1 00:00:00,566 --> 00:00:02,986 The Theocracy? 2 00:00:02,986 --> 00:00:06,116 Yeah. Their representative visited the Kingdom. 3 00:00:06,486 --> 00:00:10,996 I originally wanted to discuss some countermeasures with them. 4 00:00:11,346 --> 00:00:15,956 But you strongly insisted we should stand by our foreign policy... 5 00:00:16,276 --> 00:00:19,696 You were the one who decided not to meet with them, Brother. 6 00:00:19,696 --> 00:00:21,536 You said there was nothing you could do 7 00:00:21,536 --> 00:00:25,006 to help against an enemy like Jaldabaoth, who wasn't even human. 8 00:00:25,766 --> 00:00:27,756 Don't glare, my sister. 9 00:00:27,756 --> 00:00:30,826 I'm just realizing that all this work has accumulated 10 00:00:30,826 --> 00:00:34,016 because of the little problems we couldn't respond to immediately. 11 00:00:34,326 --> 00:00:39,516 The Theocracy asked the Sorcerer Kingdom for help since we refused their request for aid. 12 00:00:39,806 --> 00:00:42,256 In the end, the Sorcerer Kingdom defeated Jaldabaoth 13 00:00:42,256 --> 00:00:44,766 and even sent an enormous amount of relief supplies. 14 00:00:45,256 --> 00:00:47,526 The reputation of the Sorcerer Kingdom only continues to grow. 15 00:00:47,526 --> 00:00:52,006 But didn't you give them permission to travel through the Kingdom to deliver those supplies? 16 00:00:52,006 --> 00:00:54,506 How could I refuse? 17 00:00:55,536 --> 00:00:58,486 We requested the right to impose import taxes and charge fees 18 00:00:58,486 --> 00:01:00,886 for use of our merchants and warehouses. 19 00:01:00,886 --> 00:01:04,916 The Sorcerer Kingdom accepted every request without any resistance. 20 00:01:05,206 --> 00:01:08,906 They even said they were willing to sell some of their wares within our country, too. 21 00:01:08,906 --> 00:01:11,106 They're so generous, it's disturbing. 22 00:01:12,136 --> 00:01:14,726 You're thinking too negatively, Brother. 23 00:01:15,026 --> 00:01:18,356 No, I'm sure this is another one of their plots. 24 00:01:18,356 --> 00:01:21,606 Hasn't the Empire already become a vassal state due to their ploys? 25 00:01:22,036 --> 00:01:26,606 Then why don't we just pledge to become a vassal state ourselves? 26 00:01:26,606 --> 00:01:31,276 Hah! Maybe if we could control our nobles like the Empire. 27 00:01:31,276 --> 00:01:34,996 The first thing that would happen if I did that would be a rebellion. 28 00:01:34,996 --> 00:01:37,496 That wouldn't happen. 29 00:01:37,496 --> 00:01:38,496 Hmph. 30 00:01:38,976 --> 00:01:40,706 She's not serious, 31 00:01:40,706 --> 00:01:44,376 but it looks like she'd go along with it if I foolishly agreed... 32 00:01:45,196 --> 00:01:48,446 If only Elias would come back to my side... 33 00:01:48,446 --> 00:01:53,796 It would be difficult to bring Marquis Raeven back to the royal capital. 34 00:01:56,156 --> 00:02:00,816 I've heard that his will was crushed by the war with the Empire. 35 00:02:01,806 --> 00:02:05,816 More importantly, when will you ascend to the throne, Brother? 36 00:02:06,646 --> 00:02:10,696 I'd like you to fulfill your promise to me soon. 37 00:02:12,066 --> 00:02:15,076 Father is trying to find the right time to pass me the throne. 38 00:02:15,076 --> 00:02:18,456 Your wish will come true soon. 39 00:02:18,806 --> 00:02:21,606 Thank you very much, Brother. 40 00:02:28,466 --> 00:02:30,716 Why won't things go my way? 41 00:02:32,166 --> 00:02:34,346 Oh, Baron Montserrat. 42 00:02:35,596 --> 00:02:39,956 Baron Delvi. Baron Rokerlen. 43 00:04:11,686 --> 00:04:14,856 {\an8}To our faction's great leader, Baron Philip. 44 00:04:14,856 --> 00:04:16,866 Cheers! 45 00:04:17,316 --> 00:04:18,276 Oops! 46 00:04:18,546 --> 00:04:20,146 No worries. 