1 00:00:00,809 --> 00:00:03,740 [dramatic music] 2 00:00:03,740 --> 00:00:10,774 ♪ ♪ 3 00:00:10,774 --> 00:00:13,257 You know, I'm really getting used to life on the road. 4 00:00:13,257 --> 00:00:16,395 Living with the bare essentials isn't so bad. 5 00:00:16,395 --> 00:00:19,016 You said it. 6 00:00:19,016 --> 00:00:23,395 RV living is literally the life for us. 7 00:00:25,395 --> 00:00:27,533 Why are we stopping? 8 00:00:27,533 --> 00:00:28,947 Exciting news. 9 00:00:28,947 --> 00:00:30,981 For my next piece in the travel series, 10 00:00:30,981 --> 00:00:32,912 we are all going to check out the beauty 11 00:00:32,912 --> 00:00:36,671 of the Rocky Mountains here in Colorado. 12 00:00:38,981 --> 00:00:41,016 [soaring orchestral music] 13 00:00:41,016 --> 00:00:42,981 - Cool. - Definitely rocky. 14 00:00:42,981 --> 00:00:45,257 Sweet. 15 00:00:45,257 --> 00:00:48,223 No, I meant we're going outside 16 00:00:48,223 --> 00:00:50,499 for an invigorating 10-mile hike. 17 00:00:50,499 --> 00:00:54,050 You guys are going to love it. 18 00:00:54,050 --> 00:00:55,671 - Nah. - I'm good. 19 00:00:55,671 --> 00:00:56,878 You kids have fun. 20 00:00:56,878 --> 00:00:58,430 Come on, fam. 21 00:00:58,430 --> 00:01:00,568 [quirky music] 22 00:01:00,568 --> 00:01:02,499 Hm, is that my convincing suit? 23 00:01:02,499 --> 00:01:03,878 Maybe. 24 00:01:03,878 --> 00:01:05,981 It'll be great to get out of the RV for a while... 25 00:01:05,981 --> 00:01:07,636 [wheezes] For some fresh air. 26 00:01:07,636 --> 00:01:09,843 Your mother and I made some of our best memories hiking, 27 00:01:09,843 --> 00:01:12,464 and we want that for all of you. 28 00:01:12,464 --> 00:01:15,981 There's nothing like enjoying what nature has to offer. 29 00:01:15,981 --> 00:01:18,292 So what do you say, kids? 30 00:01:18,292 --> 00:01:20,154 Maybe it's because I've never been 31 00:01:20,154 --> 00:01:21,636 on the receiving end of that suit, 32 00:01:21,636 --> 00:01:25,774 but I'm convinced. Besides, how bad can hiking be? 33 00:01:25,774 --> 00:01:28,947 [all panting] 34 00:01:31,705 --> 00:01:34,981 Ugh, there is literally no signal. 35 00:01:34,981 --> 00:01:37,050 [flies buzzing] - [gasps] 36 00:01:37,050 --> 00:01:40,154 Ugh, get away! - [burps] 37 00:01:44,430 --> 00:01:46,085 Leave me here. 38 00:01:46,085 --> 00:01:47,774 I belong to the mountains now. 39 00:01:49,464 --> 00:01:53,361 Too hot. Too cold. 40 00:01:53,361 --> 00:01:54,705 And now it's hot again. 41 00:01:54,705 --> 00:01:57,154 But hey, we are making lifelong memories, right? 42 00:01:57,154 --> 00:02:00,016 Ugh, more like lifelong nightmares. 43 00:02:00,016 --> 00:02:03,050 I agree. This hike's a bust. 44 00:02:03,050 --> 00:02:06,499 I bet Mom and Dad are having as rough a time as we are. 45 00:02:06,499 --> 00:02:07,705 [both breath deeply] 46 00:02:07,705 --> 00:02:08,740 [together] Ah. 47 00:02:08,740 --> 00:02:10,430 I've never felt more alive. 48 00:02:10,430 --> 00:02:12,188 [all groan] 49 00:02:12,188 --> 00:02:14,085 We're never gonna make it, dudes. 50 00:02:14,085 --> 00:02:15,774 We have to convince Mom and Dad 51 00:02:15,774 --> 00:02:17,292 to let us go back to the RV. 52 00:02:17,292 --> 00:02:19,636 Lincoln, pull out the convincing suit. 53 00:02:19,636 --> 00:02:21,257 Dad stretched it out. 54 00:02:21,257 --> 00:02:23,430 But don't worry, I have a plan. 55 00:02:23,430 --> 00:02:24,843 Follow me. 56 00:02:27,292 --> 00:02:29,705 Uh, siblings, would someone mind 57 00:02:29,705 --> 00:02:32,878 lending me a five-fingered appendage? 