - There's gonna be a fire? 771 00:37:25,377 --> 00:37:27,613 - Yes, a huge one. Underneath the cauldron. 772 00:37:27,646 --> 00:37:29,915 - Oh no, there can't be a fire out here. 773 00:37:29,948 --> 00:37:32,618 Grey House is fragile. 774 00:37:32,651 --> 00:37:35,020 Those branches are too close to the ground. 775 00:37:35,053 --> 00:37:37,989 The trees have a spirit of their own; I wouldn't want that to be damaged 776 00:37:38,023 --> 00:37:41,727 by the flames or the heat. - But there has to be a fire. 777 00:37:41,760 --> 00:37:44,363 Fires are a big part of my books. 778 00:37:44,396 --> 00:37:46,632 *** - Well then, 779 00:37:46,665 --> 00:37:49,034 we'll have to find another place to do your reading. 780 00:37:49,067 --> 00:37:51,069 - We don't have time 781 00:37:51,102 --> 00:37:53,772 to find a new location. It's almost Halloween! 782 00:37:53,805 --> 00:37:55,807 - Sean! - We'll figure something out. 783 00:37:55,841 --> 00:37:58,344 We'll figure it out. - Do I need to call the network 784 00:37:58,377 --> 00:38:00,879 and tell them that this book reading may not happen? 785 00:38:00,912 --> 00:38:02,981 - No! It's happening. 786 00:38:03,014 --> 00:38:06,685 It's just that none of us has any idea where. Hahaha! 787 00:38:06,718 --> 00:38:08,920 - This is just like 788 00:38:08,954 --> 00:38:11,390 in The Darkness of Tarynsville, 789 00:38:11,423 --> 00:38:13,492 when the royal council couldn't find a meeting ground 790 00:38:13,525 --> 00:38:15,527 for their autumn assemblage. 791 00:38:15,561 --> 00:38:18,464 - How'd that turn out? - Oh, it was horrible. 792 00:38:18,497 --> 00:38:20,599 I mean, war started, 793 00:38:20,632 --> 00:38:23,301 friendships were split. 794 00:38:27,673 --> 00:38:29,775 This might be even worse. 795 00:38:34,613 --> 00:38:36,582 - Cassie, I don't understand why you're still decorating 796 00:38:36,615 --> 00:38:38,917 your shop as though nothing's going wrong. 797 00:38:38,950 --> 00:38:41,620 Jessica and Sean are threatening to go back to New York 798 00:38:41,653 --> 00:38:43,955 if we don't find the perfect place for the reading, 799 00:38:43,989 --> 00:38:45,791 so the whole event might not happen after all. 800 00:38:45,824 --> 00:38:48,494 - I think everything will work out, somehow. 801 00:38:48,527 --> 00:38:51,062 - Ah! That's if I solve everybody's problems. 802 00:38:51,096 --> 00:38:52,864 Thank goodness 803 00:38:52,898 --> 00:38:55,834 I have years of experience doing just that. 804 00:39:00,071 --> 00:39:02,441 (door chime) - Oh. 805 00:39:04,175 --> 00:39:06,878 If you're looking for an interesting tea, 806 00:39:06,912 --> 00:39:08,680 you might enjoy this. 807 00:39:10,582 --> 00:39:14,019 - Mmm! I love rosemary on lamb. I've never tried it as a tea. 808 00:39:14,052 --> 00:39:16,054 - I'll make up a little canister for you. 809 00:39:16,087 --> 00:39:18,089 Oh, and if you like lamb, 810 00:39:18,123 --> 00:39:20,025 have you ever tried that little place, Merletto's, 811 00:39:20,058 --> 00:39:22,127 on the way out of town? - No, I don't think so. 812 00:39:22,160 --> 00:39:24,696 - It's worth the trip. 813 00:39:24,730 --> 00:39:26,598 - OK. 814 00:39:26,632 --> 00:39:28,867 Thank you. 815 00:39:28,900 --> 00:39:31,970 *** - How's Grace? 816 00:39:32,003 --> 00:39:33,939 I've seen her even less than I've seen you. 817 00:39:33,972 --> 00:39:36,908 - She's good. She's got this new friend that's bringing out 818 00:39:36,942 --> 00:39:39,110 a daring spirit that I never even knew my daughter had. 819 00:39:39,144 --> 00:39:41,179 They went kayaking, and Grace 820 00:39:41,212 --> 00:39:43,682 just told me she wants to give rock climbing a try. 821 00:39:43,715 --> 00:39:45,984 (both laughing) - I've never understood 822 00:39:46,017 --> 00:39:48,153 the appeal of hanging on the side of a rock. 823 00:39:48,186 --> 00:39:50,188 We have stairs, we have ladders -- 824 00:39:50,221 --> 00:39:52,424 lots of superior means of vertical perambulation. 825 00:39:52,458 --> 00:39:53,925 - You're very passionate about this. 826 00:39:53,959 --> 00:39:55,761 - I've given it a lot of thought. 827 00:39:55,794 --> 00:39:59,097 - Haha! Hey, how's Nick? - He's good. 828 00:39:59,130 --> 00:40:01,533 - Well, I heard Martha hired him to dress up as a character 829 00:40:01,567 --> 00:40:03,802 from Tarynsville at the book launch. 830 00:40:03,835 --> 00:40:07,138 - Haha! My son is a working actor. 831 00:40:07,172 --> 00:40:10,208 Those are words that I never thought I'd hear myself say. 832 00:40:10,241 --> 00:40:12,744 - Oh, hi! - Hey. 833 00:40:12,778 --> 00:40:15,681 - You were right, the lamb here was fantastic. 834 00:40:15,714 --> 00:40:18,717 - I thought you might like it. - Dr. Radford? 835 00:40:18,750 --> 00:40:20,819 - Yes? - You operated on me last week. 836 00:40:20,852 --> 00:40:23,054 - Oh! Yeah, of course. 837 00:40:23,088 --> 00:40:26,458 Hi. Good to see you. - Dr. Radford was amazing. 838 00:40:26,492 --> 00:40:29,027 - Sam really cares about his work. 839 00:40:30,762 --> 00:40:33,164 - I can't thank you enough. - Oh, you're welcome. 840 00:40:33,198 --> 00:40:35,901 - Well, enjoy your meal. - Thank you. 841 00:40:35,934 --> 00:40:38,737 - Goodbye. - Goodbye. - Goodnight. 842 00:40:40,606 --> 00:40:43,074 - Must feel nice to know that you helped people like that. 843 00:40:43,108 --> 00:40:46,545 - Yeah, it is. I just wish I could remember his name. 844 00:40:46,578 --> 00:40:48,814 *** I'm running around 845 00:40:48,847 --> 00:40:52,017 so much, doing so many surgeries, I'm hardly getting to know the patients at all. 846 00:40:52,050 --> 00:40:54,886 - Hmm, you're still making a difference in their lives. 847 00:40:54,920 --> 00:40:57,823 - Sure, patching them up, sending them home. 848 00:40:57,856 --> 00:41:01,126 But "they're more than just bodies, you know." 849 00:41:05,697 --> 00:41:09,034 Greg! That's his name. 850 00:41:09,067 --> 00:41:11,169 Greg. 851 00:41:11,202 --> 00:41:14,139 So, they say the lamb is good here, hmm? 852 00:41:14,172 --> 00:41:17,208 - Yeah, that's what people say. 853 00:41:17,242 --> 00:41:20,579 *** 854 00:41:20,612 --> 00:41:22,714 Thank you. - Mm-hmm. 855 00:41:24,249 --> 00:41:26,117 Well... (Cassie sighing) 856 00:41:26,151 --> 00:41:27,853 - Glad we were able to get together. 857 00:41:27,886 --> 00:41:30,656 - Yeah, it was nice to reconnect. 858 00:41:30,689 --> 00:41:32,658 - I'd say, "Let's do it again sometime," 859 00:41:32,691 --> 00:41:35,861 but I can't make any promises when "sometime" won't even be. 860 00:41:35,894 --> 00:41:38,730 (Cassie chuckling) - Well, why don't we just 861 00:41:38,764 --> 00:41:41,132 make more of an effort to be in the same place at the same time? 862 00:41:41,166 --> 00:41:43,569 - "Make more of an effort," 863 00:41:43,602 --> 00:41:45,070 I think I can live up to that. 864 00:41:45,103 --> 00:41:49,775 - Fine, then it's a deal. (Sam chuckling) 865 00:41:49,808 --> 00:41:52,578 - Deal. 866 00:41:54,713 --> 00:41:56,848 (sigh) OK. Well, I guess, 867 00:41:56,882 --> 00:41:59,017 that's... goodnight. 868 00:41:59,050 --> 00:42:01,519 - Goodnight. 869 00:42:03,922 --> 00:42:05,891 You did everything you could, Sam. 870 00:42:05,924 --> 00:42:08,960 - I know. 871 00:42:08,994 --> 00:42:11,630 *** 872 00:42:14,032 --> 00:42:16,001 Thanks for coming to ride home with me. 873 00:42:16,034 --> 00:42:18,103 - No problem. I kind of want to hear about your day. 874 00:42:18,136 --> 00:42:20,138 - (laughing): You want to hear about my day? 875 00:42:20,171 --> 00:42:23,141 - Yeah, that surprised me as soon as I said it. 876 00:42:23,174 --> 00:42:25,143 - Dr. Radford? 