47 00:04:20,146 --> 00:04:22,516 By the way, something seems to be worrying you lately. 48 00:04:22,516 --> 00:04:23,766 Is everything all right? 49 00:04:24,916 --> 00:04:29,616 Everyone around me has been so useless that they've been dragging me down! 50 00:04:29,616 --> 00:04:31,226 The commoners in my domain 51 00:04:31,226 --> 00:04:35,926 don't listen to me, the new head of the prestigious Montserrat family, at all! 52 00:04:37,226 --> 00:04:41,166 We'd be rolling in money if they only listened to my words! 53 00:04:41,166 --> 00:04:44,846 They're making no effort to raise the cash crops I told them to raise! 54 00:04:44,846 --> 00:04:46,746 All they can do is give me excuses, 55 00:04:46,746 --> 00:04:49,686 like they're not sure if the crops can be grown in this climate 56 00:04:49,686 --> 00:04:50,986 or that they don't have the manpower! 57 00:04:50,986 --> 00:04:52,866 I see. I see. 58 00:04:52,866 --> 00:04:59,936 It's natural to get angry at those far more ignorant than yourself. 59 00:04:59,936 --> 00:05:00,966 Right? 60 00:05:00,966 --> 00:05:01,986 Exactly right. 61 00:05:02,426 --> 00:05:04,606 You understand! 62 00:05:04,606 --> 00:05:08,326 There are too many people in the world that smother those with talent! 63 00:05:08,326 --> 00:05:13,726 However, you have a wonderful backer that believes in your talent! 64 00:05:13,726 --> 00:05:15,506 Oh, Hilma? 65 00:05:15,506 --> 00:05:18,706 Yes. I'm so jealous of you! 66 00:05:18,706 --> 00:05:21,466 She's created the perfect gathering place for your faction, 67 00:05:21,466 --> 00:05:23,046 without asking for anything in return. 68 00:05:23,046 --> 00:05:26,176 No, no. It's not my faction alone— 69 00:05:26,176 --> 00:05:30,286 Well, I plan to do away with the outdated method of prioritizing people 70 00:05:30,286 --> 00:05:32,326 just because of status and age. 71 00:05:32,326 --> 00:05:34,766 Oh, how reassuring! 72 00:05:34,766 --> 00:05:35,646 Right? 73 00:05:35,646 --> 00:05:36,896 Exactly right. 74 00:05:37,476 --> 00:05:41,426 Lord Philip, I hear that you're close to the Sorcerer Kingdom's prime minister. 75 00:05:41,426 --> 00:05:44,906 Yes. I've kept in contact with Lady Albedo through our letters. 76 00:05:46,406 --> 00:05:48,786 So you know of the situation? 77 00:05:50,176 --> 00:05:53,416 It seems the Sorcerer Kingdom is producing an enormous amount of food, 78 00:05:53,416 --> 00:05:55,646 an amount comparable to our own kingdom. 79 00:05:55,646 --> 00:05:59,586 Aren't they a small kingdom with E-Rantel as their only city? 80 00:05:59,586 --> 00:06:06,676 Well, I've heard they use the undead to tirelessly cultivate a large amount of farmland. 81 00:06:06,676 --> 00:06:07,596 The undead? 82 00:06:07,936 --> 00:06:09,566 How creepy. 83 00:06:09,566 --> 00:06:13,466 On top of that, they're sending that food as aid to the Theocracy. 84 00:06:13,466 --> 00:06:14,756 I'm sure of it, 85 00:06:14,756 --> 00:06:18,876 since a lot of carts from the Sorcerer Kingdom have been traveling through my land. 86 00:06:18,876 --> 00:06:20,606 Through your lands, Lord Vianney? 87 00:06:20,916 --> 00:06:24,786 The warehouses throughout the kingdom are being packed with food 88 00:06:24,786 --> 00:06:28,366 and that food can be sold within the Kingdom for a cheap price. 89 00:06:28,366 --> 00:06:30,446 What's that?! How unfair! 90 00:06:30,446 --> 00:06:32,626 Lord Philip, please keep your voice down. 91 00:06:34,486 --> 00:06:39,006 That'll greatly affect the price of the crops being grown in my territory! 92 00:06:39,006 --> 00:06:40,876 As expected of Lord Philip! 93 00:06:40,876 --> 00:06:43,256 You instantly understand our current worries. 