58 00:02:32,878 --> 00:02:35,188 Good to know you can always count on family. 59 00:02:38,705 --> 00:02:40,188 [whistling melody] 60 00:02:41,085 --> 00:02:44,568 [quirky music] 61 00:02:44,568 --> 00:02:46,188 Oops. 62 00:02:46,188 --> 00:02:48,878 All of our food has fallen into the river. 63 00:02:48,878 --> 00:02:52,568 Now we will perish. 64 00:02:52,568 --> 00:02:53,878 [both yelp] 65 00:02:53,878 --> 00:02:56,326 Oh, no, my homemade grano-Lynn bars! 66 00:02:56,326 --> 00:03:00,636 Luan, I think you can reach it. 67 00:03:00,636 --> 00:03:03,947 Luan, just use your human hands. 68 00:03:06,154 --> 00:03:07,878 Well, too late, toots. 69 00:03:07,878 --> 00:03:09,568 Looks like our food is down the river, 70 00:03:09,568 --> 00:03:11,947 and we're up a creek. 71 00:03:11,947 --> 00:03:13,947 [both panting] 72 00:03:13,947 --> 00:03:15,878 [groans] 73 00:03:15,878 --> 00:03:20,188 Aw, looks like if we don't go back to the RV, we'll starve. 74 00:03:20,188 --> 00:03:21,878 Bummer. 75 00:03:21,878 --> 00:03:24,395 All right, let's go, everybody. 76 00:03:24,395 --> 00:03:26,636 No, no, no, this will just give us 77 00:03:26,636 --> 00:03:29,533 the opportunity to live off what nature has to offer. 78 00:03:29,533 --> 00:03:32,705 Don't worry, kids. The hike continues. 79 00:03:32,705 --> 00:03:34,636 [all cheer halfheartedly] 80 00:03:34,636 --> 00:03:38,568 Great idea having us forage for our own food, honey. 81 00:03:38,568 --> 00:03:41,533 This will make a great addition to my column. 82 00:03:41,533 --> 00:03:43,326 Mm, right? 83 00:03:43,326 --> 00:03:46,533 Nothing like huckleberries fresh off the branch. 84 00:03:46,533 --> 00:03:48,223 Oh, thorn. 85 00:03:52,292 --> 00:03:55,361 Incoming. 86 00:03:55,361 --> 00:03:58,188 Lana, you clod. You know red isn't my color. 87 00:03:58,188 --> 00:04:00,430 That gives me another idea. 88 00:04:04,499 --> 00:04:06,188 Oh no. 89 00:04:06,188 --> 00:04:08,912 I seem to have a bad case of poison oak. 90 00:04:08,912 --> 00:04:11,430 [coughs] 91 00:04:11,430 --> 00:04:13,636 Oh, cruel world. 92 00:04:13,636 --> 00:04:16,395 We must go back to the RV. 93 00:04:18,292 --> 00:04:20,430 Don't worry, honey. I've got this. 94 00:04:24,636 --> 00:04:25,981 Voilà. 95 00:04:25,981 --> 00:04:28,361 An all-natural cure for poison oak. 96 00:04:28,361 --> 00:04:31,636 [sniffs] Ew, what's in this? 97 00:04:31,636 --> 00:04:35,878 Herbs, spring water, and squirrel excrement. 98 00:04:35,878 --> 00:04:38,050 [screams] 99 00:04:38,050 --> 00:04:40,395 Ha, what do you know? I'm cured. 100 00:04:40,395 --> 00:04:43,568 Ah, great work, honey. Your mom is awesome. 101 00:04:43,568 --> 00:04:45,981 Onward. 102 00:04:46,947 --> 00:04:49,154 Beware of mountain goats. 103 00:04:49,154 --> 00:04:51,430 I have one more idea. 104 00:04:51,430 --> 00:04:58,430 ♪ ♪ 105 00:05:00,223 --> 00:05:02,774 Mom, Dad, Lily's got a full diaper. 106 00:05:02,774 --> 00:05:04,395 - And we all have to go too. - I have to take a leak. 107 00:05:04,395 --> 00:05:06,154 - I have to pee. - Need to evacuate my bladder. 108 00:05:06,154 --> 00:05:09,395 Of course. Bathroom break, everyone. 109 00:05:11,361 --> 00:05:16,257 [bleating thunderously] 110 00:05:16,257 --> 00:05:18,119 Ah, it's one of those Rocky Mountain goats 111 00:05:18,119 --> 00:05:20,292 I've heard about. They're very aggressive. 112 00:05:20,292 --> 00:05:21,981 They've been known to injure people. 113 00:05:21,981 --> 00:05:24,568 Kids, everyone come back. 114 00:05:32,774 --> 00:05:34,947 We're sorry to say this, but the hike is off. 115 00:05:34,947 --> 00:05:36,533 We've had an angry goat sighting. 