1 00:00:01,214 --> 00:00:04,042 [ominous music] 2 00:00:04,042 --> 00:00:10,386 ♪ ♪ 3 00:00:11,731 --> 00:00:14,145 [all panting] 4 00:00:14,145 --> 00:00:17,352 No, my Arnold Palmer! 5 00:00:17,352 --> 00:00:20,593 Don't worry, I got it. 6 00:00:20,593 --> 00:00:22,835 Why couldn't this emergency practice wait 7 00:00:22,835 --> 00:00:24,007 until after lunch? 8 00:00:24,007 --> 00:00:25,628 I don't know, just hurry! 9 00:00:25,628 --> 00:00:28,524 Niblick's email says to meet him ASAP. 10 00:00:29,662 --> 00:00:31,869 [all panting] 11 00:00:31,869 --> 00:00:36,042 OK, we're here and ready to practice, Coach. 12 00:00:36,042 --> 00:00:37,697 Coach? 13 00:00:37,697 --> 00:00:39,249 That's weird. 14 00:00:39,249 --> 00:00:40,938 Wait. 15 00:00:40,938 --> 00:00:43,352 Has the coach's email address always been 16 00:00:43,352 --> 00:00:45,835 - TheNibster@HahaChumps. - Prank? 17 00:00:45,835 --> 00:00:47,249 [splattering] 18 00:00:47,249 --> 00:00:50,318 [all yelling] 19 00:00:50,318 --> 00:00:52,249 [laughter] 20 00:00:52,249 --> 00:00:53,352 Yes! 21 00:00:53,352 --> 00:00:56,386 Ten points for Sand Trap U. 22 00:00:58,283 --> 00:01:00,318 My blowout is ruined! 23 00:01:00,318 --> 00:01:02,490 Why are you throwing pudding at us? 24 00:01:02,490 --> 00:01:04,352 You don't know, frosh? 25 00:01:04,352 --> 00:01:06,662 Every year, our teams challenge each other 26 00:01:06,662 --> 00:01:11,490 to the most epic week-long college competition ever... 27 00:01:11,490 --> 00:01:13,731 both: The Prank War! 28 00:01:15,042 --> 00:01:16,559 As the reigning champs, 29 00:01:16,559 --> 00:01:20,214 we get to kick it off by striking first. 30 00:01:20,214 --> 00:01:23,800 It's your move now, Fairway. 31 00:01:25,973 --> 00:01:27,524 [laughter] 32 00:01:27,524 --> 00:01:30,731 No! Not the Prank War! 33 00:01:30,731 --> 00:01:33,662 It is the bane of my existence every year. 34 00:01:33,662 --> 00:01:36,249 No matter how hard we try, we never even come close 35 00:01:36,249 --> 00:01:38,455 to beating the Sand Trap team. 36 00:01:38,455 --> 00:01:41,766 [groans] They're just too good! 37 00:01:41,766 --> 00:01:43,869 The worst part is that the losing team has to clean 38 00:01:43,869 --> 00:01:45,731 the winners' toilets for a month. 39 00:01:45,731 --> 00:01:48,835 [flies buzzing] [squelching] 40 00:01:51,076 --> 00:01:52,904 Well, save your plungers, people, 41 00:01:52,904 --> 00:01:55,662 because Lori Loud cleans no one's toilets. 42 00:01:55,662 --> 00:01:58,283 I literally come from the prankiest family ever. 43 00:01:58,283 --> 00:02:00,490 I can so win this for us. 44 00:02:01,455 --> 00:02:03,076 Raj, Marisa, and Ewan, 45 00:02:03,076 --> 00:02:05,318 this is Luan, my little sister 46 00:02:05,318 --> 00:02:07,628 and the best prankster I know. 47 00:02:07,628 --> 00:02:09,593 Hiya, Lori's golf friends! 48 00:02:09,593 --> 00:02:11,386 Listen to me, and you'll be pranking 49 00:02:11,386 --> 00:02:13,214 like champs in no time-- 50 00:02:13,214 --> 00:02:16,249 no ifs, ands, or putts about it. 51 00:02:16,249 --> 00:02:17,835 Anyway... [all screams] 52 00:02:17,835 --> 00:02:20,524 I've prepared a special prank boot camp 53 00:02:20,524 --> 00:02:23,386 that can help you beat Sand Trap U. 54 00:02:23,386 --> 00:02:24,731 - Oof! - But first, 55 00:02:24,731 --> 00:02:27,111 say hello to my tough as nails assistant, 56 00:02:27,111 --> 00:02:28,869 Mr. Coconuts! 