1 00:00:02,103 --> 00:00:04,793 ♪ MTV... ♪ 2 00:00:07,137 --> 00:00:08,448 Previously on Yellowstone... 3 00:00:09,931 --> 00:00:12,413 Fished a radio collar out of the Yellowstone River. 4 00:00:12,413 --> 00:00:14,310 Seen any wolves around lately? 5 00:00:14,310 --> 00:00:16,275 Sounds like poachers. 6 00:00:16,275 --> 00:00:18,206 - Sure does. - Care to ride with us? 7 00:00:18,206 --> 00:00:20,310 Monica wants to have a funeral. 8 00:00:20,310 --> 00:00:23,241 She wants him here where she can visit. 9 00:00:23,241 --> 00:00:25,379 Whatever she wants, you-- you give it, son. 10 00:00:25,379 --> 00:00:27,448 I can't serve both. 11 00:00:27,448 --> 00:00:29,793 I choose her and I choose my son. 12 00:00:29,793 --> 00:00:32,793 You promised and you took millions in lease payments! 13 00:00:32,793 --> 00:00:33,827 You have no case. 14 00:00:33,827 --> 00:00:35,517 And you know it. 15 00:00:35,517 --> 00:00:37,689 You're better than I expected. 16 00:00:37,689 --> 00:00:42,448 I am here just to find a soft landing. 17 00:00:42,448 --> 00:00:45,103 How busy are you tomorrow night? 18 00:00:45,103 --> 00:00:46,586 New York would like to drop the suit. 19 00:00:46,586 --> 00:00:50,586 Find a way to ruin this family, Ellis. 20 00:00:50,586 --> 00:00:52,241 Hey, let's go to a bar in Bozeman. 21 00:00:52,241 --> 00:00:54,862 Yeah, that's a bad idea every time. 22 00:00:54,862 --> 00:00:56,655 Aren't you a tall drink of water? 23 00:00:56,655 --> 00:00:58,344 I'm married. Go on. 24 00:00:58,344 --> 00:00:59,793 I'm taking your husband home. 25 00:01:18,000 --> 00:01:19,241 What day is it? 26 00:01:21,827 --> 00:01:23,206 Thursday, I think. 27 00:01:35,655 --> 00:01:37,137 What happened to you? 28 00:01:38,689 --> 00:01:40,034 Fucking men. 29 00:01:41,448 --> 00:01:44,068 Worked you over pretty good, huh? 30 00:01:44,068 --> 00:01:46,620 I'm talking about the cop that arrested me. 31 00:01:50,586 --> 00:01:53,275 Prick is in the club three nights a week. 32 00:01:53,275 --> 00:01:54,896 He can't cut me a break? 33 00:01:57,206 --> 00:01:58,655 They get you for D.U.I.? 34 00:02:00,000 --> 00:02:01,379 Aggravated assault. 35 00:02:03,413 --> 00:02:06,448 Some bitch from California tried to fuck my husband 36 00:02:06,448 --> 00:02:08,896 so I beat her with a beer bottle. 37 00:02:08,896 --> 00:02:12,000 So, you're like a fucking criminal. 38 00:02:12,000 --> 00:02:13,689 I am the wrath of a woman scorned. 39 00:02:13,689 --> 00:02:14,896 Call it what you will. 40 00:02:16,413 --> 00:02:19,793 It's always some bitch from California. 41 00:02:19,793 --> 00:02:20,862 Every fucking time. 42 00:02:23,310 --> 00:02:25,379 Bethany Dutton. Let's go. 43 00:02:27,413 --> 00:02:29,068 You don't look like a Bethany. 44 00:02:29,068 --> 00:02:32,586 I'm not a Bethany. I'm a Beth. 45 00:02:45,103 --> 00:02:46,517 My hero. 46 00:02:46,517 --> 00:02:47,931 Knock when you're done. 47 00:02:52,137 --> 00:02:55,793 Boy, you have really fucking done it this time. 48 00:02:55,793 --> 00:02:57,793 What's the big deal, Jamie? 49 00:02:57,793 --> 00:03:00,413 I got into a bar fight in Bozeman. 50 00:03:00,413 --> 00:03:02,310 I mean, Montana Board of Tourism 51 00:03:02,310 --> 00:03:04,034 should put that on fucking t-shirts. 52 00:03:04,034 --> 00:03:06,034 I don't think the Montana Board of Tourism 53 00:03:06,034 --> 00:03:08,344 is too fond of locals beating the shit 54 00:03:08,344 --> 00:03:10,551 out of tourists on vacation. 55 00:03:10,551 --> 00:03:12,413 Well, that's why I called you. 56 00:03:12,413 --> 00:03:15,068 You can find the rug to sweep this under, right? 57 00:03:15,068 --> 00:03:16,724 There is no rug for this one, Beth. 58 00:03:16,724 --> 00:03:18,482 It's a County Attorney issue. 59 00:03:18,482 --> 00:03:21,379 So your best bet is to hope this woman has a plane to catch 60 00:03:21,379 --> 00:03:23,551 or she's too hungover to come down here 61 00:03:23,551 --> 00:03:25,379 and file formal charges. 62 00:03:25,379 --> 00:03:28,103 This is your legal advice? 63 00:03:28,103 --> 00:03:29,448 Sit here and hope? 64 00:03:29,448 --> 00:03:34,620 It's not advice. It's your only option. 65 00:03:34,620 --> 00:03:36,344 If she doesn't file charges, 66 00:03:36,344 --> 00:03:38,413 and that's a big fucking "if" considering the photo 67 00:03:38,413 --> 00:03:41,413 I saw of the grapefruit on her forehead, 68 00:03:41,413 --> 00:03:43,793 then I will ask the County Attorney 69 00:03:43,793 --> 00:03:46,862 to show some mercy based on your diminished capacity 70 00:03:46,862 --> 00:03:48,793 to control your fucking emotions. 71 00:03:50,793 --> 00:03:55,517 So, yeah, you just sit here and hope. 72 00:03:58,517 --> 00:04:02,137 But no matter what, if this reaches the press, 73 00:04:02,137 --> 00:04:03,137 it's a big embarrassment for our father. 74 00:04:03,137 --> 00:04:04,448 You mean my father. 75 00:04:06,034 --> 00:04:08,896 Your father's out of chances to be embarrassed, isn't he, Jamie? 76 00:04:10,344 --> 00:04:12,827 I'm going to go back to my cell. 77 00:04:12,827 --> 00:04:14,931 I'm going to take a nap. 78 00:04:14,931 --> 00:04:17,896 And you're going to sit on the fucking steps of this place 79 00:04:17,896 --> 00:04:20,103 and you're going to wait for Miss California 80 00:04:20,103 --> 00:04:24,655 to walk up, and when she does, you are going to stop her. 81 00:04:24,655 --> 00:04:26,931 How the hell am I going to do that? 82 00:04:28,310 --> 00:04:29,931 It's not my problem, Jamie. 83 00:06:06,689 --> 00:06:09,413 Hey. You got this Dutton assault case? 84 00:06:09,413 --> 00:06:11,103 Uh, yes, sir. 85 00:06:11,103 --> 00:06:14,206 Why no charges against the complainant? 86 00:06:14,206 --> 00:06:15,620 It was a bar fight, wasn't it? 87 00:06:15,620 --> 00:06:17,724 It was one hell of a bar fight from the report. 88 00:06:17,724 --> 00:06:20,689 There is no self defense in a bar fight, 89 00:06:20,689 --> 00:06:22,655 which is to say the victim is a defendant as well. 90 00:06:22,655 --> 00:06:24,103 Is she coming in? 91 00:06:24,103 --> 00:06:27,344 - I'm waiting for her now. - I'll wait with you. 92 00:06:39,034 --> 00:06:42,586 You have the Montana Educators Luncheon at noon. 93 00:06:42,586 --> 00:06:44,655 Cancel it. 94 00:06:44,655 --> 00:06:46,689 Governor, I think that sends the wrong message. 