1 00:00:14,154 --> 00:00:16,154 Hello to you too! 2 00:00:16,154 --> 00:00:19,154 And they say people in the city are rude. 3 00:00:19,154 --> 00:00:21,222 Okay, kids, listen up. 4 00:00:21,222 --> 00:00:23,705 This is our last stop on our summer road trip, 5 00:00:23,705 --> 00:00:26,498 and we have a packed day! 6 00:00:26,498 --> 00:00:28,498 Lunch at Goddess Greens, 7 00:00:28,498 --> 00:00:30,119 Great Lakes City Tower, 8 00:00:30,119 --> 00:00:32,360 and a concert series in the park. 9 00:00:32,360 --> 00:00:35,360 Sweet! When do we get to see the Casagrandes? 10 00:00:35,360 --> 00:00:37,843 I can't wait to tell Ronnie Anne all about our trip! 11 00:00:37,843 --> 00:00:39,912 Hey, Booboo Bear. 12 00:00:39,912 --> 00:00:41,464 Guess where I am? 13 00:00:41,464 --> 00:00:42,740 Ah! 14 00:00:42,740 --> 00:00:44,774 Literally Mount Rushmore! 15 00:00:45,981 --> 00:00:48,671 Oh, losing reception, babe! 16 00:00:48,671 --> 00:00:50,498 Call you later! 17 00:00:50,498 --> 00:00:52,602 Mom! What was that? 18 00:00:52,602 --> 00:00:54,085 Um-- 19 00:00:54,085 --> 00:00:57,636 We would love to visit the Casagrandes. 20 00:00:57,636 --> 00:00:59,050 But my last travel piece 21 00:00:59,050 --> 00:01:00,809 for the "Gazette" is due tonight, 22 00:01:00,809 --> 00:01:03,188 and we have to hit all these places. 23 00:01:03,188 --> 00:01:05,257 There's just no time to stop by. 24 00:01:05,257 --> 00:01:06,912 Yeah, if we wanna get everything 25 00:01:06,912 --> 00:01:09,395 on your Mom's list done, they can't know we're here. 26 00:01:09,395 --> 00:01:12,119 We-we'll visit them another time, okay, kiddos? 27 00:01:13,671 --> 00:01:14,878 I guess so. 28 00:01:14,878 --> 00:01:17,050 Plus, I don't want to miss that concert. 29 00:01:17,050 --> 00:01:19,981 And I want a glamor shot from the top of the GLC tower, 30 00:01:19,981 --> 00:01:22,222 looking down at all the little people. 31 00:01:22,222 --> 00:01:25,257 I don't know you guys. I feel weird about this. 32 00:01:27,602 --> 00:01:28,809 Hey, Booboo Bear. 33 00:01:30,291 --> 00:01:32,912 Yeah, we're still at Mount Rushmore. 34 00:01:32,912 --> 00:01:34,291 Of course I'll think of you 35 00:01:34,291 --> 00:01:36,567 every time I look up Washington's nose. 36 00:01:38,119 --> 00:01:41,050 Aw, thanks for understanding, sweetie. 37 00:01:41,050 --> 00:01:44,429 Okay, gang, first stop, Goddess Greens! 38 00:01:44,429 --> 00:01:45,912 Hope everyone's hungry! 39 00:01:45,912 --> 00:01:47,809 Yeah, just in time. 40 00:01:47,809 --> 00:01:49,671 You don't wanna see me hangry. 41 00:01:50,843 --> 00:01:53,291 Move it or lose it, buddy! 42 00:01:53,291 --> 00:01:55,533 I love this city. 43 00:01:56,533 --> 00:01:59,843 Whatever you're into, Great Lakes City has it all-- 44 00:01:59,843 --> 00:02:03,050 that is, if you have time to do it all. 45 00:02:03,050 --> 00:02:05,774 Hon, I'm not sure I'm cool enough for this place. 46 00:02:05,774 --> 00:02:07,671 There's nothing on this menu but emojis! 