1 00:00:07,000 --> 00:00:11,103 [ music ] 2 00:00:35,172 --> 00:00:36,448 [ coughing ] 3 00:00:43,275 --> 00:00:45,758 - Every road from the rodeo 4 00:00:45,827 --> 00:00:47,103 leads right here. 5 00:00:50,000 --> 00:00:51,517 - What day is it? 6 00:00:51,586 --> 00:00:53,689 - Well, it's payday, for the hospital. 7 00:00:53,758 --> 00:00:55,586 They won the lottery with you... 8 00:00:57,655 --> 00:01:00,000 Had to write all this shit down... 9 00:01:00,068 --> 00:01:02,896 You have a compression fracture in your neck 10 00:01:02,965 --> 00:01:04,275 and two in your back. 11 00:01:04,344 --> 00:01:07,206 A bone fragment's pressed against your spine, 12 00:01:07,275 --> 00:01:09,758 can't figure out how to get that out. 13 00:01:09,827 --> 00:01:13,137 Shattered your hip, which they just up and replaced. 14 00:01:13,206 --> 00:01:15,551 Doctor said you're the youngest person he's ever done that to. 15 00:01:15,620 --> 00:01:18,413 So, congratulations for that. 16 00:01:18,482 --> 00:01:20,517 He wants you up and walking today. 17 00:01:20,586 --> 00:01:23,896 How that's possible I have... I have no idea... 18 00:01:25,241 --> 00:01:29,586 You have a grade three concussion. 19 00:01:29,655 --> 00:01:31,758 We're supposed to bring you back to the hospital 20 00:01:31,827 --> 00:01:35,068 if you experience nausea or confusion. 21 00:01:35,137 --> 00:01:37,413 I asked if there's other symptoms 22 00:01:37,482 --> 00:01:41,034 since nauseous and confused is your natural state of being. 23 00:01:41,103 --> 00:01:42,551 They said your eyes might dilate. 24 00:01:42,620 --> 00:01:44,793 So, we'll be on the lookout for that. 25 00:01:47,310 --> 00:01:50,137 - What's wrong with my arm? 26 00:01:50,206 --> 00:01:51,137 - Well, they didn't mention your arm. 27 00:01:51,206 --> 00:01:52,793 So it must be fine. 28 00:01:56,000 --> 00:01:57,689 - Doesn't look fine. 29 00:01:57,758 --> 00:02:01,517 - Well, compared to the rest of this shit, it's fine. 30 00:02:03,103 --> 00:02:04,758 - How am I gonna... 31 00:02:06,034 --> 00:02:08,931 How am I gonna pay for all this? 32 00:02:09,000 --> 00:02:11,586 - Well, the hospital's pretty curious about that themselves. 33 00:02:16,137 --> 00:02:18,034 Look at me. 34 00:02:22,000 --> 00:02:25,689 Hospital bill's not a concern. 35 00:02:25,758 --> 00:02:27,724 But you gotta make me a promise: 36 00:02:30,034 --> 00:02:31,172 no more rodeo. 37 00:02:36,655 --> 00:02:38,620 - It's the only thing that ever... 38 00:02:41,448 --> 00:02:44,000 ever made me feel like I was worth something. 39 00:02:45,586 --> 00:02:47,793 - Yeah. 40 00:02:47,862 --> 00:02:49,172 Well, I figured as much. 41 00:02:58,275 --> 00:02:59,206 - Ow. 42 00:02:59,275 --> 00:03:01,448 - Learn to rope. 43 00:03:01,517 --> 00:03:04,551 All you're risking is a thumb, and... 44 00:03:04,620 --> 00:03:06,206 you got two of those. 45 00:03:13,206 --> 00:03:14,793 - Mister Dutton, uh... 46 00:03:17,344 --> 00:03:18,482 Thank you. 47 00:03:19,655 --> 00:03:22,896 - Yeah, well, learn to rope, Jimmy. 48 00:03:24,482 --> 00:03:26,862 I'm not paying for this shit twice. 49 00:03:29,620 --> 00:03:31,793 [ groans ] 50 00:03:31,862 --> 00:03:32,931 - Okay, Jimmy. 51 00:03:35,241 --> 00:03:37,034 We're going to help you up so you can walk. 52 00:03:37,103 --> 00:03:39,758 - Don't really feel like walking, so... 53 00:03:39,827 --> 00:03:42,000 - Your hip replacement needs you to move around a bit. 54 00:03:45,103 --> 00:03:47,034 But first we need to remove your catheter. 55 00:03:49,620 --> 00:03:51,724 All right, just lift. 56 00:03:51,793 --> 00:03:53,137 There we go. - [ grunts ] 57 00:03:53,206 --> 00:03:54,758 - All right, deep breath. 58 00:03:54,827 --> 00:03:57,172 You're going to feel a little pressure when I pull, okay? 59 00:03:58,310 --> 00:03:59,413 - Hi. 60 00:04:00,551 --> 00:04:01,655 You survived. 61 00:04:01,724 --> 00:04:02,827 - Oh! 62 00:04:06,000 --> 00:04:08,034 - All right, getting the mystery out of the way 63 00:04:08,103 --> 00:04:10,655 right up front, huh? 64 00:04:10,724 --> 00:04:13,206 Is it just... is it swollen from the... 65 00:04:13,275 --> 00:04:15,517 - I think it's the way God made that one. 66 00:04:16,689 --> 00:04:19,275 - Hmm. - This isn't happening. 67 00:04:22,137 --> 00:04:23,275 - Can I help? 68 00:04:23,344 --> 00:04:25,000 - Are you a relative? 69 00:04:25,068 --> 00:04:28,551 - Yeah, I'm, uh... I'm his girlfriend. 70 00:04:28,620 --> 00:04:30,620 - Yeah, sure. Just, uh, come over here. Grab an arm. 71 00:04:32,034 --> 00:04:35,413 [ music ] 72 00:04:35,482 --> 00:04:37,413 All right, here. 73 00:04:42,758 --> 00:04:44,275 - I don't know if I can be in a relationship 74 00:04:44,344 --> 00:04:46,517 with someone who shows such poor judgment. 75 00:04:46,586 --> 00:04:48,793 - Well, I'm a barrel racer. 76 00:04:48,862 --> 00:04:50,758 So bad judgment's just part of the package. 77 00:04:50,827 --> 00:04:52,965 - Don't have a dog, do you? 78 00:04:53,034 --> 00:04:54,965 - I have two, actually. 79 00:04:55,034 --> 00:04:56,931 - [ laughs ] That fuckin' figures. 80 00:04:59,379 --> 00:05:05,241 [ music ] 81 00:06:01,689 --> 00:06:02,689 [ knocking ] 82 00:06:04,931 --> 00:06:07,620 - I am not sure this is appropriate, Chairman. 83 00:06:07,689 --> 00:06:10,310 I don't represent the Jenkins' estate. 84 00:06:10,379 --> 00:06:13,034 Or, whatever's left of it, I mean. 85 00:06:13,103 --> 00:06:15,896 - His estate is not my concern at the moment. 86 00:06:15,965 --> 00:06:18,172 Is there any validity to this? 87 00:06:27,172 --> 00:06:29,241 - It's a chess move. 88 00:06:29,310 --> 00:06:31,448 It puts you on the defensive. Stops you from building. 89 00:06:31,517 --> 00:06:32,655 But... 90 00:06:32,724 --> 00:06:34,103 - But they don't have a winnable case. 91 00:06:34,172 --> 00:06:36,275 - Well, define winnable. 92 00:06:36,344 --> 00:06:38,827 If you mean a judgment in their favor? No. 93 00:06:38,896 --> 00:06:41,931 But, you know, they can drag this out for years. 