1 00:00:01,386 --> 00:00:04,318 [upbeat music] 2 00:00:04,318 --> 00:00:09,318 ♪ ♪ 3 00:00:09,318 --> 00:00:11,904 [gentle music] 4 00:00:11,904 --> 00:00:16,904 [snoring] 5 00:00:16,904 --> 00:00:18,111 ♪ ♪ 6 00:00:18,111 --> 00:00:20,490 Snore, snore. 7 00:00:20,490 --> 00:00:22,731 Ahh-ahh! Yeah! 8 00:00:22,731 --> 00:00:23,766 Poo-poo! 9 00:00:23,766 --> 00:00:26,145 [giggling] 10 00:00:26,145 --> 00:00:28,662 Lily, are you tired yet? 11 00:00:28,662 --> 00:00:30,214 [laughing] 12 00:00:30,214 --> 00:00:33,007 [pots banging] 13 00:00:33,007 --> 00:00:34,180 [screams] 14 00:00:34,180 --> 00:00:36,180 It's going on 3:00 a.m., sweetie. 15 00:00:36,180 --> 00:00:39,249 [shouting] 16 00:00:39,249 --> 00:00:40,973 It's OK. It's not your fault. 17 00:00:40,973 --> 00:00:42,697 It's your dad's. 18 00:00:42,697 --> 00:00:44,524 [snoring] 19 00:00:44,524 --> 00:00:45,973 - Wah! - Ugh. 20 00:00:45,973 --> 00:00:48,904 That is the last time he gives you a chocolate-covered 21 00:00:48,904 --> 00:00:51,318 espresso bean for dessert. 22 00:00:51,318 --> 00:00:55,869 "Uh, I thought it was a raisin." 23 00:00:55,869 --> 00:00:57,628 Sake's alive. 24 00:00:57,628 --> 00:01:02,076 These hippity-hop shoes really put a spring in my step! 25 00:01:02,076 --> 00:01:03,662 Ahh! 26 00:01:05,524 --> 00:01:08,180 Good for Mrs. Bernardo. 27 00:01:08,180 --> 00:01:10,904 [yawns] She finally got a speaking role. 28 00:01:10,904 --> 00:01:12,214 I Miss Bernardo! 29 00:01:12,214 --> 00:01:13,524 Whee! 30 00:01:13,524 --> 00:01:15,283 All right, this isn't working. 31 00:01:15,283 --> 00:01:17,524 Where are the car keys? 32 00:01:17,524 --> 00:01:19,386 Time for an old trick that always 33 00:01:19,386 --> 00:01:20,800 worked on your siblings. 34 00:01:20,800 --> 00:01:22,766 We'll drive around until you're sleepy. 35 00:01:22,766 --> 00:01:25,766 Horsey ride! 36 00:01:25,766 --> 00:01:28,076 [laughs] - Oh, there are the keys. 37 00:01:28,076 --> 00:01:29,180 [snores] 38 00:01:29,180 --> 00:01:31,111 Grant, there's too much paprika! 39 00:01:31,111 --> 00:01:33,249 [snoring] 40 00:01:33,249 --> 00:01:34,697 [giggling] 41 00:01:39,214 --> 00:01:41,283 Lily, it's almost 4:00 a.m. 42 00:01:41,283 --> 00:01:42,352 Aren't you-- [yawns] 43 00:01:42,352 --> 00:01:43,386 sleepy? 44 00:01:43,386 --> 00:01:45,352 [giggling] 45 00:01:45,352 --> 00:01:47,904 OK, I'll take that as a no. 46 00:01:51,007 --> 00:01:52,835 [yawns] 47 00:01:54,076 --> 00:01:55,421 Oh! 48 00:01:58,697 --> 00:02:00,869 [gasps] Did you see that? 49 00:02:00,869 --> 00:02:03,283 Yep, bad guy, no good. 50 00:02:03,283 --> 00:02:05,283 Oh, we got to call the police! 51 00:02:05,283 --> 00:02:09,318 OK, OK, where's my phone? 52 00:02:09,318 --> 00:02:10,904 [blows] 53 00:02:10,904 --> 00:02:12,249 [phone rings] 54 00:02:12,249 --> 00:02:13,283 Officer Shirley, what is your emergency? 