877 00:42:25,176 --> 00:42:27,846 You're needed in the E.R. 878 00:42:27,879 --> 00:42:30,616 - I should take a look. It might not be 879 00:42:30,649 --> 00:42:33,051 too long. - No problem. Go. 880 00:42:36,221 --> 00:42:39,290 (indistinct PA system message) 881 00:42:39,324 --> 00:42:41,793 - So what have we got? - 16-year-old female. 882 00:42:41,827 --> 00:42:44,162 Head trauma, possible fractures. - Is she conscious? 883 00:42:44,195 --> 00:42:47,699 - In and out. We're waiting on transport to give us an I.D. 884 00:42:49,701 --> 00:42:52,137 (dramatic music) 885 00:42:55,707 --> 00:42:58,009 - Grace. 886 00:43:01,079 --> 00:43:03,615 *** 887 00:43:06,952 --> 00:43:10,388 - How are things in Tarynsville? 888 00:43:10,421 --> 00:43:12,724 - Hmm! Still a day before Halloween. 889 00:43:12,758 --> 00:43:15,226 - Well, it can't stay like that forever. Not if the Enchantress 890 00:43:15,260 --> 00:43:17,062 gets her way. (George chuckling) 891 00:43:19,064 --> 00:43:21,767 Do you know if Grace is back yet? - No, I haven't seen her. 892 00:43:21,800 --> 00:43:24,069 - She and Courtney went out earlier, but they were supposed 893 00:43:24,102 --> 00:43:26,838 to be back by now. 894 00:43:28,707 --> 00:43:30,809 *** (machine beeping) 895 00:43:32,443 --> 00:43:34,646 - (sighing): It looks like a concussion. 896 00:43:37,415 --> 00:43:39,384 Possible shoulder injury. 897 00:43:39,417 --> 00:43:41,386 - Blood pressure is below normal. 898 00:43:41,419 --> 00:43:43,088 - Alright, make sure 899 00:43:43,121 --> 00:43:44,990 we keep her stable while we look for other signs of trauma, 900 00:43:45,023 --> 00:43:47,693 possible fractures. 901 00:43:47,726 --> 00:43:50,128 Keep a close watch on her vitals. 902 00:43:50,161 --> 00:43:53,264 How did this happen? - She wanted 903 00:43:53,298 --> 00:43:56,101 to go rock climbing, even though she had never been before, 904 00:43:56,134 --> 00:43:58,369 and she thought she could make a grab, 905 00:43:58,403 --> 00:44:02,140 but she couldn't reach it. - How far did she fall? 906 00:44:02,173 --> 00:44:05,977 - I don't know, like 10 feet. 907 00:44:06,011 --> 00:44:09,047 But she hit the ground really hard. 908 00:44:09,080 --> 00:44:11,717 And now she's here because of me. 909 00:44:11,750 --> 00:44:14,119 - Except I was the one who told her to get outside more. 910 00:44:16,221 --> 00:44:18,724 It's not your fault. 911 00:44:24,362 --> 00:44:27,365 (sighing) 912 00:44:27,398 --> 00:44:29,467 *** - Sam! 913 00:44:29,500 --> 00:44:32,003 - She's gonna be OK. - Then why is she in hospital? 914 00:44:32,037 --> 00:44:35,006 - There was an accident, she fell, but she's gonna be OK. - I want to see her. 915 00:44:35,040 --> 00:44:37,075 - As soon as she wakes up. - When will that be? 916 00:44:37,108 --> 00:44:39,845 - Any minute. - That's not an answer. 917 00:44:39,878 --> 00:44:41,713 - Cassie, this is not some patient I don't know. 918 00:44:41,747 --> 00:44:43,448 OK? It's Grace. But I need 919 00:44:43,481 --> 00:44:45,884 to get back in there 920 00:44:45,917 --> 00:44:48,453 - OK. Just take care of her. - OK. 921 00:44:50,756 --> 00:44:53,091 *** 922 00:44:54,960 --> 00:44:57,763 - I was so hoping that that courtyard would be 923 00:44:57,796 --> 00:45:00,131 the perfect place for your midnight book reading. 924 00:45:00,165 --> 00:45:02,333 - Except it didn't look like the one from Jessica's books at all. 925 00:45:02,367 --> 00:45:05,403 - Well, we'll just have to keep looking until we find the perfect location. 926 00:45:05,436 --> 00:45:07,806 - We had the perfect location at Grey House 927 00:45:07,839 --> 00:45:09,841 until we were told we couldn't use it. 928 00:45:09,875 --> 00:45:12,978 - And no one was more shocked than I when Cassie gave us the news. 929 00:45:13,011 --> 00:45:14,880 Usually, she's the most reliable 930 00:45:14,913 --> 00:45:16,848 person in town although, every once in a while, 931 00:45:16,882 --> 00:45:18,817 she does go a little "woo-woo" on us all. 932 00:45:18,850 --> 00:45:21,386 - We should just have the reading in New York, like it was planned. 933 00:45:21,419 --> 00:45:22,387 - No! 934 00:45:24,555 --> 00:45:28,259 This town is being turned into Tarynsville, just as I said it would be, 935 00:45:28,293 --> 00:45:31,897 and unlike some people around here, I stick to my word. 936 00:45:31,930 --> 00:45:34,132 (cell phone ringing) 937 00:45:34,165 --> 00:45:35,767 Excuse me. 938 00:45:35,801 --> 00:45:37,468 (Martha chuckling) 939 00:45:37,502 --> 00:45:39,805 This is the mayor! 940 00:45:39,838 --> 00:45:42,941 Oh, dear! Is she gonna be all right? 941 00:45:42,974 --> 00:45:44,843 Is Cassie with her? 942 00:45:44,876 --> 00:45:47,445 Please, tell Cassie that if there is anything 943 00:45:47,478 --> 00:45:50,415 that she needs, anything at all, I'm right here for her. 944 00:45:50,448 --> 00:45:53,451 Thank you. Oh my. 945 00:45:53,484 --> 00:45:55,520 *** (indistinct chatter) 946 00:46:00,158 --> 00:46:02,560 - Oh. We came as soon as we heard. 947 00:46:02,593 --> 00:46:06,031 - We're staying with you, - The both of us. 948 00:46:06,064 --> 00:46:08,066 - Thanks. 949 00:46:08,099 --> 00:46:11,302 (phone ringing) OK. 950 00:46:13,371 --> 00:46:15,206 I just want to be able to see her, 951 00:46:15,240 --> 00:46:19,911 so she can see me and know that I'm here with her. 952 00:46:21,579 --> 00:46:23,915 - Grace is waking up. (Cassie sighs in relief) 953 00:46:33,491 --> 00:46:36,862 Grace, can you hear me? 954 00:46:36,895 --> 00:46:39,197 - We're here, Honey. 955 00:46:39,230 --> 00:46:41,833 - Grace? 956 00:46:41,867 --> 00:46:43,434 *** 957 00:46:47,172 --> 00:46:49,875 - Dad? 958 00:47:03,889 --> 00:47:06,324 *** (siren) 959 00:47:06,357 --> 00:47:08,326 Thank you. 960 00:47:08,359 --> 00:47:10,328 - You have a mild concussion, 961 00:47:10,361 --> 00:47:12,563 but it will dissipate after 962 00:47:12,597 --> 00:47:14,432 a long period of rest. 963 00:47:14,465 --> 00:47:17,368 - And then you're going to be just fine. - OK. Ooh! Ow! 964 00:47:17,402 --> 00:47:21,306 - Yeah, that shoulder's going to be tender for a while, too. 965 00:47:21,339 --> 00:47:24,209 Do you have pain anywhere else? 966 00:47:24,242 --> 00:47:27,312 - It might be easier if I tell you where I don't hurt. 967 00:47:27,345 --> 00:47:30,448 - All that will go away in a few days, too. 968 00:47:30,481 --> 00:47:32,150 - (quietly): Thanks. 969 00:47:32,183 --> 00:47:35,486 - You were with me when I woke up. 970 00:47:35,520 --> 00:47:36,955 - Of course. 971 00:47:36,988 --> 00:47:39,925 - It was weird. 972 00:47:39,958 --> 00:47:42,293 I just remember thinking... 973 00:47:42,327 --> 00:47:44,329 - You were calling out for your dad. 974 00:47:44,362 --> 00:47:46,464 - Yeah. 975 00:47:46,497 --> 00:47:50,201 I think that I just forgot. 976 00:47:52,938 --> 00:47:55,573 - Yeah. 977 00:47:55,606 --> 00:47:59,444 *** 978 00:47:59,477 --> 00:48:01,446 (knocking) 979 00:48:01,479 --> 00:48:04,415 - Carl! 980 00:48:04,449 --> 00:48:06,051 Did we have a date? 981 00:48:06,084 --> 00:48:09,454 - No. But I have a reservation. - To stay here? 982 00:48:09,487 --> 00:48:12,257 - Yeah, there was this internet special: staying at Grey House 983 00:48:12,290 --> 00:48:14,559 comes with a free invitation to the book release party, 984 00:48:14,592 --> 00:48:18,997 so I get to go to that, too. - I didn't even know you liked the books. 985 00:48:19,030 --> 00:48:21,432 - Well, somebody must have, because the only place in town 986 00:48:21,466 --> 00:48:23,434 with any rooms left was right here, 987 00:48:23,468 --> 00:48:25,436 and it's like they saved one 988 00:48:25,470 --> 00:48:29,507 just for me. - Hm! OK! 989 00:48:29,540 --> 00:48:32,310 There's a room at the end of the hall. 990 00:48:32,343 --> 00:48:35,080 Take a left and it's just at the end of the hall, there. 