94 00:06:42,000 --> 00:06:44,448 This isn't a leveraged land developer, 95 00:06:44,517 --> 00:06:46,517 this is a multibillion dollar corporation 96 00:06:46,586 --> 00:06:50,413 that can spend 50, 100 million dollars in legal fees. 97 00:06:50,482 --> 00:06:54,206 And the reality is, that, you know, I doubt they even want your land. 98 00:06:54,275 --> 00:06:56,724 They just don't want an Indian casino 99 00:06:56,793 --> 00:06:59,068 adjacent to a planned community. 100 00:07:00,000 --> 00:07:03,241 - So, they'll try to buy me out. 101 00:07:04,413 --> 00:07:05,827 - I doubt they'll even bother. 102 00:07:07,931 --> 00:07:10,827 May I ask you a question? A personal question? 103 00:07:12,000 --> 00:07:14,068 Why build a casino in the first place? 104 00:07:14,137 --> 00:07:15,448 I mean what's the real reason? 105 00:07:15,517 --> 00:07:18,758 There are better locations with far better access. 106 00:07:22,034 --> 00:07:25,034 - There's two futures for this valley: 107 00:07:25,103 --> 00:07:28,448 one with the land stripped of the second homes 108 00:07:28,517 --> 00:07:31,931 and hobby farms, and returned to the ways it used to be... 109 00:07:33,000 --> 00:07:35,241 You drive twenty miles into the park 110 00:07:35,310 --> 00:07:37,689 and that's how our whole nation looked at one time. 111 00:07:38,965 --> 00:07:40,586 Modern society wants people to go to school 112 00:07:40,655 --> 00:07:42,413 and learn a trade to make money 113 00:07:42,482 --> 00:07:45,793 to buy food, clothes, a place to live. 114 00:07:47,034 --> 00:07:49,965 But on land that hasn't been ravaged by man, 115 00:07:50,034 --> 00:07:52,000 you don't need to buy food. 116 00:07:52,068 --> 00:07:54,793 You just go find it. 117 00:07:54,862 --> 00:07:58,103 You don't buy clothes, you make them. 118 00:07:58,172 --> 00:08:01,482 And you don't build houses, you seek shelter. 119 00:08:01,551 --> 00:08:05,172 You live with the land. Not on it. 120 00:08:05,241 --> 00:08:07,931 - You said two futures. What's the other? 121 00:08:08,000 --> 00:08:10,586 - The other's where you live. 122 00:08:10,655 --> 00:08:13,206 Concrete worlds with stick houses 123 00:08:13,275 --> 00:08:14,689 and grass that can't survive without 124 00:08:14,758 --> 00:08:16,310 fertilizer and sprinklers. 125 00:08:16,379 --> 00:08:19,172 Some day this planet's going to shake your world 126 00:08:19,241 --> 00:08:20,965 off its back like rainwater. 127 00:08:21,034 --> 00:08:23,000 The casino gives me the money I need 128 00:08:23,068 --> 00:08:24,758 to make sure that happens. 129 00:08:24,827 --> 00:08:27,034 The first future is the only future. 130 00:08:30,275 --> 00:08:32,655 - People prefer concrete, I'm afraid. 131 00:08:32,724 --> 00:08:35,344 Nobody wants your future. 132 00:08:35,413 --> 00:08:37,103 - No one in your world. 133 00:08:39,551 --> 00:08:42,172 - Well... 134 00:08:42,241 --> 00:08:45,413 I wish I could tell you how to fight them. 135 00:08:45,482 --> 00:08:46,931 - If anyone knew how to fight them, 136 00:08:47,000 --> 00:08:48,655 there'd be no such thing as reservations. 137 00:08:59,275 --> 00:09:00,793 What do you think, Mo? 138 00:09:02,034 --> 00:09:04,517 - I think you need a lawyer and not him. 139 00:09:06,034 --> 00:09:08,482 - Well, men like him have their use. 140 00:09:08,551 --> 00:09:11,793 But no, not for this... 141 00:09:11,862 --> 00:09:14,310 - We've always known how to fight them, Tom. 142 00:09:14,379 --> 00:09:17,000 We just didn't 'cause we didn't want to be like them. 143 00:09:18,551 --> 00:09:20,517 I think it's time you be like them. 144 00:09:22,931 --> 00:09:24,620 - The people would never forgive me. 145 00:09:26,241 --> 00:09:28,896 - It's for the people. - Still won't forgive me. 146 00:09:34,931 --> 00:09:36,068 But I'm going to do it anyway. 147 00:09:38,931 --> 00:09:40,482 Get John Dutton on the phone for me. 148 00:09:46,206 --> 00:09:49,241 Angela Blue Thunder, please. 149 00:09:49,310 --> 00:09:51,517 Chairman Rainwater. 150 00:09:51,586 --> 00:09:53,620 - You're going to need to sage off after you speak with her. 151 00:09:53,689 --> 00:09:55,448 - I know. 152 00:09:57,586 --> 00:10:00,275 - That's a pretty big bear to poke, Beth. 153 00:10:00,344 --> 00:10:01,586 And their activity in the valley 154 00:10:01,655 --> 00:10:04,034 has our holdings up twenty percent. 155 00:10:04,103 --> 00:10:07,103 - I'm not poking them It's an opportunity, Bob. 156 00:10:08,206 --> 00:10:10,172 If they thought their airport approvals 157 00:10:10,241 --> 00:10:13,448 were guaranteed, they would be screaming it from the rooftops. 158 00:10:13,517 --> 00:10:15,793 Tell me it is not ripe to short. 159 00:10:15,862 --> 00:10:19,448 - When you put the word out, they're going to know it's you. 160 00:10:19,517 --> 00:10:21,793 - Well, I'm not gonna put the word out. 161 00:10:21,862 --> 00:10:23,620 You are. 162 00:10:25,137 --> 00:10:27,862 It is ripe to short. Do you disagree? 163 00:10:27,931 --> 00:10:29,586 - They're exposed, it's true. 164 00:10:29,655 --> 00:10:31,172 And it's gonna cut them pretty deep, 165 00:10:31,241 --> 00:10:32,965 and they are going to come out swinging. 166 00:10:33,034 --> 00:10:35,689 - Yeah, well, that's just life in the Serengeti, I guess. 167 00:10:38,241 --> 00:10:41,103 You want to call the fund managers or the press? 168 00:10:41,172 --> 00:10:42,517 - I'll take the managers. 169 00:10:42,586 --> 00:10:45,000 But, Beth, just a little leak. 170 00:10:45,068 --> 00:10:47,310 Just a leak, you know? Do not blow up the dam. 171 00:10:47,379 --> 00:10:49,551 - Oh, come on, Bob. You know me better than that. 172 00:10:49,620 --> 00:10:52,068 - That's why I'm saying just a leak. 173 00:10:52,137 --> 00:10:54,137 - A medium leak. 174 00:10:54,206 --> 00:10:56,931 Anything worth doing is worth doing right. 175 00:10:57,000 --> 00:10:57,862 Right? 176 00:10:59,310 --> 00:11:01,448 Thank you. I'll call you back. 177 00:11:06,482 --> 00:11:07,793 - Stock trader. 