47 00:02:07,671 --> 00:02:11,498 What am I supposed to order, the dinosaur or the winky face? 48 00:02:11,498 --> 00:02:14,395 I'm sure everything is fabulous, hon. 49 00:02:14,395 --> 00:02:16,636 Jesse said this was the trendiest 50 00:02:16,636 --> 00:02:18,188 restaurant in the city. 51 00:02:18,188 --> 00:02:21,016 Oh, it totes is. It's Carlota's fave spot. 52 00:02:21,016 --> 00:02:23,016 She comes here all the time. 53 00:02:23,016 --> 00:02:25,257 What? Why didn't you tell us? 54 00:02:25,257 --> 00:02:26,947 Lynn, it's fine. 55 00:02:26,947 --> 00:02:29,671 It's nearly impossible to get a reservation. 56 00:02:29,671 --> 00:02:31,774 What are the odds that Carlota got one 57 00:02:31,774 --> 00:02:33,809 at the same time as us? 58 00:02:33,809 --> 00:02:34,947 Hola! 59 00:02:34,947 --> 00:02:37,188 I have a noon rez under Casagrande. 60 00:02:37,188 --> 00:02:38,464 Mwah, mwah! 61 00:02:39,774 --> 00:02:41,222 We have to get out of here! 62 00:02:41,222 --> 00:02:42,809 I didn't even try the food! 63 00:02:42,809 --> 00:02:44,498 I'll have nothing to write about! 64 00:02:44,498 --> 00:02:46,326 If Carlota sees us, you'll be writing about the end 65 00:02:46,326 --> 00:02:48,257 of your friendship with the Casagrandes! 66 00:02:53,843 --> 00:02:55,567 Hi, Carlo-- 67 00:02:59,429 --> 00:03:00,809 Ah! 68 00:03:02,705 --> 00:03:04,257 Thank you. 69 00:03:10,602 --> 00:03:12,257 For the best bite in the city, 70 00:03:12,257 --> 00:03:14,774 grab a Warrior Wrap at Goddess Greens. 71 00:03:14,774 --> 00:03:16,912 It's perfect on the go. 72 00:03:20,016 --> 00:03:21,809 Huh? Oh. 73 00:03:24,912 --> 00:03:26,429 No city visit is complete 74 00:03:26,429 --> 00:03:28,809 without stopping by the observation deck 75 00:03:28,809 --> 00:03:30,843 of Great Lakes City Tower. 76 00:03:31,912 --> 00:03:33,188 Rad! 77 00:03:33,188 --> 00:03:35,567 Whoa. Literally so cool. 78 00:03:35,567 --> 00:03:38,050 Worship me, little people! 79 00:03:38,050 --> 00:03:40,291 Agh, great view! 80 00:03:40,291 --> 00:03:42,119 And I'm pretty sure we won't have to worry 81 00:03:42,119 --> 00:03:44,050 about any Casagrandes up-- 82 00:03:44,050 --> 00:03:46,567 Hot pretzel, twelve o'clock! 83 00:03:50,257 --> 00:03:52,119 Lunchtime, boys! 84 00:03:54,912 --> 00:03:57,119 - Sergio! - Dang it! 85 00:04:02,567 --> 00:04:04,016 Mmm. Mmm! 86 00:04:04,016 --> 00:04:06,291 Needs mustard! 87 00:04:06,291 --> 00:04:09,636 Ah, man! You guys got a whole pretzel? 88 00:04:09,636 --> 00:04:12,291 All I nabbed was some peanuts. 89 00:04:14,154 --> 00:04:15,912 Carl too? 90 00:04:15,912 --> 00:04:17,257 They're right by the elevator! 91 00:04:17,257 --> 00:04:19,188 How are we going to get out of here? 92 00:04:30,671 --> 00:04:31,981 By my rough calculation, 93 00:04:31,981 --> 00:04:33,188 factoring in our combined weight 94 00:04:33,188 --> 00:04:34,843 and this platform's capacity, 95 00:04:34,843 --> 00:04:36,464 I'm afraid we're-- 96 00:04:37,843 --> 00:04:39,671 Goners. 97 00:04:43,119 --> 00:04:44,947 If we don't make it, I just want to say, 98 00:04:44,947 --> 00:04:46,257 I love you guys! 99 00:04:48,498 --> 00:04:51,016 And I'm sorry I spilled pickle juice 100 00:04:51,016 --> 00:04:52,947 in the back of the RV and blamed it on Lily. 101 00:04:52,947 --> 00:04:54,740 I knew it. 102 00:05:01,567 --> 00:05:02,567 all: Phew! 103 00:05:04,740 --> 00:05:06,222 We're alive! 104 00:05:08,016 --> 00:05:11,774 After dropping by to take in the view, 105 00:05:11,774 --> 00:05:14,912 it's time to unwind with some live music 106 00:05:14,912 --> 00:05:17,774 at the GLC Jazz Festival. 