1 00:00:01,455 --> 00:00:04,386 [big band music] 2 00:00:04,386 --> 00:00:09,352 ♪ ♪ 3 00:00:09,352 --> 00:00:11,800 Wah! Wah! 4 00:00:11,800 --> 00:00:13,076 Aah! 5 00:00:13,076 --> 00:00:14,731 You may be wondering why I'm screaming. 6 00:00:14,731 --> 00:00:17,559 And no, it's not because I just found out 7 00:00:17,559 --> 00:00:21,076 Lana's been hiding her booger stash in my room. 8 00:00:21,076 --> 00:00:23,007 Ugh. - It's not a stash. 9 00:00:23,007 --> 00:00:25,973 It's an exhibit celebrating all things nasal. 10 00:00:25,973 --> 00:00:27,421 You should be honored. 11 00:00:27,421 --> 00:00:29,869 Lana, stop listening at my door! 12 00:00:29,869 --> 00:00:31,352 [sighs] 13 00:00:31,352 --> 00:00:33,938 Anyway, I was practicing my ride scream. 14 00:00:33,938 --> 00:00:36,938 Today's the annual Udder Madness Day at Dairyland. 15 00:00:36,938 --> 00:00:38,731 Clyde and I never miss it. 16 00:00:38,731 --> 00:00:41,145 If you can go on the ten most stomach-curdling rides 17 00:00:41,145 --> 00:00:44,421 before the park closes, you win an awesome prize. 18 00:00:44,421 --> 00:00:47,455 And this year's prize is gonna be "legendairy." 19 00:00:47,455 --> 00:00:49,938 [laughs] Good one, Lincoln! 20 00:00:49,938 --> 00:00:53,042 Okay, if there's anybody else at my door, 21 00:00:53,042 --> 00:00:54,938 please step away. 22 00:00:54,938 --> 00:00:56,731 [everyone grumbles] 23 00:00:56,731 --> 00:01:00,007 As I was saying, check out this year's prize: 24 00:01:00,007 --> 00:01:02,455 this moo-tiful Tippy hat! 25 00:01:02,455 --> 00:01:04,283 It's gonna look so good with the rest 26 00:01:04,283 --> 00:01:06,111 of my Udder Madness collection. 27 00:01:06,111 --> 00:01:07,973 Lemme show you. 28 00:01:07,973 --> 00:01:10,007 [gags] Lana! 29 00:01:10,007 --> 00:01:12,386 Don't touch! Those are the fresh ones! 30 00:01:12,386 --> 00:01:13,869 They need to harden! 31 00:01:13,869 --> 00:01:15,559 [sighs] 32 00:01:15,559 --> 00:01:17,904 I've got a Tippy bobblehead, 33 00:01:17,904 --> 00:01:21,455 an Udder backpack with squirt action, 34 00:01:21,455 --> 00:01:24,490 and a light-up Tippy cheese curd bucket. 35 00:01:26,938 --> 00:01:27,904 Now if you'll excuse me, 36 00:01:27,904 --> 00:01:29,455 I'm off to win-- 37 00:01:29,455 --> 00:01:31,145 [gasps] Come on. 38 00:01:31,145 --> 00:01:33,869 You weren't listening at my door too, were you? 39 00:01:33,869 --> 00:01:35,800 No! We didn't hear anything 40 00:01:35,800 --> 00:01:37,386 about a light-up cheese curd bucket. 41 00:01:37,386 --> 00:01:39,662 [chuckles] - Nice save, hon. 42 00:01:39,662 --> 00:01:41,490 Lincoln, we just wanted to remind you 43 00:01:41,490 --> 00:01:43,559 that you are on laundry duty today. 44 00:01:43,559 --> 00:01:46,731 No Udder Madness until your udder stuff is done. 45 00:01:46,731 --> 00:01:48,318 - Nailed it, Dad. - [laughs] 46 00:01:48,318 --> 00:01:49,766 Thanks, honey. 47 00:01:49,766 --> 00:01:50,938 Not a problem. 48 00:01:50,938 --> 00:01:52,869 I'll just ask my-- - [clears throat] 49 00:01:54,455 --> 00:01:56,938 "As representative for the collective group 50 00:01:56,938 --> 00:02:00,559 "hereby known as the Loud sisters, I am here 51 00:02:00,559 --> 00:02:03,455 "to inform you that after the five previous instances, 52 00:02:03,455 --> 00:02:07,593 none of us will be covering your laundry responsibilities." 