95 00:06:46,689 --> 00:06:51,206 All right, who exactly attends the Montana Educators Luncheon? 96 00:06:51,206 --> 00:06:53,620 Everyone. Senator Perry will be there. 97 00:06:53,620 --> 00:06:55,413 Legislators, School Superintendents, 98 00:06:55,413 --> 00:06:56,896 the President of Montana State. 99 00:06:56,896 --> 00:06:58,655 Why do they call it the Educators Euncheon 100 00:06:58,655 --> 00:07:00,172 if there's no educators there? 101 00:07:01,896 --> 00:07:05,344 It's Thursday, Clara, all the educators are in school. 102 00:07:05,344 --> 00:07:07,103 Tell you what, when the Educators' Luncheon 103 00:07:07,103 --> 00:07:09,482 is about teachers, I'll go. 104 00:07:17,827 --> 00:07:19,206 Who are they? 105 00:07:19,206 --> 00:07:20,724 It's the policy advisors' meeting. 106 00:07:23,000 --> 00:07:24,689 Policy advisors for who? 107 00:07:26,137 --> 00:07:27,482 For you. 108 00:07:31,275 --> 00:07:32,896 How can my policy advisors have a meeting 109 00:07:32,896 --> 00:07:34,655 about policies without me? 110 00:07:35,896 --> 00:07:37,275 Um... 111 00:07:54,206 --> 00:07:55,344 You're in my seat. 112 00:07:57,931 --> 00:08:01,689 So what policies are we discussing today? 113 00:08:05,758 --> 00:08:06,758 Nobody? 114 00:08:08,620 --> 00:08:10,103 Let's see... 115 00:08:12,482 --> 00:08:14,758 "In accordance with the U.S. Green initiative, 116 00:08:14,758 --> 00:08:18,724 "Montana is leasing 7,000 acres in Powder River County 117 00:08:18,724 --> 00:08:21,620 to Sun Energies." 118 00:08:21,620 --> 00:08:23,551 What is Sun Energies? 119 00:08:23,551 --> 00:08:26,620 It's a solar farm company. 120 00:08:26,620 --> 00:08:29,413 Mm. And you are? 121 00:08:29,413 --> 00:08:31,448 Stanley... Roberts. 122 00:08:31,448 --> 00:08:33,275 And you are? 123 00:08:33,275 --> 00:08:35,758 Your chief policy advisor, Mr. Governor. 124 00:08:35,758 --> 00:08:38,103 Well, nice to fucking meet you. 125 00:08:38,103 --> 00:08:40,344 I tried to schedule a lunch but you're... 126 00:08:40,344 --> 00:08:42,310 She said you aren't taking lunches. 127 00:08:43,413 --> 00:08:45,310 Where's your office, Stanley? 128 00:08:45,310 --> 00:08:47,344 Just... Right down the hall. 129 00:08:47,344 --> 00:08:49,655 Know what? So is mine. 130 00:08:49,655 --> 00:08:53,000 Ever dawn on you just to come by and say howdy? 131 00:08:53,000 --> 00:08:55,344 My mistake. 132 00:08:55,344 --> 00:08:56,862 I'd say. 133 00:08:56,862 --> 00:09:01,344 Let's see what other policies I'm proposing. 134 00:09:01,344 --> 00:09:03,965 Suspend natural gas leases on state land 135 00:09:03,965 --> 00:09:05,862 in Powder River County to support 136 00:09:05,862 --> 00:09:08,000 the Sage Grouse Restoration Project. 137 00:09:13,000 --> 00:09:16,793 Um, there's been a precipitous drop in sage grouse numbers 138 00:09:16,793 --> 00:09:18,655 and there is empirical evidence 139 00:09:18,655 --> 00:09:20,896 that gas exploration and extraction 140 00:09:20,896 --> 00:09:24,931 have a negative impact on the sage grouse environment. 141 00:09:24,931 --> 00:09:26,724 And what effect do you think seven thousand acres 142 00:09:26,724 --> 00:09:29,517 of solar panels are going to have on their environment? 143 00:09:29,517 --> 00:09:32,551 There's... no evidence that solar panels 144 00:09:32,551 --> 00:09:34,620 would have any impact on the sage grouse environment. 145 00:09:34,620 --> 00:09:35,827 What do they do with the sage brush 146 00:09:35,827 --> 00:09:37,620 when they put in the solar panels? 147 00:09:37,620 --> 00:09:40,448 They, they... 148 00:09:40,448 --> 00:09:42,965 They would clear it before putting in the solar panels. 149 00:09:42,965 --> 00:09:45,137 They remove the sage brush. 150 00:09:45,137 --> 00:09:47,413 Yes, sir. 151 00:09:47,413 --> 00:09:49,448 Sage grouse live in the sage brush. 152 00:09:50,793 --> 00:09:52,068 They do. 153 00:09:52,068 --> 00:09:54,206 And you don't think removing the sage brush 154 00:09:54,206 --> 00:09:56,241 is going to have an effect on the population? 155 00:09:56,241 --> 00:09:58,758 I just said there's no evidence-- 156 00:09:58,758 --> 00:10:01,068 Know what scares me about you, Stanley? You're serious. 157 00:10:02,724 --> 00:10:05,137 You're looking at me and you're not joking. 158 00:10:05,137 --> 00:10:06,793 I think tops on my agenda today 159 00:10:06,793 --> 00:10:10,793 is going to be budget discipline. You're all fired. 160 00:10:10,793 --> 00:10:12,551 I'm very mindful of our tax payers' money, 161 00:10:12,551 --> 00:10:14,275 and you are all wasting it. 162 00:10:14,275 --> 00:10:16,793 I'll advise myself on policy, Clara. 163 00:10:16,793 --> 00:10:19,413 How much money did we just save? 164 00:10:19,413 --> 00:10:21,206 I would say... 165 00:10:21,206 --> 00:10:23,965 Roughly 1.6 Million dollars in salary and benefits 166 00:10:23,965 --> 00:10:25,413 if you're serious. 167 00:10:25,413 --> 00:10:27,034 Oh, I'm pretty serious. 168 00:10:30,448 --> 00:10:31,517 Look at that. 169 00:10:33,482 --> 00:10:35,379 What a great day for the State of Montana. 170 00:10:35,379 --> 00:10:37,241 Where to next? 171 00:10:37,241 --> 00:10:39,931 We have an emergency meeting with park officials 172 00:10:39,931 --> 00:10:41,689 and U.S. Fish and Wildlife. 173 00:10:43,275 --> 00:10:45,000 Emergency meeting about what? 174 00:10:45,000 --> 00:10:46,551 Doesn't say. 175 00:10:46,551 --> 00:10:48,034 Usually means someone died in the park. 176 00:10:48,034 --> 00:10:49,310 They're in your office. 177 00:10:55,000 --> 00:10:56,827 What's the emergency? 178 00:10:56,827 --> 00:11:00,379 Governor, we'd like for you to take a look at this map. 179 00:11:00,379 --> 00:11:03,344 The red lines indicate the path of a radio-collared wolf 180 00:11:03,344 --> 00:11:06,344 associated with the Rescue Creek pack. 181 00:11:06,344 --> 00:11:07,793 All right. 182 00:11:07,793 --> 00:11:08,931 As you can see... 183 00:11:08,931 --> 00:11:10,655 Wherever we see these clusters, 184 00:11:10,655 --> 00:11:12,793 we associate with a kill site. 185 00:11:12,793 --> 00:11:15,620 They'll feed on a carcass for a few days, then they'll move on. 186 00:11:15,620 --> 00:11:19,172 They left the park here roughly three weeks ago, 187 00:11:19,172 --> 00:11:21,068 they traveled the tree line to here, 188 00:11:21,068 --> 00:11:23,517 then they dropped down in this valley to here. 189 00:11:25,793 --> 00:11:27,344 Mm hm. 190 00:11:27,344 --> 00:11:29,517 That's my ranch. 