55 00:02:13,283 --> 00:02:14,731 I just saw a toddler-- 56 00:02:14,731 --> 00:02:17,007 OK, no, wait, my toddler and I just saw a burglar 57 00:02:17,007 --> 00:02:18,455 running out of Jean Juan's. 58 00:02:18,455 --> 00:02:20,904 He was a small man or a medium-sized teen. 59 00:02:20,904 --> 00:02:22,421 We couldn't see the face. 60 00:02:22,421 --> 00:02:24,421 It's dark out, and I'm tired, so my vision 61 00:02:24,421 --> 00:02:25,524 is a little blurry. 62 00:02:25,524 --> 00:02:26,869 Ma'am, could you slow down? 63 00:02:26,869 --> 00:02:28,835 But he was definitely stealing food, 64 00:02:28,835 --> 00:02:32,145 the fromage con queso or maybe the churro baguettes. 65 00:02:32,145 --> 00:02:33,455 Oh. 66 00:02:33,455 --> 00:02:35,352 Oh, that sounds so good right now. 67 00:02:35,352 --> 00:02:37,076 Oh. [snoring] 68 00:02:37,076 --> 00:02:38,180 [horn honks] 69 00:02:38,180 --> 00:02:40,180 [gasp] Oh, hang on. 70 00:02:40,180 --> 00:02:41,386 I dropped my phone. 71 00:02:41,386 --> 00:02:42,628 Oh, here it is! 72 00:02:42,628 --> 00:02:44,180 Are you still there? 73 00:02:44,180 --> 00:02:46,559 What are you and your kid doing out at 4:00 a.m.? 74 00:02:46,559 --> 00:02:51,352 OK, well, my husband gave her an espresso bean, 75 00:02:51,352 --> 00:02:53,593 and now she's wide awake. 76 00:02:53,593 --> 00:02:56,007 Sweetie, do you have to pee? 77 00:02:56,007 --> 00:02:58,180 No, I just went. 78 00:02:58,180 --> 00:03:00,455 Listen, hon, you're not the first tired mom 79 00:03:00,455 --> 00:03:01,938 to call in a little confused. 80 00:03:01,938 --> 00:03:03,524 Last night, we had a lady mistaking 81 00:03:03,524 --> 00:03:05,145 a possum for a werewolf. 82 00:03:05,145 --> 00:03:08,973 [chuckles] Why don't you go home and get some rest? 83 00:03:08,973 --> 00:03:10,076 Ugh! 84 00:03:10,076 --> 00:03:11,490 Can you believe her? 85 00:03:11,490 --> 00:03:17,352 I am not just some tired, confused mom. 86 00:03:17,352 --> 00:03:18,524 Rude! 87 00:03:18,524 --> 00:03:19,938 You know what, Lily? 88 00:03:19,938 --> 00:03:22,800 I say we do some investigating of our own. 89 00:03:22,800 --> 00:03:25,076 We track down the thief, we get some evidence, 90 00:03:25,076 --> 00:03:27,455 and then we call that officer back and say, 91 00:03:27,455 --> 00:03:29,386 "Who's confused now?" 92 00:03:29,386 --> 00:03:30,524 Yeah, yeah! 93 00:03:30,524 --> 00:03:31,490 This is exciting. 94 00:03:31,490 --> 00:03:33,628 We show her! 95 00:03:35,249 --> 00:03:37,731 Not to brag, but Mommy has been listening 96 00:03:37,731 --> 00:03:39,869 to a ton of crime podcasts. 97 00:03:39,869 --> 00:03:45,938 Hmm, this would be a cakewalk if we had a DNA processing kit. 98 00:03:45,938 --> 00:03:48,731 Look, footprints. 