94 00:06:44,796 --> 00:06:47,266 We have to do something about this... 95 00:06:47,716 --> 00:06:52,266 So, we need to have the Sorcerer Kingdom lower their production of food crops? 96 00:06:54,316 --> 00:06:55,626 That's right. 97 00:06:55,626 --> 00:06:58,006 I can bring down the hammer of justice on the Sorcerer Kingdom 98 00:06:58,006 --> 00:07:01,516 while reaping benefits for my domain and my kingdom! Three birds with one stone! 99 00:07:01,516 --> 00:07:04,276 No, it's the perfect plan! 100 00:07:05,526 --> 00:07:08,036 Do the two of you have a bit of time? 101 00:07:08,366 --> 00:07:10,806 There's something that may interest you... 102 00:07:12,686 --> 00:07:16,396 We've been conquering territories at a good pace. 103 00:07:18,616 --> 00:07:19,376 But... 104 00:07:23,816 --> 00:07:26,206 We really lack the manpower. 105 00:07:26,206 --> 00:07:30,646 It would be outrageous of me to ask the Supreme One for help... 106 00:07:32,896 --> 00:07:36,516 Problems Encountered During Transport of Aid to the Theocracy 107 00:07:33,846 --> 00:07:37,746 A report on problems encountered during the transport of aid to the Theocracy? 108 00:07:41,846 --> 00:07:42,526 Huh? 109 00:07:52,006 --> 00:07:52,996 I understand we're doing this 110 00:07:52,996 --> 00:07:55,456 to show the public that I have a good relationship with Momon, 111 00:07:55,456 --> 00:07:58,706 but the silence is really stifling... 112 00:07:59,326 --> 00:08:02,966 But there isn't really anything I want to talk to Pandora's Actor about. 113 00:08:03,616 --> 00:08:05,256 Um, Miss Nabe. 114 00:08:05,256 --> 00:08:05,886 Yes. 115 00:08:05,886 --> 00:08:07,406 Well, let's see... 116 00:08:07,406 --> 00:08:10,946 Have you visited the orphanage that was suggested by Yuri at all? 117 00:08:10,946 --> 00:08:12,226 No, not yet... 118 00:08:12,226 --> 00:08:14,226 Then, should we stop by? 119 00:08:14,226 --> 00:08:14,976 Yes! 120 00:08:16,176 --> 00:08:17,416 Lord Ains. 121 00:08:17,416 --> 00:08:18,926 What is it, Entoma? 122 00:08:18,926 --> 00:08:20,826 I'm very sorry for the interruption. 123 00:08:20,826 --> 00:08:24,936 Lady Albedo is requesting your return to the Great Tomb of Nazarick as soon as possible. 124 00:08:24,936 --> 00:08:25,566 Huh? 125 00:08:27,686 --> 00:08:32,996 Lord Ains. I have gathered all the floor guardians before you. 126 00:08:33,226 --> 00:08:33,986 Yes. 127 00:08:34,486 --> 00:08:37,176 Good work. Raise your heads. 128 00:08:37,176 --> 00:08:37,976 Yes! 129 00:08:39,836 --> 00:08:44,506 So, Albedo, tell me why you've gathered everyone here. 130 00:08:44,796 --> 00:08:45,386 Yes. 131 00:08:46,286 --> 00:08:47,516 Four days ago, 132 00:08:47,516 --> 00:08:52,306 the food we sent to the Theocracy was stolen while being transported through the Kingdom. 133 00:08:52,706 --> 00:08:54,806 Oh? And the culprit? 134 00:08:55,686 --> 00:08:58,266 A noble of the Kingdom. 135 00:08:59,266 --> 00:09:04,646 That noble used his subordinates to attack our carriage and robbed our goods by force. 136 00:09:04,646 --> 00:09:06,876 If I remember correctly, weren't the transporting merchants 137 00:09:06,876 --> 00:09:09,506 prepared by the Eight Fingers? 138 00:09:09,986 --> 00:09:13,256 Their carriages carry the flags of the Sorcerer Kingdom. 139 00:09:14,066 --> 00:09:19,396 In other words, the Kingdom decided to directly attack the Sorcerer Kingdom? 140 00:09:19,396 --> 00:09:22,836 Oh, or perhaps the Eight Fingers have betrayed us? 141 00:09:22,836 --> 00:09:24,616 No, that's... 142 00:09:25,036 --> 00:09:27,096 Hm? What's wrong, Albedo? 