991 00:48:35,113 --> 00:48:38,249 - Top, left, end. - Yes. 992 00:48:40,251 --> 00:48:43,154 - Knock-knock. 993 00:48:43,188 --> 00:48:45,156 - Brian? 994 00:48:45,190 --> 00:48:48,526 - Guess who got an invitation to the book release? 995 00:48:48,559 --> 00:48:51,529 - You did. - I was on this ticket 996 00:48:51,562 --> 00:48:53,664 broker site and an ad popped up to stay at Grey House 997 00:48:53,698 --> 00:48:55,666 and go the party for free. 998 00:48:55,700 --> 00:48:58,669 - You didn't even mention that you even wanted to come! 999 00:48:58,703 --> 00:49:00,671 - Because I didn't think I'd get the chance, 1000 00:49:00,705 --> 00:49:03,674 but somehow, here I am. 1001 00:49:03,708 --> 00:49:05,476 - Here you are. Why don't we put you 1002 00:49:05,510 --> 00:49:08,646 in one of our most secluded rooms? 1003 00:49:08,679 --> 00:49:10,648 It's, um, at the top of the stairs 1004 00:49:10,681 --> 00:49:13,584 you take a right and then, it's way at the end of the hall. 1005 00:49:13,618 --> 00:49:15,586 - Way at the end? - Way at the end! 1006 00:49:15,620 --> 00:49:17,588 - Sounds great! 1007 00:49:17,622 --> 00:49:19,490 (sigh) - Abigail. 1008 00:49:19,524 --> 00:49:23,094 - Dennis. 1009 00:49:24,695 --> 00:49:27,999 *** 1010 00:49:32,070 --> 00:49:34,405 - We tried to make it look exactly 1011 00:49:34,439 --> 00:49:36,407 like the restaurant in your books. 1012 00:49:36,441 --> 00:49:38,709 - It's pretty close, yeah! 1013 00:49:38,743 --> 00:49:40,745 - Now, if you'll follow me, I have 1014 00:49:40,778 --> 00:49:42,747 a variety of MupCakes for you to taste 1015 00:49:42,780 --> 00:49:44,749 and see which ones you like best. 1016 00:49:44,782 --> 00:49:46,751 - Maybe you should just pack them to go. We can eat them 1017 00:49:46,784 --> 00:49:49,287 on the way back. I probably should have insisted 1018 00:49:49,320 --> 00:49:52,223 that we have the book launch in New York the first place. 1019 00:49:52,257 --> 00:49:55,393 - No, don't be silly. Come and site down. 1020 00:49:55,426 --> 00:49:58,563 Come on, have a seat. 1021 00:49:58,596 --> 00:50:03,134 Look, I have got my brand new ovens all warmed up. 1022 00:50:03,168 --> 00:50:05,670 Ahem! Now, 1023 00:50:05,703 --> 00:50:09,607 what do you think... of this one? 1024 00:50:14,079 --> 00:50:16,547 - It's pretty good! - (whispered): Yeah. 1025 00:50:16,581 --> 00:50:18,549 - I really don't like it. 1026 00:50:18,583 --> 00:50:20,618 I'm sorry. - Oh! 1027 00:50:20,651 --> 00:50:23,388 OK, well, uh... 1028 00:50:23,421 --> 00:50:27,058 there are plenty more... for you try... 1029 00:50:27,092 --> 00:50:30,695 This one next. Here you go. 1030 00:50:33,731 --> 00:50:36,234 - This one's not bad. 1031 00:50:36,267 --> 00:50:38,603 - Are you kidding? 1032 00:50:38,636 --> 00:50:41,606 I'm sorry. Next. - I am sure 1033 00:50:41,639 --> 00:50:44,675 we can find one that you both agree will be perfect. 1034 00:50:44,709 --> 00:50:47,212 - Well, I like the frosting on this one. 1035 00:50:47,245 --> 00:50:50,148 - Good! That's orange-flavored. - With a cupcake like that? 1036 00:50:50,181 --> 00:50:53,751 - Well, that's cherry. - Oh yeah, that'd taste great. 1037 00:50:53,784 --> 00:50:55,753 - I don't think they really go together... 1038 00:50:55,786 --> 00:50:58,789 - Unless... maybe they do? 1039 00:50:58,823 --> 00:51:00,758 - Let's find out. 1040 00:51:00,791 --> 00:51:05,696 *** 1041 00:51:05,730 --> 00:51:08,766 Voilà! 1042 00:51:14,739 --> 00:51:16,707 Mm! - Mh-hm! 1043 00:51:16,741 --> 00:51:19,644 - Yes, we have a MupCake winner! 1044 00:51:19,677 --> 00:51:23,214 - Oh, and will you check with Abigail? 1045 00:51:23,248 --> 00:51:25,216 She had some flowers in her shop 1046 00:51:25,250 --> 00:51:26,817 that are the perfect shade of orange. 1047 00:51:26,851 --> 00:51:29,887 Maybe you can work with her, so these will match that? 1048 00:51:29,920 --> 00:51:33,658 - Sure. I'll work with her. - Great. 1049 00:51:33,691 --> 00:51:36,627 Hey, don't hog it all. I want more. 1050 00:51:36,661 --> 00:51:40,365 - Hm? (chuckles) 1051 00:51:40,398 --> 00:51:42,833 - Oh! You got frosting on my nose! 1052 00:51:42,867 --> 00:51:45,436 - You got your nose in my frosting! 1053 00:51:50,241 --> 00:51:52,310 - So, how are you feeling? 1054 00:51:52,343 --> 00:51:55,213 - Better. I mean, 1055 00:51:55,246 --> 00:51:57,215 things still hurt 1056 00:51:57,248 --> 00:52:01,252 but, uh... it's starting to be not as much. 1057 00:52:01,286 --> 00:52:04,489 - I feel so bad about what happened. - Why? 1058 00:52:04,522 --> 00:52:07,358 Did you push me when I wasn't looking? 1059 00:52:07,392 --> 00:52:09,360 - It's just... 1060 00:52:09,394 --> 00:52:11,696 we wouldn't have been there if it wasn't for me. 1061 00:52:11,729 --> 00:52:13,698 - I'm pretty sure I was the one who said: 1062 00:52:13,731 --> 00:52:15,700 "Hey, let's go rock climbing." 1063 00:52:15,733 --> 00:52:18,703 Besides, when I'm feeling all better, 1064 00:52:18,736 --> 00:52:20,771 I'm going to want to get back out there and try it again. 1065 00:52:20,805 --> 00:52:22,840 - You know, there are plenty of things you're good 1066 00:52:22,873 --> 00:52:24,809 at doing inside. 1067 00:52:24,842 --> 00:52:27,278 - Well, I guess I'm more adventurous than you think! 1068 00:52:27,312 --> 00:52:31,682 - Oh! We brought you a present! 1069 00:52:31,716 --> 00:52:34,552 - Courtney dragged me to five different places 1070 00:52:34,585 --> 00:52:36,787 before she found the right one. 1071 00:52:36,821 --> 00:52:39,424 - Yeah, 'cause I was looking for something specific. 1072 00:52:39,457 --> 00:52:41,926 (little snicker) - Ah... 1073 00:52:41,959 --> 00:52:44,161 let's see... 1074 00:52:46,697 --> 00:52:48,666 Is this..? 1075 00:52:48,699 --> 00:52:50,968 - Mm-hm! Just like the one Desiree wore 1076 00:52:51,001 --> 00:52:52,970 when she went looking for the amulet. 1077 00:52:53,003 --> 00:52:55,873 - I love it. Really, thank you. 1078 00:53:00,278 --> 00:53:03,781 - It's looking like I won't have to keep Grace here much longer. 1079 00:53:03,814 --> 00:53:05,883 - Thanks for "patching her up" so well. 1080 00:53:05,916 --> 00:53:07,818 - She's a fast healer. 1081 00:53:07,852 --> 00:53:09,654 You know, I was thinking about what happened 1082 00:53:09,687 --> 00:53:11,656 yesterday, when she woke up. 1083 00:53:11,689 --> 00:53:14,225 - Yeah, thinking about her dad. 1084 00:53:14,259 --> 00:53:16,961 She must really miss him. - Yeah. 1085 00:53:18,729 --> 00:53:20,998 Well, I think Jake would be very proud 1086 00:53:21,031 --> 00:53:24,602 of the daughter you're raising. - He would, thanks. 1087 00:53:24,635 --> 00:53:27,338 - I know she was waking up from a concussion, 1088 00:53:27,372 --> 00:53:29,340 but it reminded me of a patient I had in New York. 1089 00:53:29,374 --> 00:53:31,842 She was a professional skier 1090 00:53:31,876 --> 00:53:34,412 and she had lost the use of her legs after an accident. 1091 00:53:34,445 --> 00:53:36,814 She told me that every morning, 1092 00:53:36,847 --> 00:53:39,317 when she woke up, she forgot she was paralyzed. 1093 00:53:40,718 --> 00:53:43,421 And then, remembered. 1094 00:53:43,454 --> 00:53:47,292 - Every single morning? - Yeah! That's what she said. 1095 00:53:47,325 --> 00:53:49,660 I wonder if Grace is going through something similar. 1096 00:53:49,694 --> 00:53:53,831 You know, forgetting, and then, remembering. 1097 00:53:53,864 --> 00:53:55,833 - I've never really thought about it; 1098 00:53:55,866 --> 00:53:57,835 I guess it happens to me, too. 1099 00:53:57,868 --> 00:54:00,638 Just-- some mornings, right when I wake up, 1100 00:54:00,671 --> 00:54:03,941 I realize I'm thinking about Jake and... 1101 00:54:05,576 --> 00:54:07,745 ...and I remember. 