99 00:03:48,731 --> 00:03:50,283 Ah! 100 00:03:50,283 --> 00:03:51,455 [gasp] 101 00:03:54,490 --> 00:03:56,214 Fresh queso. 102 00:03:56,214 --> 00:03:58,731 Great job, sweetie! 103 00:04:02,800 --> 00:04:04,731 The trail's gone cold. 104 00:04:04,731 --> 00:04:08,490 If only we had a tracking hound to catch the scent! 105 00:04:08,490 --> 00:04:10,180 [snores] - Look! 106 00:04:10,180 --> 00:04:11,559 Paper! 107 00:04:11,559 --> 00:04:15,524 OK, how are you finding everything? 108 00:04:15,524 --> 00:04:16,662 It's a map. 109 00:04:16,662 --> 00:04:18,076 I bet our guy drew it. 110 00:04:18,076 --> 00:04:22,076 The question is, what are these locations? 111 00:04:22,076 --> 00:04:23,076 Steal more stuff? 112 00:04:23,076 --> 00:04:24,421 You're right. 113 00:04:24,421 --> 00:04:26,766 He wasn't just after free appetizers. 114 00:04:26,766 --> 00:04:30,490 He is on a crime spree, and these are the next spots 115 00:04:30,490 --> 00:04:31,938 he's going to hit! 116 00:04:31,938 --> 00:04:34,800 Let's see if we can decipher these symbols. 117 00:04:34,800 --> 00:04:37,386 Hmm, this looks like some kind of hieroglyph 118 00:04:37,386 --> 00:04:39,283 of an ancient bird. 119 00:04:39,283 --> 00:04:40,800 What does it mean? 120 00:04:40,800 --> 00:04:44,007 If only I'd paid attention during Egyptian history! 121 00:04:44,007 --> 00:04:45,524 Chicken parm! 122 00:04:45,524 --> 00:04:48,835 [laughs] Now I see it. 123 00:04:49,731 --> 00:04:51,559 [tires screech] 124 00:04:51,559 --> 00:04:53,524 OK, this is the nearest farm. 125 00:04:53,524 --> 00:04:56,973 Keep your eyes peeled. 126 00:04:56,973 --> 00:04:58,352 [jazzy music] 127 00:04:58,352 --> 00:04:59,662 [gasp] There he is! 128 00:04:59,662 --> 00:05:02,283 What's he up to? 129 00:05:02,283 --> 00:05:04,214 [gasp] He's stealing a horse! 130 00:05:04,214 --> 00:05:05,628 Wow, fast horsey. 131 00:05:05,628 --> 00:05:07,490 Come on, let's tail him. 132 00:05:07,490 --> 00:05:09,662 [engine turning over] 133 00:05:09,662 --> 00:05:11,042 [tires squealing] 134 00:05:13,662 --> 00:05:16,214 I take picture! 135 00:05:18,766 --> 00:05:20,524 No good! Get closer! 136 00:05:20,524 --> 00:05:21,628 Trying! 137 00:05:21,628 --> 00:05:23,455 It's not easy in the dark. 138 00:05:25,180 --> 00:05:26,490 Ahh! Oh, no! 139 00:05:26,490 --> 00:05:27,490 The map! 140 00:05:27,490 --> 00:05:30,455 Look out! 141 00:05:30,455 --> 00:05:33,421 [both screaming] 142 00:05:33,421 --> 00:05:35,042 Whoa! 143 00:05:38,973 --> 00:05:41,628 Looks like we need a new ride. 144 00:05:41,628 --> 00:05:43,386 Horsey ride? 145 00:05:43,386 --> 00:05:45,662 Lily, that does not belong to us. 146 00:05:45,662 --> 00:05:47,524 But he get away! 147 00:05:49,697 --> 00:05:50,697 Fine. 148 00:05:50,697 --> 00:05:51,593 OK, but let's leave a note. 149 00:05:51,593 --> 00:05:52,593 Yay! 150 00:05:52,593 --> 00:05:53,731 [giggles] 151 00:05:53,731 --> 00:05:55,800 Good boy-- or girl. 152 00:05:55,800 --> 00:06:00,145 Follow the tracks! 