191 00:11:29,517 --> 00:11:30,689 We're aware. 192 00:11:32,034 --> 00:11:33,620 The wolves clustered here for three days, 193 00:11:33,620 --> 00:11:36,034 around what appears to be a kill, 194 00:11:36,034 --> 00:11:39,344 then they move straight south for thirty miles to here. 195 00:11:41,206 --> 00:11:42,896 Now, that's the Yellowstone River... 196 00:11:42,896 --> 00:11:46,172 They jump into the river, according to this data 197 00:11:46,172 --> 00:11:48,068 and they swim downstream for five miles. 198 00:11:49,344 --> 00:11:52,482 Wasn't aware wolves swam down rivers. 199 00:11:52,482 --> 00:11:53,965 They don't. 200 00:11:53,965 --> 00:11:57,000 We recovered one of the radio collars from the river. 201 00:11:57,000 --> 00:11:58,689 What are you getting at? 202 00:11:58,689 --> 00:12:00,724 We think the wolves were killed on your ranch 203 00:12:00,724 --> 00:12:03,206 and the collars transported back to the park. 204 00:12:07,517 --> 00:12:10,448 You think my cowboys killed those wolves. 205 00:12:10,448 --> 00:12:13,000 We think your cowboys killed those wolves. 206 00:12:28,275 --> 00:12:29,551 Yes sir? 207 00:12:29,551 --> 00:12:31,965 We had any wolves messing with the cattle? 208 00:12:31,965 --> 00:12:34,379 Wolves? No sir. 209 00:12:34,379 --> 00:12:37,620 Fish and Wildlife came by asking the same thing. 210 00:12:37,620 --> 00:12:38,689 All right. 211 00:12:41,551 --> 00:12:43,103 There you have it. 212 00:12:43,103 --> 00:12:45,724 Look, if they get into your cattle 213 00:12:45,724 --> 00:12:48,413 you gotta do what you gotta do. 214 00:12:48,413 --> 00:12:52,344 My guess: they shot them from a distance 215 00:12:52,344 --> 00:12:54,793 didn't notice the collar, 216 00:12:54,793 --> 00:12:57,344 got spooked and tried to cover their tracks. 217 00:12:57,344 --> 00:12:59,862 These radio collars aren't monitored by us. 218 00:12:59,862 --> 00:13:02,068 An NGO pays for this research, 219 00:13:02,068 --> 00:13:03,793 and they have the same data we have 220 00:13:03,793 --> 00:13:06,517 and they are going to draw the same conclusion. 221 00:13:06,517 --> 00:13:08,758 When they do, 222 00:13:08,758 --> 00:13:10,862 they will come after you with both barrels, Governor. 223 00:13:12,034 --> 00:13:13,413 Look forward to it. 224 00:13:14,551 --> 00:13:15,655 Anything else? 225 00:13:17,310 --> 00:13:19,344 Thank you, gentlemen. Governor, we have the-- 226 00:13:19,344 --> 00:13:20,724 Yep. 227 00:13:32,000 --> 00:13:34,896 Environmental groups can be a real problem. 228 00:13:34,896 --> 00:13:37,068 Yeah, you don't say. 229 00:13:42,586 --> 00:13:43,862 This is Clara. 230 00:13:43,862 --> 00:13:46,482 It's Jamie, let me speak to him. 231 00:13:46,482 --> 00:13:47,896 Attorney general. 232 00:13:49,137 --> 00:13:50,620 Yeah? 233 00:13:50,620 --> 00:13:52,551 All right, there is a good chance I can make this go away. 234 00:13:52,551 --> 00:13:57,275 But, in case I can't, I need you to know 235 00:13:57,275 --> 00:13:59,448 that I'm in police station in Bozeman 236 00:13:59,448 --> 00:14:01,344 hoping to convince a young woman to drop 237 00:14:01,344 --> 00:14:03,862 the aggravated assault charges she plans 238 00:14:03,862 --> 00:14:05,551 to file against your daughter. 239 00:14:08,448 --> 00:14:09,965 This fucking day. 240 00:14:12,068 --> 00:14:14,241 Can I, uh... 241 00:14:14,241 --> 00:14:16,482 Can I have a little more context, Jamie? 242 00:14:16,482 --> 00:14:19,206 Yeah, she mouthed off to Beth in a bar 243 00:14:19,206 --> 00:14:22,137 and it went about how you'd expect. 244 00:14:22,137 --> 00:14:25,344 All right. Just, uh, keep me posted. 245 00:14:27,241 --> 00:14:32,379 Is there a crisis manager on my team, by any chance? 246 00:14:32,379 --> 00:14:36,310 Well, that would be your press secretary who you never hired, 247 00:14:36,310 --> 00:14:39,379 so I guess your crisis manager is me. 248 00:14:41,620 --> 00:14:43,344 Can I have a minute? 249 00:14:44,931 --> 00:14:46,344 Having fun yet? 250 00:14:46,344 --> 00:14:48,344 No chance you'd want to change jobs? 251 00:14:48,344 --> 00:14:49,965 You'd hate this one more. 252 00:14:51,655 --> 00:14:53,379 Any chance you're in Helena? 253 00:14:53,379 --> 00:14:55,068 A good chance. 254 00:14:55,068 --> 00:14:57,965 - Lunch plans? - Not anymore. 255 00:14:57,965 --> 00:15:00,172 You know Benny's Bistro? - Sure. 256 00:15:00,172 --> 00:15:02,482 Noon? - You made my day. 257 00:15:02,482 --> 00:15:06,000 Yeah, maybe you can make mine. See you in a bit. 258 00:15:20,379 --> 00:15:21,344 Yes, sir. 259 00:15:32,793 --> 00:15:33,931 Miss Brewer. 260 00:15:33,931 --> 00:15:35,862 I understand you'd like to press. 261 00:15:35,862 --> 00:15:37,275 Very much. 262 00:15:41,965 --> 00:15:44,931 I feel I must point out that by doing so, 263 00:15:44,931 --> 00:15:47,586 you are exposing yourself to prosecution. 264 00:15:47,586 --> 00:15:50,551 How am I doing that? 265 00:15:50,551 --> 00:15:53,344 There is no self defense claim in a bar fight. 266 00:15:53,344 --> 00:15:55,793 I assume you had been drinking, and I understand you 267 00:15:55,793 --> 00:15:59,000 approached Miss Dutton and instigated the incident. 268 00:15:59,000 --> 00:16:02,379 I didn't instigate anything. 269 00:16:02,379 --> 00:16:03,758 Oh, um... 270 00:16:05,517 --> 00:16:07,241 Let me see. 271 00:16:07,241 --> 00:16:09,896 Yeah, you approached Miss Dutton and stated, 272 00:16:09,896 --> 00:16:12,793 "I'm taking your husband home. 273 00:16:12,793 --> 00:16:14,310 "You can come with us and watch 274 00:16:14,310 --> 00:16:17,275 or he can tell you about it tomorrow." 275 00:16:17,275 --> 00:16:19,655 Are those not your words? 276 00:16:20,965 --> 00:16:22,034 I mean... 277 00:16:22,034 --> 00:16:23,793 I was kidding. 278 00:16:24,793 --> 00:16:26,000 Mm. 279 00:16:26,000 --> 00:16:27,827 She didn't find it very funny. 280 00:16:28,931 --> 00:16:29,931 No shit. 281 00:16:32,586 --> 00:16:36,000 Making statements or actions that threaten harm to another 282 00:16:36,000 --> 00:16:40,310 or make them feel they are in danger is assault. 