1102 00:54:12,417 --> 00:54:14,519 *** (birds chirping) 1103 00:54:14,552 --> 00:54:16,921 - So, how was the first night back in your own bed? 1104 00:54:16,954 --> 00:54:18,923 - I think I slept really well, 1105 00:54:18,956 --> 00:54:21,759 but I can't say for sure because, well, I was asleep. 1106 00:54:21,792 --> 00:54:24,695 - I looked in on her a couple of times. 1107 00:54:24,729 --> 00:54:28,733 Well, probably more than a couple of times! She slept well. 1108 00:54:28,766 --> 00:54:31,769 - Good. In a few days, we'll get you up and moving around, 1109 00:54:31,802 --> 00:54:34,472 but until then, you stay in this bed. 1110 00:54:34,505 --> 00:54:37,041 - I can't even go downstairs? 1111 00:54:37,074 --> 00:54:39,076 But that... that means I won't be able 1112 00:54:39,109 --> 00:54:41,078 to make it to the book release. 1113 00:54:41,111 --> 00:54:43,881 - Nick told me that that event's probably not even happening. 1114 00:54:43,914 --> 00:54:46,484 - Well, there's still a few more things to work out, 1115 00:54:46,517 --> 00:54:49,019 but I think it's all gonna fall into place. 1116 00:54:49,053 --> 00:54:51,556 - Yeah, except I won't be there. 1117 00:54:51,589 --> 00:54:54,825 - Hey, she's pouting. It's a good sign! 1118 00:54:54,859 --> 00:54:56,861 We know her facial muscles work. 1119 00:54:59,997 --> 00:55:03,468 - Hey, you want me to set these out, some place where you can see them? 1120 00:55:03,501 --> 00:55:05,736 - I'd like that. 1121 00:55:05,770 --> 00:55:09,106 - Hm, this one's nice. The start of a brand new day. 1122 00:55:09,139 --> 00:55:12,677 - Yeah! 1123 00:55:12,710 --> 00:55:15,713 - There. 1124 00:55:15,746 --> 00:55:18,783 Now every morning when you wake up, this will be the first thing you think about. 1125 00:55:20,017 --> 00:55:23,488 - It's perfect. Thanks. 1126 00:55:25,055 --> 00:55:28,058 *** 1127 00:55:33,798 --> 00:55:35,800 - There you are. 1128 00:55:38,503 --> 00:55:40,471 I was looking all over. 1129 00:55:40,505 --> 00:55:42,907 - Sorry, I didn't realize I was hiding. 1130 00:55:42,940 --> 00:55:45,910 - I can leave you alone. 1131 00:55:45,943 --> 00:55:49,447 - No! (little laugh): Don't. 1132 00:55:55,553 --> 00:55:58,956 - I started packing my stuff. 1133 00:55:58,989 --> 00:56:03,093 - Me, too. Kind of ready to get out of here. 1134 00:56:03,127 --> 00:56:05,696 Maybe by getting away from all this stress, I'll finally 1135 00:56:05,730 --> 00:56:08,466 come up with something to write about in my next book. 1136 00:56:08,499 --> 00:56:10,835 - I guess we never should have come here. 1137 00:56:10,868 --> 00:56:13,838 - You were trying to do something nice for me. 1138 00:56:13,871 --> 00:56:17,174 - So I should think twice before ever doing that again, 1139 00:56:17,207 --> 00:56:20,578 huh? - (small chuckle): Yeah. 1140 00:56:22,880 --> 00:56:26,617 *** 1141 00:56:28,619 --> 00:56:31,622 - Oh! You have two exams set for Friday afternoon, 1142 00:56:31,656 --> 00:56:34,425 and a follow-up with Mrs. Talley on Thursday morning. 1143 00:56:34,459 --> 00:56:37,562 - I don't think I can be here both days. Could you schedule them back to back for me? 1144 00:56:37,595 --> 00:56:39,997 - I'll see what I can do. - What's next week looking like? 1145 00:56:40,030 --> 00:56:42,767 - Oh, I printed you up a schedule. 1146 00:56:42,800 --> 00:56:45,536 - (sighing): Paul Luttrell wants to see me? 1147 00:56:45,570 --> 00:56:48,038 - Back pain. - Ah. Lydia Monroe? 1148 00:56:48,072 --> 00:56:50,908 - Sniffles. - I miss sniffles. 1149 00:56:50,941 --> 00:56:52,877 OK, I will, uh... 1150 00:56:52,910 --> 00:56:55,613 figure out a time to get back here as soon as I can. 1151 00:56:55,646 --> 00:56:57,748 - I'll keep the orthoscopic light burning! 1152 00:57:02,252 --> 00:57:04,455 - Martha? 1153 00:57:04,489 --> 00:57:06,457 What are you doing? 1154 00:57:06,491 --> 00:57:08,493 - I've decided we might as well put an end 1155 00:57:08,526 --> 00:57:10,961 to this whole Tarynsville façade. The book release 1156 00:57:10,995 --> 00:57:14,465 is the day after tomorrow and I still haven't found a place for the reading. 1157 00:57:14,499 --> 00:57:16,801 Jessica and Sean are practically halfway out of town already 1158 00:57:16,834 --> 00:57:18,803 and there's nothing I can do to stop them. 1159 00:57:18,836 --> 00:57:22,072 - Why don't we go inside and give it a little more thought? 1160 00:57:22,106 --> 00:57:24,141 - Yes, please. Allow me to wallow 1161 00:57:24,174 --> 00:57:26,243 in my shame out of the public eye. 1162 00:57:26,276 --> 00:57:28,913 Thank you. 1163 00:57:28,946 --> 00:57:31,248 (door chimes) 1164 00:57:31,281 --> 00:57:34,885 I wanted it all to be so perfect! 1165 00:57:34,919 --> 00:57:38,055 To show my college nemesis that just because I chose to live 1166 00:57:38,088 --> 00:57:41,091 in a small town doesn't mean I'm not as good as anyone else. 1167 00:57:43,794 --> 00:57:47,064 Won't you reconsider letting us light a fire in the courtyard at Grey House? 1168 00:57:47,097 --> 00:57:49,166 - There has to be a better place. 1169 00:57:49,199 --> 00:57:52,269 - There's not! Not that matches what Jessica is looking for. 1170 00:57:52,302 --> 00:57:54,805 I suppose that I'm just gonna have to accept the fact 1171 00:57:54,839 --> 00:57:57,542 that I failed. I might as well go and tell Meredith 1172 00:57:57,575 --> 00:58:00,010 what I'm sure she'll think is fabulous news. In fact, 1173 00:58:00,044 --> 00:58:01,979 she'll probably want to capture my defeat 1174 00:58:02,012 --> 00:58:06,684 on camera, so I should... spruce up my vanquished face. 1175 00:58:06,717 --> 00:58:09,920 - From where I'm standing, you look just fine. 1176 00:58:09,954 --> 00:58:11,722 - What's that behind me? 1177 00:58:19,597 --> 00:58:21,566 (Gasp!) 1178 00:58:21,599 --> 00:58:24,134 - You look like a woman who's seen the light. 1179 00:58:24,168 --> 00:58:27,672 - I have. I have just thought of the perfect place 1180 00:58:27,705 --> 00:58:29,674 for Jessica to do her book reading. 1181 00:58:29,707 --> 00:58:32,009 Oh, Cassie, I've saved the day! 1182 00:58:37,615 --> 00:58:39,617 Thank you. 1183 00:58:42,887 --> 00:58:44,955 - What's going on? 1184 00:58:44,989 --> 00:58:48,292 - I have figured out where Jessica is going to do her book reading. 1185 00:58:48,325 --> 00:58:50,728 - In my flower shop? 1186 00:58:50,761 --> 00:58:52,730 - Oh, no, no, no, no, 1187 00:58:52,763 --> 00:58:55,332 because it didn't use to BE a flower shop. 1188 00:58:55,365 --> 00:58:57,868 I happened to see an old map of Middleton 1189 00:58:57,902 --> 00:58:59,837 and I remembered that years ago, 1190 00:58:59,870 --> 00:59:01,772 this room was part of a larger gathering hall 1191 00:59:01,806 --> 00:59:04,008 where all of the townspeople would meet. 1192 00:59:04,041 --> 00:59:07,578 - So, which wall is it? - Right back there. 1193 00:59:07,612 --> 00:59:10,280 When they sectioned off the building, they split up the room 1194 00:59:10,314 --> 00:59:12,617 and they walled off a grand fireplace 1195 00:59:12,650 --> 00:59:15,352 behind there that was the centerpiece of the hall. 1196 00:59:15,385 --> 00:59:18,355 - It sounds like the perfect place for Jessica to do her reading. 1197 00:59:18,388 --> 00:59:20,257 - If it looks anything like the fireplace that my Nana 1198 00:59:20,290 --> 00:59:22,359 used to tell me about, it could be ideal. 