53 00:02:07,593 --> 00:02:09,283 In layman's terms, 54 00:02:09,283 --> 00:02:11,283 you're on your own. 55 00:02:11,283 --> 00:02:13,455 This is not good. 56 00:02:15,180 --> 00:02:18,524 I need this for tomorrow's full moon ritual. 57 00:02:18,524 --> 00:02:21,973 [squelch] - This is fake blood, right? 58 00:02:21,973 --> 00:02:23,869 Sure. 59 00:02:23,869 --> 00:02:26,421 Got a game tomorrow! Need my lucky uniform. 60 00:02:26,421 --> 00:02:28,524 - [gags] - Oh. Ha! 61 00:02:28,524 --> 00:02:30,559 Yeah, that's just the sweat funks. 62 00:02:30,559 --> 00:02:32,490 Aah! [groans] 63 00:02:32,490 --> 00:02:34,042 Delicate cycle, cold wash, 64 00:02:34,042 --> 00:02:35,559 perm press, and while you're at it, 65 00:02:35,559 --> 00:02:38,214 an iced decaf latte with a splash of honey. 66 00:02:38,214 --> 00:02:40,559 Now would be good. 67 00:02:40,559 --> 00:02:42,869 Can't blame a girl for tryin'. 68 00:02:42,869 --> 00:02:44,800 Oh, and to get the uranium out, 69 00:02:44,800 --> 00:02:49,559 use sodium hydrogen carbonate, street name, baking soda. 70 00:02:49,559 --> 00:02:52,490 Should I be wearing a hazmat suit too? 71 00:02:52,490 --> 00:02:55,214 - Eh. - Don't forget my jean shorts. 72 00:02:55,214 --> 00:02:57,800 Big beach day coming up. 73 00:02:59,111 --> 00:03:00,490 [gasps] 74 00:03:00,490 --> 00:03:03,490 12 separate wash and dry cycles? 75 00:03:03,490 --> 00:03:07,938 I've got a better idea. 76 00:03:07,938 --> 00:03:10,145 Aah! [grunts] 77 00:03:10,145 --> 00:03:12,455 [groaning] 78 00:03:12,455 --> 00:03:13,628 Phew. 79 00:03:13,628 --> 00:03:16,111 All 12 loads packed at once. 80 00:03:16,111 --> 00:03:19,283 Sorry, ladies. I've got a hat to win. 81 00:03:19,283 --> 00:03:21,938 Cold setting should cover it. 82 00:03:21,938 --> 00:03:24,869 [light music] 83 00:03:24,869 --> 00:03:26,662 Ugh. 84 00:03:28,318 --> 00:03:31,214 [washer whirring] 85 00:03:31,214 --> 00:03:33,042 Uh-oh. 86 00:03:33,042 --> 00:03:34,042 [thud] 87 00:03:34,042 --> 00:03:37,421 Whoa! 88 00:03:37,421 --> 00:03:38,628 [gasps] 89 00:03:38,628 --> 00:03:39,835 It's busted! 90 00:03:39,835 --> 00:03:42,697 Time for Plan C: mic B. 91 00:03:42,697 --> 00:03:45,835 Clyde, I've got a Code Aquamarine on my hands. 92 00:03:45,835 --> 00:03:47,283 You tried stuffing your washing machine 93 00:03:47,283 --> 00:03:49,766 with 12 loads at once to get to Dairyland on time 94 00:03:49,766 --> 00:03:52,249 for Udder Madness and now your washing machine is broken? 95 00:03:52,249 --> 00:03:55,076 Exactly. Do you think I can use your machine? 96 00:03:55,076 --> 00:03:57,042 Uh, I would say yes, 97 00:03:57,042 --> 00:03:59,007 but I've got a Code Chartreuse over here. 98 00:03:59,007 --> 00:04:01,111 Your dads are washing their vintage rugs 99 00:04:01,111 --> 00:04:02,524 and nobody's allowed to interrupt 100 00:04:02,524 --> 00:04:04,421 their 12-hour wash cycle? 