143 00:09:28,806 --> 00:09:30,156 What's going on? 144 00:09:30,156 --> 00:09:32,966 Isn't this the attitude of an employee that has to 145 00:09:32,966 --> 00:09:35,556 tell her boss that he's made a terrible mistake? 146 00:09:35,556 --> 00:09:39,086 I don't remember any of the nobles from the Kingdom, though... 147 00:09:39,086 --> 00:09:40,806 Did I do something? 148 00:09:41,156 --> 00:09:45,486 Albedo, don't hold back. Tell me. 149 00:09:45,486 --> 00:09:47,316 Yes, Lord Ains. 150 00:09:47,316 --> 00:09:53,686 I believe you remember our plans to use a foolish noble to take control of the Kingdom. 151 00:09:53,686 --> 00:09:56,826 Yes, the one you've been sending letters to... 152 00:09:56,826 --> 00:09:59,386 Only for the sake of our plans! 153 00:09:59,386 --> 00:10:01,586 N-No, excuse me. 154 00:10:01,906 --> 00:10:05,716 That fool of a noble is the one who orchestrated the robbery. 155 00:10:05,716 --> 00:10:11,286 Of course, as you said, there's a chance that this was a ploy by the Kingdom... 156 00:10:11,286 --> 00:10:15,426 Hm. I'm sure you've already checked to see if that was the case. 157 00:10:15,766 --> 00:10:18,486 Yes. I have a witness. 158 00:10:20,006 --> 00:10:23,376 This is the one responsible for managing that witless noble. 159 00:10:25,726 --> 00:10:26,436 Who is that? 160 00:10:26,646 --> 00:10:31,446 I-I-It's good to see Your Majesty the Sorcerer King in good health! 161 00:10:32,406 --> 00:10:35,446 Woman, I allow you to state your name. 162 00:10:35,686 --> 00:10:39,326 My name is Hilma Cygnaeus, Your Majesty! 163 00:10:39,326 --> 00:10:42,206 Oh, I vaguely remember the name. 164 00:10:42,206 --> 00:10:45,396 I-I didn't know anything! It's true! 165 00:10:45,396 --> 00:10:48,906 I would never do something that went against your wishes! 166 00:10:48,906 --> 00:10:51,026 I have nothing to do with this! 167 00:10:52,136 --> 00:10:57,346 Yes. First, I will confirm if your words are true. 168 00:10:59,936 --> 00:11:00,986 Dominate. 169 00:11:03,876 --> 00:11:07,976 Were you involved with the robbery orchestrated by the nobles? 170 00:11:08,206 --> 00:11:09,356 I was not! 171 00:11:09,696 --> 00:11:12,566 Have you ever been told you have multiple personalities? 172 00:11:12,566 --> 00:11:13,616 I have not! 173 00:11:13,896 --> 00:11:17,786 Hm. Do you have any feelings of hostility against us? 174 00:11:17,786 --> 00:11:20,116 Not at all! Not even a little bit! No! 175 00:11:20,116 --> 00:11:21,646 I see. 176 00:11:21,646 --> 00:11:25,536 Even if your actions may have indirectly triggered this result, 177 00:11:25,536 --> 00:11:29,006 it would be unfair to blame you for the crime. 178 00:11:29,006 --> 00:11:31,876 Cygnaeus is innocent. 179 00:11:32,146 --> 00:11:33,756 Lord Ains! 180 00:11:34,066 --> 00:11:37,386 A superior should take responsibility for the mistakes of their subordinates! 181 00:11:37,386 --> 00:11:41,096 Allow me to say this! I never thought he would do something so outrageous! 182 00:11:41,096 --> 00:11:43,886 I warned him so many times! I had so many people watching him! 183 00:11:43,886 --> 00:11:50,106 A superior should be responsible for the mistakes of their subordinates. I also agree. 184 00:11:50,106 --> 00:11:55,716 However, those words should be used by a superior to protect their subordinates. 185 00:11:55,716 --> 00:11:58,736 It shouldn't be used by another to force the responsibility on someone below them. 186 00:11:59,006 --> 00:12:01,246 Albedo, let me ask you this... 187 00:12:01,246 --> 00:12:03,996 Who is responsible for taking care of Cygnaeus? 188 00:12:04,566 --> 00:12:07,496 That would be me. 189 00:12:07,896 --> 00:12:15,756 Yes. Then, as your master, should not I be the one ultimately held responsible? 