1199 00:59:22,392 --> 00:59:25,696 - Well, I can't promise you a heart and infinity sign carved into the mantle, 1200 00:59:25,730 --> 00:59:28,899 but there's a good chance it's going to be exactly what you want. 1201 00:59:28,933 --> 00:59:30,901 Of course, we'll have to knock down a wall 1202 00:59:30,935 --> 00:59:34,371 in order to get access. - Knock down a what? AAH!! 1203 00:59:34,404 --> 00:59:36,340 - For heaven's sake, Derek, you have to swing that thing 1204 00:59:36,373 --> 00:59:40,377 harder! This whole section needs to be completely removed. (impact) 1205 00:59:40,410 --> 00:59:43,047 - Um, have you told whoever's on the other side of this wall that you're knocking through it? 1206 00:59:43,080 --> 00:59:45,750 - Not yet, but I'm sure she won't mind. 1207 00:59:45,783 --> 00:59:48,118 (loud impact and scream from the other side) 1208 00:59:52,723 --> 00:59:54,725 - What is going? 1209 00:59:54,759 --> 00:59:57,928 - It's for the good of the town, dear. Step back! 1210 00:59:57,962 --> 01:00:00,665 Hit straight ahead, Derek. Straight ahead! 1211 01:00:10,107 --> 01:00:12,342 *** 1212 01:00:12,376 --> 01:00:14,344 Be careful. 1213 01:00:14,378 --> 01:00:16,346 Watch where you step. 1214 01:00:16,380 --> 01:00:20,217 - This used to be all one big room? 1215 01:00:20,250 --> 01:00:24,354 - Yeah, I guess we've been sharing it the whole time. 1216 01:00:24,388 --> 01:00:26,757 - It should be back here. 1217 01:00:26,791 --> 01:00:30,661 - Well... it definitely was. - Oh, no. 1218 01:00:30,695 --> 01:00:34,799 Ugh! - I guess this isn't going to work. 1219 01:00:34,832 --> 01:00:37,968 - I am so sorry, 1220 01:00:38,002 --> 01:00:40,237 I was really hoping that what was back here was gonna be 1221 01:00:40,270 --> 01:00:43,841 exactly what you were looking for. 1222 01:00:46,911 --> 01:00:50,414 - There is something. 1223 01:00:52,983 --> 01:00:54,952 - Hm! 1224 01:00:54,985 --> 01:00:58,055 It's just an old wooden box. 1225 01:00:58,088 --> 01:01:00,725 I'm don't know how I'm supposed to open this thing. 1226 01:01:00,758 --> 01:01:02,760 - It's mysterious-looking... 1227 01:01:02,793 --> 01:01:04,762 like something from Tarynsville. 1228 01:01:04,795 --> 01:01:07,932 - Well then, perhaps you should have it. 1229 01:01:07,965 --> 01:01:10,968 At least you can leave Middleton with something. 1230 01:01:11,001 --> 01:01:13,804 - Well, it is kind of weird. 1231 01:01:13,838 --> 01:01:16,406 I do like weird. 1232 01:01:18,042 --> 01:01:20,010 - Well, I guess there's no point standing around 1233 01:01:20,044 --> 01:01:22,412 this old collapsed fireplace, huh? 1234 01:01:22,446 --> 01:01:25,149 - This way, then. Follow the failed leader. 1235 01:01:27,484 --> 01:01:29,286 - What are we supposed to do with this giant hole 1236 01:01:29,319 --> 01:01:31,288 in your wall? (sigh) 1237 01:01:31,321 --> 01:01:34,324 - I can live with it for a bit. 1238 01:01:38,963 --> 01:01:42,967 *** 1239 01:01:52,509 --> 01:01:54,478 - So, I guess 1240 01:01:54,511 --> 01:01:58,048 that didn't work out. I know everyone tried their best, 1241 01:01:58,082 --> 01:02:00,517 but here it is, one of the most important days of my life, 1242 01:02:00,550 --> 01:02:02,887 and all we've been doing is running around 1243 01:02:02,920 --> 01:02:05,856 looking at backyards and fireplaces 1244 01:02:05,890 --> 01:02:07,858 and not finding a thing. 1245 01:02:07,892 --> 01:02:09,860 - If we had just kept the book launch in New York, 1246 01:02:09,894 --> 01:02:11,862 the way it was supposed to be... 1247 01:02:11,896 --> 01:02:13,998 - Except I don't want things the way they're supposed to be. 1248 01:02:14,031 --> 01:02:16,300 I want life to be more than that. 1249 01:02:16,333 --> 01:02:18,202 - I'm sure we can work something out. 1250 01:02:18,235 --> 01:02:19,970 - I really want to believe that, Sean, 1251 01:02:20,004 --> 01:02:22,172 but it's getting harder and harder. 1252 01:02:22,206 --> 01:02:24,174 So maybe we should just... 1253 01:02:24,208 --> 01:02:27,444 get out of this place and be done with it all. 1254 01:02:27,477 --> 01:02:31,415 And I'll stop looking for things that probably aren't even here. 1255 01:02:33,183 --> 01:02:37,788 - Oh, it looks like George finished painting up there. 1256 01:02:44,028 --> 01:02:47,197 - Has this fireplace been here the whole time? 1257 01:02:47,231 --> 01:02:49,466 - Hiding a bit, but yes. 1258 01:02:49,499 --> 01:02:52,436 (little chuckle) - It's perfect! 1259 01:02:52,469 --> 01:02:54,538 It's like, if I was looking for one 1260 01:02:54,571 --> 01:02:57,441 exactly like the one on the cover of my books. 1261 01:02:57,474 --> 01:03:00,878 This is practically it! 1262 01:03:00,911 --> 01:03:02,947 - Well, you're welcome to use it for your book reading, 1263 01:03:02,980 --> 01:03:04,982 but you may have to light the fire yourself. 1264 01:03:05,015 --> 01:03:08,418 Unless Nana was right about those things starting themselves. 1265 01:03:08,452 --> 01:03:11,388 - I can't believe the right thing for me was here all along. 1266 01:03:13,858 --> 01:03:15,392 - Just waiting for you to find it. 1267 01:03:15,425 --> 01:03:18,262 - This is good, then. 1268 01:03:18,295 --> 01:03:21,165 Uh, we will have the reading here, at midnight, 1269 01:03:21,198 --> 01:03:24,101 and then, the event in the center of town afterwards. 1270 01:03:24,134 --> 01:03:26,436 I'm gonna go make sure that everything 1271 01:03:26,470 --> 01:03:29,073 is exactly how you want it to be. 1272 01:03:32,877 --> 01:03:34,544 - You gonna miss seeing Sean 1273 01:03:34,578 --> 01:03:36,813 so often after your book comes out? 1274 01:03:38,648 --> 01:03:41,285 There's not so much an editor can do until the writer 1275 01:03:41,318 --> 01:03:43,854 figures out what to write. 1276 01:03:43,888 --> 01:03:46,556 - I hadn't really thought about that. 1277 01:03:46,590 --> 01:03:49,393 If I don't come up with an idea 1278 01:03:49,426 --> 01:03:51,395 for my next book... 1279 01:03:51,428 --> 01:03:54,598 I'm not sure I'll see Sean hardly at all. 1280 01:03:54,631 --> 01:03:58,402 - Hm. Unless you find another reason to. 1281 01:03:58,435 --> 01:04:01,872 But then, that part of your story hasn't been written yet. 1282 01:04:06,510 --> 01:04:11,181 - ** I'm not scared of ghosts no more * 1283 01:04:11,215 --> 01:04:14,484 * Not afraid of the dark anymore * 1284 01:04:14,518 --> 01:04:18,889 * Went to that haunted house and opened that door * 1285 01:04:18,923 --> 01:04:23,060 * And I'm still the same with you * 1286 01:04:23,093 --> 01:04:27,531 * I can keep you hidden up inside * 1287 01:04:27,564 --> 01:04:30,901 * And you're far too beautiful to hide * 1288 01:04:30,935 --> 01:04:36,140 * I can change in every way I know how to * 1289 01:04:36,173 --> 01:04:40,344 * But I'm still the same with you * 1290 01:04:43,613 --> 01:04:46,283 - Who are you and what have you done with my son? 1291 01:04:46,316 --> 01:04:49,519 - I'm only doing this for the money. 1292 01:04:49,553 --> 01:04:52,957 - Ha! Ha! Words that make... any father proud. 1293 01:04:55,192 --> 01:04:57,561 Hey, I'm sorry I'm gonna miss the big performance, 1294 01:04:57,594 --> 01:05:00,264 but I'm still filling in for that out-of-town doctor. 1295 01:05:00,297 --> 01:05:02,967 - Oh! Then you won't get to hear my British accent. 1296 01:05:03,000 --> 01:05:05,302 - (chuckling): You do a British accent? 1297 01:05:05,335 --> 01:05:07,171 - (with a British accent): I most definitely can. 1298 01:05:07,204 --> 01:05:09,039 I've been practicing all day. 1299 01:05:09,073 --> 01:05:11,408 - It's actually pretty good! 1300 01:05:11,441 --> 01:05:13,443 Way better than anything I could ever do. 1301 01:05:13,477 --> 01:05:16,213 Every time I do an accent, I sound like I'm from, 1302 01:05:16,246 --> 01:05:19,316 I don't know, Tennessee! (chuckles) 1303 01:05:19,349 --> 01:05:23,187 *** 1304 01:05:23,220 --> 01:05:26,156 - If you need anything tonight, Grandpa is right down the hall. 1305 01:05:26,190 --> 01:05:28,725 - Reading the first two Tarynsville books again. 