1 00:00:08,493 --> 00:00:10,855 Previously on "Billions"... 2 00:00:10,856 --> 00:00:13,026 An investigation has begun into your office, 3 00:00:13,027 --> 00:00:16,232 and the man leading the investigation... Oliver Dake. 4 00:00:16,233 --> 00:00:19,806 The payment that your wife received from Axelrod, 5 00:00:19,807 --> 00:00:21,410 it may not be a bribe, 6 00:00:21,411 --> 00:00:23,380 but, dang, if it doesn't look like one. 7 00:00:23,381 --> 00:00:25,585 Well, Lawrence Boyd pissed right in my face. 8 00:00:25,586 --> 00:00:28,256 He didn't show. What the hell do we do now? 9 00:00:28,257 --> 00:00:31,095 Bobby Axelrod could run through the Serengeti 10 00:00:31,096 --> 00:00:32,565 and not break a sweat. 11 00:00:32,566 --> 00:00:35,505 You do what you do just as well as him. 12 00:00:35,506 --> 00:00:36,773 Maybe better. 13 00:00:36,774 --> 00:00:39,346 You can't allow yourself to get drawn in 14 00:00:39,347 --> 00:00:41,517 to an unwinnable fight. 15 00:00:41,518 --> 00:00:43,687 Victory will be swift. 16 00:00:43,688 --> 00:00:46,527 That will save us ten million on this trade. 17 00:00:46,528 --> 00:00:48,129 This is why I need to keep you. 18 00:00:48,130 --> 00:00:50,000 I'd believe the same thing were I you. 19 00:00:50,001 --> 00:00:51,870 - Whoa! - You've been served. 20 00:00:51,871 --> 00:00:54,543 - With a lawsuit? - One hundred and twenty seven of them. 21 00:00:54,544 --> 00:00:57,014 Wendy was at Krakow Capital earlier today. 22 00:00:57,015 --> 00:00:58,851 You have an amazing level of insight 23 00:00:58,852 --> 00:01:01,456 - into how we hedgies think. - Yes. 24 00:01:01,457 --> 00:01:03,794 I don't mean Axe Capital. I mean Bobby himself. 25 00:01:03,795 --> 00:01:06,466 - He was looking to hire you? - Yeah. 26 00:01:06,467 --> 00:01:09,506 That motherfucker is just trying to poach my most valued... 27 00:01:09,507 --> 00:01:11,242 I'm not your anything. 28 00:01:11,243 --> 00:01:14,181 We handle ourselves and Chuck gives someone Head of Crim. 29 00:01:14,182 --> 00:01:16,286 Or we cooperate with Dake and try our luck 30 00:01:16,287 --> 00:01:18,189 starting over with Chuck's replacement. 31 00:01:18,190 --> 00:01:19,459 You know what Rhoades is. 32 00:01:19,460 --> 00:01:21,296 You know he should be out of the job. 33 00:01:21,297 --> 00:01:22,865 That was the attorney general. 34 00:01:22,866 --> 00:01:24,603 She's summoned me to Washington, 35 00:01:24,604 --> 00:01:26,807 where she will greet me warmly, 36 00:01:26,808 --> 00:01:28,979 and then she'll fire me. 37 00:01:30,055 --> 00:01:35,055 Sync and corrections by explosiveskull www.addic7ed.com 38 00:01:46,514 --> 00:01:48,417 There was a moment in time 39 00:01:48,418 --> 00:01:51,088 when the only two people who knew what it was to fly 40 00:01:51,089 --> 00:01:53,226 were the Wright Brothers. 41 00:01:53,227 --> 00:01:56,032 And we are like them in a way. 42 00:01:56,033 --> 00:01:57,669 Although we have to stay airborne 43 00:01:57,670 --> 00:01:59,339 a lot longer than nine seconds, 44 00:01:59,340 --> 00:02:01,777 we and have to go into much thinner air when we do. 45 00:02:01,778 --> 00:02:05,150 But how do you do it, Todd? 46 00:02:05,151 --> 00:02:07,655 How do you stay aloft? 47 00:02:07,656 --> 00:02:12,298 One of the nine poets, Pindar, said it best. 48 00:02:12,299 --> 00:02:16,306 Become who you are by learning who you are. 49 00:02:16,307 --> 00:02:19,211 You wouldn't know Pindar from Pantera, 50 00:02:19,212 --> 00:02:21,583 yet you act like you read the Harvard shelf 51 00:02:21,584 --> 00:02:22,985 with your morning oatmeal. 52 00:02:22,986 --> 00:02:24,756 Who wrote this shit for you? 53 00:02:24,757 --> 00:02:27,160 Lawrence Boyd, I respect you 54 00:02:27,161 --> 00:02:29,064 more than anyone in this game. 55 00:02:29,065 --> 00:02:32,572 But the idea that Todd Krakow or anyone else but you here 56 00:02:32,573 --> 00:02:35,377 is a thought leader just because they've got 57 00:02:35,378 --> 00:02:37,682 a few dollars in their pocket is laughable! 58 00:02:37,683 --> 00:02:39,051 Let me respond. 59 00:02:39,052 --> 00:02:41,255 It's a sad fact of the business today. 60 00:02:41,256 --> 00:02:44,796 Hedge funds like Axelrod's, they're out of ideas, 61 00:02:44,797 --> 00:02:45,965 so they cut corners 62 00:02:45,966 --> 00:02:47,869 and go looking for that black edge. 63 00:02:47,870 --> 00:02:49,372 But I'm good enough 64 00:02:49,373 --> 00:02:51,543 that I didn't have to get close to the line. 65 00:02:51,544 --> 00:02:52,645 Really? 66 00:02:52,646 --> 00:02:54,649 What about the $45 million in fines 67 00:02:54,650 --> 00:02:55,951 you paid to the U. K.? 68 00:02:55,952 --> 00:02:57,822 That... 69 00:02:57,823 --> 00:03:00,059 No one understands those laws. 70 00:03:00,060 --> 00:03:04,502 Larry, you ever found yourself afoul of British law? 71 00:03:04,503 --> 00:03:08,443 No, some of us have never run afoul of any international laws. 72 00:03:08,444 --> 00:03:11,283 Larry, you have teams of lawyers at Spartan-Ives 73 00:03:11,284 --> 00:03:13,387 and locals in those countries who ensure 74 00:03:13,388 --> 00:03:15,291 you don't get screwed the way I did. 75 00:03:15,292 --> 00:03:18,297 Oh, okay, okay, okay, I'm only the referee here, 76 00:03:18,298 --> 00:03:22,772 not taking sides, but you overstepped. 77 00:03:22,773 --> 00:03:25,043 Apologies. 78 00:03:25,044 --> 00:03:26,713 And let that be the first apology, 79 00:03:26,714 --> 00:03:28,249 not the last, to this audience, 80 00:03:28,250 --> 00:03:30,387 who have paid three grand for the privilege 81 00:03:30,388 --> 00:03:31,923 of hearing your barbaric yawp. 82 00:03:31,924 --> 00:03:33,660 - Axe, Axe, Axe. - Here's a thought. 83 00:03:33,661 --> 00:03:36,065 If any of you want to continue the conversation, 84 00:03:36,066 --> 00:03:37,969 I'll be over by the bar with my team. 85 00:03:37,970 --> 00:03:40,407 Sure... hit, run, and hide, huh? 86 00:03:40,408 --> 00:03:43,914 You been showing the SEC the same moves for years. 87 00:03:43,915 --> 00:03:46,419 But, eventually, they catch you. 88 00:03:47,956 --> 00:03:50,794 Krakow, whatever cocktail party tutor 89 00:03:50,795 --> 00:03:52,698 you used to prep you for this panel 90 00:03:52,699 --> 00:03:55,003 owes you a goddamn refund. 91 00:03:56,374 --> 00:03:58,310 Well, that was stimulating. 92 00:03:58,311 --> 00:03:59,946 Okay, okay, let's move on. 93 00:03:59,947 --> 00:04:03,553 Tag, Global warming... 94 00:04:03,554 --> 00:04:05,958 I called the car around so you can go. 95 00:04:05,959 --> 00:04:08,764 Why would I leave now? 96 00:04:08,765 --> 00:04:11,903 That's what you get for trying to steal my fucking employees. 97 00:04:11,904 --> 00:04:15,109 Don't blame me for your fuck-up. 98 00:04:15,110 --> 00:04:17,281 Word of advice, Axe... 99 00:04:17,282 --> 00:04:19,452 you don't want to lose a valuable asset, 100 00:04:19,453 --> 00:04:23,794 don't let her walk out the door, huh? 101 00:04:28,871 --> 00:04:30,675 Here comes Boyd. 102 00:04:36,787 --> 00:04:38,623 Sorry about your panel. 103 00:04:38,624 --> 00:04:41,228 Sorry. The only reason you put Ric Flair in the ring 104 00:04:41,229 --> 00:04:42,965 is to get that heat from the crowd. 105 00:04:42,966 --> 00:04:45,003 I didn't pick that panel by accident. 106 00:04:45,004 --> 00:04:46,373 I knew you'd incinerate it. 107 00:04:46,374 --> 00:04:48,042 You just made sure Spartan-Ives 108 00:04:48,043 --> 00:04:51,015 is all the Street's talking about for the rest of the month. 109 00:04:51,016 --> 00:04:53,720 They'll be killing themselves they weren't in the room. 110 00:04:53,721 --> 00:04:55,891 And the only way they get in there next year 111 00:04:55,892 --> 00:04:57,528 is by making you their prime. 112 00:04:57,529 --> 00:05:00,335 I'm the bull, you're the red sash every time. 113 00:05:05,144 --> 00:05:07,982 Hey, Chuck. Come in. 114 00:05:07,983 --> 00:05:09,952 I drove by Katz's on the way here. 115 00:05:09,953 --> 00:05:12,491 Oh. You're killing me, man. 116 00:05:12,492 --> 00:05:14,862 No? Well, I'm going in. 117 00:05:14,863 --> 00:05:16,467 Uh-huh. 118 00:05:17,536 --> 00:05:19,204 Oh. 119 00:05:19,205 --> 00:05:20,808 - Mmm! - Mmm. 120 00:05:20,809 --> 00:05:22,912 Talk to me. 121 00:05:22,913 --> 00:05:26,018 Well, it's thorny. So many old cases aggregated. 122 00:05:26,019 --> 00:05:27,755 Taken all together, it looks like 123 00:05:27,756 --> 00:05:29,492 a pattern of overreach, misconduct. 124 00:05:29,493 --> 00:05:31,996 That's why the papers think it's such a good story. 125 00:05:31,997 --> 00:05:33,533 And there's the Axelrod case. 126 00:05:33,534 --> 00:05:36,071 - We never even brought charges. - That's good. 127 00:05:36,072 --> 00:05:38,008 You're protected by qualified immunity. 128 00:05:38,009 --> 00:05:40,113 Chances are, we get it thrown out of court. 129 00:05:40,114 --> 00:05:42,785 That will depend on the judge. We gotta find a very... 130 00:05:42,786 --> 00:05:44,522 Chuck, I'm gonna make this go away. 131 00:05:44,523 --> 00:05:46,593 That's why you came to me instead of going 132 00:05:46,594 --> 00:05:48,563 with whatever lawyer Justice gave you. 133 00:05:50,468 --> 00:05:53,407 Justice isn't defending me. 134 00:05:55,378 --> 00:05:56,713 Whoa. 135 00:05:56,714 --> 00:05:59,418 They only do that when, uh... 136 00:05:59,419 --> 00:06:01,088 Well, they never really do that. 137 00:06:01,089 --> 00:06:03,393 No. 138 00:06:03,394 --> 00:06:04,495 Well, I'm not billing you. 139 00:06:04,496 --> 00:06:05,898 Oh, come on. You gotta bill me, Ira. 140 00:06:05,899 --> 00:06:08,403 It's $1,400 an hour. 141 00:06:08,404 --> 00:06:11,509 Half price. Friends and family. 