178 00:11:07,862 --> 00:11:09,379 - Hi, is Adam Tilly still running press releases? 179 00:11:09,448 --> 00:11:11,724 - Yep. -Put me through to him. 180 00:11:11,793 --> 00:11:12,896 - One moment. 181 00:11:16,862 --> 00:11:17,793 ♪ Two, three, four ♪ 182 00:11:20,068 --> 00:11:23,862 ♪ Well, everything's a little little complicated ♪ 183 00:11:25,689 --> 00:11:29,068 ♪ Quality of life has got me down ♪ 184 00:11:31,517 --> 00:11:34,965 ♪ Well, sex is cheap and talk is overrated ♪ 185 00:11:36,793 --> 00:11:40,551 ♪ And the boys and me still working on the sound ♪ 186 00:11:42,103 --> 00:11:44,862 ♪ Well, a little happiness, a little love ♪ 187 00:11:44,931 --> 00:11:47,931 ♪ Was all I wanted ♪ 188 00:11:48,000 --> 00:11:51,758 ♪ Sure as hell thought I'd found it but I was wrong ♪ 189 00:11:53,413 --> 00:11:56,413 ♪ She left my heart feeling taunted ♪ 190 00:11:56,482 --> 00:11:59,379 ♪ And my memories all haunted ♪ 191 00:11:59,448 --> 00:12:03,344 ♪ But it's her I have to thank for all my songs ♪ 192 00:12:05,551 --> 00:12:09,655 [ music continues ] 193 00:12:14,413 --> 00:12:16,965 - What's that flag for? 194 00:12:17,034 --> 00:12:19,551 - Well, it teaches these colts to use their bodies 195 00:12:19,620 --> 00:12:21,517 the right before I put them on a cow. 196 00:12:22,689 --> 00:12:24,206 - Why not just use a cow? 197 00:12:24,275 --> 00:12:27,689 - For hell's sakes, lady, that's kind of like 198 00:12:27,758 --> 00:12:30,068 practicing a fist fight when you're already 199 00:12:30,137 --> 00:12:32,413 in the middle of one, ya know what I mean? 200 00:12:32,482 --> 00:12:33,448 A tough call. 201 00:12:34,724 --> 00:12:38,482 Oh fuck, you're the Governor. - [ scoffs ] 202 00:12:38,551 --> 00:12:40,551 - Miss, I'm sorry. Fuck, I... 203 00:12:40,620 --> 00:12:43,482 I'm sorry. Shut up, Jake. 204 00:12:43,551 --> 00:12:46,068 - I'm looking for John. 205 00:12:46,137 --> 00:12:47,862 - He's up there at the summer camp. 206 00:12:49,862 --> 00:12:51,620 - Well, can you point the way? 207 00:12:51,689 --> 00:12:53,655 - It's that way 208 00:12:53,724 --> 00:12:55,448 but you ain't gonna get them machines up there. 209 00:12:57,137 --> 00:13:00,137 Can you, uh, can you ride a horse? 210 00:13:00,206 --> 00:13:03,034 - Hmm. Yeah, I can ride. 211 00:13:03,103 --> 00:13:05,862 - Perfect, I'll go saddle you one. 212 00:13:05,931 --> 00:13:08,379 - Ma'am, we can't have you on a horse. 213 00:13:08,448 --> 00:13:10,620 Safety concerns. - He's, uh... 214 00:13:10,689 --> 00:13:12,862 He's saying no to the horse, so... 215 00:13:12,931 --> 00:13:15,068 He's worried Montana won't survive if I fall off. 216 00:13:17,206 --> 00:13:19,068 - Well, hell, uh... 217 00:13:21,379 --> 00:13:23,000 I got a better idea. 218 00:13:37,965 --> 00:13:41,172 [ motor approaching ] 219 00:13:51,137 --> 00:13:52,965 - Thank you. - Yes, Ma'am. 220 00:14:01,034 --> 00:14:03,206 - [ chuckles ] 221 00:14:03,275 --> 00:14:05,137 So, this is where you've been hiding out, huh? 222 00:14:05,206 --> 00:14:08,034 - Yeah, well, pretty good spot, huh? 223 00:14:08,103 --> 00:14:11,241 - Yeah, I can see why you fight so hard for it. 224 00:14:11,310 --> 00:14:14,586 - Yeah. No one, uh... 225 00:14:14,655 --> 00:14:17,448 No one questions it from here. 226 00:14:17,517 --> 00:14:18,827 To what do I owe the pleasure? 227 00:14:20,137 --> 00:14:22,172 - The pleasure, John? 228 00:14:22,241 --> 00:14:24,275 I think you've been in the woods too long. 229 00:14:24,344 --> 00:14:25,758 Where's Kayce? 230 00:14:27,758 --> 00:14:29,000 - [ laughs ] Yeah. 231 00:14:29,068 --> 00:14:30,551 Um... 232 00:14:42,517 --> 00:14:43,620 Jake... 233 00:14:47,344 --> 00:14:50,655 I need you to run back to the house and grab Jamie. 234 00:14:50,724 --> 00:14:53,034 - That's... That's gonna take me a little while. 235 00:14:53,103 --> 00:14:55,620 - Yeah. Make sure of it. 236 00:14:55,689 --> 00:14:56,965 - Yes, sir. 237 00:14:59,965 --> 00:15:01,655 - John says you refused his appointment 238 00:15:01,724 --> 00:15:04,172 to Livestock Commissioner. 239 00:15:04,241 --> 00:15:06,517 - Yeah, I'm not a politician. 240 00:15:06,586 --> 00:15:09,000 - That's not a job for a politician. 241 00:15:09,068 --> 00:15:12,793 I mean, sure, your father used it that way, but... 242 00:15:12,862 --> 00:15:14,068 That's because he could. 243 00:15:17,448 --> 00:15:19,517 What the cattlemen of Montana need 244 00:15:19,586 --> 00:15:21,551 is someone to protect their livelihood. 245 00:15:21,620 --> 00:15:22,862 That's the job. 246 00:15:23,965 --> 00:15:26,275 And at that, you would excel. 247 00:15:26,344 --> 00:15:27,827 - Well, that's Jamie's job now. 248 00:15:29,103 --> 00:15:31,551 - No, I need Jamie for something else. 249 00:15:31,620 --> 00:15:33,965 So does your father. 250 00:15:34,034 --> 00:15:36,344 - Need him for what? 251 00:15:36,413 --> 00:15:39,206 - To help me prevent this valley from becoming a city. 252 00:15:39,275 --> 00:15:40,965 - What do you care if it becomes a city? 253 00:15:43,068 --> 00:15:45,965 Feel like a city would be good for you. 254 00:15:46,034 --> 00:15:48,620 - That's the great conflict of my position, you know? 255 00:15:48,689 --> 00:15:51,172 How to keep Montana growing 256 00:15:51,241 --> 00:15:54,586 without losing that thing that makes it Montana. 257 00:15:56,310 --> 00:15:58,310 - Well, then just say no. 258 00:15:58,379 --> 00:16:00,241 There'll be no city. 259 00:16:00,310 --> 00:16:03,310 - If I say no, they just go and get someone that says yes, 260 00:16:03,379 --> 00:16:05,172 and that person has my job. 261 00:16:07,103 --> 00:16:08,448 - Don't make sense. 262 00:16:10,241 --> 00:16:13,379 - No, it doesn't make sense to you. 263 00:16:13,448 --> 00:16:15,793 But it makes sense to Jamie. 