1306 01:05:28,758 --> 01:05:31,395 I want to see if my theory about Desiree's sister holds up. 1307 01:05:31,428 --> 01:05:33,663 - Well, the internet thinks you're right. 1308 01:05:33,697 --> 01:05:35,665 - Goodnight, sweetie. - Goodnight, Grandpa. 1309 01:05:35,699 --> 01:05:39,269 (little chuckle) (sigh from Cassie) 1310 01:05:39,303 --> 01:05:42,239 - Well, I know you're disappointed, 1311 01:05:42,272 --> 01:05:44,474 knowing that everything's going on without you. 1312 01:05:44,508 --> 01:05:46,543 - (sighing): Yeah. 1313 01:05:46,576 --> 01:05:48,412 The next time I fall off the side of a cliff, 1314 01:05:48,445 --> 01:05:52,116 I should really think ahead before doing it. 1315 01:05:52,149 --> 01:05:54,351 - Hey, are you sure you don't want me to stay here with you? 1316 01:05:54,384 --> 01:05:57,621 - No! No, you need to go. 1317 01:05:57,654 --> 01:06:01,558 Who knows what might happen if my personal favorite enchantress 1318 01:06:01,591 --> 01:06:04,361 wasn't at her own party? - OK, 1319 01:06:04,394 --> 01:06:07,531 I will rush a copy of the book to you as soon as it's released. 1320 01:06:07,564 --> 01:06:10,534 - Yes, and make sure to take a pair of running shoes; that way you can get here extra fast. 1321 01:06:10,567 --> 01:06:13,070 - I promise I'll fly. - Fly, fly! He he! 1322 01:06:15,072 --> 01:06:17,107 - (sighing): You look like a woman 1323 01:06:17,141 --> 01:06:19,409 who is ready for a very special occasion. 1324 01:06:19,443 --> 01:06:21,478 - I can't believe it's finally here. 1325 01:06:21,511 --> 01:06:24,014 - Ah! I love your dress. 1326 01:06:24,048 --> 01:06:27,484 - (sighing): One other thing I stole from grandma. 1327 01:06:27,517 --> 01:06:31,221 This was her dress . And I figured... 1328 01:06:31,255 --> 01:06:32,789 if there was ever a night for me to put it on, 1329 01:06:32,822 --> 01:06:35,492 this was it. - Well, it looks 1330 01:06:35,525 --> 01:06:38,262 beautiful on you. - Thank you. 1331 01:06:38,295 --> 01:06:42,299 And I have a present for you. 1332 01:06:42,332 --> 01:06:44,368 - That is your book that hasn't been released yet. 1333 01:06:44,401 --> 01:06:46,670 - I wanted you to be 1334 01:06:46,703 --> 01:06:49,473 the first to read it. 1335 01:06:49,506 --> 01:06:51,541 (laughs) 1336 01:06:51,575 --> 01:06:54,378 So, I'd better let you get started. 1337 01:06:54,411 --> 01:06:57,214 - Thank you. - Feel better. 1338 01:06:59,716 --> 01:07:02,119 - (whispered): She's so cool! - (whispered also): Yeah. 1339 01:07:02,152 --> 01:07:04,221 *** 1340 01:07:04,254 --> 01:07:06,590 (indistinct conversations) 1341 01:07:09,859 --> 01:07:11,828 - Welcome to Tarynsville. 1342 01:07:11,861 --> 01:07:15,265 I hope you enjoy The Enchantress Unites. 1343 01:07:17,234 --> 01:07:19,203 Welcome to Tarynsville. 1344 01:07:19,236 --> 01:07:21,205 I hope you enjoy The Enchantress Unites. 1345 01:07:21,238 --> 01:07:23,173 Welcome to Tarynsville. 1346 01:07:23,207 --> 01:07:25,675 I hope you enjoy The Enchantress Unites. 1347 01:07:25,709 --> 01:07:28,278 Welcome... to-- 1348 01:07:28,312 --> 01:07:31,515 (laughs) 1349 01:07:31,548 --> 01:07:35,519 Courtney. - I'm... really liking 1350 01:07:35,552 --> 01:07:38,388 this, that... that's for sure. 1351 01:07:38,422 --> 01:07:40,824 You know, I think I once owned a blouse 1352 01:07:40,857 --> 01:07:42,826 just like that. 1353 01:07:42,859 --> 01:07:45,295 - (chuckling): Yeah, it really brings out my eyes. 1354 01:07:45,329 --> 01:07:47,797 - It does. 1355 01:07:50,667 --> 01:07:54,638 *** 1356 01:08:00,210 --> 01:08:03,780 - Nice job! - What did I do? 1357 01:08:03,813 --> 01:08:06,183 - You made it so that all three men I'm dating 1358 01:08:06,216 --> 01:08:07,751 ended up at Grey House with tickets for tonight. 1359 01:08:07,784 --> 01:08:10,287 - That would take a lot of effort to make that happen. 1360 01:08:10,320 --> 01:08:13,723 - Except you didn't realize you were up against me. I've managed to keep everybody separate, 1361 01:08:13,757 --> 01:08:15,759 and nobody is going to know-- - Abigail. 1362 01:08:17,861 --> 01:08:21,498 - Hello, all three of you together! 1363 01:08:21,531 --> 01:08:24,768 - We heard they were giving away MupCakes before the reading at Grey House 1364 01:08:24,801 --> 01:08:28,372 and came here to load up. - You know what? They are! 1365 01:08:28,405 --> 01:08:30,607 There have treats on that table over there, 1366 01:08:30,640 --> 01:08:33,577 and that table over there and that table way over there. 1367 01:08:33,610 --> 01:08:35,412 So, why don't you guys go to different tables 1368 01:08:35,445 --> 01:08:37,347 and then, go eat them on your own? 1369 01:08:37,381 --> 01:08:39,816 - Sure. - Sounds good. 1370 01:08:39,849 --> 01:08:43,220 - I just want to say, 1371 01:08:43,253 --> 01:08:45,222 you look as pretty as all these flowers, 1372 01:08:45,255 --> 01:08:50,294 and I can't believe I get to be here with you as my date! 1373 01:08:50,327 --> 01:08:53,163 - Date? - Dennis is your date? 1374 01:08:53,197 --> 01:08:55,799 - I thought I was your date. - Except she's dating me. 1375 01:08:55,832 --> 01:08:59,769 - OK... let me to explain... 1376 01:08:59,803 --> 01:09:01,638 - You've been dating all three of us at the same time. 1377 01:09:01,671 --> 01:09:03,707 - And not telling any of us you were doing it. 1378 01:09:03,740 --> 01:09:05,642 - And we never would have found out 1379 01:09:05,675 --> 01:09:07,611 if we hadn't all been right here, right now? 1380 01:09:07,644 --> 01:09:10,614 - That pretty much sums it up! 1381 01:09:10,647 --> 01:09:14,651 - So. I guess... - Pff... 1382 01:09:14,684 --> 01:09:17,687 - ...it's been fun hanging out with you..? 1383 01:09:17,721 --> 01:09:19,923 - Yeah, but... I'm done with that. 1384 01:09:19,956 --> 01:09:22,192 - Yep. 1385 01:09:22,226 --> 01:09:24,194 - And I thought you 1386 01:09:24,228 --> 01:09:26,896 were going to be the one who was gonna break up with me! 1387 01:09:26,930 --> 01:09:30,600 - Wait... none of you guys are gonna fight for me? 1388 01:09:30,634 --> 01:09:33,203 - Why bother? 1389 01:09:35,305 --> 01:09:38,308 - Welcome to Tarynsville, enjoy. 1390 01:09:38,342 --> 01:09:40,610 Welcome to Tarynsville. 1391 01:09:40,644 --> 01:09:43,713 Welcome-- Dad! 1392 01:09:43,747 --> 01:09:46,783 Uh, I thought you were workin at the hospital tonight? 1393 01:09:46,816 --> 01:09:50,354 - Yeah, well, uh, Doctor Zemmick came back early, so I get to come here! 1394 01:09:50,387 --> 01:09:53,557 Careful with that accent. I heard a little American in there. 1395 01:09:53,590 --> 01:09:56,293 Hey, Henry! - Doctor Radford. 1396 01:09:56,326 --> 01:09:58,728 - How's that heart holding up? - Still doing its job. 1397 01:09:58,762 --> 01:10:00,630 - That's what I wanna hear. 1398 01:10:00,664 --> 01:10:03,600 - I didn't know you were a fan of magic and romance. 1399 01:10:03,633 --> 01:10:06,536 - Maybe I just like fire jugglers! 1400 01:10:06,570 --> 01:10:09,373 And how often do you get to see those? - Doctor Radford. 1401 01:10:09,406 --> 01:10:11,708 - Oh hi, Annie. Good to see you on your feet. 1402 01:10:11,741 --> 01:10:13,877 - Oh, been walking three miles a day, just like you told me. 1403 01:10:13,910 --> 01:10:15,779 - Oh, good for you. Keep it up! 1404 01:10:15,812 --> 01:10:17,781 - Goodnight. - Goodnight. 1405 01:10:17,814 --> 01:10:19,916 You're popular around here. 1406 01:10:19,949 --> 01:10:21,918 - Ah, it's nice to be around people I actually know. 1407 01:10:21,951 --> 01:10:26,423 People I've helped. You know, considering... everything. 