57 00:02:28,869 --> 00:02:31,283 That's Commander Coconuts to you. 58 00:02:31,283 --> 00:02:32,731 Um, hello? 59 00:02:32,731 --> 00:02:34,697 Are you eyeballin' me, grunt? 60 00:02:34,697 --> 00:02:36,249 Huh? - [laughs nervously] 61 00:02:36,249 --> 00:02:37,904 Easy, Commander. 62 00:02:37,904 --> 00:02:39,386 They're just kids. 63 00:02:39,386 --> 00:02:42,766 Now it's time to learn the three basic prank types. 64 00:02:42,766 --> 00:02:45,835 Number one, things that go splat! 65 00:02:45,835 --> 00:02:47,042 [laughing] 66 00:02:47,042 --> 00:02:48,869 [bright martial music] 67 00:02:48,869 --> 00:02:50,559 [grunts] 68 00:02:50,559 --> 00:02:52,628 Your aim is off, grunt! 69 00:02:52,628 --> 00:02:54,490 Drop and give me ten... 70 00:02:54,490 --> 00:02:55,731 - [whimpers] - Dollars. 71 00:02:55,731 --> 00:02:57,697 Pies don't grow on trees, you know. 72 00:02:59,352 --> 00:03:00,662 [groans] 73 00:03:00,662 --> 00:03:02,249 - [grunts] - Throw it overhand, 74 00:03:02,249 --> 00:03:03,421 not underhand! 75 00:03:03,421 --> 00:03:05,352 This isn't a beanbag toss! 76 00:03:05,352 --> 00:03:07,283 - [slurps] - And you, 77 00:03:07,283 --> 00:03:08,490 stop licking the pies. 78 00:03:08,490 --> 00:03:10,318 This isn't amateur hour. 79 00:03:11,904 --> 00:03:13,042 [splatters] 80 00:03:13,042 --> 00:03:15,214 Lori, I'm not gonna sugarcoat it. 81 00:03:15,214 --> 00:03:17,904 Your pie springboarding technique is half-baked. 82 00:03:17,904 --> 00:03:19,869 Watch and learn. 83 00:03:22,214 --> 00:03:23,593 Bullseye! 84 00:03:23,593 --> 00:03:25,731 Right in the piehole. 85 00:03:28,869 --> 00:03:31,593 Ah, what a relaxing afternoon stroll. 86 00:03:31,593 --> 00:03:33,800 Oh, no! We can't prank Niblick! 87 00:03:33,800 --> 00:03:34,662 [both gasp] 88 00:03:34,662 --> 00:03:35,835 Oh, good heavens. 89 00:03:35,835 --> 00:03:36,973 My shoe is untied. 90 00:03:40,076 --> 00:03:41,559 all: Phew. 91 00:03:41,559 --> 00:03:43,524 Prank type number two, 92 00:03:43,524 --> 00:03:45,593 things that go splash. 93 00:03:45,593 --> 00:03:47,835 I hope you grunts were taking notes. 94 00:03:47,835 --> 00:03:49,421 Now let's see what happens 95 00:03:49,421 --> 00:03:51,283 when someone steps through the lasers. 96 00:03:51,283 --> 00:03:53,904 Chet and Brooke are not gonna know what hit 'em. 97 00:03:53,904 --> 00:03:55,111 [laughs] 98 00:03:56,386 --> 00:03:57,559 Motion detected. 99 00:03:57,559 --> 00:03:59,076 Sprinklers engaged. 100 00:04:03,111 --> 00:04:06,214 Good job on rigging those sprinklers, Commander. 101 00:04:06,214 --> 00:04:08,214 Prank type number three, 102 00:04:08,214 --> 00:04:10,386 things that go ka-blam! 103 00:04:10,386 --> 00:04:12,938 For this one, we need a volunteer. 104 00:04:12,938 --> 00:04:14,352 Ooh, pick me! Pick me! 105 00:04:14,352 --> 00:04:15,938 You, muscles. 106 00:04:15,938 --> 00:04:17,042 Right this way. 107 00:04:18,352 --> 00:04:19,697 All you have to do is hit 108 00:04:19,697 --> 00:04:22,628 this completely ordinary golf ball. 109 00:04:22,628 --> 00:04:25,766 [suspenseful music] 110 00:04:27,111 --> 00:04:28,731 [loud blast] 111 00:04:32,593 --> 00:04:34,283 [gopher squeaking angrily] 112 00:04:34,283 --> 00:04:35,628 [all scream] 113 00:04:37,111 --> 00:04:39,352 [glasses clinking, all slurping] 114 00:04:39,352 --> 00:04:41,214 Congratulations, team. 115 00:04:41,214 --> 00:04:44,559 You survived boot camp and are ready to prank. 