283 00:16:40,310 --> 00:16:42,034 You don't have to hit somebody to commit assault, 284 00:16:42,034 --> 00:16:43,827 you just have to present a threat. 285 00:16:43,827 --> 00:16:46,379 You presented the threat. 286 00:16:46,379 --> 00:16:48,482 So if you press charges 287 00:16:48,482 --> 00:16:50,206 the state must press charges against you. 288 00:16:50,206 --> 00:16:52,206 And since you are not a resident of Montana, 289 00:16:52,206 --> 00:16:55,965 you present a flight risk and you bail will be withheld. 290 00:16:55,965 --> 00:16:58,310 Do you understand what that means? 291 00:16:58,310 --> 00:17:01,137 So she just... 292 00:17:01,137 --> 00:17:02,551 She just gets away with it? 293 00:17:02,551 --> 00:17:04,137 She didn't get away with anything. 294 00:17:04,137 --> 00:17:05,482 She spent the night in jail and she's going to be charged 295 00:17:05,482 --> 00:17:09,034 with disorderly conduct. 296 00:17:09,034 --> 00:17:11,034 The choice is yours. 297 00:17:12,965 --> 00:17:15,034 I can't wait to get out of this state. 298 00:17:15,034 --> 00:17:17,517 Those fucking hillbillies. 299 00:17:17,517 --> 00:17:19,206 Well, the feeling is mutual. 300 00:17:19,206 --> 00:17:21,068 May I leave? 301 00:17:21,068 --> 00:17:22,586 Please. 302 00:17:28,551 --> 00:17:30,137 Saved me a ton of paperwork. 303 00:17:31,275 --> 00:17:32,275 Thanks. 304 00:17:34,689 --> 00:17:36,172 Happy to help. 305 00:18:55,344 --> 00:18:56,655 What're they doing? 306 00:18:56,655 --> 00:18:58,655 For Kayce's boy is my guess. 307 00:19:25,034 --> 00:19:26,551 They told us this spot. 308 00:19:26,551 --> 00:19:28,793 If I would've known I would have dug that hole for you. 309 00:19:28,793 --> 00:19:31,724 We don't mind. It's part of the ceremony. 310 00:19:31,724 --> 00:19:33,275 There's a dead horse over there. 311 00:19:33,275 --> 00:19:34,482 When did he die? 312 00:19:34,482 --> 00:19:35,965 He died Monday. 313 00:19:35,965 --> 00:19:37,931 I got an excavator coming out tomorrow to bury him. 314 00:19:37,931 --> 00:19:39,241 We'll bury him now. 315 00:19:39,241 --> 00:19:41,137 We'll put him in the ground beside the boy. 316 00:19:43,206 --> 00:19:44,172 Can I ask you why? 317 00:19:46,310 --> 00:19:49,137 You can ask, but I ain't gonna answer. 318 00:19:49,137 --> 00:19:51,103 Kayce's all right with this, then? 319 00:19:51,103 --> 00:19:52,517 He knows. 320 00:19:53,827 --> 00:19:55,620 Well, you're gonna need a big hole. 321 00:19:55,620 --> 00:19:57,965 Jake, Ethan, run back to the barn 322 00:19:57,965 --> 00:20:00,275 and grab us a bunch of shovels. 323 00:20:00,275 --> 00:20:02,137 I'll help you, Mo. 324 00:20:31,275 --> 00:20:32,551 Thank you. 325 00:20:43,724 --> 00:20:45,379 Don't wish for what you don't want. 326 00:20:47,344 --> 00:20:49,206 You're in it now, John. You might as well accept it. 327 00:20:50,482 --> 00:20:51,862 All right. 328 00:20:51,862 --> 00:20:57,344 Explain this job to me, because it makes no sense. 329 00:20:57,344 --> 00:21:01,103 All I do is go to middle schools and ribbon cuttings. 330 00:21:01,103 --> 00:21:02,896 Well, when the legislature's in session 331 00:21:02,896 --> 00:21:05,896 you'll be praying for ribbon cuttings. 332 00:21:05,896 --> 00:21:08,965 At the end of the day, Montana is a business-- 333 00:21:08,965 --> 00:21:12,517 12,000 employees, 600,000 customers, 334 00:21:12,517 --> 00:21:15,137 and you're the CEO, and that's all there is. 335 00:21:15,137 --> 00:21:16,586 And you really need to change your perspective 336 00:21:16,586 --> 00:21:18,655 about these school meetings, too. 337 00:21:18,655 --> 00:21:20,827 You know, these kids are gonna remember meeting the governor 338 00:21:20,827 --> 00:21:22,448 for the rest of their lives. 339 00:21:22,448 --> 00:21:23,862 And who knows, you might even inspire one of them 340 00:21:23,862 --> 00:21:25,551 to become the governor one day. 341 00:21:25,551 --> 00:21:27,000 I mean, that's how I was inspired. 342 00:21:27,000 --> 00:21:29,379 All right, point taken. 343 00:21:29,379 --> 00:21:31,827 I stepped on a few land mines it appears. 344 00:21:31,827 --> 00:21:33,413 Already? 345 00:21:33,413 --> 00:21:35,310 Others stepped on them for me. 346 00:21:35,310 --> 00:21:40,310 Seems my daughter got herself into a bar fight 347 00:21:40,310 --> 00:21:42,896 and has been arrested. 348 00:21:42,896 --> 00:21:45,827 I'm sorry. It's not funny. 349 00:21:45,827 --> 00:21:48,620 I can see how that's funny to anybody but me. 350 00:21:48,620 --> 00:21:51,655 All right, well, if it doesn't go away, just ignore it. 351 00:21:51,655 --> 00:21:53,862 You don't comment on your personal family. 352 00:21:53,862 --> 00:21:56,413 You love your daughter and hope she learns from her mistakes. 353 00:21:56,413 --> 00:21:58,862 If she's convicted, what are my... 354 00:21:58,862 --> 00:22:00,275 what are my options? 355 00:22:00,275 --> 00:22:02,551 You have none. 356 00:22:02,551 --> 00:22:05,172 Well, I take that back, you could pardon her, 357 00:22:05,172 --> 00:22:09,310 but that's officially the end of your political career, so... 358 00:22:09,310 --> 00:22:12,103 I don't have to wait until the end of my term 359 00:22:12,103 --> 00:22:13,482 to pardon someone? 360 00:22:13,482 --> 00:22:15,137 I would strongly advise it 361 00:22:15,137 --> 00:22:17,896 but no, you have the authority to pardon, 362 00:22:17,896 --> 00:22:20,068 to commute sentence, grant clemency, 363 00:22:20,068 --> 00:22:21,517 whenever you want. 364 00:22:21,517 --> 00:22:23,172 But once you open that Pandora's Box, 365 00:22:23,172 --> 00:22:25,965 it does not close, so... 366 00:22:25,965 --> 00:22:27,206 Next land mine? 367 00:22:29,241 --> 00:22:32,310 Environmental groups relating to... 368 00:22:32,310 --> 00:22:33,448 wolves. 369 00:22:33,448 --> 00:22:37,379 - Avoid them at all costs. - Yeah. 370 00:22:37,379 --> 00:22:39,344 Buffalo and wolves were the bane of my two terms. 371 00:22:39,344 --> 00:22:40,655 They are kryptonite. 372 00:22:40,655 --> 00:22:43,241 You need to stay away and try like hell 373 00:22:43,241 --> 00:22:44,862 to avoid taking a position. 374 00:22:44,862 --> 00:22:48,137 And you need to get an environmental advisor. 375 00:22:48,137 --> 00:22:51,206 Not one of your rancher buddies, an environmentalist. 