1408 01:10:26,456 --> 01:10:28,425 - You're an excellent doctor. - Hm! 1409 01:10:28,458 --> 01:10:30,694 And this is where you say, "Thank you." 1410 01:10:30,727 --> 01:10:32,696 - Hm! Thank you. 1411 01:10:32,729 --> 01:10:34,698 (laughing): I saved you a seat at the reading. 1412 01:10:34,731 --> 01:10:37,734 - You know, um... that's OK, just go ahead, I'll catch up. 1413 01:10:37,767 --> 01:10:39,536 - Is something wrong? 1414 01:10:39,569 --> 01:10:42,772 - No, I've just been-- - ...Thinking? 1415 01:10:42,806 --> 01:10:46,710 - Yeah. Thinking about what you said at the hospital. 1416 01:10:46,743 --> 01:10:49,846 (sighing): About what you... wake up 1417 01:10:49,879 --> 01:10:51,981 thinking about in the morning. 1418 01:10:52,015 --> 01:10:55,652 Who you're thinking about. 1419 01:10:55,685 --> 01:10:58,588 Look I get it. I do. 1420 01:10:58,622 --> 01:11:02,426 You and Grace's dad shared a lot of years together. 1421 01:11:02,459 --> 01:11:05,562 - He'll always be part of who I am, my journey. 1422 01:11:05,595 --> 01:11:08,398 - Of course. Sure! B-B-But it just... 1423 01:11:08,432 --> 01:11:10,900 sort of made me wonder... 1424 01:11:10,934 --> 01:11:13,903 (sighing): Cassie, 1425 01:11:13,937 --> 01:11:16,673 if he is still on your mind 1426 01:11:16,706 --> 01:11:19,676 that much, then, it's OK, really. 1427 01:11:19,709 --> 01:11:21,778 It's OK. 1428 01:11:21,811 --> 01:11:23,680 But you have a lot of that journey you still need to make-- 1429 01:11:23,713 --> 01:11:27,517 - Halloween approaches! The witching hour is nigh! 1430 01:11:27,551 --> 01:11:30,387 Everyone with tickets, please, make you way 1431 01:11:30,420 --> 01:11:32,889 to Grey House, the reading is about to begin! Chop chop! 1432 01:11:32,922 --> 01:11:36,860 Lead on, boy prince, lead on! 1433 01:11:44,734 --> 01:11:48,572 *** (crickets singing) 1434 01:11:48,605 --> 01:11:51,675 (indistinct conversations and clock ticking) 1435 01:11:54,711 --> 01:11:56,680 (clapping) 1436 01:11:56,713 --> 01:12:00,484 - It's almost time. Is everyone ready? 1437 01:12:00,517 --> 01:12:02,886 (small excited confirmations) 1438 01:12:02,919 --> 01:12:06,790 - Got my book, got my chair. I'm all set to go. 1439 01:12:06,823 --> 01:12:09,526 - Fire. Oh! We have to light the fire. 1440 01:12:09,559 --> 01:12:11,561 Does anybody have any matches? 1441 01:12:13,397 --> 01:12:15,965 Nobody has matches? Come on, people, 1442 01:12:15,999 --> 01:12:17,701 check your pockets. Somebody has to have something 1443 01:12:17,734 --> 01:12:19,803 we can use to light a fire! 1444 01:12:19,836 --> 01:12:22,038 - What's that? - Oh, 1445 01:12:22,071 --> 01:12:25,108 I was going to give this to you later. 1446 01:12:25,141 --> 01:12:27,977 - You got me a gift? - I wanted you to remember tonight. 1447 01:12:28,011 --> 01:12:31,481 - OK, we're ready to roll the camera. 1448 01:12:31,515 --> 01:12:33,950 - And it's going to be a good show, trust me. 1449 01:12:35,585 --> 01:12:38,154 - Sean. It's perfect. 1450 01:12:38,187 --> 01:12:41,991 - It reminded me of something in your books. 1451 01:12:42,025 --> 01:12:46,963 - It's a lighter. - I guess this was the right time. 1452 01:12:46,996 --> 01:12:51,435 - So, let's get that fire going, then. Quickly! 1453 01:12:57,106 --> 01:12:58,842 - I guess I should have bought you one that actually works. 1454 01:12:58,875 --> 01:13:02,111 - It's too bad we're not in Tarynsville. 1455 01:13:02,145 --> 01:13:04,113 Then this fireplace would just light itself. 1456 01:13:04,147 --> 01:13:08,117 - Maybe we could use a little of your Nana's magic. 1457 01:13:08,151 --> 01:13:11,821 - Oh, whoops! Sorry. 1458 01:13:11,855 --> 01:13:14,991 - It's an old house. 1459 01:13:17,861 --> 01:13:19,863 - Oh my gosh... 1460 01:13:21,865 --> 01:13:24,601 I think I know who built this fireplace. 1461 01:13:24,634 --> 01:13:26,670 Because he signed his work. 1462 01:13:26,703 --> 01:13:30,139 - It's the symbol from the fireplaces in all your books. 1463 01:13:32,141 --> 01:13:35,579 - And it might be more than that. 1464 01:13:42,686 --> 01:13:47,056 *** 1465 01:13:50,259 --> 01:13:53,663 - Well, look at that! - Is there anything inside? 1466 01:13:53,697 --> 01:13:55,765 - It's the necklace Nana's husband 1467 01:13:55,799 --> 01:13:58,735 gave to her. The one she had to keep hidden. 1468 01:13:58,768 --> 01:14:01,204 - But how can that be? 1469 01:14:02,672 --> 01:14:05,642 - Because Nana lived here, in Middleton, 1470 01:14:05,675 --> 01:14:08,244 and in this house. 1471 01:14:08,277 --> 01:14:10,814 And the things she told me about those stories 1472 01:14:10,847 --> 01:14:12,816 that I turned into my books 1473 01:14:12,849 --> 01:14:15,719 happened right here in Middleton. 1474 01:14:15,752 --> 01:14:17,921 - Jess, it's time. 1475 01:14:17,954 --> 01:14:19,923 We have to light that fire. 1476 01:14:19,956 --> 01:14:22,125 - But it's already lit. 1477 01:14:29,098 --> 01:14:32,936 - Alright! Okay, let's go. Let's go, let's roll the camera! 1478 01:14:32,969 --> 01:14:34,604 - Yeah! We're ready. 1479 01:14:35,872 --> 01:14:39,108 - Oh. - Your hand, that's right. 1480 01:14:41,945 --> 01:14:43,947 - Thank you. 1481 01:14:46,683 --> 01:14:50,219 - It was the day before All Hallow's Eve, as it was perpetually 1482 01:14:50,253 --> 01:14:52,221 in the town of Tarynsville because of the curse 1483 01:14:52,255 --> 01:14:55,158 that had been cast so many years ago... 1484 01:14:55,191 --> 01:14:57,994 The people of Tarynsville 1485 01:14:58,027 --> 01:15:00,864 had grown accustomed to this anticipation 1486 01:15:00,897 --> 01:15:02,866 that it was always the day before Halloween but never quite 1487 01:15:02,899 --> 01:15:04,868 October thirty-first... 1488 01:15:04,901 --> 01:15:08,905 *** 1489 01:15:14,243 --> 01:15:17,013 *** 1490 01:15:22,952 --> 01:15:26,089 *** 1491 01:15:30,760 --> 01:15:33,963 *** 1492 01:15:43,172 --> 01:15:45,141 - Well, congratulations. 1493 01:15:45,174 --> 01:15:48,978 Exactly what you wanted to happen happened. 1494 01:15:49,012 --> 01:15:51,114 - What was it I wanted to happen again? 1495 01:15:51,147 --> 01:15:53,182 - Something about how I shouldn't lead men on 1496 01:15:53,216 --> 01:15:57,186 and blah-blah-blah, Cassie knows best. 1497 01:15:57,220 --> 01:16:00,123 But I wanted to say thank you. 1498 01:16:00,156 --> 01:16:03,259 If my three guys hadn't found out what I was doing, I wouldn't 1499 01:16:03,292 --> 01:16:07,330 have realized how much I actually just want one guy. 1500 01:16:09,332 --> 01:16:11,968 Someone who... wants to be with me 1501 01:16:12,001 --> 01:16:13,937 as much as I want to be with him. 1502 01:16:13,970 --> 01:16:17,907 And looks at me the same way Sam's always looking at you. 1503 01:16:21,845 --> 01:16:25,915 You don't have to thank me for getting you to think about that. 1504 01:16:31,888 --> 01:16:34,891 *** 1505 01:16:36,960 --> 01:16:39,228 - I'd say this event was a success. 1506 01:16:39,262 --> 01:16:41,230 - Yes, 1507 01:16:41,264 --> 01:16:44,067 but I am exhausted. It will be so wonderful 1508 01:16:44,100 --> 01:16:46,836 to start tomorrow with something other than fires 1509 01:16:46,870 --> 01:16:48,872 and witches and cauldrons 1510 01:16:48,905 --> 01:16:51,841 on my mind. Oh, no offense. 1511 01:16:51,875 --> 01:16:53,843 - I agree. 1512 01:16:53,877 --> 01:16:57,881 I'm looking forward to waking up to a new day. 1513 01:16:59,716 --> 01:17:03,052 - I didn't think Martha was going to be able to pull 1514 01:17:03,086 --> 01:17:05,755 this off, but somehow she did. - She can be very enchanting. 