190 00:12:15,756 --> 00:12:21,266 N-N-Not at all! There's no way that you would be at fault, Lord Ains! 191 00:12:22,126 --> 00:12:27,486 Cygnaeus, prepare some new countermeasures and present them to Albedo. 192 00:12:27,486 --> 00:12:29,226 That will be your punishment. 193 00:12:29,226 --> 00:12:29,896 Yes! 194 00:12:30,796 --> 00:12:32,986 That is my final decision. 195 00:12:37,486 --> 00:12:38,956 Hilma! 196 00:12:38,956 --> 00:12:39,736 Are you okay?! 197 00:12:39,736 --> 00:12:41,126 I have some fruit liquor! 198 00:12:41,126 --> 00:12:42,506 Do you need to cleanse your mouth? 199 00:12:42,506 --> 00:12:44,116 The others are coming as quick as they can! 200 00:12:44,456 --> 00:12:46,626 I've made all of you worry. 201 00:12:46,846 --> 00:12:48,006 It's okay. 202 00:12:48,006 --> 00:12:49,876 They didn't use that on me. 203 00:12:50,646 --> 00:12:51,886 R-Really?! 204 00:12:51,886 --> 00:12:55,776 I met His Majesty, the Sorcerer King. 205 00:12:55,776 --> 00:12:57,136 The Sorcerer King... 206 00:12:58,326 --> 00:13:01,886 His Majesty was a very reasonable person. 207 00:13:04,156 --> 00:13:08,286 I was able to return without any serious punishment because of him. 208 00:13:08,286 --> 00:13:10,006 His Majesty the Sorcerer King... 209 00:13:10,006 --> 00:13:12,776 He really is suitable for the position of king. 210 00:13:12,776 --> 00:13:15,486 Hilma, that's the carrot and the stick. 211 00:13:15,486 --> 00:13:17,046 Yes, you're right. 212 00:13:17,046 --> 00:13:21,406 I've done the same thing to others myself, so I understand that. 213 00:13:21,406 --> 00:13:22,296 But... 214 00:13:23,166 --> 00:13:28,916 I never realized how sweet the candy was, until I experienced the pain of the whip. 215 00:13:29,846 --> 00:13:33,666 I felt like I could trust His Majesty. 216 00:13:33,666 --> 00:13:37,676 No, I wanted to trust him with all my heart. 217 00:13:37,956 --> 00:13:39,006 I see. 218 00:13:39,006 --> 00:13:42,196 It seems we need to show him our unwavering loyalty as best we can. 219 00:13:42,196 --> 00:13:46,896 Yes, we need to work harder for the Sorcerer King! 220 00:13:48,576 --> 00:13:53,526 Now, surely you didn't just call me back to deal with her? 221 00:13:53,526 --> 00:13:55,646 Yes. You are correct. 222 00:13:56,016 --> 00:14:00,956 I thought we would have to make a drastic change of plans 223 00:14:00,956 --> 00:14:05,656 if someone was using the fool of a noble for their own agenda. 224 00:14:05,656 --> 00:14:09,346 I decided it would be best to ask for your opinion, Lord Ains. 225 00:14:09,346 --> 00:14:10,116 Hm. 226 00:14:10,786 --> 00:14:16,166 How much have you explained about the "carrot and stick" plan to Aura and the others? 227 00:14:16,166 --> 00:14:18,426 I haven't delved into much detail. 228 00:14:18,426 --> 00:14:21,266 Then share the information with everyone here. 229 00:14:21,266 --> 00:14:22,926 I want to hear about it, too. 230 00:14:22,926 --> 00:14:24,516 Understood. 231 00:14:24,516 --> 00:14:26,966 Everyone should feel free to voice their opinions. 232 00:14:26,966 --> 00:14:27,676 Yes. 233 00:14:28,486 --> 00:14:32,266 Operation Carrot and Stick, named by Lord Ains, 234 00:14:32,266 --> 00:14:35,686 explains our plans to take over the Kingdom in its very name. 235 00:14:36,036 --> 00:14:42,946 We planned to incite a civil war and peacefully absorb the citizens of the Kingdom. 236 00:14:42,946 --> 00:14:47,326 Well, this idea was originally suggested by a certain individual from the Kingdom. 237 00:14:47,326 --> 00:14:52,286 It was a wonderful idea that didn't require many modifications. 238 00:14:52,286 --> 00:14:56,626 The key to this plan was supposed to be the foolish noble who caused the current problem... 