376 00:22:51,206 --> 00:22:54,137 Someone who understands the way that they think 377 00:22:54,137 --> 00:22:58,586 so they can explain to you what the hell it is they're thinking. 378 00:22:58,586 --> 00:23:00,517 Here's my best advice about this job. 379 00:23:00,517 --> 00:23:03,000 Good governors initiate action, 380 00:23:03,000 --> 00:23:07,586 and bad governors spend all their time reacting. 381 00:23:07,586 --> 00:23:10,517 There are plenty of things to clean up besides an airport. 382 00:23:15,862 --> 00:23:18,241 You're the only man I know who would actually pout 383 00:23:18,241 --> 00:23:21,172 over winning the election that he entered. 384 00:23:21,172 --> 00:23:22,517 I'm not pouting. 385 00:23:24,310 --> 00:23:29,655 Skulking, maybe, but... not pouting. 386 00:23:29,655 --> 00:23:34,448 You know, this is as much your legacy as that ranch. 387 00:23:37,206 --> 00:23:38,793 You're a smart woman, Lynelle. 388 00:23:38,793 --> 00:23:41,758 Oh, you're just figuring that out? 389 00:23:41,758 --> 00:23:44,517 Just enjoy your lunch, John. It's on me. 390 00:24:01,172 --> 00:24:03,103 Disorderly conduct? 391 00:24:04,793 --> 00:24:06,068 Way to go. 392 00:24:06,068 --> 00:24:07,379 You're welcome. 393 00:24:07,379 --> 00:24:09,689 Now I gotta pick up trash on the highway 394 00:24:09,689 --> 00:24:11,103 with all my fucking free time. 395 00:24:16,793 --> 00:24:18,137 Which car is yours? 396 00:24:18,137 --> 00:24:19,758 I can't take you back. I have to go to Helena. 397 00:24:19,758 --> 00:24:22,482 - Which one? - I'm serious. 398 00:24:22,482 --> 00:24:24,689 Well, how do you want me to get home, Jamie? 399 00:24:24,689 --> 00:24:28,413 Huh? Want me to hike my skirt up on the on-ramp? 400 00:24:29,862 --> 00:24:31,068 I doubt it'd be the first time. 401 00:24:51,275 --> 00:24:52,655 What the fuck is that? 402 00:24:52,655 --> 00:24:53,965 What's what? 403 00:24:53,965 --> 00:24:55,931 The baby seat. What the fuck is that for? 404 00:24:55,931 --> 00:24:57,000 You have a child? 405 00:25:03,000 --> 00:25:04,379 Do you have a child, Jamie? 406 00:25:07,896 --> 00:25:09,068 A boy. 407 00:25:19,551 --> 00:25:21,000 God gave you a boy? 408 00:25:25,275 --> 00:25:27,931 You have my womb cut out of me... 409 00:25:29,655 --> 00:25:31,724 and God gave you a boy? 410 00:25:39,827 --> 00:25:40,931 Fuck you! 411 00:25:45,172 --> 00:25:46,275 Beth? 412 00:25:46,275 --> 00:25:47,758 Let me guess, is it that brood mare 413 00:25:47,758 --> 00:25:49,448 of a fucking campaign manager? 414 00:25:49,448 --> 00:25:52,620 - Yes. - I saw her coming. 415 00:25:53,689 --> 00:25:55,172 Beth. 416 00:25:55,172 --> 00:25:58,448 Come on, Beth. Beth, stop, stop, stop! 417 00:25:58,448 --> 00:26:03,551 Taking you to that clinic is the greatest regret of my life. 418 00:26:03,551 --> 00:26:06,068 Of all the awful shit that you have done 419 00:26:06,068 --> 00:26:08,275 in your 45 years on this planet, 420 00:26:08,275 --> 00:26:11,206 Jamie, that is... that is really saying something. 421 00:26:11,206 --> 00:26:12,379 What... 422 00:26:13,620 --> 00:26:15,344 What did you name him? 423 00:26:17,482 --> 00:26:18,586 He's named after me. 424 00:26:22,517 --> 00:26:24,137 Of course he is! 425 00:26:24,137 --> 00:26:25,551 That's what the world fucking needs. 426 00:26:25,551 --> 00:26:26,655 Another fucking you. 427 00:26:26,655 --> 00:26:28,310 Beth. 428 00:26:30,137 --> 00:26:31,620 Dad doesn't know about this. Nobody knows about this. 429 00:26:31,620 --> 00:26:33,482 Don't worry about me telling him. 430 00:26:37,827 --> 00:26:39,827 I'm gonna take him from you. 431 00:26:39,827 --> 00:26:44,241 I'm going to rob you of fatherhood, Jamie. 432 00:26:44,241 --> 00:26:46,310 You don't deserve it. 433 00:26:46,310 --> 00:26:47,896 And he deserves better than you. 434 00:26:49,620 --> 00:26:51,482 Next time you see him, you can kiss him goodbye, 435 00:26:51,482 --> 00:26:55,000 because he's as good as gone. 436 00:28:19,620 --> 00:28:21,068 Car trouble? 437 00:28:23,448 --> 00:28:26,689 Actually, I just got out of jail. 438 00:28:26,689 --> 00:28:28,482 And when they let you out, they just let you out, 439 00:28:28,482 --> 00:28:30,862 there's no, uh, no phone call to a friend 440 00:28:30,862 --> 00:28:32,551 or a bus ticket. 441 00:28:32,551 --> 00:28:35,620 Just, you know, let you out on the street. 442 00:28:39,482 --> 00:28:43,310 Seems an unfair policy toward one who is clearly 443 00:28:43,310 --> 00:28:48,000 having trouble coping in society, don't you think? 444 00:28:49,172 --> 00:28:51,931 Definitely creates, uh... 445 00:28:51,931 --> 00:28:54,620 Additional challenges for sure. 446 00:28:54,620 --> 00:28:55,689 Right? 447 00:28:58,310 --> 00:29:00,275 - Do you need a... - Ride? 448 00:29:01,586 --> 00:29:03,000 I'd love one. 449 00:29:08,379 --> 00:29:09,413 Thank you. 450 00:29:11,827 --> 00:29:13,827 What are the odds that you have a cigarette? 451 00:29:14,517 --> 00:29:15,896 Not good. 452 00:29:19,344 --> 00:29:21,482 Well, aren't you cute? 453 00:29:21,482 --> 00:29:24,172 Mom's gonna kill you, Dad. 454 00:29:24,172 --> 00:29:26,103 Is Mom the jealous type? 455 00:29:26,103 --> 00:29:28,275 Mom wears the pants, if you know what I mean. 456 00:29:30,310 --> 00:29:35,000 Sister, I know exactly what you mean. 457 00:29:59,068 --> 00:30:00,620 Stop the car. 458 00:31:10,137 --> 00:31:11,448 Nobody told me. 459 00:31:13,448 --> 00:31:15,137 He didn't tell anybody. 460 00:31:16,310 --> 00:31:18,758 Just pulled up and saw all the cars. 461 00:31:21,827 --> 00:31:25,103 Should we, uh, get closer? 462 00:31:27,517 --> 00:31:29,724 I think this is as close as they want us, Dad. 463 00:31:40,379 --> 00:31:41,724 So how was jail? 464 00:31:43,586 --> 00:31:45,103 Loud-mouthed pussy. 465 00:31:45,103 --> 00:31:46,620 You and I are going to have a long talk later. 466 00:31:46,620 --> 00:31:48,206 Yeah, well, I'm going to sleep later. 467 00:31:48,206 --> 00:31:49,551 We'll have a short one now then. 468 00:31:51,310 --> 00:31:52,793 Impulse control. 469 00:31:54,793 --> 00:31:55,793 Find some. 470 00:32:14,896 --> 00:32:16,413 I don't think they want us here. 471 00:32:17,827 --> 00:32:20,862 Even if they don't want us, 472 00:32:20,862 --> 00:32:22,724 they need to know we care enough to stay. 473 00:32:26,689 --> 00:32:28,379 Make me a promise. 