1515 01:17:05,789 --> 01:17:07,891 - Yes. Well. I have a very long drive 1516 01:17:07,924 --> 01:17:10,794 to the airport ahead of me, which is another reason 1517 01:17:10,827 --> 01:17:13,730 I cannot understand why anyone would want to live 1518 01:17:13,763 --> 01:17:15,899 in such an out-of-the-way town, 1519 01:17:15,932 --> 01:17:19,102 but to each his own. 1520 01:17:19,135 --> 01:17:21,004 - Oh, uh, excuse me, Meredith, 1521 01:17:21,037 --> 01:17:23,006 but aren't you forgetting something? 1522 01:17:23,039 --> 01:17:25,074 - Hmm? 1523 01:17:25,108 --> 01:17:27,076 - Martha's on camera interview. 1524 01:17:29,412 --> 01:17:31,915 - Yes. - Oh my goodness, 1525 01:17:31,948 --> 01:17:34,417 I had completely forgotten all about it! 1526 01:17:34,450 --> 01:17:36,419 Make sure my chyron reads "Mayor Martha Tinsdale." 1527 01:17:36,452 --> 01:17:39,689 Bottom third of the screen; no scrolling. 1528 01:17:39,723 --> 01:17:42,826 Now, why don't I just hold on to that, shall I? 1529 01:17:42,859 --> 01:17:47,230 After all, I will be doing most of the talking. 1530 01:17:47,263 --> 01:17:50,033 *** 1531 01:17:50,066 --> 01:17:52,235 - Oh, what a night! 1532 01:17:54,270 --> 01:17:56,005 - I thought you two were never going to come home. 1533 01:17:56,039 --> 01:17:59,342 - Everything was so amazing. Middleton ended up being 1534 01:17:59,375 --> 01:18:01,878 the perfect place. The place. 1535 01:18:01,911 --> 01:18:03,880 So it's a good thing my editor 1536 01:18:03,913 --> 01:18:05,982 suggested that we come here. 1537 01:18:06,015 --> 01:18:08,384 - Yeah, it was... our phones stopped working. 1538 01:18:08,417 --> 01:18:11,788 We just sort of found it. 1539 01:18:11,821 --> 01:18:15,324 - I'm making some tea for Grace. 1540 01:18:15,358 --> 01:18:17,360 Would you like some? - Oh! No, thanks. 1541 01:18:17,393 --> 01:18:19,996 I just want to sit out in that courtyard and soak up 1542 01:18:20,029 --> 01:18:21,998 the spirit of Grey House so I can start writing 1543 01:18:22,031 --> 01:18:24,000 as soon as I get home. 1544 01:18:24,033 --> 01:18:26,235 It's going to be the history 1545 01:18:26,269 --> 01:18:28,204 of Tarynsville. All the things that happened 1546 01:18:28,237 --> 01:18:32,241 before the darkness set in. How the town was built, 1547 01:18:32,275 --> 01:18:34,243 and all the people who inspired it. 1548 01:18:34,277 --> 01:18:36,846 - That's a story that interests me very much. 1549 01:18:36,880 --> 01:18:40,049 - Good, because it's going to be dedicated to you. 1550 01:18:46,790 --> 01:18:49,826 - Jessica really liked her gift. 1551 01:18:49,859 --> 01:18:52,428 - It's not a ruby necklace, but at least it was something she could use. 1552 01:18:52,461 --> 01:18:54,430 - Martha told me that necklace is going to the town's museum, 1553 01:18:54,463 --> 01:18:57,000 but they wanted Jessica to have the box. 1554 01:18:57,033 --> 01:18:59,468 - What's she going to do with an empty old box? 1555 01:18:59,502 --> 01:19:01,470 - Maybe it's not so empty. 1556 01:19:01,504 --> 01:19:04,373 Nana's memories are in there. 1557 01:19:09,846 --> 01:19:12,949 *** 1558 01:19:34,938 --> 01:19:36,772 - Thank you. 1559 01:19:38,507 --> 01:19:40,443 - Looks like the boy prince is off the clock. 1560 01:19:40,476 --> 01:19:43,012 - Yep. But... 1561 01:19:43,046 --> 01:19:45,014 I also got paid in full. 1562 01:19:45,048 --> 01:19:47,016 - Ha! Nice! 1563 01:19:47,050 --> 01:19:49,118 Why don't you take me out to dinner tomorrow night? 1564 01:19:49,152 --> 01:19:52,989 Don't worry, I'll buy. 1565 01:19:53,022 --> 01:19:56,359 - You're really gonna have time for that? - Yeah. 1566 01:19:56,392 --> 01:19:59,462 I decided to cut back my hours at the hospital, 1567 01:19:59,495 --> 01:20:01,464 so I can get back to seeing my patients 1568 01:20:01,497 --> 01:20:04,033 here in town again. And maybe 1569 01:20:04,067 --> 01:20:07,303 get to know that kid who lives across the hall from me. 1570 01:20:07,336 --> 01:20:09,605 - Yeah, well, I really think you're going to like him. 1571 01:20:09,638 --> 01:20:13,242 - I'm going to like being this town's doctor again. 1572 01:20:13,276 --> 01:20:15,244 I might even start making more house calls. 1573 01:20:15,278 --> 01:20:18,882 - What's a house call? - Are you really that young? 1574 01:20:18,915 --> 01:20:21,817 - Are you really that old? (chuckle) 1575 01:20:31,194 --> 01:20:35,932 - I found something that belonged to your Nana. 1576 01:20:37,666 --> 01:20:40,403 She kept it hidden with her necklace 1577 01:20:40,436 --> 01:20:44,540 because she couldn't let people know. Right? 1578 01:20:44,573 --> 01:20:46,475 - Look at that. 1579 01:20:46,509 --> 01:20:49,879 - No. No, no. 1580 01:20:49,913 --> 01:20:51,514 That's not how this is done. 1581 01:20:55,084 --> 01:20:57,220 - What are you doing? - Jess, 1582 01:20:57,253 --> 01:21:00,523 there's a guy on one knee in front of you, holding a ring. 1583 01:21:00,556 --> 01:21:04,160 You're the romance author; you can't figure it out? 1584 01:21:13,469 --> 01:21:16,339 You can hide it in that box if you don't want anyone to know. 1585 01:21:16,372 --> 01:21:19,442 - I want everyone to know. 1586 01:21:25,381 --> 01:21:29,385 *** 1587 01:21:43,166 --> 01:21:46,569 *** 1588 01:21:46,602 --> 01:21:48,571 - Hey... 1589 01:21:48,604 --> 01:21:53,209 - I'd say "Hi", but I'm on the last page of the book 1590 01:21:53,242 --> 01:21:54,944 and it is so good! 1591 01:21:54,978 --> 01:21:56,946 Although after reading all night, 1592 01:21:56,980 --> 01:21:59,582 my eyes are about to say, "We give up!" 1593 01:21:59,615 --> 01:22:02,585 - Want me to read the rest to you? 1594 01:22:02,618 --> 01:22:06,289 - Like you used to? 1595 01:22:06,322 --> 01:22:10,593 I was right... right here. 1596 01:22:13,729 --> 01:22:16,732 - With the curse vanquished and the Enchantress 1597 01:22:16,765 --> 01:22:20,169 forever on her throne, the people of Tarynsville 1598 01:22:20,203 --> 01:22:23,973 looked forward to their first Halloween in an eternity. 1599 01:22:24,007 --> 01:22:25,975 The young woman had finally found love with the man 1600 01:22:26,009 --> 01:22:29,145 who had always been there, 1601 01:22:29,178 --> 01:22:31,147 and they held tight to each other, 1602 01:22:31,180 --> 01:22:33,149 ready to light new fires and write 1603 01:22:33,182 --> 01:22:36,019 a wonderfully bright future of their own. 1604 01:22:36,052 --> 01:22:40,589 *** 1605 01:22:48,664 --> 01:22:51,767 - That... is the perfect ending. 1606 01:22:51,800 --> 01:22:54,503 - Mm-hmmm. 1607 01:22:56,605 --> 01:23:00,543 *** 1608 01:23:00,576 --> 01:23:03,246 - Hey, Sam. - Good morning. 1609 01:23:03,279 --> 01:23:05,781 - Hi! - I've got a house call. 1610 01:23:05,814 --> 01:23:08,784 - Oh. I was hoping maybe you had a minute. 1611 01:23:08,817 --> 01:23:12,721 - Well. I guess the house can wait one minute. 1612 01:23:12,755 --> 01:23:16,059 - Great. 1613 01:23:16,092 --> 01:23:18,694 I was thinking about... 1614 01:23:18,727 --> 01:23:20,696 what you said last night. 1615 01:23:20,729 --> 01:23:23,366 - Yeah, I just think... 1616 01:23:23,399 --> 01:23:25,368 there are a lot of things going on. 1617 01:23:25,401 --> 01:23:28,304 - I know. And it couldn't have been easy 1618 01:23:28,337 --> 01:23:30,306 hearing what I said at the hospital, 1619 01:23:30,339 --> 01:23:34,077 knowing how often I wake up thinking about... 1620 01:23:34,110 --> 01:23:36,312 what I wake up thinking about. 1621 01:23:36,345 --> 01:23:38,214 - Yeah. It wasn't. 1622 01:23:38,247 --> 01:23:40,216 But this is not about me. 1623 01:23:40,249 --> 01:23:44,387 - Except it is. 1624 01:23:45,488 --> 01:23:49,258 Because, Sam... 1625 01:23:50,859 --> 01:23:53,096 When I woke up this morning, 1626 01:23:53,129 --> 01:23:57,333 I was thinking about you. 1627 01:24:07,243 --> 01:24:10,346 *** 1628 01:24:22,391 --> 01:24:24,627 ***