239 00:14:56,626 --> 00:15:00,086 Huh? What's the problem? Aren't things going according to plan? 240 00:15:00,086 --> 00:15:00,886 Excuse me! 241 00:15:00,886 --> 00:15:02,426 What is it, Shalltear? 242 00:15:02,426 --> 00:15:04,756 What, exactly, is the problem? 243 00:15:05,076 --> 00:15:09,636 Didn't the little fool start the needed trouble without any effort on our part? 244 00:15:09,916 --> 00:15:11,896 Good job asking, Shalltear! 245 00:15:11,896 --> 00:15:16,336 The people's dissatisfaction with the current Kingdom was supposed to incite a rebellion. 246 00:15:16,336 --> 00:15:19,396 I can't believe the nobles decided to challenge the Sorcerer Kingdom instead... 247 00:15:19,726 --> 00:15:23,406 There's a chance that this is the plot of a schemer that surpasses our own expectations. 248 00:15:23,646 --> 00:15:28,016 If we move carelessly, we may play straight into the hands of an unknown enemy. 249 00:15:28,016 --> 00:15:30,996 Would a genius like that really suddenly appear? 250 00:15:30,996 --> 00:15:31,916 More importantly... 251 00:15:32,306 --> 00:15:35,786 Are you sure that noble didn't move thoughtlessly on his own? 252 00:15:35,786 --> 00:15:39,766 Lord Ains, I believe that even an idiot couldn't possibly move that thoughtlessly... 253 00:15:39,766 --> 00:15:41,676 No. Wait, Albedo. 254 00:15:42,206 --> 00:15:45,976 We can only think of countermeasures against an intellectual, 255 00:15:45,976 --> 00:15:48,736 but Lord Ains can even understand the minds of the asinine. 256 00:15:49,806 --> 00:15:52,066 That could really be a possibility... 257 00:15:52,066 --> 00:15:55,476 No, perhaps it's the more probable truth? 258 00:15:55,476 --> 00:15:59,476 B-But, to be that stupid! Is it possible?! 259 00:15:59,476 --> 00:16:03,416 Since Lord Ains says so, it's got to be. 260 00:16:03,416 --> 00:16:05,366 I-I also agree. 261 00:16:05,656 --> 00:16:09,346 There is no greater plotter than Lord Ains. 262 00:16:09,346 --> 00:16:12,586 Why did you use such a stupid noble in the first place? 263 00:16:12,586 --> 00:16:15,496 Could a smarter one not have been used? 264 00:16:15,766 --> 00:16:17,106 That's not true. 265 00:16:17,106 --> 00:16:21,256 We have a few capable nobles that have already come to our side, even now. 266 00:16:21,576 --> 00:16:24,756 But we have decided to gather all the useless nobles in a faction, 267 00:16:25,256 --> 00:16:28,006 so it will be easier to get rid of them at a later time. 268 00:16:28,346 --> 00:16:30,386 That is a good plan. 269 00:16:30,736 --> 00:16:34,136 Now, how should we respond to this matter? 270 00:16:35,016 --> 00:16:36,646 These people destroyed the carriages 271 00:16:36,646 --> 00:16:40,276 displaying the Sorcerer Kingdom's flags, which represent Lord Ains. 272 00:16:40,276 --> 00:16:42,776 What punishment is appropriate? 273 00:16:42,776 --> 00:16:44,526 Shouldn't we kill them? 274 00:16:44,526 --> 00:16:45,026 Huh? 275 00:16:45,026 --> 00:16:47,816 I-I agree with my sister. 276 00:16:48,126 --> 00:16:49,076 What? 277 00:16:49,076 --> 00:16:51,726 So we just kill the ones directly involved in the robbery? 278 00:16:51,726 --> 00:16:53,326 No. 279 00:16:53,326 --> 00:16:55,176 Their master is also guilty. 280 00:16:55,176 --> 00:16:57,956 The entire kingdom should be punished! 281 00:16:57,956 --> 00:16:59,336 That's right. 282 00:16:59,336 --> 00:17:00,866 What?! 283 00:17:01,386 --> 00:17:03,216 I also agree. 284 00:17:03,926 --> 00:17:05,086 However... 285 00:17:05,536 --> 00:17:08,136 Lord Ains once said... 286 00:17:08,986 --> 00:17:13,536 "While it is easy to rule with violence, you make many enemies along the way." 287 00:17:13,536 --> 00:17:18,346 "A desolate kingdom would sully the name of Ains Ooal Gown." 288 00:17:18,676 --> 00:17:22,856 Y-You remember my words well, Demiurge. 