474 00:32:28,379 --> 00:32:31,068 Don't ever let them do that to me. 475 00:32:31,068 --> 00:32:33,172 Turn me to ashes and throw me to the wind. 476 00:32:34,758 --> 00:32:36,103 That's all the care I want. 477 00:33:42,724 --> 00:33:43,931 John. 478 00:33:45,172 --> 00:33:46,724 I'm not sure the protocol. 479 00:33:46,724 --> 00:33:49,448 There's no protocol now. 480 00:33:49,448 --> 00:33:50,862 Ceremony's over. 481 00:33:52,551 --> 00:33:54,103 I wish I'd known. 482 00:33:55,551 --> 00:33:57,448 Grief isn't meant to be shared. 483 00:33:59,310 --> 00:34:02,034 But comfort is. 484 00:34:02,034 --> 00:34:03,137 They could use some now. 485 00:34:10,896 --> 00:34:12,310 John... 486 00:34:13,965 --> 00:34:17,517 This isn't the place but we do need to talk. 487 00:34:18,586 --> 00:34:20,137 About what? 488 00:34:20,137 --> 00:34:22,379 About the three hundred jobs you eliminated 489 00:34:22,379 --> 00:34:26,172 when you canceled the airport project. 490 00:34:26,172 --> 00:34:29,068 A lot of very unhappy people on the Reservation. 491 00:34:29,068 --> 00:34:33,000 Can you meet me at the Capitol tomorrow? 492 00:34:33,000 --> 00:34:35,793 I think you should meet me on the Reservation. 493 00:34:35,793 --> 00:34:38,068 Show the people you care enough to visit. 494 00:34:41,551 --> 00:34:42,586 I can do that. 495 00:35:06,862 --> 00:35:08,137 I know how you feel. 496 00:35:10,275 --> 00:35:13,724 I wished I didn't, but I do. 497 00:35:16,275 --> 00:35:19,931 I buried a son right over there. 498 00:35:19,931 --> 00:35:21,172 I remember. 499 00:35:25,689 --> 00:35:27,103 Blaming yourself, aren't you? 500 00:35:28,896 --> 00:35:31,896 Yeah, I did that, too. 501 00:35:33,068 --> 00:35:34,862 Still do some days. 502 00:35:36,862 --> 00:35:40,827 I'll tell you something I've never told anybody. 503 00:35:40,827 --> 00:35:43,034 I had a brother for about eighteen hours. 504 00:35:43,034 --> 00:35:45,344 His name was Peter. 505 00:35:45,344 --> 00:35:47,827 He was born early, 506 00:35:47,827 --> 00:35:51,448 and his little heart wasn't strong enough. 507 00:35:51,448 --> 00:35:53,517 Not much they could do back in those days. 508 00:35:53,517 --> 00:35:56,517 Not a lot they can do now. 509 00:35:57,896 --> 00:36:01,068 So, they just gave him back to my mother. 510 00:36:01,068 --> 00:36:03,931 The doctors hoped and we prayed and... 511 00:36:03,931 --> 00:36:05,241 neither worked. 512 00:36:06,448 --> 00:36:08,448 And it changed my mother. It hardened her. 513 00:36:08,448 --> 00:36:12,517 She never... she never tried to have children again. 514 00:36:13,896 --> 00:36:17,724 Years later, I was grown and Lee had just been born. 515 00:36:17,724 --> 00:36:21,862 Both my parents are looking at him, taking turns holding him. 516 00:36:21,862 --> 00:36:24,689 And my father got white as a ghost, 517 00:36:24,689 --> 00:36:27,862 looked at my mother and said, 518 00:36:27,862 --> 00:36:29,517 "Peter lived a perfect life. 519 00:36:30,896 --> 00:36:33,310 "All he saw of this planet was you 520 00:36:33,310 --> 00:36:36,000 and all he knew was you loved him." 521 00:36:39,758 --> 00:36:41,586 That boy lived a perfect life, Monica. 522 00:36:41,586 --> 00:36:43,620 We're the only ones who know it was brief. 523 00:36:44,896 --> 00:36:48,000 All he knew was you and that you loved him. 524 00:36:58,758 --> 00:37:00,241 Thank you. 525 00:37:35,448 --> 00:37:36,655 Named him after me. 526 00:37:39,103 --> 00:37:40,310 I did. 527 00:37:41,827 --> 00:37:43,793 Means more than you'll ever know, son. 528 00:37:46,517 --> 00:37:47,517 I know what it means. 529 00:37:52,275 --> 00:37:53,310 Yeah. 530 00:37:55,413 --> 00:37:57,620 Hang on to this. 531 00:37:57,620 --> 00:37:59,068 Even if you don't use it, 532 00:37:59,068 --> 00:38:02,793 now is not the time to stop drawing a paycheck. 533 00:38:06,655 --> 00:38:08,965 I'll find someone to take your place 534 00:38:08,965 --> 00:38:10,482 if that's what you want. 535 00:38:13,137 --> 00:38:14,586 It's what I want. 536 00:38:41,000 --> 00:38:43,000 Looks like you got tossed off one. 537 00:38:44,000 --> 00:38:46,896 Just been digging graves. 538 00:38:46,896 --> 00:38:49,758 Horses go in the field, you know that. 539 00:38:49,758 --> 00:38:52,379 Yeah, I know but they wanted it beside the boy. 540 00:38:52,379 --> 00:38:53,620 Didn't figure you'd say no. 541 00:38:55,965 --> 00:38:57,172 They say why? 542 00:38:58,689 --> 00:39:02,206 My guess is the boy has something to ride into Heaven. 543 00:39:05,482 --> 00:39:07,275 Uh, the Poison Creek outfit, they reached out, 544 00:39:07,275 --> 00:39:08,827 they're short handed to brand. 545 00:39:08,827 --> 00:39:12,172 They wanted our help so, if you're all right with it, 546 00:39:12,172 --> 00:39:13,172 go over there tomorrow. 547 00:39:13,172 --> 00:39:15,517 When are we starting? 548 00:39:15,517 --> 00:39:17,068 Well, next week. 549 00:39:17,068 --> 00:39:18,551 You plan on being here, don't you? 550 00:39:18,551 --> 00:39:20,551 I mean, it's not my place to-- 551 00:39:20,551 --> 00:39:23,379 - I'll be here. - All right. 552 00:39:27,310 --> 00:39:29,931 Park Rangers came and asked me 553 00:39:29,931 --> 00:39:32,896 some question about wolves that held up here. 554 00:39:32,896 --> 00:39:35,931 You know anything about that? 555 00:39:35,931 --> 00:39:39,586 Mm. They pulled down a cow, 556 00:39:39,586 --> 00:39:42,241 and I asked Ryan to go out and shoot 'em. 557 00:39:42,241 --> 00:39:45,310 He shot the ones with the damn collars on 'em. 558 00:39:45,310 --> 00:39:49,000 I was worried that it was going to cause you a problem 559 00:39:49,000 --> 00:39:52,344 so I tried to outsmart 'em and I guess I didn't. 560 00:39:52,344 --> 00:39:54,655 So, I'm sorry, sir. 561 00:39:54,655 --> 00:39:56,655 Where are the wolves now? 562 00:39:56,655 --> 00:39:58,827 In a place that nobody will ever find them. 563 00:40:09,241 --> 00:40:11,965 Horses in heaven. 564 00:40:11,965 --> 00:40:14,034 Mm-hm. That's the best I could figure it. 565 00:40:18,344 --> 00:40:19,413 Wouldn't that be something? 