116 00:04:44,559 --> 00:04:46,973 I always knew you had it in you. 117 00:04:46,973 --> 00:04:49,076 Hey! That's not what you told me. 118 00:04:49,076 --> 00:04:50,662 Shh! Quiet, Commander. 119 00:04:50,662 --> 00:04:52,111 Now, before I go, 120 00:04:52,111 --> 00:04:53,731 I want to leave you with something. 121 00:04:53,731 --> 00:04:55,524 Ooh! Whoopee cushion? 122 00:04:55,524 --> 00:04:57,628 Exploding pie? Fake poop? 123 00:04:57,628 --> 00:04:59,938 All hilarious, but no. 124 00:04:59,938 --> 00:05:02,249 A little advice-- now that you know 125 00:05:02,249 --> 00:05:04,249 the pranking basics, remember, 126 00:05:04,249 --> 00:05:06,076 anything can be a prank. 127 00:05:06,076 --> 00:05:08,145 And I mean anything. 128 00:05:08,145 --> 00:05:10,042 Even an exit! 129 00:05:10,042 --> 00:05:11,145 [fart noise] 130 00:05:11,145 --> 00:05:12,731 [all coughing] 131 00:05:12,731 --> 00:05:14,421 Ugh, stink cloud. 132 00:05:14,421 --> 00:05:15,800 [sighs] Typical Luan. 133 00:05:15,800 --> 00:05:17,697 But she's right. We're ready. 134 00:05:17,697 --> 00:05:19,973 So let's go win this thing! 135 00:05:22,076 --> 00:05:23,938 [sneaky music] 136 00:05:23,938 --> 00:05:25,421 There. 137 00:05:25,421 --> 00:05:28,559 As soon as the Sand Trap team hits a bump, splat! 138 00:05:28,559 --> 00:05:31,007 They'll be pied and glitter bombed. 139 00:05:31,007 --> 00:05:34,145 [laughter] [engine rumbling] 140 00:05:34,145 --> 00:05:37,249 [all screaming] 141 00:05:37,249 --> 00:05:40,766 Marisa, now is not the time for a joyride! 142 00:05:40,766 --> 00:05:42,352 It's not me! 143 00:05:42,352 --> 00:05:45,180 [gopher squeaking] The cart's driving on its own! 144 00:05:45,180 --> 00:05:47,800 [all screaming] 145 00:05:49,249 --> 00:05:50,766 Look out! 146 00:05:50,766 --> 00:05:52,076 [all screaming] 147 00:05:53,386 --> 00:05:56,731 [tense music] 148 00:05:56,731 --> 00:05:58,835 [both chuckling] 149 00:05:58,835 --> 00:06:00,697 Nice try, Fairway. 150 00:06:00,697 --> 00:06:03,283 But we're one step ahead of you. 151 00:06:03,283 --> 00:06:05,455 Ten points for us. 152 00:06:05,455 --> 00:06:07,180 [laughter] 153 00:06:07,180 --> 00:06:08,662 [all groaning] 154 00:06:12,318 --> 00:06:13,593 Great plan, Lori. 155 00:06:13,593 --> 00:06:15,249 This will be sure to cause a splash. 156 00:06:15,249 --> 00:06:18,731 And now we just cover this with fake grass. 157 00:06:18,731 --> 00:06:20,973 Perfect. Come on, let's go hide. 158 00:06:20,973 --> 00:06:23,042 I can't wait to see them fall in. 159 00:06:23,042 --> 00:06:24,559 all: Ah! 160 00:06:24,559 --> 00:06:26,042 [gasping] 161 00:06:26,042 --> 00:06:27,490 [all groan] 162 00:06:27,490 --> 00:06:29,800 [chuckles] Sorry, chumps. 163 00:06:29,800 --> 00:06:31,214 One step ahead of you again. 164 00:06:31,214 --> 00:06:32,249 And this time, 165 00:06:32,249 --> 00:06:33,973 we did you one better. 166 00:06:33,973 --> 00:06:35,180 Back it up! 167 00:06:39,904 --> 00:06:41,662 Ten points for us, 168 00:06:41,662 --> 00:06:43,904 plus an extra five for the golf balls. 169 00:06:43,904 --> 00:06:47,007 [sighs] We are so good. 170 00:06:47,007 --> 00:06:48,352 [laughter] 171 00:06:52,076 --> 00:06:53,800 There. 172 00:06:53,800 --> 00:06:56,007 All they have to do is trigger the motion sensors 173 00:06:56,007 --> 00:06:58,593 on the sprinklers, and tapioca will go everywhere! 