264 00:16:15,862 --> 00:16:17,724 He knows how to make the law say no. 265 00:16:20,482 --> 00:16:23,551 I'm appointing him Attorney General, 266 00:16:23,620 --> 00:16:27,103 and I'm appointing you Livestock Commissioner, 267 00:16:27,172 --> 00:16:28,965 and you will set aside your fears 268 00:16:29,034 --> 00:16:31,103 of becoming like your father 269 00:16:31,172 --> 00:16:33,689 and take on this responsibility 270 00:16:33,758 --> 00:16:37,827 because all of this disappears if you don't. 271 00:16:40,586 --> 00:16:44,000 Destiny's a hard thing to run from, isn't it? 272 00:16:46,172 --> 00:16:48,310 - Just turned out to be a lot faster than I thought. 273 00:16:49,448 --> 00:16:50,551 - [ chuckles ] 274 00:16:52,310 --> 00:16:53,551 Well, that's settled then. 275 00:16:57,689 --> 00:17:02,586 - If I do this, I gotta do it my way. 276 00:17:02,655 --> 00:17:05,241 - It's your office. 277 00:17:05,310 --> 00:17:06,758 You can do it however you want. 278 00:17:08,689 --> 00:17:11,896 [ music ] 279 00:17:23,620 --> 00:17:26,000 - Hello, dear. - [ laughs ] 280 00:17:26,068 --> 00:17:28,103 - How was your day? 281 00:17:28,172 --> 00:17:30,310 - When your dad gets tired of sleeping outside, 282 00:17:30,379 --> 00:17:32,896 he's gonna wonder where his daughter's sleeping. 283 00:17:32,965 --> 00:17:34,862 - Yeah, well, lucky for us, sleeping outside 284 00:17:34,931 --> 00:17:36,827 is his favorite thing to do. 285 00:17:36,896 --> 00:17:38,793 - We gotta be careful or I'm gonna get used to shit, darling. 286 00:17:38,862 --> 00:17:42,068 - Yeah. Well, that's the plan. 287 00:17:43,482 --> 00:17:45,103 - Oh, you got plans, do you? 288 00:17:45,172 --> 00:17:47,034 - I have a plan for everything. 289 00:17:49,448 --> 00:17:51,551 - Just sitting in your web, all alone, 290 00:17:51,620 --> 00:17:52,620 [ both laugh ] 291 00:17:52,689 --> 00:17:54,068 Coming up with plans. 292 00:17:55,827 --> 00:17:57,965 - And a sense of humor? 293 00:17:58,034 --> 00:18:01,965 God, where did that come from? 294 00:18:02,034 --> 00:18:04,068 - What are you talking about? I've been funny all my life. 295 00:18:04,137 --> 00:18:06,551 [ both laugh ] 296 00:18:06,620 --> 00:18:09,655 - You are many things, but baby, funny is not one of them. 297 00:18:09,724 --> 00:18:10,896 Sorry. 298 00:18:12,862 --> 00:18:14,413 - Mm. Call me that again. 299 00:18:17,000 --> 00:18:18,551 - Call you what? 300 00:18:20,551 --> 00:18:23,034 - Baby. Say that again. 301 00:18:25,655 --> 00:18:27,551 - You like that, do you? 302 00:18:27,620 --> 00:18:29,413 - Yeah, I do. 303 00:18:32,000 --> 00:18:36,862 [ music ] 304 00:18:36,931 --> 00:18:38,344 - Okay, baby. 305 00:18:40,275 --> 00:18:42,034 - What should I call you? 306 00:18:45,896 --> 00:18:47,206 - Wife. 307 00:18:56,655 --> 00:18:57,827 I didn't mean that. 308 00:19:03,103 --> 00:19:05,275 I'm gonna make you dinner for once. 309 00:19:14,413 --> 00:19:16,344 [ exhales ] 310 00:19:20,793 --> 00:19:23,689 - Hey. Where's my ride? 311 00:19:25,551 --> 00:19:27,034 - He'll be back. 312 00:19:29,724 --> 00:19:31,137 - When? 313 00:19:31,206 --> 00:19:32,793 - Well, that's... 314 00:19:32,862 --> 00:19:34,034 [ chuckles ] ...that's... 315 00:19:34,103 --> 00:19:35,965 ...that's hard to say. Want a drink? 316 00:19:41,034 --> 00:19:42,689 - [ chuckles ] 317 00:19:47,137 --> 00:19:50,551 This is... This is almost kidnapping. 318 00:19:50,620 --> 00:19:54,655 - Oh, just relax, Lynelle. Enjoy the sunset. 319 00:19:54,724 --> 00:19:58,034 - Fine, as long as you don't give me that look. 320 00:19:58,103 --> 00:19:59,448 - What look? 321 00:20:02,586 --> 00:20:04,517 - That look. 322 00:20:04,586 --> 00:20:06,931 That "drop your dress and get in my outfitter tent" look. 323 00:20:07,000 --> 00:20:08,344 - I'm not giving you any look. 324 00:20:08,413 --> 00:20:12,000 - Yeah, because I'm not staying, so you can just stop it. 325 00:20:12,068 --> 00:20:13,241 Stop it. 326 00:20:13,310 --> 00:20:14,655 - I'm not doing anything. - [ laughs ] 327 00:20:15,689 --> 00:20:17,206 Goddammit, John. 328 00:20:17,275 --> 00:20:18,482 How is it that you're always three steps ahead 329 00:20:18,551 --> 00:20:20,344 of everybody everywhere you go? 330 00:20:24,103 --> 00:20:27,344 - It's just a lot of sitting and thinking... 331 00:20:29,034 --> 00:20:31,379 thinking and sitting. 332 00:20:34,275 --> 00:20:35,586 - And you're doing it again. - [ laughs ] 333 00:20:38,344 --> 00:20:39,827 I'm not doing anything. 334 00:20:42,689 --> 00:20:45,413 - I have to leave first thing in the morning. 335 00:20:45,482 --> 00:20:47,862 - Oh. You wanna spend the night? - [ laughs ] 336 00:20:48,965 --> 00:20:50,586 You're such a bastard. [ laughs ] 337 00:20:54,034 --> 00:20:56,206 First thing in the morning, I meant. 338 00:20:58,448 --> 00:20:59,931 - How about second? 339 00:21:04,689 --> 00:21:08,000 When's the last time you watched a sunset, Governor? 340 00:21:10,896 --> 00:21:12,068 - I don't know. 341 00:21:15,517 --> 00:21:18,000 I can see why this is the dream they want to sell. 342 00:21:18,068 --> 00:21:19,689 - Yep... but you can't sell this. 343 00:21:19,758 --> 00:21:22,068 You gotta earn it. 344 00:21:22,137 --> 00:21:23,655 You gotta live it. 345 00:21:23,724 --> 00:21:26,172 And that's what they'll never understand. 346 00:21:26,241 --> 00:21:28,551 - But they only want to sell it. 347 00:21:28,620 --> 00:21:32,310 And they could care less about the dream coming true. 348 00:21:32,379 --> 00:21:33,862 That's what you've got to understand. 349 00:21:36,000 --> 00:21:40,241 [ music ] 350 00:21:45,000 --> 00:21:46,000 - You still here? 351 00:21:47,620 --> 00:21:49,827 - Through thick and thin. 352 00:21:49,896 --> 00:21:51,275 How you feel? 353 00:21:51,344 --> 00:21:53,310 - Hip hurts. 354 00:21:53,379 --> 00:21:55,517 Ribs hurt. Back hurts. 355 00:21:55,586 --> 00:21:56,758 - How's your pecker? 356 00:21:58,965 --> 00:22:00,827 - Pecker. Um... 357 00:22:03,379 --> 00:22:05,206 Seems fine. 358 00:22:05,275 --> 00:22:06,862 - Good. 359 00:22:06,931 --> 00:22:09,965 I was thinking we should consummate this deal. 360 00:22:11,517 --> 00:22:12,586 - Wow. 361 00:22:12,655 --> 00:22:15,724 Um... 362 00:22:15,793 --> 00:22:17,827 [ clicks tongue ] That sounds great, but... 363 00:22:17,896 --> 00:22:20,827 I don't know if they told you, my back is broken. 