142 00:06:11,510 --> 00:06:13,013 Why aren't they defending you? 143 00:06:14,416 --> 00:06:18,356 The Attorney General's called me down to Washington. 144 00:06:18,357 --> 00:06:20,059 She's gonna fire me. 145 00:06:20,060 --> 00:06:22,263 Shit. Dake. 146 00:06:22,264 --> 00:06:24,869 Oh, it's a lot of things over years. 147 00:06:24,870 --> 00:06:26,706 But the stain of this investigation 148 00:06:26,707 --> 00:06:28,476 has hobbled me politically. 149 00:06:28,477 --> 00:06:30,547 I got no back channel out of this. 150 00:06:30,548 --> 00:06:33,620 You gotta prove your loyalty, then, show her you're a soldier. 151 00:06:33,621 --> 00:06:35,156 Yeah. I thought about that. 152 00:06:35,157 --> 00:06:37,962 A new case the administration smiles on. 153 00:06:37,963 --> 00:06:39,832 Let the General take the credit, sure, 154 00:06:39,833 --> 00:06:42,270 but there's just no fucking time. 155 00:06:42,271 --> 00:06:44,342 The A. G.'s got a lot of enemies, Chuck. 156 00:06:44,343 --> 00:06:47,348 Take out an enemy... a big, hard-to-kill one. 157 00:06:47,349 --> 00:06:49,852 It's tough to fire you then. 158 00:06:49,853 --> 00:06:52,257 Finding the right target might be enough. 159 00:06:52,258 --> 00:06:55,430 One so... gaudy, 160 00:06:55,431 --> 00:06:57,534 so outlandishly difficult to bring down 161 00:06:57,535 --> 00:06:59,772 that my replacement would certainly fail. 162 00:07:01,042 --> 00:07:03,413 How much time do you have? 163 00:07:03,414 --> 00:07:05,284 Three days. 164 00:07:11,897 --> 00:07:13,467 Do you know what this is about? 165 00:07:20,748 --> 00:07:24,755 Starting immediately, you have a new mandate. 166 00:07:24,756 --> 00:07:27,328 Find me a case that's screaming for justice. 167 00:07:27,329 --> 00:07:30,166 One that no one else would have the courage to take on... 168 00:07:30,167 --> 00:07:33,606 even if... no, especially if 169 00:07:33,607 --> 00:07:35,209 it seems impossible to win. 170 00:07:35,210 --> 00:07:36,346 Where do we begin? 171 00:07:36,347 --> 00:07:38,115 I want to kick into the C-suites... 172 00:07:38,116 --> 00:07:39,618 those Teflon corporations 173 00:07:39,619 --> 00:07:42,558 that defraud the American people on a grand scale. 174 00:07:42,559 --> 00:07:45,397 No one was ever prosecuted for the financial crisis, no. 175 00:07:45,398 --> 00:07:48,670 When we went after Wall Street, we got what we could get... 176 00:07:48,671 --> 00:07:50,307 rogue traders, chip shots. 177 00:07:50,308 --> 00:07:52,411 That ends today. 178 00:07:52,412 --> 00:07:55,149 Anything else you can say that would narrow the target? 179 00:07:55,150 --> 00:07:57,220 You want us to get back up on Axe Capital? 180 00:07:57,221 --> 00:07:59,658 - Um, we know that they're... - No, no. 181 00:07:59,659 --> 00:08:02,263 Steer wide around Axe Capital for now. 182 00:08:02,264 --> 00:08:03,834 That's not gonna help. 183 00:08:06,139 --> 00:08:09,110 Help what? 184 00:08:12,619 --> 00:08:14,522 Be creative. 185 00:08:14,523 --> 00:08:17,996 I look forward to your ideas, and I want them in 24 hours. 186 00:08:19,666 --> 00:08:22,638 Why's he want an impossible case? 187 00:08:22,639 --> 00:08:25,343 It's hinky. 188 00:08:25,344 --> 00:08:27,915 I'm gonna steer wide around all of it. 189 00:08:27,916 --> 00:08:30,520 Hey, Axe, you know what today is? 190 00:08:30,521 --> 00:08:33,091 It's fuck Todd Krakow in the ear day. 191 00:08:33,092 --> 00:08:35,196 Why do you think I'd want to do that? 192 00:08:35,197 --> 00:08:37,568 That panel was Godzilla versus Mothra. 193 00:08:37,569 --> 00:08:39,237 Do you have a plan? 194 00:08:39,238 --> 00:08:41,843 Or are we just gonna jump him and break his kneecaps 195 00:08:41,844 --> 00:08:43,513 when he gets out of his McLaren? 196 00:08:43,514 --> 00:08:46,686 Okay, so Krakow's been running his mouth about China, right? 197 00:08:46,687 --> 00:08:48,756 I... You can tell the way he talks. 198 00:08:48,757 --> 00:08:52,063 - The way he talks? - Yeah. 199 00:08:52,064 --> 00:08:55,035 Last year, he said, "watching factories grow." 200 00:08:55,036 --> 00:08:57,139 It made me wonder, "How's he seeing this?" 201 00:08:57,140 --> 00:09:00,145 Really, Mafee? You expect me to believe 202 00:09:00,146 --> 00:09:01,916 you suddenly swapped Ali G reruns 203 00:09:01,917 --> 00:09:04,655 for videos of Todd Krakow's speeches on China? 204 00:09:04,656 --> 00:09:05,924 Okay. 205 00:09:05,925 --> 00:09:07,694 My analyst caught it. 206 00:09:07,695 --> 00:09:10,834 Yeah. Then get him in here. 207 00:09:17,882 --> 00:09:19,351 Hello. I'm Taylor. 208 00:09:19,352 --> 00:09:21,722 My pronouns are they, theirs, and them. 209 00:09:21,723 --> 00:09:25,730 Okay. You have two minutes. 210 00:09:25,731 --> 00:09:28,736 After your dispute with Krakow, I presumed roiling antipathy, 211 00:09:28,737 --> 00:09:30,540 so I catalogued all of his public statements 212 00:09:30,541 --> 00:09:32,143 going back two years. 213 00:09:32,144 --> 00:09:35,115 In January 2016, Krakow's tone on China changed... 214 00:09:35,116 --> 00:09:37,153 more bullish, omniscient, 215 00:09:37,154 --> 00:09:40,259 which led me to think satellite images. 216 00:09:40,260 --> 00:09:41,896 So what? 217 00:09:41,897 --> 00:09:44,167 All the big funds are using satellite images. 218 00:09:44,168 --> 00:09:46,472 How many cars are in the parking lot at Walmart 219 00:09:46,473 --> 00:09:48,911 indicates how big a quarter they're gonna have. 220 00:09:54,254 --> 00:09:57,628 But this, let me see. 221 00:09:57,629 --> 00:10:00,132 You found out which satellite company Krakow uses. 222 00:10:00,133 --> 00:10:01,469 AR Metrics. 223 00:10:01,470 --> 00:10:03,439 Assuming Krakow would be the biggest user... 224 00:10:03,440 --> 00:10:05,042 Their most-viewed images, 225 00:10:05,043 --> 00:10:07,447 and you deduced that's what he's been looking at. 226 00:10:07,448 --> 00:10:09,785 A microchip factory in the Pearl River Delta. 227 00:10:09,786 --> 00:10:12,524 And now you know what he knows. 228 00:10:12,525 --> 00:10:13,826 Since you're in my office, 229 00:10:13,827 --> 00:10:15,530 you think you know what he doesn't. 230 00:10:15,531 --> 00:10:17,233 China's not just cooking the books, 231 00:10:17,234 --> 00:10:19,405 they're going full Iron Chef with that shit. 232 00:10:19,406 --> 00:10:21,976 Everyone knows that, Mafee. Then why is Krakow long? 233 00:10:21,977 --> 00:10:24,815 Come on, time's almost up. What happened in January 2016? 234 00:10:24,816 --> 00:10:26,986 The Chinese factory went from totally dormant 235 00:10:26,987 --> 00:10:28,723 to bustling with trucking activity. 236 00:10:28,724 --> 00:10:30,694 Which meant foreign investment followed. 237 00:10:30,695 --> 00:10:32,364 But tell me what really happened. 238 00:10:32,365 --> 00:10:34,535 An article came out on satellite-detected 239 00:10:34,536 --> 00:10:36,237 discrepancies between Chinese sites 240 00:10:36,238 --> 00:10:38,843 and what had been reported by government statistics. 241 00:10:38,844 --> 00:10:41,282 And after that, they knew they were being watched, 242 00:10:41,283 --> 00:10:44,187 so the trucks started moving... a show for the satellites. 243 00:10:44,188 --> 00:10:47,193 Factory's a fake. It's a shell to milk investors. 244 00:10:47,194 --> 00:10:49,298 And what is the next move? 245 00:10:49,299 --> 00:10:51,535 - Short the... - I asked Taylor. 246 00:10:51,536 --> 00:10:54,040 Short the Chinese parent company Krakow's invested in. 247 00:10:54,041 --> 00:10:55,443 It's not good enough. 248 00:10:55,444 --> 00:10:58,316 As Chanos says, China's a pig on LSD... 249 00:10:58,317 --> 00:11:01,221 you never know which way it's gonna run. 250 00:11:01,222 --> 00:11:04,928 So who is this fake factory supposed to be supplying? 251 00:11:04,929 --> 00:11:06,999 What does this ripple out into? 252 00:11:07,000 --> 00:11:09,571 You find that, you find Krakow's real investment. 253 00:11:11,343 --> 00:11:13,044 How long you been here? 254 00:11:13,045 --> 00:11:16,251 Three months. 255 00:11:16,252 --> 00:11:19,525 I'm leaving in two weeks for grad school. 256 00:11:19,526 --> 00:11:20,727 I'm an intern. 257 00:11:27,140 --> 00:11:29,111 How did everything go? 258 00:11:33,052 --> 00:11:35,088 Salutations, my dear. 259 00:11:35,089 --> 00:11:37,394 Oh. Um... 260 00:11:37,395 --> 00:11:39,431 I think Chuck's working tonight. 261 00:11:39,432 --> 00:11:41,936 I wanted to talk to you. 262 00:11:41,937 --> 00:11:43,272 Pas devant. 263 00:11:45,344 --> 00:11:47,180 We'll see you tomorrow. 264 00:11:49,084 --> 00:11:51,255 I know what pas devant means. 265 00:11:54,629 --> 00:11:58,134 I was looking for some cufflinks I lent my son, 266 00:11:58,135 --> 00:12:00,607 but I couldn't find them in the bedroom. 267 00:12:00,608 --> 00:12:02,878 You were in my bedroom? 268 00:12:02,879 --> 00:12:06,217 And most of Chuck's suits seem to be gone from the closet. 269 00:12:06,218 --> 00:12:08,623 You didn't come out to Brooklyn for cufflinks. 270 00:12:08,624 --> 00:12:11,262 Is Chuck living at the Yale Club? 271 00:12:13,300 --> 00:12:15,470 Some gal in accounting messed up, 272 00:12:15,471 --> 00:12:20,178 sent me a charge for a breakfast on a day that I was not there. 273 00:12:20,179 --> 00:12:21,782 So I asked for the chits, 274 00:12:21,783 --> 00:12:25,088 and it was Chuck's signature on the line at 6:30 a. m. 275 00:12:25,089 --> 00:12:28,763 Yes, we've separated... for now. 276 00:12:28,764 --> 00:12:32,504 And you've kept it from me. 277 00:12:32,505 --> 00:12:35,476 I asked Chuck directly, but he denied it. 278 00:12:35,477 --> 00:12:37,615 He lies better than I do. 279 00:12:39,117 --> 00:12:40,687 This is idiocy. 