116 00:05:36,533 --> 00:05:38,257 It's just too dangerous for you kids 117 00:05:38,257 --> 00:05:39,636 to be out here with those beasts 118 00:05:39,636 --> 00:05:40,809 roaming the woods. 119 00:05:40,809 --> 00:05:43,085 Time to get back to the RV ASAP. 120 00:05:43,085 --> 00:05:45,326 [all cheer] 121 00:05:45,326 --> 00:05:46,981 - I mean, "Oh, no." - Terrible. 122 00:05:46,981 --> 00:05:48,947 This is terrible. 123 00:05:48,947 --> 00:05:51,016 [panting] 124 00:05:51,016 --> 00:05:52,947 Hurry like your lives depend on it 125 00:05:52,947 --> 00:05:55,154 because they do. [screams] 126 00:05:55,154 --> 00:05:57,119 [goats growl] 127 00:05:57,119 --> 00:06:00,947 No one make any sudden movements. 128 00:06:00,947 --> 00:06:02,533 OM-gosh, our sisters make 129 00:06:02,533 --> 00:06:04,774 really convincing mountain goats. 130 00:06:04,774 --> 00:06:06,533 No, Leni. 131 00:06:06,533 --> 00:06:09,119 It seems Lynn's roar summoned actual mountain goats. 132 00:06:09,119 --> 00:06:11,223 [goats growling and grunting] 133 00:06:11,223 --> 00:06:12,774 [low bleat] 134 00:06:12,774 --> 00:06:14,361 I'm not quite as familiar 135 00:06:14,361 --> 00:06:16,188 with this Rocky Mountain dialect, 136 00:06:16,188 --> 00:06:18,430 but I can tell they are not happy. 137 00:06:20,533 --> 00:06:23,085 Maybe I can soothe them with a lullaby. 138 00:06:23,085 --> 00:06:26,602 You know, Moon Goat to mountain goat. 139 00:06:26,602 --> 00:06:29,843 ♪ Sleep angry mountain goats on this mountain hike ♪ 140 00:06:29,843 --> 00:06:33,843 ♪ With visions of whatever goats like ♪ 141 00:06:33,843 --> 00:06:38,223 ♪ Just lie down now and shut your sleepy eyes ♪ 142 00:06:38,223 --> 00:06:41,499 ♪ Please let the Loud family stay alive ♪ 143 00:06:41,499 --> 00:06:43,085 [growls] 144 00:06:43,085 --> 00:06:44,223 [all screaming] 145 00:06:44,223 --> 00:06:45,843 Ah, tough room! 146 00:06:45,843 --> 00:06:47,050 [suspenseful music] 147 00:06:47,050 --> 00:06:50,326 [all screaming] 148 00:06:53,740 --> 00:06:57,188 ♪ ♪ 149 00:06:57,188 --> 00:07:01,050 OK, careful. Follow me. 150 00:07:01,050 --> 00:07:02,774 [screams] 151 00:07:02,774 --> 00:07:04,705 - Oh, no. - Dad! 152 00:07:04,705 --> 00:07:07,499 - Gasp. - Whew. 153 00:07:07,499 --> 00:07:10,361 OK, I am literally not crossing that. 154 00:07:10,361 --> 00:07:12,671 I'd rather take my chances with the goats. 155 00:07:12,671 --> 00:07:15,705 ♪ ♪ 156 00:07:15,705 --> 00:07:18,050 [screams] Wait for me! 157 00:07:18,050 --> 00:07:20,223 ♪ ♪ 158 00:07:20,223 --> 00:07:22,430 They're gonna break the bridge. 159 00:07:22,430 --> 00:07:23,257 Run! 160 00:07:23,257 --> 00:07:26,464 [all screaming] 161 00:07:28,981 --> 00:07:30,774 OK, kids, stay calm. 162 00:07:30,774 --> 00:07:33,361 We need to use the bridge as a ladder to get back up. 163 00:07:33,361 --> 00:07:35,361 - Make way. - Come on. 164 00:07:35,361 --> 00:07:37,188 - Ow! - Beauty before age. 165 00:07:37,188 --> 00:07:39,464 And before you too. - Eh. 166 00:07:39,464 --> 00:07:40,981 [blows raspberry] 167 00:07:40,981 --> 00:07:42,981 ♪ ♪ 168 00:07:42,981 --> 00:07:46,464 [groaning] 169 00:07:46,464 --> 00:07:48,085 See that? 170 00:07:48,085 --> 00:07:51,430 The Louds can handle anything Mother Nature throws at them. 171 00:07:51,430 --> 00:07:52,740 [sighs] 172 00:07:52,740 --> 00:07:54,602 [all panting and groaning] 173 00:07:54,602 --> 00:07:56,981 Now let's see where to go next. 174 00:07:56,981 --> 00:07:59,774 Where's the map? Oh. Oh, no. 175 00:07:59,774 --> 00:08:03,809 No, no, no, no. No! 176 00:08:03,809 --> 00:08:07,188 [goats chuckling] 177 00:08:09,430 --> 00:08:13,361 Great, so we're completely lost with no food 178 00:08:13,361 --> 00:08:15,671 and no way to call for help. 179 00:08:15,671 --> 00:08:17,671 Ah, yes, given our circumstances, 180 00:08:17,671 --> 00:08:21,947 I calculate our chances of survival at 35%. 