364 00:22:22,310 --> 00:22:24,758 - Are you saying no? 365 00:22:24,827 --> 00:22:28,310 - No. No. No, no, no. 366 00:22:28,379 --> 00:22:30,034 I just, um... 367 00:22:30,103 --> 00:22:32,551 I don't want it to paralyze me. 368 00:22:34,206 --> 00:22:36,206 - Well, it might paralyze you for a minute or two. 369 00:22:38,448 --> 00:22:41,000 [ grunts ] 370 00:22:41,068 --> 00:22:43,241 You're not a virgin, are you? 371 00:22:43,310 --> 00:22:44,793 - What? [ laughs ] 372 00:22:47,172 --> 00:22:47,931 Come on, no. Come on. 373 00:22:48,000 --> 00:22:49,241 - Are you sure? 374 00:22:49,310 --> 00:22:51,896 'Cause you got like a scared virgin face. 375 00:22:51,965 --> 00:22:53,793 - No, I'm not a virgin. Are you a virgin? 376 00:22:53,862 --> 00:22:55,620 - I'm a barrel racer. 377 00:22:55,689 --> 00:22:58,206 Losing your virginity is like, 378 00:22:58,275 --> 00:23:00,448 it's like a requirement to compete. 379 00:23:01,551 --> 00:23:05,275 [ music ] - Maybe we should, uh, 380 00:23:05,344 --> 00:23:06,724 just slow down on this whole deal. 381 00:23:09,137 --> 00:23:10,379 - You are! 382 00:23:10,448 --> 00:23:11,344 - I am not a virgin. 383 00:23:11,413 --> 00:23:13,551 ♪ California gold ♪ 384 00:23:13,620 --> 00:23:16,206 - Is it me? Are you not attracted to me? 385 00:23:16,275 --> 00:23:18,000 Cause it's okay if you're not, but you've got to tell me. 386 00:23:18,068 --> 00:23:20,586 - No, it's... 387 00:23:20,655 --> 00:23:21,965 I mean, you're... 388 00:23:24,310 --> 00:23:27,344 You're too pretty. 389 00:23:27,413 --> 00:23:31,413 You're too pretty for a guy like me. 390 00:23:31,482 --> 00:23:35,034 - ♪ Just like butter on my lips ♪ 391 00:23:35,103 --> 00:23:36,551 - What's her name? 392 00:23:38,758 --> 00:23:42,862 - Who? - Your first. What was her name? 393 00:23:42,931 --> 00:23:46,137 - I didn't... I can't even remember. 394 00:23:48,827 --> 00:23:52,172 Okay, no, I haven't technically had sex, all right? 395 00:23:52,241 --> 00:23:53,724 - Oh. - Are you happy? 396 00:23:55,551 --> 00:23:57,172 I think there's still a shred of manhood left 397 00:23:57,241 --> 00:23:59,862 in my big toe if you want to step on that on the way out. 398 00:23:59,931 --> 00:24:02,620 What are you... what are you doing? 399 00:24:02,689 --> 00:24:04,655 - I'm being your first. 400 00:24:04,724 --> 00:24:07,034 - ♪ Round and round and round and round and round ♪ 401 00:24:07,103 --> 00:24:09,758 ♪ And round and round and round and round and round ♪ 402 00:24:09,827 --> 00:24:12,275 ♪ And up and up and up and down ♪ 403 00:24:12,344 --> 00:24:14,827 ♪ And round and round and round and round and round ♪ 404 00:24:29,896 --> 00:24:31,931 ♪ Just like butter on my lips ♪ 405 00:24:32,000 --> 00:24:34,034 - Don't be nervous. 406 00:24:34,103 --> 00:24:35,586 It's supposed to be fun. 407 00:24:37,793 --> 00:24:41,793 - I'm scared that when your eyesight returns 408 00:24:41,862 --> 00:24:42,827 you're gonna take one look at me-- 409 00:24:42,896 --> 00:24:46,482 - [ laughs ] I see just fine. 410 00:24:48,551 --> 00:24:50,620 You're the one who's blind, Jimmy. 411 00:24:50,689 --> 00:24:52,275 But I'm going to fix that too... 412 00:24:52,344 --> 00:24:55,241 - ♪ I want to go round and round and round and round and round ♪ 413 00:24:55,310 --> 00:24:57,965 ♪ Round and round and round and round and round ♪ 414 00:24:58,034 --> 00:25:00,379 ♪ And up and up and up and down ♪ 415 00:25:00,448 --> 00:25:02,931 ♪ And round and round and round and round and round ♪ 416 00:25:08,206 --> 00:25:09,448 [ grunting ] 417 00:25:13,517 --> 00:25:14,758 - Morning. 418 00:25:15,379 --> 00:25:17,517 [ groan ] 419 00:25:17,586 --> 00:25:19,103 - Yeah, sure is. 420 00:25:20,310 --> 00:25:21,931 - Baby? Come back to bed. 421 00:25:23,448 --> 00:25:24,862 [ chuckles ] 422 00:25:26,000 --> 00:25:27,172 - I'll be, uh... 423 00:25:29,344 --> 00:25:30,517 What time's breakfast? 424 00:25:30,586 --> 00:25:31,965 Lynelle: John? 425 00:25:34,413 --> 00:25:35,586 - Um... 426 00:25:39,172 --> 00:25:40,379 A little later this morning. 427 00:25:41,724 --> 00:25:43,034 - Understood. 428 00:25:43,103 --> 00:25:44,310 I'll see you in... 429 00:25:44,379 --> 00:25:46,620 - Yeah. - You know. 430 00:25:58,551 --> 00:25:59,724 - No breakfast? 431 00:26:01,310 --> 00:26:03,482 - Nah, I got a... 432 00:26:03,551 --> 00:26:05,586 heifer auction in Butte I gotta go to. 433 00:26:11,758 --> 00:26:13,482 - I fucked it up, didn't I? 434 00:26:15,241 --> 00:26:17,586 I fucked the whole thing... I didn't mean it. 435 00:26:17,655 --> 00:26:19,517 - Hey, listen. 436 00:26:19,586 --> 00:26:21,137 The only reason why I don't bring up 437 00:26:21,206 --> 00:26:22,862 tomorrow with you, Beth, 438 00:26:22,931 --> 00:26:25,448 is because every fucking time I do, 439 00:26:25,517 --> 00:26:26,517 you run away. 440 00:26:44,000 --> 00:26:47,689 I look at every day with you as a gift. 441 00:26:50,689 --> 00:26:53,000 My tomorrows are... 442 00:26:53,068 --> 00:26:54,655 Well, they're all yours. 443 00:26:57,551 --> 00:26:59,413 Here. 444 00:26:59,482 --> 00:27:02,655 There is no word that I'd rather call you. 445 00:27:03,862 --> 00:27:05,931 I mean, if that's what you want. 446 00:27:06,000 --> 00:27:10,413 [ music ] 447 00:27:10,482 --> 00:27:12,241 - You know why I always run away? 448 00:27:16,965 --> 00:27:19,379 There's only so much I can give to you, Rip. 449 00:27:21,103 --> 00:27:24,206 - No. You can give me everything. 450 00:27:24,275 --> 00:27:25,413 - No. 451 00:27:34,620 --> 00:27:36,000 I can't have children. 452 00:27:41,379 --> 00:27:42,551 You need to know that. 453 00:27:46,620 --> 00:27:48,931 Being with me is the end of you. 454 00:27:55,413 --> 00:27:59,206 - I was born on a dead end road, honey. 