280 00:12:42,525 --> 00:12:44,962 And to think we didn't come running to you with the news. 281 00:12:44,963 --> 00:12:46,632 Because I would tell you the truth. 282 00:12:46,633 --> 00:12:49,136 This is selfish, 283 00:12:49,137 --> 00:12:50,707 destructive to your children. 284 00:12:50,708 --> 00:12:52,142 We're not uprooting the kids. 285 00:12:52,143 --> 00:12:53,646 They're staying in the house. 286 00:12:53,647 --> 00:12:55,650 Chuck spends three nights a week with them. 287 00:12:55,651 --> 00:12:57,219 No, I'm not talking about that. 288 00:12:57,220 --> 00:12:58,823 I'm talking about their legacy. 289 00:12:58,824 --> 00:13:02,029 Do you think that this makes it easier or harder... 290 00:13:02,030 --> 00:13:04,368 for Kevin to meet his station in life? 291 00:13:04,369 --> 00:13:07,674 You must mean for him to be happier. 292 00:13:07,675 --> 00:13:09,778 They are the future of my name. 293 00:13:09,779 --> 00:13:11,047 And yours. 294 00:13:11,048 --> 00:13:13,285 You think you and Chuck are the only ones 295 00:13:13,286 --> 00:13:16,692 who've grappled with some upheavals in a marriage? 296 00:13:16,693 --> 00:13:21,468 Unless it is broken plates and steak knives, 297 00:13:21,469 --> 00:13:24,040 you gut through it. 298 00:13:24,041 --> 00:13:26,845 If one of you has an itch, you'll work it out. 299 00:13:26,846 --> 00:13:28,081 You don't move out. 300 00:13:28,082 --> 00:13:29,484 It wasn't an itch. 301 00:13:31,155 --> 00:13:33,426 And what about you? 302 00:13:33,427 --> 00:13:36,264 You'd really rather have your three nights a week 303 00:13:36,265 --> 00:13:39,838 than be First Lady of the State of New York? 304 00:13:42,378 --> 00:13:45,349 Maybe I would. 305 00:13:45,350 --> 00:13:47,353 And if you want to continue this, 306 00:13:47,354 --> 00:13:49,191 do it with your son. 307 00:13:51,228 --> 00:13:55,068 Oh... I will. 308 00:13:56,940 --> 00:13:59,578 Bobby. Your order's there. 309 00:13:59,579 --> 00:14:00,947 White clam is on top. 310 00:14:00,948 --> 00:14:01,915 Thanks, Bruno. 311 00:14:01,916 --> 00:14:03,886 Say hello to my nephew, Marco. 312 00:14:03,887 --> 00:14:05,222 Kid just got elected 313 00:14:05,223 --> 00:14:06,892 to county executive up in Sandicot. 314 00:14:06,893 --> 00:14:09,063 I'm Marc. An honor to meet you, Mr. Axelrod. 315 00:14:09,064 --> 00:14:10,434 Sit down, have some wine. 316 00:14:11,836 --> 00:14:12,871 Is this yours? 317 00:14:12,872 --> 00:14:14,842 Made it with my own two feet. 318 00:14:16,846 --> 00:14:18,047 Eh? 319 00:14:18,048 --> 00:14:20,018 Hey, look, I'll stay next time. 320 00:14:20,019 --> 00:14:21,588 - Kids are hungry. - Okay. 321 00:14:21,589 --> 00:14:23,057 Ciao, Bobby. Enjoy. 322 00:14:23,058 --> 00:14:25,530 Good to meet you. 323 00:14:25,531 --> 00:14:27,800 That's a busy man. 324 00:14:27,801 --> 00:14:29,136 Yeah. 325 00:14:29,137 --> 00:14:32,142 There'll be time. There'll be time. 326 00:14:35,116 --> 00:14:39,457 - You told my father. - I didn't tell him. 327 00:14:39,458 --> 00:14:41,160 He's like you. He figured it out. 328 00:14:41,161 --> 00:14:44,233 No, he had a theory, which you confirmed. 329 00:14:44,234 --> 00:14:46,738 - He's hounding me now. - What about these lawsuits? 330 00:14:46,739 --> 00:14:48,409 Were you gonna tell me about them? 331 00:14:48,410 --> 00:14:50,580 Why did I have to read about it in the Times? 332 00:14:50,581 --> 00:14:52,450 Nuisance suits. Minor distraction. 333 00:14:52,451 --> 00:14:53,752 Didn't rate a discussion. 334 00:14:53,753 --> 00:14:55,423 This investigator... Oliver Dake. 335 00:14:55,424 --> 00:14:57,025 Yeah, well, I told you about him. 336 00:14:57,026 --> 00:15:00,433 He's questioning me later. 337 00:15:04,809 --> 00:15:07,548 Please, come in. 338 00:15:10,821 --> 00:15:12,790 So, Chuck... 339 00:15:12,791 --> 00:15:17,634 do you still feel as if you're under attack... 340 00:15:17,635 --> 00:15:21,576 by unseen forces? 341 00:15:26,118 --> 00:15:29,325 Carolyn, can we have the room for five minutes? 342 00:15:34,302 --> 00:15:36,305 Look, I don't know what to say to him. 343 00:15:36,306 --> 00:15:38,309 He knows you dropped the case. 344 00:15:38,310 --> 00:15:40,346 He thinks it's connected to me. 345 00:15:40,347 --> 00:15:42,717 If he puts together the session notes... 346 00:15:42,718 --> 00:15:44,821 That will be a career-ender for me. 347 00:15:44,822 --> 00:15:47,527 I'm aware. 348 00:15:49,298 --> 00:15:52,069 You're the expert on this sort of thing. 349 00:15:52,070 --> 00:15:54,474 How should I spin it, what kind of... 350 00:15:54,475 --> 00:15:55,810 language should I use? 351 00:15:55,811 --> 00:15:57,714 Should I have an attorney present? 352 00:15:57,715 --> 00:16:01,053 Mmm, no. That will make it look worse. 353 00:16:04,595 --> 00:16:07,700 No, don't spin it at all. 354 00:16:07,701 --> 00:16:10,038 Answer his questions truthfully, 355 00:16:10,039 --> 00:16:12,543 don't put any lies on the record no matter what. 356 00:16:12,544 --> 00:16:16,016 I don't... 357 00:16:16,017 --> 00:16:19,457 I don't want you to lie for me. 358 00:16:21,896 --> 00:16:24,032 Probably gonna go down anyway. 359 00:16:24,033 --> 00:16:25,970 I don't want you going down with me. 360 00:16:25,971 --> 00:16:28,576 Kids are gonna need one parent not in custody, right? 361 00:16:39,030 --> 00:16:41,668 We should probably let her back in. 362 00:17:37,748 --> 00:17:41,220 Your relationship with your husband, 363 00:17:41,221 --> 00:17:44,059 would you say it's been healthy? 364 00:17:44,060 --> 00:17:46,163 We have our ups and downs. 365 00:17:46,164 --> 00:17:47,567 When did you stop living together? 366 00:17:47,568 --> 00:17:49,136 Is that relevant? 367 00:17:49,137 --> 00:17:51,841 Was it before or after you were given five million dollars 368 00:17:51,842 --> 00:17:53,580 by the target of his investigation? 369 00:17:55,850 --> 00:17:58,154 We separated right before that. 370 00:17:58,155 --> 00:18:01,227 I find the timing convenient. 371 00:18:02,431 --> 00:18:04,534 Are you married, Mr. Dake? 372 00:18:04,535 --> 00:18:07,238 My status is none of your concern. 373 00:18:07,239 --> 00:18:09,242 So you are. 374 00:18:09,243 --> 00:18:10,880 But it's new... two years? 375 00:18:12,116 --> 00:18:14,219 I hope you don't find this out personally, 376 00:18:14,220 --> 00:18:15,923 but separating is never convenient. 377 00:18:15,924 --> 00:18:17,827 If you are legitimately separated... 378 00:18:17,828 --> 00:18:19,497 - That's been established. - Has it? 379 00:18:19,498 --> 00:18:22,068 Or did the two of you work in a separation 380 00:18:22,069 --> 00:18:24,172 to make Axelrod's payment more palatable? 381 00:18:24,173 --> 00:18:25,744 They're not connected. 382 00:18:27,447 --> 00:18:28,949 How long after the payment 383 00:18:28,950 --> 00:18:30,853 did you end your employment at Axe Capital? 384 00:18:30,854 --> 00:18:32,490 The same day. 385 00:18:32,491 --> 00:18:34,761 What an eventful day. 386 00:18:34,762 --> 00:18:37,933 How would Axelrod characterize the payment? 387 00:18:37,934 --> 00:18:39,937 It was compensation. 388 00:18:39,938 --> 00:18:42,175 A bonus for services rendered, 389 00:18:42,176 --> 00:18:44,947 a very complex session for Axe himself. 390 00:18:44,948 --> 00:18:47,820 What did you talk about? 391 00:18:47,821 --> 00:18:50,392 I'm a medical doctor, 392 00:18:50,393 --> 00:18:52,963 and that's privileged information, as you well know. 393 00:18:52,964 --> 00:18:55,302 So if you're trying to trip me up, try harder. 394 00:18:55,303 --> 00:18:57,707 You can come back with a court order, lock me up, 395 00:18:57,708 --> 00:18:59,076 and I'd still never tell you 396 00:18:59,077 --> 00:19:00,879 a goddamn thing about my patients. 397 00:19:00,880 --> 00:19:03,518 I just wonder what could have been said in such a session 398 00:19:03,519 --> 00:19:05,121 to justify such an enormous sum. 399 00:19:05,122 --> 00:19:07,793 It was commensurate with other bonuses at Axe Capital. 400 00:19:07,794 --> 00:19:10,031 So five million dollars is not a large bonus? 401 00:19:10,032 --> 00:19:13,037 What a rarified world you live in, Ms. Rhoades. 402 00:19:13,038 --> 00:19:14,340 Did something else happen 403 00:19:14,341 --> 00:19:16,878 to increase your value to Axelrod? 404 00:19:16,879 --> 00:19:18,516 Such as? 405 00:19:20,286 --> 00:19:24,293 Did you provide him information? 406 00:19:24,294 --> 00:19:25,829 I'm not sure what you mean. 407 00:19:25,830 --> 00:19:27,867 Details about the investigation 408 00:19:27,868 --> 00:19:30,672 or its status, past, present, or future? 409 00:19:30,673 --> 00:19:32,409 No, nothing. 410 00:19:32,410 --> 00:19:34,147 I see. 411 00:19:39,658 --> 00:19:42,195 Do you think that your husband 412 00:19:42,196 --> 00:19:45,369 was really recused from the Axelrod case, 413 00:19:45,370 --> 00:19:47,339 as he claimed? 414 00:19:47,340 --> 00:19:49,844 He told me he was. I took it at face value. 415 00:19:49,845 --> 00:19:51,881 Did you ever hear him discuss the case 416 00:19:51,882 --> 00:19:54,085 with colleagues or on the phone? 417 00:19:55,423 --> 00:19:58,628 I can't say for sure that I did. 418 00:19:58,629 --> 00:20:01,234 But you can't say you didn't. 419 00:20:03,104 --> 00:20:05,376 No, I can't. 420 00:20:07,146 --> 00:20:10,251 We're going to need to talk formally again. 421 00:20:10,252 --> 00:20:12,556 Okay, I really don't have anything more to say. 422 00:20:12,557 --> 00:20:14,259 You can confirm that Chuck Rhoades 423 00:20:14,260 --> 00:20:16,798 was secretly directing the Axelrod investigation. 424 00:20:16,799 --> 00:20:19,937 He wasn't really recused, was he? 425 00:20:19,938 --> 00:20:21,774 Are we gonna do this over the phone? 