101 00:04:04,421 --> 00:04:06,145 Yup. [sighs] 102 00:04:06,145 --> 00:04:08,007 I wish we had more machines here for you, 103 00:04:08,007 --> 00:04:10,180 but pre-Victorian washing machines 104 00:04:10,180 --> 00:04:11,697 are very hard to come by. 105 00:04:11,697 --> 00:04:13,455 [gasps] More machines! 106 00:04:13,455 --> 00:04:14,904 Clyde, that's it! 107 00:04:14,904 --> 00:04:19,593 Meet me at the laundromat in five minutes. 108 00:04:19,593 --> 00:04:21,180 With all the machines here, 109 00:04:21,180 --> 00:04:23,835 we'll be at Dairyland in no-- 110 00:04:23,835 --> 00:04:25,731 time? - [snores] 111 00:04:25,731 --> 00:04:28,249 Um, what is going on? 112 00:04:28,249 --> 00:04:30,628 It's Senior Day at the laundromat, little dudes. 113 00:04:30,628 --> 00:04:31,869 I'm here droppin' the beats 114 00:04:31,869 --> 00:04:33,421 while the wrinklies wash their sheets. 115 00:04:33,421 --> 00:04:35,731 Pew, pew, pew, pew! 116 00:04:35,731 --> 00:04:36,938 [upbeat music] 117 00:04:36,938 --> 00:04:39,283 Aah! Quit honkin'. Go around me. 118 00:04:39,283 --> 00:04:40,800 [growls] 119 00:04:40,800 --> 00:04:43,111 There have to be some open machines. 120 00:04:43,111 --> 00:04:46,869 You take that side. I'll take this one. 121 00:04:46,869 --> 00:04:47,973 Taken. 122 00:04:47,973 --> 00:04:51,283 One hour. Taken. Two hours! 123 00:04:53,662 --> 00:04:55,628 Got one! Hey, Linc! 124 00:04:55,628 --> 00:04:57,386 Hey, are you holdin' that machine? 125 00:04:57,386 --> 00:04:58,973 No holding machines! 126 00:04:58,973 --> 00:05:01,007 It's the rule! - Oh. [laughs] 127 00:05:01,007 --> 00:05:02,731 My--my friend is actually on his-- 128 00:05:02,731 --> 00:05:03,904 Hey, everybody! 129 00:05:03,904 --> 00:05:06,111 This kid's trying to hold a machine. 130 00:05:06,111 --> 00:05:08,421 [all grumbling] 131 00:05:08,421 --> 00:05:09,421 [whimpers] 132 00:05:09,421 --> 00:05:11,662 Lincoln! 133 00:05:11,662 --> 00:05:14,249 [washer buzzes] - Someone's done! 134 00:05:14,249 --> 00:05:17,214 [mischievous music] 135 00:05:17,214 --> 00:05:21,731 ♪ ♪ 136 00:05:21,731 --> 00:05:23,524 [revs scooter] 137 00:05:23,524 --> 00:05:26,490 [dramatic western music] 138 00:05:26,490 --> 00:05:27,490 ♪ ♪ 139 00:05:27,490 --> 00:05:28,628 Scoots. 140 00:05:28,628 --> 00:05:30,559 Loud. 141 00:05:30,559 --> 00:05:32,283 [screams wildly] 142 00:05:32,283 --> 00:05:33,662 Aah! 143 00:05:33,662 --> 00:05:39,524 ♪ ♪ 144 00:05:39,524 --> 00:05:42,490 [groans] 145 00:05:42,490 --> 00:05:46,318 Ha ha! This wrinkly's still got it! 146 00:05:48,042 --> 00:05:49,904 This is gonna take forever. 147 00:05:49,904 --> 00:05:52,490 There's no way I'm gonna make Udder Madness. 148 00:05:52,490 --> 00:05:56,283 Come on down to Dairyland for Udder Madness! 149 00:05:56,283 --> 00:05:58,455 [cheerful music] 150 00:05:58,455 --> 00:06:00,318 [screams] 151 00:06:00,318 --> 00:06:04,214 Dairyland: where creams really do come true! 152 00:06:04,214 --> 00:06:05,662 Quit rubbing it in, TV! 153 00:06:05,662 --> 00:06:07,973 Clyde, wait. I've got an idea. 154 00:06:07,973 --> 00:06:11,697 Udder Madness is still on. 155 00:06:11,697 --> 00:06:14,042 [cheering, screams] 156 00:06:14,042 --> 00:06:17,973 Dairyland, the world's largest washing machine. 157 00:06:19,490 --> 00:06:21,386 Three tickets, please. 