455 00:28:00,620 --> 00:28:03,206 This world doesn't need another generation of me. 456 00:28:04,827 --> 00:28:07,758 - I wouldn't be so sure. 457 00:28:07,827 --> 00:28:08,931 - I don't want a bunch of kids 458 00:28:09,000 --> 00:28:10,482 running around this fucking house. 459 00:28:10,551 --> 00:28:11,724 I mean, I don't even like dogs. 460 00:28:18,758 --> 00:28:20,034 Hey. - [ sniffs ] 461 00:28:22,448 --> 00:28:23,931 - You're all I need. 462 00:28:27,137 --> 00:28:28,724 I'll call you whatever you want. 463 00:28:52,241 --> 00:28:53,379 - Beth is fine. 464 00:28:54,758 --> 00:28:56,586 For now. 465 00:28:56,655 --> 00:28:59,379 - Beth it is, darling. Beth it is. 466 00:29:02,310 --> 00:29:04,586 - You gotta go to work. 467 00:29:04,655 --> 00:29:06,206 - Okay. 468 00:29:08,310 --> 00:29:10,931 I gotta say, 469 00:29:11,000 --> 00:29:13,448 I like leaving you sitting here on the porch like this. 470 00:29:13,517 --> 00:29:15,758 Be a whole lot better though, 471 00:29:15,827 --> 00:29:17,586 if you were here when I got home. 472 00:29:17,655 --> 00:29:21,482 - Well, I'll see what I can do about that. 473 00:29:21,551 --> 00:29:26,689 [ music ] 474 00:29:32,482 --> 00:29:34,896 - And stocks continue their downward trend 475 00:29:34,965 --> 00:29:37,068 as two more oil companies were added to 476 00:29:37,137 --> 00:29:39,172 the U.S. Trade blacklist. 477 00:29:39,241 --> 00:29:41,482 Both companies are currently being investigated 478 00:29:41,551 --> 00:29:43,275 for securities fraud. 479 00:29:43,344 --> 00:29:45,103 And in the largest dip of the day, 480 00:29:45,172 --> 00:29:48,862 investment firm Market Equities falls over 7.5%. 481 00:29:48,931 --> 00:29:50,931 - What the fuck? - ...causing industry-wide panic 482 00:29:51,000 --> 00:29:52,586 as analysts... 483 00:29:57,103 --> 00:30:00,344 [ music ] 484 00:30:06,482 --> 00:30:08,241 - That fucking bitch. 485 00:30:29,000 --> 00:30:31,793 - There is no protection from me, Tom. 486 00:30:34,379 --> 00:30:35,793 You know that. 487 00:30:37,517 --> 00:30:38,931 It's barely been a year 488 00:30:39,000 --> 00:30:42,655 and already you're burning sage praying for a change, 489 00:30:42,724 --> 00:30:45,896 instead of being it. 490 00:30:45,965 --> 00:30:48,000 - I'm trying to make it a better place. 491 00:30:48,068 --> 00:30:50,793 - All you've managed to do thus far 492 00:30:50,862 --> 00:30:53,206 is take all of our casino profits 493 00:30:53,275 --> 00:30:55,068 and buy land a Fortune 500 Company 494 00:30:55,137 --> 00:30:57,172 is about to steal from you. 495 00:30:57,241 --> 00:30:59,896 And there's nothing you can do about it. 496 00:30:59,965 --> 00:31:02,551 - You're what I'm doing about it. 497 00:31:02,620 --> 00:31:05,344 - You know what they say about making deals with the devil. 498 00:31:05,413 --> 00:31:08,620 - No, I don't, Angela. What do they say? 499 00:31:10,034 --> 00:31:11,620 - That's the big mystery, Tom. 500 00:31:16,758 --> 00:31:17,758 - Is that a "yes"? 501 00:31:19,758 --> 00:31:21,551 You'll help? 502 00:31:21,620 --> 00:31:22,586 - If that's what you want to call it. 503 00:31:27,965 --> 00:31:29,344 - She's not evil, Mo. 504 00:31:31,137 --> 00:31:33,965 She's just angry and trying to punish the world 505 00:31:34,034 --> 00:31:35,448 for everything it did to her. 506 00:31:35,517 --> 00:31:38,000 - Yeah, I know. 507 00:31:38,068 --> 00:31:39,551 That's what evil means. 508 00:31:54,620 --> 00:31:56,172 - It's cold! - Tate! 509 00:31:56,241 --> 00:31:58,137 You haven't bathed in a week. You smell like a goat. 510 00:31:58,206 --> 00:32:00,103 Just stay-- - Ha! 511 00:32:00,172 --> 00:32:02,068 - Come back here. - Catch me. 512 00:32:03,448 --> 00:32:05,896 [ bird song ] 513 00:32:11,896 --> 00:32:14,965 - Well, he's got your aversion to bathing. 514 00:32:15,034 --> 00:32:16,448 - I don't mind bathing. 515 00:32:16,517 --> 00:32:18,275 I just don't like doing it alone. 516 00:32:19,896 --> 00:32:21,413 - That's not the same thing. 517 00:32:22,758 --> 00:32:25,206 - The result's the same, though, ain't it? 518 00:32:25,275 --> 00:32:27,000 - The result just ran off into the woods. 519 00:32:29,620 --> 00:32:31,068 How long are we staying here? 520 00:32:35,000 --> 00:32:36,344 - I don't know, baby. 521 00:32:38,896 --> 00:32:41,206 I'm having a hard time thinking past "right now." 522 00:32:42,793 --> 00:32:46,034 - This isn't real. We can't live like this forever. 523 00:32:46,103 --> 00:32:47,517 - There's no such thing as forever, baby. 524 00:32:50,241 --> 00:32:52,034 All we can do is live like there's no tomorrow 525 00:32:52,103 --> 00:32:54,896 'cause one day we'll be right. 526 00:32:57,103 --> 00:33:00,655 [ music ] 527 00:33:20,896 --> 00:33:21,896 - What is it? 528 00:33:23,413 --> 00:33:24,965 - Wolf. 529 00:33:25,034 --> 00:33:27,310 - What, the same one? - Yeah. 530 00:33:29,379 --> 00:33:31,172 - I think he likes watching us. 531 00:33:31,241 --> 00:33:33,448 - He's not watching, he's studying us. 532 00:33:33,517 --> 00:33:35,068 - Studying what? 533 00:33:35,137 --> 00:33:36,931 - Wants to know what we'll do 534 00:33:37,000 --> 00:33:38,689 when he goes after our calves. 535 00:33:40,482 --> 00:33:41,551 I warned you. 536 00:33:41,620 --> 00:33:43,620 - Hey, where are you going? 537 00:33:43,689 --> 00:33:45,275 - Just go back to camp, baby. It's okay. 538 00:33:45,344 --> 00:33:46,517 - What are you going to do? 539 00:33:46,586 --> 00:33:47,896 - I'm gonna kill him. 540 00:33:47,965 --> 00:33:49,448 - Don't you dare. 541 00:33:49,517 --> 00:33:50,724 - Baby, he'll feed on every-- 542 00:33:50,793 --> 00:33:52,586 - Don't stop loving me to kill something. 543 00:33:55,724 --> 00:33:57,344 Just come here. 544 00:33:59,103 --> 00:34:02,275 Just... Just love me. 545 00:34:03,482 --> 00:34:04,896 You can kill him tomorrow. 546 00:34:07,896 --> 00:34:14,137 [ music ] 547 00:34:14,206 --> 00:34:16,448 Auctioneer: And our next lot coming in. 548 00:34:16,517 --> 00:34:18,448 Six replacement Angus heifers. 549 00:34:18,517 --> 00:34:21,000 Let's start these six replacement Angus off 500 dollars? 