107 00:05:20,981 --> 00:05:22,154 Huh. 108 00:05:24,326 --> 00:05:26,257 These signs are a little confusing. 109 00:05:26,257 --> 00:05:27,257 Whoa! 110 00:05:27,257 --> 00:05:29,050 What on earth does this mean? 111 00:05:29,050 --> 00:05:30,981 You can't build a sandcastle here. 112 00:05:30,981 --> 00:05:32,947 What's hard to understand? 113 00:05:43,740 --> 00:05:45,464 You rock! 114 00:05:45,464 --> 00:05:46,602 I mean, you jazz. 115 00:05:46,602 --> 00:05:48,222 Y-you get what I'm sayin'! 116 00:05:49,188 --> 00:05:50,774 Well, we did it. 117 00:05:50,774 --> 00:05:54,050 We saw everything we needed to see for my article. 118 00:05:54,050 --> 00:05:56,257 Ah, that's a relief. 119 00:05:56,257 --> 00:05:57,912 For a second there, I didn't think we'd be able 120 00:05:57,912 --> 00:05:59,843 to avoid the Casagrandes. 121 00:06:01,326 --> 00:06:04,326 Is that Hector and Bobby? 122 00:06:06,257 --> 00:06:07,843 Let's move, people. 123 00:06:14,188 --> 00:06:16,154 We're doomed. 124 00:06:17,740 --> 00:06:20,498 Maybe we can dig a tunnel out of the park. 125 00:06:24,809 --> 00:06:26,843 I have a better idea. 126 00:06:31,843 --> 00:06:34,395 Thanks. You guys jazz! 127 00:06:46,912 --> 00:06:48,222 Quick! In here! 128 00:06:53,291 --> 00:06:55,705 Why does this place look familiar? 129 00:06:58,636 --> 00:07:02,016 Uh, 'cause this is literally the Casagrandes' building! 130 00:07:02,016 --> 00:07:04,257 Ugh, great move, Stinkin'! 131 00:07:04,257 --> 00:07:06,154 We're in the belly of the beast! 132 00:07:11,671 --> 00:07:13,085 all: Whoa--oof! 133 00:07:14,154 --> 00:07:15,429 That was close. 134 00:07:15,429 --> 00:07:17,533 We'll just wait it out a few minutes 135 00:07:17,533 --> 00:07:19,878 and then sneak back downstairs. 136 00:07:19,878 --> 00:07:22,740 And I'm sure we all need to catch our breath anyway, 137 00:07:22,740 --> 00:07:24,533 right? 138 00:07:24,533 --> 00:07:26,188 Just me? 139 00:07:26,188 --> 00:07:28,602 All right! 140 00:07:31,016 --> 00:07:32,705 Oh, no. Oh, no, no, no, no, no! 141 00:07:32,705 --> 00:07:34,498 It's locked! 142 00:07:36,947 --> 00:07:38,085 Oof! 143 00:07:38,085 --> 00:07:40,119 My laptop's in the RV, 144 00:07:40,119 --> 00:07:42,291 and I need it to type my article. 145 00:07:42,291 --> 00:07:45,533 If we don't get down there, I'll miss my deadline! 146 00:07:46,878 --> 00:07:48,326 Wait! I have an idea. 147 00:07:48,326 --> 00:07:50,119 I saw this in a David Steele movie. 148 00:07:50,119 --> 00:07:51,257 It's gotta work. 149 00:07:59,947 --> 00:08:01,119 Huh? 150 00:08:01,119 --> 00:08:02,774 Oh, come on! 151 00:08:05,878 --> 00:08:09,119 Thanks for trying, Lincoln, but we're out of time. 152 00:08:09,119 --> 00:08:11,085 There's only one option. 153 00:08:11,085 --> 00:08:13,188 We have to call the Casagrandes. 154 00:08:13,188 --> 00:08:14,878 No, no, no! They can't know 155 00:08:14,878 --> 00:08:16,705 we've been here the whole time! 156 00:08:16,705 --> 00:08:18,464 There's gotta be a way off this roof! 157 00:08:18,464 --> 00:08:19,981 all: Dad, no! - No! 158 00:08:19,981 --> 00:08:21,705 No, no, no, I can do it! 159 00:08:21,705 --> 00:08:23,878 Louds? 