174 00:06:58,593 --> 00:07:00,421 [laughs] We finally got them-- 175 00:07:00,421 --> 00:07:02,938 [whistling] What a marvelous golf course! 176 00:07:02,938 --> 00:07:05,559 Why, it's almost as nice as Fairway's. 177 00:07:05,559 --> 00:07:06,800 [suspenseful music] 178 00:07:06,800 --> 00:07:08,869 What? Why is Coach Niblick here? 179 00:07:08,869 --> 00:07:10,352 That--that's not part of the plan! 180 00:07:10,352 --> 00:07:11,800 Ugh, forget the plan! 181 00:07:11,800 --> 00:07:14,490 We're gonna prank our coach at our rival school 182 00:07:14,490 --> 00:07:16,524 with his least favorite dessert? 183 00:07:16,524 --> 00:07:18,455 Quick, turn it off! 184 00:07:18,455 --> 00:07:20,869 [strains] 185 00:07:20,869 --> 00:07:22,731 We'll just have to trip the sprinklers ourselves. 186 00:07:22,731 --> 00:07:25,111 Run! [all yelling] 187 00:07:25,111 --> 00:07:27,386 Motion detected. Sprinklers engaged. 188 00:07:27,386 --> 00:07:29,731 [splattering, yelling] 189 00:07:31,386 --> 00:07:34,938 From now on, tapioca is my least favorite dessert. 190 00:07:34,938 --> 00:07:37,180 What in the world is going on here? 191 00:07:37,180 --> 00:07:40,249 This is not how I expect my team to behave. 192 00:07:40,249 --> 00:07:41,455 Sorry, sir. 193 00:07:41,455 --> 00:07:42,593 I can explain. 194 00:07:42,593 --> 00:07:46,835 No, I'll do the explaining. 195 00:07:46,835 --> 00:07:50,145 You just fell for the old coach fake-out prank! 196 00:07:50,145 --> 00:07:52,490 [laughs] 197 00:07:52,490 --> 00:07:53,800 Wow. 198 00:07:53,800 --> 00:07:55,697 We've hit a new scoring record, 199 00:07:55,697 --> 00:07:58,904 and your team still has a whopping zero. 200 00:07:58,904 --> 00:08:01,559 Good luck catching up now. 201 00:08:01,559 --> 00:08:05,731 Don't worry, we'll get those plungers ready for ya. 202 00:08:05,731 --> 00:08:07,318 [laughter] 203 00:08:07,318 --> 00:08:09,766 [all groan] 204 00:08:09,766 --> 00:08:11,421 I'm so sorry, everyone. 205 00:08:11,421 --> 00:08:13,697 I thought with Luan's help, we could win. 206 00:08:13,697 --> 00:08:16,007 But Brooke and Chet are just too good-- 207 00:08:16,007 --> 00:08:18,076 and honestly, a little terrifying. 208 00:08:18,076 --> 00:08:20,111 Yep. They've got all the moves. 209 00:08:20,111 --> 00:08:22,938 And we've got nada, zilch, double zilch-- 210 00:08:22,938 --> 00:08:25,007 in other words, nothing. 211 00:08:25,007 --> 00:08:26,869 [sighs] 212 00:08:26,869 --> 00:08:29,455 Remember, anything can be a prank. 213 00:08:29,455 --> 00:08:31,697 And I mean anything. 214 00:08:33,283 --> 00:08:37,318 [gasps] Guys, I know how we can beat Sand Trap U! 215 00:08:37,318 --> 00:08:38,904 We did it again. 216 00:08:38,904 --> 00:08:42,076 Not like beating Fairway's ever a challenge. 217 00:08:42,076 --> 00:08:46,145 Here's to another year of not having to clean our toilets. 218 00:08:46,145 --> 00:08:49,869 We have this prank war in the bag! 219 00:08:49,869 --> 00:08:52,318 Yeah, this is gonna be epic! 220 00:08:54,938 --> 00:08:57,007 Shh. Come on. 221 00:08:57,007 --> 00:08:59,042 We don't want Brooke and Chet to know 222 00:08:59,042 --> 00:09:01,042 about the outrageous booby traps 223 00:09:01,042 --> 00:09:03,835 we set up all over their golf course. 