426 00:20:21,775 --> 00:20:23,745 No. In your office. 427 00:20:23,746 --> 00:20:26,016 And you will give me what I need. 428 00:20:26,017 --> 00:20:28,521 Or maybe we'll have a pepperoni slice in Yonkers. 429 00:20:28,522 --> 00:20:30,459 You can invite your boss. 430 00:20:30,460 --> 00:20:34,600 I can influence the vector of your future, Mr. Connerty. 431 00:20:34,601 --> 00:20:37,773 And you'd do well not to forget that. 432 00:20:56,812 --> 00:20:58,247 I got more on Krakow. 433 00:20:58,248 --> 00:20:59,851 No. Get your better half in here. 434 00:21:03,993 --> 00:21:06,831 Anata-Tek... rising market share in wearable computers. 435 00:21:06,832 --> 00:21:08,435 I know it. 436 00:21:08,436 --> 00:21:11,106 It's a hedge fund group grope, Krakow leading the party. 437 00:21:11,107 --> 00:21:13,511 Yes. Anata-Tek's IPO two years ago was lukewarm, 438 00:21:13,512 --> 00:21:14,880 but the stock is soaring 439 00:21:14,881 --> 00:21:16,818 ahead of the release of their flagship. 440 00:21:16,819 --> 00:21:19,457 - It's called the Ring. - I know about the Ring, Mafee. 441 00:21:19,458 --> 00:21:20,792 It's a great prototype. 442 00:21:20,793 --> 00:21:22,796 But can they scale up, can they ship product? 443 00:21:22,797 --> 00:21:24,633 Not if the microchips are supplied 444 00:21:24,634 --> 00:21:26,537 by a fake Chinese factory. Booyakasha! 445 00:21:26,538 --> 00:21:29,075 Short two million. 446 00:21:29,076 --> 00:21:32,148 Wake me up when the stock's down ten percent from the current levels. 447 00:21:32,149 --> 00:21:33,985 That's where we want to cover. 448 00:21:36,325 --> 00:21:38,027 This is gonna be fun. 449 00:21:38,028 --> 00:21:39,162 Okay. 450 00:21:39,163 --> 00:21:40,832 After they've completed the order, 451 00:21:40,833 --> 00:21:42,201 send a tweet from my account. 452 00:21:42,202 --> 00:21:44,507 Say, "Who's supplying Anata-Tek? 453 00:21:44,508 --> 00:21:46,944 Next Lumber Liquidators," question mark. 454 00:21:46,945 --> 00:21:48,415 From your account? 455 00:21:48,416 --> 00:21:50,184 That may be a little... blatant. 456 00:21:50,185 --> 00:21:52,021 Good. I don't want to be subtle. 457 00:21:52,022 --> 00:21:54,427 I want him to know it's me. 458 00:21:54,428 --> 00:21:56,364 Dr. Gus is on the premises. 459 00:21:56,365 --> 00:21:59,703 Okay. Start pushing everyone through, mandatory sessions. 460 00:22:05,583 --> 00:22:08,722 Are you a hard-ass, badass, jackass, or no ass? 461 00:22:09,991 --> 00:22:11,327 Sorry? 462 00:22:11,328 --> 00:22:14,165 And that is one of the three things 463 00:22:14,166 --> 00:22:17,339 that people say in that spot. 464 00:22:17,340 --> 00:22:19,577 It's kind of like the "dick-for" thing. 465 00:22:19,578 --> 00:22:22,950 If you apologize after I've said something confusing, 466 00:22:22,951 --> 00:22:25,254 that is on you, my friend. 467 00:22:25,255 --> 00:22:27,893 If you say so. 468 00:22:27,894 --> 00:22:30,532 What I say is, 469 00:22:30,533 --> 00:22:33,371 we used to live in a world that rewarded those 470 00:22:33,372 --> 00:22:35,207 who were very good at their jobs. 471 00:22:35,208 --> 00:22:37,713 Do you know what you get now for being very good? 472 00:22:37,714 --> 00:22:39,049 You get keistered. 473 00:22:40,987 --> 00:22:43,592 Do you want to get keistered, Ben? 474 00:22:45,329 --> 00:22:47,231 No. 475 00:22:47,232 --> 00:22:48,668 I almost said "sorry" again 476 00:22:48,669 --> 00:22:50,939 because I barely understand what you're... 477 00:22:50,940 --> 00:22:53,745 And we will work on that. 478 00:22:53,746 --> 00:22:56,584 Replace "sorry" with, 479 00:22:56,585 --> 00:22:59,757 "What the fuck are you trying to say?" 480 00:22:59,758 --> 00:23:03,030 Yeah, I don't feel comfortable with that. 481 00:23:03,031 --> 00:23:05,402 I'm not interested in your comfort. 482 00:23:05,403 --> 00:23:08,708 Axe Capital is not interested in your comfort. 483 00:23:08,709 --> 00:23:10,545 I am interested in you becoming 484 00:23:10,546 --> 00:23:14,219 a goddamn giant-killer. 485 00:23:14,220 --> 00:23:17,225 Do you want to be a giant-killer, Ben? 486 00:23:17,226 --> 00:23:18,595 Sure. 487 00:23:18,596 --> 00:23:20,899 What the fuck are you trying to say?! 488 00:23:20,900 --> 00:23:22,068 Yes. 489 00:23:22,069 --> 00:23:24,239 I want to kill giants. 490 00:23:24,240 --> 00:23:27,579 There ya go! 491 00:23:27,580 --> 00:23:30,920 There you go. 492 00:23:35,195 --> 00:23:37,366 I thought we were gonna talk about the path 493 00:23:37,367 --> 00:23:39,303 from analyst to portfolio manager. 494 00:23:39,304 --> 00:23:41,106 That is all we are talking about, 495 00:23:41,107 --> 00:23:43,778 and you are a long way from making the trek up that path. 496 00:23:43,779 --> 00:23:46,851 Holy fuck, do you people need what I do. 497 00:23:46,852 --> 00:23:48,120 Go! 498 00:23:48,121 --> 00:23:49,490 Tell Gayle to make an appointment 499 00:23:49,491 --> 00:23:51,895 for you to come and see me next week. 500 00:24:09,631 --> 00:24:12,201 You are currently engaged in a legal action 501 00:24:12,202 --> 00:24:13,538 against Mr. Rhoades. 502 00:24:13,539 --> 00:24:14,973 Yes. 503 00:24:14,974 --> 00:24:17,111 Do you harbor suspicions of additional misconduct 504 00:24:17,112 --> 00:24:19,683 that you opted not to include in your public filings? 505 00:24:19,684 --> 00:24:20,885 Suspicions? 506 00:24:20,886 --> 00:24:23,056 Sure. I'm full of suspicions. 507 00:24:23,057 --> 00:24:25,662 I'm suspicious of all-you-can-eat buffets. 508 00:24:25,663 --> 00:24:28,468 Each and every 10-K I have to read. 509 00:24:28,469 --> 00:24:30,839 I'm suspicious that the folks you work for... 510 00:24:30,840 --> 00:24:33,176 the federal government... occasionally fuck up. 511 00:24:33,177 --> 00:24:36,384 Hey, you get me started, I'll admit I'm suspicious 512 00:24:36,385 --> 00:24:38,688 that not all prize fights are on the up and up, 513 00:24:38,689 --> 00:24:40,392 that Warren Buffett and Bill Gates 514 00:24:40,393 --> 00:24:43,498 may not really like each other as much as they claim. 515 00:24:43,499 --> 00:24:45,335 I'm even suspicious that maybe 516 00:24:45,336 --> 00:24:48,039 you don't really need those glasses to see. 517 00:24:48,040 --> 00:24:50,545 I do. 518 00:24:50,546 --> 00:24:53,384 I think you see pretty clearly. 519 00:24:53,385 --> 00:24:56,557 But those are all the suspicions that I'm prepared to share 520 00:24:56,558 --> 00:24:59,061 with you today in your professional capacity. 521 00:24:59,062 --> 00:25:01,199 Were you aware that the U. S. attorney 522 00:25:01,200 --> 00:25:02,869 was pursuing charges against you 523 00:25:02,870 --> 00:25:05,207 in connection with a firearms disturbance 524 00:25:05,208 --> 00:25:07,245 by one of your employees? 525 00:25:09,049 --> 00:25:10,385 Yeah. 526 00:25:10,386 --> 00:25:12,556 Mr. Axelrod finds the question irrelevant. 527 00:25:12,557 --> 00:25:14,158 Consider him aware now. 528 00:25:14,159 --> 00:25:15,929 The same day the U. S. attorney 529 00:25:15,930 --> 00:25:18,334 ended the pursuit of said charges, 530 00:25:18,335 --> 00:25:20,538 his wife received a five million dollar payment 531 00:25:20,539 --> 00:25:21,607 from this company. 532 00:25:21,608 --> 00:25:23,176 Highly irregular. 533 00:25:23,177 --> 00:25:25,381 In your world. Not in this one. 534 00:25:25,382 --> 00:25:28,554 I don't think a judge or jury is likely to discount the linkage. 535 00:25:28,555 --> 00:25:32,194 My client allowed you here as a courtesy. 536 00:25:32,195 --> 00:25:35,802 No one at Axe Capital works under a contract. 537 00:25:35,803 --> 00:25:38,574 Each are compensated at my client's sole discretion 538 00:25:38,575 --> 00:25:40,545 based on their value to the firm. 539 00:25:40,546 --> 00:25:43,885 I think you misunderstand my intentions, Mr. Bach. 540 00:25:43,886 --> 00:25:48,461 The DoJ has authorized me to offer the whole menu. 541 00:25:48,462 --> 00:25:51,433 We would be willing to give Mr. Axelrod 542 00:25:51,434 --> 00:25:53,905 immunity from prosecution... 543 00:25:53,906 --> 00:25:56,744 if he were to testify that the five million dollars 544 00:25:56,745 --> 00:26:00,852 was, in fact, a bribe of the U. S. attorney. 545 00:26:00,853 --> 00:26:04,860 After all, uh, hedge funds will do what they do, 546 00:26:04,861 --> 00:26:07,933 but Mr. Rhoades answers to a higher authority... 547 00:26:07,934 --> 00:26:09,068 justice. 548 00:26:09,069 --> 00:26:12,041 Cue the orchestra. 549 00:26:12,042 --> 00:26:15,047 You'll hear from us. 550 00:26:25,669 --> 00:26:28,073 Lay it out. 551 00:26:28,074 --> 00:26:31,614 If you take the deal, claim it was a bribe, 552 00:26:31,615 --> 00:26:33,985 your reputation may take a hit, but... 553 00:26:33,986 --> 00:26:37,459 it would be the end of Chuck Rhoades. 554 00:26:37,460 --> 00:26:40,498 Because although I know it wasn't a bribe, 555 00:26:40,499 --> 00:26:43,437 the facts line up. 556 00:26:43,438 --> 00:26:44,840 He would be disgraced. 557 00:26:44,841 --> 00:26:48,614 Removed from office, indicted. 558 00:26:48,615 --> 00:26:50,819 But Wendy Rhoades would be indicted, too. 559 00:27:00,038 --> 00:27:01,373 Indonesian? 560 00:27:01,374 --> 00:27:02,742 Oh. 561 00:27:02,743 --> 00:27:04,145 Oh, God, yeah. 562 00:27:04,146 --> 00:27:06,517 You obviously heard my stomach's cries for help. 563 00:27:06,518 --> 00:27:07,919 - Thank you. - Mmm. 564 00:27:07,920 --> 00:27:09,456 So how's it going? 565 00:27:09,457 --> 00:27:11,460 You coming up with anything for the big case? 566 00:27:11,461 --> 00:27:14,433 Nah, not yet. 567 00:27:14,434 --> 00:27:17,204 Maybe we should pool our resources. 