181 00:08:21,947 --> 00:08:23,464 Gah! 182 00:08:23,464 --> 00:08:26,292 Oh, wait, forgot to carry the one. 183 00:08:26,292 --> 00:08:28,878 5%. - [screams] 184 00:08:28,878 --> 00:08:32,774 We never should have taken you kids on a hike. 185 00:08:32,774 --> 00:08:34,223 We just wanted to make 186 00:08:34,223 --> 00:08:36,568 some lifelong memories together. 187 00:08:36,568 --> 00:08:41,257 And now it seems lifelong means only a few hours. 188 00:08:41,257 --> 00:08:44,809 This is all our fault. [sobbing] 189 00:08:44,809 --> 00:08:48,257 Actually, Mom and Dad, this is all our fault. 190 00:08:48,257 --> 00:08:50,464 We didn't want to do a 10-mile hike, 191 00:08:50,464 --> 00:08:53,705 so we sabotaged it. - You what? 192 00:08:53,705 --> 00:08:56,361 Kids, how could you? 193 00:08:56,361 --> 00:08:58,981 - We're sorry. - You should be. 194 00:08:58,981 --> 00:09:01,257 I tried to talk them out of it. 195 00:09:02,878 --> 00:09:05,464 But don't worry. We got us into this mess. 196 00:09:05,464 --> 00:09:08,257 And if we work together, we can get us out of it. 197 00:09:08,257 --> 00:09:10,533 Right, guys? - Totally! 198 00:09:10,533 --> 00:09:14,119 Well, judging by the sun's position in the sky 199 00:09:14,119 --> 00:09:16,326 and knowing we took an easterly road, 200 00:09:16,326 --> 00:09:19,292 the RV must be, uh, this way. 201 00:09:19,292 --> 00:09:21,568 [spirited orchestral music] 202 00:09:21,568 --> 00:09:24,809 How are we supposed to get down? 203 00:09:24,809 --> 00:09:28,119 Ooh, we'll use what nature provides. 204 00:09:28,119 --> 00:09:34,809 ♪ ♪ 205 00:09:34,809 --> 00:09:38,257 Oh, how are we gonna get past these rapids? 206 00:09:38,257 --> 00:09:40,050 [grunts] 207 00:09:40,050 --> 00:09:42,223 We'll use what nature provides. 208 00:09:42,223 --> 00:09:44,430 ♪ ♪ 209 00:09:44,430 --> 00:09:47,223 How are we gonna get past this waterfall? 210 00:09:47,223 --> 00:09:49,188 ♪ ♪ 211 00:09:49,188 --> 00:09:51,843 We'll use what nature-- [screams] 212 00:09:51,843 --> 00:09:55,361 Never mind! 213 00:09:55,361 --> 00:09:56,774 [all screaming] 214 00:09:56,774 --> 00:09:58,774 Everyone lean left. 215 00:09:58,774 --> 00:10:00,395 Lean right. 216 00:10:00,395 --> 00:10:02,085 Aim for that beaver dam. 217 00:10:02,085 --> 00:10:05,361 [all screaming] 218 00:10:07,188 --> 00:10:08,809 We made it. 219 00:10:08,809 --> 00:10:11,464 Can you believe when that bridge broke? 220 00:10:11,464 --> 00:10:13,705 I thought we were goners in the rapids. 221 00:10:13,705 --> 00:10:16,085 OK, OK, we get the message. 222 00:10:16,085 --> 00:10:18,878 We'll never take you on another hike again. 223 00:10:18,878 --> 00:10:20,257 What do you mean? 224 00:10:20,257 --> 00:10:22,533 We literally loved it. 225 00:10:22,533 --> 00:10:25,361 I concur. Talk about an adrenaline rush. 226 00:10:25,361 --> 00:10:27,119 Nature is rad. 227 00:10:27,119 --> 00:10:30,947 Mom and Dad, can we sleep under the stars tonight? 228 00:10:30,947 --> 00:10:33,705 [laughs] I'll go grab our mattresses. 229 00:10:35,257 --> 00:10:36,843 [bleats happily] 230 00:10:39,257 --> 00:10:40,912 [growls] 231 00:10:42,533 --> 00:10:44,395 Or we can sleep on the ground.