1 00:27:00,787 --> 00:27:02,580 Why are you staring at me? 2 00:27:02,664 --> 00:27:03,915 Huh? I am asking you! 3 00:27:03,998 --> 00:27:05,166 Move, bastard! 4 00:27:28,648 --> 00:27:30,650 Crazy American. 5 00:27:40,535 --> 00:27:42,870 Hey! Get back! Get back! 6 00:27:42,954 --> 00:27:43,996 Get back! 7 00:27:45,373 --> 00:27:46,624 Broken… 8 00:27:49,419 --> 00:27:50,461 Cannot work. 9 00:27:51,003 --> 00:27:51,838 Cannot work. 10 00:27:51,921 --> 00:27:52,755 Stay there. 11 00:28:13,609 --> 00:28:14,902 Where is the American?! 12 00:28:39,093 --> 00:28:41,137 Watch your back, American... 13 00:28:50,271 --> 00:28:52,190 Where do you think you're going, American? 14 00:28:52,732 --> 00:28:53,691 Stand. 15 00:28:57,069 --> 00:28:58,237 Stand up! 16 00:29:02,366 --> 00:29:03,367 Hands. 17 00:29:04,202 --> 00:29:05,369 Hands! 18 00:30:07,557 --> 00:30:09,684 Tool shed! It came from the tool shed! 19 00:30:10,977 --> 00:30:12,144 Open up! 20 00:30:12,228 --> 00:30:13,563 Open the door! 21 00:30:13,646 --> 00:30:14,939 Open the door! 22 00:30:15,022 --> 00:30:17,024 Keep pushing! Hurry! 23 00:30:28,786 --> 00:30:29,620 RUN! 24 00:30:37,503 --> 00:30:38,671 There! 25 00:30:38,754 --> 00:30:39,839 There! 26 00:30:44,760 --> 00:30:46,512 We can't let him get to the tree line! 27 00:45:41,531 --> 00:45:44,785  Antonov, phone for you. 28 00:45:44,868 --> 00:45:46,912 You realize we just had an escape? 29 00:45:46,995 --> 00:45:48,413 They say it's urgent. 30 00:45:54,544 --> 00:45:55,378 Hello? 31 00:45:55,462 --> 00:45:57,881 Enzo. It is Yuri. 32 00:46:01,843 --> 00:46:05,680 Why are you calling me here? Are you mad? 33 00:46:05,764 --> 00:46:10,227 I know. I am very sorry. I just felt you should know that there has been... 34 00:46:11,394 --> 00:46:15,816 ...a slight change in plans. 35 00:46:15,899 --> 00:46:17,359 What? What has happened? 36 00:46:24,825 --> 00:46:27,577 I just got off the phone 37 00:46:27,661 --> 00:46:28,954 with your warden. 38 00:46:29,037 --> 00:46:31,373 A very productive call. 39 00:46:31,957 --> 00:46:35,961 It turns out, escaped prisoners are worth quite a bit of money. 40 00:46:40,966 --> 00:46:47,305 So Yuri thinks, why not keep the forty grand and make extra money? 41 00:46:47,389 --> 00:46:49,224 That wasn't the deal. 42 00:46:49,307 --> 00:46:53,061 But it is a better deal for Yuri, yes? 43 00:46:53,144 --> 00:46:57,816 And you know what is worth even more than escaped prisoner? 44 00:46:57,899 --> 00:47:00,110 Corrupt guards. 45 00:47:00,193 --> 00:47:01,987 What have you done?! 46 00:47:06,324 --> 00:47:08,451 And worth most of all... 47 00:47:09,953 --> 00:47:11,329 Americans... 48 00:47:11,413 --> 00:47:14,249 ...wanted by the KGB. 49 00:47:45,906 --> 00:47:47,282 Goodbye, Enzo.