568 00:27:17,205 --> 00:27:18,874 I have a few things. 569 00:27:18,875 --> 00:27:21,280 They might sound better coming from you. 570 00:27:21,281 --> 00:27:25,988 No, I... I think they'll sound great coming from you. 571 00:27:28,328 --> 00:27:29,996 Look, I know what you're thinking. 572 00:27:29,997 --> 00:27:31,366 We're all thinking it. 573 00:27:31,367 --> 00:27:32,969 There's obviously more going on here, 574 00:27:32,970 --> 00:27:34,573 and none of us want to get caught 575 00:27:34,574 --> 00:27:36,008 in another Chuck Rhoades web. 576 00:27:36,009 --> 00:27:37,679 No idea what you're talking about. 577 00:27:37,680 --> 00:27:39,148 Here's how I see it, though. 578 00:27:39,149 --> 00:27:41,152 Whoever comes up with this impossible case 579 00:27:41,153 --> 00:27:42,756 is in the lead for Head of Crim. 580 00:27:42,757 --> 00:27:45,561 Counterpoint... whoever comes up with this impossible case 581 00:27:45,562 --> 00:27:48,032 is then going to have to win said impossible case. 582 00:27:48,033 --> 00:27:50,270 And then if they don't, they're fucked. 583 00:27:50,271 --> 00:27:52,709 That's what Connerty thinks. 584 00:27:52,710 --> 00:27:54,846 And that's why I'm not in his office. 585 00:27:54,847 --> 00:27:56,283 Is that what Connerty thinks, 586 00:27:56,284 --> 00:27:59,689 or is that what he wants you to think? 587 00:27:59,690 --> 00:28:02,027 I'm hearing that multiple former AUSAs 588 00:28:02,028 --> 00:28:04,165 are gonna come forward against you. 589 00:28:04,166 --> 00:28:05,835 Fuck. Who? 590 00:28:05,836 --> 00:28:07,037 No names yet. 591 00:28:07,038 --> 00:28:09,141 The claim is that you were capricious, 592 00:28:09,142 --> 00:28:11,680 that, uh, you expected them to use intimidation 593 00:28:11,681 --> 00:28:12,816 to get settlements. 594 00:28:12,817 --> 00:28:14,218 Oh, bullshit. 595 00:28:14,219 --> 00:28:15,988 Well, this gives the case teeth. 596 00:28:15,989 --> 00:28:18,527 There's no way a judge is gonna throw it out now. 597 00:28:18,528 --> 00:28:20,398 As your lawyer, I gotta advise you 598 00:28:20,399 --> 00:28:22,335 to consider the idea of a settlement. 599 00:28:22,336 --> 00:28:24,673 No. I won't settle. 600 00:28:24,674 --> 00:28:26,343 Can't. 601 00:28:26,344 --> 00:28:28,681 No, any appearance of guilt puts everything at risk. 602 00:28:28,682 --> 00:28:30,885 Every conviction my office has ever made 603 00:28:30,886 --> 00:28:32,355 would be in question. No. 604 00:28:32,356 --> 00:28:34,559 Well, you can't afford to think in absolutes. 605 00:28:34,560 --> 00:28:36,697 I'm gonna fight this all the way to a trial 606 00:28:36,698 --> 00:28:37,699 if it comes to it. 607 00:28:37,700 --> 00:28:39,302 Buddy, you gotta understand. 608 00:28:39,303 --> 00:28:42,274 One hundred and twenty seven cases, if you're found liable 609 00:28:42,275 --> 00:28:44,746 even for a portion of them, it could bankrupt you. 610 00:28:44,747 --> 00:28:46,082 So if this gets sticky, 611 00:28:46,083 --> 00:28:49,255 how big is your trust, how bulletproof is it? 612 00:28:49,256 --> 00:28:51,058 You might... You might want to think 613 00:28:51,059 --> 00:28:52,662 - about going offshore with it. - No. 614 00:28:52,663 --> 00:28:54,833 It's a blind trust, and I made a public vow. 615 00:28:54,834 --> 00:28:56,837 I can't touch the money or direct it 616 00:28:56,838 --> 00:28:58,273 as long as I'm in office. 617 00:28:58,274 --> 00:29:00,611 Well, there's one good thing about getting fired. 618 00:29:03,017 --> 00:29:05,922 Boy, it's much better to be the lawyer... 619 00:29:05,923 --> 00:29:08,694 and go home when the hour's up, get some sleep. 620 00:29:08,695 --> 00:29:10,732 If you're the client, you're up all night. 621 00:29:14,039 --> 00:29:15,875 Aha, ah. 622 00:29:15,876 --> 00:29:18,046 I was wondering why we were at a four-top. 623 00:29:18,047 --> 00:29:19,549 Taiga. I met her at SoulCycle. 624 00:29:19,550 --> 00:29:21,218 She brought a friend for you, too. 625 00:29:21,219 --> 00:29:23,290 - No, no, I told you. - Just give it a chance. 626 00:29:23,291 --> 00:29:24,726 She's great. She's an artist. 627 00:29:24,727 --> 00:29:27,230 She's got a new show in Soho, in Queens. 628 00:29:27,231 --> 00:29:29,134 Actually Hoboken. Whatever. She's cool. 629 00:29:29,135 --> 00:29:32,408 - Hey, babe. - Hi. 630 00:29:32,409 --> 00:29:34,412 Hi. Nice to meet you. 631 00:29:34,413 --> 00:29:35,648 - Hi. Ira. - Nicole. 632 00:29:35,649 --> 00:29:36,650 - Charmed. - Taiga. 633 00:29:36,651 --> 00:29:38,320 Nice to meet you. 634 00:29:38,321 --> 00:29:40,624 So you have to try the Green Dream. 635 00:29:40,625 --> 00:29:43,330 The mixologist here makes them with Ice Juice. 636 00:29:43,331 --> 00:29:45,935 It's this new cold-pressed raw juice bar. 637 00:29:45,936 --> 00:29:48,607 It's literally the best thing in the world. 638 00:29:48,608 --> 00:29:51,178 The guy who owns that company is a client of mine. 639 00:29:51,179 --> 00:29:53,183 I'll slide you guys some gift cards. 640 00:29:55,789 --> 00:29:58,126 Anata-Tek had a brutal sell-off after hours. 641 00:29:58,127 --> 00:29:59,796 - We covered. - Short it again. 642 00:29:59,797 --> 00:30:02,869 If it cracked this much from just a tweet, they're terrified. 643 00:30:02,870 --> 00:30:05,307 We can break the rest of it if we throw a rock. 644 00:30:05,308 --> 00:30:06,309 Okay. 645 00:30:06,310 --> 00:30:07,578 And wait for the dead-cat bounce. 646 00:30:07,579 --> 00:30:09,616 As soon as the stock's up one percent, 647 00:30:09,617 --> 00:30:10,985 start whacking bids again. 648 00:30:10,986 --> 00:30:13,189 It'll dump, maybe by half. 649 00:30:13,190 --> 00:30:14,726 All right. 650 00:30:16,597 --> 00:30:19,002 Where's Wags? 651 00:30:24,212 --> 00:30:25,214 He's here. 652 00:30:34,467 --> 00:30:37,204 Continue. I want Wags to hear this. 653 00:30:37,205 --> 00:30:40,243 The Krakow play, your hostility toward him, 654 00:30:40,244 --> 00:30:41,813 what's really animating it? 655 00:30:41,814 --> 00:30:43,450 Is it coloring your strategy? 656 00:30:43,451 --> 00:30:45,220 Perhaps if you show restraint... 657 00:30:45,221 --> 00:30:47,224 Restraint? Take a good look at the floor, 658 00:30:47,225 --> 00:30:50,397 because you don't know where the fuck you're standing right now. 659 00:30:50,398 --> 00:30:52,502 - It's in my purview... - You are here 660 00:30:52,503 --> 00:30:55,173 to keep the Visigoths outside of the city walls, 661 00:30:55,174 --> 00:30:57,177 not to impugn judgment of the Caesar. 662 00:30:57,178 --> 00:31:00,417 No, it's a smart question. 663 00:31:00,418 --> 00:31:02,655 Krakow knows your personal animus. 664 00:31:02,656 --> 00:31:05,728 He could be counting on a certain hasty economic response. 665 00:31:05,729 --> 00:31:06,864 It could be a trap. 666 00:31:11,641 --> 00:31:13,377 Inform Mafee. 667 00:31:13,378 --> 00:31:15,916 Hold on Anata-Tek until we've heard from Dollar Bill. 668 00:31:25,468 --> 00:31:26,903 I usually depend on you 669 00:31:26,904 --> 00:31:29,174 to know what's in my heart, Wags. 670 00:31:29,175 --> 00:31:30,076 You okay? 671 00:31:30,077 --> 00:31:31,980 Never better. 672 00:31:31,981 --> 00:31:34,519 Good, 'cause there's something I need you on. 673 00:31:34,520 --> 00:31:36,289 I need to diversify. 674 00:31:36,290 --> 00:31:39,295 I'm not talking about portfolios. 675 00:31:39,296 --> 00:31:42,267 I want to make a fundamental change in our standing. 676 00:31:42,268 --> 00:31:45,106 We can't live inside those city walls forever. 677 00:31:45,107 --> 00:31:47,778 Change is coming. 678 00:31:47,779 --> 00:31:49,649 Stay ahead of it. 679 00:31:49,650 --> 00:31:52,622 Start looking. 680 00:31:54,560 --> 00:31:59,134 I can't help feeling these ideas are uninspired. 681 00:31:59,135 --> 00:32:01,807 What else do you have? 682 00:32:04,580 --> 00:32:07,250 We go after tech companies, the media darlings, 683 00:32:07,251 --> 00:32:08,787 the "don't be evil" crowd. 684 00:32:08,788 --> 00:32:11,025 They're hypocrites, dodging billions in taxes. 685 00:32:11,026 --> 00:32:14,097 No. Think smarter, bigger. 686 00:32:14,098 --> 00:32:16,603 I need a narrative, victims and villains. 687 00:32:16,604 --> 00:32:18,840 What if we went after Spartan-Ives? 688 00:32:18,841 --> 00:32:20,611 That's as big as it gets. 689 00:32:20,612 --> 00:32:22,315 No, thank you. 690 00:32:22,316 --> 00:32:25,321 That place is a finishing school for treasury secretaries. 691 00:32:25,322 --> 00:32:27,658 And we muck in there and step wrong, 692 00:32:27,659 --> 00:32:31,466 we'll all be shaking cups outside of the Bar Association. 693 00:32:31,467 --> 00:32:35,507 He's right. That's exactly the opposite of what we need. 694 00:32:39,048 --> 00:32:42,655 Look, I get it. I get it. 695 00:32:42,656 --> 00:32:46,763 We've all been bred in a culture of perfection. 696 00:32:46,764 --> 00:32:48,900 Valedictorian, Phi Beta Kappa, 697 00:32:48,901 --> 00:32:52,875 Head of Crim. 698 00:32:52,876 --> 00:32:55,046 You ever get a "B," Kate? 699 00:32:55,047 --> 00:32:58,387 Third grade, in Art. 700 00:32:58,388 --> 00:33:00,858 - I did extra credit, got it up. - Yeah. 701 00:33:00,859 --> 00:33:05,032 Nobody wants to gamble on this, get yoked to a loser. 702 00:33:05,033 --> 00:33:07,505 But you need to understand it is not a gamble, 703 00:33:07,506 --> 00:33:10,076 it is a calculated risk. 704 00:33:10,077 --> 00:33:14,652 So go naked into the street 705 00:33:14,653 --> 00:33:19,028 and snare me a thundering, monumental fucking case... 706 00:33:20,698 --> 00:33:23,202 ...because none of you are gonna get what you want 707 00:33:23,203 --> 00:33:25,909 until you cut yourselves open. 708 00:33:44,212 --> 00:33:47,284 What's going on, Bryan? 