153 00:06:00,145 --> 00:06:01,490 Dairyland? 154 00:06:01,490 --> 00:06:03,386 Mommy, look! 155 00:06:03,386 --> 00:06:05,076 Him inside. 156 00:06:05,076 --> 00:06:07,662 This crime spree is never-ending. 157 00:06:07,662 --> 00:06:08,662 Come on! 158 00:06:08,662 --> 00:06:10,835 Let's get him. 159 00:06:12,249 --> 00:06:13,283 Stay close, Lily. 160 00:06:13,283 --> 00:06:15,283 He could be anywhere. 161 00:06:15,283 --> 00:06:17,042 [both gasp] 162 00:06:19,662 --> 00:06:21,283 Look! 163 00:06:27,869 --> 00:06:30,835 That police lady is going to owe us a big, fat apology 164 00:06:30,835 --> 00:06:32,593 when she sees our pictures. 165 00:06:34,593 --> 00:06:36,662 Well, that should be enough evidence. 166 00:06:36,662 --> 00:06:37,973 Hello? [both gasp] 167 00:06:37,973 --> 00:06:40,800 Rita? Rita, where are you? 168 00:06:40,800 --> 00:06:42,214 Is Lily asleep? 169 00:06:42,214 --> 00:06:43,214 Oh, no. 170 00:06:43,214 --> 00:06:44,386 Shh! 171 00:06:44,386 --> 00:06:45,490 Turn off! 172 00:06:45,490 --> 00:06:46,455 Hon, I think you're on mute. 173 00:06:46,455 --> 00:06:47,800 I can't hear you. 174 00:06:47,800 --> 00:06:49,318 Can you hear me? 175 00:06:49,318 --> 00:06:51,007 both: Whew. - Hey! 176 00:06:51,007 --> 00:06:52,180 both: Ahh! 177 00:06:52,180 --> 00:06:55,283 [panting] 178 00:06:55,283 --> 00:06:57,386 Oh, good idea! 179 00:06:57,386 --> 00:07:00,386 [jazzy music] 180 00:07:00,386 --> 00:07:01,835 ♪ ♪ 181 00:07:01,835 --> 00:07:04,593 Time for some coffee to go! 182 00:07:04,593 --> 00:07:06,283 [gasp] Oh! 183 00:07:06,283 --> 00:07:07,318 Ahh! 184 00:07:07,318 --> 00:07:09,283 [giggling] 185 00:07:09,283 --> 00:07:11,111 Ahh! 186 00:07:11,111 --> 00:07:13,249 ♪ ♪ 187 00:07:13,249 --> 00:07:14,421 Aha! 188 00:07:14,421 --> 00:07:16,662 Come on! This way! 189 00:07:19,076 --> 00:07:21,593 Ahh! 190 00:07:21,593 --> 00:07:23,731 [snoring] 191 00:07:23,731 --> 00:07:26,214 ♪ ♪ 192 00:07:26,214 --> 00:07:27,249 [snorts] 193 00:07:27,249 --> 00:07:30,455 Ugh! 194 00:07:30,455 --> 00:07:32,904 ♪ ♪ 195 00:07:32,904 --> 00:07:35,180 I'm going to find you! 196 00:07:36,731 --> 00:07:38,352 Ah! 197 00:07:38,352 --> 00:07:42,559 Why did they have to use Limburger cheese? 198 00:07:42,559 --> 00:07:44,455 Come on, an exit's close. 199 00:07:44,455 --> 00:07:48,214 [panting] 200 00:07:48,214 --> 00:07:50,766 Look! 201 00:07:50,766 --> 00:07:53,490 Oh, looks like we made it, sweetie. 202 00:07:53,490 --> 00:07:54,490 both: Ah! 203 00:07:54,490 --> 00:07:55,904 Ugh! 204 00:07:55,904 --> 00:07:57,421 Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! 