160 00:08:23,878 --> 00:08:25,671 What are you all doing here? 161 00:08:25,671 --> 00:08:28,188 Rosa! Hey! 162 00:08:28,188 --> 00:08:30,947 We were, uh, just, you know, 163 00:08:30,947 --> 00:08:33,774 uh, trying out Lisa's new teleportation device! 164 00:08:33,774 --> 00:08:36,326 It works! 165 00:08:36,326 --> 00:08:37,705 Nice job, sweetie. 166 00:08:37,705 --> 00:08:39,222 Oh, jeez. 167 00:08:39,222 --> 00:08:40,533 O-M-gosh, really? 168 00:08:40,533 --> 00:08:43,085 I thought we were hiding from the Casagrandes. 169 00:08:43,085 --> 00:08:44,429 - Uh... - Oh. 170 00:08:44,429 --> 00:08:46,809 What? Hiding from us? 171 00:08:46,809 --> 00:08:48,498 I don't understand. 172 00:08:48,498 --> 00:08:50,878 We weren't hiding. Well, maybe a little. 173 00:08:50,878 --> 00:08:53,119 But only because we had something important to do. 174 00:08:53,119 --> 00:08:55,016 Not--not that you're 175 00:08:55,016 --> 00:08:56,947 not important, I mean, uh-- 176 00:08:56,947 --> 00:08:58,981 Lynn, help me out here? 177 00:08:58,981 --> 00:09:02,050 Well--well, you know, Rita had a "Gazette" deadline, 178 00:09:02,050 --> 00:09:03,291 and, well, you know, we thought-- 179 00:09:03,291 --> 00:09:04,636 Don't trouble yourselves. 180 00:09:04,636 --> 00:09:08,050 I won't take up any more of your time. 181 00:09:12,222 --> 00:09:14,947 Ugh, we have to fix this. 182 00:09:14,947 --> 00:09:16,429 But what about your article? 183 00:09:16,429 --> 00:09:20,188 Some things are more important, Lincoln. 184 00:09:20,188 --> 00:09:22,636 So the whole point of not telling you was 185 00:09:22,636 --> 00:09:26,498 to spare your feelings, but clearly by sneaking around, 186 00:09:26,498 --> 00:09:28,947 we've hurt you even more. 187 00:09:28,947 --> 00:09:30,360 Yes, you have. 188 00:09:30,360 --> 00:09:31,947 You could have been honest with us. 189 00:09:31,947 --> 00:09:33,464 We would have understood. 190 00:09:34,395 --> 00:09:36,222 We messed up! 191 00:09:38,912 --> 00:09:41,567 Can you guys ever forgive us? 192 00:09:43,429 --> 00:09:45,085 - Claro que sí. - Obviously. 193 00:09:45,085 --> 00:09:46,257 Of course! 194 00:09:46,257 --> 00:09:48,222 Mm, I'll think about it. 195 00:09:48,222 --> 00:09:51,016 I need time to heal. 196 00:09:51,016 --> 00:09:52,291 Hm. 197 00:09:52,291 --> 00:09:54,636 I'm healed. 198 00:09:54,636 --> 00:09:57,188 Rita, go finish your article. 199 00:09:57,188 --> 00:09:59,602 I don't want you to miss your deadline. 200 00:09:59,602 --> 00:10:02,740 But after that, maybe you can all stay for dinner. 201 00:10:02,740 --> 00:10:04,602 We'd love to. 202 00:10:05,843 --> 00:10:09,636 As our summer adventure comes to an end in Great Lakes City, 203 00:10:09,636 --> 00:10:12,567 I'm reminded that it's not always what you do 204 00:10:12,567 --> 00:10:13,843 that makes the trip. 205 00:10:13,843 --> 00:10:16,774 It's the people you spend time with. 206 00:10:22,360 --> 00:10:24,429 I hope everyone's hungry! 207 00:10:24,429 --> 00:10:25,429 - Smells divine! - Ooh! 208 00:10:25,429 --> 00:10:26,429 - Yes, please! - Tamales! 209 00:10:26,429 --> 00:10:29,154 Hey, isn't that your RV? 210 00:10:31,291 --> 00:10:32,912 Ah! 211 00:10:32,912 --> 00:10:35,809 Well, I guess we're staying the night. 212 00:10:37,326 --> 00:10:39,774 Hope you don't mind my snoring!