709 00:33:47,285 --> 00:33:50,122 I think we're doing our best with what we've been given. 710 00:33:50,123 --> 00:33:53,162 Well, seems to me you're a step slow. 711 00:33:53,163 --> 00:33:55,300 It's a big challenge, 712 00:33:55,301 --> 00:33:57,103 an expansion of our moral mission. 713 00:33:57,104 --> 00:33:58,740 Normally, I'd expect you'd tear 714 00:33:58,741 --> 00:34:00,477 into a piece of red meat like that. 715 00:34:00,478 --> 00:34:01,746 It just takes time. 716 00:34:01,747 --> 00:34:03,750 I'll have something by tomorrow. 717 00:34:03,751 --> 00:34:05,955 By end of day today. 718 00:34:11,199 --> 00:34:14,539 Right. You're in D. C. tomorrow. 719 00:34:21,620 --> 00:34:23,222 Hey. 720 00:34:23,223 --> 00:34:25,761 If you don't want to work together on this thing, great. 721 00:34:25,762 --> 00:34:28,065 Do not steamroll my idea before I... 722 00:34:28,066 --> 00:34:30,170 That was me doing you a favor. 723 00:34:36,784 --> 00:34:38,286 The Spartan idea was a loser 724 00:34:38,287 --> 00:34:40,089 because of what Chuck's not saying. 725 00:34:40,090 --> 00:34:41,693 I'm listening. 726 00:34:41,694 --> 00:34:45,300 Spartan-Ives is a friend to the administration. 727 00:34:45,301 --> 00:34:49,174 Lawrence Boyd and the A. G. went to fucking Horace Mann together. 728 00:34:49,175 --> 00:34:51,813 - So what Chuck's looking for... - Is an enemy. 729 00:34:51,814 --> 00:34:53,316 He wants to bring him a trophy. 730 00:34:53,317 --> 00:34:56,656 I've got one. 731 00:34:56,657 --> 00:34:59,729 Executive e-mails leaked by a whistle-blower. 732 00:34:59,730 --> 00:35:02,435 This is the case that he's looking for. 733 00:35:08,246 --> 00:35:10,618 Well, why don't you give it to Chuck yourself? 734 00:35:12,087 --> 00:35:14,090 Might sound better coming from you. 735 00:35:14,091 --> 00:35:16,429 Hmm. Well, you really do think 736 00:35:16,430 --> 00:35:19,267 that finding the best case would be a trap. 737 00:35:19,268 --> 00:35:21,606 But if you're wrong, you don't want to risk 738 00:35:21,607 --> 00:35:23,977 Connerty bringing it in and getting the credit. 739 00:35:23,978 --> 00:35:27,451 Maybe. 740 00:35:27,452 --> 00:35:31,191 But this could be very good... for you. 741 00:35:31,192 --> 00:35:35,901 Or very bad. 742 00:35:35,902 --> 00:35:37,905 I don't care. 743 00:35:37,906 --> 00:35:39,308 I'll give it to Chuck anyway 744 00:35:39,309 --> 00:35:41,144 because it's the right thing to do. 745 00:35:41,145 --> 00:35:43,850 It's what Chuck wants. 746 00:35:43,851 --> 00:35:45,488 It doesn't make it right. 747 00:35:54,339 --> 00:35:56,342 All right, let's take a break. 748 00:35:58,046 --> 00:36:00,617 You know, I've been thinking about what you said. 749 00:36:00,618 --> 00:36:03,122 About your next chapter. 750 00:36:03,123 --> 00:36:05,961 I think we should start something... a business. 751 00:36:05,962 --> 00:36:08,500 Interesting. 752 00:36:08,501 --> 00:36:09,869 What did you have in mind? 753 00:36:09,870 --> 00:36:11,572 I don't know. 754 00:36:11,573 --> 00:36:14,312 It should be unique, you know, something that fits us. 755 00:36:17,719 --> 00:36:20,891 Nothing in the warehouse, nothing in the truck. 756 00:36:20,892 --> 00:36:22,327 It's a quiet racket. 757 00:36:22,328 --> 00:36:24,398 I can get you more dirt if you need it. 758 00:36:24,399 --> 00:36:26,836 Whole Chinese economy works like this. 759 00:36:26,837 --> 00:36:28,773 So my guy likes to get his beak wet... 760 00:36:28,774 --> 00:36:30,844 Let's stay on point. 761 00:36:30,845 --> 00:36:33,783 Anata-Tek is a company with no tech. 762 00:36:33,784 --> 00:36:36,021 Just as Taylor anticipated. 763 00:36:36,022 --> 00:36:38,526 She spotted that from outer space? 764 00:36:38,527 --> 00:36:41,599 Not she. They. 765 00:36:47,645 --> 00:36:51,887 Get it hard, keep it hard, use it! 766 00:36:54,426 --> 00:36:57,163 He hasn't fucked his woman in six months. 767 00:36:57,164 --> 00:36:59,835 Should you... be sharing that? 768 00:36:59,836 --> 00:37:01,505 Not in the "should" game. 769 00:37:01,506 --> 00:37:03,943 - Welcome aboard, Gus. - Thanks. 770 00:37:03,944 --> 00:37:06,449 I know it was your plug that got this done for me, 771 00:37:06,450 --> 00:37:08,620 and I have an elephant dick of a memory. 772 00:37:08,621 --> 00:37:10,523 So when are you coming in for a session? 773 00:37:10,524 --> 00:37:12,126 You want to go now? 774 00:37:12,127 --> 00:37:14,632 I'm not under the same mandate as the other staff. 775 00:37:14,633 --> 00:37:17,069 You sure? 776 00:37:17,070 --> 00:37:19,040 Lot of changes around here. 777 00:37:19,041 --> 00:37:20,242 More out there. 778 00:37:20,243 --> 00:37:21,545 It'll hit ya. 779 00:37:21,546 --> 00:37:23,549 Guys like you and me, we're getting older. 780 00:37:23,550 --> 00:37:25,052 We got to fight for every scrap 781 00:37:25,053 --> 00:37:26,622 of what used to be ours by right. 782 00:37:26,623 --> 00:37:29,795 No. 783 00:37:29,796 --> 00:37:31,299 Then let me buy you a steak. 784 00:37:31,300 --> 00:37:33,069 Not necessary. 785 00:37:36,810 --> 00:37:39,916 Omakase menu at Nakazowa. 786 00:37:42,422 --> 00:37:43,823 You are good. 787 00:37:43,824 --> 00:37:46,194 Have you talked to the source of the e-mails? 788 00:37:46,195 --> 00:37:47,431 An hour ago. 789 00:37:47,432 --> 00:37:49,133 Said it's even worse than what's there. 790 00:37:49,134 --> 00:37:51,137 CEO Kurt Williams knew about it, 791 00:37:51,138 --> 00:37:53,776 could have stopped it, directed it to continue. 792 00:37:53,777 --> 00:37:56,782 Well, that'll be he said, she said. 793 00:37:56,783 --> 00:37:59,788 Now, this case is far from showroom ready, 794 00:37:59,789 --> 00:38:01,124 but it's a real start. 795 00:38:01,125 --> 00:38:03,061 - Subpoena the company documents. - Right away. 796 00:38:03,062 --> 00:38:05,935 Ace work. 797 00:38:07,739 --> 00:38:10,310 Mr. Rhoades, if you're looking for a good whiskey bar 798 00:38:10,311 --> 00:38:12,113 near the A. G.'s office, I got one. 799 00:38:12,114 --> 00:38:14,250 - Opens early. - Not necessary. 800 00:38:14,251 --> 00:38:16,756 I just need you to loop me in with the new deputy. 801 00:38:16,757 --> 00:38:18,793 I will happily connect you to Fred Reyes. 802 00:38:18,794 --> 00:38:19,795 That would mean... 803 00:38:19,796 --> 00:38:21,131 That I have something 804 00:38:21,132 --> 00:38:22,667 the General would want to hear about. 805 00:38:22,668 --> 00:38:24,338 ...that my part in this is done. 806 00:38:24,339 --> 00:38:27,844 Don't worry. Reyes knows who juiced him in. 807 00:38:27,845 --> 00:38:29,481 Adam. 808 00:38:29,482 --> 00:38:31,385 Fred, I got Chuck Rhoades on the line. 809 00:38:31,386 --> 00:38:33,489 Chuck. 810 00:38:33,490 --> 00:38:36,295 Thanks for the good word. I appreciate you putting me up. 811 00:38:36,296 --> 00:38:37,731 Well, I'm looking forward 812 00:38:37,732 --> 00:38:39,701 to a harmonious relationship going forward. 813 00:38:39,702 --> 00:38:41,806 - Chuck, about tomorrow, it... - No worries. 814 00:38:41,807 --> 00:38:44,311 I just want to make sure that the A. G. knows 815 00:38:44,312 --> 00:38:48,319 that I'm preparing an action against retail giant GoodStop. 816 00:38:48,320 --> 00:38:49,588 They've bilked employees 817 00:38:49,589 --> 00:38:51,191 out of millions in unpaid overtime 818 00:38:51,192 --> 00:38:53,563 and engaged in a cover-up at the highest level. 819 00:38:53,564 --> 00:38:55,834 - And you can prove that? - Evidence in hand. 820 00:38:55,835 --> 00:38:57,269 It's early stages, 821 00:38:57,270 --> 00:39:00,109 but, uh, Kurt Williams is swimming in a dirty pool. 822 00:39:00,110 --> 00:39:02,747 The same Kurt Williams anonymously funding 823 00:39:02,748 --> 00:39:05,119 a super PAC ripping her a new asshole? 824 00:39:05,120 --> 00:39:07,724 Well, that's an incredible coincidence, Chuck. 825 00:39:07,725 --> 00:39:10,229 The A. G.'s wanted to take them down for years. 826 00:39:10,230 --> 00:39:11,699 Let me sell her on it. 827 00:39:11,700 --> 00:39:14,170 I think she's gonna let you bring it home. 828 00:39:14,171 --> 00:39:16,743 Much appreciated. 829 00:39:18,514 --> 00:39:20,416 Anata-Tek is bleeding out. 830 00:39:20,417 --> 00:39:23,656 Lost half its value. Krakow fired the CEO. 831 00:39:23,657 --> 00:39:25,225 Do you want to make a statement? 832 00:39:25,226 --> 00:39:27,664 No. I've said enough. 833 00:39:27,665 --> 00:39:30,202 Congratulations on rooting this out. 834 00:39:30,203 --> 00:39:32,507 A very good day for us. 835 00:39:32,508 --> 00:39:34,210 Thank you for backing the idea. 836 00:39:34,211 --> 00:39:37,951 - It really means a lot. - What do you care? 837 00:39:37,952 --> 00:39:40,022 I know you already turned down a job here. 838 00:39:40,023 --> 00:39:41,792 There's nothing on the line for you, 839 00:39:41,793 --> 00:39:43,128 so what do you care? 840 00:39:43,129 --> 00:39:45,567 I just like being right. 841 00:39:45,568 --> 00:39:47,304 No. 842 00:39:47,305 --> 00:39:49,073 There's something else. 843 00:39:51,913 --> 00:39:55,421 You were testing me, and you still are. 844 00:40:00,598 --> 00:40:02,734 You wanted to know if I could see you, 845 00:40:02,735 --> 00:40:04,270 behind Mafee, see what you saw. 846 00:40:04,271 --> 00:40:06,575 I wanted to know if you're as good as they say. 847 00:40:06,576 --> 00:40:08,913 I am. So why are you leaving? 848 00:40:08,914 --> 00:40:11,184 I just wanted a moment with you. 849 00:40:11,185 --> 00:40:14,859 Best advice you'll get. Don't settle for just one. 850 00:40:16,262 --> 00:40:17,764 Seven fifty a year. 851 00:40:17,765 --> 00:40:19,835 That's double entry level for an analyst. 