289 00:17:22,856 --> 00:17:24,806 Oh, I remember them, as well! 290 00:17:24,806 --> 00:17:26,456 I also remember, Lord Ains! 291 00:17:26,456 --> 00:17:27,276 M-Me, too... 292 00:17:27,686 --> 00:17:30,526 Yes. Yes. I'm thankful for all of you. 293 00:17:30,846 --> 00:17:34,906 I wish to take Lord Ains' words into consideration, 294 00:17:34,906 --> 00:17:38,286 but we cannot give them too light of a punishment. 295 00:17:38,526 --> 00:17:40,946 We will have to temporarily stop or completely abandon this plan. 296 00:17:40,946 --> 00:17:44,526 At the very least, some heavy adjustments will be necessary. 297 00:17:44,526 --> 00:17:45,296 I see. 298 00:17:45,786 --> 00:17:50,296 Is it really okay to change our plans so drastically just because of what I said? 299 00:17:50,766 --> 00:17:54,806 Demiurge, has this plan truly failed? 300 00:17:56,986 --> 00:17:57,786 No way! 301 00:17:57,786 --> 00:18:00,556 No, it would be possible for Lord Ains! 302 00:18:02,376 --> 00:18:06,476 Lord Ains, you must have brought the Empire under your control 303 00:18:06,476 --> 00:18:09,696 to use the "carrot and stick" on an international level! 304 00:18:09,696 --> 00:18:10,446 Huh?! 305 00:18:16,146 --> 00:18:17,206 That's right. 306 00:18:18,406 --> 00:18:19,956 Thank you very much. 307 00:18:20,306 --> 00:18:23,886 Since I've received permission from Lord Ains, 308 00:18:23,886 --> 00:18:26,876 let's give the Kingdom a more devastating punishment. 309 00:18:26,876 --> 00:18:27,626 Huh? 310 00:18:27,926 --> 00:18:33,836 Lord Ains gave the Empire, who quickly pledged themselves to us, the carrot. 311 00:18:33,836 --> 00:18:39,266 So, the foolish Kingdom who went against us should receive the stick. 312 00:18:39,266 --> 00:18:41,596 These two countries will be used to set an example! 313 00:18:41,596 --> 00:18:44,516 We will ask everyone in the world whether they want the carrot or the stick. 314 00:18:44,866 --> 00:18:47,776 This is quite exciting, Lord Ains. 315 00:18:49,286 --> 00:18:50,276 Yeah. 316 00:18:50,276 --> 00:18:52,726 Whaaat?! 317 00:18:54,896 --> 00:18:57,406 We will now start the royal court meeting. 318 00:18:58,016 --> 00:19:02,696 We've gathered here today to discuss the letter we received from the Sorcerer Kingdom. 319 00:19:04,506 --> 00:19:10,046 "The people of the Kingdom used force to seize the food supplies sent to the Theocracy." 320 00:19:10,046 --> 00:19:13,286 "The Sorcerer Kingdom considers this action as" 321 00:19:13,286 --> 00:19:16,306 "blatant hostility and is willing to declare war if necessary." 322 00:19:17,376 --> 00:19:22,536 The Sorcerer Kingdom, Baharuth Empire, Dragon Kingdom, and Dwarf Kingdom 323 00:19:22,536 --> 00:19:26,086 have all pressed their seals on this letter in agreement. 324 00:19:26,086 --> 00:19:31,006 The seals of the Theocracy and the equally powerful one called Faceless, 325 00:19:31,006 --> 00:19:32,016 {\an8}Faceless? 326 00:19:31,006 --> 00:19:33,816 who controls the temples, are also present. 327 00:19:32,016 --> 00:19:33,816 {\an8}I've never heard of the person. 328 00:19:33,816 --> 00:19:39,056 Zanac, is it possible that this matter was caused by the meddling of a third party, 329 00:19:39,056 --> 00:19:41,966 in order to destroy our relationship with the Sorcerer Kingdom? 330 00:19:41,966 --> 00:19:44,566 There is a possibility that someone's hand was involved, 331 00:19:44,566 --> 00:19:48,956 but this result is ultimately the fault of the Kingdom. 332 00:19:49,556 --> 00:19:51,756 How much have you investigated? 