205 00:07:57,421 --> 00:07:59,973 Well, well, what have we here? 206 00:07:59,973 --> 00:08:02,145 A couple of amateur detectives? 207 00:08:02,145 --> 00:08:04,007 Look, this was a big mistake. 208 00:08:04,007 --> 00:08:05,352 We promise not to tell. 209 00:08:05,352 --> 00:08:06,697 Please, just let us go. 210 00:08:06,697 --> 00:08:09,455 Sorry, but you've seen too much. 211 00:08:09,455 --> 00:08:11,076 And now you must pay! 212 00:08:14,455 --> 00:08:17,455 Stay away from my child! 213 00:08:17,455 --> 00:08:18,628 Oof! 214 00:08:18,628 --> 00:08:19,800 Are you there, honey? 215 00:08:19,800 --> 00:08:21,318 Hello? 216 00:08:21,318 --> 00:08:22,318 Ow! 217 00:08:22,318 --> 00:08:23,352 Be careful! 218 00:08:23,352 --> 00:08:25,524 My face is my instrument. 219 00:08:25,524 --> 00:08:27,800 Let's take five. 220 00:08:27,800 --> 00:08:29,869 I need a cold compress. 221 00:08:29,869 --> 00:08:32,249 both: Mrs. Bernardo? 222 00:08:32,249 --> 00:08:34,007 Well, normally, this is where you clap. 223 00:08:34,007 --> 00:08:36,421 But I'll accept stunned silence. 224 00:08:36,421 --> 00:08:37,455 You're the thief? 225 00:08:37,455 --> 00:08:38,455 Wait. 226 00:08:38,455 --> 00:08:39,800 What is going on? 227 00:08:39,800 --> 00:08:41,007 Is this a dream? 228 00:08:41,007 --> 00:08:42,524 Apologies for scaring you. 229 00:08:42,524 --> 00:08:44,111 I'm just training for an audition 230 00:08:44,111 --> 00:08:47,214 to play a thief, a crook, a desperado of the night! 231 00:08:47,214 --> 00:08:50,421 When I saw you were following me, I decided to roll with it, 232 00:08:50,421 --> 00:08:51,904 as they say. 233 00:08:51,904 --> 00:08:55,042 Of course, I wasn't going to harm you. 234 00:08:55,042 --> 00:08:58,904 You did all of this to prepare for an audition? 235 00:08:58,904 --> 00:09:02,421 We submerged ourselves in cheese! 236 00:09:02,421 --> 00:09:03,800 Brava to that! 237 00:09:03,800 --> 00:09:05,559 What an excellent improv. 238 00:09:05,559 --> 00:09:09,800 But what about all the stuff you stole? 239 00:09:09,800 --> 00:09:11,766 Oh, stinky child. 240 00:09:11,766 --> 00:09:13,490 I'm going to put everything back. 241 00:09:13,490 --> 00:09:14,628 Thespian's honor. 242 00:09:14,628 --> 00:09:17,180 I have done this many times. 243 00:09:17,180 --> 00:09:19,835 Well, this has been one crazy evening, 244 00:09:19,835 --> 00:09:22,214 but I suppose I'm partly to blame. 245 00:09:22,214 --> 00:09:24,628 I never should have dragged my child along while 246 00:09:24,628 --> 00:09:26,249 trying to play detective. 247 00:09:26,249 --> 00:09:29,145 Lily, sweetie, I owe you an apology. 248 00:09:29,145 --> 00:09:32,593 [snoring] 249 00:09:32,593 --> 00:09:33,628 Wow. 250 00:09:33,628 --> 00:09:34,973 Look at that. 251 00:09:34,973 --> 00:09:36,800 I guess chasing you around all night 252 00:09:36,800 --> 00:09:38,731 finally put her to sleep. 