852 00:40:19,836 --> 00:40:21,505 I'm getting my MBA in Chicago 853 00:40:21,506 --> 00:40:23,442 under Eugene Fama, the Nobel Laureate. 854 00:40:23,443 --> 00:40:25,813 Come on. Fama's an egghead. 855 00:40:25,814 --> 00:40:29,153 Get an education right here. Make it a million a year. 856 00:40:29,154 --> 00:40:30,990 What? 857 00:40:30,991 --> 00:40:34,631 Three seventy-five or 750 or a million, it's all the same to you? 858 00:40:34,632 --> 00:40:36,369 It's an abstraction? 859 00:40:38,205 --> 00:40:41,645 I don't know if you can understand... 860 00:40:41,646 --> 00:40:43,349 maybe me being the way I am, 861 00:40:43,350 --> 00:40:47,924 but just breathing the air here can be discomforting. 862 00:40:47,925 --> 00:40:51,165 The air is thinner. 863 00:40:55,039 --> 00:40:56,675 Nah. 864 00:40:56,676 --> 00:40:58,346 You don't belong here. 865 00:40:58,347 --> 00:41:00,883 You're outside it all. 866 00:41:00,884 --> 00:41:04,658 Sometimes you catch yourself watching all the people 867 00:41:04,659 --> 00:41:06,495 like they're another species. 868 00:41:06,496 --> 00:41:08,666 So you retreat... 869 00:41:08,667 --> 00:41:13,208 behind your aquarium walls, watching. 870 00:41:13,209 --> 00:41:15,045 But you don't realize, Taylor, 871 00:41:15,046 --> 00:41:19,821 that glass, it's not a barrier, it's a lens. 872 00:41:19,822 --> 00:41:23,562 It's an asset. It's what makes you good. 873 00:41:23,563 --> 00:41:26,535 You see things differently. 874 00:41:26,536 --> 00:41:27,571 That's an edge. 875 00:41:29,442 --> 00:41:31,010 What about a week-to-week deal? 876 00:41:31,011 --> 00:41:32,547 Done. We'll prorate the million. 877 00:41:32,548 --> 00:41:34,684 Nineteen thousand... 878 00:41:34,685 --> 00:41:36,522 Nineteen thousand, two hundred and thirty and seventy-seven cents.. 879 00:41:36,523 --> 00:41:37,891 Hourly, $240.38. 880 00:41:37,892 --> 00:41:39,428 One hundred and fourteen and forty-seven cents. 881 00:41:39,429 --> 00:41:40,596 Eighty hours a week? 882 00:41:40,597 --> 00:41:42,434 There's 168 hours in a week. 883 00:41:42,435 --> 00:41:45,038 That's what you're paying for... everything. 884 00:41:45,039 --> 00:41:46,708 Twenty-four seven. 885 00:41:49,214 --> 00:41:51,217 All right, Wags, call me tomorrow, 886 00:41:51,218 --> 00:41:53,055 and I'll give you the rest. 887 00:41:54,559 --> 00:41:56,127 I think I just found the thing. 888 00:41:56,128 --> 00:41:58,332 - How do you feel about football? - Which team? 889 00:41:58,333 --> 00:42:00,837 Not sure yet, but a franchise is talking to bankers 890 00:42:00,838 --> 00:42:02,507 about putting itself on the block. 891 00:42:02,508 --> 00:42:04,344 Good. Go further. 892 00:42:04,345 --> 00:42:06,215 Nice. 893 00:42:09,689 --> 00:42:12,894 Axe? 894 00:42:12,895 --> 00:42:15,265 Can I help you, Todd? 895 00:42:15,266 --> 00:42:18,271 How many hours did you spend obsessing over my positions? 896 00:42:18,272 --> 00:42:19,941 Ah, it paid for itself. 897 00:42:19,942 --> 00:42:21,778 Or, rather, you paid for it. 898 00:42:21,779 --> 00:42:25,453 You got me, Axe. You did. 899 00:42:25,454 --> 00:42:28,726 But don't worry. I'll get you back. 900 00:42:31,098 --> 00:42:33,469 I'm not here for another recruiting pitch. 901 00:42:33,470 --> 00:42:35,940 From the look in your eyes, I'd say you have 902 00:42:35,941 --> 00:42:37,810 no real idea why you're here. 903 00:42:37,811 --> 00:42:40,918 I just had to get out of that office. 904 00:42:43,255 --> 00:42:47,764 Now it's come to this, the one person I can turn to... you. 905 00:42:47,765 --> 00:42:49,969 That's what the game does to you. 906 00:42:52,608 --> 00:42:54,277 I'm glad you called. 907 00:43:03,830 --> 00:43:06,233 Nothing's straightforward anymore. 908 00:43:06,234 --> 00:43:10,309 It's barely recognizable. 909 00:43:10,310 --> 00:43:12,680 When I was in your class in law school, 910 00:43:12,681 --> 00:43:14,584 we didn't exactly cover... 911 00:43:14,585 --> 00:43:16,688 - The vagaries? - Right. 912 00:43:16,689 --> 00:43:19,427 What was I going to say, "When you leave these walls, 913 00:43:19,428 --> 00:43:21,465 none of what you do will even resemble 914 00:43:21,466 --> 00:43:23,335 the ideals discussed in this building, 915 00:43:23,336 --> 00:43:25,474 what is so cleanly laid out in the books"? 916 00:43:28,279 --> 00:43:32,454 When I look around the office, I do not see friends. 917 00:43:34,124 --> 00:43:37,296 There was a-a woman... 918 00:43:37,297 --> 00:43:39,334 a colleague. 919 00:43:39,335 --> 00:43:41,405 Something good was starting. 920 00:43:41,406 --> 00:43:45,312 But, uh, she saw me for what I was, 921 00:43:45,313 --> 00:43:47,417 what I was becoming, and then it was over. 922 00:43:47,418 --> 00:43:50,756 To think that real relationships are possible 923 00:43:50,757 --> 00:43:51,925 in such a cauldron. 924 00:43:51,926 --> 00:43:53,996 I didn't count on that. 925 00:43:53,997 --> 00:43:55,933 But I guess 926 00:43:55,934 --> 00:43:59,607 I did count on a shared mission. 927 00:43:59,608 --> 00:44:03,181 Yet you stay. Yet you're loyal to Rhoades. 928 00:44:03,182 --> 00:44:05,386 I can't claim the moral high ground anymore. 929 00:44:05,387 --> 00:44:07,189 The Crim job. 930 00:44:07,190 --> 00:44:09,294 If I'm this conflicted now... 931 00:44:09,295 --> 00:44:11,364 There's never been a leader of any merit 932 00:44:11,365 --> 00:44:13,569 who was free of those doubts. 933 00:44:13,570 --> 00:44:16,708 But you can't stop now. 934 00:44:16,709 --> 00:44:19,814 You need to feel what it will be like to sit in that office, 935 00:44:19,815 --> 00:44:22,820 to be the one making the decision. 936 00:44:22,821 --> 00:44:24,991 And to resolve those conflicts... 937 00:44:24,992 --> 00:44:27,831 both the ones in the office and inside yourself. 938 00:44:30,437 --> 00:44:33,843 Yeah, maybe I'll ride it out long enough to see. 939 00:44:41,191 --> 00:44:42,894 Mmm. 940 00:44:48,373 --> 00:44:51,243 No fucking way he gets that job. 941 00:44:51,244 --> 00:44:53,282 'Cause he can't do that job! 942 00:44:53,283 --> 00:44:55,118 - He's a piker... - Fucking cellphones. 943 00:44:55,119 --> 00:44:56,253 ...trying to swim laps... 944 00:44:56,254 --> 00:44:58,625 In this temple. 945 00:45:10,216 --> 00:45:12,420 You don't put ginger on the fish. 946 00:45:12,421 --> 00:45:16,126 It's to clear the palate between pieces, not drown it out. 947 00:45:16,127 --> 00:45:19,534 And it is already precisely sauced. 948 00:45:19,535 --> 00:45:21,237 Doesn't need a soy bath. 949 00:45:21,238 --> 00:45:23,074 Chill out, Mr. Miyagi. 950 00:45:27,885 --> 00:45:29,320 No. 951 00:45:29,321 --> 00:45:31,558 I won't, you fucking heathens. 952 00:45:31,559 --> 00:45:34,096 This man is an artist. 953 00:45:34,097 --> 00:45:37,436 He had to spend ten years learning how to make the tamago. 954 00:45:37,437 --> 00:45:40,309 The egg. The egg! 955 00:45:40,310 --> 00:45:42,847 Your expense accounts don't entitle you 956 00:45:42,848 --> 00:45:45,018 to fuck his art up the ass! 957 00:45:45,019 --> 00:45:46,421 Dude, that's it. 958 00:45:46,422 --> 00:45:48,190 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa, settle. 959 00:45:48,191 --> 00:45:50,362 - Settle, Wags. - Fuck, hold up. 960 00:45:50,363 --> 00:45:52,767 It's Mike Wagner. 961 00:45:52,768 --> 00:45:54,538 Axe Capital. 962 00:45:56,642 --> 00:45:59,213 Apologies for the disrespect. 963 00:46:06,295 --> 00:46:09,435 Hai. 964 00:46:11,505 --> 00:46:13,775 Sorry you saw that. 965 00:46:13,776 --> 00:46:16,581 It was a bit too revealing. 966 00:46:16,582 --> 00:46:19,252 Yeah, it was. 967 00:46:19,253 --> 00:46:21,291 I loved it. 968 00:46:21,292 --> 00:46:23,495 That is passion, man. 969 00:46:23,496 --> 00:46:26,835 When are you and I gonna go a few rounds, huh? 970 00:46:26,836 --> 00:46:29,874 Let me tell you an open secret. 971 00:46:29,875 --> 00:46:31,511 These traders I jack up all day, 972 00:46:31,512 --> 00:46:34,317 they are middle-school children. 973 00:46:34,318 --> 00:46:38,492 You, you are Mike Wagner. 974 00:46:38,493 --> 00:46:43,067 But you need to ask yourself where are you at right now? 975 00:46:43,068 --> 00:46:45,372 What's churning those waters up so much 976 00:46:45,373 --> 00:46:47,811 that a little cub like that can break the levee? 977 00:46:59,067 --> 00:47:01,905 Things can't be that bad for you here 978 00:47:01,906 --> 00:47:05,178 if you still have the A. G.'s picture on your wall. 979 00:47:05,179 --> 00:47:09,353 Dad, uh... 980 00:47:09,354 --> 00:47:10,856 about Wendy and me. 981 00:47:10,857 --> 00:47:12,359 You thought you could keep it from me. 982 00:47:13,362 --> 00:47:14,630 Nah. 983 00:47:14,631 --> 00:47:18,003 These things have a way of floating up out of the murk. 984 00:47:21,144 --> 00:47:24,216 Our separation is about needing space. 985 00:47:24,217 --> 00:47:27,490 And I think that extends to you. 986 00:47:27,491 --> 00:47:28,892 So I have to ask you... 987 00:47:28,893 --> 00:47:32,198 I have something for you. 988 00:47:32,199 --> 00:47:34,504 It occurred to me that your problem is money. 989 00:47:34,505 --> 00:47:36,006 - Always has been. - I disagree. 990 00:47:36,007 --> 00:47:37,376 She has more money than you, 991 00:47:37,377 --> 00:47:39,680 and that's outside the natural order of things. 992 00:47:39,681 --> 00:47:41,751 But it's only because everything you have 993 00:47:41,752 --> 00:47:44,423 is bound up in this silly trust, and you can't use it. 994 00:47:44,424 --> 00:47:46,694 You're effectively a cripple. 995 00:47:46,695 --> 00:47:48,532 I'm rewarded by a different metric. 996 00:47:48,533 --> 00:47:50,101 But I have a solution. 