566 00:40:48,137 --> 00:40:53,620 ♪ Well, in you ♪ 567 00:40:56,517 --> 00:41:00,275 ♪ The good I'll do Good I'll do, oh ♪ 568 00:41:00,275 --> 00:41:01,965 ♪ The good I'll do ♪ 569 00:41:20,206 --> 00:41:22,068 ♪ The way the grass smells At night ♪ 570 00:41:22,068 --> 00:41:24,482 ♪ And you've got flames All in your eyes ♪ 571 00:41:24,482 --> 00:41:26,517 ♪ As they reflect the sparkler ♪ 572 00:41:26,517 --> 00:41:28,655 ♪ And you say we'll never die ♪ 573 00:41:28,655 --> 00:41:32,137 ♪ Grab me by the hands Just as callused as I am ♪ 574 00:41:32,137 --> 00:41:33,724 ♪ Say your proud ♪ 575 00:41:36,206 --> 00:41:38,137 ♪ Well, there's blue jeans in the driveway ♪ 576 00:41:38,137 --> 00:41:40,310 ♪ And you're walking Inside sideways ♪ 577 00:41:40,310 --> 00:41:44,517 ♪ The wine always affects you In beautiful kind ways ♪ 578 00:41:44,517 --> 00:41:47,724 ♪ Ask me if I'm staying And I say that I'm ♪ 579 00:41:47,724 --> 00:41:49,275 ♪ Sleeping on the floor ♪ 580 00:41:52,275 --> 00:41:54,413 ♪ Won't you tell me that you need me ♪ 581 00:41:54,413 --> 00:41:58,310 ♪ 'Cause lately I've been Needing someone to remind me ♪ 582 00:41:58,310 --> 00:42:00,724 ♪ I'm worth more than Just an evening ♪ 583 00:42:00,724 --> 00:42:03,379 ♪ I awoke to kitchen smoke, You dancin' ♪ 584 00:42:03,379 --> 00:42:05,482 ♪ Like God's moved In you before ♪ 585 00:42:08,310 --> 00:42:13,206 ♪ Well, in you ♪ 586 00:42:16,758 --> 00:42:20,758 ♪ The good I'll do Good I'll do, oh ♪ 587 00:42:20,758 --> 00:42:23,206 ♪ Good I'll do ♪ 588 00:42:24,793 --> 00:42:30,000 ♪ Well, in you ♪ 589 00:42:32,862 --> 00:42:38,793 ♪ I'm new, I'm new Oh, how I'm new ♪ 590 00:42:57,965 --> 00:42:59,413 ♪ Look in my eyes ♪ 591 00:42:59,413 --> 00:43:01,241 ♪ I don't wanna to hide ♪ 592 00:43:01,241 --> 00:43:03,137 ♪ I've been waiting for you All damn night ♪ 593 00:43:03,137 --> 00:43:05,655 I know but he's gotta go somewhere. 594 00:43:05,655 --> 00:43:09,448 ♪ Sundress, I'll undress With nails on your skin ♪ 595 00:43:09,448 --> 00:43:10,689 ♪ Turning white ♪ 596 00:43:13,586 --> 00:43:17,586 ♪ Getting high out in Austin Drunk in Tennessee ♪ 597 00:43:17,586 --> 00:43:21,758 ♪ I don't care where I am As long as you're with me ♪ 598 00:43:21,758 --> 00:43:26,482 ♪ Those boys downtown talk So much shit when I leave ♪ 599 00:43:26,482 --> 00:43:27,620 Good job, Reese. 600 00:43:29,620 --> 00:43:33,344 ♪ Well, in you ♪ 601 00:43:37,689 --> 00:43:41,827 ♪ The good I'll do Good I'll do, oh ♪ 602 00:43:41,827 --> 00:43:43,551 ♪ The good I'll do ♪ 603 00:43:45,586 --> 00:43:51,068 ♪ 'Cause in you ♪ 604 00:43:53,965 --> 00:43:59,862 ♪ I'm new, I'm new Oh, how I'm new ♪ 605 00:44:02,551 --> 00:44:04,379 ♪ The way the grass smells At night ♪ 606 00:44:04,379 --> 00:44:06,827 ♪ And you've got flames All in your eyes ♪ 607 00:44:06,827 --> 00:44:08,862 ♪ As they reflect the sparkler ♪ - Whoo! 608 00:44:08,862 --> 00:44:11,206 ♪ And you say we'll never die ♪ 609 00:44:11,206 --> 00:44:14,551 ♪ Grab me by the hands Just as callused as I am ♪ 610 00:44:14,551 --> 00:44:16,413 ♪ Say your proud ♪ 611 00:44:18,448 --> 00:44:21,758 So how many are y'all running this year? 612 00:44:21,758 --> 00:44:23,793 Bout the same as last year. 613 00:44:23,793 --> 00:44:26,931 But we won't add any yearlings this year though. 614 00:44:26,931 --> 00:44:29,862 Not with diesel prices and corn. 615 00:44:29,862 --> 00:44:32,448 - No. - Shit. 616 00:44:32,448 --> 00:44:34,758 When this finally makes it to the butcher shop, 617 00:44:34,758 --> 00:44:36,172 it's gonna sting. 618 00:44:39,137 --> 00:44:40,793 It's good to see your boy back. 619 00:44:42,586 --> 00:44:44,724 It's just for the summer. 620 00:44:44,724 --> 00:44:49,275 He graduated, got a job in Boise. 621 00:44:49,275 --> 00:44:51,931 But my daughter wants to stay. 622 00:44:51,931 --> 00:44:53,689 We'll see if I can make a cowboy out of her 623 00:44:53,689 --> 00:44:56,758 shit-for-brains husband. 624 00:44:56,758 --> 00:44:59,068 Only thing he seems to like making is babies. 625 00:44:59,068 --> 00:45:00,551 Is that right? 626 00:45:01,793 --> 00:45:06,137 World sure is shrinking where you are. 627 00:45:06,137 --> 00:45:08,689 It's good to see that airport squashed. 628 00:45:08,689 --> 00:45:11,275 That ain't gonna change nothing, Delbert. 629 00:45:11,275 --> 00:45:14,931 I mean, shit, it might slow it down a bit. 630 00:45:14,931 --> 00:45:17,793 At least the world hasn't found out about this place yet. 631 00:45:19,896 --> 00:45:22,689 It breaks my heart to think of the world we're leaving them. 632 00:45:24,448 --> 00:45:25,620 Breaks my heart, too. 633 00:45:27,482 --> 00:45:29,068 Hell, I don't even have any kids. 634 00:45:55,172 --> 00:45:56,793 Higgins. 635 00:46:43,103 --> 00:46:45,310 What took you so long? 636 00:46:46,379 --> 00:46:48,034 I've only been Governor a week. 637 00:46:50,241 --> 00:46:51,724 I see you survived. 638 00:46:52,862 --> 00:46:55,620 - Thank you. - Well, there's a catch. 639 00:46:55,620 --> 00:46:57,413 A catch? 640 00:46:57,413 --> 00:46:59,379 Yeah, it's a supervised release for six months. 641 00:46:59,379 --> 00:47:01,448 Supervised by who? 642 00:47:02,551 --> 00:47:03,551 You're looking at him. 643 00:47:05,103 --> 00:47:08,344 So, you release me from prison just to kidnap me? 644 00:47:08,344 --> 00:47:11,724 More or less. Need your help. 645 00:47:11,724 --> 00:47:13,586 With what? 646 00:47:13,586 --> 00:47:15,413 Help me understand you. 647 00:47:15,413 --> 00:47:18,482 Help me understand the way you think. 648 00:47:18,482 --> 00:47:20,517 What do I get in return? 649 00:47:20,517 --> 00:47:23,103 You just got it. Get in. 650 00:47:23,103 --> 00:47:25,517 - Where am I staying? - With me. 651 00:47:26,689 --> 00:47:28,344 I'm no political strategist 652 00:47:28,344 --> 00:47:30,724 but granting clemency to a woman you're shacking up with 653 00:47:30,724 --> 00:47:33,413 in the Governor's mansion lends itself to some negative press. 654 00:47:33,413 --> 00:47:34,896 At the ranch. 655 00:47:34,896 --> 00:47:37,896 Oh, great. With your bi-polar sociopathic daughter? 656 00:47:37,896 --> 00:47:39,482 She's hardly ever there. 657 00:47:44,551 --> 00:47:47,655 So you know, I just went a year without sex, 658 00:47:47,655 --> 00:47:50,241 which is the longest I've gone since the first time I had it, 659 00:47:50,241 --> 00:47:52,517 and I'm still not fucking you. 660 00:47:52,517 --> 00:47:55,655 Oh, God. 661 00:47:55,655 --> 00:47:58,172 Our relationship will be purely professional. 