158 00:06:21,386 --> 00:06:22,697 Oh. [laughs] 159 00:06:22,697 --> 00:06:24,593 That's, um, my good friend, Khaki. 160 00:06:24,593 --> 00:06:28,076 Yeah, he's, uh-- he's really into fashion. 161 00:06:30,731 --> 00:06:32,352 Welcome to Log Tose Intolerant, 162 00:06:32,352 --> 00:06:35,283 the water-based flume ride for the log tose intolerant. 163 00:06:35,283 --> 00:06:36,766 [slurps] 164 00:06:36,766 --> 00:06:39,180 Please keep all hooves, bells, and udders inside the log 165 00:06:39,180 --> 00:06:40,283 at all times. 166 00:06:40,283 --> 00:06:42,318 Moo. 167 00:06:42,318 --> 00:06:44,283 [grunts] 168 00:06:44,283 --> 00:06:45,490 [both sigh] 169 00:06:45,490 --> 00:06:47,249 [panel buzzes] 170 00:06:47,249 --> 00:06:53,628 ♪ ♪ 171 00:06:53,628 --> 00:06:55,214 both: Yeah! 172 00:06:58,042 --> 00:06:59,352 We'll take three copies. 173 00:06:59,352 --> 00:07:00,869 Clyde, we only need two. 174 00:07:00,869 --> 00:07:02,249 Oh, that's right. 175 00:07:02,249 --> 00:07:05,007 You two can share. 176 00:07:05,007 --> 00:07:07,938 That's one ride down. Nine to go. 177 00:07:07,938 --> 00:07:12,835 Now to dry these bad boys and get another ride punch. 178 00:07:12,835 --> 00:07:20,007 ♪ ♪ 179 00:07:23,283 --> 00:07:26,559 Lincoln, they're not drying fast enough! 180 00:07:26,559 --> 00:07:29,455 Can we go faster, please? 181 00:07:29,455 --> 00:07:33,835 ♪ ♪ 182 00:07:33,835 --> 00:07:36,318 It's working! 183 00:07:40,214 --> 00:07:44,628 Can we stop going faster? 184 00:07:44,628 --> 00:07:46,731 You want it faster? 185 00:07:46,731 --> 00:07:50,111 Well, okay. 186 00:07:50,111 --> 00:07:52,042 Aah! 187 00:07:54,042 --> 00:07:55,490 It's raining clothes! 188 00:07:55,490 --> 00:07:57,559 I love Udder Madness Day! 189 00:07:57,559 --> 00:08:00,524 [bright circusy music] 190 00:08:00,524 --> 00:08:01,731 ♪ ♪ 191 00:08:01,731 --> 00:08:06,111 Now going what to do we are, Lincoln? 192 00:08:06,111 --> 00:08:07,421 Whoa! 193 00:08:07,421 --> 00:08:09,800 I mean, what are we gonna do now, Lincoln? 194 00:08:09,800 --> 00:08:10,904 I don't know. 195 00:08:10,904 --> 00:08:12,731 My laundry could be anywhere. 196 00:08:12,731 --> 00:08:15,628 [shrieks] It burns! 197 00:08:15,628 --> 00:08:17,214 And on anyone! 198 00:08:17,214 --> 00:08:19,766 It's gonna take forever to find it all. 199 00:08:19,766 --> 00:08:21,524 Don't worry! We'll get your laundry 200 00:08:21,524 --> 00:08:23,421 and our Tippy hats. 201 00:08:23,421 --> 00:08:24,835 both: Clincoln McCloud! 202 00:08:24,835 --> 00:08:29,904 ♪ ♪ 203 00:08:29,904 --> 00:08:31,524 [bell dinging] 204 00:08:31,524 --> 00:08:33,318 [both laugh] 205 00:08:33,318 --> 00:08:40,318 ♪ ♪ 206 00:08:50,042 --> 00:08:51,766 Yah! Aah! [bull roars] 207 00:08:51,766 --> 00:08:54,835 Aah! 208 00:08:54,835 --> 00:08:57,421 Lucy's veil, Lola's pageant gloves, 209 00:08:57,421 --> 00:08:58,835 Lisa's hazmat suit. 210 00:08:58,835 --> 00:08:59,973 That's everything. 211 00:08:59,973 --> 00:09:01,421 Now let's go finish those rides 212 00:09:01,421 --> 00:09:04,938 and win that Tippy hat. 213 00:09:04,938 --> 00:09:06,938 [tense music] 214 00:09:06,938 --> 00:09:09,076 Lincoln, wait! Cheese! 