333 00:19:51,756 --> 00:19:55,086 Actually, we've already confirmed the culprit behind this. 334 00:19:57,956 --> 00:20:01,476 Baron Philip Dayton L'Eyre Montserrat is responsible. 335 00:20:01,686 --> 00:20:02,856 Montserrat? 336 00:20:02,856 --> 00:20:03,976 Have you heard of him before? 337 00:20:04,366 --> 00:20:09,246 I still can't imagine a noble of our kingdom doing something so stupid. 338 00:20:09,246 --> 00:20:12,306 Isn't this a ploy of the Sorcerer Kingdom? 339 00:20:12,306 --> 00:20:16,736 I agree. Perhaps he was afflicted with Charm Person and forced to do it? 340 00:20:17,086 --> 00:20:17,676 {\an8}True. 341 00:20:17,676 --> 00:20:18,466 {\an8}That must be it. 342 00:20:18,366 --> 00:20:22,286 If that's the case, it's likely he would be silenced. 343 00:20:22,286 --> 00:20:26,246 We'll have to summon that baron here as soon as possible. 344 00:20:26,246 --> 00:20:30,876 Father, should we use his head to begin our negotiations with the Sorcerer Kingdom? 345 00:20:31,216 --> 00:20:32,626 What are you saying?! 346 00:20:34,336 --> 00:20:35,396 Father. 347 00:20:36,246 --> 00:20:39,806 We shouldn't fight against the Sorcerer Kingdom. 348 00:20:40,136 --> 00:20:44,436 You don't mind sacrificing the life of an innocent noble to accomplish that? 349 00:20:44,846 --> 00:20:48,686 My son, is that something a future king should say? 350 00:20:49,006 --> 00:20:50,376 I know. 351 00:20:50,376 --> 00:20:54,346 However, you witnessed the tragedy of the Katze Plains with your own eyes. 352 00:20:55,236 --> 00:21:00,026 Even after that, do you still plan to fight against the Sorcerer Kingdom? 353 00:21:01,286 --> 00:21:03,126 I'm against it. 354 00:21:03,126 --> 00:21:07,256 Many may call this decision weak and cowardly, 355 00:21:07,256 --> 00:21:11,046 but I strongly believe we should avoid fighting the Sorcerer Kingdom, 356 00:21:11,686 --> 00:21:14,296 even if it means offering the life of an innocent noble. 357 00:21:16,096 --> 00:21:21,946 Your Majesty, I understand Prince Zanac's strong desire to protect our people. 358 00:21:21,946 --> 00:21:27,556 Why don't we submit ourselves as a vassal state like the Baharuth Empire? 359 00:21:27,556 --> 00:21:28,566 What are you saying?! 360 00:21:28,566 --> 00:21:29,646 Have you no honor?! 361 00:21:29,646 --> 00:21:30,206 Impossible! 362 00:21:30,206 --> 00:21:31,896 Minister of Interior Affairs, what are you saying?! 363 00:21:31,896 --> 00:21:34,906 That is the one thing we cannot do. 364 00:21:35,406 --> 00:21:41,446 It would be an insult to all the lives lost while protecting this kingdom. 365 00:21:41,766 --> 00:21:45,186 My apologies, Count. Thank you for your suggestion. 366 00:21:45,186 --> 00:21:47,286 Not at all. 367 00:21:49,126 --> 00:21:53,616 Zanac, I have a good idea. 368 00:21:53,616 --> 00:21:55,226 A good idea? 369 00:22:02,526 --> 00:22:04,966 A herald of the Sorcerer Kingdom has arrived. 370 00:22:04,966 --> 00:22:08,686 Prime Minister Albedo will soon arrive in the royal capital! 371 00:22:11,246 --> 00:22:14,936 I will meet her. Prepare the throne room immediately. 372 00:23:02,286 --> 00:23:04,866 It's been a long time, Lady Albedo. 373 00:23:04,866 --> 00:23:08,246 Yes it has, Your Highness. 374 00:23:08,246 --> 00:23:11,746 What brings you here today? 375 00:23:11,746 --> 00:23:16,816 Well, this is in regards to the matter of the goods for the Theocracy 376 00:23:16,816 --> 00:23:18,756 being stolen by a noble of your kingdom. 377 00:23:18,756 --> 00:23:21,346 I see. That matter. 378 00:23:22,026 --> 00:23:27,666 First, I would like to apologize for the actions of that citizen. 379 00:23:32,166 --> 00:23:32,976 And... 380 00:23:34,296 --> 00:23:38,756 is it possible to gain forgiveness with my head alone?