662 00:48:04,034 --> 00:48:05,517 Let her in. 663 00:48:26,344 --> 00:48:27,758 Miss Atwood. 664 00:48:27,758 --> 00:48:30,620 Oh, come on. It's Sarah. Have a seat. 665 00:48:30,620 --> 00:48:33,103 I took the liberty of ordering us a bottle of Rosé. 666 00:48:33,103 --> 00:48:36,068 I hope you don't mind. 667 00:48:36,068 --> 00:48:38,862 Well, can't say I've ever had it. 668 00:48:38,862 --> 00:48:41,689 Oh. Well the French, 669 00:48:41,689 --> 00:48:44,172 they drink it like water in the summer. 670 00:48:48,758 --> 00:48:50,068 Try it. 671 00:48:57,862 --> 00:48:59,206 It's refreshing. 672 00:49:03,413 --> 00:49:04,827 It's nice. 673 00:49:09,172 --> 00:49:10,793 What? 674 00:49:10,793 --> 00:49:15,103 Oh, I'm just trying to decide 675 00:49:15,103 --> 00:49:17,448 the best path forward. 676 00:49:17,448 --> 00:49:19,586 How do we manage this? 677 00:49:19,586 --> 00:49:22,344 How do we as a company, recover? 678 00:49:22,344 --> 00:49:24,413 How do we save face? 679 00:49:24,413 --> 00:49:26,793 But most importantly, how do we reverse his decision? 680 00:49:26,793 --> 00:49:29,586 Either reverse his decision or get our money back. 681 00:49:29,586 --> 00:49:31,724 I mean, the state is facing a multi-billion dollar lawsuit 682 00:49:31,724 --> 00:49:33,241 and you know it. 683 00:49:33,241 --> 00:49:35,103 You won't win. 684 00:49:35,103 --> 00:49:37,103 With some of the most vital elements 685 00:49:37,103 --> 00:49:39,586 of your development now in a Conservation Easement, 686 00:49:39,586 --> 00:49:41,103 the argument is moot. 687 00:49:43,413 --> 00:49:45,103 We don't have to win. 688 00:49:46,689 --> 00:49:49,896 We just need to keep it in the news long enough 689 00:49:49,896 --> 00:49:52,275 to assassinate your father's reputation 690 00:49:52,275 --> 00:49:55,655 and choose a politician to support as the next governor. 691 00:49:57,689 --> 00:49:59,000 Hm. 692 00:50:00,379 --> 00:50:02,862 I'm getting ahead of myself. 693 00:50:05,103 --> 00:50:08,896 The purpose of this dinner was to seek a soft landing. 694 00:50:08,896 --> 00:50:11,000 Not to threaten positions. 695 00:50:13,862 --> 00:50:16,689 Let's figure out if we can even get along first. 696 00:50:19,862 --> 00:50:21,793 Are you hungry? 697 00:50:23,517 --> 00:50:25,137 Not really. 698 00:50:25,137 --> 00:50:26,758 Mm-mm. Me neither. 699 00:50:26,758 --> 00:50:29,172 I've had enough of this fruity shit. 700 00:50:29,172 --> 00:50:32,586 [deep breath 701 00:50:32,586 --> 00:50:35,206 Do you want to go to the bar? 702 00:50:39,000 --> 00:50:40,206 Sure. 703 00:50:40,206 --> 00:50:41,931 Oh, that's not funny. 704 00:50:41,931 --> 00:50:45,896 Then why are you laughing? 705 00:50:45,896 --> 00:50:48,275 I'm laughing because I'm uncomfortable. 706 00:50:48,275 --> 00:50:50,620 You're uncomfortable because you find it funny. 707 00:50:55,689 --> 00:50:58,034 I'm dreading arguing with you in court. 708 00:50:58,034 --> 00:51:00,275 You should. You should. 709 00:51:00,275 --> 00:51:01,862 Yeah? 710 00:51:04,862 --> 00:51:07,000 How the hell are you still single? 711 00:51:11,103 --> 00:51:14,655 Well... 712 00:51:14,655 --> 00:51:18,965 when you live on a ranch an hour from town... 713 00:51:18,965 --> 00:51:22,344 an hour from anything... 714 00:51:22,344 --> 00:51:24,724 You don't live on a ranch anymore. 715 00:51:27,103 --> 00:51:31,137 Hm. No, I don't. 716 00:51:33,758 --> 00:51:38,206 I'm feeling a little irresponsible. 717 00:51:40,413 --> 00:51:41,413 Hm. 718 00:51:45,000 --> 00:51:48,379 I'm starting to feel that way myself, too. 719 00:51:48,379 --> 00:51:50,103 Oh. 720 00:51:50,103 --> 00:51:52,103 Take me somewhere and prove it. 721 00:51:54,965 --> 00:51:59,172 ♪ But you know I've always been ♪ 722 00:51:59,172 --> 00:52:00,827 Follow me. 723 00:52:16,241 --> 00:52:18,793 Okay. I don't hear anybody. 724 00:52:18,793 --> 00:52:19,931 Wow. 725 00:52:22,379 --> 00:52:23,965 This way. 726 00:52:25,103 --> 00:52:26,724 - You... - No. 727 00:52:28,931 --> 00:52:31,551 This is what I call a fucking bathroom. 728 00:53:02,620 --> 00:53:04,034 Wait. Wait... 729 00:53:04,034 --> 00:53:06,793 Who cares? Let him listen. 730 00:54:28,793 --> 00:54:30,137 What are you doing? 731 00:54:31,275 --> 00:54:33,413 Nothing, baby. Just thinking. 732 00:54:35,241 --> 00:54:37,068 Maybe you should think about something different. 733 00:54:39,000 --> 00:54:43,793 I'd love to. But... it ain't gonna happen. 734 00:54:45,137 --> 00:54:46,241 Go back to sleep. 735 00:54:58,517 --> 00:54:59,827 Who is this bitch? 736 00:55:10,551 --> 00:55:13,034 Yeah, not her real name. 737 00:55:13,034 --> 00:55:14,068 What a surprise. 738 00:55:51,275 --> 00:55:55,379 Our Justice system is in a state of utter collapse, huh? 739 00:55:55,379 --> 00:55:59,413 And to think of all the hard work I did to put you in prison. 740 00:55:59,413 --> 00:56:03,896 And think of all the hard work I'm doing to stay out. 741 00:56:03,896 --> 00:56:05,689 And I do mean hard. 742 00:56:05,689 --> 00:56:09,034 I'll pick you up some Doxycycline when I'm in town 743 00:56:09,034 --> 00:56:11,758 to kill whatever funk your snatch caught in the clink. 744 00:56:11,758 --> 00:56:15,586 Mm. Thanks. Could you also get me a toothbrush? 745 00:56:15,586 --> 00:56:18,103 I hate to keep using yours. 746 00:56:18,103 --> 00:56:19,586 Oh, well. Back to work. 747 00:56:24,379 --> 00:56:26,000 I am not starting this day sober. 748 00:57:26,620 --> 00:57:28,482 Next time on Yellowstone... 749 00:57:29,724 --> 00:57:31,689 First Duttons to settle this valley... 750 00:57:31,689 --> 00:57:32,896 fighting was all they knew. 751 00:57:32,896 --> 00:57:34,965 She is not gonna help you, Dad. 752 00:57:34,965 --> 00:57:38,482 You have invited your worst enemy to sleep in your bed. 753 00:57:38,482 --> 00:57:40,586 Market Equities or its partners. 754 00:57:40,586 --> 00:57:42,724 We can do whatever we want. 755 00:57:42,724 --> 00:57:44,034 They want the land, Dad. 756 00:57:44,034 --> 00:57:46,172 That is all that you need to understand. 757 00:57:46,172 --> 00:57:48,379 Cowards rule the world these days, Rip. 758 00:57:48,379 --> 00:57:50,275 I think it's time we showed them what we do and how we do it.