215 00:09:09,076 --> 00:09:11,628 Huh? We don't have time for photos, Cly-- 216 00:09:11,628 --> 00:09:14,214 whoa! 217 00:09:14,214 --> 00:09:16,628 Bleh! 218 00:09:16,628 --> 00:09:18,938 No, no, no! 219 00:09:20,559 --> 00:09:22,076 [sighs] 220 00:09:22,076 --> 00:09:24,145 What was I thinking, Clyde? 221 00:09:24,145 --> 00:09:26,455 I should've just done the laundry the right way 222 00:09:26,455 --> 00:09:28,111 like I was supposed to. 223 00:09:28,111 --> 00:09:29,490 I've gotta go back home 224 00:09:29,490 --> 00:09:31,938 and fix this mozzarella mess. 225 00:09:31,938 --> 00:09:33,180 I'll come help. 226 00:09:33,180 --> 00:09:36,835 Clincoln McCloud always sticks together. 227 00:09:36,835 --> 00:09:39,593 [groans] 228 00:09:39,593 --> 00:09:41,559 I can't let you do that, buddy. 229 00:09:41,559 --> 00:09:42,869 This is my problem. 230 00:09:42,869 --> 00:09:44,766 You finish those rides without me. 231 00:09:44,766 --> 00:09:46,938 You deserve to win that hat. 232 00:09:46,938 --> 00:09:49,662 [lighthearted music] 233 00:09:49,662 --> 00:09:51,731 [curious music] 234 00:09:51,731 --> 00:09:53,318 ♪ ♪ 235 00:09:56,145 --> 00:09:57,904 Machine repair instructions. 236 00:09:57,904 --> 00:09:59,869 Here goes nothin'. 237 00:09:59,869 --> 00:10:02,766 [rhythmic percussive music] 238 00:10:02,766 --> 00:10:06,662 ♪ ♪ 239 00:10:06,662 --> 00:10:09,386 All right, here we go. 240 00:10:11,352 --> 00:10:13,111 [snores] [door clicks open] 241 00:10:13,111 --> 00:10:15,731 - Hey, buddy. - Aah! Whoa! [groans] 242 00:10:15,731 --> 00:10:17,835 Congrats! You got the laundry done! 243 00:10:17,835 --> 00:10:19,111 And you got a hat! 244 00:10:19,111 --> 00:10:21,800 Not just a hat. 245 00:10:21,800 --> 00:10:24,214 Two hats! - But how? 246 00:10:24,214 --> 00:10:25,697 You dropped your punch ticket, 247 00:10:25,697 --> 00:10:27,593 so I just rode everything twice. 248 00:10:27,593 --> 00:10:29,800 [gasps] 249 00:10:29,800 --> 00:10:31,318 You're the best friend ever. 250 00:10:31,318 --> 00:10:33,662 Thanks, Clyde. 251 00:10:33,662 --> 00:10:36,214 And thank you, Lincoln. 252 00:10:36,214 --> 00:10:38,180 The jean shorts are perfect. 253 00:10:38,180 --> 00:10:41,800 Beach volleyball, here I come. 254 00:10:41,800 --> 00:10:43,766 Ow. 255 00:10:43,766 --> 00:10:45,214 [both laugh] 256 00:10:48,042 --> 00:10:49,352 ♪ Cramped inside this tiny space ♪ 257 00:10:49,352 --> 00:10:51,421 ♪ May sound bad but ain't the case ♪ 258 00:10:51,421 --> 00:10:54,421 ♪ In the Loud house ♪ - ♪ Loud house ♪ 259 00:10:54,421 --> 00:10:56,697 ♪ Duck and dodge and push and shove ♪ 260 00:10:56,697 --> 00:10:59,180 ♪ That's the way we show our love ♪ 261 00:10:59,180 --> 00:11:02,283 ♪ In the Loud house ♪ - ♪ Loud house ♪ 262 00:11:02,283 --> 00:11:03,593 ♪ Laundry piles stacked up high ♪ 263 00:11:03,593 --> 00:11:04,800 ♪ Hand-me-downs that make me cry ♪ 264 00:11:04,800 --> 00:11:05,973 ♪ Stand in line to take a pee ♪ 265 00:11:05,973 --> 00:11:07,214 ♪ Never any privacy ♪ 266 00:11:07,214 --> 00:11:09,731 ♪ Chaos with 11 kids ♪ 267 00:11:09,731 --> 00:11:12,145 ♪ That's the way it always is ♪ 268 00:11:12,145 --> 00:11:13,559 ♪ In the Loud house ♪