997 00:47:50,102 --> 00:47:53,642 A signature from me as your trustee, 998 00:47:53,643 --> 00:47:56,246 and it goes where we need. 999 00:47:56,247 --> 00:47:58,218 You didn't. 1000 00:48:00,924 --> 00:48:03,528 I bought a ring. 1001 00:48:03,529 --> 00:48:05,097 We're in my office. 1002 00:48:05,098 --> 00:48:07,670 It's not a gift from me. 1003 00:48:07,671 --> 00:48:09,707 I bought it with your money. 1004 00:48:13,883 --> 00:48:16,354 Give it to Wendy. 1005 00:48:16,355 --> 00:48:18,692 Show her you're serious... 1006 00:48:18,693 --> 00:48:20,862 - ...about maintaining the union. - No. 1007 00:48:20,863 --> 00:48:23,568 No. That's not a move. That's not who she is. 1008 00:48:23,569 --> 00:48:26,608 It's a six-figure ring, son. It's who they all are. 1009 00:48:26,609 --> 00:48:29,112 What time does your thing start? 1010 00:48:29,113 --> 00:48:31,116 - Stuckey Brown told me... - Stuckey Brown. 1011 00:48:31,117 --> 00:48:33,421 ...he once had a woman upstairs in his bed... 1012 00:48:33,422 --> 00:48:35,057 - Mm-hmm. - _ 1013 00:48:35,058 --> 00:48:37,228 ...when he heard his wife walk in the front hall. 1014 00:48:37,229 --> 00:48:39,734 Uh, Dad, I need to, uh... 1015 00:48:39,735 --> 00:48:43,107 So Stuckey called down to her, he said, "Elizabeth, 1016 00:48:43,108 --> 00:48:46,514 if you don't put one foot on the stairs, 1017 00:48:46,515 --> 00:48:48,418 I'll wire two million dollars to your account." 1018 00:48:48,419 --> 00:48:50,922 - Uh-huh. - And what did she do? 1019 00:48:50,923 --> 00:48:53,461 She walked right back out the front door. 1020 00:48:53,462 --> 00:48:55,131 Take the ring. 1021 00:48:55,132 --> 00:48:57,304 It's a balm, it's a way... 1022 00:49:01,010 --> 00:49:02,546 Thank you, Dad. 1023 00:49:02,547 --> 00:49:05,752 I appreciate the gesture. I do. 1024 00:49:05,753 --> 00:49:07,723 But, uh... 1025 00:49:07,724 --> 00:49:11,397 And I'm sorry that I kept our situation from you. 1026 00:49:11,398 --> 00:49:13,601 I know it hurt your feelings. 1027 00:49:13,602 --> 00:49:17,943 - No, I'm fine. - But I cannot accept the ring. 1028 00:49:17,944 --> 00:49:20,782 I cannot invade my trust in any way, 1029 00:49:20,783 --> 00:49:22,753 in this life or the next. 1030 00:49:22,754 --> 00:49:26,594 It would be... unethical. 1031 00:49:26,595 --> 00:49:28,197 You have to take it back. 1032 00:49:28,198 --> 00:49:30,769 You're talking like a man with a terminal disease. 1033 00:49:30,770 --> 00:49:32,271 Have a good time at the show. 1034 00:49:32,272 --> 00:49:35,512 You make sure that he gets to his car. 1035 00:49:40,823 --> 00:49:42,893 Yeah, talk to me, Fred. 1036 00:49:42,894 --> 00:49:45,231 I underestimated this, Chuck. 1037 00:49:45,232 --> 00:49:47,034 The General is not looking for pelts. 1038 00:49:47,035 --> 00:49:49,473 She said that Kurt Williams would be a huge case 1039 00:49:49,474 --> 00:49:52,011 for whoever takes over your office next. 1040 00:49:52,012 --> 00:49:55,585 Understood. 1041 00:49:55,586 --> 00:49:56,821 See you tomorrow. 1042 00:49:56,822 --> 00:49:59,995 I'm sorry I couldn't do more. 1043 00:50:15,192 --> 00:50:18,063 Sorry I had to skip the recital. 1044 00:50:18,064 --> 00:50:20,435 It's been a balled-up kind of a day. 1045 00:50:20,436 --> 00:50:23,608 You don't have to apologize to me. 1046 00:50:23,609 --> 00:50:25,613 Just your daughter. 1047 00:50:29,821 --> 00:50:32,593 I talked to Oliver Dake. 1048 00:50:32,594 --> 00:50:35,599 I didn't have to admit to anything too damaging. 1049 00:50:35,600 --> 00:50:37,903 But he'll be on your recusal next, 1050 00:50:37,904 --> 00:50:41,411 and... he is not gonna stop. 1051 00:50:51,030 --> 00:50:53,100 You have that look. 1052 00:50:56,007 --> 00:50:57,142 That bad, huh? 1053 00:50:59,948 --> 00:51:04,757 I have this exercise I do with my clients called the 180. 1054 00:51:04,758 --> 00:51:06,561 When they've really lost the thread, 1055 00:51:06,562 --> 00:51:08,230 when they're so fixated on a stock, 1056 00:51:08,231 --> 00:51:11,136 they can't see it's a dumpster burning in front of them. 1057 00:51:11,137 --> 00:51:14,175 Maybe they can cut their losses. 1058 00:51:14,176 --> 00:51:16,447 But only a great few 1059 00:51:16,448 --> 00:51:18,751 can go the opposite way, can pivot, 1060 00:51:18,752 --> 00:51:21,924 and see that it's really a short. 1061 00:51:21,925 --> 00:51:23,928 You're a prime candidate for it 1062 00:51:23,929 --> 00:51:27,603 because whatever... choices you've been making, 1063 00:51:27,604 --> 00:51:29,774 they sure as hell aren't working. 1064 00:51:40,696 --> 00:51:43,702 One-eighty, Chuck. 1065 00:52:24,384 --> 00:52:26,754 One-eighty, Chuck. 1066 00:52:29,761 --> 00:52:32,532 What if we went after Spartan-Ives? 1067 00:52:32,533 --> 00:52:33,836 That's as big as it gets. 1068 00:52:42,420 --> 00:52:43,888 Ari Spyros. 1069 00:52:43,889 --> 00:52:45,859 There's something I need you to do for me. 1070 00:52:47,597 --> 00:52:49,065 Kornbluth. 1071 00:52:49,066 --> 00:52:51,236 I want to go on record to say that the SEC 1072 00:52:51,237 --> 00:52:56,212 has no plans to investigate Spartan-Ives or Lawrence Boyd. 1073 00:52:56,213 --> 00:52:59,553 I cannot speak for the United States attorney. 1074 00:52:59,554 --> 00:53:01,557 No, I will not confirm that. 1075 00:53:01,558 --> 00:53:04,930 Do you deny there's an active investigation of Lawrence Boyd? 1076 00:53:04,931 --> 00:53:07,201 If my office undertook such a radical endeavor 1077 00:53:07,202 --> 00:53:08,671 against a bedrock company 1078 00:53:08,672 --> 00:53:11,176 that has been such a friend to the administration, 1079 00:53:11,177 --> 00:53:13,681 we would only do so with the full support 1080 00:53:13,682 --> 00:53:15,552 of the Attorney General's Office. 1081 00:53:15,553 --> 00:53:18,891 But, no, I cannot confirm that. 1082 00:53:18,892 --> 00:53:21,363 So you have no comment on the investigation? 1083 00:53:48,318 --> 00:53:50,187 Congratulations. 1084 00:53:50,188 --> 00:53:51,757 If I fire you now, it'll look 1085 00:53:51,758 --> 00:53:53,861 like the administration is protecting Boyd, 1086 00:53:53,862 --> 00:53:54,863 obstructing justice. 1087 00:53:54,864 --> 00:53:56,333 Hmm. 1088 00:53:56,334 --> 00:53:58,838 They might even investigate you for that, General. 1089 00:53:58,839 --> 00:54:01,109 You think you're a bold player? 1090 00:54:01,110 --> 00:54:03,046 Going after Spartan-Ives is asinine. 1091 00:54:03,047 --> 00:54:05,752 A man facing a firing squad has only two choices... 1092 00:54:05,753 --> 00:54:08,491 accept it or push against his restraints. 1093 00:54:08,492 --> 00:54:10,762 And I don't accept anything. 1094 00:54:10,763 --> 00:54:12,966 You were facing hard labor. 1095 00:54:12,967 --> 00:54:14,569 Now you're in the firing line, 1096 00:54:14,570 --> 00:54:16,473 and you pulled me right there with you. 1097 00:54:16,474 --> 00:54:18,276 Not so. 1098 00:54:18,277 --> 00:54:20,448 Oh, if I win, Boyd goes down, 1099 00:54:20,449 --> 00:54:23,354 and we celebrate on the podium together. 1100 00:54:23,355 --> 00:54:26,493 If I lose, the failure is all mine. 1101 00:54:26,494 --> 00:54:29,299 "If Boyd goes down." You really think it's that easy? 1102 00:54:29,300 --> 00:54:31,103 There's a reason no one's done this. 1103 00:54:32,974 --> 00:54:35,979 So go ahead and swing your hatchet at the case. 1104 00:54:35,980 --> 00:54:37,949 I'll just fire you in a few months 1105 00:54:37,950 --> 00:54:39,619 after the searchlights pass. 1106 00:54:39,620 --> 00:54:42,024 All you've bought is time. 1107 00:55:00,896 --> 00:55:03,334 I got news last night I never wanted to get... 1108 00:55:03,335 --> 00:55:05,938 Chuck Rhoades, coming at me. 1109 00:55:05,939 --> 00:55:09,011 I have lived my life as an exemplar of rectitude 1110 00:55:09,012 --> 00:55:11,683 so as to never have to deal with this kind of thing. 1111 00:55:11,684 --> 00:55:14,790 Still... he comes. 1112 00:55:14,791 --> 00:55:17,462 You did what I'm about to. 1113 00:55:17,463 --> 00:55:19,966 You squared off with him, walked away unmarked. 1114 00:55:19,967 --> 00:55:22,806 I need your playbook, I need to know how to beat him. 1115 00:55:22,807 --> 00:55:26,212 Will you help me? 1116 00:55:26,213 --> 00:55:29,319 I don't remember your reassuring hand on my shoulder 1117 00:55:29,320 --> 00:55:31,691 when it was my time of trouble. 1118 00:55:33,328 --> 00:55:36,165 What I do remember is you, 1119 00:55:36,166 --> 00:55:38,504 the exemplar of Wall Street rectitude, 1120 00:55:38,505 --> 00:55:40,408 steering clear and making damn certain 1121 00:55:40,409 --> 00:55:43,614 that my stink didn't waft anywhere near you, 1122 00:55:43,615 --> 00:55:45,853 lest it stick. 1123 00:55:47,188 --> 00:55:51,864 Now, before I decide, answer this. 1124 00:55:51,865 --> 00:55:55,036 Are you a bastard? 1125 00:55:55,037 --> 00:55:58,611 Because for you to have a chance against Rhoades, 1126 00:55:58,612 --> 00:56:00,715 you need to be. 1127 00:56:00,716 --> 00:56:02,952 Even though there will be lawyers, 1128 00:56:02,953 --> 00:56:07,094 there are no fucking rules... not if you want to win. 1129 00:56:07,095 --> 00:56:11,436 You will have to crawl through a river of shit 1130 00:56:11,437 --> 00:56:14,943 and risk bleeding out a hundred yards short of victory. 1131 00:56:14,944 --> 00:56:16,847 You have to be prepared to do things 1132 00:56:16,848 --> 00:56:19,419 that are entirely outside the bounds 1133 00:56:19,420 --> 00:56:22,091 of conventional morality. 1134 00:56:24,129 --> 00:56:25,932 What do you imagine I had to do 1135 00:56:25,933 --> 00:56:28,538 to get to the top of Spartan-Ives? 1136 00:56:30,082 --> 00:56:35,082 Sync and corrections by explosiveskull www.addic7ed.com