550 00:34:21,068 --> 00:34:22,275 Anybody give me 500 dollars. I need 500... 551 00:34:22,344 --> 00:34:23,586 I got 500, anybody go six? 552 00:34:23,655 --> 00:34:25,103 - This is that straight-backed bunch we liked. 553 00:34:25,172 --> 00:34:26,517 - Mm-hm. 554 00:34:26,586 --> 00:34:28,310 Auctioneer: I got 600 anybody go 7 now, 7 now, 7 now 555 00:34:28,379 --> 00:34:30,379 I got 7, anybody go 8? Oh! I got 8 right there. 556 00:34:30,448 --> 00:34:32,310 Anybody go 9? I got 800, anybody go 9? 557 00:34:32,379 --> 00:34:34,068 Now 9, now 9, I got 9. Anybody go 1000? 558 00:34:34,137 --> 00:34:36,655 900 wup! I got 1000 dollars right there. 559 00:34:36,724 --> 00:34:38,137 Anybody go 11. I have 1000, anybody gonna go 11 now 560 00:34:38,206 --> 00:34:39,896 11 now, I got 1000 anybody go 11? 561 00:34:39,965 --> 00:34:41,206 I have 1000 anybody go 1100 dollars? 562 00:34:41,275 --> 00:34:42,482 1100 dollars, I got anybody go to 11? 563 00:34:42,551 --> 00:34:45,448 I have a sale right there, 1000 dollars. 564 00:34:45,517 --> 00:34:47,275 - [ laughs ] Hell, yeah 565 00:34:47,344 --> 00:34:49,758 John'll like that. - Sure. 566 00:34:49,827 --> 00:34:51,586 You ready? Let's roll. - Yep. 567 00:34:52,862 --> 00:34:53,931 - Go, go! 568 00:34:54,000 --> 00:34:56,000 Come on, Bob. Come on, come on. 569 00:34:56,068 --> 00:34:58,068 - Hey, Colby! 570 00:34:58,137 --> 00:34:59,758 Turn that charolais back, it ain't ours. 571 00:34:59,827 --> 00:35:01,344 - Come on. - No. 572 00:35:01,413 --> 00:35:02,379 - Get in, get it, hop, hop, hop! 573 00:35:02,448 --> 00:35:04,000 Hop, hop! 574 00:35:04,068 --> 00:35:05,655 - Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! 575 00:35:05,724 --> 00:35:06,862 - Get in, get in, hop. 576 00:35:06,931 --> 00:35:10,068 - Hey, hey, hey, hey! 577 00:35:10,137 --> 00:35:11,310 - Yee-ah-ha! 578 00:35:11,379 --> 00:35:13,379 That skinny girl's a hand, 579 00:35:13,448 --> 00:35:14,896 - Yeah. - I gotta say it. 580 00:35:14,965 --> 00:35:18,137 - Hey, hey, hey. Hey, hey. Ha! 581 00:35:18,206 --> 00:35:19,310 - How's she working out? 582 00:35:19,379 --> 00:35:22,551 - Well, you gotta define "working out." 583 00:35:22,620 --> 00:35:24,137 - There you go, there you go. 584 00:35:24,206 --> 00:35:26,000 - Come on. Come on. - Hup, hup hup. Come on, mothers. 585 00:35:26,068 --> 00:35:27,206 Hey. Hey-o. 586 00:35:27,275 --> 00:35:28,724 - Boys leaving her alone? 587 00:35:28,793 --> 00:35:30,448 - Leaving her alone? [ laughs ] 588 00:35:32,482 --> 00:35:34,103 That little hyena, 589 00:35:34,172 --> 00:35:36,517 she looks at a man like he's a rented mule. 590 00:35:38,758 --> 00:35:41,379 She got the bunkhouse so scared 591 00:35:41,448 --> 00:35:44,034 they're goin' to bed with the chickens. 592 00:35:44,103 --> 00:35:46,068 - Bring 'em all to the new pen, will ya? 593 00:35:46,137 --> 00:35:47,827 We'll be right behind you. 594 00:35:53,517 --> 00:35:54,793 [ sniffs ] 595 00:35:57,931 --> 00:36:00,034 Teeter: You was done with that, wasn't you? 596 00:36:00,103 --> 00:36:01,241 - I am now. 597 00:36:02,620 --> 00:36:04,413 - How you doing back there, baby? 598 00:36:04,482 --> 00:36:05,413 - Fine. Thanks. 599 00:36:05,482 --> 00:36:06,965 - All right. 600 00:36:07,034 --> 00:36:08,655 'Cause you ought be up here on mama's lap, 601 00:36:08,724 --> 00:36:10,344 but that's all right. That's okay. 602 00:36:10,413 --> 00:36:12,172 - [ laughs ] 603 00:36:12,241 --> 00:36:13,862 - Y'all think I'm joking. 604 00:36:13,931 --> 00:36:16,448 - No, unfortunately, we don't. 605 00:36:16,517 --> 00:36:17,862 - What in the... 606 00:36:25,896 --> 00:36:29,000 [ music playing ] 607 00:36:31,482 --> 00:36:33,551 They cut the fucking fence. 608 00:36:35,310 --> 00:36:36,586 - It's too early to get in a fight. 609 00:36:37,965 --> 00:36:40,068 [ chatter ] 610 00:36:41,275 --> 00:36:42,379 - That's gonna be nice. Trust me on that. 611 00:36:42,448 --> 00:36:44,206 That's gonna be good. 612 00:36:45,655 --> 00:36:48,724 - Hey. How you doing? 613 00:36:49,758 --> 00:36:51,344 - What do these rednecks want? 614 00:36:52,413 --> 00:36:55,931 - Listen, you can't be here. 615 00:36:56,000 --> 00:36:58,724 This is private property. 616 00:36:58,793 --> 00:37:00,103 - This is a national park. 617 00:37:00,172 --> 00:37:02,448 - That's national park. 618 00:37:02,517 --> 00:37:05,310 This is the Dutton Ranch. 619 00:37:05,379 --> 00:37:09,827 - Sign says "Yellowstone." Got a big fucking Y on it. 620 00:37:09,896 --> 00:37:11,413 - The Y is for the Yellowstone Ranch. 621 00:37:11,482 --> 00:37:12,620 - You said Dutton Ranch. 622 00:37:12,689 --> 00:37:15,034 - It's the Yellowstone Dutton Ranch. 623 00:37:15,103 --> 00:37:18,896 Listen, I need you to move across the road 624 00:37:18,965 --> 00:37:22,793 or I'm gonna have to cite you for trespassing. 625 00:37:30,586 --> 00:37:32,931 - That badge says "livestock agent." 626 00:37:33,000 --> 00:37:34,551 - That's right. 627 00:37:34,620 --> 00:37:36,758 - Ooh. It's the fucking cow police. 628 00:37:36,827 --> 00:37:38,241 [ laughing ] 629 00:37:38,310 --> 00:37:41,000 - Look at this pink-haired hick mad-dogging me. 630 00:37:41,068 --> 00:37:42,517 You got a problem, bitch? 631 00:37:42,586 --> 00:37:43,517 - Fuck you just say to me? 632 00:37:43,586 --> 00:37:44,689 - Called you a fucking bitch. 633 00:37:44,758 --> 00:37:45,758 - Teeter! 634 00:37:55,586 --> 00:37:58,965 - Ah fuck! - [ grunts ] 635 00:38:03,448 --> 00:38:04,896 - You gotta be fucking kidding me. 636 00:38:17,724 --> 00:38:18,931 - Motherfucker! 637 00:38:24,482 --> 00:38:25,655 You're a fucking dead man. 638 00:38:28,413 --> 00:38:29,620 You're fucking-- 639 00:38:37,241 --> 00:38:38,724 - I'll fucking shoot you! 640 00:38:38,793 --> 00:38:41,413 - It'll be the last fucking thing you ever do. 641 00:38:41,482 --> 00:38:42,931 - Better get after it, then. 642 00:38:43,931 --> 00:38:44,965 Too late. 643 00:38:48,413 --> 00:38:50,068 Which one of these assholes is the boss of you? 644 00:38:50,137 --> 00:38:51,344 Which one of these motherfuckers? 