224 00:09:03,835 --> 00:09:06,076 Oh, boy. I wouldn't want to be them 225 00:09:06,076 --> 00:09:08,145 when those bad boys go off. 226 00:09:08,145 --> 00:09:09,973 [laughter] 227 00:09:11,111 --> 00:09:13,869 [laughs] I'm not worried. 228 00:09:13,869 --> 00:09:15,007 Me neither. 229 00:09:15,007 --> 00:09:17,386 [both laughing nervously] 230 00:09:20,524 --> 00:09:24,180 [whimpering] 231 00:09:24,180 --> 00:09:25,628 Where are they? 232 00:09:25,628 --> 00:09:27,076 Where are the pranks? 233 00:09:27,076 --> 00:09:28,249 The gags? 234 00:09:28,249 --> 00:09:30,214 The booby trap? 235 00:09:30,214 --> 00:09:32,904 We spent all night tearing apart our golf course, 236 00:09:32,904 --> 00:09:35,697 and we found nothing! 237 00:09:35,697 --> 00:09:37,559 [laughter] 238 00:09:37,559 --> 00:09:39,904 That's because there is nothing. 239 00:09:39,904 --> 00:09:41,490 both: What? 240 00:09:41,490 --> 00:09:43,007 A wise prankster once said, 241 00:09:43,007 --> 00:09:44,662 "Anything can be a prank." 242 00:09:44,662 --> 00:09:46,352 And I realized, if that's true, 243 00:09:46,352 --> 00:09:48,869 maybe the best prank of all can be nothing. 244 00:09:48,869 --> 00:09:51,111 And you guys fell for it. 245 00:09:51,111 --> 00:09:53,180 Boom! 246 00:09:53,180 --> 00:09:58,007 That is the best prank I've ever seen! 247 00:09:58,007 --> 00:10:00,318 Compose yourself, Chet! 248 00:10:00,318 --> 00:10:01,938 Fine. You got us. 249 00:10:01,938 --> 00:10:04,800 That doesn't mean you have enough points to win. 250 00:10:04,800 --> 00:10:06,042 Well, let's see. 251 00:10:06,042 --> 00:10:08,111 We get ten points for every prank. 252 00:10:08,111 --> 00:10:09,662 And since we basically tricked you 253 00:10:09,662 --> 00:10:12,559 into pranking yourselves on all 18 holes of your course, 254 00:10:12,559 --> 00:10:14,835 that's 180 points. 255 00:10:14,835 --> 00:10:17,490 Sounds like a new scoring record. 256 00:10:17,490 --> 00:10:19,386 Fine. You win. 257 00:10:19,386 --> 00:10:21,559 Come on, Chet. 258 00:10:21,559 --> 00:10:22,904 Bye! 259 00:10:22,904 --> 00:10:25,697 We'll see you later today for our toilet cleaning. 260 00:10:25,697 --> 00:10:27,490 Let me know if you need any tips! 261 00:10:27,490 --> 00:10:29,318 We did it, you guys! 262 00:10:29,318 --> 00:10:31,111 All thanks to Lori! 263 00:10:31,111 --> 00:10:33,249 all: [chanting] Lori! Lori! 264 00:10:33,249 --> 00:10:35,973 Lori! Lori! Lori! 265 00:10:36,973 --> 00:10:37,973 [gopher whistles] 266 00:10:37,973 --> 00:10:39,249 all: Uh-oh. 267 00:10:39,249 --> 00:10:42,283 [gophers chattering] [all screaming] 268 00:10:47,938 --> 00:10:49,249 ♪ Cramped inside this tiny space ♪ 269 00:10:49,249 --> 00:10:51,318 ♪ May sound bad but ain't the case ♪ 270 00:10:51,318 --> 00:10:54,214 ♪ In the Loud house ♪ - ♪ Loud house ♪ 271 00:10:54,214 --> 00:10:56,593 ♪ Duck and dodge and push and shove ♪ 272 00:10:56,593 --> 00:10:59,076 ♪ That's the way we show our love ♪ 273 00:10:59,076 --> 00:11:02,145 ♪ In the Loud house ♪ - ♪ Loud house ♪ 274 00:11:02,145 --> 00:11:03,455 ♪ Laundry piles stacked up high ♪ 275 00:11:03,455 --> 00:11:04,662 ♪ Hand-me-downs that make me cry ♪ 276 00:11:04,662 --> 00:11:05,869 ♪ Stand in line to take a pee ♪ 277 00:11:05,869 --> 00:11:07,180 ♪ Never any privacy ♪ 278 00:11:07,180 --> 00:11:09,904 ♪ Chaos with 11 kids ♪ 279 00:11:09,904 --> 00:11:12,076 ♪ That's the way it always is ♪ 280 00:11:12,076 --> 00:11:13,455 ♪ In the Loud house ♪