253 00:09:38,731 --> 00:09:40,283 [birds chirping] 254 00:09:40,283 --> 00:09:43,042 Can't wait to see your big commercial, Mrs. Bernardo. 255 00:09:43,042 --> 00:09:45,283 Thanks for suggesting we get together. 256 00:09:45,283 --> 00:09:46,318 But of course! 257 00:09:46,318 --> 00:09:47,662 We're old friends now. 258 00:09:47,662 --> 00:09:48,697 Also, I don't own a television. 259 00:09:48,697 --> 00:09:50,628 [chuckles] 260 00:09:50,628 --> 00:09:51,593 [gasps] Here it is! 261 00:09:51,593 --> 00:09:53,076 Volume up. 262 00:09:53,076 --> 00:09:55,835 Get ready for the performance of a lifetime! 263 00:09:58,524 --> 00:10:00,042 [alarm blaring] 264 00:10:00,042 --> 00:10:01,455 Murray Security Systems, 265 00:10:01,455 --> 00:10:04,455 home of the loudest alarms in town! 266 00:10:05,973 --> 00:10:07,283 I don't understand. 267 00:10:07,283 --> 00:10:08,318 Where were you? 268 00:10:08,318 --> 00:10:10,318 Those were my hands! 269 00:10:10,318 --> 00:10:12,421 Ha, ha, ha! 270 00:10:12,421 --> 00:10:14,076 [both clapping] 271 00:10:14,076 --> 00:10:16,318 Oh, no, no, no, stop, stop, please. 272 00:10:16,318 --> 00:10:18,524 I'm simply verklempt. 273 00:10:18,524 --> 00:10:20,421 Oh! 274 00:10:20,421 --> 00:10:23,214 Care to accompany me to the Burpin' Burger establishment? 275 00:10:23,214 --> 00:10:25,938 I need to research fast food for an upcoming role-- 276 00:10:25,938 --> 00:10:28,111 woman by soda machine. 277 00:10:28,111 --> 00:10:31,904 Hmm, I could go for burgers, just no cheese. 278 00:10:31,904 --> 00:10:33,593 Horsey ride? 279 00:10:33,593 --> 00:10:37,249 OK, Lily, but we've got to take them back eventually. 280 00:10:37,249 --> 00:10:39,904 [horse neighing] 281 00:10:39,904 --> 00:10:41,559 Hon, how long are these guys staying? 282 00:10:41,559 --> 00:10:43,524 I'm running out of lasagnas! 283 00:10:43,524 --> 00:10:45,145 [laughter] 284 00:10:48,111 --> 00:10:49,421 ♪ Cramped inside this tiny space ♪ 285 00:10:49,421 --> 00:10:51,455 ♪ May sound bad but ain't the case ♪ 286 00:10:51,455 --> 00:10:54,386 ♪ In the Loud house ♪ - ♪ Loud house ♪ 287 00:10:54,386 --> 00:10:57,042 ♪ Duck and dodge and push and shove ♪ 288 00:10:57,042 --> 00:10:59,249 ♪ That's the way we show our love ♪ 289 00:10:59,249 --> 00:11:02,249 ♪ In the Loud house ♪ - ♪ Loud house ♪ 290 00:11:02,249 --> 00:11:03,559 ♪ Laundry piles stacked up high ♪ 291 00:11:03,559 --> 00:11:05,007 ♪ Hand-me-downs that make me cry ♪ 292 00:11:05,007 --> 00:11:06,042 ♪ Stand in line to take a pee ♪ 293 00:11:06,042 --> 00:11:07,249 ♪ Never any privacy ♪ 294 00:11:07,249 --> 00:11:10,042 ♪ Chaos with 11 kids ♪ 295 00:11:10,042 --> 00:11:12,111 ♪ That's the way it always is ♪ 296 00:11:12,111 --> 00:11:13,490 ♪ In the Loud house ♪