645 00:38:51,413 --> 00:38:52,620 - The big guy with the beard. 646 00:38:58,310 --> 00:38:59,275 - Him? 647 00:38:59,344 --> 00:39:00,965 Him? - Yeah. 648 00:39:01,034 --> 00:39:02,413 - Get up. 649 00:39:06,379 --> 00:39:07,931 I'm gonna give you one last chance. 650 00:39:08,000 --> 00:39:10,172 You leave now or you never leave. 651 00:39:10,241 --> 00:39:12,758 I'll bury you where you fucking stand. 652 00:39:12,827 --> 00:39:14,724 Get the fuck out of here. 653 00:39:14,793 --> 00:39:15,896 - You heard him. - Let's go. 654 00:39:15,965 --> 00:39:16,758 Get out of here. 655 00:39:16,827 --> 00:39:18,413 - Let's go. 656 00:39:19,689 --> 00:39:20,551 - Get the fuck out of here. 657 00:39:24,482 --> 00:39:26,931 - Why don't you cover my back? - Got you. 658 00:39:27,000 --> 00:39:28,137 - Colby, you all right? 659 00:39:28,206 --> 00:39:30,551 - I think I broke my hand. 660 00:39:30,620 --> 00:39:33,172 - That's a far cry from your heart. 661 00:39:33,241 --> 00:39:34,344 - Ron? 662 00:39:34,413 --> 00:39:37,241 - All we did was ask them to leave. 663 00:39:37,310 --> 00:39:38,862 - All right, come on. 664 00:39:38,931 --> 00:39:40,827 What about you, Teeter? You okay? 665 00:39:43,068 --> 00:39:44,206 - That is fun. 666 00:39:46,689 --> 00:39:49,655 - Bunch of assholes taking the scenic route to Sturgis. 667 00:39:49,724 --> 00:39:51,655 - Yep. 668 00:39:51,724 --> 00:39:54,137 - You know, when they come back for them bikes, 669 00:39:54,206 --> 00:39:57,068 they gonna fuck this field up something fierce. 670 00:39:57,137 --> 00:39:59,206 - Probably so. 671 00:39:59,275 --> 00:40:01,000 Let's go fix the fence. Come on. 672 00:40:54,896 --> 00:40:56,068 - All right. Yeah, get that. 673 00:40:57,310 --> 00:40:59,620 Come on. You guys, load up what you can. 674 00:41:05,551 --> 00:41:07,896 All right. Grab those, too. Come on. 675 00:41:11,103 --> 00:41:14,034 [ music ] 676 00:41:26,724 --> 00:41:30,344 - Let me guess: this is your field. 677 00:41:30,413 --> 00:41:31,758 - You gonna burn it? 678 00:41:33,724 --> 00:41:35,517 That's your plan? 679 00:41:37,620 --> 00:41:38,793 - Might burn you with it. 680 00:41:41,379 --> 00:41:43,620 - Why? 681 00:41:43,689 --> 00:41:44,965 Why would you do that? 682 00:41:49,586 --> 00:41:53,241 - We weren't bothering anyone. We were just having some fun. 683 00:41:53,310 --> 00:41:55,862 - This field is mine. 684 00:41:55,931 --> 00:41:58,034 That fence is mine. 685 00:41:58,103 --> 00:41:59,620 You damaged both. 686 00:41:59,689 --> 00:42:01,551 Then you came back to damage it more. 687 00:42:04,793 --> 00:42:07,379 This is my home. 688 00:42:07,448 --> 00:42:09,034 If I did this to your home, what would you do? 689 00:42:12,758 --> 00:42:13,931 - I'd kill you. 690 00:42:14,000 --> 00:42:16,241 - That's right. 691 00:42:17,413 --> 00:42:18,586 [ rustling ] 692 00:42:32,655 --> 00:42:37,000 My man said you if you didn't leave we'd bury you here. 693 00:42:37,068 --> 00:42:38,344 And you didn't leave. 694 00:42:40,551 --> 00:42:42,344 We keep our word in this valley. 695 00:42:44,034 --> 00:42:45,551 - Fine. We'll leave. 696 00:42:45,620 --> 00:42:46,793 - No, no, it's too late for that. 697 00:42:46,862 --> 00:42:48,103 - I said we'll leave. 698 00:42:48,172 --> 00:42:49,275 [ cocks rifle ] 699 00:42:49,344 --> 00:42:50,344 - I don't want you to leave. 700 00:42:52,448 --> 00:42:53,517 I want you to dig. 701 00:43:00,758 --> 00:43:02,862 - Sun's starting to heat up the sky, sir. 702 00:43:07,310 --> 00:43:08,379 John: Yeah. 703 00:43:12,448 --> 00:43:14,551 All right. That's enough. 704 00:43:17,689 --> 00:43:18,827 - Nobody said get out. 705 00:43:21,379 --> 00:43:23,655 - Yeah, not much point in that. 706 00:43:30,517 --> 00:43:31,689 - I have children. 707 00:43:31,758 --> 00:43:33,724 - So do I. 708 00:43:33,793 --> 00:43:35,724 And from what I've seen, yours will be better off without you. 709 00:43:42,379 --> 00:43:43,448 Where are you from? 710 00:43:47,965 --> 00:43:48,862 - California. 711 00:43:52,620 --> 00:43:54,000 - Figures... 712 00:43:55,379 --> 00:43:58,758 [ music ] 713 00:44:07,517 --> 00:44:10,551 I'm gonna leave these holes just like this. 714 00:44:12,103 --> 00:44:13,931 Right here in the middle of my field. 715 00:44:14,000 --> 00:44:16,862 And if you ever come back again, I'm gonna fill em. 716 00:44:16,931 --> 00:44:17,965 You understand? 717 00:44:21,000 --> 00:44:21,965 - Thank you. 718 00:44:22,034 --> 00:44:24,034 - "Thank you"'s not an answer. 719 00:44:24,103 --> 00:44:27,137 Repeat what I say: 720 00:44:27,206 --> 00:44:28,620 I'm going back to California. 721 00:44:28,689 --> 00:44:30,241 - I'm going back to California. 722 00:44:30,310 --> 00:44:31,965 - Montana doesn't want you. 723 00:44:32,034 --> 00:44:34,206 - Montana doesn't want me. 724 00:44:34,275 --> 00:44:36,655 I'm never coming back. I swear. 725 00:44:38,379 --> 00:44:39,586 - I'm gonna hold you to that. 726 00:44:59,551 --> 00:45:02,275 - Don't think we'll be seeing them again. 727 00:45:02,344 --> 00:45:03,448 - Nope. 728 00:45:04,896 --> 00:45:07,517 - Want us to fill these holes? 729 00:45:09,448 --> 00:45:11,034 - They want to put an airport here. 730 00:45:13,206 --> 00:45:15,724 - Yeah, I know. 731 00:45:15,793 --> 00:45:17,586 What do you want to do about it? 732 00:45:17,655 --> 00:45:19,241 - I'm not sure yet. 733 00:45:23,724 --> 00:45:25,103 Don't fill the holes. 734 00:45:25,172 --> 00:45:26,448 - No? - No. 735 00:45:26,517 --> 00:45:27,862 - Rip? - Sir. 736 00:45:29,724 --> 00:45:32,206 - Have the boys take down my tent at camp. 737 00:45:32,275 --> 00:45:34,137 I'm moving back to the lodge. 738 00:45:34,206 --> 00:45:35,344 - You sure you want me to do that? 739 00:45:35,413 --> 00:45:37,000 You might want to go up there some. 740 00:45:37,068 --> 00:45:38,310 - I'm sure. 741 00:45:40,379 --> 00:45:42,068 My summer's over. 742 00:45:44,551 --> 00:45:47,586 [ music ]